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L 18408-63 W(J)/W(m)/BDS AMC/MD Pc-4 ROW ACCESSION NR: AP3006186 S/0080/63/036/007/1587/1591 AUTHORS: Afanaslyeva;_G, N,; Voltf.-L, A,; Moos,, A. is# Slut6ker, A. I.;.! FrenkeP~ S. Ya. TITLE: Analysis of the orientation of highly-ordered regions i strengthened f.ibers prepared from polyvinyl alcohol. lie SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khiraii, v. 36, no. 7. 19639 1587-1591 TOPIC TAGS: high-temperature extrusion, plastics, X-ray diffraction ABSTRACT: Authors studied the orientation of hardened fibers and compared the obtained results with freshly prepared and untreated fibers. They hoped by this to either prove or disprove the effect of hydrogen bonding and the orientation on the rigidity and solubi- lity of these fibers in water which were prepared from polyv'inyl alcohol. The orientation of highly aligned crystallites were evalu- ated by X-ray diffraction by both a photographic method and ioniza- tion registration method. It was shown that the analyzed polyvinyl alcohol fibers are highly crystalline and that the crystallites are Card 1/2 L 18408-63 ACCESSION NR-. AP3006186 .3 oriented around the fiber axis or C-axis of its elemental cells. Thus, the results of X-ray diffraction analysis showed thats during thermoplastication stretching, some structural changes take places resulting in a considerable increase of orystallite orientation as well as of rigidity. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekstiliny*y institut imeni S. M. Kir'ova Mpningrad textile institute).-Institut vy*sokomolokulyarny-,.'kh soy- edineniy, AN, SSSR (Institute of high-molecular coMounds, AS, SSSR)-p. Leningradskiy fiziko-teknn!U116s1c1y institut imeni A. F. Ioffo, AN, SSSR-(Iteningrad Physics-engineering institute) SUBMITTED: 19Dee62 DATE ACQ: 25sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH., MA NO REF SOV.- 004 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 ALMIOR: Afanas'yeva, G. N.; Bessonov, M. I.; Vol'f, L.A.; Me-os, A. I FzvaktVL_ S. Ya. TITLE: Study of the the imcmie-chanic al pr,)-J,~7 SOURCE, Zhurnal priklasdnoy khimii, v. 37, no. 6, 1964. -13)'C)-1355 TOMC TAGS: po1:rvt-iylAlcoho1 7-- 7~ -- ABSTRACT: Tbe physical and technolo, -1 -,ts T-- po i- ztr-ni-,*~h po!3r-%ri-nyl- alcohol (FVA) 'ibers obtal-ned tv 'V, ",--,Peraturps neal tne softerli-116 tcmpf'r~,tur~,, -,-e 5" alyparatuf, provided vith a h.Ighly dynamometer, as described by A. P. RudzLkovFAvtomatizirovanriv-*~, r, la 4!,,py*t,-.niya plepok i volokon i opy4i ero ispol'zovaniya. (Autamate-d dynaMOITO-ter f'cr tcsting films and fibers 1/4 t -d!,~_Vio I-Ate ac iie t U_ 4o ratUrv-, -ii *1 degre I rme r J.- e 01 tcMPc=tUre Maxim eav characteristic of the degree th of fiber a-zientation. Vne meViitudc of the stivr,,,; eit thn mLaxj-~,kjr4 c!an ccr -e ;7,~ e r~ ar, inlex to thf~ -irient P,,' state of t',nc f1lbi-. -,i.e y --st VIC inaexes ror the deg-ce of orientation and also for modulus of elasticity, deforma- deft) tion md other parameters determining the W-icle r .0 Thv_ treaTcd ri"rs do not shov sharp ~I The law value-, In the fortna.-I-dehl, _tj ~Up 4~0 he imite f, T" -1 sei;ment&I mob-*Ilty of tl~e n , -, t iF~ due tr -,Iir ,-;w na-ximn nae shiftk~-d i~ r o n-,- -a- v at-Opr, _qQ the 1 69 6 - ic ?rm-. AP4040527 poi~,mer. At Idgher loadings (5-27, 10-53 M./m 2) the relaxation stresses of the fiber are exceeded at 30 and 60C causing ame elongation, but the high str~-,th fib,~r still retains moct of its properties 1q 1-,- -2 -11-( i r1r, art. has: f i gure P, AV -institat i=ni S. 11. Kirlova Lenln-- ASDOMAT-10M. Unlrigr4owdekly kitiltoyty Textile Institute)'Institut vy*ookmolelml yarny*kh sovedineniv All SSSR (Institute cif Micromolecular Crampoundo) SUH-UTITED: 091-L-lY63 01 suB com MT NO REF SOV: &-1-i OTHER: 002 Card 3/4 ACCESSIOF NR: Ap4o4O527 ENCLOSURE: 01 r c Au. Card 4/4 AUTHOPS- TITLEt 111110DICAL: S/07 9/61/03.1 /011/013./Ol 5 D228/D30'5 Golodnikovg G. V.,-, and Afanas'T'~va., G, S-, Triamyl,-. trihexyl-, and triphen-yl...(n--b--imopheuntv)- silanes Zhurnal obshchey khimii,, v. 31, no,, 1l,, 1061,,, 3'735-3738 TEXT: The authors studied the synthesis and properties of thrf-s little-known silicoorganic bromides and two new siLlicoorganic alcohols triamyl-(n.-bromopheno.xy)silane (1)~ trihexyl-( (11); triphonyl-(n-.bromol,lienox-,y.)silftne (110~ Meth:vl-(a..trt(UIIrIFi('q.- xyphenyl)carbinol - n-(C 11 )SiOC R CHORCH MY and methyl- 5 11 6 4 3 (n-triliexylailoxyphenyl)carbinoI -- n,.(C 6U 13 )SiOC6114CTIOHCII3(VI. pr,!,- vious research by G. V~ Golodnikov, B, W. Dolgo-. V. F,, Stdova (Hef" A Zh. obahch., khimii, 30, 3352, 1960) on the properties and reactions of bromides of the type n.-RSiOC 6H413r disclosed the possibility of their Card 1/3 S/079/61/031 iOll/013/01-5 Triamyl-, trihexyl-9 ando~,o D228./D305 conversion into secondary silicoorganic- alcohols by memns of acetaldehy& and magnesioorganic compounds, The method of O)e cittalytic dAygivo.- conden.