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W9 -s/l8o/6o/ooo/oo6/OO9/O3O E111/E352 Solubility of Oxygen in Liquid Silicon There are 3 fixures and 7 references: 1 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet SUBMITTED: may 3o, 196o Card 4/4 Di Our. 2. IbUtUellitt MeK100- nP011ECCe 1114)(DY31(Ci iioro 0T. murs: T-0 01neqpertmomTHIV J'CTaI1011,101119 "WTOR11110A 101. nepaTypu (37,5' C) S/078/60/005/009/007/011 B015/BO64 AUTHORS,. Abrikosov. N. Kh.p Bankina~ V, F., Kharitonovich, K. F 11 ~' .ITLE: Investigation of the Phase Magram of the System PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiip 1960, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 2011-2016 TEXT- The system Bi-Se- was examined in the range of from 0 to 57% Se by the methods of microstructural analysisq thermal analysisY and measurement of electrical conductivity, as well as of thermo.-electromoti-e force, Ther- inal analysis was made with a Kurnakov pyrometer by recording the heating 1,.arves. The electrical c nductivity and thermo-electromotive force were measured with a-nnTB I PPTV-1) potentiometer. The microstructural analyses led to the finding of a new compound with the approximate compo- sition Bi 2So, which is formed as a result of a periteotic reaction at 4680C~ A range of solid solutions forms on the basis of the compound :31S8 at concentrations of from 21 to 32% Se. A peritectic reaction at 607 C corresponds to this range. The phase diagram (Fig. 5) of the system Card 1/2 Investigation of the Phase Diagram of the S/078/60/005/009/007/017 System Bi-Se B015/BO64 B:1-Se was recorded on the -basis of the thermal- and micres true tural anal- ynes. The polymorphio transformation of BiSe assumed by Tomoshige (Ref. 4) was not proven, and the thermal effect is traced back to the formatAon of Bi2Se. The measurements of the electrical conductivity and thermc- electromotive force (Table) show that at slAght deviations from the stoichiometric composition of the compound Bi 2Se3 the ex'Qctr3cal cond~ic- tivity increases, while the thermo-electromotive force dec~oases, Tnis 1.'.4 explained by a low solubility of bismuth and selenium in the compound Bilse S. A. Semiletov and P, P. Konorov are mentioned in the paper. .) 30 Thare are 9 figures, 1 table, and 9 referenoes~, 2 Soviet, 2 US. 2 Frenr-h, 2 Italian, and I Japanese. SUBMITTED: MRY 6: 1959 Card 2/2 ABRIKOSOVp N#Kb.p doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; MEDKR, V.M., red. izd-va; h7aft, L.V., teklm. red. [Transaction of the Fourth Conference on SemiconductoisHaterialai Problm of tlLe PAUllurgv and physics of semiaonductoral TnAy 4-go soveshchanlia po poluprovodaikovym mpteriilpm, Voprosy metal- lurgii i fiziki poluprovodnikove Moskvaq Izd-vo Akad. nauk WSk 1961. 174 P. I (MIRA 14-t61 1, Soveshchaniye po polu rovodnikovyin materialam, 4th,, (Spemiconductore-Corgresses) S/137/62/000/002,/055/144 A006/A101 AMORS: Abrikosov, N. Kh., Zobnina, A. N. Tl'rM-. Investigation of tellurium and antimony compounds with iodine PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 37, abstract 2G292 (V sb. "Vopr. metallurgii I fiz. poluprovodnikov", Moscow, AN SESSR, 1961, 110 - 112) TEXT: Alloys were prepared with Cy -00 (Su-00) grade Sb, I "pure for ana- lyses", and Te that was previously purified by-double a vacuum. ~s. Specimens were prepared by alloying the components In evacuated sealed ampoule Prior to taking the batches, Sb and Te were crushed in an agate mortar down to 40 mesh. I was taken in the form of,individual crystals. The TeI, Sb13, SbTeI compounds obtained possessed the following properties, r spectively: melti V point - 184, 171, and 3600CI electric resistivity 26.109, 5.105 and 1.6.10; width of the forbidden zone - 1.1; 1.67, and 1.57 ev. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] B. Golovin Card 1/1 VOLj, Abrwa Yevgen 'yevich; AUM, N,V. , red,; AMIKOSOV Kh. p -or 1-$--N, do)ct khim.nauk, red.; XCHNILOV, doktor-'IEm-.nauk, red.; SAVITSKIY., Ye.M.p doktor khim.nauk, red.; OSIPOV) K.A., doktor tekbn.naukf red.; GUSEVA, L.N.,, kand.khim.nauk, red.; HIRULOVSKAYA$ M.S., kand.Ithim.nauk, red,; SHKLOVSKAYAj IYu,, red.; MURASHOVA, N*Ya., [Structure and properties of binary met-111c systems] Stroenie i svoistva. dvoirqkh metallicheskikh sistem. Pod rukovodstvom N.V. Ageeva. Moskva., Fizmatgiz. Vol.,2. [Systems of vanadium, bismuth$ hydrogen, tungsten,, gadolinium, galliumj, hafnium., germanium, holmiums dysprosium, europium) iron] Sistemy vanadiia, vismuta, vodorodaj, vollframa., gadolWia, galliia,, gafniia, germaniia, gollmiiap dispro- ziial evropiia, zheleza. 1962. 982 p. OEM 15: 5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Age~ev). (Alloys) (Systems (Chemistry)) Phase rule and equilibrium) S/078/62/007/004/006/016 V Bi 1 O/Bi 01 AUTHORS: Abrikosov, N. Kh., Glazov, V. M., Liu Chen-ynan TITLE: Investigation of the separate and joint solubility of aluminum and pfiosphorus in germanium and silicon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, V. 7, no. 4, 1962, 831-835 TEXT: For investigating the separate and joint solubility of aluminum and phosphorus in germanium and silicon, binary and ternary alloys of germanium and silicon (both monocrystalline, impurities ,~ 1o-5%,,) in Phosphorus (chemically pure) and aluminum (99.99ayb) were prepared. owing to the high vapor pressure of P at high temperatures, Si and Go were gradually saturated with P by stepwise heating so as to prevent explosion danger. AlP was prepared for the production of ternary alloys situated on the quasi-binary Ge(Si)-AlP sections. Ge-Al-P alloys were prepared 0by stepwise heating for 8 hrs at 4000C, 24 hrs at 12 hre at 8000C in the bottom part of the autpulla, and then remelted for 3-5 hrs at 1000 C under periodic shaking. The gradual saturation of Si or Si-Al alloys with P was carried out by heating four 8 hrs at 4000C, 24 hrs at 80000 and 12 hrs at 10000C. Card 1/ 3 S/078/62/007/004/006/016 Investigation of the separate ... B110/B101 Remelting was carried out in Ar atmosphere in corundum crucibles by high- frequency heating. Cooling took place in cold watqr or cold Ar stream. The cooling rate was > 1000OC/min, so as to obtain homogeneous alloys. The ternary alloys had the ratios P : Al - 3 : 1, 1 : 1, 1 : 3. The cast Ge-Al-P samples were homogenized for 850P 700, 700, 500, 500 and 200 hrs at 50C, 6oo, 700, 6oo, a50 and 9000C, those from Si-Al-P for 850, 700, 700, 500, 500 and 200 hra at 6oo, 700, 600, 900, 1000 and 12000C. Equilibrium was here ascertained by means of microscopic analysis and by measuring the microhardness of the structural constituents in the intermediate stages. Microhardness was determined with a1TMT -3 (PMT-3) apparatus at a load of 50 g. The microhardness isotherms of the crystals of the solid solution in the system Ge-P and Si-P showed that maximum solubility (- 0.45 atom v;) of P in Ge exists at 60o0c, maximum solubility (- 0-5 atom ap') of P in Si at 11300C. Al addition causes considerable increase in solubility of P in Ge 0 and in Si. At 800 C, the solubility of P in Si rises in the presence of an equimolecular Al amount by more than three times, in Ce by five times. Maximum solubility of Al and P 0 : 1) in Ge and Si exists at the section Ge(Si)-AlP. Increase in Al and P solubility, when simultaneously present at a ratio of 1 : 1, and the maximum solubility in the Ge(Si)-AIP sections is caused by dissolution of the chemical compound AlP in Ge and Si. AlP is ,,Card 2/3 S/078/62/007/004/oo6/ol6 Investigation of the separate ... B110/B101 closer to the solvent rith regard to type of bond and crystal lattioe than its components, and dissolves, therefore, better. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. The most important English-language reference is: J. 0. McCaldint J. appl. Phys. I 'L1 ~ 89 (19060) . SUBMITTED: March 22, 1961 Ce.rd'3/3 L 18124-63 EWP(q)/4WT(m)/BM AFFTCASD 'AC(,'FSSTCN M AP3003888 ATMORSt Fovikova, S. I.; Abrikosov, N. Kh. TITU: Investigation of thermal expansion in PbS, PbSe, and PbTe 4 7-7 SOURCE: Fizlka t-verdaga-tala, v. 5, no. 7r :L96~j 2q:L3-l%6 MIC TAGSi thermal expansion, Pb, S, Set Te, Griulneisen corstant, elongation ABSTRACT: This work was undertaken becavse of meager study previously made on -bile tbermodynamic propertion of semi conductors. The authors de%%)te themselves to an investigation of thermal e-.!~pansion in the range from 20 to *,40K. The coefficient of linear elongation was measured.. and from this value the Grilneiser constant was computed. Figure I (see Enclosure 1) shows the dependence of linear elongatictn on temperature for PbS. The curves for PbSe and PbTe are very siid)ar. Figure 2 (seo rmclosure 2) shors the dependence of tho GrVneisen constant, ~' , on temperature for all three compounds. It is seen that I increases with drop in temperat-Oro. "The authors thnnk Z. ?. GuJinitsy*q and L. Ye. Glu~ldkh for Nrnishing the sarpleO Orig. art. has: 4=9r_O9;_rr,_aU19, anr,', formulas. - M/RDW S/0281/63/005/007/191j/.L916 ASSOCIAMMs Institut wetellurgii Im. A. A. Baykova AN SSSR, Voscovi -(Institute Card 1/9 Ac S'C L 18722-63 EWP(q)/E~T~m)/B16- AFFTC/AS,D RDW/JD 'ACCESSION NRt AP3oc)5320 S/0181/63/005/008/2138/211,o 4UTHORSs Novikova, S. Ii Abni osov, N.Kh, --k TIMM Therinal expansion of Al~bj PgSbs ZnT~, and HgTe at low temperatures !SOURCEs Fizika tverdogo tela,, no cl 116)) 2N-2140 TOPIC TAGSt thermal expansions Al,'Sbs Gas Zn, Te, Hg, low temperature, solid Istate, interaction, zero vibration ABSTRAM The authors made their study of thermal expansion in the temperature irange from 20 to AOK. They used coarsely crystalline material of irregular forms Ahe greatest dimension ranging from 9.27 mm in ZnTe to 16*55 min in A15b. They established the fact that the coefficient of thermal expansion becomes negative at low temperature, This is most clearly shown in the behavior of AlSb, shown jn Fig. 1 (see enclosure). The temperature values at which the coefficient ichanges sign are 85K for AlSb, 52K for GaSb, 46K for Ure, and 62K for HgTe. The ;authors have examined the solid-state equation for this reversal and have shown ,that when the coefficient is negative the interaction of atoms in a state of zero ,vibration must be at a minimum during any change in volume. Orig. art. hast Card 1102.., L 18722-63 .ACCESSION NRt AP3oo532O !h figures and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt Institut' metallurgii im A. A. Baykova AN SSSR, goscow jinstitute of Academy of Sciences, ~BMITTFJ) t 3lMar63 DATE ACQi 063ep63 ENGLj 01 !SUB CODEt PH NO REF SOVt 004 OTHERt boo Card 2/pj/ ~L .17010-63 EW (q)/EW (m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD RDW/JD S/078/63/008/005/010/021 AUTHOR- Porstskaya, L, 2_ Abrikosov. N. Kh. and.Glazov, V, M. TITLEs A study of the Sb T6 systea in the vicinity of Sb TO 2 '?khimii, v. VIII, No. 5, May 1963, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganah1skoy U96-1198 TEXT: The objeot.dthe authors' study was the thej=al relationship -ad stichiometry of Sb Te . the alloys were studied both, between deviation a~ -in the-liquidand in the solid state.'- 5~,Ua:temperatxre of 7500 Sb2 To 3 to be a stable-chemical-compound. Above 7500 partial dissociation oil' appears -There are gares. _The 1 English- rIeads as ;ro3 low G.'Otfergold, Van Cakenborgh. Php. Chem' language source a Sol. Pargamon Press, n, ilo 6939). ASSOCIATION: Bstitut metallurgLi im. 'A. A. :U ova Akaderdii .-Auk--SSSR yk -z Academy of Saiiinces USSR Institute for Met6pyrqLun. A'.OA. Baykov of tl c C ard 1/2 AMTY0S0Vt-. No - Mit- ounds ' d alloys, (Y.Iev Ar r1l.1963). TITLE- Seminar on refractory metal�, comP 0 an SOURCE: Atonnaya energiya, v. 15, no. 3, 10,63, 266-267. ACCESSION NRt -AP3008085 Ye. I. Yelagina, No Kh. Abrikosov, Synthesis and investigation Of rhenium silicide. Go P. Shveykin and others. Kinetics of niobium oxidarbide decompo--;r,: sition in vacuum, interaction of-niobium and carbon monoxide, etcop in connection with the development of the carbothermal method of extraction of'niobium from i-ts oxides. L. A. Nisel'son and others. Obt*aining niobi,~m, tant'alum,-and their alloys by reduction of gaseous chlorides with hydrogen on a heated surface. G. V. Samsonov, So No L'vov, V. No Paderno. *Obtaining ZrC, HfC, NbC, and TaC solid solutions by hot compacting of mixtures of oxides. with carbon. V. F. Funke, V. I..Pshenichny*y. Study of conditions of obtaining TiC, ZrC, and VC from oxides. V. No Bondareve Investigati'on of synthesis of transiti--n-tuetal Card 4 /]1 ACCESSION NR: AP019819 S/0219/64/000/001/0180/0183 'AUTHOR: Shellmova, L.'Ye. (Moscow); _kr_1kosov,-Nq_ Kh*- (Mostm) Eessonov, V. 1. (Moscow) 1'rITLE: The pseudo-binary systems GeTe-SITe a,-d GeTe-PbTe SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Metallurglya I 4fornoye delo, no. 1, 1964, 180-183 TOPIC TAGS: germanium telluride, silicon telluride, lead telluride, telluride phase study, telluride phase diagram, pseudo-binary system ABSTRACT: The authors studied the phase diagrams of the systems GeTe-SiTe and GeTe-PbTe'(see Figs. I & 2 in the Enclosure), as well as solid solutions based on these compounds. Test specimens spaced at 10 mol.% we're prepared from GeTe, SITep and PbTe. The results of microstructure studies were confirmed by thermal ana- lysis and showed that GeTe Is the initially crystallizing phase In alloys with up to 30 mol % SITe. Alloys with 30 moll SITe are closest to eutectlc character (n.p. 685C), while SITe crystallizes first In trans-eutectic alloys. The solu- bility of SITe In GeTe does not vary significantly with temperature, and the GOT based solid solution.range Is not large. The eutectic state for the system GaTe- - PbTe occurs at 20 mole% PbTe, and the melting point Is given as 695C* PbTe cry- stallix s first when Its content Is Increased. The Wo-based solid solution 'Card ACCESSION NR: AP4019819 range I s wl de, and the second phase was f I rst noted at 60 mol. % PbTe. 'Them sub- stantial solubi I Ity of GeTe In PbTe was conf I rmed bV X-ray analysis .(see Fig. 3 in the Enclosure). Orig. art. has: 5 graphs add I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: o6jun63 DATE ACQ: 31Mar64 ENCL., 02 'SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOVi 001 OTHER: 005 Card 2 1,V -at 500 iind _30W ahavoca nw thenmi effects indicating a decomposition 0-,I SC14d SOJUt4on. However, the curves of th~~ caj),,-,s-*t-'on Jepea- nce of the 'her- 1 1. L, mal emf (Fig. 2), 'Vickers hardness (Fig. ~), microhardneza F! bea C-~ud~- ~jDf"3344:mol P-vhith -r-c4onds * to-I 2Mb2ft-4 - - The absence of tber_iIGI effects iudicates that the ampomd t-my be fomed by an or- dering of solid malution, a secoad-type phase transformation. The nat-we of the Card'40-. '3000- OW f t - tt--- -570 AM-- We., ermt ice 00 -Ok~f --M T~ 4~~e&. the~tuipitluaecor ~ he U isItant""a" van mt.-Cluged but the- a-onotant C decreaced vith decresslAS A=es.Ut# pexaturo,., -0 -rig has'r 9-figufts -6A& 1-tab e AM',TATION.- Institut motsilmsu im. A. A. Baykova Akadevii nauk SSSR (:Institute o f 11 e !_ -au- 01 ac'enc-2A.S55' vat ID MW MV: M w6 Card 2/6 ACCESSION NR-,~ ,~AP5001-042' j 9/0020/641159/00611 26/1 ~j -770.. r-if phas-? pquillbrini in rvqtt-n-,,; fni-nwfl h%, ~4ntt!-Tinnv ch gerudes\\- C:77~~ -1- -15 -,1 0 Q C DT,- -4 - TIOPIC TP.GS: antimony chalcogenide, phase eviAIIbri=, m1orchardness, heat conductivity, electrical conchictivity Tn-vaB--fDr-Tn -4 C S~id-qOIutiGTFs--v.