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SOVI/ 1243 - 58 -Z- 1645 Translation from: Referati%-nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 2, p 23 (USSR) Au'rHOR: Abrukov, S. A, TITLE: A Method for Determination of the Temperature Field of a Carbon Monoxide Flame in Air (Metod opredeleniya ternperaturnogo polya plameni okisi ugleroda s vozdukhoin) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kazansk. gos. un-ta, 1955, Vol 115, Nr 12, pp 3 21 ABSTRACT- The article oifers a method for the determination of the tempera ture field of an axisymmetrical flame produced by a Bunsen burner located within a special square hood which eliminates the influence of the extraneous convection air currents from the sides. A Tepler instrument has been employed , with a filament of 0.. 04 n-irn diameter placed in the principal focus of the observation tube; the width of collimator gap was 0. 035 mm. This combination of the gap and the filament dimensions caused the whole of the flame in-lage to be covered by the interference bands, By the method of an approximate solution of integral equations (Schardin H. , Forschungsheft VDI, 1934, p 167 ) one photograph of the interfer- Card 112 ence picture permits a determination of the field of the index of SOV/124-58-2 A Method for Determination of the Temperature Field of a Carbon (conc ) i efraction Further. mak'Ing use of the similarity between the temperature field and the field of the CO~-and-air mixture concentration in the ftame, the author calculates the temperalure field, Numerical examples are given. The author assumes that the accuracy of determination of the refractive index by means of the interference bands produced in Tepler's instrument does yield results no less accurate than that of a similar determin,,tion by means of an interferorneterA special experiment has demonstrated that the temperatures of the same flame determined from seven different photographs ,Gary within 6qo in the inner flame cone and within 3% in the outer cone. The maximum temperature of a stoichio metric m;xture was 1870 � 560C degrees. as against the theoretically calcuiated temperature of 20300. The difference between these values is explained by dis- sociation and radiation into the cold environment. L, S. Dmitr:ye-_ Card 2/2 f-t U K\ M fl- C) V/~~ . /-r . USSR/ Fhysical Chemistry Kinetics. CombUstion. Explosives. Topochemistry. B-9 Catalysis Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 11249 Author Abrukov S.A. Inst -z9-z&-n`Uff-1v er s i ty Title Effect of Temperature arA Compositign of the Mixture on Oscillations of CO - Air Flames in an Open Tube Orig Pub Uch. zap. Kazanskogo un-ta, 1956, 116) No 1, 93-94 Abstract Flame occillations in air-CO mixtures are observed by the method of con- tinuous photographic display, in tubes open at the ignition end and clo- sed with stoppers provided with holes of different diameter at the other end. With a given aperture amplitude and frequency of flame oscillation are maximal with mixtures of 45-55% CO. Flame oscillations disappear completely beyond definite concent.ration lAts which become narrower on addition of inert admixtures and-adulterants-002, 12, CCJ-4 ) and b6co- 2 and H'O. With increase in wall temperature me wider on addition of H 2 > 20-30o (up to 250P) and at temperatures < 20o intensity of flame os- cillation decreases while the concentration limits become narrower. SOV/24-59-2-23/30 AUTHOR: Abrukov~ S. A. (Kazan') TITLE: 0 serval~Ln of Temperature Waves with Vibrating Flames in a Tube (Nablyudeniye temperaturnykh voln pri kolebaniyakh plameni v trubke) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1959, Nr 2, p 139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work.(Ref 2). A Schlieren photograph is reproduced of a vibrating flame in a 30% GO-?0%,air mixture. Examination of the photograph suggests the existence of temperature Waves in the combusiion products. There is 1 figure and 2 references, OIL Which 1 is Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy Sosudarstveiuiyy universitet (Kazan' State University) SUBMITTED: June 25, 1953. Card 1/1 31292 S/124/61/000/010/027/056 )It Bo t, D251/D301 AUTHOR: Abrukov, S.A. TITLE: The dependence of the limits of vibrational flame- spreading on the temperature, pressure, and intro- duction of inert impurities PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. liekhanika, no. 10, 1961, 82-83, abstract 10 B588 (V sb. 3-e Vses. soveshchaniye po teorii goreniya, v. 1, M., 1960, 44-50) 0 TEXT: An experimental determination was