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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 i i ~ ~ ~ F I~EU GI~P' I Tt~~ l~~i I~~~'=z: ~~~~~~t~~TfiT I~1~ 4 ~EP'TE~i~EI~ ~4~ f1. I _ _ ~ i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE O1~ILY , . ~ JPRS L/9284 . 4 September 1980 . � ~ USSR Re ort p TRANSPORTATION (FOUO 3~/80) FIXED CAPITAL OF RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION BY A.V. Izosimov ~ ~g~~ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. . Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parenthese:. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in thc original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within itEms are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For farther information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociological., ~;:ilitary) ; 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIA�L USE ONLY JPRS L/9284 4 September 1980 USSR REPORT TRaNSPORTATION (FOUO 3/80) FIXED CApITAL OF RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION Mosaaw OSNOVNYYE FOND3t ZHELE-ZNQDOROZHNOGO TRANSPORTA in Russian 17 Ju1 79 pp 1-232 � [Hook�by A.V. Izosimov:~ "Osnovnye Fondy Zheleznodorozhnogo Trans- porta" edited by.T.V: AyYiasheva, signed to press 17 Jul 79, - 3,50~0 copies, Izdatel'stbo "Trans~ort," 1979, pp~1-232] CONTEN'~S Title Page 1 A~notation 1 � In.troduct ion 2 Chapter.I. The Economic Essence of Fixeu Capital~and Classif ication of It 7 l.l. Transportation Part of the Productive Forces of Society 7 1.2. Fixed and Workin~g Capital 9' 1.3. Description of the Fixed Capital of Railroad Transp'ortation 13 1.4. Classif icat3on oi F3xed Capital 16 Chapter II. The Composition.and Structure of the Fixed Capital of Transportation 20 2..1. Current Accounting of Fixed Capital 20 . 2.2. Inventory and Re-EWaluation of Fixed Gapital 25 2.3. Strt~cture of Fixed Capital " 29 2.4. Location and Characteristics of tfie Structure of the Fixed Capital of Railroad Transportation 35 . - a = (III - USSR - 38d FOUO) - k'OR OFF~ICIAL USE ~TLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 ~ ~ FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i i i Chapter III. Development of the Production Fixed Capital of Rail- ' road Transportation _ 3.1. Fixed Capital in the Prewar Period and During the , Great Patriotic War 38 3.2. Fixed Capital in the Years of the Postwar Five-Year Plans 43 3.3. The Relationship Between Transportation and Other ~ Sectors ~f the National Economy 4~ I _ i Chapter IV. Reproduction of Fixed Capital and Technical Equipping of Railroads 51 - 4.1. Growth and Renovation of Fixed Capital 51 4.2. Scientific-Technical Progress and Qualitative Changes in the Fixed Capital of Railroad Transportation 56 4.3. The Effect of the Technical Equipment of Railroads on Labor Productivity 68 4.~+. Reproduction of the Fixed Capital of Foreign Railroads 73 Chapter V. Eff ir_iency of Use of Fixed Capital ~g - 5.1. Monetary and Physical Indexes of the Use of Fixed Capital 79 5.2. Methodology for Monetary Evaluation of the Indicators of Use of Roll:~ing Stock 84 5.3. Evaluation of Indicators of Car Use 92 5.4. Evaluation of Indicators of Locomotive Use 100 5.5. Improving the Use of Pex~nanent Structures 110 _ 5.6. Caanges in Output-Capital Ratio and the Efficiency of Capital Investment 113 5.7. Ways to Improve the Use of Fixed Capital 120 5.8. The Use of Railroad Fixed Capital in the Capitalist Countries 133 Chapter VI. Wea.r and Service Lives of Structures and Rolling Stock 138 6.1. Physical Wear and Obsolescence 138 6.2. Withdrawal of and Writing Off Fixed Capital 145 6.3. Determining the Average Service Lives of Rolling Stock, Machines, and Equipment 146 6.4. Taking the Effect of Obsolescence on the Service Lives of Rolling Stock, Machines, and Ec~uipmAnt Into Account 155 _ 6.5. Service Lives of Railroad Structures 159 6.6. The Efficiency of Modernization of Fixed Capital 162 6.7. Service Lives of Fixed Capital on Foreign Railroads 164 _ Chapter VII. Depreciati~n Deductions in Railroad Transportation 168 - , 7.1. Norms of Depreciation Deductions 168 7.2. Basic Principles and Methodoloqy of Calculating Depreciation Deduction Norms 174 7.3. Development of Depreciation Norms in 1972 183 7�4� Planni,ng Depreciation Dedu_tions 188 7.5. Computation and Use of the Depreciation Fund 191 7.6. Depreciation in Foreign Railroads 200 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 HOR UFHICIAL USE ONI.Y Chapter VIII.Capital Construction and Capital Repair in Railroad - Transportation 204 8.1. Capital Investment in the Formation and Reconstruction of Fixed Capital 204 8.2. Planning Capital Construction 208' 8.3. The Function of Repair Work and Performance Times 211 8.4. Planning Capital Itepair1--~ . ~ ' _ . 223 Conclusion 22~ Appendix. Service Lives and Norms of Depreciation Deductions for the Fixed Capital of Railroad Transportation 230 Bibliography 242 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UDC 658.27:652.2 FIXED CAPITAL OF RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION Moscow OSNOVNYYE FONDY ~HELEZNODQROZHNOGO TRANSPORTA in Russian signed to press 17 July 1979 pp 1-232 [Book "Osnovnyye Fondy Zheleznodorozhnogo Transporta" by A. V. Izosimov] [Text~ Title Page: Title: JSNOVNYYE FONDY ZHELEZNODOROZHNOGO TRANSPORTA (Fixed Capital of Railroad Transportation) Publisher: Transport Place and Year of Publication: Moscow, 1979 Signed to Press Date: 17 July 1979 Nu~uber of Copies Published; 3,500 Number of Pages: 232 Annotat ion This book re~iews the questions of the location, development, and use of the production fixed capit~al of railroad transportation ~ its physi- cal wear and obsolescence, and service life. The book demonstrates the role of dapreciation deductions as a crucial source for repro- duction and replacement of fYxed capital under conditioas of acceler- ~ated techn�ical progress. ' _ The book is intended for-scientific (academic) workers, but it may also be used by economic planning, finance, and ~engineering- Gechnical workers in.railroad transportation. The book has 19 illustrations, 42 tables, and a bibliography with 131 entries. 1 FOR.OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300034404-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Introduction The most important advantage of the socialist economy nver the capi- talist economy is that it develops on the basis of a single state plan that envisions planned, proportional growth of productive forces. When planning the development of sectors of the national economy planners begin from the general problems of siting productive forces for the coming period taking into account the territorial relations among economic sectors, the pr~duct ion specialization of rayons aiid oblasts, the location of fuel-energ y and raw material bases, the availability and degree of development of transportation, and other - conditions that determine the eff ic iency of public production. ~ V. I. Lenin attached great importan ce to the question of rational location of productive forces. In his works ha developed the most important principles of siting productive forc-~ in a socialist ' economy, These principles are the f ollowing: even location of produc- tion witfi due regard for fullest possible use of raw material, proc- essed material, and labor resources; development of public division I af labor in the republics and economi~ regions of the r_ountry on the basis of equality and mutual help among all the republics and peoples of the USSR; bringing industrial enterprises closer to sources of raur material and fuel; comprehensive development of the economies of the republics and economic regions witfi due regard for their speciali- zation in those sectors of industry and agriculture for which these . republics and rayons have especially favorable conditions; develop- ment of the economies of the nationality-based republics and oblasts; building up the country~s defense capability. Durin~ the years of Soviet power these principles have been elaborated and given concrete form in five-year national economic plans. All sectors of the socialist economy are developing with a basic ob- j ective r~f maximally increasing tfie efficiency of public production. This means that the development and work of enterprises in the pro- ducing sectors of physical production and enterprises in the sectors that serve production and market output must be carried on with minimal expenditures of live and embodied labor, The service sectors play an important part in the process of public production. In 1977 they ac- counted for 17.4 percent of all fixed capital, 20.8 percent of capital investment, and 17.0 percent of all persons employed in the national - economy,* Transportation occupies a special place among these sec.- - tors, and railroad transportation is the p~;ramount form. * Calculated fram data published in the statisti~al yearbook "Dlarodnoye Khozyaystvo SSSR v 1977 g." [The USSR National Economy in 1977 Moscow, Statistika., 1978, pp 40, 353 ~ 375. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY :K. . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300034404-1 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ The work of transport ation and its role in the national economy de- pend on the functions which it performs. Transport ation that moves raw materials, fuel, processed materials, and semifinished goods around within enterprises is called internal or industrial transportation. It . participates directly in the enterprise production process and is very important for its operation. Tfie operating length of railroads at industrial enterprises and organizations as of the start of 1978 was 89,000 kilometers. In 1977 73.1 billion ton-kilometers of transpor- tation work was done on them, moving 10.3 billion tons of various articles [82, p 311]. Transportation also has a major role in carrying on relations between various enterprises. Transportation ships the finished goods of various sectors of the economy from the place of production to the place of consu~ption and thus creates the necessary conditions for enterprise work. Continuing the production process in the sphere of circulation, transportation operates as a special economic sector that serves production. In this case it is general-use transporta- tion, an independent sector of physical production. The degree of development of transportation and its location by par- _ ~icular r~blasts and regions of the country predetermin~s transpor- tation and economic ties, the regularity and time of delivery of raw and processed materials and fuels for enterprises, and the amount of transportation expenditures to ship the output of the national economy. According to calculations made in the division of economics of the Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Railroads, t.fie total sum of expenditures in the national economy for shipping in 1977 was 86.7 billion rtibles. Railroad transportation accounted for ~ 20.8 billion rubles or 23.9 percent of this amount [113, p 12]. Transportation expenditures increase the cost of physical output that has already bn_en produced. Transportation expenditures account for 30-35 percent of tfie prime cost of iron and manganese ore, 20-25 per- cent of the prime cost of coal and petroleum products, 18 percent for - cement, and 15 percent for lumber shipments [100]. Railroad trans- portation has a significant share of tfiese expenditures. The location of enterprises of different economic sectors depends greatly on development of transportation routes. At the same time, the development of trnnsportation itself is closely linked to and de- pends on the location of enterprises. This interdependence demands _ a certain proport.ionality in the development of transportation as a whole and of its particular forms. This development must correspond to tfie location of industrial enterprises and agriculture, which will _ crea~te conditions for satisfying the demands made on traxiaportation _ to move freight and passengers. Fullest and most ~efficient use of the material-technical base of enterprises of the national economy is extrEmely important for x~ising the eff iciency of all public pro- duct ion . 3 - FUR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The role oi~ transportation in the siting of productive forces has been considered in detail in a number of major works which have demonstrated ~ the technique for consideration of the transportation factor in siting production [63, 106]. These matters ~ave also been investigated in the doctoral dissertations of A. I. Z'huravel' (1969) and B. I. Shaf irkin (1974). General-use transportation comprises five torms: rail, maritime, river, motor vehicle, and air. The pipelines, which transport liquid and gaseous product~, and high-voltage power transmission lines supple- ment the uniform transportation system of the country. All the forms - of transportation work together, supplementing and, when necessary, replacing one another. They must be used in such a way that total calculated expenditures for the transportation of freight and pas- sengers, including both current operating costs and capital invest- ment, are minimal. Railroad transportation plays the leading role in the uniform trans- _ port ation system of the USSR. It performs a significant share of all freight and passenger conveyance. On 1 January 1976 the length of tfi e general-purpose rail network reacfied 138,300 kilometers; the ` volume of freight shipping i.n 1975 was 3,236,5 billion ton- kilometers and passenger conveyance was 312.5 billion passenger- kilometers [84, pp 458-460]. Significant growth in freight and passenger conveyance was planned for the lOth Five-Year Plan. By - 1980 railroad freight traffic was expected to increase by about 22 percent and passenger traffic by 14-15 percent. Development and strengthening of the production fixed capital of railroad transport ation, as envisioned in the document "Basic Direc.- tions of Development of the USSR National Econom~ in 1976-1980" and the decree of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers entitled "Steps to Develop Railroad Transportation in 1976-1980," are very important for successfully performing such an enormous ~ volume of shipping. Plans for the lOtli Five-Year Plan envision the - construction of 3,400 ktlometers of new rail lines and laying 4,000 kilometers of second tracks and double-track inserts in the most heavily used sections of the network. Plans call for electrification of 4,500 kilometers, outfitting 16,800 kilometera of rail lines with automatic blocking and centralized ~ dispatching, and automating three and mechanizing 30-35 classi�ica-- t ion yarc~ s . Considerable attention is being focused on supplying railroads with more rolling stock and modern types of machinery and equipment that - insure greater mechanization of loading and unloading and high quality repair and ongoing maintenance of the fixed capital of railroad 4 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY transportation, During the lOth Five-Year Plan railroad transporta- tion is to receive 400,000 freight cars, 16,600 passenger cars, 2,200 elect ric locomatives, 6,400 sect ions of mainline diesel engines, and 2,500 diesel switch engincs [8~] . In the first three years of the_lOth Five-Year Plan the production fixed capital of railroad transportation grew 12 percent. Many new roads, second tracks, electrified segments, and lines equipped with automatic blocki~g and centralized dispatching units were put into operation. Industry delivered i,350 electric locomotives, 1,800 main- lin e diesel engines, 225,000 freight cars, and 9,000 passenger cars to the railroads. In 197$ the railroads performed 3,429.1 billion ton-kilometers of freight shipping and 332.1 billion passenger- kilometers. To insure timely and uninterr.upted satisfaction of economic needs for shipping and better shipping work by the railroads the most im- po~-tant thing is not building up the stock of technical equipment but making fullest and most intensive use of available production fixed capital, above all means of transportation. Intensification of the u se of production fixed capital in railroad transportation leads - to an increase in the traff ic [propusimaya] and carrying [provoznaya] capacity of the rail lines, stations, and ~unctions. Like the intro - duct ion of new machinery, improving the use of fixed capital reduces the expenditures of live and embodied labor necessary to perform shipp ing work, which is expressed in growth in labor productivity in railroad transport ation and a drop in tihe prime cost o� sfiipping. Tl:e large part played ~y the production fixed capital of ra~.lroad tr-ansportation in the shippfng process and the multifaceted, profound influence exerted by it on the working efficiency of rail enterprises demand constant attention to the development, reproduction, and use of this fixed capital. It is very important to insure rational location and comprehensive development of the fixed capital of rail transportation with due re- ~ gard f or the freight and passenger shipping work being done by the railroads. In this case certain types of fixed capital should be de- velop.ed so that when they are~used fu11y the traff ic and carrying - capac3ty of the railroads will be maximum. Comprehensive development of fixed capital is an essential condition ~or devising an optimal capital structure which achieves maximally efficient use of fixed capital. Timely performance af capital repair, reconstruction, and replacement of capital on a high technical level for the purpose of� maintaining , an optimal structure and insuring that existing capital is in good 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY condition are also important steps to improving the use of the pro- duction fixed capital of railroad transportar ion. Timely replacement of obsolete and wornout fixed capital with new, improved forms is essential to raise the traffic and carrying capacity of the railroads and reduce labor, material, and financial expenditures for shipping. Correct, economically substantiated determination of the service life of fixed capit,:l is an important problem d.irectly linked to highly productive use of the fixed capital of railroad transportation. The - amounts of depreciation deductions depend on service lives, especially that part of the deductions which is used to finance capital 3nvest- ment to replace fixed capital being withdrawn with new, technically and economically more progressive forms. Service life also influences the expenditures necessary for capital repair and modernization of fixed capital. Depreciation deductions in railroad transportation came to a significant amount, and the challenge is to see that they are used with maximum efficiency. Tfie fixed capital of railroad transportation has a number of dis- tinctive features when compared to the fixed capital of other economic sectors. 7'hey arise from the shipping process itself. ~'oremost among them are the existence of expensive, long.-lasting structures, location of production fixed capital throughout the territory of the entire cotmtry with due regard for the regional climatic and geological con- ditions, closer interaction of the diff erent forms of railroad fixed capital, performance of repair work on fixed capital in conditions where train traffic does not stop, and constant renovation of track structures during the process of capital repair. These special characteristics make. it necessary (1) to develop che fixed capital of railroad transportation in a comprehensive manner, observing strict proportions in the capacity and technical equipment of different subdivisions of railroads based on insuring the required traffic and capacity in entire sectors; (2) to perform capital repair of f ixed capital under conditions where railroad transporta- ~ tion continues uninterrupted functioning, on the basis of intro-- ducing new, improved machinery and observing conditions that en- vision maximally eff icient and full use of all fixed capital. The purpose of this book is to reveal the role and importance of the g~oduction fixed cap ital of railroad transportation, show special characteristics of its development under conditions of accelerated scientific-technical progress, establish lines of action to improve fixed capital given its highly intensive use and the steadily grow- ing volume of shipping, and identify reserves for improving tfie use of f ixed capital based An the introduction of new machinery and pro - gressive technAlogy, widespread dissemination of progressive labor methods, and employment of sophisticated methods for operations, ongoing maintenance, and repair. ~ 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Under current conditions where, thanks to new construction, expansion, reconstruction, and technical re-equipping the fixed capital of rail- road transportation is growing rapidly, improving its use is an important lever for enlarging the traff ic and carrying capacity of the railroads, raising the efficiency of the entire shipping process, and meeting the shipping needs of the economy and the population as - fully and as well as possible. Tfie problems to be considere~ in this book are very complex and multi- faceted, so the book does not claim to treat them exhaustively. The author expresses his gratitude to B. N. Lakhman, chief of the division of capital repair of the Main Economic Planning Adminis~ration of the Ministry of Railroads, docent F. P. Mulyukin, and candidate of eco- = nomic sciences docent K. N. Tverskiy, as well as other comrades, for their useful remarks directed to improving the book. Chapter 1. The Economic Essence of Fixed Capital and Classi~ication ~ of It 1. Transportation - a Part of the Productive Forces of Society ~ In any labor process, no matter what form of public production it may � be performed under, people and means of production always participate. ~ The means of production are means of labor and ob3ects of labor. Ob~ ' jects of labor also include tfiose things or groups of things which are used by a person in the process of working with various objects of labor to give them a definite use value. Therefore, the means of labor are above all i.mplements of labor: power-supply and working maohines and equipment, means of transportation, stocks, tools, and - other implements of production. In addition, the means of labor in- ~ clude buildings and various other structures which do not participate directly in the labor process but create the necessary conditions for it to be done in general or to be done in an improved manner. The cla~sification of various types of equipment, machinery, means of transportation, stocks, and tools as means of labor or ob~ects of labor depends on the place they occupy in the production process. ~ Thus, an electric locomotive being built at the plant is an ob~ect of labor. But the same locomotive in use on a rail line for hauling is _ n,o longer an obj ect, but rather a means of labor used to convey freight az~d passengers. Thus, objects are classified as means of labor only if they participate in the production process. Equipment which is standing in the warehouse of the plant that manufactured it is finished output. If this equipment is to become a means of labor, it must ~ie shipped to the place where it will be used for its desig- _ = nated purpose and receive a productive application. 