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AGAYRY, B.A., GBESNOKOVA, G.D. ChArW,es in total gas exchange and bnsnl metabolism during'artificial (phn"macologienl) hibernation, Azerbomed.zhur, no,6:65-70 Je.;18 (MIRA 11. 1. Iz kliniki goupitallnoy khirurgii pediatricheskogo 170mllteta (zav., - Prof. A.V, Gulynyev) 2-go Hoskovskogo gosu&rstvennogo meditsinskogo institutn im. N.I. Pirogova. (RESP MIT ION) (METABOLISY) CHESNOKOVA, GoD., kand.xed.nauk,-,AGAYEY, B.A., aspirant Artificial hibernation in the prevention and treatment of surgical and trauuntic shook [with sumury in English). Xhirurgiin 34 n0.6 59-66 To 158 (MMA 1118) 1. Is gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (save - profs A.V. Oulynyev) 11 Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo institute imeni N.I. Pirogova I 1nboratorii-ekeperimentallnoy fisiologii po oxhivlenlyu organizan (save prof. V.A. Nagovekiy) AMR MR. (HIMNATION, ARTIFICIAL. in prove there of surge & traum. shook (Rue)) (SHOOK, therapy, artif, hibernation in prev. & ther. of surg. & traum shook (Rue)) AGAYEV, B. A., )mnd. med. nauk Resection of the left lobe of the liver in adenoma. Khirurgiia 37 no.7:126-127 J1 161, (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry gospital,noy kbirurgii (zav. - zaaluzhennyy dayatell nauki prof. V. M. Ball) Astrakhanakogo meditainskogo instituta. (LIVER-TUMORS) AGAYFV BA. (Baku, ul. Kasum lzmaylova, 117, kv.9) -- I AnpSthesia in extensive exLirpatiDn of th--- -itf~rue dus to cancer, Vop. onk. 8 no.9:9G-.-94 162. ORTR4 M6) 1. Iz kliniaheskogo intdelenlya (zav,- kand. med. nauk A.G. Nadzh~Lrr,-j) Azertaydzhanskogo ntiuc,'tno-isz-le-,Ioiatf.,Ils'Kogu instIvaLa Tentgenologii i radiol-gil (dlr.. d[%tqeT"'- MUM, Alik! 2hitx-Acv) . AGAYEV, B.A. First programs on mathematics for Azerbaijani Soviet schools. Uoh. zap. AGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk no.lt67-77 163 (MIRA 18s1) AGAYEV, B.A. FunatioK 1 st9ti or the affenhl boftex before end fklowing'surgery in cancer of the cervix uteri. Vop. onk. 11 no.1:21-24 165. (MIRA 18t6) I.-Iz-k3..inioheskog6 otdelpniyq-(~Mr,--- kandomed.neuk A.G-.Nad5hhrov) A-.erbnydzhshskogo nauel-mo-isaledovatpllbkogo'instit-uta rentCenolo~ii, radiologii i onkologii (dir. - doktor med.nauk M.M.Alikishibekov)o NANHAROV, A.(- I.umi. vf-ki.rx-ul; AGAYEV, B.A., khnd. med. nawk,- 3UKHTNINA, M.G., ~,vll. mod. nnuk; ASLANOV, T.T., nauchriyy notrudnik Diagnosis and treatment of gastric phytobezoars. Azerb. med. zbur. 1,2 no.2:41-47 F 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. 1z Azerbaydzhanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentgenoradiologii (dir. - doktor med. nauk IIJI.Alikishibekov). AGAYFV, R.A. .. irges in the content of sodlum- and potaasi= in the plasma and erythrocytes of cancer patients before-and.foLlowing su-gery. Azerb. mad. zhur, .42 no.41.20-,27 Ap 165. (MIRA 18e9) AGAY.&V, Bula Hemod qgly- Hkalfl)UV, A.K., redaktor, TI'Ai'lWi, A., redaktor F 0 a; AGAYi;VA, Sh., tekhaicheakiy ruduktor [Phyalcal properties of soils in northern kuga4l Fizicheekie evoistva pochv Severnoi Mugani. Baku, Izd-vo Aima.nauic Azorbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1956. 102 p. Mu 10: 10) (Ku.ra Lowland--Soils) AGAYMV. -min. nauk JA R'~olobusv hat; been awarded the Y,V,Dokuchaev's AcaLmician Vo . prize. Izv.iVl Azorb.SSR.Ser.biol,i aellkhoz.nauk no.2:124-125 159. ::,.~K~M 12:8) 1. Direktor Institute, pnchvovedeniya i agrokhimii AN Azorbayk- zbanskoy SSR. (Volobuev, Vladi"ir Rodionovich) (Soiln and clinate) AGAYIV, B.M.; BARAYEV, G.G. Gypseous Chestnut soils occurring along the southeastern edge of the Leaner Caucasus. DAL AN Azerb. SSR 15 no.10:945-948 '59. (MIRA 13--3) (AzerbaiJan--Soils) ACzA'XEVp Me Studying tho physicalproperties of soils in Azerbaijan, Izv, All Azerb. SSR* Ser,, bio1aLmed. rAuk no. 2:109-.213 160. (MIM 13:13) (AZEMIJAN-SOIL PHYSICS) AGAYEV, B.M., kand. med. nauk Honored Scientist, Professor Nazirov Mims. Rza Mirza Mesi ogly. Azerb. md. zhur. 41 no.8:76-78 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:11) "On the Status of Laboratory Work in the Republic, (Laboartorenoye Delo, No. 2. Mar-Apr 56p P. 59) (U)," a report given at the first republic scientific practical conference of physician-bacteriologists of the Scientific Research Institute of Kpid~mio],.ogy,, Microbiology, and Hygiene of the Minbtry of Health, Azerboydzhan ;SSR held in Baku, 25 SUM: 1360 p. 239 AGAYJIV, B.M. Course of malaria control in the Azerbaijan S.S.R. and the results of the struggle against halminthiasis and other parasitic diseases. Medeparaz, i paraz.bol. 26 no.5:594-598 S-0 '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1~1n. k" ~ ".Q'- 1. Zame%titell 3ministra zdr'avookhraneaiya Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. (NALLRIA, prev. & control in Azerbaidzhan, Russia (Rua)) (PARASITIC DISIAM. prev. & control some) C~I,f. - AGAYEV) B. M, : Manter Biol Sci (diss) -- "DocomtIve planting in the city of Baku and its sanitary -hygienic vignificance". Baku, 1958. 