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..,!4TA, ,A,;jrinlmali uchastiye: MUNIUK, V.Yu.; L-YUKEVICII, FALtK.VICH, B.S.;_QAN, -Y Ye.A.; ARTYUNOV., E.A.; KULIKOV, V.A. co@trol a f Titan i t tanium sponge. (Titanium-Testing) L 1.6312-65, Ew(m)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) IjP(c)/ASD(f)-2ASD(m)-3 alm-NR MOOP-053 S/0136/64/000/009/0076/offn @AUTHOII: aarmata, Ve As; A-tim-n-MA-S.; PetMul1w, A. 9. _nLar_Im,_XT,-, Arutyu 91, 'E. A. @TIITIS. Design of reaction vessel forrpAuction of titanium tetrachloride 9-7 SOURCE': Tavetnyye metally, no# 9@ l964 76*77 TAGS: t itanium, reductio noo titaniumcomyoound, metal industry 4, :@@Abctj*sct*. @One-of-the 4"iTI @rawbaeks (.-,@`-' used, in the.indus_.@. -the magnesiotheimAc method has been the trial. production of sponge tittLaium by inadequacy of the design of the upper partof the reactors'. The presence of relatively cool zone in the upper part .caused the:formatia .a of large amounts of lower chlorides which lowers the quality of the sponge titanium and the ,lutilization factor of titanium tetrazhloride and magnesiurd.- After reviewing .@work.'done between 1959'and 1962 on-the-improvement of industrial reduction-re-, _.acto;re, the authors describe the moct successful design of a heated, inverted conical cover, for such reactoraj, aniJ'111ustrate it vii@ a Aiagiva. 11 Testi of the conical covert; showed that they should be made of heat-' ng T and acid-resistant steel, since afUlr,each process the Covpr should be. waShed, r.wit@'an 11-14 HM solution. Orig, Lu.-te has 1 figure#, Card: j/@ !3ANDLr:R, R.A.; STRUPTS, Kh.L.; GARMATAV V.A.; RODYAKIN, V.V.; ARUTYUNOV, E.A.; PETRUNIKO, A.N.; SOKOLOV, IJ.'; @rlnfiali uchastiye: USTINOV, V.S.; Klc7,LFV, O.G.; FFR)EPIGHAY, A.G.; MARTCHFV, A.A.; YFLISFYFVA, I.B.; SMPLISKIY, I.Ya.; GOLOV, A.G. Effect of the rate of feeding titanium tetrachloride into the reactor on the Indices of the magnesium thermic reduction process. TSvet. met. 37 no.10:58-60 0 164. (MIRA 18:7) yr-of:tiuwwn 0 A-d9f4trent-hardneso of Ahe @L@J -@ie niolsture, absorpMu capacit romp j ACCESSION HR, AP5019971 UR/0136/65/000/008/0064/0068 669.295 @-j ,,AUTHOR-. Rodyakin, V. V.; Carmatat V. A.Sisokolong 1. 1., Sandler, R. Ajrb Arutyunov, E, A4 lasov. at r V S I Andreyeir, X0 Ye.. TITIE: quality of'. the titanium spong obtained by using-different types of mag- nesium ; 5 I.L1- 11 SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 8# 1965, 64-68 TOPIC TAGSi titanium sponge, ravelectroly@ic magnesium, refined magnesium, sponge block, condensate magnesium, titanium tetrachloride, spongy titaniun, maguesium.electrolysis ABSTRACT: The article presents the findings of experimental-industrial compa- rison tests of the quality of part of a block of spongy titanium obtained by using caw' electrolytic ma nesiuallefined magnesium, and condensate magnesium (obtained by remelting the con ensate of the vacuum separation of titanium), The testa were based on the use of titanium tetrachloride of a fixed composition. Analysis showed that the hardness of the refined part of the block, obtained by usin4refined magnesium is 16-8 units lower than the harda :eas of the same parts L 00951-66 ACCESSION NR: AP501 9971 of the sponge block obtained by using condensate magixesitai. On the whole the dif- ference in the quality-of commercial vietal sm6unts to 6-7 units (hardness) in favor of the titanium sponge obtained on the basis of refined magnesium. There- fore, the use of liquid instead of solid magnesium does not appreciably affect the quality of spongy titanium. As the methods of transporting liquid magnesium are improved, the expediency of conversion to the liquid foim of this ieducing agent will increase. Analysis of the quality of the titanium sponge obtained with the aid of different types of magnesium has confirmed that the Impurities' (Fe, Si, C, N, 0) from the magnesium concentrate chielly at the bottom of the sponge block..This leads to a deterioration in the quality of the commercial me- tal vAhich, in its turn,',causes a decrease in its recovery from TiC14- The de- teria-ration in the quality of spongy titanium is chiefly due to the gaseous im- purities. With respect to the content of these impurities, raw and refined mag- nesium are of a much better quality than condensate magneitium. Owing, however, to the still current imperfections in the technology of r=oval of magnesium from electrolytic cella,-the use of raw magnesium often laads to a lower quality of the bottom and surface layers of blocks of spongy tita:aium. These operations at be improved before the quality and recovery of titanium metal can be im- ard 2/3 ACCESIGIM4 HR- AP5019971 proved. Thus, the reduction bf titanium from its tetrachloride is best accow- pliahad vith the aid of raw magnesium, but this requires prior improvements in the' technology and equipment for transferring magnesium from electrolyzers to re- duction. Orig. art. hasi. 1 figure, 3 tables. ASSOMITICK: nona SUMMEDt 00 ENCM 00 SUB CODIt MK EO RMF SOV., 000 OMER: 000 MICIVSESOVP Me.; BYSTREMN, M.N.; KIIIJEOVA, G.P.; @@AFMLT' V.P., Use of correlation analysis and electrcnic computers in t,':e atudy- of the titAnIum slag smlting proewis. Mret. met. 38 no.9-,60-64 S 165@ (141RA l8tl2) L 28981-66 E*WT(m)/EWP(k)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/HW ACC NRt AP6019139 SOURCE CODE., UR/0136/65/000/009/0060/0064 AUTHOR: Movsesovj,.E. Ye.; Bystrenin, M. N Kulikova, G. P.: Garmata. V. A. ORG: none TITLE; Application of correlation analysis and an electronic computer for studying the melting of titanium,slag SOURCE: TavetnM metally, no. 9, 1965, 60-64 TOPIC TAGS: electronic computer, titanium, slag, metal melting, furnace, chromiump vanadium,. iron, titanium dioxidep distribution coefficient ,ABSTRACT: The application of correlation analysis and an' olec@ronio com. or- pu_ for dote:rmining the effects of certain factors on tho.melt:b-jPJbf titaniumqi; described. Titanium slag is melted in electric furnaces from i titmium concentrates. Slag and iron are then produced.' A small portion of the impurities are tranaferred to the iron but most impurities remain in the, slag (affinity for, o.Vgen ia the Imain fa:ctor)o 'Mathematical relationships were set' up to aniw'er the following questionst 1) is the refining of the slag effective during meltingj -2) what effect does :It @the @ocp)sition of the concentrate being used havu upon the quality of the Ia.'?.: 'Spectral analysis data of 270 slag specimens and 69 iron apecdmens mere us :for the Correlation ana1yaie6.