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AGATOVA, A.I.; VARTANYAN, L.S.; EMANHL1j N.M. Mechanism br which free radicals formed from inhibitors of radical rocesses Interact with the SH groups of proteins. I Dokl. ANpSSSR 150 no.3:547-550 My 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zmanuell). (Proteins) (Thiols) (Radicale(Chemistry)) AGATOVA, A.I.; EMANUELly N.M. Change in the structure and activity of aldolase under the action of prop7l gallate. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.1:204-206 N 163. (KRA 17: 1) 1. Institut, khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespons- dent AN SSSR (for Emanuel'). KURPMV. B.I.; AGATOVA, A.I. A Heat denaturation of lactate dehydrogenftse (Llactat.t. NAD-oyldc~,- reductasep KF"" ond D-glyceraliehydt%-3-phf-,sphate dehvirc- genase (T~-glyceraldebyde-3-vhosph%t~e? MD-oxidore~ductaso, KF 1,2.1.12) from rabbit muscles. Blofizika. 10 ro.5~0554620 169. - (MIRA -18~1,10) 1. Tw%Utu.. Ichimiobaskoy fizikL AN SSSR, M~.-.%k%-x, V', B. 7 (IAT --! VA clt~r;,-Lhiratlon of tmsr2 E, a-ldolalse in r~ibi~.' 1-a ]o,. r, L-at, klmial cl,,eslkoy f! 'z Vv 1 AN P - 0 "Triumph Over a Disease," Sov. zhen., No.5, 1952 AG,AVERDIYE.V, . A.Sh, ; DLI!',Ko('Iiy T2.Ye ~ ; T.,!-PUSCIII, B N,, El,ffei-t of lcv t,---cratures or, the extrtmaly w-ak luaWnpacence of plants. Biofizl~a 10 rc-58324-836 165. (MIRk 18t10: 1. Bialago-pcAverinyy fabolltat Moskovskc-,gc. gf,.,,~;ud&rstvaznogo unive.-sit/itA imeni M.V.Tc)mmioscva. ORLOV, V.N.; oRLoV, 0. Yo.; Pfil4OV, Ye.N.; CHAYKOVSYIY, YU-V-; YABLOXOV, A-V-J GaTCHARENKO, Ye.N.; GOMOVA, V.0,; KONOPLYANPIKOV, AJP; KUDRYASHOV, Yu.B.; R3JK, V.D.1 SHUENIKOVA, Ye.A.; TARUSOT, B,N.; PETRUSEVICH, Yu.M.; IVANOV, I.I.; GAPONENKO, V.I.j ANTONOV, V.A.; VOROBOYEV, L.N.; BURLAKOVA, Ye.V.: BURDIN, K.S.; PARKHOMENKO, I.M.1 AGkVRRDTYh7,.A. Sh.; DOSKACH, Ya. Ye.,- TARUSOT, B.N. Brief newo. BiuL MOIP, Otd. blol. 70 no.61158-171 N-D ?65. (MIRA l9a) I _TR~ COSTIN P.; ,UPASCU, Gh., memberu coresp. al Academ. RPR;_A~A _ A34,,,4,4 NLIAS, M.; ZILIG, M.; RADCOV, G.; FEDDOROVICI, St.; OOLDBICRGEN, I.; SZABO, M.; STANCULESCU-ROSIU, I. Study of pappatact fever. Bul. stiint. sect. med. 8 no.l: 265-295 Jan-Mar 56. (FEVER pappataci fever, epidemiol. & prev. in Rumania.) CIUCA, M. acad - NESTORESOU, N. , prof.; POPOVICI, Marcella, dr.; AdhirILOEIEI, Aspasia, dr. Res~gtance of bacteria to chemotherapautip agents, with special reference to antibiotics. lied. inter.. Bucur 13 no.6:827-EV4 Je 161. (BACTERIA pharmacology) (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacology) (NITHO.-PURANS pharmacology) (SULFATHIAZOISS pharj-,,acolcgy) CIUCA, M., pr3f., akad.; LUPASCU, Gh.,, prof.; DUPOITIT, M., d-r; AGAVRILOATTI, A., d-r; SMOLINSKI, .1 1'. , d-r 1'robleras in malaria in the Pamanian People's Republic. lied. paraz, i paraz. bol. no.2:16o.-162 162. (HIRA 150) 1. Chlen-korrespondent RwWnskoy akadeniii, (for Lupascu). (ItUl-%tIIA-~LUMIA--PREM,ITIOII) AGAVERDIYEV, A.M.; TAHUSOV, B.N. -_, Extreme:ty weak chemiluminscence of wheat stalks as related -to temperature. Bio'Lizika 10 no.2:351-352 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulftet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. L 1620-M 63/0011/0991/0993- IGGESSION NR: AP5020836 UR/0026/65/1'- :.AUPHOR: "gye;!diT 4,..,,8h,; Doskocho Ya. Ye., Tarusovp B. N. ,TrCLH:- Ultra-weak emission of plants with temperature roduction SOURCE: AN SSSR, Dokladyp v# 163s no* 4P 1965, 991-993 ITOPIC TAGS: plant physiology, biophysiesp low temperature effecti, li,light emission# luminescence, anoxia,, free radical ABSTRACT: Emis a'ion intensity changes of plants at low temperatures ~were studied to obtain data on oxidative processes, Fow! day old Nheat - and barley sprouts of 50 different varieties were investigated :in a thermostat at a temperature range of 20 to -10 Cj* mid photoemis- ~sion was measured by an end-window phot-omultiplier. Additional !experiments were condifeted to determine the effects of anoxiap and propylgallate on emission intensity. Findings show that emission intensity decreased with temperature reduotioni- Lumin,,! roccrded-- with -temperatures reducecL.-as low as 6 to 7 C for thenriophylio varieties# and with temperatures reduced as low as OOC for the more oold resistant varieties* Wit4 further reduction in Coyd 1/3 L 1620-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020836 Itemperaturejo emission flared up and established a new low temperature imaximum, Then# when the temperature was ralsedp emission intensity ';.increased more rapidly, probably due to low temperature destruction' :of the inhibitor mechanism. The position of the low temperature :maximum, of a given plant variety was related to its frost resistanceel ,:Luminesconee ceased in plants subjeetod to anoxiag and no low temper- 1 :.ature emission flare-up.was observed until oxygen was admitted to thel stem. Propylgallates a free radical inhibitor$ redueed the intensi ity of the flare-up and shifted it to a lower temperature