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:~ L'(-;i rj~l r,- ~~slllyevlch; LA., red. .1- 1 - ~ '.1 ., ~ I.SlAy V- - A of ;'lleurnatic tires] Proizvo-d-stvo pne-7ma- tichoskikh shin. .Izd.2., porer. i dope Vo3knfa, 'Khilaiial 1'~65- 502 p. (MIRA 19:1) LEVKOVA, N.A., dotsent; Lymphoepitheliomas or Schminckets disease. Vest.otorin. no.6: 40-43 161. (MIRA 15--l) 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy anatcmii (zav. - dotsent N.A. v LevIcova) meditsinskogo fakul'teta Uzbgorodskogo universiteta. (NASOPHARYNX-TUMORS) LVIKOVA) N.A.; SKURA, V.D. Sarcomas of the uterus. Akush. J. --i n 39 -, o / :46-4. a Jl-Aa 163 , 0 1 -- o-+ 0 WIRA 16:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy ariat.ordli (zaT. - prof. N.A. T-evl,ova) Uzhgorodslcogo un4versiteta. SKUBA, N.D. Age-related aspects of quantitative changes in deoxyribonucleic acid under conditions of reparative regeneration of the myocar- dium. Vop. geron. i geriat. 4:130-135 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut gerontologii AMN SSSR, Kiyev. IL -Lie -3 !a ~~:~titenlnl, of, and Al, -,a ty ari ;K Ty V H. Ski. ")I- 1-nzl. J ~Bie I- HA (jot,3., otv. rc-,!-; BED11C.. L ral aujt-m~bile y .na av"mob- Lvivj1koho U-iL%-~ i964. 55 P. e, lo a, L~ 3':' rl i J SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Librar7 of rlon.~rress, 1955. 5n,TBACnVSXIY9 0. S., Cnad. Tech. Scl., Prof. Balancing Aviation Engines. 1942. Head of the Department of Aircraft Lngine Design at the Moscow Aviation Institute "Sergo Ordzhinikidze". In 1951-52, served as Chairman of the Sub committee on Turbojet, Turboprop and Piston Engine Construction of the Scientific Commission on Aviation Terminology of the USSR Academy f ' -'ciences. Specialist in structural analysis of jet engines. o PHASE I Treasure Island Bibliographic Report 60000117 BOOK CtLU No.: TWO1,5715 Authors: AMKUMBAIC2.H~F-V, G.S., and KHRONIN, D.V. Fu-U Title; AIRCRAFT PROPELIEE-ENGINE MOUNTS Transliterated Title: Vintomotormye ustanovki. samoletov, Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of the Date: 1946 No. pp..- 235 Editorial Staff Editor; None Editor-in-Chief: None Text Data Defense Industry (Oborongiz). No. copies: 7,000 Technical Editor: None Appraiser: None Coverage: Various systems of aircraft propeller-engine mounts and their specifi- cations are discussed, and their parts and methods of calculation described. Some problems of function and operation are explained. Purpose: Approved by the Board of Education of' the Ministry of the Aircraft Industry as a textbook for students of aeronautical institutions of higher learning. It was edited in conformity with the program of the ~bskva Aviation Institute im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Facilities: ~bskva Aviation Institute im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze and the Central Aero-Hydrodynamical Institute im. N.E. Zhukovskiy No. Russian and Slavic References: 1,6. Available: Library of Congress SKUPAVE119XV, 0. S., Editor Atlas of parts and Units of Aviation Engines. 1950. x6DAUA MRS SHUBACHEIISKIY, Gleb Semenovich Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, based on his defense, 27 June 1955, in the Council of the Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, of his dissertation entitled: "Aviation gas turbine motors, construction and computation of components." (Textbook for higher educational institutions.) Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences 30: Decisions of VAK, List no. 24, 26 Nov 55, Byulleten' M110 3SSR, No. 20, Oct 57, Moscow, pp, 22-24, Uncl. JPRS/LIJY-471 -IG11 - tit' .L PHASE X l-'LA!11D DIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 75~ - X BOOK Call No.: A'F684925 Author: SKUBACHEVSKlY, G. S. Full Title: AVIATION GAS TURBINE ENGINES, DESIGN AND CALCULATION OF PARTS Transliterated Title: Aviat2ionnyye gazoturbinnrje dvigateli, konstruktsiya i raschet detaley PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of the Defense Industry (Oborongiz) Date: 1955 No. Of PP.: 548 No. of copies: Not given Editorial Staff: None Others: 16 members of the Moscow Institute of Aviation are mentioned in the introduction as having helped the author in writing this book. PURPOSE AND EVALUATION: A textbook for aviation institutions of higher learning. The author takes three engines"as his principal examples of gas turbine designs, namely the IRD-10, RD-20 and RD-45. These engines are respectively identical with the Junkers Jumo (axial compressor, individual combustion chambers), BMV (Bayerische motor Werke, axial compressor, annular combustion -1/6- Aviatsionnyye gazoturbinny.1je dvigateli, konstruktsiya AID 759 - X I raschet detaley chamber), and Rolls Royce Nene I, (centrifugal compressor, individual combustion chambers) and date from before 1946. Diagrams of other pa7ts and some corresponding data are often Identical with those published in the Atlas tipovykh skhem vozdushno-re~k1.1vnykh I turbo-vlntovnylch dvigateley (Atlas of Typical Layouts of Jet-engines and Turboprops) by Zaikin, A. Ye., CD 1950. This atlas was compiled exclusively from articles pub- lJshed in British aviation periodicals in 1946-47. In this book of interest are: 1) specifications of engine construction materials, found at the end of almost all chapters, 2) calculation of the vibrat'Lon of blades In chapters III and IV, 3) calculation or the vibration of combustion chambers in chapter VIII, 4) ~-'--',ermination of stresses and calculation of gears in chapter XII, 5) analysis of wear and defects of parts to be found scattered in several chapters. TEXT DATA Coverage: This book contains: 1) fundamentals of the design of avlation Cas turbines, 2) Information on operating conditions o parts, 3 calculations of strength and vibrations of parts, 4) spe:.,ifications and -requirements of materials. Examples of 2/6 NIKITIN, Yu.M.; 7UMANSKIY, S.K., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SOYYER, A.