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SOV/20..124-3--37/67 The Influence of Various Factors Upon the Size of the Specific Surface and on the Porosity of Chromium Catalysts during pressing and drying. These fcrms are not different crystal modifications, for both are radiographically amorphous. The production of the hydroxide in ono or the other form de- pends exclusively on the rate of formation of the precipitate obtained. If the concentrated mixtures are mixed rapidly, a greyish.-blue hydroxide precipitate forms immediately, but if the precipitating agent is added very slowly (in drops) to the diluted chromium-salt sclution,, the precipitate may dis- solve, thus forming soluble basic chromium salts, which, after a further addition of the precipit-ate, furnish a dark green chromium hydroxide with different properties. The in- vestigation carr" ad out showed the following: The different coloring and the different properties of the hydroxide are caused by the fact that the catalyst formed after dehydro- genization of the black hydroxide have many fine pores, whereas by hydrogenization by means of blue hydroxide no pores are formed. As an example, the isothermal lines of Card 2/4 various preparations are given. By variation of the rate SOV/20-124-3-37/67 The Influence of Various Factors Upon the Size of the Specific Surface and on the Porosity of Chromium Catalysts of precipitation, preparations of various coloring (from greyish-blue to dark green) may be obtained, and this may easily be explained by the different de sea of porosity. A prolongation of thermal treatment (at 45015 from 2 to 8 hours reduced the specific surface from 70 to 25 m 2/g, and caused the pores to disappear nearly entirely. The aging processes of the hydroxide and the increase of precipitation temperature donduciv~i to tAhese PMMSSP~.s reduced the specific surface and the weigh", of 1 cubic meter of the dry granular substance of these preparations. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCTATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 3/4 50) SOV/20-127-2-25/70 AUTHORSt Agronomov, A. Ye., Balandin, A. A.t Academician, Mardaehev,Yu.S, TITLE: Comparison of the Kinetic Relative Adsorption Coefficients With Those Determined According to the BET Equation PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959, Vol 127, Nr 2t PP 325-328 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The BET equation of the polymolecular adsorption which takes into account the interactions between adsorbent and adsorbed substance in the first layer and is related to the entire surface was derived in reference 1 (1938) (1). its graphic solution makes the determination of the adsorption coefficient (AC) o possible. The second author in 1942 (Ref 2) derived an equation of the kinetics of the monomolecular reaction in a discharge system. A calculation method of the relative adsorption coefficient from kinetic data is given as well. This method made the determination of the value of these coefficients on the catalytically active centres of the surface possible, The equation (2) (identical with the'equation (52) in reference 5) may be used for the determination of the Card 1/4 relative adsorption coefficients from kinetic data.It was Comparison of the Kinetic Relative Adsorption SOV/20-127-2-25/70 Coefficients With Those Determined According to the BET Equation interesting to carry out the comparison given in the title. The absolute AC differ according to reference 7 by two orders of magnitude. The authors used the dehydrogenation reaction of oyclohexane on Ni-catalysts (the latter on carriers). The BET-AC were graphically determined from the equation (1). The straight lines for the catalysts Nr 1 and 2 (Table !) are given in figure 1 as an example (5 catalysts were used and their method of production is described here). AC according to BET (a BET) for benzene and cyclohexane were computed from the tangent of the angle of gradient of this straight line; their relation could be called the relative AC-BET (zBET) (Table 1 t columns 1-3). The kinetic relative AC tere determined from the equation (2). The reaction mentioned was carried out according to the method of reference 10. The catalyst was used in a certain quantity (volume V)-3o that the transformation did not exceed 30%. The equation (2) was transformed into (3) in the experiments with pure cyclohexane. Furthermore, the experiment Card 2/4 was carried out with a mixture (with benzene) at the same Comparison of the Kinetic Relative Adscrption SOV/20-127-2-25/70 Coefficients With Those Determined According to the BE? Equation temperaturet then again with pure cyolohexane. This experiment confirmed the observation of reference 11 that the activation energy is not changed up to a mixture containing 104, benzene for the catalyst Nr 3). The two series of the values AC according to adsorption-, kinetic data respectively) are ~ very adjacent in the columns 3 and 4 of table 1. Thus, the BET equation may be used in the case of the cyclohexane dehydrogeriation (Pig 1). The general equation of the kinetics of the monomolecular roactions (Ref 4) holds as well in the investigated region of the mixtura composition, as It follows from the constancy of z (Table 2). The relative AC of the catalytic active centers tirrn out to be practically equal. to the relative AC of the ent-Ire surface. The fact that zk and Card 3/4 Comparison of the Kinetic Relative Adsorpti:i-n SOV/20-127-2-25/70 Coefficients With Those Determined According to the B.42 Equation zBET are equal is *assumed to co:Lfirm the second author's statement (Ref 12) that the pla,'ee with a mean adsorption intensity are catalytioally Tbere are I figurer 2 tables, and 12 refe'renoe-i~ of which are Sovket. yy iinli,ersitet !~M. 11. V. Lomon,~sova ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaTstvenr, Noscow State University imeTC Lt. V,Lomonos-c-v) Institut organicheskoy khim-11. .1-n. N. D. Zelinskoec Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zel.inskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: April 299 1959 Card 4/4 A i) 0 AUTHORS: Fneydlin, L. K~i-, Balandlrl, A. A., Borunova, N. V TITLE: Concerning Connections Bet-ween the Microstructure of Aluminum Oxide and Activity of~' Ntekel-Alumina Catalysts of Various Nickel Content PERTODTCAL: I zvestlya Akadem' ' naul~ SSSR .Otdelenilye k1himAcheskikh. nauk, 196)0, Nr .1. op USSR) -17ts of ~r.vestigatlons of ABSTRAM This paper presento the resi the connection between the micros-Iructure of alumlnurp oxide and actIvIty of nickel-alumina catalysts of various NI content. T'he ca'---alysts .%,ere prepared by impregnation of allumina with NI(NO 5);~- and reduction, 0. he ca"-alysts I At Witt! H-, at -550 The alumina for t, and 2 ~See T"able) was prepaved by Ign'tion of com- 0 mercial aluminum oxIde at 500.Al'amina for catalyst 3 was prapared by treatmert of A!," wtth arrmonia. SU.' Card 1/4 Activity of the catalysts v.1as de*~errr.,I--~d by the degree th,0 I I IT 0 y~ of' Willow; Colltollls :111 C a rc.l. "J SOV/62-6o 175 20- 101) 15 1 -,1) 25 - I Oil -2 oo --Ov III 2' 25 10 Ke, I y 4-o Table on Cari Conaernlnf~ Comiections Bet,wreen the (80-,~8 01, Alurillnum 071(ie ami SDOV/62-6o-1-4/37 Activity of' Nick-el-Alumina Catualysts of' Vavloiu,, Nickel Contont Key to Table 1: (a) number; (b) experiment; (c) sample of alim-Inum oxide- e t (e) ., ((O'Ni content -in t by w Igh ; durLation of reduction *.