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BRONSETM, L.A., dotsent; AFAR SIYU. L.L., dotsent. BASH, H.S., dotsent; VUSKO, Yu.M., UAKARMO, G.V, p dotsent; LZYDERKAN, S.R...dotsent; LIVIYANT. la.A., ispoln.obyazan- nosti doteenta; LYUBINSKIY, N.M., inzh.; NAYDOOV, B.F., inzh.; FINKSLIMUZIN, A.L., inzh.; KHROMOV, A.A., inzh.; CHUDINOV, A.A*, inzh.; GCBXRW, I.M., red.; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N.,; DONSKAYA, G.D.,, (Centralized automotive freight haulage] Tsentralizovannye pare- V02ki gruzov avtomobilinym transportom. Pod obshchei rBd. I.M. Gobermana. Moskva, Nauchno-takha.i2d-vo H-va avtomobillnogo transpor- ta i ahoseeinykh dorog RSrSR, 1960. 2o6 p. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moscow. Avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut. (Transportation, Automotive) ANOXHIN, Vaeiliy Ivenovichg kand.tekhn.naO.;__gANA�1YSL LL., kond.tekhn. nauk, red.; NA IMSON, V.A., red.isd-ve-0 SOKOWYA, T.F., [Russian motor vehiole8l Otechestvennye avtomobili. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 758 P. (MIRA 13t9) (Motor vehicles) IMP L., kand.takhn.nauk -A~ -1-- -.1--- ~ The 46th International Automobile 3xhibition in Paris. Avt. transp. 38 no.105-58 JR 6o. (MIRA 13:5) (Automobilee-Exhibitions) APANS I Tiff I L La. On roads of peace and friendship. Ayt.transp. 38 no.8:47-49 Ag l6o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Predeedatell avtomobillnogo komitets, Federateii avtomobilloogo i mototeikletnogo sporta SSSR, (Antomobile racing) .. AFANAS I YEV. L. Taxicab transportation in Paris. Avt.transp. 39 no*4r58-W Ap 161. (NIU 140) (Faris-Taxicabe) AFANASIYEV, P. Now optibal stand for the inspection of wheel: alignment. A'7t. tranaps 19 noo5t59-61 My 161, (MIRA 1415) (Motor Vabioles-Wheels) CAFANASIYEVI L., The 47th International.Automobile'Exhibition in Pario Avt.transp. 39 no.lt58-60 Ja 161. " 1413) (Paris-Exhibitons) (Automobiles) AFANASIYEV Leoni ; KOLYASINSKIY, Boleslav Staniglavovich; MOLUVP Aleksey Aleseyevich; KRUZE, I.L.., nauchnyy red.; MANAKIN, N.V.,-red.; BODANOVA, A.P., tekhn. red. (Garages and service stations; album of drawiugs]Garazhi I stantaii oboluzhivaniia avtomobilei; allbom,,ch'artezhei. Mo- skva, Avtotransizdat, 1902. 104 p. . (MIRA 16.1) (Garages) (Service stations) AFANASIYEV, L.; SABININ, A. Green light to automobile racing. Za rul. 20 no.4:4-5 Ap fUs' (MM 15:5) 1. Predsedatell avtowbillnogo komiteta Federatsii avtomotooporta SSSR (for Afanaslyev)o 2* Zamestitell predsedatelya avtomobillnogo komiteta Federataii avtomotosporta SSSR (for Sabinin), (Automobile racing) AFANASIYEV, L. r- Congress of the Intermational Automobile Association@ Za rule 21 no.101 Ja 163. (MMA 3.6s1) 1. Chlen rukovodyashchego Komiteta Mezhdunarodnoy avtomobillnoy federatsii MO. (Automobiles-Zoeietiesp etc.-Congresses) AFANASIYEV, L., prof. Forty-ninth International Exhibition in Paris. Art. transp. 41 no-3:61-62 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Paris-Exhibitions) (Motor vehicles) 1~\ ARKHANGELISKIY, VA; AE&AWD-Y....L.L., doktor takhn. nauk; DEUTERINSKIY, L.V.; 1URIM, V.A.; SERGEYEV, N.M.; TSUKEREERG, S.M.; ANOKBIN, V.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; TSErENKO, V.G., inzh,, retsenzent; YEGORKINA, L.I.0 red.izd-va; FAKHIMSON, V.A.p red. izd-va; SOKOLOVAt T.F., tekhn. red. [Motor vehicles; design, operation and repair] Avtomobili; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsiia i remont. Moskvat Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964s 510 P. (MIRA 170) AFANASlYFV,.L,L,%,-PrOf. MoNcow Highway Institute contributes to highvay construction. Avt.dor. 26 no.12:14-15 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Rektor MoskovEkogo aytomobillno-dorozhnogo instituta. AFANASIYEV, Leonid. Leonidovich, dbkl%.O-- tek-hn. riauk, pnnf.; P BRONSHTEYN, L.A., red. [Automotive transportation] Avtomobilinye perevozki. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 350 P. (MIRA M6) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobillne-dorozhnyy institut (for AfannOyov). ARKHAIGELISKIYI V.M.,-, AFANASIYEV,__~.Lp doktor tekhn. nauk.; ILARIONOV, V.A.; SEKGEYEV, TSUMBERG~, SX., DEKHTERINSKIYI, L.V.; ANOKHIN, V.I.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; TSETENKO, V.G., retspnzent (Motor vehicles; their design, operation and repair] Avto- mobili; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsiia i remont. Moskva, Ma- shinostroenie, 1965. 510 P. (MIRA 18:8) !antlyevichj AFANASIYEV, L.M., kand.gool.-mineral.- RALYUZHNYY, Vaailiy Avi ' r.A ~ - ' 4 -%* A I nauk, otv,red,; -GRISHINA, T.1 J.'" -.t ;4 "IUSIKOVA,to [Petrography of granitoids-and the metallogeny of thO eastern part of the Katunt Alps in the Gornyy Altai) Petrografiia granitoidov'i voprosy metallogenii vostochnoi. chasti Katunskikh Allp Gornogd Altaia, Moskva Iwe-vo Akad.-nauk SSM, 1963. 131 p. (AkademUa nauk SSM. -Ins4tut geologi-i rudnykh mestorozWenli, petrografii, mineralogii i geo)chimii. Trudy, no.85). (MM 16:5) (Altai Mountains--Granite) (Altai Mountains--Ore deporkts) L 11; USSR/Electricity Literature Dec 52 "New Books on Electricity, Electrical Engineern-, and Electric lower Znif,-.ineerin,7, lublished in 195211 "Elektrichestvoll No 12, p 89 Lists 17 titles rublished in 1952, including the following: "Electronic Semiconductors and Their Arplications" (Elektronnyye I-luprovodniki i ikh primcneniye"), 51' I-r-, by G. M. Abdullayev; and "Synchronizati-,n r-f Induction Mctors by the DAG System" ("Sinkhroyiizatsiya asinkhronrykh dvignteley To skheme DAG"), F4 rp, a short rnrual by I. B. Uvarov and L. N. Afanaslvev. ----------- PA 242T34 BAULIN., I.S... inzh.; DIYAKONOV..'V.N.,,'kAndptekhn.nauk.; USKOVAI O.N.., kand. tekhn.nauke; SM, Ye.A... inih ;'KOIMMOVO A.D.,, inzh.; AFAIIASIYEV, L.U,j inzh.; EVIJKAr%OV., A.V.J. inzh. Inveotigating the mechanism of rail contact-fatigue damages (defects 82 and 64). V9bt*&TSNII-MPS 21 no.4:27-30 162. WIRA 15:6) 0ailroads-Ralle-Defects) 081-1 - -A S' to & 00 it *0 A Meclim-kA St-gth of Gtass. (In Rumlan.) L V. Afans'ev and Yu. E. Fein. Sfekol'maya i Krrumi- CA"kaw Prornyahleximst (Glass and Ceramic In. dustry), Y. 4, Nov. 1047, p. 