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170) AUTHOIR: Kikayon, E. E. SOV/20-125- ":-61,16 3 TITLL; Experimental Investigations of the Role of Local Obstacles to Blood-stroam During the Development of Alterations in Arteries (Eksperimentallnoye isaledoyaniye znacheniya Me8tnykh prepyatstviy dlya krovotoka v razvitii aterosklorotichoskikh izmeneniy arteriy) PE1JODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SS3R, 1959, Vol 125, 1'r 3, pp 631-683 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is well-knowr that in the complex theory of the pat'ho- -genesis of atherosclerosis the disturbances in the cholesterin metabolism play the leading part. Mechanical and hemodynamic effects upon the vascular wall are above all regarded as favorable factors (Ref 1). Since - according to hisinfornation- no special investigations have been carried out with respect to the problem mentioned in the title, the author studied the disturbance of local hemodynamic conditions of the localization of experimental athekosclerosis.316 rabbits served for this experiment. Apart from their normal feed all animals were daily Card 1/4 fed on 0.5 g cholesterin solved in 10 ml sunflower-seed oil. ,Experimental Investigations of the Role of Local SOV/20-125-3-61/63 Obstacles to Blood-stream During the Development of Atherosclerotic Alterations in Arteries After 1.5 - 2 months the right Carotia communis was ligatured in all animals 1 cm in dietal direction from the branching of the art thyreoidea superior, At the same time the left Carotis was extracted, but not ligaturod. It served for control purposes. After the operation the rabbits were still fed on choleaterin, after a period of between 10 days and 6 months they were killed. 2 animals were fed on cholestorin during a period of 1 and 1.5 years respectively. Among 36 rabbits in 31 animals atherosclerotic alterations occurred proximal to the ligatured point of the right Carotia. In 5 animals - they were only for a short time fed on cholesterin (1 month and somewhat longer) - no alterations occurred. In the left Carotis (not ligatured) only 5 rabbits showed the mentioned alterations, i.e. those animals that were fed on cholesterin for the longest period. In the remaining 31 the left Carotis remained unchanged. The changes in the right artery were according to the duration of cholesterin feeding and the ligature of the artery clearly marked. There were; however, exceptions in both directions. The A. thyreoidea was in all cases hypertrophied. The altered Card 2/4 parts are described (Fig 1). To begin with small amounts of Experimental Investigations of the Role of Local SOV/20-125-3-.61/433 Obstacles to Blood-stream During the Development of Athatooclerotic Alterations in Arteries diffused and fine lipoid drops were deposited between endothelium and the inner elastic membrane. They are almost always located around the whole arter,-, however, most abundantly on its dorsal wall. With progressing process the amount of lipoids rises which entails a rapid growing thicker of the intima. The main part of the lipoids is absorbed by the macro- pha-yes. In the control animals (no cholesterin) the lummen of the ligatured right artery was rather considerably contracted. Its wall was considerably thickened at the expense of a decrease of the Tunica media. The above investigation entails the question which conditions are responsible for the occurring of hi.-hly arteriosclerotic alterations in the liCatured artery at an earlier time than in the not ligatured artery. Card 3/4 Experimental Investigations of the Role of Local SOV/20-125-3-61/63 Obstacles to Blood-stream During the Development of Atheivaclerotic Alterations in Arteries The author describes some of these factors as possible. There are 1 figure and 7 referances, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of bxperimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: December 7, 1958, by N. N. Anichkov, Academician SUBMITTED: December 2, 1958 Card 4/4 K I 'i Doe Med Scl -- "i!,orpholo,jcal bases of coronary Insufficiency in stenotic arteriosclerosis ofi,coronary ar- terics." Len, 1961. (State Order of LenAn Inst', Adv:-inced 1-164 im j. 1.1. Kirov) (KL, 8-61, 257) - 412 - KTKAYON, Yr-.Ye. Intercaronary ariastomoses in the system of coronar7 &rterles of the heart in stmoving athe.-oscleroMs. Kardiolot-,iia I no.59 83--89 161 (MIU 1.7.4) KM.kj-=,.,H,A.; AMINISHVILI, A.Yu.; FEROVA, V,V.; MANI)ZGALADZlc, S.N. r-;717~ Metallurgical characteristics of Sadakhlo, Adzhami. Dark-vati. and Moteameti limestones [in Georgian with summary in Russian]. Trudy Inst. met. I gor. dela, AN Grut. SSR 2:175-197 149. (MIRA 11:1) (Mq orgia-Mras a tons ) TL' P "In-f--,stiration of il~r- (141 "or th. 71-C.,icnrat-tcri of' OjlF7 for;-. !~,.stonlan I'dii r at 3 ( n 11 "1,-:-'. Lcn~ln:-ni~l Order c,-* In.J. o, Enrincors Jl,-~eni A-a~e:i-.!-cian Obraztsov. "I'allin, for the Dopree of' Candidate in -echnical Sciencez-) SOU T~rE Kn-l -hnaya Letopis I, No KIKETS, Tn.A. (Iremonets) " Historical information on the no-1:38-44 Ja-IP 156. (Mathematics--Study topic "Progression." Mat. v shkole (MLRA 9:4) and teaching) KIEMTS I** fu. 0. p History of negative numbers. 