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25757 S/024/61/ooo/ool/oll/oi4 E035/E117 A Device for Scanning the Edges of patterns followed the dots when they were moved. The scanner was originally designed for use with a quasi-topological device for reading Russian letters; but it could also be useful in a number of other fields, notably those of measuring geometrical drawings and the transmission of pictures. Acknowledgements are made to A.A. Kharkevich for his interest in the work. There are 5 figures and 6 referencest 1 Soviet and 5 English. SUBMITTED: May 27, 1960 Card 4/5 L-56820-65 EWT(d)/T/BED-2/EWP(l)@ Pq-h/Fg-h/Pk-4 JJPW GOIBB 1ACCESSION M AR500058i S/O271/641OOO/OO9/B043/BO43 661-142.624 SOURCE% Ref. sh, Avtcmat., telemekh. I vychial. tekhn. Sv. t., Abs. 9B258 AUTHORt Clermash# Ve, A. IPereverzev#'V,,S*j Tairlin, V. M. TITLEt Device for automatic.r6cognition of printed characters CITED SOURCE: Sb. Primenenlye takhn.-aredstv I programmir. obuch.v aredn. -1 vyssh. shkole, T, 11 -M.p Akado pod. nauk MR, 1963, 295-3DO TOPIC TAGSt pattern recogniti character recognition, Russian lette recognition !r TRANSTATION: A device-is-propoeed which permits recognizing printed and typed characters. The problem of character recognition is reduced to establishing the ihomeomorphism between the exposed pattorn and a pattern of the perfect symbols-by number of 1comparing the Indices of corresponding apices. The point index means the !,branches that converge in it The Russian alphabet characters, excluding are graphs without internal ;pices and bran6hes. A rule is given for consecutive 4etarmination of indices of all graph nodes which permits obtaining a set of @nabers (indices of the nodes passed)l the set represents a code of the graph in' @question. The character A is considered as an example. The index-2 node is unfit..,-,, Ifor pattern classification, because this Index mVresult only in additional AL IEBEOEV, nmitriy TSUKKF:iRA,'1, -'!-Y,-.1 GARMASHj_14.9 ro!.iit@nzord.; vj@.; 'r RASKINTA) ..D.,, reid. (TeloviBlon and informal-ir-n tr.A-oryl Telovld,@-i@Je I teorilrt Informal,sil. Moak-va, Fnergi--in, .1@ 6 t, .218 p. (MIRA 118-4@ ROGINSKIY, V.N., doktor toklin. rOuk, otv. red.; GIUTC@!Asff, V.A.1 kand. tekhn. nauk, zari. otv. red. (Control and switching systerus) SisteuW upravlenlia i konnutatsii. Moskvii, Nauka, 1965. 136 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut problem peredachi informa- tsii. GARMASH, V.A. Moscow serainar on information theory. Probl. pered. inform. I no.b 127 t65. (KIRA 1817) TWANGIISKlY, M.N., prof.; GARMASH, V.Ya. Ultrasonic cardiography. Sov. red. 28 no.5:29-33 1,!y 165. (IMIRA 18:5) - Kafedra -ospitallnoy terapil (zav. - prof. M.N.'rumanovskiy) Vo.-onezhskugo meditsinskogo Instituta. SOCIIIVKO, Vladimir Petrovich; GAWASH, V.A., red. [Electrical modeling of neurons) Elektricheskie modeli neironov. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. Er7 p. (Biblioteka po avtomatike, no.148) (MIRA 19:1) L 31996-66 EtiTWIT/EWP(l 1JP(c) ACC NR: AP6008764 152 SOURCE CODE: UR/0030/66/000/002/0152/0152 AUTHOR: Garmash V. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Studies in coding theory SOURCE: AN SSR. Vestnik, no. 2, 1966, 152 TOPIC TAGS: information, theory, coding theory, Second All Union Conference ABSTRACT: The Second All-Union Conference on-Coding_jheor, and its applications organized-By--FR-e--�'c-fe-ntific~Co4qci1 on the ComRlSx Problem of Cybernetics, the Ins ti-E-ut-io f_P70_&*fi_M_8_@_fi_@_f _or_m_'atioW_____-_ - Y'ran-a-m-i-salon of7-t-fii-A-'c-ademy.-o-r-6-c-fe--~c-e-i....U-S'.-S--R'-,-.-~t-he -inI s-tTtu- t.e-U @_C Dii netics of _1EE_e__K_zer@_a__ ydzhan Academy__2f Sci@nces, and the All-Union 'S`-cf-enETFf-c-T_ecN_ni@al Society of Kadio Engfn-eering and Electronics imeni A. S. Popova, held in Baku from 9 to 12 October. 1965 was attended by soma 310 Soviet specialists in the theory of information transmission and similar fields. one hundred and twelve papers were presented dealing with the mathematical theory of constructing the interference- free codes, theoretical and experimental studies of the statistical characteristics of codes and information transmission channels, methods L 31996-66 ACC NRs AP6008764 -Z of information transmission, re-interrogative, communication sources, methods of separating signals from noise, com- munication channels with quantum effects taken into account, the application of digital computers to coding and decoding of info *rmation, error-correcting codes for increasing the reliability of computers, and methods of coding theory for increasing the structural reliability of automata. At the plenary sessions, the papers by Tartakovskiv entitled "On optimum separation of information with the Gaussian a priori distribution from random signals" and by Ye. T. Maronchik entitled "On thre3hhold and majority decoding" were presented. --it was stressed in the resolution approved by the conference that in addition to the traditional trends in coding and information transmission theory, attention must be paid to new trends, such as development of new coding methods for realizing simple decoding schemes, for studying the transmission and receiving of signals with noise in the synchroni- zation channel taken into account, utilization of the methods of infor- mation theory In pattern recognition and in studies of the problem of increasing the reliability of automata. The importance of increasing the volume of experimental studies of communication channels and aimu- lation of communication systems is stressed. ELK) SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: none/ 5/020/60/135/004/033/037 B004/BO5-5 AUTHORS: Rakhovskiyp V. 1.9 Lyubimov, A. P., and Garmash, V. M. TITLE: Penetration of Silver Into Tungsten PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 135, No. 4, pp. 906 - 908 TEXT: The authors discuss the problem of the strength of power current terminals. Since a high melting point and good thermal conductivity are desirable for such contacts, repeated attempts have been made to use alloys on the base of silver and tungsten. In this connection, penetration of Ag into W plays an important role. Tungsten plates (0-015XO-4xl.2 am) were annealed in liquid silver containing radioactive Ag 110. The quartz_ crucible with the sample was placed in a tube which was evacuated to 10.4 mm Hg filled with He up to somewhat over 1 atm, and annealed at 