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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100080040-8 , ~ 3� AUtiUST i979 C FOUO 4r?9 ~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 i ~OR O~~ICIAL USE ONLY Jpt~S L/8639 30 August 1979 USSR Re ort ~ p � ENGINEERING AND EQUIPM~NT CFOUO 4/79~ F~~$ ~=OREIGN BROADC~ST INFORMATION SERVICE ~OR OFF[C[AI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ~ NOTE JPRS publicaCions conCain informaCian primar3ly from for~ign newapapers, periodicals and booka, but also from npws ag~ncy ` transmissiona and broadcasts. Materials from �oreign-language sources are translated; those from Bnglish-language sources are transcribed or reprinCed, witt? the original phrasing and other characteris~ics reCained. Headlines, editorial reporta, and ma~erial enclosed in brackeCa ; are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or (ExcerptJ in the first line of each iCem, or following the last line of a brie�, indicaCe how the original in�ormation was proceased. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or tranaliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in contexC. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~.Cems are as given by source. , The conCents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or 3ttitudes of the U.S. Government. For fsrther information on report conrent call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 _ (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFF~CIAL USE ONLY ~ JPRS L/8639 . 30 August ].979 USSR REPO RT ENGINEERING AND EQUIPMENT ~ (FOUO 4/79) This serial publication containa articles, abatracts of articles snd news items from USSR scientific and technical ~ournals on the specifi.c s:ib~ecta reflected in the table of contents. , Photoduplications of foreign-language aources may be obtained fro;n the Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington~ D. C. 20540. Aequests should provide adequate identificatfon both as to the source and _ the individual article(s) desired. CONTENTS PAGE Aeronautical and Space 1 , Nuclear Energv 2 Non-Nuclear Eaergy 17 Turbine and Engine Design 19 Navigation and Guidance Syatems 23 Fluid Mechanics 26 Mechanics of Solide 32 ~ a- [III - USSR - 21F S&T FOUO] FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ; f FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY Aeronaut3cab and Space USSR ~ UDC 629.78.015,4 THE MINIMIZATION OF WING WEIGHT WITH A LIMITATION Ot1 THE RATE OF DIVERGENCE , , Unknown UCHENYYE 2APISKI TSEN'SRAL'NOGO AEROGIDRODINAMICHESKOGO INSTITUTA [Scientif ic Anna~s of Central Aerohydrodynamics InstiCute] in Ruaeian Vol 9 No 5, 1978 pp 9'7-103 - BANICHUK, N. V. ~ G (From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, RAKETOSTROYENIYE No 4, 1979 AbaCract No 4.4i.132] [TexC] A generalization of the problem of minimizing the mass of a wing with a limitation on the critical rate of torsional divergence ie analyzed for the case of flexible end-restraint~and variable parameters. An analyti- cal solution is found for the problem, and it is used to study the influence of end restraint elasticity and wing section variability on the optimum die- tribution of stiffneas over the wing span. Figure~ 4; references 10. USSR UDC 629.78.063(088.8) A CAM MECHANISM FOR CONVERTING THE RECIPROCATING MOTION OF A DRIVING MEMBER INTO AN INTERMITTENT ROTATION OF THE DttIVEN MP1~lBER USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No 621920 filed 3 Jan 77 published 21 Jul 78 KOTILEVSKIY, V. A., TERNOVSKIY, V. V. and FEDORKIN, 0. T.r [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, RAKETOSTROYENIYE No 4, 1979 Abstract No 4.41.147P by T. A. Ye.~ [Text] The invention applies to power position actuating mechaniems for transforming the energy in the pressure of a medium into rotational motion, and can be applied to automation systema for aviation and space rocket equip- ment. The known positional rotation mechanism which is employed for convert- ing the reciprocating motion of a driving member into the intermittent rota- tion of a driven member contains a roller installed in the driving member, and a driven cylindrical cam with a slot, part of which is made along a screw line, while the edge sections are parallel to the cam. With the reciprocat- ing motion of the driving member, the roller, in moving in the slot of the cam, imparts an intermittent rotational motion to the latter. However, the displacement of the driving member of such a mechanism within limits of + 3 mm, for example, in a lateral direction, causes the mechanism to fail. An increase in reliability is achieved by virtue of the fact that the driving ' member in the cam mechanism is made flexible. Figure 1. 