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"urn eksp,'L teor.fis,31, faso.2., 261-272 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 'f.574 electron on the admixturc lev?ls For the domain of higher tempera-ru'res tw,:~ temperatures are specially mentioned: 0 3 correaj)onda to the equalitj of Lhs ad- mixture-dependent and independent conduct;.~,ity.and 0. to independent condu-ti- 1+ ity- Nearly all requlta obtained here bold air:,o iu the cease of holle-senacondu.:,- tors, The life 'P~ of tho oharge whiloh aro not in eqti 1-abrium J.n.~,reases with rising teriperatur- at fl.rgt to it maximum, after which iL. again decreages, At I 4F I > EL T 'J* irrrease3 even at 9 --)~ 0 Here 5:Fand F_L denote the energies of the"trap" and the hole reapectively, If, however. the rooombina-fton levels artl ill the middle of the forbidden zone (or, more accurately: if the position of the ''trap" agrees with that of the FER14I level in pure germanium), ",,ncreases momentarily after which it remains constants The relaxation of the colir-ellZra- tion of electrons which does not correspond to equilibrium is due to two pro- cesses* 1,) Recombi)iat-Lon of electrons in the ~,mpty "traps" which ,orre.3pcnd to equilibrium, and 2 ) Recombination of electrons correFponding to equilibrium with the surplus of empty 11trap511, In conclu3ion three concrete examples are dealt with INSTITUTIM Physical Institute "P.11-LEBEDEV" of the Academy cf Ssien:.e in the USSR Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 108, fasc.3, 417-420 (1956) CARD 2 PA - 1365 e-type. (F > 0). According to the dependence of the lift of the holes on the FMI level F, another heat-dependent emission of holi!,., from the "traps" into the valenco zone occur8, and thereforu a iocond maximum ixt9ts in tho oaue of such a dependence, In the case of steady operation the recombination of elec- trons and holes in the "traps" is in equilibrium with the production of pairs, If this pair production is interrupted, uncompensated and approximately equally strong currents of electrons and holes from the zones to the "traps" are pro- duced. The life of unreal charge carriers is introduced into the theory as a fundamental characteristic, In the case of high concentrations of the "traps" the results obtained by the authors agree with those obtained by SHOCKLEY and READ only within a certain interval, If the "traps" are in the lower half of the forbidden zone, the characteristic time of damping is equal to the life of the real current carriersr This is true for all positions of FERMI levels in elec- tronic semiconductors as well as in sufficiently marked hole-semiconductors. In conclusion the two main methods for the measuring of lives, the impulse me- thod and the photoelectric method, are discussed, INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P-N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in the USSR. AUTHOR: Adirovich, E.I. and Gordonov, A.Yu. TITLE : A-U Sci Conf dedicated to "Radio Day", Moscow 20-25 YhY 1957. "Theory and Experimental Investigation of Coefficients of Emitter-Co.1lector Transmission in Junction Transisitors," PERIODICAL : Radiotekhnika i Electronika, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 1221-1224, 1957, (USSR) For abstract see L.G. Stolyarov. I.-A / Nc AUTHOR ADIROVICII,E.I., and KOLGTIL0VA,V.G. PA - 2535 TITLE Influence of the Emitter Effectiveness on Semiconductor Triod Transition Characteristics. (Vliyaniye effektivnosti emitters. na. perekhodnyye kharakteristiki poluprovodnikovykh triodov, Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Nr 3, PP 473 - 477 (U.S.S.1 Received, 4 / 1957 Reviewed., 6 / 1957 ABSTRACT With reference to the papers of the author in Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1955, Vol 105, Nr 4, and 1956, Vol 106, Nr 4, where the transition characteristics for semiconductor triods were found, the dependence of transition characteristics on tl efficiency of the emitter ~i is investigated by the present pal First the mathematical formulation of the problem of trans- ition characteristics in the case of an earthed basis is writi down for the case ~ / 1. The coefficient ~ expresses in the last equation of t is system the boundary condition on the emitter. The