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On the Stability of Approximately-determined Periodic Modes (cont. )
13, pp 151- 160). Approximate equations of the disturbed motion are derived by
the harmonic -equilibrium method. On the basis of an analysis of these equations
the author derives the approximate conditions of stability of forced oscillations,
comparing them with the conditions adduced by L. S - Golldfarb (loc. cit. ) and A. I.
LUr've [Nel-oLorvye nelineynyye zadachi teorii avtoniaLicheskogo regulirovaniya
(.Some Nonlinear Problems of Automatic -control Theory). Moscow- Leningrad,
Gostekhizdat, 1951, p 2161 indicated for cases of self-sustained oscillation. The
author sLresses the point Lhat the indications adduced in the text determine the
stability Only under certain specific assumptions, e.g., for systems, differing
little frorn linear ones, which are derived for the border of the stability region by
means of a pair Of purely imaginary roots.
N. N. Krasovskiy
Card 2/2
USSR/Matheinatilcr Re,~,:ulation theory FD-i674
Card 1/1 Pub - 10-10/11
Author Smirnova, I - 111E.
Title ChronicIcs. Seminar on the ri,.athematical problems of the theory of auto-
mAtic regulation
Periodical :oAom. i telem., Vol. 16, 111, Jan-Feb 19519
Abstract Afte-r a year's interruption operations have been renewed by the seminar
orSanized by the Institute of Mathematicr, imeni V. A. Steklov and by the
institute of Automatics and Telemechanics, which is devoted to the mathe-
ruaticall Troblems arising in connection with the development of automatic
regulation theory. In the first session (22 Sep 1954), engineer B. L.
Korobochkin (Machine Factory imeni Ordzhonikidze) reported on problems on
hydra,LLlic servosystems of copying machines. In the second (20 Oct), Prof.
Ye. P. Popov (Leningrad), doctor of technical sciences, read the first part
of his report on harmonic balance applied to approximate studies of self-
excited oscillations in nonlinear automatic regulation systems (cf. DAN
SSSR, Vol- 95, I-To 5, 191,1; Izvestiya All SSSR, ON, No 5, 1954). The third
(3 Nov) was devoted to the report of Yu. I. Neymark (Gor'kiy University)
on the stfoject "Periodic motions of relay systems of automatic regulation.'
In t'l;c fourth session (17 Nov), Prof. Ye. P. Popov read the second part.
USSR/ElectrJe-Ity - Regulation FD-i675,
Card 1 1/1 Pub. 10-11/111
Autho- : Smirnova, I. M.
Title : Letter to the editor
Periodical : Avtom. i telem., Vol. 16, 112, Jan-Feb 1955
Abstract : In her article "Approximate investigation into the conditions for stability
of periodic regimes in automatic regulation systems," published in No 2 for
1945, same periodical, an error was noted by E. M. Son.echnyy in the formula
for the coefficient b2n-1 (page 106), which led to an incorrect construc-
tion of the limit of positiveness of this coefficient for the case K(Jw)
not constant. The correct expressions for the coef-ftbients bi are given
in the preient note.
T( 8 2
S 011/10' - 2 1 - 2 -
Ily-e-rilail, M. A., Gusev, L. A., Rozonoer, L. I.,
Si rii i - i io v a'. I.M., Tall, A. A.
TITLE: Pinite Automatono. I
PEHIODICAL: Avtomatlka 1 teiumeiaian !Ica, P.O(Y Vol 2~' Nv 2, pp
(Ussfi) f
A1!j.';TRA(,'T: ThO aL1tA1CW0 )"IVO fAielv pulnL LC view on the tiieorr ot,
CinlLc auLomatom.;. A I'IiilLe auwmaton 1;~ (IeClned
ao 1-t dynamical jyotem which at certain di6crete
moinciftL; ~iati.-;fleo the L'ollow1rig conditionLj: (1)
Tne 6catc oL' the swotem ij selected from a finite
IlUmb(-~p '~ oL' po~3~;Ible L;tate6 (2) The ~;tate of the
it,,put to Litc, ziystem is ;ulect-ed Vrom a f-in-ite r,:,,Jmbef,
iripLit (3) Ti-ic statE of 11-he ~;ystem
at, unY coii.;idered moment l.; defiti,:A bay t1he
';ta'(2 Of 'UhC ~3W-LAE,Tn and 1-v, state ot' trie at the
1wec-tdiii,,~ moment. The Colluwltij~ are introduced.