7 ' - FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OrFICIAL USE ONLY ~ The various forms of ineans of labor play different roles in the proc- ess of pub? ic production. Implements of labor characterize th.e level cf development of production much more than means of labor do; the means of labor serve to preserve objects of labor or create the phys- ical conditions fo~ the process of labor without participating ac- tively in it. K. Marx, not~ng tfie important role of implements of _ Iabor, wrote : "Within the group of ineans of labor itself , mechanical means of labor, whi~h taken together can be called the bone and muscle system of production, constitute the typical and distinctive features of a definite epoch of public production much more than those means of lahor which serve only to preserve objects of Iabor and which can be called, taken together, the vascular system of production" [1, ' vol 23, p I91]. Objects of labor also include those mat erials on which a person works _ while creating output. Virtually all industrial sectors except the extract ing sectors use raw material as the obj ect of labor, which means material in wfiicli labor has been invested at an earlier time. In most indust rial sectors raw material constitutes the principal part of the value of the finished output. A complete lack of raw material is characteristic of all types of transportation, railroads included. The bulk of the expenditures making up the cost of trans- ~ portation output is wages. The objects of labor in transportation ~ are the obj ects being shipped, but they do not belong to transpor- ~ tation and their value is not included in the value of transportation I output. The means of production and e~ le who i p p possess definite production skills and qualifications are the productive forces of society. In ~ all stages of development people are the most important productive force. V. I. Lenin wrote: "The first productive force of the entire ( human race is the worker, the toiler" [2, vol 38, p 359] . - _ The degree of development of productive forces determines the eco.- ! nomic status of the country. The condition of the entire nation al economy depends on how highly develop~d and fully used these produc- tive forces are. Transportation is an important part of society's productive forces, ' and its means of production comprise a significant share of all the means of production at the disposal of society. More than 9 million ; people are employed in all forms of transportation, roughly 2.5 million in railroad transportation. Transportation is one of the majo r sectors of the national economy.. Each year large amounts of capital investments are spent for the development o f t ranspo rt at ion . Of 1 January 1975 the product ion fixed capital of USSR transportation was estimated at 148 billion rubles, 20 percent of all production fixed capital in the national economy, 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Railroad transportation occupies an important place in the country's transportation system. It accounts for almost 75 percent of all do- mestic freight ~hipping in the USSR and 40 percent of passenger traffic. Railroad transportation has approximately eight percent of the production fixed capital of the national economy. , Describing the place of transportation in a national economy K. Marx observed that "on the one hand the transportation industry is. an in- dependent sector of production, and therefore also a special sphere for investment of productive capital. But on the other hand, it dif- fers because it is a continuat.ion of the production process w3thin and for the pro~ess of circulation" [1, Vol 24, p 171J. General-use transportation serves the entire national economy. It con- veys the freight of enterprises in various sectors as well as pas- sengers, changing their location. The movement of freight and passengers from one region of the country to another is the output of transportation. The volume depends on the amount of freight and number of passengers conveyed and the distances that they are conveyed. Therefore, transportation output is measured in ton-kilometers and passenger-kilometers. The output created by transportation is not a phys ical thing and it is consumed simultarceously with its produc,tion. This is one of the most _ important features of transportation. It does not follow f.rom this, however, that transportation is not a sectox of physical production. K. Marx worte: "In addition to extracting industry, farming, and manufacturing industry there is a fourth sphere of physical production which also goes through the different stages of production, artisans, small shops, and machine-based, in its development. Tfiis is the trans- portation industry, whether it is moving people or goods" [1, Vol 26, pt 1, p 422]. , A second distfnctive feature of general-use transportation is that the freight being carried, the ob,ject of labor, does not belong to the transportation enterprise but rather is the property of enterprises in various sectors of the ecanomy. This is reflected in the formula = of the cycle of production capital in tzansportation, which has no stage af conversion of transportation output into a commodity. 2. Fixed and Working Capital. Tlze division of the means of production emp7.oyed in railroad transpor- t~~ion into fixed and working capital is based on dif�erences in the way tt~ey circulate. This was noted by K. Marx, who wrote; "That wisich gives the character of fixed capital to the part of capital . value expended for means of production lies exclus ively in the unique fo.rm of circulation of this part o� capital. This special manner of circulation follows from the spectal way in which the given means of 9 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 i FOR OFFICrAL USE OIv"LY ; labor transfers its value to the product, or from that special role I which it plays during the production process as a factor in the fo r,na- tion of value. This follows, in its turn, from the characteristic features of the functioning of different means of labor in the process ; of labor" [1,, Vol 24, p 179], Therefore, the quality of the material from which means of production ' are manufactured, mobility or assignment to one place, and duration of use in the labor nrocess are not factors that determine the division of capital into fixed and working capital. This division depends ex- - clusively on the way that means of production circulate, on how their value is transferred to the output and how it is replaced when this output is sold. In the course of their work the employees of railroad transportation ' who are conveying freight and passengers use various means of labor and olijects of labor which form the value of transportation output in different ways. When freight is shipped its value grows by the addi- tional value created by the labor of transportation woxkers and the value of the means of production consumed. When passengers are con- - veyed the value of the use effect or service form~d is consumed entirely by the passengers during their movement. Some of the means of production in transportation are means of labor such as production and service buildings, railroad track, power supply, ' signal, and communications devices, supply structures, locomotives, cars, and various types of machinery, equipment, and tools which do not wear out cor~pletely in one shipping cycle, but ratfier are used many timesover an extended period. Therefore, the value of these means of labor is transferred to the value of the transportation output gradually, as they wear out. These means of labor are wearing out continually in the process of shipping operations, and their value is constantly decreasing until the means of labor have finaZly served out their life and their en- tire value has been transferred to the value of transportation output. As the value trarisferred by means of labor to transportation output accumulates and is converted into money, new means of labor are ac.- quired and replace old means of labor that are completely used up. This is the cycle of ineans of labor. The period during which they are used in the shipping process is very long in most cases, averaging 60 years in railroad transportation. Therefore, unlike the working means of transportation that complete their cycles of use in 75-80 days and demand constant replacement, the means of labor used in the shipping process for an extended time, gradually transferring their vaiues to output, are called the fixed capital of transportation. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y Fixed capital includes both the means of labor used constantly in the production process and those held in reserve, xeady to go into use at any moment. The reserve power unit installed at a traction substation ~ and desi~ned to insure uninterrupted operation of the power supply devices of an electrified road is included with the fixed capital of transport ation just like the power unit operating at the particular moment. Analogously, the stock of track measured by kilometer, - wheeled pairs of locomotives and cars, and sets of spare parts for rolling stock acquired.through capital investment and designated to insure stable operation of the track superstructure and railroad rolling stock are included in fixed capital. Most of the means of labor classified as fixed capital have high costs and long service lives. To si.mplify planning and record-keeping, means of labor which have low costs or are used up in a short time are included in a special group of low-cost, fast-depleted ob3ects even though, formally speaking, they should be classified as fixed capital. Therefore, they axe included in working capital, not fixed capital. It is that means of labor with service lives of less than one year are not fixed capital regardless of their cost, and neither are means of labor costing less than 50 rubles apiece regard- less of their service life. In addition, instruments, automation equipment, and laboratory equipment purchased by scientific research organizations and costing less than three hundred rubles per unit will not be f ixed capital. A complete list of the means of labor not classified as fixed capital is given in the "Statute on Accounting Reeords of the Fixed Capital of State, Cooperative, and Public Enter- prises and Organizations (Except Kolkhozes)" published by the Finansy Pub~ishing House in Moscow in 1977. In addition to fixed capital, such means of production as fuel, lubri- cants, various processed materials, and spa~e parts are used in the process of shipping freight and passengers. These are classif ied as the working stocks Lfondy] of transportation. They are expended in full during one shipping cycle and their entire value is included in the value of tlie transportation output created during the cycle. This part of ineans of production must be replaced continuously for the process of shipping to go on witfiout interruption. Working stocks and circulating fun3s [fondy], including the finished - output of subsidiary enterprises and monetary capital, form the working capital [sredstva] of transpoxtation. That part of working capital which is controlled by norms (production stocks of materials and equip~ ment, fuel, lubricants, and so on) is the norm-controlled working cap- ital. P~oduction fixed capital and norm-controlled working capital partici- pating in the formation of the value of transportation output are 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY called the production capital of transportation. This concept cannot be equated with means of production, which includes means of labor that do not have value: land, water resources, lumber and ore, and mineral products. Production fixed capital accounted for 98.7 percent of the total pro- duction capital in railroad transportation in 1977, and working capital was just 1,3 percent. The composition of the production caY~~al of railroad transportation differs s~gnificantly from its composition in ~ other forms of rransportation and in other sectors of the economy. P::oduction fixed capital accounted for 79.3 percent of the total volume - of production capital in industry in 1977, for example, while working capital was 20.7 percEnt.* ' As technical progress occurs over time and fixed capital develo~s, ~ its share in production capital shows a tendency to increase, while the share of working capital tends to decrease. ~ The fixed capital [fondy] of a socialist economy differ fundamentally from the fixed capital [kapital] tfiat represents the means of labor in a capitalist economy. In our country the means of production are pub- lic socialist property which exists in two forms: state and coopera- - tive-kolkhoz. The fixed cap~Ltal of general-use railroad transportation is state property, that is, it Fielongs to a11 the people. As a result, it is not separate from the people and opposed to them, as capitalist fixed capital is, and thus it is not used to exploit tfie working people. In a socialist economy fixed capital is tlie most important part of public wealth. Growth and refinement of fixed capital provide a - grapfiic indicator of increase in the country's productive capacity, steady increase in its economic might, and a rise in the material and cultural standard of living. The situation is different in the capitalist countries where the means of production are privately owned. Fixed capital there belongs to in- dividual capitalists or monopolistic associations of them and is used to exploit the workers.** Growth in capitalist fixed capital fs * Calculated according to figures published in the statistical year- book "Narodnoye Khozyaystvo SSSR v 1977 g." [The USSR National Economy in 1977], Moscow, Stattstika, 1978, pp 40, 547. In some capitalist countries the fixed capital of certain sactors of the economy has b~een nationalized and put in the hands of the state. This does not change its capitalist nature, however, because tfie re- sults of the public production continue to go to private parties. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY evidence of a further increase in tha wealth of the bourgeoisie which simultaneously impoverishes the working class. This crucial differ- ence in socioeconomic nature between sociali~t fixed capital [fondy] and capitalist fixed capital [kapital] reflects the enormous superiority of t.he socialist economic system over the capitalist system. Another important difference betwesn socialist and capitalist fixed capital is that the former develops on a,planned basis, in conformity - to the law of p7.anned proportional development of the national economy. This insures more rational siting uf fixed capital, which creates favorable conditions for full-capacity and highly productive use. Under capitalism, by contrast, fixed capital develops in a spontaneous manner on the basis of the law of value, the law of competition, and - production anarchy. Therefore, chronic underloading and incomplete use are typical of fixed capital under capitalism. The economic crises tfiat periodically rock all sectors of the capitalist economy make the use of fixed capital even worse. Workers who operate the macFiinery have no interest in using it productively, because tfiis does not im- - prove their standard of but only increases profit fur the capi- talists. ~ Tlius, socialist fixed capital differs significantly from fixed capital under capitalism in terms of location, development, and use. The fixed capital of all sectors of the USSR economy is used much more in- tensively than fixed capital in any capitalist country. In railroad transportation, when the track, locomotives, cars, and various machine~ and equipment are used more intensively and fully, the shipping process is more efficient and freight and passenger con- veyance is cheaper. This makes it possible to use the money saved for development of the national economy and 3mproving the material and cultural standard of living of tfie people. The material interest of railroad transportation workers in the results of their labor is an important stimulus to maximum use of fixed capital and raising labor productivity. Socialist fi~eed capital also differs from capitalist fixed capital in composition. The capitalist monopolies invest primarily in those structures, machines, and equipment which will make it possible to in- tensify exploitatidn of the workers and raise the profit norm. In the socialist economy the machinery used not only raises labor produc- tivity but also improves the working and domestic condttions of the working people. 3. Description of the Fixed Capital of Railroad Transportation The fixed capital of the Ministry of Railways includes above all the L3xed capital of railroad transportat~on itself, the fixed capital of the railroads that is used in conveying freigfit and passengers. In 13 ~ FOR OFEICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY addition, tiie Ministry of Railroads includes enterprises and organi- zations whose fixed capital is related to other sectors of the economy. These enterprises and organizations facilitate successful accomplish- ment of the shipping process by their activities. They include in- dustrial enterprises that regair rolling stock and produce spare parts and certain special types of machinery and equipment used primarily by railroad transportation; construction and planning organizations that perform repair work on railroad track and other fixed capital and work - out plans and esti.mates for the constructior. of new and repair and re- construction of existing installations; trade and public catering organizations, The Ministry of Railroails also has its own housing and municipal services system, cultitral, educational, and public health institutions, and other enterpris2s and organizations that serve em- ployees of railroad transportation and members of families. On 1 January 1975 the urtian subways whicfi carry passengers within the - cities were transferred to the Ministry of Railraads. Thus, the fixed capital of tfie railroads and other enterprises and or- ganizations included in the Ministry of Railroads compri/~es many di�- ferent types of capital that are classif ied with transpo.rtation, industry, construction, and other sectors of the nation o~ rn O ~i i~ o ~ ^ r`~. c$ ~S y y~ ves o ch er ao ~ ~ -aueH qoxeoH~p c~ cv M ~ tD c�+~ ~ a 'r~l a' ~ ~ a f: x r.( ~ U rl, � p ~ o`� ~ ri, m o ~ v�n ~ +rl v) x k o 4 ~s 2~ ~ 41 - ~ ~o o W i-. i+g~ x c" ti-I ~ R m ~ .'j N ~ y .c x~ x as a~ 4+ x,'-, o~ a~ o. o..ri k . ~ = o. " ~ v q a `~'8' o, ~ ~ ` ~t +i-I N - q v~. ~ .E r'i ~ S ~ ~ G~ J Q G m tu � o < ~ :a ~ ~ _ a~ o w ~ c, � ~ � ~ � a ' d o ' ~ ~ � ~ ~ - d ~ . o.x . x . . a o ~ . o~ ~ ~ ~ a^, C~+~ .~r+ ~ A � d ~ � K � u 'rCr< = q � v cx. ~ C~+ C.' ~ 0 a. A~ . ta.a[~^o`~~ � t~o N Cd'r'1 ~ U tG . cv k' ' ~ r` ~ 4 v' y~ d~~rl c~.dd 'CJ s'~ ~ O X ' v a ~ q a~ X~ ~ Cd 3a i-~ _ v ~O ~r1 p, ~ ~ cz. .c � a M ~-u ~ z ci ro q-+ U n N N ~ ~ O ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ami ai . C S ~ 'S7 CfA ~ ~ 1.~ U ~ ~ n ~ v ~ t- ~ cs ~ ~ C. ~ k Kl .-ul p a ~ Q ~ ,B � ~ � 5 ~ AG x ~ " e . ~ ~ t~ c~ cU tU ~0 3~ ~ a~ c`�i a~ H .7 W H U H U '~a ~i�-`c c.o` ~z a~~ .4~ xx ~ , I n~o aQ F ~ ~x C~ ~ ~�.