%,1th 112 in hr; (1') specific surface io-in 2/g; range of pore silze In A; (h) 11""i-ximum J11""tribution of' volumes of pores along the radivis in A; (I) total amount of benzene absorbed on saturation.. In millimoles/g; (J) degree of cyclohexane dehydrogenatiot; in % of theoretical. Card 4/4 AGRONOMOV, A.Ye.; MARDASHEV, Yu.S. Selective determination of Vie nickel surface in nickel-aluminum oxide catalysts, and their specific catalytic activity. Vest.Mosk. un.Ser. 2: Khim. 15 no.1:25-34 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra organichookogo kataliza Mookovskogo univeraitata. (Catalysts, Nickel) AGROIIOTY,_"Y -*-; MISHCHEIIKO, A.P. 1: -- Dependence of the catalytic activity of the catalyst Go/SiO~ upon the porosity of the catalyst. Report No.4. Vest.Mosk-.un.Ser. 2: Khim. 15 no.1:35-39 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra organicheskogo Imtaliza Moskovskogo universiteta. (Cobalt) (Catalysts) AGRONOMOV A.Ye. Synthesis of p-tolueneBulfonic acid. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser. 2: rhim. 15 no.3:78-79 My-Je 160. (MIRA 13-8) 1. Kafedra organicheakogn kataliza Moskovskogo universiteta. (ToluenOBUlfonic acid) 800M AUTHORS: AAronomovg A. Yo., Balandin, A. A., S/02 60/131/05/038/069 Yu. S. B004YB014 TITLEt The Dependence of Activation Energy on the Relative Adsorption Coefficient PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 131, Nr 5, pp 1120-1122 (T"SSR) TEXT: The authors of the article under review studied several nickel catalysts within a wide temperature range, using dehydrogenation of oyclohexaneA The same amount of nickel was applied to different carrier substances (A12019 silica gel, kieselguhr) in equal proportions by weight. The data listed in tab e I indicate that the apparent activation energy, Q, calculated from the Arrhenius equations and the relative adsorption coefficient, z2, of the benzene being formed are greatly dependent on the nature of the carrier substances These two quantities are interrelated by Q - E - klogZ2 (E and k are constants). This relationship is graphically represented in figure lo For all catalysts under consideration it was found that E-was constant and U kcal/mole approximately. This value cor- responds to the initial coordinate of the straight line depicted in figure 1, and thus represents the true activation energy. For nickel applied to silica gel (second sample) it was found that the value of z2 increased in dependence of Card 112 800()? The Dependence of Activation Energy on the Relative S/020/60/131/05/038/069 Adsorption Coefficient B004/BO14 the benzene content of the starting mixture Of C696 + C6H12 (Table 2, Fig 2). Proceeding from results obtained by other research workers, the authors discuss this dependence and arrive at the following conclusion: As long as the dehydro- genatiOn Of C6H12 by means of a nickel catalyst takes place at active points of mear. activation energy, which are moderately covered with C6H6, z2 does not depend on the yield, m. However, as soon as these points are covered with a larger amount Of C6H6, the benzene has an inhibitory effect, and the relation z2 " f(m) occurs, as may be seen when using catalysts with great values Of z2, Taking this into account, one obtains a value of E for the second sample, which is in close agreement with the E-values of the other catalysts. Graphical solving of the relation Q - E - klOgz2 is recommended as another variant. The authors refer to a publication by A. A. Balandin and Yu. K. Yurlyev (Ref 10). There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references, 10 of which a7e Soviet. ASSOCIATION: moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Institut organi- cheskoy khimii im. F. D~ Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of OrRanic Chemistry imeni 1. D. Zelinskiv of the keademy-of- olences SUBMITTED: December 28, 1959 Card 2/2 81402' S/020/60/132/06/24/068 B011/B126 AUTHORSt Agronomov, A. Ye., Luzikov, V. N. TITLEs An Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of Pyrophoric Manganese f\ IV PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 6, PP- 1315 - 1318 TEXTs In order to obtain pyrophoric manganese black, the authors used the method described in Refs. 1, 2, 6, and 7. To do this, manganese amalgam was thermally decomposed in a vacuum. The amalgam is obtained by the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of manganese chloride on a mercury cathode. The manganese black produced is covered with absolute benzene iA11( a vacuum, to preclude the introduction of air. The authors then tested the purity of the black obtained, while they used mercury with an '9203 con- tent as cathode in an additional experiment. Manganese obtained in the above manner is of high chemical activity. There is an exothermic reaction with ignition when abydrcgen-air mixture is drawn through a freshly produced Card 1/4 MOT in investigation of the Catalytic Properties of S/020/60/132/06/24/068 Pyrophoric Manganese B011/B126 sample. The authors have established from the roentgenograms of manganese black, that a-manganese is produced on the decomposition of the amalgam, which crystallizes into a complicated cubic lattice of the type A-12 (a-parameter - 8.923 :t 0.020 1). The authors say that this lattice is less tightly packed than in metallic manganese. The roentgenogram showed no lines of manganese oxide or its other compounds. As pyrophoric manganese is oxidized by 'H 20, C029 and even CO, as well as by oxygen, the authors have restricted themselves to the hydrogenation and dehydrogena- tion of hydrocarbons. k continuous system with an automatic filling device was used for the experiments. 23-23.5 ml of manganese black was brought into the tube without being touched by air. Benzene and air were removed from the system aA low temperature for two hours by de- oxidized hydrogen. Cyclohexene'was dehydrogenated 0 0 ,,,at 32 -400 C. The gaseous products analyzed on the BTM-(VTI)device'Xcont&ined, apart from 98-5-99.5~ hydrogen, 0-5-1.5% saturated hycIrocar ons. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of the catalyst showed, apart from the cyclohexene used, the presence of benzene. Cyclohexadiene frequencies were not present. The activity of the catalyst was not stable during the first Card 2/4 Moz An Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of S/020/60/132/06/24/068 Pyrophoric Manganese B011/B126 four or five experiments. Only in later ones were reproduceable results obtained (Table 1). From this it follows that hydrogen does not form on manganese black only by dehydrogenation of the cyclohexene. The stabilized catalyst is far less active than a freshly produced one. The authors believe that no parallel, irreversible catalysis occurs here, The lattice of the catalyst was somewhat strengthened (according to 1A. roentgenogram) after eight experiments. There were no manganese oxide lines here, either. Thus newly produced manganese black, not only catalyzes the dehydrogenation of cyclohexene, but also cracks it. Manganese carbide, and an additional quantity of hydrogen are formed. Cyclohexane is neg i- gibly dehydrogenated at 440-50000, forming cyclohexene. Etql-benzene~is partially cracked between 300 and 450 0C. Carbon and hydrogen are formed. Neither benzene nor eyelohexene are hydrogenated between 150 and 215 0C. There are I table and 13 references$ 5 Soviet, 1 German, 1 French, 1 British, and I US. ASSOCIATIONs Mookovskiy goBudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTEDi February 11, 1960, by A. A. Balandin, Academician Card 3/4 KLABUNOVSKIY, Ye.I.; VOLKOVA, L.M.;.AGRONOMOV, A.Ye. New method for obtaining stereospecific silica gels. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.11:2101 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. 'R.D.Zelinskogo Ali' SSSR. (Silica) ..,AGRONOMOV _AlYej-. LIN LI-DAN (Ling Li-tang] Activity of copper catalyst as influenced by the structure bf silica gel used asI icarrle.r. Report 6. Vest.yoak.Un.Ser.2: khim. 16 no.6: 53-61 N-D 161. '(MA 14: 11) 1. Moskovskiy" goaudarstvennyy universitet. Kafedra organicheskago katalizd. . (Catalyst, Copper) (Silica) A-GRONMOV) A.Ye.; MARDASHEV, Yu.S. Structure 4nd activity of supported nickel catalysts. Part 1: Structural changes of the catalyst support during the deposition of nickel. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.8-.1666-1671 A 161, tmi~ .14:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova i Institut organicheakoy khimi AD SSSR imeni H.D. Zelinskogo. ZN-ickel) (Catalysts) AGRONOMOV A.Ye.; ILWASHEV, Yu.S. Structureand activity of supported nickel catalysts. Zhur. fiz.khim. 35 no.9:20477-2051 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova i Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D. Zelinskogo. (Nickel) - (Catalysis) BALANDIN., A.A., akademik, red.; KOJ30ZEV; N.I., prof.p red.; LEBMhWp V.P., dato*p iarn. red.; MALITSEV, A.N., zam. red.; AGIOI.'OEg,- A.Ye dots,, zwe red.; TOPCIIIYEVA, K.V., prof.., red.; YURIVEV, -Tu-.K.i prof., red. PAUCIMOV, G.M., prof., red.; SOKOLISKIY, D.V.0 akademikt red.; VOLIM'SHTLYN, F.F., prof., red.;LAMMIA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Catalysis in the institutions of higher learning; papers of the First Interunivensity Conference on Catalysis)Kataliz v vysshei shkole; trudy. Moskvap Izd-vo York. univ. No.l. Pt.2. 1962. 325 P. (KMA 15:10) 2. MezhvuzovA6y'6 soveshchaiiiye po katalizu. Ist, 1958, 2. Aka- deraiya nauk Kazakhskay SSR (for Sokol' skiy)w-3.-Kb:bdt-hnkiy fa- ,,,kulltet Moskovskogo gosudarbtvonnogo universiteta (for Yurlyev). (Catalysis) 1~ 89/62/0 00/002/001/004 D228/D302 AUTH01ZS: and Mardashevp YuoS. TITLE: Selective assessment of the surface areas of metallic catalysts on carriers PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet., Veqtnik. Seriya Ut khimiyat no. 2, 1962, 21 - 22 TEXT: The authors give more precise information about their previ- ous study of the chemisorption of phenol. This shows that the diffe- rence in the size of the Ni part of the surface of the Ni/A120 3 ca- talystf calcd. by the method of direct detn. and by the method of comparing the,chemisorption capacity of thiophenol on Ni-black, A1203t and Ni/A'203P amounts to only 15 %. Thus, it is concluded that the method of comparison can be used to estimate selectively the size of the Ni surface in "'/,A'203 catalysts. There are 1 table and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloo. The referen- ces to the English-language publications read as follows: P#H- Card 112 S/189/-62/000/002/001/004 Selective assessment of the surface ... D228/D302 Eimett et alp J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 59t 310# 1937; F.N. Hill et alp Ibid. 71t 2522t 1949; L. D'Or et alp J. Chem. Phys., 51t 467? 1954; P.C. Tompkins, Disc. Faraday Soc- 54t 548t 1958. ASSOOIATION: Kafedra orE;anicheskogo kataliza (Department of Organic Catalysis) SUB14ITTED: May 8 p 19 61 IV Card 2/2 BALANDIN, A.A., akad., red.; KOBDZEV, N.I., prof., red.; LEBEDEV, V.P.) dots., zam. red.; MALITSEV, A.N., dots., zam. red.; AGRONMW,_4_Ys., dots., zam. red.; GRO14DV, V.N., red.; ,AZAREVA9 L.V., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the First Intemniversity Conference on Catalysis] Trudy Mezhvuzovskogo soves.hchaniia po katalizu,lst. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk, univ. No,l. Pt.l. 1962. 475 P. (M,IRA 16:7) 1. Mezhvuzovskoye soveshch&niye po katalizu. lat. 2. Khimiche- skii fakul'tat Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univeraiteta (for Balandin, Kobozev, Lebedev). (Catalysis-Congresses) MARDASHEV, Yu.S.; AGRONOMOV, A.Ya. Evaluation of the surface area of nickel in Ni/A'203 catalysts. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.8il785-1787 Ag 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat imeni Lomonosova... (Nickel catalysts) KLABtjNovsxiyf Ye.l.; ~GRDNOWV, A.Te.; VOLKOVA, L.M.; HALMIN, A.A. Adsorption of racemic and (+ ) -isomers of 2-butanol stereospecific silica gels. Izv.AN 228-234 F 163. (Al 16:4) 1. InBtitut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSBR Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Butanol) (Adsorption) (Silica) MALITSEV, A. N.; KOBOZEV) N. I-;.AQRDNVMQV,..A. le.; VORONOVA, L. V. Effect of the size of granule carrier on the macroscopic distribution of platinum in adsorption catalysts. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no. 3:628-633 Mr 163. (MIRA 1715) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. BALANDIN, Aleksey Alekoandrovich., akademik;_AMONOVOV,, A.Ye., red.; YERMUOT, M.S., tekhn. red. (Multiplet theory of catalysis] Mulltipletnaia teoriia kataliza. Moskva., Izd-vo Mosk. univ. Pt.l. 1963. 101 p. (MIRA 17.2) A., Catalytic propol-ties ()f jt A,,hricul by the therm-sl tion of amulgams. Irest. ,. I o-9k. U!". ser. 19 no.2.-0,4-67 Mr-ApQ4 p t- I I* Kafedra organjc*~Il c'E~~O" K'11"~n)lj Of,'MA AGRONOMOV, A.Ye.; MTSHOENTKO, A.P. Catalytic properties of iron obtained by the thermal amalgams. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2t Khim. 20 no.2:20-24 1. Kafedra oronicheskoy khimi-I Moskovskogo universitota, decomposition of Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:7) ,-G~(ONCMOV.. A.Ye.; MISHCHENKO.. A.P. PoisonIng effect of benzene on an iron catalyst oblk,-Pirf~d t7 thermal decomposition ef amalgams. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 2: KhJm. 20 no.4:34-38 R-Ag 165. NIRA 18:10) 1. Hafedra organiaheslof I-,hilr-,- 14oskrvskogo gosudarstuveruirgo universiteta. AGROROMOV) L. jl. e. At Thr rartictim, of Ov. i0irldt!'; of 1) It 1,;A11 ((!TlLidclid;!~ Ow vlodtictq ,if 111t. holljologoll, of Ow Nil:lph'. plilut'lly 1101ldc. 4,1 llivqltllt 11 (MI" 11,11" litli" 11,11, .1i'd li,lio, -I.-,--., V.-III - I-sill A IM". ~ It'll, I- "Wh: V-11" = 11-Al. -1 '.TIT,. 11,11% - 11114 it'!] "I I in, 11,11, 1 it'll"I and 11-111~ - 2TlJI-, o, It, 01, hi (101:11led-I 1; :11(.111 1111th, III, "Ift] . O1 pd-;. ('-difillol ir :,11(1 :,Ii, %-; lit 'I 1;11~. It 11, , :w I- rit. 11 %killf ("1l", li'll" 16111 It'll- ~%ilh CAi- It'll, ~6!11 ..%, " .111.1 %% it It 11, dill N I 11!m- ) , 'I Ir, -ii-1 f W! 'it In dtld, it -1, -d~ fof It P, I,%- lt4. ai I II lif- It(,. it I qt o Ii'll I IIt,101., t I I Iit 1(il .Ii. I I III I1,,; 111 111lk ;,!I vi 17 mid II!, I III I I III II I1.1tp ri 11 .1 oI I,p 1i1- - i I . :~i I 11-1 . C!1 :1~.I~latlv Mj1KCW The stnictures of b w7w7"C"Cu. T r1rill 1110 'Tit, I I II( . 7~.44 T 91 vl.T7A. 33, nviv expli. I c--ijJj:; obinin, it I)"v -tion FT for 13.11,2NJI, dil 17NV lluM(" 'I R1 '11 (~ 111V ri-witoll vith ya in h(pli'l alli- itionia) cat, tic -Mained if thecoruji(j. is (Acri to N,- of IN, form 1114.NH, 'File moic complex formula (Inopo,vtj liv Schlesingur wid Burg) Nit,, 11111I.Nil...1111,1- V~ nol Ki,cd Oil expfl. The atticle givesako a pnq~iblv sch(111W of thereaction for the fomialinn of ibe compil. 11:11)N thal agrees with the formula. !Rll,.N]13 for the amninnialt .P!~nLLr()tu-di4pjang~j'cn referruccs, W. R. Ift-111 I The structure of bgrpn a. 111, The xtrjiCWM_, 21 J. tren. (111CM. ku. S. b, x.) lu, 120-4u v*C7 A. 34, 12671.-Tbe properties of B hydride ammoniates are clearer If they are regarded as products of 9(e,miplolar addn. of Nth to the H compris. of trivalent D Ili, 13,11, and B,H&) unsatd. with electrons and imperfect from the stereochem. point.o -f-view. B.-Hg.2NHj is re- garded as 2 MON. of Blfi-Nlli, BiKoANH, as 2 mols, of BHj.NHs + I mol. of NHs.BHjBJfl.NHj, B&HgANIfi as NH,.BII,BIT..Nff, + NI-1j-B1l2BHl)H3-N1I4- In the !transformations of these comptis. there is an unequal affinity of H atoms attached to N and to B (a pos. polariza- tion of H atoms attached to N and a neg. polarization of 11 atoms attached to B), which Is strengthened by the semi- ,polar bonds N - B. In connection with this there is a possibility for reactions wMeb split off Ho and which lead .to, substitution of H (attached to B) by N112 or to the formation of new semipolar bonds N - B, which can lead tc, ring c1mure. Owing to the tetrahedral nature of the D and H atoms this takes place in a 6- or a 5-membered chain. The study of the effect of various substituents for replacing electrons and for pola1zing H atoms showed that the 1-1 atoms are most reactive. From this point of view the thermal and electrolyti(: dissocn. of 11,11s.2NW atid BA9.41411s, the reactions of B,H,e.4NHj and BIHO.