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ACC NR: AT7011648 zation of ~rine-f6cal cand fecal mixtures. Unfortunately,, the remaining unidentified organic substances are very toxic for plants and must undergo additional processing. -Traces of hydrogen, saturated and unsaturated hydrocar- bons,, and ammonia are found in the vapor after minerali-~ .zation. Furthermore, the hjgh pressure (150 atm) and .temperature (250-275*0 required make this method technologically difficult. A Oossible use for this method is high-temperature hydrolysis of urea, producing ammonia and nitric acid. More research is required to determine the place of*the "pressure cooking," method In a complex life-support system. An aerobic method was selected to demonstrate biological mineralization. Biological mineralization can be intensified by (1) increasing the tot6l num- ber of microbes by regenerating the activated sludSe. (2) Increasing oxygen utilization by prolonging con- tact of the mixture with air (without increasing the length of aeration), or (3) by using higher tempera- tures during cultivation of activated sludge. Long-. term experiments were conducted with a concentrated (1:30) urine-fecal*oolution aerated for .4 hr,, with the Card 4/6 ACC NR: AT7OIjO43 follow'Inc" results: 85,c,') mineralization of' organic sub- 0 stancoo- "Ind 95~o' convorsion of nitrorren-c.ontainingr sub- stances into nitrates. Gascous products of waste mincralizat*.I.on must be .converted into solid or liquid forin for use as'plant nutrients. With the catalytic method of mineralizing ,gaseous substances, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur,. C02, and water are obtained. Mineralization.of a daily amount of solid and liquid human wastes produ *des as much as 3.0-4.0 9 of free nitrogen, 0.5 9 of hydrogen, 3-0 g of carbon monoxide, 7.0 9 of ammonia, and as much as 5.0 9 of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. During this process, as much as 122 g of C02 can be formed and 60 g of oxygen expended. The end product, after minerali- zation and purification, must contain only nitrogen, oxygen, and C02, flineralization of human and plant wastes is.closely connected with the regeneration, conditioning, and stor- age of water. Water sources are.waterreontaining pro-. ducts of human metabolism and life-support system opera- tion, a condensate of atmospheric moisture, and water of transpiration. A water-regeneration pystem weighs 20- Card 5/6 ACC Wt AT7011648 50 kg'regardless'of flight durationr.-while a *Waier supply for three men on a 30-day spacefligij~-can weigh 495 k9. One inan requires approximately 4 litOrs of water per day., of which 1200 ml is drinking water, 1000 ml is needed for food preparation (more for dehydrated food), and 1800 ml for hygienic needs. Sufficient water for these pur- poses can be supplied by atmospheric moisture, urine, water left from washing, water of transpiration from higher plants, and algal substrate. The most promising methods for regeneration of water from.human metabolic wastes are catalytic oxidation, vacuum distillation, and Iyophilization. Lyophilization-or molecular drying uti- lizes the vacuum and low.temperatures of space. Studies have shown that water can be purified with sorbents (in- cluding ion-exchangers) if organic substances are oxidized first and semipermeable membranes are used. A number of other method'a can be used for regeneration of water'. electrochemical methods, ultrasound, radiation, and OZO- nation. Hygienic and chemical properties of water re- generated by Iyophilization, vacuum distillation and cata- lytic oxidation are listed. These data show the need for additional purification by sorbents in some cases. Orl's. art. has: 1 *table. CAM "RESSI 5098-P) SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none Card 61'6 BOT/30-59-1-50/57 MEM: Afrlky-. E. K.k Knuhy.e., A. G.. Cacdld.