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,5 ;< ~, R) p I t~l J! G - F1 - USSR/Geophysics - Seismology FD-2586 Card 1/1 Pub. 44 16119 Author : Skuridin, G. A. Title : Concerning Yu. V. Riznichenkols article "Determination of the fields of intensity of seismic waves (ibid, No 1, 1954) Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. geofiz, Jul-Aug 55, 391-392 Abstract : Yu. V. Riznicheako proposed a method for determining the fields of intensity (more accurately, the energy density) of seismic waves (longitudingal or transverse) within the medium, if one knows the field of intensity on a certain surface R, at which is given the Viso-called 'dynamic' hodograph represented by the set of functions tr = t(xr, Yr, zr) and Er B(Xrl Yr, zd, where E is the intensity of the waves and t is the time field; he reduces this problem to the integration of a first-order differential equation relative to E for given boundary condition E/R = Er. The writer of this note states that Yu. V. Reznichenko, according to his faulty derivation of his formulas, is apparently unaware of the classical work of N. A. Umov (Izbr. uch. (Colleted Works), Moscow-Leningrad, 1954, pp 161-163). Institution Submitted ~SIR/Geo'phys'ics Wave diffraction FD-1701-- Card 1/1 : Pub. 45-1/12 Author : Skuridin, G. A. Title : Approximate solution to the problem of the diffraction of plane elastic wave relative to the aperture Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. geofiz., 3-16 Jan-Yeb 1955 Abstract : The author derives an approximate solution to the problem of the dif- fraction of a plane elastic longitudinal veve relative to the aperture by means of the Huyghens-K1rcbhoff principle for the equations of elas- ticity. The formulas obtained permit one to give a quantitative anal- ysis of the diffraction field. The coMutations are illustrated by numerous graphs. The author ackawledges N. V. Zvolinskiy for his pos- ing of the subject, L. P. Zayteev for directing the work of cowuta- tion, and the laboratory assist4ate M. A. Kuzmetsov, B. V. Ushakova, and N. N. Limache". Fifteen references (6.g. I. S. Bernzon, "Certain problems of the kinematics of propmption of diffracted seismic vaves," Trudy Geofiz. in-ta M SM, No 9 (136), 195o; m. x. Fridman, "Diffrac- tion of plane elastic wave relative to semi-infinite rectilinear rigidly divided slit," Uch. zap. tau, ser. rat., No U4, 17, 1949). Institution : Geophysics Institute, Academy of Sciences LESSR Submitted : February 13, 1954 SKURIDIII,G.A. Concerning IU.V.Risnichenkols article "Determining fields of intensity of seismic waves." Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.4: 391-392 JI-Ag'55- (MIRA 8:10) (Seismology) SOV/124- 58-4 -44q8 Trar,slat;on from: Referati%-nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr4. p 118(USSR) AUTHOR: , Skuridin, G.A. TITLE- Approximate Solution of the Problem of the Diffraction of a Plane Longitudinal Elastic Wave in Relation to a Horizontal Fault (Priblizhennoye resheniye zadachi difraktsii ploskoy uprugoy prodot'noy voIny otnositell no gorizontal'nogo sbrosa) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta geofiz. AN GruzSSR, 1955, Vol 14, pp 79-90 ABSTRACT: Or. the basis of the integral relationship submitted by V. D~ Kupradze [Granichnyye zadachi teorli kolebaniy i integral'nyye uravneniya (Boundary Problems of the Theory of Vibrations and Integral Equations). 1950] for the solution of the problem of the diffraction of a plane longitudinal elastic wave in relation to a horizontal fault, the author offers an approximate solution to the problems of the diffraction of elastic waves in a manner analogous to the method of Kirchhoff as applied to optics and acoustics. It is assumed that the value of the displacement vector v on the "illuminated" section of the surface S coin- cides with the value of the descending wave on the unilluminated Card 1/2 section. The author further accepts the so-called "principle of SOV/124 -58 4 4498 Approximate Solution of the Problem (cont. ) the isolated element" in accordance with which the descending longitudinal wave is reflected from the rectilinear boundary at each point in the same manner as if it were reflected from a small element of the plane surface the given point. In the author's opinion, the method de-,eloped is , generalization of the Huygens principle applied to the system of wa-.e equat 'ons which describe the propagation of longitudinal ands trans%erse wa-,es. With the help of the stationary- phase method a study is made of the wa-. es spreading over wide wave areas. E, Ye. Khachiyan 2. Mlathemat,~L--s Card 2,12 ~ "/, ./ ,, ?~ ,/ 1 ~%r,-4 1 , I KARP M 0,A.G.; SKURIDIN.G.A. Contemporary problems of space flight. Vest.Aff SSSR 25 no.9:19-30 S 155. (MLRA 8:12) (Space flight) ZVOLINSKIY, N.V.; SKURIDIN, G,A. As7mptotic solution of dynamic problems on the theory of elasticity. IzT.AN 7 156. (HIMA 9:7) J.Akademiya nauk SSSR, Geofizichaskiy institut. (Blasticity) (Waves) J~~ ~1-1~1--;~,~, Jumps in discontinuous solutions of dynamic equations in the theory of elasticity. Izv.AN SSSR Je 156. (MiaA 9:9) i.Akademi7a nauk SSSR, Geofizicheskiy institut. (Elasticity) (Geophysics) 45 AUTHOR: Skuridin, G. A. ------------ TITLE: - On the theory of elastic wave scattering on curvilinear boundary. (K teoril rasseyaniya uprugikh voln na krivolineynoy granitse). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademli Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1957, No.2, pp. 161-183 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: An expanded version of a paper read on July 3, 1956 at the 3rd All Union Mathematical Conference. An approximate solution of the problem of elastic wave scattering along a curvilinear boundary, calculated by on the basis of Kirchhoff's law Is described. Analytical expressions are worked out for the displace- ment of longitudinal and transverse reflected waves and it is shown that the reflection of a plane elastic wave -from a curvilinear boundary produces a longitudinal and f 1/2 Card 1/4 . a transverse wave with a divergence function o 45 TITLE: Card 2/4 On the theory of elastic wave scattering on curvilinear boundary. (K teoril rassehaniya uprugikh voln na krivolineynoy granitse). An analysis is given of the main wave produced during the incidence of a transverse wave on a rigid curvili- near boundary and It is shown that In this case the formation of several main waves is Possible. Scattering indicatrices are given of longitudinal and transverse waves and also graphs illustrating the character of weakening Of these waves along the R beam. The intro- ductory paragraph summarizes briefly work of other authors on this subject. The problem itself is formula- ted and solved for the incidence of a plane longitudinal wave in para.l. The solution for the Incidence of a plane transverse wave is arrived at In para.2, while In para-3 an approximate evaluation is-given of the inte- grals, and in para.4 the main wave is analyzed. The diffracted field in the wave zone during the Incidence of a plane longitudinal or transverse wave on a curvilinear boundary can be expressed by eqs.J16), (17) (1p6166-167), (23), (24) (P.168) and (72) (P-17 ; two reflected waves' are obtained, but these are no longer plane, due to the curvilinear nature of the boundary. 45 TITLE: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Card 4/4 On the theory of elastic wave scattering boundary. (K teorli rasseyaniya uprugikh krivolineynoy granitse). 