*. The calculations were carried out on a 1%ine Oak jeomputort.- Thq atep-by-step-oaquence of.this operation is.demicribedi, Paii UDC:. 669. 95 L 28981-66 ACC NRs AF6019139 1 '@inaar and nonlinear correlations were employed- Calculatio@s indicated that'7! i a correl*ation between the iron oxide- content. in the olag and coefficient of @distribution exists only for titanium, chromium and vandadiuma The course of the melting process has a marked effect upon the distribution coefficients of ,titaniumi chromium and vanadium. It was found that melting @= an effective method for removing iron from the concentrate and can also sorvo as a means .of supplementary refining of the slag for non-basis chromium.only, High-gradw titanium slag can ba obtalned by a preliminary purifyIng of the raw material - I from impritios, this is confimed by an equation which indicated a direct- t relationiihip between the T102 content in the slag and concentrate, Tho do- ..rived oqiiations.for the relationship between.TiO2 content uid melted and re-,,@ '.-fined slAig makes.,it possible to estimate the degree,of oxidation of the slagfl, and to accurately calculate the charge composition. Orig. art* has: 2 tablesp 13 formAiLas. and 1 figureo CJFRSI SUB CODE: 22, i3 SUBM DATE., none' ORIG REFt 007 j Card 2/2 DUBINSKIY., Yu.H.; BEYZER, V.N.)- GARMATA,__V.-V. Modernization of jigging machines. Koks i khim. no.2-.10-13 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Yasinovskiy kokookbimicheskiy zavod. (Coal preparation plants-Equipment and supplies) GARONURVA, L.A., veter. vrach A communist labor collective. Veterimirlia Z@)- no-11:8-9 N 165. N 0- - 19:1) K.11% [Loutull-fi, K.!!.); GAMITly V.V [flarnjitil, V.V.) LEUTSMY, - -.0- Content of ITIA in the liver and its nitochondria and of ribonuclease in the liver and blood sertua in various levels of dietary proteins. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 36 no-3:349-354 164. (IMI 17:10) 1. liauc',,UIO-i,~sledovatellqlcaya laboratorlya. vitwdnov Charnovitskogo ,j,OSU,@j.jr34-j,.O?jjjo:,-o uniVCrSjtetL. U Q T --1-4ol-66 EWT(d) "EVX(l) IJP(c) BB/GG/GD ACC NR, AT6022248 SOURCE CODE: uR/oooo/66/ooo/ooo/oo45/oo49 AUTHOR: Garmatyuk, S. S. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of rf multifrequency tunnel diode flip-flop. SOURCE: Vaesoyuzneya nauchnaya sesslya, posvyashchennWa Drryu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya elektronno-vychislitellnoy tekhniki. Doklady, Moscow, 1966, 45-Vg- TOPIC TAGS: flip flop circuit, tunnel diode ABSTRACT: A multimode frequency flip-flop is described. The equivalent circuit of the flip-flcp consists of a tunnel diode oscillator which drives a number of serially connected parallel LC circuits. The fl-ip-flop may operate at any LC resonant fre- quency for which conditions for oscillation exist. To assure that the flip-flop has the same properties for all frequencies when switching from one frequency to any other, the resonant circuits must have equal resistances and bandwidths. Moreover, the frequencies characterizing the flip-flop states must not be multiples of each other or equal to an arithmetic mean of two ad-jacent frequencies. Flip-flops of this type may be designed to operate in the gigacycle range and have 5 to 10 stable states. The maxi-im allowable clock frequency for this type of flip-flop is equal to 2 Aw (Rg,-V/8 InI4 where Aw is the resonant circuit bandwidth, R is the resonant L 02984_6@: 9- W-, ( d RIEU __1L2Lc _J_33/_GG__ AM_RT-@,%15@30 3 3 -2 2 0 SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/66/009/004/0532/0534 AUTHOR: Garmatyuk, S. S. ORG: none TITLE: Experimental study of a two-frequency SF flip-flop with a tunnel diode SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 4, 19660 532-534 TOPIC TAGS: flip flop circuit, tunnel diode ABSTRACT: A two-frequency flip-flop circult based on a tunnel diode is described. The flip-flop (see Fig. 1) consists of input and output circuits (R,, C1 and R2, C2), C2_q15 nf L-Cnh D@j P__Szz_ Rj-75 R2 -75 R2 -75 C 4_90 Vc Card 1/2 Output R4 -33 n Rj -20 vsupff@ Fig. 1. Flip-flop circuit. 621.373.44:621.382.233 L 02984-67 WtCNR9____ -_______._________ ___ 7 AP6033220 a double-tuned circuit (L, C3 and the tunnel diode impedance), and a biasing circuit (R31 R41 and CO. The tuned circuit operates at 700 or 900 Mc, depending on the state of the diode; 900 Mc is close to the upper cutoff frequency of the diode. A 180-mv sinusoidal clock oscillator voltage is applied to the diode through the biasing circuit. A 31 301V tunnel diode with the following parameters is used: series resistance, 1.8 ohms; series inductance, 0.7 nh; parallel capacitance, 7 nf. K3ximum amplification of the trigger decreases from about 4000 to 10 as clock fre- quency increases from about 0.5 to 25 Mc. The following tolerances were obtained for stable operation with clock frequencies from 15 to 25 Mc: supply voltage, 110%; clock voltage amplitude, 120%; and trigger pulse frequency, 18%. When the tolerance of one of the above variables was measured, the other two were held constant. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: .09/ SUBM DATE: 09Dec65/ ORIG REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5099 _q.,d 21_2 VORONTSOV, Yu.; GARMAZ, V., elektrik; SRUTIK, I.; PRESPhN, B.; ZHIVILIM, P. If we take the task seriously. Izobr.i rate. no-7:34-36 J1 '60. ! . (MIBA 13:8) 1. Chlemy roydovoy brigady Minskogo kamvollnogo kombinata. 2. Machallnik rovnichnogo teekha Minskogo kamvollnogo kombinata (for Voronteov). 3. Sotrudnik mnogotirazhki "Za kommmnistichaskiy trud" (for Shut1k). 4. Sotrudnik zhurnala "Izobretatell i ratsionalizator" (for Zhivilin). (Minek--Taxtile industry) MOROZOV, V.I.; VORONICTEV, N.M.; NAUDIN, Yu.V.L-c4,kW WDVEDEV, G.I.; , _44, V. A. ; KAMETSKlY, I.M.; IZICKH, V.V.; BARASHKOV, V.D.; ERP-MPULO, V.Kh.; RAYEVaIY, N.P.; PHASMOV, Yu.M.; 13RISHIN, V.P.; S@ffSLOV, I.I.; ROMANENKO, Yu.M.; SAKHAROV, B.B. Innovations. krtom. i prib. no.2:61-62 Ap-Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) GARKAZOVA, A.D.- KALMINA, M.A.; YEFREHOVA. H.F.; KRUTSKO, T.I.; YAKUBOVSKAYA, G.A. Cnee of extensive transformation of pl9gue strnins into poeudotuberr.ulosis strains. Tez.i dokl.konf.Irk.gos.nnuch.-is9l. protivochum.inst. no.1:11-12 '55. (MIRA 11:3) (PASTEMLLA) GARMIKST13, A. . 4 Problem of marginal formations of the linno-13-16al basin of central Lithuania. List ak darbai no.3:221-229 161. 