- 4NH* with HCI, the reaction of 1111111 and 1310H14 with NH3 and the electrolysis of the 131slille soln. in liquid NHi were AGRJONX21 44~ ~nzhener; BABARLNOV, N.V., k Iandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk. Thirty-fifth anniversary of using electric welding In Russian shipbuilding. Sudostroanie 22 no.3:47 Mr 056. (KM 9:8) (Electric welding) (Shipbuilding) AQRLCllljM,(T! . S . N ..~var. Dro z,-r. r, N. AGRONOMOV. S., inzh.-makhaniko starehiy tekhnolog po avarke.; MARTTHENKD# L,, khnvUg--jo avarka. Automatic building up of shafts using the spiral technique. Mor. flot 18 no.9:17-19 S '58. (KIRA 11: 10) (Electric welding) (Shafting) MATURVICH, V.D.,kand.tekhn.nauk; SAGIWVICH, D.N.,insh.; AGRONOROV, S.N.,inth. Lnteat develapmento in welding. Sudostroenie Ap '58. (Welding-Congreases) (MIRA 11:4) PALLADIN) A.V., akademik; FEDORCHENKO, I.M., akademik; GULYY, M.F., akademik; BAKULIN, ID.I.; ME-LINIKOV, H.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; OKERBLOM, N.O,, prdf,, doktor tekhn.nauk; LYUBAVSKII, K.V prof. doktor tekhn.nauk, laureat Stalinskikh premiy; PORTNOY, N:D.) 1-1~ Icand.tekhmnauk; TSYBANI,, N.G.; KULIKOV, M.S., dotsent; AGRONOMOV, S N inzh.; POLYAKOV, V.A., inzh.; SIMRSTYUK, V.N., inzR.---- Congratulations on the publication of-the issue na.100 of the "Avtomaticheskaia Svarka" journal. Avtom.svar. 14 no.1t: 3-8 ii 161. (JJIRA 14:7) 1. Prezidbnt AN USSR (for Palladin). 2 AN LLS4, glaviiyy uchenyy sekretart AN USSR (for Fedorchenko). 3: AN USSR, predsedatell re- daktsiomo-izdatellskogo soveta AN USSR (for GulYY)'. 4, Uchenyy,.seImtar' AN USSR (for Bakulin). 5. Direktor instituta "ProyektstallkonstruktaJyh'~* (for Mellnikov). 6. Predsedatel sektaii svarochnogo proizvcdstva TelduAko-okonomicheskogo soveta Loningradskogo sovnarkhoza (for Okerblom). 7. Glavnyy svarshchik Uralvagonzavoda (for Portnoy). 8. Glavnyy inzh. zavoda im-, Nosenko (for TSybanf). 9. Dallnevostochnyy politekhaicheskiy institut im. V.V.Kuybyshevv (for Kulikov). 10. Dalizavod (for Agronomov, Polyakov). 11. DaltnevostocluVy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po,stroitellstvu (for Sherstywc). (Electric welding- PerledicAles) AGRONOVICHP,V. M. "Radiation Damage." report submitted for the Conference on Solid State Theory, held in MOscM? December 2-12, 1963, sponsored by the Soviet Academy of Sciences, AGRONSKIY. G.M. Schedule planning in the building organizations. TransPe stroi, 11 no.5:31-34 MY 161, (I.IIRA 34:6) :L, Nachallnik planovogo otdela tresta Sevzaptransstroy. (Constriction industry-) USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products.and Their Application. Carbohydrates and Refinement. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1956, 2777 Author : Ostapenko., V.W., Mellnik, P.A.,Agron~k Inst Title Comparative Tests of the Maceration-Diffusion Procedure of Operation of the Diffusion Battery. Orig Pab Salharnaya prom-st', 1957, No 3, 41-43 Abstract The performnee indices are given for two identical 14-dif- fuser batteries, one of which was operated in the conventi- onal manner anf the other according to the maceration-dif- fusion method (in the t'wo initial diffusers, disconnected from the system, a preliminary steeping of fresh chips in juice, was carried out). it was found that on using par- tially dried and 'frozen beets: 1) output of the battery operated according to the maceration-diffusion method was, on the average, higher by 11.4%, and juice circulation Card 1/12 US&~/Zlectronics - Ciao Disakarge and ORs Disckarge Instruments H-7 Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957'; 12344 Author : Fedorenho, N.V., Agrosimov V V Inst Title : Ionization of ftses by Zone of He4, Ne', and Ar* with For- mation of Multiple-Charged Tons Upon a Single Interaction. Orig Pub : Zh, tekba, fiziki, 1956, 26, No 91 1941-1954 Abstract : In addition to the setup previously described (Abstract la343).. the work abstrw.-ted involves the use of a slow- ion a4al~zer- From the relative inteAsity of the lines of the'-spectrogram, the authors determine the cross sea- #ons f9k the formation of slow multiply-charged ions .1, 0, ) by interaction of He*, Ne4*, and Artvith energies TI) AC03 -. 180 kev, with atoms. of helium., neon, argon, and crypton ps. Ze rudom errors in the mea urements amDun- ted to - 12-5%- Plots som SLT*u for 7-on(TO) for the fd'~Iowing ions& Card 1/3 A A- it r4 9 1 -1-1 AA 0 4 a.. A - -f. M I Ab psi 11.) 1 t -00 60 A, A. M11C)SX[N. J. Cktw 'old- (N")Vow) oe V. $-ills; C.11& art, dirmsed criti- 0* -00 0 -00 -04 do* of 90 ` 1p 4 ZOO 00 g g 409 10 i 39 ~ A i as A bilrALtoprICAL 1.11911*1 E CLASSIFICATION to 0 I at go 11 11 IT K Do 9910 069 w a *14 it a p 0 0000 age go 0 0 0 0 ;e ur IN 5 a a 3 It. n 1 :14 0 0 0 g 6 al *so *as a *a V 4 CCC44 k-A.-M I a A- A !t(Killis 4"0 Pnot 10; t; I !ow I 0& mcleaty of coke clylins. A, A. Atisomm ANI) R. V Vilt-t-ft DO-1 1931, No, 12, 48-M. cok' 4mu t , * It d6cumrtL the following fee. _-hirthodifordtij.1 c- --frc ncya" %ro heing conskirml: (1~ con%umptim of tok"ven gas for beating to cu. m.,,hr.: ol) beat Taint of gas In cais.lcu. ni,; (31 priAuctioa in tons of coalitir.; (4) mt. ud Product CA Offliltmstion of ps per cu. m. o(cokt-orrn gm; (M best "lm of product of LAW(litrustion leaving rator; (4) amt. of air rtquhvd for burning I cu. m. cu; (7) hmt content of I cu "=Air entering fermersitor; (R) srusibic heat per Cu. in. Of coke. 0 ovrn gas; (w beat lows due to radiation thmigh the wells of the over to cab./hr. Falfrullim tal,14-1 and Chrl". Analywit nf 1W.4 am given. 0 a is -00 -so .00, As so go 0 zoo are 0 u AT so mI 0 lot on ON of R 0 0 00 0 si go a 00 I I 1 4 1 0 A I a A I 1 6 1 Is 11 C M a L S-11 V-1 0 ~99 - CbcW ftw of Cam in a e6ke ma. A. A &21jkAt.--. .-A NO T R ) IM S U S d Ck k **A . . . . , . ". ( Ca o ail view ( the imp"Wt imp.-t. -,& in the design ON! p$ eircuktion and thereby of coke Ovens to lawle I excrWye to SVOW SMW O%"bMtjq, ftaulge to bwiA*W* ictibed a% I d k s r e oven loss of bmt, etc. The rtowm co t in tesped to tafrional ps Cir- in ImporMt schkYtMtn James Sorrel ~Culation. 0*0 00% as* coo see Do 1. 94", via., lWall" . C.K a- Ill ILA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 *~* 0) WO A ----------- Coke win of the Grum-Gfpdm&W type. A. A, Al;xusxtN. Pomrs 1032. No. 1). 00 W-61.-Thc principle of tht Onan-Grih In burning (Ile gas in a 0 wp. chamber and in free chrulation of the products of combustion through continuous chanoth along the prehati" walls. A description and data of an expU battery of 10 such ovcm. AW of a atuall sncmW a o 1h.sim,aregim. The rosin advantagr& of this !*00 00 a type of own consims In a mWe n&Var= dktribution of hem over the preheating *&)Is and -00 in a simpler emstructiou Ct#k toanbuoJoet chmocla. The ruin disadvantages art tioessivc Ices of bat Intbe teads psaW DmtWty of having larger rrgencratots. (hi " 6 the whole, good practical results art obtained In this oven, and the results of this in. .Of sig z zoo *0 di 'l =00 so coo 00 06 0 041 - " a ~ r i Z I V* 06 O M ! i L 00 T- ' ' LIS a U 'A AT ; Phu, Cox nil %% It a ft 19 Of V W n I 1A it of .3 d2 a 2 a V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 oie 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 'A .0 . ~PG !-plot A.0 rafirlpf'o, -1.1 11pub"Wal "Ithag of Tritawaucaslan waia_j,,_ Kbim. Vwdsjo loplitu 4, itv .101wiltul%kil coal (1). fuldlysing 1140 11.52 ash OAK) 15.112, vulalik waill-T 34.53 MICII) und 171KIT and Uvarchrl" coal (U). contg. ll~) &%h H.12 W~W and total S 1.51 wrfv flywrldsao)ke in acamd"m with the specificatiuns; I linklucrs a powtl- .00 90 cry and poutly coked coke. A 1:1 mist. of I and H A Ib Yields Wcj~v of a go(wj mrtidlurgical Coke. coutg. lijo '00 I.