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ZHURINY R.B.; LISHENORY O.YO.; ABRITALIN, V.L.; -Sll,,CllIOVA , 11.1. Some derivatives of 3-pyrazolidinone. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.8:2759-2761 Ag 161. (MIRA 14-8) 1. Nauchno-iosIdeovatellskiy institut organichoskikh polu- prorb,lictov i krasiteley imeni K. Ye. Voroshilova; Nauchno- isr,ledovatellskiy kino-fotoinatitut i Loningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov. (Pyrazolidinone) ABRITALIN, V. Changing the developer components. Sov.foto 22 no.11:38 N 162, (MIRA 16:1) (Photography-Developing and developers) ABRITALIN, V.11. Use of l-phenyl-)-pyrazolidon (phenidone) for the development of positive films. Trudy NIKFI no.519120-127 162. (MIRA 16t12) AB Th! Nj 11 0 ZHURIN, R.B. ; SIMLONIOVA, 11. 1.; V.I.; SHULIGINA, O.Ye. yrazolidone-3 Investigating the developing properties of 1-phen-yl p, and other pyrazolidone-3 derivatives. Zhur. nauch. i prAl. fot. i kin. 10 no-5:321-329 S-0 16,40 (MIRA 18:0/) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofotoinstitut (NIKFI)p Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy insUtift organicheskikh poluprodiiktov i krasiteley (NIOPiK) i Leningradakiy institut kinoinzhenerov (LIKI). -ABRIT,'UN, V.L.; SOLOVIYEVA, V.N.; SHEBERSTOV, V.I. Studying the developing properties of 1-plienyl-e-pyrazolidone and its aerivatives. Part 1: Superadditive effect of phenidone with various developing substances. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9 no.5:333.-336 S-0 164. (MIRA 17: 10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy kinofotoinstitut (NIKFI). 'ACCESSION NII 'AT5009760 Otherwise cuxl~ersome ca"iculat*ions 'h( ution,';al the~';~Oumplv lengih ljofThe -P ~dves._ 2) ~'ihj to-the PitO 'T~ n; true ~beat cotiduct I coefficiental ge:co, nay: be -.rep aced -by soma averi c it results, Of the mi~j' tilbles.~av ;A, A: ici6pared i4th, cm Putfit On vad o usea for -,thci e"9pe atior of thi:' indue, ore"I'- theNychislit llnyy tslntr~ tv YA air it' V Kiter, Latol tate Ce .1ps tance v6pe-iVilb ter amd roa-G. thti c OkIft of: Or L7 ytx., '17:! 0~ ~~`avih 'ka M a imum te rAt on _Pf th t hod for t 0. ~Ietiti*iagnet 4 OW 129-14 a. UID ~--ToPIC--uGS-.-----1-iquid wta ump, nzgnetbfi~drodinam* Cs, cooling p r A ABSTRACT - Assessi)ent of -~ e effectivqness of two air and two I;qu, -,_-wling me- Ld thods for temperature con-vol of the inductIon pump is presented. The met-Ahods dis- cussed a-e those that are employed by the Institute of-Physics, ~.cadeiry of' Scic-nces Latvian-.35,R. To det~=rnino the affec I a T7iT T,- C. rr,_j .)I~ ill S ne essenti, al poii.t -,I he vfrori; rn,7,-Ire of therwol losses a n `11 t1he rr ia I - qnducn !s d'icl Clerem, inatior. of the inpLt data Can I>e ad-usted by morv precise computation. Data for certain pumps Lire presented. Some ecmpittatiois are given to show the effect of variation of coil 1/2 SAMUOLYTEJ, M.; DUBICKAS, V., ABROMAITI~~NE, Hol red.; KINDIAKOVA, 0., red.; PILKAUSKAS, K., tekhn. red. [Use of syntheti,~ miRteriala in the light industry; bibliography] Sintetiniu medziagu panaudojimas lengvoJeje pramoneje; biblio- gre-fine rodykle. Primenenie sintetichaskikh materialov v legkoi promyBhlennosti; bibliograficheskii ukazate.11. Vilnius, 1962. 69 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Lithuanian S.S.R.Liaudies ukio tarybr,. Centrine moksline- technine biblioteka, Vilna. (Bibliography--Synthetic products) ZHIlY,VICH I.I.j red.; KANOVICH, N., red.; AjA_QXAYLT.E.1.1.E,.G. [Abromaitiene, G.],, red.; LA13KAUSKAS, S'.*, red.; URBONAS, A., tekhn. red. [Electropliotogrnphy and magnctography; transactions of the Scientific and Technical Conference on Problems of Electro- graphy held in Vilnius on December 10-19, 19581 Elektrofo- tografiia i magnitografiia; trudy. Pod red. I.I.Zhilevicha. Villniw, Respublikanskil in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii i (MIRA 17:3) propagandy, 1959. 360 p. 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po voprosam elektro- grafti, Viltna, 1958. 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut e-Lektrografii, 'fillnius (for Zhilevich). V" o 'It, OIL Rev. chim. (BorlinreW dov in litsol, add Several drops of 111jos, PlIt. Fr- XVIL11 N11,011, filter, waph, -obid've Poo. In N IICI, Wit, reiluce vitb Kbinao. .0. A. Binding of Lime Into Calcium Hydrosilicate Under 20-3-441159 Normal Conditions. cium is proportional on coarse-dispersed sands of the specific surface of the sand.In the first stage the chalk binding has a character of the irreversible adsorption changing into a chemical surface reaction.In the present paper the kinetics of the constant calcium binding by the sand with better developed surfaces (up to 2,9 m21g) from a saturated solution was studied by the same method.In the case of the introduction of fine-pulyerized sand which,was activated by simultaneous grinding with limestone the strength of the productione(with a reground sand filler)was increa- sed more and more in the course of time.The strengthening isjun- der natural conditionalcaused by two simultaneous prooessestohalk bindingtl)into calcium hydrosilicate by silica and 2)by C02 into calcium oarbonate.Both processes take place very sl6wly and are ba- sed upon a diffusion procesa.Thare are enough reasons for the as- sumption that the chalk carbonization takes place much more slowly than its silicatization.This is especially confirmed by the radio- structural analysis.The line of the calcium monohydrooilicate ap- pears after two years whereas the lines of the calcium carbonate are still lack,There are 2 figures,2 tables,5 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Soiencesof the (Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) USSR AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 '_7 07/~ 9 - 2 1 - 4-12/2 2 The Interaction at Ordinary Temperatures of Calcium 13ydroxide ',iith Sand of Various Degrees of Disp~rsity curves show that independently of the dispersity of the sand, the binding process always consists of tvio stages: 1) cliemisor- ption, which ond:.i within ono hour af!or the titart, of the inter- action, and 2) a very long period of chemical binding of CaO at constant rates. The second process, evidently, is connected with the formation of calcium hydrosilicate, the latter being a new phase cryst:Mizzed from the j-,radually formed supersatu- ruted ,--,olution. -Iccording to Kra.-'il"nikov, this process will finally result in the full binding of OaC in the hydro- -ilicate, which corresponds to zi final concentration of^-/r,.r06 (,,/I, i.e. to v hydrolytic oquilibrium of the calcium ~;ilicalklx in the solution. In the case of concent,.ateO suspensiozis, this process results in the development of a 2olid crystalline hydro- silicate structure f-reference 11_7, as is shoun by the autlior~' expei,iments with smal] solid blocks of lime-simd binder. The Card 2/zi specific surface of finely ground sand -uas determined on the basis of adsorption at low temperature. The medium values for SOV/69-21-4-12/22 The ~n',;eraction at Ordinary Temperatures of Calciu,,,ri Hydroxide 'I.,rith Sc-nd of Various Degrees of Dispers-ity. each di*peroity served for the calculation of the space occu- pied by a CaO molecule (table 1) The medium value (30) of this space was found to be 10.2 On the basis of the medium value S , and the value of' CaO sorption, the authors also calculayed the values S 1 of coarsely-dispersed sand, which cannot be determined on the basis of nitrogen adsorption. Both methods/i.e. the method oYnvestigating the CaO binding prcc~~so .vith the aid of isotope Ca - and the method of determining th-D active specific surface of sand through chemisorption of the same isotope, permit determination of the surface of sands of any dispc,rsity. Low-temperature adsorption of nitrogen Eerves only for the determination of the surface of highly-di-spersed ~;L~nds (.'3. 