142 11)). (Numbers, Tiloory of) NaW-..zap.Krem.dcrzh.pad.inst. no.4:130- (, -, - u. I ~ : ~' ) POIAND/Cbemical Technology. Cellulose and its Derivatives. H Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Kbirdya, No 12, 1958, 41912. Author -i~~ Inst Not gJ,~cn. Title Siiitunl~!Iity of the Haug's Refiners in View of the Most Recent Investigations. Orig Pub: Przegl. papiern., 1955, 11, No 12, 356-364. Abstract: The optin-am working conditions of a refiner uoed on piLlp is estab.11ahel. Mien the extent of the limit of the grinding is 40OShR, the tearing length is equal to 2000m, the refiner's efficiency is four tons per twenty- four hours. The beat grindine effect is achieved at a 141p4 concentration. A Haug's refiner requires elaborate attention. Card 1/1 28 RNZNIK, A.M. (brigadir), AAST, V.I.. BLOKH, ZAGARMISTR, A.M., KUAIo0V-TAR0P0LK- I.K., FATROV, L.Y.. TTABIS, V.Te., FjgDORWO, A.N., sontaviteli; DTUKOV. A.I., KLESHCHEV, A.I., rodaktory. CAll-Union unified norms for geophysical field work] Vaesoiuznye edinye normy vyrabotki na polavye geofrafitheakie raboty. [Sootavi- teli: Reznik A.M. i dr. Redaktory: A.I.Diukov, A.I.Kleahchey) Ho- gkva, GOB. neuchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi !it-ry, 1951. 146 p. (MIRA 7:4) (Geophyaica) KIKHADZE, I,I.,, kand.biologicheokikh nauk Work of a chromonome. Nauka i zhiznt 29 no,4:21-23 Ap 162. (MA 15.7) 1. Zaveduyushchaya gruppoy oblahchey taitologii Instituta tsitologii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdeleaiya AN S-SSR, (CHROMOSONES) :ice elem, ii,,s in iritnusiv,, rockr, n.-A miw--rals (14IIIA 17-9) KIKHADZE, V.D.; ABiSADZE, A.I.; DOLIDZE, F.P. (Tbilisi) Role of the liver in the blood coagulation system. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap; 5 no.6;61-62 N-D 161. 15*-!j) 1. Iz Instituta perelivaniya krovi imoni akademika G.MW~hadze Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. (LIVER) (BLOOD-COAGULATION) KIKHAREV, 1. 14. (Terrentrial molluscr of the fnuna of the U.S.5-R.) Poskva, 29~2- '~llp- (A.Icadcriia nau'- SSSR. Curedelitaii f4ftiuno 33SR, lzbov -inyn zo-nlc-lic~nskim institutom, J,~) KIKUYEVA, I.D. Soptember apricota. Kon3A ov.prom. 15 no-9:33 S 160. OjMRA 13:9) 1. Dagastanskiy sovnarlthoz. (Daghostan--Apricot--Varieties) KIKHILEVICII, T.I., inzh, Experience in the simultaneous treatment of recel ed and transzdt'-,,d data in tha Ilinak telegraph exchange. Vest. sviazi 22 no.1.25 Ja 162. (MRA 14:12) 1. Teldmicheskiy otdol Illinskogo isentralinogo tolegrafa. (Minslk- -Telegraph) KIK!TIYA, S.S. Rodent fauna of the Alazan' N-a-sin [in leorrian with sumnar7 in Russian]. Trud7 Inst. zool. All Gruz. SSR 16:87-105 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Alazan' Valley-Rodentia) DELIMARSKIY, Yii.K.;_-K-IKHNO V.S. .1-1-- DetermiziRtion (if the zero points of solro .9011d mt.ali in P. fuflr!'I mixt.uro of' NnGI-YCl by irm-un.-mring tho dow)lv Inyor orlj)nelt~'- Uhr. khIm. zhur. 31 nc).ltll(")'-1]7 165. (MIRA ll~~: 5) 1. InsLl.t.iit, ,J)shwhey I ~-hlrll I AN M-l"SR. t 1~ ii ',,t t wn und i. F!r j I :r., Ln f L~: 1 65 7, S~0277?/61/02 7/ 004/00 3/ 004 L) B127/B203 AUTHORS: Sheyko, I. N., Chernov, R. V., and Kikhno, V. S. TITLE: Melting diagrams of some salt systems containing potasvium, fluozirconate. Communication I PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheakiy zhurnal, v. 27, no. 4. 1961, 469-473 TEXTi For obtaining metallic zirconium, the electrolysis of salt melts is used; the metling diagrams of these salts were studied by, the authors. Primarily, KF-K 2ZrF6 1 KC1 _K2 ZrF61 KC1-K 3 ZrF7j NaCl-K 2ZrF 6; KC1.-NaCl-K 3ZrF 7' The studies were conducted by the visual-polythermic method. Arrangement: A platinum pot placed in quartz was arranged in an electric furnace with a Pt-Pt-Rh thermocouple in argon atmosphere; result 8 are given in Figs. 1 - 5. All systems melt congruently; the systems KC1-K 3ZrF7 and KCl-NaCl-K 3ZrF7 show a simple eutectic; K 2ZrF 61 however, melts incongruently, and the salt K 3ZrP7 first crystallizes out of its melt. There are 5 figures and 6 referencest 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. Card 1/7 26279 S/073/61/027/004/003/004 Melting diagrams of some salt systems ... B127/B203 The two references to Engl18h-language publications read as followss Ref- 3: M. Steinberg, M. Sibert, E. Wainer, J. Blectrochemo Socep 1019 63 (1954); 1U, 137 (1955)1 Ref- 5t C. I. Barton, W. R. Crimes, H. Insley. R. E. Moore, R. E. Throma, J. physic. chem., 62, 665 (1958). ASSOCIkTIONs Institut Obshchey i neorganicheskor khimii AN USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: April 29, 1960 Fig. 1. System KF-K 2ZrF 6 Fig. 2. System KCI-K2ZrF6 Fig. 3. System KCI-K3ZrF7 Fig. 4. System NaCl-K2 ZrF6 Fig. 5. System KCl-NaCl-K3ZrP7 Card 2/7 43054 S~826/62/000/00o/004/007 7 0 08/D,~,07 AUTHORSt Sheyko, I.S., Chernov, R.V. and Kikhno, V.S. TITLEs Fbase diagram of the chloride-fluoride system of sodium, potassium, and z.irconium SOURCE: Fizicheskaya khimiya rasplavlennykh soley i shlakov; trudy Vses. soveshch. po fiz. khimii raspl. soley i shlakov,* 22 - 25 noyabrya 1960 g. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1962, 72 - 76 T~,XT: The authors investigated the behavior of molten K2ZrF6 on cooling and the phase diagrams of the systens K 2ZrF6-- KC1, K2ZrF 6-- haCl, K2ZrF 6--KF, K 3ZrF7--KC1, K 3ZrF7--NaGl, and K5 ZrF7--KC1--NaC1 by the cooling curve method, in order to make good deficiencies in the literature concerning potential electro- lytic production of Zr. X3ZrF7 was prepared by fusing together the appropriate amounts of KF and K2ZrF6 melted incongruently and, when the melt was cooled, K3ZrF7 was the first compound to crystal- Card 1/3 5/826/62/000,/000/004/007 Fhase diagram D408/D3(-)7 lize out, at 757 0C. t thermal effect observed tit 5910C probnbly corresponded to the formation of the compound ZrF4.mKF, where m< 3. The phase diat-,ram of the 0K2ZrF --XF system showed the form- ation of K-7,rF.I, meltirie at 921 C6tA a eutectic containing 17 Mo 1 . "6'K which melted at 766 C. The systems K3ZrF7--KC" equi molar K(;l - LaCl mixture--K3ZrF7, and K 3ZrF7-11aCl were also found to be relatively simple, having single eutectics containing 23, 21 and 20 mol.