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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2U07/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850RU00'IOOU400'19-6 ~ R~ L~ , .~~M i ON 9 APRIL i979 CFOUO 21~9) i Of i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8383 9 April 1979 ~ ~ TRANSLATIONS ON SOUTH AND EAS~ ASIA (FOUO 2/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIOPIS RESFARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 NOT~ JPR5 publicaCions contain informaCion primarily from foreign newapapers, periodicals and booke, buC also from news agency tranamisaions and broadcastis. Materials from foreign-language sources are CranslaCed; those from Engliah-language sourcea are Cranscribed or reprinted, with the original phraeing and other characCeristics retained. Headlinea, editorial reports, and material enclosed in bracketa [j are supplied by JPRS. Procesaing indicatora auch as [Text] or [ExcerpC] in the firaC line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate haw the original information was procesaed. Where no prozessing indicator ie given, Che infor- mation was aummarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phoneCically or tranaliterated are enclosed in parenthesea. Words or namea preceded by a quea- , tion ~nark and encloaed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied asappropriate in context. Other unattributed parenChetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Ticaes within itema.~e ae given by source. Tt~e contenta of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. , COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TtIIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 rUl~ Ot~'L~'iCTAL USr; ONLY _ h ~ JPRS L/8383 , 9 April 1.979 ~ TRANSLtiTIONS ON SOUTH AND EA~T ASIA (FOUO 2/79) - CON'fENTS PAGE - G,AMBODIA ~ - Clandestine Yis~.t to ~ol ~ot Controlle~d Zone Repurted _ (Denis Reich; PARIS MATCH, 9 Mnr 79) 1 JAPAN Br ief s Cholera OutbxQak 9 LAOS ' Infor~oation on Lao Military Units 10 Znformation on Lao Military Units 13 _ Information on Lao Military U~its 16 SRI LANKA Sri Ianka CP General Secretary Praises Soviet Mti- co2onial imn (Pieter Keuneman; KOR~iIJNIST UZBERTSTANA, Jan 79)e... 20 ~ _ - a - [III - ASIA - 107 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 � ~ FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY GAI~ODIA CLANDESTINE V~SIT TO pOL POT CONTROZLID ZONE REEORTED - Paris PARIS MATCH in French 9 1~ar 79 pp 3-f1~ 10, 78 [Article 'by Denia Reiahe "Ca,mbodian Front Zb Get 7nto Ca~nbodiae a xigntmaxe: To cet out: a rls~-ac18~~] ~ [Text] I left this morning from Boukaong. A oolleague took me by motoroycle to Aranya Pra~het, 25 1ciYometera to the north. I kneK that from thdre~ on foot~ if T le�t oarly I f?~ould be able to reach the bordes irithout the risk of running into a Zl~ai gatsol. Moreover~ I alrea~y knex the~habits of the ~ patrols in that sectnr. TMO border patrol stationa, 6 kilometers apart ~om each other~ pa~rol 2 kilometers on either side of their be~se. ~us, there - reme.ina a 2 kilometer hole. Zliat xas more thaa I needed. The t~ontier of . Cambodia xas there, 500 meters ahead of ine. In ~qy buah I did not run ar~y risks. I had only progresa~d 6 kilometers eince morning. I xanted to xai.t - until night to go acrasa. That xas asinine. On the other aide, a 5 kilo- = meter Fride mine field axa.ited me and I did not feel up to crosaing in the - d~rk~ Short of looking xhere I xas going to put doxn n~y feet. Zb have a chance to ~ee at least something if poasit~le. But especially not to lose n~yself and run.into a~mer Rouge checkpc>int. I xould xait until tomorrox. I rechecked the contents of ~qy three musette-bsga. One for the medicinea. ~ ~ ` It is at least as important as the one the fiS.m and the photo eq,uip~ent. Aspitin, vit,~mines, anti-malaria pills, anti-diarrhea~ galt tablets~ survi- val rations. Another xith txo cartons of cigarettes and some c~ean under- _ rrear. A knife, a compass, a mag and a canteen. Yith the heat, I kne?r that - one can hold out for a long time xit,hout eating~ but xithout dMrilcing? I only tsa,cl 1 liter. In principle~ I xas supposed to run acro$s xater suPP1Y points. . If I~nar?aged to pen~trats far enough~ normally they should not fire . at me xithout asking me xtaat I xa~a doing there. From xhat direction and ~ ~ hoK I got there. Ttien I x~ould have a ch~nce. I t~d somebod,y x~~ite me a - riote in J~mer: "I am a Frenah reporteri I xauld like to talk to President " Pol Pbt.'� = 1 _ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � - Monday~ 7~30 a.m. _ That is it~ I got through. I feel 11ke the worst ia ove~c. God Kas xith me. Now all is well. I was dying from heat~ but the sun had nothing to do with it. I made good progreset ~I muet be 7 or 8 kilometera inside Cambocli.a~ on the other ~ide of the mine field. ~ When I etarted across~ one fact became se].f-evident. I know who I love. I know who,I hold dear. A test of truth. With each atep I took~ n~y left foot _ said ~~goodbye" to my right foot~ and ao on. I could not manage to unglue - my eyes from the ground~ appraising the aiightest mound~ the alighteat bump. Try as I might to purauade myaelf that I xas xrong~ that the mines xhich had been planted 4 years ago frould have become perFectly inte~ated ~rith the ` topograpt~y~ I went an trying 'to 8ruesa tha locati.on of death unde~~ the ~aea. Af.ter 500 meters, I decided that I xas luaky and I~ra7.ked on atraight up~ - preferring t.o look only for the trac~ee of fire Kl~ich logically should have made~the mines explode undAr the effect o~ the heat. In placea there xere sma11 craters~ a few dozen centimeters t+ide and approximately 20 centimeters deep. Prob~bSy refugees xho xere n~t lucky. The tra~s~ on the other hand~ ~ were visib7.e. Thickets~ the b~anchea weighed doxn by the rain and drou8ht of 4;{ears. Some of them xere veritable pits~ 2 notera long and equally deep~ with bamboo spikes atuck onto them. Others Kere smsller~ 40 to 5~ ; centimeters, bu't sufficient to empale oneself. Along the trai7.