19 pp (Azerb State Mea Inat im N. Narlmanov), 250 CoPies (KLI No 1, 1959, 1106) AGAYEV, B.M. Some physiological changes in the child induced by landscape plantings; Azerbmed.shur; no-8:78-83 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) (BMY TEMPERATURE) (TEmP%RATuM-.vHYSIOLOGICA1 RMOT) AGAUV BA, P~rogram for the further expansion of the Soviet public health system. uo.20-6 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Minletr odravookhraneniya Azerbaydzhanskoy SM (PUBLIC FJ&WH) TIMAKOV9 V.D., otv. red,;4GA1LrVv B.M.v red.; ALIYEV9 A.I.j prof.g(Baku), GUSMOV9 D.Yu.p red-.j-ViSTM!k,-Ye.A., prof.9 red.; ZHUKOVSKIYj M.A., starshiy nauchMy sotr.9 red.; POSFELOVAq G.N.v dotsentt red.; POD"YAPOLISKAYA9 prof.(Moskva)p red.; PASHAYEVv T.G., prof. (Baku)g red.; FOGOSKINAp M.V.ptakhn. red. [Transactions of an out-of-town session of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R.'in Baku] Trudy Vyezdnoi sessii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR v Baku. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo Pied. lit-ry, Medgiz, 1961. 335 p. (MIRA 34:8) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR9 Moscow. 2. Vitse-prezident kill SSM (for Timakov). 3. Ministr zdravooUwaneniya Azerbayd- zhanskoy SM (for Agayev)b 4. Chlen-korrespondent AN Azerbaidzhan- skoy SSR (for Gaseynov). 5. Chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR (for Pod"ya- pollskaya) (GOMR) (WORMS9 INTESTINAL AND FARASITIG) (HEALTH RESORTSt WATERING PLACES9 ETC.) (PETROIM WORKERS-DISEASES AND HYGIENE) AGAYEV, B.M. Forty years of the public health system in the Azerbaiyanian ' SSR.* no.10-04-39 161o (MIRA 11,:10) 1, Ministr zdravookhraneniya Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR,, (AZERMJAN-PUBLIC'ITALTH) VOLOBU.YEV, V.R.; AGAYNVp B.M.0 red.; DZHAFAROVAp A., red. izd-va; ISMLOVI-'Te, Ukhn.-reds [Ecological and genetic analysis of the soil cover of Azerbaijan] Ekologo-geneticheskii analiz pochvennogo pokrova Azerbaifthaps. Baku., Izd-vo Akad.nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SER, 1962. 72 p. (MM 15:7) (Azerbaijan--Sai3.s--Class:tfication) AGkYEVp B.M.; MkMMOVp F.F. Condition of cotton in tha fields depending on the degree of so& salinization. Izv. AN AZerb, SSR, Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.2t79L 86 162. (MIRA 17:6) .AGAYEVI B.M.; MAMEDOV, F.F. ,t~ - - ~.-, - Marl in soils of Karabakb Lowland and its significance in the process of soil formation. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.1:69-80 165. (MIRA 18:5) AGAYEV, B*S., klinicheskiy ordinator Effect of ascorbic acid on the oxidation-reduction process in hepatocholecyntitio. Azer~b.medahur. no.91~8-62 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Iz 1-y goopitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. S.A. Mamedsade) Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. F-Narimanovae* (ASCORBIC ACID) (BILIARY TRACT-DISEASES) Tmportance of vitamins C and PP in the compound treatment and normali- zation of the oxidation-reduction processes in hepatoebolocystitio. Azerbe mod, zhure no,nt4.2-49 N 160, (MIRA 13:12) (ASCORBIC ACID) (GALL BLADDER-DISEASES) (OXIDATION9 PHYSIOLOGICAL) (NICOTINIC ACID) I AGAYN, X.R. (Moskva) Problems of rural health protection in the works of N.A.Somashkol On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of his death. Felld. L akash. no.8:43-46 Ag 154. Off-RA 7:8) (POLIO HIALTH, Russia, rural areas. contributions of N.A.Semashko) (SEWHKO, NIKOLAI ALIKSaMOVICH, 1874-1949) AGATAV, R.R. Role of a rural hospital in protecting the health of the population; work practice of the "Pervemaiskaia8 Regional Hospiral in Moscow Province, Bov, zdrav. 15 no.4:10-14 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Iz Institute, organizataii zdravookhranentya I istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko AMU SSSR (dir. Te.D.Ashurkov) (HOSPITALS, rural in Russia (Rue)) (RURAL CONDITIONS. hoop. in rural areas In Russia (Rus)) AGAYMV.X.R. k .-- 'Rural foldsher"bidwife stationg by G.1r.Konstantinov. Reviewed by X.R.Agaev. Sov.medo2l no*2:144-146 F 157, MRA 10:6) (PUBLIC HULTH, RURAL) (KONSTANTINOV, G.F.) ..N AGAYXV, E.R. Reducl?kr, ngriculturnl injurifin. Sov.