~~ K ZrF and meltinf; at 66o, 63o and 5550C respectively; a solid soluti8n ol-MiCl in K IrF was also observed in the K ZrF7-- --bnQ system. The K 2ZrF6-_KCI syLem was characterized by t~e' presence of the compound K 5Zr.--6Cl, conCruently melting at 7300C, and two eutectics containine 2) and 95 mOl,% K2ZrF6 melting tit 676 and 5620C respectively. The K2Zri'6-11"Cl system wau the most comPlex of systems investigated, and interpretation of the obtained results is difficults The liquids curve consists of three branches, the IiaCl and A3ZrF6CI branches intersectine at 5500C and 28 m01-% K2"UrF6, and -K5ZrF6Cl and K3ZrF7 branches intersecting at 6300C and 79 m01.% K2 ZrF 6' The existence of the K 5ZrF6Cl was deduced from experiments Card 2/3 S/826j62/000/000/004/007 Phase diagram ... D408/D307 carried out by the method of temperature depression, whereby the addition of KC1 to the melt containing 60 65 mol.% K2ZrF6 increased the temperature of initial crystallization and with further addi- tion of KC1 the rate of temperature rise al.owed down, or the tempera- ture even partially decreased; addition of Na2ZrF6 decreased the temperature of initial crystallization. There are 6 figures. ASJOCIj,TION: Institut obshchey i neorgarLicheakoy khimii AV USSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry AS UkRSSR) Card 3/3 SHEYKOJI I.N.; KIKHNO, V.S.; W-11NIKOV, V.I. Melting diagrim of the ternffry system NaF - KF - Zr~, Ukr.khim. zhur. '9 no.12:1259-1264 163. 611RA 17:2) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. OW-0 eilw 60 0 mil;:..:,- - . --;244- t Odd tz urn; lift ro point- )e weew-soll up C, "d r~ ai 0 yte! iin 616 ry, a n ap cs~*,po.'t~ it Pac ancez-o h6`-661 ~q aq. a MUM -ilif -Ok arlz ion:, ~ah Ah at AW 6 Ir 5 t qe ymes;' 4 40 0; A iRc 6C-M m"i `h` lid., ig ~re or~sb, 6W % ei'- IWO: ad ug 75-S ace.': -~of mcomjpanaA-.. oc ro, uk" metal, d iZ~BR, T. :ord2[2' I PROZOROV, V., polkovnik; KIKHTFNKO,,.-G._,_&lkovnik; DUBROVIN, K., polkovnik zapasa Rifle units in attack. Voen. vast. 41 no..413q-43 Ap '6" * (IURA (Attack and defense (htilitary science)) KHLEBNROV, Yu.P.; KIKIITENKO, V.A. I New cyclone-type air filter with automatic dust removal. Trakt. i sel'khozmash. 31 no.12:3-4 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Gosudarstvennoye spetsial'noye byuro po dvigatelyam. (Air filters) .~IKIiMMU, VA.; KHLEBNIKOV, Yu.P.; YEGOROV, 1.M., kazid. tekhn. nauk, retoenzenti DVOROVENKO, G.P., kandi tekhni nauk, red.; YEGORKINA, L.I., red. izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. (Cyclone air cleaners fo~ tractors) Traktornye tsiklon- nye vozdukhochistiteli'i konstruktsiia, raschet, obsluzhi- vanie i lopytanie. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 150 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Tractors--Equipment and supplies) (Air filters) ACC NR: APYOU0800 SOMM- CODE: UR/Oc-89/66/02-1/o,)5/~D~j 510 .,5 397 AUTHOR: DeLrtyarev, S. F.; Kikhtevich, V. I.; Tikhonov, V. K.; Tsypin, 3. G. ORG: none TITLE: De-,~cnocnce of the accumulation factor of' fast neutrOns on the ruli~ti-v-ol ar- ranscment of the shield and detector SOURCE: Atom--,,ay:i energiya, v. 21, no. 5, 3(~i5-31'Yj TOPIC TkGS: nevitron, neutron radiutinn, radiation intenS4ty, lith`,-~:n neutron shicl(iirZ, neutron distribution j A~'S 7-~.%C --.- -1he aullho-s Dresent results of an experimental and theoretical iln-.~(--.~',-;'~-Ia- t~c-r o' 'he 6~--nendcnce of the flux of fast neutrons witli enercy F > 0.7 V~--; th;-- distance .'~i for a constunt distance between the scurce and the barriers Lsed werc niates ol" lithiun hydride '5 and 60 cm thic':~ an-l uf G.5 -ie transverse dimmcnslons of the plate-- ,.;ere chosen -,L:ch ihat cm pliced insidc the s1hield or on its surface wa.; Lnder condition-, ol ~z-o-ca'-.1,--.-! infinite eomet-,j. fhe -,,i-,,tron flux was re,-istered by nCiritill~Ltlon counters of pow- (101' pressed in Plexiglas. Tile quantititics measured -3-ect.1y vere tlhc on ,;-urfacc o*' the shield and the ','1-u\ at a 1, Irom 4C -,,z:: dotermined by suppres-ing. the nrimtiry effect with 4, 1 ~ c, z L -i Vn addi- ';-i,~ld. In tbc reu;uct4on o~' the da-'a ii~,c was M~de Of earlier lnvc: ions rcportcOl -,n "Inc twrne so rcz! (D. 391 -.e Ace. Nr. UDC: 539-~125-`-,2:--53,9-.-121-72 ACC NR; t ~ n. Z-U 1 a rr I 'D i On Of ncutrons. 'The v,'L-lu,-,:; obtaaned for the 'I-aild ,;p factor 'L-ict.ion cf tl,,.u dita-nce from th~! shield to the detectc)r are found to be With fom~.ulas derived on the ba--ij of numerous publi5hed theor,,~tical "pers. The results show, with increa6`ng distance from 'lie z;hield, -tle tion uf "he scattered radA`ation in tho total neutron fl*LLK decreases, and the fraction, of tl-.,e unscattered radiation increases. Orig. art. has: figures and 7 forrTalas. SUB COD~--': SUBM DATE; 05jui66/ ORIG REF: 0051 07H BEF: 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4031139 S/0056/64/046/004/1208/1211 AUTHORS: Il'in, R. N.; Kikiani, B. 1o; Oparin, V. A.; Solov'yev, Ye. S.; Fedorenko, N. V. TITLE: Dissociation of positive hydrogen ions in collisions with atoms and gas molecules SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no.~-4, 1964, 1208-1211 TOPIC TAGS: proton cross section, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, ar- gon, particle collision, ionization phenomena ABSTRACT: The purpose of the work was to repeat the measurements of the cross section for the production of protons following dissocia- tion of molecular ions H"' with energy 10--180 keV in hydrogen, nitro- 2 . gen,.helium,. and argon* using the same setup as previously (ZhETF v. 36, 385, 1959), but with a more thorough elimination of the main sources of the systematic errors. Comparison of the data obtained Card 1/3 1 .1 -- ---- , ACCESSION NR: AP4031139 on these cross sections with the work published by others shows that over'a wide energy range the majority of the curves obtained in re- cent-work lies between the data of Sweetman (Proc. Roy. Soc. v. A256, 416, 1960 and private communication) and the early work by the authors, with the exception of the early data,by C. F. Barnett (Second UIN intern. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958, Report 1789) which-lie considerably below.. Taken together, the various data cover almost the whole rango of kiloclectron volt ener- gies. For hydroge n, the maxima discovered and reported in the early work are confirmed, the first being due to the predominant contribu- tion of the dissOci4tion of H+ ions into atoms and protons, and the 2 second being related to the dissociation in'Lo two protons. A separate measurement of these two crossisections by J. Guidino (C. R. Paris, v. 253, 829, 1961) confirms these results. Orig. art. has: 4 ficiures and 1 fo rmula. Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4031139 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe AN SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 180ct63 DATE ACQ: 07May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, GP NR REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 006 c,,d 3/3 L QkU=�6 EWT(1)&.n(2k).jEWR(t).4WP(b) IJP(c) -M./?G ACC NRs AP5028324 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/65/035/011/2076/2082 94 Y q AUTHOR: Flake, I.P.; Kikieni, B.I., 0gurts.ov, G.N. ~~17 =~-- ORO: thysico-technical Institu e In. A.F.1offe, AN SSSR. Leningrad (Flziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) 2 TITLE: Ionization of gases by alkali metal tons no. 11, '1905, 2076-2082 SOURCE: Zhurnal takhniclieskoy fiztki, v. 3 TOPIC TAGS: inert gas, alkali metal, positive Ion, ionization cross section, nitrogen, hydrogen, W-W ABSTRACT: The cross sections for ionization Of 112 and N molecules and He, Ne, Ar, + + + + 2 Xr, and Xe atoms by 1-30 keV Li , Na , K , and Cs , tons were measured with apparatus and techniques that have been describedelsewhere (I.P.Flaks, ZhTF, 31, 367, 1961; B.I.Kikanin, O.N.Ogurtov, H.V.Pedorenko, and I,P.Plaks, ZhTF 49, 379, 1965), and the results are presented graphically, discussed, and compared with the results of other Investigators and wip the theory of O.D. Firsov (ZhETF, 36, 1517, 1959). The beam current was 10 7-10- A; the pressure in the collision chamber was kopt below 1.5 x 10-4 um Hg in order to minimize multiple collisions;the ionization cross sections ver( derived from measurements of the blectron currents. The results were found to be in good agreement with those of W.Sherwin (Phys.Rov., 57, 814, 1940) and J. van Eck, F.J. do Hoor, and J. Kistomaker (Proc. V Int. Conf. on Iontz. Phenom. in Gases, 54, Card 1/3 UDC: 537.59 ACC NRv AP5028324 0 Munich, 1964). Larger cross sections were found by C.A.Frische (Phys.Rev., 43, 160, 1933) and N.V.Pedorenko (ZhTF31, 367, 1961). The discrepancy between the present Na+ --Ar cross sections and those of Fedorenko,are ascribed to incorrect pressure measurements by Fedorenko. The Interactions of Ar and Er with Na+ 0 K+ , and Cs+, of No with Ns+ and K+ and Xe,with K+ and Ca + satisfied the conditions for the appli-' cability of Firsovis statistical theory (loc. cit.). The measured ionization cross. sections lay close to Firsovis universal curve, and it is concluded that Firsovos approximate theory affords a useful description of the magnitudesand energy depen- dences.of the cross sections for ionization of Inert gases by alkali metalions. All- the cross sections increased monotonically with increasing energy of the bombarding ion. 'With the two exceptions noted below, the cross *section for ionization of an inert gas atom by an alkali metal ion was very nearly equal to the cross section for, ionization of thosame inert gas atom by the corresponding neutral alkali.metal atom. The two exceptions found to this rule are: 1) The measured cross sections for ion-' ization by Cs+ ions were considerably greater then the corresponding cross sections for ionization by Cs atoms. This is ascribed to appreciable contribution of electron stripping from the Cs+ Ion to the measured cross sections for Ionization by Cs+ Ions# (The cross sections for Ionization by Cs atoms were measured by a different techniq I ue (Flaks (1961), loc. cit.) and electron stripping from the Cs atoms did +not contribute to the observed cross sections.) 2) Except for ionization of'He by Li , the cross sections for Ionization of inert gases by alkali metal Ions having the same electro n LCard 2/3 L'~10672-66 ACC NRI AP5028324 shell structure were considerabAy greater than the cross sections for Ionization of the same inert gases by the corresponding alkali metal atoms. Orig. art. has: 8 figures SuB CODE: 20 SM DATE: 15Apr65/ ORIG. REP* 005 OTH REF: 010 L 01217-66 ErT(')AVFT(m)/EWP(b)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD1JG wz _77 ACCESSION NR.