16-20. Thi!s11trennh9,th of 918116 Is compared with that (if me 5. various factors involved are thor- ou ehly discussed. A I a . I LA.1T4LLVR(,1C.L Wf*& Ot Mei IJon? S)t,*IJV- -r--- 16A V m 5 a 3 a V law Ke 1~ Is -,,-a Aip Pq a I? it OP it It is It 41 011 R CE If too see are 0 Net No* vet use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 1O' Of 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 19* 0 * * * 9-9-41-0 L Y Fein 04f of tooling OX rapidly from Abs.. I%& cjccIktb- wi~at:sp 4b Wfummin point an Wmpmed a 0, "la trests"t Of Md*IL R. R CiAxmx. APANAS IYEV, L."V. At the seminar of track supervisors. Put' i put. khoz. 6 no.8;7-8 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Starshiy J,nzh. aluzhby puti Llvovskoy dorogi, (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) A,UKSAIIDROV, V., general-mayor inzhenerno-tekhnicheskoy sluzhby; AEA_VAS'Y-9Y,1L, mayor tekhnicheskoy sluzbby zapasa, Storage and analysis of facts. Av. i kosm. 45 no.11:84 162-6 (MIRA 15:11) (Information storage and retrieval systems) XHOHMO,A.; AFAIASITIV,M. (g.Chkalov) When will the Ministry of Trade and the "Central Union of Con- sumers' Cooperatives" answer the questions of radio amateura7 Radio no.6:17 Je '55. (MLR& 8:8) 1. Rukovoditall kruzhka radiolyubitelley Stepanovskoy semi- letney shkoly, Bobrinetskiy rayon, Kirovogradskoy oblasti (for Khomenko) (Radio--Apparatus and supplies) AFAMS IYJJV, X. I . Fora wide-ranging exchange Iof experience (letter to the editor). Silt.bAd. 7 no.12:22 1) 57, 04IRk 13:5) 1, Direktor-inatituta "Bilsillproyekt." (Parm buildings) AFANAS"YEV, M., student IV kursa Investigating the accuracy of measuring the mirvature radii of spherical surfaces by the ring spheromoter (with balls). Trudy MIIGAIK no.42:71-81 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Optiko-mekhanichaakiy fakultet Moskovskogo instituta in- zhenerov goodezii, aerofotoslyemki i kartografii. (Spherometer) 'LPANASIYFVJ MI Voluntary inspector. Sov. shakht. 12 no.614l Je 163, (MIn 160) 1. Otvatstvannyy sekretarl mnogotirazhnoy gazety "Shakhter", g.Kara anda. Mraganda-Coal mines and mining--Safety regulations) AVANMOYNT, N.A., dotsent (Leningrad). ~- - ' ~-- -'~' ~- ~; -~ ~ ~ v- -, ~ '.; t -; " - Lessons on the subjects: chemical reactiona,itoms, and chemical elements. Khim.v shkole no.4:38-43 Jl-Ag '53. MBA 6;8) (Ghemistry--Study andteaching) AnNASITSV, N.A. (Lgningrad) - , . , r Demonstrations with gases (without draft). Xhim.v shkole 10 no.3: 58-61 My-je 156. (KM 9:8) (Chemiatry--Experiments) PANOVKO. Yakov Gilelevich, doktor takhoichookikh nauk, professor; BIZUKHOV, N-Lp aoktor tekhnicheskikh naukg professor, rat enznetl. MAROYMY, Now , MJL- kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, aotsent, red:ktor; r0~23SIS.L.-O -I-nzhener, reclaktor izdatelletva; TIMNOV, A.Ya., tekhnioaskiy reaaktoit; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhnichackiy redaktor (Youndations of the applied theory of elpstic vibratio'nal Oanovy prikladnoi toorii uprugikh kolebanii. Hookva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn, izd-vo mashinostroit, lit-ry, 1957. 335 P. (MIRA 10:11) (Vibration) AKSELIROD, Isay Solomonovich; AFANAQIYEV Mikhail Aleksandrovich; -i fl- -'Ifi&k 'BoH 'vibh Aafid VEY14BLAT, Boris Markovich; G MM, I so tekhn. nauk; DUBROVSKIY, Aleksandr Ivanovich; KAMENTSEVy Vladimir Petrovich; KAMINSKIY, Boris Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOLOKOLOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; EPSHTEYN, Anatoliy Mordukhovich, prof.; KIRILLOV, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; GOLUBKOVA, Ye.S.,, red. [Road 8 1 or's manual; the construction of bridges and culverts Spravochnik inzhenera-dorozhnika; stroitollstvo mostov i trub. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 735 P. (MIRA 18:7) VIDUYEVp Nikoley Grigorlyev-ichp prof.9 doktor tekhn.nauk; RAMOV,, DaniiI Ivanovich; PM7Ap Vladimir Viktorovich; MOISRIVp Vladimir Yulianovich; AStVFV- Mj I IIeksandrgjich;-- LEVCHUK, G.P,, detsent, kand*tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KUZINq N.A., inzho-geodezistj apetared.; KMOMCHENEO, F.I., red.izd-va; ROMANOVA9 Y.Y.9 tokbnred. [Surveying In bridge construction] Geodezichaskie rabot7 v mostostroenii. Pod red. N.G.Vidueva. Moskva, Izd-vo geodes. lit-ry, 1961. 337 p. (KERA 34:7) (Surveying) (Bridge construction) AFANAS'YEV, M.B., inzh.; IVANOV, V.N.$ kand.tekhn.nauk Curvatures in the design of continuous transit curves. Avt.dor. 28 no.10:17-18 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) AFANA~!~ ~,;-RUBLHVA, K.I.; BANNIKOV, N.I., red.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., --- *"" (Production norms and wages on stte farms) Normy vyrabotki i oplata truda v sovkhozakh, Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkh02.lit-ry, 1959. 204 p. (MIRA 12:10) (State farma-Production standarts) (Wages) -'-Andreyev, 01cir Vladimirovich; l3abkov, Valeriy Fedorovich; Gerburt-Geybovich, Andrvy Vladimirovich; Krutctskiy, Ycvgeniy Vladimirovich; Zamakhay~v, Mitrofan Semcnovich; Bim -Bad, Maks Isaakovich; Ornatskiy, Nikolay Petrovich; Porozhnyakov, Vladimir Sergcyevich; Pryakh1a, Alckscy Ivanovicb; Sebellnikov, Petr Ivanovich Highway designing (Examples) (Proycktirovanlye aytomobillnykh dorog (primary), Moscow, lzd-vo "Transport". 66, 0395 p. illus., biblio. , tables. 6, 000 copies printed, 3d ed. , rev. TOPIC TAGS: highway network. highway engineering, highway structure, hydraulic engineering, hydrological calculation. PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book gives technico- economic fundamentals for road network designing, and present's examples of transverse and longitudinal cross sections as well as methods of determining openings in small artificial structures. Calculations of earth beel -tability and thickness of road pavements are given; planning and design of hi,.,-. in complicated conditions is described. Hydrological and hydraulic calculatiMs Inv-)lved in the planning of crossings of UDC: 625.721. 2(075. 