~ T also crossed the real border~ the military border. Treea - xhich had boen cut down on the apot, entirined xith buahes~ over a xidth of some 20 meters~ cut b,y narrox PassuBee 't� 8� tt'~r�ugh' I had been told that the 14~mer patrol stations ?rere on].y about 20 kilometera inland. That xas not true. I sax txo of them. 21+~o ahelter-like atructures~ thre~-qua.rtere = underground.~ One of them xas emptys as for the other~ farther away~ I watched it for a fex tainu~ea~ nothing. No apparent activity. Me?yb~ they were sleeping. I knocked doxn a trap. a trunk apiked xith bamboc? apeara~ hanging between two trees. A complicated system of counterb~lance~ but the tip of my foot was sufficient to topple it. During the day it xould have been impossit~7.e not to see it. At night my akull xould have been be.shed in. N~y firat picture in Cambodia� Monday evening. I have walked well. A rate of app~oximatelY 4 or 5 kilometers an hour. Since morning~ I counted 18 bodies on iqy xay. It xas imposaihle to say whether they xere civilians or IQzmers Rouges, xhether tkfey x~re k~11ed by bullets or died of illness or exhauation. The only things left of them are a fex ahreds of clothin,~ qttached to some bones~ and a skull. But if I sa~ 18 of them on a~y line of xalk~ I lmagine there must have been many - more sca~tered about on my lei'~ and on my right. I photographed the firat~ a child~ mostly to give n~yaelf profeesional co:fort. After all~ I xas there to take pictures. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFr'ICIAL USE ONLY Tuesday evening. I am going to die of thirst. Folloxing n~y idea of avoiding villages, I have also avoided xater supply points. It is i;he clry season. I knoK somethf.r~g about that. I am thirsty. I crossed the bed~$ of aeveral rivera~ nothing but earth. I can no longer sxalloK ar~ything. I tried to che~+ a vitamin - but the piecea atayed on n~y tongue, dry as eand. I epit out part of it~ whiah I ha,d to get out of ~qy mou~h xith ~qy fingers. The rest lodged it- self in n~y throat for a few minutes, xithout melting. It m~y be a nastake~ but I�am smoking constantl.y. It is the only thing xhich ia atill going through. If I do not find any xater tomorrox, I Wil.l have to make a declsion. Wednesday mo.rning: No use trying to eat. Nothing g+oea in anymore. Thirst~ thirat, I cannot , hold out much longer. I x.~1.1 xalk a little more, to the limi.t. Maybe by then, by cha.nce~ luck I tri.ll find xater. By evening I KiU. knoK. According to rqy calculations I muat be appraximately ~30 kilometera east of the border. It is not yet quite daylight. I preferred to atart off "re- ~ f~eshed. I am thiraty. And I am exhausted becauae I am thirsty. Nox I have to make a decision. Zb go ariy furthar ia impoasi~'.e for me. I~oreover~ there is no reason for me to believe that I xill find xater further on. They are there~ 200 meters ahead of ine. I think Z xill go see them. They are xarking in the rice fielda. Theae are probably n~y last minutes of free-- _ dom, but I am so very thirsty. Some of them are not u~orking. They seem to be keeping an eye on the othera. Apparently nobody ls armed. Zlwa~ they - xill not shoot ma xithout listening to me. Besides~ at one point or another I ~+ill have to come out of hiding ar~yxay. I had thought I might get farther, at least to 200 or 300 kilometers. Here~ I must be about 110 kilometers - axay ~om Ttsailand. If ~ only I ha,d xater! Too be~d: I canr?ot go be~ck the xay I came. First of all~ I xould not have the strength for it arid, secondly, - I made the xhole trip to see them. We11~ here goes! This is xhat I came ~for. xednesday evening. So far~ so good. Tne surprise effect Kent beyond n~y expectationa. Firat, those in the rice field. iihen they sax me xalking toxard them~ appearing out of noxhere, as if I had come out of the ~ound~ they came up to me. They aearched me and appropriated the contents of my musette-bags. Zhere xere txo of them. Overaeers. They divided up the apoilse medicines, cigare~tes~ Imife. They let me keep the ~ameras, xhich I xas catzying over the ahoulder~ and all the film. Then they took me t~ the chief of the militia: Obviously~ the latter could not undo-rstand it. A foreigner~ alone~ on foot, 110 kilometers inside the country. A Martian in the middle of the l~kench co+untryaide xould not have ha,d as great a euccess. I imme- _ � diately stioxed. him rqy s11p of paper: "I am a F~ench reporterj I~rould = 3 ? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 ~ FOR OF'FICIAT. USE ONLY like to meet with President Pol Pot." From that moment onward I became - - nearly untouchaUle. He did not know what to do with mF. ?he z~ame of Fol - Pot was like an electric shock. I took advantage of n~y sma11 effect to f1.11 my canteen at the well. I emptied it aompletely~ in one gulp and fi].1.ed it again. My morals returr?ed at once. - He took me to a polltical commissar. I had already underatocd one~thing - about the organization of the Khmer Rouige: thoir clothing is a function of their ~mporta,nce. The moet wretched ones, the civiliana~ the men~ the ~men~ the elderly~ have tattered garments. From one day to the next~ xith the arivent of the regime~ a11 the clothing wa~ dyed 'hla,ck. Four years later thia had turned into all sha.dee of ~rey. The militia and the overseer wera also barefoot, like the civilians~ but they were xearing plain h ack pa~jamas~ and often a Mao cap. The militia was not armed. The IQ~mers Rougea~ the soldiers~ ha.d raw rubber sandaSs and a weagon~ the Chinese ~k 47. The poli- ~ tical commiesar had an automatic pencil. During the hour long walk to go see the latter~ I managed to take irUr firat _ pictures secretly~ diacreetly. Fi~P11y, I ha,d ma,da it~ I was taking pic- tures. That is my profesaion. _ Thursday. ' The hierarchy between the varioua categories Ss very distinct. First, at the top of the pyramid~ the Chinese IQ~imers. They are comiaissara or militazy comma,nders. Below~ the Khmers Rouges, soldiera~ for the most part kida. Average ages 1? years~ but many of them ase very young~ 12 to 15 yeara old. Below them~ the mi.litia and the overaeera. Theae are not armed. As a rule~ _ they come from areas already under IQvner Rouge control during Lon Nol's� regime. 5ometimeao around the age of 25 or 30 years~ former aoldiera become militiamen. Final;ly~ at the very bottom~ the civilian~ the slave~ the one _ who is afraid ef everything and of everyone. Fbr the masters~ he is only an instrum~nt~ a shovel or a pick~.xe~ and doea not deaerve any more consider- ation. He could die of exhauation~ of illness, of hungor= it is not im- portant: It is only a tool at one bokl of rice a day: sa.turda.y ~ 3 Fet~uar3? ~ . - I am making the tour of the political officials. Their importance increa,aes by tho day. As long as no one among them considers himself atrvng enough to make a deciaion about me~ I will be fine. I+~y case is completely beyond them. If I continue to climb the hierarchy as I have, I may finally get to meet Pol Pot. Al1 the interrogations are the same. Aaian patience and amiles. A politeness xhich does not reassure me a.s~ xith the same smile~ the same face, they might announce that they xill gently ta3ce me back to the border or tha.t they will shoot me xithin a minute. Always the same queation: ~ - l~fho axe you xorking for? 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL USk; ONLY - I am a French reporter. I work for a Fre~ch maga~.ine~ PARIS MATC}f. ' - Yes, but who are you working for~ the Russians or tho Amexioans? They are convinced that I am workin~; for some poxer or other. 4fien I have _ to tell them the story of ~ life. - Sunday~ Yesterday evening~ violent Vietnamese artilleryr fire compelled us to retreat = S kilometera. Tl~e next day, the a,rn~y of t1.n solc~i.era and I returned to the same apot. No posaibility at all for an attaek by the Khmera Rouges Whenever the Vletnameae xa,nt to~ the country wi11 be �'cheira! Mon~.~.y. This morning~ I was entitled to the xeekly morning of re~t. Five hours of political speeahes. The commissar honoxed me xith hie meeting. He seemed delighted to eee me talcing pictures of his audience. There xere 4~000 people. ~ Sa.turday. ~ It ia the firat tizne tha.t I have kept the same team to accompany me. Six young people. The youngeat is 1~ years old. He carriea his AK 47 gu.z as _ if he had been bor,n with it. He never leavea it. Zlie chief is 1? yeara oldi he ia at ea,~e only when I aa~ in a hut,. He would like me to sleep as much ae posaihle ao that he can keep less of an eye on me. Yeste~ay's - political commise,ar is xith us. He is xalking too. Walking is the only means of communiratior? in thia country. I did not see a aingle vehiale~ except for a Jeefa xhich xas being puahed by a platoon like a xagon ~+ithout oxen. Tuesday. This time it is a11 over: They took axay ~qy cameras. I can no longer ~+~ork. The commissar xas inflexib7.e. I nearly begged him fi.o let me keep at least - ones "It is the only thing xhich still conneat~ me xith the outside. It ' is the only reason xhy I came here." Nothing d,oing. He took everything axay. Including the film. It xas fortunate that T had somexhat forseen this. For aeveral days, I prepared n~y trick. All the exposed rolls: in n~y b~iefs. I ha,d already �rolled up a total of about 20 unused rolls of - film, including the sma~l leaders~ like exgosed film. I had also put nwabers on them. 1 ob3ected a great deal as a matter of form and especially to keep him f~om looking elsexhere. It xorked. The political commissar - informed me that inquirios are being ma~de about me. He told me that it xould take a minimum of 3 months and probahly 6 months before they xould get a response. I am not too excited about xaiting! ~ _ 5 - , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I~'rid~y . - For 3 daya ~ have been watching the habits of ~r guard~a~ There are eight now~ and they are equipped with an electric 'lamp hr~a 3ust been b~ought. No apot ia right for an escape. There is always something which doea not. work. Never twice the same spot~ Still~ I have to make a deciaion. It has to be here! The guards a~ce ataying in front of the hoa3e. They never go in the back. On that aide there ia a aerious c~stacle. ~'here are leavea on the ground, as large as fana, m~Ice a dreadful racke t. I have gathered ~qyself a pile of rocks. Pretty soon I w~.l.l make n~y move~ I will throw the rocka through the window onto ttle leaves~ and I will quickly get back to ~yr observation post and see if the kide have reacted. I hope that by the tenth one they _ will have gotten uaed to it. It wi11 be up to me to make the next move. . My masette-bag is