&-2.5j oh volAtile tuAttrr 1-1.5 and S 1.3-1.5vt A. A. flothtliniti, age 00 00 w LO 0 00 .4 woo age 400 00 110-~ go-An-, 190. woo ------------ wit 1: %*miat -4 1101GOO .410 Owv aIR RiLAII cat a- Ist q F I a f I v ad 0 0 v I x T MIS, Of t9 01 n I 0 o1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 06 0 A-L 0 r a oil Aop INQ (,POIOI W -e- 4'. 'frfet 00 *0 00 e0 es I so is 00 so 09 Z Cok* em of OW M. A. in am V. Zbusko. KWN.!ni~~T-it4m S. wfl=nomy' - cou"TWOM details. A. A. Burbilinji 1ALLOCK&L LITINA110111 CLAUNIC41100 -A. ON, cog F- &I VjITkAftI saw 0 It 1 -1 v at I a 0 3 tp 113 0 AV so All; 4 ; C, * 0 ~ ' I It 0 04 a a 111 0 so a IIA Fee -00 -00 .00 zoo goo rtoo goo 8:10 0 coo goo see well too 14 0*0 0 *oil we* 006 I lob Koo 00% ooo 00 COO No* tied Asa-# A OllALLMW*4 %M*4?M CLASIMIM no* I $#0w so" Ifiv web toom SAO 4wv ow mum"If Zi-d OR ii-4, A u 4 a.,* #I; 0 ST Ire, Go** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 a 6 IMOS 0-0 0, wq~-* 0 0 0 0 a 6 * a 0 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sea 00 A 00 a so 99 A 94k 0 00, *0 a sea 00, 0014 %! A *Q~w0 1 A -Z M I =. r!: ~ w POIK14116 AND pf";-1116 1040#1 0*0 ov~ 01 tm sysum xopp"Mn"rd with dw slaad" tom. A. A, Aumotimpq (KukA 1 chim., ION, No, 7. "-W). C. 11. *I1AtjA-VfK`AL MCNA-1116,411 (I. Atli? K411081 bUIt AT to- 91 it pp It ft It OR J 4 a.1 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 111 0 00! so 00 001000 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0 *-* 0. w 0 Ill. Inv ci" 'I, ft4 -- IF A A 0000060 00 Goo e 0 0 * 9 0 0so 000 -00 -00 00 .0 0 -00 *00 'R 000 I =90 coo nee Ire a we* 1300 Not 300 wee ties ISO* go* Coke-oven Ileating with MS from blast -f'ul'll'lcee,.-. U~xainyp 19371. 166P- M-55873) TI'336.'A56 niarlkov, Gos. nauch.-techil. izd-vo 'i 1. Coke-ovens. I. Zhuravskii, V. N., A. au. 0 1 ai I 141 0.1. IM) bROM .I, Aw, ji~ '41-101 It 14 .f,f I a, in osoce of the cokint Telimen on flif TMd and qu&Uty of chemlW "is, A, A. Agio-kin Khm Ttwdofo Tvf4im S. n(l 00 tbt consiniction aml t,prration 4 wLe m-cm. .54 A. A. P. crenca. Joe =so use ASO.SLA "TALLURCKAL UTERATWE CLAULFICATICI, Oil- t &low lWaliv. IdA040 .0 181043 1, 0- Qs[ A.". u AV so , , 1 40 L S a w 0 9 111 V N IF It a 9 ir a w a it u it it ai ma n 1 X4 440 0 0 0 111 0 9 0 IF 0 0 111 0 111 0 0 0 ,e, III *too 09000 000 111 0 0 0 to 0 0 00 0 0 0 It 6 0 0 0 0 00 0 sea PWISN# AND plapeoffts wDIE sea got at WSW" Ocau% jLnd , S. emsaw CN T 4 1 1072 IM so - N. WO ). _Tba the dami tbab dmmLW ampaition and ash A*YM$I"Rk- blut l abis YA 660bum with Su =tOVS 4 04116ANY M*AUUFOO&I MILO. i ffa W t A SO a Works-m" rimentA we given UP WA It Is oandWW " the abuge abould oontain ~CW% of ftkIM aml. D. 0. ASP.SLA 14TALLUMALLITINOWICLASWKATOW -00 "so goo 600 Goo a** coo goo 4100 coo Nee, goo Nee we* lies I AT go a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 III AN J~P Poptoi r5~ - rho technical and thmul testa of StAndsird Koppers Ott coke 0"Go. A. A. Atti-Viij. C.-kro.,f 4 *k,-. ,1: ' .00 oil R.) 1939. No. '21 --14 .- Kl,-. Mr(eml. Zkb,. IQJQ. -00 9, 14-A.-Thr lical Input wal III-fil-rd flout Ih, 111,11 of 00 '10111buttian tA the fuel gas (98.361- 1. heat cutil, tit .1 i1w ' ` ,d air 11A.-Y. Av. f life) gas (0. 17%) arki heat .'en " 09 t. kvist~,thc-ut- heat km in the chimney Wx% vms 1S.16r mundint spnee wa% X04%. aml the brit Iran.fffmi wo the cLham1wr WRIt7r. Exprndmire of h,at w,~ C&I.Ag. of the mist. Im r~40 0 00 A 0 SO 0 0 Us* hoe so it!" I- V -71 .41 a 1 0 ~4 n it to 44 a a m It r% if tl?" A t 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 00 0 Sig 0000 to 0 0 0 00 0 Got 0 0 0 IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 61~ Ole ~109 r014-apt, 00 00 oo f -00 so .00 *0 a DirWbution of prmwv in the chamber of the coke evvn A. .46-Airoskin C*kr and C". (11. S. S. R.) 1939, No. -00 00 ~;;-Vferal. Zkxr, 1939, No 8, 113. - ror the -00 Decker own the utax. 1writurruccurml Ihm altet charg. ilig, when the clusigr cwtairsed 21%ol volatile mWance, .90 00 oand III M% moistum it 1114%, prekture ii' Idwayl, 011- "hamber dDw the greater the pfevqurc (luring the I%t part of the coking protym; during the 2nd halt of the ;wcc-- the urviturr near thr floor 1% mrsallet. W. R. 1frun age -00 see 99TALLOCKAL LITERAYWR CLAISIF)CATPOW I Z- Cro 0 sic., tiv~vliw. alt S, AV 10 0 AM -I I rW0- w 9 0 wortlobat unitil "OR 118140A ]uk 1* S ii-o 3 .9 0;G 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 # 0 0 0 a 0 0 00 19 0 0 o 00 go 6 00 0 40 0 0 0 9 *1* 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 e$ 0, 00 00A 00 a go go go go 4r 00 d v eou 00 X1 host coulat4amperam diagmm of cob arms. A. A. Alroskin and V. A. Fridmiso. Coke and C". No~ 10-11. 36-40: Kkin. )Wval, Zibr. IOW. No. 7. 12": d. C. A. 36, 11W.-Tbe 14 dias= (which rep- rewAts gnkpbkay tbe fdation bttwtcn the beat content of ibe combustion pmduca W their temp.) Is applied to coke ovem; utilitbV kin gu (bI&A4w=ce gm) Vid rich su (ooke-overs Ps). GmPVA am constructed Ior deg. the factors In but babuice (heat of combustion of the bw - Ing #us, beat content of the hmting p3 &W air, beat Intru- ductd with the moisture of the vu and air. bmt of flue I ganj6 relation among the heat capacity, the vol. of the combustim producU oW The tbearetical consumption of airIthe m&SWtd& of kwes from incomplete combustion of the bhst4uroace wW coh-oven gases) R!"Pies of the CLkxzq. We given. is .!L& J~IALLU!WAL.LITIIIAIWI CLAWFKATIOP $&nova .4 SAIS00a .11 0I.T OVE 04 ; 6, , U 0 AV so ul; C' I I VaIlluxtitl ICU 0* 00 -831131- Ow OUT M I a rw 0 W a I V M 9 A a 3 9 1 * 0 0 -0-99 0 9 0 0 9 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 ::: .00 .00 ~46 -00 .00 '00 =00 000 lee 0 000 see coo see xes we 0 use Cleo we 0 AmosKiAAW 1. ACB)SKIN, A.A. 2. USSR (6-00) "Hydrostatic Regime of Coking Chambers T~. Ak. Nauk SSESR~ Otdel. Tekh. Naukq No. 6, 1~5. .Power Fngineering Institutej Academy of Sciences, USSR. 9. 4WReport U-1530., 25 Oct 1951 - j a I 4 0*6 sea 00 The sourse of mou in the coke oven. re I A A Ai J X " . . gro ' " ~ n. X. S. S., (14ise xj. I a, m V., cl, C. A. N.M.W.-An expd. o0 a -, "tufty 6 "rotted on the filtration of taws through the 100 WSW at the tvtmt into the beatifts systrin sud the tint. (4 seeping Into The Trion. The 00 4 allow t he ptessure changes in the 5 C, Vxp1l. in-mmicalion. Thirteen 00 ft-frrtwvs. W. R, Ifenn go 4) 00 43 go- Sell 12 It-1/-14-4080 oat 411811 GOT a" all A-1 00 AnL % a bd 0 it IIN 0 4KO AIRA U a 11 0 0s 'a , 0 * 0 0 ~06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e * 0 0 0 0 * 1*0 as: so* Zoo zoo ago got Lis a Are* goo so* 49* ago Wool a "k-S I -L I z it I x L A-K, r Il A lif .-r ISD A." .4 1.. . . I .. 4 - 1 POIX-41ttl A%O PIPM41111 I-PIR A C41:1011 !*Tab of gases in coke ovens. A. ' g .A Fridurtan. CAe *4 ktf"n. B. H. Nefinark and Il -S &-7 tf- Mim Rferal N 1 R ) 1041 S 00 - . o. . . , . ; . , t Zhup. 4. No. 9, 117(1941).-Fxpts. on the rricircula" w cases in coke owns are dewvbcd. The amt. of aQk- ing Comm in tbecirmlams currmi vw 30-Z%- tlectrs3~- ing the mt. ot heating p!t inmaied (be tvtati%v sint. of rocitrulating gx%m TO. tonfinns the %rIf-trjulsving action of the circulating currtut. W. R. Heiin o9z 0 0 43 0 0 00 a jl~ 00 i , l t i l -ILA 61TALLUNWAS. UTIRAILME CLASUFACATO" stool %sagaj it ON, amt It U 9 A, 10 11 0 0 IST444 0 f v 'A An i Os .v rat It Il4 we .1 It to X4 -00 moo COO moo 9*0 too coo Soo 206 we 0 uo 0 as It* :let 41. It 41) a: Y, ucl:e 'Cl 00 A 00 sea $10f sew fee pf w"071W j;NIt. dj4d Iti 11 v . . 0,1110 WIT -11, 15-27- i942 11, L-4 colle-om gal throti h I h iz g e oven l were UP to 6%. The k- was drid. by anglyqll 0( he e*,,t,51,on . Pnxlu"t' of 'be gas dfgw'n ' I 11110 the heat cak-n from the equfl 1119 Smem, and still 16 rcinjumpti; 71*lkmlol the rmtent' Of C and 11, e ' i nif 94%. The dem. of the jak 10"m *AV gillipler wil"I t , h were hmm with Wall -furnart gal, owl,g ,, Ile -n-blerablediff r t e .....b.. 