1. Institut geologii i geografii Akademii nauk Litovskay SSR. OAllNIZO,_Apnaj'loiseyevna; 24OLISKIY, B.M... prof., red. [German-Russian dictionary on heat and mass transfer] Nemetsko-rusakii slovarl po toplo- i massoobmenu. Minsk., In-t teplo-i massoobmena AN B.SSR, 1964. 182 p. (MIRA 18:7) GUSHCHA-TEBENCRUKt G.M. (Hushcha-Tebenchuk, H.M. 1,; 2AR@UZA,- Sjia-[Har@, S.IA.], starshty nauchnyy sotrudnilc Intestinal lambliasis in children of a nursery group and its treatment. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no-3:Uj-25 161. WRA 15:4) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut o1chrany materinstva i detstva im. Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza prof. P.M.Buyka (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D.Burova). (GIARDIILSIS) GAIVICTIOVy 1. V. IlPecuUarities in -the Structure of the lbrraced Formation of Lowland Rivars of the European Section of SSSR," Priroda, No 1, 1947 (52-53). (',kleteorologi,ya i Gidrologiya., No 6 Nov/Dec 1947) SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 GARMONOV, I.V. Zonality of ground waters*in the Suropean portion of Lhe U.S.S.R. Trudy lab. Gidrogeol. Problem Im. Y.P. Savarenskogo, Akad. Hauk S.S.S.R. 3, 131-8 148. (KIBII 3:2) (CA 47 no.20:.10771 153) G"YCINICV. I Csnovnyye zadachi po dinamike podzemnyk@, vod (Earle prob7ems on th,@t dypamics of' ,round water by) 1. V. Gamionov i A.'V. Lebcdev. Moskva, Gos-eo]Jzdat, !G,52. @43 p. diagrs., tables. I'literaturall: 242-(242) N/5 623.31 GARMONOV, I.V.; IANGI, O.K., otvetstvennyy redaktor; MARKOV, V.Ya.. izdatel'Btva; MAKUNI, Ye.Y., tekhnicheskiy redaktor Naps of ground water of the steppeand forest-steppe regions of the laropean part of the U.S.S.R.jKarty gruntovykh vod stepnykh I lesostepnykh raionov Avropelskoi cnasti SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. 1955. 3 maps- L --- Rrplanatory notebook to accompany the maps] Poiasnitellnaia zaplaka k kartam. 1955. 18 P. (Water, Underground--Kaps) (MIBA 9:9) .tt U@SR/C,.-smochem@Btry G&@.@hamistry. D Abst J@ojxnal: Referat Zhur - I%Jmiya, Nn 19: 1956, 61358 Airl,hcr: Semikhatcv, A. N., Dukhanim, V. .7.., Nelyub:@v; L. P., .r IL- N. V., 2&ragina4cy -.-I.: Tolstcy, M. P., Sy--;-@kvasbf-na, Ya. A., et al insstituti.on: Ncne Title: Map of Gra-md Wat-.eL,.-s cf Eur',pean r-f I.ISSR en -a 1:1.,500. 000 Scale w-Ith Explan%tro-y Orig-1.1nal Peri-dical: Sb. rjauch.-tekhn. !-nf,-rm. M-ro geol. i okhran,y 1955.- N,-@ .1." 51-57 Abstract: The c,,mpilz--i map c..f gv--,ur-,d ;mters -.f Eu---:-.pea-n p,le-'.-m czf U',-SR M%i-z it pcss�ble t.:i rendfar m,-x4:@ preznF.qo-- @hs d-@*st.:,-'.buti-,In (-.f Water-3 ct dUfferent type ac:::@rdl-ag ta,:@.!@r zhemical c S 4 cmp '-.,a and m! neral- 1,1.m.@Ila -T -Ic y vitbL. @ x-inge frrm 40-60 t;@@ 190:000 mAll. R--vi-Aled qxea.3 r@"!.r -* spi-I g ...n --n wnd MO.@i-3 :'.' pn9-,.`.Uq t'. undert%l@.e e-xpl-Tat,@11:71Y Card 1/2 USSR/G::@smccb@=js try - G--chem-fsti-y. Rydrochemist D ry., Abst J@umal: Rererat Zhur Kh4_mjya, No 19, 1956, 61358 Abstravt: vcrk f---m- imdergratmd vaters )f subsalt'bea.T.-'-ng besI3 7.f Lowex 13"' @z I Cambri.-in d P-i'lts. Card 2112 G&RHONOV, I.Y.- JANGS. O.K., otvetetvennyy red.; MARKOV, Y.Ye., red.izd-va; I, Ye.V.. tekhnicheskiy red. [Xxplanstory notes on ground vater maps for steppe and forest-steppe regions of the Awopean U.S.S.R.] Poiasnitellnata zapiske k kartam gruntovykh vod atepnykh i lasoatepnykh ralonov Evropeiskol chasti SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1956. 18 p. (MIRA 11:3) (Water. Underground--Haps) USSR/Cosmochomistry. GeochemistrZ@. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour Referat. Z-hurnal nimiya, No 6; 1957) 18971. Author I.V Garmonov. Inst Title Kydrochemicil Zonality ofSubsurface Waters. Orig Pub Priroda, 19506, No 3, 83-86. Abstract In the Euxopean part of USSR, 4 zones are discerned by the equivalently -predomiiiating anion: 1) ultra- sweet HCO waters of the tundra, mineralization (111) 0.15 g/l 4 less; 2) TiCC3-Ca waters, mineralization 0.1 to 1.0 9/1; 3) S-O;t aad CI-SO4 waters of the cen- tral and southern parts of the steppe zone, minerali-- zation 1 to 8 s1l; 4) C1 waters of the lowlands ncar the Black and Caspivii seas; m.i.ncralization above 10 g1l.. attaining 100 - 120 g/1 in the Caspian lowlruids Card 1/1 -82- GARMONOV, Ivan Vladimirovich; LANGE, O.K., prof., doktor geol.-mineral. nauk,; MAKKAVNYJ;V, A.A., red.izd-va;KUZOMIN, I.F., tekhn. red. [Ground waters of steppe and forest-steppe regions in the Muropean part'.of' the U.S.S.R. and their h3rdrochemical zonality] Gruntovye vody stepnykh-i lesoatepnykh raionov Evropeiakoi chasti SSSR i ikh gjdrokhiMdfieskaia- sonallnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR., 1958. 230 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Laboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Trudy, vol. 17) (MIRA 12:3) (Water. Underground) GARMIONOV, - I.V.; LIMIM, A.V. Hydrogeological conditions in the Pekhorka-Eupavenka interfluve in connection with the evaluation of the regime and resources of ground water for water-supply purposes. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 16:3o6-315 '58- (14IRA 12:2) 1. Laboratoriya gidrogeologicheakikh problem imeni F.P. Savarensko- go AN SSSR i Vaesoyuzpyy nauchno-iseledovntellskiv inatitut gidro- geologii i inzhenernoy geologii. (Pekhorka Valley--Water, Underground) (Kupavenka valley-Water, Underground) VZHUZDAYEV, Sergey Timofeyevich;-GA1MQ4_Y,._j.V., doktor geol.-min. nauk,; LADTCHUK, L.P., red.izd-va; KASHIN.A. P.S., [Ground water of the lower Dniester Valley] Gruntovye vndy Nishnego Pridnestrovlia. Koskva, Izd-vo Aked.nauk SM, 1959. 162 p. (KIRA 12:6) (Dniester Valley-Water, Undergrenmd) 201-OTARff, G.S., red.; SOXCLOV, D.S., red.; CHAPOVSKIT, Ye.G., red.; BINDEMAN, N.N., red.; LUOSHIN, A.G., red.; TITOV, N.A., red.; -.GARKOHM I.I., retsenzent; FRIKWISKIT, V.A., retsenzent; POPOV, I.V., retsenzent; RODIONOY, N.V., retsenzent; IHAKIMOT, T.Z., red.; YBRKAKOT, H.S.. [Methods and results in the study of hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions of large reaervoirB] opyt I metodike izuGheniio gidrogoologichaskikh i inthenerno-goolo- gichaskikh uslovii krupnykh vodokhronilishch. Pod red. G.S. Zolotareve, D.S.Sokolove i B.G.Chapovakogo. Moskvn, Izd-vo Hook. univ. Ft.l. 1959. 175 p. diagra, maps. (KIRA 14:4) (Volga Valley-Reservoirs) (Ingineering geology) KA NSKIY, G.N. [deceased]; Q@M@ONOV @I.V.; BOGII&NOV, G.Ya.; GURKIN&, H.L; RASPOPOT, M.P.; TARTSNA, Te.Ta.; BILYAKOVA, Ye.7., red. Jzd-rva; KOWKOLINIKOV, K.A.. [Ground waters of the Caspian Depression and their regimen in the Volga-Ural interfluvel Gruntovya vody Prikaspiiskoi nizmennosti i ikh re2him v predelakh Volgo-Urallskogo meshdurechlia. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 179 p. (Almdemiia nauk SSSR, 1960 179 p. (Akademlia nauk SM. Iaboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Trudy. vol. 27). 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN S-@SR (fo-- Kamlanskiy) (Volga Valley-Water, Underground) (Ural Valley-Water, Underground) IMMIKA. L.I.; FAVLOV, A,N.; doktor goo!.-miner. nauk, otv. red. [Regime of the underground waters of the Adler Lowlandl Rezhim gruntovykh vod Adlerskoi nizmennosti. Moskva Nauka, 1964. 100 p. (MIRA 17:121 1.7' RMAITIKA, ..I.; FLIME-11KG, V.I.; @., 1 .1 - r@ - ralner. rauk, otv. rea. - -.- ydrogeological studies of the Kuban-llizov artesian basin] ( H- Gidroj7,eclogiclleokii ocherk Azovo-Kubanskogo artezi--nskogo Wsz@eirla. 1-lookmal lialika, 19&l.. 81) 1). (FIRA 17:12) ISAKOVA, N.A.; POLIKARFOVA, V.F.; 1-.OGIL-EVSKAYA, R.A.; MIN, Z.K.; BELOVA, G.A.; FIMMIGOLITS, V.S.; GXIVONOV, I.V., red.; I-TASNIKOVA, L.B., red. [Analysis of the products of the synthetic rubber industry] Analiz produktov proizvodstva sinteticheski-kh kauchukov. Y,oskva, Khimiia, 1964. 315 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Lerdngrad. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-i-c.-Jedovatel'skiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka. i BOGDANOV, H.I.; KOLOBIKHIN, T.A.; ISMOVA, N.A.; GAMONOV, I.T., red.; ZONIS, S.A., red.; KLIKINA, Te.Y., red,; IRLIK9, TeJes, (Analysis or the products obtained in the industrialpreparation of bivinyl from butane] Analis produktov proizvodstva divinila iz butane. Pod red. I.Y.Germonovs. Leningracl, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-va khtm.lit-ry, 1959. 115 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Butadiene) (Butane) 5 (3) SOV/79-29-3--16/'61 AUTHORS: Garmonov, I. V., Klebanskiy, A. L., Chevychalova, Ke Ke TITLE: Preraration of Div inyl by the Catalytic: Hydrogenation of Vinyl Acetylene iaalitichedwye Gkhimvar*e vinilatsetilena 6 tsell- yu polucheniya divinila). I. Gene-ral Kinetic Rules of the Selective Hydrogenation of Vinyl Acetylene in Solution(I. Obshc!t:- yekineticheskiye zakonomernosti izbirate-Llnogo gidrirovaniya viniiatsetilena v rastvore) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 3, pp 824-830 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors thoroughly investigated the zatalytic hydrcgenat'-orl of vinyl acetylene in order to increase the select-i-.ity of this reaction and to find the technological basis of this pro- cess for its industrial utilization. On 4-niestigating the com- position of the hydrogenation products of vinyl acetylane in the solution with various catalysts it could be found that the palladium catalyst produces the highest selectivity on the hydrogenation. This capability is illustrated by the following graduation order: palladium-> iron ske"Letor.- >nickel skeleton-> platinum black cataly3t, which is in cont@ ast with references 3 Card 1/3 and 4. The hydrogenation with the palladium catalyst in the SOVI/ 79-29 -5-;6/r' C' PIr Of iji@@ny@ III - 1;- at'-"Aij. a if- drocenation of 74nyl Klnetc RulLIS of the 5 i@ce ty lene in Solution vapor phase at 1300 wa3 not possible owing to side react:-rs. Therefore the hydrogenation of vinyl acetylene %vas ca=ied cut cn the palladium catalyst with finellypovderei oilica gel as carrier. It takes place in the first step of the proceas on vinyl acetylene and on hydrogen. In the kinctio range of hydrc- genation the reaction rate is directly proportional to the quantity of the catalyst and does not depend or. the intensity of stirring of the solution. In the diffusion range on the hydrogen the reaction rate increases proportfonally to the -in- creasing intensity of stirring of the solution and does not depend on the quantity of the catalyst. In both hydrogenation ranges the reaction rate increases proportionallv to the in- creasing partial pressure of the hydrogen. In order toc find cut those conditions which produce the highest selectivity in the process and to facilitate the separation of the prinoipal product of the reaction, the divinyl, (butadiene-1,3) in a puze state, the composition of the reacti'on products obtained at different intensity of hydrogenation was determi Tied. In the Card 2/3 initial stage of the process, up to a hydrogenation intensity SOV/79 -29-3-1 i- on @* bf " alvI41-1yr @t lat4&lytic.11 ogenation. of Vinyl Acetylene .Pre L"L ke@: L ydr _,.Gene@:a.L jr@inetic Rules of the Selecti.-,-e Hydrogenation of V-nyl Acetylene in Solution -30% (calculated with respec-, -,- -1he Ev;etylene bond) th@ @ak - affiliation of the hydrog-na wa& found to t e place mainly t@% the triple bond. On further hydrogenation ir, additioll to @@his affiliation a hydrogenaticn of 'the divinyl being formed 'akes place wherein the react.-cr. Products represent a very @--Tplex mixture of hydrocarbons ,-.'qich are difficult 1@o separa,e,, By hydrogenation of the mixture of @,inyl acetylene and divin'-.7i. ..-or nhara@-,@er was !onfi,m@d. Or, a -,ow the above mentioned rea-t- j4 intensity of hydrogenation (ap tc 30@g) pra,14Ca:'.y -,njy vinyl is obtained. There arp 4 fiG-.-ires, 2 tab!@?s., F_nd 9 z;lf- erences, 5 of which are Sov1e@. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy,ed:),ra-~.-l-.ic;kiy sint-tiche_zkogo kauchuka (All-Union Scier,7 Ril sea r-.1r, Ins t-; 3-!, r, -@hptl -'@ Q Rubber) SUBMITTED: February 3, P958 Card 3/3 5 (3) SOY/ -1 '1-2-9 AUTHORS: Garmonov, I._j,,-K1ebansk1.y, A. L,, Chevychalova, K. K. TITLE: Preparation,of-!Diviny3-b the Cataly-tic Hydxoge=tion of Vinyl @Katal@ L@chcjskoyp gidriro wilyt, ' @sellyu poluchen ya di-.ritila) -f 1, atsetilena s i - /. 1. 1 uon,:L1 Exerted by Various Factors Upon Rate and.Select--ve of Hydrogenation of Vinyl A,-;etylene (1, -VIiyaniye faktorov na skorostli izbirateltnost@ gidr--*.