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SKYORTSOV, A, Urgent problems in the organization and planning of tli-3 municipal economy of the U.S.S.R. Top. ekon. no.4:135-141 AD '58,(YL9-k 11:5) Obinicipal ser7ices) *I v, V.11R ~ )( I i) ICOMIV, M.; SKVCHTSOV, A. (Yaroslavl'). Applied physical training of firemen. Fbzh. delo 4 no,5.*13-14 W '58, (Fire prevention--Study and teaching) (MM 11:5) SUORTSOV, A. Recent upswing In mass education in defense. Voen. min. 39 no.3s 2-4 mr 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Zamestitell preloodatelya TSentrallnogo komiteta DobrovoV- nogo obahchestva so-Aystviya armii, aviatsii I flotu SSSR. (Military education) TOROPOV, N.; SKVORTSOV, A. All-out participation in fire prevention. Poxh.delo 6 no.8:11 Ag '60. (MIRA 13:8) l.-Zameatitall nachallnika posharnoy okhrazq kombinata "Kr~asnyy Perekop (for Toropov). 2. Starshiy inspektor Upravleniy,a pozharnoy okbrany. Yaroslavl' (for Skyortsov). (Yaroslavl-Factories-Fires and fire prevention) SKVOqTSOV, A., inzh.; RABINOVICH, S., inzh. Making forms of wooden slabs. Stroitall n0-7:6-7 Jl '58. (141R& 11:9) (concrete construction-Formwork) SKVORTSOV, A. Toward the 5th congress of the Al-l-Union Volurtear 'Societf for Assistance to the Army,, Air Force and Vavy of the U.S~S,R, Kryl.rod. 13 no.4'./+,-6 Ap 162. WRA 15:5) 1. Zamestitel' predsedatelya TSentra-11nogo kondteta Dobrovolinogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu SSSR~ (Aerial sports) SKVORTSOV., A. Raise higher the banner of Soviet automobile and motorcycle racing. Z& rul. 20 no.9:2-5 S 162. (KIRA 15:9) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya TSentrallnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya, armii aviataii i flotu SSSR. (Automobile racing) Notorcycle racing) CHERNYSH., V.,- BABAKHADZHAYEV, A. (st.Nan Thshken skoy zhelezmoy dorogi); FEDOTOV, G. (Penza); KIDKOV, A. (Yaroslavl+ SUORTSOV., A. (Yaroslavl'); CHISTYAKOV, M. (Tula); SEROV., B. (poselck NizhnGwig-a-r-`s`X,-, Bt=vatskaya ASSR); SANAKOYEV., I. (MngpW aya oblast'); AfaMNOV, G. instruktor profilakt:Uci (Yegorlyevsk., Hookovskaya obl.); MIANOV.1 V. Iche3,yabinsk) Readers' letters. Pozh.delo 7 no.9:31 S 161. (MIRA wli) (Fire Drevention) SYVORTSOV, A. The wider the perspective the greater the mastery. Aadio no,2-. 6-8 F '612, (I-SliIA lc~:I) 1. 4aqustitel' predsedatolya TSentral'nop komiteta Dobrovol'nogo obshchestva socleystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu. (Radio) SKVORTSOV . A. The 22d Congress of the CFSU an strengthening the defense of the country. Voen. znan. -36 no.3.2-4 Rr 162. (IMU 15:2) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya TSentrallnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii,, aviatsil i flotu. (Russia-Defenses) Sh KX-t, FS"W, rt . -- --- ---- -- Ulf.rasonics, eneray of lUnAt,10,. ( nu.11:78 1, ' 61 ~ (Y'lii, 114"41). 1. Rukovoditell radiokruzhka Ural'sl\op-o coma (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) VORONIN, V., inzh.; SKVORTSOV, A., inzh. Use of adobe-. to fill in frames. Sell. stroi. 16 no.10:7-8 0 161. (MIRA 14tll) (Building, Adobe) SKVCRTSOV A. - . - .9 :~ - Towards volunteer work. Za rul. 20 no.12:1-2 D 162. (MIRA 15:14 1. Zamestitelf predsedatelya TSentrallnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu SSSR. (Automobile racing) (Motorcycle racin4) SKVORTSOV, A. A. o1.)," Dok. 1, "Cycle of Development of the Hinor Tape-Worm (Dipbyllobothrium kU= Ch Al 27, No. 6, 1940. All-Union Inst. Medicine; Dept. Parasitology, Moscow, cl9440-. SKVORTSOV, A. A. "Diagnostication of Cysticercosis in Cattle by Means of Allergic Reaction," Dok. AN, 32, No. 7. 1941. Dept. Medical Parasitology; All-Union Inst. Exper. Medicine, Moscow, c1941-. Y~y T V I r, rn :n :k. _0 rn ~-orc inol I-,o ~~.n C"InLCIC ~-f in--l-~Cts".1 c n ii Issuc 5, 1949, -1. 133-41, Biblioc: 27 il,cms- 30: T 1 4U 1170. 16 3~ot (Lttocds 'Jhunial It 5~-Acvp 31,710FTSOV, A. A. `Stren~7,th Calculation of Heating Pipelines." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 4 A-or 49, Moscow Order of the Lpbor Red Benner Engineering Construction Inst limcai V. V. Kuybyshev. Summar.y 22, 1F Dec 52, Dissertations Presented For Degrees in Science and Engineering In Moscow in 1942. From Vechernvzyz Moskva, Jan-Dec 1949. SKVORTSOV, A. A. Steam fliiler Inspection Errors in the eighth chapter of the manual on boiler inspection, State Power Publishing Agency, 1951. Za ekon. top. 9 no. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952, UNCUSSIFIED. USSR/r-,ngineering Hydraulics, Instruments Nov 52 "Instrument for Remote Measuring of Soil Moisture.." k. A., SIviortsov, Cand, Tech Sci Gidrotekh i Meliorats, No 11, PP 54-61 Discusses ohmic method. used at lab of All-Union Heat Engineering Irist for investigating moisture of underground. heat pipeline insulation and surround- ing ground. Describes moisture -measuring device which represents hollow cylinder with steel elec- trodes interconnected into electric circuit con- sisting of resistance-measuring instrument and 247T49 4.5-v battery. Suggests that device, besides its primary application in soil studies, can be used in investigating filtration of water through ground in various hydraulic structures. 247T49 SEVORTSOV, A. A. Boilers Formation of cracks in pipes of connectinz area of a direct flow bciler. Izv. VTLI 21, No. 2, 1552. Mcnthly List of 1--~ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ma7, 1952. Unclassified. S Heatimi- From Central Staticr~s Const-ri.,ctlnp-, acentral hea Inp ne-twcrk in "oscow. Gor I.-hoz. 20" no. 6, 1~ic;2. ?!onthly List of 'Eussian Accessions, Librp-ry of Congress, September 1992. U NC IL A SI 2 1953. ffbrary r,)f' Con;-re Julle on hi- 0-7 --,-Z~A%n ',cce:53i-n3j y Liou - ------------ Z__ - PERIODICAL ABSTRACTS Sub.: USSR/Engineering AID 4177 SKVORTSOV ,--A. 0 KNIGE M. YA. SHTAERMANA "IZOLYATSIYA KHOLODILINIKOV (Shtaerman, M. Ya. Insulation of refrigerators) Izolyatsiya kholodillnikov. Pishchepromizdat, 1954, (Book review). Teploenergetika, no. 2, F 1(* S6: 61-63. The book is severely criticized for errors in mathematical analyses, on data of insulating materials, lack of detailed descriptions of refrigerator designs etc. The book is con- sidered unsatisfactory as a textbook. SKVORTSOV, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. I- -~- ", "Calculating thermal expansion of steam pipes.0 A.I.Voloshin. Reviewed by A.A.Skvortsov. Blek.sta. 25 no.9:62-64 S 154.(KWA 7:9) (Steampipes) (Voloshin, A.A.) va k, I-IT 0 J/, 14, A, Subject Card 1/1 Authors : USSR/Engineering AID P - 507 Pub. 78 - 21/2-7 Title Periodical Skvortsov, A. A. and Lyamin, A. A. N6w type- of pipe'-line expansion compensator Neft. Khoz., v. 32, #6, 76-78, Ju 1954 Abstract The authors discuss pipe expansion fittings of various types and the "S" and "U" types of expansion compensa- tors. Examples of computations are presented for the "S" type compensators. 