1 m 'he remainin,- part of t;he study can be summar- ized as follows. The dependence of the rate of CaO bindine on the dispersity of sand is subject to the equation of the seinicubi- Card 3/'1 cal parabola (fiCure 2). The hardening o-f lime-silica- binders ~_OV/69-21-4-12/22 The Interaction at Ordinary Temperatures of Calcium Hydroxide *Uith Sand of Various Degrees of Dispersity. can be intensified (bY 50';J') by activat-ion processes, ise, by pa!'~sing the limesilica binder through a vibromill. T*,'- discovery of the mechanism of CaO binding opens now techno- logical. possibilities to increase the strength of lime- silica products by adding substances, which increase the rate of dissolving of silica in water. In addition to the above- mentioned scientistq the authors mention D.S.Sominskiy and G."). Khodakov. There are 4 tables, 3 graphs and 16 references, 14 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS 'USSR, Moscow) STJB!.'_TTTE')t 15 Novemberp 1958 Card 4/4 LOGGINOV, G.I.; REBINDAt. P.A.;~PFQ5j~)P~OLA, Y.F. Interaction between calcium hydroxide and sand of various degrees of dispersity at ordinary temperaturus. Koll.zhur. 21 no.4: 442-448 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii --iN 366R, Moskva. (Calcium bydroxide) kSilica) JLBROSIMOVP A. Standardization in the motoreyele Industry. Za rul. 21 no.2: 3-4 F 163. (MIRA 16t,4) 1. Ekspert Goeudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po avtomatizataii i mashinoigtroyaniyu. (Motorcycle industry-Standards) ABROESIMOV, A.A. red.; WIAVIN, T.N., red.izd-va; WjDV=W, L.Ya., "Winum & .; KORN3YEVA, V.I., [Production standards on planning and surveying operations paid for by the piece rate system; automobile roads and city transport] Normy vyrabotki na proektnye i izyakatellskie raboty,.oplachivaemye adellno. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkUt. i stroit.materialam. Pt.23- (Antomobile roads, city transportation] Avtomobillnye darogi. gorodskoi transport. 1958. 29 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye po stroitell- stvu avtomobillnykh dorog. (Highway engineering) ARBIRKOUSIMOV, AAndarey.AI-QkApyg3ELoh-_TARBOVI Aleksandr Alekseyevich; PETROVSKAYA, Ye.K., red.; MANINA, M.P., tekhn. red. [K-750, P-62 motorcycles) Mototsikly K-750, M-61p M-62. Moskva, Izd-vo "Fizkulltura i sport," 1962. 204 P. (mia 16:7) (Motorcycles) GINTSBURG, M.G.; ABROSIMOV, A.A., inzh., red.; VASILITEVA, I.A., red.izd-va';' DEMKDIA;, N.F., tekhn. red. (Construction and operation of motorcycles] Ustroistvo i obsluzhivanie mototsiklov. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Mashgiz 1963. 316 p. (MIRA 16:10~ (Motorcycles) 1,7 5,f A/0 V, USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-14 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour.* Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31735 Author : Vopilkova V., Abrosimov A. Title : Improved Flocculation on Coagulation as a Result of Muddying of the Water with Sludge. Orig Pub: Zhil. kommun. kh-vo, 1956, No 6, 19-21 Abstract: Water of the Rybinsk reservoir has always a coloration of about 60 . In wintertime, with a transparency of 260 cm, dosages of crude Al (So ) (I), required for decolorization, amount to 180-250 MgAiter. The flocculation proceeds sluggishly and reaches completion on C ard IA USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products i-A and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31735 reduce the dosage of I by 10-15% in summer and by 40-50% in winter. -Muddying with II is poss- ible during the entire year with the exception of the period of efflorescence. C ard 34 ABROS D40V, A. L, - . - - Calculation of the effect of the cohesive force of soil on the strength and stability of retaining walls. Trudy TIIIKSKH no.8:220.-240 157. (ILTRA 15: 5) (Soil mechanics) (Hydraulic engineering) (I 1- 111 7 T. ) 3. NI.; UMSTIANSEW, G. B.1 AP~-D�DIOVj_A,_14.; KHTWOV, DHITRIMT, V. A. V. I,; SOLOVIEW, K.L. BELYA;EVA;.4.F.; -UCM I , Yu. A.; VETMYZVpO.'4, 01. V.; FOMIN, Tu. A. JIMPax,.f of the now data on EAS stmc',',,ure obtained with the aid of the complex aquipment of Moscow Stmte 'University. submi-Uted foe the 8th Intle Qonf. on Cosmic Rays (IUPAP) Jaipur., Indiaj, Doe 1963 -57N.V 0 B - A, H,- KHiEN.OVj B. Ael ATRASHKMCHP V. B.; .-v --N 40 0) -AP-M-MI-0-Y-L - "It, V,; SOLOVIYEVAj, V.11~1 P&M, Yu. AO ~mic ray primary radiation of ultra high energy. subrAtted for the 8th Intl. t~onf. on Cosmic Rays (IUPAP)p Jaipur., India,, Dec 1963 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-18/28 Author : Abrosiipov A. T., Bednyakov A. A., Zatsepin V. I., Nechin Yu. A., Solov Y~ 'V.- 'I., Khristiansen G. B. and Chikin P. S. Title : 3tudy of structure of broad atmospheric showers at sea level (Latter to the editor) Periodical z Zhur. Eksp. i Teor. Fiz., 29, No 5, 693-6696, 1955 Abstract : A detailed study wa3 carried out in Moscow during the awmer of 1953 of the spacial distribution of various components of broad atmos- pheric showers at short distances from the shower axis by using the method of correlatel hodoscopes. Tha preliminary results of these studies are presented in graphs. Indebted to G. T. Zatsepin and N. A. Dobrotin for discussions and to G. V, Bogoslavskiy, B. V. Subbotin and M. S. Tulyankina for assistance in measurements. Five references, Institution : -- -Submitted : May 3. 1955 G01,janikov, V. I., Ivanovskaya, I.A. 56 -4/ 4 6 AUTHORS: Abros1wov, A. T-~ -5 Sirycheva, L. 1. TITLE: The Angular Di8tribation of the Axes of Exten_,ive Air Showers at sea Level (Uglovoys raspredeleniye ooey shirokikh atiiiosfernykh livney na urovne morya) PERIODICAL: Shurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 5, PP. 111o-1115 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of' an eqaipment manufactared in 1954 and consisting of a cloud chaidber (6o x. 6o x 3ocm) and 266 hodoscopic counter tubes, the angular distribution of the axes of extensive air showers was measured also. The extension chamber served for the determination of the orien- tation of the particles, for the observation of the interaction of the high-energetic particles with the lead atoms and for mea- suring of both the olectron and photon energy * 72 countd.-.-s were combined in the hodoscopic points. (13 x 24 with 330, loo and 21, cm2 measuring surface) permitting the measu- rement of the particle density in 4 Points of the cro3s-section of the shower. Frow this the orientation of the axes of a shower can be determined. The angulAr distribution of the axes of exten- Card 1/2 sive showers was measured in the intervals; 0 to loo, lo to 2o0 ,The An-al&r Distribution of the Axes of Extensive Air Sho%ers at Seh 56-5-4/46 Level. 