7/20/56 Library of Congress on curvilinear voln na 30-8-5/37 Rockets and Artificial Satellites for the Investigation of the Higher Atmosphere tude of 120 km and 2 even 160 km). In White Sands also 91 rockets of the type Aero-B were launched which reached altitudes of up to 80 km. The "Aero-V - rocket carried the record at that time and it reached 288 km. It was followed by the "Viking".with 253 km and the great event was% the two-stage-Vampyre-rooket (com- posed of a V-2 and a "Corporal"). It reached 400 km on February 24, 1949. A short time after, the first 3-sta~e rocket was built (discharge fiom the BBC-basis in Florida) which for the first time reached an altitlide of 1200 km. Sounding of the atmosphere by means of rockets was carried out in various ~_-ountries. In the Soviet-Union too, rockets are used for research-purposes. Both American and British constructors built their measuring inatru- ments into the head of the rockets, whereas the Soviet scientists dew2oped an other methodt the case contining the measuring in- struments is automatically disengaged from the rocket and para- chuted. Among the numerous projects of artificial satellites there is one particularly interesting, i.e. the so called "Van- guard"-project (USA). The 3-atage-rocket which is to convey the satellite on its way, is constructed in such a way that the first Card 2/3 two are guidable, whereas the third one stabilizes its position U 26-12-2/49 AUTHORS: Skurid G.A., and Kurnosova, L.V., Candidates of Physico- Mathematical Sciences TITLE: Scientific Research by Means of Artificial Satellites of the Earth (Nauchnyye issledovaniya pri pomoshchi iskusstvennykh sputnikov zemli) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957,pNo 12, pp 7-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the problem of inquiring into the phenomena beyond the atmosphere by using artificial earth satellites. The idea to build satellites originates from the Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovskiy who years ago suggested sending them into the space by means of rockets. The two satellites recently launched by Soviet scientists -are the first of a series of new research devices which in all prob- ability will soon be commonly used for the study of the phenomena in the universe and for solving problems of space flight. According to the authors, Soviet scientists have de- veloped a method of calculating the length of the operational capability of a satellite and also the changes in the orbit's parameters during the time of flight. The satellites will be Card 1/5 able to collect important data on the characteristics of the 26-12-2/49 Scientific Research by Means of Artificial Satellites of the Earth atmosphere at altitudes of up to 1,700 km, to measure the full intensity of cosmic rays and to register ultraviolet and X- rays emitted by the sun. The two satellites are equipped with instruments for the study of the short wave part of the solar spectrum (Figure 2 explains the arrangement of apparatus re- gistering ultraviolet and X-rays of the sun) which enables the investigation of various layers of the sun's atmosphere. Cosmic rays will be observed with apparatus as shown by Figures 3 and 4, collecting the necessary material for determining nuclear showers of low intensity. Other devices will enable to register variations of cosmic rays of different kinds (last- ing 24 hours, 27 days etc) which will be obtained at different points of the globe almost simultaneously. Vital data are also expected on the influence of the sun's activity on the intens- ity of cosmic radiation. A further object of research is the structure of the atmosphere. The most important problem of physics of the atmosphere is to what extent its composition depends on the altitude, as reliable data exist only up to heights of 100 km. The satellites are also registering the Card 2/5 corpuscular radiation of the sun, which is of vital importance 26-12-2/49 Scientific Research by Means of Artificial Satellites of the Earth in the ionization of upper layers of the atmosphere, in the formation of polar lights and in geomagnetic disturbances. The study of the structure of the earth's magnetic field in regions above the strongly ionized layers of the upper atmo- sphere can probably answer the question of the earth's magnetic field and why it changes in the course of time. Micropart- icles of interplanetar substances moving about'at high alt- itudes will be registered when touching the rocket's hull or special membranes as shown by Figure 6. The 2nd