~Ption of trialkyl- and triarylsilanes with n bromophetiol and 3. ZnC12 or SnC1 2 catalyst, given in B, N., Dolgo-?. Yu, 1, Xhudobiu, and N. P. 1(haritonov (Ref. 2~ Iz71. AN SSSR,, Otdi-1. khim,, nauh- 113,: 1958)~ was used to prepare L II, and III.., For synthesis of IV,,. a mixture of Mg. abs, ether, I,. and ethyl bromide was first boiled for 12 afte-~ 'which the solution was successively rooled, reacted vith in abs, ether, boiled for a further 30 hr.. ftnd decomposed vith Pirf vatc-, The subsequent vacuum- -di still ation of the separated and dritA ethey. 3.flyi., 0 - - 198 ~ 0 yielded three fractions~ 175 - 198 triawylplienoosysil ant . - 20:7 IV contaminated with some unreacted bromi dt, . rot-1 208 -- 216 0- pure 'N :, Il was converted into the desired alcohol by an ideziti-.0 proctdu-,~.i tliE~ fraction boiling at. 85 - 325 0 contained V p.lue somik trihexylpli~noxp- silane, while the 233 - 238 0 fraction consist;d of pure V. Tht absenr-~ of triallcylsilanes and hexaaIk-y1disilox&ne-q in tb,? r#,afJi,)n--pr,.)da0'S 1-r- considered by the authors -to testify to xh~ hYdro.113,vi.: stability of the Card 2/3 ACC NRt AP60~iyk SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036/-6c~iff6~~6-/-i~-3-3-1 . c2 Iq AUTHOR: AvAreyev, D. N.; Afanaelyeva, G. S. d- -b I ORG: Institute of Macromolecular Compoun s, Academy of SciEnces, SSSR (Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SS-S-R-7- TITLE: Organosilicon polyamides.~ I. Synthesis of dicarboxylic aliphatic organosilicon acids I SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, V. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1628-1633 TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound, =S=vve4t4vun polyamide, org=6s*i*tm dicarboxylic acid ABSTRACT:' This article is the first in a series on the study of organosilicon poly- amides. Some polyamides from dicarboxylic acids which contain siloxane links in their cauin are known. Polyamides from a dicarboxylic acid with one silicon atom in its chain are mentioned in the literature, but not described. Synthesis of two silicon- containing dicarboxylic acids was prompted by the desire to study the effect of the length of the acid chain on the properties of the polyamides obtained from such acids. The general formula of these acids was (CH3)4Si/(CH2)n CODH/2. The first of the synthesized acids, with n = 2, namely, 4,4-dimethyl-4-silaheptane-1,7-dicarboxvlic Card UDC: 547.245+547.461 AFANASIYEVA, I.A. A Climaticdhaiac~eristics of Ayak*alkan Health Resort area. Trudy Inst"'.'tr'aiev.pat.?4AN Kazakh. S.S.R. 1106-89 162. (MIRA 16 S 4) -(ALMA-ATA PROVINCE--HEALTH RESORTS, WATERING PIAGEfo ETC.) (AIMA-ATA PROVINCE-GLIMATE) AFANASIYEVA, Jgke , Cli-matotherapoutic characteristics of middle-alti tilde htalth resorts in the mmuntains of southeastern Kazakhstan. Vest. AN Kaza-11. SSR 21 no.7-015-20 J1 165. (MIRA 18:8) L 2068. 6-~t (e)/EJ~R/Ej~A ~s) 2'-'EVPQ)/ -IT(m)IT Pe-4/Pr-4/P -4/Pt-1, /P _P_ -/6L.',:)3/:-,-Jj/0220/0225 K S S A'5Du?I_Q A A Dem' R Mu ro mov a v e :- v n a 1. Svnthesis of amino acids~ o f t1he IiE xa7ie set, ~e s and of polya-mides based on such acids SOURCE: AN SSSR, Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza. Sintez i 5 Voy s Eva mo n ome r ov7e s yn t In es a 7 s nome r s Moscow, Iz6-vo Nauka, 1964, 220-225 I~~_'?IC TAGS: amino acid, polyamides Ny_~on,' tiiertnal sLability I 5 1 , A Cr I~ev amino acids hn-,.,e Ibeen r-en- red ind converted to new Vall, C.I?S with h'. 2h ther!;.ia" 5 ~"D~ -e '~'nclosure lists the amino acid monomers ana rne meiEing points oi Lae monomers anO polymers (all the monomers except the (4-aminocyclohexyl acetic acids are new). Fig. 1 of the Enclosure 5:.ows -i ty-)-,cal thermor~cchan- ical curve. Polycondensation was carried out in scaled ampuls under Card 114 7 i, 2o0'84-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5002132 nitrogen at 200-320C. The polyaraides from the trans monomers were 4 -soluble in the solvents common For poly,-v~i 'o,,, and were soluble only in concentrated d2Sn4. The polyami~cs fro!n CiS monomers ,_h- the rpAI were soluble in t1le OT-Mon Dolvamide-solvents. -,is,ble hi stabilicyp"Cc;polymers~were prepared fro-r. ---,e -e%-- i7~--o acids ana c-capr-:)- v7e r S Me I te d a t temp aczam or .-ami-ioenanthic acid., ine C-)7o~ eratures ot up to 456C and were soluble bo";l and in c-,esol. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas, 2 flgures .1,1d table. ASSOCIATION; none S ',B M I T T E D :30Jul64 NO REF SOV: 004 ENCL; 02 OTIHER. 007 SUB CODE: OC, GC ATID PRESS: 3165 Card 2/4 .7k L W684-6r, ACCESSION NR; AT5002132 ENCLOSURE 01 /e; - 0 'i4 curve for rne polvamide from trans-4-a,-,I.nocyclohexylacetic Card 3/4 '0 i; 2o&84~:65 ACCESSION NR: AT5002132 ENCLOSURE 02 Table 1. Properties of polvamides from a .--a 7,11no acids with cyclohexane Amino acid SP MOriMeT --CIIIG 00H i 291111 M5 trans-il.N,- -CHI-Cill-COOHI 0 292 490 0. G7 -/-\-Cli I-CH 3-COO H 25? 2160 0,78 ,rans-, ,N jc-, 1/-Cli'(10011 - c i S H,C-0--,,11 'coo H Card 4/4 ?IURfVOVA, R.S.; P.M.H.SlYVA, I.A.; J.D. PreptxatJon ol' o,~il from civ-1- aminocyclohm yl acetic acid, "41hur. VIUM 10 no. 165 Nnu', Ig.