6) large water expanses are examined. The book is Intended primarily as a text- book for highway engineering students at institutions of higher learning and may likewise be useful for engineers and technicians. The autbora express their gratitude to the reviewers: professors, doctors of technical sciences Ya. A. Kaluzlisidy and 1. A. Romanenko, to docents, candidates of technical sciences V. A. Dogayeva, L. A. Barats, N, 1. Baskevich, V. M. Hislyakov, and 1. A. Nosich; to the chief engineer of the GPI Soyutdorproyekt V. B. Zavadskiy, and to engineers A. A. Semenovskiy, M. I- Sokolov, and A. S. Fedner; also to ituiEructors of MADI, doctor of technical sciences 1. A. Bronshteyn. and candidate of technical sciences Ye. N. Garmanov. TAB LZ OF CONTENT [abridged]: Foreword -- 3 Ch., 1. Designing of highway networks and technical and economic comparison of alternative designs -- 5 Ch.. 2. Designing a highway -- 28 Ch., 3. Calculation of earth bed stability and thickness of road covers 206 -C.,d2/3 Ch. 4. Nighway designing in difficult terrain 235 Ch. 5. 11irliway designing in urban conditions 328 Ch. G. Manning of highway reconstructions -- 354 Ch. 7. Hydrological and hydraulic calculations of crossings over large water expanses -- 380 Literature -- 399 PB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 08Jul66/ ORIG REF: 003/ 3/3 26588 S/185/60/005/003/003/020 45 0 t274/D303 AUTHORS: Afanaslyey, M.G., Gordiyenko, A.G., Kolisnychenko, I ~L.R_._,V3.'VFa_ms, A.P. and Sydorendko, -L.I. TITLE: Measurement and stabilization of the magnetic field L of a powerful electromagnet by the method of nucl- ear magnetic resonance PERIODICAL: Ukrayins1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 3, 1960, 319-325 TEXT: A device is described for measuring and stabilizing the magnetic field of a d.c. electromagnet. The device has the advan- tage (compared to earlier devices of this kind) of incorporating a single pickup for measuring a wide range of values of the magnetic field, and of stabilizing strong magnetic fields (up to 12.5 k oer- sted). Magnetic fields of 2.5 to 12.5 k oerst. were investigated. A basic diagram of the pickup is shown. Lithium kin a solution of LiCl is used as the source of nuclear signals. The LiCl solution Card 1/4 26588 S/185/60/005/003/003/020 Measurement and stabilization... D274/D303 has an admixture of paramagnetic FeC13 or of MnS04; this is neces- sary for reducing the relaxation time. A block diagram of the meas- uring device is given. It contains an oscillator, rectifier, low- frequency amplifier, voltmeter and RC-filter. It was experimental- ly shoxm that the design of the pickup and of the oscillator ensure a high stability of frequency; for 8 - 10 hours of operation, the ' frequency oscillations did not exceed 1.5-10-5 for a �576 change in, voltage. The amplification factor was chosen so that the output signal should be sufficient for controlling the stabilizing circuit (over 5 v). The observation of the nuclear signal and the measure- ment of the magnetic field were carried out by the ordinary method of G.K. Yagola et al. (Ref. 5: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 6, 1955). The accuracy of magnetic.-field measurements is determined by the accuracy of frequency measurements (equal to 6-10-5) and by the accuracy of determining the position of the signal on the oscillo- graph screen. The results of measuring the amplitude of the proton and lithium signals as a function of magnetic field strength are plotted for a 10 W electromagnet. Another plot shows the results C ard 2/4 26588 S/185/60/005/003/003/020 Measurement and stabilization... b274/D303 of signal-to-noise ratio measurements as a function of field strength. For lithium, the highest ratio was 10. The stabilizer contains an electromagnet with a principal and an auxiliary winding. The relative error &r consists of a dynamic m-d a static error. The static error was reduced to a minimum of 10 - 23%. In order to ensure stability of the system, the ratio of the time constant of the principal winding to time constant of the stabilization circuit was taken as equal to 2 - 3. Experimental curves are given with the relative error of the stabilization system. The total relative error does not exceed 3-10-5 over the entire range of stabilized field strength (2.5 - 12.5 k oerst). In conclusion, the device was put into operation for a long time; it was found reliable and handy, and, therefore, used for experiments with magnetic analyzers. There are 7 figures and 12 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to English-language publications read as follows: 11'.A. Thomas, Phys. Rev., 79, 339, 1950; N. Blombergen, E.M. Purcell K.N. Pound, Phys. Rev. 73, 679, 1949. Card 3/4 26588 S/185/60/005/003/003/020 Measurement and stabilization... D274/D303 ./ ASSOCIATION: Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut A14 USSR (Physico-tech- nical Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: August 14, 1959 Card 4/4 28435 S/185/61/006/002/007/020 ;L 3 0 0 (Ao Ifj Ile D210/D304 AUTHORS: Afanaelyev &ffs, Villyamst A.P.9 Horbiyenko, A.H., _Oid-Sy-borenko, L.I. TITLE: A remote proton magnetometer PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnalt ve 6, no* 2, 19619 191 - 195 TEXT: Normally for measurements of magnetic fielAs in the range 1.5 to 13 koe and higher it is necessary to use different detec- tors using protons, nuclei of lithium and denterium. In this paper the authors describe a proton magnetometer capable of measuring magnetic fields from 1.5 to 13 koe using a single proton detector operating at frequencies up to 60 Mcls. The difficulty of measur- ing with a single proton detector lies in the need to use very high frequencies. This can be obviated by using lithium and dente- rium detectors which require lower frequencies because of their higher electromagnetic ratios; howeverl the disadvantage of these Card 1/3 28435 B/185/61/006/002/007/020 A remote proton magnetometer D210/D304 detectors is that they have a low signal to noise ratios compared to the proton detector. The magnetometer was constructed in three parts, The detector was connected to the principal part of the mag- netometer by a cable 0.7 m long. The control section of the magne- tometer was placed in a control chamber 20 m away from the magneto In order to