'It- the content (It C(h Illost-filmace go, he coke-civen Cat and thr W- R. Ifenn -so ..66 so ago got see ago foe 1 u M 17 AA) A u a 11 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 411)* 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 9 0 : 1p'!1 - q_ , -0. _- t 8 woo lose 000 1 fm 0 N 0 1 1 A a 3 1 v 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 MOOM"wassa lot &a IM temperature of bog saw by Nissan of abawift thtnoccopse. A. A. AoaosiaN. Avlmw- and Tekxwb. [U.S.S.R.1, 6 abstrwted in Oval. Zextr.. IOU, U MOLM.- temWmtum at go** abinv JAXI T. can be meavAred only by tzkoustinS til"vewouples, with thm protetlAvv wrgm for a tempeative pubcat of W'betwcm sm and wand, with two protecti"i wreem for a maximum radwat of RAP to 1201. and witla we Pfolective wreen OWY 1w tcmpcM1Uf*suptG1OUO*to1:)DO'C. Atbennowuplede- s!gn with thm protectivv offeens and Its pmetW appIks- tmm we develrihed. MAA. * rate Aj 9 00 COMBUSTION MWERILTURE Of GASM IN MATING SYSTEU OF COKS M31S, . Aerooky. A. At (Izveotya'AKad. Kauk, 1942, 606, 41-47). In odder to determine -the actual ionbustion temperature of pass in the hosting flue of ooke ovens, specially designed auction thermocouples with j:: triple screen protection and water cooling =at be used. Tests have 1`9 shown that the 06an tomperaturo of the up-run raises the wall .00 temperature Iry 130-140% (whon hosting with coke Sne). Although the combustion temperature should theoretic Ily drop during the change- overs. owing to the reduced air (and ga:) supply the actual combusUon temperature of the flames is raised during the time because of coo reduced heat transfer t the wallst, The temperature of the waste Cases 0 re a in thk vertical flues id lower than the wall, temperature during most coo 00 pf the change-over timel this also shows She effect of vertical Coe, flues on heat transfer in oaks ovens, The Vests gag temperature in the regenerator changes slightly between phases. Offing to the see sharp temperature drop ~n the top of the regenerator, the gas flow distributbon system =at,, in fact, be considered as a hosting surface. J The use of suoti-n themooouples also shows that the actual temperature oP exhaust gages In the'regenorator damper was 40-b-C. higher than - - - coo Al SWICAIMM CL Aga-ILA MITALLUKKAL UNRAU01 be bijill GA Out Lit wcoo Hit 0MV ad( 6 1 V ZA An I I OW 0 0 a I W W a 4 3 0 V P 'g 1 40 A 1 351 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 I 0 0 0 * 00000 0 0 a 6.jL'S 2 2--e-t.Le 0 0 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 9 - 00 0 0 0: 00 : 00 that indicated by rosistanoe thhrmometers and ordinary thermocouples* 0 so 00 Subutantial corrections should accordingly be allowed for in so 00 0 * measuring thermal efficiienoy in ooke oven operation. (N 6889) 96 00 00 416 00 09 00 90 00 00 00 so 99 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 of 00 00 00 09 00 00 *0 00 0* of 490 9 e 0 0 we 0 lee - A&WSKIIN) A. PITIN, R. 1-4. Power EnG. Institute, im G. M. Krahizhanovskiy, Academy of "Application of a Method of Moistening a Coal Charge with this -.,*.cthod Applicable in the Lral By-,-Iroduct Coke lKills." Otdel. Tekh. Nauk, No. 74~, IM5- Subnitted ~ Apr 19h5. Sciences, LSSF. 11-1inute Additions of Oil-- iz. Ak. Nauk Sssh, U-1582j, 6 Dec. 1951. 'A 4 .1 t1, 14- J- F, . L 0 M, F I Al - 4 ~ I .. -T, _V_Y-17 ~EWAI-I. t t~ -11- W AID :A, (A A 46. INGRZASED YI?.LDS FR%1 COU M~NS IN RU.IZIA. Agroskin, A. , '6: (Compt. Rend. Aead, Sci. U.R.S.S. 10 Nov. 1945, 42 t. Z Motill. Engng, June 1946, Up 198t 200). 00 oil Ao 00 C: k1oke plants at Pagnitogorsk, Kuznetsk, and elsewhere in Russia 00 A,:: have for the past three years been using a method ol' washing 00 al coal with gasoline which provides increaSLd yields of coke and also 06 has a favourable effect on the tax. Anthracenic oil has also been 00 j uved as a wash. Much of the technique used is similar to comparable 0 00. develoTments in the U.S.A. 1he chief results so far have been: (1) 7 3.00 00 a , LA 0 Increased proc4uction of coke ovens generally is not less than 5% 00 Z If the ch-irge is moistened with gasoline, and not lee-- than 4% if 00 qnthracenio oil is used. -(2) The increaEed weight of the charge :g fron the wetting irproves the quality of tars by diminishing crahkigg. 5100, (3) The quality of metalluxgical coke is improved. (4) "he technique can be rapidly and easily installed in any sort of' coke plant. It we can be used with all sore Of coal and different degrees of humidity. iuoo (5) The technique sinplifi *a-a chatning of -.,coke ovens. The. waahed cod boo A If. SL AAt I At I~461. LIT I A AILS f CL A %%If K ATMNI AT "IV It a IV Ltp( aa Iqu n rt ~t cot 0000 0 *10 0 0 ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0000 0 0 *to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 004 go IN(IC141#1 AOV .,o 0 0 di additioll of = junovilts 91 hydrocarbons. A. A. Compt. tend. norad. vi. U.R.S.S, 49, 273-6- A."). --A considerable itictoraw in (horis t. of gross rill cval charp4l to a tvke oven can be secured by adding abuut 0 0 00 is, I Cr toy wt. of ga",-iur ot a mist. of gasoline slid Authors. vent UU; tile exact aint. required (or OpultuWal refallt% '11111411 00 depends oil the riouisturecontent of tbecW. Foragivrn %Wl, the d. of tile charge was increased from OXZ X.icr~ 09 4 to- 0.75 j,JCc. by the additiots of (W.1'r col jamolitir. Tire 1-00 00 to M-Clivellem LA tile addii. is lootteml liv addii. of phriwl~, 00 i-%klllvl RIC.. olvic Avid. rote. %%'hit,- oxidalimt 4.4mr, I she 'A t. to l"CfeleIC JIUMCW1191, OXi.jjti(Jll (11 111C hyllfoo,"411"Ill 00 00 dectraws its effectiveness. The increase in (I. title ill 1.00 otA,ling oil is mottorillistril ill the kli-cre-ist- in Itietion of tire I ettal particles an Incloo'nored 1)), tile single of rcpow. Thi, plove" hat'lolind Itrat:114A Jkplicaliml in &-Virl mkc- 00 ovell phints, where it blit; twen found that the iin-orcaw sit 00 ,ral put through is not Irsto than So',. with ga-~Iinv alid 00 odo iiot Icss than 4% with authram-ne oil', while the yield of light oil and espedally toluene is increased. Thequahtyof tar is Improved and its ~p. gor. lowered. comring to diminished golit cracking. with all Increimc In jiliencot%. ercsols, and fly-rilihic lLiscs. The quality of metallutilical coke is improved. 1N& method Is readily adopted Anti simplifies charging operations as the charge does not tend to freeze together in the winter. It is believed that tlus process imill ;x:Tmit 00 Ulf the use of a wider range of coal% in coke ovens. although 1119 0 the tuxit. effect i% iceurtJ uith a coal of medium rank !-%*# R. W. Rvan A S L A OtTALLURMAL LITERAYJAE CLAWFOCA11OW go 0 0 0 0 0 11IN~" oil EN, 4111 to to it to OOK met sia Knit Ittsmon il" Aft I % a rod 0 is a I 0 Goa "Ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 : 0000000 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 do 0 0 0 o 6 0 0 0o 'i"itertaktift'llin Of the it'limPlItilln"S Of miLiD4 Of Whilk- V; me with the tow milt"*, k. k. ImAulova. zj"J,kayj LAN. cartilifly 0.6 41.0 Lig. of the cral mixt. fiv kr 2 4 min.. ta liam hs (N) h) l g. eac , triltli p Cr the inkt. hil.) a 114A -illi a we *,[.I 'Wt ml, 'd pure Nomit, a "till Wairl. shAki. Itir 3 filter flit-push A 16114" vvilp lot a w r [ t il I , A u t m n a pit limialtrily "riglu, t; x rm. in dialu.) to frimove twilecile vdims$. ok4 fit,- ull tesi'llit for 15-W inin. Ili a destlecatur, wrlith. and d(l. the jeri. 1 Celli e cimlent of 1 h ont ractric In the mist. by tilt, vii. of f - the - 1 rethlue In the dish. It therellidne of a purr 10-mL gfill-le of benzene evapd. on a water hath iftwo 1b.- kim, Wi exrml% 11.1.1r.1 S.. the fcglowinj curTroitut mult 1w :1!4(1c: A - 10 (a - b) (a ii the wt. of the W remiltic it; (lie [till and b Is the wt, ut the rewiduc front 1U ml. of pute twit- ItroO. W . R. firlit . of I CiAtittraICAL Lllf%Avvltf CLAWFIC-01. till uxuan AV, so LS p It it ft M It l( a K 0 * * 9 0 0 0 at 0 0 0 ooo oqG::::1&8&9*Goqo 1 0 0 a goo 00 & 000 0 0 A. 04. 