4 drawings and 3 Russian references (1935-1953). Institution : None Submitted : No date SKVORTSOV,A.A.. kandidAt tekhnicheakikh nauk Standirds for designing expansion pieces for hast piping syttems. Standartizatsiia no.4:47-51 Jl-Ag '55. (YJBA EI:10) 1. Ysesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut imeni Dzerzhinskogo (Pipe fittings--Standnrds) Subject USSRAlectricity AID F - 2087 Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 29/29 Author Skvortsov, A. A., Kand . of Tech. Sci. I 60;ktl Title B. V. Lopatin. Heating Networks, Building Structures and their Calcul~tlon, Moscow, Government Publishing House of Literature on Construction and Architecture, 1954, 252 pp. (Book Review). Periodical: Elek. sta., 4, 62-64, Ap 195115 Abstract A critical review of this manual which can be used as a textbook. Although the book contains abundant informa- tion, the author of the review points out many inaccuracies and suggests that It be used "with caution:. Institution., N3ne Submitted : No date SOV/112-59-1-336 Investigation of Insulating Structures of Underground Heating Pipelines foam concrete for various degrees of moisture penetration are presented. A sharp increase in heat conductivity on moistening the insulator is noted; thus, computations based on dry-insulator data are unfounded. The mechanism of moistening suspension-type insulating structures was determined; the asbestos- cement crust cannot protect them from moistening by water vapor; nor can borulin protect them because it loses its hydroinsulating properties after a prolonged heating. it is noted that borulin hydroinsulation inhibits the drying process. Tests have shown that asbestos-cement slabs imbibe moisture quicker and dry out slower than other materials. Conclusions were drawn regarding the mechanical strength of the following: Conduits made from diatomaceo-as segments and bricks, asbestos-slate ducts, mediurn-size tunnels, reinforced -foarn-concrete conduits, and r einforced -concrete haff-cylinders. An electric hygrometer and methods for its testing are described; measure- ment results are presented. Moisture comes from these sources: high water Card 2/3 SOV/ 112-59 -1-336 Investigation of Insulating Structures of Underground Heating Pipelines table, surface water, dripping from cover slabs and tunnel walls, sweating within the insulating structure, and leakage in pipelines. To avert moisture penetration, it is recommended that longitudinal draini-rig, proper planning of the route profile, and melt-water draining be arranged. A year-round operating schedule results in considerably lesser insulator moistening than operation with a summer service inter ruption . JoIntly with the Mosenergo Heating System, VTI built a number of experimental sections of two new designs: with centrifuged r eir-for c ed -concrete conduit and with two asbestos- cement conduits. Principal feasibility of making cylindrical conduits from foarnglass is mentioned; however, no process for manufacturing such conduits is available so far. M. L. Z. Card 313 SUORTSOV, A.A., kandidat teklinicheakikh nauk. "Insulation of cold-storage plants.ff M.IA. Shtaerman. Reviewed by A.A. Skvortsov. Toploenergetika 3 no.2:61-63 F 156.(HLBA 9:5) (Cold storage--Insulation) (Shtaerman, Mikhail lakovlevich) SKYORTSOV, A.&., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Precast reinforced-concrete structures for overhead pipelines. Mok.sta. 27 no.8:26-29 Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Pipelines) (Precast concrete) LUMIN. Anatoliy Alek-sandrovich, inzbener; ,--jndidat tekhnichookikh neuk: DAVIDYAWS, N.M., inzhener, !i~ ~ . i2auch:qy redaktor; NiU01YAGI, D.K., red-qktor izdatellstva; TOKER, A.M., tekbnicheskV r,Aaktor [5tructural components of heating networks made of precast r"inforcea concrete] Strottel'nye konstruktalt teplovykh setei. iz aborrAykh zhelezobstonnykh datelai. Moskva, Gos.lzd-vo lit-r7 po stroit. I arkbit., 195?- 135 ~)- (MLHA 10: 10) (Heating pipes) (Precast concrete) SKVORTSOV, A.A.,kand.tekhn.nank (Moskva) "Permissible spans In surface pipeline laying;" discussion of the article of H.H.Ruchimakii. Strol.Dred.neft.orom. 2 no.9: 15-18 3 '57. . 04M 12:5) (Pipelines) (Ruchinskil, M,No) " ,",)- . kandidAt Pelrhnicheakikh nnuk: BUNIN, V.S., inzhener. I A-%4U4.& Calculating self-comnensation of high pressure steam piDee by menns of' graphs. TeDloenergetika 4 no.9:90-92 S '57. (KLFA 10:8) (Steamaipes) S KV "I .'S P ..-I Ruk o I n o f ,I e a n s a n " a . Blak.sta. 29 3 T) 7 (m llbk lo: 11) (Heat I rji~.- a~- SKVORTSOV, A.A._ _ kand.talchn.nauk I -- *Design of supports and anchors for pressurized pipelines" by T% LL- TSikerman. Reviewed by A.A. Skvortsov. Slek.sta. 29 no-5:94-96 (MIRA 12:3) MY '58. (Pipelines) (TSikerman. L. IA.) AUTROIS ShPe7or, M.G. (Engineer) SOY/96-59-6-19/22 TITLIs Conference on the Construction of Thsm&l System (Soveshchaniye po voprosam stroitol#3tTa toplov7kh istay) PUIODICALS Toploonergatikn, 1959, Nr 6, pp 90-91 (USSR) ADCRACTS An All-Union Conference on the construction of thermal systems vas hold In Mo3cov on the 11th - 13th March; It va3 convined by the Moscov Directorate of the Scientific- Technical Society of the Pover Industry (District Heating Secticn). Representatives Of the Acad.6ci. USSR, GOSSTROY USSR, GOSPLAW USSR, Councils of National Economy, design, operatirg, and erection organisations, and educational and research institutes participated in the conference. Thirteen reports Vero read and a number of communications war* made t; Y*.Ya. Sokolov read :f report on 'The present 3t& ild _ntlife-PIRds poets district heating-. The reports by Engineer $.yo. Zakhareako of Mostoploset'stroy and Inginser'E.A. Garbko (MospodMstroy) dealt with the need for a r*i`ie%F_6f- m-ithods of laying heating systems. Engineer A.I, Card l/2_.a0TdnoAgM (Glavloningradstroy)doscrlbed the ipeclany fricult conditions of laying heating systems in L.niugTxd._ The report of Cand.Toch.Sci. A.A. of the All Union Thermal-Tachnical. Insti AMR. Zlt;g 873t~X3 42 need to aechamise the construction of heat far as possible. loginser A.A. Lt" of MosenersoproY*kt described the use or ready-insat-rainrorced concrete ducts for the corstruction of large diameter heat supply pipe*. Cand.Tach.Bci. V.P. Vitalize of ORGIES disowned costs of different noth042 or saxing-heating systems. Mgineor r of Toploolaktroproyakt discussed the mechanical strength of different types of heating supply systm construction. The Conference noted the need to Introduce new types of construction and thersal Insulation. The Conference requested various responsible bodies to test a ounbor of nor types of oonstruction. Other Card 2/2 detailed re I t1ons Vero nade. there are no figures, no reformane. LYAMIN, A.A.; SKVOMTSOV, A.A. Moasures for economical uue of metals in the conatruction of hoating systems. Vod. i san.tekh. nn.1:25-27 Ja '59. (141RA 12: 1) (Heating pipes) SOV/96-59-7-19/26 AUTHOR- Sknrortsov, A.A., Candidate of &3iences TITLE-, A New Design c-f Expansi:~n Joints for Heating Systems (Novaya Konst-niktsi-ya komDensa-%or~,,v dlya tep--,ovykh setey) PERIODICAL3 Teploenerget-J.