2o-300, 30 to 400, 40 to 500. If the an-ulir distribution is re- preseni.ed by terms of cosn 6 the value 8,3 + 1,4 is obtained for n. There are 3 tables, 4 figures, and q Slavic references. ASSOCIATION; idosQovi St~Ae University, PhysicB Institute imeni P.N.Lebedev of AN USSR (Moskovskiy gosudarstvenivy uitiversitet, Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva, AVadewii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: May 8, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 UTH 04,.; 1.. br'~ in C"I u r, '21 T L E - Tne ';T ructi,--r-' of tile n t-, r r s a rU?, r'a ~ 11- 1-!~ Me. 1-,,q U 1"0 V n e PERIODICAL Zriu rnal oks pu r impnt!~ I rvI-v toove t 1,21w- ~c-v ~Vi . Ii4 . N'r 5, pp~ . -- -C.89 ( u., I, 1i; ) ARSTRACI Trus papt~ u im,potigat es the latcral (1 12tra bit on 3t' electrons, (mc le ar ac t, ~i ve and nuc 'I e. a r PaS '- j V, E pa r i, v i ('. s i ri oi Y. t, P n s i v a air showerc-, containirg froln 4. t 4 j, L e 1 e s a t ,, e a ipeans oi ----,,rre3atpd Ti~ I b t'se jle~surenentv r~urried vut fri-Ii, Apr!, Ilu o. -n .10oico-A. The auti-Lors used the R -!,) of N Ec,rnil-lev, At fjrVL the meamilinp devi..~e .11: discusseu, -Ahich gavo. u. sufficierttly tae dl.-!IAii%v o. tn~? p,%rti.,::t~9 near tht~ axl~i of any registeed -3y means o! these datu at is pGasible I a dctc-imine trie inuividual prvperties of' tne shovier~ - tho !~o3itmn of its. and the number of Ih,, nnrij(~Ips, An is-rl ) appruvmtit~,cn of the r-csiti,~Ti of' fh-~ ..U'CJX~J ~-(j AUUI it 0 Ul T I P, Q X J L 't3 b p ,1-,jj Tro 6'~j4 ..0 st.XV a1-4 UoTliaa J[rjuiI3 u U1 polujiuaDucL) .;r Iamoq,,, jo xttr.,f xiy~tail,, 'it) tq j,joquiliti P-~Xcj L, TAIJTAA jo 1-7,11uuti'll.."i".11) a,4-1 0 1, P J11.1 Ti 680i 81~1 0,-TA,)P Ald, a,)Tjnqrzj~-:rp IVtDeQG JG 1.1011 ~Llllj oq-J 1) suot-ITpucio ~~,uztp;u:aou tAl.j ujoj~ u (31 p Ulu I)Ulk,j 0.1 U lj~t I 'a -U)U j UQTO~~,a a!-,, C 11141 t ti J 0 J 3 ';,b 0 U,1,~j 'X UOL40110J -L1R1JUJU,)dX0 Oqj A:q puti Uo,,,40a o.T41 .10.j III HIA,*0 N~ UO I OutIJ 04 1 Ali ~,I*tTlu;O~oa~.vji, aq ~111: l-';J TOT 4-OU'd pa,4-1 mio r rv jo uo 111111 P.Tp PIUIL114~, 'Li ~:Z; paf"n :1111 .;", 0.1 1 17.L i Xjj ti C ~ua .;~~ oTI!j )aCj~4.T,Afdj J~i Um-, t I S 6V I t u .7 o1 j G pano -jv~j~, pu"j-11 C, 1; .1j 40LI 7V'--T I 0191(i Ell UOTIVWTX~11.ldtftl ;~11(j J,.) ";14 -AIIq ~3 p joa Ta,f -G, III DOSWIOI-ID I."! --;-'jt;'U Xy r It t 1:1.1,' 'T;l 0',?T~l 6 0 T' aUd 10 1 UUI IX`tUl .10 N.o cvio.i -.;q v J,.) ;14-43 W44 ~Z! X I' Ltajudsow-, aul 10 al;, 9 9 A 01, The Strocture of ttie Atmospneric lihowors at Lp-~ell bc,~tv-?en the electron coinponent Pnd tho iaiclvar active ,on- r ponent with low energies on one hani and by the of the nuolear avulancho (In-vina) --)f tht~ zhower core c-, the other hand. There are 7 fiMiren, .1 tzthlei3. and N referencen, 12 of which gro Soviet. Fizjch~-skiy institut im. i-.N . T,et adpva AkadpmIl nank- (Pfiysioo Tr-ItItate i:tmi T1,11. Letpdev7AU .-. "S Moskovskl-v gopjd!Lrstvvazqy universitet Q,,.oscuvv ~int;.~ SUBMITTED December 1, 057 l.Particles(Airborne)--Me"urement 2.Electrons-Distribution 3.Electrons-Properties 4-Mathematics-Applications Card 3/.j Rn1[V)LfWY$ A. T4 G7NEERAL D7SCRIPTION OF "PlIE M)SW T'YiIV'1R_,ITY ARRANGP2-F'.,NT ~~OR "IfE, STUD: OF "7XNNSIV`- AIR SHOWFRS A149 P!r-1,IMINARY RE'5t!LTS OBTAINED B17 !T S.N. Vernov,, G.B. Khristiansen, A.T. Abrosimov, N.N. C,,)ryunov, V.A. Dmitriev, G.V. Kulikov, Yu.A. Nechin, S.P. S6kolov, V.I. Soloveva, K.I. Soloviev, Z.S. Stru- galskY, B.A. Khrenov 1. In late 1957, at the Moscow State University an arrangement was put into opera- tion for multipurpose studies of ext~!nsive air showers of cosmic raYs. 2. The arrangement is a complex assembly of simulaneously operating physical instruments (some 5000 Geiger-Muller counters covering an area of over 100 m~, and some 150 ionization chambers of various shpaes covering a total area of 13 m2, and a diffusion chamber of area 0A m2) and approoriate electronic eqi.lipment and phozo- graphic devices to record the instrument readings whan an t,,xtensive air shower passes through the arrangement. Most of this equipment is located in a specially erccted buildinf-. Tn--ee rooms of this building (-b0 sg.m. in area each) have -a- light ro6fing of not more than 1.5 g/~m2 and two rooms ~25 m2 and 80 m2) are situated undergre-und, at a depth corresponding to 20 and 40 metres water equivalent. report presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, 6-11 July 1959. AHROSIM-CM, A. T. A STUDY OF ULTq_FJGH_9NE.RGY 'EXTEINISIVE AEl' SPOWERS A.T. Abrosimov, V.I. Solovyeva, G.B. Khristiansen 1. The correlated hodoscope mothod 9 as applied in a study of showers with the total number of particles f; X 107X/5 x 107 at sea level. 2. The obtained spatial distribution of electrons, (which are not in equil- ibrium with the mu-meson comporient ) in the interval 100 m/-re-1000 m from the axis, is independent of the number of particles in the shower during variation of this number in the given interval. It is difficult to bring into agreement the spatial distribution of electrons at large distances nnd the theoretical distribution of Nishimura and Xamata for the value of parameter S, for which a,greement between experimental and theoretical distributions is observed at -mall distinces from the shower axis. 3. The spatial distribution of' mu-mesons obtained in the interval 300 m-'-- r.--1000 m is well described by the r-n law (n u 2.3 - 0.23) and its form is independent of the number of particles in the shower. 4. The absolute intensity f a shiwer w19 the number of particles Nz,107 amounts to (1.36-0.2) x 1- ~-2hr- sterad- . Report presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, moscow, 6-11 July 1959 21(7) SOV/56-36-3-16//71 AUTHORS: Abrosl _,,.1mitriyev, V. A., Kulikov, G. V., 11assallskiy, Ye, I., Solov1yev, K. I., Khristiansen, G. B. TITLE: The 11ucloar-Active Conponent of Hijh Energy in Exterinive Atmoupheric Sh-.)wers at Sea Level (Yanderno-aktiviiaya komponenta vysokoy enerf~ii v shirokikh atinosfernykh livnyakh na urovne morya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoratiches-koy 'izil:i, 1959, vol 36, j"Tr 3, pp 751-761 (USSR) A13STRACT: In the present paper the authors report L.Lout otatistical investigations of nuclear avalanches in extensive air showers at sea level by nean;3 of a sensitive detector. I.easurements were carried out in 1957 by means of a device for coribined investigations of extensive air showers which is ncw in opera- tion at thIMCU. It has 4 cylindrical pulse ionization chambers under a lead -graphite filter 8!1:1 720 Gei.-er-1'ueller (Geyger- Myuller) counters in hodoscope connection for the recording, and eneriTy determira4ion of nuclear particles. The counters were connected in coincidence groups (total area 1320 em2), ao that sixfold coinciding pulses vere recorded. Figure 1 Card 1/3 giveo a rough outline of the device includinr its dimensions. SOV/56_31_7_1 ~) , 6/71 The Nuclear-Active Component of High Energy in Extcns~ivc .."Inonpheric Showers at Sea Level The recorded and investigated shorera are dividcd Anto 4 groups 'nccordinC to the pnrticle mimber N: 4 4 4 5. 