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, 5~.,, -z- - -'r, 0, , *k , '" (I ,NA fnictiov- 7,1' ti-,(- brair in ard-mals r.,~ -ill -r A -g.3. T b L, k h -i rr., , z-,, r n t) . I : 31 3 - 4 2 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institute of E-3c;Qhemistry of the Acad~mf- (,' Scienct-'s of the SKVIRSKAYA, E.S.; ZONIS, M.L.; TKAOMMKO, D.S., provizor, direktor. Prescription filling in pharmacies of the Kiev region. Apt.delo 2 no.2: 28-30 Kr-AP 153. WmA 6:.5) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii lekarstvennykh form Klyevokogo instituta usovershen- stvovaniya provizorov Miniaterstva zdravookhraneniya USSR. (Kiev Province-Medicines-Forwalae, receipts, prescriptions) Concerning Neurological Symptoms Following Therapy by Radio- active Cobalt," by K. B. Skvirskay--, Central Scientific Re- search Ro,intgeno-Hadiologi-c-aT-ln--st-l-tute (director Prof M. N. Pobedinsl:iy), Ministry of Health USSR, leningrad, Zhurnal Nev- ropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakoval Vol 56, i-io 11, Nov 56, PP 877-881 Sixty patients were subjected to thera-D by.radioactive cobalt for malignant tumors in the laryngeal region, the vicinity of the sex organs, etc. The local fractional irradiation consisted of 200-500 r with a to-,.- tal of 5,000 to 10,000 r and more. It was found that injury to the nervous system due to the effects of large therapeutic doses of radioactive cobalt 7.,*as comparatively small.'.~---, Only five of the 60 patients suffered serious injuries, which, however had a favorable course and good outcome. The vascular injuries in the rest of the patients had a-dynamic nature. DANILINp A.A.; LUKASH9 N.I.; MALINOVSKAYAq T.Yao; SMBRYAMUKOVp V.D.; SHESHINAg G.A. Condition of the nervous sy9t4m in subjects working with radio- active substances. Medrad. 5 noa5:37-43 160. (MM 13:12) (NEltVUUS SYSTM) (RADI.OAGTIVITY-PMIOLOGICAL EYE=) SKVIRSKAYA., K.B. Effect on the nervous system of ionizing radiations under unfavorable occupational conditions.- Med. rad. 6 no.1:5-9, 161. (M:= 14:3) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (OCCUPATIONAL---.DISEASES) (RADIATIO,N-PH)MIOLOGICAL VFECT) TURCHFJ1KO, Yakov Ivanovich; KOTOV, M.P., prof., otvetstvennyy red.; SKVIRSKAYA, M.P., red.; KHOKHANOVSKAYA, T.I., [Main lines of the develODMent of general, inorganic and physical chemistry In the Ukraine (the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century)]. Osnovnye Duti razvitiia obshchei, neorganicheskoi I fizicheskoi khimii na Ukraine (XIX at. I Dervaia polovina XX at.). Kiev, Izd-vo Kievskogo gas.univ.1m.T.G.Shevehenko, 1957, 433 P. (MMi 10:12) 01waine-Chemistry-History) RAYEVSKIY, Alsksandr Nikolayevich CRhNVSKII, A.IQ;MikRISOVA, L.I., kand. ped.nauk, otv.rnd.; PKVIRSKkYA, M.P., red.; YMMUOVSKRYA, T.I., tekhrod, [Psychology of speech in Soviet psychological science during the last 40 ymars, 1917-19571 Paikhologiia. rachi v sovetskoi paikho- logicbenkoi nauke za 40 let (191?-1957). Izd-vo Kievskogo goe. univ. im. T.G. Shevchmnko, 1958. 121 p. (Ml]Lk 12:1) (Speech) BEZTTf'-T "T, Andrey Mefodlyevicb rRvzuRT.Yi,l.-,.*I3,.i.-,!-.. -1 ' r T:-. 'Al c I C. -ZT;YVV, Alclkrell v-. r it I V I:-, -, EOVA IV r C ltmnd. geol. .a ut:, 3, L red.; KHARIK, B.V., tekhnred. --- [G--neral geoloVl Zahallna goologits. [Kylv] Vy.-I-v-, Kyivslkoho derzb. univ. Im. T.H. Shevehenk-a" 1958. ;28 o. (MIRA 11:10) (Geolo;-V,) - RUDEIMO, Fedor Andreyevich; POPOV, Aleksandr Yermolayevich LPopov, OJEJ Ldeceased); SIL'VIRS' P,,K.Pj, red.; OKOPHA, O.D., tekhred. (Hydrogeology] Gidrogeologiia. Kyiv. Vyd-vo Kyivslkoho univ.s 1959o 270 P. (14EU 13:1) (Water, Underground) CIIEDOIAREV, Nikolay Petrovichj SKVIRSKAYA, M.P., red.; YUNOVSKIY, Ye.B., tekhn. red* [Continental bydrology) Gidrologiia aushi. Kiev, Izd-vo Kiev- skogo univ... 1960. 378 p. (MIU 34:11) (Hydrology) GOROVSKIY, Froim Yakovlovich (Iforovslkyi, F.IA.]; MIRSKAYA2-M.P. [Skvyrslka, M.P.), red.; MILIKIN, Yu.p !'. i-~ -, [Economic role of the socialist state] Ekonovichna roll sotsiali- stychnoi derzhavy. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo polit. lit-ry, URSR, 1961. 68 p. (Economics) (COMMMism) (MLU 14-.0/) ISAAKYAN, Garnik Drastamatovich [Isaakian, H.D.]; SK-VIRSLK [Skvyrslka., M.P.], red.; SERGEYEVI V.F. --- . AU+-M--P,- .. tie2hn. red. [Soviet Armenia] Radianslka Virmeniia. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo polit.lit-ry URSR, 1962. 102 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Armenia-Economic conditions) GRIGOR-YAN, G.S.[Hryhorliaa, H.S.], dots.; KISTANOV, Ya,A., dots.; FEFILOV, A.I., dots.; GENKINA, L.S.(Henkina, L.S.1, dots.; VASIL'YEV, S.S.[VasilTiev, S.S.), dots.; SEREBRYAKOV, S.V., prof.; DNEPrfjVSKIY, S.P,[Drzleprovslkyi, S.P.1, prof.; PIROGOV), P.V.(Pyrohov, P.Vj, dots,; GOGOLI B I [Hoholl, B1.1, dots,; SMOTRINA, N,A.. dots.; KULIKOV, O.GjKul'ik'ov, O.H.1, dots.; KUZIN, N.I., dots.; DEMIDYUK, V.F.[Demydiuk, V.F.), red.; ffjBS_KA.YA,_14.P.[Skvyrs'ka, M.P.], red.; LEXCHENKO, O.K., tekhn. red., SERGEYEV, V.,FjSerhieiev, V.F.J, tekhn. red. [Soviet trade economics] Ekonom'Lka radianslkoi torhivli; pld- ruchnyk. (By] G.S.Grigor7ian ta inshi. Kyiv, Derzhpolitvydav UYSR9 1962. 