%*s of BIO20"Cal soloncee TITIS: V.* of Antibiotics in plant Cultjvat~cn (Prine.onlyo anti- blo~i~cv w ---k 3001, 1959.. sr'l" Vp 142-14~ (US=) A--S-,XA=: I cot!oronoe dealing with thij Ubjsc% took place In Tor-ac, from s to 13 October, 19551 It had bown called by the Inwtitat V-ikrv1icZ4Cij Ak&dexil nauk SSSR (MI-c-ablologleal Intltut* of the I-dfy of 3.1.. 1 the T .... Y..UYY InAtItat Zlklrobl.I.Cil VAIMhVIL 1.stitmt. for Agrf~2t-2 111crobiolowy of the TAMMIT) and the Skt.r ik-tiblegil Ak.d-Aj nak A-7-koy SSR out f= Ac.~dmy of S.- Pt tsli',, JS1- -th . to about K1.7616. Me M;-%=TJtr--7& a- think ;ro.9%- *f,high-r.Pl&=t6d 1. X. pidoplicht reported on 10-stl6sticcs Of 1"93,62 7 a. 6-11.a arriad cut by Ukrainian ey.oloslot. an .... ,-::r. flora and its'.Ullsati.n. I. the fs,&b. asainot .6.1caltar., T. with the -'LlizatIms of tjh. -:~- ran 1. sshtL he disesson of.cotton haeb", - , cl~ vm'.- other CrIoull~al 'or do. 'e-Zor"Imi or r.P.rt dealt with tu produce ..ti,. agal-.14 *h- f potato wort dl 0:1:;. and 41ple"s InS. saiss. t. _0- -T~ cut the st 11"t1= of I k* b SO" a fighting Pout. rime cat aa4 b,*t*r!:"I, ebb n7a r.puft:d On the affect ~k preparations frzzo to prevent wilt of the Ottooz tv-h- card 2/4 at... :b .p- b..t tL. util _ , .,.r -It- -4 pOt.t- wilt. C k - Seib- dealt witb the utilization a epiphyte micreflore, In Is Ag -r.I f-ev. di-p.. 1. plant.. 4- ..d In I.-Us.t1one of we 1.11 1-. t1lip.tion 1. flab'&IXW d.i-- ii.rrI.S 1. act&.. b..b.. and be".. _!. yj_5~t'l f~- jj~_ 7j,_r~~A.-A--XMAhAXAZ*.-Z-.L- Crt7 - -~ - =1k tried the vffoot of ant.-blotla preparatices no t........d "In.t In fighting dl.-" of d.-ti- T- 7.. lsj-hh.~ th. investIgntima artibleU... 2,k1AZ.-A-M.-aLlaX*x pok. b-I the prod.ollan of "a pr.Wnti-w :Cz-1-ofullvin an trikhot zal.. and tbl~ of- feet a fuAgo of I. cabbage. hs.t -4 no r..ult. amblow.4 In the wtIl1s&zjw, of &Atibi tlo_q_ s4ainat ucp*Lrwd wilk ovSk.. - x deal of -ulhylt.. "al.teat 1, zu"01.11.9. ~Xq A, described a notha& or rW& &w_ I- Inall- Of the QrrWTT-Vr-L=tIbj.tI.* au plentg. Th. participants in the conference f-d the cot 4&rrlo& aws 1. Ihie field In tjo. PSU ga..ffitiant, Th. OrSnuisetIoun of . Inift-triffil produatlon Of actibl*tlco and alorolze prpticon fvr thatpurp. ftb:i large-a-le, practical atroet t1oft a nerlo-i, ." I:: "o as drous a. "64oos". rho a!.-SU or 0: Lat"Girscat Ion of joint of tb. ..Go h tJoal, -4 the of plant, 16f origin was Pointed Ut..Tb- or o.rdIcotIum of ..,* go h and oftillsation nice,* in plast b...4414, ba:1-ed .6 -.11 .. the h Ing of P-710416.1 confe"'woz, dealing with %h1. problem. KRABILINIKOV9 N.A.; AGRE9 N.S. -, . Aetinamyeeteo of the cyanoalbus group. Trudy Inst. microbiol. no.8:254-274 160, (MIRA 101) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universiteto (ACTINOMYCErALES) ELI-d6GISTAN, G.I.; TEYS, R.A.; SE1--L'2'1;OV, M.N. SILAYEVp A.B.; AG Isolation, purification and basic properties of antibiotics from Actinomyces globisporus var.roseus strain No. 2911. Antibiotiki 6 no.10:871-878 0 161. (1411a 14:12) 1. Laboratoriya antibiotikov biologo-pochvemogo fakullteta Yoskov- skogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. t,ANTIBIOTICS) (ACTINOMYCES) AGRE . N. S. Phage of a thermophilic micromonospore - Micromonospora vulgaris. Mikrobiologiia 39 no.3:414-417 My-Je 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (BACTERIA, THERMOPHILIC) (BACTMUOPHAGE) S/220/621!031/001/003/003 Authors: Agre, N. S., and Orleanskii, V. K. 1018/1218 Title: THERMOPHILIC ACTINOMYCETES IN THE SOIL OF PAMIR AND THEIR ANTAGONISTIC PROPERTIES Periodical: Afikrobiologiya, v. 3 1. no. 1. 