-I) I. Go.3udarstvennyy nauebno-Issledovatel Iskly i proyektznyyr in- stitut azutroy promyshlennosti I Froduktov sin.- teza. Submitted May 6, 1965. . 1'.' 1 RODIONOV, S*P.; AYANASIYEVAI,,I.M. [Afanaslieva, I.M.] Skarnoid xenolites in Gnivan' granodiorites. Geol. thur. 17 no.3:82-88 '57. (Ukraine--Mineralogy) (MIRk 11:2) uchastiye: BARJUlk, -.14. Y,UROMOVA, R.S.;_A~~ANA~L' v 'OU, I Polyamides based on amino acids of the cyclohexane series. Part 1: Po3yamides based on cls- and trans--isomers of 4-aminocyclohoxylacetic acid. Vysokr-lm. soed. 5 rio.10:3461- 1467 0 '63. (MIRA 17:1~ 1, GosudarstveraW nauchno-iosledovatellskiy i pre.vilft-ITY institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov .-:-anicheskogo sinteza. GALATSKIY, D.D, OWANASIYEVAY I.S.; FRDLYUIDER, 1.11. N - Investigating the rate of diffusion of copperj magnesium, and manganese in aluminum depending on the degree of deforrra- tion during extrusion. Alium. oplavy no.3:263-270 164. (MIM 17: 6) ACCESSION NR- AT4037667 S/2981/64/000/003/0263/0270 -10 AUTHOR- Galatskly, B. 1yeva, 1. S.; Fridlyander, 1. N. D. ..................... TITLE: A study of the rate of Cu, Mg and Wn diffusion in aluminum In relation to the. degree of deformation during extrusion SOURCE: Alyuminlyevy*ye splavy*, no. 3, 1964. Deformtruyemy*yo splavy* (Malleable alloys), 263-270 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, duralumin, alloy Al, alloy D16, copper diffusion, manganese diffusion, magnesium diffusion, component diffusion analysis, extrusion related diffusion, temperature diffusion dependence, deformation, aluminum extrusion ABSTRACT: Samples (150 mm long) cut from hexagonal bars extruded at 380C from twinned Ingots (see Fig. 1 in the Enclosure) of alloys Al and D16 (containing, respectively, In %: 0. 015 - 4. 1 Cu, 0. 016 -.1.62 Mg, 0. 008 - 0.44 Mn, 0. 19 - 0.43 Fe, 0. 18 - 0.36 SI) were preheated for 102 to 105 sec. in a niter bath at 470, 490 or 510C and spectrally analyzed along diagonal sections (10 to 1*30') to determine depth oi'diffusion and dependence of diffusion coefficients on temperature and coefficients of elongation (X = 3. 7. 10. 0, 21. 0 and 47. 0).. Results are tabulated (see Table 1 in the Enblosure) and indicate that the Card 1A ACCESMON NR: AT4037667 ENCLOSURE:'02 D16 Mean values of the diffusion coe ~~I,Cu, Mg and Mn from ifflotents DVec 7 into almminma CoefficI6ntbf--610#gation co T~mperature, ponent! -C i.7 10.0, 2XO,-t 47.0.. 1.7XIO-M 5.OXIO-JQ, 1,6W" 5.5XIO-I*-* 310. 49 3 *. 1xio-10 5,Ox 10-10 OAWO"10 2.9X1" An 3:6XIO-10 7,7XI07-1C'i,IIx4O,,q 8,3x on 10- 2.3x10-10 6,3X00-10 2.OXI" I.Ox im AS 2,7xlO-:: 3,8xIO-I#,I 6,WO-10 11 .6)(10 ma I'SX10-10, 3.7xlo-*;I, 1.0XV0 3,0XIO-1. 10,1t. 0 7.2X1 cm .9. I.r,.2XtO 2,OxIO-11 SX10710 jig. %10~16 i. I=: 9,7 CIO-11 1,5)(10-.;1o j.6g4orle 9"giclo-O 9 .9 SHTERNGAS, Ta.; AFANASIYIWA. K. eft Polyvinyl chloride linoleum. Stroi. mat.. Wel. i konstr, 2 no.7:13-14 Jl '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Mytishchinskogo silikatnogo zavoda (for Shterngas). (Linoleum) (Ethylene) ility of adhesion-to-mstal band and Vickers hardness, respectively. ES-7 lid not burrrwhen exposed to 100-1100C for 20 sec. N CH,-CH-CHO 0 /\_LOCH to, ~~ ~~O \0/ U, NO CH \POCH C H,- -CIIf,OP N N 1-ai-ICHIO NP/ 0/ /0 'CHj-CH-CH'O>__/ CH,Oi \0/ G-S- 7 Orig. art. hass 6 figs- - ----- SUB GODSio7jil/SUBM DATS; none/ 0410 RM 003 Card 2/2 AnDS17VAg L.; DUBROVA, G. Vae of antibiotics in the storage of chilled poultry, 1holotekh, 37 no.4:38-39 JIP-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1, Leningradskiy institut sovetskor torgovli im. F.Incel'sa. (Pbultry-Storage) (Antibiotics) AFAIUS.IYZVA,, L.A,, prepodavatell-biolog (Chelyabinsk); KOlidUSWINA,T., yunnat . (Chelyabinsk); VOBSHCHINA, S., yunnat (Chelyabinsk). Effect of sowing time on the quality of spring wheat seads, Agrobiologiia no-3:143-144 147-Je 156. (M1RA 9:9) (wheat) (sowing) L 2337M5 EWT(1)AWG(v)/FCC/EEC(t) GW ACCESSION NR: AM002524 5j0l69j04jO00/O10/B044/B044 _-JOB258 SOURCE. -1(if zhi~. f i Z ika-i- ---Ab iG AUMOR! Afanaoeva, L. A.; ~01kqv_,__,&_S, TITLE: Haze in southwestern Tadzhikistan CITED SOURCE: Sb. rabot Dushanbinsk,__gj4rometeqro1. obse VYp. 1, 1964, 42-52 TOPIC TAGS; haze, atmospheric turbidity, aerosol, atmospheric visibility, dust storm, cold front, occluded front TRANSLATION: This paper gives the frequency aTid distribution of haze in Tadzhi- kistan during the period 1956-1960. The maxup,_E-i freruenLy of haze is observed in July and August; haze is a rare phenc~menon in tht coi6 half-year. The most common duration of haze is 1-2 days; the r-zximLLn duration during the considered period was 6 days. The maximum in the diurnal curve of the irequency of haze is between 0900 and 1900 hours local time. -Tvie diurnal variatlon of haze is the same as the diurnal variation of -the wind. During haze, vi.