10000 C for 8, 16, and 24 hours, and at 10800 C for 4, 8, 12, and 16 hours. Temperature was controlled by a chromel-alumel thermocouple and 8TM-1 %lardl/3 Penetration of Silver Into Tungsten S/020/60/135/004/033/037 B0041BO56 (PPTV-1) potentiometer, and regulated by an J_rATP-1 (LATR-1) type auto- transformer. Then, the tungsten plate was extracted from the liquid Ag, adhering Ag was etched away by means of dilute HNO 3 at 400 C in a TQ-15M (TS-15m) type thermostat, and the activity of W was determined by Wlr(VSP) counter. At both temperatures, a linear increase in activity With the annealing time was observed. From this it was concluded that it is not diffusion which takes place but another penetration process whose rate was constant and equal to 7.62-10- 8 g cm 2-sec at 10800 C. The acti- vation energy of this process was 825 kcal g-atom. The observed sharp decrease in strength of tungsten indicated that liquid silver etches away the grain boundaries of tungsten, and that silver atoms fill the "pores". According to experimental data, such a process would depend linearly on time. There are 2 figures and 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2 German. Card 2/3 Penetration of Silver Into Tungsten S/020/60/135/004/033/037 B004/BO56 ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina. (All-Union Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. 1. Len14 Moskovskiy institut stali im. I. V. Stalina (Moscow Steel Institute imeni I. V. Stalin) PRESENTED: June 22, 1960 by P. A. Rebinder, Academician SUBMITTED: June 14P 1960 Card 3/3 s/i-,,7/62/ooo/oo4/o4z/2oi A006/AlOl AUTHORS: Lyubimov, A.P.; Garmash, V.M.; Rakhovskiy, V.I. TITLE: Investigating the heat capacity of tungsten and copper-base cennet compounds PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. ,, 1962, 41, abstract lIG269 ("Poroshk. MetallurgiyX, 1961, no. 5, 20 - 26, English summary) TEXT: A radiation calorimeter was used to measure the heat capacity of Cu-W compounds during the cooling process. The specimens were heated in a vacu- um (about lo-6 mm Hg) to 850 - 9000C (sintering in the solid phase) and to 1,150 - 1,2500C (sintering in the liquid phase); they were held at these temperatures for 15 min and cooled at a rate of*0 .75 - 1.5 degrees/sec. In the case of Cu and Cu-W the "heat- capacity-temperature" curves showed a number of maxima after sin- tering, whose appearance is connected with defects in the crystal lattice of the powders. An anomalous behavior was also observed in compounds W +25% Cu, sin-- tered at 1,150 - 1,2500C (heat capacity maxima were located at 1110, 660, 9100C). [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] R. Andriyevskiy Card 1/1 SOROKIN, P.S. Testing the SGL photographic deflection measuring device in crooked boreholes. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no-4:47-49 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Lebedinskiy rudnik. (Ioebedi region (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly)-Mine drainage) GARMASH. V.P. Frequency division by means of blocking generators equipped with junction triodes. Poluprov.prib. i ikh prim. no.3:295-305 158. (MIRA 12:4) (Frequency chanqera) (Tra@sistors) AR6032318 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/007/AO09/AO09 AUTHOR - Garmash, V. P. TITLE : Highly-stable transistorized generators SOURCE: Ref. Mi. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 7A74 REF SOURCE: Tr. uchebn, in-tov svyazi. M-vo svyazi SSSR, vyp. 27, 1965, 61-68 TOPIC TAGS: generator, transistorized generator ,ABSTRACT: Special diagrams of transistorized generators with improved stability are examined. The mathematical analysis is presented and a formula is derived Jor determining the effect of various parameters on the frequency of the generator. Experimental results are given, [Translation of abstract] 9tJB CODE: 09/ Card ---- -- TUMANOVSKI! , M.N.; GARMASH, V. ------- Elac,trokymographic and roentgenokymographic investigation of patients with myocardial infarction. Cor vajra 6 no.2;90-106 163. 1. Faculty-@Clinic of Internal Medicinep Voronezh Medical Institute, Voronezh, USSR. (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT) (ELEFTROKDIOGRAPH-t) (KYMOGRAPffY) (RADIOGRAPHY) MUKOVSKIY, M.N... prof.; -GARRMH, V.Ya.; NOVIKOV, Yu.G. Electrol-.7mographic examination of the heart in dogs in norm-zl conditions and in experimental myocardial infarct. Terap arkh. 33 no.10:3.1-18 161. RU 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. - prof. Tumanovskiy) i kafedry oparativnoy khirurgii s topografichaskoy anatomiey (zav. - f T P Lavra7a) Vorone2hskogo meditsinskogo instituta. '@HEAR*T '@i'FaTIOII) (F.LECMMKDIOGRAPHY) TUMANOVSKIY, M.N.; GARMASH, V.Ya. Electrokymographic and roentgenokymogrAPYic examination of patients with cardiac aneurysm. Kardiloglia 2 no.3:40-" MY-Je 162. (MIRA 16s4) 1. Iz klinifd fakulitetakoy terapli (zav. prof. M.N.Tumanovskiy) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo Inst-ituta. (HEART-EXAMINATION) (ANEURYSMS) (KMGRAPHY) TURMOVE-KIT, MAI.; UVROVA, T.F.; !()V!Ki',, Yu.".; GAA .11. Ya.., Electrokymographic invesLlt-itIon of Ow heArt in dogs following excision of experimental nyo-irdial Infurstion. Yardiologlia. 2 no.6:22-27 N-D'6Z. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Iz kafedry f"culftn',skoy terapH @, za7. - p-of. IM.N. Tuma- novskiy) i Mfedry tapografiche2koy rmit,@mij .9 r)y.,:irRtivnoy khi-.u--g-4yey ( zav. - prof. T.F. lavrov,-.) meditsin- skogo, instituva . TYRTYSIIIIKOV2 I.M.; _qg-_LAq4, -,V. -.Ya.. Aldolase and transaminase activity of the blood serum and electro- kymographic indices i-n myocardial infarction. Vrach. delo no,I: 20,@5 Ja'64 (MUM 17:3) ". Kafedra, gospitallnoy terapii ( zav. - prof. M.N.Tumanovskiy) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. I I oil z-,- fL on, r 5 Dn '3TAKCV, j, SHE of ulectrokyrnography Ln tihn diagnos;:7 of, rdtral compil"Vitt-'(1 by cardl-ac fibrillatwn. Karl loiogi la 5 no.@:12-10' Rr-Ap 165. ;1 1 Is, knfeira gospitailnoy Levapii (,zav. - j:roC. r-,edLtj.-n--k.--)go Ln@,tl tuta. HUVTMM, S.M., inzhener.;STARM, I.S., inshener.;GARMASH, Ye.Ye., inshenor. -'-@ @-- - I ",.