Ca--d 1,' 12 (a ) 1' 21 ' * 'I are sl--mboI3 G1' k po:;LAble sYstems
of states. Their totality*,i.. is called a state
alphabet; (b) Pl, P2"'" P2 are symbols of the
r, pc);;3-lble Input states. Their totality( PI is called
ail liiput alphabet. Act-or-ding to the condition
the operation ot* a Cinite automatou Is described
by the ex-pression
, (/,) - 1. 1, (f, -- 1) - !, Q, - 1) 1,
vineve P ij a function witli a sinCle value. The
abotract-Lon introduced by the concept of "finite
automaton" singles out a class of systems in whic.~i
the processes are described riot by differential
UCjM11U-'ions but by 3peclfic equations of type (1).
A CInIte autotriaton may havej(f 1c) possible
(1-ilitput states designated aL; A, 11 2' - - " X, or,
lit t.neiv Lotality deoignated aj an output alphabet-
1:ui,d 2// 12 ~ \, J. in case or an autoriio.ton with an output,
Tnis table i3 called the ba6ic table oi' finitc- autorna"Unon
and may be :3et it) in, tne followiti,,, mariner:a of
s zelected from alpnabeto !, PI and ,iI )'/:Is~etermines
Card 3/12 one case In tine table flosumino: tai~l ;~Ynlbol pailr az
S 0 V/I 62 1 - 2 -
P(p-1) arid V (p-1), arid sinL; Eq. the val-ae
o (p) may ~e. determined atid wr,itten fov the above
Equation (2) also '~iie6 a table
Ford a oeieuted ~,oq,iccice uL' itipuiL slinibl, Table
a u u e ri co f.3-mbo's -n e
Eq. (1). In uili~,; band then2 is a co.-
P I.LILd Je' 1'01' Q~ICil 11'10111eiLt, t. The band 12 called a L; t la t e
band . Thi-ec- ~;ymbol;;, Y (p-1), P(rj-1), und Y-(p),
d (2 C 1 11(2 d , J."-f .(1) by a h(--,Avy on
T: I. I jl 1 1, J) ,Tlwy alv a trtad wIl(---rI Lill.-
1.,~ (It'I'llic-d I)\,-' Et I .( I ) L I Id )';(,I .(I ~ ) ,theii an wit-11:1 L, baild
a,; L,t-,pvc,;cnLecI by Table 11, niu.A. ah;o 1)(2 (.1 c) i -t ~;I d c- id
When, the input --tate doc-L; -lot vary witri time ti-,e
automatoa IL; called LILItOlIOMiC. Equation (1) for thi-,
cz-Ije haj tile I,ovai
ca L'd 5,/ 12
F.I.-ite Automatons 1
w i 1 e ,-. eP(()) lll,,Ltr be "I 1~:ivafneter. The
op.-l-utioll 01. ;Un all ml-ly be vepvesented
I-)"" L poIALL',; to SySteM
mid t-c-prejen't-d bt, lur-c-ow.,; wiilch show th, Lrection
C d-L
rvorii ont. poLnu tLhe othev, In accordance
w 1 t, i Eci . Silicto "L flolla',.luotiomic automaton lia-, v-
inpul ' 6tat, ~1, It. 2uii be rcpvejenLt,,d by r various autonomic
aut.umai,(.)tL.s. ;zr,cjer~ '--he aossumptlot, tliat the r input iitate6
clo not vavy. Me totality of L- gi~.----iphs ilepre6enting the
above. aUtOnr.)ff).lL(l illutarnatono ciiavac~erizes the non-
autoriuriii,2 w.itorwatori. Plk!,ure 6how.: an example of a
t(Aallty oi' Craph,;
G/ 12
0 Vil 0 2 1
Tabic- b" Flj_'. 1.
TA d F
The illtPOdUCt"Oll Of the COW;Of,)k, "firilte autonlatol-i"
po,ses a sevies ol' pcoblemo The bando repre~;ented by
Tables 3 and 4 ZIPU U:JSUrned to be inl'inlte arid cannot
bc7 i-;elQcted. Selected ave the alii-l-or-ithms which
Lictennine the oyinbol Vor, aiiy ca~;e o-V an int'initc, band.