- AP5021095 005 /65/049/002/03T9/0 A 'qV'X < kd G_ - AUTHOR- Kikiani-B. I.; Ogurtsov, G. V"'Fedorenkoo N. V ; Flake, I. Ps ! - - vy TITLE- Jonization produced during collisions of alkali m,tal' atoms with gas mole- cules ii SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 2, 1965, 379-385 TOPIC TAGS, collision, collision cross section, gas ionization, alkali netal, ABSTRACT: The results are presented of extensive investigations of ionizing colli sions between Li, Na, K, and Cs fast atoms and He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms and H2 and N2 molecules. The'study was performed in the 3-30 kev energy range. The average results of independent measurements are presented In a table which gives the cross sections of free electron production and of ionization and stripping cross se*ctions. When possible, the data obtained were compared with those of oth4 authors. A comparison of ionization cross sections of gases with stripping cross I sections of alkali metal atoms showed in many cases the prevalence of ionization events. It le stressed, however, that in the interactions of alkali metal ioleculis., with the molecules of H2 and N2, the stripping cross sections prevailed over th Th ionization cross sections of the molecules in the ihole rangeof energies i; Card 1/2 L 01217-66 ACCESSION NR: AP502 1095 difference was most marked in Li-H2 and Na-H2 collisions, i.e., in the collisions of the lightest particles. As a rule, the ionization cross sections showed a con-1 tinuous increase with the increasing velocity.of the.colliding particles. At a given velocity, the cross sections increseed with the increasing atomic numbers of the particles. Here, however, anexception was observed for pairs'vith close valuas of their atomic numbers (eag.* LI-He, Na-Ne, K-Ar) Cs-Xe). The,authors Nal that their vork may be useful in the corpuscular diagnosis of plasmas, and in the study of ionic engines, astrophysics, and mass-spectrometry. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, I table, and 3 formulas. (ZLI ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicbeskiy institut im. A. F. loffe Akademli nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical InstitiAte, Academy of SciencesiSSSR SUBMITTED: 23Feb65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE NP NO REF SOV: 007 -0"=1 005 ATD PRES S: Card 2/2 ACC NRI AP6011393 SOURCE OWN: UR/0057/66/036/003/0491/0496 AUTHOR: Ogurtsov, G.N,; Flaksl_l,,P ._t; Kikianix Bjj ORG: -Physicotechnical Institute Im, A,,F,Ioffe, 6A SS�EL e in rad (Fiziko-tokh- nicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Charge exchange of alkallmeta-1 Ions In 'collisions with gas atoms and---,- molecules SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 3, 1966, 491-496 TOPIC TAGS: charge exchange, particle cross section, alkali metal, neon, ~~on krypton, "non nitrogen, hydrogen collision cross section' ABSMACT: The charge exchange.cross sections of 1 to 30 keV Li+j W, K,+, and C94* ions on Ne, Arj'Kr, and Xo atoms and 112 and N2 Molecules have boon measured by a single collision technique. The authors have described their apparatus in dotall elsewhere (ZhLrF, 49, 379, 1965; ZhTF'35, 2076, 1965; ZhTF, 29, 1100, 1959). The ion beam passed through the collision chamber containing the target gas at a pressure of about 1.5 x 10-4 lig and wns swept clear of charged partipleD by an electrostatic field. The neutral particles remaining in.the beam vere received in a Faraday cup and their flux was determined from the secondary electron emission to which they gave rise. A background flux measured with the-collision chamber empty was subtracted from the measured flux before the cross section was computed* The geometry was such Card 1/2 ACC NRs AP6011395 .2. that,particles scattered through angles less than 50 would be recorded. It is esti- mated that at energies below 3 keV, loss of particles from the beam by scattering may have resulted in underestimation of the cross section by as much as 20%. All the measured charge exchange cross sections increased with increasing relative velocity of the colliding particles, as would be expected on the basis of the adiabatlc hypo- thesis in view of the large energy defects* The cross sectioas at 30 keV ranged from 10-17 to 3 x 10-16 cm2. The cross sections of the different alkali metal ions on the some target gas and for the same relative velocity increased with increasing mass of the Ion, even though the energy defects are greater for the heavier long. This phonomenon is explained as a result of the greater polarizability of th6 heavier alkali metal atoms. The present results are in good agreewent with those of H.V' Fedorenko (ZhTF, 24, 2113, 1954) for Na+ on Ar and with those of S.K.Allison,i.Cuevast and M.Garcia-Munoz (Phys.Rev.,120, 1266, 1960) for Li+ on N2 but there are large discrepamcies between the present results and other data in the literature. The authors thank N.Vjedorenko for his interest and valuable advice, and G,VjDUbrovskiy_ for discussing the.results. Orig, art& hast 3 formulas, 6 figures and I table. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 26mayeS CRIG, REP; 004 UM REP 1 008 :21 KIKIC, S. Yugoslavia (430) Technology-Periodicals The power of installed hydroelectric power stations. p. 7. ELEKTROPRIVREDA. (Savet za energetiku i ekstraktivnu industriju) Beograd. (Monthly journal on power and extractive industry issued by the Board of Power and Extractive Industry; with English, French or ftigian sumaries). Vol. 3, nos. 11 (A-E), Nov.- Dec. 1952. Fast Eurovean Accessiona List, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, no. 6, June 1953. Unclassified. Kirlas Sava (Engr.) "The Problem of Directing the water from the Drina River watershed to the Morava and Kolubara Rivers watershed". "- at ---, ---, usigreAs, 36-WaRp 2*hpm" DAMIAWr No. 1-2 for Jan. & Feb. 1954s, 196w""% , FA :3 0 STETN, Wladyslaw; KIKIELA, Marian Two fanilial cases of Opichi's diseases. Klin. ocznn 26 no-3: 227-214 1956. 