--.h-a -The- Sb-2S- .Iqu~elus and solidus lires constructed fr-,,-tm he,-Iinj~! rurves) All -nelt- h,-d 'the AA IP T"~ 5.5 ...... Or ig. art. has- 3 fi urea A ASSOCIATION Institut metallurgil im A. A. Baykova (Institiile of Metallurgy) NR RE7 SOV- 002 OTHEIR: 004 N 9 4 f-PTN' IT 20 Sbl 3 Fig. Phlv;e diaararn of thr- svstlenn Card 3114 ACCESSION MR. AP5001992 *5 ob Phasi6 -diagram- ofthe elystebi Sb~%-Sb Te 24 3 0 q a-moh nige b- ~tse~irnelti) h p cord 4/ 4 -_77-7- R::!'j6briLqsoY$ N. Kh. TITLE: Basic p;oblems of alloying semicond-act gig "---Ner a i a s0URCE M terialy$~v -11 no, -1 19-6, TOPIC TACS: -semic~onductor, semiconductor alloying, semiconductor performance ABSTRAM This is a general review of the recent literature in which the factors affecting performance oE semilonductors are examined along broad lines. These factors include: W~ purftyFidf the basic materials, selection of alloying element4 proper c!o-mpos-i-t-ion*,-ariT-c-o"timce"nowt-riiti6ii bf~allo'_Ing -elements, their solubilit limit Y the so- its and pilase distribution coufficient,.and lution in a component of one of constittients. Orig, art. has:, 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii in. A.A. Baykova (Metallurgical institute) SUBMITTIM: 060tt64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; M,EC VO REF .111OV: 004 OTHER, 001 Card' AN ACCESSION NR: AP3007607 S/0363/65/001/001/0057 /0059 U OR: osovi-~W* - A: ---------- -d sini :.te -AM tgg I ur -p P..; y e ram of ;.ftTe h tl id st ra AN-- _9-_-1 ,-SOURCE. _S SR-0 IZ-Vie-ttyao -we- -i- lie'-s -materialy,-v -1 no.-1 '19 6 -59--'-- _iye 1-51, -7- ---- - ------ -- qrgaA - C, TOPIC TAGS: bisputh telluride, germanium telluride, phase diagramsemiconductor, 101 solid i ution _Fi ure E,-n-. --plh- 4 t i g r. a m - o~_t tem (66-6 g ~ _4 _4f i) drawn -. on the:basis ofthermal.and-metalldgraphic studies, shows-that, in of up -to -25---mol.%--G--Tii--f,6--B12Te3 --the- temperature of incipient solidifica- tion de!creases, after which it steadily increases tip to Ge,re. Solid solutions ex- tend at. 500C up to 17.4 mol.% GeTe. Three intermediate phases with Bi,Te3 and GeTe in the ratios of 2:1, 1:1 and 1:3 are formed: GeB14Te7 by peritectic reac- tion at. 564 10, providing a base for solid solutions extending from 30-35 mol.% GeTe; (""12Te4 by degenerated peritectic reaction at 584C; Gle Bi,)Te, also by a periLectic reaction at 650C. Orig. art. has: I table and 4 iigu-reos. ASSOCIATION: Irstitut metalturgii iru, A. paykova (Metallurgical i stitkite) Card L 11333-65 EWr(m)/EWP(tj/EWP(b) % RDW/JD ACCESSION HR; AP4043574 S/0078/64,1009/008/18791)1882 AUTHORs Shelluovat L. Yel AbrikaBovi Kh. TITLE: The Sn-Te myrten in the region of the ~ciapound SnTe ____._..S_OVRMt. Zburjvalveo~rr *nicheskoy_ Wail v* 9t- noo St- !964.~'1870m"P;_ V_ 0: 0 1 C ----TAG 5 f ti ~--A_1-6 i a Y's i e m tlic it e- I Fu_r f-4fiti-, te 01" 0--.- ba;e alloy, a1107 homogeneity region, alloy microctructures, alloy u-1;~.rcibavdu-esz* ~al Ivy --conyvs1tion--l~, ABSTRACTI ft-Tc alloy.29 -in the covapovittop region near the We compound, containing from 49.5 to 51 atS itTe wLl:h a 0.2-0.3 4at% concentration Luterval vaire vacuum-calted from tirLce distilled Te anti from So with an Irdpurf-ty conte-n-r-Teiss than 0,0032,, and tiono in at argon. atmosphere at - ang tug_ fvrou:~_700 0_ --a - teuperature i. u Y~ 0 cy~ to droo ructure 6 ove-d t 6-7-Sa :C04066id-i", -tons -0 cuwly.- n:. "Poun pro I ide're ik~-'cofts an coupositto 66' d with L IISM-65 ACCESSION N R AP4043574 and valying compooltien whbse narrow ~totfiogeneity region is at a imaxtraun extending from 50.1+0.1 at% to 50.9+0.1 at%' at 400C. Vith increasing Te content, the microbardness of alloys vithin the homogeneity region Increases and remains constant in the two-phase region. As the Te content is increased above the stoichiometric, the alloy lattice constant increases, edn,, from 6*308+0.002X to 6.M+(.002X.for alloys -with 5.0 and 50.8 at% To anne3led,-at, 700C L An increase in th Sn tvnienv:abovi *,the- stoichionstrict howavertths e -ttant- :aunetled at a-lower tea-c A no e ff cmt otL the lafttte_ i~oyt perature have ananalosous composition dependence of the lattice constar,t; e.l;. the coxistant-decresses from 6.324 to 6.302+6.0021 fer alloys with 49.9 and 50.9 at% Te, respectively, annesTed at 400-1. The increase in the lattice constant and the decrease In the microbairdness with decreasing annealing temperature are a9cribed t0i a aetrt asing nunl)-.r of vacancies lit the alloy. Ortit. art. hasi ASSOCUTION4 Cord 2 /3 L 11333,-65---''--- SHLIMOVA, L.Ye.; ABRIKOSOV, N.Kh, System Sn - To in the region of SnTe compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.8:18?9-1822 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) IVLIYEVA, V.I.; ABRIKOSOV, N. Kh. -4--- ~ .-, - - Phase equilibrium in the systems formed by antimony chalcogenides. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.6tl34^6-1329 D 164 (111RA 18-.1) 1. Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Baykova. Predstavleno akademikom I.V. Tananayevym. UGAY, Yakov Alaksandrovich; ABRIKOSOV, N.Xh., doktor khirr,. nauk, prof., retsenzent; COI~YlhlGVA, M.I., doktor k1lin. nauk, prof.p retsenzent; FEDOROVA, T.P., red. [Introduction to the chemistry of semiconductors] Vvedenie v khlmllu poluprovodnikov. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola.. 1965. 333 p. (MIRA 1-8:5) 1. Kafedra poluprovodnikovykh materlalov Leningradskogo politekhnicheskogo instittita in. M.I.Kalinina (for Goryunova). ABRIKOSOV N.Kh. .,-I. ., ~.-- --7- Basic problems on alloying semiconductors. Izv. AN SSSR. Noorg. mat. I no.1:11-3-5 Ja 165. (MIRA 183 5) 1. Institut metallurgii imeni. Baykova. ABRIKOSOV, N.Kh.; DANIL(TVA-DOBRYIKOVA, G.T. Phase diagram of the system B12TO3 - GeTe. Izv. All SSSR. Neorg. 1,. 1 no.1-57-59 Ja 165. (MIRA 18*5) 1. Institut motalhArgii imni Baykova. 7~ IWAT-t V=== TTD ~~V Th ACCESSION NR: APS009369 UR/0363/65/001./002,'0204/0207 '7 __546.861241+546.2M ALYMORt AbT~rkosov, 11. Kh. Danilova-Dobrya)zova, G. T. - ------ 1 10 ~1 TITLE: Study of the phase diagram o. the antimony trite I luride-Ferrmanium telluride -i--SOURM-i=-.iiN-~u-SR;-~--IlzveStiya,-7N6orkanibbtskiye _Mtertaly, v.- 1, no.- 2 -204-207, :10PICTAGS: tell-iKum_-Cor emicoiiductor-materA--al~~-:-Dttase-d - _Z~~ . _ -- - ~, _ABSTRACT-.-,,c!F_ Sb_2_,TO-~;~~%"_Js~ fie dY'yA- -m_ e-ah, s- - ef - th e rmal- ana ysis- -and prepared'from GtTe -and M27e~---The -specimens* were fdsi6d ilt 10 residual ~pnbssure in sealed quartz ampules. rollow- ing this th., alloys were emnealod in sna - - umpu_j1,e& Iled- Jt&--a 1 d -8" _atm_ 4000 hours -af~:souoc_.-~ r 'id 6i6i;~l _46 4 oys:were 0. or crostru lya~ s ion-consis ng o ~1 cc HCl, 90: cc alc6holl and 6 9 Of CUC12- Or. the basis of these! studies a phase diagram was constructed for the 'Sb2Te3-GeTe systein (jee fig. 1-of the Enclosure). The electrical conductivity and the thermal--emf of the annealed [ IL 55q(50-65. ACCESSUR? NV: APS009369 allcys were investigated as a function of the ccimposition of th,- alloy. The 171- sult~~ of the;e masurements are shom in figs. 2 and 3 of the Enclosure. It wa-, found that tie solid solution t!xists on 'hc '-1-17~-, c~!-I, li7icrar- ~,,p L~e T c .Tbe exislence o' threu intermediate phases was also Pstablis~ed: CeSbje,. L I G-__--h2Te4 and Gt!2Sb2Te5- Orig. art, has: 2 tables and 5 figums. ISUBMITT-m -,Ojun6o ENCL: 03 SUB CODE i MM, 1C NO REr SOV! 001 OT TER: OC3 CQTd 2/ Ill I 111111mal Sam OWN 771~- ENCU)SURE.- 0l ACC-SSION NR: AP59141080 AUTHOR: Abrikosov, H. Kh.; Poretskaya, L. V. TITL,E:. Studv.