carried out on the limits of vibrational flame-spreading in dependence on the tem- perature and inert impurities for a mixture of carbon monoxide and air or oxygen. The mixture was ignited by an electric spark at the open end of a half-closed glass tube. The presence of vibrations was registered either by the photo-analysis of the process of com- bustion with respect to time or by sound emission from tl-eopen end of the tube. Analysis of the results of the photo-analysis of Card 1/3 31292 S/124/61/000/010/027/056 The dependence of the limits ... D251/D301 flame-spreading provides evidence about the periodic oscillations of the flame and the connection with them of the appearance of tem- perature-waves in the products of combustion, which is caused by the variation of the speed of heat evolution in the zone of combus- tion. Vibrational combustional was investigated as an auto-oscilla- tory process in which the energy is the thermal energy liberated in combustion and the column of gas in the tube is investigated for the oscillatory system. The optimum conditions for inciting oscilla- tions occurs in the case when the frequency of the periodic varia- tions of the speed of heat evolution is close to one of the natural frequencies of the tube. The amplitude of the vibrations then in- creases until all the forms of energy dissipation in the given con- ditions do not compare with the energy acting on the column of gas from the flame. The limits of oscillation were investigated for vibrational combustion of two types - the first with small amplitude of oscillation and laminar motion of the products of combustion, and the second with sharply increased amplitude of oscillation and turbulent motion of the products of combustion. Transition from Card 2/3 The dependence of the first type of mean velocit of tran 1*3 slation. Card 3/3 31292 S/124/61/000/010/027/056 the limits ... D251/D301 oscillation to the second sharply increases the Clame-spreading. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete 712 0 0 f HO t(.. Abrukov, of the limits flame on the temperature, admixtures 24111 S/196/61/000/006/006/014 E073/E535 of vibration propagation of a pressure and addition of inert E.."1001CALz Referativnvy zhurneJ, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, iq6i, so.b, PD-7-8, abstract 6G91. (.Sb. 3-e Vses. soveshchaniye pa teorii goreniya. T.i., m., ig6o, 44-io) T Me results are described of experimental determination of' the limits of vibratory propagation of a flame as a function of the temperature, pressure and addition of inert admixtures. The experi- ments were carried out in horizontal glass tubes SO-100 mm long, 1.7-4.8 cm in diameter. Ihe mixture was ignited at the open end by a flame, whilst at the other end the tube was closed with a plug; in some cases plugs were used w_l-th circular holes in the centre, IX'I the diameter d of which varied betv~reen I.q mm and values near to those of the tube diameter. AS a fuel, basi-cally CO was used for which data on the integral speed of combustion are available. The influence of the parameters of' the tube, the temperature, inert Card 1/3 Dependence of tile 1_,mlts ol S/1 96/6 1/ Ooo/01jo/006/01.4 E073/E535 admixtures and of the j-ni,tial pressure was elucidated. 1'h e vibrational propagation of tile flauie is a self-oscillation process. The self-oscillation sysiem is characterized by the presence of an energy source, an oscillation system proper, a valve allowing the passage of periodic portions of energy from the source to the oscillation system and a feedback by means of which tile oscillation system controls the operation of the valve. In the case of vibra- tional flame propagation. the energy source is the thermal energy released during combustion, 'i"he oscillation system, the parameters of which determine the frequency of oscillati,.)ns of the flame, is the gas column in the tube. Acoustic oscillations of small amplitude generated by some randoin disturbance in the pressure brings about periodic changes in the pressure P and the tempera- ture T in the combustion zone. This in turn leads to periodic changes of the mass speed of combustion and, consequently, of the speed of the i4zat release ql, which is confirmed by the appearance of temperature waves in the combustion products during vibration propagation of the flame. The best conditions for exciting oscillations arises when the frequency of oscillations is near to one of the resonant frequencies of tile tube. The existence of Card 2/3 ?4111 Dependence of the limits of 