Foil the band r~epr-eL;ented by Tabl(2 3, ti-,e
covreL;pondirig to tirle Lipper, (P ) and to tiie lowei,
( j,' n a A and A, rezipectivel--
liiic, are desii~ ated L; p
"d 12
77 82 8
Similailly, .4 P and A X are t1ae al,,',oritnms oi* ti--e
OUtpUt band, represelited by Table 4. For a --iven
automiaton, trie analysis, i.e., tne de term inat ion of
Ay ov A in accordance w.'th A does not represent
any ;3cienuil`ic oroblem. On thepcoIntrary, ti'le 2ynthesis
ot' an autumaton, i.e., CindIng the E(J. (1) irrorri the
-.,i bard posco several problems . When A
aild AP ai~u known, vhe firz3t problem coi.isists in finding
and A are not con-
an -ul~,,ovlthm pi,oviii,,- that AP
tradictory, i.e., there are no contradictory triads In
the band. Two triads are contradictory wrien their
S 'Mbols p(p-1) and 7~,(p-l) are U-ie same., but when
symbols -V'p) are different. When A and AX are not
contradictory, an algorithm must be found determining
all various triads of the band. Synthesis corresponding
to the outpu t band is a m(,!, complex problem. Here A P
k now - - LI I
aiid A X are , n and the .;,Rber of sta"es V and 'unction
8 28
SOV/103 -21 -2
(43 in ELI. (;~) have to be deuevminea. it is 2tated
that ill CELOC. 01' fill-LILO utate and output bar-Ldj, t.tie
6ynthe~31o problem becomes le6o complex'. To dl~;cuos the
o,ynthej-Lj problem, the 1'ollowln,, -.wicf-~p'L13 are introduced:
(1) The Swrllboi convc-l'tel.. Thl.,, i.; an a~-)~;tvact ar-raniL,"emerit
pt-!v1'ovm.1ti ", Lke Urait~jt'urriiatlon del'iiicd by Eq. (2), (2)
Thc 11-*quLvalent Autumatoiu;. On P-1g. 2, atuomaturi
Fl~~ . '22
A i6 Opt~val:iiiL,.- accoi-d-Di. Uo
the state a1pnabet f a
'p'habet and til Otate
thuL two';iyr bul ,!onverter~i
cioz: alp:iabetfCL and
ALItomaton B has t-e irput
It is assumed
alphabet ~b~ .
Cap) and ba may be selected
Fit-, i ~,E- Au ta torts 1
7 7 82 6
SOV/!Oq -21-2-01-/-1 L
in suc,1-1 a manner ti-iau for any sequence of inpu'.1; symbols
frcmICL the SeqUence of symbols from 'he alp'nabet
a at tiie outpu.t. ot' the combined system CCLP ) BI.
-Il be the same az3 the sequence of 6'tate/-~17mbols
ba~ w"
in .4. In thiz.; case It 6aLd that B 'L6 an -Imaz~e of A
and inay be viritteii us.
When at ~-;ame tiri-ie,
A-/;.I.-I P,
t!ien A urid B are equivalet-it automato,, 'z3 (3) Tne
AbLitvact 'Structu-e of a Finitc Autoul,atoii. An al,rangement
of 6 inrjut iliie~3 u, u at,.d cf n, --enevaii-zed
c o, ~~ sd er - e, dAt momeiftus
coor-dinat,es x,
... ~P3 -aiid ea,-- Co~,,,.,diltna~e ;,,az3
(,-ai,d 10/12
I r 1Y u; I t1) 1, 11 L 1"-, 11: mjl)~IV. IJ ZI 1-2;--, Tht:
Yi (p) . . . . ...
1.611 ~LIKAIW Pt'01'111 j1' LIAI T, u I
Cquatioll of ""Ype (1) cor-ve~;Pond vaf~iUL; C(4LIat]LUIL~:; Uf
t I l'-, t. Y p (~ (U) .Tj ie L I -a i I -,-I i t i o i i f i - a m Lq I )t 3t- h e
equivalc!Ilt E"jj . (b) 10 callc'd a ULC ~jtructu.C-e
OC a CLILUC ZlUtWW-ItOll, and Eq . (6) thera~;elves are
clall~~-d an ab2tvacct StrUctuve (.4"S) of a finite amitomatori.