read,y and my canteen ie full. _ . _ Saturday. ~ ~ Only a short quar'1',er of an hour to catch my l~eath. I do not care about the physical effort~ about the tirednesa. Freedom is at the end. I hav~to cover mcre thAn ha~.f the way in one stretch. They wili never firni the trick has worked. The kida 3umped at the firat noiae in the leaves. eighth time it was over. They no longer reacted. I made a dash for it. _ Fifty metera. I stopped for a few seconda to listen to the reaction. NothinS. At least I thought so ~ because all I could hear trae tqy hoart bsating in tny throat. I ran to the foreat And I have been walking for 10 houra. - Saturday, 10 February. Late afternoon. I did it I did it: I have returned f~om Cambodia The mines~ once - I got in them I paid no more attention. I was convinced that I xould be lucky A woman xorking in the fieldsi she wae Keaxing red clothea I crossed into Thailand. I sat down in the ~asa In the sky~ the bit~ds were flyin~ ~.nd forth over the border~ ~aceful~~free. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PxoTO caP~oxs ~ (1) For the first time~ a reporter among the Khmers Rouges. - Oui� special correspondent, Denie Reich~ spent a furtnight in the Cambodia - of the IQimers Rouges after having clandeatinely crossed 5 kilometera of mine " fields. The onl.y permit h~ had tras a sheet of paper on xhich the following worde had been written in Cambociian: "I am a French reporter. I~ould like . to meet Preaident Pol Pot." At the mere mention of ~this dreaded name, Denis Reich was received with a mixture of caution~ apprehension, distrust and sometimea evon good hwnor. I'inally~ having been kept prisoner for 3 days, he managed to eacape and to get back to Tha,iland alone and on foot. His report te11s about the eubm~.ssion of a people~ about a kar of guns against Vietnamese tanks~ as well as his own adventure~ his solitude ~,nd his fear. P - These cavalrymen from another age, armed with Sovlet guns~ are the elite troops of the Khmers Rouges. This patrol iras photographed by our apecial correspondent~ less than 1 kilometer f~om the Vietnameae front. _ 3� P (3) ~ A xhole people sub3ect to tha lax of the gun. _ These pictures are documents. They testify to the poverty and the enalave- ~ ment of the IQzmer people. They K?re taken ~ee1y by our special correspondent, _ ~ Denis Reich, xhose actions nobody dared to criticize after he had pronounced - the dreaded name of Pol Pot. On the road, he tells us~ I have come across - . endleas columns of civilians on their xay to r~ork. I also got to knox on � - the spot the very clear hierarct~y of the nex IQ~mer society. At the top of the pyramid~ there are the pra-Chineae~ political commissare or military , commaxidRra. Belox~ there are the soldiers~ mostly kids~ xhoae average age is 18 ysara. 3ome of them are b~rely 12 years old. Under this military category~ ther~ are also the militiamen and the overseers. These are not arn?ed. Most of them are peasa,nta xho have been indoctrina,ted in the "f~ee" zone by the Khmers Rouges from the time of struggle against the Lon Nol _ regime. Finally~ at the bottom of the pyramid, there is the anonymous mass of the slaves. They are mostly toxnapeople~ non~ of xhom have the right to pronounce their real name. They only have the right to be called "comrade." As the families have been systematically dispersed or massacred, the children no longer even knox their name or xho their parents are. For Pol Fot and tiis cops~ this laboring population of slaves is the crucihle in will be poured the nex man, the perfect man, the communiat man in trhoae name they xork to death a xhole people~ a people xhose only lax henceforth is~the _ xhim of a guard and the point of a bayonet. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY . These peasants are going to the fields in a wagon. The armed guard who accompanies them will not le~~v~ them the whole day. Theae slavea~ who are wal.king single file on their way to work ln the ricA ~ fields, were townepeople. Separat~d from their they work 12 hours a day~ Fbr one ~owl of riae. - _ p _ Tlnese femal.e soldiers belong to the priviloged class of the I~mers Rouge~. This picture was taken in the region of Battambax~. ~ ' 5� p (5) It wa.s before this audienae of 4~000 slaves, 4~000 unfoxtunate people tired out from work~ famiahed~ that our special coxrespondent had to make a speech in F'rench at the request of the political comlaiesar. The speech was retrans- mitted by a homemade loudspeaker (on the right on the table~ in the picture). The ba,ttery which allowed this apparatus to xork was in fact an old car ba.ttory. 2'he audience listened patiently to Denis Re1ch's speech in which he had to repeat the lesson they had tau6ht h~m. Noboc~y dared to admit or to show that he (or ehe) underatood o~c apoke French. S~.nce the tr~keover of _ power by the HI~?mers Rougea~ the intellec~uala have been syatematically = ellminated. Anyone who can read is suspect. Beaides~ thoae unfortunate ~ people were too exhaueted to have any reaction at a11j they knex that they were going to go back to the fields~and work for hours for a boxl of rice. ~ - Thus~ the elimination of anyone who has the least little~bit of knoxlecigeo the systematic exhaustion through work and hunger, have causeci a xhole country - to regreas. While a11 the Third World countries are figlzting illiteracy and advocate s~hooling~ Pol Pot's Cambodia has aboliahe~i schools. There i~ no longer any other education than political indoctrination. As for the books which survived the auto-da-fe of the takeo~ er of