196/61/ooo/oo6/006/014 E073/E535 definite concentration limits of the vibrational flame propagation, which differ from the limits of ignition, and also the influence of inert admixtures and pressure on these, indicate that in the combustion zone a well de-f '~'critical speed of heat release q exists, below which oscillk, '~s will not be generated. The lcr limits of oscillations of t4. second type are due to the formation of a turbulent movement of gases in the tube on increasing the amplitude of the oscillations, which leads to a change over from laminar to turbulent combustion (this fact is confirmed by instantaneous Schliern patterns). As a result of this, the average speed of flame propagation increases greatly and the shape of the flame will change sharply. Abstracted by M. Knorre. [Abstractor0s Note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 I KUR7.HUNOV, V.V.; MEZDRIKOV, V.N. Use of Tepler's method for the quantitative investigation of temperature waves. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; fiz. no.2;98-101 161. (NIRA 14:7) 1. Kazanskij goslidarstvennyy ikniversitet. (Heat-Radiation and absorption) ACCESSION NR; AR4019268 S/0196/64,/000/001/TOOS/TO09 SOURC2; 1%Zh. Blaktrotokhaike i onergotilkap Abe. IT84 XJTHOR: Abrukov, S. A.; Uikheyev, M. P. TITLE: Use of the IAB-451 apparatus for studying vibration propagation of a flamo in a tuba .CITED SOUPCE: Tr. 1-y Vsos. nauchno-tekhn. konforentaii po probl. vibratsion. i pul'satsion. goraniya. M., 1962, 19-25 TOPIC TAGS: flame tuba, flame, flame vibration, vibration propagation, vibration i b=in-, flrarw vibration propagation 'TROISLATI011: A report on the use of one of the modifications of Toplor's method ,the method of Schlieren-interferenco in polarized light -- for studying some of the i ,prouarties of vibration burning in semi open tubes for air mixtures or CO. A des- cription is given of an installation designed at the Depart=ont of Molecular Physion of the Kazan State Univorsity. Experiments are conducted in a reaction tube with a: cross section of 13 X 29 X 630 mm. It is observed that the ourfue area of the .flame changes in a period of one oscillation. It is confirmed that those changes Card 1/2 ACCESSIMT INR: ARA.019268 are causod by periodic changes in the direction and velocity of motion of particles in the standing sound rmvoe Nonhomogenaitias are observod in the distribution of to-aporaturo of the products of combustion along the cross section of the reaction ..fbe i-;hich oscillate in correspondence with the oscillations of the gas oolumne .Lhe arising of these temperature nonhomogeneities is apparently oonneotod with .conveotiva cooling of the products of oombustion. M., 2, bibl. 4 titles, -R. Dulat~ov ~DATE- ACQ: 25'Fob64 SUB CODE: PH EiGLi 00 Card ABRUKOV, S. A. j WKWEVt Me p0 Applica-tion of the interference method of bands in polarized light using a IAB-451 instrument. Izv. vys ucheb. zav.; fiz. no*6:U5-120 '62. NIRA 16:1) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V. 1. Ullyanova-Lenina. (Interferometer) a On-65 -,%rAPm4TftvRpll -]-.z 1 s being used tor tuly i nF he 3 t P heT~-Me?, I Tp ~r m! us t I n p 1, 5 S, c- -time wi-th !he -------- ~7 -i-+I~fi,~. 'n trip ktanclIT-V Curd 212 F~ of Ali= n T r r-jc I. UL7= 1-7v Tfab Lwjl%q cll%a dio li~ Las r r L 47345-65 5049-7247 -ACCESS:VJR-Mr: AR 6, ubes were closed at both ends. It is established that iment4 Xture-,_ i r - a-k. f h 4hitia" U3, -qnAependencedf.t e A, pressure of the fttl~,Whu rational 6ombust -St. occurs has.the~same form as ler- cmr- b-spond nt, t -7P 7177i~%7 -,;T,.E be~lnq ame ui zi - yp Card 2/2 L 4*:,-, -66 - - Lw I -AZrn ",6029757 S~Nk CODE: IIR/0414/66/000/002/0068/0071 AUTHOR: Abrukov, S. A. (Kazan'); Kurzhunov, V. V. (Kazan'); Mezdrikov, V. N. (Kazan') ORG: none TITLE: The effect of an elec(ric field on the oscillatory combustion of prgane SOURCE: Fizika goreniya i vzryva, no. 2, 1966, 68-71 TOPIC TA1,S: combustion, combustion instability, oscillatory combustion, gas combus- tion . /0p0 Pq A;,C 5 'efl-'r C n9 / ('- F1 C40 ABSTRACT: A study was made of the effect of a-c (50 cps) and d-c electric fields on the oscillatory combustion of _aLo2_9.9~et-lair mixtures. The test assemblv consisted of a cal electrodes, resonator tube with a burner, an acoustic Fenerator, flat or cylindri and a fuel flow meter. The poLential (III) to 12 kv) required to Suppress a0ousLiC oscillations wat; measured as a function of fuel flow r;ite in I-'inctic and diffu,,,ional combustion regli-iies. The potential wis found to h!