artificial satellite, which was launched on November 3, 1957, is described as follows. Its orbit has the shape of an elipse whose re- motest point from the earth is approximately 1,700 km away. During 24 hours it circles the earth about 14 times. It carries, beside scientific equipment, 2 radio transmitters operating on frequencies of 40,002 and 20,005 megacycles re- spectively, electric batteries and an airtight cabin with a dog for experimental purposes. Contrary to the arrangement in the first satellite, "Sputnik No 2" carries all the equipment in the front part of the rocket's last stage. Only the radio- metric measuring device is attached to the hull of the rocket. Card 3/5 The total weight of the equipment, dog and electric batteries 26-12-2/49 3cientific Research by Means of Artificial Satellites of the Darth included, is 508-5 kg. Figure I shows the devices for invest- igating the sun's radiations as carried by "Sputnik No 211, Figure 2 the dog in the airtight cabin before being placed in the satellite. The cabin holds food for the dog, an air con- ditioning system (for regeneration and temperature control), instruments for registering pulse, respiration, blood pressure, for taking electro-cardiograms and a series of sensitive cells for measuring temperatures and pressure in the c6bin. A radio- telemetric equipment enables the transmission of all measure- ments to the earth at regular intervals according to a pre- arranged plan. The dog's cabin and ball-shaped container are made of aluminum alloys. Their surface is polished and specially finished to attain a certain coefficient of radiation and to absorb solar radiation. Figure 3 shows the equipment for registering cosmic rays, Figure 4 the arrangement of the containers holding the satellite's equipment, Figure 5 a dia- gram showing the same arrangement. There are 7 photos, 4 diagrams and 2 references, all of which Card 4/5 are Slavic (Russian). 26-12-2/49 Scientific Research by Means of Artificial Satellites of the Earth ASSOCIATION: Institute of Geophysics imeni O.Yu.SWdta of the AN, USSR (Moskva) (Institut fiziki zemli imeni O.Yu. Shmidt Akademii nauk SSSR (Moskva) Institute of Physics imeni P.N. Lebedev of the AN, U3SR (Moskva) (Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 ~A U Of A-! C, A AUTHORS: Skuridin) G. A. and Gvozdev, A. A. 49-58-2-1/18 TITLE: On Boundary Conditions for Jumps in Discontinuous Solutions of the Dynamical Equations of Elasticity Theory. (0 krayevykh usloviyakh dlya skachkov razryv- nykh resher--.-iy dinamicheskikh uravneniy teorii uprugosti.) PERIODICAL: Tzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1958, Nr. 2, pp. 145-156. (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the present time asymptotic representations are important in many bran:!hes of mathematics and theoretical physics. In Refs. 2-7 the application of the asymptotic method to the solution of dynamical problems in elasticity theory was indicated, and the fundamental equations for ju-uLps in discontinuous solutions of the equations, both for homogeneous and for inhomogeneous media, %iere obtained. However, for the further development of the asymptotic method it is essential to formulate the basic boundary Card 1/13 conditions for jumps in discontinuous solutions. 49-58-2-1/18 0--n Bour-,dary Conditions for J--,imps in D-.1-continuous Solutions of the Dynamical Equations of Elast-city. Theory. This makes it possible tc solve problems immediately for jumps in displacemerr~~; and velocities, without reference to -the solution of Lame's ;ysterr, of equations. The passage to the limitin_q relations in these equations naust be accompanied by a similar transition in the boundary conditions (Ref-2). Such a transition is absent from Refs. 4 and 5. For simplicity the authors corsider the two-dimensional case -Ath t-,io-dimensional boundaries and plane boundaries of separation; but -,;~-thin The limits of applicability of "the -principle of the isolated element", the ions renain true for curvilinear