power by the IQimers - Rouges~ they have been torn up page after page to be used as cigarette paper. : 6. P (6) - - After 12 hours in the fields~ 2 hours of propaganda. . Speech by the political commissar. Our special correspondent in turn had to make a.speech in French. The audience~ 4,000 unfortunate people~ did not react. They knev that they w~ould have to w~ork another 8 to 10 hours _ to earn a bowl of rice. 7� P ~8) Our special correspondent, nenis Reich~ and the I~vrters Rouges. The two on the left are only 12 yeara old. - COPYRIGHT: 1979 par Coged ipresae SA 8463 ~8 - ~SO: 4200 FOR OFFIC~AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 ~ ' ' ~ FOR OFFICIAI; iJSE ONLY ' JA AAN BRIEk'S CHOLERA OUTBREAK--Lobaters imported from Indoneaia and served by a wedding hall in Tokyo were the main cauae of a mas~ cholera autbreak acare thar - ewept across the country last fall, according to a preliminary report by - the Tokyo metropolitan government's panel of epidemiologists. The panel agxeed the eamc~ day to draw up its final canclusion on Mar 7. [Text] [Tolcyo MAINICHI DAILY NEWS in Englieh 1 Mar 79 p 12] ' CSO: 5400 - . ~ , 9 FOR OFFICIAi, USE ONLY - I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ON'LY LA05 - INFORMATION ON LAO MILITARY UNITS - (The following information on Lao military units was extracC~d from the 0~00 GMT Vientiane Domeatic 5ervice broadcaets in Lao on the dates indicated unless otherwiee noted. Unit deeignators and locatione are ~~s broadcaet. The remarka inclu~le a brief summary of the information avail~~ble in the source,] Iln it Remark8 Northern Army School "S" Held a ceremony on 3 Fet~ruary to open a - Meuang Phiang military apecialized traiinin~ courae. . Participante engaged in agricultural production while studyicig. (:l4 Feb 79) Vehicles Bn Attended pnlitical and c:ultuxal classes under Ministry of Interior since January 1979. (14 Feb ~9) Military Training School Held claeses to atudy LF'LA traditions Vientiane eiece early February 19i'9. (15 Feb 79) Various Branches Attended a spacialized d~nd cultural Diseases Prevention Institute. training course. Also e~ngaged ia agri- - Vientiane ~ultural productioa. (1:~ Feb 79) Oil Trucks Unit Reviei+ed achievements ov~er the past Army Logistics Department 3 yeara. (21 Feb 79) Viang Sai Military Con~mand Held ineeting 8 February to dilscusa 1979 - sports events. (21 Feb 79) Bn "CN" Report on 1978 achievemente in carryiag Vientiane out patrol activities, documente, vaccinating people~ atudyiag politica, repairing houses, planting crops and raiaing animale. (20 Feb 79) 10 FOB OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR Ol?PICIAL USg OIfLX - Army Fmctory 104 Produced txadi,Cional m~di.cine~ �ood in 1978, (19 Feb ~9) Army Garment Factory Produced over 5,000 unilpnqs in pasC Vientiane month. (19 Feb 79) 8n "5" Adopted a reeolution to carry out work Vientiane at 19 January 1979 meeting. (19 Feb 79) Army lfusic Band Attended politicnl course 7-11 February 1979 and engaged in agricultural production. (22 Feb 79) Army Sporte Corps Organised sports uctiviCiee and atCended - political training clasees in 1978. - (22 Feb 79) PoliCical Office Held a ceremony 3 February for commenda- _ Vieng Sai Region tion of cadree and combata~nts. (22 Feb 79) Peace-keeping Training School Achievemeats in 1978. (16 Feb 79) R Aro?y ProducCion Unit 1~ 3 Visited by the Executive Committee of the Central Region Patriotic Lao Women's Union of the Army on 7 February 1979. (16 Feb 79) Diseasea Control Unit of Achievements in epecialized c.~rork in Army Logistics Department'e Medical 1978. (16 Feb 79) Section in Vientiane Communicatione Unit Scored achievements in 1978. (23 Feb 79) Army Staff Department in Vientiane Bn "A" Completed in studying politica in Vientiane February 1979. (26 Feb 79) , Position Defense Company attached Carried out specializel ta~ka, booated ~ to Peace-keeping Forces CoamRnd~ production in .Taauary, February 1979. _ Loumng Prabana (26 Feb 79) ' Anoy~ Noodle Factory Emulated in producing noodlee in Vientiane Pebruary 1979. (25 Peb 79) Army Medical Training School Studied medical documents in Pebruary 1979. _ Northern Regton in Lauang Prabang (25 Feb 79) Nam Souang Reaervoir Constructian Built a reservoir in January, February Unit attached to Logistics Dept. 1979. (25 Feb 19) _ Vientiane ~ 11 !OR 0lFICIAL USB OI~LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 - FOR OPFICIAi. USg ONLY , Cround Artillery Bn "A" Wee Creneplanting dry eeason rice Vlentiane 4 Febxuary 1979. (24 I~eb 79) P~ace-keeping Forcee Command Review~d 1978 achievements 20 Febxugry Louang Prabang Province 1979. (24 t~~b 79) - Ground Artillery 6n "A" Reviewed 1978 achievemenCs 10 February Sayaboury province 1979 and opened a campaign for new achievements. (24 Feb 79) Army Agricultural SetClement S~ored achievemente in 1979. (27 Feb 79) , Houai Sek in Louang Prabang Northern Region BattleEront lA Hoepitel Attended political courees; examined and cured patiente. (28 Feb 79) LPLA Oil Tnnker Office Specialized technical meeting ended 26 February 1979. (28 Feb 79) Bn "GN" Attended politica~l, military classee Vientiane beginning 12 February 1979. ~2 Nar 79) - C50: 4206 ~ 12 FOR OFFICIAL USB 01~1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 ~ 1?OR OFFICIAL USE nNLY ~A~ INFO~tMATION ON IAO MII.ITARY UNIT3 (The folta+lag information on Lao military uaite wae extracted from Lao pre~e eources publtehed in Vieatiaae or from Vientiane Domeatic Service Brondcaste in Lao at 0400 GMT ou the datea iaclicated unlesa otherWise noted. Uait designatore