(41) Tii~, Net .Tnis iL; a totality of AS, intei~eom-iected
'I).,, uIean~; of z3ymboi coIve-ter~; .Based on tne abtDve
conceptj, the aUthOPL; al-vive at t~-ie conclusiqi. that a
finite automullozi may be designed bY cornbininE -'Lnto a net
other L'inite autotuatuns. The de~3ii~n of a rtiultitude
of automaton~j from a z.;inall ClUmber.of initial automaton-
ff elementis" is called ab6tract a~,gregation. A t3et of
AS and convei,Ler;5 i6 called complete, when b mean-s ot
ti,,1:3, 3eu the zieLwoi~ks desio-ned ai,e irnage6 or.azw selected
C-u--d 1- 11
Finite Automatons. 1 77828
automaton. A technically very important complete
set is set-up of the following elements: ~a a binary
delay elemt-:nt, described by the equation x~pi =. z(p-1),
where ,: and z are selected from an alphabet comprisinc,
only two symbols, 0 and l.for example; (b) a set of
logric elements enabling perfol-mance of any lo~;.ical
function. It is shown that from the above set a net
may be designed to be an image of any finite automaton.
(To be continued). There are 4 fig-ures; 6 tab-Les; and
25 references 17 Soviet, i French, 7 U.S. The 5 most
recent U.S. references are: Burks, A. W., Wright, J. B.,
Theory of' Logical Nets, Proc. IRE, No. 4 (1953);
Huffman, D. A., The Synthesis of' Sequental Switchinc,
Circuits, Journ. Francl Inst., Vol 21~ , Nr 3, 4 (19510;
Burks, A. W., Wang, II., The Loj~lc of Automata., Journ.
Assoc. Comp. Mach., Vol 4, Nr 2, 3 (1957); Davio, M. D.,
Computability and Unsoivability, McGraw Hill, New York
(1957); Copi, I. M., Elgot, C., Wright, J. B., Realisa-
tion of Events by Lo,-,ical Nets, Journ. Assoc., Comp.
M,ach., 5, P 181, 111r 2 (ic,)~7,8).
SUBMITTED: Julle 10, 1959 Card 12/12
(,~Y! b~
'.'C " /11) -11 -11 '-1-11/21
Au~ M. A., Gu2evy L. A., Rosonoer-, L. T-j
Tal'', A. A. Moscow)
T ITLE Finite Automatons. II.
PERIODICAL: AvLouiatllca I telemekhanika, 1960, Vol 21., Nr 3, PP 359-
--68 (USSR)
A113MHACT: Dle paper Is a continuation of the article publi3hed
ill ItAvtomatika i telemekhanika, " Vol 21, Nr 2. In
Part II of this article the following problem is
diSCU83ed; an automaton A', operating at a selected
pace of time, T' Is to be formed out of automatons A,
operating at a different pace of time T. In referring
to Part I of the paper, it is shown that this may be
obtained by two methods. According to the first method,'
Z delay elements, operating at pace T, are connected
in series as shown in Fig. 1,
Card 1/4
SO V/1 0 2 1 - 3 - 11/221
. ..........I.............
l'orming, a delay line described by equations
x, (14 := zn~ (1) --- 1),
X .1 00 ~- :'-,, (1, - - 1),
. . . . . . . . . .
X1 (P) ~ it (P -- 1).
The number -9 is a positive integer. It is assumed
that pace T is represented or, the time axis b X equal
intevvali-3 -r and pace T I by equal intervals 1 'r.
When an automaton Is designed by the aggregation method
in such a manner that the delay element with pace T
Is everywhere replaced by the above described lines,
then the resulting automaton still operates at pace T.
However, by registering the Input and the delay line
-on after only 7 sec,
Cat'd "1/4 outnut ymbo.1-9 of this auto,-.iat
F i i A,--~ t 111
t~!'ie automaton with the desired pace may be obtained.