%drav. 17 no.5:25-30 Vq (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz Inatituta orgRnizatsii zdrnvookhrnneniya i iotorii meditsiny imeui N.A. Semashko Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya (dir. Te.D. Ashurkov). (ACCIDBIUS, INDUSTRIAL, prev. & control amor6- agriculturAl workers (Rua)) 158- SSSR M()ROZOV, N.N., red,; IGATICV,..Z.R.p redo; MMCHIL09 K.K., [Firot aid] Skorala i nootlozhnoia meditsins)mlo pomoshchl. Hosk7a, Goo.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz. 1960. 83 p. (MIRA 14:2) (FIRSP AID IN IlUMS AND INJURY) AGAYEV, E. R. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Rural physiciads territory and basic means for its advancement. (From experience of a study of the activity of physician's territory in the Moscow Oblast and in a number of other oblasts." Moscow, 1961. 19 pp; (First Moscow Order of Lenin Med Inst imeni I. M. Sechenov); 250 copies; free; list of author's works at end of text (11 entries); (n, 6-61 sup, 236) AGAYEV, E.R.1 DEMIDOV, V.A. (Moskva) Experience in the brigade method in a municipal polyclinic. Sav. zdrav. 20 no.1133-38 161. (MIRA 11,:5) 1. Iz Instituta organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny imeni N.A.Semashko Ministerstva zdravookhr=epiya SSSR i poliklinika No-37 Frunzenskogo rayon& Leningrada. (HOSPITALS, ADMINISTRATION) . kand. zed. nauk, APAYEV.-~nvirL-RAkUmovich , POPOVA~ G.F., red.; 11 PrONINA, N.D., tekhn. red. [Univernity of health]Universitet zdorovlia. Moskya, Meo- gizp 1962. 35 p. (MIRA 16:1) (PUBLIC HEALTH) AGAYM, ER. y kand.medamuk November Plemm of the Central Committee of the CFSU and some problems of rural public health. Felld. i akusb. 28 no-30-6 Mr 163. (KIRA 16-.7) 1. Tz Institute organizatsii zclravookhraneniva i istorii radi- tsiny imni W.A.Semashko Ministerstva zdravookhranania SSSR. (PUBLIC H M TH, RURAL) - AGAYEV, E.R., (Moskva) I;xperience in differentiated medical and canitary services *~o state farm workers. 28 no.ll:SC-82 N 165. WIRA 18: 12) I..AGAYEV, E.R., red.; PUGINA, V.V., red.; SACHOV, A.I.I.., red. [Experience in the work of rural public health centers] Opyt raboty sellskikh lechelmio-profilnkticlieskikh uch- rezhdenii. Moskva, Meditsina, 1965. 182 p. (MIRA 16:10) VINOGRMVI X.I.; AGAYSV, IP-T-,-_A_UDuLLAYLPvA, Y.N. Determining wall bottom pressure ingte condensate wells. Azerb.neft. khos. 38 no.12:25-2? D159. (NM UtIO) (Condensatq oil wells) VINOGRADOV, K.V.; ASADULLAYEVA, N.N.- AGAYEV, F.T.; DADAMADE, j~.M.; YUSUFOVA, Kh.G.; ROSHAL', S-Ye. Some features of the gas condensate mixture from well no. 9 of the Zyrya area. Azerb. neft. khoz. 39 no.1:27-29 Ja '6o. (MIRA 14;8) (Apsheron Peninsula--Condensate oil wells) AGAYBY F.T.; VINOGRADOV, I.Y. Determining the bottom pressure in condensate gas wells* Azerb. neft. khos- 39 no*6:15-16 je 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Condensate oil wells) AGAYEV, F.T.; VINOGRADOV, N.V. Determination of yield in the central pipes and casing space of gas-condensate wells. Azerb. neft. khoz 40 no.11:21-22 N 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Condensate oil wells) r,.,',,Y E V ~F.T.; NUF11YEV, S,.D. C.hang~. In the CX ard 11 odu,~ttJIV C-f -,rol)j in the e4p',c,.! tation. 4 163. (MIRA 19:8) AUTHOR: Agayev., G., Deputy Head SOV-27-58-10-5/31 TITLE: We Improve the Training of Builders. (Uluchshayem podgotovku stroiteley. ) PERIODICAL: Professionallao-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 10, PP 7-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes different schools which prepare quali- fied workers for the building industry of the republic: carpenters and joiners, masons and bricklayers, plumbers and other trades. Achievements of various schools are de- scribed. There are 7 pho-'&'os. ASSOCIATION; Azertsaydzhaaskoye resyfolikanskcye upravleniye trudovykh re- zervov (The Azerbaydzhar- %pwblic Administxetion of Labor Reserves) 1. Personnel-Training 2. Universities-Performance Ca7rd 1/1 EXCERPTA MICA 638. A CASE OF CORNU CUTANEUM OF THE UPPER LID (Ruijsian text) - A g a e v G. G. - SBORN. TRUD. AZERBAIIAN. OFTAL. 1NST. 1956, 1 (136- 138) A clinical case of a patient with a horn of the upper lid is reported. The cornu was removed surgically with a partial extirpation of the lid cartilage. Subsequently a small coloboma of the upper lid formed. The microscopical picture of the horn is described. (S) Control of acute intestinal diseases in a district of the Tajik S.S.R. Zdrav.Tadzh. 6 no.1:24-25 Ja,--F '59- (MIRA 12:10) 1. Glavnvv vrach rayonnoy sanitarno-epidemiologichesicoy atanteii. (TILJIKISTA6N--IIITESTINSS--DISFASICS) GOLOVKO) E.N.; AGAYEV, G.M.; ZYKOV, M.F. Recovory of cholera-like Vibrio from the viscera of a patient who had died of acute enteritis. Zdrav. 