boundaries (qef.8). The authors begin by discussing the transformation of the fundamental equations of Card 2113 motion in an inhomogeneous elastic medium: On, -BoundLiy Condition.,z; for, j1--p.3 in L-~uwus 2~olution-z of t h e Dy n,- u i i ca 1 -', q:j a t il c n F- 7) -1--j~;'icit y "Theory~ u L X d-i ir u 2 F, 1 X-i X2~; -A 2v + dili u- + -6y yay P, L-w + Z div + - + - c L ", -Z~)Y: Y Z"4y Z;4 z %vhe re s lal-I:c-S 1~ r:--,t 0 r 7 ------ IT' P t Card 3/13 CYn. c,-,nd a ry -ondi tion E -nz cf the Dyna I" I i(-- al Cf IJ i- '-d + 2 Further, let 2 2 + + (Eq. 8 + 2 If the Is introduc-ed by t-7-,e Card 4/13 rel-ation 4' 9 -3, 2 - 2- 1 /1 C. C.n 31oundary Conditions, for in Discol-l-tir:'LO-u-c -'01-ationf-: the Dynamical E'quations of E, 1-:i st i - c iT-il e o ry d d dsi cl-ri denotes difIC--rentiation alon- a- nay)a d P dsi and Q, are def ined by P 2 2 d-, 2 2 (L,, then, the evations f~~r t-h-e t--mp in the Clard 5/13 displacement -,re--to--r S, T Z! On .3oundary Condituions~ for Dij~-,L-S j F1, the Dynamical EquaLions o'L C. dP 2-Z- + d-7 + 2~i d-_q (Eq.10) 2- u c2. n d-F, respectively for aud trarsverse V-..-aves~ After solving ,~-he authors go on deducle the bo-mOlary case C-F, reflection of S ft,_:~ bou.2adary -.f a half-spacce. It is supposed thatU on the boundaryy of the half-space tllil;:~re fal'_s a longitudinal elasti,-_ wave whose wave-fron' `_-b=~ ha"'-.s-,,a,e (X, 7~ is defined b,-.,7 tne eVati,_n Card 6/13 (X, Y. t) 0 (Eq. 28) f j. by i)---not- L)" u (uo 1.,z~ n. t- Lon- 1 2, -L! L3Y v nd LI, (u ThE- ve c G 1~ C~ Li f o rm 77 30 iC- C~n .-o1 oi- -or s -c - - 1(~ 11 t he I, d C_ Lw _L U_ I ' 1/18 Dn Eou dal-j "Jonditioll-Z c) -,- -, U i'n Di sco- d.r.. cu,! solU4-~nn-- c" ~-u _u tile Dynamical Eq:uati ons of -J~l a~~-ticity ' 21--eory. 1 2 ---o 0 -X, ly X y 2 Y=o 0- 1 1 0~2 6y 0 y y -0 1 2 X y tx C, * V O 2 Y= - 1 2 I + Oy 'Y y for the r!~-L'I,--,cted v..,ave o 1~ e equations it i--~ 3n-- the bound:.ry y 0 Card 9/13 v,-e have C- On ConJJ--'L-Iio--nc for "T anc, ;.j C) 1---c sp Onndi-n L., -,.-L So r*,, eire (I f C ct a 71 n !oil c ~.ILL~cec"- he case o-~' t (Frie dri ohs Li: I I n d z; E; o n r a di re ct wa Sp a c o by U~,i4n-- -ch e di --.,o ct .l;a -,,,e Font v., Imo-imn from outvith the f--narmev,-Orik- L-f uhe as-YrqL-to-IL-! ...,-:,,Thlht~-~- L-i 'his pa-Der x-.he obtuaiira. 'U'lle free and fi-,--ed of an, elas--c- - J. ul 11 on vh. ich a t.--.- a---r-Ls ve rse ve i~- inc.'-dent Fo- a -f-Lxed boundary the 'L oil eypress ions --,'c)r -1.1le J1.11 S -1, 4 0n -13oundal-i Condi-t-ionz for the Dynamical of ElazIL-icitul the displacement vector of bound- i- y 0 are u (2) y 2 ) Y=o i:c cr X q cl, UN (2) y v2 1 y=o A ;J:,: I/is On 3oundc-,.i-j 'onditui on s for J,~=~Ds 1)-~ ka the Dynamical ---~iqu at ions of L~'l a z-,i ci, 12 'l i,'her, the boundaa~-j ds fr-e the rl'orres;-, or ln~;~ are: (2) y u Y=O 2 '3\ 2 t) y v(2) 2 y=o ;y (-j c On -Doundaar-j Conditions for tiumns Uhe Dynamical Equations o-f Elas-tici-y Lhere are 4 fiLures and 13 references, of which are En,--lish and 10 Russian.- L~, ASSO'CIATIONI: Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Institute of Eaith P'1-.ysir,s. (Akademiya nauk SSSR; Institut fiziki Zemli.) SUBLIITTED: April 22, S 1957. AVAIIABJE: Library of Congress. Card 13/13 16(l) FILASS I BOOK ZXPWITATION sov/266o Vooooyu%rqy natematichaskiy slyeid. 3rdo Moscow, 1956 Trudy. t. 4t Kratkoye, soderzhanLya sektsionnykh dokladov. Doklady Inostrannykh uchonykh (Transactions of the 3rd All-Union Mathema- tical Conference In Moscow,. vol. 4: Summary or Sectional Reports. Rot) rte or PoreIgn Scientists) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 19~9. * ..7 p. 2,200 capita printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Mat*matlcheskly lnntttut. Todh. 9d.s . O.K. Sheychanka; aditartal Board- A.A. Abramov, V.0. bolty4nakly A M Vasillrev, B.V. Medvedev, A.D. Myshk1s, S.M. l- X Yu V Prokhorov A ikov Mik kl : 9d O t ; P jR ) . . . . o s e . oa n , , X. . , p y ltybnjk". P. L. Ullyanov, V.A. Uapenskiyj