-~i-. at~ $~a @a :u ~Groz U., t~~,' ~ ~ ~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~1 t0 1~ I~ rl N C~'1 ~Y' v v Q~ v v ~ v ~ ~ N . ~ x 134 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key (continued): (g) Millions of West German Marks; ~ (h) Billions of Lira; ( i) Millions of Canadian Dollars ; Millions of American Dollars; (k) Billions of Yen; (1) Great Britain (Brittsh Railway); (2) France (National Society of ~'rencfi Railroads) ; _ (3) West Germany (Federal Railroads); - (4) Italy (Italian State Ra~lroads); (5) Canada (~Canadian Pacific and Canad3an National Railways~ s (6) United States (Class I Ra~lroads) ; (7) Japan (.Tapanese National Rai:lroads) . Note: The table was compiled on tfie Tiasis of f3:gures published in the statistical year booli.s of the International Railroad Union "Statistique international des chemins de �er - Statistique des Reseaux Anne," Paris, 1960~ 1965~ 1570, 1975, expansion of the trunk system, shutting down lowk.traffic lines and stati~ns, eliminating additional tracks, and other such steps. In the United States and Canada where the fixed capital of the railroads has not been re-evaluated, its growth is significantly less and reflects chiefly the technical reconstruction that is place, whic~ in- volves the introduction of automation equipment, improved signal and communications, and new types of machines, other eauipmentr and rolling stock. If a re-evaluation of tTie fixed capital of U. S. railroads were to be made, the figure would be much fiigher. According to an estimate by the : Organization for the Establishment of a Rational Transportation System in the United States, the amount of railroad fixed capital in 1970 was 60 billion dollars. According to calculations made by the autt?or, the fixed capital of all U. S. railroads, considering ze-evaluation~ was more than 63 bill3on dollars in 1962 [51], and 96 billion dollars in 1974. Aceording to calculations made by L. I. Vasilevskiy, the fixed capital of U. S. railroads based on replacement value was 110 billion dollars in 1970, while its balance appraisal was 38 billion dollars [104]. As tTie figures given in Table 26 sfiow~ the output -capital ratio of railruads in most of the capitalist countries is dropping. The ratio is incressing for the railroads of Canada~ but this is largely, be.- = cause the fixed capital tfiere was taken witfiout re~evaiuation, that is., its magnitude was determined under earlier conditions for railroad _ comstruction and purchase of rolling stock. If current conditions for _ 135 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY reproduct ion of railroad fixed capital in Canada are taken into ac- count~ its ~igure for 1974 rises to roughly 19.7 billion Canadian dollars and the outputTcapital ratio is just nine calculated ton- kilometers per dollar. Tfiis level of output-capital ratio indicates a very low level of use of the fixed capital of Canadian railroads. The situation is almost the same on the U. S. railroads, whose fixed capital considering re-evaluation was about 90 billion American dollars in 1975, whicfi correspands to an output-capital ratio of 13 calculated ton-kilometers p~r dollar. Tlius, the production fixed capital of USSR railroads is used almost 4,5 times as intensively as the fixed capital of U. S. railroads and six ! times as intensively as tfiat of the Canadian railroads. As Table 27 below shows, the railroads of the most fiighly developed European cap- ~ italist countries have low indicators for use of rolling stock [44, ' pp 242-243]. Cars are used somewfiat better on the Japanese railroads. ~ Tfie productivity of a two-axle freigt~t car in Japan is almost twice ~ as higfi as the figure for tfie ra�ilroads of tfie European countries, and approaches tfie level of car productivity on U~ S. and Canadian _ railroads. Compared to the USSR railroads, however, the use of freight cars in Japan and in the otfier capitalist countries is quite weak. ; Car turnaround, one of the most important indicators of use of the car fleet, was 22.3 days on U. S. railroads in 1975. TTie locomotive fleet is not used as well in railroad transportation in tl~e capitalist countries either. Thus, tfie average daily run of diesel engines on U. S. railroads in 1975 was one-third less tfian on USSR rail.roads. Many of the capitalist countries have recently begun devoting more at - tention to working out steps to improve the use of rolling stock. For example, among the measures proposed to step up car turnaround in West 1 Germany are more extensive use of unit-train shipping and organizing loading-unloading work on days off and at night. Tn the United States many actions are being taken to step up car turnaround. Among them we should note the agreement among railroad companies to consolidate tfie ~ fleet of enclosed freight cars, the use of the systemwide information system Train TI to reduce empty car runs, and formation of multigroup ` trains tfiat pass sma11 stations without processing. The intensity of use of railroad track structures in the economically _ developed capitalist countries, just as in the USSR, is characterized 6y s~iipping volume per kilometer of operating lengtfi (see Table 28 below) 136 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY `Table 27. Indicators of the Use of Railroad Ro113:ng Stock in the Developed Capitalist Countries in 1973 j44~ pp 242-243], - Indicators A B C D E F Great Britain (British N/A 14.91 20.1 1202 162 10.0 Railways) France (National Soc3ety 820 36/'163 27~8 715 55 12,1 of 'French Railroads) West Germany (Federal 837 35.6 21.6 573 59 5.4 Railroad) It~1y (Italian State 667 N/A 16.6 381 43 10.1 Railroads) Canad�a (Canadian Pacific 3~224 37.0 47.2 1,332 100 15.42 - and Canadian National. Railways) United States (Class I 3,519 32.0 51.6 1,183 93 18.5 Railroads) Japan (Japanese 626 24,64 19.5 1,170 95 4.42 National Railroads) K~eq; (A) Gross Train Weight, tons; (B) Section Speed, kilometers/hour; (C) Static Car Load, tons; (D) Productivity of Two-Ax1e.Car, ton-kilometers; _ (E) Average Daily Car Run~ kilometers; (F) Car Turnaround, days. 1F3gures for 1960. 2Figures for 1965. - 3The numerator is for fast freights; the denominator is for slow fre~ghts. 4Figures for 1968. - It can be seen from the figures in Table 28 that the ratlr�oad~ o~ tfie capitalist countries, with tbe exception of Japan, have low�fre~ght int ensity~ which indicates low intensity of railroad track use (com,. pa~red to USSR railroads). The freight intensity of tfie railroads, d~~fined by gross ton-kilometers per kilometer of total l~eng+tfi of t'ctink lines, confirms this conclusion even more strongly. In the i~itited States., the m~ost highly developed capitalist country, the aver- a~~ freight intensity of railroads in 1975 was 7.1 m311ion gross ton- kilometers per kilometer of total length of trunk lines, less than - one.-fifth of. the ~ntensity fi~gure on USSR railroads. ~3~ FOR OFFICIAI, USE. ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y i ~ ~ Table 28, Freight Intensity of the Railroads of tfie I Developed Capitalist Countries, millions of calculated ; ton -kilometers per kilometer of operating length~ ~ _ i Countries 1950 1960 1970 1975 Great Britain (British Railways) 2~2 2.2 2~y 2.g France (National Society of Frenc~ Railroads) 1.7 2.4 3.1 3.4 ! West Germany (Federal Railroad) 2.0 2.7 3,3 2,9 Ital Italia l y( n State Railroads) 1.5 2.0 2.6 2,6 ~ Canada (Canadian Pacific and Canadian National 1.5 1.5 2.3 2.7 ~ Railways) j j United States (Class I Railroads) 2,5 2,5 3.4 3.5 ' i Japan (Japanese National Ratlroads) 6.3 8.7 12.1 12.4 i i ~ Chapter VI. Wear and Service Lives of Structures and Rolling Stock 1. Physical Wear and Obsolescence ~ The withdrawal of railroad transportation fixed capital from operation ; results from various factors, one of the foremost of which is physical or material wear. I - The physical wear of fixed capital is primarily linked to its use. Locomotives and cars traveling over railroad track cause wear on the rails, ties, and ballast layer and they themselves wear out. The con- ; tact wire on roads with electric traction wears out owing to the action of the trolleys (current collectors) of moving electric locomotives and trains as they slide along the.wire. ; The intensity of use of fixed capital determines how quickly it wears out. The degree of impact of use intensity on physical wear depends on the designation of the fixed capital and the functions which it performs in the transportation process. When the volume of shipping on roads is increased, which leads to more intensive use of their fixed capital, it ~ is the railroad track, locomotives, and cars that wear out most rapidly. ; Long ago, K. Marx observed that "the objects subject to the greateat ! wear are the rails and rolling stock" [1, Vol 24, p 190]. ' ! There is a close relationship between locomotive and car wear and the - condition of the track. The rubbing parts of the spring suspension and ~ axle box assembly of the rolling stock wear out more quickly when used _ in sectors where the track is in poor condition. ~ 138 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY But fixed capital does not wear out only during the process of use. It also wears aut while being held_in~reserve or not used at all. In- deed, thanks to timely repair and proper maintenance fixed capital in use often has an even longer period.of usability than fixed capital which does not process. As K. Marx observed, "This preservation, arising from use in the process of labor, is a free gift from the nature of live labor" [1, Vol 24, p 194]. Fixed capital also wears out under the impact of aatural conditions: precipitation, wind, temperature,.air.humidity, and~the like. Their effect is particularly great.on rolling stock, the roadbed, bridges, tunnels, track superstructure,.signal and.communications equipment, and other structures that are the open air. Natural con- _ ditions cause steel to rust.and wooden structures to rot and they weather and break down the building materials from which items of f,Y.xed capital are constructed. The nature of wear on fixed capital owing to the above-mentioned factors varies. Wear caused~by natural forces is relatively even. But when fixed:capital is used in.the shipping process wear depends - signif icantly on how intensively it is uaed. For.example, the track superstructure wears out more.quickly on segments with heavy train traffic (especially for heavy~trains) and when the trains travel at high speed. It should be observed that locomotives, cars, track and construction machines, track superstructure, the catenary system, and - ~ certain other types of railroad transportation fixed capital wear out more rapidly mainly because they are greatly affected by the mechanical forces of friction, physical impact, and loading. Intensity of use has a much less significant effect on the wear of such as the roadbed, tunnels, metal, stone, and rein- forced concrete trridges and culverts, stone and reinforced concrete buildings, and freight and passenger platforms. The wear of the~e - structures, buildings, and installations depends more on atmospheric precipitation, wind, air temperature and humidity, and saturation with various gases and vapors. Observations of installed rails sho.w that their wear depends primarily on shipping volume. In addition, it depends on the�quality of rail ` manufacture, the axial loads of rolling stock, the.plan and;profile of the track, and other factors. Work [12] considers the eff`ect of these factors on individual retirement of rails and their service lives. . Af.ter passing a certain threshold tonnage of traf.fic the.physical wear on rails incxeases sharpiy and the ra31s are completely changed to avoid large-scale replacement of individual rails. For example, under average operating conditions R65 rails have a traffic capacity of 500 million gross ~ons. With a freight intensity level of 50 million gross ton-kilometers per kilometer a year the service life of 139 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY this type of rail is 10 years on main lines (500/50). Where freight intensity increases to 60 million gross ton-kilometers per kilometer R65 rails serve only eight years on main lines (500/60). Thus; where other conditions are equal the wear of a particular type of rail is greater when the freight intensity of the segment where the rails a?-e laid is greater. Among the other factors on which phys3cal wear of fixed capital depends we should note: l. conditions of fixed capital maintenance - the qualifications of employees, the quality of on- going maintenance and care, the system of scheduled preventive repair work and its quality; 2. conditions of use of fixed capital - length of ~ work in a day, speed employed, nature of work (physical impacts, overvoltages, overheating, overloading, and the like), and others; 3. design and reliability of fixed capital - type of material from which fixed capital has been manu- factured, care taken in building, correctness of assembly or installation, and others. As physical wear mounts the efficiency of productive use of f ixed capital decreases. Ultimately, when the wea.r of objects of fixed capital is significant and capital repair cannot restore their former qualities, continued productive use of the objects becomes impossible and they are withdrawn from use. All types of fix ed caps.tal in railroad transportation are subj ect to _ physical wear, but it takes diff erent forms. For lathe-type equip- ment physical wear involves abrasion of rubbing parts, while for electrical machines It is the aging of the insulation of the wires, for overhead co~nunications lines it is the rusting of steel wires, for wooden construction components it is rotting and mechanical destruction, and so on. The general indicator that characterizes the physical wear of fixed capital is the duration of their functioning in the shipping process or the service life. The service lif e is that crucial indicator which reflects the longevity of ob3ects of fixed capital depending on their physical wear, the time that they are used reliably and pro- ductively. Outstanding ongoing maintenance and timely, high-quality repair make it possible to increase service life and improve the use of rolling stock, machines, equipment, structures, and the like. i4o - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 I'OR OrFICIAL US~ ONLY Where the speeds of travel of trains on railroads and the intensity of use of fixed capital are increasing, it becomes exceptionally important to extend their service lives. Increasing the longevity of the fixed capital of railroad transportation reduces the need for capital invest- ment to replace fixed capital being withdrawn. Study of the patterns of physical wear of fixed capital is a highly complex problem. The difficultq of determining the degree of increase in wear of fixed capital during the operations process is linked to the existence of many different factors that affect it. Moreover, the factors that affect wear interact with one another, which makes it even more difficult to establish a precise mathematical dependence for this influence. _ In addition to physical wear, railroad transportation fixed capital is sub~.ect to what is called nonphysical wear (obsoleacence). Obso- lescence is the economic aging of fixed capital that occurs owing to scientific-technical progress. Its impact is~seen in the fact that obsolete fixed capital, even though it is still physically usable, no longer provides a high rate of growth in labor productivity and the necessary, plan-dictated decrease in the prime cost of output and, consequently, is retarding the development of production. Therefore, fixed capital loses its value and becomes uneconomical as the result of obsolescence. In most cases. it is advantageous to replace it be- fore it is fully worn out physically. Al1 types of railroad transportation physical capital experience obso- lesrence. It comes especially fast for those ob~ects which make up the active part of fixed cap~ital and are implements of labor. Fore- most among them are the rolling stock and various machines, mechanisms, lathes, and tools. These are the objects of fixed capital which are most frequently judged to be obsolete and replaced by new, moxe eco- nomical and productive models. In most instances this replacement takes place long before full physical wear has occurred. The obsolescence of buildings, the roadbed, artificial structures, the track superstructure, and other permanent railroad structures_is much ' slower. The~impact of scientific-technical progrese on the average length of the~serv~.ce lif e of railroad transportation fixed capital manifests itself in two directions. On the one hand, the service life increases - because of scientific-technical progress; this occurs both through im- pzovement in the design of and the use of more wear- resistant materials and by improvement in the quality of repair work on:repairing even machines or structures that have been sub~ect to g~ea~t physical wear. On the other hand, seruice life decreases.owing to:the effect of scientific-technical progress and the obsolescence~ associated with it because more economical means of labor appear. 141 ~ FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' The action of obsolescence takes two forms. The first is where, with the passage of time and improvement in production technology, better labor organization, and the use of new, less expensive materials, the cost of replacement of fixed capital in use is reduced. This means that, at a given moment, the manufacture of a machine of a particular design requires fewer labor, material, and monetary inputs than at the time when the machine was first manufactured. In such a case tne cost of the machine will decrease more when the time from its original con- struction or the time between re-evaluation until another new evalua- tion is made is greater. The second form of obsolescence is where, owing to scientific-technical progress, new, m ore sophisticated and productive machines appear and make existing ones less valuable. "In both cases," K. Marx observes, "no matter how new and vital a machine may be, its value is no longer determined by the work it actually embodies; rather it is determined by the work time necessary now to reproduce the machine itself or a better one. Therefore, it loses its value to one degree or another" [1, Vol 23, p 415]. With the first form of obsolescence there is no need to replace oper- ating f ixed capital ahead of schedule because it is as good as its potential replacement and affords the same labor productivity and shipping conditions. Therefore, there is no reason to replace oper- ating f ixed capital with identical new fixed capital until the old capital has attained an economically advisable service life. The necessity of replacing operating fixed capital arises only where new, more productive means of labor appear and the second form of obso- lescence occurs. The most obsolete types of fixed capital in railroad transpor~ation today are isothermic cars with ice-salt cooling, passenger cars with wooden bodies, and certain types of lathes and tools. The intro- duction of electric and diesel traction made both steam locomotives and structures designed to repair and service them such as stoking pits, coal-supply scaffolds, and installations to wash steam boilers obsolete. The use of obsolete machines, equipment, and rolling stock in the f ixed capital of railroad transportation involves great losses which show themselves in the high prime cost of shipping. These losses may be reduced by systematic re-evaluation of operating f ixed capital (for the first form of obsolescence) and by setting service lives that consider obsolescence and timely withdrawal of obsolete and uneco- nomical types of fixed capital from operation and replacement with new, improved models (for the second type of obsolescence). Under capitalism the obsolescence of railroad fixed capital involves great losses for the owners of railroad enterprises,who can no longer get the maximum profit norm with old means of labor but will be made 142 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY bankrupt by a lower profit norm. To avoid this the capitalists are forced to replace physically usable but obsolete means of labor with more economical and productive forms. Thus, while means of labor may, on the one hand, be kept in production for a long time based on their condition, "on the other hand, the competitive strugg?e, especially during decisive changes in technology, forces them to replace old _ means of labor with new ones before their natural death. Disasters and crises are the principal things that compel premature replacement _ of enterprise equipment on a broad social scale" [1, Vol 24, p 191]. The possibility of ~�eplacing outdated equipment with new equipment ahead of schedule depends on the capacities and competitive capability of railroad enter~.