effectiveness of the emitter in this case does not alter the form of the transition characteristic nor,the value of the time of adjustment. Also the frequency-char~cter- istic of the triod does not change. Finally the required equation for the transition characteristic of a semi-conduc- tor triod for the case of an earthed emitter is obtained for an arbitrary value of the emitter efficiency 0 . Now the most Card 1/2 C /A 1) 1 (~'~ I- , i C ~1)I--- -L' AUTHOR: ADIROVICH,E.I., TWO,J,~.V. 57-6-4/36 TITLE: Transitfo-nFrequency and Phase Characteristics of a Transistor in the Case of a Comon Emittrr. (Perekhodnaya, chastotnaya i fazovaya kharakteristiki trarzistora pri obalichem emittere, Russian) YxMIODICAL- Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 6, pp 1174-il8l (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The formula given by the authors in Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz, 1957, Vol 27, Nr 31 Pp 473-473 for the transition characteristic of a transistor in the case of a common emittor can not be used for immediate calculation of processes in transistors because of its complex character. Here a formula is deduced which offers an approximation for the transition characteristic of a transistor in the case of a common emittor in its total course which = serve as a basis for a calculation of transition processes and frequency chamateristics. Alao the oorresponding formulae for the frequency--,,' a-ic-oharac- teristic of a transistor are deducea and then the rpproximation formulae for the frequenoy as well as for the phase charaoter- istio are givcn. A comparison is drayin iTith the detailed formulae and the authors 3L'M 1/ 2 IMROVICH I. I A. YTJ. TfFre.~1,enc,,,--! iiaoe anu zranc;-4ent I. AD171,071CH) cliaracteristics c,f a s(,,r,-,4ccnd1jctc..r trJooe j-tLI:--e in a circuit with a common base." ')cic-n-Ui,'ic Sesz3i(,n Devoted to "Racdc Dayll, 'Nay 15-58, Tri.,dreZ~!~!rViZdat, YOZiC01,j, 5 Sep. 7F A computation of the frOLjuenc3r and transitnt charactcri.stics of an amplifier ,jta[,e usinC a seiidconductor triode in a circuit with a cor-mon baSe is nade on the basis of the theory of the emitter-collector transfvr coefficient. The results are presented in the form of approximate formulas and nomograms which permJt engineering computptions. Lx,:eririental data are obtained and a comparison is made with theory. I'he arreement extab3i,-hed dhows the possibility of computing stL,,,es in the appropriate regions. ADIROVICH, k~.I. Remarks on the review of V.V.Antonov-Romanovskii and II.V.Fok. opt. i spektr. 4 no. 6:807-809 Je 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Luminescence) AUTJORS. Adirovich, L. I., ilyabinkin, Yu. S., Te;.-t'ro, K. V. 57-1-9/3o TITLB. The -Equilibria.,.i Distril)ution of Pat,~,,,,tijj aijd of the Coll centration of tlie charge Carrier-, on Zased-Iji J.Anctions(Ravno- vesnoye rasprcdeleniye potelit3iala, ~olya i kontsentratsiy no- siteley zaryada ,m vplavlc,.,,.,i. PERIODICAL: -arnal Teklinicheskoy Viziki, 1958, iol. 20, 1, pp. 55-66 ABSTAACT. First theauthors show that tiie prublem of tlif~ th,-rmodyna;Ac eQuilibriaia distribution of t1he potcntial, oC tn~- fic-ld and of the concentration of mavable charge carricrs in a geral case can not be solved !:ccording to the met`,o6 of *~i. Shockley (ref. i.c. by Liea,,s of nc~,,Iectipg the concentration of electrons and holes within the range of transition in compari.,ion to the con- centration of the do:ainatin~, ad.Axtares. *2hen the i%athczaatic for..iulation a-cl thu -,eni--ral sojutiun of the -)roblelz are eiven. The probleo of tne distribitior. o;-.' the -iotenti-1, of the fiele and of the concentration of c;mr.-e carriers in a se,.-,icondactoi with one p-n or p-i- trarisitior. at thEr-odyna--iic e,uilibrium leads to the findin~~pf a solutior for th,: u.,uation of 6hockleZ - a T . 2 shT 11(3.) for the potential (1) um-c.