-ovaniyq atset-ilena) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 195.0, Vol 29, Nr 3; pp 830-836 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors present data on the influen:@e exerted by the nature of the -,arrier and the reaot-:or. temperature and the intensi'V of the 5xing of the socati-zal uDon the rate and the selecti-t-e br-havioz- of the hvd-e,@g@nation of vinyl acetylene. In order t-:, investigate "he @-,-f the conditions at the preparation of the catalyst, and that o-f the character of the carrier upon the rate and the Jman-s with pal-,adi*-"-1 --)n behavior of this hydrogenation, experL I - silica gel, with barium sulfate and with poly,.rinyl wer@- carried out.. It was foind 'that a modification of 'the preparatlon Card 1/3 conditions of the catalyst and of the nature of the SOV/79 --29-3 -- 17 14 Preparation of Divinyl by th.e, Catal3@tjc HydrogenatIca of Vinyl Acetylene I. Influence Exerted by Various Factors Upon hate and Sel-?:@ti-ie behavior of Hydrogenation of Vinyl Acetylene influences the reaction ra'-e, but that the selective beha-vicr of hydrogenation is not markedly influencedby these modifi- cations. The results obtained theoretically completely :)or.- respond with the publications available in this field (Ref 2). From among all factors investigated the intensity of the mixing of the solution and the percentage of the quantity of the medium exert a noticeable influence upon the sele--tivity of the reaction. At a low intensity th2'rea,-,tion did nct pr::ceed selecti.vely. In the alcohol solution witth the pH > 7 -chle re- action proceeded more rapidly but with 'ess selection than J-n acid and neutral medium. The determined hydrogenation chaxarzter of the dissolved vinyl'acetyiene in the presence of the ual-- ladium catalyst as well as the determined dependenze of selective behavior of the pro,@ess on the intensity of the mixing of the solution complelbely agree with 'he absorptior. theory concerning the catalytic, hydrogenation (Ref 4). There are 1 figure, 5 tables; and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/3 SOV/ 70-29-3--17 /-1 -Pr6paration of Divinyl by the: Catalytic Hydrogenation of Vinyl Acetylene I. Influence Exerted by Various Factors Upon Rate and Selective Behavior of Hydrogenation of Vinyl Acetylene ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut sintet4cheskogo kauchuka (All-UnionScient-ific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber) SUBMITTED: February 3, 1958 Card 3/3 M- - PHASE I BOOK EXPL01MATION SOV/5153 Gar-monov. IN. and B. S. Kortkevich, Reap. eds. Sintez m=aomw dlya proizvodstva sinteticheskogo kauchuka (Synthesis of Monomers for the Production of Synthetic Rubber) Leningrad, Goakhimizdat, 1960. 250 P- Errata slip inserted. 4,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agenciesi. Gosudarstvennyy kanitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR. Upravleniye SK i neftekbi-Ii. Giprokauchuk i VNIISX. Eds.-. S.A. Zonis and Ye@ I. Shur; Tech. Ed.: T.A. Famkina- PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists, engineerapand technicians work- ing in the synthetic rubber, plastics, and petrole= refining industries, and in scientific research institutes affiliated with these industries. COVERAGE: The book contains articles which report on research carried out at the Nauchno-lasledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka imeni Akademika S.V. Lebedeva (Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Rubber imeni Academician S.V. Lebedev) and the Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy i nauchno- isaledovatel'skiy inatitut pranyshlennosti sinteticheakogo kauchuka card 116 Synthesis of Monomers (Cont.) SOV15153 (State Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Synthetic Rubber In- dustry) in the synthesis of isoprene,, styrene, acetylenes, acetaldehyde, and other initial products for synthetic rubber production. The articles also discuss methods of extracting these products from their preparatory media. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany individual articles. TABLE QF CORVMTS: Foreword 3 Fridshteyn, I.L., and Ye.I. Chechik. Thermodyniumic Calculation of the Equilibrium System Isopentane - Isomylene - Isoprene - Hydrogen 4 Kofkum, L.S., and T.N. Matveyeva. Investigation of Processes of Separating C Hydrocarbons by Rectification Methods. Report I. On the Separation of B2.sic Components of the Catalyzate of Isopentane Dehydrogenation by the Recti- fieation Method 15 Kofman, L.S., and T.N. Matveyeva. Investigation of Processes of Separating C5 Hydrocarbons by Rectification Methods. Report II. Separation of C 5 Hydrocarbons by Azeotropic Rectification With Methyl Formate 28 Card 2/6 Synthesis or Monomers (Cont.) SOV15153 -Wofman, LeSe, ToNe Matveyeva, Ye. Ya. Mandel'shtan, V.A. Kinyapina, L.I. Konetspollskiy, ancl V.B. Mitrofanova. Investigation of Processes of Separating C Hydrocarbons by Nekification Methods. Report Ift. Concentration of Cats- i;zates of the One-Step Dehydrogenation of Isopentane by Azeotropic Rectification With Methanol 42 Kofman, L.S., V.M. Lukashina, and VaNs Xcearova. Separation of Isoprene by Chemisorption With Cuprous Chloride. Report 1. Chemisorption of Isoprene With Aqueous Solutions of Cuprous Chloride 55 Kofbmn, L.S., V.N. Vvedenskly, and T.N. Savellyeva. Separation of Isoprene From Mixtures of C Hydrocarbons by Chemisorption With Cuprous Chloride* Report II. Separ;;ion of Isoprene With Solid Powdery Cuprous Chloride 67 Kofman, L.S.J. and V.S. Vinogradova. Separaticm of Diene Hydrocarbons by Chemisorption With Water-Pyridine Solutions of Salta of Monovalent Copper. Report I. Separation of Isoprene With Cuprous Sulfate Solution 85 Card Y6 Synthesis of Monomers (Cont.) SCIV/5153 Kofman, L.S., V.S. Vinogradova, and L.A. Zinoylyeva. Separation of Diene Hydrocarbons by Chemisorption With Water-Pyridine Solutions of Salts of Monovalent Copper. Report II. Separation of Divinyl With Cuprous SwIfate Solution 98 Kofman', L.S., V.S. Vinogradovs, and V.M. Lukashina. Separation of Diene Hydrocarbons by Chemisorption With Water-Pyridine Solutions of Salts of Monovalent Copper. Report III. Separation of Isoprene With Cuprous Nitrate Solutions 103 KofUn, L.Se. V.S. Vinogradova, and V.M. Lukashins. Separation of Diene Hydrocarboqx, by Chwaisorption With Water-Pyridine Solutions of Salts of Monovalent Copper. Report IV. Separation of Isoprene With Cuprous Acetate Solution and the Purification of Hydrocarbons From Pyridine 11-3 Gorin, Yu.A.J. S.G. Sokolov&, and A.K. Panteleyeva. Explanation of the Role of Methanol in the Contact Process of Producing Divinyl From Alcohol With the Use of Methanol Tagged With Rsdiwctive Carbon-14 120 Martlyanova, Ye.V., and Z.K. Remiz. Development of a Method of Sepa- rating Methanol From an Alcohol-Regenerator 131 card 4/6 Synthesis of Moncmers (Cont.) SOV/5153 Martlyanova, Yea., and Z.K. Remiz. Separation or Hydrocarbons and Other Impurities From a Condensate by the Extraction Method 148 Korotkevich, B.S., Shendrik, M.V. Listopadav, N.N. Chernov, and N.P. Vinogradova. Develoluent of an Industrial Method of Producing cC-methyl Styrene by the Dehydrogenation of Isopropyl Benzene in an Adiabatic Reactor 162 Sbatalov.9 V.P.1f and L.A. Velikanova. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethyl Benzene into Styrene. Report 1. 187 Morina, I.N., N.P. Vinogradava, M.V. Liatopedov, and Ye.S. Starostina. Joint Production of Acetylene and Ethylene by the Pyrolysis of Hydro- carbons 197 Morina, I.N., N.P. Vinogradova, A.N. Davydov., N.S. Kornilova, L.I. Konetspollskiy, M.V. Listopadov, Ye.S. Starostina, R.K. Chernyaheva, and Ya.B. Shainskiy. Separation of Acetylene Frcm Pyrolysis Gases by Absorption With Dimethyl Formamide 207 Card 5/6 Synthesis of Monomers (Cont.) SOV/5153 Gorin, Yu.A. Vapor Phase Hydration of Acetylene Into Acetaldehyde on Catalysts Not Containing Mercury 216 Gorin, Yu.A., I.K. Gorn, and A.Ye. Kalaas. On Acetylene-Water and Acetylene- Alcohol Combination Reactions Under the Influence of Solid Catalysts 232 Fridshteyn, I.L., and V.N. Vvedenskiy. Hydration of Impurities of Un- saturated Compounds in Primary Butyl Alcohol at Normal Pressure 240 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress JA/dvm/gmp Card 616 5-26-61 GARMONOV, I.V.; PIOTROVSKIYI K.B. Results of synthetic rubber research between the 20th and 22d Congemesin ';he CPSU. Kauch. i rez. 20 no.10:1-6 0 1&1. (HIRA :Ll,::L2) 1. Vsesoyu=yy nauohno-i 'eledovatellskiy institut si#;eticheskogo kauchuka im. S.V.Lebedeva, (Rubber, Synthetic) GA1010NOV , I.V. . doktor geol.-minerslo navkj KONOPLYANTSEV, A.A#and.geol.- 0 ra I nauk - 41 %-,. .. . -f 3 iltifou - Bmestigation of - =derg"und waters in - the c4inmtriev of Aida and the Far East. Vest. AN SSSZ'.li32 no.10:75-77 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) Asia-4ater, Underg"und) iFar East-Water,, Thdorground) BOGOMLOV, Gerasim VAsillyevich; YANSHINA, Mariya Sergeyevna, akademik; PLOTNIKOVA, GaUna Nikolayevna; FLEfUVA, Lyusi Igorevna; -GARWXQV._ IV _ doktor geol.-miner. nauk,, red.; BELIZATSKAYA,L., red. izd-va; ATLAS, A., tekhn. red. I [Underground water in the central and western parto of the Rus- sian Platform (Paleozoic)]Podzemnye vody tsentrallnoi i zapadnoi chastai Faieskoi platformy (paleozoi). (By-] G.V.BbR3MO1ov i dr. Minsk, lad-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1962. 167 p. (MIRA 16si) 1. Akademiya navuk BSSR, Minsk. Laboratorlya gidrogeologiche- skIkh problest imeni F.P.Savarenskogo. (Faissian Platform-Water.. Underground) I- GARMONOV,_IV., doktor geol.-mineral,,nauk; IVANOV, A.V.; NUaOVA, Ye.I.; SHIMOVA, G.N.; 50GROBOV,, V.14.; FILIPPOVA, B.S.,, red.izd-va; FOLE116VA., T.F.., [Underground waters in the south of the West Siberian Lowland and the conditions of their foimition] Podzemnye vody iuga Zapadno- Sibirskoi nizmennosti i usloviia ikh formirovaniia. @bskva, Izd- vo kkad.nauk SSSR, 1961* 126 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Laboratoriia. gidrogeologicheskikh problem. TrudyO vol.33) (KIRA 15:4) (Siberia,, Western-Water, Underground) GARKONOV. I.V. Life and work of G.N.Kamenskii and his role in the development of Soviet hydrogeology. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. 40:4,..8 162. (NMA 15: U) (gamenskil, Grigorii. Nikolaevich, 1892-1959) GARKONOVS LV.; XONOPLYANTSEV, A.A. Effect of the artificial lowering of the- undergromd water level on the condition of the earth's mcfam. Remed. i okh. nedr. 30 n6.2s45-48 F 06.4. (MIRA l718) 1. 'QWesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. ROMANIKA, L.I.; KLYENKO, V.I.; GARYOLOV, I.V.y doktor geol.- miner. nauk, otv. red. [Hydrogeological study of the Azov-Kuban artesian basin] Gidrogeologicheskii acherk Azove-Kubansko,-o artezianskogo basseina. Mo3kva, ltaika, 196 'I'. 85 P. (MIRA 18;2) @ - a @ @-,, -. . : , . '4166: ACCESSION NR.- AP501 -we g t'Of th t 14aximum of - the average'molectilar. I h ie,pojyMe@ rdsUl s fron equimolar ratio. of, ethylbefizen6- to dichloroethane. Theethy@,-_group in the ethylbenzene-hindem . . eidensive-cross-linking within the polymer.- At molar ratios of etI iylbefizene to . achloroethane from i:l to. 0. 7i. 1 the - polymer is highly- cross-linked, rubber-like, and-insoluble in liydrocarbonsi alcohols,.ketones, and chloroorganii: solvents. The ]~hotoelectric,spectra-of-polyetbylphenyl~-nethyI are typical for brimched Polymers The oscillatory character of thelmaxima-of bands for the M.-I-W electnon,transi ion -o methyl-and ethy groups In polyethyl-M -explainedIn' termsof the.large.numbor phenylenethyl. OrAg.'art. has I -2 -tables, 3 figures,,, and 3 formu.14s. ASSOCIATION: -Ybrofiezhski _td@finolop@:cheskiy institut.(Voronezh institute of y M- Techn?Log) . SUBMII'TED: 2Wun63 'ENCL: 00 SUB COM M Oz- 4 t z NO RE1' SOV: .004 OTHER. 000 2 d Car YMLISON, I.I.; KCZYREVA, Ye.F.; GARMONOV V.I.; GLUKHOVSKI'Y, V.S. .- I - - Synthesis and optical properties of polyethylphenylenethyl. Zhur. prikl. khim- 38 no.5:1165-1167 My 165. (MIRA .18:11) 1. Voronezhskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut. ACC NRs AUTHORS: iukellson, 1. 1.; Garmonov, Ir. I.; 1@azarova, A.B.; Kolesnikov6. 0, G. ORGt Voronezh Institute of Technology (Voronezhakiy takhnologlyheakiy inatit4t)_ .TITLHt--'- 14velptijitioii of the--polycoindensation, of 'diphinyllvith- Al- chloi Othih" itithe presence of aluminum trLc@1:or_1Te-aWX-thfi attuctuts of--th:. .1te-obtained SOURCEt Vysokomolekulyarnyye aoyedineniya,'v. 8. no. 3, 1966, 481-485 TOPIC TAGSt diphanylamine, aluminum chloride, polycondensation, polymer, molecular weight, catalyst, chemical reaction kinetics ABSTRACT: The reaction of diphenyl with dichloroethane in the presence of the AlC13 results in the formation of polydiphenylenethyl. It was found that the molecular weight of polydiphenylenethyl increases with the decrease of the diphanyl-to-dichloroethane ratio, with the excess of the former resulting in the formation of a foam-like crosslinked polymer. With the catalyst amount is Increased, the molecular weight first rises and then drops so that there is an optimum catalyst con- centration for every diphenyl-to-dichloroethane ratio. For the ratio 1/2 UDCt 541.64+67B.Olt53+678.71 ACC NR. Arou.Lu.L.Lz of 1.5:1.0, the molecular weight of 4000 is reached at 2.3% of catalyst concentration. The kinetics of the reaction are satisfactorily de- scribed by 'the equation P a t . where P is the conversion, -19+1,665 t and t is the time from the beginning of the reaction in minutes, it follows from the IR spectrum that the polydiphenylenethyl molecules possess a linear structure with ortho-positions of substituents. Orig. art. has: 3 figurose 1 formula, and 1 table6 (Based on author's . abstract] INT) SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DAM O2Apr63/ ORIG REP.: 0071 OTH REPi 60W/ Significance of the capsule of the plague microbe in the problem of live vaccines, ltv.lrk.gos.nauch.