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S/115/63/ooo/oo3/0-07 016 E192/E382 AUTHOR: A.N. TITLE: Design of wideband waveguide directional couplers PERIODICAL: izmeritellnaya telchnik a, no. 3, 1963, 50 - 52 TEXT; . .The paper was read at the Fourth All-Union Conference~ -of MVSSO, Kharlkov in 1,960. The design is considered of directional couplers With identical, equidistant ly-spac ed, circular coupling apertures, situated on the wider urall of the two rectangular wavesuides. The analytical approach is based or. first determining the transmission attenuation and directivity of an individual coupling aperture and then taking into account the interaction of n apertures and interference of the reflected -aves an4 calculating the attenuation and directivity of the coupler. The attenuation and directivity of an aperture can be based on the author's-formula (Zhurnal teldinicheshoy fizilci, 196o, no. 7): Cnrd 7;Z i -ti i~ T- -i SA 1-031ACO/003100. 76" c -20 I~z tb -y u 1. 193 _.C_ard 2/11 c 0 3 5/115/63/000/003/007/010 De.9ign of vridoband .... Z192/E382 where d is the diameter of the aperture, a and b aro the wider and narrower wall cross-sections of the waveguide, y = 2"r/Xa where X a is the wavelength in the wavegulde, h is the distance of the aperture from the axis of the waveg'uidoand ~i eand (11, are coefficients taking into account the wall thick- ness t In a coupler 'trith n equidistantly-spaced apertures, C66 C1 20 log n - n s in ~7: a G,7 Sin wh ore tp 2--rf wh or e is the distance between the neighbourinig ape4ures. The first term in Eqs. (3a) and (3i:-) represents the attenuation and directivity of an individual aperture, while the second term takes into account the interaction Card 3/4 Card 4/4 Q 14 ACCESS It-IN lqi~ I A JE T I 170085 2 7 1 ane r'6 Ti -rnbs2a- p R cj p Ap 5 494 CcEssION -too gin 21M AUTHORS: Akhiyezerl I* A., Polovin, R. Vs SOV/56-36-6-31/66 TITLE: On the Theory of Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Waves (K teorii relyativistbkikh magnitogidrodinamicheskikh voln) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599 Vol 36, Nr 6p PP 184.5-1852 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction the authors discuss the paper by Hoff- mann and Teller (Ref 1) in which the equation of the non- telativistic shook-adiabatic was derived . However, neither the problem of the stability of relativistic magnetohydro- dynamic shock1waves was investigated, nor was.1the Tsemplen theorem verified, andp besides, the problem of the direction of the variation of the magnetic field in tbashock wave was investigated only for special cases. Also the questions relating to the classification and the particular features of relativistic magnetohydrodynamic discontinuities (contact-, tangential-, Alfven-f fast and slow shock waves-) were not. investigated. To deal with all these problems was the aim of the present paper. Like in the case of ordinary hydrodynamics, the shock wave also in magnetohydrodynamics develops from a Card 1/3 - 49imple wave, in that every point of the liquid with a greater On the Theory of Relativistic Malgnotohydrodynamic SOV156-36-6-31166 Waves density also movesmith higher velocity. The authors first investigate these simple plane waves; each of their values may be represented as a function of the coordinates x and t (Khalatnikov and Stanyukovich already investigated these waves in'relativiatio magnetohydrodynamics). The authors base their investigations on the system of the relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations in the case of vanishing viscos- ity and infinite:61d6trio conductivity, and give a mathemati- cal description of the Alfiren wave, the magnetosonic waves, as well as of the fast and slow magnetosonic waves. In the following chapter the discontinuities are investigated, viz 1) discontinuities which, relatively to the liquid) are at rest (contact- and tangential discontinuities) and 2) such as are in motion relatively to the liquid (Alfven and shock waves). In the last part of the paper the Tsemplen theorem is proved for shock waves of arbitrary intensity (in nonrelativistic magnetohydrodynamics this has already been proved by Iordanskiy, Polovin# and Lyubarskiy (Refs 16-18)). The theorem states that in the shock wave pressure and density increase Card 2/3 if ("a/.20w/n > 0. The authors finally thank On the Theory of Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic SOV/56-36-6-31/66 Waves A. I. Akhiyezer and G. Ya. Lyubarskiy for valuable dis- cussions. There are 23 references, 17 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physico-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1958 Card 3/3 TITLE: Simple Waves in the Chewp Goldberger, and Low Approximation PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599 vol 37, Nr 3(9)v pp 756-759 (USSR) ABSTRAM, Chewq Goldbe~rger, and Low showed that a dilute plasma in a magnetic field in which collisions play an important rolet may be defined by a system of magnetohydrodynamic equations with anisotropio pressure,~'It is of interest to use these eauations for investigating the nonlinear motions of a plas-ma,(aiove all,,.