transmit through the cable a frequency of 60 Me/a, necessary for measuring a field strength of 13 koe an additional coil of inductance Lk was utilized as first suggested by Popov# As I. of the Institute of Technical Physics, AS UkrSSR. The inductan- ce of this coil is considerably smaller than the total inductance of the detector coil and the high frequency cable. The operation of the magnetometer was carried out in two ranges. In the lower range (7-5 to 22 Me/s) the impedance of the detecting system was made up of the detector coil, the capacity and inductance of the cable, the capacity of the variable condenser and the input capa- city of the magnetometero In the higher range (20 to 60 Mc/s) the additional coil Lk was included in the detector circuit. The ran- Card 2/3 AFAXASIYEV, M.I. - The P-88-12 opinning machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.9:46-47 1586 (MIRA 11:10) (Spinning machinery) AFAW IXE;V, M.I., kapitan tekhnicheskoy aluzhby They made it therwelves. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.7176 n , 61. (Parachutes-Testing) (MA 1418) DOROSUMO, G.G.; GLAGOLEV, V.I.; FILIUSHKIN, I.V.; AFANASIYEV, M.I. Palculating the fast neutrons. counting efficiency of an organic crystal detector for Vop. dot. i zashch. ot izluch. no.100-99 162. (MIRA 16'.3) (Scintillation counters) S/032/62/028/002/001/037 B101/B11O AUTHORS: Vigdergauz, M. S., Gollbert, K. A., Savina, I. M.,Afanas~wM., Zimin, R. A., and Bakhareva, N. I. I TITLE: Chromatographic analysis of microimpurities consisting of acetylene and diene compounds in complex hydrocarbon mixtures PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 2, 1962, 149 - 150 TEXT, A report is given on a method of chromatographic determination of acetylene, propane diene, methyl acetylene, divinyl, and ethyl acetylene for the purpose of controlling the purification process of pyrogas or the propane-propylene fraction. The analysis was conducted with an experimental model of the xr7t-2 (KhTP-2) chromatograph which was provided with a detector V/1 for heat of combustion. Air served as carrier gas. Among the known sorbents, none was found which permitted the determination of the peaks of the dienes and alkynes to be ascertained. A system consisting of two 3 m long columns, diameter 4 mm, was, therefore, chosen. The first column was filled with Inza brick powder (0.25 - 0.50 mm) soaked with 25% diisobut.vl phthalate. This column permitted the separation of hydrogen Card 1/3 3/1032/62/028/002/001/037 Chromatographic analysis of ... B101/B110 ASSOCIATION: Novokuybyshevskiy filial instituta sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov (Novokuybyshevsk Branch of the Institute of Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products) Card 3/3 ~,5h5l. cz ATMORS: Doroshenk.o., G4 %a 4*0 Ot,ig6lev, Vs~ L, .Fi1yuahk1n, 1. T1, Afananlygy, X.: 1. TITLEt CalculAtion'of3fif 'iou~ting etficileiioy in fast-neutron, red=4 in S for a'. 0 A40 f or., a ith an argan ic, crystal-, SOURM. Moscow.~ lnzh~htii~--Ili"iche'ekiy-16stitul. Toproo 408100ta V zashobity'at . Isluoh*449 'Is,A9621 go_`99 TEXT, The ing ef f io iinoj' A -18' ~410418 to for a faft-fliffliroft detector with a 30 w-thick.etilbihe, Prytial as 'volatillatoij 4 Is tbo -.neutron ene'rgy and B the. ieo6rdivig, threshold., Le., Ahe loweet nieutron energy record4tL* In stilbene',tht'nintronsi-are riaorded via the recoA protona or via nuol~edr reactions. with carbon or hydrogen. The carbou nuclei play an important- 'aimce'-.thOir density is higher (C 812b -and 14 In the high-energy range the total (n,c)*Intor'aetion*oroos-fioation is of the 'order of, that of' (n,k) sPatterifigo -- jWltiplt scattering- effects are negligible for medium-size crystals. :.In first approximation (single scattering) c, -is-calcu.lated frow.the 'Collision. pro'Vability' Card 1/~ -$189-21621000100110141022 Calculation of thd counting B102/DI86 P, (E0);;;: e7'-(N(t- (E.) dg for -the distance 1-x from the left window. Since WF6,-B) p (N )da Tj (Eo)aD- (where a B/Z -the neutran.anez~ay'fraotlon retained after the first collision, E bRing tfie energy of.the peattered.nom'tron) 8n4 ctB= one A t &o -.7 V~ 91 ;9j. -where Be SeW. -(n and nC being the nuclear concentrations of H aina Cj O(F.) the (app) se.attering crose-Bectioni. 0,(B).tbe tot&% (n,O).ec'attering ~rove-aectian) Card 2/3' VIGDERGAUZ, M.S.; -AFANAS , -! , _ ~..I a - Chromatographic analysis of C9 - C hydrocarbons of pyrolysis resin. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel'8 no.12:28-35 D 163. .1 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Novokuybyshevskiy filial Nauchno-iesledovatellskogo institute. sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov. VIGDERGAUZ,, M.S.; GOLIBERTj KA.; AFARAVIEVp M.I.; IAASHUKOVA) Gc.A. Analysis of straight-run psoline by gas chromatography* Neftekhimia 2 no.1:3-8 Ja-F 162. (IMA 15-- 5) 1. Nauchno-issledovate.llskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh, produktov., Novokuybyshevakiy filial. (Gasoline) (Gas chromatography) VIGDERGAUZ, M.S.; GOLIBERT, K.A.1 AFANAS iYEV M.I.; MASHUKOVA, G.A.; .--- - -I P ZIMIN, R.A. Analysis of liquid products of pyrolysis and cracking by gas chromatography. Neftekhimiia 2 no.3:405-409 My-Je '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov, Novokuvbyshevskiy filial. (Petroleum products) (Gas chromatogi-aphy) VID'-,RGAUZ, GOLli3- 'U, K.A. LANTSUVA, L.T.; GC:--.SKUl,Vj, O.L. Rapid chromato,:-,7a-,Idc-- analy:Jis af hycl.,-,,2arb,~n NefteldiJmiia 2 no. 6: 82, 5- VO 11-D I 61~ (III-HA 17:10) i,i,;tiVJt, s,,~irtov i icheskildi produkl.-ov, filiad. VIGDERGAUZ, M.S.;,AFANASIYEV, M.I. AnaWas of isomotric octenes by gLs chromatogrAphy. fleftechimiia 3 lid.*3: 425-429 14Y-Je 163, NIRA 16: 9) 1. N&uqbuo-ias1edovate1'skiy institut sintetichegkikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov, Novokuybyshevskiy filial. (Octene). (Gas chromatography) VIGDERGAUZI H.S.; AFANAS'YEV, M-I-; GOLIBERT, K.A. [deceased] Analysis of microinpurities by gas chromatography. Usp. khim .! 