-ioal.protivochum.inst. 20: 199-206 159. (MIRA 13:7) (PLANA) (VACCMS) GARMIZA, S. A., Cand Med Sci -- (dies) "Microbiological characte- ristice of ealmonallal diseases in children of early ago." Kiev, 1958. 10 pp (Kiev Order of kzmix Labor Red Banner Mod InOt im AOa- demician A. A. Bogomolets)j 200 copies (KL, 15-58, 118) 1-76-- ANMUSHCHUK, A.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; G&RMIZA, S.A. [Harmiza, S.A.], nauchnyy sotrudnik Clinical course of coli dyspepsia in young children. Pod., aku8h. i gin. 20 no-3tl9-24 '58. (MIRA 13:1) 1. UicrainBkiv nauchno-isslodovateliekly institut okhrany mterinstva i detstva im. Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza prof. P.M. Buvko (direktor - zaaluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D. Burova) na baze detskogo somaticheskogo otdolenlYa 3-Y gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavuyy vrach - T.F. Novikova). (DYSPEPSIA) (ESCHERICHIA GOLI) MOSTOVA, L.O.,; GAMMA, S.A. [Harmiza, S.A.); LESHCHINSKAYA, B.S. [Leshchynelka, B.S.] - - Dysentery carriers and their control. Ped., akush. i gin, 20 no.2: 10-14 158. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut okhrany materinstva i detstva im. Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza prof, P.M. Buyko (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D. Barova). (DYSEMERY) YRISWI, N.V.; WU40NOVA. T.I.: BYCHKOVA, V.Te. Dynamic birefringence of low molecular fractions of polyi3tyrol dissolved In butanone. Part 2. Zhivr.tekh.fiz. 29 no.2:207- 211 P '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Laningradskiy gomAarstrennyy univernitet ira. A.A.Zhdanova. (StyTene--Optical proportiee) , GARKONOVA, T.I. Dynamic birefringence in polyethylene solutions. Vest.LGU 17 no.22:72-76 162, (MM 15tl2) (Ethylene-Optical properties) w Z@I GARMS, LIP. Cand Ped Scl -- (diss) *n&I Education-0 the xr- Kazakhs Vw Prerevolutionary Russia." Petropavlovsk, 1957. 19 PP 20 cm. (Petropavlovsk State Pedagogical Inst), 200 copies (KL, 27-57, 111) - 4 - KRETOVICH, V.L.; GEYKO, N.S.; Prinimali. uchastiye: ZHURAVLEVA, S.; GARRSKI, 0.; GRISHINAP T. Content of keto acids in plants. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.2:471-473 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha ALN SSSR i Tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchev.)y promyshlennosti. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR (for Kreto- vich). ARKRIPOV, Vsevolod Yakovlevich; PANKIN, M.S., otv. red.; GARMSEN O.M., red- ; BERESLAVSKAYA, L.Sh., tekhn. red. (Indonesia in the struggle for economic independence]lndoneziia v bor'be za ekonomicheakuiu samostoiatellnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1963. 77 p. (MIM 16:3) (Indonesia-Economic policy) ALEKSP&;DFtOV, Yuriy Georgiyevich; CTMON.117A, N.A., otv. red.; GA@LMSBN, O.V,.# red. [Agricultural policy of the Republic of Indonesia] Poli- tika respubliki Indonezii v sellskom khoziaistve. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 19(d,. 160 p. (MIRA 17:10) ANDREYEV, M.; YERSHOV, Yu.A., otv. red.; GARNSIEN, red. - -1-- [Futureof Irdonesian oi2ji3udushchee Indonazilskoi nefti. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 174 P. (MIRA 17:10) GARNSIN, Ye.B. Sanitary requirements in the construction of pioneer camps. Gig.i san. no.11: 35-39 N '53. MaA 6:io) 1. Moskovskaya, oblastnays gosudaretyennaya sanitarnaya inspektsiya. (Camps) (Sanitation) 611VI GAFLUS, B.P. Cand Teclif Sci-(diss) IIA*cv'k the stability of tall t.L@ A-, 4LF:-Om fler-Lble and aft-Ake soft-pliable foundation." Katims, 19581 14 pp w4lh rk'np,14 (Lin of Higher Educ USSR. Katmas @Olytthechn Inst). 150 copias (a, 37-58,111) - 14 - USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers. J-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-niol, No 6, 1958, 24Vt Author Gamus P Inst Title The LiminG of Lithuanian Soils. Orig Pub; Soc. zemes ukis, 1956, No 8, 12-15. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 22 %vt-- P. Character13tlCB of soil fornation and soils in the Lithuanian Pochvovedenia no-5:13-17 Hv '59- (14IRk 12:8) 1. Litovskaya sel'skokhozyayst-venria@m akudemiya. (Lithuania-Soila) TULASHVILI, N.D.; SA14UNDZHEVA, E.M.; R&CHVELISiNILI, E*V.; 411TONOVA, V.P., dotsent; MJUXZHIK, G.M.; S:!IIIINOV, B.M., doktor sell skokhoz.nauk; MATVEYENKO, G.A., aspirantka; BALAWAYEVA, M.H.; GARNAG -GJC, From the practices of the use of poisonous chemicals. Zashch.rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.12:28-29 D '63. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Gruzinskiy institut zashch:Lty rasteniy (for Tulashvili, Samuli.- dzheva, Rachvelishvili). 2. K:Lshinevski_v sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Antonova). 3. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom zaahchity ras- teniy Sumskoy opytnoy stantsii (for Malezhik). 4. Nauchno-issledo- vatel'skiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva Yugo-Vostoka (for Smirnov, Matveyenko). 5. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut bogarnogo zemle- deliya, Gallya-Aral. (for Balantayeva, Garnaga). LIB-IDTBV, U.I.; TYMWINSIKA, Carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the apple tree. Bot.zhur.(Ukr.] 9 no-3:17-35 '52. (XLRA 6:11) 1. Instytut botaniky Akademiyi anuk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR, Viddil fisiologiyl. (Plants--Metabolism) GARNAGA, K. S. : Master Aj-,ric Sci (diss) -- "file processes oL metabolism and A@ 5@te trees at various levels of root ieeding". Kishinev, 1958. 10 pp Q-tin Agric USSR, Kishinev Agric Inst: im 1-1. V. Frunze), 100 copies (KI., No 7, 1959, 127) .GAMAGA, K.S. [Harnaba,K.S.] Effect of the conditions of root watrition and ringing on the metabolism, growth and formation of generativm organB in thn apple tree [with summry In English]. 15 no-3:16-26 1 58. (HIRA 11:12) (Apple) GARNAGA, K.S-.. CHarnaha, K.S.] Growth and premature drop of appleta aB rnlated to tho concen- tration of pbosphorus conpoundp In tbom. 16 no.2:26-29 159. (141RA 1'91.:11) 1. Institut botaniki All USSR, otdol fiziologii rastenly. (Apple) (Phoophorus) ZAMRD0113%, A.I. [Zakordonets', A.Ij;,9-AMUGA, X.S. [Harnaha, K.S.] Chemical composition of aerial organs in Folygonum corarium Grig. and their possible use in the national economy. Ukr. bct. 2hur. 17 no.5.