~rises. Small, uncompetitive enterprises that can- not replace outdate~~ equipment with new equipment at the proper time are ruined. In theiz� pursuit of a maximum profit norm the owners of enterprises who have old equipment offer great resistance to the loss ~f value of thei.r iix ed capital. Th~y delay the introduction of new technology and ~:reate obstacles to its practical application. In this way, the railroa~~i owners, to preserve their fixed capital, retard scientific-technical progress. But the tendency to retard scientific-technical progress does not, of course, mean ehat transportatiun machinery in the capitalist coun- tries is not developing. Engaged in desperate competition with other forms of transportation, railroad enterprises try to reduce shipping costs and increase their own profit by employing new equipment and making various kinds of technical improvements, For example, U. S. railroads have introduced diesel traction, laid heavy rails on most mainlines, and introduced automatic blocking, centralized dispatching, the use of computers and calculators, and remote control of switch engines, switches, and signals on a broad sc.ale. To avoid losses from replacement of old equipment ahead of time, obso- leseence is taken into account in determining service lives. The book "Economics of Transportation," published in the United States, observed that "the obsolescence af all types of trznsportation equip- ment occurs rapidly; therefore, charges to the customer must contain a certain amounti for depreciation of investment during the probable service life of the equipment so that costs are applied to the output of thi..s equipment during ~`s service life, not to the output of the equ3.pment ~ahich replaces it" [127, p 715]. At the same time the dif- fi~culty of def~ermining ~he poseible service life of equipment is emp.hasized. "It does not follow, however, because the problem is ` d~,f�icult that it should be dodged" [127, p 715]. Zrz.a socialist economy obsolesc:ence makes it necessary to replace out- dated equipment ahead of schedule. This gives rise to losses from incamplet~ depreciation of obsoleCe machinery. To reduce the losses that 4~,cur when obso~.ete and uneconomical equipment whose cost has not yet lbeer: fu11y transf erred to output is withdrawn from production, - 1_43 F0~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 rOlt OFFICIAL USG UNLY ' service liv~s must take obsolescence into accoun t. It has the strong- est impact on reducing the service life of locomotives, cars, machines, and mechanical and energy equipment and causes them to be re- placed before they are physically worn out. The average servi.ce lives of fixed cap ital are decreased owing to con- tinuous scientific-technical progress, which results in improved types and designs of rolling stock, machines, and mechanisms. Therefore, to avoid delaying the introduction of new types of fixed capital the ~ service lives sh~uld correspond to the pace of scientific-technical progress. Service lives thst are too long cause phy3ically wornout and obsolete equipment to be used for an extended time. Thus, obsolescence leads to a reduction in the service lives of fixed capital based on physical wear. This reduction will be greater when the pace of scientific-technical progress quickens and industry has more realistic possibilities of quickly replacing obsolete equipment. It would be a mistake, however, to think that we should try to mini- - mize service lives in every case to avert obsolescence. As will be demonstrated below, in cases where the service life of fixed capital based on physical wear is less than the service life determiued from conditions of obsolescence, it is necess~3ry to increase the length of service of obj ects based on physical wear. The most economical ef- f ect is achieved when the service lives established by physical wear and obsolescence coincide. An increase in service lif e based on physical wear where it is less _ than the service life based cn obsolescence is very important because it makes it possible to save capital investment and reduce depreci- ation deductions transferred to output. An increase in the service life is especially efficient within the limits af the depreciation, which is that service life, taking obsolescence into account, which is adopted as the basis for working out norms of depreciation de- ductions. Analysis of the withdrawal of railroad transportation fixed capital _ shows that there is signif icant retirement of f ixed capital from use ahead of schedule owing to great physical wear, which results in in- complete depreciation of fixed capital and the occurrence of losses. ' In 1975 alone, depreciation deductions not transf erred to transpor- ~ tation output owing to premature withdrawal of f ixed capital and ' withdrawal of certain types of equipment that are included in com- posite inventory objects was more than 172 million rubles. Insuring ' highly reliable work by fixed capital through the entire deprecia- tion period will make it possible to reduce these losses, improve qualitative indicators of their use, and decrease expenditures for ongoing and capital repair. �144 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. Withdrawal of and Writing QFf Fixed Capital The fixed capital that is withdrawn from use owing to physical wear or obsolescence is subject to wri*ing off. According to the "Instructions � on Procedures for Writing OPf Unueable Fixed Capital from Enterprise and Organization Balances," equipment, means of transportation, tools, and inventory items that are obsolete, wornout, and unsuitable f~r further use may be written off. Fixed capital is written off when the crucial assemblies and parts reach thresholds of wear where restoring them by repair is either not technically f easible or economically unwise. Equipment and roll ing stock are also written off in those cases where they have obsol ete, - imperfect designs and further use of them, even with signif icant modernization, is inefficient. Equipment and means of transportation damaged in natural disasters and accidents are also sub3ect to writing off if crucial assemblies and large parts of them have been com- pletely destroyed or have punctures, cracks, breaks, and buckling that cannot be repaired. The withdrawal of railroad transportation f ixed capital in recent years has been significantly linked to technical reconstruction of the railroads and introduction of new equipment; in other words, it is ex- plained by the action of obsolescence. The buildings and structures of railroad transportation are written off in connection with reconstruction and demolition related to the canstruction o~ new facilities and also when they become dilapidated. The suitability of various types of fixed capital for further u se and the possibility and wisdom of reconstruction repair are determined by permanent commissions formed at railroad transportation enterpr ises and organizations. These commissions make on-the-spot inspections of the ob3ects planned for writing off, determine the causes of wr iting off and the possibility of restoration and further use of the entire ob~ect, make an evaluation of the condition of particular parts and assemblies of the objects being written off, and compile writing off affidavits using form FOU No 13. In conformity with the "Statute on Procedures for Planning, Computing, and Using Depreciation Deductions in the National Economy" (Mo scow, Ekonomika, 1974), losses from writing off fixed capital that has not been fully depreciated are classified with the results of the economic activity of enterprises and organizations, except for those cases - where f ixed capital is liquidated according to a ratified plan in connection with the introduction of new equipment and reconstruction of cities and railroads. In this case the losses are applied to re- duc.e the statutory capital of the enterprise. It is proper to make a more careful review of the reasons for ahead-of-schedule withdrawal of fixed capital that had not been fully depreciated. The losses 145 FOR ORFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 ro~t orrzcini, usr ONLY should be related to the results of economic activity only in ~hose cases where fixed capital is written off ahead of schedule for reasons - that depend on the employees of the particular enterprise. Work [4gJ reviews the question of regulating the results of pr~nature withdrawal of f ixed capital in detail. The withdrawal of f ixed capital in railroad transportation increases each year, related to an increase in the intensity of its use and , _ greater physicat wear. Moreover, with the acceleration of scientif ic- tecYu~ical progress the withdrawal of obsolete f ixed capital is rising. If all railroad fixed capital withdrawn in 1960 is taken as 100 per- - cent, withdrawal in 1965 was 146 percent, in 1970 it was 215 percent, in 1975 - 281 percent, and in 1977 - 290 percent. 3. Determining the Average Service Lives of Rolling Stock, Machines, ' and Equipment. Determination of the average service lives of various types of fixed capital 9s one of the most complex problems, The reason for the com- plexity is the fact that service lives are closely tied to wear which, _ as demonstrated above, depends on many factorso Different methods are used to determine the service lives of fixed capital. One of them is based on analysis of statistical data on the " withdrawal of fixed capital from use. "We laiow from experience," K. Marx wrote, "how long a given means of labor, for example a certain type of machine, can exist on the aver- age" [1, Vol 23, p 215]. Determining service lives on the basis of statistical data makes it possible to give fullest consideration to all factors that aff ect them. But the use of this method to estab- Iish service life for future periods demands additional consideration of new factors that may appear. Establishing the impact of the fac- tors on change in average service life is made more complicated by the fact that it is also necessary to predict their appearance it- _ self. ~ It should be observed that it is not always possible to use the - method of determining service lives on the basis of statistical data because the necessary information is not available. Mareover, or- , ganization of sampling surveys to obtain data on withdrawal of fixed capital from use is complicated and labor-intensiv~ work that re- quires well laid-out records of the introduction and withdrawal of f ixed capital. The service lives of f ixed capital may also be determined by special . engineering calculations that take account of the impact of the most important, but not all, factors on wear [physical wear and 146 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY obsolescenceJ , which also means on servic.e lif e. In most cases these calculations are highly complex. Cor.rect determination of the service lives of ob~ ects is closely linked to the development of classification~ of repair jobs and determining the i.nter-repair periods on.which the number and volwne of periodic repair jobs and the volumes of r.epair wark done during ongoing main- tenance of objects depend. In practice the determination of a~erage normative .service life for particular types:of fixed very important. The average normative service life of an object is not the number of years during - which it maintains .its full capacity, productivity, and efficiency. It is natural a certain moment in time after its launching in _ ut~e, and especially in its final period.of use, an object cannot keep ~all its technical and operating qualities. The term average normative :service life should mean the average number ,of years that pass until further use of .the particular~ob3ect of fixed capital is not tech- :nically feasible or 3s economically unwise owing to substantial physical wear or obsolescence. "The most important characteristics that define this moment are the .following: (1) when br~sic parts, details, and ass.emblies of the ob- _ ~ ects reach threshold norms : of :physical wear at which the . ob~ ects . should be removed from operation because it is plainly impossible to use them for their designated purpose or to insure the necessary safety of operations (for . example, for intemal combustion engines this norm is the allowable wear on cylinder walls); (2) significant drop in the productivity, speed, precision, pressure, stability, strength, or other characteristics of fixed capital. given in their factory passports where capital repair and even.modernization cannot restore these characteristics. to.the original level; (3) significant increase in expenditures . for . operation, repair, and ong oing main- . tenance (loss of ecc~nomic feasibility) . All of these characteristics ~must be .established in the , concrete oper- :ating conditions of the particular type of fixed capital. ~ 'The average service life.of..ob3ects includes all the.noxm-controlled -`interruptions in their operation, the time aeeded for r~pair work, . cleaning, inspections, and the. like. Past ~experience :with use of :.the ob~ects taking: into account.;intens3ty_ of .use and, progressive ~~methods flf repair~.and. ongoing~~maintenance�must be considered when determining the -average service life. ~lgecause the ob3~ects of different types of-~ailroad Lransportation - .``~.~xed capital in designation: and the- complexity of the func- .:tions they perform, their, no~mative~ serviee lives are determined by .:different ' Bnt all~~ of these procedures must be based on - ~:wear. ~147 FOR OFFICIAL ".USE' 'ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFrI~IAL U5E ONLY The average service lif e of railroad rolling stock based on physical wear may be determined from the service lives of the most important, expensive, and long-lasting parts. For example, for many years the service life of raiiroad cars was determined by the longevity of the frame, and the life of locomotives was based on the service life of the frame or body. The development of repair technology, however, made it possible to repair and restore both sma11 parts and assemblies of - the objects, and also their principal parts, whose service lives had _ been used to determine the lives of entire objects. For this reason it was proposed that the average service lif e of an object based on physical wear be determined not by the service life uf some one prin- cipal part, but rather by the service life, weighted by value, of _ particular parts and assemblies, The service lives of part~ and assemblies necessary for this may be determined on the basis of replaceability (for parts and assemblies - that are withdrawn because of inetal cracking and fatigue, wood rot- ting and the like) and by special calculations (for parts that work by abrasion, mechanical wear and the like). ` Table 29 below g ives an example of determining the average weighted service life of an ER2 electric car based on cost of constituent elements [54]. Table 29. Determination of the Service Life of an - ER2 Electric Car % of Cost of Service Number of Elements in Life, Percent-Years Design Elements of Car Total Cost of Car Years (Col. 2 x Col. 3) Body 8.79 40 351.60 Wires and Cost of Installing Them 2.02 15 30.30 in Body Frames of Trucks 6.89 35 241.15 _ Brake Leverage and Spring Suspen~ion 7.46 30 223.80 Wheel Pairs with Axle Boxes 16.71 15 250.65 Traction Electric Motors 20.13 35 704.55 Electrical Equipment, Fittings, and 12.74 20 254.80 Other Devices Braking Equipment (Engineer's Brake 0.80 25 20.00 Valve, Air Distributors, and the Like) Other Elements 24.46 20 489.20 Totals 100.0 25.7 2,566.05 148 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 . FUR OFrICIAL USE ONLY Application of the procedure for determining the service life of an object based on the service lives of its particular parts and ~.:~~b,lies is made more complicated by the fact that any part or assemf~.~.~ coday ~ar.. be repaired and thus the use of the object can be extendad for prac- tically any necessary time. Therefore, the eff ect of physical wear on withdrawal of fixed capital from operation is significantly miti- gated and is determined not by the possibility, but rather by the econo~nic advisability of repairing ob~ects and the scope of the losses associated with tlle use of obsolete objects. - L3,ke many other s.ectors of the nafi~.onal economy, railroad transporta- tion uses the method of determining what are called economically advisable service liv~es. It was f irst propflsed for steam engines in _ 1925 by engineer V. 0. Vasil'yev and was derived from the ratio of depreciation deduc.tions to replacement and expenditures Lor current, medium, and capital repair financed from means of operation. The mini- mum of these expenditures, determined by the graph method, corresponded to the most advantageous service life of steam locom~tives at that time, which was 21 years [31, p 24], The graph method of determining .eeonomically advisable service lives for locomotives was later elabor- ated in the works of oth~r Soviet scientis~ts, principally K, I. Dombrovskiy and N. G. Kab.enin [42, 57]. This method is also used in studi~s by American scientists [121], The determinatiion of economically advisable serviee lives of loco- motives by the graph method begins with the assumption.that as the locomot ive grows older expend.itures for repair and ongoing main- ~tenance increase. Growth in~the eost of repair and ongoing mainten- _ 2nce, which eliminate accumulating wear, will differ for electric and diesel locomotives even where they are used in the same .way because it depends on locomotive design. Yt �~aill be greater when a design has more moving parts and assemblies that are subject to mechanical wear and when locomotives are used more intensively, According to studies by M. N. Belen'kiy, the.increase in the cost of - repair and inspection as the locomotives grow old is less significant for electric locomotives, owing to their simpler design, than for diesels [23, p 110]. The me~hod under consideration begins from the general proposition that the shorter the 8ervice life.of the locomo- .tive is, the smaller annual expenditures for,i~ and ongoing - ~~maintenance will be. Depreciation deductions for full replacement ...will be greater with a short s.ervice life, however, because replace- ::ment of locomotives will have~to be:done more often in this case. `Therefore, the locomotive service life taken as economically advis- ~:able is that period for.which annual depreciation.deductions for �ull replacement and expenditures for repair and ongoing main.tenance ~are minimal. 149 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In 1953 N. G. Kabenin used the method of analytical calculation of the service lif e of steam locomotives by minimum expenditures for repair and depreciation. This method was based on the equation below for average annual expenditures CaP according to depreciation and repair of steam engines Cav " Ra aa -f- as (7'-I-T') ~ ~21~ - T `lT where K.~ is the cost of a steam engine in rubles, T is the service life of the engine in years, a~ is the permanent part of annual rspair ex- penditures in ri~bles, and ab is the increasing part of repair expen- ditures per year in rubles. _ - The quantity aB ~T2T2, shows change in average annual repair expendi- tures for the entire service lif e of the steam Iocomotive depending on the annually growing share aB. Expression (21) can be writt~n differently: ~e v= TII aa -l- 2-I- 2T (22) By equating the first derivative of expression (22) to zero we f ind service life T for which average annual expenditures for repair and de- pxeciation will be minimal, dd �Q - aT ~ TII un 2'f- Z T l= 0. (23) r / Frvm this it follows that /~2K T = I / � (24) Y a, The economically advisable service life of a steam locomotive calcu- lated by N. G. Kabenin using formula (24) was 33 years. Considering that the scheduled off icial inspection period for the steam boiler is 40 years, he considered it possible to increase the service life of the entire locomotive to 4Q years. Somewhat later the question of determining economically advisable ser- vice lives was thoroughly investigated by Yu. N. Vinogradov, who analyzed repair expenditures for electric engines on the railroads of the Urals and Siberia. Using the same methodalogy of calculations and higher norms for distance ~raveled between repairs he came to the conclusion that the optimal service lives of electric engines should be 25-30 years [33]. The graph and analytic methods of establishing economically advisable service live~ of f i~ed capi.tal have become widespread for deter- mining the service lives of various types of machinery and equipment ~661. - 150 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It should be remarked that both of these methods have shortcomings. One of them is that the expenditures that depend on service life are not continuously changing. At the moment of capital repair there is a break in functions and therefore the dif~'erentiation of equations obtained is not entirely correct. Another shortcoming is the assump- tion of linear growth in expenditures for repair and ongoing main- tenance of the ob~ects under consideration throughout their entire service lives. Moreover, a precise determination of the magnitude of increase in these expenditures with the passage of time is extraordi- narily complicated. To eliminate these shortcomings R. N. Kolegayev proposed that the service lives of machines be determined by these methods by multiples of the number of repair cycles. Moreover he substantiated methodo- logically the linear growth of changing expenditures within the limits of each repair cycle and the increase in the level of these expenditures as the number of repair cycles increases [65]. It should be observed that the methods of determining economically advisable service lives do not fully account for the influence of scientif ic-technical progress and the obsolescence associated with it. Many scientists who have studied questions of service lives have pointed out this fact. For example, in 1955 A. S. Konson, deter- mining the economically advisable service life of the DIP-200 ma- chine tool by the graph method, took the decrease in its value owing to technical progress into account. "A significant shortcoming of this method," A. S. Konson emphasized, "is that it does not reflect the impact of the introduction of new, improved designs of machines with better operating parameters on the value of machines launched in operation at earlier times" [66, p 87]. In 1963 A. Ye. Gibshman proposed a method of determining the eco- nomically advisable service life of locomotives taking into account change in expenditures for repair and ful.l replacement in time [38], " that