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Apt)-licl-Odion of the Mise:11 Va ri 'fly 9c) 4 of' ~preadLi-- of' Flo-.-., L-fil-ii".tr jet, Alonz,-, a WA.1 %-,, 10. A vecursive system of differential equations is gotLen for the fl i..,ith coi~respondin-,,r boundary and integral conditions. Graphs are friven of the first three f,. .L Tlie author notes, that the oolution tends to the Bla~::Iui3 .1 -.-oo since the intensity of the jet so-111t,01-1 as diminishes dbUstream at large distances from the -ource and the flow velocity becom.-j constant. A g.raph Is j-ivon of' tilt' Velocity p'l-ofile uAl fcr 0 I/L = 1.21 as wel.1 as the profl.L~ Ifor LC = :o o I'd 5116 I.e., the Bla5,i us, prof ile for coiinparison. There are 3 Applio-ation pl'oblc'm of J(-t Monir, a S UL,'i." !YiT D. of the Mises' Varlablc-,s to t1le of th(~ Flow of' D-1111111"Ir Wli.]]. figures; and 4 references, 3 Soviet, 1 U.S. The U. S. reference is: M. Glauert, Wall Jet, Journal of Flush Mc'.--,h., iir 1, 19,56. Jamit""Y 6, 1958 6 ,6 TNOVI N.I. Propagation of an axisymmetrical turbulent jet on the external surface of a circular cylinder along its generatrix. .7 , Trudy LPI no.217:17-26 161. (MIRA 15:3) Jets --Fluid dynamics) ( AKATNOV, N.I. (Leningrad)p SYUY MYANI-FYN [Ha~ Mien-fgng] Flow of a plane semibounded jet along a curved surface. PMTF no.6: 60-67 N-D 162. (KRA 16:6) (Hydrodynamics) I- s/2o?/62/out~/V, %/Ull/Ovi E025/EI14 AUTHORS: Alcatyiov, N. I., at4d Irla~ ~Jien-fjjng (Leningrad) T P1 LE.- A plane ka lf-bou utic d Jet on a curvilinear surface PY-10-ODICALi Zhurnal prikladi'ioy inekhaniki. i tekhnicbeskoy fiziki, no.6, 6()-(17 TE XT t A rolid cylindi Jcal surtfice, located In art infinite f3 Pit c Pfl'~ I led %.;.i 1~h .1 viz;cou~s I III I d ~!t I-est, is cons idered. on the convex side oi the suriice tlis!re i-A a -traight, infiiii.tely thin slit-;zourcc par-allol to thr- oI the cylinder. arid a jet of fluid with the saw-p phy-L;tci~,4 as the fluid occupying the sttvrounojn~~-. space- is j-oj,~,~Jpd trow the source along the tangent yJazle to thv F.--xi)eriments have shown that for a considerable portion of' itv path the jet flows round the surface and is not separ,ited tront Jt. 1his is uttributed to a fall in the presBure at the '111rInce, %vivich is dt-ie to inertial forces on the jet. The Navler--Stolces e(livitions for the problem are formulated, assuming that the tl~iid is xncompre,,,sible and the motion is steady and laniiiiar. The equationH are then simplified by passing to dimensionlest; variablos and uping approximate expressions for the. Card 1/2 A plane half-botinded jet on it S/207/62/000/oo6/011/025 E025/EI14 thicknef:)s of the flow region and the radiu's of curvature R. The solution of the problom is r3oxight in the form of a series in powerz3 of' R-I Irt Which Hic tirst term corresponds to a plane surface and thi.~ second terw is a curvature correction. An expansion of -the strpavi function in terms of arbitra'ry functions is then substituted into tht: liavier-Stokes equations, yielding a set of ordinary differential equations for the determination of the arbitrary functions and hence of the stream function. It is found that the solutiun for a curved surface cannot be found in terms of analytical functiont3 and a procedure for numorical integration in outlined. Estiniates are given E*or the coordinates of the point at which the jet separates from the surface. Tito cases where the j~t in projected Insidc- tht) 3urface and whore the curvature of tho cylinder is not constant are briefly discussed. There are 4 figures and J table. SUBMITTED: April ib, 1962 Card 2/2 AKATNOV, 1,1.1. Experimental investigation of aerodynamic characteristlCB of the domes of astronomical telescopes. T-nidy LPI n0.230: 132-136 164. (MIRA 17:6) iACCESSIOW NR: AT404181V' S/2563/64/000/230/0132/0136 AUTHOR: Akatndv, N. 1. TITLE: Experimental !d astrono mic telescope SOURCE: Leningrad. 1964. Tekhnicheskaya 132-13~ investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of d'othas Politek'hnicheskiy LnstLtut. Trudy*, no.-230, gidromekhanika (Technical hydromechanics),, TOPIC TAGSt telescope dome, aerodynamic characteristic, air resistance force, aerodynamic tunnel ABSTRAM An experimental study of the aerodynamic characteristics of astronomic telescope.domes was conducted to determine the optimal shape of such domes. Models havi4g various shapes (symmetrical and otherwise) were analyzed in an aerodynanic tunnel. A brief descrip,- tion of the apparatus And east-procedure Is given4 Five different shapes were tested, and the reaults are given in graphs and discussed. It was found that domes symmetrical with respect to a vertical axis 1have the beat.aerodynamic characteristics, and that the air resistan,ce 1/2 .Card 1 - :iACCESSION NR: AT4041818 force of domes built on large bases is smaller than that of domes built on narrow or on lattice-structure bases,, Orige art. hast -'8 figures. ASSOCIATIONt none SUAIAITTED: 00 ATD POSS: 3055 ENCLt 00 SUB CODEs M, AC NO REF SOV: 000 OTHERt. 