N.C. Chatayev, 0. Ye. Shilov, and A.I. ShIrshov. PUMM32i This bolok in Intended for mathematicians and physicists. COVIRAOR: The book to Volume ry or the Transactions or the Third All- The Union Mathematical Conferencep held In June and July 1956. _, "Is __ -Th ri 's in parts, 0 rot part contains aum- O"Its or the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Can- forence that were not Included In the first two volumes. The second part contains tht text of reports submitted to the editor by non-Sovitt scientists. In those cases when the non-SovLet act- antiat did not submit a copy of his paper to the editor, the title or the paper Is cited ands Ir the paper was printed in a previous Tolumeo reference to zoade to the appropriate volune. The papers, both Soviet and non-Soviet, cover various topics In number theory, algebror dirforentiaL and Integral equations~ function theoryp functional analysis, probability theory, topology, mathematical problems of' mechanics and physicoo computational mathe%.&tICS, mathematical logic and the foundations of mathemattesp and the history of mathematics. %alto v,-O "t* I md) V.S. Buldyrev (I,*n1ne;rsdLZX, Quantita- t IT51-iliof the nonstiE onary dtfrraction of waves from spherical and cylindrical regions 120 FomeranchUk__.X_YA_-4Xoscow). The turning to zero of ronor- Iiilixed charges in theories with point interaction 120 Numer, TU.B. (tfavosibirsk). PLve-dimensional optics 120 Pur Xoscow). On the theory of the reflection . M 1."t &$tic rrom a curvilinear boundary 122 q _434oscow). Relativistic mechanics and St! r-y-es of continuous media 122 ,Lodzh 1',n.L.Sh. (Stalinabad). Singular functions or quan- . I:" I." r3, 1H n-di-mensional pseudo-Euclidean space 124 card 23/34 AUTHOR: Skuridin, G. A. SOV/49-59-1-1/23 TITI3: Duhamells Principle and Asymptotic Solutions of Dynamic Equations in the Theory of Elasticity. I. (Printsip Dyuamelya i asimptoticheskiye resheniya dinamicheskikh uravneniy teorii uprugosti. I) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR1 Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 3-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The asymptotic (ray) method has been applied in the. study of propagation of elastic waves in uniform and non-u-niform isotropic media by many workers (Refs 1-7). The present paper uses Kline's method (Refs 8,9) to solve asymptotically equations of the theory of elasticity on the basis of Duhamel's principle. Kline's results,obtained for one-hyj?erbolic equation,are applied to a system of dynamic equations of the theory of elasticity. It is shown that,if there is a system of finite discontinuities in the pulse solution, then solutions of dynamic equations may be represented in the form of series in reciprocal powers of iw, where w is the angular frequency. A harmonic source of Card 1/2 vibrations is assumed in this analysis. The constants SOV/49-59-1-1/23 Duhamel's Principle and Asymptotic Solutions of Dynamic Equations in the Theory of Elasticity. 1. -.0 which appear in the series mentioned above are "jumps" of the pulse solution and "jumps" of its derivatives with respect to time. At w -:ooa the series obtained for the components of the displacement vector become asymptotic. The region of convergence of the;series is not discussed. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 13 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 5.English, 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Akadeiaiya nauk SSSR,,Institut fiziki Zemli (Ac. Sc., USSR, Institute of Earth Physics) SUEMITTED: August 20, 1957 Card 2/2 8/049/59/000/03/001/019 AUTHOR - Skuridin, G. A. TITIE; Duhamel's Principle and the Asymptotic Solutions of Dynamic Equations of the Theory of Elasticity. II \-V PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 337-343 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first part of this work was published in this jcurnal, Nr 1, 1959, where it was shown that Duhamel's integral can be used to solve equations of the theory