aad locations are ae they appear in the original. The remarks include a brief sumeary of the iaformttioa available in the source.J Un~ ma k Army Sporta I?nit 1.978 eporta activitiee reported Vientiaae (5 Nar 79) Army Settlemeat No 1 Planted trees, raised piga�siace early Vieatiaae Jan (4 Nar 79) Battation "A" Harveated rice and other crope, raised Khammouane Proviace animals in 1978 (4 Irtar 79) Air Force Wooea'e Union Accepted more membere in cernmony on Vieatiane 22 Feb 79 (3 Mar 79) Food Productioa Departm~nt Narveeted rice, planted ve$etables~ Kha~ouaa Province built houses for people ia 1978 (3 Mar 79) fiomen's Artillery Unit Opaaed cultural training Jaa, Fab 1979 Vientiaae (3 Iiar 79) 2nd Bn Repaired~ built housea, harvested crops Vientiaae ia 1978 (1 Feb 79) Arttllery Corps E~uilt housea~ repaired vehiclee~ roade Xieny~ Khouaag Regios~ planted crops (1 Feb 79) 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OPPICIAL U5E ONLY Guerrillae in Meuang.Samtai Attend9d political and cultural courees Houa Phan Province worked in agricultural production in 1978 (1 Eeb 79) _ Reception Unit Attended polltical and cultural couraea~ Vieatiane repaired schoole, cleared lat~d, planted vegetablee, fruit ia 1978 Feb 79) Engineering Ba Bui1C houees, repaired roads, vehiclea. oa Route 7 Built bridgae in 1978 (1 Fab 79) _ Construction Uait Held Ceremony on 14 Jan to~review Northern R~gian in Loc~ang Prabang ach~evemente, open new campaign (22 Jan 79) Political Training School CelebraCed 30th LPIA anuivereery on - _ Army Pblitical Department, 18 Jan (24 Jaa 79) Vientiane . Lovang Prabang N~rthern ~iailad outstaading wnite on 16 Jan Regional Comimnd (24 Jan 79) . Provincial Hilitary Comniand Organized two military aad poli.tical ~Savannakhet ~trainiag courses in 1978 (24 Jan 79) Combined Specialized Corobat 3chool Officielly opaned 3 Mar f~~r 1000 stu- - of LP[A Logistice Department dents (6 Nar 79) Political Office of Military Scored achievements in food production, Command of IQiammouaa Proviace construction aork ia 1978 (6 1~le~r 79) P'hotographq Unit Fulfilled specialized taeka in Feb Army Pblitical Department ~(6 Mar 79) Projection Team Preaented f:lm ahowa to varioua Army ~ Army Political Departmc3nt, unita in Feb (6 Mar 79) Vientiane Film Projection Unit uadar 3hcaed filma to local unite in Jan- Xieng Khouang Military Region Feb (7 Nsr 79) ~ LPIA Aaimal Huabandrq Unit Built houses, cleared laad (7 Mar 79) Xieag IQ?ouang Regioa . Army Cultural School Neld ceremony on 13-14 Feb to revteti+ Vieng Sa~ achievementa (7 tlar 79) Local Guerri.las of Sivilai, Held tactical traiaiag for combat, Paksan Caatoas, P~kaan District peace-Iceeping dutiae for 40 personael Comaaad from 2-8 Jan (KPL 11 Jaa 79) 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL:U5B ONLY . ' Non Pek L+ocal Forcee PNOTO of femalea and anti-aircraft Kiang Khouang Province ~mchiae gun (3i/+NC T~AS,ASON 5 Jaa 79 - p 3) No tJnit PHOTO of ~et aircraft of Lao Air Fo~ce partially obecured by people. (3?ANG - BA3A30N 23 Jan 79 p 3 Local Guerrillae of Tasaeng Maa~ From 7-10 Jan 79, 43 pereonnal (includ- Meuang Louang Prabaag Dietrict~ ing 3 woman) received traiaing ia peace- LP Province keeping work from local Dietrict and ~ Pxovince Militarq Conmmnd (iQ1AJ SAN - rATHET I~10 24 Jan 79 p A3) ~ Regtonal Araied Forcea Stepped up patrol activitiee, booetad Meuang Samtai~ Houa Phan Province _ production in 1978 (I3 I~lar 79) Regional Arcied Forcea Planted fruit trees, atarchq crops in ~ Meuang Houa Meuang, Houa Phan Feb (13 Mar 79) Province Production Unit No ~S Studied political, military, special- - ized aub~ects, promated production (13 Mar 79) Bn "GN" Futfilled, specialized tasks, promoted Central Region production, helped paopla in paet 2 months (13 Mar 79) ~ Army Liveatock Raising, Crop Booated production in Feb (12 tiar 79) Cultivation Uait Xieag Khouang Province Army Publiehiag Huuse Priated documents, engaged in agri- Vientiaae cultural production ia Feb (11 Nar 79) Public.Security Force Conducted patrol operatioas Jan-Feb - Meuang Vapi, Saravane Province (11 Mar 79) Arary Band Harveated d_ry seaeon rice eince 7 Mar Vientiane (10 Mar 79) Conetruction Unit under Built, repaired housee, Warehouees ~ IQ~a~ouan Provincial Coimnaad (10 Mar 79) _ Logiatics Office uader Traasportad goods, built, repaired tQ~a~ouaa Provincial Comm~and Warehousea, harveated rice last year (10 Nar 79) C30: 4206 15 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY - LIWS INFORMATION ON LAO MILYTARY UNITS The following informaCion oa Lao military unite wae extracted frcm Vientiane DomesCic Service broadcaete in Lao at 0400 GMT unlese otherwise nored on the daCea indicated, or from Lao prese ~?teriel ae indicated. Unit designatore and locatione are ae given. Tt?e ramarke include a briof ewomary of thn information available in the source. , Unit Remarke Bn "A" Attended political couree on 12 March Vientiane ~ (14 Mar 79) LPLA Auto Repair c,hop Scored achievements in specialized ~rork Vientiane eince early 2979 (14 Mar 79) Projection Unit~ LPLA Co~and Shoaed films to unite in Februarq Office, Northern Region (14 Mar 79) Taseeng Pakbak Guerrilla Unit Several hundred troopa including 69 Meuang 51ang Ngeua~ Luang Women received tactical training in Prabang Province peaae-keeping task. Theq aere trained ~ ~ by l~euaag Siaag Ngeun Regional Porces co~and (IQ1Ai0SAN PATHET I.AA 30 Jan 79) DietriCt Military Uait Succeasfully performed peace-keepifig Meuang Sai Dietrict. OudomBai misoiona, studiad and performed tactical Province training. Attempted to become self- oufficient (SIANG PASASON S Feb 79 p 1) Tasaeng Phon Thaa Communa Hxpaudad their organization to make 2 Guerrillae, Houa Meuang co~punies: one sobile~ oae atatic. ~ District~ Houa Phan Province Were givea 5 day couree in co~bat tac- tica aad peace-keeping Work bq ~oua Meuang District Regional Military Cam- maad (AHAOSAN PAT~T LAO 7 Feb 79 - p . 