000" 1% 2/2 VH~S'10N NR: AT5016714 UR/1256,3/~65/1000/248/0104-/01C,9 AUTHOR: Akatnov, N. 1. TITLE: Propaption ot a system of plane turbulent D -)ws -7 -PolitekfinlehesRly imt1tut, Trudy, no, 248, 1965. Tek=- SOURCE: Lenin d, chesk-aya gidrogazodinamika (Te-chrilcal gaB hydrodynarnics), 104-109 TOPIC TAGS- plane turbulent flow, incompressible fl-,-, pr-r~.--auon, ulillinited periodic flow, boundary condition AF1,STRACT 'Pic T)I)stulitf-(i pi-ohlem the blew")(1 exit 740 -=0 7 5 Card L ACCESSION MR: AT5015714 beT-e. u and v ar--? p-rojertions of the mean velocity ve-ctor -on Lxes Ox -ind Qy, As f] Uld den-' r f- ~ ,. ing t~oundar-.- and stress and is hNdr,,-ta!l,- thrit system wM- I t~ observing conditions. Me pr-c-B-m-re re- ~-nnytant ~n this solution along the Ov axis, lhl' ainng 1-h.- a-xis, and its _IAT J&ningTaOskly politek-lLnichesk!,, lm-s-m rnt-. V 1~-qlinina klerlingTad V'TT' MF C,,d -2/2 AKATOV, A.I., GERASIMOV,A.G., TATSITINKOv PsA. Beneficiation of "Lisakovsk~y" deposit brown ores Bt the "Sibelaktrostnlln ore dressing pilot plants Obog. rud 2 no. 6:23- 30 '5?- (MIRA 11:8) (Kustanmy Province-Iron ores) (Ore dressing) AKATOV, A.I. Utilizing ash tailings of thermal power plants. Obog. rud 3 no.2:24-25 158. (KRA 11:11) (Rl-~ctrlc power plants--By-Froducts) AKAMV, A.I. I Applicatioy' of arc-shaped . rud 3 nq.6.z6-32 '58. 11 K4_1 I., if 4', .1 ii J screens in ore-dressing plants 'Obog. (Screens (Mining)) b-fiRA 14:8) AKATOV, A.I. Attrition of Chiatura deposit manranese slimes In the process of hydraulic qonveyinr. Obog. rud 6 no.1:4,R-52 '63. (MIRA 114: B) (Chiatura-Manranese ores) (Hydraulic conveying) ,_,A.1.; Prinimali uchastive: TATSIYENKO, P.A.; LUKIYATIOV, S.14.; _MATOV I KOSULINIKGV, M.D.; KUSOVA, T.A.; YEGOROV, N.A. Efficient flow sheet for Lisakovka deposit ore dressing. Obog. rud. 8 no-3:8-12 163. (MIRA 17:1) AKATOV, A.I.; KOSTIN, I.M. Ways of improving the operation of an ore washing and dressing plant. Gor. zhur. no.2s63-66 F 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauch*issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut mokhanicheskoy obrabotki poleznykh iskopayemykh, Leningrad (for Akatov). 2. Magnitogorskiy metallilrgicheskiy kombinat (for Kostin). AKATOV, A. K.: Master Mled Sci (dies) -- "ExDerimental ntuay of "Le problom of dosing with antigens in separate and combined irmninization with purified sorbed anatoxin edematiens and tetanus anatoxin". N"cov, 1958. 15 p (Acad Med Sci USSR, Inst Of I'DidemioloK _y and Microblolcgv im Honorary Aced N. F. Gamaleya), 230 copies (KL, No 2, 1959, 124) .0 AKATJV I K.- Result of A singla immiinizntion of a purified Cl. oedemations nnntoxin adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. Zhur.mikrobiol.eDid. i immun.29 no.3:71-77 Mr 158. (mmA 11:4) 1. 12 Instituta epidemiologii i (CLOSTRIDIUM, oedematiens nnatoxin eff. of single Admin. mikrobiologii imenj Gamalei AMI SSSR. Adsorbed on Aluminum hydroxide, (Rus) BMSMURTM, B.S.; AXA.TOV, A.K. Statistical method in experimental stndies in the field of microbiololDr and immunoloa. Report Vo.4: Transformation of experimental data using the probability nethod. Zhur. mikrobiol.epid. 1, immun. 30 no-5:106-110 My '59* (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz Inatituta epidemiologii i milcrobiologii imani Gurialei AM 8501 (MICROBIOLOGY, statiet. conversion of exper. data by pro- bability method One)) (DOMOLOGY, same) --4kTPVL_A,K.;-- QkVRILOV, V.I.; SEWMVp B,Fv I Two examples of the use of the statistical method for analyzing results of a virological experiment. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1:114-117 ja-F 16o, (MDU 14:4) (STATISTICS$ MEDICAL) SWnOVt B.F.; AKATOVt A.K.1 GAVRILOV, V.I. Choice of method for calculating ED 50 in the practice of virvlogical studies. Vop. virus, 5 no. 6*.74.1-744 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:4) (POLIOMYELITIS) AKATOVp A.X, Problem of selecting the optimal dose of purified sorbed tetanus anatoxin for a single-sbot immunization of animals, Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. 1 immin. 31 no, 4:74-79 Ap 160. (MMA 13:10' 1. Iz Instituta. epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AM SM. (TETANUS) AKATOV, A.K. Regularities in complex immunization with sorbed oedematiesn and tetanus toxoids. Zhur,mikrobiol.epid.i immun. 