-d'bi.11ty ranges from several tens of meters to 4-10 km. The wind vz1ocity at which transport of an advection haze is observed is -8 m/sec. In 75% of all cases the formation of haze is associated C1~4h.cold intrusions from the west and northwest. On the surface synopLic 61-larLJ J_ L 23373-65 ACCESSION NR: AR5002524 westerly intrusions over Central Asia appear as the passage of one or two parallel meridional cold fronts or occluded fronts accompanied by wind intensification and frequently by dust storms, a cloud cover and precipitation. When forecasting hazes it is necessary to take into account that the closer the planetary high-level frontal zone is situated to Central Asia, the greater is the development of haze in if- and the poorer is the visibility in it. The authors list a number of cri- teria which can be used in forecasting haze. V. Sorokina. SUB CODE: ES ENCL*# 00 17 77 Co,,d 212 Category : USSR/Opticb - Physical optics K-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, Nc) 1, 19.57 N_- 2303 Author :Afanaelyeva, L.A., N--~skov, M.M., Cherepanov, V.I. Inst :Ura-El State Uni ity~ USSB Title New "inter sectinZ -Circle " Methcd fcx the Determ-Ination of the Optical Con- stants of Metals Orig Pub Fiz. metallcv i metallcvedendye, 19556, 1, No 2. 566 Abstract Description of a vaxla~~t of a methol of measuring the optical constants of metals using the reflectior-k of 3y.Iarlzed infrared light. A recording mono- chromator is used to determine the value of P (the ratio of the ability of the specimen to reflect ligbt paralde-1 t,~ the plane of incidence to the reflecting ability for the perpendicularly-pOigrized light), at least for two angles of incidence, To'firA the optical constants, the authors propose an. iapproximate method based on a graphic solution of the system (X xi)2 y2 = R sults from the-Fresnel equations for metal. Here which re- A- X ~oL I ( andf j is the angle of incidence (I - 1, 2). The abscissas of the intersection points of two circles with radii Ri and R2 yield the valuqs of the index of refraction n, and the ordinates yield the absorption coefficient k. The method was tested with Bi, Sb) arA their alloys in the range of Afroth, 2 to' Card 1/1 ~-i ~ lm,.Ni ~~l -- I - ,, ~ I I- - .1 - . - ;--, --~,:7 . =1 M 'MR-, MIR 1 3 Z' 3-8/14 129 AUTHORS: Tikho a, N. M.$ Candidate of Technical Sciences and Afanaslyeva, L. A., Technician. TITLE: Investigation of A'loys of Magnesium with Various Rare h s1 edovani e splavov inagniya s raZlichnymi E art Metals (1r redkozemellnymi metallami5. PERIODICAL: Metallovedeni e i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, No.3, pp. 38-41 (USSR~. ABSTRACT: In this paper, the results are described of investi- gations of the causes of the favourable influence of Nd on the mechanical properties of alloys as compared with the properties of other rare earth metals. Experimental results are compared on -the solubility of various rare earth metals in magnesium at various temperatures of heating prior to hardening. The lattice parameters of binary alloys were measured and the diffusion speed of various rare metals in magnesium were qualitatively determined. The so!-ability of the rare earth metals at the temperatures of heating prior to hardening were ascertained by micro- structural analysis. After deformation by means of a hammer, specimens containing 3 and 6% Nd were annealed for 2 hours at various temperatures and then quenched in Card 112 water. Metallographic analysis of the specimens has - - - - ------- 3 rig Na: 5 ~j-- ju Or F it F IL Pq HL Jj , " , I ~ " j - , I , I llli~ I _.G. pro . . . : t.: i 1, i . -1 ! I ; .,,- '. 7 T-:u . I -, v . !,11 '.'-'SR. of , -.,, ,J~ , ~; "I . . ri 1, . T,- t~l I. I 1U. n t ; . 6, :-.. . I/ N_ - - ," L , f PA 18 - 3 ) AFANASIYEVA,, L~A.; BOLOTINp G.A.; NOSKOVt M.M. ....... Magnetic rotation of the polarization Dlane with reflection from antimony and bismuth in the infrared region of the spectrum. Fiz. mt. i metalloved. 19 no.6s944 Ja 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. ACC NRi AP70006L, SOMICE CODE: UR/0126/66/01"2/005/0787/6789 AUT]IORS:,.-t%.fanaii.-ly-ova,-,.L.-.A.; Noskov, M. M. ORG: Institute of the Physics of Metals, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki motallov 'U; SSSR) TITLE: Spin orbit interaction and mar-netooptical Kerr effect in ferronnrynetic metals SObRCE: Fizika metallov i motallovee-.eriye, v. 22, no. 5. 1966, 787-789 L-tdPIC TAGS, Kerr effect, cobalt, nichcl, Faraday effect IABSTRACT: The frequency dependence of ',;ne Kerr constant for cobalt and nichel in n of 8-20 microns was determine". The e),-oerimentol results are 'the spectral reuio shown graphically (see Fig. 1). It was found that these results support the phonon machanisra for electron scattering in ferro=,gnetics proposed by L. A. JIL,"anaslyeva, A. N. Voloshinskiy, and M. M. Noskov (FI-A~,, 1966, 21, 288) and are incompatible with the inhomo-eneous spin scattering mechanism of A. N. Voloshiznskiy (F%2--1,'1964, 18, 10).' It is concluded that the square dependence of the Kerr constant on the frequency and the sign of the magnetooptical rotation in cobalt require further clarification. The authors thank G. A. Bolotin, A. N. Voloshinskiy, and 1. G. Fakidov f"or helpful Idiscussions. Card 1/2 ux: '069.017:535 AFP NhS YT;V A, L C-. oil a lim*,'. sojourn tirnoo Tecr. e-? prim. 10 no.3-1570-578 '65. (%,IT-PA PARMINOV, T.A.; AFANASITZTA, I.G. Industrial production of fowl peat vaccine. Trudy Gos.nauch.