by about 20, :Ultra-weak emission appears to be a chemoluminescent process -which 'accompanies the oxidation of structural lipids. This free radical loxidation is maintained at a low level by bloantioxidants. However, I !at certain critical points# the antioxidant equilibrium is disturbed,1 !Then,. w1hen the temperature is raised.0 the expenditure of antioxidants !exceeds'their return flow and oxidative pro s ceases develop autooataly- !tically, Thusp the flare-up of ultra-weak emission appears to be .caused by sharp inorease in antioxidant consumptiono Origo art# has: ;3 figures. ,ASSOCIATION., Moskovskiy goeudarstvennyy M, V* r 2 :Cwdl 13 AGAYAN, A.M. Variants of the extraorganic segments of arteries supplying the prostate. Soob.AIN Gruz-SSR 25 no.1:99-104 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Thiliaskiy gosudarstvennyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Fredstavleno akademikom A.F.TSulukidze. (PROSTATE GIAND--BIOOD SUPPLY) ~ __AG~W p-A.M.- Advisability of ligature of the hypogastric artery and its branches in prostate surgery. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 26 no.3:331-3~8 Yx '61. (MIFA W-4) 1. Tbi3.isakiy gosudarstvannyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Predstavleno, akademikom A.P.TSulukidze. (OPOGASTRIC ARTERY-LIGATURE) (PROSTATE GIAND--SURGERY) AGAYANt- A.M. Symmetry of arterial vesSelB of the prostate gland. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 27 n0-3:341-345 S '61. (MIRA 15,3) 1. Thilisskiy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Predstavleno akademikom A.P.TSulukidze. (PRDSTATE GLAND--BLOOD VESSELS) '(SYPYTTRY (BIOLOGY)) AUTHORs Agayan, L. SOV/4-59-1-21/42 TITLEs An Injector Without a Needle (Shprits bez igly) PERIODICALt Znaniye - sila, 1959, Nr 1, P 31 (USSR) ABSTRACTt M.M. Trusov, Chief of Laboratory of the Nauohno-isaledovatell- skiy institut eksperimentallnoy khirurgioheakoy apparatury i instrumentov (Soientific-Researoh Institute of Experimen- tal Surgical Equipment and Instruments) demonstrated to the author a device resembling a drill, which at the end had a small metal cylinder with a scarcely visible opening. It was an injector with no needle. By pressing a button, a very thin jet came through the hole, with such a force that it penetrated four sheets of paper. A strictly-fixed dose of medicine shot from the apparatus whenever the button was pressed. It will also pierce the skin of a man's hand. Experiments of this kind have already been made on animals. It will soon be clinically tested, since it oonthins many advantages. There is 1 drawing. Card 1/1 AGATAN. L. The second life of a machine part. NTO 2 no.7:21 Jl 160, (MrRA 13:7) (Machinery--Maintel2ance and repair) AGAY111, L. "8etun'." ITTO 2 no.3:25 Mr 6o. (MIRA 13:6) (Electronic calculating machinee) \~,- AGAYMO L.. _ Blectic,- bi-~z. welds metals. NTO 2 no.6s2l Ole 160. (KWA 1/,: 2) (Electron beamm) (Welding) AGAYAN, I. Singing electronic noise, Znan.aila 35 no.8:15 Ag '60. (MIRA 23:9) (Masical instramenta. Blectronle) -.~- Ar-AYAN,,-I,.--.. A living con is working. NTO no. 1:30-31 A 161. (NIRA 14:2) (Bleotrophysiology) AGAW, L. (Ahaian, L. ] Magnet purifies water. Znan,, ta pratsia no, 5:20 My 161, (MMA 14:5) (Water-Purification) AGAYAN, La. "Ultrasonics in present and future technology" by 1TI.IA.Borisovp L,O&Mukarovo Reviewed by L.Agaiane NTO 3 n0-4:50 Ap 161. 04IRA 14:3) (Ultrasonic waves-Technological applications) (Borisovp IU.IA*) (Isakarov, L.O.) AGAYAN j L. "Electric" gas main. Nauka i zhizn' 28 no.8:19-20 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Gas pipes--El.ectromechanical analogies) AGAYANt L. I talked to them. Znan. sila 37 no.1:26-27 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:1) (Georgia--Cybernetics) AQYAN, L.'Mmiant L. ] Cybernetical pedagogueo Nauka J zhyttia 12 no.2:18-19 F '63. (MIRA 16:4) (Teaching machines) AAZCCRM~ AP5025545 SOURCE CODE: _&,_~-Mashkovichg To$ flikitenkol K AUTHOR: ORG: none TITIZ; MMMAL" exoeriment SOURCE: Znaniye - silaq no* 109 1965, TOPIC TAGS: space physiologyl space simulation, hypodynamial space biologic experiment, astronaut human engineering 8 is ur all .c es ABSTRACT: Thl - a'jo isti A of an expe- rim ent in hypodynamia (jim ulation of ;W_ hil aur ng spW6_~ flight) ti~ wiAcfi_four_Tc~_or't_e_'r_s were in-'.'