32 no.6:754~771-Je 163. (KMA 16;8)' 1, Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov, Novokuybyshevskiy filial. (Chemistry, Analytical) (Gas chromatography) VIGDERGAUZI M,S.; AFANASIYEVp M.P. Chromatographic Separations of Substances"in columns operating with peak load samples Neftekhimiia 3 noo6t9ll-915 N-D 163.(MIRA 17:3) 1. Nauehno-isa1edovat63:,"-akiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organichaskikh produktovt Novokuybyshevskiy filial.. V*l-'GTl.HGAU'-,, "Yjcv - , Gas chvorwutogrctp~~v cr, f,'cftckhjm' 119-1ZI Ja-F 164 1 ~,~ .1 a I - v "I ~, .- 2 -i ' Lo 41 , i ~ -;-. te " i c. h e s -',, -~~ . Naucbno-lzoledovate.' I-Ai. i organ i chesk-.'I'Mi produki c,-,2,, f il!,~ VIGDERGAUZ, M.S.; 'vwASITEVP M.I. De t-ennInation cf c-f' prcmdierm and rAthylacetylene ', - nlirif-"ed propane-propy-lene fra-,*.i,-,n L-i gas chromato raphy. Zhurr. I enal.khim. 19 no.9,.1122-1127 164. PRA 17--10) 1. Novokuybyahevsk Brancb of Sc'-entific--Regearcb IrstAtutle of Symthetic Alcohols and Organic ProJucts, VIGDERGAUZ, M.S.; GOLIBERT, K.A. [deceased], AFANASIYEV, M.I. New stationary phases for gas chromatography. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.12t6l-63 D 164. (MIRA 1W) 1. KWbysbevskiy filial Nauchnc~-issledovatelvskogo instituta sinteticbeskikh spirtov I organicheskikh produktov. CHABROVA, O.G.; #FANASIYEV, M.I.; VIGDFRGAUZO M.S. Analysis of hea'vy"pyrolytic resin from petroleum hydrocarbons by gas chromgtography. Uzb.khim.zhur. 9 no.1-13-17 165. . . - .. - , . - - (MIRA l8t6) 1. N6vokuybyshpv6kiy filial Nauchn&-issledovatellskogo instituta sintpticheskikh'spirtov'i organicheskikh produktov i Institut khindi AN Uzbpkskoy SSR. ANDREYEV, L.V.; AFANASIYEV9 M-Io; CHABROVAt O.G., VIGDERGAUZ, M.S. Quantitative interpretation of gas chromatograms. Uspo khim. 34 no.5:920-948 14Y 165. (MW 18: 1) 1. Novokuybyshevskiy filial Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo inatituta sirteticheskikh spirtcv i organicheskikh produktov. f, 51 i,-, s-I trud-,, VNIILTEMASHa no-10:7z,-80 `63. (!flPA 18-2) AFANASIYEV, M.K. Planning, accounting, and calculation of the cost of oil- recovex7 produets in tte combined preparation of oil in the field. Neft. kboz. 42 no.70-13 J1 164. (MIRA l7s8) AFAIMSIYEV, M.K.; YERSHOV, E.B. 11-1--e- -. - Simple method for checkinf, the prol)er mounLinE. of the el-,,ctro- magnet in a mass spectrometer. 7av. lab. 31 no.1:86 t0'5. (MIRA IS: 3) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut radiatsionnoy gigiyeny. SOV-127-58-8-19/27 AUTHCR3: Tronza, I.S. and Afanaslyevt L.L., Engineers TITLE: Guide Pulleys for Shaft Elevators (Rolikovyye napravlyayush- chiye dlya klettyevogo pod"ydma) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 8, PP 70-71 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors advise the replacement of slide bars (skolozya- shchiye rapravlyayushchiye) in mine shaft elevators by guide pulleys. This will prevent deterioration of different parts of the elevating mechanism and cage, which wear out very often when slide bars are used. A detailed description of the pul- leys is given. There are 7 diacrams. 1. Mines--Equipment Card 1/1 AFANASInV, G.D.1 AFAXAS'YAV, -L.M.; BELIKOV, B.P.; KOPTZV- DVORNIKOY, V.S.; MIKHAYLOV-, N.A.; MONICH, V.K.; FAVORSKAYA, N.A., prinimali uchastip a DISTAROVA. A.N., YELIS=A, O.P.-, NARMIIN.IA.S.; TUNAKOVSKATA, Tu.V.; USTITEV, Te.K., doktor geolwmin. nauk, otv. red.; NERANOVA, G.F.. red. W-va; BYKO- VAs YeV*q tekhn, red, [Principles of the geological mapping of intrusive and extrualve formations as exemplified by petrographic studies in Kazakhstan, Transbaikalia, the Northern,Caucasus, and Maritime Proviricel Printaipy geolo'gicheskogo kBrtirovaniia intnizivukh i efluziv- nykh formatsii na primere petrografichoskikh issledovenii Be- vernogo Kovksza, Kazakhatena, Zabaiksllia i Prinorlia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po-gaol.i okhrane nedr, 1960. 341 Pe (mm 14:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh nostorozhdeniy, petrografil, mineralogii i-geokhimii. 2. Sotrudnik Institute geolo- gichaskikh nauk AN Kaz. S~R (for Monich). 3. Sotrudnik Vseooyusno- go geologicheskogo inatituta ( for Mikhaylov) 4. Sotrudaiki Moskovskogo goaudaratvennogo universiteta (for Yunkavskaya-r Dista- nova) (Rocks, Igneous) A TRONZA, I.Sa, inzh.; AFANSIYEV, M.M., '-nzh. Roller and channel guides for skip hoists* Gore zhure no 6*4 1 Je 161. (Mine hoisting--Safety appliances) (07N. 6) AFANASIYEV, 111.1-41. The separation of 1-3-butadiene from a mixture with other hydrocarbons through the formation of the cuprous chloride butadiene. M. A. Lur'e, M. N. Marushkin, M. M. Afanns'ev and A. I. Punenov. Sintet. Kaucbuk 3, No. 6, 19-29 (1934); Chem. Zentr. 1935, 11, 1977-8; cf. preceding abstr, Conen. of the butadiene (I) from the gases of petroleum pyrolysis presents considerable difficulty. I forms a complex compd. with Cu 7- ClT_ which has the compn. Cu , C17. C#H,&4H 7. 0 or Cu , C1 X. C,,H,.according to the condi- tions of the reaction. The reaction is 2NH It CUC12- + CVH,i~Cucl C*HL+2N H Cl. The reaction is reversible; the double coml3d. is decompd. by the action of N H.Cl. For this reason the velocity of formation of the double compd. decreases as the free lffix accumulates. The reaction, however, proceeds very well if excess solid Cu J_ Cl,_is added to the soln. of NHY CuClV so that through the soln. of the Cu 2- Cl the concn. of NH,/CuCl, in maintained at a const. level. The double compd. is a pale yelioir powder smelling faintly of I. It burns with a slightly smoky flame and is not exploded by heating, detonation, etc. The compd. can be kept 'indefinitely in a closed vessel. It is de- compd. by moist air. When treated with concd. NH,/C1 or alkali chloride solns., I is evolved. It can be kept under 0-free water. It readily dissociates on heating. From a study of the dissocn. of the double compd. in relation to the temp. a value of+15,70k cal-Imol. was obtained for the reaction for the formation of the double Cu compd. at temps. from 00 to 64.70. The temp. of decompn. at 760 r1m. Hg is 62-50. The compd. is formed also from I and dry CuCl,. I+Cu,.Cl;---CuCl, C,,,H'l5,7o4 cal. 49 The course of the reaction with solid Cu,.Cl.was examd. with the help of the Gibbs phase rule. It was shown that beginning, e. g., with a gas contg, 30 C,,H,the (Continued on Page 2) '"Aa4S'YEV, M. M. absorption of the C#1111at 270 amunted to 94.4%; this was co-q)letely given up again on decompn. Temps. above 2r are not suitable for the absorption process. The presence of vinylacetylene (II) in the gases of petroleum pyrolysis rakes the isolation of I difficult because this compd. likewise combines with Cu.