- of simple waves). The present paper deals with this problem. The system of magnetohydrodynamic equations has the following form in the Chewq Goldbergert and Low approximation: ft --'.* "Pik -a-+ F [curl 'H] , Fi H = our.1[vv'11] dt + Xk I-b t div H =0 + div P C~ + (p )h h Card 1/4 (?7 ) = 0 Pik i ik 11 - P1 i k Simple Waves in the Chewp Goldbergerp and SOV/56-37-3-25/62 Low Approximation _+ d pi d 2 h H/11 tt �R) 0 -t-ROK) . 0 dt' 3 The author investigates one-dimensional plane waves in which all, magnetohydro dynamic quantities are.fuuctions of one of*these quantities (e.g. of () ). 9 on its part depends on the coordinatex and on the time t:.x - V (?)t = f(?). V denotes the translation velocity of the point where density has a given value; f( a function which is reciprocal to the density distribution 9 (x) in the initial instant of time t- 0. f(~) a 0 holds for the self~-simulating waves in the ranges of compression f'(9)O The simple waves are closely connected with the waves of small amplitudes. Like in magnetohydrodynamics with scalar pressure, there exist 3 types of waves. The partly very extensive differential equations of the Alfv6n waves and magnetic sound waves are written down explicitly. The Alfv6n waves propagate without changing their shape. Investigation of the equations of the magnetic sound waves in general form frequently meets Yrith Card 2/4 considerable difficulties. The authors deal only with the most Simple Waves in the Ghewq Goldbergerg and sovl56-37-3-25162 Low Approximation interesting case in which hydrostatic pressure is considerably lower than magnetic pressure. In the ranges withexpansion the density gradient decreases, and in the ranges of compression it, increases. In the ranges with expansion (f,>0) and in the self-simulating waves (f - 0) density decreases. In the ranges of the compression (ft---'O) density increases until a certain expression written down by the authors becomes negative. As soon as this expression equals zero, a compression shock wave is formed. In a fast magnetic sound wave, the quantities pa I- Pj. pi/pfi change in the same way as in the magnetic sound wave. The authors then investigate a slow magnetic sound wave. There are two possibiliti'es: (1) In the normal case, density changes in the same way as in a faBt'magnetic sound wave. Shock waves are formed especially in the ranges of compres sion, and the self-simulating waves are expansion waves# Card 3/4 Simple Waves in the Che.wp Goldbergert and SOV/56-37-3-25/62 Low Approximation (2) In the the density gradient decreases in the ranges of compression and increases in the ranges of thinning In the ranges of expansion a shook wave is formed. In ccztrast to. magnotohydTDdynamios with scalar pressurep expansion shook, waves may form in this case. The authors thank A.10,Akhiyezer and G.Ya. Lyubarskiy for useful disoussions. There are 8 referencesp 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnioheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR ,(Physical-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciencest Ukrainskaya SSR) Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Graz. SSR (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the* Gruzinskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: April 3v 1959 Card 4/4 AKHT -IA..;J~OLOVIN, R.V. _L kZ F4, . [Motion of a conducting plane in a magnotobydrod7namic medium] 0 dvizhenii provodiashchei ploskosti v magnito- gidrodinamicheakoi srede. Kharlkovt Fiziko-tekhn. in-t AN USSR; 1960. 44-53 p. (MIRA 17:2) I ~, I . .I AKH1TEZER, I.A.; POLOVIN, R.V.; TSINTSADZE, N.L. [Simple waves in Chew's, Goldberger's and Low's approxima- tions) Prostye volny v priblizhenii Chliup Golldbergera i Lou. KharIkov, Fiziko-tekhn. in-t AN USSRp 1960. Page 57, (MIRA 17:3) AKMEZER, I.A.; POIMIN, R.V. %i, (Theory of relativistic magnetohydrodynamic vaves] K teorii re3iativistskikb magnitogidrodinamicheskikh voln. KharIkov, Fiziko-tekbn. in-t AN USSR9 1960. 54-55 P. (MIRA 17:1) AKHIYEZER,, I.A.; POIDVIN, R.V.~-. MDtion of a conducting piston in a magnotobydrodynamia zedimo Zhure ekap.i tt.ft.fiz. 38 no.2029-533 F 16D* (MM 3J+.