9 no.1:4-/,45 Ja-F 162. WIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Tadzhikskoy protivochumnoy stantsii Ministerstva Zdravookhraneniy,-. SSSR) Parkharskoy rayonnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskiy stantsii i Respublikanskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheslcoy stantsii. (CHOLERA, ASIATIC) (VIBRIO) AGAY 11" N, aspocts of functional ana.1 iiq and its applications; ,~Olllection of articles by graduat- students and degrea 1-.1t.rididates] Nekotorye voprosy fui-JAsiomllnogo analita i ego primenenil; sbornik statei aspJrantov i solskatelei. Baku., lzd-vo AN Azerbaidzh.SSR, 1965. IE9 P. (MIRA 18!11) 1. Akademiya !iauk Azerbj~,ydzhaiiskoy SSR, Baku. lnstitut ma- tematiki i mekMmlli. 7 G. N, On the analytic Charactef of the solutions of 0 6 a system of Partial diffete ntial eauations, Akad. Nauk -1 Azerbaldian. SSR. Trud y Inst. Fiz. Mat. 3 (1948), 73-84. (Russian. Azerbaijani surninary.) 7 4 -ian' The author considers the silstem nfin at P.Ilinti he a, thor Wnsii] T e tion, differexAiiil e uations % er 'C u ~a. A where the right-hand sides depend upon the derivatives of the ith unknown function. up to the urder 2nj- I. The author clainis to have pt-twed that all sufficiently regular solutions cf toil, eni ar, rcal analYta The reviewer is unable to ~,erify the pruiif imc it ~t,cni~ that on the author asserts the aiialvticit~' Ot a unitorm page 81 limit of real analytic funcuons. L Be-ys (Nc~% York, N.Y.). valuee Pp em for the system of equations AIII,sj,=tj(xj. xj, -X, 1.11, 102, UN) (i= 1, 2, 41 defined in a domain D The solution is to -~.Ofy the'i boundary conditions P)" (i~l, 2. -, N) on the boillidary S, Using till) Green's fulletion of tile Laplace e(juation this boundary-value prob1cm is re- duced to a nonlinear integral equation The tatter is copsidered id all appropriate hanacli space an-I is solved by the piinciple~of%,ontract;iilgeiii~ppiiigs (or, which is the proximations). In this way it is sarne, �ucrz~'sive ap ~M.Irv-'-Iflue Im-)bIell) Ilas a sollit'.011 if , Ili- llle~t_Airi-, tile rig t C hand sides satisfy a Ups(hity. Collthtloll Nvoll rvIspk7I:-t to the unknown functions aiid arc stifficierid~- sniall, L Beis (New Vork, N.Y.). AGAYEV. G.N. Meeting of mathematicians and physicists of Baku. Usp.mjkt.mmk 11 nt,3:?-26 MY-Jo 156. (MLRA 9:9) Onku-Mathematical phymic6) iOAYIVI G-iE", -14HOOMP- Cauchy's problem for one integrodifferential equation. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 12 no.12:883-887 '56. (MM 10:8) 1.1natitut fizild i matematiki Akademii nauk Azerbayd2hanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom Akademii nauk Atertaydthanskoy SSR Z.I. Khalilovy-m (DiMirential equations) ---kG-AYEV G.N.; ZAMANOV, T.A. On a boundary problem in Banach's space. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 13 no.10:1045-1048 '57. (MIRA 10:32) 1. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzerSSR Z.1.10ialilovym. (Functional analysis) AGAYRV, G.N.; NOYRUZOV, A.A. Cauchy's problem for an ordinary differential equation in Banach space. Dokl. AN Azarb, SSR 13 no,11:1149-1152 157. (Hak 10:12) 1,-Institut fiziki i matematiki AN AzerSSR. Predstavleno akademikom IF- A H erSSR Z.I. Khalilovym. (Differential equations) IGAYNY, G.N.; MUSTAFAYN, G.A. Operator acting on a pair of with eummar7 in Russian]. Izv. nauk no.6,.3-14 158. (Functions, Analytic) jolomorphic functions [in Azerbaijani All Azerb. SSIR. Ser.fis.-tekh. i khim. (MIRA 12:2) (Operators (Mathematics)) -AGATIV, q.g,.;YkGUBOV, S.Ya. Continuation of linear funotionals In linear spaces. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. Fit.-mat. i tekh. nauk. no-3:29-38 '59 (KMA 13:3) (Functional analysis) 47 88883 S/044/60/000/007/039/058 16.30oo C111/C222 AUTHOR% A~~~~ TITLEs 0n the theory of a singular equation in the Banach space PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no-7, 1960, 145- Abstract no-7847. Tr.In-ta fizei matem. AN Azerb.SSR, 1959, 8, 23-37 TEXTs The content of the chapter IX of the book "Linear equations in linear normed spaces" of Z.I.Khalilov is generalized to the case of a linear bounded operator in the Banach space. Let 6 be the set of regular operators (i.e. T G 4)if I+T is an operator of the type of Riesz- Schauder), let P be a subset of 4)so that for every bounded linear operator A of T, T 1 r= P, it follows AT C-F, TA rcF, T+T1Cr F, TT16 F. The operator S is called singular if 1) S 2 . I+T, T E-F; 2) SA-AS --- ~ for every A. The operator K = A+BS+T is called a general singular operator if T6Ft S is a singular operator, and A and B are arbitrary; if besides A+B and A-B are continuous-ly reversible then K is called a normal singular oprerator; the operator K adjoint with it is also normally singular. It is proved that the theorems of Noether are valid for Card 1/2 88883 S/044/60/000/007/039/058 On the theory of a singularso. 