-kont. 4:168-177 153. (MM 7:10) 1. KhrskVa, btofabrika, (Pou1tr3r--D1veasev--Prmm:tiv* inoculation) (Vaccines) USSR / VirolofiV. Viruses 6'f Man and Animals. Plague Viruses E-2 of Birds. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya,, No 22~ 1958, No. 99130 Author : 6)=in, Va N,;_Kan~e 1yeva, L. __G~j Perminov, T, A. Inet : State Veterinary Preparations Title : On the Concentration of the Newcastle Virus in tbs Tissues of an Experimentally Infected Fowl OriS Pub : Tro Gos. nauchno-kontrolln. in-ta vet. preparatoy; 195T, L 116-129 Abstract : The virulent (Tj brain of a dead chicken) and adaPted strains (brain of a dead guinea piG) of the virus of Newcastle's disease were studied. 1,ith intraallantoic infection of chick embryos (CE) both strains caused death of CE in 40 - 64 hours; in the cephal-ic brain and liver were found large quantities of adapted virus Card 1/2 A--'Al-,-kS'--.-,VA, L. T. Afunasl,,reva, L. i. "RequIrements of onion !ip, In in .iitrilioral elements In. t~).e vegetation p(~rjod," Truil, h. ' ~:, . .... .. nwir --L. 2ed. A.,~-ta Hmz.-vap Vol. 1, p. V!1-67 so: u-3261-, in AT,ril ](153, (!(-tw-ir, I zhil-lial '10. 3, lphn) . . - I 00, Sol *04 *0 so't oo') go a ""win '= K ad -tbftft md sanksm -A.G. 104, u &O'Dotend we Go An t i a-a -IM 1w 9110 6996900offessoo llo 0 -ee age Off #too co* boo ties Ago, BABCF,ENKOj SMIOYLENKO, E.I.; VERYBOTUROVA, F.I.; AFAFASIYEVA, L.I.; FIADEZIDIFSKAYA) N.G.; PODMALOV, MI., kand. tekJr,. heal., ~; - ' PASHCH11,17SKAYA, G., red. izd-va; YMIMIKO, A., tekhn. red. (Technological instructions on the production 'of canned fish by the enterprises of the Kaliningrcd Econordc Council]Sbornik tekh- nologicheskUdi inntruIrtsii po vyratot&-e rybnyk-h konservov pred- priiatiiami Kaliningradskogo sovilarklioza. Kalinirgrad, Kalinin- gradskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1962. 239 P. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Kaliningrad. Baltiyskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiT, institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeamografii. 2. Baltiyskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okennografii, Tekbuolq&beekays, laboratoriya Kaliningrad (for Babehonko, Samoylenko) Verkchoturova, Podsevalovi. (Ciinning and preserving) (Kaliningrad Province--Fish) Canned) GERLING, Fj.K.; IZVSKIY, L.K.; AFANASIYNVA, L.J. Discovery of A 38 in potassium-containing minernlo. Dokl.Al SSSR. 109 no,4:81:,l--S15 Ag 1956, (MULA 9:10) 1. Liborptoriya geologii dokembriya Akadamii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno Fikademikom A.A. Polkanavym. (Argon-Isotopea) (Minmrnlogy, DatfArminative) 5(2) AUTHORt Afanaslyeva, L. I. SOV/75-14-3-6/29 TITM Usie of Komplexon III (Ethylene Diamine-Tetraacetic- Acid) for Separation of Barium, Strontium and Caloium (Ispoll-ovaniye kompleksona III d1ye, razdeleniya bariya, strontsiya i kalltsiya) PERIODICALt Zhurnal analitioheskoy khimii, 1959, V01,14, Nr 3, pp 294-297 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The instability constants of the alkaline-earth complex compounds with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid are according to Schwarzenbach (Ref 1) for Ba - 7,76, for Sr - 8.63~ and for Ca - 10,59. Thus a possibility was given to decompose successively the complex compounds of the three alkaline- -earth elements by continuous decrease of the pH-number, and to precipitate the elements in the form of sulfates. The method was checked by radiometry with Sr go and Ca45 as indicators. The precipitation of barium took place at pH , 8 in which connection the precipitate was liberated from the strontium entrained by reprecipitation. In contrast with the Card 1/2 resu*",ts obtained by Bal2ozo and Doppler (Ref 4) theprwipitWm Use of Komplexon III (Ethylene Diamine-Tetraacetic SOV/75-14-3-6/29 Acid) for Separation of Bariump Strontium and Calcium of SrSO 4 was possible at PH v 5. The quantity of the Ca entrained was not more than 1.2 % of the total calcium content. There are 3 tables and 4 references, one of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Laboratoriya geologii dokembriya AN SSSR Leningrad (Laboratory of the Pre-Cambrian Geology, AS USSR, LAingrad) SUBMITTEDt November 16, 1957 Card 2/2 60/015/005/011/026/XX B002YB056 AUTHOR: Afanaslyeva. L. I~ TITLE: The Separation of Strontium and Calcium Using 15, Complexon III. Determination of Strontium in Apatites__ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. analiticheakoy khimii, 960) Vol. 15, No. 5, PP. 564 - 567 TEXT: Below pH 5 strontium is quantitatively precipitated as sulfate, from solutions containing complexon III. The precipitation of calcium sulfate only begins with PH 4. For the quantitative separation of strontium, 800 mg complaxon III per 100 g oxide is added, further methy]. red and some ammonia until the solution turns yellow. Then am.