. vited by "Qleg GeorgjyRj~~Lp.Eesumabjy Gz!zenkoL prominant specialist in the field of space biology and medicine." Th~ ~ex eriment, in which the four journalists participated, was supervised by Valentin Ivanovich [last name not given]. The test involved all four subjects, two of whom were controls, with hypodynamia (bed rest) in an echoless chamber for 256 hr. Preparation for the experiment involved checking out radio communications between the charn-: .ber and monitoring point and undergoing medical observations following exer- cises under normal conditions.. Blood tests, pulse and respiration rates, and' 'brain and muscle biocurrents were examined. Card ACC NR, AP5025545 At the onset of the experiment, the two experime'fital subjects were centri-, Ifuged (8 g) to simulate launch. Radio communications between the subjects were, irecorded, in which they described their subjective illusions at this time and !as the 10-day experiment progressed. Chamber humidity was 38-6510, and the stemperature was 10- 15C. During tile experiment, coordination exercises mere conducted, as were psychological and visual tests to determine attentive-1-. ness and working ability. Centrifugation again took place at the termination of the experiment to simulate reentry. Two days of medical examinations followed... It was found that 10 days of hypodynamia lowered the, compensatory capacity of the cardiovascular and respiratory.. systems, disrupted the coordination of movements' weakened V muscles, lowered endurance, and decreased intellectual and h ical working p YS -ability. Muscular mass decreased while the amount of fat increased, It is stated that special countermeasures [not specified] have been developed to over- .Come these effects on cosmonauts in the future and that research continues. Five photographs show a subject In a centrifuge at 8 9, undergoing a respirationj. test, taking an evening sponge bath using a substance" from a tube and testi t;7 "ZA-iD VRWS: ~nu_!/ manual control and attentiveness., OA9, artb' ha6-: 5 figures e SUB CODE: PH SUBM BAW. nbfi' 2/2 L_g~ard FOKOV, R.I., kand,tekhn.nauk; AGAYAN,__4,A,,jAzh. Construction of a now typo of interlocked industrial building by assembly-line methods. Prom. stroi. 40 no-5:4-9 162. (MIRA 15:5~. 1. Khartkovskiy inzhonerno-stroitelfnyy institut (for Fokov). 2. Trest Hoostroy No.2 (for Agayan). (Factories-Deeign and construction) AGAYAN, T.L. French petroleum institute. Izv.vys.ucheb,zav.,neft' i gaz 7 no. lj116 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Moskvosl'iy ordana Trudovogo Krasnogo 1"nameni institut neftakhimicheskoy I gazovoy promyshlennosti im, akad, Gukbina. AGAYAN. Matur Favlovich, dektor iator.nauk; EURMNDARYAN, Segvard -11- -Vag&"h&khdVfchj kand.istor.nauk; AVETISYAN, Grant Alaksandro- vich; KAKINSMIA, H.S., red.izd-va; GUSEVA. A.P.. F[The Armenian S.S.R.1 Armianskaia SSR. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960. 71 p. (MIRA 13-4) (Armenia) S/138/62/000/005/007/010 A051/A126 AUTHORS: Fogel', V.O.; Lepetov, V.A.; Agayants, I.M. TITIE: Thermophysical characteristics of raw rubber mixes and their rela- tion to temperature PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 5, 1962, 26 - 29 TEXT: The thermal and temperature-conductivity, as well as the thermal capacity of raw rubber mixes were determined experimentally at various tempera- tures. Four raw tire mixes, based on W -30 APM (SKS-30ARM) and NR were used as investigating materials in addition to one vulcanized mix (casing), based on SKS-30ARM for reference. The method used to investigate ebonite mixes was used. A new calorimeter (Pig. 1) was developed for determining the thermal capacity.. Ethyl glycol served as the calorimetric fluid. A comparison of the thermal co- efficients of tire mixes based on SKS-30ARM and NR showed that these, as a rule, are higher than those for mixes based on SKS-30APJA. The authors con6lude that the thermal conductivity of the raw tire mix, with a temperature range of 30 1000C, changes very slightly. This leads to the possibility of calculating the Card 1/3 S/138/62/000/005/007/010 Thermophysical characteristics of raw rubber .... A050126, temperatures in the vulcanized articles, using the Furje differential equation. The temperature conductance of the raw tire mixes drops and the thermal capacity increases with the rising temperature. ASSOCIATION: Moskovakiy ins=ut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M.V. Lomo- V nosov,a(Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology im. M.V. Lomo- nosov) Card 2/3 S/138/62/000/005/007/010 Thermophysical characteristics of raw rubber .... A051/A126 Figure 1: Dfagram of the set-up for determin- ing the thermal capacity of tire mixtures. 1 - calorimeter; 2 - battery; 3 - rheostat; 4 - amperemeter; 5 - thermostat;, 6 - thermo-' couple; 7 - mirror galvanometer; 8 - heatery'j 9 - sample. Card 3/3 777777777777 ASD L 156oi-6 Ps-4/pc-4/ -Pr-4 Ww' INIM ACCESSION IMS AP3OD4716 s/olqo/63/0,Woob/1245/12~2, MTHORS-. Dudina, L. A&'; kgayantsL L. A.; Karmilova, L. V.; Yenikolopyan, N. So?, TITLE: Ther7ml and thermpoxidative decoMpa.11t14of polyformaldekyde, 5. The role of formic acid in the thermooxidative reaction ~6, 1963, 1245-1249 SOURCES -VY*sQkomo11ku1yarny*yo soyedineniya, v. 51:noo, TOPIC TAG$s -- thermal decomposition-$- -thermooxidative dec'olnposit 11on,- polyformal- dehyde, formic acid,* stabilization ABSTRAM Experiments were conducted usi 0.382 gm of acetylated polyformal- irl) which was subjected to vapors of dehyde having a molecular weight of 0.7-10 85% formic acid in a current of oxygen or argon, or to the acid alone. The kinetics of polyformaldehyde decomposition were recorded in an earlier paper by L. A. Dudina, L. V. Karmilova, N. S. Yenikolopyan (Vy*sokomolek. soed-P 5, 1160, 1963). It was found that at 2200 the rate of thermuoxidative decomposition of ipolyformaldehyde in argon increases in proportion to the formic acid gas content and that an almost double rate and volume of destruction take place in the prea- ence of oxygen. Where samples of polyformaldehyde were reacted with liquid 65% AGAYAROVA, A.Z, Matc=ials on the ~m 4gach Galf.' ....1 a;.4ri5l-56 161. study of the age and grovth-j)f carp in Izv. AN Azerb. SSR.Ser. Mol. i mad. nauk (KIROV GULF-CARP) (MIRA 16:7) ABBASOV, G.S.; KULIYEV, ZJI.; ~GAYAROVA X.Ye. - j _-- ~----- - Fishes of Dzheyran-Batan Reservoir. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no.I:V,-b6' (KM 106) (Dzhe~ran-Batan, Lake-FiBhes) N K c) UISAVI 1""74. TrJusplantalion of malignant hurnan turnours tO cortisone treated anirnalf (1;-~ - text) AGAYrNKo A. 1. Oncol. Inst., Nloscow Yop. Gn].-ol. 1957, 3/6 (66G-672) TabICS I Successful transplantation was achieved in 75-850//o of cases. The transplanted tumour was of the sapic histological type as the original tuniour. Gro,.%-tli and development of the graft could be observed for 12, Q2 and sometimes 3o days. In some cases, 6-to passages of the same turnour could be obtained. USSR / Farm Animals. Cattle. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54770. Author : Isayev, G.,-Agayev, A. Inst :Not given. C ::~-- Title :Experience in the Fattening of Culled Cattle on Corn. Orig Pub- Azerbaydzhan sosyalist kend teserrufaty, 1957, No 8, 38-40; Sots. s. kh. Azerbaydzhana, 1957, No 8, 36-37. Abstract: In the fattening of culled cattle on rations identical as to nutritiousness but different as to composition, the weight gains in cows fed rations comprising corn silage and corncobs for 59 days, were 20 kg. higher, and in heifers 39.2 kg. higher, than in the control group in which Card 1/2 32 AGAUV, A.A.,aspirant Blood transfusion In treating theileriasis. Yeterinarita 35 no.12:42-44 D 158. (MIRL 11-12) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy veterinarnyy inatitut Azerbaydzhan- skoy SM. (Azerbaijan-Theilariasis) (Blood--Transfusion) AGAYEV A A. and GASANOV, G. G. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Eze-R;d`j~~IVI and Chief Veterinary Surgeon Astrakhen-Bazarsk raion) Anaplasmosis of large cattle in the Astrakhan-Bazarsk raion of the Azerbaijan SSR Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 81 August 1961, pp. 25 AGAYEV, A.A., Cand Vet Sci -- (diss) "Tmatmcnt d theileriasis "I +Cattle (exc4AIDT - theileria annulata Dschunkovaky et Lutib, l',ID4) by blood transiMsion." Kirovabad, 19~)9. 19 pp (Min of Agr AZSSR. A-,orbaydzhan Agr Inut) 15C.) cot-,ica (1'\Ly '~iO-591 129 130) - 94 - GASANOV, G.G.; AGAYEV, A.A., kand.veterin. nauk Anaplasmosis of cattle in Astrakhan-Bazar District., Azerbaiian S.S.R. Veterinariia 38 no.8.-25-26 Ac'61 (MIRA 18-.1 1. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach Astrakhan-Bazarskogo rayma (for Gasanov). 2, AzerbaydzhanskiT nauchno-issledovatellskiy voterinamyy institut (for Agayev). AGATEV, A.A. Increased yield of refined oil in connection with extraction in partial columns. Azerb.neft.khoz-36 no.2:34-35 F '57. (MIMA 10:4) (Petroleum--Refining) AGAYICV, A.A. Determining enthalpies of liquid and vaporous petroleum products. Izvovyasuchebezav.; neft' i gaz 1 no.10:95-97 158, (MIRA 12:4) 1e Azarbaydzhanakiy induatriallnyy institut imeni li-Asizbekovae (Petroleum-Thermal properties) AGAYEV, A.A. Primarjv refining of petroleum with ammonia. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no-4153-56 161. (MIRA 1515) 1. Aserbaydzhanskiy institut nefti 1- khimii imeni M.Azizbekova. (Petroleum-Refining) (Ammonia) AGAYEV) A.A. of ammonium salts of naphthenic acids from oil in an electrical field. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; ne'Lt' i gaz 4 no.12: 95-98 161, (MIRA 16:12) 1. Azerbaydzanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni Azizbekova. AGAYEV, A.A. Isolation from petroleum of ammonium salts of naphthenic kcids. IZV.VYB.uoheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no-4t59-63 162. (MIRA 16s1) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni Azizbekova, (Ammonium i<s) (Naphthenic acids) AGAYEV, A.B.; GUSEYNOV, TMO SULTANOV, Ch.A. Increasing the oil yield of the pools in the upper sector of a producing formation in the Blbieybat oil field. Izv. vys, ucheb, zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no,609,42 165. (MIRA 180) i ; KRAVCHENKO, P.V., prof.,-,AGEYEV, A.F.~ asslatent, I Use of anticonMilants in acute thromboemt-olism. Kaz. med. Amr. 4:51-52 Jl-~gli~3 (MIRA 17 -.2) 1. Kafedra khbmrgii No.2 (zav. - prof. P.V. Kravchenko) Ka- zanskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta dl.ya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni Lenina. "AGAYEV, A.F.; ARISTAKESYAN, L.A. Increasing the turnover of tank cars. Za tekh.prog. 3 no.10: 40-44 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Azerbaydzhanbkoye otdelenlye Zakavkazskoy zheleznoy dorogi. AGAYNY, A.G. Vibration p4upsvin 9ti.field.piston compressors. Azerb. neft. khoz. 36 no,4:42 Ap 057. ' (KM 10:6) Oil fields--Equipment and supplies) (Gompressors) 69828 S/136/60/000/05/00ro/025 0 0 E071/E235 j __CT _,.