1) 1.10 N1 4, 3-10 ; 2) 3.10 ~~ if 2 ~ 1 .1() , 3) 1.105 1., 3 < 3.105; 4) 3.105 _< 11 4 /, 2.10 6, For thooo 4 grol",')s table I -ives the number of ,vith energies greater than one given) and also the maximum energy of the nuclear-ac-tive particle of individual :roupo. For the latter the followinr; applies- group R Emax I/ (R = radiU13 Of the nu,,-l 12 inveoti:-,ated shower 1 31,1 4..T.10 0V 1.8+0-5 ran,c) 2 4m 101 3eNr 1.0+0.2 3 5m 1.13-10 13ev 0-~�0.3 4 6m 6.1013ev 0-7�0-3 Pigure 2 shows thQ course of the spectrum for the tvo extreme groups. Further investigations deal vith the spatial distri- Card 2/3- bution of the ener- flux. of the nuclear-aclAve com- CIj ponent; SOV/5'-36-3-16/71 The Nuclear-Active Component of Ilig-h BnerV in Extensive Atmospheric Showers at Sea Level f ifure 6 shows aloha diagram for 4 shower groups Vith particle energies of 1.1011 - 3.1011ev, 5.1011 - 1.1012. ;/~ 1.1012 and E > 8.10 11 ev. Figure 4 shovs the course of energy flux density for N 1, N2 and 11 , and fiUure 5 shows the distribu- tion of the energy flux in a shover with N = 2.1o5. it was found that the energy of the nuclear-active component in some showers with equal N may differ considerably. Results are dis- cussed, and in an appendix the energy distribution with respect to primary particles is investigated. The authors finally thank S. N. Vernov, G. T. Zatsepin for their halp, vLluable remarks, and discussions. They further thank G. V. Bogoslovskiy, V. I. ;.rtemkin, and V. 1-1. Sokolov for taking; part in measure- ments. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 17 references, 15 of vhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstv-.inogo universiteta (Institute for Nuclear Physics of Moscow St&,+, University) SUBMITTED: September 15, 1958 Card 3/3 2HDANOV, G.B., glavnyy red.; IVAHENKO, I.P.9 zam.glavnogo red.; DORMAN, L.I.,; TTJLINOV, V.P., zam. redaktora toma; GZRASI- MOVA, N.M., red.; NIKISHEV, A.I., red.; ZATSUIN, V.I., red.; KHRIC OV, B..A., red.; STROVATSKIT, S.I., red.; YBDOROV, V*Hs, red.; VAVILOV, 'ru.N., red.; ~~QSIMQ~ AB T,--A.T., red.; GUSIKOV, G.G., red.izd-va; BRU:WUI, Y.V., [Transactions of the International Conference on Cosmic Rays] Trudy Mezhdunaroduoi konferentaii po koemicheakim lucham. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.4. EVariations in the intensity of cosmic rays) Variateii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchei. 1960. 36z p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Hezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po kosmicheskim lucham. Moscov, 19A, 2. Magnitneya laboratoriya AN SSSR, Moskva (for Dorman). (cosmic rays) =WOV,,G.3..,glavW xea,,;-,ivAi=o, r.p., zam.glavnogo-,red.; UTSHPIK, V.I.,; MEMY, B.A.,; GERASIMOVA, N.M., red.; NIKISHOV, A.I., zed.; DCRMAH, L.I., red.; TULINOT, V~F., red.; SYROVATSKIY. S.I., red.; FADMOV, V.M., red.;"'VAVILOV, Yu.N.. red.;4MOSIKOV, A.T., red.; WROV, K.F.. red.iod-va-, BWGAUT, V,G,, red. V.V., (Extensive air showers and cascade processes3 Shirokle atmosfernye livul i kaskednye protsessy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 351 P. (Trudy mezhdunaroduoy konferenteii po koomicheskim lucham, no.2). (MIRA 13:12) 1. International Conference of Cosmic Radiation. (Cosmic rays) ABROSIMOV A T Scintillation cot=ter with a large surface area for recording partiolee of cosisto radiation, Prib. i tekho eImp. no.6:48-51 N-D 160, (MIRA 13:12) 1. Nauchno-losle(lovatellskiy #stitut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.. (Goemio rays) (Scintillation counters) -SjjKL-VTCjZ, V. ':OV, B. A., T. , ATRA J., DMIDIYEV, V. A., Y'~. A. , KHRE KULIKOV, G. U., SOLOVYEVA, V. 1. , KHRISTIANJI-.1!, G. D. 1,11YAT-TA, J. F. "The Structwe of Exttinsive Air Showers at Sea Level." report sub:Utted for the Intl. Conf. on Cos.-de Rays and E&rth Stuorm (IUPAP) Kyoto, Jvirxan 4-15 SePt. 1961. A519 3/627/60/002/000/001/027 910 D299/D304 AUTHORS: Vernov, S. W., Khristiansen, G.B kbrosimov ' - a Goryunov, N. 11. , Dmitriyev , V. A: , fuTi-ko-v., V_`6~.B~., Neohin, Yu. A., Sokolov, S. P. (deceased), Solovlyeva, V. I., Solov-1yev, K. I., Strugals'kiy, Z. S., and Khrenov, B. A. L' TITLE; General. description of the se-tup used for studying ex- tensive air showers and the provisional results ob- tained SOURCEg International Conference on Cosmic Radiation. Moscow, 1959. Trudy. v. 2. Shirokiye at-mosfernyye livni i kas- kadnyye protesessy, 5-16 TEXT: A complex experimen'tal setup wao installed at Moscow State University, consisting of a simultaneously operating physical appa- ratus plus the corresponding radiotechnical equipment and photo- graphical recording devices. The setup incorporates over 5000 Gei- ger-MUller counters (forming a hodoscope), about 150 ionization Card 1P 1 -4114 9 S/627/6 7002/000/001/027 General description of the setup... D299/D304 chambers and a large diffusion chamber. The setup is designed for a and simultane6uv investigation of all the basic compo- nents (elect,rons and photons, nuclear-active particles and.,U-mesons) of extensive air showers at sea level. The setup was designed in 2 different r..:Jnfiguratione: the first at the end of 1957, and the se- cond at the beginning of 1959. Belowp only the results obtained by means of the first setup are considered. The setup was located in a special building and In 10 mobile laboratories. The showers were registered by the system of hodoscoped counter!3. Part of the coun- ters were shielded (those for detecting the nuelearactive particles and the/a-mesonB) and the other counters were not shielded. The io- nization chambers served to determine the lateral distribution of the electron-photon component and of the nuclearactive component. The microstructure of the electron component was studied by means of the diffusion chamber. Special measures were taken to ensure continuous and prolonged. operation of the setup. The main units of the setup were automatically controlled, in particular the 3u ply units and the photogra hy system. The operat~_.on of the setup Us a whole) was controlled Miggered) by a selecI.Aon system; in parti- Card 2/7 3151 P S/62 601002100010011027 General description of the setup DL:'Q- 9YD304 cular, the showers were selected in aacordancie with the density of the electron flow and of thep-mesons. The setup was in operation for about 2500 hours, yielding a. large amoont of experimental da-tR which are still being processed. The probabil-4ty theory (Baye~s theorem ) was used for determining the (xy~-axes and the number of particles N of the shower; in addilk:c~r-- the distribution function f(r) as well as --ther distribution fat-ction-q were determined (r de- noting distance). The values of x, y and N were found by means of P- spe,-,-J'al electronic simulator. The densl.ty distribution of ele.,.- trons and inesons was determined by il~ieuns r..-" 'furi,,ala -,I L PC' (11-- W( I-) exp(- pCr, ---(I,,P where m is 4he number of counI.