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent, retsenzent; ZHUKOV, X.A., lnzh., retsenzent;-~~Ar-M~SKIY~,_A,_S,_, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; YANOVSKIY, I.L., iuzh., rbd., KRRUSTALEVA, A.A., red.izd-va; ORRSHKINA, V.I., (Designing elements of parts and units of aircraft engines] Iroustruirovanie elementov detalei i uzlov aviatsionrqkh dvigwselel. Pad red. G.S.Skubachevskogo. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo Oborongiz, 1961. 287 P. (Airplanes-Nngines) (MIRA 14.-'12) SKUDACHEUM Gleb Semenovich; TUMANSHY, S..K., dokt,or tekhn, n-Z~' IR ITSK IY , G.S. , doktor tekhn, n'91-1k prof., retsenzent; STRUNKIN, VA., kand, tek~.'n. nauk dots., retsenzent SHTOrA, A.V., prof... nauchn. red.; FOFOV, A.V., red. [Airc-raft gas turbine engines; design and const-r-iction of part,s] Aviatsionnye gazoturbinnye dvigatell-i; konstruktslia i ras-lieL detalei, lzd.2., perer, i dop. Motol-iln., Mashino- stroenie, 1965, 451 P. (MIRA 19.,1) T, Chlien-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Tumpnskiy), L hh27~-f)6 11WT in )ft ACC M AP600537o rA )SOURCE CODE: Ull/Oltl3/66/000/001/0117/0117 IMIENTOR: Perelfman, R. G.; Skubachevskiy, G. S.; Polikovskiy, V. I.; Ivanov, G.-JV. ORG: none TITLE; Hydrostatic bearing. Class 47, No. 177711 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 117 TOPIC TAGS: b44zv1wg;,_ hydrostatic bearing ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a hydrostatic bearing with grooves and a control mechanism for feeding the lubricatLng_,[jjiiA_' to the friction surfaces.!; For greater reliability and ease of con- struction the control mechanism is two grooves tapering toward each other whereby the intake groove is more tapered than the outlet groove (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: I figure. Card 1/2 um 621.822.5 -U - 855 Combus''t-on Chambers of Jet Engines (Cont.) desci-lbing, the elements of kinetics and mechanism of ohemioal reactiono, oelfignition., and propagation of the flame in the They review the fundamentals of thermodynamics of jet engine com- bustion chambers, examine thermal and hydraulic losses, and the de.,31gn and working processes of jet engine combustion chavi-Lbero. The hydraulic analysio section of Chapter VII was writ-ten by Docent G. M. Gorbunov of the Moscow Aviation Institute. For further study the authors recommend works of L. N. lChItrin and G. F. Knorr. The authors thank Docent G. M. Gorbunov and Engineer P. I. Shevchenk-o for their advice and valuable comments in ing the manuscript. The book is based on SOviet materials. There are 12 Soviet references including one translation. TAB1E~' OF COULENTS: Preface 3 Introduction PART ONE. BRIEF DTFOR1,1ATION FROM COMBUSTION THEORY Card 2/6 DO',T-FEYEV, Vitaliy Vitrofanovich-, UWE!, Veniamin. Yakovlevich. FriniT~ali uchastiye.- YF2afIll-S.I,,, inzh.; KONDRUSEV, V.S., inzh.; LAK&ffOVSI=, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, ret9enzent; SKUBACHEVSKIY L.3, ___-,-inzh., red.; SFMY;FAYI,, L-I., red.; L.I., Ukbn. red. LTesting gatelei. 220 P. (Airplanes-Ram--jet engines) rem-jet enginesj lopytmiia vozdushno-reaktivrqkh cmE.- Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd.-vo Oborongiz, 1961. (MIRA 15!2) ACCESSION NR: AT4041485 S/2535/64/000/157/0097/0102 AUTHOR: Skubachevskiy,_L,9--~~ (Engineer) TITLE: Determination of combustion'efficiency in chambers using air preheated by the combustion of hydrocarbons SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionny*y institut. Trudy*, no. 157, 1964. .Issledovaniya rabocheg-o protsessa v kamerakh sgoraniya gazoturbinny*kh .dvigateley (Studying the working processes of gas turbine engine com- buation chambers) , 97-102 ~.,TOPIC TAGS: jet aircraft, combustion chamber, afterburner, combus- tion, thrust augmentation, aviation turbine. .,ABSTRACT: When combustion is carried out with preheated air contain- ,~ing comb'ustion products (e.g., in afterburner'chambers), the,*accuracy '.of the calculated combustion efficiency of the afterburner depends on 'whether the combustion efficiency in the preheating combustion chamber is taken into consideration. Equations are derived for determining the error in the afterburner combustion efficiency when the efficien- :cy-of the preheating chamber is not taken into account. It is shown 1 / 2 ACCESSION NR: AT4041485 .that the error increases with a decrease in the completeness of com- bustion in the preheating chamber, a decrease in the air excess factor in the preheating chamber, or an increase in the oxidizer excess in the afterburner chamber. When a serially produced combustion chamber, (giving maximum combustion efficiency at. an air excess factor of 4) is used for preheati ng the air, incomplete. -combustion must be taken into 4ccount whenever the air excess factor in this chamber is Larger or smaller than 4. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 6 formulas. :ASSOCIATION: none 'SUBMITTED: 00 ATD PRESS: 3057 ENCL: 00 :SUB CODE: PR. NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card-, 22 SLONIM.? D.-, MARES, I.; DREVO, M.; CINNEROVA, 0,,; MICHL, J.; technical assistance: HOLATOVA, M.; KOUDELKOVA, M.; KRAUSOVA, V.,-.SKUBALL_J.; ZLABOVA, Z. Some experiences with the preparation of inactivated polioWel-itis vaccine in Czechoslovakia. IV, The preparation of the vaccine. Acta vir0l-En9-1,9d-Praha 5 no.3'-178-187 My 161. 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague. (POLIOMYELITIS immunol) SKuBAtA, R. Gospodarka Zbozowa - Vol. 6, no. h, Apr. 1955. For expansion of the activities of trade-unions. p. 1. Lowering prime costs in cooperative mills. p. 28. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. SKUBALA, S. (Pollskaya Narodnaya Respublika); MAZE, V. [Voise, wj Po Narodnaya Respublika) W, Study of the history Of science in the Polish Academy of Scienc Vop. ist. est. i tekh. no.6,-226-228 '59. OaaA 12:6) (Poland--Science) SKUBALA, S. (Varshava) Works of *...e Polish science eds-lorlans. tekh. no.12:253-254 162~ (MIRA 15:4) (Bibliograpiiy,--Poland--Science) (Poland-!icience--c~iLliographj) F.4 11A sessi.-,r. in Y)nor of Jan Sniwlec~! on the occasion of his 200th birtliday anniversary lr~ Krakow, November 20-21, 1956." P. 16~5 (Kosmos. Serbia B: Frzyroda 'lieoz.,wioria) Vol. I, n,:). 2, 1957 'td'arsaw, Poland SG: 1-lonthly Index of East European Accessions L~;. Vol. 7, no. 4, Anril 1959 SPIUDIIA y Zof ja 350th aradversary of Jar. Heweliusz. Sauka ?o1 9 no.4:19'7-202 a-D 61. 1. Polska Akademia Nauk, Zaklad Historii Nauki i Techniki. SUCHODOLSKI, Bogdan, prof.; SKUBALA, Zofia From the works of the Laboratory of History of Scienze and Technology. Nauka polska. 10 no.6:69-84 N-D 162. 1. Kierownik Zakladu Historii Nauki i Techniki, Polska kicademia Nauk, Warszawa, Palac Kultury i Nauki (for Suchodolski). SUCHODOLSKI., Bogda-n, professor, SMALL, Zofia Research Center for the History of Science and Technology; organization and range of activity. Review Pol Academy 8 no.1:27-37 Ja-Rr 163. 1. Director of the Research Center of Science and Technology) Warsaw, c3rresponding member of Vic Polish Acadomy of Sciences. (for Suchodolski) SKULIAIA-TOKAHSIY~, Zofia "On the move into space" by Tadeusz Przypkowski. Reviewed by Zofia.'3kabala-Tokarska. Kwart hist nauki i tech 8 no.2:274-275 163. SFUBALA-TlO-L4k,E-e,, Zofia Pl-nary of the Clomimittce c-' 0' S2-nnct' ari Terch-nalo-Y - - . ---- . - - o4 ) Pc.ll-,-,--i Ar,--Jemy of Science- Ki:-ai-L r-"'JI.-I I ~- Q -o. -/!I,: ~ -1 3 -3 01 -3 164 SKUBMIM0, N., 1,-izheier. --.- blildint, bl ~r j;y, concrote -.Ith coarse ground svImixt,i:pa. C, Stroi. mat- , j - - it r. 1 0 9550 ()TLRA 9: 1 ) i 3,.~ I A- ~ blocks) SKUBARENKO, N. (g. Zhdanov) Increasing t%e water resisting property of a mixture of gypsum and concrete by modification of its basic components. Stroi. mat.. izdal. i konstr. 2 no.8:27-28 Ag '56. (MLRA. 9:10) 1. Mladsh~y nauchnyy aotrudnik Zhdanovskogo filiala YuZhNII. (concrete) "HUMAKOV act r;~; nf;,ar-Ing gas 1,-me at the L-iigansw ',,art for 1 _- u-, 1 -1 -1 _- - --ar c=;rele elemen',s, Stroiz ma,, 10 no.6.-i'l-l- Je '64. R A 1~ 7 ',~-ogtmis?cg~_ kombfnata rache_,L3tobe'..cnnyk_n y tekhno,og Lulgan5xogo kcmb'nara- avnr y fi.- he:. B rnbe 1~ I,-) nnvill. kon a truXte 1, '1 ' for IS lrubarenkro,, GHUMAXOV) YU.M.; Aw JiENKO) N. N. ~ Large air-entrained concrete elements made with a mixed binder,, Strois mat. 9 no.2:19-22 F 163. (IMRA 16:2) 1. Direktor Luganskogo kombinata yacheistpbetonnykh konstruktaiy (for Chumakov). 2. Glavnyy tekhnolog Luganskop kombinata yacheistobetonnykh koni3truktsiy (for Skubarenko)e (Air-entrained concrete) SWBAY) M.S. Something on the work of the Odessa~Pharmacy Depot. ParmatsEnr. zhur. 16 no-3;66-67 161. (NIRA 14:6) 1. Zaveduyushchiy aptechnym skladom g. Odessy. (ODESSA-DRUGS) RUDNITSKIY, A., kand. arkhitektury; SEREDYUK, I., arkhitektor; SFTIBCHENKC, G. .1, - - -, arkhitektor Maintenance of buildings of few stories. Zliil. stroi. no.6:21-24 '59. (~aRA 12:10) (Ii7ov--Apartment houses--Maintenance and repair) GATKIII, 11atan Grigorlyevich, kand. tekhr.,. nauk; GEtM.TID, Vsevo'.,Lod Aleksandrovich, kand. tekh:n. nauk; F.AR1'CVSY1Y, Mark Illich, doktor tekhn. nauk; Z-ARMIN, Yu.'U., kar.6. tek-rin. nauk, retsenzent; jKUBMTKO, S.A., inzh., red.; BEIREZOWY, V.N., tek'hin. [Integrators in measuring systerls] Integratory v sistemakh izmereniia. 1-Uev, Goatekhi:~d~,,t USSR, 1963. 139 P. (MMA 17: 1) Ctadio measurer:ents) (Radio filters) (Pulse circuits) AUMORS: TITLE: Fel'tsan P. V.j Zapeeochny*yt 1. P.; Mmbenich, V. Further study of the excitation functions of helium. /Vi CIM SOURCE: Dokl- I sodbeheb. Uftorodak. un-t Ser. fiz.-matemp I istor. n no. 5j, 1962, 38-4o TOPIC TAGS: helium, fine structure, excitation functions, ortho-belium., para- belium,# pressure dependence TRANSIATION: The excitation functions vere measured for the following He lines (in Angstroms): 5O47(2'P--4'q)p 4438 (21P-51S), 4l69(2,P--6,s).. 4q2i(2,P---41D)J 4387 (2'P--5;D).*, 4143 (2,p--6'D), 4o (2'P--7'D)p 5316 (2'S--3'P) J964 (039 WS-4,01 875 (23i--33D),, 4471 (2 P--43D)o 4713(2 p-- 3s)p 3W80 S--21-~F). The additional maxima for the para- and ortho-hellum lines were clarified. For the 5016 and 4888 A lines, the excitation functions W e measured for different pressures of the investigated gas (3 x 10-4--5 .0-9r. It Is established Card 1/2 i i i i I I I i i ; Card__ _2/2 FELIT,if,N, P.V. , ZAPYSOCIINYY, 1 .11. - SKUBEINICH V.V. 0 1 Further study of the excitation functions of helium. Lokl. i soob. UzhGU. Ser. fiz.-mal.. i ist. nauk no.5:38-40 162. (141RA 17:9) KISHKO, S.M.; SKUBENICI-I~ k%llil StudyinR ca--bcn bands during electrordic excitation. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. .117 no.8tlO49-1051 Ag 163. (MIRA 16,10) 1. Kafedra il~'i,-,!,'r-c-,-tnatematichesleogo falkUlfteta Uzhgorods".,cogo gosvidars~tvennoc.o L 04763-~? EWT' L, /EWT(m) /T ACC NR: AP60259 6 (t)/ETT VP(c) At/jD SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Zapesochnyy, I. P.; Skubenich, V. V. UR/0051/66/021/001/0140/0141 z ORG: none 6 TITLE: On excitation cross section levels of molecular nitrogen due to electron col- lisions SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 140-141 t, TOPIC TAGS: excitation cross section, excitation energy, excited electron state, molecular physics, molecular theory, nitrogen ABSTRACT: The authors report on the experiments designed to determine the absolute excitation cross section levels for a series of important molecular nitrogen states* The excitation of nitrogen was due to the collisions with slow electrans.v, The inten- sity of radiation due to the various molecular systems of N2 was compared to a refer- ence light source. Based on the experimental data the authors conclude that: 1) the maximum excitation cross sections for the molecular nitrogen are in the order of 10-14 to 10 17 CM2, thus exceeding several times the cross sections for the low levels of helium atoms; 2) the levels of the neutral N2 molecule are most effectively excited by -an electron beam of 10 :to 20 ev. A two-fold increase in beam energy red*ces- the excitation of this level by an order of magnitude. Conversely, the level N2 has a Ed l/ 2 2/2 LYASHCHMO, V.I.; SKUBE?JK0, A.F. Measuring the Hall effect at liquid oxygen temparatures. Nauk. zap. Kiev. un. 9 no.2:1?-,'O 150. Ma 9:12) (Hall effect) (Low temperature research) SKUBENK09 A.F.---- Electrical and photoelectric properties of single crystals of antimony selenide and sulfide. Part D. Method of growing single crystals of Sb2S3. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no.6.-781-790 N-D.160. (MIRA 140) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy ur4versitet im. T. C-,Shevchenko. (Antimony ablenide 6rystals-Growth) (Antimony sulfide crystals-Growth) 27303 S/181/61/003/008/033/034 B111/B102 77 AUTHORS: Lyashenkot V. I., and Skubenkc, A. P. TITLE: Effect of impurities upon the properties of Sb S 2 3 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 8, 1961, 2499-2501 TEXT: In insufficiently purified Sb S single crystals, the authors found 2 3 an additional maximum in the spectral distribution of the photoelectric current due to impurities, and also a growth of the dark current with time. If a 10-v potential is applied to the specimen, the current drops due to polarization; at 20 v, the current first drops due to polarization, and then it rises again with time. At 30 and 50 v, only a rise of current will be observed. This rise is not observable with alternating currents. it is also of interest to study this effect in synthetic Sb2S3 single crystals. The temperature dependence of the maximum rise of conductivity was studiedi from the slope of the curve, the activation energy was found to be &u -0.46 ev, and the width of the forbidden band -1-55 ev. Then, for comparison, high-purity Sb 3 crystals were produced, and the I 2 3 ph(k) Card 1/2 SKUBI-,110 I- ____ - Simple temperature regulator with two s6ttings. Izv. vys,, ucheb, zav.; energ, 4 no.8t67-69 Ag'!61. (1,URA 14:8) 1. Chernigovskiy gosudarsti(ennyy pedagogk,-heskiy institut. Predetavlena kafedroy fizilLl. (Temperature rag-alators) (Ele--tric Au-naces -.Equip.-,ant and supplies) 61/000/00i/1003/01L 0" 4L/? 7 (gut 02 LO/1-2305 , / ~- 1 .2) -xUTHOR ~kubeako, F TITLE: ELectrical and photoelectric pror)er-L-ies of antimony selen-i and sul-phtde monocrystals 11 lectrical priotoc-Lectric proncr-A-c.-; c,,'- ,tntil-..iony selenide PERIODICAL: Ukrayins"Iyy fizychnyy zhurnaL. v 6, no i- 1961, 40-48 J'EXT: Some electrical. photoeLectr-lic am! prOperl-ies of high-pvir~tv Sb2z~e~ monocrystals were stiudied bc-callse of coi:parative lack of data on these monocrystaLs ancl occause oj' cont-r-d-ictions betwee-n reported resuits The autiior stud.,Ied, tfte ",:etnDe ca cure depen- dence of tile nhotoconductivitv spectrall. r2sD-orsc :L-a the range -110 - j1200~ the temDerature depentience of tile Clectr-Lcal resi-stivity between room teurperature and 2000-'. as we:-L as tne aLsor-itiov- 0t light within thc: wavelength regiou 950-21DOO i ~Ie t e ciftili- que s o f pre-.3aring -Sb2"e3 and of growing ruo-Liocrystals, zcine riiel~fncy have been describe,l bv '-he At-lthOr (Rel L 2 -h LI-101 Dress ,";ard 1/5 S L ~0 16/001/003/01L LlectricaL ardi photoelectric :210,~ :305 .1 1he results obtained dire snown in :.AF_ 1 C) - ~ ~.l I I ~ s a,: i -. P L e Siridepen- .,ree of puritv. photocurre-an ri.,.;ix-ma at a c-i.ven tem- dent of their deg -I peraturc -,.iere the same; ;at rooR r-emperaWre i:il-_ I-hotoresponse maxi- mum was at 970 mp T~ke red end of 11117-ity res-,)cnsL- was taken to i)e tric wavc-Lencith at wllich lphotocut7reCLL wa-, 50-4Q of its i_)y maximum value h s 1.17 ~I ~~elength was denoted and at room tem V perature it Lay at 10.50 m)~~ Belo-,T rooci shifted towards snorter w ave i ~-.- n g t h s:;oeling did not zifj`ecr the photocur- rent maximum which reunaired pr.-,.ct'ci,' 1, ~ y c on s t i of tein- Derature to 50-5501.: dLsPLac(Id ` 1 loiiq ~.,.,.,eiengths and a 1 t owar( lb further increase of LeniDer~-.,T_ur~_, ' j-1-: fed rowards s'!,ort uaveLeni~ths, S I i,P. 50-550-", was the llivcrslorl po.-;.rir of ~h6 t-cmperature dependence of the forbidden energy band 'energy ,apl IJio. relative Dhotocur- rent maximum increased rapidly on i-,icreasc oj_- tc2mperature and oassed throu~ht its maximum at 50-550-',, !ig --'j gilves the dependence of Inp on T- for samples subjected 18 moltQn-zone Dassages (curve 1) 12 such passages (curve 21 ,a., no molten-zoiie treatzment t .curve 3). The sample not subJected U: zone Durification ex~iibited impurity Card 2/5 ,)i _~85i 13 l,'006/0()L/OG5/,) _A D2 LO/ -* 30:) conduct lon up to _-,nmoi.~ . rle slo-, e t r )f its rcgisiv cu C reprcs P _ L - en-i-.E, a-i activation orici-v of 0 65.0 70 eV In samnioles subjected to ? - C) ~ mal-LV Zone PassaLfe-S conduction bc,-far, at "0 arial- it, .0 ysis o! Curves I and .1 l-'ll _`ig i ,,,ave tne energv rl.",) ocli*~ :" 1~_ - -d 1,42 eV, _',urves 'L ant show aLso outicl, siopcs corresz)wlcling p 1 ~7 7 -1c Pti_ to activation at 0,65 and L 00 eV ressectiveL_ L - ~:) cal aDSorption curve ot .