16 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICIAL USB Ot~I.Y Recaption Office Receiv~d gueete~ planted fruit treee Viantiaae . (16 Mar 79) Bn "S" Attande~ political courees laet year ~Northern Region (16 Mar 79) Vientiane Provincial Military Held meating for lccal cadree/combatante Com~and from 5 to 12 March to etudy reeolution of 6th Plenum of CC (17 Mar 79) LPLA Madicnl ~1nit Cured patiants last qear (17 Mar 79) ~ Saravane Provincial Co~and Hoepital "~03" Studied 6th Reaolution of CC eince ~ Vientiane 6 Mar~~ (19 Mar 79~ Bn "NC" Studied politice, military and special- Northern Region ized sub~ects. boosted production in paet 2 montha (19 Mar 79) Army Kommadam Military Held ceremony 17 March to mark conclu- Training School~ Vientiane sion of couraee ;20 Mar 79) Army Logistice Department Held meeting on 13 March to etudy reso- lution of 6th Pleaum (21 Mar 79) Bn "J" Attended claeses to atudy raeolutioa of - - Vientiane 6th Plenum (21 Nar 79) LPLA Fiah Sauce Factory Produaed 37~263 bottlee of fieh eauce Viantiane in January-Februarq (21 Mar 79) let Conatruction Corps Built ho~iaas~ repaired roada, vehicles Vientiaua tranaportad goode~ cured patiente, = harvested rice, raised ani~als in 19y8 (22 Mar 79) Military Training School Cleared laad at Nam Souang Dam eite Vientiane (22 Mar 79) Vientierie Conetruction School Emulated to carry out specialized taake (22 Mar 79) School of Specialised Corps Held training couree to etudq resolutioa LPI.A Logietics Dep~rtmeDt of 6th Pleaum of partq Ceatral Co~ittee (24 Mar 79) Infantry Bn "S" Scorad achievemente this ~ear in food Northern Region production. public service vork (25 Mar 79) 17 FOR OPPICIAL IISS O1~t.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LPLA Bn "A" Reclaimed land~ built irri13ation canal - Central Region in Fabruary (25 Mar 79) Company "B" attached to Ground Scored achievemente in food production Artillery Bn "Y" in Sgyaboury in January-February (25 Mar 79) Pr yvince Medical Cadres~ Prim~ry TreaCad armymen~ people Auguet.1978- Kommadam 3chool~ 3ouChern March 1979 (25 Mar 79) _ Region LPLA Agricultural Settle- Carried out production work January- ment N1, Vientiane March 1919 (27 Mar 79) Kommadam Primary School Completi8d final exam~ of lst eemester - Southern Region (27 Mar 79) ~ LPLA Air Defenae Bn "A" Studied palitics eince 7 March Vientiane Capital (26 Mar 79) Auto Transport Bn Traneported goods in fire~: 3 monthe of ~outhem Region 1979 (26 Mar 79) Mechanizad Company~ 23d Completed ploaing (26 Mar 79) , Agricultural Settlemant~ ~ Southern Region Infantry Ba "A" Attended political training courae from _ Southern Region Januarq to mid-February (28 Nar 79) Art and Literature Troupe of Performed shovs along Route 9 Political Office~ Central 10 February-15 March (29 l~iar 79) Region Mekong River Traneportation Scored achievamente in repairing boats~ Unit, Vientiane engines; distributing epare parte; traaaporting various suppliee (29 Har 79) Bn "NG" Carried out planting of etarct?q cropa~ - Meuang Siaag Ngun. Northern ra�oing aaimals~ felling log~~ trana- Region porting gooda (29 Mar 79) Infantry Bn "A" Studied 6th Reaolution of Ceatral Com- Vientiaae mittea 9-14 March (30 Nar 79) Various Coaetruction Unito Repaired 132 km of Route 9~ built 12 bridgso in 1978 (30 Mar 79) 18 FOR OPFICIAL USS ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Military Training School Opened tr~ining couree for 100 etudente Viangeak Region on 22 January (30 Mar 79) LPLA Command~ Lakhonpheng Organixed polltical er~ining for local Di,eCrict, Saravane Province guerrillae i~ two cantone in F'ebruary (31 Mar 79) LPLA MoCorized Traneport Scored achievements in epecialized Unit "GN~" Vientiane taske from January to March (31 Mar 79) LPLA Ground Artillery Bn "A" Cleared land for crope laet month Vientiane (31 Mar 7g) Mekong Transport Route Unit Completed 90 percent of eecond big boat Army Logistica Department~ (1 Apr 79) Vientiane Regional Forcee~ Champhon Carried out security taske in past few District~ Savannakhet Province montha (1 Apr 79) Local Guerrillae of Mahasai~ Carried out 0ecurity dutq in firet 3 Pholek Cantono~ Khammouam m~nths of 1979 (1 Apr 79) Province LPLA Infantry Bn "S" Organiaad political traiaing for cadreo~ Vientiane combatants 30 Harch (1 Apr 79) LPLA Ground Artillerq Bn "Qd" Con~leted irrigation canal (1 Apr 79) Vientiane Air Force Command Marked official cloeing of intermediate Vientiane engineering course 28 March (2 Apr 79) Bn "D" Organized cultural classes (2 Apr 79) Route 9 Construction Corp� Central Regioa Co~nd Hald training coureee to study reaolu- tion of 6th Plenum of Central Committee (2 Apr 79) CSO: 4206 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFP'ICIAL USE ONLY SR~ LANKA ~ 3RI LANKA CP Q~i~RAL SDCRBTARY PRAI8~3 SOVItr'T AI~iTTCOi.~iIALI9M Tashkent KQMMINIST ~B~IiI3TANA in Ruseian No 1, Jan ?9 signed ~o press 4 ,Tan ?9 pp 85-86 [NOYOBTI PRIL'48 ACQtCY article "espeaially For KOMlhIANIST ULBfl~I3TANA" bpr Pistear Keunswa~ geneansl s~cxstary of the Comnuuntst Party of 3ri Lankt~ in the aolu~ "l~o~ the Lils af Can~ouni~t ar~d Mcacice~s' P~?