- monia sulfate solution is added and drop-wise diluted sulfuric acid until the solution turns a red color (about PH 4-5). As shown by ex- perimentep this method may be used for ratios of from Sr : Ca down to i : 5. If calcium is present in larger excess quantities, precipitation in the acetate buffer is carried out with an addition of the. same quan- tity of ethyl alcohol. The latter method was used for the purpose of Card 112 GERLING, Brik Karlovich. Prinimall uchastiya: TASHCHWWO, M.L., starohiy nauehnyy sotrudnik; TERMOLIN, O.M., starabiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TITOY. Ms., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; AIPANASITBVA, L.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KOLITSOVA, T.V., ml-ale-Efy-n-a-~-c-FnW-sotrudnik; OVOINNIKOVA, G.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik: SHUKOLYLIKOV, Tu.A., mladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; LEVSKIT, L.K., m1adshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; MMOZOIA, K.M., mladshiy nauchnvy sotrudnik; MATRINVA6 I.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotradmik; BMAH, V.G., mladshiy nauchuyy sotrudnik; BARAWOVSKAYA, N.V., ml&dehiy nauennyy sotruanik; VARSHAVSKAYA, B.S., mladshiy nauchn" sotrudnik-. MMGBYRV, A.N., starshiy laborant; KWATOV, V.V., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KRATTS, K.O., kand.gool.-mineral.nauk,; ARON, G.M., red.iza-va; BOCHSVXRO V.T., (Present status of the argon method for age determination and its use in geology] Sovremennoe sostoianie argonovogo metoda opre- deleniia vozrasta i ego primenenie v geologii. Moskva, iza-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 130 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Radiyevyy institut im. V.G.Kblopina (for Kurbatov). (Geological time) (Radioargon dating) 31054 ~q S/126/6)/012/004/013/021 E073/E535 AUTHORS,- Kiinin, Afanastyeva, LA, and KozIova, S.S. rT I Lp Dvvam,,- e(fprt of' the induced thermo e.m..f. at varintia d#1t-ot-uiet)or. tvmperatiires I'FR T 0 1) 1 CA 1, F1211ka met~illolk i metal Invedenivp, v.12, no.4, 1961 rNrl- 5911 T ~ XT, The authoroz measiired the temperature dependence of the dvnamic coeffictvtit K of the induced thermo e,m,f. in the range -14t) in 15(1 C Me ra x ! ~, K of the dynamic to the stati.c thermo t- ni,t*,, at Ei deformarion was taken as a measure of the dynamic of I'vC ! . It -A,-A fotind thii the K vu., lomper-attire curve haq a ma,;tmiim %btch cotre,4j;cjn(IQ to Ithe respective revvvstallizatiott .temperaturc. Ihe respecttve value-.9 c2re K. - 2.7 for copper r ~ 40,!~ 4 ebO'*K) and 1~. 2-2 for altiminium, (c. ~ 401A, T - 41oGKI. ftie dependence of the induced P.m.A- on the deformation t empern t tire v-i exponential both in the case of -itatic and dynamic loads. )n the vase of nluminium, K decreases with incv-pa-4ing degree of deformation t1w morp intensitelv the higher the defor-mation temperatur". 'I he I PSI) I 1..q C an be i n t erpr P t. pH on a sgum j ng s-Lmu I t aneoxi s therma I and (.4rd 1/2 32-054 DYnamic el'fect of the induced S/i26/61/012/004/013/021 8073/K515 othermal effe- s (Wrinp ibe prort-4s of' generalinn of induced thermn ii -~ M, t'. Mere are S Vipires and '~ ~ovjet references. -,lZskjC I ~ 1, 11 iN, fhelyftbixiskty politekhnicheskiy institut jCbelyabinqk Polytechnical Institute) A I j 0 M IT 1, F 1) February ]1 1961 Card 2/2 GERLING, E.K.; PAP, A.M.; W-ROZOVA, I.M.; AFANASIYEVA, L.I.; LUNIKO, V.F. Stratigraphy of the Pre-Cambrian of White Russia and adjs-Ant areas according to data of the absolute nge. Sov. gool. 7 no.3:120-126 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Laboratoriya geologii dokembriya AN SSSR i Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN BSSR. SOBOLEV, N.D.; LEBEDZV-ZINOV'YEV. A.A.; NAZAROVA, A.S.; VILYUNOVA, L.P.; RATALOV, Sh.S.; BRYLINA, O.H.;r~WQ $tYEVA, L.K.; OVGHINNIKOVA, S.T.; red.izd-va; OVANOVA, A.G., [Neogene intrusives and the pre-Plesozoic tvie region of Caucasian mineral waters] Neogenovye intruzivy i dom,(,zozoiskii fundament ra'iona Kavkazskikh minerallqykn vod. Moskva, Go9.nauchno-tek-hn.izd-vl lit-ry po geol. i okhran- nedr, 1959. 208 p. (Moscow. Vaesoiuznyl nauchno- isaledovatellskii 5natitut minerallnogo syrlia. Trudy, n0-3). (MIRA 12:11) (Caucasus, Northern-Rocks, Igneous) 3(5) SOV/11-59-7-4/17 AUTHOR: _Af aLia�_jjqv~~.