1962, 95-102 Te.xt: Thermophilic bacteria and actinomycetes are widely spread in Pamir soils. Their numbers do not depend on the altitude, being more affected by micro-conditions of the soil in question. The numbers of thermophilic bacteria and actinomycetes in any particular soil depend on the kind of the soil and the extent ofcullivation. The thermophilic acdnomycetes isolated wer.- shown to belong to 8 species, four of which were identified: Aficrontonospora rulgaris, Aficronionospora inonospora, Act. lizerniodiastaticus, and Therniopo- lyspora pol),spora. The prevailing organism was Af. vulgaris. The strains isolated were tested for their anti- bacterial activity against Aficrococcus aureus, Mycobacterhan. Art. globisporits Sacch. cerevisiae, Bacl. roli. Antagonists against Af. aureus (36% of all strains isolated) and AciinomYces globisporus, prevailed. Association: Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov) Submitted: January 30, 1961 Card I /I ZVYAGINTSEV,: D.G.~ VINOGRADOVA, K.A.~ AGRE, N.S.i PERTSOVSKAYA, A.F. 0 p Nabitral (?rimary) fluorescence of actinmVaetes. Mikrobiologiia 33 iic).44631-638 JI.--Ag 164. (MIRA 18t1) 1. Moskovsk!y gosudarstvenay7 rtniversitet Imeni Lomonosova. AGrT,,, N.S. Methods of isolat-ng and cultivating actirxmyze--es. MikrobiologiAa 33 no.5:913-927 S--l) '64. INFUt 18:3) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy falculltat Moskovek.-)go pauflarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lornonosova. KRASILINIKOV, N.A.; AGRE, N.S. flew genus of ray fungi Actinobifida n. gen. Yellow group Ac,inobifida dichotomica n. sp. Mikrobiologii,a 33 no.6:935-943 N-D 164. (MIRA 18-4) 1. Biologo-pochvennpj fakulltet Mosko-vskcgo gosudarst'venriogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. ITIASIL1119KOV., N-A"; brow3i group of At.-tinobiflia cX-cmcg3ria ri, Mdla,obiologiia 34 n002:284-291 I/X-A~P (MIRA 18:6) v fultcull ','oskovs-'-cg,- gosudarst-vennogo 1. Blologo-pochvenny universiteta imerd LoT%onoscva. YEVREINOVI'li, TA. TSAPLINA, 1.4.~ AGRE, N.S.1, W.VYDC'V,, 1.1111. Differt of temperature on nuc",&"ic ai:,d;3 of the thenmrphilic and masopbIlic variants of Microinciaospora vulgaris. I-likrobiologila 34 nc,.36.41,1-~17 MY-Jo 165- (M-A 18,111 1. Biclego-pochvenryy fakullt~O, Moskovskogn gcs-adn,,s`,.\n~nncF,,% unixersitata imeni M.V.D-mcziosova. AGRE, N.S.; ORLEANSKIY, V.K. Antagonistic properties of some spedes of thermophilic actino- myces. Antibiotiki 9 no.9:796-800 S 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Moskovskogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. SOROCHKIN, I.M.; GRISHIN, L.I.; AQA& SI spetered.; VASIL'Y3VA, G.R., red.; KISINA,iYe.I., (Progressive methods of work organization in salvaging departments of meat combines] Peredovye matody organizataii truda v tsekhakh shirpotreba miasokombinatov. Moskva, Pishche- promizdat, 1956. 