31 no.8:81-87-Ag 160. is '(MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Otdela ranevykh infektsiy Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiolo U imeni Gamalei MIN SSSR. I ~TETANUS) (CLOSTRIDIUM"NOVYI) AKATOV., A.K.; IYMDEVA, Z.1. Quantitative relationship between pbosphatase activitvA pathogenic propefties, and penicillin resistance in Staphylococcus. Antibiotiki 6 no./+:363-368 Ap 161. (MIRA 3j,: 5) 1. Otdel ranevykh infektsiy Instituta mikrobiologii i epidemiologii imeni N.F.Gamalei, AMN SSSR. (STAPHYI-DOOCCUS) (PENICILLIN) (PHOSPHATASE) AYJ,TOV , A. K. Experimental study on the rate of immunological response following revaccination with staphylococcus anatoxin. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. 33 no-5:57-65 MY 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. 1z Instituta, epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AM SSSR. (STAPHYWCOCCAL DISEASE) (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS) AMOV, A.K. Use of the criterion of conformity in experimental miaroble6ceical Bi,Mdje,,7. Zhur. m1krobiol. apid. i imm=. 33 no,. 10t70-75 0162 (MU 17 W 1. Iz Instituta opidemlologil i mikrobiologil imeni Gam9ei AMN SSSR, AKATOVA.K. Dynamics of the immunological reactions in the early period aftor revaccination by CL paltrUavns anatoxin, Zhur. mikro- biol.p epid. i immun. 33 no,12s122-130 D 162, (MIRA 16:5 1. 1, IS-To~rUtvft epidmiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei. AM SSSH. (CLOSTRIDIMI) (GAS CAIMM) (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS) VYGODCHrKOV, G.V.;,~ LEBEDEVA, Z.1. Phage typing of pathogenic staphylococci. Report 14o.2: Com- parison of the resistance of strains to antibiotics with results of their phage tvping. Zh. mikrobiol. 40 no.7:19-24 J1163 WRA 17 -.1) 1. Iz Instituta. epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR. VYGODCHIKOVO G.V.,- AKATOV, A.K.; LEBEDEVA, Z.I. Phage typing of pathogenic staphylococci. Report No.1: Dependence of the results of phage typing on the origin and pathogenic properties of the strains. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 40 no.2.,70-76 F 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei LMN SSSR. ---AKATOV~ A sle Selection of an experimental model for the study of staphylococcal infection with the use of biometric analysis. Zhur. mikroblol., epid. i imimn. 40 no.1109-45 -N 163. (MIRA l7tl2) 1. Iz Instituta evidemiologii J. mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AYIN SSIR. ACCESSION IM; AP4031447 S/0016/64/000/004/0081/0087 AUTHOR: Alcatov,, A, K. TITES: Investigation of the staphyloooccus alpha-toxin lethal effect on certain inbroa lines of mice SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii,, epiaomiologii i innunobiologii, no. 4, 1-964, 81-87 TOPIC TAGS: staphylococcus alpha-toxin, lothal ofilect, inbred lines of mice, sonsitivity difforonco, male toxin sensitivity,, female toxin sensitivity, bioiretric analysis AB'.-';TR,,ICT: Sonsitivity differences to the lethal effect of staph7lo- coccus alpha-toxin ware investigated in inbred linoa of (BALI B/c, C3HI C57BL, C57L, and CMBR) and In control mongrel nice, All e~.pori;mental animals and cont:ool group animals div-i 'd0d into male ax.d female groups to doterraino whother sox of aninial also influoncog sensitivity as indicated in some literature sources. In 'U-he first of two experimental sories, staphylococcus alpha-toxin doses of 0.0006, 0.0009, 0.013, and 0.02 ml were administered to groups of young mice ,weigbing 15 to 18 g. In the sooond series doses of 0,007P 0,011P IACCESSION lilt: AP4031447 0.017, and 0.025 wero administered to groups of older mice woig~iing-18 to 21 g. In both series each dose was administered to four similar groups consisting of 5 mice each and of the swno sox. Animals wore observed for 7 da7s following inoculation and checked twice each day to determine, lethal effects of the toxin. Data were analyzed by biomotric mothods. Findings show that inbred lines of' mice dif"for in their suscoDtibility and sensitivity to staphylococcus alpha-toxin in the following descending order: C3H, 0573L, control mongrol mice, C57L, and BAL B/c. Data on t1io CC57BIR line was inconclusive. Ago of an:L-aal does not appear to affect sensitivity. 11'emale mice were found more sonsitive than male mice. All animals displayed a higher sonsi- tivity to staphylococcus alpha-toxin than to stap1hylococcus cultures, but variability of responses to toxin administration was lower than to culture injections. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut epidemiologii i milcrobiologii im. Gamalei A1,21 SSSR (Epidemiology and Microbiology Instituto)AMN SSSR) :SUBMITTED: 06Feb63 ENCL: 00 (SUB CODE: LS NR FOP SOV: 004 OTHER: 006 2/2 Card AKATOVI A.K. Methodology of obtaining type-specific staphylococcal bacteriophages. Zhur. mikrobiol... epid. I immun. 41 no-3:19-24 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Inatitut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR, AXATOV,j. _ A.. K. Study of the lethal action of staphylococcal cC roxin in mice of some inbred lines. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i Ammn. 41 no.4:81-87 Ap 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut spidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gwmlei *IN SSSR. 0 -uj j.,27 model f r L Ii-Y 3v ~7. hyg, epider'. ':-.Mrun nt, t65. of ar.~ X~icrobiclog~vq L.-adarxy TI HALAYAN., L.B.; KM A.K. Phagotyping of staphylococci isoleted 'in ped-istrac institutions. Zhur. mArnbiol., epid. I inmilin. 42 no,6-,!~()-91 165. (M.',.RA 18.9) I. InsIdtut epidemiologii. i mikrobiclGi.,il imeni N.F. Garnulei AIIN SS.11R. AYDITOV, ~. K:. Some data cn the virulence nection'with their origin, pe.,ties. Zhur. mikrobiol., A 166 of staphylococci strains in con- phagotype, and pathogenic pro- epid. i immun. 43 no. lr877-94 (MIRA 1~tl) 1. Thstitut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AIM SSSR,, Submitted October 23, 1964. PSHENICHNYY,- Y:i*)c.'XOSHELEV, V.; AKATOV, B. Bee. buAiie!'ss. Iz.obr.. i yats. no.10-.32-33 163. 041 RA 17: 2) Arm-civirslicogo komiteta iartiync)-gosudarstvennOgo kontrolya (for Pshe ,nichnyy). 2. Predsadatell Vseso..ruznogo ob- shc~evst4, -"zobretatelay i rat lonaliz~-; w,ov Oor Kosllelev) . 3. Sekretarl A: Kr!~Sh8a' ~~kogo krayevogo soveta Vsesoylizncgo obshchestva izobretateley i 4liatorov (for Akatov). rqLtA NEEITIN, N.T.; ZOLOTITITSKAYA, A.S.; SHUMTSOVA, L.T.; AXATOV,_ B.N.; nauk,redakf "UDUGIII KIJVSHIIISKIY, VY., karxilclat tekhnicheakikh tor; A, N.A., tekhnichesBy redaktor [Rapid-action machine-tool accessories] Byetrodetstvuiushchie stanochnye prispofloblenita. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 18 p. (MLRA 8:7) (Hachine toola) .0 inzh.; AKATOV, G., inzh. KORSHUNOV D., I------- Testing part of a composite roof. From. stroi. i inzh. ooor. ~ no.2:20-24 Mr-AP 163. (Roofing, Concrete-Testing) (MRA lb4) AKATOV, G.I. Testing trusses for a precast monolithic concrete roof having a span of18 meters. Sbor. naeuh. trud. Dnepr. inzh.-stroi. inste no.310141 t63 (MIRK 18:1) Testing prestressed trusses having a span of 30 meters. Ibid.t63-74. AXA2OV. I.G., slesart-remontnik Modernizing shakeout tables* Hashinostroitell no,9tl6 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Foundries--Equipment and eupplieB) FLEGONTOVA; UDITOV, �,;-A AMV YUNYAN; BAGDASAROV; PEREPELYUK; L ~, K.; ARM ORLIK; RONENETS; MITIO; VIASOV; TSIRKEL!; SYRO)EZIIKO. Obligations in honor of the 22d Congress of the CPSU have been fulfilled. Masl..-zhir. prom. 27 no.11:1-3 N,161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Zamestitelf nachallijilca ekonondchaskogo otdola Upravleniya meditsinskoy i parfyumernoy promyshlennosti Mosgorsovnarkhcza (for Flegontova). 2. Direktor Leningradskogo mylovarennogo zavoda. imni Karpova (for S.Akatov;. 3. Direktor N,evskogo mylovarennogo zavoda (for K.Akatov). 4. Glavnyy inzh. Zaporozhskogo maslozhiro- vogo kombinata (for Arut~amyan)- 5. Direktor Yerevanskogo mas- lozhirovogo kombinata (for Bagd asarov). 6. Direktor Ferganshogo maslozhirovogo kombinata (for Perepelyuk). 7. Glavnyy inzh. Chimkentskogo maslozhi:,,,ovogo kombinata, (for Orlik). 8. Direktor Kazanskogo zhirovogo kombinata (for Romenets). 9. Glavnyy inzh. Gomel'5kogo zhirovogo kombinata (for Ikhno). 10. Direktor NoVosibirskogo zhirovogo kombinata, (for Vlasov'). 11. Direktor Odesskogo masloekstraktsiomogo zavoda (for TSirkel'). 12. Direktor Vitebskogo masloekstraktsionnogo zav6da (for S-yroyezhko). (Oil industries) ANATOV, K.K.; VINNITSKAYA, Te.P.,inzh.; BLINER, L.G.,inzh.; ASKIFAZI, Z.M.,inzh. Ref Ining hide fat. Kesel. -z hir. prom. 25 no.1:36-38 '59. i , (MIU 12: 1) 1. Nevo)dy myl-avarannyy zavod (for Akatov). 2. Leningradskiy zavod "Salolin" (for Vinnitskaya, Bliner. Askinazi), (Oils and fate) A4TOV, K. 1. Our plans. Masl.-zhir.prom. 25 no.2:6 '59. (MIRA 12:2) (Soap industry) AKATOV, M. , Reconstruction of the washing plant of a laundry works. Zhil.-kom. ihoz. 4 no.4:.19-20 154. OMR A 7 o. 7) 1. Glavnyy Inzhener fabriki-prachachnoy No. 6 Hookovskogo gorodsko- go tresta prachechnykh. (Laundry machinery) GUTOT, N.G.; ARATOT, M.A. Work experience of the Moscow mechanized factory-laundry no.6.' Gorokhoz.Mosk.29 no.10:32-30 0 '55. (HIXA 9:2) (Moscow- -Laundiles, Public) AKATU'v') V. Akatov, l.. V. "Jlinical observation:; ---d t::f~ of chan7- pelvic s-,-sta.