-ka., 1959~ Dir 7v pp 88-89 (USSR) ABSTRACT.-. A new type of expanslon joint has been developed for district-heating systems. The actual joints nre made by sealing rings of herat-resistant rubber, held in a shell and sliding :-,n s+;'-6,11. p"_pes~ The cons truc flor, is simple and is illistrated in Figure 1. A table gives the dimen- sions of the principal sizes in the range. It is claimed that the joint requires no maintenan-7e, that, its overall diameter is small and that zhe sealing effect increases when the pressure of the working substance Is rraised. if the joints are installed at pla~_-es where the pipe may shift, Drotective stoDs should be Provided. as shown in Figure 2~ _rxpansion joints of this type were ttested ar the All-Union Thermo-TechniCal. institute on a bydraulic press of spen:ial construction. The joint- , was moved ''c and fro 111st Card 112 heated with steam to a l.emperature of 130 to 135 C. During SOV/96--59-7-a9/26 A New Design of E:Tansion Jc)ints for Heating 6ysterns 0 the tests a joint of 150 mm diameter made 1 065 c7cleso each of 150 mm. travel. The joint was in good condition after the test. Other tests that- have been made are described. Jointj of 150 and 500 mm. diameter are now being tested in 6ervice on heating systems. So far, the performance appears to be good. A graph of the relation- ship between -the frictional force on the joint and the internal pres-,ure of the heating medium is given in Figure 3. It is intended that these joints should supersede gland-type joints of all kinds on water and low-pressure steam systems. ;.,hen the joints are made under factory conditions and are of satisfactory quality they may replace all other types of f-lexible joint- or expansion compensatorsz There are 3 figures and I table. Card 2/2 SKVORTqOV,_JhJ,,., Irand.teYhn,muk Pipelines made of non-metallic pipes. Energ. stroi. no.3: 33-38 (13), 1960. (MM 14:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyj, teplotel-linicheskiy institut imeni Dzerzhinskogo. (Pipe, Asb.,stos-cemnt) (Pipe,, Glass) ISKVDRTSPI; Aleksandr-Aleksandrovich. Prinimali uchastiye: BUNIV., V.S., mladsniy nauchrWy sotrudnik; CRUDAM, M.G.., starshiy tek-hnik. MOROZOVy G.N., red.; LARIONGV, G.Ye., [Compensating devices of heat piping systems] Kompensatsionrqe ustroistva teplofikatsionrqkh truboprovodov. Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo,1961. 143 P. (MM 15:5) (Heating from central stations) (Steampipes) "A1TcRTw-'Cv) A.A., kand. teldm.nau:- Ileat insulation for underground heating-pipe systems without ~~els. Elek.sta. 32 no.c,,:/,0-44 S -161. (MIRAL 24: 10) (steam pipes) (Insulation (He at) ) 4. ,:- SKVOftT,3oVt _, kana.te'c~ n.nawk _ _A.A.. -I.' H ; by A,A. "Utilization o---7 P1,13tic pipes" by I --;'.Sapoz!.nVkov, I-evieure. . Skvor'.sov. Gor. khoz. Mosc- 35 -io.2:!,F-3 of caver F 1619 (ML-A 14:2) (Pipe, Plastic) (Sapoziunillcov, M.MT.) -Alqksecndi~qv'icb, kand. tekhn. nauk3 KORAROVSKIY) 14.F., red.; FUGM, D.P., red. izd.Va; GVIRTS, V.L.~ tellchn. red. (New coryipensatore with self-packing rings; practice ofihe All-Union flent Engincoving Institute andof the heating circuits of the Leningrad Administration for Power Economy] Ilovyc kompensatory s samuplotniaiushchimisia manshetami; opyt VTI i teplo:ieti Lonenergo. Leningrad, 1962. 20 p. (Leningrads1di dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Ob- inen peredovym opytom. Soriia; StroitelInaia promyshlennost', no.4) (laRA 15-8) (Heating pipes) L 15152-65 ;-ACCESSION NR: AP4049120 :be increased to 18 20% w ithout any ad-Verie .effec,ts. 'The decarboni' zition of metal heated in molten glass was-! foundito be :1 6-cal and de ;~pendent upon the duration -of the heating. Only with p ro longed. heating does the decarbonization extend to the whol e surface of..a --heated ob-v ject. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: .-00.1 SUB CODE: -:MMWMTw. NO REF SOV: OTHER:' 000 ATD . PRESS: 3144. Card 2 /2 -I mu, I'kv~:Jrtz: Gn Te)ehrl T w1+6, U;-~ 1!~., described concerned the loEis of me":il du,-e tc) sc.-Ae formAlon on ',I-inks -ind forgings hoated in continuouv Divrincos wid tht,, effect, ot the sc--ile on hvaL tlvanufer, Thr qimntity of; tic:dv fonried on the heated ;,.Oal dc-en,l-,; on tho temn. and time. The scale is not unifomlu distrIbuled ovo.- ~h-- billctu or forging, and v-iries from 31d:- to side. RoGt of the scalu frii-med is rliffn~-enL for (!;ich section of a continuous Curimce. The c-f.L'PcL of the scale on hcat transfer if insilc.-nific.-mb in thu prehoating of the fumaco, but is considerable in the zone. immediate scurce clinDing OP10, loot 0. 011,61;1'et, Is P, 11, f, Ifl., UIJ IAN IAV -W 9 L i A J a M"r a A 1 1 1. M AD a Olt 'k 00 00 3946. USE OF FIRE-BRICK IN OPEN-HYARTH FURNACE dACK 'NA11S. Kuzolov, V. Y. and Skyortoov, A. A. (Ognoupory. 1947, vol. 12 174). In ordii io* reduce consumption of magassits, 0 0 and chr;m;-magnesite refractories, back walls of open- so hearth furnaces in a Russian plant are linen with a layer of magnesite bricke superimposed on a layer of firebricks. The boat proportion are found to be 230 no. (9 in.) thick- nano for the firebrick layer and 460 inm. (18'jin.) for the magnesite. Jt A~A $LX 41TALOxWCAL LIITvAT40f CLASSIFKATIC14 t I U It Aw M3 ST IT ty (I or it K a It A ot cc It It K *_G, a eiS, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 B,C.R.A. I V- -,Z*. -6i Mv L i I 'W 0 x W I W IN 1 -2 -4 MW n 0 0 010 0 Is 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 Is *I MIADS4 a & a a a a, a & a a a is oftes 04 .51~,',VORTSOV, A. A. 25591 ,vt isrolzovaniya Vozmozhnosoti Po Uveli- Op chen-iyij Proizvoditell Nosti Metodicheskoy Pechi. Trudv Gorlk Industr. In-Ta lm. hdanova, T. VII, Ilyp. 1, 1948, ~. 8'71-ICO -- Bibliogr: 6 Nazv. 1 SO- LETOPIS NO. 30, 19h8 SUORTFOVY A. UM/Ingxneering Furnaces Now "Results of Tests on Furnaces Having Revolving Wallop' A. A. Skwortsov, Cand Tech Sci, M. Ya. Kazelev, Engr, 2i pp "7est Mashinostroy" No 11 DescrIb6s construction of revolving mLU furnace, with three sketches. Trial figures show it Is more - economical than spectacle furnace for certaLn work. 17/49T36 PA 17/49T36 SKVORTSOV, A. A. 33158. Opyt Frimeneniya filekhaniz hats ii Upravleniya Glavvym Shi-11-rom "larenovsikh Pechey. (Zavod"Krasnoye Sormovoll Im. Zhonova). Za ekonomiyu Topiva, 1949, NO. 10 r C. 34-36 SO: Letopis' Zhvrnaltnykh Statey, Vol. 45, !,,Ioskva, 1949 UM/Wetals Cwt Iran, Melting Mayll "Peculiarities of the Thermal Process of Meltibg Cast Iron in a. Cupola Furnace'With Application kn mf A. D. Akimenko, Zngr, A. A. Skvortogy, 0' Cond ~Tech'. Sci, "Krasnoye Sormovo" ag, Litey Proizvod" No 5, PP 17-19 Da'scribes and an'alyzes exptl beats in 2 cupola fUrnaces of 1,1W = dim with 3 rove of res, using oxygen to intensify Melting process. Concludes that application of oxygen UWM/ketals - Cast Iron, Melting (Contd) MY 51 in cupola melting is particularly essential for asking'special cast tr6na.which require tqikp'of Molten metal for improving quality of castings. 