500 p. (MIRA 16:1~ (Russia-Commerce) kand.blol.nauk ZUJ2�jAXA,j "Practical work on the school experimental plot"; a textbook for students of grades 5 and 6 of secondary schools by S.A. Kivotov. Reviewed by S.B. Skvirskala. Biol. v shkole no.4:91-92 Jl-jlg 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Kiyevskaya nblantnaya atantsiya yunnatnv. (Agriculture-Stndy and teaching) (Kivotov, S.A.) SKVIRSKAYA, S.B., kand.biol.nauk Green tubers. IUn.nat. nq.9:30-31 S 160. (MBU 14:3) (Potatoes-Storage) ,~KVIRSUYA, S.B., kand.biol.nauk Greening of seed Dotatoes after harvesting. Friroda 49 no.10:89- go 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kiyevskay-a oblastnaya stantsi5ra yun3rkh naturalistov. (Potatoes-Storage) SMIMAIA B. A., PRO-IM011 M~ S. Primenanis sernistykh soedineii-ii v kaehestva zamenitelia khlornogo zolota poisle impregnatsii serabron. gistologicheskikh preparatov nervnoi sista-7. Zuse of sulphur compound3 in replacement of gold chlorije after silver impregnation of the nervous system-.7 Arkh. pat.., '.'oskva 12:3 May-Jume 50 P. 84-5. 1. Of Me Laboratory of the listopathology of the Nervous Systern (Head - Prot. M. L. Boroviskiy) of -tbz Institute of General arA Expertnental Patthology (1>irector -- Academician A. D. Speranskiy) of ' & Acade.V. of -ledical, Sciences USSR, Moscow, th cus 19, 5, Nov 5o DICKAY A I *-.I',- . 1~ ,-,KVL I It . "l-lorp,hologicall, Invc:3tijration of the Nervous 3ystem of Animp-1s Infected wtth Pr,,--e--,ocA-c Infection3 under Conditions of Atlered Reactivity of the Organism" -. 1 -Z r, .r . -./ - Problema Reaktivnosti v Patologii., f&-dgiz, Moscow 1954, 34~PP, USSR111uman and Animal Morphology. Nervous System. S Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69605. Author Skvirskaya, Ye. A. Inst Title The Structure of Neuroreceptor Formations of Certain Regions of the Skin of Guinea Figs. Orig Pub: Probl. morfol. nervn. sistemy, Leningrad, Medgiz, 1956, 102-107. Abstract: Studies were made of the structure and diatribu- tion of nervous formations in the skin of the thigh, sole, and digits in guinea pigs, some of which were normal, and others of which either died or survived infection with anaerobic bacteria. The neuroreceptor apparatus of the skin in the in- fected animals is more completely demonstrable than Card 1/2 15 SKVIRS KLYA, Ye.A. (Moskva) Morphological modifications of the neural apparatus of the skin of guinea pigs in experimental anaerobic infection. Arkh. pat. 18 no.1:107-109 156. (HLRA 9:6) 1. Iz laboratorii gistopatologii nerynoy sistomy (zav.-prof. M.L. Borovskiy) Instituta obahchey I skoperimentallnoy patologii AA1 SSSR (CLOSTRIDIUM PAMINGICS. Infections, exper.. off. on nerves in skin (Run)) (SKIN, innervations, In exper. Glostridium perfringens infect. (Run)) SKVIRSKAYA, Ye.A. Role of additional stimuli in the development of histopathological changes in animals subjected to anaerobic infection. Dokl. AN SSSR 111 no.6:1388-1391 D 156. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Institut normallnoy patologicheskoy fiziologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. Predetayleno akademikom A.D. Speranskin, (GANGRNIIN) (HISTOLOGT, PATHOLOGICAL) SKVIRSKAYA, Ye.A.; ZELIMPJ-IOVICH, R.Ya. Role of the nervous system in the course and the outcome of gas gangrene in guinea pigs. Trudy Inst. norm. i pat. fiziol. ANN SSSR no.1:100-109 158 (MIRA 16212) 1. Iz laboratorii gistopatologii nervnoy sistemy (zav. - prof. M.L.Borovskiy) i laboratorii infektsionnoy patologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SM, prof. A. Ya. Alymov) otdela obshchey i eksperimentallnoy patologii Czav-. - akademik A.D. Speranskiy) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziolo- gii AMIT SSSR. SUIRSKAYA, Ye.A. Histopathological changes in animals folloving infection with anaerobic infection and after weak stimulation [with summary in English], Biuleksp.biol. i med. 46 noo'10:117-122 0 158 (MMA 11: 1.1) lo Iz laboratorii nervnoy trofiki (zav. - prof. M.L. Borovskly [deceased]) otdela Obshchey patologii (zav. - akademik A.D. Sperenskly) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dir. - deystvitell nyy chlen AMU SSSR V.N. Chernigovskly) AMU SSSR, Mosk7a* Predstavlena doyetvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim.' (rMCTION. experimental, anaerobic, histopathol. reactions (Rus)) (IRRITANTS, effects. histopathol. reactions in animals to weak irritation (Ras)) SKVIRSKAYA, Ye. A. Glycogen content variation in the nervous system and in the muscles in animals infected by vibriocoma. Biul. eksp. biol. nod. 47 no-1: 109-113 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. 1z laboratorii nerynoy trofiki (zav. - prof. M.L. Borovskiy [deceased] otdela obahchey patologii (zav. - akademik A.D. Speranskiy) Inatituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dir. - daystvitel'W chlen ANN SSSR V.N. Chernigovakiy) AMN 65SR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlenom, ANN SSSR V.N. C.hernigovskim. (GAS GANGR.W, exper. eff. on brain & muse. glycogen (RUB)) (BRAIN, metab. glycogen. eff. of exper. gas gangrene) (KMCLIM, metab. same) (GLYCOGAN. metab. brain & muse., eff. of exper. gas gangrene (Rug)) OSTM, O.YA., SOMETIA, Z.I., LKVIRSKAYA, E.A., P BAERTAN, S.A., STRUKOVA, L.G., VMTI-K-T--'-M"A "The trophic function of the nervous system and tt dyatrophic process.* Report submitted, but not presented at the 2bd Into Congress of Physiological Soleness. lelden, the Mother2snde 10-17 Sep 1962 7 K-LB-IEI,,'KO, Ye.D.; LEBEDEVA, L.N.; SKY110KAYA, Ye.A.; CHZHAN DZHIN - DUN; SOLOVIYEV, A.A. Some data on changes in the nervous system in the process of experimental blastomogenesis. Trudy List. norm. i pat. fiziol. AM SSSR 6:100-:101 162 (MIRA 17 :1) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy patomorfologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Solov'yev) i laborato- riya nervroy trofiki (zair. - doktor med. nauk O.Ya. Ostryy) Instituta normallnoy i patologichaskoy fiziologii AMN SSSR. OSTRYY, 0. Ya.;_PKI.TIRSKAYA, Ye.A.; BABAYAN, S.A.; STRUKOVA, L.G. Neurcdystrophic process and morphological changes in the cardio- vascular system. Trudy Inst. norm. i pat. fiziol. ANIN SSSR 6: 140-142 162 (141RA 17:1) 