~, a function (if the flame leng 1h and the ;posttion of' thi! flavii, .111 the I-111tic. lo beLh Cho diffxi~;ion and prowixv,l Mi-.1le-i, thc po t~I'I L ki ! had ~ I rn:~r I mu- 1! 111 t h c. r I, in, ~ "'i Il r1 Iop t i i;,,11::1 fo ri 1.1 ato I-; covlbu-~ t ion . Sup~jressicn of Lhe usvflla~ions o(~uurred the rf-~-Juirvd ;-Oteutial wa.5 -~pplled. Botil (I--(- 'Anti a-c fleld!l LCard- -1/2 111) C. 536.468 ACC NR-. AR6034727 SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/66/000/008/I31OI/BlOl AUTHOR: Abruh-ov. S. A. TITLE: Charact eris tics of -vibrational propagation of a flame in closed narrow tubes SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 813720 REF SOURCE: Sb. Itog. nauchn. konferentsiya Kazansk. in-ta za 1962 g. Kazanl, Kazansk. un-t, 1963, 27-29 TOPIC TAGS: flame propagation, combustion, oscillating flame, oscillatory combustion ABSTRACT: Vibrational propagation of a flame in gaseous mixtures was studied experimentally. The experiments were carried out in a round tube 750 mm in len(-,th and 26 mm in diameter and in tubes with a rectangular cross section of 12 x 18 MM2 and lengths of 855 and 490 mm. The tubes were closed at both ends during '[he experiments. It was found that the curve showing the dependence of the initial pressure of the mixture on fuel. concentration, at which oscillatory combus- Card 1/2 1/Soil Science. Ph-pical and Chemical ProDerties of Soils. 1-2' u I LRA I IT,, Y Abs Jour: Referat.Zh.Biol., No. 16, 2"-- Aug, 19--7 _9020 Author Ab_ nik ov a , L In3t Title On the Use of Trilon B in Soil AnalysiS. Ori r- Pub: Dopovi('-' AN MBR, 1956, No. 5, 501-51~03 Abstract: The trilonometric method of determining water hard- ness may also be used for determination of the sum of the cations Ca and Mg in salt (l N NaCl) and aqueous extracts from black earth soils. For partial determination of Ca2+ and 1,-~g2~ ions two portions of salt extracts of black_(~arth were taken: in one, the sum of cations (Cadt + I.Ig24) was established tri- lonometrically, and in the :Nther Ca was precipitated by ammonium oxalate and was determined by the volum- etric method (permanganatometrically). From the difference between the sum of cations, established trilonometrically, and the quantity of Ca ions, Card 1/._~ - 25 ; ~zp- Triv L-P --- - .--- -- -- - - ---- - - ---- - 1- Mineralogical composition of the silt fraction of Crimean Cherno- zems. Pochvovodenie no.12:83-88 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Fochvennyy institut imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva, All SSSR. (Crimea--Chernozem soils) unJ ai-aitnums jr-,,3 from -,hur. ?(') no.4: stann 1n7", (MIRA 1719) ik 46 Vcskva. 4111i'lli LlokuchayMif ABRUROVA, L. F. Tketemining exchant7eable b-9.9ea In ~aarboriate 8::' .5. F~,~,h-7-~7pr~an'a no.9-103-107 S 161,40 (MIRA !7t.-2) 1. FcchvannTj in,,,Lit.ijt imeni V.V.Dnkucb-syEva, AN SSSIR, Moskva. S/138/62/000/010/003/908 A051/A126 AUTHORS: Kolyadina, N.G., Bartenev, G.M., Abrushchenko, B..Kh. TITIR: Effect of residual deformation on highly-elastic regeneration of rubber at low temperatures PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 10, 1962, 28 - 31 TPXT: A study was made of rubber properties affected by accumulation of residual deformation, namely, the effect on the highly-elastic regeneration of rubber samples or rubber scaling parts. The causes of residual deformation ac- cumulation are not analyzed. Both accumulation of *residual deformation at high temperatures and "freezing" of the highly-elastic deformation at low tempera- tures cause the negative effect of a decrease of the highly-elastic regeneraticn. The mathematical calculation of various parameiers and graphs plotted from ex- perimental results are presented. It was found that the experimental data agree IJ well with the computed values. The authors conclude that the frost-resistance of commercial rubber sealing parts depends not only on the f rost-resi stance of the rubber, but also on the degree of accumulation of residual deformation dur- Card 1/2 S/138/62,/000/010/003/008 Effect of residual deformation on .... A051/A126 ing storage or usage of the parts under tension, at temperatures over OOC. Thern-a are 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy filial nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta rezino- voy promyshlennosti. Probllemnaya laboratoriya fiziki polymerov XIGPI im. V.I. Lenina (Leningrad Branch of the Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry. Laboratory for Problems of Po- .lymer Physics MGPI im. V.I. Lenin) Card P,/2 