0111/C222 normal singular operators; the method is analogous to that of Z.I. Khalilov. LAbstracter's note; The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.3 Card 2/2 AGAYEV, G.N. Scientific and pedagogical work of Academician Z. 1. Fbali .I,"i. Izv. All Azerb.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk 2:3-12 061. (Kbaillov, ;Gaid ismailovich, 1911.-) WRA 14:7) AGAYFV G.N . !LL Normal solvability of a boundary value problem in the class of weak solutions. Itv. AN Azerb,SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i teRb. nauk 2:41-49 161. (HIRA 14:7) (Boundary value problems) (Functional analysis) S10441621000100610281127 B158/B112 AUTHORi Agayev, G. N. ni TITLEs The normal solvability of a boundary problem in the olass of' weak solutions PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal., Matematika, no. 6, 1962r 72,'abstraot 6B299 (Izv. AN AzerbSSR. Bor. fiz.-matem. i tekhn. n. no. 2, 1961, 41 - 49) TEXT:' Let 2 be'a bounded domain of the n-dimensional Euclideam-opadeo.-We introMice the. f olloving'Incstations: C - a set of vector functions continuous in together with all partial derivatives up to,the order j; G* - a set Of linear funotionals defined on 0 (C* a set of functionals of the -type oflifurction contained in C*; < P, a value of the functional C~ applied to the element ~GC.. Let be a olosed linear operator ao t- .ing frod-C1 into Cm with the domain of definition DR, consistent in Cl. Card 1/3 S/044/62/000/006/028/127 The normal solvability B158/B112 of strong solutions was established earlier by F. Brauder-(RZhMat, 1957, 14,9 Printing errors oocur in the work. For example, on page 42., line 10 from the bottom, index should be omitted; on page 43 in formula (6) .P,(x).should readt+ P,(x). jAbstracter's notes Complete translationj- Card 3/3 AGAYEVI - G.N Wiener type theorem for series in 116sh AN MM 142 no,W51-753 P 162. functions. DAL (KIRA l5s2) 1'. Inatitut mateMtikfVmMtanild AN AzarbSM. Prodatavlano akademikom V.1.0 - - la=(Vr,A;m 'v( a ontinuous) ~S ies) S//020/62/145/Q',v'2/001/018 Theory of weak solutions of ... B112/B180 Re( (-1 )r"Kq. y) + k 00, r(D). All the theorems stated 0(~' Y) T E Cc refer to the space H(D). They concern the weak spectrum of the operator K, its utructure and approximation. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematik'i i mekhaniki Akademii nauk AzerbSSR (Institute of IMathematics and ',echanics of the Academy of Sciences AzSSR) PRESMITED:. February 26, 1962, by S. L. Sobolev, Academician SUBIJ T-'~ ED; February 21, 19062 Card 2/2. ARLIt G.M. _~GAYEV, G.N.; DZHAF . A class of multiplicative orthonormalized systems of functions. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fi-z.-mat. i tFk-h. nauk 1o.2:27-36 163. AGA179VO G.N.; MAKHANOVA, R.I. ---1---6~~0-filyiI3 problem for a functional equation. Trudy Inst. mat. i mekh. AN Azerb. SSR 2:129-132 163. (KRA 16t10) VILENKINY N.Ya.; _.G.N.,; DZHAFARLI, G.M. Theory of multiplicative orthonormlized systems of functions. Dokl. AN ILzerb. SSR 18 no-9:3-7 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN AzerbSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR Z.I. Khalilovym. A6AYEV, GoNg I. .. - -- I- - - Theory of weak solutions to boundary value problems for elliptla equations. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no-1113-7 163, (MIRA 1713) 1. Institut matematiki i maklianiki AN AzSSR. PredsMvlerto akademikom AN AzSSR Z.I& Khalilovym. GUSEYNOV, A.I.; AGAYEV, G.N. Histox- of matbamatical recearch in Azerbaijan. Izv. All Azerb.SSR.Ser. fiz.-tekh.i mat. nauk no,313-17 164. (MIRA 17:12) L 07247-67 Eff ~J' - A T (d) JPL JZC _NRi AP650~i5 - SOURC.E Cbff..-_W6M /Wwwl AUTHOR: Agayevp Mustafayevp K. A. ORG: none TITLE: Concerning one analoll of the Galerkin method for the solution of quasilinear operator equations -~: SOURCZ: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i matematicheskikh naukp no& l., 1966, 42-47 TOPIC TAGS: approximation method., mathematic operator., Hilbert space ABSTRACT: The quasilinear operator equations discussed in the article have the form K,IK2(u)u - h . (1) . in a certain complex Hilbert space H. K3. is linear and unbounded and K2 is nonlinear It is proved that if certain conditions on the operators K3. and K2 are satisfied., the; Eq, (1) for aro right-hand side h contained in H has at least one weak solution in H, 'which can be obtained as a weak limit of a certain sequence of Galerkin approximations A weak solution of (1) is defined as an element u C H for which the relation CK2(U)Uj, KIV) - IN, V1 is satisfied for any v C D(Kj). If u is defined as the weak 11mit of approximAte solutions Card 1/2 L 0724 ACC NR: K UIK A'IkL Cii0i-' where.the ci, are determined from.the system of non]Anear algebraic equations [K2(Ur)u [h.. IKP, (Pi]r xi .1 1" 2) ..