1. Laboratoriya nervnoy trofiki ( zav. - doktor med. nauk O.Ya. Ostryy) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fizio- logii AMN SSSR. _Z_ SKV1P.SXAYA,YE. P. + c 1q I F-C zt rIT L _7 ~Ve L i C9 S -.0 Tj tro '3 [Cr( fill, tro r, 7-~~ TIT. nj ~c rl C-, 12 Fo~'yl tn - ra, 7 1 83835 S/138/60/000/004/001/008 1.5-,9&00 22_0~ 2_105 A051/AO29 AUTHORS4 Peyzner, A.B., Fermor, N.A., Korotkova, LA.' Sk_virskayaq Ye. P~ TITLE: The Production of Special Synthetic Latexes for the Manufac- turing of Foam Rubber/Products X9 PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 4, PP. 1 - 9 TEXT- In order to organize mass production of Soviet foam rubber articles, it was important to establish a raw material base, i.e., to in- troduce the production of synthetic latex suitable for the manufacturing of foam rubber. The article deals with the results of the work concerning the synthesis of the special latex. The possibility of using butadiene-styrene and chloroprene latexes was investigated which are produced in industry with a high content of dry residue (about 50%). The minimum permissible concen - tration is just about 50% when used for the purpose lp question,~Refs. 4) The following latexes were testeds C9C -30Y(~KS-300,0'the Nairite's if -1 , .67-2, X3, Y/-,4.-, ~q--5, A-6 (L-1), (L-2)9 (L-3), (L-4)~ (L-5), (L-6). The foam rub- oer articles were produced by the mechanical foaming method. As a result of Card 1/4 83835 3/138/60/000/004/001/008 A051/AO29 The Production of Special Synthetic Latexes for the Manufacturing of Foam Rubber Products 1.11' the tests the following latexes were developeds 1) ChlorqpEene butadiens and zhloroprene-isoprene types, 2) SKS-30A (with 4..5 and 7.5-T-Nekal), 3) SKS-30 with Nekal, paraffinate of sodiumq sodium soaps modified colophony and a mixture of fatty acid and colophony soaps as emulsifiers, 4) SKS-50, obtained with Nekal, 5) SKS-50, with ammonia paraffinate. It appeared that the possibility of obtaining satisfactory foam rubber from synthetic latex depended on the nature of the polymeras well as the nature of the emulsifier The most positive results were obtained in the case of the SKS-50 type latex, using ammonia salts of synthetic fatty acids. Therefore, the work was con- centrated on the latter. It was found that the foaming in the latex, as well as its durability, improves with an increase in the pH of the latex to 10 and by lowering the foaming temperature. The authors also discuss the effect of the plasticity on the SKS-50 latex properties. There were 56 latex samples tested and it was found that a normal foam rubber was always obtained at a hardness of the polymer not over 1,7009,. In order to produce satisfactory foam rubber from SKS-50 latexq it is imperative that. the latter contains a Card 2/4 83835 S/138/60/000/004/001/008 A051/AO29 The Production of Special Synthetic Latexes for the Manufacturing of Foam Rubber Products polymer with a relatively high plasticity. Some of the reasons for the in- fluence of the plasticity on the quality of the foam rubber are discussed in Ref. 9 by Peyzner and cc-workers. Regarding the kinetics of polymeriza- tion during synthesis, experiments showed that one reason for the ineffec- tive expenditure of the initiator was the presence of iron compounds in the initial emulsion. A small amount of Trilon B was introduced into the initLal emulsion in order to eliminate the harmful effect of the iron compounds. The content of the dry material had to be elevated, as being one of the con- ditions for using the latex in the production of foam rubber. The soap con- tent was reduced in the initial emulsion in order to increase the size of tie particles in the latex, which would secure the necessary concentration of dry material. The temperature of the polymerization was lowered and the con- version of mongmers was increased to over 60%. The stability of theLKr--50 fli'(SKS-50 PG)Vllatex was shown to be inadequate. An additional amount of ammonium paraffinate (UP to 1.5% of the polymer weight) was added after com- pletion of the polymerization to increase the stability of the polymer. In order to produce a test batch of SKS-50 latex, of increased size a tempera- Card 3/4 83835 S/138/60/000/004/001/008 AO,r-1/AO29 The Production of Special Synthetic Latexes for the Manufacturing of Foam Rubber Products ture of 500C, and a monomer conversion of 75% were proposed,. A '.atex mixture of the composition given on page 6 was tested in the laboratory and the en- tire latex was shipped to the Balanda and Kursk Plants. Other latexes were tested as raw material in the production of foam rubber, aiich as butadiene- --methyl e5yrene latex and butadiene-nitrile latex, The stability ofCKN-40n LqKff-.AOP)'Olatex is described and it is stated that this latex wao sent to the Foam Rubber Article Plant in Balanda for use in production. The development of the SKN-10 latex synthesis is still under way. There are 8 tables, 4 fig- ures, 17 references: 6 Soviet and 11 English. ASSOCIATION2 Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-issledovatel',skiy institut sinteticheskcgo kauchuka im. S.V, Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Sythetic Rubber imeni S,,V, Lebedev) Card 4/4 S/7 2/7% 1/000/000/002/009 1031 1242 S' V. , Fermor, H.A., Slcvirska-va, 1.orol'',rova, Berlin, R.L., TaranenTco, S.V. T IT M' S, V O.rn~ho3js of latex for fonm rubber manufacture S1)*JR'C!:: Sintez late',3ov 1 i1rh primeneniye.- Ed. by A.V. Lebedev, A.7'. "le-vzner, and N.A. Fermor, Leningrad, Goskl-Limizdat, 1,M1,-2i-40 ~.-XT: The -Purpcse of this .