-ers operate -Dver --in area rr, and n U i eoverall number of The ent-gy E of the electron~photon component wao determ-.ned by Means -,-f -'--,nizatjcn C a rd 3,/ 7 /6 /b ~' S Gener~2 degoription of the setup ... D_1qq!;/D-'.Ct'. shambers, 3hielded with lead (up ti~ E. th-4-1-0. A very compreherv- si,7e picturp of the particles and energies was obtained for sh-,)wers whose axes fell within the system -.,,f 128 cubic deter,.V"Lon chambt-re. The setup permits observing the part of an atmospheric shower, whereby its several layers are q4nulianecu~zay observed; t-his C;rreapond5 to the individua-L! obser-a-t- ion -,f t1he. electron- photon, nuclearactive and/A.-mesor- (.,:".mfcnente. The Pro-_.essed mate- rial already yielded a fairly deta~;led picturE of the ~-!tructure of extensive air showers at sea level. Thus, 1he lateral distribullcn of particle flow in the individual showers was as,-Aartained. It was found that the lateral distribution. varieti (1n he I to 25 m range) from shower to shower; the average di-3-41ributicn is, in the range. ef 5 cm to 1:00 m, as follows: KN -00 Kj= 3,3- -3 10 0,05.'-N~3 ni (Cont,d) I IT Card 4/ 7 31519 S/627 ,/60/002/000/001/027 General. description of the setup ... D299/D304 K N r 2 . e- K = 2 -10-3 , 0,3Z10 and 8 ghowers with N 11-10' werv re- 4 2 corded over an area of 7-10 M ; "this yielded the fo--Iklowing absolute intensity valuest 7, I(>"10 (1.36 + 0.2) .-.O-6m-IV ,cur sterad 7 !(>/3-10 0.24 + O.4'3Y'-1O-' IM L: r 3 t e 15. On this basis, the exponent f' o,.' the number 3pectrum. wa~) cZ-LIc-,A.a- tei, r= 2.0 - 0.35. For ---onstruc.-I.-fng the IEktera-l distribut�ozi Card 3/ 5 31523 S/62 60/002/000/005/027 Study of extensive air D299YD304 function, 200 cf the more dense showe.ra were used, with N~5-107 19 the lateral-distribution functiona of the electron and meson com- ponents were constructed. The values for the absolute intensity of shcwers, obtained by the authors, agree with the results obtlined by T. E. Crenshaw et al. (Ref. Phil. Meg., 3, 377, 1958) in.,! by G. Clark ru-i, al. (Ref. 7: Nature, 180, 406, 353, 1957; Nuovo Cim. Suppl., 8, 623, 1958). The authors compared the experimental late- ral-distribution functione of electrons with the theoretic-al va- lues obtained on the basis of cascade shower theory. After modi- fying tne values of the constants 3, and t 0 .entering the formulas of c~ascade theory), good agreement was found between theoretioal and experimental values. The authors conclude that I.n. ultrahigll- energy showerg either no equilibrium exists between the electron- photon and %he nuclearactive components in the lower atmospheric layers, or -,,hat the Literal distribution of electrons is not only- determined by Coulomb scattering, but also by angular deviations of particles during the nuclear-cascade processes. There are 5 fi- gures and 17 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The Card 4/5 3',.5 23 S/62 7/~,O,/0 02 / 0 0 0//0 05 /0 2 7 Study of extensive air D299//D304 4 most recent references to the Engiish-language publications read as followsg T. E. Cranshaw, J. F. de Beer, W. Galbraith, N. A. Por- ter, Phi-1. Mag., 3. 371. 1958; T. E. Cranshaw, J. P. de Beer, W. Galbraith, A. M. Hillas. Phi!. Mg., 3i 81-1: '1959; J. Nichimura, K. Kamatla, Progr. Theor. Phys.,. 6- 1958i T. E. Cranshaw, W. Ga-1- bra-Ith, Phil.. Mag., 2, 7971, 804, i-957. ASSOCIATION-. Fizicbeskiy inst'itut im. P. N. Lebendeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev AS USSR); Mos- kovsk,',-y gosudars-"-ovenny unIversitet (Mcscow State Univer~ity) Card 5/5 751DANOV, G.B., glav. red.; IVANENKO, I.P., pom. glav. red.; GERASIMOVA, N.M., red. toma; NIKISHOV, A.Lp pom. red. toga; ZATSEPIN, V.I., red.; Klli(ENGV, V.A., red.; DO.~WJJI, L.I., red.; TULIN(YV,.V.F., red.; 8YROVATSKIY,S.I., red.; FE)OROV, V.M., red.; VAVILOV, Yu.N., red.; AB~O~SQV,_A.T., red.; ProceedinRs of the Moscow Cosmic Ray Conference. July 6-11, 1959. Moscow. VoLl. '1960. 333 P. (No subject heading) ZHDANOVt G,B.) glav. red.; IVANENKO, I.P., pomo glav. redo; ZATSEPIN., V.I., red. toma; YXRENOV, V.A.X pom. red. toma; GERAISUOVA, N.M., red.; NIKIlTOV, A.I., red.; DORI-M, L.I., red.; TULINOV, V.F., red.; SYROVATSKIY, S.I., red.; FEDOROV, VX., red.; VAVILOV, Yu.N., red.; ABROSIMOV, A.T.,. red. Proceedings of the Moscow Cosme Ray Conference,July 6-U,1959. I-oscow. Vol.2. Extensive air showers and cascades process. 1960. j3l p. (No subject heading) ZHDAVOV, G.B., glav. red.; IVANUXO, I.P., pom. glav. red.; DORMAN, L7Lj red. tona; TULINOV, V.F.,, pom. red. toma; GERASB40VAY N.M., red.; NIKISHOV, A.16'., red.; ZATSEPIN, V.I., red.; KBRENOVp V.A., red.; SYROVATSKIY, S.I., red.; FEDOROV, V.M.) red.; VAVILOV, Yu.N., red.; ABROSIMOV, A.T., red. Proceedings of the Moscow Cosmic Ray Conference, July 6-11,, 1959. Moscow. Vol.14. Variations of cosmic-ray intensity. 1960. 365 P. (No subject heading) ACCESSION NR: AT3012813 S/2961/63/000/005/0171/0177 AUTHOR: Abrosimov, A..T. TITLE: Manufacture of large plastic scintillators based on poly- styrene SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomst. geofizich. komitet. 7 razdel pro- gram. MGG: Kosmicheskiye luchi. Sb. statey, no. 5, 1963, 171-177 TOPIC TAGS: scintillator, plastic scintillator, polystyrene scin- tillator, scintillation counter, plastic scintillator technology ABSTRACT: A technique is described for continuous production of plastic scintillators, using the UPPS/ULS-l installation (installa- tion for the manufacture of plastic scintillators for luminescent counter arrays) developed and tried successfully at the Laboratory for Ultrahigh Energy Particles of NIIYaF MGU, and based on thermal polymerizition of large volumes of monomers in bulk. The une of a Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT3012813 continuous method increases the rate of production of scintillation counters by approximately 10 times. The prospects for producing new types of scintillatorB and further advancingthe scintillator production technology are also discussed. It is pointed out that the art of producing equipment for large scale production of plastics scintillators is still lagging. Some of the latest trends in the development of plastic scintillators reported in the literature are described. "The author is deeply grateful to G. B. Khristiansen for guidance of the work." Orig. art. has: 2 figures. -ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTEDi 00 DATE ACQi 220ct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE t - PH, MA NO REF SOW Oll OTHER: 006 ~Card_ 2/2 ACCESSION XR: AT30128141 S/2961/63/000/005/0178/0203 ATJTHOR~i Abroaimov, As T.t Dlo)gh, Ya. L. TITLE: Proposed installation for continuous registration of in- clined extensive air showers and the common component of cosmic ra- diation SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomst. geofizich. komitet. 