1. Z OdAzialu Neurologicznego i Okulistycznego Wojekowego Szpitala Klinlcznego Ordynator ODD2. Neurol.: doc. dr. med. W. Stain. Lodz. ul. Zeromskiego 113. (NIGTTT 13LINDIMSS, Oguchila die., familial cases (Pol)) EXCERPTA YEDICA See 12 Vol 13/9 Ophthalmolopy Sept 49 1362). SEVERE OCULAR C0,MPLICATIONS IN THE COURSE' OF VACCINNIA VIRUS INFEc*rm - Cieikie powiklania oczne w przebiegu zakatenia krowianki - Segal P. and Kikiela S1 . Oddz. Oczne. C.W.S K.. Mdi - POL.TYG. I.FK. 1!)59',-T-4F4 Graphs I Illus. I 'r);,-. infection, beginning in superficial parts, invaded the rpisclera and (teell tissues, This was accompanied by inflammation of the vascular tunica and set ond- .try parenchimalous innammation of the cornea. Ditringthe ucute phase,-i-rloht,lin and chlortetracycline were administered. and after 6 weeks cortisone was applied topically. After a few months. plastic surgery was performed on the conjunctival sac. transplanting oral mucosa. A satisfactory result was obtainod, with clearing of the cornea and satisfactory visual acuity. F-1 I iPOLAND SEGAL, Pawol, KIKIBLA, Marian, MRZYGLOD, Stanislaw, and ZERONSKA-ZBIERSKA,--Tz--ab-eYw-,--Clinio of Eye Diseases (Klinika Chorob Oczu~ WAN [Wojskowa Akademia Modyczna, Military Medi- cal Academy in Lodz (Directort Prof. Dr. mod. P. SEGAL) and Eye Divi3ion (Oddxial Oczny), Military Hospital (Stpital W03- skowy) in Zielona Gora (Ordynatort Dr. M. KIKIELA) "On the Coexistence of the Familiar Form of Pigmentary Dogen- oration of the Retina with Kartagenor Triade. Case Report." Warsaw, Polskilygodnik Lokarski, Vol 16, No 23, 3 Jun 63, pp 809-812. Abstraott (Authors' English summary modified] Authors report a case of Kartagenor triade, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, and congenital cataract. Ihey review briefly the literature of this problem, and note that the changes ob- served in this syndrome are always due to developmental di- fficulty or degenerative changes, and may therefore have com- mon pathological elements with the classical symptoms of the Kartagener triade. Ihore are 21 references, about evenly di- vided between Polish, German, and Western publications. KIKMa 4ICZ, C. KIKIE~,'ICZ) C. Protection of bridges during ice breaking and high water. p. 70. DROGG.-INICn-10. Warazavap Poland. Vol. 11o No. 3. Har. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC Vol. 5, No. 6. June 1956 Kjiq7-.%ICZ, 7- TechnoloE-ical inie--es o" F-rinder., .r. 1E?. (FRZIEGLAT) PAFIEP11r,77, Vcj. 11, No. (, June 191,4, Lod2, Pol.-nd) '0: ~,Ionthly LIFt. oil EaEt European Accessions, (7,EAL), LC, Vol. 3. No. 17, 75--c. 1954, Uncl. KNIF,;ICZ, Z. Tile usefulness of Haug mills In the l'ght of recent researches. p. 356. PRZEGL.AD PAPIER.NICZY. Lodz. Vol. 12, no. 12. Dec. 1955 Source: Fast Eurolean Accessions ISst, (EuL), Lc, Vol. 5, No. 3, Farch 1956 A1vL1("110Z' __/' POLAND/Chemical TechAolbgy. Chemical Products and Their H-33 Application, Cellulose and Its Production. Paper. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Khimiya, No 11, 1958, 38325. Author : Kikievic?. Z. Inst : 'Not gr-ven Title : Problems of Experimental Filot Plant Installations in the Cellulose-Paper Industry. Orig Pub: Przegl papiern, 1956, 12, no 6, 164-165. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 KIKIIWICZ., Z. Determination of power supply for a grinder. p.235 (PRZYGLAD PAPIERNICZY, Vol. 12, No.8, Aug. 1956, Lodz, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fait Nropean Accessions (FFAL) LC, Vol. 6J, 110- 9j Sert. 1957, Uncl. F IF, I ~ " 0' 1 ~ -, Z , -;" . De ~'it t? rin,: of ,-ulp ir, the Eydrapulrer a..c; lydrafiner. P. 2q( F.~,P1'-1""'1-.ZY) (i.oJz, Fol~md) Vol. 13, 10, Oct SO: 1,'onthly Indlex of East European Ac ssion L"', Vol. ~!, :-:o. 5. 1958 A I:F- W 10- Z- C r- U ! 4 T AY C AE,G 0 -4 'R. ~0. 5-9409 X, i Lc II.LCI t e .1 1-n mosn ecotiomi~--:,1 to o)~t:rme. KIKIEWICZ, Zbigniew, dr.inz. A research station for the grinding pulps in a continuous way. Przogl papier 18 no.2:58 F 162. 1. Katedra Papiernictwa i Maszyn Papiemiczycb,Politechnika, Lodz. KIKIEWICZ, Zbigniew, dr.inz. Research on the filtering efficiency of the pulpsaver FL-24- Przegl papier 18 no.6:177-181 Je 162 1~ Katedra Papiemictwa i Maszyn ?apierniczych, Politechni4, Lodz. KIKIMCZ, Zbigniew, dr inz. I- Evaluation of the raw rag beating process bi the combinsd batch-continuous method. Przegl papier 18 no.10:309-313 0 162, 1. Katedra Papiernictwa i Maszyn Papierniczych, Politechnika, Lodz. ..;!, KIKIEWWZY Zbignlew, doe. dr inz.; KAWKA, IIIcdAVderzp mgr Inz. I -,I, Calnulation of a apinnitg defibrator. PrzO91 papier 21 no.3: 69-72 Mr 165. 1. Department of Paper Manufacture and Paper Machines of the Lodz Technical University-. J~ -dog -j ucn%-%--Tc rr., I I os CS61 11-1~ --6 er "I r6Z 17261 tdZID Adj F4V -4-V d .......9 4-- .-d, ......... 'tot 9%t 4f) it 0, "61 LL-a (,Q"" Zcf ":.,t fr, 'I r c --n :~- F-11 Z,Q L -.Cc% lan"tc- C 2.,I.Al I.f CP.C,,.Ct ,,, rrz .9 t I '06t Ib-E -dIx d 'lot 431 ---.d,- !-t! ' d1l ... QCI ICI 061 X E AX ~z t crl-,a = Oq CC'. ZW -d-:) w.d ... dj 4r-.& r (01 C.". Qg:r z. ' r it) -061 9: *9561 f%,E d- -A.- m (9 beztclur"Us Itt"Ov" 'c "agancr M-09ma it --:3T I i aj KIKILASHVILI, T.Z.; KOIIMAKHIA, 11.0. Mudflows in the Alazani Basin. TrtuI7 Geog. ob-va Gruz. SSR no.3:33-74 '58. (MIRA 12:9) Wazani Valley--L&ndslides) KIKILLSHVILI, T.Z. Special features of the density of the Kvirila River eyetem. Trudy Geog.ob-va Grus.SSR 4:145-152 159. (MIRK 13:1) (Kvirila River) Materials on the bydrography of the Iors, River Basin. Trady GOO& ob-va Grus. SSR 5:199-214 159. (MIRA 13: 11) (Iora, River-HydrogTapIqi) KIKILASHVILlp T.Z.; APKHA7AVA, I.S. Hydro2ogy of the KhaniBtakali Basin. Trudy Geog. ob-va Gruz. SSR 7:119-139 163. (MRA 18;~,) KUIZBAKINI P.G.; DENISYUK, Ya.M.; KIKIN,-A.A. Determining the traction resistance of plows in relation to the physicomechanical properties of soil. Trakt.i sellkhoTma h. 31 no.2:18-19 F 161. 1 (MA 14-.'7) 1. Sibirskoye otdeleniye AN SSSR. (Flows) (Soil physics) KIRINY A. I., Engr. Cand. Tech. Sci. Disf~ertatlon: "Inventir-atior. of t,-.e Marnitude of Forces Devel-:in(,~i Petween a Tra-.-ellirr- Crane ard it3 Track." )-loscow Crder of the Labor Red Flkinne- Conntruction E-ri-ineer-Inc Inst imeni V. V. Kuyb.,,-r;hev, 16 Jun 47. SO: Vechernva,la 1-'oskwi., Jun, 2047 (Project #17F-36) YI:,:M!, A.L t-.