#1 K 16 K2(u,)u6 C D(KI) d a strong solution. Orig. art. has: 32 formulas. and if then u 0 SUB CODE: 12/ suBm DATE: oo/ oRiG PEF: oo4 Card 2/2 AGAIIV, I.-[ i!~ -, ; ~ '... ". _iii~'eI c.tIinIg fracturing fluids and sands of varying viscosities by lots. JLzerb.neft.khoz. 35 no.7:26 Jl 156. ()Wk 9:12) (Petroleum engineering) AUTHOR. Agayev, 1.!. 93-57-7-6/22 TITLE-,, Effect of Clay Crust Thickness on Fracttring Pressure (V11yaniye tolshchiny giinistoy kotki aa velichinu davleniya razryva) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo,, 1957, Nr "., pp 2,"-'/'-"5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Soviet oi). workers attribute fracture failures to the low pressure of TsA-300 pumps used --.n fracturing work. The available pumps cannot develop pressures to 500 atm., therefore, AN-500 pumps are being currently tested under industrial conditions so as to develop pumps with suitable pressure for fracturing. The author attributes fracture failures not only to inadequate pump pressure but also to clay crusting on the wel.1 walls formed by the drilling muds. His statement is based on experimental data obtained in June 1955, (Table), On the basis of these data the author concludes that 1) the approximate excess pressure and the fracture Yes-alts can be determined prior to fracturing if the hydrostatic. pressure of the Card 1/2 Fffect of Clay Crust Thickness (Cont.) 93-57-7-6/22 fluid column and the quality of the drilling mud with which the well was opened are known, and 2) the fracturing pressure, if the clay crust-effect is not taken into account, equals 1 1/2 times the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column or slightly more as stated in the works of Academician S.A. Khristianovich, G.K. Maksimovich, and A.Z. Mushin. The author suggests that oil men should be informed as to the effect drilling mud has on fractures and he states that its use in opening producingformations should be forbidden. Furthermore, he suggests that scientific research organizations should develop methods for removing clay crust from wells which have already been drilled. There is one table. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Pmps-Development AGAYEV, 1.1. ------ - - , - " --, -11, - . Cementation of wells during the continuous rotation of, production string. Gaz. prom. 4 no.12:12-13 D 159. (MIRA (Gas wells) the 13:3) ------------- ACCPSSION NR: Ap5oo4-,446 A. G. for h, IV v- t1t, I 'If I F. 1 4t Mill AJN 'IN tut /e,/g /,~ ~ e L~ /~ 4 -, ADAIMV o Kh V.A.15WO"";U its importance for nia and N.N. )(uraviqvle expedition to Turkm AN Turk. SSR no.6. strengthening Rlego-Turkmen relations. Izv (MIR& 11:1) 66-71 '57. l.'Institut istorii, arkhoologii j etnografii A]g Turkmenskoy SSSR- (Ruasia--Relationa (General) with Turkmenistan) (Turkmenistan--Relations (General) with Ruosi&) (Muravlev, Hikolai Nikolaevich. 1794-1866) PLYATSKOVSKIY, O.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; LIVISHITS, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: AGAYEEV, Xh.A.; FLIB&C, S.M.; BRAYLOVSKYY, V.P.; SYRKDJA, A.F.; ORLOV,--". ;---- --- Selection of wear resistant steels for mandrels of continuo 6 and thrae-roll pipe mills. Biul.nauch.-tekh.inform.VNITI noT5:51-61 058. (KRA 15.1) (Pipe mills) YYVYJ AID P - 824 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 9/26 Author : Agayev, M. Title : Experimental employment of secondary method of oil recovery in the Buzovnyneft Trust Periodical Neft. khoz., V. 32, #9, 38-41, S 1954 Abstract The author describes the experimental pumping of water and gas into oil wells within and outside the boundary of the oil deposits In order to increase artificial pressure in the oil-containing strata and raise the output of the oil well. Institution: None Submitted No date AGAYEV, M. Schools of Azerbaiian 4r, tn- n:,w upsurge. PrDf.-tekh. obr. 21no.50-4 14,r "'.1 (MDU 17?6) 1. Pradsedatelv Gosudaratvennogo kondteta Soveta Ministrov AzerbSSR po professionallno-tekhnichaskomu obrazovaniyu. /9 (,^ AGAYRY, M.G. 17~ ;4.W Balancing piston compressors [in AzerbaiJani with summary in Rusnianj. Azerb.neft.khoz. 36 no.8:40-42 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Compressors) L 34602-66 ACC NR AT6014781 AUTHOR: Ageyev, M. D. SOURCE CODE: GE12503/65/000/002rOMPM54-- ORG: Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute im. Kuybyshev, Vladivostok (Dal'nevostochnyy politekhnicheskiy institut TITLE: Feature of nonlipf~ar damping SOURCE: Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Klasse fur Mathematik, Physik und Technik. Abliandlungen., no. 2, 1965. Berlin, 1966. 