@!:@z '4 - -, -. -V Modernization of gear cages on rolling mills. Stall 16 no.9:849-951 5 156, (MI2A 9:11) 1. laningraclakoye montashno-takhnicheekoys bywo tresta Moyuspodahlpnik- sbyt" i Ishorekly sayod. (Rolling millo) GARMASH, Ye.F. , Broadening the scope of the use of heterodyne wavemeters. lzm.tekh. no.2:88-Sg Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Ilectronlc measurements) AUTHOR: _G@ a ; SOV/106-58-9-4/17 TITLE: A Single Junction Transistor RC-Oscillator (RC-,generator na odinochnom kristallicheskom triode) PERIODICAL: ElektrosvyazI, 1958, Nr 9, pp 25 - 29 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The usual method of constructing an RC-oscillator, using a valve, as described by Aneyev in Ref 1, requires a cir- cuit to give a phase-shift of 1800 between input and out- put voltages. Because the input impedance of a transistor is low the usual method of coupling the phase-shifting circuit to the transistor requires an emitter follower as used by Lyubin in Ref 2. The present article describes an alternative approach in which a network is derived which gives complete reversal at one frequency of the current entering the network. Equations (3) and (4) are expressions kr the voltage-transfer and current-transfer respectively under open-circuit and short-circuit con- ditions., For a 3-section CR ladder network the voltage transfer at a phase shift of 1800 is 1/29. It is shown Card 1/2 by Zelyalch In Ref 3 that by reversing the direction of energy flow in the circuit (as in Fig 5) an alternative A Single Junction Transistor RC-03cillator SOV/1u6-58-9-4/17 form of circuit (shown in Fig 6) can be derived in which the current transfer at the phase-reversal frequency is also 1/29. By using more meshes in the circuit and grading @he im,padance values (as in Fig 7) the attenuation may be made smaller. The loss in this last network for example is only 8.62 times, when the grading ratio is 2. A practical' circuit using a type 116B' transistor is shoi-m in Fig 8 with component values as given in the last section of the text. The voltage supply is 25V and the element values have a tolerance of 5%. The caiculated frequency of oscillation is 125 c/s and the experimentally measured value is 122 c/s. The output voltage is typically 20V peak-to-peak. There are 8 figures and 4 references, all Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 3, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Gamash, Ye.N. , Member of the Association Jt, 1/108-13- 7 -6/14 TITLE: On the Analysis of Circuits With Semiconductor Triodes (K analizu skhem a poluprovodnik-ovymi triodwni) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1958, Vol. 13r Nr 7, PP. 47-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method developed by V.P.Sigorsk-.y for the analysis of circuits with electron tubes is described (Refs I and 2). The application of this method (Refs 3 and 4) for the analysis of circuits -,r-th semiconductor triodes makes it possible to determine the neces- sary ratios for them irithout having to set up. an equivAlen'. cir- cuit. For the analysis of circuits with semiconductor tr1odes it is necessary to find the matrix of the semiconductor trioda -@,@hich is sup lemented by the addition of insulated nodeq up to a (n 5-pole. The analogous mati7Lx for an electron tube is dealt Trith (Refs 1, 2 and 5). The theoretical basis of the method mentioned is given (Ref 5). At present three parameter systems: r, Z and H (Refs 6, 7 and 8) are being used for the analysis of circuits with semiconductor triodes, The applIcation of the method developed by Sigorskiy for the arialysis of circuits with Card 1/2 semiconductor triodes without previ@,.usly going o-@rer to equivalent On the Analysis of Circuits With Semiconductor Triodes juv/108-13-7-4/14 circuits of the semiconductor triode are investigatel. The appli- cation of this method is illustrated on the basig of an analysis of the two-casoade amplifier. There are 4 figures, and 8 refer- ences, 7 of %-Adoh are Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 4, 1957 ASSOCIATION: 7sesoyuznoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (All-Union Scientific-technical Association for Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications im. A.S. Popov) 1. Triode circuits--Analysis 2. Semi cond dc -Iors - -App 11 cat i ons Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Garmash-, Ye.N. Sov/lo6-59-6-8/14 TITLE: The "Infinite-kttenuation" Frequency of Low anti High- Frequency RC Filters (.Chastota lbeskonechnogo zatukhan:Lyal V filltrakh verkhnikh i nizhnikh chastot na RC) PERIODICAL; Blektrosvyazll 1959, Nr 6, pp 59-61* (USSR) ABSTRACT: At a.particular frequency the output voltage of the usual three-section RC filter is 1800 out of phase with respec:t to the input -voltage and reduced in amplitude. If, at this frequency, a fraction of the input voltage, equal -to the output voltage, is applied without change of phase to the out'put terminals of the filter. Ithen the output voltage is cancelled. The frequen,!y at which the net output voltage is zero, is called the "infinite- attenuation frequency". Figs 1. and 2- show such filter circuits for high and low frequencies respectively. The generalised circuit is given in Fig 3. The generalised circuit is analysed by the method proposed by V.P. Sigorskiy (Refs 213). To find the frequency- attenuation characteristic of the filter, It is necessary to consider the modulus of the element aii of the Card 1/4 general matrix of the four-terminal netwo@'@ of Fig 3. This element al, can be put in the following form: SOV/106-59-6-8/14 The "Infinite-Attenuation" Frequency of Low and High-Frequency RC Filters 8,11 1 Y1 lM where 1 is the input point and m the output point. The-general expression for the attenuation coefficient all is given in Eq (3). The parameters of the high- frequency filter (Fig 1 and Eqs (4) - (7)) are substituted in the general expresslon (Eq (3)), giving Eq (8). To find the infiniteLattenuation frequency o 07 the real and lma&inary arts of the denominator are equated to zero kEqs (10)). The solution then gives: 430 -/4 '3 +6 ClR2 R2 providing that R2 (12) R4 4(R + 29 (R2) + 23 Card 2/1+ ;2' KS SOV/106-59-6-8/14 The "Infinite-Attenuation" Frequency of Low and High-Frequency RC Filters After substit-atIon of Eq (11) and Eq (12) in (8), an expression for the attenuation coefficient is obtained (Eq (13)). The auther then considers th.ree particular cases: 1) R3 R2 R = R 3) R = 2R 7 3 2) 3 21 The procedure is repeated for the low.