--and Alekseyev, Yu, V AUTHORS: Poznyakov, V. a., Agaylv,_A, , TITLE: An Improvement in Reducing Electrosmeltin of Nickel Oxide Into Anode Metal V PERIODE ~:Ts4tnyye metally, 1960, Nr 5, pp 26-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The old design of three phase electric-furnaces tilting towards the slag and metal notches (2250 kVA) for reducing smelting of nickel oxide into anode metal is outlined and their operating data for the period 1951 to 1958 are given (see Table). In 1959 after initial testing the top of the furnaces was redesignedj~ namely a screened water cooled roof (made from three sections) with a central opening for continuous charging with a screw conveyor (Figs 1 and 2), three openings for electrodes (dipped into slag) and a side outlet for gases was introduced. The roof was lined with a 50 to 60 mm thick 1qyer of heat resistant mass fixed or. a metallic net. in the first few heats the roof lining was covered with a layer of raw nickel 50 to 70 mm thick. The formation of such protective layer was later introduced as a standard Card 1/3 practice. For this purpose, a highly oxidised boiling 69828 S/136/60/000/05/006/025 E071/E235 An Improvement in Reducing Electrosmelting of Nickel Oxide Into Anode Metal metal is specially produced which lead to the spraying of metal and condensation of metal drops on the roof. The service life of the old type roof was 20 heats, the new roof life increased at first to 300 and at present to 500 heats. The redesign of the furnace roof permitted recovery of furnace gases, their cleaning from dust and utilisation of heat (no details given). Operation of the furnaces with an increased power up to 800 kVA per sq m, of the furnace bottom was tested with satisfactory results. The changes in the temperature, &mount and composition of gases during a single heat lasting 6 hours are plotted in Fig 3; the dependence of the specific power consumptlon on the weight of a heat is plotted in Fig 4; the dependence of the furnace characteristics at 225V on the current is plotted in Fig 5; the dependence of the depth of dipping electrodes into slag on voltage at 6500A is plotted in Fig 6. The,investigation of the operation of the Card 2/3 redesigned furnace was made by Engineer, V. G. Suprunenk 69828 S/136/60/000/05/006/025 E071/E235 Aii Improvement in Reducing Blectrosmelting of Nickel Oxide Into Anode Metal from Promenergo on the request of the combine. There j are 6 figures and 1 table. y ASSOCIATION: Kombinat "Severonik6l"' ("Severonikell" Combine) Card 3/3 ALEKSEYEV, Yu.V.; ASTAFIYEV, A.F.; POPOV, 0,A.; Prinimali uchastiyet AGAYEV, A.G.; REBROV, A.G.; KnAKOV, N.N. Adapting the roasting of nickel concentrates in a fluidized bad at the "Severonikell" Combine. TSvet. met. 36 no.7:35-42 Jl 163. (MIRA 16-8) (Nickel--Metallurgy) (Flui4gation) Dissertation---" Overwatering of the Soils of a Tea Plantation in the Fall-Winter Period in the Lenkoran Subtropic Zone of Azerbaydzhan SSR and Its Control" Cand Agr Sci) Georgian Sci Res Inst of Hydraulic En-ineering and Soil Improvementj 0 0 0 17 Apr 54. (Zarya Vostokaj Tbilisi) 7 Apr 54) sot SUM 243, 19 Oct 1954 AGAYKV,A.I. I ---l-11, *,k Water regimen of the supersaturated Boils of tea plantations in the Lankoran subtropical 20n8. [In A2erbaijani with summary in Ruesian] Dokl.AF Azerb.SSR 10 no-10:717-721 154. (MIRA 8:10) (Lenkoran--Soil moisture) AGAYIV, A.I.. Reclamation measures for improving the water regime of taa plantation soils with excess moisture in the Lankoran region, DokI#AIT AserboSSR 11 no.6:405-413 155. Off.'RA 9:6) l.Predstavleno deystvitellnym chlanom AN AzarbaydzhanekL- '--V T.G. Y.valmanom. I (Lenkoran Lpwland--Drainage) - - -- - --- - - - -- -T--- AGALAROV, I.S.; AGAYEV, A.I. Seepage conditiono of the Hingechaur earth dam [in AzerbaiJani vith summar7 in RUsslan]. lzv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser.fiz.-tekh. i khim.nauk no.6:147-154 158. (mingechaur-Dame) (MIRA 12:2) AGAYMY, A. I. ; DZHARkROV, A. L Investigating a reciprocal system of sodium and potassium bromides and iodides. ReDort No.5: Solubility isotherm of the density and viscosity at 350 of the system F&Br - KbR - HZO. Uch.zap.AGU.Fiz.-mat.i khim.ser. no.1:89-92 '59. (MM 13:6) (Bromides) (Solubility) AGATWo A.I. Use of petroleum waste to eontrol leakage. lzv.AN Azorb.