7 razdel pro- gram. MGG: Kosmicheskiye luchi. Sb. statey, no. 5, 1963, 178-203 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic rays, cosmic ray measurement, luminescent counter, cosmic ray variation, cosmic ray arrival time, counter directivity pattern, cosmic ray common component, origin of cosmic rays ABSTRACT: An array of luminescent counters is described, designed for continuous measurement and automatic registration of densities of particle fluxes and inclination angles of cosmic rays in inclined Card -1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3012814 extensive air showers. The apparatus is aimed also at e14.M.1nating many difficulties inherent in the determination of the s;i-real- diurnal variations of cosmic rays. The use of scintillatl:.on coun- ters in lieu of Geiger-Miller counters extends the possible range of measurements. Measurements of relative times of the arrival of cosmic ray particles and studies of short-period variations are pro-'; posed. The article describes the detectors and their manufacture, the counters and their calibration, the differential spectrum of the pulses from. a luminescent counter, the directivity pattern of a single luminescent counter, the individual units of the array, and problems involved in combined operation of the photomultipliers and,vacuum tube amplifiers, the coaxial lines, the power supply to the-pi'lotomultiplier, the registration of the common cosmic-ray com- ponent, and the reliability of the apparatus. It is claimed that the equipment uncovers new possibilities in the study of a number of Vital problems connected-with 1::~e research and composition of the priiiiazy spectrum of cosmic rays, cosmic-ray variations, and the ori- Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3012814 gin of cosmic rays and interactions between high energy particles and matter. "The authors are deeply grateful to G. B. Xhristiansen for guidance in the work." Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00- DATE ACQ: 220ct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, AS NO REF SOV: 037 OTHER: 036 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3012815 S/2961/63/000/005/0219/0223 AUTHORS: Abrosimov, A. T.; Blokh, Ya. L. TITLE: Operating stability of photomultipliers in scintillation counters SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomst. geofizich. komitet. 7 razdel pro-- gram. MGG: Kosmicheskiye luchi. Sb- statey, no. 5, 1963, 219-223 TOPIC TAGS: photomultiplier, photoelectronic multiplier, scintilla-. tion counter, operating stability, cosmic rays, primary cosmic rN( component, focusing electrode photomultiplier ABSTRACT: The equipment tested is intended for continuous registra-: tion of the primary cosmic ray component. Several Soviet-make photomultipliers were tested and the results compared. The suita- bility of the different photomultipliers for different operating conditions is evaluated. It is shown that the most stable photo- Card ACCESSION NR: AT3012815 multipliers are those with focusing electrodes. "The authors are deeply grateful to G. B. Khristiansen for guidance of the work, to G. B. Bogoslovskiy and V. N. Aleksandrov for help with the experi- ments, and to 1. Xhrest'yaninov for help Vith the reduction of the experimental data. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: PH, AS DATE ACQ: 220ct63 NO REF SOV; 010 OTHERs 002 Card 2/p AITUOR: Khristlansen, G. B.; Abrasimo-vt Atrashkevich, V. B.; Y~.Iikov C --V Salov'yeva, V.-,-% F 0-fii7 A.; Khrenoy, B. ___A u TITLE: Primary ecsmic radiation.of superhigh energy -ti - ------ S riya-fizicheskaya, v. 28,.no. 12- .9 OU R I EAN SRO, 'F zVe S Y;k 1964 -3 .4-1941 P-1-C-TAGS-1 ectrum, ) -ap -Primary ene13y 0 spectrum, cosmic ray, atomic -num156r,---ji -mes6n, cosmic ray &t-ffusi-On-,--- ietkc-f to U nucleus -.41 f fus i-o-n-coe f f Magn. olent AbIzTRACT: The spectrum investigation of large atmospheric showers may b- -n'ad.-e' "Bans of ~,b vnumber of particlep which is posiible to study I P- the total- n-uniber N-- of part-1cle'so 'The -transition -of co-smir, -radiati-on fion the shaver spectrum t6 the primary energy spectrur. is performed uiiinx a modvl of the devx1opment of atmospheric shovers. The develop- Cord -~-AP5002095 ACCESSIOII;*NRI.: s-impro-w- the-nun er U- P a r-t-ic I a a- -at r atom -c' null, er Menv 6-4 n h af Thebe pammters vere obtained by analyzing the fluctuations of v-meson flux measured in the complex facility. The distribution of the meson number depends upon the form of the primarv energy spectrum, %.-hich in characterized by the exponent I.cce'erat',~n and diffusion ~-f CO~M'C ravs occjr when both a c.~ange in the enervv spectrum and a cbaagp in the.composition of za 7 4 raKe n iA r. z5 i mu e. f. b -diffus -L on o -- coon i-c-'rays-takes tic f $eld- ,diffusion coeffIclert it specified by magnetic rigidity, which is equal to 20300H for nuclei and c/300H for protons Eis the energy of a nucleon). A table in the original article contains the percentage of galactic cosmic radiation of various energies. This table shows that the increase of energy causes an increase of heavy nuclei in cosmic Taalation of the Galaxy. A decrease in the percentage of light nucie-i a and L with the increase in enerzy is cause6 bv the higheT -!!~Si')n Coefliclez,.t., T')e coiputed theoretically agreed ,:tth exoerimenta, dada i, - r 1, -r, a r.3 r I i es. ,.%t energies greater than 1017 ev, -,e exDer''nent:kI data showed Tbore Protons and light nucli,i than the theorv ourportF;. Or-kg. art. lias: 4 figures, 2 tables, and 12 formulas. JEGJ ------ Card- TITLE! Des iption of -the modernized complex installation for study of extonsive- air showers~wport, All-Union Conference on the Phypics of Colsmic.Rays held in Moscow 4-10 Oct 19637 SOURCE: AN SSSn. IZVOStiya, Seriya f i 2A chos ka ya v.28, no.12, 1964, '2087-2392 ray measurement r) n,, ABSTRACT: During ';be past two years the installati6n_ for tion of extensive air showers and high--energy muons h"s been greatly imprcved. The imtAllation is lozated at Moscow Statto University and covers an area of sibout 4' hectares (about 10 acrqs~ ; it consists of a large number of stationary arxf, mobilp 1. laboratories". The general layout is vhol~m in the Figure (see Enclosure). In the mobile "laboratories" (Nos.? through Ili In the figure) and In the stationtiry "la- (1.2 V 3) In the main building the old system of hodoBcovic counters has been aUpplenenteO 6y sa array ol 2--' bclint~-Iaton co.~viters with an area of 2 ACCESS XON -NR*.- APS002109 2- )-determine the Strength, of- a.-ehower._-and-.the-.-;-.- orielitation of its axis it space. In the underground laboratory the area of the mion detector has been increased I.-on 6 to 43 m2 and there has been installed a _ji-aded lorz%a lz new. sys-tem io L-24iD ;ioniaw"im chaebtra shielded buy ar. abso-ebar int r tical wasurements of the- onviTy:of'muon fluxes, The paper given diagrams-J'of Some of the counter and chamber arrays and describes some of the epecific denign fea- tures of the detectors and Resociated elootronto equipment. A few typicul curves ar~: reproduced. The underground Installation is characterized try an exceptionally large area, good continuity and a high resolution.. Orig.artsbast I table and 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMIM- D: 00 HNCLs 01 SUB CODE: AA NR REY SOVi'002 0=11: 002. 2/3 - tWd&i8/"/028/bnA886 M-193 8 AUMORt Vemov. S. :N.;. Khriatiansen (4. B. t Ali.. 0 A.,-T. B!