POIWAY-MV, A.V.; ABRUTSK&YA, Ye.G. Highways of Uzbekiatan. Avt.dor. 22 no.11:8 H '59- (14IR/t 13:2) (Uzbekistan--Roads) POLETAYFV, A.V-~ ABRUTSUYA, Ye.G. Petroleum-gravel pavements in Uzbekistan. Avt.dor. 23 no.l: 11-12 Mr l6o. (MIJU 11:6) (Uzbekistan-Pavements, Bituminous) MOTYLEV, Yii,,L., kund. teklui. nauk; ZALESSKIYp Ye.P., prof.; I(AMUZHNYY, I.S.t kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AZIZOVp A.A., mlad. nauchnyy notr.; FOLETAYEV~ A.V., kand. khim. nauk; ABRUTSKAYA, Ye.G..,_mlad. nauchnyy sotr. Prinimali uchastiye: bUTLITSKIY, Yu.V., mlad. nauchnn, sotr.; FEDOSEYFVA, T.I., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; BIRULI,A.K., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk-I retsenzent; ZVERINSKIY, G.I., inzh., retsenzent; KOVALEV,T.G., inzh., retseEzent; BASIV,V..M.,inzh.., re- tsenzent; DEBERDEYEV, B.S., red.; DONSKAYA, G.D., tekhn. red. [Stability of earth roadbed and road mats in regions with arti- ficial irrigation] Ustoichivost' zemlianogo polotna i dorozhnykh odezlid v raionakh igkusstvennogo orosheniia. [By] IU.L.Motylev i dr. I.oskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo V-va avtoi oDiilnogo transp.1 shos. dorog RSFSR~ 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Uzbekistan-Road construction) (Uzbekistan-Irrigation) ABPIJUIIAN, Vasile, ink. Making metal highly valuable. Probleme econ 16 no.10:160- 161 0 163. 1. Director tAimic, Uzinele de vhgoane Arad. YJMSINA, E.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; hROFF, L.I.Y kand. tekhn. nauk; ABRYU.ZI4',, I-MITS, III.S., inzh. - _jjA I - ,,, inzh.; I Use of a heat probe in the study of the heat exchange of furnaces and steam boilers. Tepolenergetika 1-12 no.2:69-72 F 165. (MIRA 1b: 3) 1. Vsesoyuznvv teplotekhnicheskiy institut. ABRYUTIN Iaonid Ivanovich, starshly prepodavatell ~ I. A stage with a self-exciting collector clutch. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 5 no-11:1306-1310 162, (MIRA 16:1) 1. Obelyabinskily po:Litekhnicheskiy institut. (Clutchea(Machinery)) (Electric motors, Induction) -~9;7_~i~qlgevich; FRIDENBERG, Rikhard Arnolldovich; ABRYUTIN,,.,V',k BULGAKOV . r... tsenzent; RUZIEI, Ya.L.,, dots., 0 S., re retsement; SHABADASH, B.I.~ dots., retsenzent; VOLIFE,L., red. [Electrical section of large capacity thermal electric power plants] Elektricheskaia chnst' moshchnykh teplo- vykli elektrostantsii; uchebnoe posobie. Leningrad) Se- vero-Zapadl%yi zaochrVi politekhnicheskii in-t) 1962. 197 p. (MIRA 17:3) ...ABRYUTIN, Viktor Nikolnyevich; TIMOFEYEV, V.A., doktor toklin. nauk, prof., retsenzent; GESSEN, V.Yu., dots., retsenzent; IVANOV, Ye.A., dots., rets-enzent; Ye.Yc, dot--.) retsenzent; IILUZD, Yn.L., clots., kand. tGlrhi. nauk, retsenzent; KLIMOV,, V.A., st. prepod., retsenzent; VOLIPE, L., red. [Electromagnetic transients in electrical networks and systems] ElcktromagnitrWe perekhodnye protsenoy v elektricheskikh se- tiakh i sistemakh; uchobnoe posobie. Leningrad, Severo-zapad- nyi zaochnyi politekhn. in-t, 1962. 278 p. (MIRA 17:5) L 33115-66 ACC NR1 AP0024083 SOURCI.; UODF.'j-"- -u-R-10-i4411(/)/cw/oo2/02-)5/(2:)6 A1171OR: Gottman. A. A.; Holchanov, V. Do; K&rrAMk No Pot Agranovskly, K. Yxio; Berger, At Yao; Grover, Le K.; Yesakov, V. P*; Wlo_r, To. Vol Pyativin-, K. I.; Hr_,vil Vf.;-Or&n~aYT_9. -I.I YOV80yov, '.'Is Teal _rfo_r_Tcfn_. 5-inullnikov, !of me; ............ 41 ro RY6V r, 116 ORG: none TITIZ: O.-B. Bron (on his 70th birthday) SQUIRCris IVUI,. Il-lektronoMianika, no. 2, 1966, 235-236 TOPTC TAGS: oloctric onginooring porsonnol, oircuit broalcor ATUTRACT: Osip Borisovich Bron was born in 1896 -in Klintsi. In 1920, he graditaby] from tho physics-rk%th faculty of Xhar1kovNeelmoTogical Institute, Ho bocam a pro- fossor in 1930- Ile defended his doctor's -thesis in 1946, During the second world var, hn wa!i in tho navyo Aftor domobilization in 1950, Enrinoor Colonel Pron vmnt to work towihiLng at the Leningrad Tndustrial Correspondence School, Ile became the head of thn Gliair of Thoor6ft-Re-al-Pasos of Electrical Techn6logr in 1958. Ile in closn'.~v associatod. with scientific and dovolopmnt work, aad has cooperated closely in this area ifith the Leninead "Clektrosila" plant since 1946. His work has boon in tho areas of spark-Jamping mid high-pmmr 011V breakers. Ile has publAshod over 140 soientifio works wyl 19 inventiones MRS SUB COMt 05, 09 / SUBH DAN t none Card BOR, Mikhail Zakharovich. Prinimali uchastiye: UMNSKATA, Ta.P,; BALASHOVA, A.A.; ABRTUTINA, M.S.; ZHUKOV, V.N.; TAMINA, N.I.j VOROBIYEV. V.P.. STMILIN, S.G., akadomik, rod.; LISOV, V.Ye., rod.; KHOLIN, I.A., red.; GERASIMOVA, Te.S., tekhn.rod. [Planned balance of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.; practice in working out the balance] Planovyi balans narodnogo khoziaistva SSBR; opyt razrabotki. Pod red. S.G.Strumilina. Moskva, GoBplan- izdat, 1959. 