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat,l takh.nauk no.1:91-96 160. (MIRA 13:11) (retrolaum waste) (Boil parcolatioTO DZHABP.ROV, A.I.; AGAYEV~ Aj. PolyUerm of an aqueous reciprocal system consisti--g of sodium and potassium bromides and iodides. Azerb.hhim. zhur. no-4:103-111 160. (Ma- 14:8) (Alk.ali metal bromides) (Alkali metal Iodides) AGAYEV, A.I. Solubility, specific gravity, and system Na2SO4 - NaI - H20 at 15, khim.zhur. no.5:87-92 160. (Sodiumsulfate) viscosity isotherms of the 25p 45, 60, and 80 . Azerbe' (KMA 14: 8) (Sodium iodide) AGAYEVv Aj, Binary systems Of lithium, potassium, and sodium bromides in melts. Uch. zap. AGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i khim. nauk no.2: 61-6.4 161. (MIRA 16t7) DZHAIIAROV, A.I.; AGAYEV, A.I. " Solubility isothem of a quaternary aqueous realprocal system oonaisting of oodium and potassium bromides and iodides from 00 to -300. Uoh, zap. AGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i khim. nauk no.2t 65-73 161. (MIRA 260) HLIFUCARLY) D&I,; ABDULLAYEEVA, M,I.j AGAYEV A.I. L-=.- Hydroohemical investigation of waters of the Xoshkarchay River. Azerb.khim.zhuri no.2.-69-74 161. (MA 14:8) .(Koshkarchay River-Water-Composition) AGAYEV, A.I. Solubility isotherm, specific gravity, and viscosity of the system MgBrg - MgSO4 - H20 at 350. Uch. zap. AGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i khim. nauk,,- no.5-.77-81 161. (MIRA 16:6) (Systems (Chemistry)) AGAYEVY'Al I, Seepage control effects of petroleum b7-products in soils vith different pbysical and mechanical properties. Trudy ENIN AN Azerb. SSR 15:5-32 162. (MM 15:10) (Water-Pollution)' (Soil pbymics) (Petroleum products) AGAYE,v A. rj~SjjI'(PJ , !.A. StIld- of the solul(~A.Htvf spec.1fic gravityy vjs(!osjty, electric conductivit,,r. and o,' .he refractive index . s m I!aGI - Na", - H20 Iftj 350. zzil,. AGU. Ser. of t1le yote A., 10. R A I I I ACC NR; AP7009561 SOURCE CODE: UR/0233/66/000/002/0166/010 AU71HOR: Khalilov, Kh. M.; Agayev, A. 1. ORG: none TrIIE : Instruiiient for measuring the coefficient of absorption and the propagation velocity of ultrasound in solids in the frequency range of 4 to 100 YIC 5UMCE: AN AzerbSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh J matematicheskikh nauk, no. 2, 1966, 166-169 TOPIC TAGS: pulse generator, ultrasound absorption SUB CODE: 100 A TRRA` Standard devices are modified to provide a means for studying the 02_o1rtPMo:h and propagation of sound in solids. The instrument consists of a pulse generator (MGI-2)p.pulse interval meter (PIVI-2), TV channel switch) cath-,' ode follower, attenuator) i-f amplifier, detector) oscilloscope (Cl-9), quartz .1 1crystalp acoustical contact (transformer oil)) a bower supply, and a meter-wave t generator (GZ-8A). To increase the amplitude of the r-f pulses to 15 v the attenuator is re- moved from the GZ-8A and the output of the unit is connected directly to the crystal. Also) the frequency range is changed from 280 to 480 Y4 to 4 to 6 i i.Mc. The crystal converts the electrical oscilla:tions -to mechanical vibrations., which are transmitted to the swnple (1M1 crystal) through the coupling layer of] transformer oil. The mechanical vibration reflects from the swTle and returns; !,to th.2 crystalp which convekto them back to electrical. signaloo. i Card 1 -2 UDC4. none ACC7Nk,__AP7009'561 The new attenuator configuration proposed, consisting of 11 pi-sections, ,has a large damping range (20 nepers). The attenuator is connected to the ~:input of the i-f amplifier., thereby increasing the sensitivity of the receiver ,and remving the dependence of the measurements on the frequency characteristics !of the attenuator. Accuracy of the absorpiton measurements is 7 to 10%; that of propagation speed is 0-5%- Operator of the instrument components Is described in detail and analyzed mathematically. The authors thank Fe K..1 aye%! ~or p;!ovigpg test samples of K01 no-, MD crystals. Orig. art. has: 4 figure's. 5 farmulas and 1 table.* IJMS-' 39sW) Card ACC NR: AP7002603 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413A6/boo/023/40110/0110 NVENTOM agey I Kollchenko, A. V.; Malkin, B. D.; Kuznetsova, 1. 1&; :Nikitin, G. Tus ma n, M T !ORG: none 1TIMILE: A stepped rolling axle support. Class 47.. No. 189254 SOURCE: Izolm7eteniya, pronyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znak--;, no. 23, 1966, 110 TOPIC TAGS: antifriction bearing, ball bearing, bear & race in ABSTMCT: This Author Certificate presents a step ed rolling axlo support conta-Ining- 1P thrust roller bearings, spacing collars, and an annular elastic element (300 Fig. 1). To eliminate loose axle holes and to increase the efficiency under dynamic loads, the ball bearings of the support are placed in two rows, with the balls riL-Ming be- tween the outside flanges and the internal flange. The annular elastic element is mounted on each side of each ball boaring at a small distance from a spacing ring. A split bushing is placed between the inner flanges of.the corresponding 'ball bear- ings. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.822.3 AP7002603 Fig. 1. 1 - balls; 2 - outside flange; 3 - inner flango; 4 annular elastic element; 5 space; 6 - spacing ring; 7 -.split bushing Orig. art, has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 05Mar66 JIZ 711 AGAYEVO A.M. Analysis of the movement of triple-mass resonance grizzlies with flexible connecting rods. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 7 no.2:100-106 164. (MIRA 170) 1. lAoskovskiy institut radioelektroniki i gornoy elektromekhaniki. Rekomendovana kafedroy obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh. -APS025304----- SOURCE CODE: UR/01.01/65/007/010/30112/304?,/ AUTHORt. Fistul#_t V.J.; Agayev, A. M. ORG: State Desip arch Institute of the Rare Metals ~In- __.a~q_~janning Scientific Resn dustr lkfillo_ t-lovatel's.,kiy, i' proyek'tnyy inst'itut, re-d- y, Moscow (Gosudarstvennyy na _Zm-et_allicheskcy promyshiennosti) 'al-lium argeniae TITLE: Properties of the electron spnrtrum in hnavily doped L_ SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10, 1965, 3042-3047 TOPIC TI.,;S: gallium arsenide,-tunnel diode, pn junction, volt ampere characteristic, electron spectrum, forbidden band ABSTRACT: The expression for tunneling in the case of a continuous spectrum of levels in the forbidden band is 2 where 3ch N W~ M"MP Card 1/3 M W.-4 nip T -10 L ACC NRt AP5025384 I is the excess current of the tunnel diode; V is the bias at the p-n Junction; D is the density of allowed levels; N a and. Ndare the concentrations of acceptors and donors on both sides of the p-n junction; iin and PP are the degrees of degeneration in-the n- and p-regions of the crystal, E is the width of the forbidden band; X is 9 the characteristic constant of the semiconductor; and A is the constant which ac-w counts for the area of the p-n Junction. This paper gives experimental data on the "tail" of the density of states (AD) determined frcm this formula In the forbidden band of heavily doped gallium arsenide. AD is determined by finding the value of P in the diffuse region of the *diode without determining the concentration of majority charge carriers. Copper wa's added directly to zinc-doped GaAs crystals during forma- tion of the p-n junction. A cathode-ray curve tracer was used with double differen- tiation of the current-voltage characteristics. A simple ccmparison of current- voltage curves for p-n Jvactions with and without copper at various temperatures show that the copper causes a considerable increase in the excess current, and a shift in minimum current toward 1,Ner biases. The tunnel component of the curke.was not af- fected: I and remained constant. After taking the various parameters in formu- P UP la (1) into consideration and assuming that v p ) 0 and m are the same for diodes P n with and without copper, A was calculated band values of AD were determined frm current-voltage curves for junctions without cop,~er. The results are shown in the figure. ACC NR, APSi2 3C4 A --------- Ic 04 0.8 The authors thank V. N. Ravich and A. P. redos( for making the p-n junctions used iW ~control measurements. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 9 formulas. Fig. 1. U, 6 Ilail" of the density of states in the forbidden band of GaAs. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O3Mar65/ ORIG REr: 007/ Curd 3/3 OTH REF: 004 L IW3-& EWT(m)/EO(i)/EWP(z)/E~P(b) MP(c) JD/94! ~ACC NR: AP6000888 SOURCE CODE:''UR/0181/65/007/012/,3681,/3682. 'AUTHORS: Fistull, V. I.; Agayev, A. M. .~ORG: State Scientific--researcb and Design Institute of the Rare-Metal .Industry, Moscow (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issled vateltsk.iy I _.proyektnyy Institut redkometallicheskoy promysblennosti) ,TITLE: Determination of deep levels of Fe Ni and Co In gallium ,arsenide 2 7 1 :SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12) 1965, 30681-3682 ,'TOPIC TAGS: impurity level, gallium arsenide, forbidden band ,ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (FTT v. 6, 3738, .1964), where it was shown that the position of the deep levels In them iforbidden band of semiconductors can be determined by the tunnel ~spectroscopy method. This method was used in the present investiga _:tion to find tbe-deep levelsof R.-, Ni, and Co in-gallium-arsenideJ iwhieb were found to lie at 0.36 + 0.02 (0-59 0.02), 0.53 0.03, Card 1/2 L 31a23-66 .ACC NR: Ap6ooo888 and 0.54 + 0.03, respectively, measured from the top of the valen-ce -band of the pure semiconductor. (two levels were observed for Iron). :The procedure for,preparing special diodes and doping them was des- ;cribed in the earlier-paper and also in FTT v. 7i 3042, 1965. The ,activation energy of .the first level of iron (0.3r r)- agrees well ~with the.value 0.37 obtained by others. Orig. ar,.. vas: 1 table. CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE; lOjul65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OM REF: 002 'AUTHOR: Agavev, A. M.; Zakhvatkin, G.-V.; lglitsyn, M. I.; Pervoya. Fistul" V. ~L. TITLE: Inductive propertleB of p-n junctionB in deep-level ger nium SOURCE: FLadiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 3, 1965, 573-574 TOPIC TACS: semiconductor, JABSTRACT: An experimental study of inductive susceptance of p-n junctionB in Ge containing djep recombination centers is briefly reported. Ge specimens were doped With o a donor -impurity concentration of 1. 