'I"hi-, Sec"-itil triethod is applied to an automaton A, which'r
"he mc!rrierjr- 1-1 () assumes an input state P 0
remaining constant until t 1* During time
t fl-hke automaton operates as an autonomic
see oart I
a. uo rrt a t" c n At t = t 1 the input state
cnanc,es to P 1 and remains constant until t t
0 2-1
~.Nus dei'.-r-Lng a nevi autonomic automaton. At t t2
s-ta,~e changes to P 2` etc. Under the assumption
P I C,
f.r`lat ~he input state
P and 'he states K (t) (see part I)
t ... I tij ... 3
are reg stered only at times t 0 , tij 2-'
art avit-c-Tiaton A: is obtained and is based on the equilib-
rio-m! of autonomic automatons. The pace T1 of
A- if~ def'ined by t oil t 21 etc., and does not depend an
paz~-- ~-f the automaton A. It is shown thall~-. the
Card -Te-~hods may be applied to neurons and to
F i n. it e ~a!-l
S 0
r~lay-ont.acz; systems. By neuron is meant an
-Ie~rter.-- a finite number of inputs and one
'The input and output states are desig-:
na,~zeld ~--nbois from the "aiphabet" 0,11 The
Symoci is singul
arly determined by the input
s 71[,r, nc) -, z~ -.tih ic',; ~= x Is ted -r seconds ago A neuron may
'd- -~ - 11 U
cc-Ei - ed as a finite automaton with only two
P~:sslt I e s -,a 1-1 e s Neurons combined into
networv-7~ -wilhout the use of symbol converters (see
Fal-. 1'. Relay systems may also be considered as
fin~lt7,:- oma tons of the "neuron network" type,
1 ") ~. ~ - -,L.rri. .1
-(:.JEIY 0
" I J " r T' sec being determined by the
~i ~.i r a r~ c, !' t h e relay operation. Conclud-ing remarks
~i-ad~, ~7,zi the possibility of considering a system
des,-Igned at~ to belon., to the class of finite a~itomatons-
`]-,a~ion of the theory of finite automatons is
arip-L - -.1
f-,~-r.riina.ted as soon as equations of type (6), Part I,
arr-~-- vrritten, These equations are then used as a
6asis for ~-ngineering design. There are 5 figures;
and I 1~~ab'Le.
SUBMITTED.- 26, IL959 Card 4/4
i/C Pin
've --K louirngag
C Iq d
-d- qj M, 'T .4s
;-m) --.wn -a -a
AU ,I I t
xq 9 .1l.Tj qt
-tj- I .4~d IVJ -.J.A ..11
uj .-M.. I~d.t Ij '11,0 u,
'pt. T
'4'"' "Z"Al -41 P-1-4 1-91- -U' u0
"Cla- .10. anLno-i
P.TT., .1
it - (S'
C/ Arc/) 0054 W
Y Z _J:' EV, L.k. (1-losk-va); ROZONIO
I ERY L.I. (Moskva)
_T~L4,tT M.A. (Moskva); GUSE
Sj~,,MhIOV-~, 1.*.,. ',.!Dskva); TALIA.A. (Moskva)
AlgoritEride insol"bility of a problem on the recognition of the
repreSeDt,ability of recursive events in finite automata.
lkvtom. i te-lem. 22 no.6.*748-755 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7)
(Autov-qtic coLtrol)
AYZERM4N. M. A (Moskva); GUSEV,, L. A (Moskva); ROZONOER, L. I. (Moskva);
I-SMIRNO~17 I. M. (Mcskva); TAL': A. A. (Moskva)
Conversion of the time pace of sequential machines and synthesis
of switching circuits. Avtom. i telem. 23 no.11:1465-1491
N 162. (MIRA 15:10)
(Blectric relays) (Switchin theory)
(Automatic controll
;a z IT-1: lj~W, ;_ , Niark Aronovich; GUSEV, Leonid A.'ek3eyevich; ROZONOER)
Lev Iltich; q,.lIfTOVA, Irima (,'Uk-haylwma) TALI, Aleksey
Alekseyevich3 KO;~OLEV, 14I.A., red.; MURASHOVA, N.Ya.
tekhn. red.
[Logic. Automats. Algorithms] Logjka. Avtomaty. Algoritmy.
l,',oskva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 556 p. (MIRA 17:3)
ACCESSION NR: AP4042259 S/0089/64/017/001/0045/0049
AUTHORS: Sty*rikovich, M. A.; Marty*nova, 0. 1.; Katkovskaya, K. Ya.7
Pobrovskiy, I. Ya.; Smirnova, 1. N.
TITLE: Transition of iodine from aqueous solutions into saturated
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 1, 1964, 45-49
TOPIC TAGS: reactor fuel rod, rbactor coolant, reactor inspection,
reactor safety, iodine, radioactivation analysis
ABSTRACT: In view of the importance of monitoring the tightness of
the cladding of rod and plate type fuel elements in water-water and
boiling-water reactors, the authors consider the quantitative dis-
tribution of elementary iodine (used as a detector of the tightness
of the cladding) and its hydrolysis product between boiling water
and dry vapor in equilibrium with it'at pressures 1.9, 4, and 10
Ford- 1/6,
kg/cm at pH values from 5.5 to 11. The investigation was made by
a bubbling method which is briefly described together with the ap-
paratus employed. The results show that the fraction of the hydroly-
sis product at low concentrations (