195T& 4 U) E- SKVOMISOV, A.A.. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. Sconomy of metals by the introduction of nonoxidising sethods of h"ting. (In: Byzhkov, D.A., ad. likonomita netallov v kmznechno-shtampovochnon prolsvodstva. Moskva. 1953, P-47-63.) (ORA 7:1) (Forging) (Punching machinery) SKVORTSOV. A.A. Hydraulic integrator for solving problems of heating and cooling off of cylindrical bodies, and its use in examining the hardening of steel castingo in molds. Lit.proizv. no.7;15-20 J1 '33. (MLRA 6--7) (Steel castings) XUZZLIV, Hikbail Yakoylevichi -lekee AUto;l OTAc ; SHZLTAKOV, NikoUy Nikolayevich; gmwkh nouk, reteensent; BCWSXIT, A.A.p dotmento otvetotvennyy redaktor; TOLFUNSKIT, L.K., lnxheaer- rodaktbr; %D=L',XAX,- X.I.i Inshoner, redaktoir; DMKOV.,A.F., inshoner, redektor-, ZAINAW, D.P., Insholor, rodaktor; ZV=w, K.M., inshener, redaktor; KOKOVIS, A.B., Inshener, redaktor; IWIMOT. B.A.. inshoner. redaktor; RAZUKOVA, N.8.0 Inshoner, redaktor; SIDOXIM, R.A., inshener, redektor; 10=1310G, I-A.o kondl-, dot takhnichookikh nmuk. redaktor; DUGINA, N.A.. takhnichaskiy reds ktor [Foundry workersis handbook] Spravochnik rabocheco-Iltsishchiks. Iscl. 2-oo, dop. i perer. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. isd-vo mshinostroit. lit-ry. 1956. 634 p. (KLRA 10:4) (Founding) SOV 113 7- 58-12 -24447 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal Metallurgiya, iQ58., Nr 112, p 71 (.USSR) AUTHOR: Skvortsov, A. A TITLE: Improvement in the Des-gn and Functioning of a Large Rotating-hearth Furnace at the -Krasnoye Sormovo ' P'ant Usovershenstvovaniye konstruktsh i raboty krttpnoy pechi s vrashch;~yushchimsva podom na zavode "Krasnove Sormovo' _' PERIODICAL- Tr. n . -tekbn o-va cbern metal. , IQ',6, Vol 7, pp 362- 371 Com- merits pp 437-451 ABSTRACT. A description is offered of the design of a ring furnace I'F) for heating ingots, and operat,.onal data thereon are presented. The inner diam- eter of the F is 9-35 m, the outer diameter 12 rn. The fuel is heavy oil - The heavy oil is atomized by compressed air at 4-5 atm heated to 2001C. The load on the hearth is Z80-300 kg/m2 The time re- quired to heat 280 kg of ingots ('600 m. diam~ 240 mm. thick) is 1. 6-Z firs. In the high- temperature zone the F temperature is J400-14500; the excess air coefficient is I - 1~,- I ~ 3. TIne fuel-oil consumption is 41-50 kg/1, and the efficiency of the F is 42-5011P. The temperature Card i /Z regime is controlled automaticalIv bv zones. It :s po)nted out that SOV- 137-58-12-24447 Improvement in the Design and Functioning of a Large Rotatin -hearth Furnace (cont.) 4-- gcY the working indices of this F are somewhat higher than those of analogous F made by other plants. M. G. Card 2/2 mum" pill 1-11RIP" MR-4-hP p SoRditication ajid H--t llamova Pi,. P A ~ I'-' 11_.~ wkw t"41-tic-t uUt tfi Ow, U401,60G of L110 9t tjt6 grd.-~j 91-17no., tt 4'irw- * ";a?A by '17two"Itical etacuffstion14 orl thq ir v7Ma&" tt' Ch h I wt flum; tvint I*i~~ from tho billot ctufkwo vuri-~, in diff~-trzot t PArIq of thm 4"unflimmul iiwuzlhit~wi. A' hydr;Auliq i g t, W[W U~;ed for fita io. a9lidiricistion I(i t r '66 k-_ECS.r-M ring dtx;~Ig Ow wilidificutt A.Had a - . d ' ;'I Al ith ~ It A i It ., r % w e3u u dgrvv t biIJ tk )e aLud ed. exf fi in~,ntal dai4 for 3urfacca tem)-erfOilb, thi(*rm,-_a of ~otittftqod # imal lk: thi n t the l i v f i d B h a avc,ran avtors. l s , ot er u cgru y w p t rate of wfthdr~iiiid v~f ttie biltet) can tie M, , ~ i i f d t J tffici~'.t eemm Yto twi w*,fu or t t , AqtOr;I'ITk'I '. 'I%e overall heat, mixidex ct,effiniant for fer velmity (if 4-6 vafmv= im t' hug with a wa, bilkt-sudece tera - W(M* 0 the bodiliciant. rLtes apin teiably - ' romrits a StCAM i 'Ltlo jet hu ~b act t . p 'f - D d k" ia- e Ch ffa iri ftl thn ob vl - ~ in c o orming. ~ in y a j tMnImzature load t" a coitaidertibla faiildlng d the coefficient, wtdch is partioularly important if clAWIng covi- ing 6YStUfff4:AM 00rkt'Oi4plat_-I, With " gaft " jAU WxAm-film e formation lowers the t"ciuat. Furt1wr imfjt~atd am - j':;InmA for tho iabegrat&, - - - - - - - - - - - - 137--1957-12-23417 Translations from: Referativnyy zhurne-1, Metallurgiya, 1957. Nr 1?, p 83 (USSR) AUTHORS: Madyano,.,, A. M. , 9kyDx_L-,Q_v A. A TITLE: Determination of the Dimensions of the Crystallization Zone of the Metal in a Mold by Means of a Thermo -hydraulic Analog. (Opredeleniya razmerov zony kristallizatsii slitka v iziozhnitse metodom teplo-gidravlicheskoy analogii) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Novoye v liteyn. proiz-ve. Nr 2. Gor'kiy, Knigoizdat, 1957, pp 207-221 ABSTRACT: A description of a hydraulic apparatus composed of several vertically arranged cylindrical vessels interconnected with rubber tubing of appropriate flow resistance. On a model scale the vessels simulate the wall thickness of the mold and the dimensions of the ingot. The operation of the apparatus is based on the simi- larity of the differential equations for thermal conductivity and for the movement of fluid in an array of communicating vessels. Before commencing the operations the apparatus is calibrated, i.e., the magnitude of the BIO criteria for the surface of the cast and Card 1/2 mold iF established and the Fourier criterion is determined. The 137 -1957 1 ~- ~34 17 Determination of the Dirnehsir nz~ -of tht-I Cr~stallizatiori (,:,oAt. ) technique of calibration is shown, To simulate the process of the heat transfer from the ingot to the mold, the following values are needed: the radius of the ingot, the coefficients of thermal con- ductivity on the surface of the ingot and on the exterior surface of the mold, and the initial temperatures of the mold and of the solidifying metal. The simulation technique of the process involves measuring the water levels in the vessels, registering the amount of water pazsing through the system in a certain time interval, and performing appropriate calculations by employing similarity formulas given in the article. Specific examples are discussed. The readings collected throughout the apparatus are utilized in a graph showing the quantitative change in the zone of crystallization during the solidification of a steel ingot. A com- parison between the graph arid a schematic representation of the chemical and crystalline non-uniformity of the ingot clearly illus- trates the influence of this zone on the structural non-uniformity of the ingot. Compared with computational data the accuracy of the apparatus is 5-6 percent. V. N. Card 2/?- 1. 1"Ietals-C rystalliz., t ion zone- Det'U ion 2. Thenio- lVdraulic lplic~tions 11 - I SKV01(Mov, /~-o - 18(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1347 Korotkov, Konstantin Petrovich. Nikolay Pwilovich Mayorov, Aleksey Anotollyevich Skvortso-,r, and Ana"CollLy Dimitriyevich me Promyshlennoye primeneniye nepreryvnoy razlivlci stali (Industrial Applications of Continuous Casting of Steel) Len-' ngrad, Sudpromgiz, 1958. 