158 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Podotdal balanaa narodnogo khozyaystva Gosplana SSSR (for Usponskaya, Balashova, Abryutina, Zhukov, Yaktinins, Voroblyev). (Russia--Economic policy) TURETSKIY, Sh.Ya., doktor ekon. nauk; AGAILEGYAN, A.G., duktor ekon. naWq FEEERSITS, LUSHIN, S.I., kand. ekon. nauk; CHUBAKOV, G.N., kand. ekon. nauk; prof., doktor ekon. nauk; KOKOREV, M.A., kand. ekon. nauk;_.ABI~IqT~NA, M.S.) MITINA, E., red.; BESSUDN'OVA, N., m1ad. red. [Large-scale socialist rerroduction and the. natjor.,31 economic balance] Rasshirennoe sotsiuai:iticheskoe vos- proizvodstvo i balans narodnogo khoziaistva. Vloskva) Izd-vo 111,11yoll," 19164. 373 p. (MIRA 17:5) KOSHELEV, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; ESKIN, N.B., inzh.; TAIRATUTA, V.A., inzh.; KAPCHITS, D.A., inzh.; ABRYUTINA, N.V., inzh.; POLYAKOVA, V.P., inzh.; LEEEDEVA, I.G., !_n_zfi...-'--'--- Study of-salt extraction by the flushing and separating system of the PK-24 boiler. Elek. sta. 35 no. 4slO-15 Ap 164. (~ffRA 17:7) ABSALYPLMOV, A. Ahsalyamov, A. - "Along the broad wateniay", (-Captain's N. Sh. Akhty&-nov and I-1. N. Dopova of Vol::I,a stc&ns ips, outline), Uts Titarstan, book 2, ;). 10-53. so: U-11110) 17 July 53, (Letopis 17hurnal Inykh Statev, 'No. 19, 19h9). ABSALYAJI!O,V,_,_I.F., kand. veter. nauk; R.A., aspirant; KliACHATURYAN, -.- - - - --- yu.s. 9 t3tFtrihiy nalichn,,Ty notriidnilr Hemolytic jawidico in Karakul sheop. Vet-4,,rinarlia 42 no.11:6(:*-68 N f65. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Uzl--~3k5kiy nauchno-Issledovatell.'rHy voterillarilyy instltut i VseqL)yu.-,ri.,,T natichno-i.s.9l.edovat~(,11,,ikiy inrt..Itut, 'karaloulevodstva. ABS'ALYMOVA, 11, B,, Candid&te Yi,,d Sci (diss) -- "The blood supply of t1le sciatic nerve of the nowborn". Ahna-Ata, 1959. 17 pp (yazakii State Illed Inst)., 300 CoPier M, UO 23, 1959, 171) ABSALYAMOVA, N.F. I Case of a mermaidlike monstrosity. Trudy Semipal, med. inst. 2:355- 361 159. 1 (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy anatomii (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy dotsent I.M.Turetakiy) Semipalatinskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MONSTERS) V MM/AlbUctme - Wbeat Apr ~ 48 Medicine - Co]A,, ZY!iaots of "h-ost Resletance of Young Sprbtts of Winter Wheat at lov Snpratures," R. A. Abml~wwva, All-Won Aced Agr &I Imni V. 1. Lenin, ~ pp "Dok V-S Ak Selkboz Nauk" No 4 Report of e3qerlnento. Young sprouts can vithatard vw7 lov temparqtures if Inured to them in autum. Dry or sligbtly nollem seeds also vlthstan& vinter conditions. PV11y swollen but unsprouted beeds parish. In light frosts. Sulmitted 28 Apr 1947. 15/49T78 ABSALYAMOVA . R. A. F&ect of the complex of rhizosphere micro-corganisms developed as a result of the application of organic-mineral fertilizers on the grewth of plants. Agrobiologiia no,1;77-81 Ja.-F 16~, (MIRA 160) 1. Mookovskoye otdeleniya Vsesoyuznogo nauchnO-iBsledovatellskogc. inBtituta sellskokhozyaystveruioy mikrobiologii. (Rhizoophere microbiology) (Fortilizara are! nanures) ACC NRi AT6017421 AUTHOR: Al~~,Yev, M. T.; Oj1%U1 :y&4 YA_ Bibilachvili. N. Sh. TITLE: Ridar method of determining spectrum and concentration of hail stones ih convec.tive cloud,91,,, SOURCE: Loningra 'd.__Vypo.k.ogqpyy_gcofizicherkiy..ini3til"ut. Trudy, no. 3(5), 1966. Mckhanizm obrazovaniya i vypadeniya grada (Mechanism of the formation and precipi- tation of hail), 154-163 TOPIC TAGS: cloud pbyaica, hail,yradar ABSTRACT: The use of the function of hail distribution by size is suggested in-order to determine the microstructures of hail clouds, as is the measurement of the radar reflections from the same cloud volume obtained on several wavelengths, depending on the number of distribution parameters involved. The Rokard distribution was urse 'd to describe the hail spectrum for purposes of simplicity and to provide an operation- al method for indicating hail sizes and concentrations. Two radars, operating on different, wavelengths, were used to find the calculated concentration and the distri- bution parameter. The general form of the hail distribution must be used, and , measurements must be made on three wavelengths, in order to arrive at a more accurate determination of the hail spectrum