is, considering the postponement of capital investment, using a coeff icient of postponement Ro = 1/(1+Eg)t (where EH is the norma- _ tive coefficient of economic efficiency and t is the service life of locomotives). In addition to the effect of postponing expenditures, A. Ye. Gibshman considered obsolescence in determining the optimal service lives of locomotives. To this he determined the decrease in operating expen- ditures and capital costs with the introduction of improved loco- motives and on the basis of analysis and logical conclusions adopted a period of 10-12 years for the arpearance of new diesel locomotive designs and 10 years for new des~~ns of electric engines. In his studies of the effect of postponing capital investment on full restoration of locomotives and the �actor of the uppearance of new 151 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 I~OR OT'FTCTAL US1: OIVI,Y designs, A. Ye. Gibshman reached the conclusion that the optimal ser- vice life for electric locomotives should be 24 years, while for - diesels it should be 18 years [38J. In 1971 So Ye. Kantorer proposed determining the optimal service lives of construction machines by the minimum sum of expenditures for repair and depreciation deductions, expanding the group of expenditures that change depending on the age of the machines [58]. In this group he included expenditures for not only ongoing mainter~ance, repair, and depreciation of machinery but also fuel, lubricants, and materials that depend on the service life. He also took the drop in machine productivity with increasing age into account. Emphasizing that when ob;:olescence is taken into account the service lives of construction mac2~ines decrease in connection with the appear- ance of more productive and economical models, S. Ye. Kantorer pro- pased that the optimal service lives of machines be determined by stages. In the first stage the economically advisable service lives of machines are established according to minimum operating expendi- tures, while in the second they are determined according to condi- tions of obsolescence. In the third stage steps are taken to converge _ service lives based on physical wear and obsolescence. As a result of following the first three stages the economically advisable ser- vice lives of machines are established with due regard for the combined influence of physical wear and obsolescence. In the fourth and fifth stages a determination is made of wha.t service lives will yield a minimum of essential fixed capital and working capital and a minimum of capital investment in the production of machinery and spare parts for this capital. Finally, in the sixth stage the economical~.y ad- visable service lives obtained are compared and the most optimal is selected. - In addition to the methods considered above for determining economi- cally advisable service lives of ineans of transportation, machinery, and equipment, it is also proposed that these periods be determined by maximum profit obtained during the use of these types of f ixed capital [64]. Similar methods of determining optimal service lives are used in cer- tain foreign railroads. In 1970 W. Doering, working for the Ministry of Transportation of the German Democratic Republic, developed a methodology for determining the optimal service lives of railroad freight cars [125J. This methodology was based on the proposition tha.t during its working life, from the moment it is put into use until it is written off, a car will require certain expenditures and in income; the most advantageous service life for the car corresponds to maximum profit. To simplify the calculations, however, W. Doering then establishes just one relationship, between the service life of cars and the magnitude of expenditures. The time during which the 152 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY sum of expenditures for servicing, ongoing maintenance, and repair of cars and for depreciation deductions and eaergy costs for train trac- tion are minimal is taken as the optimal service life of a car. Ot~salescence ia considered by including expenditures for the cars being replaced in the calculation. This accounts for the effect of de- , s~ign, technological, organizational, aad othex improvements associated with new cars. After determining the minimal expenditures and the economically advisable service life of a car correspondiag to them, W. Doering finds the annual cost savings~from the introduction of promising types of cars. Taking the decrease in tatal expenditures owing to the introduction of new, improved cars into account he also determines the optima.l service life of a car that co.rrespands to the new expenditures. W. Doering does not gi~e the o.ptimai service lives of cars which he obta~.iied, but he po3nts out that these periods depend largely on the degree of increase in car wear as they gr.ow old. In 1971 R. Guetter of East Germany used an analytic-graph method to determine the optimal service life of locomotives by minimum expendi- tures for~depreciation., repair, and operation. He arrived at an optimal se.rvice life for locomotives of about 17 years. ' In the Federal Repnblic of Germany the determination of op.timal service lives of railroad cars begins from the fact that the steadily growing pace of scientif ic-technical progress causes cars to age rapidly.. "Therefore," observed K. Raab, "long service lives far cars are no longer necessary if the railroads want to compete successfully with other forms of ~ransportation. Because short service lives for cars increase the requirement for capital investment to replace~t.hem, how- ever, it is esaential to cut expenditures for repair and ongoing maintenance by strengthening the design of the car so that the period between capital repairs for it can be doubled, from four to eight years. On thie bxsis, the service li~fe of cars may be taken as 16 years fdr one overhaul, 24 years for two, and so ort. In other wards, it is a multiple of the repair cycles" []:28, p 777]. Studies made in the FRG in 1979 showed that the o.ptimal service lives correspond to minimal expenditures and are as follows: 40 y.ears for flatcars, 32 years for passenger cars and enclosed.freight cars, and - 2.5 years for gondolas [128, p 776]. These same service lines are gi.ven in later works. For example, in a report at the International Ra31r�oad Congress in Bologna in September and Octob~er of 1975 de- voted to reviewing change in the structure of the fleet of fr.eight c~rs of West German railroads, W. Stelter gave the average ser~ice 1i;~e of freight cars at 25-30 years. Th~ brief survey of inethods of determining o,pt3mal or economically ac'.visable service lives shows that their signif icant shor.Ccoming is a~failure to take full account of scientif3.c-technical progr.ess and 153 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the obsolescence associated with it. It is noteworthy here that certain investigators distinguish the concepts of "economically advisable service life" and "optimal service life." In the opinion of these investigators the difference between these two concepts is that the optimal service life does not have to consider the concrete conditions that determine the length of service of objects of fixed capital, while the economically advisable service life must begin from the real possibilities of replacement of the objects for which it is being established. This distinction between the concepts is to a signif icant degree arbitrary because the economically advisable service life established for concrete conditions always takes into account ac- tual prices for fuel and materials, the level of wages, prices for new machinery, its productivit~ and economy, repair costs, and other factors operative in the given time frame. Therefore, for the particular period of time the economica~ly advisable service life is also the optimal service life. As for the possibilities of replacement of machinery in the given period of time, they can limit the economically advisable or optimal service life of fixed capital depending on the purposes for which the service life was established. Thus, the depreciation period of f ixed - capital applied to calculate norms of depreciation deductions must take into account real possibilities of replacement of old machinery. A service life intended for future planning of new enterprises to pro- duce new machinery should begin from optimal, economically advisable service lives for the given time frame with a certain correction factor for possible reduction in the future. Extremely long service lives were used for rolling stock in USSR rail- road transportation for a long time; during these periods of service locomotives and cars would go through numerous overhauls. For ex- ample, in an average ~ervice life of 35 years the TE3 diesel engine would travel almost 6.5 million kilometers and go through nine capital repairs with a total cost of 450,000 rubles when the price of the engine (two sections) was 228,900 rubles; the VL8 electric locomotive with a service lif e of 40 years traveled 8 million kilometers and went through 12 capital repairs with a total cost of 620,000 rubles where the price of the engine was 159,600 rubles. Large amounts were spent for factory repair of freight and passenger cars, track machines, and the equipment of locomotive and car depots. For example, while a four-axle gondola car cost 5,700 rubles, total expenditures for factory repair in its service life of 40 years were twice this price. Repair expend itures were very high for specialized railway cars, in particular refrigerator cars. It is ineff icient to spend large amounts for capital repair of rolling stock because over a long service life locomotives and cars not only 1s4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY become greatly worn physically, they also become obsolete. Under such conditions it is much more advantageous to buy new, improved locomotives or cars than to repair old ones that have been in use for a long time. Long service lives for rolling stock presuppose a large number of capital repairs at high cost and make it necessaxy to organize plants to produce spare parts and repair rolling stock and to develop repair shops at the depots, in addition to having locomotive and car bu ilding plants. The inadequacy of repair facilities for railroad rolling stock is being f elt today and steps are being taken to expand it. This makes it particularly important to determine the service lives of locomotives and cars correctly. The service lives of rolling stock, which are still very long, must be shortened and the number of expensive aad inefficient repair ~obs on old equipment has to be reduced, replacing the equipment more rapidly. - In an article [119] G. Yakovlev proposed establishing a norm of one " capital repair for most types of mach3nes, while increasing the length of w~ork untj.l capital repair 1.5-2 times by strengthening weak parts and assemblies and increasing the wear resistance of the fastest- wearing parts and assemblies. Because prices for railroad rolling stock are significantly higher than the expend~tures for one capital r.epair, the proposal to establish the sexvice life of locomotives and cars figuring on just one capital repair is unacceptable. At the same time, however, 9-12 capital repairs during the serviCe life is ex- cessive and during the revision of depreciation norms in 1972 the num- ber was reduced. Thus, the optimal service lives of rolling stock, equipment, and machines used in railroad transportation should be determined with due regard for physical wear and obsolescence, the comparative eff iciency of expenditures for capital repair and modernization, prospective - balances of rolling stock and equipment, and the real possibility of r~placing the equipment being withdrawn. _ 4. Taking the Effect of pbsolescence on the Service Lives of Rolling Stock, Machinea, and Equipment into Account Establishing progressive average service lives makes it possible to re- p].ace obsolete, wornout equipment with new, improved models at the - proper time and also to avoid expensive and inefficient capital repair. The extent of the influence of obsolescence on service lif e depends on how economical the equipment which will be substituted for operating - eq.uipment is. If the machine presently in use and the new macf~ine de- sign differ little in technical and economic indicatars, obsolescence w311 be small and the service life of the machine in use will not c.hange significantly because of it. But if the new machine is markedly mo,re economical, it causes the machine in use to be obsolete and .155 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 rOR OrFICTAL USE ONLY requires its ragid withdrawal from production. Thus, the greater the obsolescence of a machine is, the more quickly it should be taken out of use and the smaller the losses associated with its use in practical operations. Let us consider in greater detail how the influence of obsolescence on reducing the service life of machines, rolling stock, and various types of equipment in use in railroad transportation can be evaluated quan- titatively. We will adopt the following designations: T~ is the service life of the machine being used in years; TM is the decrease in the service life of the machine in use owing to obsolescence, in years; K1 and K2 are the prices of the machine in use and the new machine, respectively, in cur- rent conditions, in rubles; 31 and ~2 are annual current costs using the present and new machines respectively, in rubles; HB is the norm of depreciation deductions to replace the machine in use, as a percentage; E~ is the normative coefficient of the economic efficiency of capital investment, which according to the standard methodology for determining the economic efficiency of capital investment is taken as 0.12. We will assume that a new, more economical machine ha.s been built which lowers the value of the existing machine, reducing its service life. The savings of operating capital received from use of the new machine is an important condition that determines whether to withdraw a machine from operatien and, therefore, also its service life. This savings ~ must be adequate, first of all, to repay the possible increase in capital investment for the new machine compared to the one in use, that is K1 - K2. But if the savings from introduction of the new machine is sufficiently large, this machine can be used even earlier, without wa~t- - ing for the time when the machine in use has fully served its service life, that is, to repay a certain additionai. part of the still- undepreciated cost of the machine i.n use. In this case Che total sum ' that should be repaid by the savings from use of the new machine will , be C O,O1K H T. (25) a =Ki-K~-I- ~ a M Let us determine the reduction owing to obsolescence in the service life of a machine in use, figuring that within the normative repayment time - the savings from use of the new machine will repay the increase in ex- _ penditures for purchase of the new machine indicated in formula [25] and part of the unde~preciated cost of the machine in use related to the reduction in its service life by TM, in other words _ K,-Ki -F O,O1K1 HHTM _ 1 ~26~ - From this we obtain 31-3' E� ~ T_ 31- 3~- Eg (Ks- Kl) (2?) - ~,OlEF1 Kl HB ~ 156 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR O~FTCTAL USE ONLY - Thus, the reduction in the service life of a machine in use owing to the appearance of an improved machine depends on the amount of savings which the new machine can provide and on the cost of this machine. Formula (27) considers the i.mpact of both the first and s.econd forms of obsolescence on reducing the service life of fixed capital. The impact of the first form of obsolescence is taken into account in the form of a decrease in the cost of building the obsolete machine that is being used; this cost is determined for the same conditions of pro- duction organization as applied to the newly built machine. In com- par~ison with the original cost of the machine being used its new cost may differ owing to improvements in production technology and labor organization, a rise in lab ar product ivity, the use of new materials, chamges in prices for fuel, electricity, and materials, and changes in the level of wage rates, overhead expenditures, an3 the like. It must be observed that the decrease in the replacement cost of ineans of transportation, machinEry, and equipment in use owing to the f irst form of obsolescence will be less than the which formula (1) reccnrrmends taking into account when re-evaiuating obsolete f ixed capital according to the methodology of the USSR Central Statistical Administration; this decrease takes into account the reduction in the _ output or productivity of these machines compared to current ones.* Obsolescence of the second form is considered an expression (27) in the form of the annual savings 31- 3 2 which is lost each year and con- tinues to accumulate as long as the obsolete equipment is used. The service life of a machine taking into account both,forms of obso- lescence TH is determined by the formula - T -T -T T - 31-3,-EH (K,-Ki) , ~ a- a M- a O,OIEg K1 Ne The relationship between the service life of .diesel locomotives and the economy and price of new locomotives is shown in Figure 14 below. - The methodology presented above was used to .determine the service 13ves of railroad transportation rolling atock, machinery, and equip- mEmt taking obsolescence into account. It should be observed that in t~hose cases where new equipment does not provide an adequat~ impact *"Tnstruc.tions on Re-Evaluation and Determination of Wear of the F~aced Capital of Economically Accountable State, CoopQra~~ive (Including KoS`khozes), and Public Enterprises and Organizations Based on Conditions �as.of 1 January 1972,'" Moscow, Statistika, 1970., pp 29-30 .157 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 rOR OFI'ICIAL USE ONLY Figure 14. Change in the Average Service Life of Diesel Locomotives Taking Obsolescence into Account 3e,~ . ,y 4~4 3D,7 rp 17,0 - 25 ?J,3 r re ?0 f9,6 ~ ~ ~ ~ '15.9~?lid ~B'~ ' 15 ? . ~ ~~�n9 ~14,4 !1~ ~ ~ f0 ~ 11,4 8,~ ~ 3 70 ~QS~ . e 1 ~ 110 ?60 1%d 1B0 199 3JG JJO 310 J ~6 8 *1 14 i7 ZO 2J 16 24(5~.m.s~c.,~6. Key: (1) Depending on Economy 3; (2) Depending on the Price L( of the New Locomotive; (3) Years; _ (4) ~j, in thousands of rubles; (S) ~ , in thousands of rubles. compared to existing equipment there may be no reduction in the service life of the existing equipment owing to obsolescence. In certain cases _ TM may in fact be a negative quantity, which indicates the advisa- bility of increasing, not reducing the.service life of the existing equipment. For example, when new car retarders were compared with existing ones it was found that the new ones are less eff icient and the quantity TM came out negative in the calculations [93]. Calculations made at the Central Scientif ic Research Institute of the Ministry of Railroads using this methodology demonstrated that newly built locomotives of improved designs make the locomotives in use on railroads today less valuable, reducing their service lives. For ex- ample, AC electric engines with commutatorless traction motors and power output of 1,200-1,500 kilowatts per axle limit the service life of VLi30 electric locomotives to 16 years because of obsolescence. The use of diesel engines with more economical diesels, improved trans- mission, and more reliable parts and assemblies devalues the TE3 diesel engines now in use, reducing their service life to 15 years owing to obsolescence. These service lives have not been adopted at the present time, however, because other factors, above all the modernization of existing locomotives that is underway, make it possible ~ . 158 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . to increase service lives and adopt the following figures for current cunditions: 30 years for electr ic locomotives and 25 for diesels. Table 30 below compares the serv ice lives~of railroad rolling stock and track machines in effect unt il 1 January 1975 and.the new average _ service lives that were ratified for that date. Table 30. Average Service Lives of Railroad Rolling Stock and Track Machines Adopted for Depreciation Norms. Average Service Life, years 1963 1975 Decrease in Ser- Types of Rolling Stock Norms Norms vice Lif e, years Mainline Diesel Locomotives 35 25 10 Di;esel Switch Engines: With Electri~ Drive 35 30 5 With High-Speed Diesels 35 25 10 Diesel Trains and Cars 30 25 5 Electric Locomotives 40 30 10 ~ Electric Trains 50 35 15 All-Metal Passenger Cars, excep:t 54 40 14 Dining Cars A7:1-Meta1 Dining Car.s ' S4 30 24 Encl:osed Freight Cars 40 40 - 4-, 6-, and 8-Axle Gondola Cars 40 25 15 Oil Tanker Cars 40 3S 5 Acid Tanker Cars 40 10 30 Dosing Hoppers, Ballast Cars 40 30 10 - Refrigerator Trains, Sections, and 32 28 4~ Cars. with Mechanical. Cooling Isothermic Cars with Ice-Salt Coo ling 32 20 12 Tie~Installing and Packing Machines 18� 15 3 Track-I:aying Machines and Rail-Layers 24 20~ 4 Rotary Snow P~.ows 40 32 8 Snow and Earth Machines 30 20� 10 The decrease in the service lif e of locomotives.and cars, maehinery, and.. equipment aims at reglacing the active part of fixed capital quickly and.supplying railroad transportation with better, more economical models of new equipment tha.t create the essential conditions for re- d'uc~3:iig the prime cost of shipping and raising labor productivity. 