-fl,equenry filter (Fig 2). Providing that CI+ C@ + 23C2 (29) C3 +'9C3 is met, then the infinite attenuation frequency is 00 C2 1 -1 (30) C + C-k 3 Card 3/4 and the attenuation coefficient is given by Eq (31). sov/lo6-59-6-8/14 The "Infinite-Attenuation" Frequency of Low and High-Frequency RC Filters Three particular cases are considered: 1) C3 = C2 , 2) C 3 = C2) 3) C3 = 2C2 - 7 There are 5 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: May 8, 1957 Card WLF 053* AUTHORS-. Aleksandrov, A.I. and_,"@s SOV/106-59-8-4/4 @@, Ye.N. TITLE: Analysts of Semiconductor Trl'@@&S`cl-ha@i@r-j Circuits PERIODICAL: ElektrosvyazI, 1959, Nr 8, PP 31 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the analysis of oscillators, it in usual to obtain an expression for the open-loop gain of the amplifiertage; the condition for self-oscillation is then found from the real part of the expression and the oscillation frequency from the imaginary part. This method is suitable for valve oscillators which have high input impedances but has limitations for semiconductor triode oscillators having low Input impedances. The article investigates these limi- tations and the inaccuracieE involved. The basic oscillator equation is first established by considering the circuit as a fourterminal network, the output terminals of which are connected to the input terminals (Figure 1). Such a circuit is analytically described by the matrix equation: Cardl/5 c)5372 sov/io6-59_8_4/iz Analysis of Semiconductor TrIode Oscillator Circuits 1 All A12 62 (1) I A21 A 22 i2 and, with the feedback loop closed, the basic equation reduces to: A11 + A22 - JAI 14 0 (7) where @A@ =,All A22 A12 A2l In the simplest form, the oscillator circuit can be considered as two four-terminal networks connected in cascade (Figure 2): the first is active (a semiconductor Card2/5 triode) and the second, representing the feedback 05372 sov/lo6-59-8-4/12 Analysis of Semiconductor Triode Oscillator Circuits connection, is passive. (The positions of the networks can be reversed without affecting the argument.) The determinant @At is equal to the product of the determinants of the matrices of theseparate four-terminal networks: JAI= jal@ jall@ (8) and, considering the determinant of the passive network matrix zero, Expression (7) becomes: A11 +. A22 - ja.@ - 14 0 (9) This latter expression is used to analyse both common- emitter and common-base or common-collector circuits. Card3/5 05372 sov/io6-59-8-4/12 Analysis of Semiconductor Triode Oscillator Circuits For common-emitter circuits, the exact basic oscillator equation Is: + 112 A A 0 (12) 11 22 Y21 which can be simplified to the approximate equation: A11 + A22 - 1 @ 0 (14) It is then shown analytically that the approximate equation for an oscillator does not differ significantly from the exact equation for common-emitter circuits and, consequently, all the design formulav obtained by use of the approximate equation are admissible but, for circuits with a common-base or common-collector, the approximate Card 4/5 05372 soVio6-59-8-4A2 Analysis of semiconductor TrIode oscillator Circuits equation differs considerably from the exact, and cannot be iised for analy'sis and design of such circuits. There are 9 figures and 6 references, of which 5 are Soviet and 1 German. SUBMITTED- October 2, 1958 Card 5/5 AUTHOR: Ga iash, Ye.N. 81072 S/106/6o/ooo/oo6/oo5/o13 A169/AO26 TITLE: The Ultimate Values of Resistances of Ladder-Network RG-Oscillators PERIODICAL; Elektrosvyazi, 1960, No. 6, pp. 24 - 27 TEM The author discusses conditions for the self excitation of ladder- network RC-oscillators (tsepochechnyy RC-generator) taking into account the out- put resistance of the amplifier. According to V.G. Kriksunov (Ref. 1), it is u- sually assumed that the input resistance of the phasing network (faziruyushchaya tsepochka) is considerably greater than the output resistance of the amplifier stage. For this reason, the effects of the plate resistance Ra and the plate load resistance are usually not taken into account in the formulas for determin- ing the frequency and the conditions at which a self-excitation will originate. The author derives a general formula for the self-excitation conditions of a lad- der-network RC-oscillator - an - a2 Ra--S - Ra (4), where all, a2l are amplifier matrix elements in the formuia of Ye.V. Zelyakh (Ref. 3). The author uses the above condition of self-excitation in discussing three and four-element ladder-network RC-oscillators. He obtained formulas which make it possible to Card 1/3 2 s M/6o/ooo/oo6/005/013 A169/A026 The Ultimate Values of Resistances of Ladder-Network RC-Oscillators determine the boundary values of resistance In phasing networks and whose reduc- tion will not cause a self-excitation of the RC-oscillator. The formulas obtain- ed for the frequency coincide with the formulas given by Townsend (Ref. 2), who also considered in his calculations the effect of amplifier parameters. Tile au- thor presents a graph (Fig. 3) in which he shows the ratio Ra/Rmin In dependence on the amplification factor 3 - Ra- [ABSTRACTER'S NOTE., Subscript min (minimum) is a translation of the originaluuk(minimum)]. A comparison of the curves (Fig. 3) for networks "R-parallel" and "C-parallel" (tsepochki R-parallel, i C-paral- lel') shows that the RC-oscillator with the "C-parallel" network is excited at lower R/Ra value than with the "R-parallel" network at conditions otherwise e- qual. Beginning with an amplification factor equal or higher than 38, the RC- oscillator with a four-element "R-parallel" network Is excited at greater R/Ra values than the RC-oscillator with a three-element "C-parallel" network. At an amplification factor greater than a determined value (which is different for various networks), the resistance of the phasing network can be selected smaller than the resistance Ra- In calculating RC-oscillators, the value of the resist- ance R must be selected in such a way that, at a selected amplification factor, Card 2/3 V 8h372 S/106/60/000/006/00,q/013 A16q/A026 The Ultimate Values of Resistances of Ladder-Network RC-Oscillators the ratio R/R Is greater than the minimum value Rmin/Ra, determined from the graph'(Fig. 31. There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I English. SUBMMTED; October 27, 1959 j Card 3/3 GARYASH, Ye.N. Tables of matrices for four-terminal transistor networks. Radio- tekhnika 15 no.12:43-50 D 16o. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. (Matrices) (Transistor circuits) GARMMH, Ye.11. - Anal.yeis of a low-frequency RC-oscillator uBing one junction transistor. Radiotekhnika 17 noo.11:68-73 N 162 . (MIRA 15:11) 1. Daystvitelinyy chlen Nauchno.Udchnicheskogo obahchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazis (Oscillators,, Transistor) AKULOV, I.I.; BARZHIN, V.Ya.; VALITOV, R.A.;-GA S.; KUCHIN, L.F.; NAYDEROVp V.Z.; PUTSENKO., v.T;-,zM-MrIUvSFIY, V.K.; SIMONOV, Tu.L.; TARASOV, V.L.; TERMHOV, N.K.; SHEVYRTALOV, Tu.B.; YUNDENKO, I.N.; CHISTYAROV, N.I., otv. red.; KOKOSOV, L.V., red.; TRISHINA, L.A.,-tekhn.rod. [Theor7 and design of principal radio ciicuits using transistors] Teoriia i raschet osnoynykh radiotekhnicheskikh akhem na tranzi- storakh. [By]'jI.Akulov i dr. MoBkya, Sviaslizdat, 1963. 452 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Transistor circuits) (Electronic circuits) AKULOV, I.I.; BARZHIN, V.Ya.@ VALITOV, R.A.- GARMASH YeA.; KUCHIN L.F.,. NAYDEROV V.".i PUTS 2 Y Z Ell SEMENOVSKIY V,K.; SIVONOV.. ili.L., TARASOV V.L.-. 3- P TEREKHOV, N.Kt; SHEVYRTALOV.- Yu.B.-, YUNDF21KO, I.N.- CHISTYAKOV, N,I., prof., otv. red.; KOKOSOV, L.V.: red. (Theory and d--;sign of basic radio zircuits using trans'Lstors] Teori-;a I raschet oszlovnykh radiotekhniche- skikh skhem na tranzistorakh. Moskva, Sviazl, 1964. 454 P. (MIRA 18: 8) RURAN, Pavel Ivanovich; GARWH, Yevdokiya YevdokimDvna; TALISKIT, D.A., I"IL ..... ric .....t.. Ilia- red.; MURASHO , . . a M. re . [Textbook for the solution of problems in analytic geometry] Rakovodstvo k reshenift 2adach po analiticheakoi geometrii. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 313 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Geometry, Analytic) GAFMASHEV, A. Perfect equipment for socialist farms. Izobr. i rats. no.3:4-5 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Predsedatell Komiteta po delam izobreteniy i otkrytiy pri Sovete Ministrov 3 = . (Pam mechanization) GARKASHU..A.F. @mproi`e'the administrative handling of inventions and efficiency suggestions. Izobr. v SSSR 1 no-1:5-9 J1 156. (MIRA 10:3) 1. Predsedatell Komiteta po delaw izobreteniy i otkrrtiy pri ISovets Kinistrov SSSR. (Inventions) (Suggestion systems) T,171,2 I / r-.- k Call Nr: T26.RqG3 AUTHOR Garmashev, Aleksanclr Fomich (Chairman of the Camittee on Inventions and Discoveriesat the Council of Ministers of the USSR) TITLE: Development of Inventions in the USSR (Izobretatellstvo v SSSR) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvennoye izdatel'stvo politicheskay literatury, Moscow, 195T, 14T P., 25,000 copies. ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Editor: Kostin, N.; Tech. Ed.: Mukhin, Yu.; Art. Ed.: Sergeyev, S.; Proofreader: Viflyayeva, N. PURPOSE: The monograph by summarizing and emphasizing the merits of past inventions anddiscoveries in the USSR is designed to stimulate and encourage efforts in that direction. COVERAGE: A. general revlenr of the moot important inventions in Russia, before and particularly after the Revolution is presented. In this connection, marq names of inventors, developera,,engineers, scientists, etc. are given. In addition, organizations for utilization and patenting Card 1/2 of inveatLms (such as Bureaus for Rationalization and Inventions) Development of Inventions in the MR. (Cont.) cau irt w6mo within various plants., technical councils within ministries, @tc. and their functions are described. Specific tasks tor inventors in various bmncbos of industry are outlined. fters an no -references. SM or COMM The Care of t1w Comemist Party on Behalf of the Development of Inventions Achievements of Soviet Innovators in Science and Technology 18 let Us Propagate Positive Know-Bov. let Us Remove the O'batacles Along the Path of Mass Inventions 57 Most Important Tasks of Inventors and Innovators in the Field of Technical Progress 96 What the Inventor Should Knov 121 Card 2/2 GARMPSHMV, A.F. - Soviet delegation in the German Dpmocratic Republic. Isobr.v SSSR 2 no.5:31-33 My 157. (KLRA 10:7) 1. Predsedatell Xomiteta po delnm izobrateniv i otkrytiy pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. (Germany. Smst-Pntent laws and legislation) 4 GARMASHHU, A.F. Forty years of inventing In the U.S.S.R. Izobr.v SSSR 2 no.11: 3-10 N '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1.]Predsodatell Kometeta po delam izobreteniy I otkrytir pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. (Iuventions) Wficiency, Industrial) GARIIASHEV, A. Results of invention and improvement activities in the USSR in 1956. Tr. from the Russian. p. 89. (Sbirka Vynale@u. Vol. 6, no. 5, May 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO; Monthly List of East Ruro-ean Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. GARKkS!MV, A. -@-' - " liestation of concern for developers of advanced technnloe7. Izobr,i' rate. no.6:10-13 Je 159. (MMA 12:9) 1. Prndsodatel' Komitota no delam IzobrateMy i otkrytiy pri Sovotm Minintmv SSSR. (Suggestion systems) ,, GAWASEV, A: F. (Garmashav A. F. I ---------- I---- Honoring and-militant-task. Ujit lap 13 no.11:3-4 Jo 161. 1. A Szovjetunio Miniaztertanacaa mellett mukodo Talalmanyi as Felfedezesugyi Bizottsag e1noke. (Russia-Inventions) (%.ssia-Patents) GAPKASHEVf A.- ---- Generous rewards. Izobr. i rats. no.11:22-23 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Rewards(Prizes, etc.)) GiUMSHEV, D. L. usaR/Angineering - shipbuilding, sub- Jan/Feb -47 ,"Launching of Submarines On a Single Slide," D. L. Garmashev, Ingr "Sudoetroyeniye" No 1, pp 4-8 ,Describes use of large shipyards to assembly submarine sections and laundh large submarines of 1,600 tons #splacement (done in Germany for mass production of submarines). Slips described could accommodate tvo submarines on each launching slide. Sections of sub- vArines,, made at different plants, vere delivered to j3hipyard ou special pontoons. 16ST32 MW 168T32 GAIDWHEV, Dmitriy Loonidovich; XMRYAVTSBV', Yedor Alskeandrovich; Pantele7monovich; POPOV, Y.F., radaktor; KONTOROVICH, A.I., takhnichookiy redaktor. [Modern methods of installing marine shafting) Sovremennys metody montasha eudovykh valoprovadov. Leningrad, Goo. soiuznos Izd-vo sudostroit. proqrohl.,1955. 177 p. (MLRA 8:12) (Sbafts and shafting) (Marine engineering) GARKASHEV, D.L., kand.tekhn.nauk. Requirements from expanding properties of couplings in main marine turbine joints with reduction gear. Sudostroenie 23 no.8.