150 p. 2,200 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Malakhovskiy, G.V.,; Ed.: Shaurak, Ye. N; Tech. Ed.: Frumkin, P.S. PURPOSE: This book is intended for designers and technologists working in the field of the corr."Clin-ious casting of steel. It may also be useful to students alt; mel-jallurgical inst-itutes and tekhnikums, as well as to engineers and technicians. Card 1/6 Industrial Applications (Cont.) SCFV/2-347 COVERAGE: The book gives an account of the en-erience gained at the "Krasnoye Sormovo" (Shipbuilding] Plan",; (in-Gorlkiy] in the operation of industrial equipment for the continuous casting of steel. It is stated that by 1960 the production of steel in the USSR by this method will increase the annual out- put of rolled steel by 1,000,000 metric tons, with an expected economy of about 2 billion rubles. Among the advantages cited for this method are the absence of shrinkage cavities and elimination of laborious teeming operations, The "Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant put its continuous-casting installation, said to be the largest of the few existing in the world, into operation in 1955. The plant management is planning another continuous-casting installation, and "many more" Soviet plants are scheduled to be so equipped. The book is based not only on the practice and experience of the "Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant, but also on work done at the tiauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgi (Scientif-A'.c Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) and at the Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Gorlkiy Polytechnic Institute). No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 2/6 Industrial Applications (cont.) SO`V/*1347 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 Ch* I, Location and Design of the Installation 11 1. Elements of the casting Installation 16 Ch. II. Methods of Determining Individual Tech- nological Param ters of the Installation 35 2. The mold 36 3- Calculation and investigation of ingot solidification in the installation 45 4. Determination of the heat-transfer coefficient in jet and "mild" [spray] cooling 57 5. Calculation of the required diameter of the nozzle opening in the intermediate pouring device 62 Card 3/6 Industrial Applicatione(Cont.) SOV/1347 Ch. III. Setting-up and Starting the First Industrial Installation 63 6. Cold testing of individual elements 64 Ch* IV* Operational Regime of the Installation. In- vestigation of the Operation of Individual Elements 71 7. Determination of the optimum temperature of the metal in pouring 74 8. Operational regime of the mold and of secondary cooling 75 9- Investigation of the ingot-crYstallization Process in the installation 7T 109 Heat balance of the ingot and the effect of the rate of speed on the rate of heat elimination 84 11. Investigation of intermediate pouring device operation and the refractory materials used 89 Ch. Vo Metal Quality of the Continuously Cast Ingot 92 12. Conditions of Ingot crystallization 92 13. Macrostructure of ingots, chemical heterogeneity., and nonmetallic inclusions 95 Card 4/6 Industrial Applications(cont.) SOV/1347 14. Mechanical properties of the cast metal 106 1~. Surface of the ingot 1o6 1 . Defects in continuously cast ingots, their causes., and methods of dealing with them log 17. Quality and mechanical properties of rolled stock and forged blanks from continuously cast ingots 114 Ch. VI. Registering Production Processes and Automation of the Casting Process 122 18. General Information 122 Ch* V11e. Power Supply for the Installation and Break- down of Power Consumption by Different Types of Equipment (in percent) 130 19s Data on the consumption of various types of,energy 130 20. Power-consumption economy in, using the continuous- casting method 135 Card 5/6 Industrial Applications(Cont*) SOV/1347 Ch. VIII. Technical and Economic Data 137 21. Efficiency in the steel-casting shop 140 22. Efficiency in the production of rolled stock .142 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/3!j 4-16-59 Card 6/6 J PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1216 Soveshchaniye po teorii liteynykh protse5sov. 2d, Moscow, 1956 Zatverdevaniye metallov; trudy soveshchaniya... (Solidification of Metals; Transactions of the Second Conference on the Theory of Foundry Processes) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 532 P. 3,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: AN SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniya. Komissiya po tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya; and AN SSSR. Institut metal- lurgii. Ed. (Title page): Gulyayev, B.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): Novikov, P.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Fublishing House; Chernysheva, N.P.; Tech. Ed.: Uvarova, A.F.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building: Golovin, S-Ya-, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for a wide circle of engineers, tech- nicians, and scientists working in the fields of general metallurgy, physical metallurgy, and the production of castings. Card 1/0 -5 Solidification of Metals (Cont.) 1216 COVERAGE: The book Is a collectioyi of 29 papers concerned with the determination of fixed patterns of metal solidification and also with the determination of favorable conditions for the production of sound castings. The authors discuss heat phenomena in metallic and sand molds, properties of mold materials, conditions of solid- ification of castings in shell molds, kinetics of the warming-up- of porous bodies (molds), effect of alloy composition on the solid- if~cation process, conditions for the development of a zonal strue- ture and of chemical heterogeneity of castings, and other matters of current interest. There are al-so discussions of the use of model testing and radioactive isotopes for studying solidification. No personalities are meritioned.. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PrefAce Gulyayev, B.B., Present State Processes Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. of Investigations of Metal-solidification 3 5 Card 21-B 3 Solidification of Metals (Cont.) 1216 I. -HEAT-TRANSFER PROCESSES IN THE SOLIDIFICATION OF CASTINGS Berg, P.P. Principles for Constructing Production Formulas for Evaluating Heat Processes in the Casting Mold 33 Girshovich, N.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; and Yu.A. Mekhendzi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Solidification of Castings 39 Veynik, A.I., Doctor of Technical Sclences, Profqssor. Inves- tigation of Heat Phenomena in Metallic Molds and Their Effect on Solidification Processes 91 Gulyayev, B.