-l'b2')e3 is aLso glivell SePz_l_r&_l'-elV. it is con- Cluded that the phot-ocuri-ciit maximufa ar 9-lO .~e-_~resc-Lts t_ue fund- amentaL azbSol'Ptlorl CC11-1-C- 'I"he energ-Y, gap '~-,c v,ftue OZ ~i j (the rcc e-nd o~ i)hotoconducciv-Lt~, r~~spor,,sc r-iscs oa lo-aering r3 -4 and ot, Lemoerazurc ' L d T . whe-; -1, Cj . -5 L - r um is thc cner-;,), at, T is th2 absollato tcmpcrature room termi)craturc ca-n (1--terminod 6 eV f1his V,--Iuc is quite CLOse Lo tne enorgv gap deducod ifro-LiA ::,~2asure- ments .* IC" h _-3 OV* ar,,l 'rom t~-o -,g ev~ P The Ciel3c"l-', "IC-C ot 11-hr encr-,%, t~,tp xl_,~; ot tae T,*aol,:CcoV_duCA,-_ iv-*LL:y rcsl~orrlse su&gc-%Cst~ ':Iat tric cm-,rgy DanJs 1-11L D, v;ary complic.-tea -C he ~:~ard 3/1 3 '35" c, 1! 0',)t-, 00 L/O-) 3/ 0; A actricial and phoLoe.Lec t:- i c 2L0'.." ~GD intrinsic conductioTi re.~ion the ct,1-1- rosistivIty wag I~oull- UO obey 'i'lOVII.edgernents arc ::iadic t-o !~rofcssor V i Poexp( A Fo/ C d IIY,~ts[ierilco for.i i i s (I i_ r C. t i on o f "l-I i.'.; %., o I: I,- i., i l'! ad, v ; c eChore are 4 T --)c ;md " -,on- ovict-b riguros wid 1.4 l-,l--L,,c"Cc%R(--'S bit loc. i'lle four mosL rQc-ent. to rc~jcl as I Ol lows j !31,1c": I-C jolids. 2, 240 . L957; J G Bre u nw ai 1. eLro(: .-Oc, -:74. 19L.1; -dart:, BuLl v.,1 --,hys o(-, 3, 232), 19138. Jonson, A ItWse Croc 3 1 18 5:1) 1955 I'vvivs'~yy ordena ~-cnina derza . univerytot I- H, 0", i -hevcl-Lenka ' Ki ve v-:e r, i n - Univeristy i m, k -, li , "lle vc 'Lie nko Lj BM IT T f';arch 28 , 19o0 ,-ard 4/5 28h37 :2- S/185/61/006/002/009/020 ;-0, D210/D304 AUTRORS: Lyashenko, V.I., and Skl.uben-ko, A..F. TITLE: Increase of electrical conductivity of antimony sulphide with time PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, vo 6, noo 2, 19619 202 - 206 '_IEXT: The relatively infrequent phenomenon of increase in the con- ductivity of semiconductors is largely unexplained~ In this arti- cle the authors describe an experimental study made on antimony sulphide which has a conductivity rise time of a few hours. The meaourements were carried out on single crystalst the crystallini- ty being verified by X-ray analysis, The electrodes were made by vacuum deposition of gold and the current was measured using an electrometer, or occasionally, a sensitive mirror galvanometer. Measurements were made over a 0voltage range of 10 to 80 V and a temperature range of 30 to 80 C. It was found that the increase in M37 S/185/61/006/002/009/020 Increase of electrical D21u/D304 ~Iime and the ultimate current depend on the applied potential. Tliere is a critical potential below which no rise occurs, and at wn 10 V there was a fall in current with timec This behavior is sho cleariy in Fig. 29 where a potential of 10 V (2-3 V/cm) was applied for '17 minutes and then switched off. The direction of current flow was instantly reversedi the magnitude alling off slowly to zero.. Increase in temperature resulted in higtier maximum current and a faster rise timeg and the current increase !A awas found to obey the relation e~i rf ma exp(-,L'1jU/kT) the activation energy x 0 being constant (.A U = OA8 eV) for different applied potentials and samples of different purity. The rate of increase of ln~2S`dmax - ~ZA,1) with time was found to be linear, indicating an exponentia-i law, Some typical time constants are: To = 13.4 min for 800C, 80 V; '10 : 6~-9 min for 500C, 50 V and for 500C, 80 V. Measurements car- ried out tinder v:.,,cuum and in air showed no difference. There was no rise of current with time using alternating current and the cur- '-:;rd 211, At"J7 S/18 61/006/002/009/020 Increase of electrical D210YI)304 rent increase was smaller for purer samples. In order to explain r,rese phenomena the authors discarded any possibility of temperatu- re rise or p - n Transitions with a channel effect. Such current increase could be caused by growth of dendrites as is observed for copper sulphide, however, this was not the case as no difference was observed in current rise across and along a long crystal after prolonged passage of currents The authors, therefore, concluded that the observed phenomenon must be due to an increase of current carriers. This can be explained by an increase in the concentration of holes on electrolysis of impurities if 'these impurities are cen- ters of attachment for the holes. If these impurities were dischar- ged on the electrodes, then on removal of the potential their re- diffusion would be very slow, however, these impurities-are not discharged then the internal potential will revert tnem in the same order of time as they were oriented which is the observed case. Undischarged ion impurities create also a space charge which has been verified experimentally by measuring the potential along the sample before the passage of current and after a long passage Card 3/5 22 ! h 3 7 0 S/185/`/006/002/009/020 Increase of electrical D210/D304 ()--' current. The a chors feel that "the ion space charge near the electrodes may also form something s-1milar to the cnd effect ob- served on cadmium sulphide. A more accura-ze mecha, and the na- ture of the impurities wili be given in a future publication,, There ar;~ 5 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATIONt Instytut fizyky AN URSR, KYYIVS"kyy de-L-zhavnyy univer- sitet a.m. T~H. Shevchenka (Physics Institute AS Ukr SSR, State University of Kiyev lm~ T.H. Shevchenko) T U~~ne 30, 1960, Card 4/5 27-1b5 S/185/61/006/004/008/015 D274/D303 AUTHOR~ Skubenko, A.F., TITLE- Electrical and photoelectrical properties of anti.