-49-54 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Marine turbines) (-ul t'j/1'% vu GARYASHEV, D.L., Doc Tf-len Sei - (diss) "Theoretical coatomej of the ogii&e of,@echnology Lhe aligi:44,-Z*- ship drive sa-st5.11 /mos./, 195@, 21 pp -.,.ith drawings (State Commttee of the Uouncil of m-Listers -ot-4e6ii-- USSR for Ship 5okBt*VA",---:n. Central Sci Res Inst) 120 co@;ies (KL, 2b-59, 125) - 0 - GARMASHKV, D. L.. kand. takhn. nauk Mmerience in increasing shaft flaxibility in building and repairing ships. Sudostroonis 24 no. 6:36-39 Je 158. (HIRA 11:8) (Shafting) (merino engineering) GARMASEW, D.L., kan&. tekhn. nauk; CHERMOV. M.M., inzh. Use of fitted bolts for fastening ship machinery on their foundation beds. Sudoetroenis 25 no.10:39-42 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Marine angiueering-lquipment and supplies) 0 GAMASIM, D.L., kard.tekhn.nauk Propeller shaft fitting in building smal.1 vessels without use of mobile boring machines. Sudostroenie 25 no.12:41-45 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Shafting) (Shipfitting--Iquipment and supplies) GAPKASHEV, Dmitri-y Leonidovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KUDRYAVTSEV, Fedor Aleksan- arovicni inzn.; VLRK&UV, juexsanar ranT,8jeymonovicn) inzno; uL=n-.L?,iv, Yu.S., inzh,p retsenzent; ROBLIN, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsen- zent; ZHIDYAYEV, O.A., nauohn@y red.; OZEROVA, Z.V., red.; MAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red. (Modern methods of assembling marine shafting) Sovremennye metody montazha sudovykh valoprovodov. tzd.2., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 280 p. I (IIIU 14: 10) (Shafting) (Ships-Equipment and supplies) GARMASHEV, D.L,, kand.takhn.nauk Criteria of the quality of centering ship shafting. Sudostroenie 30 no.2:62-63 F 164. (@URA 17:4) GAEL,RSHEV, D. , kand. tekhn. nauk Improving the operating reliability of propeller shafts on large vessels. Mor. flot 25 no.9s28-30 S 165. (MIRA 180) KWDUF, V.R.; GAYWASEMY, Yu.K. Crystallization coefficient of radium in nitrate systems. Radio- khimiia 1 no.l.*26-31 159- (MIRA 12:4) (Radium--Crystals) (Nitrates) r t uf 6-7 -3 n c e anc! blz,,im,@sns alley. f,*-,,.-'Ir-,I,',:, i.av. no.i.: 3. 17 2 un 0 999996 : : : a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1* 1 - - 1100 11 tj u 14 li A i NJ It 11 It )4 A It v a p 1? 1 7. Qj J2-J J- A pk F i (&LOIS to 0 : 1 -00 @ 11111116 nw ft"w6k GCW bakim" Im pod"" WM mamilloo-haw .0's -mermatilm. M. S. Am mid N. L. CwnuwMva. Slostalo- _ _ jiiisnd F&A 9ivTA to Owk lmye 1044, No. 4, 32-8.@71W They sbouki be low in ascorbic add ll . 6 una y iiiassiis intravenmay. U. LAk"W woo see 0:0 2 coo Mee go* lee too 9.7- r so a 11 1 T 0 : is$ to 0 00 of 000 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 : :e 0 9 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 000 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 GAMMASH71A, N. L. Garmashava, N, L. - "On the affect of sympa-11-hecto-V on the condition of, infectious inflarwation of thn uterus". Ln the collection: 1,;b;rJianizm patol. reaktsiy, Issufj.,3 11-15, LB-iingrad, 1949, p. 112-16, - Bibliog: 6 Items. SO: U-4329, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949). - " -:i 11 ; I IAI@ I ". I .. Garmashpva, 14. L. "Data for the otudy of the mechanicm. of anaphi- -lactic Zhock", in col'Iection: Mekhanim patoL realtsiy, Issuoo 11-15, Leningrad, p. 101-65. SOt U -1092, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No 21, 19119). GARNASHNTA, X.L. Reflex mechantan In the onset of labor. Akash.gin. no-2:3-9 Kar-APr 51. (CUM 20:8) 1. Of the Pathophysiological laborstor7 of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Director-Prof. A.P. Nikolayev, CorrespondLing Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR) of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. Jl--Jfr-VFi, rr,L- . KRYZWOVSKAYA, Ye.F.; GARMASMA, N.L., zaveduyushchiy; NlKOLAYEV, A.P., direktor; AYRAPWYAM, 3.9h., zavea@y@uschiy; MOT, K.M., ELkademik, direktor. Data for the characteristics of uterine reception. no.1:265- 2?2 152. (HIMA 6.-a) 1. Laboratoriya patofiziologii TSentrallnogo in-tituta ulmsherstva i dineko- logii Akademii meditHinskikh nauk SSSR (for Garmasheva). 2. TSentrallnyy institut almaherstva i ginekologii Akad-e-mll-m-e-aTE.-RTn-I'M^t~-nauk SSSR (for Nikoluyev). 3. Laboratoriya interotseptiMvkh u9lovrjZrkh refleksov Instituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pitvlova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ayrupetlyants). 4. Insti- tut fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademli nauk SSSR (for Bykov). (Nervous aysten) (Uterus) r17 C-7 /17 A-, , ff r/51 lq- 4 ANMIYASHgVA, N.M.; BAKKAL, T.P.; BXKM, S.M.; BOGDANOV-BF=OVSKIT, Y.Y.; BRAUN, A.D.; VASILIVSKAYA, N.L.; GANUSMO, M.N.; GARMASHEVA, N.L.;_ DIMICHEV, I.P.; DRIZGALOVICH, S,Te.; KALININA, ff.A-.7-TOZWM@@ "..; IMRANOVSKATA, Te.Y.; MIROVICH, R.I.; FHOROKOVk, Y.K.; PITGOVISHNI- KOVA, M.A.; RINSfMTOVA, L.A.; SVEMY, P.G.; UTIGINOVA. K.D.; KHEGHI- NASHVILI, G.G.; SHVANG. L.I.; GARMASHEVA. N.L., professor, redaktor; RUDAKOV, A.V., redaktor; RUIZVA, M.S., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. (Reflex actions in mother-fetus interrelations] Reflekzornye reaktaii vo v9iimootnosheniiakh materinskogo organizma i ploda. Cieningrad] 005. izd-vo mad. lit-ry. Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1954. 266 p.(MLRA 7:10) (nregnancy) (Imbryology) C11 12 V 17 s qq C CA , A. L. , U53.R/G@-nor'n.1 Biolarry. Individual DavcloD.@-nt 3-4 .-,bs Jour R,-f Zhur - Blol., NO 22, 1958, Uo 98915 .Lutil-)r Inst Ljn -'d Univorsity inSr, '2i'Ul,- Participation of Mothcr's Or--anis..,. in E.-.-ibryonic Davclo,xaont Ori@; Pub : V sb.: Probl. ,jovro:--,. o;--ibrijlo@ji, L., Un-t, 1956, 2505-261 .'Lbstract : On tlic basis of the -,uthor-Is own obs,rv,,.tion3 and thoso reportod in tho literaturo, thc DmSravid- ic chanGos which croato conditions of th--- fotus d@)volo--)--cnt in iiiotuhor's or3anisil arc considCrod; tho3c ch,-.n,7o3 ,ssur-,, tho Dm-,)L@ration for thc; plac-,atl,tion of th,@ 'Lotus and ad,,,ptiv,@ r@,:ictions of th-- -:,.othor's orGanis-i durinS proonancy, -- R..I. Cha?nitslccya 1/1 10 GAIRIMASIEVAY IT.L., Prof.., "Complex Research at the Institute of Obstetrics and GynecoloBy of the Academy of W-dical Sciences LISOR in Conjunction with Variows Laboratories," This study included the effect of radiation on pregnant animals irradiated by X rays on embryogenesis and on the condition of the fetus. In addition,, the professor considered certain problems of the mechanism of the injury oflthe fetus. Paper presented at the 11th We5sion of AM USSR on Trauma, April 1957. so: sizi. 1644 GAIOUSIEVA. N.L. @. --- Some problema in the pbystology and pathophyeiolcgy of pregnanL7. Yeet.' AMU S6SR 12 no.4:46-61 157- (MIRA 10:10) 1. Institut akusheretva i ginekologit AMN SSSR, Leningrad. @PiCsGR&NCT) GARMASUVA, Natallya Leonidovna,_a-d,., (Pothophysiology of intratubal development] Patofiziologiia vnutriutrobnogo r82Vitiia. Leningrad, Medg12, 1959.. 