$.Cl.,_In NE., solns. of low Cu... Cl,,.sontent 11 forms a difficultly sol.yellow ppt. which decomposes upon heating; in concd. solns. of Cu Cl II does not form a ppt. but becomes concd. in the mother liquor V seps. out. In this way it is possible to sep. the 2 hydrocarbons. while butadiene- Cu2,C%, When liquid hydrocarbon mists. are allowed to act upon solid Cu7,Cl,,,II is very well absorbed by the CupCI.. . If a mist. of gaseous hydrocarbons, on the other hand, is allowed to act on the solid CujCljII is fixed only to a very slight degree. The purest I. therefore, is that which has been allowed to react with the solid Cu C1 in the vapor form. M. t M AF,AU,'.P,SIYrEV, Contact decomposition of hydrocarbons. Conversion of-&-butane under the action of carbon dioxide over nickel-alumina catalysts. A. A. Balandin, M. N. 14aruschkin, and M. M. Afanasiev (Acta Physico- chim. U.R.S.S., 1942) 17, 82-92).- With rise in temp.0) from 4ooo to 6ooO, [COI and [H. ,&.1 of the product from C,~ H,,and CO.,_over a Ni- Al..,Oj catalyst increase, and the vol. increases tenfold. The hydro- carbon content is all CH,4at 6000 (amount decreasing with 9). For low initial CO.-content, CHIis > original indicating decomp. of C,.,Ht* C4'H/I j and decrease in the C and H content of pro~iucts indicates decomp. to C. C,,H[Iis found in some experiments but is not due to pyrolysis since no olefines are produced. The results are explained on the multiplet theory (cf. preceding abstract). With the catalyst the CA,first suffers rupture of a primary C-H linking followed by that of C-C to give H. CHI., and Pr. Pr and H recombine to give C.A. and CH,, with C02, gives CO and H,. The shortened chain repeats the process (calcu- lation shows it to be more favourable). Alternatively CH.., gives C and H.-or is hydrogenated to CH,,,. CO.,-and PrCHO under similar condi- tions give olefines (amoitnt ine'reases with &4) as well as paraffins, but #must be higher than with C'~Hfo. This indicates that PrCHO is not an intermediate in the C H -CO reaction. J. H. Ba. V to 12, AFANASIYV . M. M. 31.1f.1tals - Fatif-i,,n Thecry c%i: fattut. stremiTtlh in a stitf~. c, ttn-l-icn. u mehh., No. 2, 19148 Month1v ilist of Russiar. Accesz;ions, Lil)rL;rv cf '. "S T--= . Conz-n~,9c. 13,52. TPTL!~ 0 S/064/6o/ooo/oo7/oc4/oi o b020/1054 AUTHORS: A. TUlkh-k.y.. Z. and TITLI. Liq.Ld-P"44 HyAration of 01-f-~,. t2=ODICLL. p1owy.hI-.%' , 1960. X.. 7, pp. 16 - la TZKriTh. -%x;r#(1;v*;tLgC&tad cation-r-hangs r-In. vl-.h different fun. %jo..1 grou s- 0'1 . - OCR. *to.) as catalysd f- hydration 0f left.. .. -TL..--hand. -a-fts. Reform -he he ca- 11coolt- fr- In. 1. to -.A. a form by treata-t. 10% B.I :, - - , CL tic with d-st"Iml v&I#r, unt-I %h6 ra-t"Ar Then -a dried 1. t" -d t~ tI,;tl.I. :.I I IandII, h Lgh- I& n1, .1 r P A-1 the butylane fl-tl.. from C.... of .he ng Industry were taken .0 C~d 1/3 by d1:%Il,,I,, th TT I ur A cId pr do r. to d. t I. I -IA ;'*,.led apyl&1. oh end t' rbIA.I .111 o fPro axsjained -p1-$ of the cstiDmlt*m KY-2 .. I... Cent. Cra.p In Cr.l.. 0.5-3 we M WI - 05 W ti.1 r..btyl .. fra.AIt..A11 Th, sh- be t th .. ..i-h A, t1ch'.7 &.1-%I t -~A 2f %.*bU%Y., W.Imt. in tho process of lIq,--d-;h&- hydral. *V- '1 2 shows Ih* d*p:-I-:u...f.-A- '35 .-..Iy.t 00 the .P. todhI - ba 'or ' I- .-th I;p c,at-otAg-bl. dr 1. .~t%-I%y, "I rogtn.r.t-t .1%. 1% .11. bf _%lomites vxx %*.t*d on Isad --f--4 by the IRMA. the liq Id-;b.s. hydr.ti..,.f Vr-P 1210. %A y". -y' ticit. cAv-,- (SZT-')tI-N. f C-p. ph I Cron shb1, 2) -'.b . -rtfx7l -i d I r"o Cp LAC %h. gulf. 6~-u; c.I .-t. 1-1 1 .0 t. ..1-1 Ca,rd 2/3 75-56% of r,oyl- Th. rere .h I f 'Iff I ' Jose. ,h.:4 ---.tOLtOL irl, Iy A At '7~L -t It to 4 -6 0a, I. ard-r At I hich y Ib the liq, ":. Ta-Te 2 flyure.. 2**.,1'. ~!d-ph- 13-14 If pr.pylan ..:.hyd', w,ad 16 term : 54US.6 Brit-ah. -d I Germ- C-rd 313 28U9 8/010 V61/006/004/00 A057/A129 AUTHORSi Menyaylo, A. T., Klimenko, M. Ya., Verkhovskaya, Z. N., Afanaslyev.- M. M_ TITLE: Extraction of isobutylene from butane-butylene mixtures ilkODICAL: Zhurnal vaesoyuznogo khimicheskogo obshchestva imeni D. 1. Mendele- Yeva, V, 6, no. 4, 1961, 470 - 471 TMM Isobutylehe is manufactured usually from C4 fractions of pyrolytic gas PrJrom produqts of dehydrogenation of butane and isobutane. In the present paper a patented method (USSR patent no. 16207 of September ~0, 1955, and no. 122746 of November 5, 1958) ;~pr_extraotion of isobutylene is described. The method is based on a liquid-phasp hydration of Isobutylene in fraction C4 to trjmethylcarbinol and subsequent dehydration in presence of cation exchange resins with an active sulpho- group [KY-2 (KU-2), C_GC (SBS), CPA-3 (SDV-3) types' as ;atalyst. During hydration isobutylene lain,the gap~q~ia phase, while the water flows down the granulated catalyst. Some experimental results presented in Table I were obtained on a la- boratory circulation apparatus with tubular reactor (diameter 35 m, height 800 MM) filled with the catalyst (200 ml charge). Experiments no. 1 and 2 demonstrate that Card 1A 2039~ S/06.V61/066/00VO08/010 Extraction of isobutylene from butane-butylene mixtures AO57/A129 ASSOCIATION- Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov (Scien- tific Research Institute of Synthetic Alcohols) SUBMITTED: October 4, 1960 Table 1. Experimental results of the liquld-pbase hydration of isobutylene (ca- talyst: SBS cation exchange resin#' temperature 100'C) Legend: (1) no. of the experiment; (2) pressure in atm; (3) concentration of isobutylene in the gas (vol. %); (4) molar ratio H20/C4H8; (5) volume rate 1/1-hr; (6) contact time in seo; (7) concentration of the alcohol in the con- densate (vol. %); (8) productivity of the catalyst g/1-hr; (9) conversion of isobutylene per run n 40 IlD -KomL%t No TPAlkw4- npoii3wAm. KCkH%CPC%% MM Pw6r". wMMoG