~. K. TITLE: The Khyukt Gabbro - Diabasic Intrusion in the River Imganda Valley (North-Western Part of the Siberian Plateau) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologiches- kaya, 1959, Nr 7, pp 26-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a detailed description of a gabbro-diabasic intrusion Khyukt in the Imganda river valley of the northwestern part of the Siberian Plateau. The in- trusion, more than 10 km long, is composed of strata of different varieties of gabbro-diabasic rocks oc- curring in conformity with enclosing Upper Silurian limestones. The main mineral components of these rocks are the basic plagioclase (53 to 66% of the whole volume of the intrusion), pyroxene (22 to 24%) and olivine (about 4%). The plagioclase forms masses Card 113 of regular crystals mainly of labrador. The pyroxene SOV/11-501-7-4/1-/ The ]Khyukt Gabbro-Diabasic Intrusion in the River Imganda Valley (North-Western Part of the Siberian Plateau) occurs in the form of augite variety and its compo- sition is almost the same in the whole intrusion. It oscillates from Wo'.,,En4,Fe,),to W04,En.). Fe,,(accor- ding to H.H.Hess, referance ly, distributed in the iatrusion. varies very little and ferruginosity. All the the Khyukt intrusion ar~ composition and are characterized the differentiation of sition is very near to sition of the world basalt, (table 1). Although tha gree of metamorphosis of basically they all have Card 2/3 magma. Taking into consideration 3). The ulivine is even- Its composition Ls characterized by increased gabbro-diabasic varieties of of very similar chemical by the absence of the intrusion. Their compo- the average chemical compo- according to R.Deli author stresses the high de- the gabbro-diabasic rocks, been formed by the primary the structure of the SOV/11-59-7-4/17 The Khyukt Gabbro-Diabasic Intrusion in the River Imganda Valley (North-Western Part of the Siberian Plateau) intrusion and the character of correlation of its different minerals, the author explains it by a gradual crystallization of the magma. Intratelluric formations connected with the first crystallization phases are represented by the rounded grains of olivine associated with the lowest strata of the intrusion when an olivine gabbro-diabasic stratum was formed. Grains of this early olivine are enclosed in the plagioclase and pyroxene, proving thus their ear- lier origin. There is 1 table and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy institut minerallnogo syr1ya 1-ilinisterst- va geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR, (the All-Union In- stitute of the 1~.ineral Raw Material of the 111inistry of GeoloGy and Conservation of Lineral Resources of the USSR, Moscow. SUBMITTED: March 15, 1958 Card 3/3 AFANASOISVA, LJ.; LEBEDEV-ZINOVIYEV, A.A. Feldepars in-,intrusive rocks of the Besh-Tau. in the Northern Caucasus. Min,~syrle no.4slOO-108 162. .(MIRA 1634) 'au-Feldspar) Mm.-.- .,."A.-Rocks, Igneous) Treatment of Thromboi)hlcIbit-?,s Patients i-,,ith Pelentan. L.::.AfanasIveva, Ge-~,_ral Out- 19-20, Jul 153. Patient Clinic 'v:in.of "'I"ealth USISR. Sov. 7,"cd. Uol 17,no .7,--.n Pelentan is an anticoarulant substince effective In the red,lie'Ll-01, o" Uic wrnal nontent of protl-roribin in blood; it is toxic thLn any other dicwiarol deriv. Ori,rinally synthesized in Czechoslovakia, it h%s bcen succeFsfully used in conblna- tion with antibiotics in the troatpent of tlhromi*,,~o~)hlebitl-s. of antibiotics alone contributes to fon-,ation of n~~w blood, clots. The outpatient clinic of :,~in. of 1-lealth USSR Pegan Ito use -Delentan in T'ov :5-1. A noti-ccable dF-Icrease of thrombotic nodes in many chronic cases of thro.-,-,bor'fllcbi-tis ,.Tas obnerved w."Ithin a minth after treatment i-rith pelentan. ~_AfANASIMCVA, L.N.. bibliograf; KATS, R.I., insh., red,; MMAGINA, T.A., ~_._takhji.rdd-. [Production organization in the machinery and instrument industry; recommended list of literature] Xulltura proizvodstva na mashino- stroitellnykh predpriiatiiakh; rokowndatellnyi apisok literatury. Pod red. R.I.Kats. Leningrad, 1959. 26 p. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Leningradakiy dom nauchno-tekhnichaskoy propagandy. Hauchno- tekhnichaskaya biblioteka. (Bibliography--Industrial management) AFAMIYEVA, L.N.; NMLISON, M*S,, inzh,, red, (Automation and mechanization of dimension control in the manufacture of machinery; a bibliograpby of the literature] Avtomatizateiia i mekhanizataiia kontrolia razzerov v mashino- stroenii; bibliograficheskii ukazatell literatury, Pod red. M.S.Nevellsona. Leningradp 1961. 32 p. (IURA 15:5) 1. LeniWadskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskay propagandy. Nauchno- teklmicheskaya bibliotelm. (Automation) (Production control) AJFMA41Y~k'1-4 LN,,-__P~IORUCHEV, L.V., kand. tekhn.naukq dots.) red.; KLOPGVA, T.B., red. izd-va (Mechanization and automation of industrial operations based on heat treatment and case hardening; bibliographic.index] Nekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia proizvodstvenrWkh operatsii pri termicheskoi i khinilo-termicheskoi obrabotke; biblio- graficheakii ukazatell. Pod red. L.V.Aeloruchova. Lenin- grad., Leningr.dom nauchno-tekhn.propagandyy 1962. 47 pe (KMA 15: 8) (Bibliography--Metals--Heat treatmnt) (Bibliography--Case hardening) (Automation) Form of the ankle joint In man and its development. Arkh. anat., Moskva 30 no.4:72-76 JUY-Aug 1953. (GIXL,25:4) 1, Of the Department of Normal Anatomy (Read -- Prof, B., 1, TBimmorman), Stavropol' Hadioal Institutsi i and th, Ow. Mi. e min. cnnr -n~ ej m. it-t-i~h4 t- i," mthod Was "alo tLs MBAt with 1 1 Y I'- md Tl~, rv kFANASIYEVA Blood supply of fascia lata of the hip in the human fetus. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:142-143 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. kafedroy prof. A.G. Korotkoir) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. x blood 4nd a' i De6iibli at *111M a gifte pbot6idl imetrically.: V. Afanas'eva 4Dnepropotrov-_$1- Med.' ( jnd. Hyg.). Biokhimip IS.'319-236953).1, Just., Ch4j -A 10,~ so1q~.SnVA,_')ffiO, obtained by di&%olving 10 g. in 10 m. kortoncd. HCI and making up to IM tnl:'ivith: 11,0 (keep sh*.dark bottle) and a 0.5% SnClj, prepd. from previous -soln., by liln. (soln. g6oki for I day) are ur."L. Standard SI so)~-'Y6pd. either from, silicielacid i~r froni NaOOz A stawtird curve 'must, be Orefid. Three mi., of bQ serusn oF.O.5'e o -As firn'-dried ;uid'ground* 'Chw4cal Abst. . I tissue jin an sgatimortta;, pfaced ant6 a Pt 4ish:to which is added; I mi. satd. boric acid,',jfiid 'slimly, Wed down.'to dry-s VOL 48 No. "nM. The residue. is..tW~6d` ' ke ;k'1ixfit`:fiarno for 2-31 TO. 10o 1954 min .. I t. dry Na2CO2 Added,'-V1VZ -iii a muffle furoace at I QW* for 16 rain., co&le( at jq~~ temO`",rtd. HO'added. Biological Chf~dstry and. warmed on saw bath,wit W~W into 60 mL volusnetric Bask vritfi R t$lmi voLlftexceed -t-1 in' 40'~', Cool and'add 2-3 drops" ld4 8N;_ HiSO4 tmtit color disippe~ Xta's.41 the mark.! In thq &14 tictu. 5 or 10 ffil., '6f;iait soin. Is pWA intoi another*60-nd. Volumetrk ' ;HiO*A4edtoab6ut2O.3fil., folloWed by 5 ml. of 6.5N HtSO 1,isdd'5 mV bf'5% NH4 ,molybdste_' Let stand for 3 theb, add 15. MV SN" A'SO4 iiwi,i MI-0.5% SUCI. luki to EO- mi. gC1. Pmke tharonSW -and By this meWod the- detir. net If 4 d d tir. fthd, maido to wMlo 2-4% of "et. B. S. L.~ A F AN A I I YI 7. 7.111 t, V. Afanaslyeva, L. V. X'q ~,j al "The distribution of silicon in the orCRAsm and its elimination in the e L tio i of quartz dust (experimental investigation). 9 Acad Med. 3c1 U33R. 1,110scow, 1956. (Dissertation For the begree of L~andldate in Biological Scienc-,~s. ) K-,iizhnaya letopis I ~o 21, 1956. Moscow. -- Distribution in and excretion of silicon from the body following the inhalation of quartz dust. Bor'ba 9 ail. 4:128-132 '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. TSentrallnyy inatitut usovershanstvovaniya vrachey. (LUNGS--DUST DISMSES) (DUST--PMIOLOGIGILL WECT) pill' oili H15 ZIA AM A'S f 1.1 g Ilia ill i N e S 1: .41! i, He a 'pl-AN , HIs C t: go E, 10 1 sin.. ---------- WON W-A IN It "RIM-n- MEN, A It I#- 0. r-4.0 & n. IDP to. L a. A. r~ k A. Up~ H- a. A. L IL vds~ 0 ITnr (C 10 A. 16 UM) a OL C- AL 11, A- W IL Kyq- lZ OL r- L I to (c 18 so 22 num) if &*Mtud tar us Cambomw 14"Ura at Ma 1141=1111,16 Tosllwlapo" O"lev or UM 3.812*Wbs ocia 32"trisal Oammintlame Is. A. 8. Pop" (MU), NNOW, AFANASIYEVA (Research,.methods for-the study of metereological condi- tions in industry and their effect on the workers' organisms] Metody issledovaniia meteorologicheskikh uslo- vii us proisvodstve i ikh vliianiia na organizm rabotaiushchikh. Moskva, TSentrAn-t usovershenetvovaniia vrachei, 1962. 58 (MIRk 16:j** (CLIMATbL'QGY, MEDICAL) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) AFAi AS YEV, A L. V. A! J; I i I j [Ind-,istr-tal clus'. its bygle-l'I'. naia pyll i ea g!gler.lcheolioo T.~~,nl--,. AFANASIYEVA _L.V.; SHTEYNBERG, G.B.,, red. -. " A - - [Control of industrial dust in various branches of industry) Bor'ba s promyshlennoi pylliu v otdellnykh otrasliakh pro- myshlennosti. Moskva, TSentr. in-t usovershenstvovaniia vrachei, 1963. 39 P. (MIRA 17:11) AFANASIYEEVA, L.V. (Llvov); PENIKOV, M.V. (L'vov) Securing traffic safety. Put? I put. khoz, 8 no.7tL2O-21 164. (MIRA 17110) 'S~Nl j -SIYET~, L.V. 0.'Ivov~ Track main I ona.rr.-,c-. School -",f advawed F114 1 1, r t 8 noo)2416-17 964. (MIFL4 L;3",2) I.A-F-AEASIMAJ, Lyudmila Vasillyuvna; KARPESHKO, Yurly Yefimr"vJrl-.; -, -. - DOGORODSHY, G.N... otv. red.; BATRAKOVA, T.A., red. [Electrophotographic recording of images] Elektrofoto- grafichAskaia zapis' izobrazhenii. Mookvap Sviazl, 1965. 46 p. (MIRA 18:5) CHERNOBEREVISKlY, Yu.14.; ZUBKOVA, S.N.; USANOVA, S.D.; AFANASIYEVA, L.V. SUdy of the auspenBion effect. Koll. zhur. 27 no.5:?80-783 S-0 165. (MIRA 18tlO) 1. Leningradakiy universi-tet imeni Zhdanova. NURSES AND NURSING Work of the nurse in emling for the seriously ill* Med.sestra no* 4, 1952* Monthl List pf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. November, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. AFANASI , starshaya med.sestra Problems of deonotology in the work- of the su.-gicAl nurse; Mede'sestra 17 no-10:30-32 0 '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1; Iz 1-y kafedry Ichirurgii Leningradskogo gosuderstvennogo ordpnp.-.Leni'aa inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova, LeningTad; (SURGICAL NURSING) -