~r correspondinc 7- Card 1/5 d x The Eqailibriu;,i Distribution of Field Potential anc, of the t;on- 57-1-9/3 centration of the Charge Carriers on Fused -In Jaictions. where the degree of alloy of the p-range fxceeds that of the n range by "iore than one order of magnitude, i.e. ~lractically in ali~iost- all real cases. For real conditions the semiconductor o the n-type is divided into three ran,,,;es and approximation for- mulae are given for them. Diagra;.is are enclosed for the deter- wination of the position ofp-n transitions in dependence on th concentration of admixtures in semiconductors of the n- ancip- type. The :,c)rc exact solution of the equation (1) and the calc ation of the positior of p-n transitions was c-Irried out by me of an electronic co:.-iputin,- machine of the "Strela-311 type. The are 9 figures, 4 tables, and 4 refercnceo, 2 of which are Slav SUBLIIT'VED: June 12, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 lopm V*ARI%W fm w0 contocu" vAgm, cif ths SOLMILM ficbmalco"I g"jty 1"1* a*'-wU4 - ll*ftt-l Ommminticims In. A. 8. hp. Mall), *a., 0-12 zoo. 13 0 17 woe L t 1- (CMA) S. N. Am- 'r ... -P. It ty-...p S-n- Pa6m cexuxl t. CeRtIms TCOPNN 91160FALARMN Py- L N. C-O" MR, (c In .0 Is Va. IL C.".. A. 0. a"- 0 vp- r. rI.-. '1 frw"- t. a- P. IL P6-- IL P~-- JL OL n--" L L Mlyp- 18 22 AL 0- n,-r ... .. -a- --p A. 0. 6.P- ~ZV,9700 66259 AUTHOR: Adirovich, E. I. SC)V/181-1-7-15/21 TITLE: Conductivity and Transmission Coefficient of the Voltage of a Semiconductor Diode in the Nori-stationkry Regime - PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 7, PP 1115 - 11124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introductory mention is made of a paper by S~ G. Kalash- nikov and N. A. Penin (Ref 1) dealing with the investigation of the frequency dependence of the rectified current in a semicon- ductor diode with small signals and with the predominance of diffusion capacity. Here, the author investigates the frequency- versus-phase characteristics and the transition characteristics of conductivity and of the transmission coefficient of the volt- age under the following premises: (1) diffusion approximation; (2) small signals; (3) positive displacement in the p-n transi tion; (4) extension of the range of the p- and n-type is much larger than the respective diffusion length; (5) the p-range is more strongly alloyed than the n-range. The first part deals with the investigation of the phase-versus.-frequency charac- teristics, proceeding from formula (1) for the total current COMDOsed of the diffusion current of the minority carrier in Card 1/3 the p- and n-ranges, and the displacement current, and obtainin ~7 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5135 Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova 100 let so dnya rozhdeniya A.S. Popova; yubileynaya sessiya (One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of A.S. Popov; Anniversary Session) [Moscow] Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960- 312 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,800 copies printed. SponBoring~,kgency: Akademiya SSSR. Chief Ed#: A*L, Mints, Academician; Editorial Board: G.D. Burdun, A.R. Vollpert, 1. Ye. Goron, L. I. Gutemakher, I.I. Grodnev, N.D. Devyatkov, L.A. Zhekulin, S.Is Katayev, M.S. Neyman, V.I. Siforovand N.I. Chistyakov; Ed. of Publishing House: L.V. Gessen; Tech. Ed..: S.G. Markdvich. PURPOSE: This collection of reports is intended for scientists and technicians vorking in radio engineering and telecommunications. COVERAGEs The reports included in this collection vere submitted at the scientific meeting held in 1959 by the Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi " A.S# Popova (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Card 1/7 One Hundredth Anniversary (Cont.) SOV/5135 Shchukin) A.N. Effect of Fluctuation Noises on the Accuracy of Determination of Coordinates by Radio Engineering Methods 5 Adirovich., E.I. Relaxation Processes in Semiconductors and the Reactive froperties of junction Transistors 29 Siforov, Vol., and L.F. Borodin. Concerning the Use of Error-Correcting Codes in Official Communications 1 41 Borodin, L.F. Concerning the Speed of Transmission of Information Along Symmetrical Channels 57 Basharinov., AoYee, B.S. Fleysbnan.,and G.S. Tyslyatskiy. Method of Sequential Analysis in Problems of Signal Detection in Mu.Ltichannel Systems 74 Lezin'. Yu.S. Concerning Threshold Signals [Detected] by an Incoherent Storage Device With an Exponential Weighting Function 79 Pistollkors, A.A. Problem of Antenna Synthesis 84 Card 3/7 One Hundredth Anniversary (Cont.) SOV/5135 A-fanaslyev, V.A. Prospects of Developing SHF Electronic Amplifiers With Low Noise Factor 171 Tager, A.S., Concerning the Theory of Parametric Frequency Amplification and Conversion in Waveguide Systems 178 Brodskiy, A.I., A.N. Akhiyezer, V.I. Magda, and A.P. Sen1ko. Standard Calorimetric Installation For The Checking of Low-Power Meters 188 Burdun, G.D., Ye.B. Zalltsman, and V.Ye. Poyarkova. Installation For Measuring Dielectric Permeability and Dielectric Loss-Angle Tangent in the &mm Wave Band 194 Rassadin., B.I. Methods of Raising the Peak and Average Pover of a Single-Band Transmitter 202 Gusev, V.D... Yu.V. Kushnerevskiy, and S.F. Mirkotan. Comparison of Results of Observation of Large and Small Nonuniformities in the F2 Layer 211 Card 5/ 7 I One Hundredth Anniversary (Cont.) SOV/5135 Kolltsov, V.G.., and A.S. Angelov. Television Receivers Using Semiconductor Devices 283 Aksenov, V.P. Relationships Between the Background Level of Broad- casting Systems and the PUlsation Level of Supply Sources 294 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/dfk gMp Card 7/7 5.241 Semiconductor Devices and Their (Cont.) SOV/4034 TAM OF CONTMS: Nosov, Yu.R, Transient Chazueteristics of Semiconductor DiodeB. The article reviewa the principal conclusions of the theory of semiconductor diodes and transistors, the agreement of theoretical with experimental data., and problems connected with the utiliz- ation of semiconductor diodes in pulse circuits. ._A#rovich,,_E.j.., and A.Yu. Gordonov. Theory and Experimental Investigation of Emitter-to-Collector Current Gain in Juncti--~_ Transistors. 39 The article shows that emitter-to-collector current gain is the basic tromsistor parameter and determines its amplifying and generating capacities for any circuit diagram. Theoretical ex- pressions of current gain permit one to reduce the calculation of junction transistor parameters to the calculation of a circuit. Card 2/10 3'05 02 0-1191V611000100310501092 R-elw,.ation processes. D201/D304 where V - external potential; transition width, n - electron concentratio-a. it follows ttiat the trz4nsition c apacitance is det- ermined -iiot by variatio'a of the total char,,'c -irithin the n- or p- typc region but only by variation of the partial charre of t-.iajority carriers. This fact explains the (n-,periment being in a"rreement C> U, with the appioximatc Schottky-Motta formula -for a starved layer. The relaxation processcs in juaction transistors werc analyzed, comparison was made of the characteristic ai-d 'Lase rainority carriers diffusion aml recombination times and their de,)eiidence on the type of junction tranSistor con-tection was analyzed. It is shown that below the cut-off frcqueilcy the critical parameter which determines the reactance of the emitter circuit, is the ratio of the base rb to the emitter r resistance. The input reactance is capacitive for rb < 2 ABove the cut-off frequency the input reactance is T T e apacitive. 45 refereuces. A:b tracter's note: Complete always c s4 translation2 Card 2/2 Theory of the impulse properties of junction transistoru. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no-5:59-66 My 160. (MIM 13!8) 1. Fizhicheskiy institut im. P.,N.Ijobedeva AN Moskva. (Transistors) ADIROVICH, E.I. Input and transfer adnittance of a transistor under unatead7 conditions. Insh..-fiz.rhur. no.7!28-36 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. F.N.Lebedeva AN SSS-R, g. Moskva. (Transistors) S/ /181/60/002/007/oo6/042 B006/BO70 AUTHOR: Adirovich, E. I~ TITLE: Electric Fields and Currents in Dielectrics PERIODICAL; Pizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 7, PP, 1410-1422 TEXT: In the introduction , the author discusses some details of the determination of the distribution of current, field, and electron concentration in a dielectric placed- between two electrodes. The problem. essentially, is to solve the system of equations (1), j = const; dE/dx = -n; dn/dx + nE = J, which contains the continuity equation, the Pois5on equation, and an expression for the sum of the conduction and A- d'Affusion currents. Results of Refs. 1 and 2 are discussed. The author gives a general solution of the system of equations for the distribution of the field