- mony selenide end sulfide single-crystals III Elec- trical and photoelectrical properties of Sb2S3 PERIODICAL- Ukrayins'kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 4, 1961, 505-512 TEXT-~ Single crystals of Sb2S31 obtained by zone melting, were investigated, The method of growing the single crystals is descri- bed by the author (Ref. 17~ Same periodical, v. 6, no. 1, 1961). The Sb2S3 single-crystals were studied by a method analogous to that used by the author in the study of antimony selenide.(ReE. 20; Same periodical, v. 5, no, 6, 1960). The spectral distribution of the photocurrent was investigated on many specimens of various de- grees of purity, Figures show the temperature dependence of the photocurrent for various specimens. The electrical conductivity Card 1/5 A 2) 7 9 65 S/185/61/006/004/008/015 i~lectrical and photoelectrical... D274/D303 was measured up to 2000C only (this owing to the vaporization of Sb2S3 which was also noted by other investigators)-, for measuring the conductivity ti, initial galvanometer-readings were taken into account. A figure shows the temperature dependence of the conduc- tivity, Further, some results of optical measurements are given /complete results will be published separately), Thus, the absorp- tion curve k and the dispersion curve n are shown. Sb2S3 single- cr-ystals have a photocurrent-maximum, at a wavelength ~L. 710 m,;A which corresponds to the eigenabsorption of the crystal. Specimens which underwent only a few zone-passes, showed an additional maxi- mum at 760 m,% (due to impurities). The act ivati on- energy of the impurities was 1.5 e!, The energy-width of the forbidden zone, detem-ined from the long-wave critical value of the photo-effect Was -AED-tj 1: 1~63 eV (at rogm temperature), and its temperature 4 coef f 2L c i b nt P, 1 - 6.5-10 - 4 ev/deg. The shift in the maximum and in the long-wave critical value of the photo-effect (with increas- ing temperature) towards longer wavelengths, is a sign of reduced width of the forbidden zone.. The photo ~current increases with / r C d 2 r a -5 / 2796r S/185j/61/006/004/008//015 Electrical and photoelectrical-, D274/D303 temperature. at low temperatures - slowly, and from room tempera- ture up to 1200C - much faster, The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity was investigated over a temperaute range of 10-2000C The curves of this dependence exhibit two characteristic parts. The upper part (at high temperatures) is related to intrin- sic or mixed conductivity. For specimens which passed through 12 20 zones, the intrinsic conductivity predominates at temperatures of 80-,1000C, The lower part is related to impurity conductivity. From the slope of the curve in the region of intrinsic conductivity, the thermal width of the forbidden zone is found, LEoh r 1,74 eV t at OOK. Using the temperature coefficient the width of the zone at room temperature is found, A E20 = 1,55 eV, From optical measurements (of specimens which passed through 18 zones), the activation energy of impurity levels was found to be AEI - 0.08 p ev wh -*ch corresponds to an absorption band in the far-infrared (approximately 20~i.). Moss's relation n4 77 was corroborated t Card 3/-;:; 27965 S/185/61/006/004//008,1/015 Electrical and photoelectrical..., D274//D303 S From the known value n - 2.75, 'fl-i was determined and for Sb2 3' f compared with the long-wave (red) critical value of the spectral distribution of the photocurrent., The agreement was satisfactory, (750 and 760 m),~,, respectively). The obtained experimental results show that Sb2S3 single-crystals are a typical semiconductor with a k. to 5-10-8 ohm-1- cm-1- conductivity (for pure specimens) of 1-10-7 at room temperature; the single crystals are photosensitive over a wide range of wavelengths and have a complex mechanism of photo- transitions., There are 5 figures and 20 references~ 12 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-So-iiet~bloc The 4 most recent references to English- Language publications read as follows', S_ Ibuki, S. Ioshimatsu, J,. Phvs. Soc. Japan; 10, no- 7, 549, 1955; J, Black, E, Conwell, L_ Seigle and L Spenser, Phys and Chem, Solids-, 2, no~ 3, 240, 1957; S Forgue., R, GoocIrich a, A. Cope, RCA Rev.,, 12, 335, 1951; TS, Moss- Proc Phys Soc 63~ 167., 1950. -ASSOCIXELON: Kyy-Lvs.'kyy derzhavnyy universytet, kafedra napiv- providnykiv (Kiyev State University, Department for Card 4/5 Electrical and photoelectric-I.., SU3MITTED- Semiconductors) October 17., 1960 27965 S/185/61/006/004/008/015 D274/D303 Card 5/5 J, S/1,51/062/004/0021/023/0-111 .2 S-0 (lo 3 7) 11 B10-'/Bl02 A"THORS Skubpnl-o, A., F., and Laptiy5 S. V. .'.~ I. ~L T I T L E Opt:.c~-ti properties of Sb,,S sin6le crystals 1 3 11 -J., 1. 1D i ~; it L -t F i ,? - tiverdo-o tela, v. 4, no. C', 1962 449 - 45:~ TEX'-" Lam~:-17ai 0.65 - 0.1 mm thick, which had been cut from Sb 2 S 3 single c.--,,-~t-alz, ~,,y zone melting, were polished Lind examined i-n i.nfrar--2d 1 1'. 1 The ouri-,:a- investigations were carried out with an ~K(-6 /IKS-6 and an VkKp-I (IKR-1) needle was used3s a source of radiat-i~~n. -ad;,:,~i~-rt was measured with a thermocouule~ and the reflection was L.e7-,S-~rt,d according to M, P. Lisitsa and Yu. P. Tsyashchenko (PTE, no, 4, Transmission and reflection curves are shown in Fib-- 1. Th~:! and parosi:-y of th-in specimens made it impossible to ex&-Mir-e edge thoroughly; however, the forbidden band width -7-az '-o be 1.7 ev, Light polar-lzation showed no change in the trano- !:1113-1110:1 curve. aor exerted temperature variations from +20 - -1500C any It i9 -:cncluded tha-1 the infrared absorption by free --,arraers 34236 S/181/62/004/002/023/'051 Optl,',ni pic-per':Las of Sb 2S B101/B102 I-his - -I - .v~ thi r, -~mperature range is caused by the interaction of elee- -i or by another mechanism, and depends only Elightly (in -f! vi.brations. Absorption by free carriers owing to ocutl)~--r- irttl:- by latFice vibrations sets in at 14 - 15p,. The absorption b~9 rid :~f 9~1 - 10;i corresponds to an activation energy of 0.12 - 0.13 ev and --~- attr-Lbuted to a system of impurity levels. The refractive index is nearly c~,nstant (2.71 - 2.75) and increases to 3.1 within the absorption b,and. Sb 2S 3 is a semiconductor with predominantly covalent bonds. M, P. Lisatsa, Doctor of Physick and Mathematics,. is thanked for guidanc.