in the cloud. An average value on the order of Card 112 SOUI'%CE CODE: UR/3213/666/000/003/0154/olo,33 ACC NR, AT6027421 C, 10 M-3 was obtained for the hail concentration in the cloud in the interval dmin-d max with d equal to the hail stone diameter. The method requires substantial refinement with respect to making the function of hail distribution in the cloud and the - I dielectric properties of hail stones, more precise. More work is needed as well to establish the moat suitable wavelengths. Orig. art. hast 8 formulas, 3 figurei, and 2 tables. suB com; o4, Iq / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 008 / OTH REF: 010 Card 2 W I'T TV ",-'d Oci 17 lilt ccrt. to 1,) 6OPt (D-opisy ABSOLIII,R., promovany ekon= "Rooords end analysis of fixed assets* by B.Partyk. Reviewed .by R,.Absolin,, Podn org 17 no698431 St63 ABSOIDN, Adolf Methods of mapping the Quaternary in the area of Cretaceous marl rocks. Vest ust geol 39 no.2: 1-47-150 Mr'64 1. Geologicky ustav, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. ---AU!LOLONL ina. c 0 pectrographic ietermination of lead, zinc and copper in polymetallic raw ores. Rudy 10 no.6sSuppl:Prace vyz- ust no.5:29-32 Je '62. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum rud, Praha. ABSOLON Karel, inz. Some direct method& of ppectographtc analysis of solutions. Rudy 13. no.10:Supplement-. Praoe vyikumnych ustavu no-5: 31-35~O 163. 1. Ustav pro vyzk= rud, Praha. ABSOLON Kq~~ql Inz., Spectrographic analysis of tin ores. Geolog pruzkum 5 no.2-.56-57 F 163. 1. Ustav pro vyzkm rud, Praha. " istil, ABSOLM , Karel -.--4 - ~ gf~-e6tial'&ItGrMinatiOn of berylliums Ghem plum. 13 no.8:416-417 Ag'63. 1. Ustav pro v-yzlan rad, Praha. AB3OLON',_4g-re4-Inz. chem. Deteradning calcium, aluminum, and iron in magnesites by spectral solution ahalysis. Rudy 12 no.6-184-M Je 16~. 1. InsLitute of Ora Research, Fraguo. 0 rj ; iR %-r C ze c1 os I ovak i a H-30 op y JOUR- AUTH OR 7 T IT!,:", T, a i n in ? o f L ow - C, ia, E z,, t D, v i c e 5 wr d U-!; i t 5 Exposed to the f"%ct ion of . tmosplievlc -trents Cj',j F'-j Sdclovaci tee"-,n., 7 No 19 JO-31 LB --~T?2i CT Brie-f ii-iformation concen, ng protec.L."Lve cc)~Xtini,s all." 11-heir, appllcatiun. .ABSOWNOVA, 0.; FRAGNIM, P.; PATERA, V. III----k-I&-W4"'.W-*O' Mqcological findings in sputum of )atients with lung tuberculosis# Cook. opidem. mikrob. imun. 6 no-3 192-194 May 57. 1. Krajoka bygienickoepidetniologiclia stanice INT Praba. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULM)NjUff, coml:'.L. Monilia albicans loolaticil from sputum ('.,'z)) (NDUILIASIS 14. albicans isolation fri.--n sputum of patients with pulm. tuber. (CZ)) J" SuiewZ1, Given waose Countryi Csochl'alds -ic DoCroest Affiliations Sources Cssko4jQvgn&k& Hysetoo, Vol V, 1* 2-3, Prague, Mar 60, P IS2- Dates KYAMI J. Athli tim, Institute of Hygiene LM; Ll _7, Bratislava, Institute of Hygions of the University in BMoj &Dd member of the Kraj. ftions " Epidadological Station-am f'1_7. Prague. Dates Co-&Qth,r of "The Problem of MaLbAmogloblLsooda in Infant* in Coechoolowakis,' 3ftme, P IS2. V=A.L P. Mills i0111 Inltltut4 of Hygiene LFUK Lr?_7, Bratislava, Institute of Hygiene of the Univorpity in Brno, " also, amber of graj Hygiene and 4idestiolciical Station-Khy CI_7 in Prague. Dow Co-author 0f 'The Probl- at Moth.mcglabinamais 1A In fants in CsochoolovOla.m Source, p. 152. -LS=N07A L0 I Institute of Hygiene LFUK Lrl,7, Bratislava, Institute of Hygiene of the Vniversity in Brno, wA also$ member of Kr&j Hygiene and 41deadological Station-OV CULss Prigw Dates Co-&utbor of -The Froblm of Kethamoglobinaosda in .1 Wants in Caschoolovakia.0 Source, p 152. .POSPISIL J. Alfiftatioul Institute of Hysion a: JJVK 1'? 7 in Bratislava, Institute of Hygia lot the Vnivprslty In Brais, and also, amber of lraj Wgistso and 144daniological. Station-KO CY-7 in Prove Dates Css-author of 'The Problem of Mothmmoglobla-wis in Idanto In CstabooloyakloaO Scum, p 151. Pop 2 of 2 (3) I 1 . !ul 1) ~ I "T 1~ 1; 1( V 11,j . 2. USSi (60D) 4- Singing - Instruction and Stiidy 7. VJhy are drawing and singincy lessons borinz. 3e;-Illia, i shkola 3, !0. '~ I V t, A' -1 -L(.)53. 11 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~Iay 1953. Unclassified A--,LTChSK], J. i U .MBS"CILSKI, J. Systematization of oriyani,-.ation., I ta le,,i An ti-.e c~,P.Pnt. induAry. C 77 11,'T.' t,' -'- ' r V( I - - .. I - 1, 1 , ~~I P. 705- Vol. 1?, no.9, Setj;. 