322 p. (nTU*--DIS3ASW) (MIRA 13:9) hMWMA, N.L.; MZELkNOI(=kYk-U?IUN, Ye.F. Dat@L on electropbysiological inveotigation of unconditioned reactions typical for the period of pregnancy. Iliziol. zhur. 46 no..12:1463- 1470 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) I 1. Iaboratoriya nomallnoy i patologicheokoy fiziologii Ins'tituta akusherstva i ginekologii AMN SSSR9 Leningrad, (@w . INNEWATION) (PREGNANCY) GARMASHEVAP N.L. Problem of the interrelationship of the mother and fetus. Vast. ANN SSSR 17 no.11:19-23 162. (KMA 26:1) 1. Inatitut akusherstva i ginekologii AMN SSSR, Leningrad. (FETUS) (PREGNANCY) H'I*'WV-',,@A,'Lk!-',lA rikhail ;ndi -evevich, proi , red.; Gk,@I.ASKIVA, Natallya Leonidovna, prof , red.; ALIFOV red. [@ypoxla of the fetus and the newborn; ito pathogenesis and diag-nosis] Gipoksiia ploda i novorozhdennogo; patc- genez i di-agnostika. Leningrad, Mleditoina, 196ul,. 150 01,11-ith 17:11) 1. Chlen--korrespondenL 63SR (for Petrov-vaslakov). GARVASHEVAJ Natal Iya Leonidovna, prof.; CRMIAT, N.Ye., red. (For the woman about the intrauterine development of the child] Zhenshchine o v-nutriutrobnom razvitii rebenka. Moskva, Meditsina, 1965. 23 p. (MIRA 191l) I YXGUDIII. I.; GARXASHOV. V., starahiy nauchW sotrudnik; PANAVSKIY, M., etaAftfwMN6dWPPt;4otrudnlk. Oreanization, of food supply in steppe regions. Zhivotnovodetvo 20 no-3:18-21 Kr 158. (MIRA llt2) 1. Prodesdatel I kolkhoza "Ilruzhba narodov" (for Teguilin). 2. Krymakays sollakokhozyayst"rnaya opytnaya stantelya (for (Parmashovs Panevokiy). (Grimea-Feeding and feeding stuffs) GARWkSHOV, V. . starshiy nauchrqy sotrudnik Vicla pannonica In the Crimea. Zhlvotnovodstvo 21 no.5:30-31 NY '59. (14IRA 12:7) 1. Krymokaya gonudarstvennW- sel'skokhozyaystvannaya opytnaya atantsiya. (Crimea-Vatch) WIN -cal. 55- rein., Alld the u.-". that the tot@l lz WZUT . . . . - -- - .: , -1, '. "Ll@ - - . - . . ;@, - - 7 .1; I t. , - , 7 " - - - -Y- , I " I -D" - . . . - 11 - @.,4z, "ZJ 137-58-5-9368D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 80 (USSR) AUTHOR: Garmata, V TITLE: Investigation of Electrode Processes in Electrolytic Refining of Aluminum (Issledovaniye elektrodnykh protsessov pri elek- troliticheskom rafinirovanii alyuminiya) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota (Moscow Institute for Nonferrous Metals and Gold), Moscow, .1957. ASSOCIATION: Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota (Moscow Institute for Non- ferrous Metals and Gold), Moscow. 1. Aluminum--Purification 2. Electrodes (Electrolytic cell) --Performance Card 1/1 AU@'"ICRS: Garmata, V.A. and Belyayev, A. 1. 136-9-10/14 TITLZ: Study of electrode processes in the electrolytic refining of aluminium. (Izucheniye elektrodnykh protsessov pri elel-,troliticheskon rafinirovanii alyw.iniya). PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 10,57, Ito-Qlt PI:- 58-GG (USSR). AESTRACT: The author describes ana r@ives re-sults of investigations of electrode Drocesse- durin@; the electrolytic refining of aliz-ainiura. the th-ree-layer method. -The experiments "-:-ere based on tuh6-study-6-@ polarization at the cathode and anode in relati*on to the current density, te.-,iperature, co.','irosition of the electrolyte electrode material, nature of the ionic diffusion and'othe'r factors. Laboratory e.@:-periments for study-ing these factors were carried out in V_ special cell (Fig.1) and-further laboratory wor'k on the determination of the electrical-conductivity, density and liquidus temperatures of chloride-fluoride and fluoride electrolytes were made in a palladium cell. Bac'_@- e.a.f. and. nolarization of electrodes viere studied on industrial cells, I-11-Gh oscillographic recordint, of current and voltage 11 - U (FiGS-7 and 10). The authors conclude t-hat in the electrolysis of*chloride-fluoride (60% BaCl. @) + 23% AlF 17% NaF) mid fluoride (48% AlF + 18%) ItaF + 18% BaF + Card 1/2 jrco 2 /0, CaF 2) the Drimary proces!- L the cathode is tlh-@ study of oicetrode in afinip.G of aluminim. i. disclor'ri:e of 111.1:hiiu@ iol@; '.InJ Oil t' ;-rodc. tlv", clectro- 'r,L '_@ ClCCtr0l"tC ehetiicv@ 1,clut',.011 Of polari.-,atioi-1 ci'i curr@)spond to the of -6.05 `via and chlorino start of dis-1-a--op- of baLiu,:@I _iu:.' + F:O('@ ions, in the fluori@,'e ol,'.ct-rolyto -575 and +340 ::iV corre-rona to r@ta_--." of of codi,r- 2- u-ne ctj-,@--,--! y. T--i co_1 crc-i -;1 ccjj! the idear- f luori!lc I I _'j --- bacl- -,70 @1 , @ I - I @Iv I., U reCo: 10,IJ fol t'vy rcco.x,'-_cne, lithilu,. or 5% Eacl, + ,11.5 T_aF + 10@/@ llc(331. @':` '-'@ U'Le, 35@/@ 1@1F -'.. - t the use of f luoriele eloctrol-'- for rj:oi 1-y- litainilu-I refiniii.-:. is un:-uita',@Ie but ecii li.a for second.@,r-',.- ;L.ctai coiftz@inin-' lie follo "e. Ya. SI-I. !-':'Gon a I L. A. LnIrIov:7" Card 2/2 Therc aro 1:2 filuro.-, 1 ,nd 13. 7 Ru_si,',n, 1 1. 1 1 ASS(@C;DiTl 07.1: -'-7 Latsvet ;oloto. U" U. 6 Libr.-,r,, of a 1. Aluminum-Refining 2. Electrodes-Processes SOV/ 137-58-9- 18739 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 84 (USSR) AUTHORS: Garmata, V.A., Belyayev, A.I. TITLE:. Investigation of Electrode Pr-acesses in Electrolytic Refining of Aluminum (Issledovaniye elektrodnykh protsessov pri elek- troliticheskorn rafinirovanii alyuminiya) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota, 1957, Nr 27, pp 193-214 ABSTRACT: A study is made of the relationship of electrode potentials to current density, temperature, and melt composition in the case of a chloride -fluoride electrolyte (E) (60% BaCIZ, 23% AlF 39 1716 NaF) and a pure fluoride E (4856 AlF3, 185o NaF, 1856 BaF,, 167o CaF.). It is shown that the switching method of de- termining potentials is not applicable to the study of this pro- cess, in view of the comparatively small rate of increase in electrode potentials, varying unevenly viith c4 when the current is turned on, and also in relation to the rate of drop in elec - trode potentials which undergoes very great and uneven changes Card 1/2 after disconnection of the polarizing current. The use of a SOV/ 137-58-9- 18739 Investigation of Electrode Processes in Electrolytic Refining of Aluminum magneto -optical oscilloscope to investigate high-speed electrode processes is recommended. The cathodic and anodic current c1liciency of either E is studied. It is found that the current efficiency is 3-4T) higher with pure fluoride E, and therefore the latter is more desirable than the chloride- .fluoride type. The conclusion is drawn that contamination of the cathode metal by Cu is attributable to the fact that the surface of the anode electrode becomes low in At, and this creates conditions favorable to Cu going into the melt. and being precipitated at the cathode. The study performed con- firms the conclusion that the primary cathode process is the discharge of At 3+ ions. N. P. L. Aluminwn--Puxif icat ion 2. Electrodes--Perforriince 3. Electrolytes--Propei-ties 4. -Iec ro'@111'les--Chemical reactions Card 2/2 3/598'61/OUO/UO6/004/U34 24 YD3'03 D 7 AUTHORS: Lukashenicog E.Ye.p Kramnikp V.Yu-p Garmata V-A-P and Sergiyenkop S.N. TITLE: Developing and introducing the methdd of titanium tetrachloride in retorts without inserting a reaction vessel SOU11ft: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i yego splavy. no* 6, 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro- khimiya titanap 23 - 26 TEXTt The authors carried out 38 experiments in which, for varying conditions of feed rate, temperature, etc., magnesiothermal reduc- tion of TiCl in a single-zone reactor was compared with the same process carrted out using an inserted stainless steel reaction ves- sel. The results show that the single-zone process utilized 50 - 60 % of the reactor volume as against 35 - 40 % for the other pro- ceseq that the cycle removal of Ti sponge increased by 50 - 60 %, that labor productivity increased by about 30 % and that the quali- Card 1/2 S/598/61/000/00JV004/034 I Developing and introducing the ... D245/D'403 ty of Ti sponge produced was not inferior to that produced by the other method. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. V, Card 2/2 2: lin )tITLI 3/136/62/000/001/005/005 32LO E073/E335 AUTHORS@ GarMa-ta,-V.A., Fallkevich, E.S., Arutyunov, E.A. and Kulikov, V.A. TITLE,, Influence of admixtures on the hardness of commercially pure titanium and its relation to other mechanical properties PERIODICAL! Tsvetnyye metally, no. 1, 1962, 80 - 83 TEXT., The test results of over 2 500 specimens from various batches of titanium sponge, produced under normal shop conditions, were utilized for analyzing the relation between the hardness, ultimate strength, elongation and contraction. Furthermore., the .nfluence of admixtures contained in this sponge on the me(-han- i V@ ical properties of the ingots produced from it were studied, A correlation analysis was made on the basis of the results of determination of the mechanical properties of samples from 300 different batches of titanium sponge. The hardness was measured -an titanium ingots 60 mm dia. x 50 mm produced by vacuum electric- arc smelting, using a consumable electrode@ The hardness was measured in the as-cnst -4t.@te. 11sing a 10-111111 dianlet (,I- s .>6/62J'000/001/005/005 Influence of admixtures on E073/E335 with a pressure of 3000 kg, The correlation analysis for detetmining the relation between the hardiies@i of the Ti in the as-cast state and the chemical composition was based on the results obtalned from specimens of 2 500 batches of Ti sponge, in whxch the content of individual elements varied within ,,-ry narrow limits, On the basis of the obtained results, equation@@ were derived (which are giYen in the table) For inter@relating the hardness with other properties. It was found that the- hardness could serve as a general criterion I-or det.@r-mining whether the Ti spong--was satisfactory with re_spe@t to mcchatii;al properties and chemical composition It is mentioned in an edito@rial note that this is one of the first attempts to apply matherivit-...Al statit@tio*, in metallurgy, There are 3 fi.gure*, .1. table and 7 reference,@.. 6 So-iet-b'joc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference.mentioned 1.5". Ref. 3L K. Texbor - Iron Steel Inst., ][9.32, 20- i4o/i46. 3254P S/136/62/000/001/005/005 Influence of admixtures on E073/E335 Tab]. e - Invest- Correl- Correl-Eq. expressing Function Argument gation ation. ation linear rel- limits ratio Coe:ffi- ation Ultimate cient strength,crb Hardness 110-210 0;9731 0.91562 O'b=0.31k HB+l .63 units H B Elongation, 6 Hardness 110-50 o.8057 -0-7879 6=-0,642-H B + units HB +123-51 Elongation, 6 Hardness 150-210 0.5o4 -o.420 6=_O 076-H B + units H B +3@.26 Contraction,Y Hardness 110-170 0,912 -0;895 Y=-o.484,H B units H. - 138.. It Contraction,y Hardness 17U-210 Y=-O@26% H units H 4-9 . IB Hardness Content N 0.01-0.842 0.37.11 0.3587 H =6oq,50,,'N 41275.5 21 2 29@ 0.03-0.151' 0.3)91 0.25356 0-=119. 9.,.,o 0 2 '0 B 00 F e, Y. 0,02-0.30/1 0,5972 0.5936 H;=164 - 59'oFe+125.6 Card 3/4 @" 25 It ' s/i36/62/000/001/005/005 Influence of admixtures on .... E073/E335 Table (cont.) Since only a few Ti ingots with a hardnes@ of 170 - 210 units H B Nfere available, the cot't'elaLion analysis of the relation between hardness and contraction was not carried out in this range; this formula was determined empirically- Card 4/4 S/ 137/62/000/006/03V 16-3) A006/A 10 1 AUTHORS: Lukashenko, E. Ye., Kramnik, V. Yu., Garmata, V. A., Serj;iyenko, S.N. TITLE,- Development and assimilation of magnesium-thermal reduction of titanium tetrachloride in retorts x:Lt1i3ut an inserted reaction beaker P-11RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 14, abstract 6G1OO (In collection: "Titan i yego splavy", no. U, AN SSSR, 1,061, 23 - 35) 7EKT; Industrial experiments of reducing and vacuum-separating TiCl in 0 4 r e, rts without beakers make it possible 1) to raise the coefficient of useful utilization of the reactor volume from 35 - 110 to 50 - 60%, and the cyclic yield DE Ti-sponge by 50 60%; 2) to raise the hourly output of reduction and separa- tion furnaces by 30 5VP; 3) to raise the labor efficiency of the main produc- tion staff by 30% in this conversion department. Moreover, apparatus without beakers assure the production of high-quality Ti-sponge. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] G. Svodtseva 1,ird 1/1. I