- and -,'or a dis,~ussion, There are 5 figures and 1*3 referencesz~ 7 Soviet -i sh, and 6 non-So-iet. The four most recent references to Engl~ -language publica-~Ions read as followsg J. Black, E. Conwell ', L. Seiglea,. C.Sr-er_-.3-=; Ptiys~ a. Chem. Sr,!,-ds.. il, 240. 1957; F. Mooser, W. C. Pearson, Phys. a. C`Iem~ Solid5; 0 R. Bubej J. Appl. Phys., 31,- 3 - I " 5 F - - _ 1960; S. llr-r-~d- S_ iochimatsu, J. Phys. Soc, Japan, 10, 4 9 5 C; I I - 5 9: 5 AIIjSOCIATION_-,CharnigGvskiy gosjdarstvennyy pedagogicheak_zy in5titut (Cheinigov S,ate Pedagogical institute) LINNIK) Yu.V.; SKUB04KO, B.F. Asymptotic distrilut-ion c-f' thiru-ordE2- Vest. LGU 1.9 no.213.-25-3ri '64, (,"MaA SKUBElaO, B.~ A sy-iptotic distribution and ergodic properties of entire points on a one-sheet byperboloid. Dokl. Aii 6SSR 135 no.4:794-795 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Leningradekoye otdeleniye Matematicheskogo instituta im.Y.A. kredstavieno akademikom I.M.Vinogradovym. Steklova AN 66S.R. (Surfaces) (Hyperboloid) SKUBENKO, B. F. Asymptotle dlis~rlbution of integral points on a B~41e-cavit7 I " Or byperboloid, and ergodic theoremso Izvo AN 313SR er. mat. 26 no.5:721-752 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Hyterboloid) (Aggregates) LINNIK, Yu.V.; SKUBENKO, B.F. Asymptotic ~-,bavior of third-order integral matrices. Dok-1. AN SSSR 146 no.5:1007-1008 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Linnik). (Matrices) SKUBENKO, B.F. Asymptotic b--havior of integral matrices of the nth order and the inteara" invariant ol~' a groun of unimodulez- mat--ices. Dokl. All 0 SSSR 153 nc.2-290-291 N 10'3. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Prpd,.-,tkr-len!- nkadeqdLkorn I.M.Vinogri-io-tym. It"'D .,,--ion of the volum-e c-P oap of matrices. Trudy 5!- (MIRA 18:7) SKUBIC, Tomislav Elastostatic problems of a plane. Obz mat fiz 7 no.1:9-20 Mr 160. (EEAI 9:8) (Elasticity) (Functions) SKUBIC, Tomislav Discrete potential. Obz mat fiz 7 no.4:151-157 6o. (EW 10:5) 1. Oddelek za tehnisko fiziko. (Potential, Theory of) (Harmonic analysis) SKUBIC, Tomislav (Ljubljana) Solving biharmcnic equation with the functions of complex variables. Ves mat fiz Srb no.12-.33-40 160. -SKUBIG , ToRdslav ~bchanical properties of ice. 0b mat fiz 9 no.2:82-85 Ag 1. Institut za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko. SF,Ijlj F, , T. ft Tri troduc tiort to promrammIng, for eicr,,trr~nlc digital computers" by .,-, - -. e v i ~-z- w e a '~) y T . -'-' Y'. u b IJ c . !Elektr vest 30 no. 162/163. .SKUBIC, Tomislav Computing Center of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechpnics of the University of L.iubljana. Cbz mat fiz 11 no.4: 145-149 D 164. P.; GRU-D;~T:l D E IC EE 17 nc;.l,/~':4(,5':) SKUBIMJSKI, W., Ngr. Socialized pharmacies in service of the labor. Farm. polgka 10 no-7:178-181 JulY 54. (FHOMCY. in Poland) 1% 011:;- Wars-, '4,dr,ra W-t-r7".MLLMI. Tol 18. Xe 2. T.b-axy 1962. < vaj."datw of werso.." Casale. MARAYSUI p 9 11. *Distribution or Glycog'-n and Vit-In C in th. LLTIr of Cow In Co..$ 0r P:r*sitLa cirrhosis hepatis," the rhir of ftth~19AIQ,%L-~n~ c~l Ad&. r Mot Put the nc,aii or T.torinazy Science ("zi-l votor arji) of th~ Rlgh*r School oC Agriculture C Vyz7o'sa Szkol. Rolntcz~) at Lublin (Ulrectori Prof Dr. ZULIXSrl)s pp 93,-99 Ohxllsh scuon-yi....- 12. 'Tw Cases of Polsenin g of Cattle vith the Insect. laid* 'Tritex.)O'I* X*rl~ !h'URISI P-99. 13. *'Xyaost.tin' ,'4~1:" 'iroabm6n t of AApereiloaLe of Chicks.* Tadmuss DtOURMSKI! pp 99-100. 14. I&I-ination of VaCinol Sn.&rm L. Sheep." Alin% LADA M&Po;i JAZjL_Di3jAjqrL (13LIAl BLDI-69-11 of the ~! ~!-: L-B" - ZkspryxVrF.2.:j of t)hZ&Z-o toohnlo&l Institute (ins tytut zoot ftbn,-ki boratory of Brooding Biology (Pracownia ftolvgLi at B.11ce (Directors Prof. Dr. X..5~10 ~01# ~; pp 100-105 (Bngllsh sum. wary) 15. *Actual State of Sciontifle Studies in Veterinary rAstitutes in the Soviet Union,* Stanisla~ KRAUSS. Abdon SrMZAK, and Tadousa K03;3lZ%'ICZ1 pp-103---og. 16. *ZTLluatlon of Xilk ProductlTity of Co~ in Poland." Sorar 2LAM~M~ pp 109-113. 17. sEffect or AmInmaolds an the Grovth of L. ictora- haoworrhaglao,' Stanislav SCHMI SR; pp 13. "Veterinary Publications During 1961-1962,m Zbigniew WDJTATOVICI; py 115-117. 1107 2/2 SKUBISZEWSKI, Feliks; ZAKRYS, Marian OLIP=, Tadeusz Treatment of urolithiasis. Urol.polska 7:43-53 1954. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirtirgicznej A.M. w Lublinie. Kierownik: prof. dr F. Skublazewski. (CALCULI. urinary, ther.) (URINART TRACT, calculi, ther.) SIMBISMEWSKI, Feliks Procedure in acute bleeding from gastric or duodeml ulcers. Folski orzegl. chir. 30 no-5:L;84-~5 may 58. (PEJ~IC UICER, hemorrh. surg. (Pol)) 3KU13f3zi-1,Wsl;l) Ffj-lllc~; ZAK-`L3., ,lI.oczyslal4 Total gastrec,!,~,rlly Ill -'rastric cancer. Polski rx'zc,:Il. chir. 33 no,74-4: '129-731, `61, 1~ Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A2.1 w Lublinie Kierownik: prolf. dIr F. Slkubiszewsld, (STOAGI: ~1!~OPLASI~;S stwcr) (qO'f iUM01,11Y) SKUBISZ91SKI Feli-Ircs; ITISTUNA, Pawel, MICHALAK, Jerzy; CLEWUISKI, Tadeusa .1 Prostalvic adenoma. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.28-'1094-11096 13 - 20 JV64 1. Z~ II Kliniki Chiru--gicznej Akademll- Medycznej w lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr. med. Feliks Skubiszewski. 