4! Joel I 0 A .04 CIO 0 fee fee lie 0 use tie* we* 1*0 A so Tho th of writing the Cod that V 1611 l-Alf4gi with small q=ieff of hydiocitibon liquils A Acl..Lo' A T. Still %'~ S. it; M Kuh 11 1 I k * I I R.X.S~, s. i. ..',,S.k I Pull. mod. Ino.. AkAd. SO. 1 (*I,#,,e ui. ink. 1945. 111&1 '_NQ Addii. 0 vurv mitall -00 Owd, notv .4 Ill,- -11 Lv Ill, . ...... .it '4 m all I ~'41.0.ow film. .4 111. O.Al o p I--- (- I' - -d 0-'-d #h" 1- 1-1 -SKI. 1411 ' l l i t j l l, 1" -1 i ' w%r f le 4judlitliv ov'111t]" tu r%* firligrnt (A -t o Allumptim layrf) rc%ult~ in IS gicater flm-culati'MI (hall I, too .,I,tAintd In cxW to which tin rvagrnt bai tx-rn adtioJ, bc- 06 voisr the tApillarv nieiiIwn%e% hinal flit- particir% inmc .11"I'lly than 41'. llj~ m.-I A-hitt ..1 mIce ovtitr oll.A.6111 r. III, Al 4.1,111110. till .411., ittiml,dift Ill moilu4m li,pild. A,Mst A 00 'j Atiol Ill. tilrk~ fit M. rl~ , dicioa,rd Ito 00 Wiltittel3t (It file INNIII Oldtf(C With Ijy%ll%RAtfKMl4 litittith, Wetting of the chourge with tannin (it hydr--philic ptoter- live cyAkhd with a peptising effect) inct.-a-411 boll1cwhat thewt.titrtW, Covrfing threml %isthu-r "ith a very thin lAyrf 14 JIVIA11%hr to-Allint Ill lit pokitiAl IlvdtThilizatioll, "' *0 i in, Ivanhlo the "1. .4 Ow .."I o,ll%l I.v 1-1 .3 It 01, !see Ile lorlislillity by uld I11" th, 0 optimunt imMu. 4 thr trAilvitt. A,Idn. 4 ~tiIm': dvotf44ytes (affecting (lie alluoplion t'i"illitiklill 14 h%dt- ctution liquilo) demawl mintv%hat the wt, tit ouil linvir, treatcAl with tufMnflne, (ming to the incTra%r in thr Wild- 0 L a 1 Ina ittlibiliv (if watet. Two reference-. W. R. Ilron -O 4111A Ilt' 1CA llififil AmPKA K)k t uo 1 i k k tk M 6 t 0 u Is AV to 'Is! I., 1 it "Tttplowol Malin Stuff it at ~w it I lit 4.1 0 ew a 4 0 3 9 V 0 j 1~46 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 j-9. Ii-, 0 go* so* 60 s o 0 0 9i K~, T AGROS Il~. A. A. Aro-.a-',-*Lza',;,-'on of 1-')tor Fuels. shnikov, '*.F. A.A.Acroskin. USSR 66,"42, A-i- 3-1 1c,-,L'iO. Prio to '.Iie arordza,ion f urnace tile 11,,~ urocamons, cire ";ublected ',,) al tliornll. :)rc-lu-realumen', COF9, 3 craci-IMT, in the vapor ~)Iiase at - -4 'i I, -&i -1 A--" J Q 00 A Now tnetbod Im inuea&4 the productiveness and wilth 7 kill 8 111. Ufistir ev. anti : N. Mill. (I 100"I I vu ' ' . 3, \.. 11m." cf. C.A. 40,110141. 7410." I*he eft-lency W roking planto WA% ll"eAM%l IIY addillit 11.1 0.;V, Of A IlYttIV17MIKIII 10 111P C041 tit tW MILI'll Still thoroughly It Will the two. ' anthrarmne oil. The ium"istv rdrct 6 to kerumera and ith-tvatir the At. of a chat gr. I-Ait thiA tt"tmeW Simi im- I'miVit the quality ril the coking &a% Still the coke. l(alus vnitit opking of coals which ordinarily air not sultaltir 00 1 oir Cc-kills. j .3 4r MCI A S X - Il L AAIIIALLORGICAL UTFRA11,41 CLASUPIC.71C. S .... . .. u 4%, AS lt n it n ;k' An I S 1 1. 0 M a I V a. W D "it Coll pill via it I v 0 0 0 00 0 '0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 00 0 00 0 000 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 * 010 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -06 .00 111111110 r*O too 4111114111 see coo me! A 5 LO sip, I - 7 A :6~ , Use of W;d additions to hwreale the pour weight of 4 and V. N. 1,mlalipra 0-4wiltrii- coal A. A. A~ elm-10 Irm- , Krzt-dalimmy,kipso, Mad. Nauk -h1vtalltivsk4kr4il In-litut Nlorkilso Filiala and Klibulko Allaid. Nauk). Ilmll. a.z. All. 11.R-%.S.. (7.1w It. IIOIJAJAt~ 14 11,411-1 it'.' 'Ittl4tv 44 %NMI ime IJ%. The Illm. .111.1w, ItIr It,(% "a I III, hV4111141hOme %4a1 ml 116111frill it ooltw O'k onti 11VIIII hilic Swill". 'lUfiutc tholtim list- linbe 18railim-111 wilb 0111111k, 14 0111411 Ijklu'lliti-Il 'Al. ji~ authramme (41. kerowtic. raisked the twur at. by 14 lx-. Asich, Intilkidaily h~ii Nmj~ 11111eIl Willi a hydrimmixtil 4141, wrf~ verv VIL1,6w itk 01clua, fAir Kiwil. 111111 he IN-ur wt, 11 1 ""ll i t t-v #,III Ali I 2t- It it St it I, on it a tt It a q IF 'A, 0 a 0 1 ;11 *;6- 1 dm o Sig 00 0 0 0 * 00 0 0 0 -00 .00 moo 490 0 too 99A P'#Ktbl(i AND 0111-PtI1111% W' k got 4, to birtrathic the 11ulk Drinity of Coad ley 511cree-Addhiet", of Oil 11).11roductie of Voking. A A Agrcmkip and R N 1,1111). 11)JI'lim .'1 At. .14-mb-my "/ sririiiri fit V."~S K o# 4 Tochnival 86,-tict, tim :.1, ;.S;6 rill", oil 'Z I a. S L A MIETAMIRWAL UYINAIM CLASUPKA11011 00 It, IV 0 it 0 44 a CS It 0 it a n IV, 0 o:::::1oooo6oqo*oooo* 0*0000000000*6 Inv A I 17A a ped 0 04 1 1 111 Im a III V & 0 e 0 0 0 e -so tip ago 00 coo 00 coo a** zoo 0 o1 09 Its 0 forpi Nis! Sl.V' I 06 A 00 so 008 Influefte of the Suruce TVnqm of 14uld Hydromr. 004 ba" on 7%eIr Effitlefty in WeatberlikC the COO 00 & Charge. A. A. Arromkin and E. N. Loakutova, jour. * vial of Applied Chemistry (U.S.S.p ), v. 19 no 4 00 it 2, . . , 1046. P. 349-362. (In Russian.) 00 3 Dependence between surface tenAtin and efficielic y ".01111W of coal bl. such liquid hydrocarbons hite I-c('11 InVePtigated. Results show that the reagents '3 postessinz lower surface tensions produce more 00 Vilicient Wetting. 00 00 Ji n!; LittRAVOI ------ Inv stTALLIOWCAL L IW 0 0000 in it at KW 0 0 0 0 e 10 o 0 0 0 0 0 9000 ts AT 00 LS D CT 11 'a, 0 0606 00 0 0 0 09 A)* 0 a 0 0 010 o 0 0 0 0 0 - 01 0900-0010 .00 -00 400 .00 '00 7 k zoo =00~ coo LV 0 0 coo 0 0 '00 '00 '00 of Physicochamical basos for Packing of cost for coking. 1. Kinew of saturation of coal layor organic llq ~ldi. , A. A. AgroWn and 1. G. llctretik,.. ~ ApPJwd the.. 461-7,60"l)(in Rimian)-The rate of wetting (%&tn.) of a lay" of eml particles tjy,,rg. liquids iA ' d b b l h rxpremw o a W t e tylk- A - W y a para , where A i. h b f e t right o the liquid in riat.. I - timv in min.. and 1k d F 4 are misti. an m tionlKilar liquid, a tangv% hout tt,4 i(1 to(Ul tull 7tw, 2A f th l i _ a rott . r r-u og a t, Air turcutt jLhV ditpersion ol the nial; ine-n-a- of derl'i of thr cool layrr at a given fliqwrviotl lea.14 In dectra~c~ satn. rate. Om- diml coul. having 0 fibst turfAces. gave loncr hatti. rate by notipolar liquids. NmimplAr aromatic hydrivt-atlm.m~ 1 0 gave file high"t rate (4 %atia.. ft4lotttil in ordrr In, light 00 pr:1rQtiatu fraclion% stid 0-conig. liquids. Ctial fit the !;i niddle stagrim W carlmiration gave the hight-,t %atit. 00 rates, Coal which has a high order s4 admPrptimi wa, 00 'a li,mn w low 1hr stivx1j"I gAlt" b)' 111VIT dl~pIMN'1111'11t %ith life ofs. liquids. 11. Angles of natural gradient of a 7 47 - -l -Th l h Ib d 8S .- , coa c s . - arp. e rt ati-tt (4 flit natural gradient 8"gle of coal to the introthirtion of walcr or kctu- lene into the coal Wyet wm studied. Increase (if the Uri- '. id l d ti cmteut to 14 e ;. to a strady rie (4 the g7adictit. The effert is mmideml from the vicujx~nl of c,wfl. of friction and the presence of ad.-rpt i%r U11.1 M4Vaj,.l qJr. i f f h at" o t e Cmd part c1". G. M. ko-klk~JT A S a I A. A sItALLLUKAL 9_17 LITINAIM CL91SIFKATION t wall, b Is Al " ; T_- III tt it K A 7A AM L S IN 0 is I it im ff a 9 KID I M l to t' to to 0 at It it Z : 0 01 ., : 0 0 0 00 0000 0 ! ; 0 00 000000 0 0000 0 0 0000 10 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '00 see =09 0 09 a** 1* 0 09 00 "06 46 tie 0 Coke production with luicto addiflon& of od. A .14al 6, &P-7(19441) VX;~!in slid S. At. Grigot'rv. j coking coal with I). I "; of a mineral it (kcroene, anthraerne, or a "lilt. of oil,) rairl the pioduction of coke by pmnittiul a treater charge lirr oven. Addn. (it 3~`e of Of gr gasification coal and welling lite charxe mith rif all cial raised the wt, of an even charge by 1.8e;, the yield of lar by L~e, and the yiOd of crude britzine by 1.247;. The Increased ovell charge ditl not elll&il an increase in coking little. -00 coo 00 a 09 go 0 so off 00 see pso i IF i, see MCI. Uoo W'W I Z7 :00 *,a lit- 0. it ~i)" 0~7 IN] I 04-" ~ I ra I Y rA v Im a 43 0 3 4 IF U IS IV 143 Orlmnalt oil pq "It" It a W e 0 0~0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o1 1so 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111~ e. 0 e 0,0 0 o 0 ONCIC11111i AkD porpity.ts MV11 Seltictive witting of coal. A. A. Alit-kip And 1. t.. 