5:. Service Lives~ of Railroad Structures Ttte~ major railroad structures such. as the roadbed, bridges, tun.nels, th~.track superstructure, and the catenary sys.tem, which make up a 159 FOA OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ lar~e part of the valuP of the production fixed capital of railroad transportation, have varied service lives. Some structures serve for very long times, almost forever, and a finite service life for them can only be adopted arbitrarily; other = structures can be classif ied as long-term only on the basis of their continuity of use. The track superstructure and catenary system of electrif ied railroads ' are often includ~d in the second group of structures. They do not re- quire depreciation deductions for replacement to be made new because this occurs when they undergo capital repair. The development of a methodology For establishing average service lives, time period be- tween repairs, and norms of depreciation deductions for specif ic types of transportation structures with indefinitely long service lives is ~ exceptionally important. This problem has become especially timely with rapid scientif ic- technical progress and a high rate of renewal of fixed capital in rail- road transportation. Whereas for rolling stock and various types of machinery and equipment that represent the active part of fixed cap- ital we should under these conditions try to establish a decrease in service life because obsolescence comes much faster for them, for railroad structures it is not usually very important to reduce the service life. A decrease in service lif e and correspondingly an increase in the norms of depreciation deductions far full replacement of transportation structures leads to growth in these deductions and a decrzase in the need for capital repair and modernization. But because the renewal of such major structures as the track superstructure, stone bridges, tunnels, and the like takes place during their capital repair, the capital for these repair jobs is usually inadequate. This is because it is figured only for capital repair norms and depreciation deductions, which should also be used for repair work such as full replace- ment of rails, ballast, and ties, are spent for other purposes not directly related to replacing wornout elements of the superstructure. Under conditions of highly intensive use of f ixed capital, a shortage of degreciation der?uctions for capital repair of track structures causes a worsening of their technical condition and a decrease in the - speed of train travel and the carrying and traffic capacities of rail- road lines. - Service lives for railroad transportation structures have been deter- mined based on physical wear and obsolescence taking account of statistical records of their withdrawal from use. As analysis of these data shows (Table 31 below)~the withdrawal of railroad struc- tures from use is negligible and results less from physical wear than - from reconstruction, the necessity of changing the route of railroads, and other circumstances that are more closely related to obsolescence. 160 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 31. Withdrawal of Railroad Fixed Capital in 1972, percentage of total. Of that, with re- construction and introduction of Type of Fixed Capital Total Withdrawn new equipment Production Buildings 2.7 1.7 Structures 10.5 8.6 Cld Superstructure Materials 27~3 - Transmission Devices 1.8 1.4 Machines and Equipment 18.8 6.7 Means of Transportation 34.5 5.0 Other Fixed Capital 4.4 - Total 100.0 23.4 The physical wear of the major railroad structures involves the weather- ing of building materials, rusting of steel components, rotting of wooden ties, cc~ntamination of the ballast, warping of rails and contact wire, and the like. The intensity of physical wear of a structure, and tt~erefore also its service lif e depend on the reliability of the de-, the strength of the material from which it is made, and operating conditions. As an eacample Table 32 below gives the service lives of catenary grid toweis forecast on the basis of an analysis of the condition of the towers in use and statistical data on their replacement and repair under normal operating conditions with all protective measures taken [96, p 195]. Table 32. Service Life of Catenary Grid Towers of Electrified Railroads, years. Tower Reinforced Con- crete Conical Description of the Region Metal Centrifuged Heightened Atmospher ic Aggressiveness, 25-30 15-20 ground with aggressive soil waters Heightened Humidity, sharply cor.tinental ;30-40 20-25 climate, average atmospheric aggressive- ness ~ Normal Conditions 50 40 - Although it does not occur as rapidly as with rolli~xg stock, machinery, r aad equipment, obsolescence in railroad structures has a very signif icant 161 ~ FOlt OFFICIAL USE ONI~Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 I~OR OFFICIAI, USC ONLY impact on the indicators of labor productivity and prime cost of. ship- ping. At th~ present time roadbeds with inadequate width, bridge spans not designed for rolling stock with large axial loads, and linked track on wooden ties with light and unhardened 12.5 meter rails are obsolete. , Jointless track is the progressive superstructure design. It has a number of advantages over the linked design. Thus, norms for labor expenditures to maintain jointless track with reinforced concrete ties - are 25 percent lc~wer and individual retirement of rails is much less, - which also means that their service lives are greater. Jointless seg- ments of R65 rails on reinforced conerete ties can carry a freight load of 550-600 million gross tons. The service lives of other super- - structure elements are 15-30 percent greater for jointless track. In addition, jointless track decreases the basic specif ic resistance to ~ train movement by 10-20 percent (depending on operating conditions) compared to linked track [98, p 61]. In recent years rail tempering and hardening has been used extensively. i A savings of 800-1,000 rubles a year is expected for each kilometer of track where body-tempered and surface-tempered rails are used [98, p 40]. For this reason a track superstructure design with untempered ; rails is even more obsolete. ~ I The physical wear of railroad track structures is eliminated during ~ the process of capital repair. At the same time modernization is { carried on, which overcomes the continuously growing obsolescence. Thus, full renewal of the entire structure is accomplished during _ capital repair by parts. Therefore, it is not advisable to set any I specific service life for the long-lasting stz-uctures of railroad _ transportation, as is also true for various similar structures in other sectors of the national economy which are classified as structures of indef initely extended use. During development of the norms of depre- ciation deductions in 1971-1972, however, the service lives of the roadbed, railLoad tunnels, and track superstructure were limited ax~d taken as 500 years based on the belief that in this time r.ew forms of transportation will appear and railroads will bec~~~m~~ completely ob- solete. 6. The Efficiency of Modernization of Fixed Capital ' Modernization of fixed capital is very important to comply with the ~ adogtec; average service life and prevent losses from obsolescence. F~r this reason railroad transportation is continuously carrying on significant work to modernize its rolling stock and track and con- struction machin es and to reconstruct the track superstructure and ~ signal, centralization, blocking, and communications equipment. For example, the modernization of freight cars envisions reinforcing thE, body and replacing wooden planking with metal sides for gondola 162 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFF'~CIAL USE 0*iLY cars; replacing belt trucks with trucks that have cast side members; outfitting enclosed cars with self-sealing doors; replacing old styles of brakes with improved ones; equipping freight cars with roller bear- ings, and so on. Modernization of pasaenger cars includes work to impsove the lighting system, installation of alkaline storage batteries in cars with air conditioning, improving electric heating, and so on. Reconstruction of the track superstructure encompasses wark to bring its capacity and design into line with the requirements of the growing fz~eight intensity on the ra ilroa3s. Key design elements of obj ects of f ixed capital are frequently modern- ized, which involves large expenditures of capital. Therefore, each time when the volume of modernization is determined it is necessary to establish whether it is economically wise. This refers especially t~ large-scale modernization which is economically efficient only if it makes it possible to substantially raise labor productivity, re- ~,uc~: the prime cost of shipping, and with the money saved by this reduction quickly repay mone,y spent to the state. Thus, moderniza- tion of rolling stock and eqsipment is economically efficient if - the capital spent for it is repaid quickly, for example in 4-5 years for equipment and 8-10 years for rolling stock. The payback period for expenditures for large-scale modernization is determined according to the formula T ~ ) ~ ` OR - I~l-' C~ QII , ~ w~ere T~K is the payback period of expend itures for modernization, in years; KM is capital expenditures for modernization, in rubles; cl and c2 are the prime cost of producing a unit of output before and after moderniza~ion, in rubles; and Qnis the annual volume of output after modernization. The efficiency of particular assmiblies of equipment, rolling stock, signal, co�,mmunications, and automation equipment, and other obj ects is not determined if the modernization is aimed at in- suring compl3ance with the accepted service life of the ob~ect as a whole defined according to its basic design components. _ Table 33 shows changes 3n expenditures for modernization of rolling stock and reconstruction of track structures and signal and communica- Cions devices paid for from depreciation deductions for capital repair and on the basis of the capital investment plan. _ As.can be seen, modernization of rolling stock was initially carried out ~through capital repair funds, but in recent years has been done more on the basis of the capital investment plan. To some extent tYds can be explained by the inadequacy of depreciation deductions for cagital repair. The growth in expenditures for reconstruction of 163 FOR QFFICI.AL USE ONI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 33. Expenditures for Modernization and Re- construction of Railro~~d Fixed Capital, percentage. Expenditures 1963 1965 1970 1975 Capital Repair Modernization of Rolling Stock 22.1 22.2 10.8 6.7 Included in above: Locomotives 3.3 3.5 3.4 2.3 Freight and P~ssenger Cars 18.8 18.7 7.4 4.4 Reconstruction of Track, signal and 53.3 51.4 47.2 56.1 communications devices, and the like Total 75.4 73.6 58.0 62.8 Capital Investment Modernization of Rolling Stock 24.6 26.4 42.0 37.2 and Equipment Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 track structures and signal, centralization, blocking, and communica- tions devices deserves attention. As a result the total volume of recc~nstruction work done according to the plan for capital repair of these structures and devices has risen substantially in recent years. 7. Service Lives of Fixed Capital on Foreign Railroads Given capitalist production relations and bitter competitive struggle, railroad and other transportation enterprises shorten the service lives _ of equipment, rolling stock, and transportation structures, striving to employ methods of accelerated depreciation of fixed capital. For ex- ample, the following service lives for rolling stock and permanent structures have been established for the National Railway Society (SNCF) of France by the General Tax Board [124]; Service Life, years Electric Locomotives . . ~ ~ 25 Diesel Locomotives . . ~ ~ ~ 20 Electric Trains . , ~ . ~ ~ 20 Diesel Trains . . . . . . . 15 � Passenger Cars . . . , ~ ~ ~ 20 Freight Cars . . . . . . . . 15 Track Machines and Other Mobile Equipment . . . . 10 - Buildings . . . . . . . . . 50 Artificial Structures . . . 50 164 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Service Lif e, years _ Station Yards and Rail- road Track . . . . . . . . . 20 Electrification Structures . . 20 Signal, Communications, and Warning Devices . . . . . . 15 Crossings � � � � � � � � � � � 2~ Eatablishing economically sound service lives for locomotives, cars, and~railroad structures receives considerable attention in the Federal Republic of Germany. At the present time the following - service lives have been adopted for determining depreciation de- ductions on federal railroads ;122]: Service Lif e, Rails . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-40 Wooden Ties and Beams 25-30 Steel and Reinforced Concrete Bridges . . . . 60 Massive Bridges . . . . . . . 90 Buildings: Administrative and Service 30-90 Terminals . . . . . . . a 60-80 Production . . . . . . . . 40-90 ~ - Power SupFly . . . . . . . 40-80 - Residential . . . . . . . 80-100 Enclosed Platforms and Landings . . . . . . . . . 70 Electrical Engineering Equipment . . . . . . . . 15-40 Mechanical Equipment . . . . 6~40 Electric Locomotives . . . . 40 Diesel Locomotives . . . . . 25-30 Motorcars . o . . . . . . . . 30-35 Passenger Cars . . . . . . . 32 Freight Cars . . . . . . . . 25-30 The service lif e of electric and diesel locomotives on British railways - h~s been set at 25 years, while for the catenary system the service lif~e is 33 years and for the equipment of traction substations it is 3U~years. The Japan National Raiiways adopt shorter service lives for railroad st-ructures and rolling stock than are used in the countries of Western Europe and the United States. Some Japanese service lives are shown bel:ow : 165 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Servi~e Life, years Diesel and Steam Loco- motives ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 20 Electric Locomotives . . . . . 18 - Electric Cars: New Tokaido Line . . . . . 10 ~ Lightened Designs . . . . . 13 Other . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ; Piese Trains . . . . . . ~ ~ 11 ' Passenger and Freight Cars 20 ~ Equipment of Traction Sub- stations ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 20 - Reinforced Concrete Station Buildings . . . . . . . . . 53 Track Superstructure . . . . . 17 Steel Bridges . . . . . . . . 40 ~ Reinforced Concrete Tunnels ! and Other Ra.ilroad I Structures . . . . . ~ ~ ~ i 60 ~ In thc United States the service lives for railroad rolling ~ stock are considered economically sound [120]: 30-40 years for elec- I tric locomotives, 12-15 years for diesel locomotives, and 25-30 years ~ _ for freigiit car_s. When these periods run out the locomotives and cars i must be replaced with new ones or rebuilt. In practice, however, ; these service lives are not observed and the diesel locomotive fleet ' of U. S. railroads, according to the figures of American economists, ~ has become outdated and needs modernization and a significant infusion ~ of new locomotives. ! . i The car fleet of U. S. railroads also includes a significant number of ~ obsolete types of freight cars. Of the ~ 1,721,000 freight cars on ~ hand in 1975, 103,000 were between 31 and 40 years old and 28,000 ~ were more than 41 years old. According to statistical data on the car ~ fleet, 26 years is the age at which 50 percent of the cars need to be ' replaced. i i i The service lives for the buildings and structures of U. S. railroads have been set at roughly the same level as in the Western European ~ ccuntries: 40-60 years for artificial structures, 60-80 years for production buildings, and 15-27 years for the track superstructure. ~ _ These structures are, to a significant degre~e, old and greatly worn. The critical condition of the railroad track can be judged, for ex- ample, from figures published in the American press about the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Limitations on the speed of train travel have been instituted on roughly 40 percent of the track of this road because the track is in poor condition. The total amount of capital necessary to put the road in normal operating condition is, I66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - according to calculations by American economists, 800 million dollars [123]. to calculations by the Organization for the Establistunent of a Rational Transportation System in the United States, 36.4 billion - dollars is needed to reconstruct railroads in 1970-1980. Of this amount 18.6 billion dollars is necessary to modernize the car f1eeC, 6.0 billion dollars is required for renewal of locomotives, and 11.8 billion dollars is n~eeded to strengthen the track superstructure and other structures. = Thus, despite the relatively short service lives of rolling stock and structures adopted in the capitalist countries, railroad fixed capital is greatly worn and requires considerable expenditures for renewal. - T~e~reason is that the service lives adopt~d are not generally ob- served, but are intended only to establish high depreciation deduc- tions. In this way the railroad owners conceal part of their profit and evade taxes on it. A great deal of work is being dorie in the railroads of the socialist cauntries to determine economically advisable service lives for fixed capital. The following service lives liave been adopted in the German Democratic Republic for railroad rolling stock: Service Life, years Steam Locomotives . . . . . 37 Electric Locomotives . . . 30 Diesel Locomotives . . . . 25-30 Di'esel Trains . . . . . . . 20 . Passenger and Baggage Cars. 25 In 1974 new norms of depreciation deductions were introduced on the railroads of the Polish People's Republic. They are figured on the basis of the following service lives [130]. Service Lif e, years Locomotives . . . . . 25 Freight and Passenger Cars. 25 Self-Unload3ng Cars . . . . 20 Rail Cars an~d Trgiler's for Ttiem . . . . . . . . . . 8 Load-Hoisting Cranes . . . 10 Production and Service Buildings . . . . . . . 70-100 Standard and Narrow Gage Rail~oad Track . . . . . 100 ~rack Construc~i'on......... 100 S 167 ` , ~ FOR QRFICIAL USE~JNLY 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Service Lif e, years Communications, Signal, Cen- tralization, and Blocking Equ ipment . . . . . . 20 The new service lives adopted on Polish railroads are significantly shorter than earlier ones for equipment, machinery, and rolling stock; for buildings and track structures they are longer. Chapter VII. Depreciation Deductions in Railroad Transportation - 1. Norms of Degreciation Deductions As it gradually becomes worn, the fixed capital of railroad transporta- tion demands considerable capital to eliminate the eff ects of the ac- cumulating wear.* The wear can be partially eliminated during the ser- _ vicing of fixed capital and perform,ance of technical i.nspections and ongoing repair. The expenditures �~ncurred in this are included directly in the estimate of annual operating costs. But only minor wear is eliminated during technical inspections and on- going repair. Fixed capital that has been in use for a long time and has undergone significant physical wear and obsolescence requires either � replacement with new fixed capital or capital repair and modernization, which involves considerable material, labor, and monetary expenditures. Therefore, it would be incorrect to carry out full replacement, capital repair, and modernization of f ixed capital out of the estimates of an- nual operating costs because in this case the actual expenditures for performance of these jobs wauld be applied against the output~of just one year, whereas the wear warld be cancelled over an extended time interval. The same thing applies to medium repair work w'_:ich is done at periods of greater than one year. _ Nonetheless, some investigators [27, p 91] suggest that it is advisable to finance capital repair out of the estimates of annual operating - costs. But most economists believe it is more correct to allot the ex- penditures for replacement, capital repair, and modernization of fixed capital carried out concurrently in equal shares to the output produced with it over the entire service life. In the USSR and some other coun~ries full replacement, capital repair, and modernization carried out concurrently, as we11 as medium repair of f ixed capital done at perf~ds of greater than one year and, in its economic essence, representing a variation of capital repair, are fi- nanced through special deductions from the value of the fixed capital. * [Russian word for wear, "iznos," includes both physical wear and ob- solescence, and is used in this way here.] 168 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This-part of the value of the fixed capital-is called deprecistion de- duc~t~ons. The methods of calculating depreciation deductions depend on how these deductions are determined.according;to the years of the service life of the fixed capital. A distinczion is.made~.between the even (straight- line or classical) method:of calculating.depreeiation and uneven, usually accelerated, methods. In the USSR and most of ths other so- cialist countries and in certain capitalist countries, the straight- . line m~thod'is used. In this case the annual depreciation deductions are equal shares over the entire.service:life of the fixed capital. Thus, depreciation deductions are.a definite share of the initial cost of the fixed capital that is gradually transferred to output as the fixed cap ital becomes worn. Qne part of depreciation deductions is designated for full replacement of wornout f; the other is used~ to finance capital repair~ and concurrent modernization. - Under conditions of accelerated scieatif ic-technical progress depre- ~ ciat~ion deductions are becoming vastly more important owing to.their infensified role in renewal of' operating fixed. capital on. a cont~- porary technical basis. As the.ra~te of technical progress.accelerates the'impact of obsolescence beeomes increasingly acute. Th~,s causes a reduction in the service lives of fixed capital and an inerease in de- preciation deductions designated to create a fund for full replacem.ent. At the same time, depreciation.deductions for capital repair and con- _ current modernization have a tendency to decrease as service lives decrease. All this is reflected in the amount of depreciation deduc- tiaris for full replacement and capital repair; the ratio between them is changing significantly (see Figure 15 below). - � Figure 15. Structure of Depreciation Deductions Based on Primary d Activities w, Key: (1) For Capital Repair; dp 75q ~Z8 (2) For Fu11 Replacement.. ~e 67,3 _ so ~ ~o ~ , ~,Q n2 ~ ~9z . zo - 0 1960 696J 1970 1975 Tlie pace of scientif ic-technical progress has increased to such an ex- teiit tdday that it is not wise to perform more than one or two capital tepairs for many types of machinery and equipment used in railroad t~~nsportation. Given continued scientif ic-technical progress in the f~�u~~z the average service lives of rolling stock, machines, arid 169 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , equipment will become even shorter and the norm of depreciation deduc- tions for capital repair for them will decrease or become completely unnecessary. , Depreciation deductions make up a significant share of the prime cost of shi~ping. As the diagram given in Figure 16 below shows, their share of railroad operating expenditures is steadily increasing, which is re- lated to scientif ic-technical ~rogress and the growth of railroad transportation f ixed capital. The share of expenditures for fuel, elec- , tricity, and materials and for wages is decreasing correspondingly. Figure 16. Share of Depreciation Deductions in Rail- _ road Operating Costs % 30 27 24 _ - _ ti:~ . ~8 J1 Lf ' 26,0 21 ~ 12 � / 9 70,8 140 6 !01 ' ' _ ~ f940 1950 f960 1965 1970 , 197J From 1950 to 1960 the proportion of depreciation deductions in operating costs rose 50 percent, and in 1975 it was 2.3 times greater than in 1950. However, shipping grew even faster. Between 1950 and 1960 it in- creased 2.4 times and by 1975 it was 5.2 times greater than in 1950. ; This led to a decrease in the share of depreciation deductions in the prime cost of shipping from 0.74 kopecks i~t 1950 to 0.66 kopecks in 1960. The introduction of increased norms for depreciation deductions ~ in 1963 caused a certain increase o~ this share. In 1965 it was 0.75 kopecks, and in 1970 it was 0.74. As a result of the re-evaluation of f ixed capital and introduction of new, even higher norms for depre- ciation deductions, their share in the prime cost of shipping in 1975 had risen to 0.89 kopecks. At the present time the share of depreciation deductions in railroad operating costs is almost 32 percent. The share of depreciation de- ductions in the operating cost for shipping is also signtf icant for other types of transportation. In river transportation, for example, it is 28.5 percent and for air shipping it is 28.9 percent. The relative magnitude of depreciation deductions in expenditures to pro- duce output is less in other sectors of the national economy. The average for industry in 1977 was 6.9 percent, which included 25.5 percent for electric power production, 15.8 percent in the fuel 170 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY industry, 9.7 percent in ferrous metallurgy, 6.0 percent in machine building and metalworking, 3.1 percent in the food industry, and 1.4 ~ p ercent in light industry [82, p 141]. Norms for depreciation deductions should be-set at auch a level that the amounts of depreciation received using them correspond to the wear of fixed capital. Computing.too-large amounts.leads to an un3ustif ied increase in..the prime cost of shipping. But if depreciation deductions are less than the expenditures necessary to compensate for wear of f ixed capital, the capital will be '�'_eaten up"-and.normal reproduction will be upset. Establishing correct, economically sound norms for de- preciation deductions is very reinforce cost accounting and keep fixed capital in good condition. .The first studies of the necessity for and amounts of norms of depre- ciation deductions for replacement of fixed capital in USSR railroad transportation go back to 1925. One of them was the work of prof essor M. M. Filonenko-Borodich on theoretical issues of depreciation of railroad fixed capital [105 j . A norm of depreciation deductions in .railroad transportation was first 1927. It was established only for full replacement of f ixed cap ital and was set at 2.5 percent of the cost of the capital. In 1930 this norm was raised by 2.2 percent in connection with the establish- .ment of depreciation deductions for capital repair. Thus, the tatal norm of depreciation deductions was 4.7 percent. The norm was set at this level on the ba.sis of an analysis of railroad reports for a number of years and this norm was used to pian depre- .ciation deductions system-wide. It was not possible to use it to de- termine deductions for rep3~acement and capital repair of particular - types of fixed capital and for various technical-economic calcula- tions. In 1938 a decree of the USSR Soviet of People's Commissars recognized the advisability of separating out a norm for capital repair from the o~erall norm of depreciation deductions in~order to increase the ac- �countability of economic managers for timely capital repair. Accord- ing to the official instructions of the USSR State Bank entitled "Procedures for Financing and.Monitoring the Use of Capital for - ;Capital Repair," which was~rati�ied by the:.Economic Council.of the :USSR Soviet of People's Commissars on 15 April 1938, the uae of capital ..;designated for .capital repair . to accomplish other purposes was pro- :hibited. Since that time the planning, computation, and use of de- ;pr ec3a:ion deductions for capital repair of fjxed capital has been :.~done separately from deductions for full replacement. ~ In 1939 the norm of�.depreciation deductions.for capital repair was _ .za~sed to three pereent in connection with the increase in the cost of 171 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY capital repair for railroad transportation fixed capital, owing chiefly to the inclusion of expenditures to replace ties, rails, and ballasts; at the same time the norm of deduction for full replacement was de- creased to 1.7 percent. Thus, the total amount of the norm remained un- changed at 4.7 percent. Because this norm was established applicable to the structure of rail- road f ixed capital in 1930, as railroad transportation was increas- ingly supplied with new equipment it became progressively less appro- priate to the cl.anging structure of f ixed capital. Depreciation de- _ duction norms differentiated by types of fixed capital were required to eliminate this discrepancy. In addition, such norms were needed for correct computation of depreciation, determination of the prime cost of freight and passenger conveyance by railroad, and for various types of technical-economic calculations involved in designing new equipment and determining proper conditions for most efficient use of fixed capital. During the general inventory of fixed capital in 1940 brigades of en- gineer-specialists formed by sectors of railroad transportation coarked out new depreciation deduction norms differentiated by types of fixed capital. This project was being done on a uniform methodology, but it was interrupted by the start of the Great Patriotic War and not carried through to the finish. Nonetheless, the Central Inventory Bureau, using the results of work by the brigades of engineer- specialists and also data from the general inventory and re-evaluation of fixed capital based on conditions of 1 January 1940, drew.:up a "Draft of Norms of Depreciation Deductions for Railroad Transportation - Fixed Capital." But these norms were not ratified or used in prac- tice. In the postwar years depreciation deductions were planned on the basis of a single norm, established by the Ministry of Railroads in 1952 at 6.5 p~rcent, for all f ixed capital. Of this amount six percent was used for capital repair and 0.5 percent for full replacement of fixed capital. This general norm of depreciation deductions was differen- tiated by groups of enterprises and organizations included in the Mi.nistry of Railroads system. For the production f ixed capital of the - railroads it was set at 7.2 percent (6.6 percent of which was for capital repair), while for housing and municipal services it was 0.8 percent, for the structures of the Moscow Subway - 1.8 percent, for - the adm~nistration of direct-route sleeping cars - 4.7 percent, and for industrial enterprises of the Ministry of Railroads - 5.8 per- cent. In 1956 the government adopted a decree on re-evaluation of f ixed capital and development of depreciation deduction norms differentiated by types of fixed capital. The re-evaluation was carried out based on 172 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY conditions as of 1 January 1960 and depreciation norms were developed by the sectorial scientific research institutes. Norms of depreciation deductions were developed far specif ic types of railroad f ixed capital in 1959-1960 by the All-Union Scientif ic Research Institute of Railroad Transportation. The Economic Planning Adminis- tration, Finance Administration, and sectorial main administrations of the Ministry of Railroads took part in.this work. The depreciation deduction norms developed following uniform methodo- logical instructions from USSR Gosplan and differentiated by types of fixed capital were put into effect on 1 January 1963. Introduction of these norms led to an increase of 21.8 percent in the total amount of depreciation deductions for primary railroad activities compared to 196~; this included an increase of 35.6 percent for full replacement and� 17.6 percent for capital repair, primarily at the expense of inedium repair which had formerly been f inanced directly from annual operating costs. As time passed, however, these norms became outdated and failed to keep up with the railroads' need for capital for replacement, capital repair, and modernization of fixed capital. The gap between operative norms and this need had a particularly strong effect on t~e technical condi- tion of track structures. Betewen 1 960 and 1972 the intensity of traek use, characterized by freight intensity in millions of gross ton- kilometers per kilometer of total rrack length grew by more than 50 percent. The cost of capital repair of one kilometer of track in- cressed by almost 65 percent in this period. The growth in':the cost of capital. repair of the track was not just a result of the rise in prices for materials and more complex working conditions; the need to perform technical reconstruction of the track was also a factor. This involved installing reinforced concrete ties, heavy rails, gravel ballast, jointless track, and other articles to bring the.superstruc- ture into line with the volume of freight and passenger traffic. All - this work demanded significanC capital. The depreciation deduction norms established for the track super- s~ructure did not fu11y take work to strengthen the track into account and did not reflect the growth in railroad traffic intensity. Deduc- tions based on these norms were inadequate and, although it increased in�money terms, the volume of capital repair o� the supezstructure in physical terms decreased steadily owing to the increased cost of re- pa~ring one kilometer of track. Ttie~ Ministry of Railroads was forced to use depreciation deductions fxo~ the cost of other types ~f f ixed capital, abave al.l rolling stock, Co perform the minimum necessary volume of repair work on the track. D~~.pite this, the shortage of capital for capital. track repair re- mained signif icant and temporarily increased coefficients were 173 FOR OFFICSAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY established to the depreciation deduction norms for track structures. _ Use of these coeff icients made it possible to increase the capital al- located for capital repair of track structures by 115 million rubles in 1972, 200 million rubles in 1973, and 280 million rubles in 1974 [70). The depreciation deduction norms introduced in 1963 also became out- dated because the service 1 ives of fixed capital, above all rolling stock, machinery, and equipment, from which the norms were calculated were too long and did not take suff icient account of the high rates of scientific-technical progress and obsolescence of fixed capital today. Moreover, the classification of repair work and periodicity of capital repair were changed in many cases as a result of the increased in- tensity of use of f ixed cap ital and employment of progressive methods of operation. Depreciation norms did not take this into account and the capital deductes using them was less than was actually needed. These norms also failed to consider the rise in prices for materials, fuel, and electricity, increase in wage rates, and change in norms for planning and building ra ilroad structures which took place in 1963. All these factors caused an increase in expenditures for capital repair and replacement of f ixed capital. At the same time, factors such as the growth in labor productivity, improvement in the organiza- tion of repair work, and broad application of inechanization of construction and repair work, tended to reduce these costs. The establishment af depreciation deduction norms without taking ac- count of the increased intensity of use of fixed capital, the rise in prices for materials, fuel, and electricity, the increase in wage rates, the change in scheduled time between repairs, and other factors that determine expenditures for replacement and capital repair of fixed capital made it necessary to revise the depreciation deduction norms in effect since 1963. In 1969 a resolution was ~dopted to re- evaluate fixed capital and more precisely differentiate depreciation deduction norms. Methodological instructions ratified by USSR Gosplan were followed in this work, just as they had been during the develop- ment of depreciation deduction norms for specific types of railroad - transportation f ixed capital in 1959-1960. 2. Basic Principles and Methodology of Calculating Depreciation Deduction Norms Depreciation deduction norms are established for all types of f ixed capital in railroad transportation: buildings (production, resldential, municipal, and cultural--domestic), structures, transmission devices, - machines, equipment, rolling stock, tools, inventory, and long-term planted areas. The norms are based on even wear by years. The objects of depreciation are the f ixed capitai of the production subdivisions of the railroads used in natural form for long periods of time in tl-.~ process of freight and passenger conveyance. 174 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Norms of ~~preciation deductions are determined for both simple and ccmplex inventory objects. ~rthermore, they are calculated not for each object which differs by individual characteristics, but �or groups of objects that have the same production designation and roughly equivalent average service lives. Such norms or depreciation deduc- tions are averages for the obj ects making up a particular group. The capital allocated based on depreciation norms forms the deprecia~ tion �und, which is used for simple reproduction of fixed capital, that is, compensation for normal natural wear in the sh3.pping process. One part of the depreciation fund, which is used for partial compen- sation for wear by capital repair and concurrent modernization, is expect~d to guarantee the functioning of the ob~ ect with its assigned technical-operating indicator s for the full established service life. The other part is used for full replacement of ob~ects of fixed _ capital that have been withdrawn when these objects were no longer usable or their use was economically unwise. Therefore, the norms of depreciation deductions are also determined separately for full re- - placement of f ixed capital and for capital repair taking into account concurrent modernization. Determ~ning the norms of depreciation deductions separately for full _ replacement and capital repair of fixed capital does not, however, mean that these are two diff erent norms. On the contrary, the norms are closely interrelated parts of a singie general depreciation norm. - Where the average service lif e, which is the primary indicator for de- termination of depreciation norms, is shorter the norm of de3uctions f~r full replacement will be higher and the norm of deductions for _ capital repair will be lower because, when other conditions are equal, _ Che amount of capital repair will be less. Establishing a correct ratio between deFreciation norms for full re- placement and for capital repair is very important. As a rule~, ex- penditures for capital repair should be significantly less than the cost of a new object. In the absence of factors that make it neces- sary ~o continue using the particular object, the maximum expenditure for capital repair should not be more than half of the original cost o� zhe ob~ect [28]. The criterion of maximum cost for capital repair - often varies for different types of fixed capital depending oa _ scarcity and the existing possibility of replacing those types of roll- ing stock, machinery, equipment, and other objects of fixed capital - whose continued use is economically unsound. Norms of fixed capital deprec iation deductions 3re usually established for average operating conditions. Deviations from these conditions _ are taken into account by correction factors applied to the depreci- ation norms. These factors take account of: (1) degree of loading _ of machin~s and equipment, which depends on the number of shifts and number Qf hours they work in a day, in other words the intensity of 175 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL GSE ONL'= I I ~ use; (2) d~gree of aggressiveness of the environment in which the ! fixed capital is used; (3) special climatic and geological conditions of the region. ; i;orrect determination of depreciation deductions for full replacement and capital repair of f ixed capital is growing in importance with rapid scientific-technical progress. Norms for full replacement should stimulate accelerated replacement of machinery, equ ipment, and rolling stock above all. Accelerating the turnover of money embodied in f ixed capital plays aa important part. This can be accomplished either by establishing shorter service livesfor means of labor or by changing the method of calculating depreciation deduction norms. In view of the need to stimulate scientific-technical progress and re- place equipment and machinery quickly the question arises of the wisdom of using the methods of accelerated depreciation of fixed capital in a socialtst economy [27, 45, 95]. These techniques are based on the usp of decreasing rates, where depreciation deductions gradually decrease as the age of the fixed capital grows. In addition to advocates of use of accelerated depreciation techniques, there are also opponents. For example, Yu. I. Lyubintsev, reviewing the issue of using accelerated depreciation in a socialist system, ob- _ serves that "the methods of accelerated depreciation employed under capitalism not only lose their advantages when transferred to socialist - production, but in our opinion become a brake on technical progress, an addi.tic;nal financial burden at a time of vigorous changes in the te=hnical re-equipping of production, particularly manufacturing industry" [75, p 164]. A. V. Vikhlyayev has also noted the retardant ' effect of accelerated depreciation on the introduction of new ma- - chinery [34]. The starting point for deciding the question of the wisdom of using accelerated depreciati~n methods under socialist conditions is the qu estion: which of the methods mcst fully reflects the wear of fixed - capital in the particular period of its service life. The wear of �ixed capital is not even over time, of course. Generally, in the first years of the service life when the f ixed capital is still new, wear is not greater, as some economists who propose accelerated depre- ciation methods believe [95], but less, and it grows as the fixed capital ages. This point was emphasized very vividly by K. Marx, who compared expenditures for the repair of ineans of labor in dif- ferent periods of their life with a~erson's needs for medical care. Noting the increase in expenditures to eliminate wear as means of labor grow old, K. Marx wrote the following: "It is exactly like an old person who must, to avoid a premature death, spend ;nore for medical care than a person f illed with the strength of youth" [1, Vol 24, p 196] . 176 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR O~FICIAL JSE ONLY The problem of determining the intensity of increase in wear for spe- cific types of fixed capital in different periads of the service life has not been thoroughly studied yet. But regardless of when the wear of f ixed capital is greater and when it is less, expenditures to eiiminate the weai should always be applied in equal sha.res to the value of the output created with the participation of this f ixed - capital. This is precisely the purpose of depreciation. Otherwise it is impossible to substantiate the need to f inance capital repair through a specially formed depreciation fund. From this point of view, the method of i.ncreasing iiepreciation proposed by Yu. I. Lyubimtsev [75, p 167] can hardly be applied in practice, even though ~ it does correctly reflect the growth in physical wear and obsolescence of fixed capital with the pass3ge of time. Thus, under socialist conditions accelerated depreciation of fixed capital is economically unwise. Proposals to determine depreciation deduction norms for replacement with due regard for the time factor have received some distribution [18, p~3]. There are diff ering views on this issue. Advocates of establishing depreciation deductions norm with due regard for the time factor usually point out that the depreciation fund for full replace- ment of f ixed capital is not spent in the period when it is computed, but rather later when the fixed capital is being withdrawn from use. To establish norms they propose using the relationship derived by - A. L. Lur'ye in 1948 for cha.nge in depreciation deductions when vari- ations with different service lives are compared [7~5, p 85]. Taking the eff ect of postponing expenditures into account, depreciation deductions for full replacement of equipment can be determined from the equation ~=t_1 Ko = ~ A(1 �+-Eg)`~ (30) . ~ a ~ where Ko is the cost of equipment with a service lif e of t years; - A is depreciation deductions; Eg is the normative coefficient of effi- - ciency of capital investments; i is the values of the service life of . the equipment in series from 0 to t-1 years. _ To determine depreciation deductions we calculate them for the last year of the service lif e of the equipment ~ 31 t ~ A ~ ~ Es~t _ A (1-1-~ x)_ -1 = Ko. ~ ) too ~ From this the depreciation deductions ER K� ~ A (1 + EH)` - t ' 32) The norm of depreciation deductions for fu11 replacement HB will be (in percentage) A E~ 100. (33) HH _Ko 100 = ~1+EfJ~-~ 177 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . . . wi . . . . . . . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Depreciation deductions determined by formula (32) taking the time factor into account are signif icantly smaller than deductions calcu- lated by the conventional methods. The difference is even more sig- nificant when the normative coeff icient of efFiciency of capital investment is higher and the service lif e of the objects of f ixed cap- ital is longer. For example, a structure which has a cost of 1 million rubles and a service life of 50 years will have depreciation deductions of 2U,000 rubles a year calculated by the conventional formula; using theformula taking the time factor into account where E H= 0.12 they will be 42 0 rubles, a much smaller amount. Therefore, when depreci- _ ation deductions are calculated using a norm determined taking the time factor into account, the initial cost is not fully transferred to the output created with this obj ect. Some other students of this issue support the proposal to determine dt~preciation deduction norms taking the time factor into accoun~. For exampl e, S. Zakharov [46] believes that existing norms of depreciation deductions for full replacement are too high because they are applied to the original cost of the fixed capital at a time when full replace- ment is done at the replacement cost, which is lower than the original cost, The significant amounts of unused depreciation deductions formed in this way, the author believes, should produce a prof it cor- responding to the average normative coefficient of efficiency of capital investment for industry, which is 0.15, if used elsewhere. Going on from this, he proposes that norms for depreciation deductions for full replacement be established by a formula using co~plex per- ; centages. In the case of long service lives, however, depreciation deductions determined by such norms become negligible and for practical purposes the share participation of f ixed capital in the production of ' output disappears almost completely. ~ Another i.mportant circumstance that cannot be ignored is that the ad- vocates of determining narms of depreciation deductions taking the timefactor into account assume that wornout fixed capital will be ' restored to its earlier form, that is, without taking scientific- ' technical progress into account. K. Marx wrote: "Means of labor cus- ' tomarily undergo constant change owing to industrial progress. There- fore, they are replaced not in their original form, �but in the changed form" [1, Vol 24, p 191). Therefore, the depreciation deductions must _ be calculated so that they will cover t-he cost of purchasing fixed ~ capital which is more productive, reliable, and economical than the ' former design, and usually also more expensive. _ Depreciation deductions for full replacement of fixed capital should stimulate the introduction of new equipment. This was expressly en- visioned by the Directives of the 24th CPSU Congress on the Five-Year Plan of Development of the USSR National Economy for 1971-1975: "De- velop and gradually introduce: new, shorter periods of depreciation - 178 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY for production equipment, limiting the volume of inefficient capital repair and increasing the share of depreciation deductions alloted for replacement of wornout and obsolete equipment" [4, p 242]. Thus, it hardly seems wise to determine depreciation deduction norms taking the time factor into account. Another debatable proposal is made by V. S. Ligonenko, who believes that the "norm of depreciation for capital repair of f ixed capital must be determined with due regard for the time factor and length of cycles between repairs" [73, p 79]. At the present time norms of depreciation deductions for full replace- ment HB are usually determined as a percentage of the original (restor- - ation after re-evaluation) cost of the f ixed capital using the formula HB = 100/t, (34) where t is the service life of the object (depreciation) in years. The depreciation norm calculated in this way shows as a percentage that part of the cost of the object ~ahich must be deducted each year to accumulate sufficient money during its service life to fully re- place the wornout object with a new one. In a case where an object that has been withdrawn because of wear can be i~sed as scrap metal, wood, and the like, the norm of depreciation for full replacement is determined taking the so-called liquidation value into account, according to the following formula ~ 100 I7-JI 8 t !I. ~ where lT is the original cost of the object of fixed capital and A ia , the liquidation value, defined as the difference between earnings from sale of the withdrawn object and the cost of wark to dismantle it and turn it into scrap. This norm of depreciation deductions is determined only when the liquidation value of ob~ects of f ixed capital is quite large. No:rms of depreciation deductions for capital repair and modernization of structures, rolling stock, machinery, equipment, and other forms of railroad transportation fixed capital HK are determined as per- centages of their original cost using the formula H Kn-}-Cm-}- M 1 C0, (36) " - nr w~.ere K and C are expenditures for one capital repair and medium repair respectivply, in rubles; n and m are the number of capital repairs and medium repairs respectively during the service life of the ob~ect of fi~ced capital; M is expenditures for modernization of a unit of equip- ment, means of transportation, or other forms of fixed capital during - 179 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In some cases the liquidation value that forms capital repair must be taken into account just as it was in determining the depreci- ation norm for full replacement. For example, when capital repair is done on wooden snow fences, a significant liquidation value is formed ' through use of the unsuitable fencing material as f irewood. The total cost of capital and medium repairs recorded during the calculation of the norm of depreciation deductions for capital repair should be re- duced by this value. The number of ca~ital repairs is determined as the quotient from di- viding the service life of the object by the length of the period between capital repairs. In this case it is considered that the f inal capital repair is not performed _ n - N 1~ ~3~) where N is the period between capital repairs in years. The number of inedium repairs performed at periods of more than one year during the service life of the object is computed according to the formula t t m = N1N~ (38) where N1 is the period between medium or medium and capital repairs in years. The periodicity of capital and medium repairs is established by ap- proved rules for the performance of repair work on particular types of f ixed capital. Expenditures for modernization carried concurrently with capital re- pair are usually taken out of capital repair expenditures. If this cannot be done, expenditures for capital repair and mode~nization are taken as a total amount. In this case the formula for calculating the depreciation norm for capital repa~is is simplified and takes the f orm Kn-~Cm Hx = 100. (39) For complex objects of capital consisting of several simple objects, the norm of depreciation deductions for full replacement IiQ is de- termined taking the service lives of the simple ob~ects in~o account Ha ` 100 II Ebk - ?I (40) t II ' - where t is the service life of the complex obj ect as a whole taken on the basis of the service life of the longest lasting simple object, in years; TT is the original cost of the entire complex ob~ect, in rubles; b is the cost of particular simple objects replaced k times during the service life of the complex object;Jl is the liquidation 180 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONE,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY value of the complex object taking withdrawal of simple objects into account, in rubles. The norm of depreciation deductions for capital repair of complex ob- _ jects H,K is determined with due regard for annual deductions for capital _ repair of simple objects based on the established periodicity of repair work for them HK _(EK-}.EC-}.1y) 100, . 41) / Ilt ~ where E K is expenditures for capital repair of simple objects during the service life of. the complex object, in rubles; f C is expenditures for medium repair of simple objects daring the servi~e life of the complex object, in rubles; M is total expenditures for modernization during the full service life of the complex object, in rubles. The norms of depreciation deductions for each type of fixed capital iri railroad transportation are calculated according to the formulas ~iven above. For objects with indefinitely long service lives that are re- newed in the process of capital repair, however, norms of depreciation deductions for full replacement do not have to be established. For them it is advisable to determine only norms for capital repair and modernization [55]. This point of view is shared by V. Yu. Budavey, who believes that . "to insure continuity of production society must provide tha.t the cost of appropriate output and services include only expend~tures for re- pair of long-lasting structures. Depreciation deductions for re- placement need not be made in this case" [27, p 104J. _ Another point of view, however, is also expressed in print. L. M. Kantor, for example, believes that depreciation deductions for both replacement and capital repair must be computed for long-lasting - structures (among which he includes the track superstructure). Re- ferring to the accelerated pace of scientific-technical progress, he argues that a lOQ-year service life is very long and cannot be adopted for any of these structures. The 500-year service life adopted for _ the track superstructure and other long-lasting structures is much too high, while the norms of depreciation deductions for fu11 replacement are too low [16, pp 226-227]. D. A. Baranov, reviewing the question of the depreciation of fixed capital whose replacement occurs by parts and classifying the track superstructure in this group, writes: "The incredible exaggeration - of the average period of turnover for this type of f ixed capital (from 18.2 to S00 years) came about because it was supposed that full renovation of this type of fixed capital can only be done all at once, by laying the entire railroad roadbed over and, furthermore, that the reglacement of wornout simple basic elements is capital repair of initially invested f ixed capital, not true renovation by parts" [20, P 47l� - isi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR UFFICIAL USF. ONLY Such a position is understandable. Indeed, if we base our thinking on the service lives of the particular elements of the track super- structure, the average weighted service life is right around 18 years. But it must be kept in mind that with this approach there can be no norm of deductions for capital repair and modernization and all deduc- tions for replacement will have to be used for capital repair, which is accomplished by replacing different elements of the track super- - structure. This distorts the very meaning of the inventory object "track superstructure," and generally accepted concepts of capital re- pair of track disappear. Therefore, for the track superstructure as for other objects of fixed capital which have indefinitely long ser- vice lives, only a norm of depreciation deductions for capital repair and modernization should be established. But because these structures may become obsolete in the future, a service life of 500 years is adopted for them and a norm of depreciation deductions for full replace- ment o~ 0.2 percent is established. It is advisable to determine the norm of depreciation deductions for capital repair of the track superstructure per 1 million gross ton- kilometers taking the intensity of track use into account. Before the norm is determined a calculation should be made of annual expenditures for capital, medium, and track-li~ting repair based on operative re- pair schedules and the unit costs of particular types of repair. For example, the depreciation norm per 1 million g~x~oss ton-kilometers for mainlines H~ may be determined by the formula Hr = hB rt' C+ np 100~ (42) NT n~ . where KB is the cost of one capital repair of one kilometer of track superstructure, in rubles; C is the cost of all medium repairs of one kilometer of track superstructure in the period between capital re- pairs, in rubles; TTP is the cost of all track-lifting repairs of one kilometer of track superstructure in the period between capital re- pairs, in rubles; HT is the norm of tonnage between capital repairs, in millions of gross ton-kilometers; TfB is the initial cost of one kilometer of track superstructure, in rubles. The norms of depreciation deduction for medium and track-lifting re- pair of station tracks, switches, and sidings belonging to the rail- roads can be determined in a similar fashion. The full norm of depreciation for all types of track repair (capital, medium, and track-lifting) as a percentage of total replacement cost of the track superstructure in this case co.uld be determined per 1 million gross ton-kilometers by dividing the total annual sum of ex- penditures for capital, medium, and track-lifting repair of the super- structure of all railroads (mainline, station, siding, including switches) by their total replacement cost and the calculated amount of - average freight intensity in millions of gross ton-kilometers per kilometer of total length of mainlines and multiplying the resulting ratio by 100. - - 182 FOR OFFICIAL USE OPILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - It i s also more correct to determine the norm of depreciation for the catenary system of electrif ied railroads with consideration of the in- tens ity of its use, which is expressed by the number of passages of curr ent collectors, and only f.or capital repair. This is advisable be- caus e the catenary system is renewed caztinuously by replacement of individual design elements during capit~il repair. It is also advisable to establish norms of depreciation deductions for capital repair considering intensity of use for rolling stock. For example, they may be determined depending on annual distance traveled by locomotives and cars [55]. 3. Development of Depreciation Norms in 1972 The depreciation norms now in effect were worked out in 1972 and put into effect on 1 January 1975. These norms were developed with due regard for the need for acceler- ated replacement and modernization of obsolete fixed capital. Shorter - depreciation periods were adopted for calculating the norms in order to limit the volume of inefficient capital repair and increase the share of depreciation deductions for replacement of wornout and obso- lete types of machinery and equipment. In the process of developing the norms the average service lives and periods between repair for fixed capital were determined more pre- cisely. Economically saund service lives were determined on the basis of calculation and analysis of economic and tectm ical factors, in- clud ing; physical wear and obsolescence of fixed capital, efficiency of expenditures for capital repair and related modernization, actual age of fixed capital in operation, actual possibility of replacing _ part icular types of equipment and rolling stock with new, improved models, and so on. The average service lives of rolling stock, machinery, and equipment wexe established with due regard for the obsolescence of existing units and the economic benefits of newly built units. It was taken into ac- count in this that the more economical the new units were, the more obsol ete they made existing machines, equipment, and rolling atock, thus reducing their service lives. The average service lives of locomotives, cars, machines, equipment, and t ools established by sectorial divisions of the Central Scientific Resea.rch Institute of the Ministry of Railroads were tested at rail- road enterprises, reconcil.ed with the main sectorial administrations of the Ministry of Railroads, and adopted for calculating new norms of depreciation deductions. Fvx the large, expensive railroad structures such a~ the roadbed~, reinf orced concrete and metal bridges, tunnels, and other long-lasting 183 FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY objects, thr service lives were the maximum allowable based on wear and ranged from 80 to 500 years. During the development of new norms of depreciation deductions sub- stantial attention was devoted to precise determination of the perio- dicity of fixed capital repairs. In most cases the repair schedules raCified by the Ministry of Railroads were adopted for calculating the norms. In this case the periods between repairs established by the ministry in 1969-1971 were generally taken without alteration. But if the repair schedules were established earlier than 1969, they were analyzed and compared with actual times reported on the railroads and enterprises of railroad transportation; the volume of capital re- pair had to be considered. In the case of insignificant deviations the ratified capital repair periods were also adopted without modi- f ication for calculating depreciation norms. Where there were signif- icant deviations in the volumes and times of capital repair from those ratif ied by the ministry these indicators were determined more pre- cisely taking into account actual performance and the recommendations of the railroads and main administrations of the Ministry of Rail- roads. Data on the replacement cost of fixed capital and information from railroads, plants, and other railroad transportation enterprises con- cerning actual service lives and expenditures for capital repair and _ modernization were used to w ark out the new norms of depreciation deductions. In all cases the replacement cost of f ixed capital was taken on the basis of the ratified price lists and schedules specially developed for the re-evaluation of fixed capital based on condition as of 1 January 1972. This established a connecti.on between the depreci- ' ation deduction norms being developed and tl:e replacement cost of the fixed capital obtained after re-evaluation. Expenditures for capita~ repair of track structures, the catenary system, and other complex objects were determined by design elements based on the cost of repair and service lives. The prices for repair contained in the ratif ied price lists were - used in determining the costs of capital repair of rolling stock, machinery, and equipment. An analysis was made of tt:e correspondence between price list prices and actual expenditures for repair over - several years. Expenditures for capital repair wer~~ adopted with con- sideration of such factors as change in prices, lower cost of repair owing to better organization and reduction of labor inputs to do repair jobs, use of more wear-resistant materials, decrease in the cost of spare parts in connection with their production at spe- cialized plants, and others. In the absence of factual data on ex- - penditures for capital repair, these expenditures were taken from 184 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300030004-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the ratified price lists or calculated by