and electron concentration, when a current due to thermionic and autoelectronic emission flows through a dielectric, This solution serves, above all, to determine the conditions of validity and the range of application of the formulas derived in Refs,, 2 and 3. The diotribution Card 1/3 Electric Fields and Currents in Dielectrics S/161/60/002/007/006/()42 13006/13070 curves obtained theoretically are shown in diagrams: Fig~ 1 shows the distribution of electron concentration and electric field strength in the dielectric in thermodynamic.equilibrium. with the electrodes; Fig. 2 shows these distributions when a current passes through the dielectric; and Fig. 3 shows C(j) in the range 0:!~~ j ~ hichardson, (C = n-E2/2 -jx), Later, the thermionic emission is investigated in two ranges: 1) the range u>>l; this corresponds to a slight disturbance of the thermo- dynamic equilibrium in the system metal-dielectric-metal, that means, the range of small currents. Among others, an expression is also given for C(j) and the current-voltage characteristic, 2) The range wl---- iu>>l; this corresponds to currents in the dielectric, which are limited by v.olume charges (u = -C2- (,+jx)3/2) . The autoelectronic 3 lil emission from the cathode is studied in the last part of the work, The system (49) is obtained, which describes the distribution in the dielectric'of ~, E, and n. It is analogous to the system (33) which gives the same distribution functions for thermionic emission, With C 2 " T 'I'e"- I>2 jhT ' , a kr S1 hS S2 Card 4/6 S/161/~2/004/007/017/057 B102/B104 Ti T 10S Adirovich, E. I., Gubkin, N., and Kopylovskiy, B. D. - T I T L E lloasurezment of short 14. fet imes F~c-cordi' n1-- to the Dhase characteristic of the voltat-,e tlran~,miE~,,silon coefficient in circuit with a D-n junction PEIRIODICC"L: ~,izika tverdo6o tela, v. 4, no. 7, 1962, IbL),~-1662 TE-XT: Adirovich (FTT, 1, 1115, 1959) has proposed *~,hat is called a phase* method for measurint the relaxation times of electron processes in p-n junctions. This method i:iakes it possible to determine l: from wnich a~e two orders lower electrical. measurements at freoLiencies 6- -10 an 1 It is of ii;iportance for -v-10- 10 and is free from the disadvantages of the other methods. Aere the theory of the method is considered &nd its application to determine the lifetime of the non-c!yzilibrium carriers at the base of p-r. junct-lons in diodes wdth-thin or thick bases is described in detail.. 7,he pus~-,ibj lity and the conditions of applyin- it t,.~ measure other relaxation times in p-n junctions are also Card 1/6 S/181/62/004/007'017/037 1,easurement of short lif etimes. B102/B104 discussed. 7 is determined from T =-2y/- = 5-56*10-31yol/V; y is the phase a. n _r 1 e 3" _n radians, y 0 the angle of the tranc.-mission coefficient for the -e,erator voltage in deC,rees, V the frequency and w the cyclic frequency. This relation olds if the inequalities N., > No., (8) rk < ri., (12) U Itfl< (9) rj,c, < (13) PO VD-c (14) R Z R > (11) < 1. (15) are satisfied. E is the acceptor concentration in the emitter region, ap the donor concentrution in the bi;se, v' the variable volta-e at the 5n L, p-r, j,_nction, q the absolute electron charCe, p 0 the hole concentration at the internhLse of base and volume charee reCion, R the load resistance in the a-c circuit, r i0 the low-frequency differential resistance of the card 2, ADIROVICH., E.I.; YZIDKDI, V.M. Failure of the reciprocity law in electric photography and forms of isoopacity. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot. i kin* 7 no.3*.187-194 Ky.-Je 162., (YJRA 15:6) 1. Fizicheskiy institut, imeni P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR i Institut, kristallogrzLfii AN SSSR. i (Xorograpliy) 1-7 -/020/62/145/001/008/018 B104/B102 I OR S Adirovich,-R- OTI Academician AS UzSSR, and Kuznetsova, Ye. IM. Effect of adhesion levels on the kinetics of electron processes in p-n junctions PERIODICAL: Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 1, 19629 67-70 T.:-.XT: A theory of a p-n junction in semiconductors with adhesion levels is developed. The croBs section of the-se levels and the binding energies are assumed to be arbitrary. The minority carrier kizIetics in the junction base (0 x