27 P. (HIRA 12:5) (Leningrad--Buttons) ! i -, a-LIvzvicbj-VATMj Yuriy Yakcm2avich; RYMDVt-V.A.p red.; LANOVSKAYAt M.R.9 red. izd-va; KLEYWANg M.R.9 tekhn. red. (Steel pipes; manual for traWng qualified workers under operating conditions] StalInye truby; posobie dlia podgotovki knialifiteirovanrqkh rabochikh na proizvodstve. Moskvaj Gos. nauelmo-tekbn, izd-vo lit-ry po obernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1961. 189 p. (MIRA JAt8) (pipet Steel) AGRA, _1.1,~-ALIDIUVA. K.N.; ANANYAN, V.V.; BERLIN, R.I. [deceased.1; Ir.014IN, A.V.; KAGAN. I.A.; KRONGAUZ, N.D.; XUAKOV, A.M.; MARKOV, V.P.: MATVrM, Yu.M.; NESMAYAY, A.M.; OSIPCV, A.P. (deceased]; POZIN, M.S.; FAYNSHTETN, VA; SHAPIRO, B.S.; S1WCHVKO, N.A.: SHCHIRIN, V.N.: ALISHIVSKIY, L.Ya., katd. tokhn.nauk, red.; VLADIMIROV, Yu.V., red.izd-va; MIKFI]ffWA, V.V., [Rolling and pipe mills) Prokatnoe i trubnoe proizvodstvo. Pod red. L.E.Al'shevskogo i A.V.Istomina. Moskva, Goe*.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1962. 246 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moscow. TSontraliryy institut informataii chernoy metallurgii. (Rolling mills) (pipe mills) AGRE, Valentin LIvovich; SHEVCHENKO, Nikolay Andreyevich; ......... -- '' 06LVBCHIK~ R.M., red. [New gas pipelines in the Soviet Union] Novye gazoprovodnye truby v SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Metallurgiia, 1964. 30 p. (MIRA 17: 7) _Y -lentin Iyo - VATKDI , MATVEM, Yuriy Mikhaylovich; AGRE, i a --yich, Yuriy Yakovlevich; KRICJIffS-kIY, Yevgeniy Markovich; RYMOV, V.A.., red. [Welded pipe; workers' handbook) Svarnye truby; spravochnoe rukovodstvo dlia rabochikh..-,-I(,oskva, Iz-d-vo "I'letallurgiia," 1964. 188 p. - (MIRA 17:5) AGRENIGH. A.A.. inzhener-podpolkovnik; ZHEREBTSOV, A.A., polkovnik, re- aaktor; KONOYAWVA, Ye.K., tekhnicheskiy reda)-tor (From stone to modern projectile] Ot kR=ia do soverwennogo anarlada. Moskva, Voen. ltd-vo Ministerstva oborony SSR, 1954. 161 p. (Projectiles) (MLRA 8:7) --- AGMICHI, A.A. Standardization during the Second World War. St&ndartizatsiia 29 no.7:52-53 J1 165. (MIRA 18:11) IGMICH, Aleksandr Andreyevich, inzh.-polkovnik; ZHERKBTSOV, A.A., red.; STRILINIKOVA, N.A., [Antiaircraft artillery] Zenitnaia artilleriia. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo H-va obor.SSSR, 1960. 21) p. WRA 1):6) (Antiaircraft guns) AGBEST, D.M., inzh.; D7XM1T, K.I.; PrANOVXIY, A.G. Constructing a precast reinforced concrete sintering plant. Prom. otroi- 38 no.8s4l-44 160. (NM 1318) 1. West Voroshilovskstroy. . (Precast concrete construction) (Sintering-Squipment arA supplies) BL-'AGOVy V.L.; S!L~GOIUA, 1), Usint-, combined, ~ssarablybloc.:s in c=sti-ret-ing 'aL-st ilwn--c-a.. Prom, stroi. 39 no. 2:5-9 161. 1. Yuzlinyy stva i '06SR. (for 31af-ov). 2. lrcmb.,,~~. t ('Lor Zilegolev). 3. Gosu&-rAveraiN7 pruo. AnTy iwt.'ti: L 1.':r, 1 hanotrultsiya (Cor Don)) 5. Voroshillovs'-siuroy (for roat). (31&st furn-ces) ("Precast concce~~e conArtictioO USSR/Analy-tical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances., G-2 Abst Journals Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1. 1957: 1216 Author: Stolyarov, K. p., and Agrest, F. B. Institution: None Title: Colorimetric Determination of Traces of Copper in Metallic Nickel and Its Compounds iD-the UV Region Original Periodical: Zh. analit. khimii) 1956, vol li, No 3, 286-291 (with a summary in English) Abstract: The colorimetric determination of Cu, traces in Ni compounds is based on the measurement of the optical density of the ammonia cmplex of Cu(i) at 365-38o m/4 At these wave lengths the Ni complex shows in- significant light absorption. Cu(II) is reduced to Cu(I) with ascor- bic acid in the presence