%rork wqs the development of the manufac- tiire of foam rubher fr,-m sinthetic latexes- produced in the USSR. Tho In1ttal experimenta were performed with CKC-30U (SJ~S-301j) and chior~~-prcne ln~exes subsenliontl- -,--,, new experimental latexes were synthosized: chlornprene-butrdr(ine and chloroprene-isoprnne; bifta- (Irane-st,rreno Iatexes C- KC -30Af5lKS-30A), (SKS-30), CrL-!Fcr '(SKS-50) with :-Tekal and CKC-S-Q(,SK3-50) with ammonium paraffinates German Buna IS-3 and Burja-,SS-Spectal (butRdrene-ntyrene 50:50) were also Investignted. The results viere unnatisfactory with the excep- Card 1/3 S/707-/61/000/000/002/009 1031/1242 _'~-':Tnthe31S of Intux for ... Uion of cKS-50 latex of modified mix, and the detailed stiidy was nqrrowed to this mpterir,3 only. Factors like full saturation of IT of L the solution,- incrensed concentrat- nPrticles film, incronsed !on of solids$ end low foaming temperature, Improve the foaming abilit-,r of a lqtex. Pcqr. stabilitv in the SKS-50 latex was ach'Lov- ed b- ~n increnso in st-;av content U'p to 10"f of weight of solids. OP t C mum plasticity doperds on the-nature of polymer, on condition of polymerization, on mIx crimposition and on technology of the pro- cess. A rnlation ex1sts between the rate of polymerization and the 3olids content of the latox. The smaller the size of particles, the hip-,hor the rnte of . pol~jner Izat ion. On the other hand, the small-particlo latex, due to its higher viscosity thickness at a lower solids content. Tho SMI-50 latex was stabilized with potas- asium. paraffinate w1h-ich reduced the surface tension to 45-48 dynes/ cm. The possibilii7, of substituting Oc-methylstyrene for st-yrene in a butad~iene-styrene polymer was studied. The polimerization Card 2/3 SKVIRSKA,YA, Ye.S.;RKYZER, T.S. Solubility of iodine in alcohol in low temperatures. Aptech. delo, Moskva 2 no. 1:13-17 Jan!.-Feb 1953, (GIML 24:1) 1. Of the Department of the Technology of Drugs, Kiev Institute for the Advanced Training of Pharmacists. SKVIFSKAYA, Ye.S.;ZONIS, M.L. Prescription filling in pharmacies of the Kiev region. Aptech. delo, Moskva 2 no.2:28-30 Mar-Apr 1953. (GIAL 24:3) 1. Of the Department of the Technology of Medicinal Forms of Kiev Institute for the Advanced Training-of Pharmacists (Director - Pharma- cist D. S. Tkachenko), Ministry of Public Health Ukrainian SSR. 2. Analysis of types of preparations used. VAYSMAN, G.A. (Vaisman, Ii A.!; GUREVICH M.1 SUIRSKAYA, Ye.S. I , _'ka , V.IA.1 (Skvyrs'kA, IE S:J; GORODINSKAYA V:Ya. [Horadyns Using ultrasonic wqves in the preparation on irTusions from alkaloid-and glucoside-bearing plants. Farmatsev. zhur. 18 no.4:61-65 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii lekarstv i galenovykh preparatov Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Laboratoriya i dykhaniya Instituta fiziologii im. Bogomolltsa AN UkrSSR. VAYSI.IAII, G.A.; GURIXIGH, I.I.I.; 310M6KA-1A) Yo.S. Study on the stability of solutions of some medicinal substances under the action of ultrasonic3. Apt. delo 10 no-5:11-15 5-0 161. (Mlia 14:12) I.Kiyevskiy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Institut fiziologii imeni A.A.Bogomolltsa AN USSR. (ULTRASONIC TESTING) (DRUGS) (SOLUTIONS (PHAR14ACY)) VAYSIRAN, G.A.; WFOIT[CH, M.I.; USe C~f jjjt~aS- fu 1- _ni,::= fGr s-ons and ext acts from alkalrid--ontainixig plant stc.~-k. Apt. delo Ll no.6.,17-21 (MURA 17*.7) 1. Kiyev2kly inrAltut uoovershf~lristvovaniya vrachey. VAYSMAN, G.A. [Vaisman, H.A.1; SUIRSKAYA, Ye.S. [Skvyrs'ka,,L.S.j; GUREVICH, M.I. [Hurevyc-fi-,-M=..1j-TV=ATA~, M.Ya. [Tvers1ka, M.IA.] .9 Study on the production of tinctures from glycoside-containing plant material using ultrasonir-s. Farmatsev.zhur. 19 no.1:1+4-49 - 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii lekarstvennykh form i galenovykh preparatov Kiyevskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Institut fiziologii AN UkrSSR. VASIIJCYSKIY, Yakov Mikhaylovich; SAFAROV, Yusif Alikuli ogly -,..~Zmakx, A.S. redaktor; ALITKAN, T.B.. redaktor izdatellstya LTurbodrills in series and sectionsj Seriinye i saktsionnye turbo- bary. Baku. Asarbaidzhanskoe gos.izd-vo neft. i nauchno-telchn. lit-ry, 1956. 186 p. (MLRA 10:8) (Turbodrills) ,Ii, jjiet,-,,J1ov. ri. kjiz, 1954 V.'.C Y- "5V - 1-i;' TY, Tr k".ri. uc ti. Q/ t . I t~-r t 2'7~ . ------ S.;5t. crrc, Vol, By. -7? SKVIRSKIY, D. '." Rerlacement of marine boiler seatings. Mor. flot 16 no.10: 25-26 0 1156. (MI-RA 9: 11 ) 1. Murmanskiy sudoremontrqy savod. (Boilers, Marine) SKVIqSKIY, D. The press and people's savings, Fin. SSSR 19 no-3:58-59 '58. WRA 11:5) (Moldavia--Savings banks) (Journalism, Commercial) 1. MIRSKIY, D. Yloutinp ship-repair shop. Mor.flot 19 no.8:29-)O Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Rachallnik Tekhnicheskogo otdela Marmanakogo sudoremontnogo zavoda Ministerstva morskogo flota. (Ships-Vaintenance aud repair) (Work boats) SKVIRSKIY, K.L. (Skvi.rslkyig K.L.); CHEBOTAREVA, &A. [Ghebotarlaval Z.A Study of the stability of buffer solutions. Farmatsev.,zhu&. 16 no.3:30-32 161. (baRC 14:6) 1. Kirovogradskaya kontrollno-emaliticheakaya laborato#:kya,, mestnyy punkt TSentrallnoy nauchno-issleda7atellskoy aptechnoi. boratorii pri Glavnom aptechnom upravlenii Ministerstva zdra~rookhzv~aeniya USSR. (SOLUTIONS (PHLRMAC.)[)) r2 7 T USSR/Cultivated Piants -- Potatoes. VeCetables. Melons. M Ab s Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 13, 1958, 32364 Author Skvirskiy, M.B. List _ __ ------------------- Title ErGplait Cultivation LI Chelyabi-tskaya Oblast' .j - Orig Pub : Konservu. i ovoshches-csh. prom-st', 1957, No 11, 41-43 1 stract : Several varieties of aggplmt were grow-, in the Kopeyskiy Ab I a:~_d Verkh;:ieidiuskiy food combiaes iii Chelyabi.2skaya Oblast': Karlikovyy ramiiy 921, Delikatos Gribovskiy 752, Donskoy, Bolgarskiy and others. Mid-season varieties prod..ced a crop of not less than 150 ceutuers/ha in the open &xo-.