~jzu,ur Ivai ovicv .-kI-~IT,__..Aleksardr Ivarovich (Moscow Order of Iilor Red 11'anner Con3t.ruction Kuylbyshey), Acadenic Tl--tf-reu of Doctor of Feclinical Sciences, b-1s,,id on his defen3e, 10 1-11arch 1955, in the Courcil of tiv! Inst of 11etallurry imeni Pavkov of the Acad Sci USSR, of his dis,,;ertation entitled: "Peculiarition in the planninf, of st,.,cl structure of luild~nf,,s and tha erection of metallurgical plants when takinf-, o; eratirip ecrdit-ic-r-s Into consi,-4eration,k ard Acadenic Title of Profes5or. Chair: "Steel Constructions". For the Aca~emc Dez-ree of Doctor of Scienccs azid the Academic Title of Profes.,;or. 30. Pimllpt-nl 1,-dnisterstva, Vvsshero 01razovaniya SSSR, List *~'o 19, 24 Sept. 1955 Decision of Hipher Certification Coru-,iission Concerring Academic DeCrec-,- and Titles. KmIff..,,#,t,;q,,doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. , Rolationehip of aervice, of ateel straottiree in buildings and in bridco aranes. [Izd.3 WHITOMAZi 432123-127 157. (MIR& llsO (Stractures, Theory of) KIKIN. A.I., prof.. doktor toklin.nauk Wmage to reinforced concrete roofinr olaba in hot-working ahopa of metallurgical plants. Prom. stroi. 38 no.10:47-50 160. WIRA 13:9) (Roofing, Concrete) (Metallurgical plants) VLADOVSKIY, Flikhail Semenovich; KOTLYAROV, P.F... inzhj KIKIN, A.I. doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; POPOVICIT;-T-.A-.-,-Fa-rd-. tekhn. nauks dots., retsenzent; OlOtAYNETS, G.A., kand. tekhn. neuk, dots., otv. red.; NESTERMIKO, A.S., red.; TROMMKO, A.S., tekhn. red. [Open erane gantries; performance and design) Otkrvtye pod- kranovye estakadyj deistvitellnaia rabota i proektirovanie. Kharlkov, lzd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos. univ. im. A.I.I.Gorlkogo 1961. 210 p. (Cranes, derricks,etc.) (MIRA 15:Z prof.; MINYA, Ye.I., prof.; STIMET. KIY, E.S., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; USSIG, Ye.'. .1 dots.; I 'ui-1U.`OVj K.K.p dots.; DUB17:SKIY, G.S,, dots.; SIESIIAKi G.Z dot1s,;k IG1.'AT1'YMFTA, V.S., dots.; ltY~AKOV ', V.1-1., dots.; G'~TMYEV, A.N., prof.; VEDENIKOV, G.S., dots.; TUBIN, S.M., kand. tehhn. nauk, naucl-myy red.; BEEGAKIV B,A., rod. izd-va; OSENKO, L.M., tekhn. red. [1.',etal construction; present state and outlook "or future developmntl I'letallicheskie konstruktsii; soatoianie i pre- spektivy razvitiia. Pod obshchei red. N.S.Streletskogo. Yo- skva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materi- alam, 1961. 333 P. (EILU 15:4) 1. Moscow. Moskovskiv i.nzhenerno-stroitel'W institut. 2. Kafedra metallicheskikh konstruktsiy loskovskogo inzhenemo- stroitellnogo institituta ir..eni V.V.Ruybyvheva (for all except Tubin, -3coa]:, Osenko). (Building, Iron and steel) (Al=,,in1=, Structural) KIKINJI A.I.; RUSAKOV, I.F.; KO'YEMIANI M.Khe Aspects of the functioning of 3ongitudinal monitors arranged along the center rowa of colu=s of industrial buildings. Izv.vys.- uch.zav.; stroi. i arkhit. 5 no.4-.70-74 162. (MIRA 15.9) 1. Nloskovskiy ordena, Trudovogo, Krasnogo Znameni inzhenerno-stroi- telInyy institut imeni V.V.Kuybysheva. (Factories-Design and construction) LUBYIN, Aleksandr Illich, inzh.; LIBEPTIAN, Semen Ahramovich, inzh.; SKAZHENIK, Gec)rgiy Dmitriyevich, inzh.; MILLE1,, Viktor Yakovlevich, inzh.; PETFUKOV, Andrey Ivanovich, inzh.; USHAKOV, Nikolay Alekseyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; VADIYAYEV, Gavriil Mikhaylovich, inzh.; TIMNANSKIY, Saprail Yzikovlevich) arkh.; KIKIN,_Aj,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; DEGAK, B.A., red.; SIMISTNIEVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Designing buildings and structures for metollurCical plants] Procktirovanie zdanii i sooruzhenii motallurgicheokikh za- v0dov [By] A.I.Labnin i dr. Moskvaj, Gosstroiizdat,, 1963. 321 p. (I-MU .17:21) 1. Gosudarstvennyy histitut proyi--ktirovian-ya metallurgiche- skikh zavodov (for Tinyanakiy). 2. GosuiarstvennNy in.,titut po p:-oyektirowiniyu, i.'alo~iovaniyu I ispytaniyu stallnykh kon.9t-,uktsiy i motov (for Petrakov). 3. T.Sentr4llnyy nauchno- issledovatel".Hy i institut pro- r..y.,,hlennykh zdaniy i sooruzhoniy kfor U,-,hakov). (,. KIKIN, B. Using graphic methods In the management of agricultural enterprises. Biul.nauch.inform.: trud I zar. plata 3 no-9:34-40 160. (MMA 1-1:9) (Graphic methods) (Farm management) KIKINO B.I., kond.ekonom.nauk; SWXOVSK.!~YA, M., red.; %IIR,','OVA, Ye., to kchn. rod. [Probloms in the mlinagement of muchine-tractor stations] Voprosy~upravleniin MTS. Hool-tva, Goa.lzd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1910. 95 p - (MIM 13:1) (Machine-trnetor stations) 1. KIKIN B. I. j 2. ussm (6oo) 4. Machine-Tractor Stations 7. Progressive dispatch practice at machine-tractor stations. Dost. sellkhoz. no, 2, 152. 9. MonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.1 KIKIN. B. 1. Machine-Tractor Stations Administration in leading tractor brigades of na(-hinp-tractor stations, Post. sel'khoz., No. F, 1052. Y,ontW;..y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Novenber 1052. UNCLASSIFIED. KIKIN, B. Dispatchitg in agriculturm. Biul.nauch.Inform.: trud I zar.plata no.11:36-43 159. (MI-RA 13:5) (Radio In arr1culture) (Hachine tractor stntions) ~~ 1 1~41 1 N, -1 . SRUMTATSKIT, V., inzhener-ma7or, dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, laureat Stalinskoy premii; KIKIN, D,, inzhener-mayor, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. On wave resistance in supersonic flight. Vest.Vozd.Fl. 34 no.12: 62-73 D '51. (MLRjL 8:3) (Aerodynamics, Supersonic) S/04~631027/002/M/019 D D251 308 AUTHOR; Kikin, (NDSCOW) . ......... r-oper~_f-es of. the solutions of certain clas- TITLE:, Extremal p: sea of partial.'Aifferential equations of the second border and their-application to the flow of gases- ~PERIODICAL; Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 27, no. 2' 356-358 TEXT: In connection with the theoretical investigation of compres- sible and incompressible fluids the following theorem is establich-, .7.1''ed: If the differential operator L(u) = J(X7Y7Ux#uY9uxxfuxy1uyy)- ,is such that its application to any twice-differentiable function f(x,y) at its maximum N and in some neighborhood of N gives a 0 0 tive value U=(N.)