3 x I Olt' per cms and tested wMic with currents from 0,005 to 6 At 0. 7 5 -12 rarrq-,, The susceptance changed its 'C0DVV-- SUB ENCL: - 00 ,SUBMITTIM'.' 16Apr OTHER' 002 AM PRESS 3M NO RFX SOV- 004 Ilb- c MAMEDOV9 Shamkhal; KMYROV, D.N.; AGAYEV, A.S. Utilization of "styrene resinn of the Sumgait synthetic rubber plant. Neftekhimiia 1 no.5t6gi-694 s-o 61. (KM 15:2) 1. Ins+Atut neftekhiraicheskikh V-otsessov AN AzSSR. (Sumgait,Rubber, S.7nthatic)(Styrane) MAMDE.01, Shm~chal- 03111OV, O.B.; 191YDYROV, D.N.; AVANESYAN, M.A.; ,AGAYI,V- A-S-; GRISHIRA, Ye.N. The now contact insecticides efi-'ran-79 and efiran-103 for agricultural pests. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no.10:937-940 161. (19M 14:12) 1, Inatitut neftekhiinicheskikli protBessov AN AzerSSR. Predstavleno akademikoin AN AzSSR G.A. Aliyevym. (Insecticides) MAKDOV, Shamkhal; AGAYI~V, A.S. il-7-~ Synthesis of alkoxy derivatives of dimethyl sulfide. Aserb.khim.- zhur. no.5t99-103 162. (MIRA 164-511 (Mdthyl sulfide) (Alko~y groups) MAMEDOV, Shamkhal; AGAYEV- _A.S. _ Glycol others and their derivatives. Part 431 Synthesis of dihalo others of the sUphatic series. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 noj1803-808 Mr 162. (KRA 15:3) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov AN AzerbSSR. (Glycols) MAMEDOV, Sh=lchal;,ARA)ZV .. ~, ~ Glycol ethers a9d their derivatives. Fart.58; Synthesis of bromoethyl-Y '--chloroalkyl ethers. Zhuroob*)diim6 33 no k.--3166-3171 0 163. WMA 16':n) lo Institut neftokbIzic4eskikh protsessov AN AzerSSR. MIUXIFDOV, Sliamklilal; AGAYFV, A.S.~ T1,11"1011"t, Z~T. Ghcel ethers and their derivative,.. Part 7.3~ '-').!n4'hesis of A-fj~-dlhalo Vhur. ob. kilitti. 34 no, ~,12,27-143') vy 64. (MIRA 1?:7~ 1. lnstitut naftekhimicheskikh IlrOt-Seg.'30V !iN i-"M. 1. - I "I'S. MPMMOV, Shan~,hal; ARININJAITID, 1-7.. Glycol ethers and their dorivative:,. Part %,. Synthesis of dialkoxydimethy-1 ethers of dieiLylene glycol. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 5t1431-1433 1,V 164. (IMIRA 17:7) 1. Institut neftelfbimicheskikh prclse,-~scv A'N' A-,~S,-E. half A~ !i"f Shw* l' T';- ;art 95- of" Tz 71. ~yc t) I rg. (M-MA 180) If CDOV, ShamYhal; AGA-fl'V, A~S. M Glycol othor and their dorivatives, Part 97t Syntheois of Y'-chlcro- others of the aromatic series. 7hur. org. khim. 1 no.2-.69-.71 Ja 165. 04IRA 18s 5) 1. Institut neftekhiTichaskikh protsessov AN AzerS!31131. IGATZV, B. Yourty yeArs of the Soviet Public health system. Azerbomed,shur, no-7:69-72 JI '58 (MIRA 110) 1, 14inistr sdravookhranoniya AzarbaydzhFinakoy SSR. (AZMAIJAN--FBLIC HEALTH) AGAYEV, B. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Artificial hibernation .-YO- icj),- -1 P', in rIP rophylaxis and treatment of operat ;w and traumatic shock." Mos, 1957. 15 pp (2nd Mos State Med Inst im. N. I. Pirogov), 200 copies (KL, 2-58, 115) _61- A. G.D., keadidat meditsinakikh nauk; AGAYBV- A,A- General and local anesthesia with bypotbarmie in some surgical operatione. Khtrurgita 33 no.2:92-96 7 157- (HLFA 10-.6) 1 Is goopitalluoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (2aV. - prof. A.T. G;ly&jvev) pediatricheiskogo fakalltata II Mookovskogo gosudaretyannogo meditaimmkogo Instituta imeni I.V.Stalina. (RTPOTHMIA with aneath. in surg. (Rua)) EXCFRPTA 1-IM:A 3ec 9 Vol 13 1 Surgery Jan 59 320. THE' USE OF NEURO-VEGETATIVE BLOCK IN SURGERY OF SEVERE FORMS OF TlMto,roxic GOITHE (Russian text) - Agaev B. A. - EKSPLH, K111R. 1958, 1 (35-40) Graphs I The atithor studied the effect of neuro-vegetative blocking agents on patients with svvere birms (it thyrotoxic goare in the pre-operative period, during the opera- tom and post-operatively. Aminasine. ethisine in combination with other narcotics and hypnotic agents were used in order to remove nervous strain, to bring down it, normal the metabolic rate and to produce long-acting atoxic anaesthesia in 39 patients. *rhe patients received 50-100 nig. of aininasine and 75-100 mg.ofethisine daily for 3-4 days prior to operation. During the operation and in the first 2-3 post-operative days tile above agents were injected I. m. In form of a 'cocktail', (aminasine, ethisine. promedol, novocaine). The patients received an average daily dose of 100 mg. of aminasine. The operation itself was performed under local novocaine anaesthesia (Vishnevsky's method). Clinical studies of the above 39 cases justify the conclusion that aminasine-ethisine neuro-vegetative block decrea-ies thyrotoxic intoxication to a marked extent and reduces irritation caused by surgical manipulations to minimum. All this facilitates pre-operative prepara- t ion of the patients and ensures a quiet peroperative period and a smooth post-operative 3.~ () course, Combination of the local novocaine anaeathesia and the neuro-vegetative block during operation, and further use of the blocking agents post -operat ivelycon- stitut2 a good anaesthetic method for this type of surgery.