111 Konferenz uber Nichtlineare Schwingungen, Berlin, 1964, Teil II: Technische Schwingungsprobleme und Fragen der Regelung und Steuerung UTiAjLd.jq9_q_f_erence on Non-linear Vibrations. pt. 2: Technical vibration problems and questions of regulation and control), 78-84 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear damping, damping link, Coulomb friction, damping system perturbation, vibration damping, acoustic damping ABSTRACT: The operation of a damping system is considered, which is equipped with a damping link with in asymmetric piecewise linear characteristic and with a damping link with COULOMB friction. It is assumed that external perturbation is a stationar random process. Then it is shown that the nonlinear damping link can be replaced equivalently by a linear damping link and in excit-linr force. Ilie force of the equivalent exciting link turns out to be statistically independent of those vibra- tions of the system which are generated by external influences and, therefore, leads inevitably to amplifying the intensity of the resulting oscillations. From this it Card iF-ACC NR, A--T6014781 follows that a linear damping link warrantp the best properties and that the intentional introduction of n nonlinearity is not art. has: 31 formula,;. [Author's abstract.) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM ME: none/ OTH REF, 001 of a damping system expedient. Orig. [KS] ACAT- C,'jnd Tcch -111d:, C11 vibr;~t IV of I'll pp (".1n, of Lion USSR. Or- df.~r of Labor Red Bramor InObaA-Irjf~l Int;t i1ja ".". Azd5lu(-,~-,ov), 100 co- piw,., (1',L,22-560107) AGA YTT,1,:. G. l!)5". 17 U in -_ AUTIV Heterogeneity within varieties of spring wheat. Agrobiologila no*2,. 72-75 Mr-Ap 158. (Kru 11 -4) 1. Dagestanddy pedagogichookiy institut imed S.Stallskogo, g. M%khachimla. (W%oat-Varieties) AUTHORt Agayev, M. G. 20-1a-"2/0 TITLE: Change of the Reaction of Spring-Wheat-Species Under the Influence of the Conditions of Davelopment of the Plants ~zmeneniye reaktsii sortov yarovoy pshenitsy pod vliyaniyem usloviy razvitiya-rasteniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady ILkademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 6, PP. 1197-1199 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The cultivation areals of the cultivated plants and their spe- cies are constantly changing. Some species of plants adapt them- selves to the new environmental conditions and change their morpho-biological characteristic features in this connection. The knowledge of the rules governing the changes of the biology of development is necessary for the directed change of individual stages cf development with the cultivation of new species. Taking into iccount thesys considerationso the author investigated the problem referred to in the title, since data from literature are scarcely avai-lable,on this subject (references lp53611o)f The card 1/4 species Diamonds Lutescens 0623 Mil'tr= 0321 (Triticum vulgars) Change of the Reaction-of SpringaWheat-Species Under the 20-1*-4.W/43 Influence of the Conditions of Development of the Plants.. and branched Kakhetinskaya (Triticam turgidum) served as experi- mental objects. The tests were carried o-H-in- the region of Le= ningrad (1956) and in the Dagestanskaya. SSA (1957)- Since the results obtained in both places were equal, only those of one year are given. The change of '.he characteristic features of stages of the spring-wheat-species can be produced only to a small extent by selection,, It is mainly,explained by the new formation of ecological factors unusual for this species. in view of investigating the change of the requirem6nts of the plants with respect to the stage of ~Avorisation, seeds from Kakhatinskaya were taken which previ6usly were sown throughout several years near Leningrad, in spring, - but in Tashkent before winter. These seeds were sowed in flower-pots on 2 dates. One part of the potswas put into a hot-Jouse, the other part in the open air, In the second period the seeds were yavorized throughout 2o daysi. The resul-ts obtained both in the hot-house and in the open air-were equal (table 1). It is seen from this table that the plants from the seeds sown in Tashkent before winter3 were considerably late in their development behind those from ~he Card 2A spring-production near Leningrad. After yavorization this diffe- Change of the Reaction of Spring-Wheat4pecies Under the 20-118 --6-42/43 Jafluence of the Conditions of Development of the Plants rence between the test variants was almost completely equalized. This proves a variation (change) of the reaction of