of KBr. In the concentration range 5-20 ~/.ml the Cu(I) complex follows the Beer-Lanbert law. The determination of Cu is carried out at the following ratios: Cu:Vi:CO:Zn = 1:1,500:30:75- Fe(II) interferep. Card 1/1 9&6AAJ--,~ /L4-YU A Category USSR/Optics - Optical methods of analysis. Instruments K-7 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 2533 Author Stolysrov, K.P., Agrest, F.B. Title Colorimetric Det6ftiination of Traces of Copper in Metallic Nickel and in its Compounds Using the Ultraviolet Region of the Spectrum. Orig Pub Zh. analit. khimii. 1956, 11, No 3, 286-291 Abstract A procedure was developed for the colorimetric determination of traces of Cu in metallic nickel ancl its compounds, using the UV region of the spectru-a, based on the absorption of rays with ~ 265 -- 380 * in the a n4a complex of single-valent copper. The sensitivity of the method is 0.5 Y/ml Cu with a cuvette thickness of 2.5-cm. The ratio of the ammonium-bromide complex of copper to the absorption of the visible and UVrays was studied in the range of wavelength from 450 to 300 n)u and an absorption curve of this complex was plotted. It was shown that traces of copper can be determined with a ratio of accompanying elements Cu-,Ni:Co:Zn 1:500:30:75 without preliminary sep- axation. Card VARM~ICHEVA, Aleksandra, Illinichna, inzh.; DUTKINSKAYA, Yelizaveta ., inzh.; AGREST-Faina Bo - , inzh.; AKATOVA, Kazimirovna , Faina Boriggyps. N.V., inzh., red.; FREGER, D.P., red.izd-va; BEWGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Use of organic reagents in the chemical analysis of electrolytes in electrolytic cells of nonferrous metals and alloys] Primenenie organicheskikh reagentov v khiricheskom analize elektrolitov gall- vanicheskikh vann, tsvetnykh metallov i splavov; opyt zavoda "Elektrik.11 Leningrad. 1961. 12 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnichaskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Zasbchit- riye pokrytiia, no.10) (MMA 15:6) (Nonferrous metals-Analysis) (Electrolytes) KOSHKIN, N.V.L_A, r . _., Use of thiosemicarbazides in analysis. Part 7: Photometric determination of copper in aluminum and its alloys. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 7 no.6:910-913 164. (MIRA 18-5) 1. LeningradFkiy tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlen.ncsti i khimicheskaya laboratoriya zavoda, "Elektrik", kafedra obsbehey i analiticheskoy khimii. '~A h i U RF~ I . L . ` - I .. y ';,, . YU , S I MYU K , Ye . A . ; G TSIJTj 13' , G. S. ; AG %ST , ~'. B; I,_; 13 y ;,I! I Polarographic and spectrophotometric studies of' the properties of complex compounds as dependent rn the conditions of their formation. Zhur. prikl. khim. 37 no.6:1233-1237 Je 164. ( M nI-t 18. -- 3 ) AGREST, G.A.. inshoner. ,-- Now techniques of installing wiring for electric lights in apartmaht and public buildings. Svetotakhnika 3 no.3:24-26 ~(r '57. . I (MA 10:3) 1. Trost *BlaktromPnta2h-558. (Blectric lighting---Wiring) Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 4/2o Author Bene, A. A., and Agrest, M. M. Title Taking into account the finite thickness of the emulsion layer when investigating nuclear processes by means of the photographic method Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz-,-27, No 5 (11), 557-562, Nov 1954 Abstract The authors introduce corrections to account for the finite thickness of the emulsion layer in order to determine the complete number of traces of any nuclear particles within a given solid angle. Three