~~ "V --I ~j Yu. .; Solov'Yeva, V. I.; Khrenov, B*AP TITLE: Now data on the study of broad atmospberic shower using a complex held in Moscow apparatus Deport of All-Union Meetinx on Cosm!,~~_Ra from October 4 -to 10, 196,1,j SOURCEt AN SSSR. Izvesti3,a. Seriya fizictBakaya, v. 28, Do. 11, 1964, 1886-093 1 otod 'State-Arnivorait-V ed-_ that-vare:: oondu --aCA6vC04 e- x__ 44-p a-z ait t6 -:-on a comyl us r the study of broad atmospherio -*Qicers and the MU_L~ meson con 1)onent of cosmic.!mys. The apkrTa~tus -simultaneous infqr tion-oM_thD=,,_, ~~-~~Uaxmm tj 1100ente of broad --art --ha -s-9- ob6verai 11a 'L~Ori a - graphp~; 3.,ta esi- ev ASSOCIATICN: Nauchno-i-leal bdovaf,41 &iy inatitut-yadernoy fisiki Xoekov&og6' gosudarstyennogo univorsitota laell. V. Lozonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuc;~piq Phy Los Wtscow fitate Univergi y)- XWLs 00 od SUB GOD& A, lip NO R&F 50vt OTM., 006 .-Card el-e-droMC filquipment permit a wide-range rei:ording of stream densities and tha relative ayrival times of coarnic particles. Carves od the differenti&l specti-an of pilse heights, of C,.,rd 1/2 ACCESSION. NW APS007027 e endi g i ~!~., on Wo partl 1_height-cm"e -f __ i~ratlon,, -and_-of-.:c*imter nosmWormity d p n id travel are presented. The principal circuits oil preamplifiers, amplifle,rg, pulse-' av 7T~easuring ievirefi, and pulse recr_)rlerp a-e scorn. the auth~or,i wish to thaak S. N. Vernov for direc"g the work. and V. B, i~h. L e o and D. T. Prctasoy for- th-e.,.r help.' A,.!-aO~kevich, Y;i. L. blokh, V. noy ASSOCIATION- Monkovakbe goandaratyenn-ry univeraftet im, M V. Lonn;onosov'a f;,14c,,~ow S*ate University) -~_~-JWGtg, 00 SUBNUTTED: gMtC63 SUB CODE! 14P ,-r -q-Ey soy~ 007 !CID 07FZR; 0010 L 4511-66 EWTM/gWj(m)/FdC/1/fiWA(~) "I.TP GP/ W ACCESSION NR: 'AT5022837 UR/0000/65/000/000/0257/0266 AUTHOR:. Abrosimov A. T. BI TITLE- The study of short-period variations and microvariations of cosmic ray Intensit, using single scintillation counters SOURCE:, Vseso_vuznoye soveahchanlye po kosmofizicheskomu naDravlenlyu issledovaniv (Cosmic rays and problems In co8mophysics); trudy soveshchaniya. Novosibirsk, Redizdat Sib. otd. AN SSSR~ 1965p 257-266 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray. fntens#y,~ cosmic radiation composition, scintillation counter ABSTRACT: Prior to the IGY all cosmic ray intensity variations were classified into two groups only: the long range (a few years or more) and the short range group. Recent in- vestigations uncovered a considerable amount of fine structure in the short range group. On th6 basis of 41 references, the authors survey this new field, define the so-called microvariations, outline the methodology for the study of short-period and microvariation% discuss the demands imposed on photoelectric multipliers, describe devices for the stndy of the stability of operation of photoelectric multipliers, su marize the results of such studies discuss the stabilization of the operation of complete scintillation counters I , and stress the need for the development of new devices for the study of cosmic ray variations. Card 1/2 L 4511-66 ACCESSION NR: ATsO22837 Orig. art. has; I formula and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma lonosfery I rasprostraneniya radlovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial 4agn ~q#gm; .-the. Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Prop SSSR)-, Nauchno4seledovatelleldy institut yadernoy fizild 1AGU (4pientific-Rese of Nucle~~_P~15_icsAqu) SUBMITTED: 29OctG4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AAp D P. NO REF SOV: 026 OTHER: 015 Card NR, AP5024632 SOURCE CODE: U11/00413/65/029/009/1676/1681 AUTHOR; Vernov, 8,.N. ; Khristiansen, G.B. &Malmm6A. Jj. At_rashkevich, Vedeneyev, O#V.; Kulikov, G.V.; Fomin,- Yu. A._; Necbin, Yu. A._,_ SolovIyeva-, V.I.: Khrenovo B A, ORG: none TITLE: Investigations of fluctuations in the development of extensive air.phowery with a fixed total number of charged particle& and a fixed total number of muons /Re- port, Ajj=Wqq._QqnLeriZncq_on Cosmic RELY Phvsics held at Apatity 24-31 August 1964/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 29, no. 9, 1965, 1676-1681 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray shower, muon, charged particle, extensive air shower, particle! distributic particle distribution ABSTRACT: The authors have employed the modernized installatinn at Moscow State Uni- versity, described elsewhere (S.N.Vernov et al. , Izv. AN SSSR Ser. fi,,. , 28, 2087, 1964), to investigate the simultaneous distribution of total number N of charged par- ticles, total number M of muons, and age parameter S in extensive air showers. Show- ers were selected for which the zenith angle of the nxis was loss tbarl 300- M was de- termined from the number of muons recorded by the muon detector and the perpendicular distance of the muon detector from the shower axis with the aid of the known lateral distribution of muons. The relative error in detemining M did, not exceed 35 %. Tile Card 1/2 452E~66 ACC NVs AP5024632 error In determining 8 was estimated to be 0.02 by processing "artificial" showers of known age, calculated by Monte Carlo methods. Th-) data presented were derived from some 300 showers with total numbers of charged particles ranging from 105 to 4 x 106. Histograms are given showing the distribution of showers with respect to N with fixed M, with respect to M with fixed N, with respect to 3 with fixed N, and with respect to S with fixed M, and scatter plots are given for N versus S with fixed M and for M ver- sus S with fixed N. The correlation coefficient of S with M for fixed N ranged be- tween 0.62 and 0.72; the correlation coefficient of S with N for fixed M w" - 0.67. Orig. art. has., 10 formulas, 4 figures, and 1 table. SUB ODDE: NPI SUBM DAM OD/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REF: 001 L I VEPNOV N.; G.D.; BELYAYEVA, I . F. Ff 11. 1 YOVj G 'S A 11 . I F."., i iI , KHRENOT) B.A. Ultrahigh-energy primai-i coEmic radiutic.,ri acccrdln~ to data on 17 extensive etir r3howurs, ,V. 0 165, OMIRA 18.10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'sMy inslAwt. yatic;rnoy fi-,,i.kJ 11,11cskovskogo gmidarstvennogo univcrniLeta iiia. -- -- ----- - L 16017-M NT(I)AW(m) /FCCAWA(h) GW ACC NR: AT6003530 SOURCE CODE: UR/3184/65/000/007/0226/0239 AUTHOR: Abrosimov. A. T.-~; ORG; none TITLE:. Scintillation counter equipment for studying qosmic ray SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Kosmicheskiye luchi, no. 7, 1965, 226-239 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation counter, cosmic ray telescope, particle detector ABSTRACT: The author descri.bes scintill Iation co /iinstalled at Moscow State Univer~.jty in 1962 for studying showers of cosmic rays. The total area of the coun- ters was 10 m2. The following circuits in the scintillation telescope are des6ribed: 1. time analysis channels for determining the relative delays it, pulses; 2. ampli- tude analysis channels with units for amplification and logarithmic conversion; 3. a mi-LIAer assembly connected with the other units of the installation including event recording indicators; 4. a un-.Lt for monitoring the operation of all pickups in the installation and the control system; 5. a device for simultaneous electronic cali- bration of the time channels using vertical shower simulation, and for calibzating Card 1/2 P-1- L 16017-M ACC XR: AT6003530 ,the amplitude channels using graduated pulses; 6. a device for calibrating the am- plitude channels with respect to the signal from a single relativistic charged par- ticle using a p-meson telescope. Additional instruments are described which were used only for control experiments or for periodic graduation measurements made for .verification. In conclusion the author is sincerely grateful to the director of the ~work, G. B. Khristiansen and to G.