>*O or u (N ) Ot then the so- ;non-posi and yy 0 > :lution u(x, y) tionl(u) 0 cannot take a maximum at of the equaw 1this-p9int or in the 'considered neighborhood of it. The applica- fOard 1/2 KIKINJI D.B. (Moskv~a) Extremum properties of the solutions to certain second-order partial differential equations and to gas flows. P-.rikl.mat.i mekh. 27 no.21356-358 (Differential equations, Partial) (Gas classen of their applications Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) flow) KIKIN, D.B. (Moskva) Extremum properties of solutiuiL3 t-c, uf order partial difforential equation~z -h,,,A-, arq:lif--af-, ill. t") : I c " ~~ ! " " gas flows. izv. vys. ucheb. z;Lv,~, . T-11-~.-:,~,;- 1- 7,-', ': ~ , ~ I, . I KIKINR-V sm Genuine businesslike aid is in order. Sov.profooluzy 4 no.4.'51-52 Ap 156. W" 9: 7) 1.1achallnik tookha Voroneshokogo zhirokombinata. (Trade unions) WO/Chemistry Refraction ..'Card Syr Authorb I Kikina, G kin, Ya. Ka. ,and Shott-Llvova., E. A. Title Refractions of molecules with conjugated bonds at different Walre lengths Periodical Izv. AN ESSR, Md. Khim. Nauko 3) 563 - 564, May - June 1954. Abstract I The relation between refraction and additiveness is discussed and the problemof determining refraction extrapolatad in accordance with infinitely long wavet., is explained, The molecular refraction was measured for eight substances (benzene, naphthalin,- anthracen6, phenan- threne, acenaphthene, triphenylmethane, p-benzoquinone and phenanthrene quinones) using seven different wave lengths and the results ar6 shown in table. One USSR reference. Institution The 11. V. Lomonosov Institute of Delicate Chemical Technology, Moscow Submitted February 16., i954 Ki Ki j-4 ~, m ~ 1, UGORSTS, I.I.; UVRENENKO, I.D.; BONDARU, N.M.; PIATONOV, N.A.; ACIMASOV. D-I.: HIHITARTAN, S-G.: SAVINYKH, A.T.: HkLTIMIN. I.P. VLADIKIROV, P.N.; MOSKOVSrIT, P.A.: GILIYAND, X.Z.: XA.W,VAt, U.14. BESPROUARM, I.A.; Exi M.I.- TRLITNIKOVA, Ye.M. ."LlmaAk Nikolai Nkolaevich Romanor; obituary. Xlek.sta. 27 no.4:63 Ap '56. (MTMA 9:8) (Romanov. Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1906-1956) FWK, K,;KIKrMI, 1. Data on the prophylaxis and therapy of whooping covzh in hospitalized sick. OyermakgVogyassat 4 no.5:157-159 May 1953. (CL14L Z5:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Pediatric and Infectious Department (Head Physician -- Dr. Kalman Yrank), Van County Council HospitL . Szombaths-4. ZAKJIARIEV, Aleksandur; POPOV, 1van; STANCITEV, Stancho; YUKINDOEOV, Todor Male and female sterility in certain varieties of sugar beets in Bulgaria. Selskostop nauka [2] no. 2: 162-167 163. GMD, S.V., doktor biol. nauk~ nauchrx~7 red.[deceased]; 1, IIKINOV G.V~? MEYVE-1, i.K,, teklin. red. [Transactions of the 13yamozero Expedition] Trudy Sy;-,rro:!ersI-c i ckspodit.M. Petrozavodsks Gos.lz6-vo Karellskoi ASSA. Vol.2.(Ichthyoloa, Isydrobiology, and parasitoloMrIlkhtiolo- giia, gidrobiologiia i parazitolo~-iia. 1962. 269 p. (11.1,A 15:10) rp 1. Syamorerskaya kovplekanaya ekspeditsiya; 1954--1956. (Sya,mo:tero-Freshwater biology) T" VASIL"I'Vi G.V., red.; liAY-EVSKAYA, V.s., r(-;d.i STECTITI-I 1E I,';-; Vi , A. Vred ['-Interiai- of thu- On 010 s. nn s -,:,o zov an~ u i a-, er ;a ,'on*, Qj pe -.'L1 '.!n,.- 19 Korfferentslya p.) e L ro z,-i,,,,) 19 61 - I I- ~, . I %-". , 1 ~, . . '! . : ". ": !:.., - i !, -! , '. , , . , , ~ " I . , ! 1". :;. , . ~ F I -. , 1 , ! ~ '. ; , -~ I , . . I - - I . . . . GOP-~EINKOY V.J., VA,'~,IJOIAN, A.Sh... inzh,; KIKISH, O.V., IT-,~ ......I Modernh-ation tA' hyperbolic cooling tcwer. E39k. Nth. )6 D 165. WIRA 0 of 4 a age 15F Iffed d me iimple*& as dw 4 wk r. Ill in, "Ph Iftd 8 R V KWv1d I . - . . , r W 11 and C"is" 8 R 71111W I loo 009 .1 . - .. SAR' 7, 33I-4(I94d).--T1W Ki. C* * * W. Of ft OUnr in Wi% a1c. (20 g. kinetici of corAMA .00 Pb per So Ini. Sk.) RWW the action of mech. Asking at *00 vatism jink*WAN A (UP to 91) thm.) Wm! inv"lifflard - &Imvbh the W ke d The Abaniplim of 1 h =1140 f l b h o V A 008 -t ar d, M , It-I ut ' Pb it CM dlog::: UV" e 11"m functi n f . s l o 0o J? time mut[I man. Is remebed; this ocem at the mme stage for both 1 1 . The reactions am thus shown to be of the Ist order; The rate of formation of the oakle film at 300 the surfam of this Ph Crains is lwkpeatlrnt of the pmesutr It( (h, In term of A The *nw* of the kinctic sit-tight 0a : -11twomabovel. t;;?by tame - A.4-with thefollowing ago OW ' nuumok values for A - 2, 6 S. 10 12 15 mm mp.: ' 1 1 ia 6 f b 1 arnt. o 4 1217, - Pb dimpes t" a - u . 737, 0 . 0 so 0 00 0.01830, 0.02M, 0.03917. mot. of Os absortmI, lm% a - see 0AM3,0.471, 0.804,11.212 1 7W 2 BM- for the Im prov- ewe, A - 0.00028. for the i~i, Im both 1mv,- v%ws, a ~ M The curvu representing the variation of Coe Iza d wkh A for the 2 poc an convel to the &Ijs of -.4 and arexery Lvoin is =b b:ldam D d b f f 7 : refra" o n e . t . et = * Ph dismolved, Le-1 INEW XMIJISS Particularly those of 0.64- 1.1 MIR'Lam broken up pftl t tially; It Indicates that tb t h I 1 l be 0 ' . -granu artuat- I of pcij_. 7.. t d ve Ej~EE, b. Its IcWT !:O0 vornpart". -A. Thor~- -841ALMSKAL LIMAIM CLAWICAINN T tabova wit INV as( a ff 10 slairl -Oggav Ali an 0 a a 'I W 0 9