-,nd. The eggplazt seedlings were r,.-rowu for '(0 days prior to transplanting in the open groumd. Trans- plantilig was carried oA with a lump of soil d-ring the phase of the first openinG buds. The scedlii7igs were hard- e,.ied from the early age in, training them for the oAdoor air. Good seedlings were obtained by thinviing theri out Card 1/2 - 45 X 118- 5f! - 5 -10/16 AUTHOR; Skvirskiy, 14.1.3)., and rKerimov, A.G., Engineers TITLE; DMounting-Crane-611ipu in the Construction of Off-3hore Oil Jells (Kranovyye montazhnyye suda v stroitellst've worskikh neftepromyslov) PERIODICAL: hiekhanizatsiya Trudoyt!rjikikh i Tyazlitlykh iiabot, 1958.. lir 59 PP 31 - 33 (USSR) AB6TRACT: Because of the inconvenience in laying pile foundations for off-shore oil wells,Engineer L.A. Mezhlumov sugeested using large sectional block foundations type LAY, with a distance of 8 x 8 meters between the leg axes. The3e sections are placed on the sea bottom by crane ships of the type "Azmor- neft'", supplied with 2 derrick-craneE, installed on the deck amidships. The cranes, with a lifting capacity of 40 tons, have a maximum lifting height, of the hookv 22 m from water level. The boom's turning angle is 2100. The operation zone of both cranes overlap each other on the ship's deck. Now that the mountin.- crane ship "Azerbaydzhan" has been put -into servicelit is possible to increase the sis-:3 and weight Card 113 of the sections. The expenditure of metal for one off-shore Mounting-Crane-Ships in the Construction of Off-Shore Oi). ',ialls foundation has considerably decreased. The ship has a barge of the type "Izzmail". 12", m in length and 16.8 m wide which serves as a floating base. Amidships, a 60 t crane is installed. The weight of the foundation sect-Lon increases as the wa i, ter deepens, and this 60 t crane Is insufficient for the trans- portation of such large found;t-ion sections. The mounting ship "50 let KPSS". with a 100 t crane used in such a caseq consists of 2 coupied barges of the type "U11yanovsk". The ship's length is 103-5 in, the beam is 35 m. The universal swing crane is situated amidships of one of the barges, the second barge is intended for loading. However, the crane-s hook cannot reach sufficiently high and the drum's !cable is not long enough to place the deep-water foundation. In June 1957, the mounting ship 110rdzhonikidzzeneft,"~ rebuilt from the "Ullyanovsk" type barge., was put into service. She has a 50 t universal full-swing crane with a dipping arm. The ma- ximum lifting height of the main hook is 43 m frcm the deck, the maximum overhang from the cranes turning axis is 35.2 m. Card 2/3 The crane is in the prow of the bar&=- and the entire deck 118 -58 - 5 -1 O/l 8 Iounting-Crane-Ships in the Construction of Off-Shore Oil WPI-Is from the crane to the stern superstructures is ava-flable for loading purposes, 'The ship is equipped w-ith slides (sklizy) on which the sections are placed across the ship; the ends protrude overboard. The "Ordzhonikidze" is able to carry out work with large-size metal structures which cannot be handled by the other crane shirs of the Caspian Sea, By meane of this crane ship, a dismounting of a 41 m derrick was carried out at the sea founda-1:ion -~7_ithou.t dis- mantling, transported to another part of the 5ea and fixed to a new sea foundation. The 110rdzhoniVidze" -also has 2 auxiliary cranes. The first auxill-ary has a capacity of 10 t, the hook has a maximum overhanging leneth ,nd its lift- ing srcad is considerably higher than that :f the main hcist. There is 1 schematic dr-awinl- and 2 photos, AVAILABLEs Library oil Congress Card 3/3 1. Cranes (Shipborne)-Appli cat iow 2. Oil well,-USSR jKVIRSEY) IN.L. Duration of preservation and repeated sterilization of solutions for injections. Apt. dolo 10 no-4:60-61 JI-Ag 161. WIRA 14:12) 1. Erovgradskaya oblantnaya kotitrollno-analiticheakaya laboratoriya. (SOLUTIONS (PHAINACY)-STERILIZATION) (DRUGS-PWERVATION) SKVIRSKIT, P., nacliallnik respublikunakogo aviatekhkluba. let's propagandize aeronwitic knowledge. Ilryl.rod. 4 no.9:22 S '53. (mmA 6:8) 1. Tsesoyusnove dobrovol'nove obshchestvo sodeystviya armii, aviataii i flotu. Aserbaydzhanskoy SSR. (Aeronautics-Study and teaching) SK~I On. electric power supply for read and bridge building #rgsaizatioas. Avt.dor.19 ite.2:31 7 156. (MLRA 9:6) (Read machinery) (Electric generators) S.I., zamestitell glarnogo energetika. Repair of electric machinen. Prom.energ. 10 no.5:28 My 153- (XLRA 6:5) 1. Ural'skiy vagonostroitellnyy.zavod. (Ilectric machiner7--Kaintenaace an4 repair) SXVIRSKIY. S.I., zamestitell glavnogo energetika. Metbod of distributing young power engineering specialists. Prom.energ. 10 4o.5:28 My 153. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Urallskiy vagon0stroitelinyy 2avod. (Power engineering) SKVIRSKIY., D., inzh. Repairing deadwood arrangements afloat. Mor. flot 22 no.11:37 N 162. (MM 15:12) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) ~-:l 7M Re s s Ian ~;e to '-fas-, Z, Cl Zhur.prIkl,k Sulhird ~ted Mar ch 2 SOROKIN, Valentin Alekseyevich; SKVIRSKIY, Lev Grigorlyevich- KARATSEV4 Izetkhan Kaz'Lyevna; T., red. izd-va; TELEGINA, T., tekhn. red. - -- -- (Organization of auditing work on government revenuejOrganiza- tsiia revizionnoi raboty po gosudarstvennym dokhodam. Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1962* 219 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Reven6e-Auditing and inspection) SKVIRSKIY, M.B. Groving eggplant in Chelyabinsk Province. Kona-. i oveprom, 12 no.11:41-43 N '57. WIRA 11:1) l.Chelyabinskoye oblastnoys upravlemiye promyshlennosti prodovoll- stvannykh tovarov. (Chelyabinsk Province--Eggplant) L 01805-67 &T (m)/T DJ ACC NR 1 AP6030502 I'Alv~ SOURCE CODE, UR/0413/661000/016/007410074 INVENTOR: Garzanov, G. Ye.; Petyakina, Ye. 1. ; Ba g Shames, F. Ya. ; Ravikovich, A. M. ; Boshchevskiy, S. B.; Maloletkov. Ye. K.