-V. Bogqslovqkiy, V. I. Bovtsov. V. Kh. Leonov. K. I. Solov'yev, V. B. Atrashkevich and D..-I.- Protasov for assistance with iFhe -work.' art. has: 22 figured. ,SUB CODE: Ie SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 002 L 1602o-66 F;WT(l)/F.WT.',m)/k.C/EWA(h) GW AM NR: AT6003531 SOURCE CODE: UR/3184/65/000/007.10240/0250 AUTHOR: T. ; Blokh_,_Ya. L. ORG: none TITLE: Use of scintilla)-Jon counters in cosmic Pay detectors SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Kosmicheskiye luchi, no. 7, 1965, 240-250 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation counter, scintillator, cosmic Pay, particle detector ABSTRACT: In a brief survey of the literature, the aut&rs consider variotis prob- lems associated with the use of scintillation counters~'fn cosmic ra 'detection equip- ment. Counters am discussed with respect to design characteristicsrmaterials used and purpose. The methods used for collecting the light emitted during scintilla- ~tions onto the photomultiplier cathode are- divided into two categories: those using light guides, and those in which a portion of the light falls directly on the photo- multiplier from ar. auxiliary space filled with scattered and reflected 1 'ight. The amplitude characteristics of various counters are analyzed. Several experiments are Card 1/2 L 16020-66 ACC NR: AT6003531 suggested for determining the principal parameters of the luminophors and of the ,scintillation counters as a whole. SUB CODE: /SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REFs~ 0191 OTH RM 043 Card 2/2 L 16019-66 Mff(j)/FCC/kVA(h) GW ACC NR: AT6003532 SCURCE COIDE: UR/3184/65/000/007/0251/0259 AUTHOR. Abros Blokh, Ya. L. ORG: none TITIJ~: ', Using new instrumento to study short periodic variations and micr"O'fluctua- tions in the intensity of coamijej _ra s 19"' SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduve-6,vrztvennyy geofimicheskiy komitet. Kosmicheskiye luchi, no. 7, 196.5, 251-259 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, cosmic ray telescope, cosmic ray measurement ABSTRACT: This paper is a review of the IGY and IQSY literature on short periodic variativns and fluctuations in the intensity of cosmic rays measured in hours. These nel-itly discovered phenomena are attributable mainly to the fine structure of the Forbush effect and to bursts of cosmic rays. It is pointed out that the inves- tigation of these phenomena requires the use of supersensitive instruments (neutron monitors, cubic and azimuthal telescopes, underground telescopes and other detec- ,tors) for reliably reaordin& various secondary components of cosmic rays. This Card 1/2 L 16oig-66 ACC NR: AT6003532 equipment may be used for studying n1crofluctuations with periods measured in min- ,utes. The problems involve,l in using scintillation counters with photomultipliers for studying these phenomena are considered. SUB CODE /fSUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 0211 OTH REF: 0113 Card 2/2 L 16021-66 ZWT(1)1EWT(M)1FCC1r-,WA(h) OW ACC NR. AT6003533 SOURCE CODE: DR/3184/65/000/007/0260/0279 AUTHOR: 1*%bros Blokh, Ya. L. . Pomanskiv. A. A. -ORG: n one .TITLE: Liquid scintillation detectors with large diuensions if W- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Kosmicheskiye luchi, no. 7, 1965, 260-279 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation detector, scintillator ABSTRACT: The authors point out the various advantages of liquid scintillators ove-:, crystals, gases and plastics for measurements in nuclear physics. One of the uniqV2 features of liquid scintillator-i is the fact that their shape is de-11-ermined by Thai: .of the container. The dimensions of liquid scintillation counters may be made as large as several cubic meters. The limiting factor with respect to size is the mean' .free path of the scintillation light. The literature is briefly reviewed on the properties of primary and secondary sol%:ble scintillators. Applications for vari,)us !promising solvents in scintillation solutions are discussed. The factors affecting. Card 1/2 L 16021-66 ACC NR: AT6003533 ithe efficiency of liquid scintillators are analyzed and prospects for developing truly gigantic scintillation counters are considered. .SUB CODE- SUBM DATE- 00/ ORIG REF, 001/ OTH FE17: 061 Card 2/2Gf-, a %$wit AAA01 a 'wrt V. I -AM16 60 8/65/02-976-1671876/~ ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: UR/004 AUTHOR: Verriov S. N.- Khristiansen,, G --A. ic Abroobnov. - T. ktraahkQ)ftgh,-Y.LjB ~- Belyayeiraj, f 7 U al G. V Sojq~vjpy~, V. I.; Fo~nip, Yu. A.; Khrenoy, B. A. ORG: Scientific Research Institute of Nusi!~~~-C-S. -Moscgi-&ajQ-~iver~qAk im. M V, ]LmDno8ov7Nauchno-iseledovatelfsPiy inatitub yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo g;sudarstvennogg universiteta) TITLE: Primary superhigh-energy cosmic radiation according to data on extensive atmospheric showers 11 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 10, 1965, 1876-1880 TOPIC TAGS.- cosmic radiation, muon ABSTRACT., Of Interest In the Inventigation of the primary energy Ispectrum of cosmic rays and their composition Is the knowledge of !the spectrum of extensive atmospheric showers ( with respeot~. to the total number of high energy muons (Eu~~1.0 ~ eV) and the distribution of e.a.s. over the total numb'e~ of the particles He for a given N,,. In this connection the authors analyze the ,primary energy d-peotrum of cosmic rays on the basis of experimental ,data obtained with a apeoial device for Investigating e*aeas recor.".1 ded with a, probability, of W;>, 0.95, This device -makes It possible, to determine the total nwuber of oharged particles in an esaas~-, LCurd 1/2 ACC NR, ANC-16380 ~at the'Obs4srvation level. An averaged funotion p (H) is plotted :'to determine the spatial distribution N of the duoneq ando thus Ahe total number of these muons Is det;i^rmined. The distribution Of Ne for a given P., is evaluated on the basis of data on an 9,aeeo' .with N = (1-2)-104. The experimental findinge are foun4 to be in saif"isfaotory agreement with theory. Thusp on the basis,cf the 1complex whole of the experimental findingv, It may be conoluded that the cor.osition of primary cosmic rayq In the superhigh- lenergy region apparently doee not significantly differ from the '4 ecomposition In the low-energy region# and the-~(-Index of tho pri diary ener' 3*ppc+ is v e an gy ,rum rathir th 1.,onstants Origs arts ha 5 figuress (JPRSI SUB CODE: 20) 04 SUBM DATE: none./ C/PLIG IM 009 OTH REF: OD2 2/2 C, 6-~ Card ACC NR' A117007081 SOURCE CODEg UR/006A/66/030/010/1685/1689 AUTHORt Vernov, S. N.; Mristiansent G. B,; Abrosimov,_Aq Atr kev ch V. B.; Belyayeva, 1. F.; Vedeneyovo 0. V.; KUMIG-TI-G. B_.; ";chin, Yu. A.; Soloviyeva, V. I.; Fomin, Yu. A.; 10irenov, B* A* ORG: none TITLE: Phenomenological characteristics of ors I ,broad ntmospheric show w th a fixed number of /