~ in polio:;yelitis, " Sb-ornik naulh. tn-Aov ('r'-vo zdrav-,)oI-,')rcLneniya RbFSI~. Hejp. nauch.-is,,:led. in-11 vosstanovlon-;-,,a trud.ospo,,~obnosti fi-,. ~~efektivn.-..Idl Cletey im. proe. Tur.,iora), Lonin-rad., SO: 3,042, 11 1%arch 53, ','Lotords 'Zhurnal Injo-h lio. AXATOV) 21021 Akatov, M.V. Osobennosti Kontraktur Tazobedrennogo sustava pri poliomiyelite. Trudy in-ta (Kazansk Nauch-issled, in-t ortopidii i vosstanovit, Khirurgii) till, 1940/1 s. 175-81. SO: LWOFIS MURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Yoskva, 1949 __ ___ - - - __- - ___ -____ - - KRYSHOVA, N. A;FLIGJILIMAN, P. M;JLKATOV, M. Y. ~ _,~; ... . ... Treatment with dibasol of' the residual stage of polioiWelitio. Zh. nevropat. palkhiat., Moskva 52 no.4:42 Apr 1952,(CLML 22:2) 1. Of the Scientific-Research Institute imed T. I. Turner (Di- rector -- M. N. Goncharov). AKATCV, M. V. "A Divided Transplant of the Lony F4ad of the Femoris Muscle in Paralysis of the -~bctensor Muscle of the Knee." Cand Med Sci, leningrad Medical 1nst imeni Academician I. P. Pavlov,Min Health RSFSR, Lenin-rad, 1955. (KL, No 10, i'lar 55) 1 SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hi-her Educational lnstitutions (15) 0 USSR/Human and lWimal Physiology - Neuro-Muocular V-11 Physiology* Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 1, 1958~ 4374 Author M. Akatov Inst Leningad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene and Scientific-Research Pediatric Orthopedic Institute* Title : Development of a New Function of the "Long Head" of the Biceps Femorls Muscle after Its Transplantation on the Patella. Orig Pub : Tr. Leningr. san-gigiyen, med, in-taj i n.-ig dyetsk, ortoped. in-ta, 1956, 29, al-227 Abi3tract : En patients from 6 to 15 years old showing poliomyelitis sequellae (nin-runctioninc, of the quadriceps muscle) of a duration of 4-15 years, transplantation of the long head of biceps femoris - alone or together with other AIIATOV, S.K.. inzhener; IZOTOV. N.N., inzhener; DUROV, A.T., inzhener. , Zffective mechanization of inter-plant, loading and transporting opertaions, Nekh.trud.rabo 7 no.10:14-16 O-N '53. (MLRA 6:10) (loading and. unloading) 1. m , e'. - .10V 1) K. 2. U331-, ((SOO) 4. Auto;vatic Control 1 1 7. Autonzatic sA,-fmal for mo%,3urino-' wit. liquids, 1',aol. prom. h. , ";0. 4, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APril 1953. Unclassified AKLTOV, S.K.;7RID, G4., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. WANW&UM Use and economic effectiveness of lift trucks in loading and unloading, Kasl.-2hir. prom. 23 no.5:32-34 157. (XLRA 10:5) 1. Leningradekly mylovareMIY7 2avod im. Karpova. (Loading and unloading) (Industrial power truc4) -- -- - - - - - 17 , ~.~ I. - - - - --- - KUPG INSXIY, P.D., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; IMIAN, G.A.; Q"V �.K. Op- Continuous production of soap in a vacuum installation. Haol.-2hir. prom. 23 no.7:19-24 157. (MLRA 10:18Y 1jeesoyanyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy, inatitut zhirov. (for Kupchinakly Bolan) 2.Mrlovarenny7 zavod imant Karpova (for Akatov) boap industry) (Vacuum apparatus) AYATOV, S.K. - under the now conditions, Kaal,-xhir. prom, 23 n0.12:34-35 157, (MIRA llt2) 1, Yqlovarennyy ravo(l Ienzhirkombinata. (Krasnodar Territory--Soap industry) AXATOV, S.K. Production management without participation of individual shops. Masl.-zhir.prom. 25 no.2:25-26 '59. (HIRA 12:2) 1. Leningradskiy mylovarennyy zavod imeni Karpova. (Leningrad-Soap Industry) AKATOV, S.K. GNIP-30M crawlero Haal.-shir.prome 26 no.4:44 Ap 160. (MM 13:6) 1. Leningradekiy aVlovarenW zavod imeni Karpova. (Leningrad--Soap industry-Equipment and supplies) (Loading and unloading) AKATOVp S.K.; IZOTOVt N.N. Mechanization of labor-consuming work. Masl.-zhir.prow.. 27 no.l: 34-35 Ja '61. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Leningradskiy mylovarennyy zavoa imeni Karpova. (Loading and unloadink) ,-aAT0Vq S.K. Mrore completo, Lrd c-vtomr-tiont labor product'.vity. iltial.-M-dr. prom. 27 no. .2:31-32 161. (7MKI. 14:2) 1. Lenin,,, rv,6 o 1. iy mylovaronnyy -,,avod imeni Kirpova. (Oil InCuArics-LaIr-or productivity) AKATOVI S.K.. Kew synthetic washing powders and clounsing agents. Masl prom. 27 no. 4:41 AP '61. 1. Leningradakiy mylovarennyy zavod imeni Karpova. (Leningrad--Cleaning Compounds) AKATOVI S.K., inzh.; KHARITONOV, A.A., inzh.; LOVIER, G.Ye., inzli.; FRID, G.S..' inzh. Economic efficiency of the utilization of carbon dioxide. 14asl.