3 TS,,, V and nronerties of cadmium pyroniobate in stronj electric fields il E-i 0 D I CL tlverdc-o no. 5, 1963, 9j7-959 T - U d b 3 is t'~e onlY -ferfoelectfic ',-.,-,oi,;n at nresent wita 2' 2 7 m p,rochlorlne structure. t ha-- ---, I ready boon f ound tn--~ the max,; mu at 00 - --90 0C does not corres-.jon~---- to a Curie i-l-oint but to a phase transition (cubic at room. ten:nerature, oscudocubic below this~ Furthermore, : (T) dis:~lays -inflection no-ints at -68, -47, and -120C. To test the reality of t'riese -,-,hl'--se "ransitions t'rle elastic and Piezoaleccrical oroperties of disc ziin~le cry~,'--o wore determined by :,Iason's dynamic method v.--i-th a con--tart displace-ent, field E applied to the snecimen. At E=O the ~'(T) maxi:nuzm ,-;as between -8,1, and -97()C. At the temperature ~) "10 - 12 above t',,e zemperature maximum. of :(M 2 7, Card V., S/18~063/005/003/043/046 Elastic and piezoelcetrical ... B102 B1-30 the curves had a step. At the -..M-maximum the sM curves have a sharp minimum (cf. Fig. 1; s is Young's modulus). ',',-'hen E is raised from 7 to 9 kvlcm the depth of the s(T) trooglh decreases and then increases again; with rising F," s 'n zshifts to lower temperatures, at E-18-5 kv/CM ~ in this shift causes a-n inflection noint. This minimum is connected with the low-temperature -115 0C) field dependence of the dielectric hysteresis. At 'Lowex fields (- 22 'Kv/cm)the hysteresis looks like that of a ferroelectric, at-44 '-,-v ./cm the rate of polarization rise increases, and at 60 Ir-v/cm a second saturation may be observed. The s(T) -mini-mum may thus be brou.-ht into relation with a transition from a state with low to one with high spontaneous polarization. The Diezomodulus d 31 at E=1 kv/cr. and -150 0C, is -0-35-10- 6CGSE; near 9 1 it is -1.2-10- 6 CGSE. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut ~)oluDrovodnikov AN SSSH, Leningrad (institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SU3*,.1ITTED: November 17, 19062 Card 2/3 Flastic and piezoelectrical s/lal/63/005/003/043/046 B102/BISO tz 43 f.2 M -tj Rz -117-f.0 tf to /60 -140 -W -100 -80 -60 -W -Z0 0 Card 3/3 T, Oc P-i g. I EF,UBKO, P4 It will be a fine day. Sov.shak~t. 1-1 ro.4:9-10 Ap '62. (MJRA 1-5:3) (Kalinino-Coal preparation plant) SKUBKC, P. His heart prompted him. Hauka i zhyttia 12 no.11:16 N 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Mining machinery) I:--j .~,,(J, - "," I ~ .1. SKUBKO, it. 'Basic principles of nautical astronomy". A.A. Rachkov. Reviewed by R. Skubko. Mor. i rech. flot 14 no. 7:32-3 of cover Jl 154. (Nautical astronoaq) (Rachko, A.A.) (MLRA 7:7) SKUBKO, R., kand.voyenno-morskikh nauk Tables for evaluating the accuracy, of determining the location of a ship by equal altitude position lines. Mor. flot 20 no. 12:18-21 D 160. (MIERA 13:12) (Nautical astronomy) VOHONOVY V~G~;, inzll.; SNUDKO, V.A. Use of a transformer with -nagnetizing sh-unt for regulating the voltage of a d-c. generatuor. Prom.energ. 17 no.7:7-10 Jl 162. (I-MLA 15.7) (El3etric generators) (Electri.-- transformers) V~ Ogg W~ L 11398-63 EWT(m)/BDS/ES(w)-2 AFncl'ASDISSD Fab-.4 S/120/63/000/002/004/041 AUTHOR: Grishayev, I. A., Kondratenko, V.V., Petrenko, V.V., Popov, A. and Skubko,__V. A. TITLE: Extractor for linear electron accelerators of up to 90 Mev energy PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, March-April 1963, v. 8, no. 2, 26-28 TEXT: The article discusses design, experimantal investigation, and adjustment of a system for achromatic parallel extraction of a beam of electrons from a linear accelerator. This system makes possible one or two 900 bends in the beam. The extractor provides at least 50 percent efficiency, is capable of beam-energy mono-chromatization of up to Card 1/2 L 11398-63 S/120/63/000/002/004/041 Extractor for linear electron... 4 C 0.003, and has an energy passband of /M/ =2: 0.05 at 50 percent efficiency. Detailed specifications are given. There are two figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: November 29, 1961 Card 2/2 BIDASYIM, A.G.; SK(JBI,EjYIY'V, Ye., MIMELMAU, A,I, Dewaxing oil-well pipes using ultrasonic methods. Neft. I gaz. prom. no.2t49-51 Ap-Je 164. (MIFLA 17!9) M.3,11. ; SKU13LLVSKIY. Ye.M. (Litgansk-SLar-islav) Effect of liltrasound on thermal infiammation, Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 4 no.3:27-31 My--Je 160. WIRA 13:7) 1. Iz kafedry patologiclieskoy fiziologii (zav. "" Prof. 'I'l.m.smyk) Luganskogo meditsinskogo instituta i kafedry fiziki (zav. -, Prof. L' Ye.14. Slcublevskiy) Stanislavskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BURNS AIM SCALDS) (MRASONIG WAVES-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ,SKUBLFVSKIY, Ye.m., prof. Ultrasonic microcalorimeter for the study of liquids. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.34:8P-93 163. (MIRA 17:4) SKUBLEVSKIY., Ye.M.; MIKHELIMAN, A.I. Flastic-dyma= --hleory of -.,-e motion of so---':iLfy--'ng in a round pipe in a ultrasonic fieid. Iz-;. ,-js. uc?leb. za-,.,.; neft' i gaz 6 no.10:79-81 163. ('!IqA 17:3) 1. Ivano-FratAcovskiy filial Lvovskogo politekhnicheskogo in.9tituta. 30BLICK1, Tadeusz Certain properties of conveyer belts. Polimery tworz w1elk 9 no.5-206-209 My'64. 1. Laboratory of Hose and Conveyer Belts, Institute of the Rubber Industry, Warsaw. ZAYEV. Ye . Ye . ; S K-U H,31 1V AY A , G. I . ; M OL 111 , YU . I ~ . Paramagnetic shifts in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of Go(II) pyridinates.Zhur. strukt. khim. 6 no. 4:639-6-41 J1-Ag 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut khjn,,icheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogoo otdele- niya Alf SSSR, g. P!ovosibirsk. Submitted January 13, 1965.