TeAMOCTI, &M, orflowit" CKOPOCTb KURTANta womew "TaXIMTOPS AM Ton % (GOWMI,.) HlOIC1114 #/.s-qnt 11 "K. CATt P1.1-40C 38 OrOXOA __ - - - - - .I a'. (-) % I to 96,6 18, 5, 29r, 89 9,3 439 46.7 2 10 97,0 4,0 292 90 33,9 436 46,9 3 10 25.0 4,2 302 87 5.1 58 23,4 4 10 15,0 4,1 326 81 2,8 31,0 19,2 2,9 4,2 282 114 0,6 518 21,G I Cai~d 3/_3 ' ' I MENYALO, A.T.; KLIMENKO) M.Ya.; VERKHOVSKAYA, Z.N.; AEANASIYE!, M.M. Recovery of isobutylerie from butylene mixtures. Zhur.VKHO 6 M.4:470-471 161. (MIRA 107) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatolinyy institut sinteticheskikh spirtove (Propene~) (Butane) (Butene) AFAN. A.S-IYZVI'- ~nzh. Calculating mine fan shafts for the critical rotation sPeed by the method of forces, I2V* vys, uchebe zav.; gore shure no.8tlOO-105 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Leningradskiy ordena Ioenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zha- meni gornyy institut imeni G.V. Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornoy mekhanikio AFANAStYEVO M.M., inzh. Gyroscopic moment of a disk. Vest. mashinostr. 45 no.4:33-35 Ap 165. (MIRA 18.5) "EWP L~ 8939--66-- -EWr(1)/EWr(m)/EWA(d I/ N), TP(n I In ~NR, AP6026855 ~ ~ I . . - SOURCE CODE: TjR'/0170/65/009/004/0527/0532 AUTHOR: Kessellman, P. M.; Kitlyarevskiy, P. A.; Afanaslyev, M. M. . ~' f~ Y Y) 5- IF-- qy, I S "~- - - ?:2 ORG: Industrial Institute im. M. V. Lomonosov, Odessa (Tekhnologicheskiy institut) TITLE: The equation of state for carbon'loxidAin the temperature interval from 273 to 4000 K and at pressures up to I000xI05 newtons/m2 SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 4, 1965, 527-532 X/7 Yq, TOPIC TAGS: thermognamic state equatio , carbon dioxide, virial coefficient ABSTRACT: The authors attempt to correlate anexisting experimental material aw to set up an equation of state which reflects the experimental thermal and calorific data on carbon dioxide with a high degree of accuracy. For temperatures from 273 to 800 K and pressures from 1 to 1000x1 05 newtons/M2, the equation consists of elementary functions of the form: PU Card UDC: 536. 71 L 8939"66 Acc NR, AP5026855 The elementary functions go, r2, have the form A((#) J]ald, 1b, Values of the coefficients in this equation are given in a table. Analysis shows that, starting with T=770 K, at P=(1-600)xlo5 newtons/m2, two virial coefficients, B(T) and C(T) are sufficient to set up the equation of state. The virial coefficients are determined from existing experimental data. For the region of parameters T=770 to 400o k and P=(1-6.00)x,05 newtons/m2, the equation of state was setupin the viri- al form: + A, + As where 1A, =Bd.-r; As QP,,,T- 'The coefficientsAl and,A2 were determined analytically. Results of computer calculations according to Equations I and 2 are shown to agree well with existing experimental data. Orig. art. has 2 formulas, 3 figures, and I table SUB CODE: TD, GC/ SUBM DATA: 05Apr65/ ORIG REF: 0081 OTH'HEF: 012 6? e/ ,r~,A2/ 9 B/16 D263 '127 FAUTHOR: Afanaelyev, M. N.,~ _TITLE: An attempt at applying the metallometric method and quantitative assessment of dispersion aureoles in Kuznetskiy Alatau PERIODICAL: Referativnyy,zhurnal# Geofizika, no. 2, 19639 99'ab- i stract 2D55 Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform* M-vo geola i okhrany nedr..SSSR, 1962t no. 1 (35)j 36-41) Metallometric surveying on a scale of 1:50,000 is carried out in combination with geological and geophysical studies. Samples .(40 - 50 g) are collected over a 500 x 120 m network, from a depth of 0.2 - 0.6 m, from the subsoil layer revealed in small holes, band consist of the-1 mm fraction. They are then analyzed spectro- scopically for 15 - 20 ore elements. The discovered dispersion aure- oles are studied. in more detail with metallometric surveys on a scale of 1:10,000 (100 x 40 m network) or 1:2000 (20 x 20 m net- .work). After discovering prospective dispersion aureoles, they are Card AA assessed in an approximate quantitative manner. Two methods may be used for this urpose': ti of the Comparison of the productivity :discovered dispersion aureole with the productivity of an aureole 0 of the same element in a known dep sit . (2) Partial dissection of the aureole by mining methods, with groove sampling of the minera- lized zone. The reserves are then calculated, from the exposed por-7 tion, by multiplying the contents determined for 1 m pocket by the :..mean depth assumed for the given mineralization. The overall re- serves may be determined from the aureole by comparing the produc-~/ tivity of the dissected part of the aureole with the undissected parts, and adding.the two quantities. Comparison of reserves com- :puted from metallometric surveys on a scale 1:10,000 with values ::obtained from surface exploration shows satisfactory agreement, and ;usefulness of the method for a qpqjAitative estimation of recently discovered. dispersion aureoles Abstracter's note: Complete trans- ,AFANASI'M, M.M., gornyy inzb. LowerIng long materials into tile mine. Gor. zhur. no.6:72-73 ja 164, (MIRA 17:11) 1, Leningradskiy gornyy institut. ...q~~ASIYEV, M.M., inzli. kigul-ar vibration3 of the Phrift, ~C a mirle fan taMrg inLo account the disalJgmient of tho rotor. i zv,,qs. u-heb. zave ; gor, zhur, 7 no.7s]-17-D-0 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. limingradoMy or6ana Lenina A ordena Trudovugo Krasnogo Ziiameni gornyy inst-itut imeni Plekhanova. RekomendovarLa kafedroy gornoy mekhanikll. AFANASIYEV, M,N. Usa of Kapp line measurement in geological mapping. Pazved, i okh. nedr 28 no. 1201-34 D 162. (MIRA 160) 1. Temir-Tuimskaya geofizirhoskaya ekspoditsi,a. " \ -, t ~-- \~, I" APANASOYEV,H.P., inzhener Organizing the maintenance of antenna frames. Vest.sviazi 15 no.9: 23-24 S '55. (MLRA 8:12) (Radio-Antennas) AFANASIYEV9 M.S.; GOREV9 X.V.; TITOVA, V.A.; MUKAREVA, G.B. Possibi3lky of using gamma surveys in searching for ore depoBits associateF with granitoids. Sbor. st. HGiON no,lt~c)-46 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Granite-Radioactive properties) PRONIN, M.Ye., prof.; AFANASI EV Mov,, kand. sellskokhozyaystvennYkh nauk Fertilizing corn under semiarid conditions,, Zemledelie 24 no-8:68- 70 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Voronezbskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy :Lnstitut* (Corn (Raize)-Fertilizers and manures) ?IV-V,/- A~-,TAMKV, M. V./ Cond Agr Sci -- "Study of.4a4i=bt=J elements of the s,-stsm of fertili;.ation of' corn on lixiviated chernozem." Kiev, 1960. Min of AGr M-SSR. UkrainiRn Acad A&r Sci). (KL, 1-Gl, 200) -282- AFANASIYP,T, 14.V.., student IV kursa Using the "dihedral" and "tangential sphere" methods in measuring the curvature of nonspherical. surfaces. Trudy MIIGAIK no.45:107- 115 161. (MIRA .14:7) 1. 14oskovskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, -erofotosllyemki kartografii, optiko-mRhanicbeskiy fakulltet. (Surface meaourementL- (Lenses) -1 -. %-- -- ~-, * .-, -, - 71~ ~ ~ ~, . I . ~ I , - : tll , '! I. 71*1-1~-.~-- -.* -1- : - 1. 1 1 :.: 1 1. -1 1 -i V-~: ~ ~ --:! e 7)t~ ~. " ~ ~ .1 ~41 1 - % -- - - L . -- -2v - Dissertation: "New Data on the 6tructure and Function of Quadrigeminal Bodies." Inst of Neurology, Acad Med Sci USSR, 27 jun 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Jun, 1947 (Project #17836) AFANASIYEV9 N. What is the trajectory of a missile? Voen.znan, 37 no.3:24 ?tr 61. (MIRA 14:4) (Trajectories) K- -------- ' 017/63/000/002/0D2/003 8/ AUMOR: Af!na ~yuv TITLE: Weapons of the motherland's defenders "-~:iizxMICAL: VoyearWye 2naniya5&1. 2. 1963$ 16-17 F T]=* The articlo traces the development of Soviet weapons development from 1918 to the present. By the start of World War 11.t the Soviet armed forces had developed ,aand put into service automatic veapons., antitank vreapons., tan3m., and artillery. Do- f. . 1clendes in Soviet aviation were discovered at the start of the war., but these were eliminated., while now types of aircraft were developed, The Communist Party and the Soviet Goverment continue to strengthen the armed forces* Ground forces have been completely motorized with an adequate supply of vehicles and armored car- riers inciuding amphibious carriers. The artillery consists of various types of mortars, antiaircraft Yeapons and cannon and rockets of variwas sizes, Me basic combat strength of the Soviet Navy, is the submarine fleet., including atonic subma-, rines, armed with rooket/nuclear weapons. Soviet aviation, inoluding fighters and w., bombers., is *equipped with air-to-surface nuclear rocketse 7he primary firepover of the Soviet Armed Forces now is the nuclear roclet.. from tactical rockets to the ICB9. The article is accompanied by nine photographs of Soviet veapons some in Card 1 of 2 cl~----.i ." If 2 " .1 " I ~ I .-1 1. . - I I ... AFANASIYEV, N. We are creating a model school experimental farm. Prof.-tekh. obr. 21 no.9:24 S 164. (MIM 17: 11) 1. Direktor khvalynskogo sel'skogo professionallno-tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha No.17, Saratovskaya obl. AFANASIYEV. N.--SILINOV, V., glavnyy inzh.,; BACHILOV. I.; CHERTKOV, A., glaiifi-konstruktor; SOKOLOV, Ya.,- TRUKWOVA, A., tekhred. [Trench silo with a capacity of 215 tons; (walls lined with clay reinforced with sticks)] Siloook-hranilishche transheinogo tipa emkostiiu 215 ionn (a glinokhvorostianoi oblitsovkoi sten. Proekt no.003. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry# 1955. 2 P. (MIRA 12:4) 1. White Russia. Ministerstvo gorodskogo i sel*skogo stroitel'stva. 2. DirektorlBelsel.lproyektal(for Afanast-ve-v). 3- Fmkovoditell masterskoy4o~2--*Ae-istrll rgjel~tao (for Ispolnyayushchiy P obyazannosti nachalinika smetnogo eaktorsoBelseliproyekta"(for Sokolov). 5.gBelsellproyaktl(for Sillnov, Chertkov). (mios) .__,ATqAB'Y3Y N.- GILINOV, Y., glavnyy Inzh.; 811CHNUOY, 0.; GOIU)ON, A.; GORALIK, S., glavnyy kongtruktor: SOKOLOV, Ya.: THUKHANOVA, A., tekhred. (Pit silos of 50 ton capacity; brick, rabble. and stick-reinforced clay walls, Plan No.0081 Silosnye iamy na 50 tonn; stany kirpioh- nye, butovye i glinopletnevye. Proekt no.008. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo MR, Red.nauohno-tekhn.lit-ryv 1955. 3 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. White Russia. 14inisterstvo goroaskogo i Bellskogo stroitellatva. 2. Direktor'l BalBellproyektall(for Afanaslyev). 3. Nachallnik proyaktnogo otdela"Belseliproyaktall(for Shchelkov). 4. Rukovoditell mAsterekoy No.1 nBelsal"proyekta" (for Gordon). 5. ;spolnyayushehiy obyazannosti nachallnika smetnogo sektora"Belsellproyekta"(for Sokolov). 6.'Be'lsell.proyekt"(for Sillnov, Gorelik). (Silos) APANASI.YEV, )T.; SILINOV, V., glavnyy inzh.; BACHILOV, I.; CHOTKOV. A.. glavnyy konstruktor,* SOKOWV, Ta6; ONISKO, A.; TRUMMOVA, A. tekhred. [Trench-type silo with a capacity of 60, 90, and 150 tons (wells lined with brick or rabble concrete)] Siloookhraniliahche transheinogo tipa emkostliu 60, 90 1 150 tonn (steny oblitsovany kirmichom ili butobetonom). Proekt no.004. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, Rea.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1955. 3 P. (MIRA 12:4) 1. White Russia. Ministerstvo gorodskogo i sel'skogo stroitel'stva. 2. Direktor "Belseliproyekta" (for Afanaslyev). 3. Rukovoditell masterskoy "Balsollproyekta* (for Bachilov). 4. Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti nachallnika smetnogo sektora 'Belsellproyekta" (for Sokolov). 5. OBelsoliproyekt" (for Sillnov, Chertkov. Onisko). (silos) AZAHASLMff-,1L, SILINOV, V. j glavnyy inzh.; SHCHELKOV. 0.: GORDON, A.; GOMILIK, S., glavnyy konstruktor; SOKOLOV, Ta.; TRUKHANOVA, A., tekhred,, [Tower silos with 35 to 40 ton capacity mde of precast reinforced concrete rings. Plan No.0061 Silosnaia. polubashnia na 35-40 tonn is sbornykh 2hel9zobetonnykh kolets. Proskt no.006. Minsk, Goa. izd-vo BSSR, Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry, 1955. 3 P. ' (MIRA 12:4) I* White Russia. Ministerstvo gorodskogo i sel'skogo stroitel'stva. 2. Direktor"Belsellproyekta 11 (for Afanaslyev). ). Nachallnik proyakt.no6o otdela'Belsollproyekta4(for Shchalkov). 4. Rukovoditk3l' masterskoylkr'1~01- sellproyaktal(for Gordon). 5. Ispoln.obyazan. nachalinika smetnogo sektora"Belseliproyektall(for Sokolov). 6.*Belsoliproyekt'l(for Sillnov, Gorelik). (Silos) (Precast concrete construction)