-5) 10 PJAIko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. '(Magnetohydrodynamico)' S/0.56/60/036/06/CY7/012 B006/BO56~ Zezer, 1. A., Peletminskly, S. V. AUTHORS: X.Akh~ lyI TITLEt Application of Quantum-field Theoretical Methods for tha Investigation of the Thermodynamic Pro2erties of a Gas of Electrons and Pho PERIODICAL: Zhurna:l eksperlmentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No. 6, pp. 1829 .; 1839 TEXT: The idea and the method of applying the quantum field theory for the purpose of-1nvestigating the thermodynamic properties of systems of interacting particles date back to Matsubara. A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gor1kov, I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy, Ye. S. Fradkin, A. A. Vedenov, and A. I. Larkin have already occupied themselves with various forms of applying this method. It was the aim of the present paper to derive the thermodynamic potential of a system of electrons, positrons, and photons in consideration of the interaction between them with an 4 2 accuracy up to and including terms with e 1n9 , where e is the electron Card 1/3 AY Application of Quantum-field Theoretical S/056/60/038/06/07/012 Methods for the Investigation of the B006/BO56 Thermodynamic Properties of a Gas of Electrons and Photons charge. First, the idealized problem of the thermodynamic potential of an electron-photon gas with a homogeneous, positively charged background is investigated,.in which the background compensates the negative electron charge, so that the task consists in determining the thermo- dynamic potential of an equilibrium system. In the following, also the part played by the tons existing in physically real systems is taken into account (at not too low temperatures)'t and finally one goes over to the problem. of the energy of black~body radiation in consideration of the interaction between the photons and the electron-positron pairs. After a detailed explanation of the fundamental relations of the thermo- dynamic perturbation theory and application of Matsubara's quantum- field theoretical method, and after a discussion of the invariance properties of the polarization operator, the problem proper, io so, that of the thermodynamic potential, is dealt with. Divergences appear- ing in the high-momentum region of the virtual particles are removed by renormalizing the electron charge and mass, and by redetermination of the vacuum level. General expressions are derived, which take relativistic r.-A P/3 Application of quantum-field Theoretical Hethods for the Investigation of tho Thermodynamic Properties of a Gas of Electrons and Photons S/056/60/038/06/07/012 Boo6/Bo% effects into account, and asymptotic formulas are derived for the exchange and correlation energies. Finally, corrections to the black- body radiation ene rgy for the interaction between photons and electron-positron pairs are calculated. The authors thank A. 1. Akhiyezer for advice and discussions. There are 1 figure and 9 references: 6 Soviet, 1 Americans and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-teklinichaskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 January 12, 1960 V/_8 86903 S/056/60/039/005/020/051 B006/BO77 AUTHORS: Akhiyezer, I. Peletminskiy, S. V. TITLE: Theory of the .114gnetic Properties of a Nonideal Fermi Gas at Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, ig6o, Vol- 39, No. 501), pp. 1308-1316 TEXT; This is a study based on the quantum field theory of the effect of the interaction between particles upon the magnetic properties(~ epppcially the' oscillations of the magnetic moment of a Fdrmi gas. The autrmts,chose. a simple model within the microscopic theory assuming that the interaction .of the particles is due to short-range forces and the system in question regarded as a gas. Expressions are found for the change of period and the amplitude of the oscillation of the magnetic moment due to the interaction between. the particles. The results-z'are valid in a moderate temperature :raiige (P f k" U/M Card. jA., - S/05 61/041/002/oWdi6 to the theory of.*. B125 138 61'",As 'a completely antisymmetric tensorof thlrd~ra-nk. Ths' .soat.tering of eleotrom e plasma 'is agrietio waves by fluctuations in a fre determined only by the electron density fluctua-tiona. For a plasma located in a magnetic field H,- it is also necessary to take account of. 0 the' fluctuations 6H of the magnetic field. In the absence of a magnetic:.. fieldp the differential soatterink'poefficient for an unpolakized wave reads 2. 2 \2 + cos' 0) fl On, I%&. dodo). (28) dY, z,7 where 9 is the scattering angle, do is the element of the.oolid angle k, ((Z) _ 1 _22 1,02, L _ F (W In this formula, the frequency can be 0 0 changed arbitrarily. In the presence of a magnetic fieldq the expreasion,.,Ir.!~ UN, Card 7/9 ;S/056/61/041/002/026/028 Contribution to the theor of B125 8 l ~ j ... y , /~ f MAW R qa. lm (EA1