~rties� ~"Th~ Cue?rantee of Our Yiata~ier"] [T~ct] Si~cty years agd thrss-fourths of Lhs globs xa~s ocoupied bpi ooloniea. se~i-colonies, do~inianr. and d~psndent territa~ie~. Today theee fc~ws of colonial ruls he?ve virtuslly disappeared t`.co~ ths fy?ce af t,he earth. All this Kaa wads possibls try the victo~y of the Creat Ootobeac 3oQislist Revolutian. Mhich ~ed to the building of eooialie� in ths U33R and Lhe e~e~ge~ce oi a xa~ld sx~alist syetea. The Octobe~ Revolutian b~aught sbout the d~cline of the ao-called golden age of aolonialis~. It ~rked the beginning of the crisis of tha colanial ' syatew~ ~ int~tsl part af the geane~al crisis oi oe?pitalis~~ arrd seacved aa a fine. irupiring exsaple to opp~esaed psoplas. Grest Ootobe~ encousaged tt~sir hope o~ viata~y and ~ve the~ coafidencs in their aMn strensth. They saK in Soviet Russls a new atsteo a grast poNeac, tt~t re3eated tha poliay of aolonial canquest arui eocploitstion and wait s trus friend of all who wa~re opp~esa~d. V. I. Lsnin not anly sub~eaied iwperialis~ to a acientific arxlysis but aleo Ko~ked cut the ffiaic line of the anti-iwpeacialiat at,ruggls. and alxars actively euppa~ted oppressed peoples. He Krote liery a.rtlcles in defense of the rsvoluL~ons in Iran~ ~rkey. and Chins tMt broke out aft~ ths Russian Revolution of 1905 ar~d xaged a~aad poliLical aa~pai~ in eupport of "axakening Asia." V. I. Lenin ar~ppcil,~r car~ds~ed colaaisl tyranny in Iodia. ~?Pt. aAd other countriea. In th~ w?r~ 20th century ths party of Lenin waa the on2y political party to ~upport the rsvolutior~ary ~ov~ent in Asia. I~sedist~l,~r lollaKing the repulae of the i~perialiat inte~ventian and the victorp ovsr ~nte~nal counterrsvoluticn, the young Soviet sta~te a~fered ita - 20 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY help s.nd euppo~rt to neighboring at,atoa in their etruggle against colonialiem. With the building of eooialiem Soviet ase~stanca to natione~l liberatian movemsnte became mo~re aomprehan~ive. In the yeare preceding World War II tt:e politioal and ideolqgical infl~ienae of the October Revolution on the peoplee of the colonial and dependent oountriee incre~e?sed still fliri;her. The 9oviet Union aas not affeated by the general capitalist crieia of the ~93oa~ xhich tlirther impoverished the pe~ples of the aolonial and dependent countries. This t~e~ot increased the etature of the USSR in their eyes~ as did the speeQhes of the 3oviet Union'e League of Natione _ repreeentativea in euppoxt of the nation~l aspirations of the colonial and dependent peoples. vuring World Wsr II the 3oviet Union n~da enarmo~us aacrifioe~ a,r?d played a deci~ive role in defee?ting the moet aggreesiva detachments of world imper.ialiami Cerman and Italian fgeciem in ~urope and Japanese militariem in Asia. With the defee~t of faaciem came the viatory of _ a xialist revolutions in a number of ~ropee~n and Aeian countriea and - the formation of a xoacld sxialist ayatem. Since 195? dozens of countriee Kith a populaticn of about 1.5 billion people have aohieved political independence. Some of these countsies had to xage an armed stniggle againet their imperialiet oppreasora~ xhile others achieved independence xithout resorting to xee~pons. But all of them invariably made use of the moral, political, o~ material aupport of the Sov3et Union. Thia noble mission wzdertaken by the USSR ia xell knam. The Soviet Union's ~oad and multifaceted asaistance to the peoples of Asia and Afrios in their struggle fo~ independence xill never be forgotten. ~ The USSR has invariably helped them xithatand imperialist attempts to export counterrevolution. ExRmples are the Soviet Union's assistance to - Egypt in repelling imperialiBt aggreasion in 1956 and to Syria and Jordan during the Israeli aggressian of 1967s and of course the comprehenaive asaistance and support of tha 9oviet Union for t~e heroic' and viotoaciaus ~truggle of t:.s Vietnamese people against the aggression of tha United States of America. ~ Nowadays the me~~arity of young statee have consolidated their political independence. It xill therefore be correct to say that the achievement of economic independence, social progresa. and a tharough a xioeconomic transformation is the ne+~ etage of the national liberation st~ruggle. 9uct~ a sequenca of eve~ts flxlly confirms Lenin'B thesis th~t the nation~sl liberation struggle doea not end xith the xinning of political independence but continuee on toward the achievement of tLll economic independence and axial progreas. Experience t~s eha+n that this nex stage M~ll appa,rently last langer and . � be more diffioult tt~an the previou~ ane~ for it is at this stage of 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100044419-6 FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY development that young states face the problem of eoonomic and technological backr+ardnes$ and muet repel the oounterattaoke of imperialiat forcea. - - ~conomio oooperation xith the US3R ie all the more important for these countries. 3oviet economic aseistance to developing count.ries ae _ _ fLndamentally different from the $o-called assistanae of the 3mperialist pa+ere, since it carries Kith it no political oonditione or militaxy obligatione. It is intended to etrengthen developing aountries in their struggle against monopoly capital and to enable them to make rapid economio and oultural progrees. The peoples of the developing states reoognize that firm friendship xith the Soviet Union and the count,rieg of the eocialist commonWealth is their - best guarantee of fine~l victo~y. COPYRICHTs "Kommuniat U~beki$tana"~ 1979 ~93 C30: 1800 ~ID 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040019-6