- �elivanchik, Ya. V. ; Gusman, M. Ye. ; sk~ Avor'yanov, V. A. Uzunkoyan, 13, N. Pisarchik, A. N. iy, A. P. '~3ayevskiy, F. S. Fomin, N. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Method of obtaining a hydraulic lubricant. Class 23, No. 185000. [Announced by the Scientific Research Institute for Organization, Mechanizal and Technical Assistance to Construbtion (Natichno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskov pomoshchi stroitellstvu)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16,' 1966, 74 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, l6bricant additive, antioxidant additive, polymethacrylate, hydraulic lubricant ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of obtaining a hydraulic lubricant by means of additivesl6ith an oil b ase. To expand the operat- mrd 1/2 lint!-- 621.-892.-a.-691 26 L 01805-67 ACC NR, AP6030592 ing temperature ran e of oil a mixture of commerical oil and diesel-oil residue are! 9 taken as the oil base to which a multifunctional -additive is added, such as EFO, an antioxidant agent)) such as octadecylamine, and a depressing acrent, -such as a polymethacrylate. (Translation] [NTI SUB CODE: 111 SUBM DATE: 25rVIay65/. -2/2 VINOGRADOV, L.F., inzh.,,,SKVIRSKIY R Ye-- inzh. .*-- . 0 9 Introducing automatic processes in gravel plants. Tramp. stroi. 11 no-1:33-37 -Ta 161. (MMA 14: 1) (Sand and gravel plants) (Automation) SKVIRSKIY, _ P. Increase designers$ labor efficiency. Sotus. trud 8 no.12: 65-70 D 163. (MIRA 17.-2) 1. Glavnyy inzh. proyekta Stavropol'skogo filiala TSentrall- nogo instituta tipovykh proyektov. ACC NR: AP6026292 CIV) SOURCE CODE: CZ/001'2j66/000/003/0225/0234 Au'rim: Jakes, D. --Yakesh, D. ; Becvar, J. -- Bechvarzh, 1. ; SJ(vor, F. --3 Shkvbr, F. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rez near,; Prague (Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved) TITLE: Sintering of U02 ceramics. Part 4. Sintering in the presence of some activators SOURCE: Silikaty, no. 3, 1966, 225-234 XOPIC TAGS: uraniurn dioxide, sintering, ceramics I ABSTRACT: Oxides of aluminum, calcium, yttrium, n '~lybdenum, and vanadium ,qere studied as activators of uranium dioxide sinterin J Uranium dioxide of i~iedium activity (8-9 m2/g) was activated by vanadium, yttrium, and aluminum. calcium oxide showed no measurable effect and molybdenum affected the process- nfavorably. The compactability of UO was affected as well. The microsectio"'-' P 2 "of sintered pellets showed an adverse effect of molybdenum and of 1. 5 per cent Y20 3. Molybdenum oxide was reduced to metal and vanadium pentoxide to Card 1 / 2 L 45211-66 ACC NR; AP6026292 VO during the preparation process. Yttrium and calcium oxides influenced the shape of the sintering curve in the Taman temperature range. The use of the coprecipitation techniques gave satisfactory results. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 3 tables. [Authors' abstract) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15Jun65/ ORIG REF:'005/ SOV REF: 002/ OTH REF: 020/ hs C.,d 2 / 2 L 44805-66 o~61~ NR, 06dO615~E INVENTOR: Soucek, Jiri (Enginserp Benesov u Prahy); HW1, K. (Vlasim); Sisius, F. (Benesov u.'Prahy); Skwor J. (Engineero" Uvaly); Bezouska (PruhiDnice); Nrdlicka. 4P,tague), Pokortlyk-'(P-rla (Prague); I I gue); Zavazal. Z. Smetana, J. (Prague) ORG: none TITLE: (Thermal expansion compensator f or semiconductor systenj CZ Pat. No. PV 1827-64 SOURCE: Vynalazy, no. 10, 1965, 11 TOPIC TAGSj electrode, semiconductor device, thermal expansion ABSTRACT: The electrode of the housing of a semiconductor system which is vacuum (hermetically) tight secured by means of the electrical insulating part to the base housing forming the other electrode which has positioned inside it a channel or duct sealed from the outside to which is introduced inside the housing a positioned expan- sion member constituting an electrical connection between the electrode and the semi- conductor system feature in the device described here. The electrodes protrude from the housing in such a way that to the expansion member fixed to it can be secured deformation electrodes from the outside and that a conductor can be attached to them L 448o5-66 ACC NR;AP6006152 0 from the outside. This arrangement is distinguished by the fact that the electrodes and the conductor connected to it are enclosed by the housing fixed to the conductor and the deformation electrode. The deformation of the housing at the point where it touches the electrode proceeds to such a depth that the electrode and altpansion member are deformed simultaneously. SUB CODEt 09***/ SUBM DATEI 3lMar64 q Card 2,12 b1g BALEK, A. (Balak, Alexejj; DANEK, S. [Dane"'k, Stanislav]. inzh.; FOFF, A. [Foff, Arthur]. inzh.; XCLTODA, Ta. (Kalvoda. Jan]. doki;or; SHMID, T. (Schmid. Josef]. inzh.j-fiHffTfR=,44. E~kvor J 1, doktor; YATTTS, A. (Weitz, Antonfnl, inzh._-,__i ranslatorl; YEKSHIN, G.K. (translator]; TKACHHTA, T.K. [translator]; OSTRMOTA. V.S., red.; SHIONOTA, If.Kh.. red.; KAPRALOTA, A.A., [General inventory of fixed assets in Czechoslovakia] General'naia inventarizataiia osnovnykh fondov v Chekhoslovakii. Moskva, Goa. statist.izd-vo, 1959. 101 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Czechoslovakia--Inventories) L 17195-63 E';,T(d)/EV4P(k)/EViP(q)/EYIT(M)/ 7-/056/63/020/004/001/006 'JFFTC Pf-4 JDIHVI BDS 10 ALTMOR. Skvor, P. 11M. The use of matbematical-statistical methods for quality T control in rolling mills FERIODICAL: P~rehled technick4 a hospod9ske' literatury v 20 no. .4, 1963, 178, abstract HS 63-al8i. (Spravy W" no'. 