-zhir. prom. 28 no.8:25-26 Ag 162. (HIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy mylovarennyy zavod imeni Kirpova. AZATOVt V.A. %,,,- ~-,- Inucleation of corpus luteum peraistens as a method of eliminating sterility in cows. Trudy Biol.inst.KirFAN SSSR no.3:21-24 150. (COWS) ()am 8:5) (STERILITY IN ANIMUS) (VICTERINARY SURGERY) tXATOV, V.A. Clinical and experimental studies of trichomontasis in cattle. Trud.v BioLinstaKirFAN SSSR no-3:159-176 150- , (MAIL 815) (TRICHOMMIIASIS) (CATTLIC--DISHASSS) ANATOT. Y.A.; BBSTMBBV, A.G.; ROMASHEVA, L.F.; XORNMY, D.N.; CBMTS, otvetetyennyy redaktor [Causes of sterility in cattle on some state farms of the Kirgiz S,S.R. and how it can be controlled] Prichiny besplodila krupnogo rogatogo skots. v nekotorykh nov)th02&kh firgizekot SSR t mery bor'by a nim. Frunze, lzd-vo Kirgisfan SSSR, 1953. 53 P. (Microfilm] (MLRA 7:10) (Kirghizietan-Sterility in animals) (Sterility In animals-Kirghisistan) ANATOV, V.A., dateent, kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk; PMV, P.A., assistant. Therapy of trichominiasin In brooding bulls. Vaterinariia 30 no.l: 27-30 Ja '53- (xi-aA 6: 1) 1. Kirgizekly sallskokhozyxystvamM institut imeni akadev'ka Skryabina. USSR/Medicine-Yetterinar7, New Drugs SeP 5-3 "Furacylin Therapy of Infectious Follicular Vesti- ff bulitis in Cows and Balanoposthitis.-in Bulls, ~,"_V. A. Akatov, Docent, Cand Vet Sci~~,Kirghiz Agr Inst im Skx7ab:Ln Veterinariya, Vol 30, No 9, P 53 Puracylin is a new Soviet drug, 5-nitro-2furfuryli_ denesemicarbazone, which proved to be effective in the treatrient of acute cases of infectious follicul~ vestibulitis In cows and balanoposthitis in bulls. 270r,76 It was also effective in the treatment of trypanoso- mosis in camels and coccidiosis and mastitis in co%rs. Furacylin is a yellow, bitterish powder, somewhat soluble in water and in alcohol, but not soluble in etber. Its effectiveness is preserved for a long period of time if it is kept in jars made of dark glass. Furacylin solution prepared in cod-liver oil produced the be-st therapeutic effects. 27oTT6 AT~1117-lrj V. A. I'Triclhorcniasis rT Cat' -h-r (,t 'I.atc V,~I-ranaiT Inst i-ui N. :t-,. Fronze, for the Poc~ree of Ca,,viidatc in VM.2rina7 "'riences) so: Knlzbna,,ra Lotopis', No 1, 1915L ODYNRTSO R.N,; VJ.: KORNS-11T, D.N.; DOKLT&,N. A.F.; RCYASIWYA, L.F. Nffeot of insemination with miifid semen on the rate of fertili- zation In cove. Trudy Inst. zool. i rara%:, K1rYA_N SSR, mo.',i 25-29 154. (KLRA 10:6) (Artificial ftsemimtion) ( C, C.'s V. ) AFLATOV, V.A., )wndidat vateriaarnykh nank. Artificial medium suggested for transporting exudate to be examined for the presence of Trichomonas. Vaterinarila 31 n0-2:31-32 F '54. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Kirgizekly sallskokhozyay6tvannyy Inatitut im. Skryabina. (Veterinary medicine--Diagnosis) (Trichomonas) (Bacteriology--Cultures and culture media) AKATOV, Vasilly Alekseyevich. KirEiz Agricultural Inst. Academic degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, based on hia defense, 21 March 1955, in the Council of Kazan' State Veterinary Inst Imeni Bauman, of his dissertation entitled: "Trichomonosis of Large Horned Cattle." Academic degree and/or titlet Doctor of Sciences SO: Deci---'Ions of VAK, List no. 14, 11 June 1955, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 15, Aug 56, Moscow, pp. 5-24, Uncl. JPRS/NY-537 ADTOV, V.A. ~_-- I -i (Sterility in cattle aod ways of controlling it] Beeplodis k-rupnogo rogstogo skota i mary bor'by o nim. Frunze, Kirgizakoe goo. izd-vo, 1955. 46 p. (MLRA 10:2) (Sterility in animala) cows V A Akat-,,- T-~~ - -- --------- -- AKATOY, V.A., kandidat veterinarnykh nauk, dotsant. Rotention time of Trichomonas In the house fly. Yeterinariia 32 no.8:84 Ag '55- (MLRA 8:10) LKirgizakiy eel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni akademika Skryabina. (TRICHOHOITAS) (FLIES AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) USSR/Di8easas of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Protozoa. R - 3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 45440 Author : Akatov V,A, Inst : Kirghiz Agricultural Institute. Title The Clinical Picture of Trichomoniasis in Bulls. Orig Pub Tr. Kirg. so-kh. in-ta, 1956, vYP. 9, 205-208 Abstract Trichomoniasis in bulls follows a course either of an acute and chronic balanoposthitis, or one without symp- toms (Trichomonas-carrier condition). in an acute form, edema., hyperemia) painfulness of the glans penis and of the prepuce, and a discharge of the purulent exudate, are noticeable. Nodules are present on the glans penis. The potency is decreased, The trichomonads are localized in the prepuce. In -the chronic form of disease, the symp- tQms are the same but the edem and painfulness of the Card 1/2 - 25 - AIATOV9 V.A., prof.; SUBBOTINA, L*G., dots. "Veterinary obstetrics, gynecolo&7, and artificial inseminatione by F.A. Troitskii. Vaterinariia 35 no.4:89-90 Ap 158. (MIRA 110-3) 1. Voronezhakiy zooveterinarziyy institut (for Akatov). 