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; and O.N. Magnitskiy, Engineer. Investigation of the Effect of Alloy Composition on the Kinetics of the Solidification of Castings 1o8 Skvortsov, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. On Uffe-Solution of the Problem of the Solidification of Metals Within a Temperature Range 124 Card 3/P Sk-;-cr ts SOV/l 6 3-58-2-5/46 T'ATLE: On the So:ut-;on of tl-a Sclid--fizatlon Problem I-f Metals Within Temperature Ranges (K resh9niyu zadachi o zatverdevanii met-allev ~-n'.ervalp temper-atur) PERIODICAL: Nali~,hnyye rl,~klady vyashey shko:y. Vetallurgiya, !9~8, Nr 2, pp. 29-36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some zone,; cr layers are formed in the solidification of met-als within temperature ranges: a/ Inner-zcne of liquid metals at t, ~Iq, b/ Underf;coied zone of the liquid metals where crystalliza-tion centers are already formed. c/ Crystallization zone, where the crystal growth begins under the emission of crystallization heat. d/ Zone of the aumplete solidification of metals. The complete investigation of the solidification process in metals goes along with the determination of the boundary between solid and liquid phase. The solidification of the metals within the temperature intervals was made possible by means of a Card i..2 hydraulic- integrato-r. Its use offers the possibility of cal.- SOV/1 63-58-2-5/46 On t.he SoLu.1 ~r, -,f t),~e Seiidification Problem of Metals Within Temperatat';; Rangeq cailatlng vaXlous theoretical and practical .problems of solidifl. cation in -.ast.-:ng. The comparison of the results of the solidi- fication. of the steel layer in molds of sand-alumina agrees with the nra2ues found ir. experiments. The investigation of thq wi.thin-a temperature range does not only ex- plain -11he displacemeat'.cf the limits of the dependence on time but al,t!2 "he positicu and the width of the crystallization layer -'r. ths croas eention of the moldso The knowledge of the of the cas"-!j in dependence on the aocling oonditionS makes pos5ibla the production of molds free of any defe-~ts. Thpre are 4 figurPs, I table, and.8 references, 8 of which ar-? Sovi?-~Q ASSOCIATION: G.-;.,-Ckc-?-9k:'_y p-l'itekhnicheskly Institut (Gor~kly Poiytechn_-~mi SUBMITTED: O:,~cbi- 10- 19~;7 Card ':,;2 SOV/ 137-58-10-20651 T ran slation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p47 (USSR) AUTHORS: Skvortsov, A.A., Akimenko, A.D. TITLE: A Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Process of Continuous Casting of Steel (Issledovaniye protsessa nepreryvnoy razlivki stali na gidravlicheskoy modeli) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, pp ZI-26 ABSTRACT: Hydraulic simulation is used to determine the optimum angle of delivery of the stream into the crystallizer mold and the depth to which the stream penetrates into the metal in accord- ance with the height of the pouring container above the surface of the metal in the mold, when continuous casting of steel is practiced. When the process of casting from a tundish is sim- ulated, the major criteria to be observed are the Weber and Froude criteria. Upon continuous casting of rectangular billets, the employment of tundishes at-100 to the vertical, offset from the center of the mold, makes it possible to pour with the sur- face of the metal uncovered. The simulated test shows that the Card 1/Z utilization of tundishes at an angle of 200 may erode the solid SOV/ 137-58- 10-20651 A Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Process (cont.) skin forming on the edge of the billet opposite to the tundish. A reduction in the height of fall of the stream from 300 to 100 mm results in an insignifi- cant increase in the depth to which the stream penetrates into the metal. When the stream is introduced below the surface of the metal the penetra- tion of the stream almost doubles. Continuous -steel -casting experience at the Krasnoye Sormovo Plant shows the depth of penetration to be 400-460 mm, the distance between the tundish and the surface of the metal in the mold being 300 mm. This leads to the conclusion that it is possible to use molds < 1500 rnm in length. Attention is drawn to the danger of reducing the length of the mold when the stream is introduced beneath the surface of the metal. N. N. 1. Steel--Casting 2. Castings---Crystallization 3. Castings--Test results Card 2/2 AKIMERKO, A.D., kandstekhn.nauk, doteent; SEVORTSOV, A.A.; kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; MATOROV, inzhe -- . - Power consumption aspects of continuous steel pouring equipment. izv, v7s,uchebozav.; energ. no.5:60-64 M7 '58. (MIRA 11:8) l.Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheaki7 institut imeni A.A. Zhdanova (for Akimenko, Skvortsov). 2.Zavod "Krasno7a Sormovom (for Mayorov). (Electric power) (Steelworks--Equipment and supplies) SKVORTSOV, A.A. Solidification of a flat carbon steel ingot (with summary in Zaglieh lnzh.-fiz. zhur. no. 9:109-112 S 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Politekhaicheakiy inatitut imeni A.A.Zhdanova, go. Gor'kiy. (Steel ingots--Ketallo-raphy) AUTHOR: Skvortsov, A.A. 0OV/136-58-10-1?/2? TITIE: Yilt-er---clo-ta-Matntenance Practice at the Chimkent Lead Works (Praktika ukhoda za fil'troval'noy tkanlyu na Chimkentskom svintsovom zavode) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 10, p 78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: large quantities of filter cloth are in use in sleeve- filter installations at the Chimkent Lead Works. The author describes briefly filter preparation, exchange, washing and inspection at the works' sintering and cupel- lation plants. The practice described secured in 1957 a mean efficiency of slaeve filter in the sinter plant in 1957 of 96.59/o, the entry dust content being 1.11 and that at the outlet 0.0331 g/nm3. ASSOCIATION: Chimkentskiy svintsovyy zalrod (Chimkent Lead Works) Card 1/1 AKINENKO, A.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; SKVORTSOV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, doteent Investigating heat transfer in crystall12er equipment for continuous steel casting. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; chern. met. no.12:45-50 D 158. (MIU 12:3) l.Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskir institut. (Steel ingots) (Heat--Transmission) / /~ - R-. J AUTHORS: Akimenko, A. D., Candidate of Technical Sciencerp, -SOV/42-58-12-4/32, Docent, Barykin V I Docent,,Pkvortsov A A Candidate of Tec)hnicL Sciences TITLE: The Economics of Using Electrical Heating in Forging Shops (K voprosu ob ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti primeneniya elektronagreva v kuznechno-pressovykh tsekhakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1958, Nr 12, pp 6)+-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors take up an article in the January 1958 issue of this journal by V.N. Glushkov who suggests that electrical induction heating of parts for forging is uneconomical. They point out that the relative cost of oil or gas fired furnaces versus electrical heating will vary widely in different regions. The cost of oil in roubles per metric ton is given for five different regions (Table 1). The cost of natural gas is quoted at 180 roubles per ton. The cost of electrical energy is given in Table 2. Here, four different groups are quotedl and the basic cost of electricity varies from .005 to-15 roubles per -kwh. When installation costs and total expenditure are taken into account the cost per kwh for Card 1/3 4800 hour use at a use factor of 0.8 is found to vary from .06 to .263 roubles according to group. The cost SOV/122-58-12-25/32 The Economics of Using Electrical Heating in Forging Shops of factory water, necessary for cooling induction heating loops, is also taken into account. Again, there is considerable difference between plants with their own water supply ( 053 roubles/metre ) and plants taking 'town' water (:46 roubles/metTe3). The specific consumption of elect,-,-:*LC-'L-*~-,y er ton of metal heated is quoted between 500 kwh and 900 kwh by different authorities. Remarks are made about the basis for assessing the real quan:.