--cf - the Sb-!,i-Te ternarv svstem VIP, *0 36,1/ 6 5 4!001/004/0 503/0510 `I-SOURCY~ -AN SSS -Iz-v~fy-:97. -'Xe-~ig-i 61-eki~sWiy~e- ---n--o-.4 6 R. 1503-510 lk)rt~ IArS- antimony alloy, bismuth tellurium allov, thermal analysis, v I ca r~ c i'l Section St)~I'L-3-Ri2Te; this ooviation inarnases with decreasing tomperature. As v t M P(-T -1 1 IT, I rnn ncollao. - T -a A; 0-ii -:-t-Us- liection tiua- bindK-.:dt -c,5ffs --,ihf--T br-tmary phase oil ths Sh2TC3 Sid" undergoes a partial retrograde fusion, forming ihe -cRo-phase EMMMIMMMMM L,52D69-65 :ACCESSION NR: tY5014080 field 6+ L. The retrograde fusion ends at temperatures below 4200C, when the ,secondary crystallization of the eutectic 6 + Te begins in the three-phase voluvre 6 + Te + L The fusibility diagram of the Sb-Bi-Te -vster sh~:,ws a region of ma.-c-inyum -rel ting points vhi & extends from th~- cwnT-,-'i:n ~Tp T -;er-- 1WO 'ines of a nivarian! eqiiiii'~r-i i w! +c the t - an~' - he ne PI P- f .-, r n T), s o~-: t s sol id S'_" j 0 11 S the ~-,ase- M,7 T s ori-e -t r ;~,n t ~e s i de o' ti,e binarv svst-r, r-rr t *.t t on witi; e -ons ,art teliuri= content of &~ at. toward excess antimony, and u the -y phase--a wide region of solid solutions between the y phases of the binary systams. Orig. art. has: 12 figures. .ASSOCIATION! Insti-tut metallurgii im. A. A. Daykova (institute of Metallurgy) SUBV.ITTTD: Mec64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: K MM ;NO fEF SOV: 009 OTHERt 009 ~2/2 r-- - :ij_ t ;ACCESSION-M: AP5012971 UR/0076)65/010/605/~l~266/1116S.:.-i-I.;;.*.-.,-', AUTHOR: Shelimova, L. Ile. - Abrikovs-ov, N. 1~-i. Zhdanova, V. V. W TITLE: The Ge .-To sy,;t(m,'1n the region of the compound C,-, --Zhi $O-UR- CE.,;,11 5. 1965, 1200-1205 -7 _7 _-4 T -A Z I ell go 61-m-alloyi, Ulu uWal 0Y i Phase- flu te agr -E YS j~ re an 0: oitji.,d~'Getq- ana the* qhangLeL-fn_t1 We- FhcrA6geh, he t S__ it f.'on f r6m the C Cog t tran rhoinbohecL-al- -to- -thti c xic- WeM in,restigated in Ge.-Te alloys conti;i1lirg from 49 to 52 at. Te (with inem- n t s C) -C-. ' at, % Te). va- used -.,c. identif)r t~e phases in the various alloys. Peating curves wem racorded by diffemejitial tj'jemal anallysis a"ter t-ie alloy-z. had be-m annealed :'or 97t) 'Ir jit 4000C~ clis-~~.nct endothermic ef- fects borresponding to -the pbase trims3tion ve-ve displayi~d bj~ thoGee ", rVes. The -Cq,1qarje in, ---:~he_ tempura-.une witll-! composition was also determinei di- V :b,,,1ent_-vf -_-~thermal- a --as-a--ftmetion -f,- microstmetural anal temperature. On the basis of the themal anetlysis, Card 1/3 77 20 2.~; 155012971 SSTOX N11: A.. A- d was platte.. in v ie 17- ty -of #ion les $0 $0 ~~bomc eneit f #Kov - MUM P U _ eTe+ Tehas m ltin g point of 0:*.:L, 8-0 k; Xe~roy'diffmct on-mas-med to' -iWliis~w~ tbe iiattice c onstant of the cubic .M---d 1( ion wit if Of Gne h the compositim- at 6(,00C, kt)rip. art. lias: c~ fjTu re s and 4-:ables Ql T J_1.1 7 Cii none SUBMIT'MD:, ENCL: -.-7.0i. SUB CODE: IC 70 NO REF SOV,. 001 OTHER: 003 3 2f t~ . id, analysis 1790-!~ LYKC) .-,-JD--- S AP5022247 UR/0363/6510011007/1021/1024' A CCE S16N NR. 546.80191-165:536.495 AUTHOR: Abrikosov. N. Kh.*, TOM M. G.; Kuliyev, A. ._D.; Shakhtakhtinskiy, A4 TITLE: Thermoelectric properties of anftmony-arsenic sotid solutions SOURCE: AN BSSR. Izvestiya, Neorganichaskiye materialy, v. 1, no, 7, 1965; 1021-1024 TOPIC TAGS: thermoelectromotive force, solid solution, antimony alloy, arsenic, bismuth alloy, electric conductivity, thermoelectric property ABSTRACT: Antimo I-arsenic~_61id solutions containi up to 19.5% As, prepared from the elements, were used to grow single crystalsowhose electrical conductivit d, thermo-emf (c() , and Hall emf were measured. At room temperature, both 6' and c(decrease with rising arsenic concentration. Since in the Sb-As system the carrier concentr:tionti irtually independent of composition, the drop in Lf is due to a decreas in 4e varrier mobility, which in turn is caused by the dis- tortion of the-lattice y the arsenic. In contrast to Bi-Sb solutions, Sb-As solutions were found to have no magnetoresistance at low magnetic field strengthes In the 100-300K temperature range, the thermo-emf rises with.*the temperature in both 13ure antimony and the solid solutions, hole conduction being priserved. In ~Card- -L 2790-M --------- ACCESSION NR: AP5022247 contrast to the Bi-Sb system, no semiconducting properties are displayed by the Sb-As system down to the liquid nitrog!an temperature; this difference may be due to the greater overlapping of the bandii of arsenic and antJmony, which may allz-o account for the metallic nature of the conductivity in tho temperature range studied. Orig. art, has,., 5 figures. ASS019LATION: Institut MAL Akademii nauk Azerb,_SSR (Institute of Phy Acadi=y of Sciences,", herb. SSR) TTED., OMW,,.-,'-~~' SUMME CM 00 SUB CODE: SS IC NO MT SOVO 005 -OTHEM. 005 card 2/2 L 7912-66 EWT(~m)/vrc/giG(m)/T/Ewp(t)/EWP(b)/EWA(c) IJP(c) RUVJ1JD1JG, A(,TWff--.WPS025779' SOURCE CODE: UR/0363165/001/000/146 211467 AUTHOR: Abr MEPT~so _K_h.; Zargaryan, V. Sh. V7, Y 7, 41 1 ORG: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykova (Institut metallurgii) TITLE: Alloys and phase diagram of neodymium- tellurium systems SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 9, 1965, 1462-1467 TOPIC TAGS: neodymium alloy, tellurium alloy, phase diagram f T' 0 . Y1t'!i'-; ~~ ABSTRACT: The materials investigated were synthesized from neodymium and tellurium, the impurities in which did not exceed 0. 5 and 0. 0676, respectively. The srathesis was carried out in two section quartz ampoules. One section was filled with finely ground metallic neodymium and the other with tellurium. This prevented direct contact of.the reagents which could cause an explosion. After evacuation to 10-4 mm Hg, 'the ampoule was sealed and placed in a horizontal tube furnace with two heating zones. The ampoule was rotated inside the furnace Card 1/2 UDC: 541. 123, 2!546. 657124 .66 A '91f. AP5025779 0 at 25-30 rev/min. The furnace temperature was raised slowly to 700-950 C at a rate of 200 degrees/hour. The zone of the furnace with the section of the ampoule containing the neodymium was at a temperature 100-120 C lower than that contain- ing the part of the ampoule with the tellurium. The ampoule was rotated for 4-5 hours up to complete volatilization of the tellurium. The resulting powder appear- 1 ed homogeneous; this was confirmed by x-ray analysis, The method permitted synthesis of compositions with up to 75 atom, telluriurr, The powder was melted in tantalum crucibles b'obtain solid samples for analysis. Solid samples of stoichiometric composition corresponding to the following compounds were obtalnm ed: NdTe, NdqTe4, Nd2Te3, Nd4Te7, NdTe2, Nd2Te5, and NdTe3. Results of chemical analysis of these neodymium tellurides are shown in a table. The arti- cle also describes a method for thermal analysis of the neodymium- tellurium alloys using tungsten rhenium thermocouples; heating was done with a high fre- quency generator. Based on the results of the thermal analysis and a microstruc-, i tural anal~ysis, a diagram of state is constructed for the neodymium- tellurium system. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 tables r'SUB CO IC, MM/ SUBM DATE: 21May65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF- 005 I Card 2/ bb tb---xa(%V-ETWVtW0A*)/WPWk W.- --- --- 50D - ~!-002231 - SOVRCE CODE: IIR/036.1/65/001/61.2/2151/2153 AUTTIOR: Abrikosay. N. Kb Y21REftna, Ye. 1. - P22ffal M. A. ORG, Instl Q1 MetnUagY im. A. A.