1956. ML- '~rako,-?, Fcl&nd. E~U,I'CE: East Eurcy,ean Accessions List VoIb 6, No. 4--Alril 1957 - ABSTORSKT, J. Intensification of the production process in the cement industry* ps 43a GINIWT, WAFNO, GIPS. Nydawnictwo "Budo,wnictwo i Architektura") Krakoirt Poland. Vol. 13, no. 2, Feb. 1957. Monthly list of East t~uropean Accessions Index (BEAI)s LCY Vol. 8, no, 6, Jnne 1959 uncla. SAIDAKHODOV, A.A.; Study of the cerebrosp- al fluid in tuberculosis menihg%t1s Dokl. IN Uz. SSR no.8;65-67 157. (6u 11:5) l.Uzbekskiy nauchno-iseledovatel'Bkiy tuberkulezny7 institut. 'E'redstavlano akad. AN UzSSR A.Yu. Ym2usovym. . (OMBROSPfUL FLUID) -(MMNINGES-TUEERCUIDSIS) i I 1 4 1 A I I i Fw it ni, , u " u it ts " nit! 17 R-pin App)1~1811 Un jail j6 v apt v 4:41 "OL;- A A. L a h P 9 R I 1 9 UL YL-1, I AA 0 CC M 0 4 1 s - t, T 00 00 -00 00 00 Ths PhY90100 01 &W,"Nc acid Ln somW andabowntal 00 slates. Arthur F. Abt. J. ilk yru4 I' s. 12 00 1 . 16(in Fuslish)(i7k Ruislart, ijj:j~, Diwu liSim. .00 S. A. Narials go -00 00 &* 0 of j -06 0 06 -00 90 ' *g of go '00 - g ASP i L A -tTALI~r~wtl L#TEPA14,~f CLASSOICATICk 0 .010 Wes 00 14 A At 14 v 1 1 "4 It 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 000 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 of, OT44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0; --T--- - - -T- T ~-n~cipitatir,m ojor `,acti-ns of 'ri.~c --ln ft Pan 1 I-ed '~C! Ka7aldl State edic-11, Tj,,~--t 4.ry~ 190: Sur.. iliol ~1'111 -11.~ 5r~ - Survev of Sc---e-t-fic an -.1 i'c Ili 0"], 1 4-4 a c r iuca! ional ABUBAK1ROV, I.K.; PAIRPIYEV, N.A.; ASITULA'AW, YU. Petrography of burned rocks in the ,~.ngren Valley. Lzb.gaol.zhur. no.4-.l(,-23 161. (MIRDI 14:9) 1. Institut geologii i Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Amgren Valley--Rocks, Sedimentary) ABUBAKIROV, I.K. Underground coal fire and eonditions of the formation of burned rocks in the Angren Valle~.v.Vop. geol. Uzb. no.3:30-37 '62. (MIRA 16.-6) (AIiiren Valley.- -Coal geology) ABUBAKIROV, I,K, M(agnetite-hematite bodies in burnt rocks of the Angren Valley and conditions governing their formation. Uzb.,,,co1.zhur. 6 no.3:53-57 162. (MA 15-6) 1. Institut geologii AD UzSSR. (Angren Valley-Magnetite) (Angren Valley-Hematite) irothing a; 2L' [I-'' Att-,,L~ Ct -in. i40' with hothing a-.d giveb a mass. wl 140~rl- -4 kf~!. &w" AlWolds of Rununculaccae. If. Alk4loida of Vel phiniurn biternatum. S. Yamumn,1111! N h AIPIII~Alylpv .,h .' 1 11,14., hel A k"", I I - (""tc Ch, fit 1 19. -'Ai!I 7w 1101111. cf~ C.A. V, 7olm. 1 %1- ,1 '-' it LI: -hud .11111 W1110), fit III,- pirm'11tv III I" N11,1111. kz '14ph'signe p-T'Ah"ate, all. 2,12 14 -I .11111 1.11 r., 111. 77 N1, I IA 1) ; if, 4,11" r '11411-~u AlL.A."'N IVI-I v .11- I'l, ., If ,~mulm I v I III I I I(- it 1 -1. r p4i 1, A "It. I'l-I I V.L I ~ I. I' i , f"I'll alkalmd-. A"allig. 111. 1 g. dt 11,11,41 tilt- '410 11A K. d' 11-111c. 11,1ph-amr, 6,11.0,N, imilm-A hom the IK-whimme lit \11'oll If...1111will, In. tillij), I"ll" :114 J"' collt'All' , ;'. NI'M aml L'Oll gfoll1w. 01'. p1m. j-, A."m HO111, I-flit M V (m 11'(11; W; N (Ift"willial'; Jim's Nlv'L (1-1-1,0), liv.1jolv'), "I I it. drIplimilic I X. KOII 11, 1i'-& N )COI I hiled M A 10W !My I I lit 11011, TA If fit! L It I It I Is: .A.dind milt l5m1.AcCH1tAU.-i(Iv(IIt1I w r_ m--vo-A, dtror-an %%hivll %i,W, Ill, A1,141"I'l fill ficaling L" lu-. "ith 10"~ KOJI lit Vel"'Ifir fmuu~ It 'N""A.Wtalr' fit. lit'. IN' ((I(,Itk 1-'(,O,aftcr mw,w,-. m (:Ivvovnjm.~, picks III) I inol. IftO in thc fit; thiii Ak.A.'s I "N. I. lit 33.9' (111 Cf[Cl,). 11.1% nI'I 1well 'mit"m III I-t% mt,[ t' 'ippm'1111% C'Al.~\ mid"11, I ; ABUBAKIROV, N. K. 3The Alkaloids Delphinium Biternatum: XI. Alkaloids of the Ranunaulaceae Family.," Zhur,, Obahch. Khim., 19, No.5., 1949 Lab. Chemical Alkaloids$ Inst. Chemistry, Uzbek AS SSR CA klialaillo of Delphinium ornitibarbaturn. M Alkaloids of 11mountulittrao. '14 vollou'v AIM N 1WW1Wmv- I I'Ylwk Acmd ki ). /heir. ObArkil 14,11hrm. Chrm. ) 21. 174- NOW',)); cf. Phid. 10, '24M11 N19411).-Ifilm of 1), (m) trITAIRM11,1141W Vkith (CIfIcl), in'thr Imcnor of NIT.Iolf 111111 it AtIlit'llt ill (11CCrAH10 Alkill till, -Alth lit'O "Ild I~Wll Sale '.N12 K lotal alkaloids from 2,12.5 Lg. 1.1"" t fli'Mcf; 14%itq hAve oftn'tit '11W,'? higher allictloW .11,11. I'Xill. W cmdr. with Hit), extil. of FttO ext. -vilth 'V IICI, exin. of IN4 with clich. and fractional ppin itith N KOH gaveil.4 j. dtbeminp, Callm0ioNs CIA which pit %totage lo%r~ 211,0, while ill 70,R)" a Ato"ihYdraft is obtuifini: at 11W) -* the mikliloid derrimp. The 1wmj- hyd,olp wllirn, it )lit*, lit (with devompti.1, WV 471.07' (NOW Ilvilrolv%ix %ith 11.1 N KOII and VtOll S. ; or M