-38-42 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Inatitut botaniki AN USSR, otdol fiziologii rasteniy. (Knotweed) GARNAGA, G.K., nauchnyy sotrudnik Disinfectants for sorgo seeds. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.901-32 3 '61. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut bogarnogo zemledeliya Uzbekskoy akademii pellskokho- zyaystvannykh nauk, Gallya-Aral, Samarkandskoy obl. (Ukraine-Sorghum-Diseases and pests) (Seeds-Disinfection) GARKAGA, K.S. [Harnaha, K.S.) C: -, Photosynthesis and metabolic processes in the apple tree. Ukr. bot.zhur. IS no-4:3&-459 161. (K= 14:8) I* Institut botaniki AN USSRJ, Otdol fotosinteza. (kPple) (Photos@ nth esis) CARNAGA, K.3. Pfarriaha, K.S.) Intensity of photosynthesis and the content of phosphorus cor, po,inds in young apple leaves. Ukr. bot. 2hur. 18 no.5.-45-48 161. (141 RA 1? - 2) 1. Institut botaniki All UkrSSR, otdel fotosinteza. GARNAGA, K.S. [Haimaha, ]K@d.,-]; KOBDRATYUK, O.K. Photosynthesis intensity oMpple leaves within a single shoot. 19 no.5126-30 1062. (MIRA 161l) 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrGSR, otdal fotosinteza. (Photosynthesis) (Apple) GAIRNAGA, K.S. (Harnaha, K.S.); LESIK, F.L. [Losyk, F.L.] Metabolism in peaches grafted on different stocks. Dop. AN URSR no.8:1104-1107 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR I Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institu.t pedagogiki UKrSSR. Predstavlono akademikom AN UkrSSR P.A.Vlasyukom. OARMAKH. Z., klinichookiy assistant The probbe-mof acrylic prostheses in arthroplasty of the hip joint. Ortopotraym. i protez. 17 no.6:22-26 N-D 156. (KIM 10:2) 1. Is ortopedicheskoy kliniki (dir. - -prof. B.Freyka) Univerettets In. Massarike v g.Brno, Chekhoslovakiya. (HIP. surg. arthroplasty, contraindic. for acrylic prooth.) (ACRYLIC RNSISS coutraindic. for acrylic prosth. in arthroplasty of hip) G&U.M. Z.. kand. mad. nauk. (Brno) Impressions from a trip to Prance. Ortop. travm. protez , 1,10akva 19 no.6:90-94 K-d 158. iMM 12:1) 1. Starshly assisten't orthopedicheskov. kliniki i zav. bank-om tkaney universitetakoy kliniki. (YRANCI-SUMMY) all-1) )/j_14/146 Y A, MAT-V373T. T.N., doictor tekhn. nauk; XVASMN, A.I., inzh.; GARNAYPbV, Tu.A., letchikm-ispytatsl% @ - - Tubojet alrerafts. Tekh.,mol. 158. (MIRA 1I.-1) (Airplanes-Jet propulsion) L 8531@65 AFfMg/AMC(a)/AFTG`a) ACCESSION NR: AP4046535 S/0084/64/000/009/0022/0023 AUTHOR&. Oren-, S I.;' Nov 1 kov , Ai; Mllyutichev, Ye.; Garnayev, Yu.; Grlgor'Vev, I TITLE: In single hardness SOURCE: Grazhdanskaya avlatslya, no. 9-0-11964, 22-23 ...................... TOPIC TAGS:, trans rial p 'frel ht, helicopter, helicopter load sus portation, ae j sion, lifting capac I ty 'J ABSTRACT: Thep4per discusses transportation of loids b y helicopters when the7,.: size of the load or.other circumstances,-such as impossibility of landing or ta e -of the leads ` ItL also discuss e off, require ext rnal suspension es the d6pendene f the I JtV an the temperature and humidity of the ifting capac of helicopters air. For heavy loads, the paper recommends the use of t-wo helicopters and proposes a- ffethod for'th e 0111% n e kernal suspension of the load frcm the helicopters. A c carrying cable Is -attached-to-the two-hellcopters with the load secured to- the':-.,- ca'- b I eby -a: i.'tlits en* urlo that1he.hellc s op4@ers are equallyAoade@ en 9 their relative posltl_on.changes,@_. Suspension -of a.-load on. such a increase's the.-load stabil,fty In. ccapaelson with the external suspension-In th case of s1n9I6,heI1i;%AerV Thl's.featore-It-discu~.sed-and a method of d I tect, I tq cOrd @j -65 L 8531 'ACCESSION NR: AP4046535 SUCh transportation Is qlvene--Thenethod was upolmentally tested and found _to; be satIsfactory.,The-suspension system I s s I mp I e;.- not requ r ng -any majo It t;ons In helicopter design. also-does not reqWre any spect training of T@ nel and assuees the:'0ossIbI-IIty-.of detachinil the load.guickly In 'case of p%rson emergency. By US I ng' thl 5 Atethdd, -be" Increased b -8 r 1 the'-load can y .70 OX1n.compa son with the load'WhIch -19-- 6.suail ly transported Under S d h ajMo' qon -t a same plieric tions using one helicopter with.external-suspensim arig.' arti. haS. I fIg ASSOCIATION: none iUBMITTED- 00 Met: 00 SUB CODE. Go No REF SOV: 000 OTHER1.1 000 vvi: s,., -:0 Ca rd 2/2@ 135-58-4-4/19 AUHORS: Chdrnyy, G.V., Garnazhenko, 1.0., and Argunov, A.A. TITLE: The "USL-111 Device for the Welding of Mine-Car Bodies (Ustanovka "USL-1" dlya svarki kamvov vagonetok) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 4, PP 13-14 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The article contains a detailed description, illustrated by schematic drawings,,and a photograph of a new device, type "USL-l"jfor the assembly and automatic welding of mine-car side sheets. The device was designed at the To- retskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod (The Torets Machine- Building Plant) and can process 80 to 100 sheets with 200 m of total seam per shift. There are-2 figures and 1 photograph. ASSOCIATION: Toretskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod Toretn Machine- Building Plant) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 VRUBLEVSKIT, V.I.p inzh.; KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.M., inzh.1 fANASYUK, L.S., inzh.; RAVICH, K.S.,, Inzh.; SHCHUR, A.G., in*.; GARNAZHENKO,, ;M.Q., inzh.; LEEEDef, Te.I.9 inzh.; FSAREV, A.M., inzh','; 'AIATSINSM, V.V., inzh.; SHOWEV, V.A., inzh. Over-all mechanization and automation of the compsition of charge. Mashinostroer4a no.6s45-47 N-D.& (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut liteynogo proizvodstva,AN UkrSSR (for Vrublevskiy,Kr@zhanovsklyo Panasyuk, Ravich, Shchur). 2. Toretskiy mashinostr#telInyy zavod' (for Garnazhenko, Lebedev Psarev, Salatsinskiy, Shokarev). (Cast iron-Metallurgy@ (Automation) GARNGARZ, Malgorzata,, ngr. Determination of the degree of towl"rature of the air delivered to the Intake shafts in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Przegl gorn 19 no.5:SuFp1em-ant: Biuletyn Glow 14 no.1 9-10 163. SWIDOWSKA. I.; KWUTKOWSXL. M.; GARNGZAMKI, A. Flotation method in determination of strains in diagnosis on tuberculosis In children. Grislica 20 no. 6:789-800 Nov-Doe 1952. (CIML 24:2) 1. :,Of the Institute of Baoteriolw (Head-Prof. Zygmunt Ssymwtowski, M.D.), Iods and of the Pediatric State Tuberculosis Banatoriun (Director--Anna MarUlisowa. N.D.) in legiownikil,-