-ity of oil- used per ton of metal heated. In Table 4, costs per ton of material heated are given for three different cases of heating by oil, and the same cases for heating by induction methods$ and also the cost of heating by natural gas. This comparison suggests that, at any rate in the--centrqL1 part of the Card 2/3 SOV/122-58-12-25/32 The Economics of Using Electrical Heating in Forging Shops USSR where electricity is cheap, that induction heating can be as cheap or cheaper than oil heating. The cost per ton for heating by natural gas comes out at about three-quarters of that for oil or for electrical heating. There are 4 tables and 7 references, all Soviet. Card 3/3 AKIKONKO, A.D., Icand. takhn. nauk; MAKUSHIN, A.K., inzh. A,.,--, kand. telchn. nauk; IMLOKOY, A.V., inzh. ; SHENDFROY, L.B., inzh. Combined secondary cooling of a continuously C2St iDgOt. St&l' 18 no. 6:509-511 Je '58. (kIRA 11:7) 1. Gor'kovsk-iy politakhaicheskiy institut i %svod *Krasnoy* Sormovo.0 (Steel ingots--cooling) ft,D., kand. tekhn. nauk: G V.A., inzh.; KASHGHBT3VA, N.F., inzh. KUZNI3V. M.Ya., inzh.; SKVORTSOV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHMIAGIN, V.S., inzh. Utilizing waste nitrogen from oxygen plants as a protective atmos- phere for metal heat treatment in furnaces. Test. mash. 38 no.4,. 40-47 AP '58. (MIRA 110) (Hetals--Heat treatment) (Protective atmospheres) (Nitrogen) 25(1'/ PHME I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1586 Tekhnologicheskiy spravochnik po, kovke i obtly-noy shtampovke (Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959- 966 P- 15,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): M.V. Storozhev; Ed. (Inside book): S.B. Kirsanova, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: B.M. Gliner, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: T. F. Sokolova; Managing Ed. for Information Liberature (Mashgiz): V.I. Krylov, Engineer. PURPOSE: The handbook is intended for engineers and technicans working in forging and the forming shops and in engineering design bureaus. It may also be used by teachers and students of technical schools. GGIERAGE: The handbook contains information on processes of forging &UX-hotdmedd1ef0zmr ing as carried out on various kinds of forging and pressing machinery. Infornation is given on initial stockmaking blank I qua-lity inspection of forgings and their heat treatment,, and on engineering characteristics of basic machluery and mechani- zation equipment, on the making and on technical-econcmic indexes and engineering standardization. The authors state that problems of manufacture by forging and press forming which have only been discussed up to now in periodicals and special- Card V2* Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging Structure and phase state Prevailing pattern of state of stress Speed of deformation Contact friction Size effect ~3asic concepts and equations of the state of stress theory Principal normal stresses Principal tangential stresses Octahedral stresses Differential equations of equilibriuca Maximum yield stress (Plasticity condition) Distortion-energy condition of plasticity Maximum shearing stress condition of plasticity Approximate equations for plasticity conditions Stress-strain relations in plastic deformation General premises Basic equations Theoretical determination of forces in metal forming General equations Card 3/p sov/1586 6j 64 64 67 68 68 69 69 70 70 71 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging sov/1586 Theoretical eq~zations for determination of forces 75 Ch. III. Surface Treatment and Cutting of Metal for B1#jjkp(V.L.'Raskind, Engineer) 79 Surface treatment 79 Cutting with shears and in presses 80 Face distortion of blanks and selection of optimum clearance between knives - 8o Heating-up of steel before shearing 81 Tools for cutting with shears and in presses 81. Cutting force 88 Shears and presses fbr metal cutting 89 Breaking on cold breaking devices 91 Cutting on machine tools 92 Saving on circular saws 92 Cutting on hack-saw machines and on lathe-type machine tools 95 Oxygen flame cutting 98 Cutting conditions 98 Effect of the cutting process on metal structure 99 Technique and regimes of cutting 101 Fuel and effective power of the flame 102 Card 4/0 Handbook on ften and Closed Die Forging sov/1586 Apparatus and machines for o3qgen flame cutting 104 Anodic cutting 107 Special features of the process and cutting regimes 107 Anodic cutting machines log Selection of the method of cutting and allavances for the length of the blank 110 Waste in cutting and coefficient of metal utilization In =Wdng blemks 112 Calculation of metal loss from waste U2 Metal utilization coefficient in making blanks U6 Selection of most favorable dimensionsrof rolled stock-and utilization , of waste u6 Mechanization of cutting process with shears and saws 119 Safety techniques 1PP Ch. IV. Thermal Regime of Forging (A.A. Skvortsov,Cdndidate off edulcal Scim: *24 Range of temperatures for forging 124 Metal heating for forging 129 Cooling of forgings 135 Loss through burning and decarburizati.on of metal in heating 139 Card 5/?A Handbook on Open and Closed Die Forging sov/1586 Ch. V. Heating Devices for Forging 143 Direct flame furnaces'(A.A. Skyortsov, Candidate of Technicai Sciences) 143 Types of furnaces and range of use 143 Relation between time of heating, d4mensions of the hearthjand efficiency 157 Fuel and combustion devices 157 Devices for heat utilization of waste gas in heating furnaces 163 Fuel consumption in metal heating 165 Consunption of refractories and life of furnaces 167 Electric heating devices (K. F. Shepelyakovskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 168 Types of electric heating devices 168 Heating blanks in electric resistance furnaces 169 Induction heating 171 Heating by the resistance method 185 Ch. VI. Forging Equipment(M. V. Storozhev P Candidate of Technical Sciences) 200 Double-acting steam drop hammers 200 Pneimatic drop hemmers 201 Hydraulic forging presses 202 Card 18(3) SOV/163-59-2-22/48 AUTHORS: Akimenko, A. D., Skvortsov,__&-.