1l,.1962, 36 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables, 13 references) TEXT: Statistical r~ethods of quality control. Statistical test tem- peratures. Statistical methods of quality regulation. Statistical analyses. Examples of the use of statistical control methods in rolling mills. Theo-- retical plan for a statistical control system in a stri rollIng mill. Statistical analysis of dimensional properties. Sf. Abstracter's no Complete translation.7 Card 1/1 LUBOVSKY, Z., inz.; SKVORP P., inz. Mobile and elastic supply leads. El.3ktrotechnik 19 no.11: 306-308 N 64. 1. Institute of Technical Control, Prague. SKVOR, Pre 1, inz. J Devices for mecbanization and automation of calculations in btatistical-' quality control; Automatizace 6 no.4s86-91 Ap '63. 1. Vyzkumny ustav hutnietvi zele-za, Praha. SKVOH, V. "The Tisova deposit." SBORNIK, ODDIL GEOLOGICKY, Praha. (Annals on geology issued by the Central Geologic Institute, Czechoslovak AcadenW of Sciences; with English, French, German and Russian summaries. Supersedes in part its Sbornik and continues its Vol. numbering. Vol. 24, No. 2, 1957 (published 1959) - Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. 6 11 V 01 Fi. YV . IlThe principle of Read's granite series and its anplicat--on in the Er2-gebirg-ell ,1). 336 (Central GeoloFic Institute, Czechoslovak "cademy of Sciences) Vol. 329 no, 5., 50; Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. no. 5, May 1958 .SKVOR, Vv GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY Periodicals: CASOPIS PRO VIINEPALOGII A GEOLOGII Vol. 3, no. 2, 1958 SKVOR, V. Genesis of the Tisova deposit near Kraslice. p. 218. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 5, may 1959, Unclass. SKVOR, V. "Notes on the origin and deformation of the secretion quartz in the phyllites of the 'i,"estern Erzgebirge." VESTNIK. ustredni ustqv geologicky, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EE-AI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncl. SKVOR,.Vladimir,.. "Mining Academy and its respon4pility for preservation of precious national traditions." Reviewed by Vladimir Skyor. Vast Ust geol 38 no.1:35-36 Ja 163. .;,-! f r, .- - SKVCRI Vladimir Problem of the fold and fault structures of the Ostrava-Kia-vina Carboniferous. Vest Ust geol 38 no.3:171-177 My 163. 1. Ustredni ustav geologicky., Praha. F SKVOR, Vladimir-, inz., kandidat goologIcko-minet-alogickych ved _t I. ~..;I Relation of matallogeny to magmatism and metamorphism. Geol pnizkum 6 no. 7:193-195 J1 164. 1. Central Geologic Institafe, Pra,,!a. ACC NR: AP7002565 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/023/0053/0053 ILIVENTOR: Suminov, V.M.; Prom*yslov, Ye-V-; Kuzin, B.G.; Skvorchevskiy, A.K.; Barbashin, M.N. ORG: none 'TITLE: Pneumatic sizing of microholes. Class 21, No. 189083. [Announced by the Moscow Aircraft Technological Institute (140skovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 53 TOPIC TAGSt microhole drilling, laser drilling, laser machining, ,microhole sizing, /-jqY642 4RRZ-/C't9770^/,' OR11-1-11vG '-x7t)6Y1A1& ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of sizing microholes made with a laser beam. To improve the precision of the microhole, the material melmd or vaporized by a laser beam is removed f rom the hole with a compressed air jet. (NO SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 10Kov65/ ATD PRESS: 5113 Card 1/1 UDC: 621-375.8:621.735.6 kc N-Ri AP7005656 SOURCE CODE: UH/0413/67/000/002/0110/0110 .IINVENTOR.- Suminov, V. M.-,Jp~!qrchevskiy, A. K. I Prowyelov, Yes V. ORG: None ME: An installation for dynamic balancing of the rotors in gyromotors. Class 42, l9o641 : Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 196T, 110 C TAGS: gyroscope component, laser application TRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an installation for dynamic balancing the rotord In gyromotors, The device contains &.unit for indication of imbalancep iation generators, a synchronizer and a pulse power regulator which produces feed- k according to the amplitude of the imbalance. Lasers are used to reduce the time uired for balancing. The Q of the laser beams is modulated by devices made in the m of rotating mirrors for feedback according to the phase of the imbalance. Card 1/2 UDC: 620.1-05;531-24 ACC NN 1--lasers; 2-Q modulators CODE: 14, 2o/ suBm DATz: l5jul65 Card SKVORCHEVSKIY, N.D.;K.WOVSKIY, V.P.;DOVROVOLISKIY, S.I.;SHURW . B.A. -3MIrs-1--M-rience of the use of EKG excavators. Gor. zhur. no.l: 58-61 Ja '57. (MIRA 10:4) 1. Gla-nyy inzhener Kounradskogo radnika (for Skvorchevskly). 2. Noril skiy~orno-metallurgicheskly kombinat. (for Krasovskiy, DIobrovol:skiy', -S&rman). (Bxca#ating machinery) SKVORCHBVSKrY. N.D. Improving technical and economic indexes of the Kounradskly mine in 1956. Gor. zhur. no-3:5-7 Mr '57. (KLU 10:4) 1. Glavnvv inzhener Kounradakogo rudnika. (Kounradskly-Copper mines and minintg) RZHZVSKIY, V.V., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk.;SOKOT.OVSKIY, M.M.; GORODETSKIY, D.Ye.;SUSHGIMNKO, A.A. WAQxZLI= *Handbook for engineers and techniciani on strip mining". Gor zln=. no-3:80 Mr 157. (NLRA 10:4) 1. rrlavnyy inzhener upravlenlya otkryt*ykh rabot Ministeretva ugollnoy promyshlennoett SSSR (for Soicolovskty). 2. Glaynyy in- shener Kounradskogo rudnika (for Skvorch~"IKy).3- Glavnyy inshener kombinata Sverdlovskugoll (for Gorodetskiy). 