of elasticity. In Part I Duhamel's integral was used to find an. asymptotic expansion (Eq 1) for a harmonic eource of -vibrations f(t) = exp(-.iwt). In order to apply Eq (1) to practioal cases2 solution of the system of Eqs (3), which express motion in a heter neous elastic medium, must be fo-und (Eqs 4-7). Ors an example, a homogeneous isotropic elastic medium is considered. In Card 1/2 this case the system of Eqs (8) is derived where the S/049/59/000/03/001/019 Duhamel's Principle and the Asymptotic Solutions of Dynamic Equations of the Theory of Elasticity. II region D is divided by a di ontinuity on the surface 0 into two regions D 9;"Zd D2 (Fig 1). If Eqs (8) are applied to eack reglon separately, formulae (12) to (14) a.Te found for Di. , By combining them with the eq!aivaient formulae for D 11 Eq (20) can be derived which determines the compone;~ u of Eq (1). The other two coniponents -, and w a-T~e foland similarly. Thus the integral (21) is obtained which in the case of longitudinal and transverse waves can be written as Eqs (22). The paper is entirely theoretical. There is 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Tastitut fiziki Zemli (Ac. Sc. USSR. Institute of Physics of the Bart SUBMITMiD: August 20, 1957 Card 2/2 ,W. 0. '? 0 0 0 67891 v (7) 8/020/60/130/06/019/059 AUTHORS: Skuridin, G. A 9 S - B013/BO07 TITLE: An Approximate Solution of a Problem Concerning the Notion of a Conductive PlasmaNy PERIODICAL: Doklady Akads-mii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 6, pp 1248 - 1251 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Several authors developed a new method for the asymptotic inte- gration of linear partial differential equations of the hyper- bolic type and by using this method they determined asymptotic solutions for the equations of acoustics and for laxwell equa- tions. Other authors solved the dynamic problems of the elas- ticity theory by means of this method. The general idea of this general method, discussed in the present paperg in a linear hyperbolic differential equation ke.g. in a wave equation) is based upon the following: The endeavor is made approximatively to satisfy the initial equations by special selection of the functions w1hioh means the solutions are sought in the form II(x9y9z9t~ - A(Xgypz)exp fitik, - ~ (X'y'ZF0 if (J-_* 00. Thus, one obtains the known relationa grad2 1/c2 and Card 1/3 2(grad A grad fl + A L'i 0, where � (xPY9 Z) denotes the eikonal 67891 An Approximate Solution of a Problem Concerning the S/020/60/1,,;o/o6/oi9/059 Motion of a Conductive Plasma B013/3007 of the wave and A(X,Y,Z) the amplitude of the oscillation. The compression shock of the unsteady wave front and the amplitude of "geometric approximation" are found to be identical. The physical interpretation of the asymptotic method in quaallinear and linear equations isp howeverp no longer so easy, However, also in this case several problems may be formally solved by this method. The authors of thepresent paper integrate the e- quation of plasma oacillationa'yby means of thin method: they investigate the motion of K~~__aePin a medium with the finite conductivity 0. The medium is here assumed to satisfy the equa- tion of staU P - Q8 1. The corresponding system of equations of ma;Matof"gas-dynamiceVin the onedimensional case is explicitly writton down..The problem is reduced to the determina- tion of the unknown quantities P, Q9 R, and u (velocity of the gas) in a sufficiently general form, which means that these equations are to contain-arbitrary functions which are then de- termined from the initial- &nd boundary conditions. The calcu- lative solution of this problem is followed step by step. For Card 2/3 the determination of 0 and u (where 9 - (ink), one obtains tw~z '07891 An Approximate Solution of a Problem Concerning the 5/020/60/130/06/019/059 Motion of a Conductive Plasma BO13/BOO7 arbitrary functions T(t) and F(G) and an arbitrary constant B. The authors then investigate the case F(0) = PQ with P - const