2. Kazan- skiy veterinarnyy institut (for Sabotina). (Veterinary obstetrics) (Troitskii, 7.A.) . Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences), SMIRNOV,I K. L. (Oblast' Conference of Veterinary Specialists). "Training of specialists on artificial insemination of animals in the Voronezh Zooveterinary Institute. Veterinariya, Vol. 3B, No. 4, 1961. ~ , , i., I't 11 L.I-i~.~4 . J. I I prof. -GERI-IAII ,G . ,ve 1, c. !, ~ !;~.I-n- vra v", 9 actdvity I' the cow iil-eru~ durinr, the pl,~ccntal stage. Veterinarl lit 14 1 no . 2'~--79 ~' OMIRA 160) i, V'AICAIF-,~~.-~kiy y~jr., , vr%30 6 e. "64, n c n OHM 1836) SMIFTOIIP K.L..i._A~ATOV, V-A.., prof,, doktor veterin. nauk; KAYRYUYSjflfa,,E, v, [Y'airiukatiene, V.1; SERGEYEV,A.; KIIOPD,I,A.; NIKIFOROVI V.; Slffmis, v. [stuikis,v.] Information and news. Veterinariia 38 no-090-96 Ap(t'161 IRA H il) I. Uchenyy sekretarl Litovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta veterinarii (for Shtuykis). GERMANO I.G., veterinarW vrachj AKATOV, V*A., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty 1- Motility of the uterus in cows after deliveries. Veterinarija 42 no.9t8i-83 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1e Voronezhakiy sellskokhozyaysivennyy institut. CHEMKISINOV, G.A., aspirant; AIKATOV, V.A., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditelt raboty; IVANOVA, T.M., dotsent, nauchpyy ru~ovoditoll raboty Changes in the ovaries of cowe under thn effect of pregnant mare's serun, and blood. Veterinariia 42 no.12:64-68 D 165~ (I~mA 19: 1) 1. Voronezhskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy instit,ut. AXATGV,.__ Yevgeniy - Iva novich j_B1WV, Pavel Mitrofanovich; D'YACHRNKO. Nikolay Kharitonavinht prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MUM4*0V, Vitaliy.Sergeyevich; ZHDANOVgIY, H.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; DUBUSOVA, G.A., red.izd-va; 1?RTJMKIN, P.S., [Performance of a motor-vehicle engine Rabota avtomobillnogo dvigatelia na Po& red. N.Kh.D'iachanko. Moskva, stroit.lit-ry, 1960. 247 p. (Motor vehicles-Engines) under unGteady conditions] neustanovivshemsia rezhime. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- (MIRA 13:10 TABAFlOVSXIY, I.K.; MANIELITSVAYGI Yu.B.; GOFMAN, I.M.; BEMSH, V.A.; PaPOV,, V.I.; AKATOV, Tu.A. Diagrifttic scintillation deviee of the DSU-60 type. Med.rad. D009:64-67 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz otdala radiologicheakikh i rentgenovskikh priborov i apparatoy Visesoymnogo nalialMo-istiledovatellskogo instituta meditsiwkogo instrumentariya i',bborudovaniya Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya WR. (RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL-EQUIPMT AIND SUPPLIES) AKATOV, Yu.A.; POPOV, V.I.; 1L.A. SoAntillation vall counter. '-led. prom. I? no.9:50-53 St63. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vse:3oyiiznn, naiichno-issledovatel'skiy Anstitut roditsinskikh Ino,trumentov i ob)rudovanlya. ACC NR. AT6036470. v S01,1.,.= COVEt L!!!/COCI~1/66/000/OP,0/001'-$/,)OI.6 AUTHORt AkAtovyu. A.$ MVAIGV, Ye. Y06, Petrovp Vo MO; S.~Y SmirefuVY, L. ORGi none TITLE: Amalysis of tlie results- of measurements of costWic-r diat1orL-dones-in ,a circunterrostrial space CPaper'presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine hold In MsSo 2L f rom 24-27 May 1966J SOURCE: Ibnferentslyn *po problemam kosmichoskoy meditsinyp 1966a Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny, (Problems of spaco medicine); matorialy konferentatio lbscowq 1966# 15-16 TOPIC TAGS: radiation dosimotryg cosmic radiationg solar flare, thermoluminescont dosimeters radiation shioldIngg manned spacoflightp photodosimeterv ILK dosimeter ABSTRACT: asurements of ra diation in spacetaken ataltitude s The results of me. -400 km ha e been analyzed. Dosimetry was performed by means of 200 v ACC NRt WU of thermoluminescent integral dosimeters, ILK plates, and photodo6inf--~-7~ eters. The compositi on of radiation was studii~d using a set of nuclear photoemulsions. Dose measurement and study of the ymposition of radiation was performed behind p2jy2Lhylep~~Ishieldin , of varying thick- ness. In addition, some of the therm(51uminesccnt. dosimeters were located behind lead, tin, and cadmium filters. Polyethylene shielding blocks were spherical, I with wall thicknesses :of 5, 