-Dak2y (Institut metallurgil); Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Techn212Ly _1m. M. V. Q-mqqqs~qv __ (Aloskoysidy institut tonkay khtmicheakoy te TITLE: Study of the PbTe-9b, Te system SOURCE: AN USSR. c iya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 12, 1965, 2151-2153 TOPIC TAGS: lead compound, antimony compound, telluMum compound, solid solution, P,qi)jf! 191VA I. Y-54S ABSTRACT: Microstructural and thermal analyses were used to study the PbTe-8b.Te system, and a ]*se diagram of the latter N%ras plotted (see Fig. 1). It was shown tliat R3 V, Fig. 1. Phase diagram of the PbTe-Sb2T03 SYStOM' 10,#"MY0 rot UDC. 54(;.851241+546.861241 NR: AP6001231 single ternaxy compound Pb Sb Teu is formed in the system at 587C. The composition cor- responding Io the peritectic$ok coincides with the composition of the compound. The ternar) compound fcrms a eutectic with a solid solution based on Sb Te at an SI)aTe,, content of 61 mole % and 9. temperature of 582C. The e2dstence of region's R solid soluti7ons of SbTe,, (up to 3 mole %) In PbTe and solutions of PbTe (up to 2 mole %) in Sb,Te. at the same temperature wasestablished. Some rxoDerties of-the- compound_Pb^Teu- were deter,,nined-. - m. p. - 587C- 51. 0 kg/; X6. I x 10-3 cal/cm seo g; 6 504 ohm-' cm-t. Orig. art. has: H A iA figures and 1 table. 'SUB CODE: 07, 11 SUBM DATE: 28JuI65 / ORIG REF.- 006 / OTH REp: 005 N1*1'tM)/b-WFM/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NRt hP6029a1;EJ SOURCE CODE- UR/0363/66/002/00(1/1416/1428 AUTHOR: Abrikosov, H. Kh.; Skudnova, Ye. V.; Poretskaya, L. V.; Pavlova, N. 0. ,ORG: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov (Institut meta urgii) ,TITLE: Investigation of the quarternary system In-Sb-Cd-Sn in order to determine the phase. equiUbria at the InSb-CdSnSbz cross secti-on - - - SOURCE: A4 SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 8, 1966, 1416..1428 TOPIC TAGS: phase diagram, phase structure, phase equilibrium, phase analysis, indium, antimony, cadmium ABSTRACT: The object of the study was to determine the phase equilibria at the cross section of' the In-Sb-Cd-Sn system which involves InSb and an alloy composed of 50 mol I CdSb and 50 mol % SnSb. The composition of this alloy corresponds to CdSnSbZ, a non- existent compound. The samples for the study were prepared by fusing mixtures of pure components in evacuated quartz ampo)Aes at 700-8000C. Depending on specific canposi- tion, the alloy samples were homo ized by holding for at least 2000 hrs at 450, 400, 320, or 3000C. The phase diagramaiare presented for all binary and ternary systems i~- cluded in the In-Sb-Cd-Sn system. The results of the microstructure analysis and mic* hardness for all systems investigated are tabulated. The InSb-(CdSnSbz) and the CdSb-1. -SuSb crous sections were found to be non-quasibinary. The CdSb-SnF alloy was found'~ UDC: 546.682+546.86+546.811+546.48 1/2 L 06574--67 ACC NR: AP6029815 to be c(xnposed of two independent O-Iphases: Sn-Sb and CdSb(Cd4Sbs). The enalysis of the InS.D-(CdSnSb2) cross section showed that at 3000C there exists an equilibrium amo~l InSb, O-phase, 01-phase, and CdSb(Cd4Sbs). This cross section was found also to oon~'~: tain less than I mol % CdSnSb2. Orig. art. has: 11 figures, 3 tables. SUB CODE: tl.~20/ SUBH DATE: OlFeb66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 006 L,gard 7 IA.UTIHCRs Abrikosov, N-, Eh.1 Bankina, V. F. IORG: Metallurgical Institute im. A. A. Baykov AN SSSR (Institut metallurgii AN SSSR) =ILE: Change. in the heat conductivkt y of the crystal lattice during the ordering 1process in the compound BiZTe2Se ;SoURCE.- AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye, materialy, v. 2, no. 11, 1966, 12076-2077 ITOPIC TAGS: bismuth containing compound, tellurium containing compound, selenium icontaining compound, heat c,.)nductivity, crystal lattic,e ABSMACT: The samples were prepared by melting, in evacuated quartz ampoules, the compounds Bi2 T03 and Bi.Se, in a ratio of 2:1, with subsequent quenching in ice water. The alloys were then annealed in an argon atmosphere for*a period of I month, and were again quenched in ice water. During this annealing the samples were brought into an equilibrium state and measurements were made of their heat conductivity, their electric resistance, and their thermo-emf. After this, the samples were subjected to low temperature annealing at 300, 200, and 1000C. After 1-2 hours, the samples ware quenched in ice water, and their properties ware AZain measured. It was established that there is a decrease in the heat conductivity of the crystal lattice of an alloy Card 1/2 UDC., 546.3-19-.87-24-Z3;536,Z r~ _12 n - - ACC NR, 012 2 63-/-2109 AP7002396 SOURCE CODE IURJ 0363 r6616021 1 AUTHOR: Shelimoval L. Ye.; Abrikosovp N. Kh.1 Zhdanovap V. V.; Sizov, V. V. ORG: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykovq Academy of Soiencesp SSSR (Institut metallurgii Akademli nauk 5555R) TITLE1 Study of the systems FbSe-GeSe and GeSe-GeTe SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Noorganichoskiya materialy, v. 2l no. 12, 1966, m3- 2309 TOPIC TAGSt lead compound, selenide, telluride, germanium compound) phase transition ABSTRACT: The phase equilibria and solid solutions in the systems PbSe-G-Se and GeSe-GeTe were studied by thermall microstructuralg x-ray and dilatometric analyses ini the 20-6200C range. It was found that the PbSe-GeSe system is not a quasi-binary sec-1 tion of the ternary system Go-Fb-Se. The polythermal section of GeSe-GeTn showed the existonce of a continuous series of solid solutions at temperatures near the solidus. Phase transforyaatiozis at low temperatures connected with tht polymorphism of GeSe and GeTe itere investigated, and the boundaries of solid solutions were d~ternined in both' systeras. Orig. arts hast 7 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DATES 25Dac63/ ORIG REFS 003/ OTH REF1 007 546.815'231+546-2891231 Card 1/1 UDCI..546.2891231+546.2891241 A6,11h05OV, 5.1 GAMBUIIT5ZVA~ A., LCATREV, P. F. and 3311APOSITIMOV, P. "The Effect of the n1umination of the Human Skin on the Adaptation rZ Peripherx%l Vision", Dok1 AN SSSR, Vol. 2, No. 1/2, 1934. ZASLAVMT, LoD.; LMIKOSOV, 3.1h. ~ ~ Arteriography in spontaneous gangrene during life. Vqst. khir. 71 no.l: 32-34 1951- (CIJU, 20:8) 1. Of "is Faculty Surgical Clinic (Head-L.D. Zaelavskiy), Arkhangel'sk State liedical Institute (Director-S.N. Gilldenokiolld)., PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5139 Abrikosov, S. V., A. P. Alekseyev, N. M. Zotov, G. F. Kudryashov, 1T-.-r.-__1oapov, V. P. Lebedevand Ye. Ye. Chekmenev Benzoelektricheskiye i dizell-elektriche8kiye agregaty moshchnostlyu ot 0.5 do 400 kvt; spravochnik (Gasoline- and DieBel-Engine Electric Generat..,ng Sets, 0.5 to 400 kK Capacity; Handbook) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 543 p. Errata slip inserted. 7,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): V. P. Lebedev, Enginee.r; Reviewer: Ye. A. 14eyerovich, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: V. I. Rybakova, Tech. Ed,: T. F. Sokolova; Managing Ed. for Informatiou Litera- ture: I. M. Monastyrskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for technical personnel con- cerned with the design and operation of electric generating sets. COVERAGE: The handbook contains technical data on gasoline- and Diesel-engine electric generating sets with a capacity of 0.5 to 400 kw. Prime movers, electric generators, and electrical C 4r-d_-+/Er 86737 S/12o/6o/ooo/oo6/012/O45 %YJ 0 0 E032/E314 AUTHOR: Abrosimov, A.T. TITLE: A Large-area Scintillation Counter for the Recording of Cosmic-ray Particles PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No. 6, pp. 48 - 51 TEXT: A description is given of a cosmic-ray particle counter using a polystyrene-base plastic scintillator. The plastic scintillator was ihthe form of a cylinder, 670 mm did and 55 mm long. T06'scintillator had the following composition: 0%. 9* polystyrene, 1% paraterphenyl and 0.03% 1.4-di-[2-(5-phenyloxamciyl~-benzene. In order to prepare plastic scintillators of such large dimensions, use was made of high-temperature polymerisation without catalysts and a special appEratus was built for preparing the scintillators under laboratory conditions. Special checks were made of the quality of the plastics by chemical analysis and the scintillations obtained by identical piLastic scin-tillators were compared, using the method described by Medvedev et al (Ref. 6). Various reflectors were tried and Card 1/3 86737 S/12o/60/000/006/012/o45 EO32/E3i4 A Large-area Scintillation Counter for the Recording of Cosmic-ray Particles agreement with the theoretical predictions for a "thin absorber" (R69ni, Ref. 9). Acluiowledgments are expressed to G.B. Khristiansen for assistance and G.V. Bogoslovskiy for help in building the electronics apparatus. There are 4 figures and 10 references: 3 English and 7 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut yadernoy fiziki MGU (Scientific Research Institute for Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: November 30, 1959 Card 3/3 ABRIXOSOV, Aleksey Ivanovich (1875-1955), akademik; STRUKOV, A.I., prof., otv. red.; RYVKIND, A.V., prof., rod.; SEROV, V.V., dotq., red.; ABRIKOSOVA F D , kand. med. nauk; KUSEVITSKIY, I.A., r?d,izd- va; ULIYANOVA, O.G., tekhn. red. (Allergy and problems of pathology)Allargiin i voprosy pkcolo- gli. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 487 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-koi-respondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SS!SR (for Strukov). (ALLERGY) (PATHOLOGY) VOINOV, M.S.; KIRIILLOV, O.N,; KOZLOVA. MX; CHZHAO, A.Ye. [Chao, A.B.]; --ADRXQ3GU,Z&S.,-red.; AMBARTSUMW. Z.X., red.; VASILIVSWA, V.A.. red.; DROZDOVA, N*No,,red.; ZHAK, D*K*, red.; KESSBNIKH, Vo%, redo; KOPMVA# q9I9, 'red.; IWASEWA, Z.P., red.; SMIRNOVA, B.A., red ; TIMOSHWO, G.G., red.; KHREMOVA, A.A., red.; KHELIKSKAYA, L.M:O tekhn, red, rCajalog for distriart libraries] Katalog raionnoi biblioteld. L Sec.63. [AVIoulturel Sellskoe khoziaistvo. Izd-3-, dop. i perer. Moskva. 1957. 163 p. (XLRA 11:8) 1. Mosoow. Publichnaya biblioteka. (Bibliography-A,griculture) BELAVENTSEVA, G.N.. BOGATOVA. G.P.. 1XVIVA.S.S., FASEDKIYA. B.A.. POMINA, Yr,.N., -red.; ABRIXOSOVA, F.S., red.; AMBARTSUKYAN# red.; VASIIXVSXAYA. V.A. red.; DROZDOVA, ZHAK, D.L. red.; XOPXLOVA, G.10, red.; IEVASMWfi, Z.P.,red.; RnWOVA, B.A., red.; TIMOSH3=0, G.G., red.; KHRHNKOVA,A.A.,red.; KELEMSKATA, L.M., takhn.rqd. [Catalog for district libraries. Classes: Natural sciences - 5; Medecine- 61; Geographv - 91] Katalog rAionnoi biblioteki. Otdely-' 5 eatestvoznanie, 61 meditsina. 91 geografia. Izd. 3.. dop. i perer. MoskvA, 19~8. 215 P. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Moscow. ftbliehnaya bibliotaka (Bib]. iograph~--medic ine) (Bibliography--GeogrAphy) (Bibliography-Science) ABRIKOSOVAP F.S.; AN)ARTSURTAN, Z.H.: VASILKVSKATA, V.A.; DROZDOVA, N.N.: KESSERIKH, V.N.; KDPZWVA. G.I.; LWASEXTA, Z.P.; SWRNDVA, B.A.; TIWSHKM, G.G.-, KHRMOVA, A.A.; I~DVANSKIT, I.P., [Catalog of a district library] Katalog raionno~ biblioteki, Section 6:[Tachnology] Tekhnika. Izd. 3.. dop. i parer. Moskva, 1958. 263 p. (MIRIL 12:Z) 1. Moscow. PubllchnayA biblioteka. (Bibliography--nTechnology) JBKLMSOV, I.A., ECOISHST9 F.A., 113NISIMCH, V*V*#'&HUl0Dv Ur, L.O*p UUNIN, N.A., HIRCHINK, N.Y., MUSTATINDT, A X., iA~kVKXN, V.D. OOAMMV, O.N., HDVNIN, L.I., TROTIM, A.A., Plaw oil anti gas rtilgions in the UMR* AbstrocL In the Introductory port of the report the pro. graphic characteristics and specific features of oil and gross In geological oil and got exploration work in the bearing capacity have been considered. A brief coscrip- USSR, objectives of oil and gas industry in the current lion of some newly discovered oil and got fields from the Seven-Year Plan and in connection with the perspective point of view of their position in the general tectonic plan plan up to 1980 inclusive hove been briefly described. have been given; a brief lithologic characteristic of rocks. Further, charaderittics of now oil and gas regions and collectors and conditions of occurrence of !oil and goo now fields hove been cited. Now oil and gas regions of (types of traps) hot boom brought in. the Permian Pro-Urol, Bashkir ASSN, Tolor AS$k Azorboi. The report points out the importance of each now oil and ion SSR, western port of Kazak SSR, Turkmen SSP, Uxbok t gas area and separate fields In the light of perspectives ove boon reviewed. Toclo. SSk Siberia and the For East, of further geological exploration work bond Increase In nic position of each of these r ions as well as their stroll. oil and gas production. for the 6th Vor)A rt to be Imbloittoolli PetnUm ColgresS, Yftnkfurta . rep West Vermly' X946 Jai* 196) of DMI 'AGM ANP in zk P. T4w. IL of Qm pkwa AM m sumbW to an tA as Of a hals- CWKW 0 A 04WbMt 04 ATA%fir vol"m suffm is ~ - r 41 A aw rscow .6 gfl "V& Ike* RPPMKIA Ow lair b Fac H-l (Fft mokcWu attracdoe, kast dkwm). Sm Imm" mumnow of ft N*Mdw saw- do n I%k*n of &MM MUM V. m I . , TTr 7 - - -.- - - -~4vr-- i -u 31 'PUV-,TrS CARD 1 2 PA 1405 q Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 30, faso.6, 993-1006 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1405 plane, the other had the shape of a spheric-! lens. Measuring was carried out in air and i*Vacuum, but measuring in a vacut is of greater accuracy. The vacuum used corresponded to an air pressure of fro, 1.10-1 mm torr to several mm torr. The scale:3 used should have a high directing oment and should nevertheless be very sensitive. This difficulty may be overc( e by a method which resembles ne- gative back-coupling. The shifting of the scE a balance from the state of equi- librium generates an electric current. The la ter causes electromagnetic re- action which forces the balance scale back into the state of equilibrium. Wext, the schoute and the working principle of the device, above all of the scales and of the photoelectric transmitter, are described in detail on the basis of drawings. Molecular attraction is, owing to back-coupling, automatically put equal to the moment which acts upon the frame in the magnetic field and is pro- portional to amperage. By measuring amperage it is possible to determine the re- quired force of molecular attraction. There follows a discussion of the following items: Regulation of distance, self-oscillations, constructional shape of the measuring device, and gauging of the scales. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Science in the USSR. !I k), \\ , \ - - -- , , II I - SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 ?A - 1366 AUTHOR DERJAGIN, B.V., ABRIKOSOVA, I.I. TITLE Direct MeasurinnTTnr'KVMdMt Attraction among Solids in the Vacuum. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad Naukq 108, fase.2, 214-217 (1956) Issued: i / 195-6- reviewed. 10 / 1956 Pre,-vious measuring of molecular attraction occurring between two solid bodies (plate and spherical lens) in air as a function of the interspace H between them was made very difficult by the viscosity of the air in the space between them. The cause of this is discussed on the basis of the equation of motion of the scale balance. In spite of these difficulties a number of measurements wan sucoasofully ourried Out With a sufficient degree of reproducibility. The influence exercised by con- cussiona was successfully reduced to a minimum by the ereotion of a device on an amortization platform which, in turn, was placed upon a cement base. In ordor to attain better stabilization of the interspace E, a two-mirror system was used. Por the: radical simplification of measuring and increasing its accuracy, a de., vice for the carrying out of measurements in the vacuum was constructed. At from 10-1 to 1-3 mm Hg it was possible to reduce the time constant to fractions of a second in spite of the fact that the damping necessary for the prevention of self- oscillations was conserved. Measwring results are entered into a diagram (abscissa - lg H, ordinate - 1g F), The reproducibility of measurings separated from one another by long periods MzBs--rervfA of :r-,.,!rcuU-r attraction al, ~c*i M, Molecular Forces Measured 25,-7-16/51 ly as the two objects approach each other. The article contains 11 pictures and 1 photo. ASSOCIATIONt Institute oil Physical Chemistry, USSR Acaderfly of Sciences (Institut fizicheBkoy khimii AN SSSR) AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORSw. Deryagin, B. V., Abrikosova, 1. 76-32-2-31/38 TITLE". The Direct Measurement of the Molecular Attraction of Solids (Fryamyye izmereniya molekulyarnogo prityazlieniya tverdykh te! FERIODICAL'. Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958s Vol. 32, Nr 2, pp. 44-2-453 (USSR). ABSTRACT'. Summarizing, the following is :5tated. 1. - The authors found a method for the measurement o. r the forces of interaction of comparatively smooth transparent solid bodies in dependence on thu distance between them; this method is performed by means~of beam microbalances with negative photoelectromagnetic feedback. The distance between the bodies is computed according to the diameters of Newton rings. The range of measured forces is I - 2*lo- 4 - 2o dyn, the distance is lo-5 - lo-3 cm. 2. - The molecular attraction between the quartzglass samples was stated and measured. The energy of attraction between two platelets u (H) per I cm4 changes with the distance H between them accor= ding to a law.-closely proportional to 11-3 and amomts to about Card V 4 1,10-1yerg at H - 1,5.1c~s cm. The Direct heasurement of the Molecular 76-32-2-31/3$- Attraction of Solids measurements (also within the limits of experimental errors) coincide with Ye. L.. Lifshit's theory. According to this the forces in these cases with the same distances are 4 - 5 times greater than in the case of the quartz-quartz pair. 8, - As long as the H-4 lawfor u (H) of London-Ramaker (references 4 and 7) follows as a boundary case from the theory of Ye. M. Lif= shit for small distances., where the electromagnetic retardation does not become manifest, the proof of this theory makes it possible to apply the corresponding H-;a lawto small distances. The deviation from the H-4 lawobserved with great distances (10-5cm) tending towards a decrease points at a small influence of molecular forces on the coagulation velocity of aerosols with a particle diameter exceeding 3*10 5cm, 9- - The authors point out that the values of measurement for the forces of molecular attraction between the bodies in the experiments of J. Th. G. Overbeek and M. I. Sparnay (references 3 and 14) exceed the theorem tical values cz well as those of the authors by 3 - 4 orders of magnitude; this is apparently the case because in these measure= Card 3/4 ments the effects not connected with molecular forces did not show The Direct Measurement of the Yolecular 76-32-2-31/38 Attraction of Solids up. lo. - The results obtained with quartz samples coincide with the results of the measurements of Y. A. Kitchener and A. P. Prosser (carried out according to the method of Overbeek and Sparnay) (reference 15~ '~ references, 11 of which ar- Soviet. There are lo figures, and 2 ASSOCIATION: AS USSR, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Moscow (jUcademiya nauk SSSR,Institut fizicheskoy khimii,moskva) SUBKITTED: June lo, 1957. 1.. S.olid.b--The'ory.'2. Molecules--Electromagnetic properties 3. Microbalances--Equipment C ard 4/4 53-64-3-5/8 AUTHORS: Deryagin, B. V., Abrikosova, I. I. Lifshits, Ye. It. TITLE: The Molecular Attraction of Condensed Bodies (molekulyarnoye prityazheniye kondensirovannykh tel) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Vol. 64, '1r 3, PP- 493-528 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present survey is divided into: introduction, the theories of molecular interaction between micro-objects, a:nd a cri- ti~ of their use with macro-objects, the theory of molecular attraction between condensed bodies, the method of measurement (the principal scheme of measurement, the objects of measure- ment, the microweights with inverse binding for the measure- ment of the interaction force between solids, the beam of ba- lance, compensating and follow-up systems, the constructive shape of the apparatus, the process of measurements, the ad- justingg the regulation and calibration of weights, the meth- od of measurement of the distance between the bodies to be investigated, the preparation of the surfaces to be investi- Card 1/2 gated), the results of the measurements. The discussion of The Molecular Attraction of Condensed Bodies the results (the analysis of the parison with theory, a comparison of molecular attraction, the use and in the theory of dampbn~ng). tablev and 27 references, 12 of which . 4 : -, . I I .. . i-. MOl6cu'I'es'-"-'Mdg-'~e"f'ic properties 53-64-3-5/8 measurin.- results, the com- with the macroscopic theory in the theory of coagulation There are 19 figures, 1 are Soviet. 2. 1:31ecules--Theory Card 2/2 M. A. tr' fl, with cn-96nt, CLIO-, And of the vrater and addins. to it at E!,O , 7F, :;~: t:o! to rau.;E! dvalh 'I he -ever) aittr t-ta --I - to t J,~:r- U~ t, oloral it Wilt( the tox_ 4AR , i,4 Inclabd sill 1, sius Im tram day5, Tht ; mcz:~i -Y il0;Ir; rcsslor-Qd but cry blowly inr r-vqtdrc-". .1 util;l:a- v k ion of 0. The latto~T rr..,zcl:t3 a ma~ i:~*i:-, a jew days aftcr txpc-4u c 114 -0; acleo~~', y ZHMUR, V.A., prof. (Moskva, B. Xaluzhsk&-va, ul; d.8),ABRIKOISOVA, M.A. Sphygmographic observations on arteriovencrus anpstomoses between the meain blood vesslese Yest.khire 81 no,9:140-143 S158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Iz Instituta grudnoy khirurgii (clir. - prof* A.N. Bakulev) ANN SSSR. (YISTULA, ARTERIOVENOUS, physiology blood pressure measurements (Rua)) (BLOOD PRESSURE, in various diseases arteriovenous anastomoses between bain blood vessels (Rua)) ABRIKOSOVA, M.A.; KARPW, V.L. (Moolua) Normal standards of the sphygm0gram and the velocity of the pulse vave in the peripheral vesselo. Pat.fiziol. i eksp.terap. 3 no.6t 47-53 N-D '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz laboratorii klinicbeskoy fiziologii (taveduyushchiy - akademik AN USSR prof. To. B. Babskiy) Inutituta normallnoy i patologichaskoy fiziologii ANN SSSR). (PULS11) ABRIKOSOVAI M.A. (Moskva, A-55, Novoslobodskaya ul., d-5V65jkv.39) Change in tho hemodynarnics of the greater circulation following mitral comivsurotorq. Grud.kbir. 2 no.2% 43-47 Mr-Ap'60. (MIRA 160) 1. 1z laboratorii 41inicbeekoy fiziologii (zav.-akademik AN McrSSR Ye.B.Babskij) Indtituta normallnoy ipatD3,ogicheakoy, fiziologii AM SM (dir.-daystvitelinyy chlen AMN L9= V.N.ChernJgovskiy).#i"a- kulltatskoy khirargichookcor kliniki (dir.akademik J..N.Bakulev) Il Moskcrvskogo iaeditsbwkogo instituta i InstitutA grudnoy khintrgii AMN'SSSH (dir.-prof. S.A.Kolsonikor) (BLOOD-CIRCUUTION, DISORDERS OF) (MITRAL VALVE-STJRMM) ABRIKWOVAt M.A, Study of the pulse of the peripheral arteries in patients with ob2iterating andarteritis. Klin. mad. 38 no. 2:105-110 F 16o. (MIRA 34: 1) (ARTERIES-DISMES) (PUISE) ABRISOSOVA M.A.; YJiRPW)' V,L. (Moakva) Greater blood circulation and some mechanism3 of compensation in patent ductus arteriosus. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 no.1:22-28 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 150) 1. '1z laboratorii klinicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AN USSR Ye.B., Babakly) Inotituta normallnoy i patologichookoy fiziologid. (dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR V.V. Parin) AM11 SSSR i fakulitatskoy khirurgicheskoy klinikJ. (dir. - akademik A.E. Fakulev) Il Moskovskogo meditsinskogo J.nBtituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION) ABRIKOSOVA, M.A. Hemodytamic effect of uurgical treatment of patent ductus arteri- osuo. nirurgiin no.1845-50 t62. (IMIA 152U) 1, Iz laboratorii klinicheskoy fiziologii (gave - akad, AV UkrSSR Ye.B. Babskiy) Instituta. normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dlr. - deystvitellnyy oblen AM SSSR V.V. Parin) MIN SSSR i falaaltetskoy kh:irurgicheskoy klin:Uci II PbOrtovskogo gosudarst- vennogo meditsiiskogo instituta imeni 1~1.j. Pirogova (zav. - akad. A.T - Bakulev). (DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS--SURGERY) (BT-DOD.-CIRCULATIM) KAMIAV, V.L.1 ABRIKOSM, MJq- GLEZth, G.A. Hydrodynamic mechanisms of increased arterial blood pressure in hypertension. Terap.arkh- 34 no.3:28-35 162. (MIRIL 15:3) le Iz laboratorii. klinicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - akad. Ali UkrSSR prof., Ye,,B. Babskiy) Instituta nom-* allnoy i patologichook6y fiziol logii, (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN MR prof.'V.V. Parin) AMN SSSR i Inatituta terapii (dir. deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Myasnikov) AWT SSSR. (MERTENSION) (BLOOD PRM, SURE) ~; IOFFEp L.A.; 04 KARPHANP V.L.,; AERIKOSOVA, )L.A ENIHAp 'K.8,; SADOVSKAYA.. GOV. Contractility of the Trqocardium in cardiac aneurysms. Kar4lologiia 2 no.3s35-40 My~e 162. (Mly. 16 1i Iz laboratorli klinicheskoy fiziologil (zav, - akademik AN UkrSSR Ye.B.Babskiy) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiz!kologii (dir. - deystvitel,nyy chlen AHN SSSR V.V.Parin) ANN SSSR i Instituta terapii (dir. - deystvitellpyy cheln AMN SSSR A.L."nikov) ANN SSSR. (HEART-Z-ISEASES) (ANEURYSM) KARP,',ViN, V.L.; ABRIKOSOVA, M.A. Study of the rate of the spread of the pulse wave in the human aorta. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 54 no.8:111-114 Ag 162. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Iz laboratorii klinicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - akademik AN Pki-SSR Ye.B. Babskiy) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fi:siologii (dir. - deysivitellnyy chlen A~T SSSR V.V. Farin) AWI SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom ATI SSSR V.V. Parinym. ABMOSOI,"-A., M.A.; BREDIKIS, Yu.1. Hismodynamic effect of electrical stimulation of the heart in pathologically low rhythms. Ter. arkh. 35 no.7t48-55 J1163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kliniki fakul'tetskoy kbirurgii imeni S.I*Spasokukots- kogo (dir. - akademik A.R. BaIntlev) II Moskovskogo mpditsin- skogo instituta Ineni N.I.Pirogovas ABIUN, S. G. Abrin, S. G. - "Clinical per,.-uliari ties of the stunp at tbo nddile and lower t1drd of the hip fm-, a prostijosic standpoint," Trudy Tsiantr. In-ta proteziroraniya I i protozoutrovoidyal o'lipostulu 31 1949, P- 17)-69 SO: U-1,355, 14 August 53, (Letopis IZ'h1%rna1 Inyl:h Statey, No. 15, 1949.) ABRIN, S. G. 27960. ABRIN, S. G. -- Anatomo-fiziologicheskiye I klinicheskiye obosnovaniya k postrooniyu proteza bedra v oredney i nizhney trati yego. (Tezisy). Trudy pervoy mauch mezhresp. konf-teii po lecheniyu invelidov oteebeetv voyny v Bred. Azti. I.Vshkent, 1949, S. 273-74. SO: Le-topial Zhurnaltnykh Eltatey. VOL 37, 1949. ABRIN. B.G.; IANHYXV, P.I. [Prosthesis ia femoral amputations: a practical manual] Pratezirovanie aq?utirovannykh s kulltei; prakticheHkoe posobie. Mosk-va, 1957. 383 r ~ (MIRA 11:4) (ARTIFICIAL LEOS) POPOV, B,P,, prof,j DIEM , G.Ai, inzh., rod,; ABRIN, S,G., dotsent, red.; KOBRINSKIT, A.Te.. aoktor,'rod.; MCIhODATA, TO.K., prof., red.; ROSHCHIN, G.I,., dotsent. red.; SLAVUTSKIT, Ts.L., kand.biolog,nauk, red.; SHENK, N.A., prof., red. [What one should know about prosthesis] Chto nuzhnO 2nat' o prote21rovanii. Moskva, X-vo sots.obespecheiiiia RSFSR, 1959.. 66 p. (MIRA 13:6) (PROSTHESIS) ABRITAL MARKHILYVICH, IC.;PYATKIN, I. , The antifoggant, affect of benzotriazole. Sov.foto 18 no.12:48 D '58. (MIRA 11-12) (Banzotriazole) (Photographic emulsions) AZRITALIN, V.L. Some now motion-picture films. Tekh.kino i talev. 4 no.4:74-81 Ap 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Hoiton-picture photography-Films) ABRITALINj_V.f_nauohnyy sotmdnik "Watkins factor." So7doto 20 no-3:35-36 Mr 160. (KM 13 :7) 1. Teesoyunyy muchno-jeeledovatsilskly kinofotoinstitut. (Phot ography--Deve loping and develop3ra) ABRITALIN, V., nauchnn aotrudnik Developer acting as a sensitizer. Sov.foto 20 no-7:25 il 160. (MIA 13--7) 1. Naucbno-iseledovateltakiy kinofotoinstitut. (Pbotography-Develoykng and developers) AUTHORS: TIr"LEt 3/081V62/000/004/o63/087 B150P38 I - Markhilevich, K. I., Abritalin V.-L Pyatkin, I. I. .t:~ II - Markhilevich, K. I., Abritalin, V. L. i 10 Investigation of the process for treating a high-densitiyity panchromatic aerial film. I - The operating conditions for treating aerial film in a manual developing apparatus. Ii Increasing the photosenElitiVity and uniformity of development V by cyclic development*of aerial film. III - Sensitometric I investigation of the method of "hungry" developm3nt of aerial films. PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. KhJimiyaq no- 4, 19629 457, abstract 4L429 (Tr. Vees. n.-i. kinofotoin-ta, no. 35, 1960, 110-1161 117-119; 120-125) TEXT: The literature on the development of aerial films is reviewed in connection with the requirements for airial photograph interpretation and to establish the dependence of resoltition.on the range of contrast. The Card 1/? Investigation of the proceseoso S/061/62/000'!004/063/087 B150/Bi38 appropriate length of aerial film and the dovel4irg time are established for a developing apparatus with manual rewinding. A method is suggested for cyclic development by continuous winding of the film from one Opool to the other. It produces excellent reoults with regard to increasing the photosensitivity of the film and the uniformity of development. A sonsito-1 metriclinvestigatlion is madep of a method of development which increases .00i light-sensitivity and includes repeal-,ed steeping of the film in the developers ,v: with subsequent holdinkng between glasses, EAbstraoter's note: Complete: translation.] S/081/62/000/006/065/117 B140108 AUTHORSt I-Jarkhilevich, K. I., Arnolld, Ts. S., Abritalin, V. L. TITLE: Study of the treatment of highly sensitive panchromatia aerial film. IV. The influence of hydrazine on the developing process PERIODICALt Referativnyv zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 505, abstract 6L450 (Tr. Vses. n-i k',no-fotoin-ta, no. 35, 1960, 126 - 136) TEXT: The influence of various hyd,~azine derivatives added to Metolo- hydroquinone developer on the photographic properties of aerial film has been investigated. Some of these derivatives increase the speed of development and the Dhotosensitivitj of the layer with a simultaneous increase in image granularity and fog density. It is possible to select such oonoontrations of hydrazine derivatives that the increase in photo- sensitivity in not followed by an increase in fog density or granularity. Report 1110 see RZhKhim, 4L429. FAbstracter's notes Complete trsnslation~j Card 1/1 ABPITALII',, V.L..; 1-UTITIIEVICK, 11%1. Tcstiln~~ ecrtain aj3 4ntors-lificro of 7httr.rwc!,.3 1,ri'lJot. i 'In. 6 ,.o,/.-25'-'55 so! :11) 1-i-.~cf0tCnotitut ali-O dcw.1op=) ABRITALINO V. Now methods, new possibilities; slimiltaneous developing and fixing of photographic materIalu. Sov.foto 21 no.7:36 J1 161. 0MU 14:7) (Photography-Developing and developers) 31' TALIN ~ V AF, L! Pheii.-Idono deve'lopsi-s. Sov.foto 21 no.12-20--27 D 161. (MIRA 14.12) (Fhotography~-Developing and developers)