references, all Western. Institution : Submitted : January 15, 1954 ussVilucle ar -Phy~ i c s - Nu -c1 e art e ch-n-1 q-ue s-- FD-2882 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 19/26 Author Agrest, M. M. Title Taking into account the finite thickness of the emulsion layer in investigating nuclear processes by the photographic method Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, August 1955, 249-251 Abstract In his previous mork (co-author A. Bene, ibid., 27, 557, 1954) the author obtained an analytical expression for the ratio of the total number of secondary particles formed during a nuclear reaction within a photoemulsion to the number of secondary particles whose tracks are located wholly in the emulsion layer; here it was assumed that the primary particles are incident parallel to the emulsion layer. In the present note the author derives similar formulas for the more general case where the primary particles are incident at a given angle to the surface of the emulsion layer. He thanks Doctor Vestmayyer for posing the problem and A. Bene for preliminary analysis. Three references. Institution Submitted March 24, 1955 S/044/.60/000/010/021/021 C1lI/C333 AUTHORs Agrest, JI*M. TITLEs Systematization of the direct method for the calculation of determinants PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurmal, Matematikap no. lot 19609 183, abstract 12152.(, 1958, 10-11t 475-480) TMs The author gives an algorithm for the direct calculation of letter determinants of high order. The essential feature of the method consists in the ordering of the determinant into groups of terms which contain an equal number of elements of the main diagonal. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Agreatt M. Y. 57-28-6-30/34 TITLE: The Determination of the Portion of Radiation Impinoing Upon the Circular Diaphragm From a Surface Emitter Which Emits in Accordance With the Cosine Law (opredeleniye doli izlu- cheniya, popaday-ushchey na krugluyu diafragmu ot poverkhnost- nogo emitters, izluohayushchego po zakonu kosinusov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizi~if 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 61 pp. 134o - 1344 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If elementary radiation sources are uniformly distributed according to the circle having the radius r E = r, and if they emit according to the law I - 1 0coog , the integral ra- diation a which impinges upon the circular platform having the radius r d - R> r(figure 1) is determined as follows: r 1' 0~49 6 4nI S~ df ~d~ sin 9 con 0 dQ M 0 0 0 0 The required portion of radiation which impinges upon the Card 1/4 diaphragm of the radius r d - R The Determination of the Portion of Radiation Impinging 57-26-6-3o/34 Upon the Circular Diaphragm From a Surface Emitter Which Emits in Accordance With the Cosine Law R 2 h 2 R)2+(A)2 2, + (;rD + + - 4 A! (4) r r 2 r I r2 By comparing the tabular valuesr(for r /rd= X (1 and r I > I at parameter values z h satisfying the condition E/rd= x rd zi-XZI =h, it is found that they in all cases correspond to the relation (6) rL 1 R 2 q2 r 2 rt i x 2 QV If the elementary radiation sources on the inner surface of the hollow cylinder having a radius R and a height H are uni- Card 2/4 formly distributed, the integ-fal radiation cr, which impinges The Determination of the Portion of Radiation Impinging 57-28-6-30/34 Upon the Circular Diaphragm From a Surface Emitter Which Emits in Accordance With tho Cosine Law on the diaphragm r