4. Gl&vW inzhener proyektoy TSentrogiproshakhta (for Sushcheako), .I(Strio mining) SKVORCIh~VSXIY, N.D.; SMIRNOV, B.I. Use of new machinery at the Lounradskly open-pit mine.Trudy Inst. gor. dela AN Kazakh.SSR 4:59-69 160. (MI3A 11:9) (Kounradskiy-Copper mines and mining) (Mining machinery) SOV/85-58-12-7/38 AUMORS: Verbitskiy, Ye., European ChEmpion in Model Aircraft Building; Skvorchevskiy, Yu., Khar1kov TITLE: We Shall Improve Our Skill (Budem. sovershenstvovat, svoye masterstvo) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 12, p 4 (USSR) ABSTRACT* The authors tell of the records established by students of the Kharlkov Institute in model aircraft building. Some 50 sportwmen are now in training at the Institute's laboratory in model aircraft building. Card 1/1 LIVIY., G.V, [Livyi, H.V.], kand.tekhn.nauk; ~PQRCHINSKAYA, S. [Skvorchynstka, S.P.1; YEGORICHEVAI V.0. [lEhorycheva, V.6.1; Zft~Rko, V.0. Salt-free porous artificial leather for shoe uppers. Leh.prom. no.l: 75-77 Ja-Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kozhevenno-obuvhoy promyshlennosti (for Liviy, Skvorchinskaya, Yegoricheva). 2. Kiyevz- kiy regeneratno-rezinovjy zavod (for Zhurko). LESNIK, A. G- ELisnyk, A.E.]; ~KY(DRCZX V.P. Application of" the theory of regular solutions te an analysis Of the alpha gamma equilibrium curves and the fusibility curves of iron - aluminum, Iron -vanadium, and Iron - molybdenum aystems. Dop.AN URSR no-10:1408-1412 '60- (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut metallofiziki AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AB USSR V.N.Svechnikovym. (Phase rule and (Iron alloys) SUORGINKI V.P.1 KIIARIKOVA, G.Y, X-ray determination of sooondary btresses and the size of blocks in thin permalloy films. Sbor. nuu-,h. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no.18t187-188 161, (KJRA 17:8) LESNIK) A.G.;_SKVORCHUK,_V.P. Using the theory of normal solutions for the analysis of phase equilibrium curves in the system Fe - Co. Sbor.nauch,,rab.Inst. metallofiz.AN URSR no.12:102-110 161. OMA 14:8) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Iron~-cobalt alloys) SKVORCHUK, V.P. "--- - I ---------- Applying the theo-,y of regula-- i9olutdow to the aralysitj of equilibrium cur-res and fusibilitY curves for the a:15tem iron - copper. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no,.13:139-14J- 2~-, (iron-copper allop-Thermal properties) (MIPJ, 14:12) (Phase rule and equilibrium) AUTHOR: Borisova, I. and Sk7oren', R. (Moscow) TITLE: Good Initiative (Khorosheye nachinaniye) 107-12-8/46 PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956,Nrl2, pp. 7-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A report on the organization and activities of the new DOCAAF Radio Club of the Coke--Gas Plant, Moscow. The Chairman of the Club Council is engineer Viktor Valerianovich Gopko who graduated from the Institute of Steel in 1953. Gopko organized a "radio circle" at the plant where a number of plant workers studied the principles of electronics and radio amateur art. As a first result a number of efficiency devices were developed and put in operation at the plant. Nikolay Trubkin, technician, substituted electronic relays for electro- magnetic ones on the feed-water supply to the steam boiler. Jointly with Gopko they developed an electronic feed-water controller. "Ardent propagandists of radio knowledge" are: Pavel Petrovich Volkov, norms- lizer; I. Mishin; N. Mishchenkov; V. Filin; V. Mos1kin, gas welder; and others. The radio club has a classroom, a mechanical shop, a small electric shop, a stockroom, and a small technical reference library. There are 70 members of the club. Over 20 persons are constructing their own ultrashort-ware radio stations. V. Butyllskiy, Chief Power Engineer of the plant, offered a speci- fication of items whose improvement is desirable at the plant. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. There 3 photos in the article. Card 1/1 USSR / Foc:;str_y. General P~~obloms. K Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiyu, No 22, 1958, INTo. 100139 Ituthor Skvaretskiy, V. I. Inst No-f-gIven _- Title The Helicopter -- in the Cc.- - 0-ig Pub Iosn. kh-vo, 1958, rio 4, 66-:60 t 116 abstract givon Card 1/1 -1 C - Farosts jouc;EKI i.; SOUGKOVA, A.; iUitl, I'L.; PATOCKA, F.; technical assistance: SAHULOVA, Vera; SKV0'WVA, I-,irosla-va . - --- --- Observations cn the biological of atypical hae..;olytic Corynebact--~ria isolated from man as cu.,pared with Cor. Hae:-!IolyticILM, Cor. pyogenes bov.--'s and Cor. ovis. J. hyg. epidem. 6 no.1:13-23 162. 1. Depart::.ent for Nedical 114icrobiology and Immunology, Charles Universit:.~*, Prague. (c,01-1 YIEBAGTE,,JUM) SADIKOVA, N.Y.; SKVCRTSAVICH, V.A. Radioactive products of the transformation of;g~ljycin-I-C14 in the brain tissue of the rat. 2 ao.2:128-132 Mr-Ap 056. (MIRA 9:9) 1. Laboratorlya btokhimii nervnoy sistemy Instituta fiziologii imeni I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR. leningrad. (GLTCLIZ, metabolism. brain, radioactive products of conversion of glycine labeled with raeiocarbon (Rua)) (BRAIN. metabblism, glycine, radioactive products of conversion of glycine labeled with radiocarbon (Rua)) SKVORTSOV, P, Technl.~~al spcrt3 fcr L-e resseel lTcen.znan-. 4f; nirj~1128-9 N 164. (Y-z-FA 1. Zameatite-17 prod ~-~ada t6lya TSentrallnogo kom-Ateta Vse:5cTa-,ncgc dobrovol'nc~go cbshcheatva so&ystv~.ya aruili, avSatsli i f.'Irtu, SSSR. I ""GORTSOV, A., pedagog Consumers are waiting. zl*st.prom. i khud.progis. I no.1:32 0 160. OMIPLA, 14:3) (Art industries) SKVORTSOV A. I-- I'-,-- ".. The party has given us the uIngs. Kryl.rod. 14 no.7:4-7 ii 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya TSentrallnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya araii, aviatsii i flotu. (Aerial sports)