't-urnko. J. Applied Chem. W.Y'19, 7-1". 46 111114111(i11 Rumiall). --cont art anilk, 0 W'rrr deld. at thv Im"Intlatirs mial-WaIrr-air and by 14%,hviting the %lititour, .4 the 'Iml. with a I'l.kliv. h'1.1 tit water, hovivJ a neg. writatubly R - em 0. the tisit. litillill failing 11) 'U'plave the water; the currgy nmv-ary "I 'Irt-titutir file fol-sirtrwi% it hightr than Iliv vneeltv Ill-,oalml ill writing. Alli-inall,"I -4 flu wJ,t -I del.w. 111111 14 vi-ater *11.1 til the tit%. 1141110 %ho%t4l thr liv%l"Ims -( fit litith verb, and to tv of thu mdei A N- 0 - 1, 4 llydrolihilic tw liv Ittipholic vital - morf of the coal dellends liquid has farts driuvolt" lir'l. Jill 15. 1-1 li~i 1111;1. del"rdting at discrete jusillistIf file stalf6tv. 41n,11444 vk4tri :tW .-f hy1r;Zbon, "Uhing in a -litia"ims (,I the fallr$. ml tilting the ample, confirtipml the fwtuatiou W a filin of hydrocarbon on the water surface. Owing tobystercm,, a water drop hanging vertically frtxn a polibed coal sur- facir. was not tom off by a spmiwling ki-ro-ene film. despite the equil. gain in Purfacc rlierly C.M.77-12.4 14.3 erg9isq. N. I'llon allAttURGICAC LIURATtift CL#t%WKAt1cx log) Wit 0"T Ilat 41111110411 biltill &A Ott 114 4 1 4 1 1 1 ", 0 1 T I rho 4 0 a W I III $1 9 all a 3 1 V U 0 AV 00 11 to 0 to It 0 It a 4 91 R U is 0 0 Z; too roe 1100 410 1-00 fee to u 00 tie* W -A ~&-L lh I f0 A 1~~! 4~ 0`110 Ill I it I 1111-t I 60 _L --- 00 so 00A 00 00 Efitct of the panulotuetric Composition of the coal charge on its bulk density and the eff"tiveness at wetting 09 with liquid bydrocarbons. A.A-Uz;ALjn. V. S 00 0 0 21141 It. N. Pitill. P11111. (11J. it i~ 1' 9 "~.S 00 A qif"iiL It1h. 1946, '~19 012(i11 Ro-iianl; cf. C-1, 40, -00 174 Imw(A flint the mlafivc I'mulilig .1 1,1111, '00 06 w0ght hy limi-tille i, flir 00 111111. Iyulk Wright of a Sivro chatp. int-tvam" %%1I1[ 00 Ing fineness of the grist. Uncivr normal moWure vowb- 00 lions, file flulk weight incream-ii with inctra,iog cmTm- =0* rV nrm; with h"; InOiStUre. A 1,, Ch.Ul)gP it) lilt' VIAS% lit-110A :1 flint. grain c4re gives rise to art av. chatoge of bolk w, ight The tmlkwcight is forthii inciva,rdby %W,-u- ~00 of ing of life dikmlity limits; it ran be rai--nll to a 111411. i .00 09 1htoug~ clinlinsition of intetinckliate graill sit". Tllv 4F %viSIlt-lnrtVa4ng effect of 1111"taildnit. of kcitN-rit. i, file 00 more officirnt life firiff the gri,t ami the "itIrt the Innit, of goo iliqw-rOly; climination of inirroic-liair iir~ avis io lilt, kaflic dirrvilml. 40 0 X. Tholl 00 'goo too eoO In SLA MITALLURGICAL Lftf4ATURE CLASIIFKAT900 tio o -4W. .JIV 183041 a, 1311 off mi 0 0 13 U IS AT 00 It IT to V It It Pric Nit RsF Plan if RADA 1114AAL I a Iwo NI)c stoncl 341~409 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 IL 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 6.0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 o 0.0 0 o 9 0 0 :i~A AGROSIA GRIGOHIYAV, S.M.; ZAGRRBBLINATA, V.S.; LOSKMOVA, Ye.H.1 A"WL"" P31TRONKO, I.G.; PITIS, R.N.; CHIZHUSKIY. -H.P., akaaamwotvat- stvannyy redaktor: VOROVITSKIT, I.B., redak-tor; AUZAN, H.P., tekhniche9kly redaktor [Increase of the weight of coal per cubic meter by microadditives of liquid hydrocarbon-, a collection of articles] Uvelichanie nasyphogo veea uglia mikrodobavkami uglevodorodnykh zhidkostel; abornik rabot. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR, 1947. 398 P. (Coke) (Coal) (MIRA 9:9) 00 Changes in the bulk density o. coal due to fteeting A, A, Alto4kin and N', ';. ZANfrlxl*ll&YA- 1`11111. Mod. its. :0 volk d. of c4ml it ptinvirily it luadion of inoWure; typical i t f I fi i sviras s kar ar rom t nit mo cut% r%-litiw that the d. (till ~w it tut. ilevirraitic liv &%o Is' " it w 4 "';. and Im-mit thmigh a non. at ir S.,.jl- ~ with the addu~ L4 Ali t4~tlll)Ula atilt. Ill Iteiro'cue. the ci~f%v i- i,hifted ticatly smialict to It"If to higher it. Oil titillill lit exactly' 0" tile maii. it. I-'(V) K."Vil. &Jm.), (a amilol T C~111;tl 20 !.'4"W;4.rr.1Ch"J th It% a,hill. j4 olily almmil it i'S', Lm.witt%, luithri ji,l,bl. tr,ulfliq lit limailv dimitti,hitti: d I*hr rfirct ii rmi itmov eq '3 umil,rd M -it' v%hrrr th, d 1;141) 1, deviva-A by wldn,. '4 km-nr from Ih, -rv N-wm-mx. 1:",s ... i; h-mly . 00-3 -increasing effect with initi.tI , uf at least 21 LA)wvr - 60.3 I 1.( the temp. (tom about - V lit about - tr%ultri l g ! c4.11, "I W a vi I v light fort her t -f I he tI., it i:l S.Ile, the it. resumm,l the higlict till- lowrt W, 3.3 to, 11 example: w - 'U1, A. 1. at -- 5' and - 10'. d. ril) and 773. = and GN it./Sq. dm. Suitul- M and M2 , taticouOy with the incrrA~c of the bulk- d.. the cticil. u( fricti'm ("Irastiml by the "n;k. A vol qxmilatmtu~ 11,linK) It ill., decirrzt-led thrmah Irrvitng, exampIr. sr C.1. Ilchwe fwzhig d. (!:N1. A 37.0% Aire Im-,ing d 70. A 32 :,': le.%~2' bf,*,- ftild after Inexinx d. 'Oil .11d 7 17. 4 411.0 ~tid Ili industrial pravilve. friviing its wititir little lwi- '13.4'. tuitird mi-Julf the wt. of a charge in tilkial; platmi. Ili Inti-frM lie% Ili the monoiny n4 lmll,%--irl-4is I,-,I h-r the mill'. Energetichesviy 1 institut im G. IM. ' Krzhizhanowkogo Akademii nwuk SSSR. Predstavleno aka~ 11 demikom N. P Chizhevskim. qvIQ.j_.jt ~v 'Jot 0191111dt, a I, I $'I aw a., it, AA' V D if W I is 9 in a 3 v U AT go As It to it a It a At IIt MW a 1440 00 0 0 Ole 0 000000 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 eq. It -0-0000000 eq 000 0 90 0 1-04 1100 .00 -90 goo coo ago coo see ti - -",L A.-I 00 4 go * 0 00 go 09 09 00 00 I of the bulk wellit of the coal on the Rroperties of the coke ptoduct4. M. t.tigol'vv. IT sn't 1. U. pritruko. JIM I J. 1. X.S N . (11,.e sci, teA. 1947. ?I15-14(itz Rti-amt). -Itu-tra-v of thr hulk ,J. of mal by wettinK wills mirmamm of liquid hydro. vAthons IC.A. 41, 2NALU) rt~ult~ io hwr"%ed yivid of =00 mrintim Xical ~Ar. i" Joerra%M m"h. stfvnXth. demram%I 0 imim-liv, ittid Isisher Wilk wt. It prtlolt% Inclu%lon,jor vokfild putim"P., (it Ps i-tv.11 aqwt% 11o( 411tivOy suitdtdr~ coo N. r0 0 ASS.I. A ~wi 6A 1) ~ai - U a IV 10 At U-i I I 0 0 It ft It 0 a 'Witwil mitin Itix 00 0 000 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 00 goo* so 00 0000 000 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 0 0 0_9 0*0 qoo 40 '00 1z bo 0 Ito 0 -6i -a-v~ tit ;i1 I I I OaT YL t 0 Phi 0 0 6 1 IN Im 3 a a 3 0 T W Is 0 0 as 0 q 06 0 o 06 of as 0 41i & a * a 0 0-000 0 0 0 0 OL 0 00 0 0 of, of A of 09 if PSOCiliti, A.0 POG11411ti, WettL4 coal chage with micro-additions of inthratens oil fi)daxndE.N.La%kutova. SW7.6.9.1-6 jj4? %&A-h4jrc 0 ). ~i IIKIVM Purpciselof wetting coul with anthramlic Wl is to tbt' bu Is wt. of the coal. I'll~ optimum %juallilly 44 allilita'%la. it, IN- tl.,Nl 1, chi. 1IN ~, ahk-h 6 Ali ill L'I.11141 lhu mixt. taken in a qtuntliv j4 x 1%lr a btill, , I. m,VA%e 44 PUP- I'm stiihrm~nr ml Ilic 11141lig was 4 in 111will had it, 11"Ir'.11 CAIII VII-vi. I-of KIIA111 Ow -11.1 -I Js'"Ild IN, 11"'t"I prom Ill 1111kifi$. lit Ift-l it-mill, V,(.Ir Obtaill"I by ati%niiing the ittithr"Ivile 0.1. M. H -hril I L a 611ALLUICKAL LITINAUdy CIASSIFKA110M MI "catiabb *A Salubi 411 Oftv V94 ;r--j 0 U 0 AT 10 it TO 0 a to it altaw Rost 111K 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a I W so 0 '13 a a o Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 9 0 9 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 o* 00 Ore '00 11109 0 coo Ire 0 00 1-00 !see fie 0 tjoe b 0 0 wee too, I 000CISISS AND P6001111its IhR~J- - 782. INFIMCE OF MACE PROPEMES OF SOME ORGANIC LIQUIDS ON CHAME IN Bmx wrimiop nNs COAL. Agroskin, A. A. and I*mkutmp 09 S6i*. UIS.S.R.), 1947# (Doklady Akad. Filauk S.S.S.R. (It6p, Acad 00 Vol. 58# 2095-1098; abeir. in Chan. Abstr., 1950, vol. 44, 8088). -00 410 S 4119 it a 11" Wetting liquids uned-were purified preparations of Vlene, paudp- 0 foe 0=anaj1