10, and 15 cm. Sets of dosimeters ~nd photor-mulsions were placed ,inside the shielding blocks as well as outside of them at four different points inside the cabin of the satellite. The experiments established that the average cosmic -radiati on dose .amounted to between 16 and 20 mrad/diem. It was found that the thickness' :of'~hielding and the filters did not have a significant effect on the size of !the dose. The doses obtained are in general.agrpqMent with doses ob- tained ear, ier on the Vostok sp,~Lceshi 2/3 ca 2.7,1*-67. ACC NR9 AT60600 period'. The'consistency of t~e doses 'obtained during the 1961-1965 i can be explained by th'e fact that on the trajectories 'an question the .Magnetic field of the Earth shields practically all of the low-energy .spectrum of galactic radiation. Consequently, the main part of the dose was composed of high-energy particles whose intensity does not depend -on solar activity to any great degree. 'This fact also explains the small ._F_~ange~s. in dose behind various thicknesses of shielding/&.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-116 SUB OODEs 22018006 suBM DAIE, 0014ay66 Card 3/3 vmb J-. / V I -, WA, S.; KASTYUKOVA, Yu.N.; AKATOVA, E-4.1 OGORODNIKOVA, Z.I. Pultivation of amnllpox virus nnd vnecine in developing chick embryos. Vop.virus. 1 no.6:36-4o H-D 156 (MIIRA 11,I) 1. Moskovskiy naucbno-ioBledovatellskiy institut vnktsin i syvorotok imeni I.I.Mechnikovn i Isfedra virusologii Nentrnllnogo instituta usovarshenstvovnnijva vrnehey, Moskva. (VIRUSES, culture smAllpox & vaceinin virus in chick embryos, determ. of differences in pnthogenicity) RACCIVIA, virus culture in chick embryos, determ. of differences in pathogenicity) (SMALIPOX, virus sAme) USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Immunity U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 22, 1958, 102399, Author : Yjarennikova, S. S.- Inst %Moscow Scientific and Sera, Title :On the Problem of on the Production inary Report). Akatova E M Re of Vaccines the Influence of Antibiotics of Antibodies in Animals (Prelim- Orig Pub: Tr. Mosk. n.-i. in-ta baktsin i syvorotok, 1957, 9, 208-213,, Abstract: Rabbits were immunized subcutaneously and intra- venously with the virus of smallpox vaccine, which was adapted to chicken embryos. 10-30 min. before introduction, per I ml of smallpox vaccine, 250- 1000 units of penicillin, an(I up to 1000 units of Card 1/2 17 XARENNIKOVA, S.S., AKATOVA,'..P',K.- The hemagglutinating activity of the smallpox virus [with 9um- msr7 in English]. Biul.ekep.biol. i med. 45 no.4&.88-91 Ap 158 (YMA 11:5) 1. Is Moskovskogo nouchno-isoledovatellskogo inatitutR vaktain i syvorotok imeni I.I. Xachnikova (dir. A.P. HuzychenkD). Predetavlena dayatvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR L.D. Zill'6erom. (SKAILLPOX. v.1.ruo hemaggluthating activity with blood from various animal species (Rus)) (HIR4AGGLTJT INAT ION, activity of smallDox virus on blood from Various animal species (Rus)) AXATOVA, E,,M. Resistance of smallpox virus, Vop,virus, 6 no*5:576-579 S-0 16-1. (MIA 15:1) 1. Institut vaktsin i svvorotok imeni I.I.Mechnikova, Moskva. (SRUATOX) MMNNIKOVA, S.S.; AKATOVA, E.H. StUdy of b~ouycjn action in experimental smallpox infection. Vop.virus. 7 no.68743 N-D 162. (MM 16--4) 1. Moskovskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok imeni I.I.Mec*kova. (SMALLPOX) (AUREOMYCIN) SVET--MCILDAVSKAYA, I.A.~ ARATOVA, F.M. 4-mmuni-ty against .M-IRA -skiy- K)sko,. X NR, AP6021594 SOURCE COM: UR/0402/66/ooo/003/0375/0375 AUT11OR: Morogova, V. M.; Gilldina, S. S.; Isupov, 11. A.; Akatova, E. N. ORG: Ufimsk Vaccine and Sera Institute(Ufa nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut vaktain i syvorotok) . TITLE: Experimental production of antirabies vaccine purified by freon 113 SOURCE: Voprosy virusologii, no. 3, 19661 375 TOPIC TAGS: production method, vaccine, rabies, antirabies vaccine, purified vaccine, Freon 113 ABSTRACT- The Ufa Wccinc and Sera Institute has announced a new method of obtaining high-purity rabies vaccine from d sheep-brain suspension using -Trean 113 to remove unwanted proteins while preserving'the immunogenicity And stability of the juri fi e.d Yaccine. (W-0-A- 50; CBE No- 101 SUB CODE: o6/ SUi3M DATE: none/ Card AIATOTA, N.A. Zooplankton of the Kolyza River and iti,, basin. Uchaap,Len.un~ no.126:341-367 '49. (MLRA 9:6) I.Xafedra gidrobiologii. (Xolyma Valley--Zooplankton) 1. 14. A. AKUk"A 2. (bC)()) )t. "ik--Iov 1'rovince - Plankton 7. Zoo-Aank'WTI Of 1'1111~' -I."tifical pcn-ls in t1he c, zjje "'ent Ka7aksLin and hkalov --rovinces. frady 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl.