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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , JPRS L/ 10506 11 May 1982 U,SSR Report - ElECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (FOUO 4/82) a 1 FOREIGN BR4ADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily frcan foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmiseiona and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources _ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing an3 other characteriatics retained. Headlines, editorial reperts, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, Che infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar namea rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not cleaz in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Othar unattributed parenthetical notee within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. - The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Gavernment. COPYRIGHT LAWS A1JD REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION EE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 , FOR OFFI.IAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10506 11 May 1982 USSR REPORT ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LIPavo 4/s21 COt.' i ENTS ACO'USTiCS SPEECH & SiGNAL PROCESSiNG Electroacoustics and Ultrasonic Technology...................... 1 AEROSPACE & ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Shipboard Systems 6 Shipboard Radio Navigation Devices.....~ 13 ANTENNAS & PROPAGATIOIV Antennas: Collected Articles 18 Radio Wave Propagation and Ionospheric Physics 26 CIRCi?ZTS & SYSTEMS Automation of Deaign in Radio Electronics azid Inatrume-Lit � Building...~ 34 - COMMUNICATIONS Carrier Commtunication Over 330-750 kV Power Transmission Lines 41 Multichanr.el Frequency-Separation Devices and Their Application 45 Fundamentals of Frequency Synthesis Theory 49 ' Choosing Integrated Circuits for Devices for Digital Processing of Signals 55 Digital Techniques in Communications............................ 67 - a- [III - USSR - 21E S&T FOUO] Ft)R OFFIC.IAL USF ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Problems of Receiving and Processing Signals From Radio Engineering Systems 73 Problems of Designing Radio Technical Devir_es 82 Problems of Wave Radio Electronics ......................e....... 87 Signal and Image Formation and Processing 92 Problems of Radio Signal Reception and Processing............... 97 COMPONENTS, HYBRIDS & MANUFACTUR?NG TECHNOLOGY Manual on Calculation of Inductance Coil Parameters............. 104 Equipment for Semiconductot Production.t..................@..... 107 Multifunctional Analog Automation Regulating Devices....0.6..... 112 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Selected Abstracts of Articles From Collection 'Devices of Electromagnet3.c and Switching Engineering', Transact3.ons of Moscow Power Engineering Institute No 502, 1980............ 117 ELECTRON DEVICES Problems of Optical Electronics 122 Measurement of Optoelectronic Device Parameters..........A...... 129 ~ INSTRL'MENTATION & MEASUREMENTS Self-Calibrating Measuring Instruments 143 Selected Abstracts of Articles From Collection 'Electronic Engineering and Instruments', Transactions of Moscow Power Engineering Institute 147 - MICROWAVE THEORY & TECHNIQUES Dynamic Wide-Fange Amplifiers in Microcircuits.,.........,...... 152 Microwave Instruments and Techniques 155 POWER ENGINEERING Selected Abstracts of Articles From Collection 'Problems of Designing and Operation of Thermal Electric Power Plants', Transactions of Moscow Power Engineering Insti.tute............ 163 - b - FOR OFF1CiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 'PRANSPORTATION Selected Abstracts of Articles From Collection 'Conversion Techniques in Electric Drives and Electric Transport', Transactions of Moscow Power Engineering Institute No 506, 1980 168 Terminal E�fect in Linear Induction Engines 174 IJEW ACTIVITIES, MISCELLANEOUS Recombination Processes in Semiconductors at High Excitation Levels 177 Communications During llth Five--Xear Plan 260 ^ C - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACOUSTICS SPEECH & SIGNAL PROCESSING ELECIROACOUSTICS AND ULTRASONIC TECHNOLOGY Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO OkDENA LENINA ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA - IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): ELEKTROE:,KUSTIKA I UL'TRAZVUKOVAYA TEKHNIKA in Russian No 252, 1979 pp 93-97 - � [Abstracts for 17 articles from collection "Proceedings of Letiingrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V.I. U1'yanov (Lenin): Electroacoustics and Ultrasonic Technology"] UDC 620.179.16 ACOUSTIC SINGULARITIES OF METAL DEFECTS OF THE "DELAMINATION" TYPE [Abstract of article by K.Ye. Abbakumov] [Text] This article examines some acoustic models which can be used to estimate the coefficients of transparency of real defects of the "delamination" type - based on the concept of a fissure with semi-adjacent boundaries. Formulas are obtained and analyzed for the coefficiPnts of transparency for some special cases. One illustration, 3 bib liographic references. UDC 620.179.16 CHOICE OF SPACING OF TRANSDUCERS IN ACOUSTIC TRANSMISSION FLAW DETECTORS [Abstract of article by V.Ye. Artemov and S.K. Pavros] [Text] An equation for the acoustic section of a transmission flaw detector is obtained in scalar approximation with the disc defect and transducers arranged - n.on-coaxially. The results of the calculations allow an assigned sensitivity irregularity to be used to determine the spacing of tiansducers in the acoustic system of a multichannel device. Two illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 620.179.16 - EXCITATION AND PROPAGA'rION OF ULTRASOUND IN JET WAVEGUIDE - [Abstract of article by L.V. Tlerevkina, A.S. Golubev and V.A. Kashirin] [Text] This article examines a composite cylindrical nozzle-jet waveguide. The - problem is solved for the quasi-stationary mode for the case in which the width 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY of the waveguide significantly exceeds the wavelength. Versions of wave excita- tion from the end of the waveguide by p~unger and focusing radiators are evaluated. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 620.179.16 RELIABILITY dF CONTINUOUS ULTRASONIC TESTING OF SHEETS WITH ROUGH SURFACE [Abstract of article by D.D. Dobrotin] [Text] This article examines the noise tolerance of ultrasonic transmission monitoring considering two-dimensional correlatioa connections of the results of testing at adjacent points. Expressions are presented which can be used to calculate the noise tolerance of transmission flaw detectors which scan the surEace of the tested metal sheets in intervals smaller than the cor-elation - interval of the amplitudes of the signals transmitted. One illustration, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 620.179.16 ULTRASONIC METHOD OF MONITORING BIMETAL SHEETS USING NORMAL WAVES [Abstract of article by K.V. Zharkov] [Text] This article discusses a transmission method for testing bimetaZ sheets which is altered so that the receiving dipole receives the secondary normal wave occurring above a defect. The high sensitivity of the method is confirmed experimentaily. Three illustrations, 2 bibliographic referencea. UDC 534.232 INFLUFNCE OF ASYMMETRY OF OSCILLATING SYSTEM OF POLE TRANSDUCER ON ITS CHARACTERISTICS [Abstract of article by D.B. Dianov and N.Ye. Konstantinova] - [TPxt) The problem of two-way radiation of a piezoceramic pole transducer with a casing is examined theoretically. It is shown that the greatest Fadiation asymmEtry in water over a wide frequency range is achieved by using a casing with a specific acou5cic impedance of 6.106 kg/m2 sec. A practically unidirec- - tional transducer with a casing can be implemented for operation in a narrow frequency band. Six illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 534.8 FIELD STRUCTURE OF RING TRANSDUCER IN ULTRASONIC INTRQSCOPE [nbstract of article by Ye.A. Kirav and A.A. Perren] [Text] This article examines results of investigating the near-field structure of a discrete ring radiator excited by an exponential pulse. The analytical 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY relationships obtained can t;e used to establish regularity of the influence of pulse length, number of sources and ring radius on the amount of pressure and pulse shape at any point in the field. Three illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 534.231 ACOUSTICAL FIELD OF SYSTEM OF RECTANGULAR RADIATORS [Abstract of article by V.A. Kolobkova, Ye.A. L'vova and A.S. Khimunin] [Text] A method is proposed for calculating the acoustic pressure in an arbitrary ' region in the field of a system of flat rectangular plunger radiators with finite dimensions. The results of calculatittg the near-field structure of a ' focusing equidistant antenna array with various numbers of active elements are presented. Five illustrations, 3 bibliographic xeferences. UDC 620.179.16 NOISE CHARACTERISTtCS OF PIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENTS IN TAPERED LAMB (RAYLEIGH) WAVE RECEIVER-TRANSDUCERS [Abstract of article by Yu.T. Kuznetsov and L.A. Nikiforov] ~ [Text] This article examines the nais= characteristics of piezo.:elements loaded to a half space. Based on numerical anaiysis of the frequency relationships of the active components of the output impedance, the noise character.istics of piezo elements loaded to a half-space of acrylic plastic or seal are examined. It is shown that a system of piezo elements loaded to acrylic plastic has extremely narrow bandwidth and has a significantly higher noise voltage level than for loading to steel. Some recomtnendations are given for reducing the noise level. Three illustrations, 2 tables, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 534.143:537.634 EXCITATION MECHANISMS OF SURFACE WAVES IN FERROMAGNETIC METALS USING ELECTRO- MAGNETIC-ACOUSTIC METHODS [Abstract of article by I.V. I1'in and A.V. Kharitonov] [Text] This article presents results of numerical calculations of the amplitude of surface waves as a function of the magnitude and orientation of the polarizing magnetic field. Possible excitation mechanisms in iron-carbon alloys and in nickel are discussed. Three illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.374.5 THERMOSTABLE ULTRASONIC DELAY LINES WITH RECTANGULAR ACOUSTIC CONDUCTORS OF MONOCRYSTALLINE QUARTZ - [Abstract of article by A.N. Kostyuk, M.M. Shevel'ko and L.A. Yakovlev] 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] This article examines the possibilities of creating ultrasonic thermo- stable delay lines with rectangular acoustic conductors of monocrystalline quartz. It is shown that thermostable lines with delay of up to 100 usec can be created by changing the ratio of the dimensions of the acoustic conductor along the Y and Z crystallographic To achieve delay times exceeding 100 usec, the rec- tangular contour of the acoustic co.ductor must be Lotated through aslight angle about the crystallographic X-axis of the quartz. Five illustrations, 8 biblio- graphic references. UDC 534.24:548.55 REFLECTION OF ELASTIC GIAVES IN LITHIUM NIOBATE CRYSTAL _ [Abstract of article by A.N. Peregudov and V.A. Fedorov] [Text] This article examines the problem of reflection of Quasi-longitudinal and quasi-transverse waves propagating in the YZ plane of lithium niobate from the free boundary z= 0. The angular dependencies of the absolute values of the coefficients af reflection are calculated and analyzed. It is shown that the coefficients of reflection are complex quantities, and that a heterogeneous wave always occurs during reflection. Two illustrations, 2 bibliographic refer- ences. UDC 620.179.16:534.615 ESTIMATION OF COEFFICIENT OF SOUND REFLECTI(7N OF MATERIALS BY MEASURING ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE OF PIEZOTRANSDUCER [Abstract of article by A.Ye. Kolesnikov] [Text] A method is proposed for estimating the cdefficient of sound reflection of materials by measuring the electrical resistance of a piezotransducer placed near the surface being tested. Ways are examined for implementing the method ' by using bridge circuits and self-excited devices. The advantages and disadvan- ta;es of the method are pointed out. Three iJ.lustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.317.029.52 L'LECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR MEASURING ORTHOGONAL COMPONENTS OF ACOUSTIC FIELD WITH FOLLOW-ON COMPUTER PROCESSING OF RESULTS [Abstract of article by L.I. Bayda, G.P. Belash, A.I. Valyayev, Ye.I. Kachanov and Yu.V. Yurkov] [Text] This article examines the design principles of an instrumentation system with machine processing of ineasurement results. The structure of the device is presented and the possible sources of error are analyzed. The phase and amplitude errors of tl:e instrumentation section as a whole are calculated by computer. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY m UDC 534.8 EXPERIME:i'PAL DETERMINATION OF INFLUENCE OF PROBE ON DIRECTIVITY CHARACTERISTIC UF ANTENNA FOUND FROM NEAR-FIELD MEASUREMENTS ~ [Abstract of article by xu.N. Bystrov and T.S. Komissarova] [Text] Ths inf luence of the probe on the accuracy with which the antenna dir- ectivity characteristics are recoQered is investigated experimentally. A com- parison is made of the coherent- and incoherent-optical method of processing the data obtained from measurements in the near field of the antenna. Three illustrations, 8 bibliographic references. UDC 534.8 INTEGRAL EQUATION METHOD APPLIED TO HOLOGRAPHIC METHOD OF DETERMINING ANTENNA DIRECTIVITY CHARACTERISTICS [Abstract of article by Ye.D. Pigulevskiy and V.I. Senchuk] [Text] The problem of connecting measurements in the near field with the antenna directivity characteristic is reduced to an integral.F'redholm equation : of the first sort. Expanding the iterative equation with respect to the Eigen- _ functions of the symmetrical kernel, expressions are obtained for the root- mean square and linear deviation between the measured directivity characteristic and the actual characteristic. Four bibliographic references. UDC 534.8 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF ANALOG OPTICAL PROCESSING OF ACOUSTIC FIELDS [Abstract of article by A.F. Ryzhkov] [Text] This article presents some results of comparative experimental investi- gation of coherent and incoherent analog opticai methods of processing acoustic fields. Results of statistical processing of the experimental data obtained usiTig these methods are presented. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic ref- exences. COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 CSO: 1860/147 5 FOR OFFILIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AEROSPACE & ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS SHIPBOARD SYSTEMS Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LENINA EI,EKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): KORABEL'NYYE KOMPLEKSY in Russian No 253, 1979 pp 147-153 [Abstracts for 29 articles from collection "Proceedings of Leningrad Electrotech- nical Institute imeni V.I. Ul'yanov (Lenin): Shipboard Systems"] UDC 621.296.677.7 RADIATION OF NON-SINUSOIDAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS [Abstract of article by I.R. Ryabukhov] [Text] The structure of the electromagtietic field of a Hertz dipole fed with current f luctuating according to sign functions is determined. T~ao bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.266 TERMINAL PROCESSOR FOR RADAR SIGNAL WITH NON-SINUSOIDAL CHARACTER [Abstract of article by M.V. Chernyshov] [Text] A matched M-filter is used as a terminal device for processing a radar signal with a non-sinusoidal character. The article presents the functional diagram of the filter and descr4bes its operation. One table, 3 illustrations, 2 bib liographic references. UDC 621.391.133 CRITERION FOR DECENTRALIZED POWER REGULATION [Abstract of article by V.I. Ral'nikov] [Text] This article examines a criterion for de(:entralized power regulation in a - group of radio electronic facilitiE�. The existe:zce and attainability af an equilibrium point is proved. The criterion encompasses a number of partial 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 iFOR 4FFICIAL USE ONLY criteria. Four bibliagraphic references. UDC 654.16 FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENT METHODS [Abstract of article by L.S. Mettus] [Text] This article examines methods of assigning frequencies to radio electronic facilities which belong to a service or a group. A classification is presented. One illustration, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 62-52:681.3:519.2 PHYSICAL MODEL OF FINITE P_UTOt-1ATA [Abstract of article by V.F. I1'chenkoJ [Text] This article examines the implementation of a physical model of Krinskiy autanata with linear tactics. The functional diagram and opera.tion of tLie model are described. Three illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 621.396.67 - CHOICE OF SIGNAL POLARIZATION I13 GROUPS OF RADIO LINKS [Abstract of article by I.P. Kharchenko and A.D. Shishkin] [Text] This article examineG the problet of choosing signal polarization in grouping radio communication links in order to reduce crosstalk. It is shown that crosstalk can be reduced significantly by dividing the entire groupirig appropriately into two groups mutually orthogonal polarization. One table, 3 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396 INVESTIGATION OF SENSITIVITY OF ALGORITHM FOR DIVIDING SUM OF HARMONIC SIGNALS [Abstract of article by A.D. Viktorov] [Text] Thia article investigates the sensitivity of an aigorithm used to divide harmonic signals to the difference Mi~ between adjacent frequencies. . Results of calculating the actual losses 2'uoll as a function of Ofij are presented - for the steady-state mode. One illustration, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 621.396.06:519.251.8 CONSTRUCTION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF CORRELATION DISCRTMINA?JR USING DIGITAL MODELING METHOD [Abstract of article by V.I. Vettegren', Ye.M. Vinogradov and Yu.M. Shaparenko] , , 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447102/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464419-0 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY [Text] This article describes an algorithm for constructing characteristics of a correlation discriminator based on calculating t'.:e cross-correlation functions of the reference signal and the input mix of signals and pulsed noise obtained using the simulation modeling method. Two illustrations, 2 bibliograptiic references. ' UDC 621.373.42 INVESTIGATION OF NONLINEAR AUTOoOSCILLATING SYSTEM WITH DELAY FEEDBACK IN PRESENCE OF EXTERNAL NOISE [Abstract of article by D.V. Chebotarev] [Text] A digital model of an auto-oscillating system with delay feedback and nonlinearity of the "insensitivity zone" type is developed. 'ihe transient process by which self=excited oscillation is established in such a system is investigated in the presence of external noise. The statistical characteristics of the transient process are calculated as a function of the system parameters - and intensity of the external noise. Six illustrations, 5 bibliographic ref- erences. UDC 621.373.001.5 INVESTIGATION OF OPERATION Or EARAMETRIC OSCILLATOR WITH DELAYED FEEDBACK AT HIGH EXCITATION PARAMETER VALUES [Abstract of article by Yu.L. Filimonov] [Text] This article investigates the operation of a parametric oscillator with delayed feedback with high excitation parameter values which makes it possible to reduce the frequency setting time and the amplitude of the oscillations. The approximate impulse resFonse is used to analyze the operating stability of the oscillator for various values of the excitation parameter. Two illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 535.538.4 HYDROACOUSTIC INSTRiJMENTATION SYSTEM FOR RADIO FIELD MODELING [Abstract of article by V.A. Nazarov and A.A. Pogodin] [Text] This article examines results of hydroacoustic modeling of radio fields when obstacles with resonant dimensions are placed in the field. Data are presented which provide evidence of the analogy between acoustic and optical fields atid of the possibility of optical modeling of hydroacoustic problems. - Five tables, 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396 INVESTIGATION OF FREQUENCY SELECTIVITY OF HARMUNIC SIGNAL SEPARATOR [Abstract of article by A.F. Messel`] 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] This article presents tlie results of modeling an algorithm for dividing harmonic signals on an M-222 computer, and investigates its operation with Afij approaching Afijmin. One table, 1 bibliographic reference. . UDC 621.396.62 - SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC SELECTION OF WORKING ANTENNA WITH MAXIMUM SIGNAL [Abstract of article by A.A. Andreyev] - [Text] This article presents the functional diagram of a system for automatic selection of a working antenna. The system provides high speed. One illustra- tion. UDC 621.396.961.06 ARRANGEMENT OF STANDARDS DURING FULL-SCALE MEASUREMENTS OF EFFECTIVE SCATTERING AREA OF RAllAR TARGETS [Abstract of article by S.S. Belyakov, P.E. Beskid and V.V. Leont'yev] [Text] This article proposed a pulsed method for measuring the effective scattering area of radar targets and a methodology for placement of the standard. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.375.535 METHOD FOR PROCESSING LASER GONIOMETER INFORMATION [Abstract of article by A.G. Vashchillo, V.G. Brykov and A.V. Mochalov] [Text] This article presents the methodlogy and algorithm for processing redundant data from a laser goniometer which can be used during certification of the prism to extract and evaluate random fluctuations of the signals from the laser gyroscope and angular position indicator. One illustration, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.373:535 INVESTIGATION OF INFLUENCE OF MAGNETIC FIELD ON RING LASER WITH PRISMS WITH TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION [Abstract of article by P.V. Melekhov and G.V. Trofimova] [Text] This article presents the results of investigating the influence of - a magnetic field on a laser with prisms with total internal reflection. Five illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064419-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.373:535 STATISTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LASER ANGULAR VELOCITY METER [Abstract of article by Yu.P. Larionov] [Text] It is shown that the presence o�,a.noise component in the input signal of a laser angular velocity meter causes the mathematical expectancy of the ber~t signal frequency to shift. Three bibliographic references. AUTOMATING�CHECKING OF ANGLES OF MULTIFACETED PRISMS [Abstract of article by K.B. Borodavko and A.S. Buravlev] uDC 621.375:535 [Text] This article examines the electronic section of a laser goniometer and , enumerates its fundamental errors. Two illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 531.383(07) LABORATORY PROTOTYPE FOR STUDYING GYROSCOPE NUTATION [Abstract of article by S.A. Andronov and I.S. Chulkova] [Text] This article presents the structure of a laboratory training prototype and proposes methods for determining the individual parameters of the construc- tion through the parameters of nutation oscillations. Definition of an external pulse through the parameters of the oscillation is examined. Three bibliographic references. UDC 621.12:532.5.041 ESTIMATE OF STATISTICAL PRECISION OF INDIRECT STABILIZATION SYSTEM [Abstract of article by T.:G. Ponikarovskaya) [Text] This article analyzes the statistical precision of a multiply-connected automatic system. An expression is presented for calculating the dispersions of the deviations of the determining coordinates. Tao tables, 4 bibliographic references. . UDC 527.2.(075) A Mr,.THOD FUR CONSTRUCTING THE TRAJECTORY OF A VESSEL IN ITS TURNING CIRCLE [Abstract of article by V.S. Chugunov] [Text] This article examines a method for constructing the trajectory of a vessel in its turning circle basEd on solving dynamic equations of vessel 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY , movemen: assuming the helm angle to be held ccnstant. Two illustrations, 2 bib- liographic references. UDC 531.383 QUASI-OPTIMAL SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF MOVING OBJECT WITH TWO CONTROL RULES [Abstract of article by I.N. Kuzichev and Yu.P. Saydov] [Text] This article examines the problem of moving an underwater vehicle from any initial position to some equilibrium state at optimal speed by using two control rules. Two illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 519.95 OPTIMAL-SPEED CONTROL FOR OBJECTS OF SAME CLASS [Abstract of article by V.P. Aksenov] [Text] This article defines optimal-speed control using the maximum principle. An algorithm implemented on an M-222 computer is usea to define the initial state vector Vt = 0) for a conjugate system which emures the minimum of the transitional process. One illustration, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 519.216.2 CONSTRUCTION OF SHAPING FILTERS FOR STATIONARY AND NONSTATIONARY RANDOM PROCESSES [Abstract of article by P.I. Saydov and S.V. Shepel'] [Text] This article examines problems of constructing mathematical models of random processes with assigned correlation function for modeling random pheno- mena on analog and digital computers. The results of modeling a random process on a digital computer are presented. Three bibliographic references. UDC 621.317.7.361(088.8) INFRA-LOW FREQUENCY-TO-VOLTAGE TRANSDUCER [Abstract of article by A.V. Vlasenko, V.B. Dabydov and Yu.A. Toropov] [Text] Thas article examines singularities of frequency-to-voltage:conversion in the infra-low frequency range and presents the functional diagram of a device which is free of specified shortcomings. Two illustrations, 4 biblio- gr.aphic references. unc 621.374 SOME PROBLEMS OF CONSTRUCTING PHASE-SENSITIVE RECTIFIERS WITHOUT TRANSFORMERS 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Abstract of article by K.V. Kolesnikov] [Text] This article presents the circuit of a phase-sensitive rectifier without .a transformer. Problems of tuning and adjusting the circuit are examined, and its specifications are given. One table, 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 629.1.054 ERPERIENCE IN .T.'LANNING GYRO INSTRLTMENT TESTING [Abstract of iirticle by A.D. Gromov and M.V. Solov'yev] [Text] It 1,3 shown that the use of a factor dispersion analysis device tioakes it possible to determine the required accuracy for stabilizing interfering factars. Two tables, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 531.787 PRESSURE METER WITH FREQUENCY OUTPUT [Abstract of article by Ye.B. Davydova and A.A. Fedoseyev] [Text] This article examines the construction of a pressure meter with a crystal piezo resonator. One table, 1 illustration, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 681.325.3 PRESSURE INDICATION CHANNEL [Abstract of article by V.N. Kropin] [Text] This article examines a frequency-digital code converter operating in the (0.5...10)�10 Hz range using series 133 and 155 microcircuits. The device uses a fractional divider in which the size of the divisor can be varied as a function of the type of ineter used. The measurement result is read out on a display in units of the quantity being measured. One illustration, 3 biblioeranhic references. ' COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 CSO: 1860/148 12 r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.396.392.1(075.3) SHIPBOARD RADIO NAVIGATION DEVICES Muscow SUDOVYYE RADIONAVIGATSIONNYYE PRIBORY in Russian 1981 (signed to press 26 Feb 81) pp 2-3, 334-336 [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from book "Shipboard Radio Navigation Devices", by Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Konovalov, Lyudmila Ivanovna Kuznetsova, Nikolay Petrovich Mel'nikov and Oleg Borisovich Prichkin, Izdatel'stvo "Transport", 18,000 copies, 336 oages] [Text] Annotation - This text presents the principles and singularities of modern shipboard radio navigation devices which are now used in the merchant marine. Specific shipboard radars, radio navigation indicators, radio direction finders - and navigation sets are described at the functional diagram level; the operating rules are given for the devices and the fundamentals of their use in navigation are presented. � This text is intended for students in maritime training schools of the Ministry of the Merchant Fleet, and can be used by students of higher marine engineering schools to study radio navigation devices, as well as participants in courses to improve the qualification of command staff. The third edition ivas published in 1974. 141 illustrations, 8 tables, 25 bibliographic references. [This book was reviewed by V.A. Bogdanov.] Foreword Radars, hyperbolic radio navigation system indicators and radio direction finders are now used extensively aboard vessels in the merchant fleet. More than 10 ~ different types of devices are in use which are based on complicated electronic circuits containing large numbers of tubes, transistors and integrated modules. In modern technolagy, where complex electronic circuits are used, the latter can be studied thoroughly enosgh at the level of functional diagrams consisting of individual elementary sections, or modules, whose schematic diagrams are familiar. '!'his principal extends to the radio navigation devices considPred in the present - 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY text, r.egardless of the component base on which they are constructed. In this case, t?:ie basis of the device circuit which fo studied is the functional diagram, which reflects the connections between individual components and controls. The operating principle of basic elementary circuits is studied in the course "Shipboard Radio Electronics"; the present text presents only general information regarding these circuits. Only pulsed and special-purpose circuits which have not been studied previously are examined in more detail here. Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and chapters 12, 14 were written by N.P. Mel`nikov, and chapters 6, 15, 19, 20, plus sections 11.5, 13.4, 18.5 and 18.6 were written by O.B. Prichkin. The rest of the work was written jointly by V.V. Konovalov and L.I. Kuznetsova. Overall editing was done by V.V. Konovalov. The authors express their gratitude to V.A. Bogdanov, who made a number of comments and suggestions which helped to improve the book. Table of Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Part 1. Radar Installations Chapter l. Fundamentals of radar 6 1.1. Radar oper.ating principles 6 1.2. Singularities of radar equipment 11 1.3. Technical and operating characteristics of radars 14 1.4. Navigationai characteristics of radars 26 Chapte�r 2. Pulsed circuits in shipboard radars 26 2.1. General information 26 2.2. Pulse generators 27 - 2.3. Pulse amplifiers and converters 29 2.4. Digital and logi c circuits 33 Chapter 3. Radar transceiving devices 40 3.1. General information 40 3.2. Microwave oscillators 44 3.3. Modulators 47 - 3.4. Antenna-waveguide devices 52 3.5. Antenna switches 59 3.6. Frequency converters 63 3.7. IF amplifiers 66 3.8. Automatic frequency control 72 Chapter 4. Radar indicators 76 4.1. General information 76 4.2. CRT in plan-position ind.icators 79 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' i 4.3. Obtaining radial-are scan 82 ~ 4.4. Obtaining auxiliary cursors 91 96 4.5. True movement indicators 100 4.6. Ship collision warning indicators ~ Chapter 5. "Don" radar 104 104 5.1. General information 108 ' 5.2. Functional diagram 117 ~ 5.3. Control ~ Chapter 6. "Okean" radar 119 . 6.1. General information 119 6.2. Functional diagram 125 6.3. Control 133 ~ 6.4. "Okean-M" radar 136 Chapter 7. "Nayada" radar 139 7.1. General information 139 145 7.2. Functional diagram 154 7.3. Control Chapter 8. Limited-use radar devices 156 8.1. "Lotsfya" radar 156 8,2. "Mius" radar 160 164 - 8.3. "A1'fa" device 169 8.4. "Istra" radar 170 ' 8.5. "Raskat" ground-based radar 8.6. "Ogonek" radar responder buor 172 Chapter 9. Technical operation and navigational use of radar 173 Placement of radar aboard ship and fundamentals of technical operation 1 9 173 . . Influence of reflecting properties of targets 2 9 6 i~ . . Influence of radio wave propagation conditions 3 9 178 . . 5,.4. Influence of noise 5. Inf luence of radar technical parameters and controls on operation 9 180 184 . 9.6. Use of radar in navigation 188 Part 2. Radio Navigation Systems i Chapter 10. Basic information on hyperbolic radio navigation systems 190 ' 10.1. Operating principles 190 192 ' 10.2. Types of radio navigation systems and shipboard indicators ~ 10.3. Propagation features of radio waves used in radio navigation systems 193 Chapter 11. Phase radio navigation systca+s 196 196 ~ 11.1. Pos, -le operating modes 202 11.2. Ac~."::dcy and ambiguity of phase determinations 205 ' acca-Navigator" radio nav:Cgation system ~ 11 3 . . 11.4.'Omega" radio navigation system 209 214 11.5. Construction features of phase radio navigation indicators ' 15 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064419-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Chapte-z 12. 1�Pirs-1M" indicator 213 12.1. General information 217 12.2. Functional diagram 219 12.3. Control 224 12.4. Navigational use 225 Chapter 13. Pulse and pulse-phase radio navigation systems 226 13.1. Operating principle 226 13.2. "Loran-A" radio navigation system 231 13.3. "Loran-C" radio navigation system 234 13.4, Constrvction singularities of indicators in pulsed and pulse-phase radio navigation systems 237 Chapter 14. KPI-4 indicator 242 14.1. General information 242 14.2. Functional diagram 244 14.3. Control 247 14.4. Navigational use 249 Chapter 15. KPI-5F indicator 249 15.1. General information 249 15.2. Functional diagram 251 15.3. Control 257 15.4. Navigational use 260 Chapter 16. Satellite radio navigation systems 262 16.1. General information on navigational satellites 262 16.2. Methods for determining ship's location 270 265 16.3. "Tranzit" satellite radio navigation system 2,~~ 16.4. "Navstar" satellite navigation system Part 3. Raaio Beacons and Radio Direction Finders 277 Ctiapter 17. Radio beacons 277 17.1. General information 278 17.2. Omnidirectional radio beacons Chapter 18. Fundamentals of radio direction finding 279 279 18.1. General information on radio direction finders 0 2 18 Receiving electromagnetic oscillations on different types of antennas 29 . . 18.3. Radio direction finding errors ~ 292 18.4. 18 5 Radio deviation Construction singularities of radio direction finders 299 . . 18.6. Technical operation and navigational use of radio direction finders 304 Chapter 19. "Rybka" radio direction finder 306 306 19.1. General information 308 19.2. runctional diagram 311 19.3. Control 16 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 . , FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Chapter 20. "Rumb" radio direction finder 313 20.1. General information 313 ' 20.2. Functional diagram 314 , 20.3. Control 317 ~ Part 4. Automated Radar and Navigation Sets Chapter 21. Basic construction principles of sets 318 ~ 21.1. General information on automated navigation sets 318 21.2. Construction features of radar sets 320 ' Chapter 22. Brief description of modern sets 322 22.1. "Briz" automated navigation set 322 22.2. Foreign-built sutoma.tion sets 326 Conclusion 331 Bibliography 333 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Transport", 1981 ~ 6900 CSO: 1860/189 ~ 17 ; ' FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION UDC 621.369.67 ANTENNAS: COLLECTED ARTICLiS Moscow ANTENNY: SBORNIK NAUCHNIKH STATEY in Russian No 29, 1981 (signed to press 15 Apr 81) pp 187-191 [Abstracts for 24 articles from collection: �1Antennas: Collected ArticleF", edited by A.A. Pistol'kors (editor-in--chief), Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyazr", 4500 copies, 192 pages] UDC 624.97.629.78+522.59 ENGINEERING DESIGN TREATMENTS OF SPACE RADIO TELESCOPES [Abstract of article by A.G. Sokolov and A.S. Gvamichava] [Text] This book examines the basic arrangements used for orbital scanning of space radio telescopes and methods used to retain their theoretical form. The limiting dimensions of automatic scanning antennas are indicated, along with the requirements for materials used, basic methods of assembly and scanning under terrestrial conditions with simulated weightlessness, and the basic con- struction principles of inechanically scanning antennas. Some information is provided on the KRT-10, the first 10-meter antenna to be opened automatically in space. 5 illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.677.861:629.19 FOLDING SPACE ANTENNA [Abstract of article by A.F. Bogomolov, N.V. Bukarev, G.N. Vazhentsev, Yu.A. Kisanov, I.F. Sokolov [deceased], N. M. Feyzulla] [Text] This article presents the results of developing a truss-type folding antenna for space. The design of the antenna is described, and weight relation- ships are presented. The limiting capabilities of this type of self-deploying antennas are estimated. The results of inechanical and radiotechnical testing of a 5-meter model are - presented, and the assembly and testing methods are given. 12 illustrations, 8 bibliographic references. 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFIC'IAL USH: ONI.Y UDC 621.396.677.8 MATERIALS FOR REFLECTING SURFACES OF FOLDING SPACE ANTENNAS [Abstract of article by Ye.A. Kisanov, N.M. Feyzulla, L.A. Kudryavin and V.A. _ Zavaruyev] [Text] The requirements for the materials used in the reflect~Lng surfaces of folding space antennas are determined. The possibility of t:s-'.ng film, fiber and knitted materials is examined, with the advantages of the latter indicated. The basic physical-nechanical properties of knitted metallic mesh with different weaves are preserLted. The results of ineasuring the radio reflection capability in the 1-10 GHz band are cited. 6 illustratiuns, 5 bibliogranhic referencea. - UDC 621.396.677.861 INFLUENCE OF DESIGN FEATURES OF TRUSS-TYpE FOLDING ANTENNAS ON THEIR RADIO TECHNICAL PARAMETERS [Abstract of article by Ye.A. Kisanov and N.M. Fey zulla] -[TextJ This article examines the influence of the design �eatures of truss-type folding antennas - hexagonal aperture and approximation of reflector surface by flat triangular elements - on the surface utilizatian factor azd directivity pattern. It is shown that all technical treatments used for paraboloids with round aper- tures are applicable for reflectors with hexagonal apertures. Engineering formulas are presented which characterize the influence on the surface utilization factor and directivity pattern of approximating the antenna surface with flat triangular elements. 4 4-llustrations, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.93 ANTENNA FOR "CIRCULAR PERASCOPIC" RADIO TELESCOPES [Abstract of article by N.L. Kaydanovskiy] [Text] This ar.tic].e considers the possibility of simplifying variable-profile antennas significantly by eliminating radial movement and azimuth scanning in the reflecting elements of the main reflector while retaining a single el.evation axis and using a secondary reflector with a focal line in the form of r_ne involute of the horizontal section of the caustic of the surface of the main reflector where the primary radiator - a linear antenna array - is deployed. 8 illustrations, 15 bibliographic references. 19 ' FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFIClAL USE flNLY UDC 621.396.67 ESTIMATION OF SIDELOBE LEVEL OF ANTENNA DIRECTIVITY PATTERN WITHIN SMALL RANGE OF ANGLES [Abstract of article by O.A. Sudakov and V.P. Yakovlev] [Text] Relationships are derived which interrelate the antienna directivity pattern pawer within a small range of angles and the maximum possible pattern sidelobe level in that range. 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 621.371.334:621.396.677.833.001.24 COMPARISON OF TWO METHODS FOR FIELD CALCULATION IN PENUMffiRA REGION [Abstract of article by V.A. Borovikov and A.G. Eydus] [Text] The example of diffraction of a directional cylindrical wave on a pen- umbra and rectangular wedge is used to compare two methods for calculating the field in the penumbra region - the uniform asymptotic theory which yields the precise field asymptote, and the uniform geometric theory of diffracti-uti, which yields approximate formulas. The formulas of the uniform geometric dif- fraction thEOry are shown to have significant error. 4 illustrations, 16 bib- _ liographic references. UDC 621.396.67 SOLUTION OF INVERSE DIFFRACTION PROBLEM FOR HETEROGENEITIES NEAR. ANTENNA APEFcTURE [Abstract of article by G.A. Yerokhin, V.G. Kocherzhevskiy and A.A. RyvlinaJ [Text] The method of simulating impedance boundary conditions is used to solve the inverse diffraction problem for heterogeneities located near aperture antennas. Two basic statements of the problem are considered: 1-- simulation for assigned scattering diagram; 2-- simulation for assigned magnitude of complete'scattering cross-section. The connection between the amplitude-phase characteristics of the scattered field and thP scattering pattern and charac- teris*ics of the radiating antenna is obtained. Simulation of a heterogeneity with a small complete scattering cross-section is examined as an example. The results of numerical calculations and experimental investigations of a simulated heterogeneity are presented. 7 illustrations, 11 bibliographic references. - UDC 621.396.677.681.3.01 THEORY OF ADAPTIVE ANTENNAS UNDER CONDITIONS OF CORRELATED NOISE SIGNALS [Abstract of article by O.S. Litvinov] ~ [Text] This article considers proUlems of the theory of an adaptive antenna array which receives correlated noise siena's. The basic findings are obtained 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY with the help of analytical manipulation of the covariation noise ma.trix developed previously by the author. The process of suppression of correlated noise signals, fluctuation in the signal/noise plus interference ratio and duration of noise suppression are analyzed, along with questions of noise suppression when some of the noise is caming from the direction of the main maximum of the directivity pattern of the an- tenna array in the quiescent state. 1 illustxation, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.67 ANTENNA ItADIATION IN PRESENCE OF NEARBY OBSTACLES [Abstract of article by A.G. Kyurkchan] [Text] This article examines the problem of antenna radia'-ion in the presence of nearby obstacles. The problem is formulated as a system of integral equations of the second kind with respect to the antenna and abstacle patterns. This system is relatively easy to solve for cases of practical importance. An example is given of the asymptotic solution of this system ot equations for the situation in which an absorbing screen is place~. next to the antenna. The limiting capabil- ities with regard to reducing antenna side radiation with the help of such screens are determined. Experimental results are cited which agree satisfactorily with the theory. 7 illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.677.31 - A CLASS OF PARALLEL-SERIES DRIVEN ANTENNAS [Abstract of article by G.N. Gromov, V.M. Kolupayev and N.Kh. Nikogosyan] - [Text] This article examines the basic characteristics of one type of parallel- series dr?ven antennas - antennas in which the waves propagate in opposite dir- Pctions in *_he feedar lines. The characteristics of this class of antennas are compared with the characteristics of ordinary center-driven traveling-wave antennas. 3 illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.677.45 - SELECTION OF OPTIMAL GEOMETRIC ELLIPTICITY FOR FLAT LOG-ELLIPTICAL SPIRAL ANTENNA [Abstract of article by V.M. Mal'tsev] [Text] The selection of optimal. geometric elasticity for a flat log-elliptical spiral antenna is presented. The analytical results are based on using the - current distribution obtained by solving an integral equation. 7 illustrations, 8 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.67 USE OF GRAPH THEORY TO SOLVE CERTAIN ANTENNA PROBLEMS [Abstract of article by R.P. Nikuiinl 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] This article is devoted to the problem of using graph theory in solving certain antenna problems. The example of a four-element director antenna is used to demonstrate the rules for transforming and simplifying graphs and determining the cur- rent amplitude in passive dipoles and finding the input impedance of an active radia- tor. Practical utilization of graph theory is demonstrated using the example of investigating a dipole with different branch lengths. Using the method of moments and the apparatus of graph theory, the input impedance is determined as'a function of the relationship between the branches of a thin dipole with different branch lengths. 16 illustrations, 9 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.67.012.12 N.ODELING OF A PHASED ANTENNA ARRAY I;Abstract of article by D.V. Shannikov and L.A. Babenko] [Text] A method is described for modeling a phased antenna array in a waveguide simulator using a single array radiator. The simulator is a waveguide with diel- - ectric plates along the side walls. The results of calculating the radiation resistance of the post in the proposed simulator and in a waveguide with two "magnetic" walls are presented, which confirms that the conditions under which the radiator operates in these waveguides are practically the same. The experi- mental findings also confirm the possibility of investigating equidistant linearly polarized antenna arrays in the proposed simulator. 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.677 CALCULATION OF RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF PYRAMIDAL HORN ANTENNAS [Abstract of article by S.A. Fedorova] [Text] The amplitude functions of the directivity patterns and directional gain of sharp pyramidal horns are calculated by means of aperture integration in defin- ing the field in the aperture using the approximating function method. The results of the calculations are compared with those obtained using the geometric diffraction theory for corner antennas and using aperture integration in finding the field - in the aperture based on qualitative considerations. $ illustrations, 13 biUlio- graphic references. UDC 621.396.67 CALCULATION OF BIMODAL HORNS [Abstract of article by V.I. Abramov, I.F. Tselov and T.N. Dobrynina] [Text) This article examines an engineering methodology for calculating two types of bimodal horn radiators in which a ledge and dielectric tube are used as a superior type mode driver. A horn with a dielectric tube is shown to have greater 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOY" OFFICIAL USE ONLY bandwidth. The results of experimental investigation of the characteristics of both types of horns are presented. 5 illustrations, 15 bibliogr2-',ic references. UDC 621.396.67 POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF PARABOLIC ANTENNAS [Abstract of article by L.V. Knyazeva] [Text] The relaticnships between cross-polarization and geomeCric antenna parameters and radiator characteristics are obtained using the current method to calculate the directivity patterns of parabolic antennas (single- and twin-reflector: Casse- - grain and Gregory). 5 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.67.095 NOMOGRAMS OF POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD [Abstract of article by Yu.N. Seryakov and S.A. Firsov] [Text] Plomograms are developed for determining the polarization characteristics (coefficient of ellipticity e and angle of inclination of ellipse of polarization S) using ttie values of the ratio of the orthogonal components of the electrical field and phase shift between them nomograms for their errors are also developed. The connection between the measurement errors and polarization charac- teristic errors is presented. 5 illustrations, 3 bibliograghic references. UDC 621.396.671 Pt1ASE CHARACTERISTICS OF ANTENNAS IN FRESNEL ZONE [Abstract of article by V.A. Zemlyakov] [Text] An form for writing the phase distributi.on of the field at different distances from the antenna is obtained. Questions of using the rela- tionships obtained for determining the coordinates of the antenna phase center using measurements in the Fresnel zone are considered. 1 illustration, 2 biblio- graphic references. UDC 621.372.826:621.396.67 - INTRINSIC WAVES IN TWO-BIMENSIONAL PERIODIC ARRAY OF RIBBED RODS [Abstract of article by V.M. Krekhtunov and S.A. Morgulev] [Te::t] The method of partial regions in rigorous electrodynamic statement is' used to investigate electromagnetic wave propagation in a man-made metal dielectric formed by a two-dimensional periodic array of round metal ribbed rods. 5 illus- trations, 5 bibliographic references. ~ 23 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.37.544 NUMERICAL METHOD FOR ANALYZING COUPLED NONUNIFORM TRANSMISSION LINES [Abstract of article by V.R. Shleye, K.Ya. Adbakirov, M.Ya. Voronin and T.A. Kondrat'yeva] [Text] This article presents a numerical method for analyzing coupled nonuniform transmission lines which can be used to analyze micrcrwave devices with uniform and nonuniform dielectric filling. 3 illustrations, 10 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396 STRIPLINE AND MICRO-STRIPLINE R-RESONATOR MICROWAVE FILTERS [Abstract of article by L.S. Osipov and B.B. Balandinskiy] [Text] This article examines the advantages of microwave stripline filters with ti-bent half-wave open ended resonators. A method is proposed for calcula:ing the electrical parameters of 1t-resonator filters which can be user' to develop filters based an balanced as well as unbalanced strip transmission lines. The methodology for designing and calculating the geometric dimensions of II-resona- tor stripline filters is illustrated using an example. It is shown that the proposed methodology in combination with graphs and nomogiams which are cited makes it possible to realize the required filtier amplitude response with accuracy sufficie^c for engineering practice. The derivation of the formulas for calculating the electrical parameters of II-resonator filters is given in an appendix. 8 illustrations, 7 bibliographic references. . UDC 621.396.677 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF RADIO TRANSPARENCY OF PERI'ORATED METAL STRUCTURES [Abstract of article by B.A. Panchenko and I.P. Solov'yanova] [Text] This article presents the results of numerical calculations of the radio transparency of flat periodically pe:rforated metal structures. General regular- ities in the behavior of the coefficient of transmission of a plane electromag- netic wave as the parameters of the strucCures change are formulated on the basis of numerical analysis. 7 illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.67 INNOVATION IN TREATMENT OF TURNING ANTENNA SUPPORTS [Abstract of article by V.S. Polyak] 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _I [Text] 'ds article.demonstrates the dominant rale of "dynamic" component of deformatiori-movement of the focal axis-of the antenna in the shape formation of the ' turning support and cites adequate limits for qualitative change of construction ~ treatments. The shortcoming of traditional treatmeats are demonstrated from the ; viewpoint of the qualitative limits eotablished, and the singularities of a new ~ type of turning supports are examined which are significantly more economical and ; adaptable to manufacture. Examples of the technical implementation of the new , design are also examined. 6 illustrations, 9 bibliographic references, COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz"', 1981 ~ 6900 CSO: 1860/188 f _i I _j ~ 25 , ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060019-0 EOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION AND IONOSPHERIC PHYSICS Novosibirsk RASPROSTRANENIYE RADIOVOLN I FIZIKA IONOSFERY in Russian 1981 (signed to press 17 Jun 81) pp 219-224 [Abstracts for 24 articles from book "Radio Wave Propagation and Ionospheric Physics", edited by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Iosif Markovich Vilenskiy ,(deceased) and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Arnol'd Crigor'yevich Fleyer, Izdatel'stvo "*Iauka", 1250 copies, 224 pages] UDC 550.388 NONLINEAR DISTORTION OF POWERFUL MODULATED RADIO WAVES [Abstract of article by I.M. Vilenskiy and A.A. Kapel'zon] [Text] This article investigates nonlinear distortions of powerful radio waves during propagation through the ionosphere. It is shawn that as the transmitter power increases the amplitude modulation of the wave can drop to a few percent, while the coefficient of nonlinear distortions increases to tens of percent. Achieveable carrier frequencies are calculated for oblique propagation and trajectories on which the coefficient of nonlinear distortions of the signal does not exceed 20% are selected. 7 illustrati.ons, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 550.388 OBLIQUE PROPAGATION OF POWERFUL RADIO WAVES IN IONOSPHERE [Abstract of article by O.I. Lipay and V.V. Plotkin] [Text] This article examines oblique incidents of a powerful radio wave on a flat stratified isotropic ionosphere. Assuming weak absorption and heterogeneity, first-approximation equations are derived for the amplitude, phase and trajectory for waves with arbitrary power. These equations are integrated numerically for specific ionospheric models. It is shawn that a powerful wave can be reflected from sharp artificial gradients which it creates in the region lying beneath the linear reflection point. Nonlinear perturbation of the radio wave and its amplitude are investigated. 1 illustration, 3 bibliographic references. 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.388 RADIO WAVE REFLECTION FROM ARTIFICIAL QUASIPERIODIC IONOSPHERIC HETEROGENEITIES [Abstract of article by I.M. Vilenskiy and M.Ye. Freyman] 1 [Text] T!iis article examines the propagation of weak radio waves in an isotropic , ionosphere perturbed by a vertically incident and reflected powerful radio wave. i The two-scale expansion method is used to derive a system of "truncated" equations which describes the reflection of radio waves from a quasiperiodic structure (array) in the region of the first Bragg resonance. A qualitative analysis of the solution of this system is given for two practically important cases. It is demonstrated that when the perturbing transmitter is powerful enough the coefficient of reflection from the array may be of the order of unity. 7 illustra- tions, 1 table, 26 bibliographic references. UDC 660.388 INVESTIGATION OF LOWER IONOSPflERE USING PULSED CROSS-MODULATION METHOD [Abstract of article by N.I. Izrayleva] [Text] This article is devoted to an effective study of the lower ionosphere using a modified pulsed cross-modulation method. The theory of nonlinear interaction of high-power pulsed radio waves is developed. The cross-modulation coefficients are analy zed quantitatively as a function of the equipment parameters as well as the ionospheric parameters. Practical recommendations ar2 given on the selection of optimal experimental conditions for achieving the highest cross-modulation coefficient values. The methodology developed for solving the inverse problem is appiied to cor.crete experin;ental data on amplitt:de cross-modulation. It is shown that the modified pulsed cross-modulation method using pawerful radio waves makes it possib le to define the practically instantaneous profiles of the parameters of the lower ionosphere (electron concentration, collision frequency, etc.), and to study its dynamics and fine structure. 7 illustrations, 1 table, 40 bibliograph- ic references. UDC 550.388 ANALYSIS OF ABSORPTION AND PHASE OF SHORTWAVE RADIO SIGNAL REFLECTED FROM IONOSPHERE (PLANE MODEL, ARBITRARY STATE OF IONOSPHERIC LAI'ER) [Abstract of article by E.I. Ginzburg, O.G. Zhuravskiy and I.I. Nesterova] [Text] This article presents a method for calculating the parameters of a short- wave oblique radio signal reflected from an anisotropic ionosphere which can be ; used to study the earth's ionosphere using radio waves in that band. Calculations can be made for a radio path not over 3,000 km long (flat layer approximation), ' arbitrarily oriented with respect to the earth's magnetic field,.for arbitrary ~ ionospheric characteristics. The program described in the article can be used 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to obtain all of the basic radio wave propagation characteristics over a broader frequency band from superlong waves to short waves. 4 illustrations, 4 biblio- graphic references. UDC 550.388 INVERSE PROBLEM FOR WAVE REFLECTION FROM HETEROGENEOUS ISOTROPIC PLASMA LAYER [Abstract of article by V.K. Berger and S.L. Gekhman] [Text] This article examines the innerse problem for radio wave reflection from a two-dimensional heterogeneous weakly reflecting isotropic plasma layer. Expressions are derived which describe the electron concentration profile in the layer as a function af the parameters of the reflected wave. lfao possible types of incident wave polarization are examined. It is shown that the solution ob- tained is valid in the high frequency region. 2 illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.371.34 SIGNAL PHASE INSTABILITY DURING IONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION [Abstract of drticle by L.K. Andrusevich and D.I. Sheynman] [Text] The methodology and results of experimental investigation of signal phase a short-wave channel are described. Conditional probability distributions are obtained for the amplitude and rate of signal phase variation tied to ionospheric conditions which are systematized in terms of character-istic features, making it possible to predict statistical signal characteristics using the predicted ionospheric parameters. The relationship between the velocity of phase variation and the instantaneous signal level is established experimentally. The rates of signal phase variation obtained experimentally are compared with those obtained on the basis of the theoretical Rayleigh model. 4 illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.371 LINEAR APPROXIMATION METHOD FOR DETERMINING PHASE PROPAGATION VELOCITY OF SUPER- LONG RADIO WAVES [Abstract of article by A.G. Fleyer] [Text] This article proposes a method for experimental determination of the mean phase velocity for arbitrary paths with a given orientation. The use of the method at points located more than 1000 kilometers in the direction of pro- pagation from the radio transmitter when the underlying surface conductivity is uniform ensures that the measured phase velocity is practically independent of distance. The method can be used to cross-reference the time scales of any objects located along the direction coinciding with the placement of the synchroni-; 28 I?OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ f zed standards, and for cross-referencing the object scales and time scale of any of ; the standards. UDC 621.371 : EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF SEASONAL VARIATION IN PHASE OF SUPER-LONG WAVE ~ SIGNALS ! [Abstract of article by L.Ya. Vorob'yev] [Text] This article investigates the seasonal variation in phase delays T of ' super-long waves on long paths during periods with equal illumination. It is shown that spectral analysis of the diurnal pfiase variations AT makes it possible to determine the periodic components of the phase variation on paths with equal : illumination. The primary regular components have periods of a year and of six months. During the day these variations relate to variations in the effective altitude of the lower ionosphere. The amplitude-phase characteristics Tn at night are different from the daytime values for the corresponding process harmonics. 3 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.371 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF TRANSIENT SUPER-LONG WAVE PATHS ~ [Abstract of article by A.I. Shchavelev] [Text] This article analy zes experimental data obtained on north-westerly propa- gation paths. Sufficiently reliable and representative estimates are found for the parameters of normal waves which characterize the process of re-excitation of these waves, in addition to some properties of the waveguide channel during propagation within the wide 50-650 north latitude belt. 1 illustration, 1 table, 14 bibliographic references. UDC 621.371.334 NUMBER OF METEOR-TRAIL ECHOS OF THE EARTH [Abstract of article by A.S. Vever and T.P. Danilova] _ [Text] The relative contribution of different sections of the sky to the number of earth echo signals obtained via meteor trails,,is found. Meteors with azimuths opPosite the sounding azimuth were most effective.; l illustration 4 biblio- graphic references.  . UDC 621.371.332.2:681.327.64 PROBLEMS OF RECORDING RE-REFLECTED IONOSPHERIC RADIO SIGNALS [Abstract of article by S.K. Uralov] 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] This article examines different methods for recording signals taken from the receiver output during pulsed ionospheric sounding. The simplest method is - magnetic tape recording using pulse frequency fiodulation. The use of a crystal- controlled pilot signal in the record-reproduce section during pulse frequency _ modulation recording makes it possible to reduce significantly the distortions caused by nonuniformity of the magnetic medium. When the signal is recorded on magnetic tape, computer interfacing is simplified significantly. 1 illustration, - 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.24 ACCUMULATION OF OBLIQUE BACKSCATTER SOUNDING SIGNALS IN PRESENCE OF SEVERE RADIO INTERFERENCE [Abstract of article by P.I. Fedos'kin] [Text] This article examines the influence of severe pulsed radio interference on a receiver containing an envelope detectar with square-law response and an accumulator with linear response with a range selector connected between them. An expression is obtained for the gain in accumulation of the oblique backscatter ionospheric sounding signal resulting from the action of pulsed interference. It is shown thar this gain is usually between 1 and 4 dB. The false alarm probability is found as a function of accumulation time. 2 illustrations, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.677 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE DIFFRACTION OF TRIAXIAL CONDUCTING ELLIr30ID [Abstract of article by A.A. Botvinnik and Yu.I. Volkovysskiy] [Text] An algorithm is described in detail for calculating the scattering field of a plane electromagnetic wave incident at an arbitrary angle on a triaxial ideally conducting ellipsoid. The algorithm uses the high frequency asymptote method. The beam method is used with the observation point located in the illum- inated region. Keller's diffraction beam method is used to calcirlate the umbral field. An algorithm is described for finding the geodesic lines which the beam follows along the surface of the ellipsoid. In conclusion, the flow chart of the algorithm used to calculate the scattering fields is given, which serves as the basis for writing computer programs. 7 bibliographic references. UDC 551.557 NEAR-YOLE SYSTEM OF WINDS IN THERMOSPHERE [Abstract of article by E.I. Ginzburg and L.V. Zhalkovskaya] - [Text] A mathematical formulation and numerical solution are provided for the problem of the system of thermospheric Gri.nds in the region near the poles. The system of equations consists of continutty and movement equations of a uniform 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOdt OFFICIAL USE ONLY gas allowing for nonlinear terms, viscous forces, ion retardation and Coriolis forces in the latter. The density, temperature and pressure fields are assigned using Yakkiy's 1971 model. The influence of nonlinear terms, vertical flows and boundary conditions on the velocity field in the region near the pole is estimated. 9 illustrations, 17 bibliographic references. UDC 551.510.596 INTERNAL GRAVITY WAVES AS TURBULIZATION SOURCE FOR LOWER THERMOSPHERE [Abstract of article by E.I. Ginzburg and G.I. Kuzin] [Text] A wave equation solut.ion is Found for short gravity waves in the vicinity ' of the reflection point for a linear atmospheric layer considering viscosity and thermal conductivity. It is shown that the vertical component of the short gravity wave wind velocity increases resonantly to values for which allowance ' must be made for nonlinear processes at a special point on the short gravity wave index of refraction located beyond the reflection point. It is proposed that this resonance effect is the source of turbulization of the medium. An analytical expression for the relative altitude profile of the coefficient of turbulent diffusion KT is obtained on the basis of estimates uf semi-empirical ~ turb ulence theory. Comparison of the altitude profiles of KT obtained for dif- ~ ferent seasons with experimental profiles in tlie 50-130 km region shaws satisfac- tory coincidence. 3 illustrations, 14 bibliographic references. UDC 550.388:525 INVESTIGATION OF PERIODIC DISTURBANCES OF UPPER AND LOWER IONOSPHERE [Abstract of article by A.G. Fleyer and L.Ya. Vorob'yev] [Text] This article examines downward verticle propagation of periodic ionos- pheric disturbances according to measurements of the propagation time of exact- time signals received at synchronized points. A general relationship is found between the prnpagation velocity of periodic disturbances and frequency V= V(W). Large-scale periodic disturbances with wavelengths of 50-120 km satisfy the dispersion relationship of V(W) well. The results are compared with the findings of other authors. 1 illustration, 1 table, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 523.037:525.7 METHODS FOR INVESTIGATING ELECTRICAL STATE OF FLYING OBJECTS AND THEIR SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT [Abstract of article by Yu. A. Bragin and N.M. Pushkin] [Text] This article discusses the general principles behind the processes in- volved in electrization of flight vehicles, methods for investigating and reducing it, as well as measurements of the electrical properties of the environ- ment. Man-made and natural spaceborn objects equipped with electrical field intensity transducers and electron-ion guns are recommended for use as probes 31 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY for investigating charged particles in space. 1 illustration, 27 bibliographic references. UDC 523.037:525.7 ELECTRICAL STRUCTURE OF STRATOSPHERE AND MESOSPHERE ACCORDING TO MISSILE RESEARCH DATA [Abstract of article by Yu.A. Bragin, A.A. Kocheyev, V.N. Kikhtenko, L.N. Smirnykh, A.A. Tyutin, O.A. Bragin and B.F. Shamakhov] [Text] An empirical model of the electrical structure of the stratosphere and mesosphere is constructed on the basis of analy zing the results of direct missile measurements obtained for over 50 The model includes the altitude dependence of electrical conductance, ion concentration and vertical electrical field component in the atmosphere. Certain tendencies of temporal and spatial fluctuation of these parameters are noted. The seasonal dependence of atmospheric electrical conductance obtained in the area of the "Molodezhnaya" Antarctic station is presented. 15 illustrations, 42 bibliographic references. UDC 523.037:525.7 DIRECT MEASUREMENTS OF LOW FREQUENCY (10-2 = 102 Hz) OSCILLATIC'NS OF ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRrCAL FIELD BELOW 25 Iai [Abstract of article by Yu.A. Bragin, R.M. Zinatulin, V.I. Struminskiy and V.F. Shamakhov] [Text] This article presents data on the instrumentation and initial measurements of atmospheric electrical field variations (10-2 = 102 Hz) obtained using an- tennas raised on probe balloons to altitudes of approximately 25 km. It is asserted that the atmospheric electrical field "makes noise" at the fine frequen- cies which are clearly distinct from low-frequency "noise". The supposition that the main source of the variations is associated with the interaction between solar radiation and the earth's surface or near-earth atmospheric layer, i.e., that in the lawer atmosphere, is substantiated. 2 illustrations, 10 bibliographic references. UDC 551.594.12 GROUND MEASUREMENTS OF ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICAL FIELD INTENSITY AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE [Abstract of article by G.I. Endikov] [TextJ A possib le connection between phenomena occurring in the lithosphere and the earth's atmosphere is proposed. A brief review of ineasurements and instru- ments for investigating atmospheric electrical field intensity and electrical conductance is given, along with curves of the daily behavior during good weather in July-August 1978 obtained during an expedition to Altay. 3 illustra- 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064419-0 FOR OFFICIAL lJSE ONLY tions, 9 bibliographic references. UDC 551.594 BALLOON MEASUREMENTS OF HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF ELECTRICAL FIELD, ION CONCENTRA- TION, ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE AND CORPUSC'ULAR STREAMS [Abstract of article by L.N. Smirnykh, V.I. Struminskiy, V. M. Frolov. P. A. Kononov, A. I. Zhivogl}tadov, S. A. Itskovich and R. D. Gaynutdinov] [Text] This article presents methods and results of ineasuring electrical fields, ion concentration, electrical conductance and corpuscular streims in the atmos- phere in the 0-40 km altitude region. The altitude dependence o� the horizontal component of the conductance current is given. la illustrations, 12 bibliographic references. UDC 551.510.53 BKEAKDOWN OF ATMOSPHERIC OZONE BY NEGATIVE ION'O' [Abstract of article by A.M. Zadorozhnyy and I.G. Deminov] - [Text] The observed reduction in ozone concentration in the polar region at altitudes of :50 km during release of high-energy solar flare protons and dur- ing geomagnetic disturbances are shown to be explainable by the interaction between.03 and negative ions. The behavior of the ozone layer under disturbed conditions is investigated with the help of a numerical pl:otochemical model of the stratosphere. 2 illustrations, 15 bibliographic references. UDC 323.037:5257 RESULTS OF MISSILE MEASUREMENTS OF UV-RADIATION IN LOWER MESOSPHERE AND STRATOSPHERE ' [Abstract of article by V.S. Degtyarev, G.A. Tuchkov and A.A. Tyutin] [Text] This article presents the results of missile measurements of W radia- tion in the lower mesosphere and stratosphere. An increase in radiation inten- sity (a = 1000 - 3000 R) below 40 km occurs with a maximum in the 25 km region. 3 illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 6900 CSO: 1860/142 33 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 - FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY CIRCUITS & SYSTEMS AUTOMATION OF DESIGN IN RADIO ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENT BUILDING Leningrad I ZUESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): AVTOM.'~TI7ATSIYA PROYEKTIROVANIYA V RAD7.OELEKTRONIKE I PRIBOROSTROYENII in Russian No 235, 1579 (signed to press 19 Sep 79) pp 119-124 - [Abstracts for 25 articles in journal "Proceedings of Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V.I. U1'yanov (Lenin): Automation of Design in Radio Electronics and Instrument Building] UDC 621.372.001.2:681.32 = PROBLEM-ORIENTED GROUP OF APPLICATIONS PROGRAMS FOR AUTOMATED DESIGN 0F ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS (Abstract of article by V.I. Anisimov and V.V. Sokolova] [Te;:L] This article examines a problem-oriented group of applications programs intended for automating circuit design and oriented toward utilization by electronic circuit designers with no special computer knowledge. The language support of the group, along with its modular software, provide capabilities for expansion. One illustration, 3 bibliographic ref erences. UDC 621.372:681.318.56.001.24 PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZING AUTOMATED DESIGN SYSTEM FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC RELAY CIRCUITS [Abstract of article by Yu.N. Strel'nikov] - [Text] The tasks of an automated design system include calculating, analy zing and optimizing the characteristics of the electromagnetic circuits used in neutral and polari.zed relays. The mathematical foundation for design consists of a system of nonlinear difFerential equations describing the dynamics of transient processes during actuation of the relays. This article describes the structure and composi- tion of the sof.tware for the system and shows the information connections between the computational modules. One illustration, 3 bibliographic references. 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UDC 621.372.011.71:681.3 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS BY COMPUTER 0F ANIPLITUDE-FREQUENCv CHARACTERISTICS OF LINEAR ELECTRICAL CIACUITS [Abstract of article by V.D. Zubov] [Text] This article examines questions involved in finding the characteristics of the distribution principles of amplitude-frequency characteristic parameters: intrinsic attenuation, irregularity of attenuation, etc. A program is developed which can be used to define the characteristics of these principles foi linQar electrical circiiits. An example is given of statistical analysis of an active RC-filter; the distribution of its attenuation irregularity is approximated by a Pearson curve of the first sort. One illustration, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 681.142-523.8:621.372 USE OF GEOMETRIC PROGRAMMING IN PARAMETRIC SYNTHESIS OF ACTIVE RC-FILTERS [Abstract of article by Xu.N. Ryabtsev] ~ [Text] The basic types of problems in geometric programming are examined. An Algorithm for the problem for limitations of equalities is emphasized. The material is illustrated by an example of rarametric synthesis of an active filter. The analysis confirms the expedience of utilizing geometric programming for problems of optimizing electronic circuits. One illustration, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 681.3:621.372.061 SIIBSYS'lEM FOR AUTOMATED DESIGN OF LQW-NOISE LINEAR SECTIONS OF RADIO ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT [Abstract of article by Kh,G. Akopyants, Ye.V. Golubenko, L.M. Zlydina and L.B. Shusterman] , [Text] Algorithms are examined which are implemented in a group of applications programs for analysis and para:netric optimization of low-noise electronic circuits in the frequency domair.. A unified approach is taken for calculating circuit _ functions and their sensitivity via elements of the inverse conductivity matrix. Some chatacteristics of the group of programs are presented. Nine bibliographic references, 1 table. UDC 681. MACHINE CALCULATION OF STABILITY OF LINEAR MICROCIRCUITS CONSIDERING PARASITIC COUPLING [Abstract of article by I.B. Kazakov and A.A. Skosyrev] - [Text] A methodology is examined for calculating the stability of linear integrated circuits a concentrated parasitic coupling model. Comparative results of 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY machine calculation and full-scale experimentation are presented, and acceptable values of parasitic coupling are determined using the exariple of an amplif ier with emitter correction. One illustration, 8 bibliographic references. UDC 681.516.77 AiJTO1IATI0N OF DESIGN OF NONLINEAR AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS IN PRESENCE OF DELAY [Abstract of article by A.I. Drobyshev] [Text] This article examines a methodology for synthesizing automatic systems with - nonlinear dyaamic correcting devices in the presence of delay. It is shown that the use of such correcting devices makes it possible to compensate for the delay - effect, which significantly simplifies the problems involved i:~ automated design of such systems. Four illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 681.5.015 DIGITAL MODELING OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS WITH SEVERELY DIVERGING TIME CONSTANTS [Abstract of article by V.Ya. Mamayev and Ye.N. Grafov] [Text] A digital modeling method for dynamic systems of the "object-automatic - control system" type is examined. The method consists essentially of selecting a unified integration step for the system of diff erential equations w?:ich describes the operation of the subsystem with slow dynamics (the object) and a subsystem with fast dynamics (the automatic control system), based on the requirements for the accuracy with which the obj2ct is modeled. Accuracy of modeling of the system as a whole is provided by correctin- the parameters of the automatic control system. Three bibliographic references, 1 table. UDC 685.5.037.6 AUTOMATION OF INVESTIGATION OF ABSOLUTE STABILITY OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM WITH TWO NONLINEAR ELEMENTS [Abstract of article by L.A. Osipov and S.A. Kochetov] [Text] This article examines digital computer investigation of the absolute stability of automatic control systems with two nonlinear elements. An algorithm is presented for investigating the absolute stability of the equilibrium position _ of such a system, as is an algorithm for deterfftining the maximum acceptable values - oE the nonlinear element characteristics Kl and K2, making it possible to construct the boundary of the region of absolute stability on the planr: of these parameters. Two illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 681.516.77 DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC SYSTEM OPERATING UNDER INFLUENCE OF NONSTATIONARY HARMONIC NOISE 36 ?vi.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' [Abs>tract of article by A.N. Sinyakov; ' [Te.xt] This article examines sitigularities of designing a nonlinear automatic ' systfam operating in the presence of harmonic noise. The amplitude and phase distor- tions introduced infio the circuit when an adaptive nonlinear filter is used for noise suppression are estimated. The amplitude-phase distortions are derived as a fuiution of the relationship between the frequencies of the noise and the valid signal which can be used as the basis for determining the most effective operating frequency region of the filter in the automatic system. Two bibliographic refer- ences. UDC 681.32.001.2:681.32 + 519.814 ' CONSTRUCTION OF AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR SYNTHESIZING DIGITAL DEVICES USING SELF- TEACHING METHODS [Abstract of article by A.F. Gubkin] [Text] This article examines the principles of organizing automated systems for synthesizing digital devices and the use of the self-teaching method in their con- struction. A simple self-teaching method is described which can be used in SAPR [expansion not given, possibly time-pattern control system], as well as results ob- tained using it xn one stage of synthesis. Seven bibliographic references, 1 table. UDC 681.325.65 ~ ALGORITHMIC MODULES IN LOGICAL MODELING SYSTEM [Abstract of article by V.S. Fomichev and V.V. Mazurek] [Text] This article examines the expausion of a logical modeling system by includ- ing modules whose operation is described in FORTRAN. The system permits represen- tation of a mixed model of a scheme comprised of algorithmic, element and Boolean mo.iules, wrich makes it possible to model hybrid devices. One illustration, 3 bibliographic *_'eferences. UDC 681.32 SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATION CIRCUITS OF AND-NOT, AND-OR-NOT ELEMENTS [Abstract of article by V.S. Dudkin] [Text] An approximate method is proposed for synthesizing combination circuits with minimal cost using AND-NOT, AND-OR-NOT logic elements considering the limita- tions on the parameters of these elements. One illustration, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.64.001.2:681.3 ORGONIZATION OF AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR DESIGNING INTEGRATED LINEAR MIGROWAVE DEVICES ("MAPS" SYSTEM) 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Abstract of article by G.V. Petrova] [Text] Thls article presents the organization of the "MAPS" system, its structural composition and functionai designation; the basic characteristics of the system, its capabilities and function are given. One illustration, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.3.032.266 FEATURES OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF EOS OF SOLID-STATE ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS [Abstract of article by V.V. Slavyaskiy] [Text] The possibi.lities of increasing the accuracy with which the EOS [expansion not given] is calculated in the cathode region using the iterative grid method are examined. Results are given for numerical analysis of formation systems for obtain- ing the electron f lux with constant cross-sectional current density at the system output. Four illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.385.832:621.382.2.012 DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRAM FOR STATISTICAL MODELING OF NONLINEAR EFFECTS IN TARGET OF SOLID-STATE ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT [Abstract of article by B.V. Ivanov] [Text] This article presents the basic equations, algorithm and program for statis- tical modeling of nonlinear processes occurring in the target of a solid-state electronic instrument for unidimensional approximation. In contrast to previous programs, the proposed program allows the influence of diffusion and recombina- tion on the gain of the target. The main assumption is that Boltzmann's statistics are valid. Some of the capabilities of the program are illustrated through the results of completed calculations. Three illustrations, 10 bibliographic references. UDC 621.385.6.001.24:681.32 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF GROUPING PROCFSSES IN TRIODE-KLYSTRON WITH ELECTROSTATIC LENS [Abstract of article by V.A. Meos and V.A. Fedorov] [Text] This article presents the results of computer calculation of the operating modes of an electrostatically focused amplifier triode klystron. The influence of the lens on the electron grouping process is discussed. Four illustrations, 4 bibliographic ref erences. UDC 621.385.6.624.001.57:681.32 FREQUENCY BAND OPTIMI7ATIIN OF MULTI-CAVITY KLY3TRON BUNCHER [Abstract of article by G.P. Zybin, D.D. Suchalkin and V.L. Ukhanov] 38 - FOR OFF[CIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL.Y [TextJ An algorithm and program for optimizing a multi-cavity klystron buncher are developed. The optimization is done in two stages. First the electron effi- ciency is optimized at the center frequency. The data obtained from this are the data for the second stage, which consists of qptimizing the frequency response. The results of optimizing the buncher of a four-cavity klystron are presented. Two illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.385.632 ESTIMATES OF EFFICIENCY OF ALGORITHMS FOR CALCULATING SPACE CHARGE FORCES FOR CYLINDRICAL REGIONS [Abstract of article by M.V. Nazarova and V.A. Solntsev] [Text] This article compares the efficiency of three different programs used for i solving Poisson's equation in a cylindrical region with simple geometry. It is shown that the solution time is approximately 0.07 seconds for each 100 nodes of the network for the direct methods considered, which corresponds to two iterations in the longitudinal/transverse-pass method. One illustration, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.382.001 ANALYSIS OF RADIO EI:ECTRONIC EQUIPMENT DESIGNS USING DIGITAL COMPUTERS - [Abstract of article by B.N. Den'dobrenko] ' [Text] This work examines methods for analyzing the'designs of radio electronic i equipment based on dig3.ta1 modeling of the field interactions of the design compon- ents. These methods make it possible to expand the capabilities of machine systems for designing radio electronic equipment. Five bibliographic references. UDC 681.323.001.25 ' AUTOMATION OF TOPOLOGICAL PLANNING OF LSI CIRCUITS [Abstract of article by A.N. Melikhov, V.M. Kureychik and V.A. Kalashnikov] [Text] This article examines methods for automated designing of circuits used in comnuter structures. Problem-solving algorithms are presented for the structural design phase using the apparatus of graph theory. Models are described which are used for formal statement of design problems. One illustration, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 681.3.00 CONSTRUCTION OF METHODOLOGY FOR AUTOMATING TECHNICAL DESIGN BASID ON THEORY OF ~ PARAMETRI C SENSITIVITY ~ [Abstract of article by Yu.N. Kofanov] i ~ 39 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY A methodology is proposed for computer-aided design which is based on using para- metric sensitivitq functions for solving various design problems: selecting alter- native structures for the designed entity, optimizing its parameters, investi- gating the dispersion of the parameters, etc. Aia example of machine design of radio electronic equipment is used to indieate ways of improving the subject methodology by unifying the calculatiom models of unlike physical processes occur- ring in the designed entity. Three bibliographic references. UDC 681.32.001 USING THE METHOD OF ISOLATING ISOMORPHIC SUBGRAPHS WITHIN A GRAPH TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF PLACEMENT ALGORITHMS FOR ELEMENTS OF DIFFERENT SIZES [Abstract of article by A.M. Bershadskiy, A.B. Shcherban' and L.V. Igoshina] [Text] This article examines one of the algorithms for the placement of components of different sizes on a substrate which produces precise solutions to the problem; a method is proposed for increasing its efficiency, which consists of reducing the amount of data processed. The basis is the principle of step-by-step solution of the placement problem, where the use of the method of isolating isomorphic sub- graphs within a graph is suggested for dividing the problem into steps. Eight bibliographic references. UDC 681.325.65 ONE IMPLEMENTATION OF PLACEMENT ALGORITHM [Abstract of article by K.A. Sapozhkov, V.D. Bylkin and Ye.G. Bershadskaya] [Text] This article examines the structure of a program for the arrangement of radioelectronic and electronic computer equipment in the installation space. The placement algorithm is based on breaking down the graph prior to plane triangulations. A methodology is described for preparation of the source data. The results of test calculations using the program are given. Four illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 681.32.001.2:681.3 DIGITAL MODELS OF RADIOELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IN OPTIMAL DESIGN CONTP.OL SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by Ye.N. Makvetsov and A.M. Tartakovskiy] [Text] Ttis article examines problems of constructing optimal control systems using digital models for solving problems involved in radioelectronic equipment design. The value of digital modeling, and its place in the overall system, are shown. Basic performance estimates of the digital models are formulated. One illustration, 3 bibliographic references. COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 CSO: 1860/143 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COMMiJNICATIONS UDC 621.315.052.63:621.395.44 CARRIER COMMUNICATION OVER 330-750 kV POWER TRANSMISSION LINFS I Moscow VYSOKOCHASTOTNAYA SVYAZI PO LIlJIYAM FLEKTROPEMACHI 330-750 kV in . Russian 1981 (signed to press 19 Jun 81) pp 2-4, 206-207 [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from the book "Carrier Communica- tions Over 330-750 kV Power Transmission Lines", by Vyacheslav Khusainovich Ishkin and Isaak Iosifovich Tsitver, reviewed by V. T. Lavrushin, Energoizdat, 7000 copies, 208 pages] [Text] This book examines problems associated with the design of systems for transmitting information over conductors in extremely high voltage power transmission lines. Included are: examination of the structural design char- acteristics of power lines as they determine the psrameters of channel carrier paths, as well as circuits for interconnecting carrier channel equipment to conductors of power lines with split phases and grounded guard cables; analysis of the relationship of ice and frost deposits on conductors to logses in car- rier paths; presentation of a probabilistic method for designing power line carrier channels and a construct for arranging frequency subdivision of a power network; introduction of information concerning carrier channel devices. The book is intended for technical engineering personnel involved in the de- sign and application of power line carrier communication channels, as well as for students specializing in the methodology of supervisory and technical control of power systems. Foreword ' The formatior.i of the Consolidated Electric Power System of the USSR was achiev ed by unifying the power systems of Siberia and Central Asis4 with the European , Electric Power System, and by the instnllation of trunk lines designed for the . transmission of 500, 750 and 1150 kV. Current proposals call for the imple- mentation of power lines capable of transmitting dc voltages of 1500 and 2200 kV. Creation of the national Cansolidated Electric Power System is closely connect- ; ed to the introduction of ultramodern control systems employing computer-based i technalogy. This in turn leads to quantitative and qualitative changes in the flow of information through the network, resulting in more exacting requ3re- ' ments for coimnunications techniques within the power engineering field itself. I ~ 41 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500060019-0 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In this regard, the most important task to be confronted withi.n the next five to seven years is the establishment of the Unified Power-Line Communications Network(UPCN), which will ensure the resolution of i.nherent problems of oper- ational supervision and control of power facilities, as well as control of power system construction. An i.mportant position within the overall framework of UPCN is reserved for caxrier communication(CC) over electric power lines(PL), which, at the present time, is the primary method of coirmiunication employed in power systems, in fact, its importarsce continues to grow i.n step with the ever-wi.dening use of super-high and ultra-high voltage power lines. The aim of the present work is to illumi.nate the basic issues associated with the management of carrier corrmunications over super-high and ultra-high vol- tage power lir_es. The text sets forth the results of theoretical and experi- _ mental investigations of the parameters of CC paths in such transmission lines, w'nich were carried out chiefly at the "Energoset~proyekt"[All-Union Order of the October Revolution State Planning and Surveyin and Scientific Investiga- tory Institute of Power Systems and Power Networks~, as well as at a number of other scientific-investigatory organizations of the USSR Minenergo[Ministry of Power and Electrification](VNIIE[All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Power Engineering]and NIIPT[Scientific Research Institute of Radio and Television]). Also included is a discussion of the characteristics of equipment employed in systems for transmitting information over extremely high voltage power lines. The book is based primarily on new circuit designs proposed by the authors in recent years for the i.nterconnection of equipment to electric power lines and on new methods for the design of power line CC channels, but also on new de- vices which provide for increased reliability and quality of information transmitted over electric power lines. Results of the work of a number of other researchers have also been used in -the book. Chapters 1, 3, 4 and 6 were written by V. Kh. Ishkin, cha.pters 2, 5, 7 and 9 by I. I. Tsitver; chapter 8, by I. I. Tsitver with N. V. Vavin; paragraph 2.1, by Tsitver with I. Ya. Mellzak, and paragraph 2.2, by I. Ya. Mellzak. The authors request that all critical remarks concerning the book be cli.rected to the following address: 113114, Moscow, M-114, Lock Box 10, Energoizdat. Contents Foreword 3 Chapter l. General Statement Concerning the Management of Carrier Communica- tion Over Extremely High Voltage Power Lines 5 1.1. Basic trends in the development of carrier cormnunication over extremely high voltage power lines 5 1.2. General information concerning the construction of extremely high voltage power lines 8 1.3. Economic analysis of various types of management of multichannel communications systems using extremely high voltage power lines 10 42 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i Chapter 2. Communication Over Grounded Guard Cables 2.1. Structural design characteristics of guard cable suspension 2.2. Methods for arc extinction of power-follow current and limitation of losses in commercial frequency power 2,3. Wave ducts and linear paths in power lines with conducting cc'oies 2.4. Circuit characteristics of CC paths with melting ice on cables 2.5. Electrical corona interference in conductors of extremely high voltage power lines 2.6. Equipment for interconnecting to cables . 2.7. Simplified method for the design of CC channels over grounded _ guard cables Chapter 3. Carrier Communication Over Insulated Conductors of Split � Grounded Guaxd Cables 3.1. General information 3.2. Structural design specifications of split guard cable suspension 3.3. Wave ducts and linear paths in power lines using split cables 3.4. Radio-frequency parameters of intrabundle paths 3.5. Effect of ice and frost deposits and precipitation on RF para- meters of intrabundle paths 3.6. Transient losses between CC paths in PZ using split cables Chapter Lt. Carrier Communication Over Split Phase Insulated C,onductors 4.1. General information 4.2. Variation of PL design for CC channel management using intra- phase paths 4.3. Wave ducts and linear paths in power lines using split phase insulated conductors 4.4. Radio-frequency parameters of intraphase paths 4.5. Trransient losses between CC-paths in PL using split phase insulated conductors 4.6. Corona interference in communications channels over intraphase paths and their effect on speech intelligibility 4.7. Circuits for interconnecting CC equipment to an intraphase path 4.8. Voltage between split phase conductors in an unbalanced state � Chapter 5. Equipment for Information Transmi.ssion Systems Using Extremely High Voltage Power Lines 5.1. General information 5.2. ASK[automatic contact signal device]-type equipment group and - the UM-1/12-100 power amplifier _ 5�3. VChS[CC]-type equipment and the VChSP-12[CC converter] 5.4. TAT-65[telephone hanaset] and APT[automatic relaying telegraph system]-type teleautomatic channel modems 5.5. uPZ-70[relay protection device]-type transceiver 5.6. VChTO-M[ single- signal CC], ANKA[low-frequency command equipment] and AVPA[high-frequency conversion equipment]-type signal-command tra.nsmission equipment 5.7. Interconnection and adaptation equipment 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 13 13 16 23 29 34 40 47 56 56 57 65 75 80 87 93 93 94 95 97 101 103 107 112 116 116 118 127 135 137 138 145 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064419-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 6. A Probabilistic Method for the Design of CC Channels Over PL 153 6.1. General statement 153 6.2. Effect of ice and frost deposits on line loss and noise level 155 6.3. Effect of precipitation on line loss and noise level 163 6.4. Effect of changes in PL operating conditions on the parameters of CC channels 165 6.5. Design arrangement of CC channels over PL, taking into account the random nature of variations in meteorological conditions and PL operating conditions 167 Chapter 7. Devices for Frequency Subdivision of Extremely High Voltage Power Networks 168 7.1. General information 168 7.2. Low-frequency filters 169 7.3. Band-separation devices 174 Chapter 8. Communications System Reliability Indicators Used in Automatic Fail-Safe Equipment and for Relay Protection 179 8.1. General information 179 8.2. Design of reliability indicators 183 8.3. Analysis of communications system nonreadiness 185 Chapter 9. Self-Supporting Cable lnstalled on Power Line Supports 190 9.1. General information 190 9.2. Evaluation of the reliability of overhead cable communication lines 191 9.3. Transmission systems using overhead cables 194 Appendices 198 Bibliography 202 COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, 1981 9481 CSO: 1860/216 44 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 EOR OFFtCIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.372.62 MULTICHANNEL FREQUENCY-SEPARATION DEVICES AND TfiEIR APPLICATION Moscow MNOGOKANAL'NYYE CHASTOTNO--RAZDELITEL'NYYE USTROYSTVA I IKIi PRIMENENIYE in Russian 1981 (signed to press 21 Oct 80) pp 2--3, 134--135 [Annotation, foreword, and table of contents from book "Multichannel Frequency Separation Devices and Their Application", by Oleg Vasil'yevich Alekseyev, Georgiy Aleksandrovich Greshev and Gennadiy Georgiyevich Chavka, Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz 3450 copies, 136 pages] [Text] Principles of the tneory and design of multichannel frequency- separation devices which are also called multiplexers are examined in this book. The principles of the construction and calculation of the basic elements which make up frequency-separation devices of various types for ' given frequency properties in elements with concentrated and distributed parameters are set forth. Some of these methods are based on optimization of frequency-separation device parameters using a computer. Specific examples of the use of frequency-separation devices in various radio engineering devices and systems are given. The book is intended for radio engineers involved in the development and ' design of modern radioelectronic systems who are working in the field of radio engineering and the theory of electrical circuits. ii Foreword Multichannel radioelectronic devices and systems with frequency separation of channels are widely used. A large number of examples of such systems and devices could be mentioned. They include: radio engineering communica- ' tions systems, radar, and navigation which include several radio transmitters and receivers which use a single antenna at various frequencfes; multiple program television centers which consist of a set of image and sudio trans- mitters with a common antenna system; special broadband devices (amplifiers, . matching circuits), in which a broad band is attained by adding the effects of relatively narrow-band components; devices for separating a set of ~ signals (or a broadband signal) into Components which do not overlap on the ~ spectra and many others. 45 ~I , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Some of the most important elements of such systems are multichannel frequency-separation devices, which are also called multiplexers. These devices provide separation (or adding) of frequency channels and elimination of the interaction between them (decoupling). The published literati.ire contains many articles on frequency-separation devices, however, these are unrelated articles, authors' certif icates and patents which are devoted to specific practical realizations and to studies of specific problems of their analysis and calculation. Many very important aspects of the theory and design of frequency-separation devices have been inadequately examined. Among them are problems of designing frequency-separation devices using elements with concentrated constants, frequency separation devices with adjacent wideband channels, problems of providing frequency-independent matching of frequency-separation devices for all its inputs and other problems. This book, which is devoted to multichannel frequency-separation devices, makes an attempt to examine systematically problems of the theory, design and calculation of frequency-separation devices and their component elements for various applications and frequency ranges. The book is based on the modarn theory of multiterminal electrical circuits and their calculation and design using a computer. The book examines frequency-separation devices with concentrated elements and strip lines as well as principles of the construction and synthesis of frequency-separation devices which use noninterchangeable elements (circu-- lators). Supplements to the book give circuits and tables of normalized values of elements of two-- and multichannel frequency-separation devices. The authors wish to thank Candidate of Technical Sciences A. Ye. Znamenskiy and Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu. L. Khotuntsev who made a number of valuable comments in reviewing the manuscript. Table of Contents Page Foreword 3 Chapter 1. General features and characteristics of multichannel frequency-separation devices 4 _ 1.1. Isolation and summing of frequency channels by means of multiterminal devices 4 1.2. Scattering matrices and immittances of frequency- separation separation devices 6 - 1.3. Frequency and structural decoupling in frequency- separation separation devices 10 _ 1.4. Basic parameters and characteristics of frequency- separation devices 12 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060019-0 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY Chapter 2. Realization principles and design of two--channel frequency-separation devices (diplexers) with concentrated elements 14 2.1. General remarks 14 2.2. Filter type diFlexers 15 2.3. Filter diplexers with pseudo--supplementary filters 20 2.4. Ring diplexers 26 2.5. Balance diplexers 30 Chapter 3. Design of frequency-separation device elements with structural decoupling 39 3.1, Synthesis of filters of a ring diplexer using a computer 39 3.2. Broadband bridge power 3ividers 47 Chapter 4. Principles of the synthesis of multichannel frequency- separation devices 59 4.1. Synthesis of filter type multichannel frequency- separation devices for oscillators with active output resistances 59 4.2. Synthesis of multichannel frequency--separation devices (filter type) for oscillators with capactiance output conductivities 70 4.3. Synthesis of multichannel frequency--separation devices with structural decoupling 79 Chapter 5. Frequency-separation devices with eiements with distributed constants 83 5.1. Filters with distributed constants 83 5.2. Synthesis of filter type frequency--separation devices with distributed constants based on results of frequency-separation device synthesis with concentrated elements 88 5.3. Ring diplexers with distributed constants 95 5.4. Directional filters 96 5.5. Noninterchangeable frequency-separation devices 99 Chapter 6. The use of frequency-separation devices 102 6.1. Use of frequency-separation devices in special types of wideband amplifiers 102 6.2. Use of f requency-separation devices to assure operation of a set of radio facilities on one antenna 107 6.3. The use of phase and frequency switches in communications radio centers 11J. Supplement 1 116 Supplement 2 117 Supplement 3 122 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Suppleinent 4 , 124 Supplement 5 126 Supplement 6 127 Supplement 7 � 128 References - 131 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz 1981 9424 CSOs 1860/120 4 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL iJSE ONLY UDC 621.372.632.001 FUNDAMENTALS 0F FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS THEORY Moscow OSNOVY TEORII SINTEZA CHASTOT in Russian 1981 (signed to press 5 Mar 81) pp 2-4, 263--264 [Annotation, f oreword and table of contents from book "Fundamentals of the Theory of Frequency Synthesis," by David Naumovich Shapiro and Aleksandr Abramovich Paiu, reviewed by A. S. Galin, Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz l", 5000 copies, 264 pages] ; [Tex=] The basic problems of the theory of constructing frequency synthesis systems are set forth. Their structural arrangements are analyzed and ~ certain methods of the design and calculation of their elements are presented. Paxticular attention is devoted to ad~ranced digital active and passive fre- quency synthesis systems. Aspects of the use of frequency synthesis systems in radiotransmitting and radioreception devices are examined as well as methods for measuring the basic parameters of the oscillations generated by them. . The book is intended for engineering technicians who must deal with fre- quency synthesis systems in their work. It can also be used by students ; of radio-enginaering technical institutes. Foreword Frequency synthesis methods (the old name is methods of spectriim-crystal stabilization) began to be developed rapidly at the end of the 1940s. It became necessary to improve frequency accuracy of radio transmitter emitted oscillations in the 1930s in order to avoid mutual interferznce. ' Sets of crysta2 vibrators, one'for each working wave (hence the name "crystal-wave method") began to be used by radio stations. The vibrators ; were expensive, and in large quantities; up to one hundred per single radio , station, their cost was very great, thus the number uf stabilized frequencies remained ver.y limited. It soon became obvious that it would be necessary to assure accurate tuning frequency for the receivers for non-searching es- tablishment of communication and tuning-free reception, especially for the ~ new types of operation such as carrier telegraphy and double frequency i 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - telegraphy, single-band modulation, relative phase telegraphy, etc. This required further increases in the number of crystal vibrators used and therefore it stimulated the search for methods which would help one to assure the largest possible number of stabilized tranamitte~.: or receiver ' frequencies with minimal number of crystal The mobile radio - station RAT was established in the USSR in 1937 under the direction of G. A. Zeytlenk. Its transmitter was the f irst one to use the method of spectrum-crystal stabilization. The first foreign publication of the methods of spectrum--vibrator stabilization occurred in 1943 13]. Many scientists and researchers of various countries participated in developing the theory and techniques of frequency synthesis in the ensuring years. Soviet specialists made significant contributions to this area of science and technol.ogy, chief among them being V. S. Dulitskiy (1912-1966). - Frequency synthesis theory has become an independent scientific discipline in recQnt years. It embraces frequency synthesis systems, devices which allow one to generate oscillations with ariy of a certain number of discrete frequencies or several such oscillations simultaneously with varying fre- qtiencies with frequency accuracy and stabilit}r which are determined by a single frequency standard. The newest achievements of radio electronics are used in frequency synthe- sis engineering: semiconductor devices, integrated microcircuits, parametric systems, microprocessors, computers, atomic frequency standards, etc. A number of monographs, a large number of articles in the periodical press, patents, advertising reports, manufacturers' brochures have dealt with frequency synthesis systems. Monographs of Soviet authors 136, 67, 77P 921 and a monograph translated from English 193] have been published in the Soviet Union. All these books are intended for specialists in this field. This book is intended for engineers in radio electronics and electrical communicat;_:-s. It could also be profitably used by teachers and students of radio e-ngineering departments of technical institutes. This book is based on lecture notes used by the authors at technical institutes. In setting forth the theoretical problems the authors have tried to combine rigor and depth accessibility. The choice of subassemblies and .devices to be described was made with a view to present a minimum of illustration material which would present the basic problems of this branch of engineering, current possibilities of quality improvement and modern eilgineering solutions. The engineering solutions discussed in the book and the examples given in it are primarily in a range of not more than several hundreds of inegahertz. In principle the methods used at higher f.requencies do not differ from the ones considered here. Of specific concern here are realization of the elements: oscillators, multipliers, dividers, adders, f ilters, etc. The limited scope of the book and the still inadequate personal experience of the authors in analyzing pr.oblems of this area do not permit them to cover this subject: devices which use surface acoustic waves in the range up to units of giga- hertz are an exception to this. 50 : ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; Because frequency synthesis is a relatively new area of science and technology a unified generally accepted terminology is not yet available. Ther e is only one standards engineering document 190] in the Soviet Union which regulates this terminology and it applies only within the Ministry of the Communications Industry. We have tried to adhere to this document, but in some cases it seemed best to introduce new terms for purposes of clear explanation. We do not expect that all specialists will adopt these i terms. Development of a commonly adopted terminology will take some time. We would like to thank: A. S. Galin for reading two drafcs of the manuscript (his remarks which were ultim2.tely accepted by the authors have undoubtedly improved the book); M. M. Zaretskiy, who made a number of valuable suggestions, and also A. t... Artamonov, V. D. Belov, L. N. Gertsiger, M. S. Git�*an, V. I. Glusk4 .a , I. N. Gurevich, Ye. Ye. Isakov, V. P. Korkoshko, V. Maynelyu, G. N. Motoly;, 0. Ye. Smirnov, M. A. Smirnova, Ye. L. Khotimskiy and V. D. Tsepelevich for individual valuable remarks and L. S. Kop`yeva, M. V. Shapiro for help in designing the layout of the manuscript. Send all comments to: 101000, Moscow, Glavpochtant, a/ya 693. Table of Contents Foreword 3 - List of abbreviations 5 ~ Introductio n 6 ~ 1. Definit ion of basic terms o:E frequency synthesis tizeory 6 2. Area of application of frequency synthesis systems 8 Chapter 1. Basic engineering characteristics and classification of frequency synthesis systema 15 1.1. Ideal and real output oscillations of a frequency synthesis system 15 1.2. Indicators which distinguish a Leai oscillation �rom a single harmonic based on tempora:. vrzsentations 16 1.3. Indicators which distinguish a real oscillation from a _ = single harmonic based on spectral presentations 21 1.4. The relationship between indicators which distinguish a real oscillation from a single harmonic based on temporal presentations and those based on spectral , presentations 26 1.5. Requirements for frequency synthesis systems according to the frequency of the spectral line of output oscillations 30 ' 1.6. Basic operating and engineering characteristics of frequency synthesis systems 32 ; 1.7. Classif ication of frequency synthesis systems 35 51 = FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 2. Analog elements of frequency synthesis systema 43 2.1. Self-excited oacillators 43 2.2. High frequency amplifiers 49 2.3. Frequency adders 51 2.4. Frequency multipliers 57 2.5. Analog f requency dividers 60 2.6. Analog phase discriminators 63 Chapter 3. Digital elements of frequency synthesis systems 64 3.1. An "AND" gate as an adder 64 3.2. Digital frequency dividers with pre--set count--down 66 3.3. Digital frequency dividers with variable count--down 70 3.4. Transit of oscillations with low angle modulation index through a digital frequency divider 75 3.5. Conversion of amplitude modulation to angular in a pulse shaper 78 3.6. Internal noises of digital frequency dividers 80 3.7. Digital phase d3scriminators 84 Chapter 4. Analog passive frequency synthesis systems 86 4.1. Passive synthesis of a single assigned frequency 86 4.2. Examples of passive synthesis of a single assigned frequency 94 4.3. Decade systems of passive frequency synthesis 98 4.4. Frequency synthesis systems with identical decades 102 4.5. Examples of analog systems of passive frequency synthesis 106 Chapter 5. Analog systems of active frequency synthesis with a compensation ring 111 5.1. Compensation method 111 5.2. Secondary components in systems with compensation 118 5.3. Examples of frequency synthesis systems with compensation 121 0 Chapter 6. Analog systems of active synthesis with automatic frequency tuning 127 6.1. The basic equation of a negative feedback ring 127 6.2. Ring of frequency automatic tuning 130 6.3. Ring of phase automatic tuning 138 6.4. The use of logarithmic amplitude characteristics for judging the effectiveness and stability of an auto-- matic tuning ring 146 6.5. Frequency synthesis systems with rings of phase automatic tuning 154 Chapter 7. Systems of digital frequency synthesis 161 7.1. Systems of active digital frequency synthesis with a divider with variabie count-down 161 7.2. Systems of active digital frequency synthesis with a divider with fraction-variable count-down 166 52 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-4 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7.3. Examples of systems of active digital frequency synthesis 170 7.4. Sqstems of act3ve digital frequency synthesis using , microprocessors 176 7.5. Passive digital frequency synthesis by addition of flowe of two-level pulses 179 7.6. Rea3ization of an optimal system of passive digital frequency synthesis with flow of two-level pulses 182 7.7. Spectrum of oscillations at the output of an optimal system of a passive digital frequency synthesis with - flow of two--level pulses 190 7.8. Systems of passive digital trequency synthesis with flows of multiple-level pulses 192 Chapter 8. The use of frequency synthesis devices on surface acoustic waves in engineering 198 8.1. Excitation and reception of surface acoustic waves 198 8.2. Non-resonator filters with surface acoustic waves 203 8.3. Resonators with surface acoustic wavea 207 8.4. Non--resonator single-frequency oscillators with surface acaustic waves 209 8.5. Radio pulse shaping using delay lines with surface acoustic waves 212 8.6. Examples of the use of devices with surface acoustic waves for generating a frequency spectrum 216 Chapter 9. Control of oscillations in devices with frequency synthesis sys:ems 226 9.1. Angle modulation of oscillations generated bl a - frequency synthesis system 226 9.2. Frequency shift keying when using a frequency synthesis system in the exciter of a transmitter 228 9.3. Relative phase shift^keying w:ien using a frequency synthesis system in the exciter of a transmitter 232 9.4. Automatic search in the ring of frequency phase automatic tuning 235 9.5. Electronic gates in frequency synthesis systems 237 Chapter 10. Measurement of the basic parameters of the output oscillations of frequency synthesis systeas 241 10.1. Measurement of parasitic deviations of frequency and phase 241 _ 10.2. Measurement of sscondary spectral components 245 10.3. Measurement of the time needed to eatablish oscillation frequency 251 - 53 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Supplement 255 Referencea 256 Subject Index 260 COPYRIGAT: Izdatel'atvo "Radio i svyaz 1981. 9424 CSO: 1860/123 .1f ! 54 i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IIDC 621.382.681 CHOOSING INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FOR DEVICES FOR DIGITAL PROCESSING OF SIGNALS Moscow RADIOTERHIJIRA in Russian Vol 36, No 4, Apr 81 (manuscript received after re- vision 1 Jul 80) pp 22-31 [Article by V. I. Lebedev] [Text] In recent years, the application of digital methods in processing signals through the introduction of digital filters, an$log-digital converters (ATsP) and digital-analog converters (TsAP) has been expanding noticeably and comparatively rapidly. Integrated circuits which make it possible to sAlve the problems of the reliability, accuracy, size-weight, and cost indexes, are becoming the element base of traditional analog devices. There are so many types of integrated logic circuits (ILS)* that it is not at all simple to select the needed circuit, especially because it is always intereating to use the most promising element on whose basis large-scale and superlarge-scale inte- grated circuits (BIS' and SBIS) with more than 100 elements in one crystal are cre- ated. These BIS and SBIS, along with simple and medium-scale integrated circuits (SMIS) are used in modern radioelectronic and microelectronic equipment (MEA) intended for digital processing of signals. Therefore, it is practical to apeak of an expanded systQm of elements with identical element base within the system. When selecting. standard elements of a system, it is necessary to be guided by certain criteria and properties examined below. Basic Criteria for Selecting the Element Base. It is advantageous to use the follow- ing criteria for preliminary selection: 1. The speed of operation or the time of average delay t. of a pulsed signal deter- mines the maximum frequency of discrete sampling of an analog signal. he handbook 1 alone contains 327 typea of microcircuits combined into 48 series of digital IS [integrated circuits] and 32 series of analog IS. The Digital Inte- grated Circuits, DATA BOOR, 1978/79 liste more than 20,000 digital microcircuits, including operating and outdated circuits. 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 2. Switching oparation Pt 3 determines the minimum power P y,, per one element with a soundly selected t 3 and makes it possibl,e to estimate the number of elements in a microcircuit (degree of integration) P Kopn/p 9A, ' where PKOpn is the - permissible power on the IS body. 3. Interference immunity makes it possible to select circuita with the necessary - and sufficient margin of interference immunity U n matched with Che level of inter- na.' izterference, as well as external interference (for ILS). 4. Lasting drift of parameters (aging) is an important criterion under the condi- tions of long-term operation. 5. By combining linear and digital circuits on one crystal, it is possible to per- form a deeper estimation of the prospects of the element base. It should be said that none of these criteria can be absolute. The problem of se- lection is complicated also by the necessity of considering such important factors as the level of functional integration (number of functions performed by the homo- geneous region of the semiconductor; minimum power determined without limitations on the frequency FTl. of switching, temperature power factor, possibility of obtaining a direct and an inverse output, changes in the average delay per logical function when the number of function performed by the device increases, Ptc. The above criteria and factors were taken into consideration in selecting only four types from the known variety of logic circuits. (1) rl'd-2 P'=5B(2) (3)7-TJIlV a) T Ir1 ~+)Xl . BbI.t o- y 0-, 0 IBa~z Xi (4) b ~ I4 1 Rl R2 x Tl T2 y X X Uf 12B;U~z 0,48 G. ~ F igure 1 Key: 1. TTL 3. TTLSh 2. V 4. Output Figure 1 shows transistor-transistor logic circuits (TTL) which are distinguished by their logical flexibility (AND-OR-NOT) a greater load capacity (n 7 10), and a small value of the output resistance R~DbTx L 100 ohms. TTL-2 circuit (Figure la) has two inverters, T2 and T3. When a logic expander (separate microcircuit of the T1R1T2- - type) ts connected to points AB, AND-OR-NOT is obtained; another microcircuit 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY �=5B TTI!-! F'�3,8' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY without T41 R41 ia used for forming a"wiring" OR. Signal levels U1 = E-2U 6 - 7 2.4 V, UO = Uxn ~ 0.4 V,. The TTL circuit with Schottky barrier (TTLSh) ' (Sigure lb) is characterized by a lower power (or a smaller delay); a circuit with T5 is used in microproaessors for creating the third logical state "output dis- connected". The TTL-1 circuit (Figure lc) has'one inverter for reducing the power; it is used in BIS. Its drawbacks are a higher value of R HNx ~ R2 and a lati interference iuQnuniCy. F3ca (2). 30,1(3) 4F--f-817 ~K y -x~ vzz ptxpl T~ T~ 'JZ-Xl.VX2 -Eo~ ~1)VZ z X~ , C 9 J _ Fi gure 2 1. ESL s EP [emitter-coupled logic circuit with emitter followers] 2. MESL [small-signal ESL] . 3. EFL [emitter-functional logic circuit] - Figure 2 shows emitter-coupled logic circuits (ESL) which are characterized by the ' highest operation speed (t3 3 nc), a comparatively high power (P A.- 30 mW per element), and the exsistence of a direct and an inverse outputs. The ESL circuit (Figure 2a) with emitter followers (t3 { 1 ns) performs logical function.s OR, OR- NOT, permits logical expansion with respect to OR (in this case, it is necessary to connect a microcircuit-expander to points AB) and "wiring" OR when two ESL micro- circuits are coupled at outputs (R BMx.,'-- 30 ohms) through a coupling line. Levels of signals U1 =-U6 =-0.8 V, II� _-2U 6 m 1.6 V, Q U m IIl-U� = 0.8 V. The small- signal.ESL circuit (MESL) (Figure 2b) is'characteriaed by a smaller pawer (P < 3 mW) and a smaller value of AU m 0.5 U 6 -0.4 V at tg 3 ns. It is used in high- speed BIS. The emit ter- functional logical circuit (EFL) (Figure 2c) does not con- tain an inverter (performs functiona AND-OR) and is used for creating triggering . - and registering devices. Levels of signals U1 - -U 6, U� s�1.5U6 Figure 3 gives integrated injection logic circuits (I2L) with a high degree of in- tegration, a low supply voltage E^ 1 V, a broad range of currents 0 I= 108 L. 103 A. and average operation speed (t3 C 10 ns). The standard I2L-circuit (Figure 3a) performa the functions of "wiring" AND with inveraion (as well as OR-NOT); sig-_ nal levels form in the circuit of I~L-elements without resistors, U1= U;, (O,G--:-0,7 V), uu _ `~t i0 a ~ -1. 1 " ( < 1 V). The 12L circuit with Schottkp diodes (DSh) at the input (Figure 3b) is characterized by a smaller difference of Q U(0.4 V) and a higher operation speed. DSh can be connected in the collector circuit for uncoup- ling load elements. Injection-field logic (IPL) elements (Figure 3c) have a small ~ 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 , b ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFHCIAL USE ONLY (1) "2-q (2) NZJIc,Q(U t~R61017r r~~2 x, x~ Ti. urJ AlulY I~ b J (4) ynn y, xAX2 y,X~X2 r- ~ Ti XZL-~ I ! c~ X , , D (5)~ u(6) Figure 3 Key: 1. I2L [integrated injection logic circuit] 2. I21, with Schottky diodes at the input 3. Schottky diode 4. IPL [injection-field logic element] 5. Output 6. Input value of Pt3 -e- 0.01 pJ. However, their area of applications is limited at the present time by micropower devices in connection with the growth of U� s IA R BgR ROSKx 103 ohms) in the milliampere range of current I n;;;" 10'4 A. It should be mentioned that the injection supply principYe is promising not only in I2L and IPL-circuits, but also in ESL and TTL, which is important for BIS. Q MM,~n S ~rN,qn n-M,qn � T_ ~ T~ J .Y ~ TS y 1 9 ' Xp l, ~ /17i T/ J. p J TZ ' x~ a , ~ XZ T , a~ b � ~ A1 ~ ~ 1 � TM TN 6R-1 TN 1 TO ~ Yn R ~ ~ R r~' 1 D I FI '1 n ~r N T M 4 Y T,y z~r i� I 1 1 Ta c ~ Figure 4 Rey: 1. n-MIDP [ metal- insulator- semiconductor] 2. AMIDP [complementary EIDP] Figure 4 shows MDP and RNIDP-circuits which are distinguished by the lowest power in the frequency region F< 1 MHz, a high load capacity, and noncriticality to voltage E. The logic circuit OR-NOT based on n-MP structures (Figure 4a) uses a nonlinear resistor To. Levels of signals Ul = E-Un0p4 g V, U� Unop 1 V. The logic circuits AND-NOT (left) and OR-NOT (right) using KNIDP-transistors (Figure 4b) make it possible to reduce the power substantially, to increase the degree of integration in BIS and SBIS, and to increase the number of logic inpute AND (m 7' 10). Signal levels U1 = E-UO 8.5 V, U� 0.5 V. RrIDP-circuits and two-directional keys (2K) (Figure 4c on the right) are used as :1 basis for flip-flop circuits. In the half- cycle D-flip-f lop (Figure 4c, left), the reception and-the delivery of the signal are divided into half - cqcles by a discrete feedback circuit (2K II). 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY Table 1 (2) TNm+ Aoruveckns cxru (J~apauerpw ~3) N'n 1411'cn n I6~nw I7'm�>ii 18inrn A,~- l~l,, n1l;K (10) U. 1--1.0 2-5 1-3 1 0 30 20 :,0 * 01 0 400 11). 13(~0 30 rmine w:k3T 11 Ii,A(S jj'?U ~ p; 45 , 0,20 U,' _5 , 0.4:, t), 30 0.25 ~/tt Il)Y11)" 1 1 I 150 I03 100 I I50 * At F - = 1 Mz ' OUP T="telative level of current interference in the supply line ratio of the amplitude of the pulae current I. to the static supply current ICT' - Rey: 1. Parameters 5. EFL 2. Types of logic circuits 6. TTLSh 3. I2L 7. IQrIDP 4. MESL 8. TLNS 9. DTL [diode-transistor logic circuit] 10. pJ 11. }1W A shor.t explanation for figures 1-4 is given in the supplement. The results of the calculations of the main parameters of the most promising logic circuits for m= 4, n 3 4 are given in Table 1 and in the curves of Figure 5[3, 4]. It can be seen from the table and the curves that, with respect to the criterion Ptg, preference should be given to I2L circuits (then to emitter-functional EFL, small-signal ESI. MESL, and then to TTLSh). The first place with respect to the speed of operation belongs to MESL-circuits, and with respect to the minimal power.-- to RrIDP-circuits (then to I21, and micropower MESL). Pt~.,nQxc (1) ~ooo (3) F ~~2)....,TTl1 100 r-I rnW !0 ~ 0/14 I-rt i~- s (uoyH neA 7j 41 . BepmuK uyxceKuu 8~ 9) Rey: 1. pJ 2. KMIDP 3. TTL 4. TTLSh 5. MESL 6. IZL . 7. (ionic doping) 8. (vertical injection) 9. I2LSh 10. IPL 11. Mz DO! ~ QJ l 10 /00 (10)Fr y, Mrr~ 11) Figure 5 59 FOR OFFIt'[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It should be added that the base I2L-element takes up one half of the area occupied by the RNIDP-element, and approximately one fifth of the area in comparison with the TTL-element. Functional integration of IZL elements is the highest. With respect to the degree of integration, these elements are close to MPP-circuits, which were the main elements of BIS in the course of many years. Howo -sr, I2L circuits belong to average-speed circuits (t3 - 5 T 10 ns). TTLSh-circuii are used most widely in other devices of average operation speed (t3 - 5 = 20 ns) and average level of in- tegration. Their logical flexibility, which is due to multiple emitter input tran- sistors, the possibility of combining simple one-inverter (Figure lc) and complex two-inverter (Figure la) elements in one crystal, as well as their wide use in REA [radio electronic equipment], explain the fact that developers of SMIS and BIS are oxiented toward the TTL basis. However, the desire of the supporters of this basis to use it in the areas of high operating speed has led to the complication of the TTL-element, which is already complicated and has two and three series-connected p-n-junctions (in T1,T2, T3 in Figure la), a relatively large value of the logic sig- nal Q U? 2 V, and a supply voltage of E= 5 V. The TTLSh-circuit (Figure lb) has three stable equilibrium states ("1", "0" and "disconnected"). The "disconnected" state is obtained when TS is saturated, i.e., when the signal X3 = 1 is delivered. In this case, T4 and T3 are turned off and information signals X1, X2 do not act upon the output. Consequently, it is possible to connect to this output other analogous TTLSh-circuits in one of which X3 = 0, which makes it possible to transmit information to the load through the common main line, i.e., to realize the function of the "wiring" OR. The TTL-1 circuit (Figure lc) has only one inverter T2, which reduces the power P yA and leads to an increase of -j . However, the delay time in this case increase due to .he increase of the output resistance R1 a R2. The DTL circuit is intended for working in REA with a higher margin of int~erference stability U n which is de- termined by the voltage on the displacement diodes and the number of these diodes. However, the greater is the U n , the slower is the operation speed and the greater is the switching operation Pt3. ` The development oF high-speed systems is conducted primarily with ESL elements which have t3 4 3 ns and switching operation Pt3 -4 5 pJ. - Let us examine the dependence of Pt3 on the circuit parameters using MESL-element as an example (Figure 2b). Considering that P ~ EI, t3 = RKCn , U= IRK [0(' -n(1- utl we obtain - � _ Pl, = EDU CoJ[a - n (1 - a)], ~ 1) where C. _ McK 'T' IZ (l' . Q; a current transmission factor of the emitter. It fullows from (1) that, in or- der to reduce Pt3, i.e., to reduce the power P at a prescribed speed of operation, it is necessary to reduce the supply voltage E and the value of the logic signal U, as we11 as to bound at the top the number of loads n and inputs m. These conclusions were formulared earlier in work [4] and were confirmed in the series production of a microprocessor set using MESL and EFL-elements wirh E= 2 V[5] and 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY matrix BIS in the same basis. Analysis of the formulas for Pt3 ohtained in [2] for other promising elements shows that the conclusion about the expediency of lowering E and a TI in application to BIS is general. In other words, for digital proces- sing of signals, it is nscessary to select a small-signal and low-pawer elpment base, i.e., I2L and 14DP structures for medium and MESL for high operation speed. In the area of low frequencies (FT,N< 1 MHz) and very low power levels (PCT G 0.01 pW), KhmP-circuits are most effective. The development of circuits using MDP-struc- - tures progressed from p-channel through n-channel to RrIDP (Figure 4b, c). In the latter, the combination of mutually supplementing p and n-channel transistors en- sures a near-zero static power PCT = EIyT. When the switching frequency FToA in- creases, the dynamic component of power begins to increase, being equal to E' (Cnx`1- CM) rT. ~cuE,p FT. n+ (2) where C Hx = nC Bx0 " input capacitance of n load elements; C M gate, drain and circuit capacitance; I cxB value of the current through borh transistors of the key KMDP-circuit; t4) buildup time of the front of the output signal. Power PAm~ is determined, f irst of all, by the recharge of the capacitance C Rx, from which it follows that the load capacity of RMDP-circuits depends on the fre- quency F T. x: (031P,~an 1 / (3) !l 1= -Ca~~ ~'�:o. r. 11 Calculations by (3) indicate that, at E s 9 V, F T.A = 1 MHz, it is possible to obtain n= 10, while nCT = 100. In order to improve the operational characteristics and widen the frequency range, intensive studies are being conducted on new NIDP-structures having smaller capaci- tances CBXp and a shorter channel length (D-NIDP and V-NIDP) [6]. KNIDP-circuits with a lower supply voltage (E = 1.2 = 1,5 V in microcircuits of the types K512 PS-2 and K512 PS-3 [7]) are alsa being developed and inCroduced. It should be stressed that bipolar and MIDP-circuits do not exclude, but supplement one another, broaden- ing the operation efficiency ranges of digital devices with respect to power and frequency. There exist devices in which the best properties of bipolar and NIDP-cir- cuits are combined. These are, for example, OZU [immediate-access memory] with NIDP- memory matrix ensuring a low average power, and with ESL periphery (recording and reading amplifiers) ensuring a high operation speed in selecting information from Che OZU crystal. New Generation of Integrated Circuita. The composition of the seriea of integrated circuits is being expanded steadily by using circuits with greater numbers of com-. _ ponents in the crystal from several dozens (IS) to hundreds (SMIS) and thousands (BIS and SBIS). The four types of eleme:its discussed above (TTL, ESL, I2L, MDP) were used as a basis of the third and fourth generations of integxated circuits: BIS and SBIS. A con- siderable set of functions in these complex devico:s is performed by two methods: 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1) matrix method of the organizarion of standard electronic assemblies in one cry- stal. Logic, trigger, register, adding, forming, and other circuits arranged in one crystal in statistically substantiated numbers are connected with one another accard- ing to customera' drawings during the stage of final metalization (the width of the metalization line characterizes the level of technology and decreases from 20 jum to 2-5 pm, as well as to fractions of }im). The matrix set of standard assemblies cov- ers the set of functions used in practice due to the definite redundancy of the ele- - ments part of which is not always used; 'L) the_functional method, which is distinguished by a more limited, although not - small, set of functions, but lesser redundancy. This method was realized in micro- processor sets (MPN) which contain: a central processor element performing arithme- :.ical and logical operations; a microprogram control unit; a multimode buffer regis- ter; PZU [permanent storage], OZU, and other microcircuits. The distinguishing characteristics of MPN are as follows; a) the possibility of performing various tasks by means of programmed, and not instrument, retuning of the MP [microproces- sor]; b) the modular prxnciple of building up the number of processor elements, i.e., of increasing the number of digits and, accordingly, the ac.cuxacy; c) the main-line _ principle of transmitting information signals, i.e., the use of a limited number of microcircuit termir.als for transmitting through each one of them a certain set af different information and address signals distributed in time. It is useful to note that a micropracessor is only a part of a microcomputer, its component designed in the form of a BIS and intended for processing digital information. These components are connected with the aid of ILS compatible with respect to the levels of logical one-output U1 and zero-output U� signals. Consequently, integrated circuits of dif- ferent generations supplement each other at the present time and must be considered jointly in this.sense. Table 2 shows the main properties and parameters of promising integrated circuits - which were used as a basis for developing microprocessors. For example, [8] TTLSh was used as a basis for developing K589-type MP; I2L for K582 and K584-type MP, KMDP for K587-type MP, n-MDP for K582-type MP. I2L-circuits wexe developed later than other IS, when it became necessary to satisfy the needs of BIS. Therefore, the third column of the table shows only the micro- processor (K584), although designs for particular uses contain I2I.,-circuits of lower levels of integration, such as registers, frequency dividers, decoders, and others. The four-digit microproc;ssor K584 includes 1500 I2L-elements, its power consumption is 750 mW (20% of this power is scattered in the crystal, and the remaining part in the external su*:ply circuit); it works on a clock frequency of 1 NIIiz. Operation types are control;ed by means of a 9-digit control word. The average time of oper- ation performance is - 1jus. Eight an3 sixteen-digit MP in the IZL-basis have been developed. Along with their advantages [technological effectiveness, low sup- ply voltage (Emin = 0.7 V), wide range of operating supply currents (over 4 orders) and operating temperatures ( 4 T= -60 +125 degrees C)], the following disadvan- tages should be mentioned: a relatively low operating speed (F T,H = 1 MHz). Their low operation speed is due not only to the peculiarities of the element base, but also to the main-line principle of successive transmission of signals, which is characteristic of microprocessors as a whole [9]. For example, in the fastest MPN of the MS-10800-type, the frequency in the ESL basis FT T = 20 MHz, while the switching frequency of the ESL of the triggers exceeds I5~0 MHz. The frequency 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ o zi w~~ N (n ~ o 44 pG L U1 Cl d v C! 0~ C." O Gl ~vl ~ 'J+ ~ ~ v-OI ~ 1.0 tn 00 "4 > M) a.i tA t0 (D G! t- 41 D 00 60 -r+ N 1. p v) 'G W ~ C aJ �a a~ -O O p,-+ O M+ C: DG G7 {a H N 0 +a @ Cd W ~ 41 u 41 i m u m w 4+ c r. u) r- .~c~Fbmc~ia~ia~i� ~ ~~a~i�Ln� uz o a vao ~ s�~ ~a.+,~~ p.,.a 41 adu" u I r-+a,ar ~a~r+uw44 ~o~ E 0 +4 w w ~ ~ O N G 1 O u 1 1~ 41 t-4 0 ~ ~o ~�a~ m u ~ M rA � � 41 �A R ~O r-+ A ~+.u~o"4oocd a a a"� k � o~oa�~~Q'u om~.~o�1~ lll pl G + N W 41 r"4 > �rl ^ N x U-rl r-n ~ tA (L)0 w 0 @'C7 V O cf! O-S a o 41 � m a) �r4 0 .,4 N v~ Cd a~ a 4-J a. Z 41 !-1 H Wu G- b0 �r4 O�A q0 -1 C1 W O :J � b0 4J (k) 0 10 O Or. 0 H'..7 �r4 r4 G F+ 'U "4 r4 O:) PG G tiu-I Q�~ N.u E p. ~ Cd ~.u v~n O cC b0 P+ 1 ^ 1J tA OG O 00 N W W O E 1 ~ ~ H O 41 - ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~n w 44 u1 vi �,4 41 H~D r= 0 4.+ aJ O 00 W oLn 41 y v d cd -r4 td ~o 0 .0 ~4.b 1) w uo a-) W 0 r-+ a~ wxa~~+ma ~oo pua(L) 0 a 4, E v~rA u cda) 0 3 a D+ a) ~�a o~+ v~ w a a o o a) ~u cn r+ p4 r-+ u a) Cd 0) 4J k m- ~4 3 aJ I H r, v 0 .0 +J %--I a�~+ a a) oo .-4 4J m,.a o rl E w U1 'J1 0 w G"+ 6 1 rn O U - (1) fA �rl 'J 1J V V ti-I W- GJ 00 a�r+ H v) $4 ao N N �r+ al W I w d~ o CO o0 o v) a) a) 04 -~t �a cu .u �A 4J W r4 wazcaoo$+a~t u a'33i~o.~~ ~ ~ ~ Cd �z w N o aW i ~.0 i s�a W a u a.+ �r+ t+ o w z ~ o c u ui b`d ~ -3 3-u ~ p0 o~'+.N~ c~i ~~-,w ~ aH r+~ ~�n a~.~r " a ~ i b Cd � o H o Gr. O N $4 cd 60 N r 8 O A .C MI � a ~i ~z v; m ~ ~ o. . ~ 1 W a 4., ,i ~s x 3 a Gl (4 N N u L1 �r4 N U Q 3~+ v4 07 O-w 'G ~ N 0 a m O U u 1 q 0 N-t U U CL ' 1J 1J r. O+ �ra 0 U N 14 �r4 N b0 �rt V rl 00 00 O Gl P+ tt1 W�rl 00 N 0 0 Ol fa Lr1 ~o u b a~ o u aW �r+ ur-+ a t+~ ..1 tA RS H 4J }.i v m 4a b0 �r4 O N ao �y' o ~ ~ a~, rA u �a u 4+ a) i� ~ o ~ a ri) ,c o m ci ur4 ~ ~ .a v "4bo ~P 4, a~ Wr'1 e�1 r4 P 0 N -I-~ o~ ~ � ~ H P w a ~ t-4 o 0 o ~ r4 .-4 O ~ 1 N O ~ Ln o Ln r-4 tn ~ I M M 00 i1 O I . u'1 I cr1 Ln tr1 "4 O N I O ~ 0 Lri N '~1 Lr) rA l u ~ o o �a . . , ~ ~ W u > ~ Cl U _N bo W b0 0 0 W ~ ~"4 ~ ~ 00 00 ~ w ~ o ~ 00 � > . a. a ~ " ~ 4J a . 4i H 3 ~ o W b ~ ~ N ~ 63 FOR OFk'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY potentialities of the element base are used more effectively in programmed logic matrices (PLM) [10], whose examination is an independent problem. Conclusions 1. The element base for devices of digital processing for signals is selected with consiueration for the technological efficiency on the basis of such particu- lar criteria as speed of operation, switching operation Pt3, and interference sta- bility. 2. The most promising elements include elements which have the lowest switching _ operation Pt3 in a prescribed frequency range. They are characCerized by: a small value of supply voltage E= 2; 3 V, a sma.ll value of the logic signal Q,. U= 0,2 _ 0.4 V, the use of mutually supplementing transistors in resistorless circuits, the existence of a direct and an inverse outputs in one element. 3. The following are the most suitable and promising in the near future: I2L-circuits distinguished by the lawest value of Pt3 , 0.1 J, the highest func- - tional integration, a unique range of supply current (10"8-10'~) A, and the possi- bility of increasing the speed of operation from the average value (t3 = 10 ns) to the highest (t3 = 2; S ns). I2L-circuits are technologically compatible with linear IS; MESL�-circuits with the highest operation speed (t3 < 3 ns) in working in the area of weak saturation of the transistors, low signal level p U and supply voltage - E-=.3 V, branching to`'.c in multistep circuits, compatibility with emitter-func- tional and emitter-follower logic circuits. By using the ESL basis, linear ampli- fizrs were obtained with a threshold frequency of fA0 rP 300 MHz with the ampli- fication &ictor Ko = 5 for a three-element cell; _ KMDP- and n-MllP-circiiits the lowest static power PCT G. 0.01 pW, noncri- - ticality to supply voltage, a high integration, directly proportional depen- dence of the dynamic power and the Pt3 factor on the switching frequency. It is planned to switch from a relatively low operation speed (F T.H = 1 MHz) to a medium speed and later to a high speed; - TTLSh-circuii:s, which are characterized by the greatest variety of circuit engineer- ing designs, the possibility of combining them with other types of ILS, and medium - operation speed (t3 = 5; 20 ns). Topological and energy limitations (4-8 conlpon- ents in or.e element, Pt3 ~ 30 pJ) make it difficult to use the TTL basis widely in BIS and especially in SBIS. These difficulties are overcome by introducing the principle of injection power supply not onl;r in I2L, but also in TTL and ESL bases. 4. The above four element base types are used: a) in the form of simple and medium- scale microcircuits (SMIS) for creating microelectronic and radioelectronic equip- - ment; h) in microcircuits of the new generation matrix and microprocessor BIS. W'hen creating devices on the basis of matrix BIS it is necessary to elec- trical coupling between the base elements of the crystal in accordance with the 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI1LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460019-0 FOR OFFICIAL tISE ONLY ~ prescribed function for performing final metalization. When creating microproces- - sor-type devices, along with BIS, series-produced IS and SMIS (most frequently in the TTL basis) should be used. Supplement Brief Explanations for Figures 1-4 1) ZTL-circuits (Figure la, c) are switched from state 1 to state 0 at the output at R1 - X2 =...=Rm = 1. The TTLSh circuit (Figure lb) has three states: 1, 0, and "off". The "off"-state at R3 = 1 is neceesary for transmitting signals to the common main line bus from other TTLSh-circuits combined with the given circuit wiCh respect to the output. _ 2) ESL-circuits (Figure 2a, b) operate when the current I is awitched �rom the transistor To to the information transistor (T1 or T2) under the effect of the - signal X1 = 1 or X2 = 1. In the basic ESL-circW~t (Figuxe 2a), two microcircuits are connected to the common load for the logic fv.nction "wiring" OR. MESL c3rcuits (Figure 2b) operate without EP in the mode of weak saturation (S < 1.1) of the transistors at E= 2.4 V; it is permissible to include additional logic stages op- erating from one source of current I. EFL-circuits.(Figure 2c) in the chain form - a current switch analogous to To, T4 (in Figure 2a); the operation speed of EFL is high because there is no inverter. In the trigger circuit, F= 500 MHz was obtain- ed. On the basis of an odd number of ESL circtiits (Figure 2a) covered by OOS [ne- � Qative feedback), linear amplifiers were obtained with f B.rP 300 MHz, RU = 5. 3) I2L-circuits (Figure 3a, b) contain a p-n-p-injecting transistor (To) and an n-p-n-inverting transistor (T1) combined with it; I2L is switched from atate 1 to _ state 0 at the output at X1 = R2=... = 1, when the injection current flows into the base region T1, saturating it. The logic function "wiring" A"ZD does not require any increase in the number of transistors when the number of inputs is increased. Modifications of I21, with Schottky diodes at the input (Figure 3b) and at the out- put have a higher operation speed. The injection-field logic IPb (Figure 3c) is based on the modulation of the width of the verEical chanr.el T1 under the effect of the injection current I1 controlled by the input signals; at X1 = Xf = Xm = 1, the current is switched to T1 and shifts the p-n-junction in the forward direc- tion, opening the channel in such a way that signal Y= 0 forms at the drain. 4) KNIDP-circuits (Figure 4b, c) contain resistorless keys using mutually supple- menting transistors T1, T3 (T2, T4); for the AND-NOT circuit, at XI = X2 Xm = 13, T1 and T2 switch on along the gate, and T3 and T4 close in such a way that current ICT 0, and signal Y= 0. Residual voltage U�BNx--- 1 mV (in [1] this value is given with a margin U� 0.3 V). In D-triggers (Figure 4a), along witti simple keys, two-directiona~xlceys (2R) are used, realizing a diecrete feed- back. - Bibliography 1. "Spravochnik po integral'nym mikroskhemam" [Handbook on Integrated Microcir- cuits], B. V. Tarabrin, general editor, Moacow, Energiya, 1980 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY - 2. Lebedev, V. I. MIRROELERTRONIRA [Microelectronics], USSR Academy of Sciencea, 1975, Vol 4, No 5 3. Lebedev, V. I.; Luk'yanov, V. A.; Skvortsov, 0. B.; anci Sokolov, V. A. In the book:"Yadernaya elektronikal' [Nuclear Electronics], edited by T. M. Agakhanyan, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1978, No 8 4. Valiyev, K. A.; Dyagilev, V. N.; Lebedev, V. I.; and Lubashevskiy, A. V. "Mikromoshchnyye integral'nyye skhemy" [Micropower Integrated Circuits], Mos- cow, Sovetskoye radio, 1975 . 5. Blad. ELEKTRONIKA [Electronics], 1979, Vol 52, No 3 6. A1'tman, Roen. ELERTRONIKA, 1977, Vol 50, No 12 7. Goydenko, P. P.; Tsukanov, L. N.; and Chernykh, A. G. ELEXTRONNAYA PROMYSHLEN- NOST' [Electronic Industry], 1978, No 8 8. Vasenkov, A. A. ELERTRONNAYA PROMYSHLENNOST', 1978, No 5 9. Makgl,in, D. R. "Tekhnologiya, arkhitektura i primeneniye mikroprotsessorov" [Technology, Architecture and Uses of Microprocessors], translated from English, Moscow, Energiya, 1979 10. Baranov, S. I., and Sinev, V. N. ZARUBEZHNAYA ELERTRONIRA [Electronics Abroad], 1979 COPYRIGHT: Radiotekhnika, 1981 10,233 CSO: 8144/0557 66 ; OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.327+621.395.5 DIGITAL TECHIJIQUES IN COMMUNICATIONS Moscow TSIFROVAYA TEKHrTIKA V SVYAZI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 29 Jul 81) pp 2-6, 279-280 [Annotation, authors' foreword, editor's foreword and table of contents from book "Digital Techniques in Communications", by Emanuyel Prager, Bogumil Shimek and Vic- - tor Petrovich Dmitriyev, translated from Czech by E. A. Sultan-Zade, edited by V. V. Markov, Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz l", 7000 copiea, 280 pages] [Text] The authors present the basic principles of using digital techniques in some areas of communication. Individual chapters treat analog-digital conversion, basic characteristics of digital transmission systems and digital techniques used in sat- ellite communication systems. Special attention is given to the use of digiCal tech- niques in telephone stations and communication netwoxks, as well as to the problems of data transmission. The book was written jointly with Czech specialista. This book is intended for engineers and technicians engaged in the development and - operation of digital communication systems. Authors' Foreword Up to the present time, low-frequency technique was used in rural communication net- works and a high-frequency technique was used in the networks of higher levels. This structure was connected primarily with the transmission of voice aignals telephone conversations. With the increasing volume of the transmitted information of nonvoice signals and the development of digital techniques, Chere arose the desire to use these princi- ples and solutions in tranemission and awitching systema. It is natural that this desire meant for some communication sectors (for example, Cechniques of telephone stations) to give up the use of electromechanical switchboards. On the basis of the digital techniques, there developed an independent area of digi- tal transmission for multiple use of communication linea. Digital techniques start- ed being used gradually for switching at telephone stations. Classical methods of digital-analog converaion, IKM [pulse-code modulation], as well as some other me- thods, for example, various kinds of de1Ca-conversion, are used. So far, both main directions of communication, i.e., transmission and awitching techniques, are��de- veloping independently, although identical principlea and solutions are uaed in some cases. 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the future digital technique can lead to further modernization and increased econ- omy of communication networks due to the integration of the transmitting and switch- ing equipment in a single complex system. This task is promising and can be realized at the present time. At the same time, there is a tendency toward the unification of the telephone, telegraph, and data transmission networks and later image transmi�s- sion networks into a single network with the purpose of integrating all communica- tion services. The book presents the fundamental principles of the applications of digital techni- que in comnunications. Individual chapters deal with the basic characteristics of the analog, digital-methods of conversion, principles of multichannel digital trans- mission s3rstems, and the use of digital technique for switching and controlling prom- ising telephone statiom and communication networks, as well as with the problems of data transmission through digital channels. One of the important areas of application of digital technique for transmitting voice and nonvoice information is communication through artificial earth satellites. A separate chapter deals with this area of communication. The size of the book makes it possible to give only basic ideas about digital tech- nique of communication and to map out further ways of its development.. We should not disregard the tremendous effect of microelectronica on the development of digi- tal technique, duQ to which it was possible in many instances to develop sysCems whose principles have been known already for a number of years. The book is intended for engineers, technicians and scientists engaged in the devel- opment and operation of digital communication systems and can be useful also to stu- dents o� institutes and teknikums in these areas. The authors hope that this book will expand the information of the readers about ~ this area of engineering and will thur, contribute to its further development. _7 Fditor's Foreword Successful activities of modern human society are impossible without communication exchange. Regardless of where people have to work, exchange of comnunications among them is the basis of the organization of their activity. Due to a number of reasons, in the second half of the twentieth century there appear- ed a necessity of scientific organization of exchange of communications. One of the main reasons is the fact that modern production has become so complicated and devel- oped that, in order to control it, it is necessary to create automatic control sys- tems using electronic computers (EVM). Formerly, electric communication systems en- sured the transmission of information between people, but the introduction of EVM changed the situation in the part of the required types of communication. There appeared the need in the following types of communication: "man EVM" and "EVM EVM". Tliis led to extensive transmission of information in the digital form, which is adapted the best for its introduction to EVM. Tte tendency to using digital methods in Che electric communication technique is ex- plained not only by the wide applications of EVM. Transmission of information in 68 FOR OFFIC[AL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFF'ICiAL USE ONLY ttie digital form has a number of substantial advantages in comparison with its trans- mission in the analog form. The following are the main advantages: wider possibilities of combining and proceseing different types of information con- _ verted into the digital form, since it is universal; higher interference immunity of digital signals; possibiliry of the regeneration of digital signals, which makes it possible to ob- tain high quality of transmission regardless of the length of the line and the num- ber of intermediate stations; possibility of the isolation, input and switching of information at intermediate stations in the digital form without any loss of quality; stability of the parameters of channels formed with the aid of digital systems and - the absence of the effect of overloading, which improves the quality af transmission in a switched communication network; possibility of using standard, reliable and inexpensive integrated circuits, which decreases considerably Che cost of the switching and multiplexing systema which are determining in the cost of the entire system; greater effecL-iveness of the transmission of telegraphic signals and data signals in comparison with their transmission through analog channels. - It should be added that modern communication systems use such means of transmission as waveguide and optical-fiber communication lines, through which the transmission of signals can be the most optimal in the digital form. The flow of digital information through communication systems is growing progres- sively. At the same time, the flow of analog information is also growing. In this connection, several ways are poasible for deaigning systems intended for transmitting both analog and digital information flows. The first path is the use of universal tracks and channels fozmed by standard sys- tems with frequency division of channels. In this case, analog signals are trans- mitted by the usual method with out additional conversion; digital information is transmitted through the same tracks equipped with adaptive harmonic correctors. _ The second way is to transmit the conversion of all types of analog aystems into di- giral signals and their transmissions through channels of wide-band systems in con- junction with digital information obtained directly from data transmiasion facilities. The third way of consCructing digiCal systems provides for a general nature of con- _ verting analog information into digital information in the communication sources themselves (for example, in a telephone set). In such a system, only switching, unification and division of digital information is realized. Naturally, the first path was used first when it was necessary to transmit large flows of digital information. But this path was relatively In this ~ 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY connection, at the present time the deveiapment of communication systems progresaes according to the second path. Therefore, books treating the basic principles of transmitting and switching digital signals are very important.  The publication of the book "Digital Techniques in Communications" written jointly by Soviet and Czechoslovak specialists is very timely. E. Prager is known to Soviet specialists as one of the authors of the book "Electronic Telephone Stations" which was translated and published by the publishing house "Svyaz in 1976. So far, speech analog information is the initial information in most cases. When it is transmitted through digital channels, it must be converted into a digital form; inverse conversion is performed during reception. Here, an important role is played by analog-digital converters of various types. Problems of such conversion in appli- cation to speech signals, namely IKM [pulse-code modulation] conversion and delta- conversion are treated in Chapter 1 of the book. In most cases digital channels are used for multichannel transmission of inessages. In this case, time consolidation and separatian of signals is used. These problems are also examined in Chapter 1. Apart from speech signals, digital channels are used for transmirting other analog information, such as radio broadcasting signals and wide-band signals of equipment with frequency diviaion of channels. Problems of the transmission of such signals, as well as data signals, are discussed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 deals with general principles of designing equipment with IRM and delta- modulation. The hierarchy of digital systems is discussed in Chapter 4. Communica- tion lines for transmitting digital signals, namely cable, radio-relay, waveguide and optical fibex lines, are touched upon in Chapter 5 which is descriptive in na- ture. Readers wishing to familiarize themselves with these-problems in more detail should refer to the appropriate literature. A specific case of multichannel transmission of information in the digital form oc- curs in satellite communication systemso The satellite retransmitter is used by all earth stations of a given satellite communication system. Therefore, there arises the problem of multistation access, i.e., selection of a transmission and retrans- mission method ensuring a minimum of interstation interference and the highest effec- tiveness of the system as a whole. An important characteristic of the digital satel- - lite communication system is its interference immunity at great lengths of intervals and limited power resources aboard the satellite. InCerference immunity can be in- creased, for example, by using an interference-proof coding. All these problems, as well as the methods of linking ground and satellite communication lines are discus-- sed in Chapter 6. The remaining chapters of the book (7-10) deal with the switching of digital signals. Apart for the principles of switching, special attention is given to program con- trol (including centralized control) of switching processes with the aid of control- ling computers. These problems are examined with consideration for the creation of integrated digital systems and communication networks. Digital methods of transmit- ting control and interaction signals, as well as problems of transmitting and switch- ing data signals, are also touched upon. Comprehensiveness and descriptiveness are the distinctive characteristics of this book. It touches upon almost all problems of the applications of the digital 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � j technique in information transmission systems. In this respect, this book is, to a certain degree, a reader and is very useful for acquiring a general knowledge of the problems of digital communication systems. : Chapters 1-5 and 7-10 were written jointly by E. Prager and V. Shimek. They were translated by E. A. Sultan-Zade. Chapter 6 was written by V. P. Dmitriyev. The b i b liograp hy w a s s u p p l em ented b y the editor with Russian language publications. See List of Additional Bibliography. Comments on the book are to be addressed to Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz l", 101060, Moscaw, Main Post Office, P.O. Box 693. Contents Page Authors' Foreword 3 Editor's Foreword 4 Chapter 1. Transmission of Analog Signals by Digital Methods 7 1.1. Types of Digital Transmission Systems 8 1.2. Characteristics of IKM Ipulse code modulation] Comrexsion 9 1.3. Characteristics of De1ta-Conversion 28 1.4. Restoration of a Digital Signal 37 Chapter 2. Transmission of Nonspeech Signals by Digital Systems 41 2.1. Data Transmission 41 2.2. Transmission of Radio-Broadcasting Signals 45 2.3. Transmission of Video Signals 45 2.4. Transmisaion of Broad-Band Signals 47 Chapter 3. Fundamental Principles of Constructing Digital Tranamission Systems 48 3.1. Basic Propositions 48 3.2. Coders 51 ' 3.3. Line Equipment 60 ' Chapter 4. Hierarchy of Digital Transmisaion Systems 62 4.1. Primary Systems with IKM 62 4.2. Systems with IKM of Aigher Orders 65 4.3. Limited-Channel Systems with ADM [adaptive delta-modulation] 72 Chapter 5. Communication Lines for Transmitting Digital Signals 80 5.1. Cables . 80 5.2. Waveguides 85 5.3. Radio-Relay Transmission Systems 86 5.4. Transmission of Digital Signals by a Light Beam 88 Chapter 6. Utilization of Digital MeChods in Satellite Communications 100 6.1. Yntroduction 100 - 6.2. Special Characteristics of Satellite Systema oF Information Transmission 101 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6.3. Structure of Satellite Communication Systems 103 _ 6.4. Processing of Signals in Satellite Transmission Systems 108 6.5. Operating Efficiency of Satellite Transmission Systems 116 6.6. Interference Immunity of the Transmission of Discrete Information in Satellite S;stems with Frequency Modulation 121 6.7. Coding in Satellite Transmission Systems 124 6.8. Satellite Transmission Systems with Multistation Frequency Access 138 6.9. Satellite Transmission Systems with Multistation Time Access 142 6.10. Linking of Ground and Satellite Communication Lines 152 Chapter 7. Principles of Switching Digital Signals 157 7.1. Introduction 157 7.2. Basic Principles of Constructing Integrated Digital Transmission System3 159 7.3. Uses of Digital Methods of Switching in Switching Systems of the Third Generation 161 7.4. Switching Based on the Principle of Time Division 164 7.5. Principles of Digital Switching 175 7.6. Basic problems of the Realization of Integrated Systems and Networks 197 7.7. Realization of Integrated Systems 207 Chapter 8. Digital Technique and Control 209 8,1. Introduction 209 8.2. Stages of the Development of Systems of CenCralized Program Control of Switching Processes 210 8.3. Principles of Program Control of Switching Systems 220 8.4. Basic Parameters of a Program Control System 233 8.5. Ensuring the Reliability of a Centralized Control System 235 8.6. Operational Load of Centralized Control Devices 23$ 8.7. Programs and Programming of the Operatfon of Telephone Stations 239 Chapter 9. DigiCal Methods of Transmitting Control and Interaction Signals 255 9.1. Digital Methods of Transmitting Control and Interaction Signals in the Existing Networks 255 9.2. Transmission of Digital Signaling in Program-Controlled Systems 257 9.3. Digital Variant of Signaling System No 6 257 9.4. Signaling in Digital Networks 259 - Chapter 10. DigiEal Methods of Data Transmission and Switching 261 10.1. Introduction 261 10.2. Switching of Data Signals 264 10.3. Devices of Time-Division Group Formation 265 10.4. Switching of Data Signals in an Integrated Digital Network 266 Bibliography 271 Additional Bibliography 277 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz 1981. SNTL, 1981. 10,233 CSO: 1860/233 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500464419-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.391.2:621.396 PROBLEMS OF RECEIVING AND PROCESSING SIGNALS FROM RADIO ENGINEERING SYSTEMS Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V. I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA) : PROBLE4Y PRIYIIMA I OBRABOTKI SIGNALOV RADIO- TEKHNICHESKIKH SISTEM in Russian No 265, 1980 pp 137-148 [Abstracts for 36 articles from callection "Proceedings of Leningrad Electro- technical Institute imeni V. I. U1'yanov (Lenin): Problems of Receiving and Processing Signals from Radio Technical Systems", 148 pages] UDC: 621.391.2 BINARY SEQUENCE SEARCH WITH MINiMAL SIDE LOBE SUPPRESSION LOSSES [Abstract of article by V. P. Ipatov, Yu. A. Kolomenskiy and 0. I. Kornilov] [Text] This article examines problems involved in simulating binary signals which are optimal in terms of the criterion of minimum side lobe suppression losses. A program flow chart and results of the similation are presented. I illustration, 1 table, 4 bibliographic references. UDC : 621.396.96 APPLICATION OF ORDER STATISTICS FOR PROCESSING RADAR SIGNALS [Abstract of article by V. N. Smirnov] [Text] This article examines singularities of the use of order statistics for measuring non-er.ergetic signal parameters. It is shown that the factors which reduce estimation efficiency are sampling nonuniformity and random numbers of elements in the variation series. 3 bibliographic ref erences. UDC: 621.391.2 ADAPTIVE SIGNAL CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM [Ab::tract of article by G. M. Yefimov and L. Ya. Novusel'tsev] [Text] The problem of classifying a set of observations under conditions of a priori indefinition with respect to the noise distribution parameters is 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY examined. Procedure characteristics found using the Monte Carlo method are presented. 1 illustration, 4 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.396.985 ANALYSIS OF CLUSTERED MODEL OF TRACKING INSTRUMENT WITH SEARCH AND MONITORING [Abstract of article by A. V. Adamchuk, V. M. Katikov and L. N. Medyntsev] [Text] A discrete measuring device is analyzed which contains a tracking system, - search device and monitoring detector. Expressions are derived which can be used, to estimate the degree of influence of the characteristics of various sections of the measuring system on the measurement accuracy. 3 illustrations, 3 biblio- graphic ref erences. UDC: 621.376:621.396.986.4 I?VSTRUMENTAL ACCURACY 0F PHASE MEASUREMENTS [Abstract of article by I. M. Samoylov] [Text] A comparative estimate is given for the influence of nonlinearity of the receiving section on the instrumental accuracy of phase measurements for various methods of determining rhe phase of the high frequency carrier of a signal. 2 illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC: 621.396.969.18 MICROPROCESSOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SEARCH MODE IN DIRECTION-FINDING SYSTEM [Abstract of article by V. V. Selivanov, S. V. Starygin and V. N. Timofeyev] � [Text] This article examines the singularities of organization and construction of the search mode in a microprocessor-based direction-finding system. The functional diagram of the hardware of the system is described, and a flow cha.rt of the data processing program in the search mode is provided. 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references, 1 table. UDC: 396.98.021 AUTOMATED SELECTION OF METHOD FO'R DETERMINING COORDINATES IN CLOSE-RANGE RADIO NAVIGATION SYSTIIK [Abstract of article by V. I. Myasinkov and Yu. S. Yurchenko] ' [Text] This article investigates the operating modes of a short-ra:zge radio navigation system with several beacons, and determines areas in which the ranging mode should be used. An algorithm is described for automatically selecting the direction-ranging or ranging modes. 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. 74 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFI!'IAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.396.98.021 STABILITY OF INTERACTIVE OPERATION OF SEVERAL TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVIItS [Abstract of article by N. N. Baskakov, V. K. Orlov, A. G. Chernyavskiy and V. I. Shlomin] [Text] This article examines the loading of transmitters in a system of trans- mitting stations which are exchanging information with one another in the presence of intra-system and chaotic pulse noise. It is shown that wlien N transceivers are operating there is a load stability threshold. 5 illuatrations, 2 biblio- graphic ref erences. UDC: 629. METHOD FOR DIGITAL SIMILATION OF DOPPLER SPECTRUM [Abstra::t of article by V. A. Isayev] [Text] One possible method of digital Doppler spectrum similation basQd on using a digital phase converter is examined. 2 illustrations, 4 bibliographic ref erences. UDC: 621.396.96 STATISTICAL MODELING OF KALMAN FILTIIt ERRORS IN PRESENCE OF MEMORY LOCATION FAULTS [Abstract of article by Yu. N. Volovik, Yu. P. Grishin and L. V. Yefimov] [Text] The statistical modeling method is used, for a second-order Kalman f ilter, to estimate the influence of faults in memory locations storing the values of the filter transmission matrix elements on the accuracy of the estimation. The pre- , cision characteristics of two different ftlter implementations are compared. - 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.396.96 THE PROBLEM OF SELECTING RECURSIVE FILTER COEFFICIENTS iAbstract of article by A. V. Solov'yev and A. V. Titov] [Text] This article examines a method of calculating the coefficients of a - simple digital resonator based on identity of the impulse responses of the digital resonator and an analog prototype. 2 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references, 1 table. ~ UDC: 621.396.96 DIGITAL FILTER [Abstract of article by A. V. Pochekayev? 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY [Text] This article presents a cireuit for a nonlinear digital filter for auto- mati^ �:.equency tracking systems. 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 681.06 CONSTRUCTION OF TESTS FOR DEVICES REALIZED IN SOFTWARE [Abstract of article by V. V. Danilov and F. V. Filippov] [Text] This article examines the problem of constructing tests for automata implemented in software. 4 bibliographic references, 1 table. UDC: 007.52 _ ONE METHOD FOR RIDUCTION OF AUTOMATA [Abstract of article by A. N. Zhirabok and B. P. Podkopayev] [Text] This article examines the problem of reduction of a fully defined automaton from the position of the matfiematical apparatus of the algebra of pairs. An analytical division expression is derived which is used to reduce the automaton, snd a reduction procedure is proposed. 4 bibliographic references. UDC: 62-507.019 FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF DIGITAL DEVICE WITH LIMITID INFORMATION REGARDING STATE VECTOR [Abstract of article by N. V. Kolesav] [Text] This article examines questions involved in synthesizing a testing automa- ~ ton which executes functional diagnosis of a given digital device with limited in- formation regarding the state vector. 3 bibliogra~tiic references. UDC: 519.2 621.396.96 A GENERALIZATION OF ERLANG'S FORMULAS [Abstract of articl�e by V. G. Chernolesskiy] [Text] A queueing system is examined. Erlang formulas are found for calculating the probabilities of the states of the queueing systems. The probability of failure to service requirements is found, as is the average number of channels involved in servicing requirements of both types. 1 illustration, 4 bibliographic - references. ; 76 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.361 TABLE OF PRIMITIVE THIRD-DEGREE POLYNOMIALS _ [Abstract of article by Ye. N. Yevstaf'yev and B. Zh. Kamaletdinov] - [TextJ This article presents results concerning the tabulation of primitive third-degree polynomials over Galois fields of ordar n=II. 1 illustration, S bibliographic references, 1 table. - UDC: 621.391.2 DETECTION OF MULTIFREQUENCY SIGNALS - [Abstract of article by V. M. Frolushkin] [Text] Optimal invariant rules are obtained for detecting multifrequency signals against the background of noise of unknown intensity. The effectiveness of tTie rules is shown. 6 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.391 MODELING OF DIGITAI. SIDE-LOBE SUPPRESSION FILTER [Abstract of ar*_icle tiy S. N. Britin and A. Ye. Nazimok] [Text] This article contains the results of modeling digital side-lobe suppres- sion filters based on BPF jexplanation not given]. 3 illustration, 6 biblio- graphic references. UDC: 621.391.2 RNM UNBIASED 3IGNAL DETECTION RULE [Abstract of article by V. N. Vasyukov] [Text] An unbiased RNM [expansion not given] rule is synthesized for detecting the signal in a multichannel receiver. The probability of correct detection is found as a function of the useful paratneter. 1 illustratioti, 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.391.2 CONTRAST DETEGT ION OF SIGNAL WITH UNKNOWN FREQUENCY SELECTIVE FADING [Abstract of article by A. I. Savina] [Text] This article examines a.two-step rule for contrast detection of a signal ~ with frequency-selective fading which satisfies the requirements of imrariance 77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY with respect to a priori unknown parameters of the frequency selective fading , and noise spectrum. 3 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.391.198 STABLE ALGORITHM FOR DETECTING ASYP'IIriETRY FEATURE OF SPFECH SIGNAL [Abstract of article by V. N. Prokof'yev and L. D. Smirnov] ['I'ext] A two-step algorithm for detecting the a.symmetry feature of a speech - signa_1 ils examined. The false alarm probability is fixed, and does not depend u pon the type of noise distribution. 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.396.43 - ESTIMATION AF NOISE TOLERANCE OF SATELLITE RADIO LINKS WITH STRUCTURAL MULTIPLEXING [Abstract of article by V. S. Gutin] [Text] This article examines a satellite communication system with structural multiplexing and complex pfiase-cnodulated signal:-. An expression is derived which - describes the noise tolerance of the link and yields the connection between the f nergy characteristics of sections of the link, the base of the phase-modulated - signals and the number of simultaneously transmitting earth stations. 7 biblio- graphic references. - UDC: 621.396.49 ESTIMATION OF CORRELATION OF SYSTEM NOISE IN ASYNCHRONOUS C'JMMUNICATION SYSTEM [Abstract of article by V. A. Bol'shakov and K. Yu. Kolomenskiy] [Text] It is shown that in asynchronous communication systems with independent identical recurrent streams of subscriber transmissians the correlation coefficient of the number of superimpositions of noise pulses on two different signal pulses is independent oF the number of subscribers in the system. 1 illustration, 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.391.254 MFTHOD FOR CALCULATING ENERGY GAIN FROM CASCADE CODING _ [Abstract of article by Yu. A. Stankevich] " [iext] A method is presentsd f or estimating the energy gain from using a cascade = code as compared with nonredundant coding. 3 bibliographic references. 78 FiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500460019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.391.254 ENERGY GAIN OF BLOCK CODES WITH MA.TORITY DECODING [Abstract of article by Ye. V. Pustygin] I'Text] A formula is derived for calculating the energy gain of majority-decoded block codes. A graph of the maximal energy gain as a function of the error probability at the decoder output is given. 1 illustration, 1 table, - 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.39E.96 SOME FEATURES OF POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF IONOSPHERIC RADIO WAVES [Abstract of article by L. A. Zhivotovskiy] [Text] The graphic apparatus of spherical trigonometry is used to provide a qualitative analysis of the polarization characteristics of short radio waves, which demonstrated in principle the possibility of using these characteristics for identifying communications channels. 4 illustrations, 6 bibliographic - ref erences. i1DC: 621.3.011.7 NOISE PARAMETERS OF FHYSICAL EQUIVALENT NOISE CIRCUITS [Abstract of article by N. V..Terpugov] - [TextJ Solutions are presented for the noise parameters of transistors obtained on the basis of data from equivalent physical noise circuits. The analysis uses the spectral method. 3 illustrations, 5 bib liographic references. UDC: 621.372.58.018.783 EQUIVALENT INDUCTANCE AS FUNCTION OF NONLINEAR DISTORTIONS IN GYRATOR - [Abstract of article by V. M. Shilkov] [Text] The relationship between the equivalent inductance simulated by a capacitively-loaded gyrator and the coeff icients of the harmonics of the dependent current sources forming tlie gyrator is found. 1 tllustration, 3 bibliographic _ references. UDC: 621.3.049.77 CALCULATION OF TIIMPERATURE DRIFT OR MIS MICROCIRCUITS 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY [Abstract of article by V. N. Galkin] [Text] Formulas are derived for calculating the tempera*.ure drift of integrated single-input and double-input differential amplifier stages as a function of the temperature properties of the specific slope and threshold voltage of the struc- tures. 1 illustration, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC: 621.375. SMALL-SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INTERNALLY COMPENSATED ADJUSTABLE AMPLIFIER [Abstract of article by V. A. Pikulev and Yu. A. Yegorov] [Text] This article examines the ctrcuit of an adjustabl.e differential amplif ier ~ with internal compensation. The node potential method witli node exclusion is used to obtain the Y-parameters �or different methods of connecting differential _ amplifiers. 3 illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC: 621.3.011.73 INFLUENCE OF AMPLIFIER GAIN ON R-'FILTER RESPONSES [Abstract of article by A. A. Pxotasov] [Text] This article examines the influence of amplifier gain on the responaes of the second-order section of R-filters. A recomanendation is given for the selection of amplifier gains. 1 illustration, 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 535.3:621.384.3 CALCULATION OF OPTICAL SIGNAL ENERGY REFLECTID BY ATMOSPHERE [Abstract of article by Yu. A. Tsikin] [Text] A method is examined for calculating the energy of an optical signal reflected by the atmosphere for pulsed lidara. Recommendations are given on determining the atmospheric transmitivity. 1 illustration, 4 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.376 A METHOD FOR INCREASING LINEARITY OF OPTICAL MUDULATORS [Abstract of article by D. M. Glebov] [Text] A method is propoaed for linearizing the modulation characteriatics of electrooptical modulators using the linear Pocke7.s effect. The operation of a complicated modulator is analyzed using Poincare sphere apparatus. 3 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. 80 FICIAL USE ONI:Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.396.2 RE50LUTION OF AZIMUTH SIGNALS OF SURVEILLANCE RADAR [Abstract of article by P. A. Trofimov] [Text] This article presents the results of calculating the obtainable coef- ficients of shortening of the azimuth signal and corresponding lossea in the signal/noise ratio. 2 tables, 2 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.372.54 CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSFER FUNCTIONS OF ARC-FILTERS WITH LIMITATIONS ON ATTENUATION AND WORKING PHASE CHARACTERISTICS [Abstract of article by S. A. Bukashkin, Yu. M.-Inshakov and Ye. A. Kasatkin] [Text] This article examinea questions of simulating ARC-f ilters with a iinear phase characteristic in the presence of limitations on the attenuation charac- teristic, and provtdes recommendations for the construction of their *_ransfer function. An example is given of an optimized 9th order transfer function w�:'.th two complex-conjugate transmiasion nu11s for the case of deviation of the working phase from linear. 2 illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1980 6900 CSO: 1860/95 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROBLIIrIS OF DESIGNING RADIO TECHNICAL DEVICES Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSKOGO ORDENA LENINA I ORDENA OKTYABMSKOY REVOLYUTSII ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITUTA, TEMATICHESKiY SBORNIK: VOPROSY PROYEKTIROVANIYA RADIOTEKHNICHESKIKH USTROYSTV 3:n Russian No 514, 1981 pp 116-120 [Abstracts for 16 articles from journal "Proceedings of Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of the October Revolution Energy Institute, T1lematic Collection: _ Problems of Designing Radio Technical Devices", edited liy A. F. Bogomolov, corresponding member of US3R Academy of Sciences] UDC: 621.396.96 INVESTIGATION OF NOISE TOLE?tANCE 0F OPTIMAL PHA3E TRACKING SYSTEM WITH PERIODIC NONLINEARITY [Abstract of article by P. A. Zherdev] [Text] This article presents results of investigating the noise tolerance of an optimal multi-circuit nonlinear system for phase tracking of the average frequency of a continuous FM signal in the presence of atrong noise. Examples of analyzing the noise tolerance based on the formulas derived' are examined. 6 illustrations, 5 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.396.96 RECEPTION NOISE TOLERANCE OF PHASE-SHIFT KEYED SIGNALS DURING EXTRACTION OF CHARACTER FREQUENCY FROM RECEIVED INFORMATION [Abstract of article by A. V. Stepin] [Textj A simple analytic expression is obbained for calculating the probability of character reception error as a function of the dispersion of the prase error of the character frequency reference oscillator. It is shown that when the noise band of the phase-locking system is selected appropriately the influence of inaccurate operation of the character synchronization on the reception noise tolerance of phase-modulated signals can practically be disregarded. 3 illus- trations, 4 bibliographi:c r.eferences. 82 OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.396.96 COMPOSITION APPROACH IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF COMPLEX RADIO TECHNICAL SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by V. L. Makarov, Yu. A. Belov, D. V. Ysovekiy and V. A. Shul'zhenko] [Text] A composition approach is proposed for mathematical modeling of com- plex radio systems in whicfi the mathematical model is constructed of basis of elementary models with the help of isolated composiCions. 2 illustrations, 11 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.396.96 PROBLFMS OF ADAPTATION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION TRANSMISSION SXSTF.M USING SEQUENTIAL DECODING TO IMPULSIVE NOT3E [Abstract of art.icle by A. S. A1'tinan, L. A. Krasnov and V. A. Morozov] [Text] This article demonstrates the advisability of usi'ng a high speed device for estimating ttie i:ntenstty of impul.sive notae for contxolling tfie channel wfiicfi erases defeedable pulsed noise w3:th various- algorittlms for con- trolling the erasure thresliold (optimal and simpli'fied). 2 illustrations, 9 bibliograpfiic references. UDC: 621.326,96 REDUNDANT CODING EQUIPMENT AND CODE SYNCHRONIZATION DURING SEQUENTIAL DECODING - OF CONVOLUTION,AZ CODES [Abstract of article by R. S. Kravtsov, A. V. Moiaeyev, Yu. I. Sidorchuk and A. N. Sorokin] [Text] Two code synchronization methods are compared: with and without re- synchronizing drop-ins. The advantages of operating with drop-ins are estab- lished. Experimental results are presented. 1 table, 1 bitiliographic reference. UDC: 621.396.96 HIERARCHICAL MIIrIORX IN DATA AQUISITION AND STORAGE SYSTEMS _ [Abatract of article by V. G. Pod'yachev] [Text] A principle is proposed for constructing a data storage system which uses a priori information to solve the following problems: - reduction of volume of stored data obtained during operation; 83 FOR OFFiCiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - accelerating retrieval of necessary data contained among that stored; - increasing accuracy of stored and output data. Some problems involved in realizing the proposed system are discussed. 2 illuatrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.397.61 ALLOWING FOR VIDICON LAG IN TELEVISION TRACKING SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by V. P. Vinogradov] [Text] This article investigates the influence of vidicon lag on the operation of a televisian tracking system. On the basis of an approximate consideration of the fundamental physical processes occurring in a vtdicon, which is valid when the object has low contrast, an approximate linear equivalent vidicon circuit is obtained as a section within a closed circutt in tlie system, Results of experi- mental testing are presented. 2 illustrations, 5 bibliograpliic references. UDC: 621.397.61 INvESTIGATION OF TELEVI3ION TRACKING 3YSTEM BASID ON TRIAXTAL MOUNT USING MATt.T-MATICAL MODELING METHOD [Abstract of article by I. A.'Vlasov, V, S. Denisov and V. P. Sizov] [Text] Optimal filtering and conCrol algorithms are obtained for a television tracking system installed on a triaxial mount. A discrete model is constructed, and the functional dtagram of an optimal tracking system i:s presented along with some results of computer modeling for different positions of the mount. 5 illustrations, 5 btliliograptlic references. UDC: 621.396.969.11 ALPHA'I3ETIC METHOA �FOR DISCLOSING PHA$E 'MEASUREMENT AK.BIGTJITX [Abstract of article tiy G. I. 5krypnik] [Text,1 Tliis article explains an alphabetic method for disclosing ambiguity and mul.ti-scale pliase measurements Based on an information approach to solving the problem of statistical estimation of cyclicmeasurements. Some properties of the state alpliabet of a multi-scale system are examtned, along with a simple decision circuit in the form of "'samples" of tlie alpliabet. The decision circuit is extended to the case of taking tizne samples, and some protilems involved in practical implementation of tlie algoritMn are discussed. 2 tables, 6 bibliographic references. 84 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.396.969.11 ALPHABETIC DECISION CIRCUITS IN PROBLIIrI OF ELIMINATING CYCLIC MEASUREMENT AMBIGUITY [Abstract of article by Yu. D. Popov] [TextJ The problem of eliminating ambiguity in cyclic measur ements is salved with the help of alphabetic cfrcuits. Measurements are proposed for decoding by - the distance minimtan and oblique samples whicli make it poss3:ble to obtain an estimate of the unknown parameter in fairly simple form. The question of optimal selection of the scaling coeff icients of the measuring scales for the proposed - methods is discussed. 4 bibliographic referencea. UDC: 621.374.5 (088.8) SPECTRAL CORRELATION PROPERTIES OF COMPLEX DISCRETE FM SIGNALS [Abstract of article by B. A. Pashkov] [Text] Analytical expressions are obtained for investigating the spectral-cor- relation properties and determining the basic parameters of complex discrete frequency-modulated signals having an arbitrary variable or constant digitization step in time and frequency. 2 illustrations, 5 bibliographic referencea. UDC: 681.327 MEMORY MODULES FOR MICROPROCESSOR DEVICES _ [Abstract of article by K. E. Asratyan, D. I. 0. Atayev, A. A. Zharev and G. M. Ko 1 `ner] [Text] This article examines the requirements imposed on the memory devices in high speed microprocessor devi:ces. A modified version of data exchange between the processor and memory is proposed. The bastc characteristics of developed RAM, ROM and EPROM are presented. 2 tllustrations, 1 bttiliographtc reference. UDC: 621.373.826:621.396.96 POTENTIAL ACCURACY OF OPTICAL RANGE 14ETER IN TURBULENT ATMOSPHERE [Abstract of article by A. A. Bogomolov, Yu. N. Bugayev and A. V. Suyetenko] [Text] This article examines thP methodology and results of computer calculation of the potential accuracy of determining the time position of a weak optical pulsed signal in the combined presence of stationary additive noise and multi- plicative noise. 2 illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. 85 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 621.372.832 PHASE-STABLE FOUR-CHANNEL POWER DIVIDER USING STRIPLINES [Abstract of article by V. A. Zhidkov, V. P. Tro''imov and Ye. D. Fokin] _ [Text] This article presents the circuits of a power divider and three-decibel tandem d irectional coupler iaplemented using coupled striplines with small di- mensions and high electrical parameters. 5 illustrations 7 bibliographic references. UDC: 621.396.677 SIMULATION OF HORN ANTENNAS v;'T,TH REACTI'yE LOADS [Abstract of article by A. S. Konrat'yev] [Text] This article examines the problem of synthesizing the field and the aperture of an H-sectorial liorn with passive loaded dipoles in the aperture and corregated conical horn. 5 tlluatrations, 1 tatile, 7 bililiographic references. UDC: 621.396.677 THEORETICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WIDEBAND SPIRAL RADIATOR ' [Abstract of article bq P. P. Sereda] [Text] This article presents results of calculating.a double conical spiral antenna. Radiation characteristics tn the frequency band which it covers are investigated. 8 iilustrations, 3 tatiles, 5 bitiliographtc references. COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticlieskiy institut, 1981 6900 CSO: 1860/179 86 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY PROBLEMS OF WAVE RADIO ELECTRONICS Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ELIICTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): VOPROSY VOLNOVOY RADIOELEKTRONIKI in Russian No 245, 1979 pp 70-76 [Abstracts for 19 articles from collection "Proceedings of Leningrad Electro- technical Institute imeni V.I. U1'yanov (Lenin): Pro'ulems of Wave Radio Electronics"] UDC 621.372.837.4 MICROWAVE PHASE MODULATORS USING ORTHOGONAL FIELDS [Abstract of article by Yu.Ye. Lavrenko and N. A1'fonoso] [Text] This article examines three designs of microwave phase modulators for two- level antiphase modulation. The results of electrodynamic calculations for two modulators are presented. It is shown that the use of orthogonal fields makes it possible to obtain a simple, efficient modulator with sufficiently wide-band characteristics. Four illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.372.888:621.372.8.049.75 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE COUPLING IN WAVEGUIDE WITH LONG NARROW SLOT [Abstract of article by V.S. Alekseyev and K.F. Lavrenko] _ [Text] This article examines the interaction between electromagnet-.ic waves in a waveguide with a long narrow slot cut in its side wall using the coupled-wave method; the frequency properties of the energy re-radiaticn process are explained. 'Itao illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. unc 621.372.61 WAYS OF IMPROVING TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRICALLY-CONTROLLED STRIPLINE - ATTENUATORS [Abstract of article by I.G. Petelin] [Text] This article pre;ents the results of theoretical investigation of a full- section pin-diode stripline attenuator. It is shown that when several diodes are 87 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY connected in parallel in the center sections, the coefficient of reflection of the attenuator is reduced, while the induced attenuation increases; the operating bandwidth remains sufficiently wide over an octave with attenuation of up to 45 dB. Th*-ee illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.372.933:521.372.8.049.75 BANDWIDTH ESTIMATE OF WAVEGUIDE-SLOT TRANSITION [Abstract of article by V.S. Alekseyev and K.F. LavrenkoJ [Text] The operation of a waveguide-slot a.dapter is examined within the frequency band based on the coupled-wave method. The passband obtained theoretically and experimentally amounts to over 20-30y. Four illustrations, 3 bib liographic references. UDC 621.372.837.4:621.396.669 MACHINE DESIGN ALGORITHMS FOR SLOT WAVEGUIDE MICROWAVE REGULATING DEVICES [Abstract of arttcle by A.A. Danilin] [Text] This article examines a group of programs for automated design of slot waveguide switching modules witti solid-state elements. The group includes programs for analyzing devices, programs for syrthesis using assigned parameters and a program for refining the characteristics of the control elements used. The algorithms and method for using the group of programs are described. Tfao biblio- graphic references. UDC 621.396.67.012.12 REDUCING INFLUENCE OF NOISE WITH HELP OF ADAPTIVE ANTENNA SYSTEM [Abstract of article by M.V. Dmitryuk] [Text] A modification is proposed for the method, familiar from the literature, used to compensate for noise coming from directions other than that of the signal using an antenna system made up of isotropic antennas. The modification consists of adding a basic unidirectional antenna to the system. The capability of sappressing noise is proved in this case as well. The tuning algorithm and structure of the adaptive processor remain unchanged. Tao illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. L'DC 621.396.677.833.2 DETERMINATION OF DIFFFtACTION FIELD IN REGION OF FOCUS OF PARABOLOID OF ROTATiON [Abstract of article by V.N. Astakhov and V.A. Stepanov] [Text] A field is located in the region of Che focus of a paraboioid of rotation. 88 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460019-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Thanks to the approximations used for the function in the expression beneath the integral, expressions are obtained far the field in the focal plane which can be used to determine the re-reflected field from reflector antennas. T~ao illus- trations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.962.23 OPTIMIZATION OF VIBRATION DOPPLER DEVICE FOR MEASURING EFFECTIVE SCATTERING SURFACE [Abstract of article by V.A. Slavskiy and A.M. Aleksandr] [Text] This article examines ways of optimizing an autodyne Doppler system for measuring the effective scattering surface in the sense of obtaining a narrow signal spectrum, simplicity of inechanical construction, improved measurement accuracy and achieving the maximum signal/noise ratio. An optimal vibration amplitude is found which satisfies these conditions. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.8 DISTRIBUTION OF THE SQUARE OF HARMONIC SIGNAL ENVELOPES 1N GAUSSIAN NOISE [Abstract of article by K.P. Obukhov] [Text] This article examines the integral and differential distribution of the sum of harmonic signals in Gaussian noise and its moments. The relationships between these characteristics and the number of signals and signal/noise ratio is found. Two illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.273.029.67 - OPERATION OF ACOUSTO-OPTICAL STORAGE SPECTRUM ANALYZER IN PRESENCE OF NOISE [Abstract of article by K.P. Naumov] [Text] This article examines the operation of an acousto-optical storage spectrum analyzer when the predominant noise is external; metrological characteristics of - the analyzer are determined as a function of the signal/noise ratio at the input and the storage time. One illustration, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 778.534.452:534:535 POSSIBILITY OF ACOUSTO-OPTICAL RECORDING OF FILM SOUNDTRACKS [Abstract of article by I.A. Kruglov and V.A. Savin] [Text] This article analyzes the possibility of using an ultrasonic diffracti4n light modulator for recording transverse soundtracks at high speed. Estimates of the parameters of the light modulator are obtained. One illustration, 3 biblio- graphic referetices. 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 535.4 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM OF LIGHT DIFFRACTION IN ULTRASOUND IN ANISOTROPIC MEDIUM USING RAMAN-NAT METHOD � [Abstract of article by A.A. Stashkevich] [Text] A system of vector difference-differential equations is obtained which describe light diffraction on ultrasound in an anisotropic medium. These - equations are a generalization of the classic Raman-Nat equations for the aniso- tropic case. One illustration, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 539.143.43:621.391.272 ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS OF AUXILIARY EXCITATION SIGNALS IN SYSTEMS WITH ELECTRON SPIPJ ECHO [Abstract of article by Yu.A. Gustov and M.T. Ivanov] [Text] This article examines the possibility of reducing the amplitudes of e:ccitation signals in the spin systems used in reflection simulators by substitut- ing complex signals for the short control pulses. It is shown that this substitu- tion reduces the peak values of the excitation signals and also reduces their energy. One illustration, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.272.539.143.43 EVALUATION OF MASER EFFECTS DURING EXTRACTION OF ECHO SIGNALS [Abstract of article by S.P. Repnikov] [Text] This article examines the singularities of spin-type signal processors associated with the use of inverting radio pulses in them. Maser effects are estimated for a two-pulse operating mode: these effects are expressed quantitative- ly by the relationship 6= 1+A, where D is the transient attenuation in the absence of inversion. Six bibliographic references. UDC 621.377.624.6:539.143.43 SPIN ECHO IN CASE OF MAGNETIC FIELD WITH HETEROGENEITY VARYING OVER TIME - [Abstract of article by S.A. Baruzdin] - [Text] This article examines the formation of echo signals for the case of exci- tation by three radio pulses. It is shown that the echo signals are converted in accordance with the characteristic distribution functions of the complementary longitudinal heterogeneous magnztic field contained in the intervals between the exciting radio pulses. One illustration, 2 bibliographic references. 90 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.391.26:539.143.43 SPIN-ECHO AMPLIPICATION [Abstract of article by V.A. Ivanov and E.O. Saakov] [Text] This article examines the possibility of spin echo amplifieation in ferro- magnets based on using stacked multi-layer thin magnetic films and multi-section circuits for removing the echo signals. Five bibliographic references. UDC 621.391 USE OF CONTROL INPUTS TO SUPPRESS PARASITIC ECHO SIGNALS [Abstract of article by S.N. Skoblikov and V.B. Ustinov] [Text] This article demonstrates the possibility of inputting radio signals and additional control video- or radio- pulses to a spin system in order to suppress parasitic signals for a processor operating using a three-pulse method. One illustration, 3 bibliographic referznces. COPYO.IGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 - CSO: 1860/146 91 FOR 9FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500060019-0 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SIGNAL AND IMAGE FORMATION AND PROCESSING Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): FORMiROVANIYE I OBRABOTKA SIGNALOV I IZOBRAZHENIY in Russian No 234, 1979 pp 87-90 [Abstracts for 18 articles from collection "Proceedings of Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V.I. Ul'yanov (Lenin): Signal and Image Formation and Process~ng"] UDC 621.397.31 RESOLUTION OF CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICES [Abstract of article by Ya.A. Ryftin] [Text] By comparing the corresponding characteristics of charge.-coupled devices and cathode-ray tubes it is proved that with the same frame format and number of lines per frame the longitudinal characteristics of tubes as well as their trans- verse characteristics are better than those of eicisting charge-coupled devices. However, because of the many advantages of charge-coupled devices they will un- doubtedly provide the basis for future television technology. Four illustrations, 9 bibliographic references. UDC 621.397.31 FORMA'TION OF VIDEO SIGNAL USING SOLID-STATE MATRIX-TYPE CONVERTERS [Abstract of article by L.N. Grigor'yev, N.N. Stepnov and Ya.L. Shtermer] [Text] This article examines the equivalent circuit of a matrix-type resistive light transducer and analyzes new possibilities for producing a video signal with a complex form. The possibility of using these transducers in television systems with spatial image processing is demonstrated. One illustration, 4 biblio- graphic references. UDC 621.397.332.122 J REPRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH-FREQUENCY INTERLACED RASTERS [Abstract of article by G.A. Eyssengardt] 92 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] '1'his article examines the basic principles of constructing high-frequency interlaced rasters. The spatial frequency spectrum of line flicker is deter- mined, and defined, as a function of the line slipping step and of time and spatial filtering. Six illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.397.272 DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF COLOR IMAGES [Abstract of article by R.Ye� Bykov] - [Text] This article examines a method for describing color television images based on color filtering followed by analysis of geoinetric, topological and dynamic characteristics. One illustration, 4 bibliographic references. . UDC 621.391.172 THRESHOLDLESS ALGORITHM FOR DETECTING IMAGE CONTOUR ELEMENTS [Abstract of article by L.A. Shifrin] [Text] A thresholdless algorithm is proposed for detecting the contour elements oF an image. A thresholdless contour element analyzer is described which imple- ments the proposed algorithm. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.172 NOISE TOLERANCE OF THRESHOLDLESS ALGORITHM FOR DETECTING IMAGE CONTOUR ELEMENTS [Abstract of article by A.M. Monchak] [Text] This article analyzes the noise tolerance of a thresholdless algorithm for detecting the contour elements in an image. It is shown possible to intro- duce decision blocking when the aperture is outside the brightness drop zone in order to reduce the false alarm probability. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic - references. UDC 621.397.272 REGISTRATION OF TIME AND SPACE VARIATIONS OF IMAGE COLOR [Abstract of article by N.A. Malinkin and K.A. Fedchenkov] [Text] This article examines the maximum errors and results of experimental veri- ' fication of a method for converting information on the brightness of television image elements to graphic*form. Four illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. ~ UDC 621.397.13:621.3.087.45 DATA DISPLAY IN INSTRUMENTATION TELEVISION SYSTEM [Abstract of article by D.A. Makarychev, V.A. Malyk':in, G.G. Safiulina and Yu.N. Khomyakov] 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] A device is described which can be used to display and record primary ~ video data and other supplementarlr parameters simultaneously in digital form. Three illustrations. UDC 621.396.671 SIGNAL PROCESSING IN ANTENNA ARRAYS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN DIRECTIVITY CHARACTERISTICS WITH SPECIAL FORM [Abstract of article by Yu.Ya. Yurov, V.S. Alekseyev a.nd Yu.P. Salomatov] [Text] This article examines the problem of determining the amplitude-phase distri- butions corresponding to the sum and difference of directivity characteristics of a special form. The expressions derived make it possible to use the pattern-for- mation circuits of monopulse antenna arrays for signal processing in order to obtain directivity characteristics of a special form. Three b ibliographic ref= erences. UDC 621.391.273:534.512:535 ACOUSTO-OPTIC. CORRELATOR USING OPPOSING HYBRID ACOUSTIC BEAMS [Abstract of article by Yu.V. Yegorov] - [Text] The operating theory of an acousto-optic correlation circuit with two ultra- sonic light modulators is examined. A transparency synthesis rule is substantiated. Three illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.272:535.318 CORRELATION METHOD FOR MEASURING SPEED OF ULTRASOUND IN SOUND CONDUCTORS OF ACOUSTO-OPTIC RADIO SIGNAL PROCESSING DEVICES [Abstract of article by K.P. Naumov] ~ [Text] A method is described for measuring the propagation velocity of ultrasonic oscillations in the acoustic conductors of acousto-optic signal processing devices. . The method is based on a correlation procedure. Three illustrations, 4 biblio- graphic references. UDC 621.396.96:621.391.26:534-8 LIGHT DIFFRACTION ON ULTRASOLTND DURING PROCESSING OF SIGNALS WITH ARBITRARY FOR1^ IN ACOUSTO-OPTIC PROCESSOR [Abstract of aritcle by A.A. Stashkevich] [Text] A generalized Raman-Nat equation is derived which describes the angular spectrum of the diffracted field for the case in which the acoustic perturbation has an arbitzary form in the direction of propagation of the soundwave. Three illustrations, 5 bibliographic references. 19 94 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY UDC 639.143.43:621.391.272 - EVALUATION OF ECHU-PROCESSOR RADIO SIGNAL PROCESSING CAPABILITIES [Abstract of artiGle by V.B. Ustinov and E.O. Saakov] [Text] This article examines some new versions of processing radio signals in echo processors which involve the use of a series of radio pulses, as well as return e(:hos, as excitation signals. SevPn illustrati.ons, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.272:539.143.43 TOWARD THE PROBLEM OF MINIMIZING PEAK POWER OF CONTROL PTJLSES USED TO EXCITE SPIN DEVICES FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING [Abstract of article by Yu.A. Gustov aznd A.G. Igoshin] [Text] This article examines the possibilities of reducing the peak power of control pulses in spin devices for signal processing, and presents examples of their implementation. Two illustrations, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.272:539.143.43 ENERGY RELATIONSHIPS IN SPIN SIGNAL PROCESSORS [Abstract of article by M.T. Ivanov and S.P. Repnikcv] [Text] This article analyzes the energy levels in an osciilating system with a working substance, and discovers the mechanism of field energy loss during "reson- ator-substance-resonator" transitions. TaQ illustrations, 6 bibliographic refer- ences. UDC 621.397.268:621.391.822 CALCULATION OF CORRELATION COEF'FICIENT.OF SIGNAL IN GAUSSIAN NOISE [Abstract of article by V.A. Nelep and K.P. Obukhov] [Text] A simple engineering formula is obtained which can be used to calculate the correlation function of an additive mixture of harr.onic signal and narrowband normal noise. One illustration, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.395.664.3 ' SIGNAL ESTIMATE ERROR IN DEViCE FOR "ERASING" CONCENTRATED NOISE WITH SIMPLE ~ NARROWBAND CHANNEL FILTERS [Abstract of article by Ye.A. Shuleshov] [Text] This article presents the root mean square signal estimate error as a 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY function of the signal/noise ratio for devicea with single-section and four-section narrowband filters which "erase" narrowband noise. Four illustrations, 5 - bibliographic references. . - UDC 621.397.36 MEMORY DEVICE FOR SPATIAL IMAGE FILTERING UNIT [Abstract of article by S.A. Yoffe] [Text] This article presents results of developing a capacitive memory module for the spatial image filtering devi a slow-scan television system. Tao illustra- tions, 1 bib liographic reference. COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 CSO: 1860/144 96 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROBLEMS OF RADIO SIGNAL RECEPTION AND PROCESSING Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LBNINA ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): PROBLEMY PRIYEMA I OBRABOTKI SIGNALOV RADIO- TEKHNICHESKIKH SISTEM in Russian No 259, 1979 pp 137-143 [Abstracts for 27 articlta from collection "Proceedings of Leningrad Electrotech-- nical Institute imeni V.I. U1'yanov (Lenin): Problems of Receiving and Process- ing Signals Fram Radio Technical Systems"] UDC 621.396.677:621.396.96 OPTIMAL POLARIZATION FOR RADAR EMISSION AND RECEPTION [Abstract of article by L.A. Zhivotovskiy] [Text] This article presents one possible version of a functional diagram of the transceiving section of a radar which realizes maximum energy contrast against a noise background. One illustration, 5 bibliographic references. - UDC 621.385.832,522 INVESTIGATION OF INFLUENCE OF OPERATING MODE OF :I607 DISSECTOR TUBE ON ' SIGNAL/NOISE RATIO [Abstract of article by V.A. Bystrov, G.N. Nosi.kova and K.Ye. Rumyantsev] [Text] The results of investigating the influence of the inter-dynode voltage and focusing coil current on the signa.1,1nois+e ratio at the dissector tube , output are presented. Three illustrations, 2 bibl3ographic references. - UDC 621.396 = PROBABILI.TY OF INTERNAL SYSTEM NOISE AFFECTING SIGNAL TRANSMISSxN SEQUENCE IN ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS ' [Abstract of article by V.A. Bol'shakov] [Text] This article estimates the probability that internal system noise :tn : asynchronous communications systems wil.l affect a sequence of signal elements. 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY One illustration, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.9(088.8) CALCULATION OF OPERAiINv CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVICE FOR DETERMINING TIME DANGER CRITERION IN AIRBORNE AIRCRAFT WARNING SYSTEM [Abstract of article by L.A. Afanas'yev, A.K. Yanovitskiy and A.K. Bogukhval'skiyl [Text] This article examines the operating characteristics for determining the ~ prob abilities of invalid and valid detection of a confl:ict situation by the digital device which computes the time danger criterion in an airborne aircraft collision warning system. Two illustrations, 3 b ibliographic references. TJDC 621.391.2 POSSIBILITY OF AUTOMATIC RECOGNT.TION OF OhE CLASS OF NONSTATIONARY SIGNALS UNDER CONDITIONS OF A PRIORI AMBIGUITY [Abstract of article by L.D. Smirnov] [Text] This article describes the essence of a spectral-time contrast method which can be used to recognize nonstationary signals with discrete nonstationarity. One reference. UD:. 621.391.2 USE Or CHARAC'1'ER-BY-CHARACTER INVERSION METHOD IN STATISTICAL SYNTHESIS OF COMPLEX PHASE-SHIFT KEYED SIGIdALS [Abstract of article by Yu.A. Stankevich] [Text] A method is proposed f ar optimizing complex phase-shift keyed signals with binary coding sequences which leads to a reduction in the maximum lateral excl-1rl-i_or of the' autoeorrelation function of the signal. Two bibliographic ref eretices. UDC 621.391.2 SUPPRESSION OF LATERAL EXCURSIONS OF AUTOCURRELATION FUNCTIONS OF PHASE- - SHIFT KEYED SIGNALS , [Abstract of article by V.A. Bogdanovich, V.S. Gutin and A.I. Savin] [Text] &:method is proposed for suppressing (rejecting) lateral excursions of the autocorrelation functions-of phase-shift keyed signals based on use of the invariance principle. Two illustrations, 9 bibliographic references. 98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY UDC 621.391.254 POWER GAIN FROM USING BOSE-CHAUDHURI-HOCQUENGEM CODES [Abstract of article by Ye.V. Pustigin] [Text] This article investigates the energy gain from coding as a function of , the codeword length and number of correctable errors using Bose-Chaudhuri- _ Hocquengem codes. 'I'wo illustrations, 1 table, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.372.58 . BOUNDARY VALUES OF SENSITIVIT7ES OF GYRATOR INDUCTANCE PARAklETEItS [Abstract of article by V.M. Shilkov] [Text] Expressions are derived for the sensitivity of gyrator inductance parameters to changes in the basic characteristics of the gyrator. ltao illus- trations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.3.049.77:621.373.48 MICROCIRCUIT FOR UOLTAGE-CONTROLLED PULSF. OSCILLATOR [Abst,.act oi ar+ticle by V.N. Galkin and V.A. Pikulev] [Text] This article examines an ;ntegrated circuit for a voltage-controlled pulse oscillator implemented with complimentary MOS-structures. Formulas are given for the pulse repetition frequency. One illustration, l bibliographic ' reference. UDC 621.372.57 FREQUENCY RESPONSES OF R-FILTERS [Abstract of article by A.A. Protasov] [Text] This article examines a method of calculating the frequency responses of R-filters through the Y-parameters of the passive section of the filter circuit and the Y-parameters of the amplifiers. Two illustrmtions, 2 bibliographic - references. UDC 621.391.2 - SINGULARITIES OF DESIGNING RADIO TECHNICAL SYFiTCMS USING MICROPROCESSORS (Abstract of article oy Yu.P. Grishin, Xu.M. Kazarinov and V.M. Katikov] [Text] This article examines the processing of planning radio technical syatems , use microprocessors for signal procesaing. Features of various design ~ ' 99 ; ~ FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY stages are analyzed. One illustration, 1 table, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 681.001.325:621.396.96 CHOICE OF ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERTER PARAMETERS IN MEASURING RADIO SIGNAL PHASE [Abstract of article by V.P. Medvedev and A.V. Titov] [Text] This article examines the questinn of selecting the number ot quantization levels for converting time-coincident radio signals to digital form in the pres- ence of noise of various levels in terms of the tolerable phase measurement error. Four illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.96 ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERSION OF RADAR SIGNALS USING WAIiSfi FUNCTIONS [Abstract of article by V.N. Smirnov] [Text] It is shown that the number of quantization levels used in analog-digital conversion of spectral coefficients in a basis can be reduced significantly while retaining the required accuracy of representation of the input signals. 1~ao bibliographic references. UDC 519.714.5 = SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF FUNCTIONS REALIZED BY ITERATED mAYTF. STAGE [Abstract of article by B.P. Podkopayev] - [Text] This article uses a system of Walsh functions to solve the problem of identifying, in apectrum language, the membership of a logical function to a class of functions realized by an iterated Playtr stage. Five bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.62 SHORT.ENING FILTER WiTH RECTANGULAR WEIGHT FUNCTION _ [Abstract of article by Ye.N. Yevstaf'yev] [Text] This article determines the gain and pulse response of a shortening filter with a rectangular response. One illustration, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.2 - PARTIAL ESTINiATION OF STATE OF DYNAMIC OBJECTS [Abstract af article by A.I. Sokolov and Yu.S. Yurchenko] [Text] This article solves the problem of reducing the order of a discrete linear _ filter by constructing a partial estimate of the state vector of the dynamic 100 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY object. Two illustrations, 5 bibliographic referenees. UDC 621.396.98 ANALYSIS OF PROBARILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF ALGORITHM FOR MEASURING AZIMUTH IN SHORT-RANGE RADIO NAVIGATION SYSTEMS [Abstract of article by A.V. Adamchuk] [Text] This article examines a method for measuring azimuth in a short range radio navigation system without recovering the reference signal on board the - platform. An expression is derived and analyzed for the conditional probability distribution of the estimate of the coarse azimutih reading. Three illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.96.08 DISCRETE FILTERING ALGORITHM FOR SIGNALS WITH RANDOM DISRUPTIONS IN RA.DIO CHANNEL - [Abstract of articie by Yu.N. Volovik] [Text] This article examines the problem of constructing an optimal recursive Filter in the presence of disruptions which cause randam loss of signal. A version of a quasi-optimal filter is proposed. Three illustrations, 3 biblio- graphic references. UDC 621.396.668 INFLUENCE OF REFLECTIONS ON ACCURrCY OF AUTOMATIC TRACKING OF PERIODIC DISCRETE SIGNALS [Abstract of article by I.M. Samoylov] [Text] An estimate is given for the accuracy of automatic delay tracking of a periodic phase-shift keyed signal when an interfering signal cauaed by incomplete sidelobe suppression is present at the input of the phase-locked loop system. Five illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.371.029.51 SIMPLIFIED METHOD FOR CALCULATING RADIO PULSE DISTORTIONS DURING PROPAGATION ALONG THE GROUND [Abstract of article by B.V. Fedorov] ~ [Text] In order to simFlify calculations, this article proposes approximating ~ the amplitude-frequency characteristic of a radio wave propagation path with ~ a step �unction, and the phase-frequency characteristic with a first- nr second- power polynomial. Three illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. ~ ; - 101 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1-1- UDC 621.396.96 MICROPROCESSOff-BASED PERIODIC PHASE-SHIFT KEYED SIGNAL SEARCHER [Abstract of article by S.A. Larionov and V.D. Platonov] [Text] This article describes a microprocessor device for searching for a _ periodic phase-shift keyed signal ir. the presence of severe multipath reflections. Four illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.986.4+527.621.001.55 ACCURACY CHAiZACTERISTICS OF LOCATION FINDING USING AUTOMATIC COORDINATE CONVERTER BASED ON SMALL COMPUTER � [Abstract of article by N.A. Kornev and A.V. Pavlov] [Text] This article presents the results of estimating the accuracy of location finding using a coordinate converter based on a 15 space VSM-5 computer for a case in which there is no correction for the influence of the secondary signal propagation phase velocity. One illustration, 1 table, 3 bibliographic references. UDC 51.621.391 FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF FAULTS IN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS [Abstract of article by N.V. Kolesov] - [Text] A procedure is proposed for synthesizing a device for functional diagnosis of the technological condition of a digital device which makes it possible to _ reduce the complexity of the diagnostic device. Three bibliographic references. UDC 621.391.2 CALCULATION OF FALSE-ALARM PROBABILITY DURING CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF M-SEQUENCES _ [Abstract of article by G.G. Kiselev, V.N. Nomokonov and D.O. Yakolev] [Text] This article examines correlation analysis of M-sequences. Precise formulas are derived for the distribution of the result of accumulation and for the false-alarm probability. One bibliographic reference:. UDC 621.372.54.037:621.391.26 COMPUTATIONAL ROUND-OFF EFFECTS IN DFT DIGITAL FILTERS FOR SIDE-LOIIE SUPPRESSION [Abstract of article by S.N. Britin] [Text] This article examines the processing of periodic discrete signals by digital filters for side-lobe suppression based on discrete Fourier transform 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY algorithms. One illustration, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396.93(088.8)+551.508.5 llETERMIYATION OF VEi.OCITY VECTOR OF METEOROLOGICAL PROSE DURING INVESTIGATION OF VERTICAL WIND PROFILES [Abstract of article by A.B. Vinogradov and K.V. Pavlenko] [Text] This article examines the question of ineasuring the velocity vector of a meteorologicalprobe using relayed signals from the "Omega" system; a system of equations is presented. Ttao illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 CSO: 1860/149 103 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COMPONENTSO RYBRIDS &.MANUFACTURING TECffiNOLUGY UDC 621. MANUAL ON CALCULATION OF INDUCTANCE COIL PARAMTERS Moscow SPRAVOCHNIK PO RASCIiETU PARAMETRGV RATUSHEK INDUKTIVNOSTI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 13 May 81) pp 2'4, 137 [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from book "Manual on Calculation of Inductance Coil Parameters", by Mikhail Vasil'yevich Nemtsov and Yuriy Matveyevich Shamayev, reviewed by Ye. I. Pettushenko, Energoizdat, 20,000 copies, 137 pages] [Text] Annotation In this handbook methods are discussed for calculation of inductance coils with and without magnetic circuits, which are used during constr+iction of elements of automatic, electrical and radioelectronics equipment. The handbook material is presented in the form of mathematical models, nomograms and tables. The handbook is designed for engineer'technical workers dealing with the development of radio electronic and electrical ev,uipment. Foreword Inductance coils are widely used in different kinds of engineering devices and are typified by parameters which are determined by the electromagnetic properties of the magnetic conductors, the conditions of their magnetiza- tion, the mutual location of the coil turns, etc. Consideration of a large number of factors, on which these parameters depend, leads to complex calculated models. When using manual methods for calculating the parameters of inductance coils jl] their calculated models must be somewhat simplified. Simplification of the models naturally reduces the calculation accuracy and limits the area of application of the models. Accuracy of parameter calculation can be improved and thus the area of their application can be expanded if one uses a computer for all of the computations thereby preserving the rigorousness of the calculated models. 104 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The purpose of this book is to set forth the general methods for construct- ing rigorous calculated models of inductance coils without magnetic circuits and with magnetic circuits, and also a mathematical description of the models of their different designs. Ref erence material in the form of nomograms and tables are given in order to aid in the calculation the parameters of the most popular design. Rigorous mathematical descriptions of models and approximate calculation formulas are given for the calculation of thp parameters of other coil designs. The error rate for estimating parameters fram approximate forffiulas is 10-40y. The book contains four chapters. Chapter 1 is introductory and is devoted to determination of the physical meaning of the parameters and to formulations of the general mathematica2 methods of tbeir calculation. Chapter 2 and 3 contain reference material on calculation of internal and mutual inductances of the more popular kinds of designs of circuits and coils without magnetic circuits. Chapter 4 contains reference material on calculatiun of inductance coils with magnetic circuits of varying designs: campositep open, and closed. ChaptQrs 1-3, and also sections 4-2---4-4 and 4-5b were written by M. V. Nemtsov, and sections 4--1 and 4-5a were written by Yu. M. Shamayev. The list of principal designations matches the basic terminology used in the book. Moreover, individual designations can be used to define other concepts which are explained in each situation. Designations of the param- eters with indices which refer to several monotypical elements are further designated with the number of the element in parentheses. For example, h2(1) is the pitch of the winding of turns in the layer of coil 1. All geometrical dimensions are indicated in this book by lower case letters, and the dimensions in relative units corresponding to them are indicated by matching upper case letters. The authors are grateful to A. P. Nenashev who edited the manuscript. Table of Contents Foreword Chapter 1. Inductance without magnetic circuit 1.1. Basic definitions 1.2. Mutual and internal inductances 1.3. Relattonship of inductance to frequency 1.4. The effect of proximity 1.5. Calculation methods using a computer 105 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3 5 5 7 11 13 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 2. Internal inductance 2.1. A universal model 2.2. Inductance of plane turns 2.3. Inductance of single-layer solenoid's 2.4. Inductance of single-layer plane coils 2.5. Inductance of multiple-layer coils Chapter 3. Mutual inductance 3.1. A universal model 3.2. Mutual inductance of plane circuits 3.3. Mutual inductance of coils and plane loops 3.4. Mutual inductance of coils Chapter 4. Inductance of a coil with a magnetic circuit 4.1. Properties of magnetic circuits 4.2. Inductances of magnetization and leakage 4.3. Inductance coils with composite magnetic core 4.4. Inductance coils with open magnetic circuit 4.5. Inductance coils with closed magnetic circuit References COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, 1981 9424 CSO: 1860/118 106 l 16 16 20 25 34 39 44 44 44 75 105 117 117 120 120 127 132 134 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.382.2/.3.002 EQUIPMENT FOR SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTION Moscow OBORUDOVANIYE POLUPROVODNIKOVOGO PROIZVODSTVA in Russian 1981 (signed to press 15 Jun 81) pp 2-4, 334-336 [Annotation, foreword and table of contents from book "Equipment for Semiconductor Production" by Pavel Nikolayevich Maslennikov, Konstantin Andreyevich Lavrent'yev (deceased), Aleksandr Davydovich Gingis, V. I. Kononov, I. V. Kirichenko, V. A. Na- zarov, V. V. Rudnev, V. V. Stepanov, G. I. Kholin and V. S. Shcherbakov, edited by P. N. Maslennikov, reviewed ry I. N. Ftubtsov, Publishing House for Literature on the Designing and Production Technology of RadioeZectronic Equipment, Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz 5000 copies, 336 pages] - [Text] This book describes the designs of the equipment used most widely in semi- conductor production and gives its basic specifications, formulates the requirements - for the equipment, and gives practical recommendations for effective checking of the condition of the main types of equipment. IC describes the principles of full mech- anization and automation in the modern ser.:iconductor industry. The most character- istic lines and production systems are dESeribed. This book is intended for engineers and scientists connected with the production and application of semiconductor devices and integrated microcircuits. Foreword Due to the rapid growth of the output of discretp semiconductor instruments and in- - tegrated microcircuits, one of the main tasks of this industry is continuous improve- ment of technological and measuring equipment and full mechanization and automation of lines and systems as the main basis for their mass production. In connection with the qualitative changes which occurred in production technology of devices in recent years, there is an acute need in literature treating the equipment for semiconductor production. This book describes the most typical domestic and foreign equipment used in the pro- duction of semiconductor devices. Primary attention is given to the technological equipment for mass-production-type transistors and semiconductor integrated micro- circuits which are developed on the basis of planer technology. The last three chapters of the book treat fully mechanized lines and systems for mass pr.oduction of semiconductor devices and integrated microcircuits. They explain cer- tain general problems of fu11 automation and mechanization of semiconductor produc- tion, including the problems of systemic approach and optimization of the main 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY parameters of fully mechanized lines and systems in designing automated production processes, as well as problems of automation of transportation between operations and control of technological pr.ocesses and production of semiconductor devices. It is assumed that the reader of this book is familiar with the fundamentals of the technology of semiconductor production. Therefore, the problems of technology are not treated in the book and are touched upon only in some instances in connection with the necessity to explain the operating principles in more detail or structural characteristics of the described equipment. In the opinion of the authors, this book will be useful to designers of equipment, production engineers and other workers of the semiconductor industry connected with its operation, as well as students of vuzes and tekhnikums of these specialties. The introduction and Chapter 12 were written by P. N. Maslennikov; Chapter 1-- by I. V. Kirichenko and P. N. Maslennikov; Chapter 2-- by I. V. Kirichenko and K. A. Lavrent'yev; Chapters 3 and 4-- b,y V. V. Rudnev; Chapter 5-- by V. V. Stepanov; Chapter 6-- by V. A. Nazarov; Chapter 7-- by V. A. Nazarov and G. I. Kholin; Chap- ter 11 by G. I. Kholin; Chapter 8 and 13 by V. S. Shcherbakov; ChapCer 9-- by V. I. Kononov; Chapter 10 by R. A. Lavrent'yev and V. I. Kononov; Chapter 14 - by V. V. Stepanov and A. D. Gingis; Chapter 15 by P. N. Maslennikov, V. A. Naza- rov and G. I. Kholin. The authors are greatly indebted to the reviewer, Candidate of Technical Sciences Docent I. N. Rubtsov and the editor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Professor D. B. Zvorykin (deceased) for their detailed analysis and valuable comments on the manu- script, as well as to all those who helped in selecting the nLaterials for the book. The authors will be grateful for all comments and suggestions of the readers to im- prove this book which have to be sent to the following address: 101000, Moscow, Chistoprudnyy bul'var 2, izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz Contents Page 3 Foreword - Introduction S 5 I-1. Development of the Praduction of Semiconductor Devices I-2. Semiconductor Production, Its Complexity. General Requirements 6 for the.Technical Level of Production and Equipment I-3. Semiconductor Devices. Elements of the Designs of Some Types of 7 Semiconductor Devices I-4. Standard Technological Schemes and Basic Stages of Production of 13 Some Types of Semiconductor Devices Part I. Equipment for the Production of Plates and Obtaining Semiconductor 19 Structures Chapter 1. Equipment for Mechanical Processing of Plates 19 1-1. Equipment for Crystallographic Orientation af Plates 23 1-2. Equipment for Cutting Semiconductor Materials 27 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1-3. Equipment for Grinding and Polishing Semiconductor Materials 32 Chapter 2. Equipment for Technochemical Pracessing of Plates and Their Quality Control 38 2-1. Equipment for Etching of Ingots and Plates 39 ' 2-2. Equipment for Cleaning and Drying Flates 44 2-3. Equipment for Quality Control of Plates 48 - Chapter 3. Equipment for Creating p-n Junctions 51 3-1. General Information About Planar Technology 51 3-2. Diffusion Equipment 53 3-3. Equipment for the Processes of Ion Alloying 61 3-4. Equipment for Obtaining Epitaxial Films 71 3-5. Equipment for Obtaining Alloyed Junctions 80 Chapter 4. Equipment for Obtaining Films 83 4-1. Vacuum Deposition Equipment 83 4-2. Vapor Deposition of Films 100 Chapter 5. Equipment for Photolithography Procesaora 104 5-1. Equipment for Preparing Plate Surfaces 109 5-2. Equipment for Forming a Photographic Layer 111 5-3. Equipment for Forming a Relief in a Photographic Layer 116 _ 5-4. Equipment for Matching and Exposing 117 5-5. Equipment for Forming a. Topol.ogical Relief on the Substrate 127 5-6. Equipment for Making Phototemplets 134 Part II. Equipment for Assembling and Controlling Finished Devices. Finishing Operations 139 Chapter 6. Equipment for Separating Plates into Crystals 139 6-1. Equipment for Separating Plates by the Scribing Method 140 6-2. Other Types of Equipment for Separating Plates into Crystals 146 Chapter 7. Equipment for Assembling Semiconductor Devices 147 7-1. Methods of Assembling Basic Types of Devices. Requirements for the Equipment 147 7-2. Equipment for Mounting Crystals of Planar Devices 151 7-3. Equipment for Connecting Leads of Planar Devices 157 7-4. Equipment and Complexes for Wiring Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Microcircuits on a Carrier Tape 165 7-5. Equipment for Assembling Point-Contact Diodes 170 7-6. Equipment for Automated Assembling of Alloyed Diodes 172 7-7. Equipment for Assembling Power Transistors 175 Chapter 8. Equipment for Capsulation of Semiconductor Devices 180 8-1. Equipment for Cold Welding 181 8-2. Equipment for Electric Contact Welding 184 8-3. Equipment for Plastic Capsulation 187 8-4. Equipment for Welding Capsulation 188 8-5. Equipment for Capsulation Control of Semiconductor Devices 189 109 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL.Y Chapter 9. Equipment for Controlling Electrical Parameters of Semiconductor Devices 193 9-1. Measuring Equipment 194 9-2. 'Classification Equipment 201 9-3. Automatic Systems with the use ofComputers for Controlling Parameters 208 9-4. Contacting Devices for Monitoring the Parametere of Semiccnductor Instruments 212 Chapter 10. Testing Equipment 10-1. Equipment for Mechanical Tests . 218 10-2. Equipment for Climatic Tests 224 10-3. Equipment for Aging and Reliability Tests 237 Chapter 11. Technological Equipment for Final Operations 240 11-1. Equipment for Protective Coating of Completed Devices 241 11-2. Equipment for Marking 243 11-3. Equipment for Packing 247 Part IIY. Lines and Systems for Mass F'roduction of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Microcircuits 250 Chapter 12. Theoretical Principles of Full Mechanization and Automation of Semiconductor Production 250 12-1. Problems of Full Automation and Special Characteristics of Semiconductor Production 250 12-2. Systemic Approach in Designing Automated Production 255 12-3. Technical and Economic Analysis of the Technological and Production Process 259 12-4. Some Methods of Determining Optimal Parameters of Lines and Systems of Semiconductor Production 266 Chapter 13. Equipment for Cleaning the Media.and Ensuring a Microclimate for Basic Operations of the Technological Process 273 13-1. Requirements for Technological Means. Main Methods of Purifying the Media 273 13-2. Equipment for Centralized Purification of Water 278 13-3. Equipment for Final Purification of Water 283 13-4. Equipment for Scrubbing and Drying Gases 288 13-5. Instruments for Monitoring Purity of Gases 292 13-6. Clean Rooms. Dust Proof Chambers and Boxes 294 Chapter 14. Equipment and Systems for Controlling Technological Processes in the Production of Discrete Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Microcircuits 296 14-1. General Information on Controlling Technological Processes in Semiconductor Production 296 14-2. Electronic Computers and Information and Control Complexes. Peripheral Equipment 300 14-3. Automated Systems for Controlling Technological Processes During Some Stages of Production 305 110 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 ~ FOR OFFICIAL 'lJSE ONLY _f ~ ! Chapter 15. Fully Mechanized Lines for the Production of Some Mase-Pro- ~ duced Types of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Micro- circuits 308 ~ 15-1. Facilities for Placing and Arrar.ging Items During the Main I Stagea of Fully Mechanized Production of Semiconductor Devices 309 ~ 15-2. Fully Mechanized Linea for Asaembling Pulsed Diodes 318 ; 15-3. Fu11y Mechanized Line for Asaembling D226-Type Diodes 321 ' 15-4. Fully Mechanized Line During the Main Stages of Production of Planar Transistors and Integrated Microcircuits 323 Bibliography 330 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel"stvo "Radio i svyaz l", 1981. 10,233 ~ CSO: 1860/221 i ; -i ~ ~ 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 62.551.4 MULTIFUNCTIONAL ANALOG AUTOMATION REGULATING DEVICES - Moscow MNOGOFUNKTSIONAL'NYYE ANALOGOVYYE REGULIRUYUSHCHIYE USTROYSTVA AVTOMATIKI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 4 Jun 81) pp 2-7 [Annotation, table of contents and introduction from book "Multifunctional Analog Automation Regulation Devices" by Aliy Umyarovich Yalyshev and Oleg Ivanovich Razorenov, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 7000 copies, 400 pages] [Text] Annotation This book presents the fundamentals of the theory and design of electrical analog regulating devices with pulsed and continuous output signals. The book indicates the areas of application of regulating devices, presents the construction schemes of automatic regulation systems using both proportional and integrating actuating mechanisms; it also examines problems of designing non-arcing automatic regulation systems, as well as systems for supervisory and direct digital control. The architecture of modern regulation devices is analyzed, and their functioning algorithms described; the derivation of analytical expressions is given, and the actuaturs of typical regulation principles are synthesized; problems of designing functional units and modules of regulation devices are examined; dynamic proper- ties and functional capabilities of industrial regulation devices using microelec- tronic integrated circuits is given. The book is intended for engineering and technical workers specializing in the area of electronic regulators and automatic systems for controlling technological pro- cesses. [This book was reviewed by D.M. Agranov and L.I. Shipetin.] ci Table of Contents - 5 - Introduction Chapter 1. Application of electrical analog regulating devices in 8 automated process control systems 1. Automation problems solved using analog regulation devices (RD) 8 2. RD in cascaded automatic regulation systems 16 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. RD in correlation automatic regulation syatems 21 22 4. RD in cascaded correlation automatic regulation systems 25 5 RD in automatic regulation systems with dynamic correction . 6 RD in automatic regulation systems with selective circuit for forming . 26 7. error signal RD in automatic regulation systems with multichannel regulator 27 8. RD in systems for synchronizing movement of several actuating 3L 9 mechanisms Operating algorithms for RD as part of electronic computera and . 36 10. digital controllers Electrical RD in systems for automating explosion-safe production 46 Chapter 2. Architecture of regulation devices, classification and control 5~ algorithms implemented 1. Architecture of regulation devices and their execution 58 2. Circuits combining potentiometric and integrating reference- 66 3 input elements Circuits for gradual transition from external to internal assignment . with automatic signal balancing 69 4. Safe-limit regression circuits ~1 ' S. Circuits which return to last value of regulated parameter 6. Circuits which first return to last value of regulated parameter, 73 7. then to safe limit Classification of regulation devices according to regulation principle 74 Chapter 3. Functional assemblies and modules of regulating devices 103 1. Computers for executing nonlinear algebraic operations 107 126 2. Functional devices for selection of electrical signals 128 3. Functional devices for signal limiting 140 4. Modular function formers 142 5. Regulation device analog-position tranaducers 151 6. Devices for conductive separation of electrical cir cuits 158 7. Adders and proportional transducers for unified dc signals 162 - 8. Damping sections of regulation devices 169 , Regulation device differentiators f Electronic analog memory elements and integrating sections o 188 regulation devices Chapter 4. Devices for forming control algorithms of regulating devices 209 with continuous output signal 1. Modular principle of forming PID (proportional-integral-differential) 211 - algorithm based on single-function elements 2. Circuit engineering treatments of PID-principle regulation forming 231 devices based on operational amplifiers, R and C elements 3. Ballast statism and its causes in regulation devices containing 2~3 an integral in the regulation principle 113 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 4. Technical treatments of PID-algoritran forming devices providing smooth change of regulation device operating modes 276 Chapter 5. Devices for forming control al.gorithms of regulation devices with pulsed output signal 284 1. Devices for forming PI-regulation principle 286 2. Circuit engineering treatmente of PID regulation principle forming devices 315 - 3. PID-principle forming devices with mutually independent channels for forming proportional, integral and differential regulation components 327 4. PID-principle formation devices providing smooth transition of regulation device from manual control to automatic mode 337 _ 5. Remote adjustment of dynamic regulation device parameters 341 Chapter 6. Industrial regulation devices 346 1. Type RBA rPgulating device 346 2. Type RBII regulating device 358 3. Type RPA-T regulating device 365 4. Type RP4-U regulating device 373 5. Type F5179 regulating device 384 Bibliography Introduction 396 The increased capacity and output of industrial installations and units, their intensified c;perating modes, and the appearance of technological processes which are new in principle and are fairly complex require broader development, and intro- duction in various branches of the national economy, of automated control systems based on the integrated electrical automation technical equipment which is included in the State System of Industrial Instruments and Means of Automation. - The current stage of development of automated process control systems is character- izeu oy heightened.requirements and functional support and viability of technical equipment at all levels of application in hierarchically structured automatic rrocess control systems. These requirements make it necessary to improve operating reliability significantly and to expand the functional capabilities of primarily - those devices which are used to organize automated process regulation systems. The efficiency of various automated process control systems depends to a significant degree upon the sophistication of the regulation equipment used at the middle and bottom levels of their multilevel structure. Electrical analag regulating devices comprise a significant group of technical automation devices which are included in these systems. The use of analog elec- trical regulating devices in automatic regulation systems makes it possible to improve significantly the quality of automatic control, to increase the speed and precision of technological processes and to improve the technical-economic 114 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ indicators of the regulation equipment as a whole. Analyais of the develop- ' ment of domestic and foreign electrical general-purpose instrument systems for j automatic monitoring, regulation and control of technological processes showa that ; the following two types of regulation devices are most widely used in the USSR: ; regulation devices which produce a dc signal for control purposes, and those with ~ a pulsed output signal whose parameters correspond to GOST 21693-76. The first of ; these types of regulation devices is designed to operate together with proportional actuating mechanisms and positioners, while the second is to be used with integrat- ing actuating mechanisms. Electrical actuating mechanisms with output element , (shaft, rod) which moves at a constant speed are used most widely as integrating actuating mechanisms. Thanks to the changeover to a new microelectronic component base, there has now ~ been significant progress in the area of electronic regulator building. Use of integrated circuits has required the use of new technical treatments in developing analog regulating devices, and has often made it Fossible to use treatments which i were technically and econoraically unjustifiable when discrete radio components were used. Microelectronic analog regulating devices are characterized by good static, dynamic and metrological parameters; they are convenient and reliable in operation, the artistic and aesthetic layout of front panels and operating controls is modern, and the devices are multifunctional in terms of the type of operations executed. There are modifications of analog regulating devices which are designed to operate jointly with electronic computers and controllers in the so-cal:Led supervisory and direct digital control modes (as a"hot" reserve element). , Regardless of the increasing use of microprocessor equipment and digital controllers I in the area of process automation, tfie role of electrical analog regulation devices in modern automatic process control systems is not lessening; rather, it is increas- , ing because these devices are gaining new functional capabilities, their operating characteristics are improving, their circuitry and design treatments are being simplified along with asignificant increase in reliability through the use of - specialized microassemblies and solid-state operational amplifier matrices. While the main area of application of computers is comprised of multi-loop and multi-level hierarchical automatic process control systems with centralized control, and that of microprocessor devices and multichannel digital regulators based on them is comprised of ;;utomatic process control systems with distributed control, we should expect the future use of multifunctional analog electrical xegulation devices, chiefly in decentralized automattc control and regulation systems, and in local automatic process regulation systems in which these regulation devices are now used most extensively. The development of automatic control and regulation technology is thus creating the necessary prerequisites for further growth in the automation of production pro- cesses and improving the quality of production. In this connection, it becomes specially important to study the fundamentals of the theory and principles of designing technical equipment for regulating technological , , processes. 115 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The periodic press has contained no recent publications which provide aufficient material on modern electrical analog regulating devicea with continuous and pulsed output signals. Therefore, the present work has attempted to generalize and syatem- atize the present acattered information on multifunctional analog regulation devices. The primary attention of the work is devoted to analyzing functional and electrical circuits, and examining the static-dynamic characteristics and functional capabil- ities of such regulating devices, the operating principle and circuit treatment of which are based on extensive utilization of operational amplifiers. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1981 6900 CSO: 1860/127 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY SELECTED ABSTRACTS OF ARTICLES FROM COLLECTION 'DEVICES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC AND SWITCHING ENGINEERING', TRANSACTIONS OF MOSCOW POWER ENGINEERING INSTITUPE No 502, 1980 Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSROGO ORDENA LENINA I ORDENA OKTYABR'SKOY REVOLUPSII ENERGETI- CHESKOGO INSTITUTA, TEMATICHESRIY SBORNIR: APPARATY ELERTROMAGNiTNOY I KOMMUPATSION- NOY TEKHDIIKI in Russian No 502, 1980 (signed to press 20 Apr 81) pp 75-80 UDC 621.316.542 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF DISCONNECTING SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTS IN AUTOMATIC SWITCHES WITH AN ARC BLOW-OLT CHAMBER [Abstract of article by Tayev, I. S., Gorshkov, Yu. Ye., Popova, Ye. P. and Ragulin, I. A.] - [Text] The authors discuss the problems of the optimization of the arc blow-out chamber of automatic switches on the basis of a mathematical model of disconnecting short-circuit currents. Differential equations in the mathematical model are solved by the Runge-Kutta numerical methods, and the problem of optimization is solved by the complex Boks method with the use of an electronic digital computer. ' UDC 621.822.5:621.318.2(088.8) CALCULATION OF THE REPULSIVE FORCE OF TWO RECTANGULAR PRISMS [Abstract of article by Bul', B. K., Gavrilov, G. G. and Krasnykh, A. A.] [Text] On the basis of the field theory, the authors derived a formula for calcu- lating the repulsive force of two symnetrically arranged and oppositely magnetized rectangular prisms having different dimensions and made of different highly coer- - citive materials. The authors compare the calculated and experimental dependence of the repulsive force which showed a good agreement between calculations and the experiment. . UDC 621.314.224 INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF THE BULGING FIELD ON THE VALUE OF INDUCTION IN A TOROIDAL MAGNETIC CIRCUIT OF A CURRENT TRANSFORMER WITH A NONMAGNETIC GAP 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500060019-0 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Abstract of article by Chunikhin, A. A. and Stroganov, B. G.] [Text] The article presents the results of studies on the distribution of induction in the steel of a toroidal magnetic circuit of a current transformer depending on the angular coordinate, the value of the nonmagnetic gap and the number of nonmag- netic gaps. The authors noted the necessity of considering the above distribution of induction in calculating current Cransformers, as well as the possibility of cal-- culating the inductance of the scattering of the secondary winding caused by the pre- sence of the bulging field. UDC 621,318.560.015 EFFECT OF ASYMMETRY ON THE MAGNETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF CLAPPER-TYPE SEALED-CONPrACT RELAYS [Abstract of article by Shoffa, V. N. and Grigoryan, A. Kh.] [Text] The authors examine the effect of asymmetry on the magnetic characteristics (external UhA_ and internal UjY differences of magnetic potentials, externalAiw, and internalAtr magnetic conductance) of clapper-type sealed-contact relays. It is shown that, at prescribed length of the sealed contact and arrangement of the winding on the sealed contacC, there is a definite ratio of the lengths of contact cores at which the relay has the highest sensitivity. And vice versa, for a defi- nite ratio of the lengths of contact cores, there is an optimal arrangement of the winding. UDC 621.316.57.027.2 THE USE OF PROTECTIVE ELECTRICAL DEVICES AGAINST OVERLOAD CURRENT IN HYPERBARIC SECTIONS OF UNDERWATER OBJECTS [Abstract of article by Nesterov, G. G., Sukonkin, S. Ya. and Berdenikov, A. I.] [Text] The authors propose a method for correcting the protecCive characreristic of. automatic switches for working in hyperbaric sections of underwater and above- water objects and complexes with a helium gaseous medium. The results of their cal- culations are compared with respect to the heat transfer coe~ficient with the opera- tion of switches in transformer oil and in water. UDC 621.316. TRANSIENT PROCESSES IN A TRACTIVE ELECTROMAGNET CONTAINING A PERMANENT MAGNET WHEN IT IS MAGNETIZED AND DEMAGNETIZED FROM AN ALTERNATING VOLTAGE SOUR,CE [Abstract of article by Shopen, L. V. and Savinov, V. P.] [Text] Transient processes are examined in the winding of a tractive electromagnet controlled by a thyristor connected in series with the winding of the electromagnet and a source of sinusoidal voltage. The authors determined the effect of the con- nection angle of the thyristor and the qualiCy factor of the electromagnet per cur- rent pulse in the winding (for the amplitude and average value of the, its 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064019-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY length, and volt-second integral). A program of computations performed on a"Nairi- 2" digital computer is given. UDC 621.318.12 - COMPtTPATION OF RATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF PERMANENT MAGNETS . [Abstract of article by Korobkov, Yu. S.] [Text] The author describes a method of calculating the dimensions of a pennanent magnet when its material is known and the operation of the magnet is ensured at a point with the maximal energy. This method makes it possible to select the material of the magnet for the same conditions if its overall dimensions are known. Variants of computations are illustrated with examples. UDC 621.317.015.5:621.316.933.1.001.5 DEVICE FOR TESTING ELECTRICAL EQUl'PMENP [Abstract of article by Sokolov, V. P. and Vavrzhenkevich, L. M.] [Text] The authors examined the problams of designing devices for testing electri- cal equipment under pulsed action of testing voltage. They give the substantiation and method of computation of the maximum parameters of pulsed testing voltages. UDC 621.317.72:621.317.32 TOWARD THE OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTROMAGIdETS ON A MAGNETIC SUSPENSION FOR TRANSPORTA- TION FACILITIES [Abstract of article by Beloshistov, Yu. R., Rerner, V. L., Kuzhekin, I. I., Makary- chev, Yu. M., Poberezhskiy, L. P. and Ryzhov, S. Yu.] [Text] The authors examine the statement of a problem connected with the develop- ment and studies of electromagnets for susgensions in transportation. They give the results of preliminary studes: dependence of the ratio of the tractive force of the electromagnet to its weight on the value of the magnetic induction in the working , gap, as well as the restoring force of the electromagnet on the value of the lateral displacement of the electromagnet in relation to the rail. UDC 621.316 ON THE PROBLEM OF THE STABILIZATION OF THE CHARGE CURRENT OF A CAPACITIVE ACCUviUIA- TOR OF AN INDUCT ION- DYNAMIC DRIVE OF CONTACTS OF A SYNCHItONOUS HIGH-VOLTAGE SWITCH [Abstract of article by Kopachkov, A. R.] [Text] Stabilization of the charge current of a capacitive accumulator (YeN) from a supply source (IP) of sinusoidal voltage through a fullwave rectifier at constant time of the charge circuit of YeN of more than 1 s makes it possible to ensure the YeN charge to the necessary voltage during the required time from IP of one eighth or one tenth lower power than with a charge from IP without stabilization of the charge current. 119 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621. INVESTIGATION OF DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A MEMBRANE SEALED CONTACT WITH THE AID OF AN ANALOG COMPUrER [Abstract of article by Puchkov, A. S,, Chicheryukin, V. N. and Sulakshin, V. V. ] [Text] This work gives the results of studies of the tractive dynamic characteris- tics of a membrane sealed contact obtained in simulating the basic dynamics equa- tions on an analog computer of the type MN-7M. The shapes of the dynanic curves are analyzed with changes in the magnetomotive force, reduced mass and regidity of the " membrane, as well as for various values of the effective resistance of the field winding. The obtained data make it possible to approach in a more substantiated way the methods of calculator, of some parameter.s of a membrane sealed contact with consideration for the dynamics of its moving parts. UDC 621.316.543:658.562,012.7 ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CONTROL METHODS OF THE CONTACT SYSTEM OF P9CKET-TYPE SWITCHES AND PV ANU PP SERIES SWITCHES [Abstract of article by Kharichkina, V. V. and Godzhello, A. G.] [Text] The authors analyze the shortcomings of the existing control method for assembled contact systems of packet-type switches and PP and PV series switches - which is based on measuring the separation force. Due to insufficient reliability - of this method, undetected faulty items reach the consumer. It is shown that the existing method monitors not the value of the contact pressure, but the frictional force in the contacts, and should be replaced with a method ensuring direct measure- ment of the contact pressure. UDC 621.316.542 ON COMPUTATION QF SYNCHRONIZING ELECTROMAGNETS ON AN FLEGPRONIC DIGITAL COMPUTER [Abstract of article by Tayev, Z. S. and Akimov, Ye. G.] [Text] The authors propose a small-sized high-speed drive for a synchronous switch- ing device based on a direct-type alternating current electroma.gnet with a T1[ -type _ magnetic circuit and additional pole terminals. A method is given for ealculating the electromagnetic drive with the use of the Euler numerical integration method. As a result of the computations of the synchronizing electromagnet on an electronic digital computer, the authors determined its basic structural dimensions and the electromagnetic characteristics. UDC 621.86.062 ON DETERMINING THE PARAMETERS OF MAGNETIZING COILS OF PERMANENT MAGNETS BY A HALF- PERIOD VOLTAGE PULSE [Abstract of article by Izotov, A. Z.] 120 FOR OI'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] The author gives the results of analysis performed with the aid of an elec- tronic digital computer and calculated relations for determir._.ig the number of wind- ings of the magnetizing coil of magnetic systems with permanent magnets switched to a half-period pulse of sinusaidal voltage. UDC 621.316.542 COMPiTPATION OF INDEXES OF CONPACT ARC-SUPPRESSION'SYSTEMS'OF CURRENT-LIMITING AUTO- MATIC SWITCHES [Abstract of article by Gorshkov, Yu. Ye.] [Text] The author treats the problems of computing the indexes of contact arc-sup- pression systems of current-limiting automatic switch for a prescribed current limit- ing coefficient. He gives algorithms and results of their computation on an elec- - tronic digital computer. It shown that there is a set of solutiona in selecting the intexes of contact arc-suppression systems and that the optimal solution can be achieved if energy factors are taken into consideration. - UDC 621.316.9.018.783 PROBLEMS OF TOLERANCE CONTROL IN MASS PRODUCTION OF 0%IDE-ZINC RESISTORS OF OVERVOLT- AGE LIMITERS [Abstract of article by Nabatov, V. F., Morgunov, V. A. and Bohovikov, V. K.] [Text] The authors analyze a system of tolerance control of a parameter determined indirectly: nonlinearity coefficient af oxide-zinc resistors. They show that it is possible to have several variants of tolerance control schemes for the nonlinearity coefficient by parameters measured directly: current and voltage. It is shown that a preferred scheme variant can be selected only on th-e basis of computations of the probabilities of false acceptance of faulty items and false rejection of goud items. COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1980 10,233 CSO: 1860/181 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ELECTRON DEVICES PROBLEMS OF OPTICAL ELECTRONICS Leningrad IZVESTIYA LENINGRADSKOGO ORDENA LENINA ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI V.I. UL'YANOVA (LENINA): VOPROSY OPTICHESKOY ELEKTRONIKI in Russian No 247, 1979 pp 101-110 [Abstracts for 23 articles from collection "Proceedings of Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V.I. U1'yanov (Lenin): Problems of Optical Electronics"] UDC 535.8:535.231.6 METHOD FOR REDUCING INERTIA OF COMPENSATED RADIATION RECEIVER [Abstract of article by V.K. Grunin] [TextJ This article examines a method for reducing the inertfa of a compensated radiation receiver based on simultaneous irradiation of the active and compensat- ing elements which are characterized by a defined parameter relationship. It is proved possible to reduce the measurement time by a factor of 2 with a measurement error not exceeding ly. Three illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.362:551.508.21 ESTIMATE OF ERROR IN MEASURING BEAM FLUX USI:JG THERMOELECTRIC RECEIVER WITH IKS-27 FILTER [Abstract of article by B.N. Gul'kov and N.N. Sozina] [Text] This article examines the possibility of using an IKS-27 filter to measure the thermal radiation of natural sources (ground, atmosphere) when the environ- mental termpature varies from 213 to 333 K. Correction coefficients, which account for incomplete pass-through of the filter beyond the spectral transparency region of 18-30 um and 18-40 um, are calculated. . It is shawn that when the IKS-27 filter is used the error in measuring beam fluxes will be lower than when the KRS-5 filter with multilayer coating produced by the Eppli Company is used. Two illustrations, 1 table, 3 bibliographic references. 122 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504060019-0 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.317.794:621.362.26 SOME PROBLEMS OF ItADIATION FILTERING IN THERMOELECTRIC RECEIVERS [Abstract of article by V.N. Yegorova] [Text] This article examines methods of radiation filtering in a compensated- type thermoelectric receiver using a combination of different filters. It is shown possible to use selectively absorbing coatings of the receiving areas in order to obtain the required receiver spectral sensitivity. The error of receivers for radiation from the W-portion of the spectrum with combined filters and coatings is estimated. Recommendations are given for the use of a thin-film coating on the input filter in order to create a.DV [long-range] radiation receiver. Three illustrations, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.317.794 INVESTIGATION OF SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THIN METAL FILMS [Abstract of article by V.A. Danilov and Yu.Z. Levip] [Text] This article presents the results of experimental investigation of thin fiims of an alloy of 99.4% bizmuth and 0.6% lead made using the thermal evapor- ation method in a vacuum. The relati.onships R= f(T) and a=~(T) are taken, and a proposed mechanism for the conductivity of these films is given. New methods are investigated for determining the coefficient of absorption and tem- perature coefficient of resistance of bolometric films. Tao illustrations, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 621.372.5:535.33 DEVICE FOR INVESTIGATING PARAMETERS OF LONG-WAVE INFRARED RECEIVERS [Abstract of article by V.A. Maslov and Yu.M. Shakunov] [Text] This article examines a simple device for determining the spectral sensi- tivity of receivers for the wavelength band extending from 15 to 150 um which is based on isolating different spectral intervals using the residual beam method. Data from calculating the brightness of the useful long-wave radiation and the short-wave background are given for the case of two and three reflections of residual rays from crystals. In order to eliminate radiation of the short-wave background, the device uses polyethylene-based combined filters. Three illustra- tions, 1 table, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 536.521.2:621.383.4 IR-RADIOMETER FOR UNMODULATED RADIATION WITH SIGHTING LIGHT BEAM [Abstract of article by B.V. Vasil'yev, A.G. Medvedev, A.V. Minashkin and V.V. Mirgorodskiy] 123 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Text] This article examines the constructing of an IR-radiometer with an un- modulated light flux designed for measuring the surf ace temperature"of objects (in the vicinity of room temperature). The radiometer has automatic compensation for variation in readings caused by temperature oscillation, as well as a system for optical sighting of the surface being monitored. The radiometer has tempera- ture resolution of 6 uV/K and angular resolution of 1/10 rad. Three illustratione, 3 bibliograph;c references. UDC 535.312.15:621.384.3 ANALYSIS OF REFLECTION METHOD FOR MEASURING RADIATING CAPACITY AT NEAR-ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURES [Abstract of article by M.B. Stolbov] [Text] This article analyzes the influence of the radiation flux from the back- ground, receiver and specimen on the accuracy of ineasuring radiating capacity using the reflection method, and estimates the required illumination temperature: _ a modified method is proposed which can be used to reduce the illumination temper- ature and to eliminate the influence of indefinition of the indicatrices of the reflection and variations of the background flux. Tao tablea, 7 bibliographic references. UDC 621.8:535.214.4+621.384.3 INVESTIGATION OF INFLUENCE OF DEGREE OF VACUUM AND REFLECTED RADIATION ON PRECISION OF MEASURING RADIATING CAPACITY USING CALORIMETRIC METHOD [Abstract of article by V.L. Ivanuv] [Text] An experimental setup is described for investigating the integral hemis- pherical radiating capacity, using the calorimetric method, of several specimens simultaneously; the influence of the degree of vacuum and reflected radiation on the measurement accuracy is analyzed. The results of ineasuring specimens of nickel and stainless steel are presented. Three illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 535.8:535.214.4:621.384.3 DEVICE FOR DETERMINING INTEGRAL RADIATION CAPACITY OF MATERIALS HEATED TO 5000C IN VACUUM � [Abstract of article by V.F. Kusakin] [Text] A'device is described for investigating the normal integral radiating capacity of materials in the 100-5000C temperature range based on a radiation measurement method. The accuracy with which the coefficients of radiation are measured is 7%. Tao illustrations, 6 bibliographic references. 124 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064019-0 FOR OFFICIAL llSE ONLY ~ ; UDC 535.33:535.312 INVESTIGATION OF REFLECTING CAPACITY OF NATURAL AND MAN-MADE OBJECTS USING LASERS ~ [Abstract of article by T.Yu. Sheveleva, M.A. Kropotkin, N.B. Leus and V.A. Ivanov] [Text] He-Ne and C02 lasers are used to investigate the spatial distribution of radiation reflected by sand, soil, brick, concrete, asphalt and foam- and vegetation-covered water at wavelengths of 0.63, 1.15, 3.39 and 10.6 um. The influence of moisture content on the reflecting capability of these materials is studied using the device with a hemispherical reflector. The hemispherical co- efficients of reflection of these objects are studied. The influence of moisture content on the coefficients is investigated. Tao illustrations, 1 table, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.396 MAXIMUM SENSITIVITY OF QUANTUM MECHANICAL PHYSICAL FIELD TRANSDUCER FOR MARINE RESEARCH [Abstract of article by Ye.G. Pashchenko and V.V. Tikhonov] [Text] This article determines the maximum sensitivity of a superconducting mag- netic field transducer using the principle of guantum interference for underwater - research. Vibration interference is considered, and the design of the transducer is examined. Four illustrations, 8 bibliographic refer.ences. UDC 548.734 QL',VNTUM MFCHANiCAL IiRIESTI~'iATIO*? OF CAPTURE CURRENT CARRTERS ON ATTRACTING CENTERS IN POLAR SEMICONDUCTORS [Abstract of article by V.N. Abakwnov and Z.N. Sokol.ova] [Text] A quantum mechanical calculation is made for the capture section of a free charge carrier on an attracting hydrogen-like center assuming that the excess energy of the carrier is transmitted to the lattice by means.of emission of the polar optical phonon. Survival time formulas are derived for equilibrium and monoenergetic carrier distribution. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data for p-GaAs. One illustration, 5 bibliographic references. UDC 548-.734 SOME POSSIBILITIES OF UTILIZING SIMULTANEOUS DIFFRACTION OF X-RADIATION FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF HETEROEPITAXIAL LAYERS [Abstract of article by N.A. Bert, S.G. Konnikov and B.Ye. Umanskiy] [Text] This article examines the possibilities of using simultaneous diffraction of X-radiation in the wide diverging beam method for studying the structural perfection of heteroepitaxial films. The results of determining the mismatch of ~ 125 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY permanent lattices are presented, along with the size of the permanent layer lattice, as well as the deformation and stresses occurring in the heterostruc- tures. The capabilities of the wide diverging beam method are examined for observing blocking in heteroepitaxial layers; the dimensions and angle o.f dis- orientation of the blocks are estimated. Tfao illustrations, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.382.132 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF Au-pCaP SURFACE BARRIER STRUCTURES [Abstract of article by O.A. Omar and V.A. Popov] [Text] The volt-ampere and volt-capacitive characteristics of Au-pCaP structures were investigated. The height of the barrier Ow was found from the characteristic data. The disagreement between the values for Ov determined from the volt-capaci- tive and volt-ampere characteristics indicates the existence of intermediate dielectric layers in these structures. It is shown that the electrical charac- teristics of specimens with a law concentration of small donors Nd = 1016 cm_3 differ significantly from analogous characteristics for specimens with Nd = 1017 cm7 3. This difference is explained by the presence of deep centers. Three illustrations, 1 table, 6 bibliographic references. UDC 621.315.592 ELECTRICAL ACTIVATION OF PHOSPHOROUS IMPURITY IN ION-LLLOYED GERMANIUM AFTER LASER PROCESSING [Abstract of article by O.N. Voron'ko, A.B. Klyukvin and Ye.V. Mikhayluts] [Text] This article presents the results of investigating germanium alloyed by the phosphorous method of ion bombardment using different methods for follow- on processing. Thermal annealing and laser annealing were used in free genera- - tion and monopulse modes. It was established that laser annealing in the monopulse mode is most effective, which may be associated with the increased role of the process of photoionization in activating the impurity. One illus- tration, 1 table, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 681.335.2.001.5:621.382 INVESTIGATION OF DRIFT OF SHORT BUNCHES OF CA?tRIERS IN SOLID-STATE MICROELECTRONIC DEVICES [Abstract of articl.e by A.A. Dakhnovich, M.K. Kovaleva and N.V. Kozhus'] [Text] The change in the form of a bunch of carriers moving through a semiconductor due to diffusion and drift processes is determined. It is shown that in this case the distortion in the spectrum of a pulse at the output of the device is analogous to the distortion in the spectrum of the signal at the output of a linear two- port network with exponential amplitude-frequency and linear phase-frequency 126 ?OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504060019-0 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY characteristics. Four bibliographic references. + UDC 621.387.3 PLASMA SIGHT FOR SCREEN OF CATHODE-RAY TUBE i ; [Abstract of article by O.V. Skurskiy and V.V. Chernigovskiy] ' [Text] This article examines some problems involved in creating a glasma aight ; for the screen of a cathode ray tube using electrodeless high frequency gas dis- - charge. Its advantages over existing types of analogous devices are demonstrated. The construction of the device, conEigured as a separate transparent screen, is described; some experimental data from investigating finished models are given. , Tao illustrations, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 533.951.7 THEORY OF SURFACE-WAVE PLASMA GENERATOR [Abstract of article by V.T. Barchenko, O.V. Dolzhenko and M.V. Kuzelev] [Text] This article investigates the problem of exciting surface electromagnetic waves in a resonator filled with a thin tubular plasma, a monoenergetic relativ- istic tubular electron beam. The linear increment of surface plasma waves in this system, and the resonator excitation startup current, are determined. The single mode operating condition of the generator is discussed. Zfao illustrations, _ 4 bibliographic referances. UDC 621.327.52 INVESTIGATION OF TRANSIENT CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIATION OF DKSSH LAMPS DURING - PULSE MODULATION OF DISCHARGE CURRENT [Abstract of article by A.P. Sazanov] [Text] This article considers problems of the ability to modulate the radiation from short-arc xenon superhigh-pressure lamps as applied to the problem of record- ing information on light-sensitive layers. The inertia of the variation of radiation during pulse modulation of the discharge current of a DKSSH-75 lamp is investigated experimentally. Tao illustrations, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 621.385.832:088.8 SCATTERING CAPACITY OF ELECTROPHORESIS SUSPENSIONS [Abstract of article by A.A. Vostrov] [Text] This article considers the proposition that there exists a resistance 127 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY which hinders precipitation and which can serve as a measure of the scattering capa- bility of electrophoresis suspensions. Experimental results which confirm these assumptions are given. One table, 2 bibliographic references. UDC 669.293.37 COMPOSITION OF GAS PHASE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF NIOBIUM PENTACHLORIDE EVAPORATOR [Abstract of article by A.N. Alekseyev] [Text] The Nb-C1-H system is analyzed thermodynamically in the operating range of an NbC15 evaporator. The equilibrium composition of the gaseous phase is calculated. Analytical expressions are derived for the euaporator parameters. - The analysis of the evaporator parameters makes it possible to calculate fully the equilibrium process of precipitation of a niobium film and its compound from chlorides by recovering them with hydrogen. One illustration, 4 bibliographic references. UDC 621.371.715 SYSTEM FOR THERMOSTABILIZATION OF LOW-TEMPERATURE RATIO PYROMETER [Abstract of article by V.V. Bondarenko, A.M. Vasilevskiy, A.A. Zharov and I.Ch. Mashek] [Text] This article presents the results of developing and investigating a thermo- stabilization system for the optical head of a low-temperature ratio pyrometer. The system provides temperature stabilization of the internal space of the optical head of the pyrometer to within at least 0.050C at a temperature of 350C with environmental temperature varying between 10 and 300C. One illustration, 1 bibliographic reference. UDC 621.398:551.508 USE OF THERMOELECTRIC RADIATION RECEIVERS FOR INVESTIGATING UNDERWATER LIGHT FIELD ~ [Abstract of article by V.I. Troshkov] [Text] This article proposes using the LETI radiation thermal element for inte- - gral measurements of underwater illumination in combination with a system of actinometric receivers. The following basic advantages are noted: nonselectivity of the receivers in the 0.3-3.0 um band, and high sensitivity - 50 mV/cal�min'1� cm 2. An expression is given for the sensitivity of the pyranometer under water, along with results from measuring underwater and above-water irradiance. Three illustrations, 3 bibliographic references. COPYRIGHT: RIO LETI, 1979 6900 CSO: 1860/145 128 1FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064019-0 , j FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.383 - MEASUREMENT OF OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICE PARAMETERS Moscow IZMERENYYE PARAMETROV PRIBOROV OPTOELEKTROIJIRI in Russian 1981 (signed to press 8 Jul 81) pp 2-5, 19-21, 208, 245-246, 264, 306-307, 332, 335, 363-365 [Annotation, foreword, tables and table of contenCs from book "Measurement of the Parameters of Optoelectronic Devices", by Nikolay Fedorovich Geda, reviewed by Doctor of Physical and Mather.atical Sciences M. I. Yelinson, Doctor of Technical Sciences A. V. Iyevskiy and Candidate of Technical Sciences V. P. Dmitriyev, Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz 6000 copies, 366 pages] [TextJ The author gives the classification of :incoherent optoelectronic devices and determines the optimal system of their parameters. He examines methods of ineasuring ~ the parameters and the designing principles of information and measuring complexes controlled by electronic computers. Metrological aids for the designing and manufac- turing of incoherent optoelectronic devices are discussed. Scientific principles of methods for metrological facilities of enterprises are developed. The book is intended for specialists working in various areas of radio electronics, ; as well as for undergraduate and graduate students specializing in this area. Foreword Resolutions of the 26th CPSU Congress, as well as decisions of the party and govern- ment, defined the raising of production effectiveness as the main task and indicated the necessity of systematic improvement of the quality of production and improvement of the production control system. In order to solve this complex problem, it is necessary to have reliable information on the quality of initial materials, the state of technolegical process, and param- eters of finished products. Measurements are the main source of such information at a11 stages of production. By achieving the necessary level of accuracy and reli- ability of ineasurements during the stages when the quality of the product ie formed (initial materials, technolgical processes) iC is posaible to switch from.monitor- ing the quality of finished products to quality control and, consequently, to con- duct the production process on a profitable basis. In recerit years, the problem of obtaining reliable resulte of ineasurements Of param- eters in semiconductor electronics has become quite acute. This was caused hy a rapid growth of the requirements for the accuracy of ineasurements, appearance of new 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y parameters, and the necessity of automated measurements in organizing mass produc- tion of electronic engineering products (IET). Since IET are articles supplied to enterprises of all sectors of the national econ- omy producing and operating various instruments, the problem of ensuring measurement of parameters in the manufacturing of TET by the manufacturer and dur- ing the receipt control by the consumer is also of paramount importance. The requirements of ensuring a steady improvement in the accuracy of ineasurements - of the parameters and uniformity of their measurement, particularly in the absence of standardized methods af ineasuring new types of IET for promising radio electronic ~ systensand complexes, are not always met. Some theoretical problems of inetrological ' aids for developing and manufacturing IET have not been worked out thoroughly. The intensive and, to a considerable extent, independent development of individual branches of industry led to the appearance of discordances of some terms, normalized metrological characteristics, and sometimes even to discordances of standards. Some problems of inetrological means have not been included in the State System for Standardization of Measurements (GSI) but are distributed over other systems. This does not contribute to the solving of modern problems of improving the quality of products, growth of the effectiveness of mass production of IET, as well as to the improvement of the technical and operational characteristics of electronic devices and systems in which they are used. There ar` a number of published articles, but no basic works treating the measure- ment of the parameters and metrological means for developing and manufacturing inco- herent optoelectronic devices. The purpose of this book ia to fill this gap to some " extent and make it possible for the reader not only to obtain information on indivi- dual special problems, but also to see the problem as a whole: along with detailed examination of the parameters, methods and means of their measurement, to familiar- ize oneself with the concept and ideas introduced by optics into electronics, pros- pects for the development of instruments of incoherent optoelectronics, and areas of their applications. Purposeful examination of a broad range of new problems treated in the boolc made it necessary to examine them in an integrated manner: the first chapter explains the possibilities of incoherent optoelectronics ensuring the attainment of maximum char- acteristics of systems of radio electronics and instrument-building, gives the clas- sification of devices and their terminology, and examines principles of the develop- ment of an optimal system of parameters. Subsequent chapters present physical principles of the operation of incoherent optoelectronic devices, areas of their ap- plications, systems of parameters and methods of their measurement, problems of the development of working means of ineasurements with consideration for the necessity of automated measurements in mass production of instruments. Special attention is given to the problems of ineasuring photometric parameters and metrological facilities, since measuring these parameters in mass production is con- nected with many technological and designing complexities and the absence of the ap- propriate level of inetrology. Whenever necessary, the author analyzed the state of metrological standardization, expanded and refined certain concepts, and concentrated his attention on unsolved problems. 130 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y At the present time, there is a great deal of discord in available literature on in- coherent optoelectronics with respect to terminalogy and classification. The clas- sification developed by the author divides products of incoherent optoelectronics by their functional significance and degree of complexity with consideration for the prospects for their development. The bibliography given here is not at all complete. For example, there are many publications on the physical principles of operation of the elements and devices of optoelectronics and their areas of applications. The author deemed it possible to do without traditional references, giving only a list of recommended literature. The author is deeply grateful to Professor Yu. R. Nosov, doctor of technical sciences and to Candidates of Technical Sciences A. B. GiCtsevich and V. K. Kostomarov for their suggestions and help in working on the monograph. The author is also grateful to Professor M. I. Yelinson, doctor of technical sciences, Professor A. F. Kotyuk, doctor of technical sciences, Professor V. N. Sretenskiy, doctor of technical sciences, A. V. Iyevskiy, doctor of technical sciences, and V. P. Dmitriyev, candidate of technical sciences, for their valuable suggestions for improving the book. 131 FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1.1 Parameters o Type of Forward Instrument current, mA voltage, V, power, AL101A 10 4.5 - AL101B 20 2.5 - AL102A 5 3.2 - AL102B 20 4.5 - AL102V 20 2.8 ' AL102G 10 3.0 - AL102D 20 2�8 " AL103A 50 1.3 1.0 ...5.0 AL103B 50 1.3 0.6 ...1.5 AL106 80 1.6 1.0 ...6.0 AL107 100 1.6 1,0 ...7.0 AL108 100 1.5 1.4 ...1.6 AL109 20 1.2 0.2 ...0.6 U-14 10 3.8 - U-15 20 3.8 _ U-17A 10 1,35 1.0 ...4.0 U-17B 10 1.35 0.5 ...1.0 - U-18A 20 1.2 0.2 ...0.8 U-18B 20 1.2 0.1 ...0.6 AL301A 10 3.0 - AL301B 10 3.8 - AL307A 10 2.0 - AL307B 10 2.0 - AL307V 20 2.8 - AL307G 20 2.8 - AL307D 10 2.5 - AL307Ye 10 2.5 - AL307I 10 2.5 - AL307L 10 2.5 - AL310A 10 2.0 - AL310B 10 2.0 - 132 ---o----- of glow ^andela m2 r 20...80 20...80 10...50 40...120 150...400 20...100 400...800 10...50 20...120 10...50 20...80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Luminous Color o.f intensity, glow wave- Mcd length, PW - Yellow n ~ Red - Green - Red - Green - AmaXMO. 91 - ,,,0.95 - Red - /1 max-O � 91 - .,.0.95 - Red 0.15... 0.6 " 0.9... 1.8 " 0.4... 1.5 Green 1.5... 3.5 Red 0.4... 0.8 Ye11ow 1.5... 1.9 " 0.4... 0.6 Orange 1.5... 2.6 " 0.6... 2.5 Green 0.25.., 0.6 Red APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL.Y ~ ~ Table 1.2 ~ Parameters of Some T vpes of Ind s Produced bv Soviet Industry j Type of Forward Forward Brightness Luminous Height of Color of j indicator current voltage,V, of glow intensity segment glow ; mp, not over es/m2 pcd sign, mm ~ Four-element indicators ~ ALS326A 20 2.5 - not below 150 7.0 Red i ALS326B 20 2.5 - not below 150 7.0 " ALS327A 20 3.6 - 100...150 7.0 Green ~ ALS327B 20 3.6 - 100...150 7.0 " ~ Seven-element indicators AL304A 5 2.0 over 350 - 3.0 Red ~ AL304B 5 2.0 200...350 - 3.0 " j AL304V 10 3.0 60...350 - 3.0 Green AL304G 10 3.0 over 350 - 3.0 " ; AL305A 20 4.0 over 350 - 7.0 Red ' AL305B 20 4.0 200...350 - 7.0 " ` ALS312A ~ 10 2.0 350 - 7.0 " ALS313 5 1.65 - 57 2.5 " ~ ALS314A S 2.0 o�aer 350 - 7.0 " ~ ALS314B 5 2.0 200...350 - 7,0 Red ALS320A 10 2.0 - not below 400 5.0 " ALS320B 10 2,0 - not below 600 5.0 " i ALS320V 10 3,0 - not below 150 5,0 Green ALS320G 10 3.0 - not below 250 5.0 " ~ ALS321 20 3.6 - 100...160 7,0 Yellow-green i ALS324A 20 2.5 - over 350 7.0 Red ALS324B 20 2.5 - 200...350 7.0 " ' ALS332 20 2.5 over 1000 12.0 " ~ ALS333 20 2.0 - 180...260 12.0 Red i ALS334 20 3.3 - not below 400 12.0 Yellow ; ALS335 20 3,5 - not below 250 12.0 Green ' Thirty-five-element indicators ~ AL306 A, V 10 2.0; over 350 - 9.0 Red ~ 3.0 ; AL306 B, G 10 2..0; 200...350 - 9.0 Red i 3.0 AL306 D, Zh 10 3.0 120...200 = 9.0 Red ~ ~ AL306 Ye, I 10 3.0 60...120 9.0 Red Green ' ALS340A 10 2,5 - 100...150 9.0 Red ~ Seven-element indicator with a control circuit ; R490IP1 - - - 150...200 2.5 Red ! Two-discharge seven-element indicat ors i ALS330 D,Ye- 3 1,85 - not below 70 3.75 Red ' ALS330 I,K i 3 1.85 - not below 70 5.0 " ; Three-discharge seven-element indicators ! ALS329 D,Ye 3 1.85 - noC below 70 2.5 Red ; ALS329 M,N 3 1.85 - not below 70 3.75 Red 133 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1.2 (Cont'd) Four-discharge seven-element indicator s ALS329 Zh,I 3 1.85 - not below 70 3.75 Red AL308A 10 1.65 - not below SO 2.5 " - AL8311B 10 2.0 - not below 100 2.5 " Five-discharge seven-element indicators AL53.1A 10 2.0 - not below 100 2.5 Red ALS328A, B 3 1.85 - not below 70 2.5 Red ALS328V, G 3 1.85 - not below 70 3.75 Red Nine-discharge seven-element indicators ALS318 5 2.0 - not below 160 2.5 Red ALS322 5 1.65 - 60 ...80 9.0 " Five-segment linear scale element AL317A 10 2.0 - 160...350 1.6 Red AL317B 10 2.0 - over 350 1.6 " AL317V 10 3.0 - 80...160 1.6 Green AL317G 10 3.0 - over 160 1,6 " Table gives luminous intensity per one sign element - 134 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060019-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 8.1 Most Important Parameters of Radiating Devices ~ Article Parameter DPSig- Measuring Measuring natien ranges methods ~Discrete radiators Forward voltage U np, V 1.5...3 GOST 18986-73 and matrices Back current I p 6p,A 10'8...10'5 GOST 18986:1-73 Luminous inten- cd ,7 (50...1200)10-6 OST 11,336,012.76 , Sity Power P. W_ _ (0.1...20)10'6 OST aA0.336.001-74 Single-discharge Forward voltage U np, V 1.5,..2.5 GOST 18986.3-73 - sign indicators Back current I o 6p,A 10-7 ...10-6 GOST 18986.1-73 Luminous inten- ed (30...500)10"6 OST 11.336.022-76 sit Single-discharge Luminous inten- cd 10'. ...10' OST 11,336.022-76 sign indicators sity (30...500)10'6 - with cross switch- ing . Scales Forward voltage U np V 1,5...3 GOST 189986.3-73 Back current I o 6p,A 10'8. ..10"6 GOST 18986.1-73 Luminous inten- 'I cd (50.. .1000)10'6 OST 11.336.022-76 sitv Multidischarge Forward voltage U np, V. 1.5. ..2 GOST 18986.3-73 sign indicators Back current I p 6p,A 10"7 ...10"6 GOST 18986.1-73 with cross switch- Luminous inten- .7 , cd (0.5 ...5)10-3 OST1 1.336.022-76 ing for multiplex sity operation mode Spread in lumin- k, per 1.. .3 ~ rnax/ �7min ous intensity unit value ~ Screen elements Leakage resis- Rcc,Rpp, (10 ...100)10 GOST 22440.2-77 - tance betWeen Ohm segments and dischar es - - 135 FOR OFk'ICIAL USE GNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060019-0 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY Table �3 Static Parameters of Produced Optocouples and Optoelectronic Microcircuits Parameter, measurement unit Letter Parameter Instrument whose pa- measured i desi nation norm s rameter Input voltage, V U bx 1-2 30D101, AOD101, 30D109, AOD109, 249LP1, 249KN1, R249LP1, B206A, B191A, 30T102, AOT102 Insulation resistance, R R 3 109...1010 1010 109 30T102, AOT102, 30D109, AOD109, Ohm 249LP1, K49LP1 ipll B206A, 249KN1, (1...2)108 295KT1, K295KT1, AOT110 Back current of photodiode, I o 6p 0.15...2.0 30D101, AOD101, 30D109, AOD109, pA B206A, B191A Current transmission factor, % K1 over 0.65 30D101, AOD101, 30D109, AOD109, B206A, Optron Back current drift of photo- UI o6p 30D101, AOD101, 30D109, AOD109, diode B206A Increment of output current, AIBXx y 0.7 B191A voltage, V, correspond- OutputA ing to itott U� sLIx Ui sLTx Current, mA: on - off Current in closed state, mA Voltage in open state, V Interhase resistance, kOhm Transmission factor Residual voltage of emitter junction, V Change of transmission factor, % Holding current, mA Leakage current of emit- ter junction 1.iA PPrformancP check Residual voltage, V Output leakage current UA I axJI I Bbix.n. I3&KrJ UoTxp R61 62 _n U OCT 3~ A -1 I YA YT 3 U OCT I ,yT 136 t!~- 0.4 7 2.3 410...20 10...20 / 10 ! 2.5 4...12 0.5...0.9 ! 3.8 ~ 20 G(