the Kakhe- tinskaya-wheat on the yavorization, due to*a repeated sowing before winter. The same was confirmed with the speciem Milltrum 0321 in Dagestan (table 2). The photoperiodical reaction of the daugh~er-generation can also change under the influence of extraw ordinary conditions of cultivation of the spring-wheat plants, The tests carried out by the authors showed that even in the course of one single generation the change of distinctness of the photoperiodical reaction can be-produced both in the dijreco tion of an increase., and in a decreasing'sense. A retardation or acceleration of the formation of the ears of the offspringof the plants which were submitted to the influence of unusual conditions of cultivation, compared with the control, is a cons sequence of this. This changed however) becomes only clearly apparent under conditions of a nomiioptimallength of day-As may be seen from table 3., there were no differences in develop= ment between the offsprings of the plants from seeds sown at various times. in Dagestan and those at-a natural length of day Card'3/4 in Leningrad. The offspring of a December-sowing, howeverp Change of the Reaction of Spring-Wheat-Species Under 20-116,-"2/43 the Influence of the Conditions of Development of the Plants commenced to form ears with 'a substantial delay (compared with control) when they were sowed on a 12 houraf day. The offsprings from the Octobei-sowing formed no ears-at'all. The distinctness of photoperiodical reaction is decreased with the cultivation of spring-owheat plants under conditions of the short day, so that the plants ripen earlier than the control (table 4). Thus the characteristic features of the-spring.-wheat-species are charged under the influence of new conditions of development. These chann gesp howevor, become apparent only under certain environmental conditions until a stable heriditary fixation. There are 4 tables, amd lo referencesl ASSOCIATION: D666ASW.Statt~',University Amen' Wk,8ta11,zki7 (Dagestanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. S. Stal'skogo) PPLESENTED1, October, 9,, 19570 by A, L. Kursanov) Academician. SUBMITTED'.' September 9, 1957. Card 4/4 AGAYE!t -- Variabi3ity of the photoperiodic reaction in plants. Dokl,AN SSSR 145 no.5tll66-1.168 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Dagestanskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. V.I.Lenina. "redstavleno akademikom A.L.Kursanovym,, . (Photoperiodism) AGXYEVJ~ M.G. Studying nautral aelection in spring wheat, Bot. zhur. 50 no,6088-796 Je 165. (IMIRA 18t7) 1. Laningradskiy gosudarstvennyy itniversitet. MUSTAFAYSV, A.D.; AGAYEV, M.M. Polyethylene production-meter floatB. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft, i gaz 6 no.11s111-112 163. (WqA 17:9) 1. Azerbaydzhanakiy institut nefti i khimli im.M.Azizbakova. AGAYEVP N.A.; GOLUBEV, I.F. Viscosity of n-pentane in the liquid Rnd gaseous state at high pressures and at various temperatures. Gaz.prom. no.5t45-50 163. (Pentane) (Viscosityo (KIRA 16.-6) AGAYEV, N.A.; GOLUBEV, LF. I-------- Generalization of the data of the viscosity of saturated hydro- carbons at various temperatures and prewnires. Xhim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.6228-30 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Hydrocarbons) (viscosity) AGAYEV, N.A.; GOLUBEV, I.F. Viscosity of n-hexane in the liquid and gaseous state at high pressures and various temperatures. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.3-.597-600 JI 163, (MA 16-9) 1. GoBudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sibteza i Energetichoskiy institut AN-AzerbSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Kirillinym. (Hexane) (Viscosity) ACCWSIOW IM: AP3oo4427 S/0020/63/151/004/0875/0878 &0 AUTHORS: Goiubev., I. F.; Agayov, N. A, TITLE: Generalization ofdata concerning the viseositLf saturated hydrocarbons at various temperatures and pressures.~ E: AN SSSR. 'Doklady V. 151, no. 4, 1963, 875-878 SOURC TOPIC TAGS: viscosity of'hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon, saturated hydrocarbon, methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, heptane,.octane. ABSTRACT': The viscosities of C. - Ce hydrocarbons at various temperatures and pressures are plotted as functions of density and molecuiar weight. The curves obtained are smooth but without a regularity that would permit obtaining values for Cc. hydro- carbons. A generalization L1754S-63 ACCESSION 0: Appo4427.- T based on corresponding state theory was plotted llt~pp flov- Not as a functiow Of This gave a smooth curve fittling all these hydrocarbons and was suitable for interpolation and extrapolation calculations for values O