--A-. TITLn~: Investi-ation of the Process of Heat Emission in the Zone of 0 Secondary Cooling in the Plants for Continuous Steel Casting (Issledovaniye prot3essa teplootdachi v zone vtorichnogo okhlazh- deniya ustanovok nepreryvnoy razlivki stali) L P RIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Metallurgiya, Nr 2, 1959 pp 123 - 130 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In continuous steel casting, the in.-ot passes three zones of cooling: 1) Cooling in a crystal agent circumcirculated by water, 2) zone of secondary cooling by spraying with water, 3) air cooling bj free convection. The present paper investigates the conditions of the second zone which eliminates 50 - 60%3 of the total heat. Fi_-are 1 shows the temperature coarse in the ingot during this treatment. The experiments were carried out on a test stand. Table 1 indicates the cooling methods applied (air, water or air-water mixture). The temperature changes were recorded and the heat- transfer coefficients were computed. Pi.-ure 2 shows the changes of the heat-transfer coefficients durino, the observation time, figure 3 indicates the dependence of the mean heat-transfer coefficient on the specific water congumption. The experii-nents Card 1/2 with pure air cooling (Table 3) proved to be uneconomical due to Investigation of the Process of Heat Emission in the 301163-59-2-22148 Zone of Secondary Cooling in the Plants for Cont-inaOU3 Steel Casting a high current conaumption for the air supply. The erigineers of the "Kragnoye Sormovoll 'i7orks suggeutt;d a cooling by a two- phase water-air mixture produced'in special mixers, which was tested by the Institute mentioned under "Association". The following i8 a8curtained: 1) The Pauthod renders possible a continuous supply of the mixture to the nozzles with no separation of phases in the pipelives; 2) the consumption of compressed air is low; 3) the water consumption can be reduced by 35;";') at the same shape of nozzles; -,',) the values of the heat-transfer coefficients of this procedure lie between the valaes for water coolin,g and the values for air cooling (Fig 4). The expeririients proved the practical applicability of this procedure. There are ~ figures, 3 tables, and 63oviet references. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskij institut (Gorlkiy Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: May 8, 1958 Card 2/2 SKVORTSOV, A..A,. otsent, kand.tokbnonauk Effnet of extarnal chills on thp solidification of steel cast- ings. Izv.vys.ucheb.zsv.; chern.nnt. 2 no-5*29-33 W '59. (MIRA 12-19) 1. Gnrlkovskly politelzhnicheskiy inatit7it. Relcomendovano kafedroy -nanhin i tnUinologil. obrabotki Tjetallnv davleniyan Gor1kovskogo politnOmicbeskogo instituta. (Founding) (Steel castings) S/123/6i/0OO/0i4/03_3/045 Aoo4/Alol AUTHORi Skvortsov, A-A.__._ TITLEt Formulating and investigating the problem on the solidification and crystallization of metals in the temperature range PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal..Mashinostroyeniye, no-14, 1961, 1,,abs 'tract 14Gi (II/Irr./Gor'kovsk. politekhn* in-ta"' 1959, V. 15, no.6, 1o7-12Q TEXT: The author describes a method of investigating the solidification of steel plates under different cooling conditions with the aid of a hydraulic integrator. The fundamental assumptions for the designing of such devices arei the equality of the physical parameters for the solid, the solidifying and the liquid metal, and also that the liberation of the internal solidification heat is uniform in the liquidus-solidus -remperature range. The author analyzes the schematics of hydraulic integrators with the aim of selecting the one, which would give the,best coincidence of the obtained data of hydraulic simulation with the experimental cooling curves. The macro-structures of flat steel castings are compared to the solidification curves. E.' Gini [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 530 'coq BOO& -c0 tv "1 500 lolls eel Yo t~~ BO-0,60 ro%~ d te6e esO Isal. 50,19 -gror, -~.,s vt -- '9 CO ~aplxs 6TXO 31, ~~! 114 te ot 0 tj Are ~,x '06 01 elso ,jel s Sl~ vw -COP z16 Tocess 0 rese it To ~00 gre-arao, S11019 BID.& t55., COS. e-r5 SO-Nev, -c0 ttix,?, cso~f, log too eo alv r -- ,Oe 'aoj,5 'oet Of 0 . ~ ae'll~ -i ,~o O~ ~COA ,eU&" t8S cO J& cke 0 1,00~ tov e ~Ae - t~Aq, tzaS4,- of Ge Cas T'les As A0001- T OXIV Ty-,~,s J%~'5 06 twl-~ S a s lop tO e 0~ 6C0[, CO'CL C)5 ~dr r Oll _Go. . 'S'av 1 or L -rei$ 'jape- A'S SjsO, t%je 'JO-C'V 5tell & .30 19 '1 1 - SISOAe t-6.0, t.~.O`v -~ c~ 01, "r- - T &es C tfe 0 1011 txo-f 5 , 'V~ J~U&O Ptte tt,~e 06t Ot v0 all t to t~.O'V' SOTVDP YOT vl~,r So 1~0-r)F 5 *& so 0 CeS5 cord -r0 15N~i 010M a 0 9 Boer t" OtIol st~~V. x N, jq'rj~5 006 VOA 'tjolo '0'. ATS -~ 5 001( 0~ t V eT 5 Ifle-S V,I.OA X~D es~ ve Mastering the Process of Continuous Steel Casting SOV/5383 N.N. Smel'yakov, and A.V. Khripkov), headed by Academician I.P. Baradin., were awarded the title of Laureate of Lenin's Prize for their work in mastering the continuous steel-casting process. Staff members of the TsNIIChM (Central Scien- tific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy), the Scientific Research In- stitute of the former Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industryv the VNIIavtogen (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Autogenous Treatment of Metals)v and other organizations took an active part In the investigation of the con- tinuous casting process. Peat emission and 30lidification processes were in- vestigated by the Gorlkly politekhnicheskiy institut (Gorlkiy Polytechnic In- stitU4 There are 54 referencesg 52 Soviet, 1 English, and 1 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Designs and Principle of the Operation of Continuous Steel-Casting Plants 5 1. Development of the continuous steel-casting method 2. Continuous steel-casting plant operating at the "Krasnoye 5 Sormovoll mill 10 C a. r d~ k. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4865 Kuzelev., Mikhail Yakovlevich., and Aleksey Anatoltyevich Skvortsov Nagrev metalla pod kovku I shtampovku v pi nnykh pechakh (Preheating of Metal for Forging and Stamping in Direct-Flame Furnaces) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1960. 262 P. 51700 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: G. V. Malakhovakiy; Editor: Z. V. Ozerova; Tech. Ed.: R. K. Tsal. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel and foremen in the forge and press-forging shops. It may also be useful to workers in design and scientific-research Institutions, and to students special- izing in metalworking in schools of higher education and tekhnilm- COVERAGE: The book discusses the theory and practice of heating metal in direct-flame furnaces for forging and stamping. Selection criteria temperature ranges in pressworking of metals, and methods for calcu- lation of the heating of steel and nonferrous netal alloys., ingots, and blanks are presented. Regimes and methods of cooling forgings