1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 I I ~ � , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' Nuclear Energy ~ US5R UDC 621.311.25:621.039 ~ ON THE PROBLEM OF TRANSMISSION OF HIGH-POTENTIAL HEAT FROM A REACTOR TO A ; TECHNOLOGICAL CIRCUIT ' ~ Moscow ATOt~10-VODORODNAYA ENERGETIKA I TEKHNOLOGIYA in Rueaian No 1~ 1978 pp 150-182 _ i PROTSENKO, A. N. and STOLYAREVSI:IY, A. YA. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 1., '1979 Abstract No 1U57] [Text] Some problems of reaearCh and development of heat exchangere for nu- ; clear power facilitiea and their operating conditione are examined. An analy- sis is made of eaciating proposals to use various materials for such.devices (ateels, alloys, ceramics), designs and technological schemea. Eatimates ~ are made on the penetration of hydrogen from the technological circuit into the reactor loo~ as well as fiseion by-products in~o the technological cir- ; cuit under norn~al and emergency conditions. Various arguments "for" and "against" the use af an intermediate heat transfer circuit are citsd. Fig- ures 9; tables 2; references 13. ~ USSR UDC 621.311.25:621.039.56(47+57) ' SOME RESULTS OF THE INTRODUCTION OF AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR THE CONTROL OF THE TEi"HNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS TIiROUGH THE USE OF CONTROL COMPUTERS Moecow KIBERNETICHESKIYE PROBLEMY ASU TEIQiNOLOGICHESKIMI PROTSESSAMI [Cy- bernetic Problems of Automated Systems for Technological Process Control] ! in Russian 1978 pp 26-30 ' . ~ PROFERANSOV, YU. D., DESYATNIKOV, I. I., POZDNYAKOV, V. A., RUMYANTSEV, L. ; V., SHCHEDRINA, A. G. and YUMASHEVA, T. G. [From REFERATIVNYY ZAURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 10, 1978 Abstract No 10U136 , by G. I. Korotkina] [Text] The wide ecale development of nuclear power engineering ie insepa- rably tied to the increasing role of automated syatems for technological . process control in controlling nucl.ear power stations.~ The main coatrol : system of the most powerful atomic power plants in the USSR with the RSt~IIt- ~ 1000 nuclear reactor is the "Skala" information and computer system devel- oped in 1967-1971. The "Skala" system was realized as a two computer com- plex based on the V-3M control computer. The equipment of this complex ~ consists of two independent proceasors (V-3M), two independent accesa chan- ~ nels to the equipment of the ob~ect being controlled (V-313, V-31, V-368, ' 2 . FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 . FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY V-350), peripheral interface ~quipment (V-377, V-378, V-303, V-317, V-310), " which permita the Cwo procesaora to operate with the peripheral~ (the NML- V-37 magnet~c tape memories, eeletypes, alphanumeric printers). The firaC complete syaCem was aupplied for the first unit of the Leningrad Nuclear Electric Plartt at the end of 1972 and beginning of 1973 with the firer edi- - tion of the software. The ~ystem was set up over tl?ree quartere of the year and placed on-line for the start o� Che unit in 1973. The "Skala-2" syatem was intraduced in the second unit of the Leningrad Nuclear Electric Plant in the middle of 1975 also with still the first version of programs. The "Skala-3," introduced for the first unit of the Kurak Nuclear Electric Plant in December of 1976, and the "Skala-4" system which hae been operating with the unit of the Chernobyl'skaya Nuclear Electric Plant since September of 1977 are operating with the second edition of programa. Depending on the equipment complemenC, the program system provides for a speci�ied set of industrial procesa functions. Table 1. USSR UDC 621.039 DISPERSION HEAT EMITTING AND ABSORBING ELEMENTS BASED ON GRAPHITE IN A PYROCARBON BINDER FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE GAS COOLED REACTORS Moscow REAKTORNOYE MATERIALOVEDENIYE. TRUDY KONGRESSA PO REAKTORNOMU MATERIALOVEDENIYU, ALUSHTA, 1976 [Reac:or Material Science. Transactions of the Congress on Reactor Mxterial Science, Aluahta, 1976] in Rusaian Vol 6, 1978 pp 308-325 IVANOV, V. YE., ZELENSKIY, V. F., TSYKANOV, V. A., PLOTNIKOV, V. P., ASHIKH- MIN, V. P., GURIN, V. A., ONITSENKO, S. I., SUPRUN, I. D., MEDVEDEV, V. L., DANILOV, A. P. and BROVKO, M. M. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, YADERNYYE REAKTORY No 5, 1979 Abatract No 5.50.129] [Text] It is shown in the report that the utilization of hydrocarbon pyro- lysis methods offers broad capabilities for deriving a new class of materials. The chemical composition, structure, density, mechanical characteriatics, corrosion and erosion immunity, etc. can be ad~usted in a wide range as a function of the area of application of these materials and the requirgments placed on them in this case. A scheme for fabricating heat emitting and ab- sorbing elements for high temperature nuclear reactors ia described which _ is based on the utilization of hydrocarbon pyrolysis procesaes. Results are given from studies of the thermophysical and mechanical characteristics of fuel elements, and the resulta of corrosion and reactor tests of absorb- ing materials. The atructural features of materials based on a pyrocarbon binder are analyzed. Figures 9; tables 2; references 6. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 621.039.5 NUCLEAR BOILERS WITH REACTORS USING HIGH-TEMPERATURE ORGANIC COOLANTS Dimitrovgrad SBORNIK DOKLADOV SEMINARA. PERSPEKTIVY ISPOL'ZOVANIYA YADER- NYKH REAKTOROV DLYA TEPLOSNABZHENIYA GORODOV I PROMYSHLENNYKH PREDPRIYATIY. DIMITROVGRAD, 1978 (Collected Papera of the Seminar. Outlook �or Ueing Nuclear Reactora in Heat Supply to Cities and Tnduatrial Enterpriaes. Dimirravgrad, 1977] in Rusaian, 1978 pp 9-23~ TSYKANOV, V. A., CHECHETKIN, YU. V., KUPRYYENKO, V. A. and BURUKIN, V. P. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 1~ 1979 Abatract No 1U52] (Text] It is shown that under conditions that require replacement of foasil fuel with atomic energy, it ia advantageous to create special nuclear boilers for heating and hot-water supply. Basic requirementa fox these devices are formulated. One promiaing type of reactor for nuclear boilers ia the nu~:lear reactor which uses high-temperature organic coolant. Basic findings of ye~:s of operation are cited for the ARBUS nuclear reac~or at the Scientific Re- aearch Inatitute of Nuclear Reactors (NIIAR) and experimenta carried out on it. Based on results of this reaearch, proapects are consid~red for creation of nuclear boilers with similar typea of nuclear reactora; b~~sic solutions on asauring increased safety and profitability of auch dEVices are noted. Tables 4; referencea 6. USSR UDC 621.311.25:621.039 ON SOME PROBLEMS OF PLANNING NUCLEAR ELECTAIC PO~WER PLANTS FOR HEAT SUPPLY Dimitrovgrad SBORNIK DOKLADOV SEMINARA. PERSPEKTIVY ISPOL'20VANIYA YADER- NYKA REAKTOROV DLYA TEPLOSNABZHENIYA GORODOV I PROMYSHELNNYKH PREDPRIYATIY. DIMITROVGRAD, 1978 (Collected Papera of the Seminar. Outlook for Using Unclear Heat Supplq to Cities and Industrial Enterprises. Dim- itrovgrad, 1977] in Russian, 1978 pp 139-147 ~ POLISHCHUK, A. A., SKVORTSOV, S. A. and SOKOLOV, I. N. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIItO. N~~ 1, 1979 Abstract No 1U54] [Text] An examination is made of [elementsJ of nuclear reactora that de- termine the reliability and economy of nuclear heating planta: the reactor vesael, the vessel stack designed for working preasure in nuclear reactors, intermediate circuit, nuclear heating plant placement, low energy release rate of the core, A3 + aKmuk7+R zona control syetem, etc. A conclusion'is drawn on the solvability of most problema asaociated with development of nuclear heating plants. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 , FOR OFFZCYAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 621.039.52G.44 NUCLEAR BOILER BASED ON A WATER-MODERATED WATER-COOLED POWER REACTOR Dimitrovgrad SBORNIK DOKLADOV SEMINARA. PERSPEKTIVY ISPOL'ZOVANIYA YADER- NYKH REAKTOROV DLYA TEPLOSNABZHENIYA GORODOV I PROMYSHLENNYKH PREDPRIYATIX. DIMITROVGRAD, 1977 [Collected Papera of the Seminar. Outlook for Using Nuclear Reactors in Heae Supply to Cities and Industrial Enterpriaes. Dimitrovgrad. 1977] in Rueaian, 1978 pp 157�-171 NALETOV, V. I., VIKHOREV, YU. V., GRISHCHENKO, L. V., DAMRIN, YE. M., YAGOV, V. P. and LUBYANKO, V. N. (From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 1, 1979 Abatract No 1U55] [Text] In order to determine the posaibility of operation of a nuclear boiler based on the use of a water-moderaCed water-cooled power reactor, a 500 MW boiler is considered with vessel reactor permitting integral and divided configuration of the in-pile heat exchanger with natural coolant circulation. To exclude possible radioactive contamination of the heat network, the technological acheme of the reactor device containa three loops with integral and divided configuration of the heat exchangera of the 1C in-pile loop~and heat network. Basic thermohydraulic characteristics of operation of the reactor facility are given for both nominal capacity oper- ating mode and fluctuating power conditions in the heat network. Figures - 3; tables 4. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY USSR UDC 621.039.5 ' NUCLEAR HEATING PLANT WITH WATER-MODERATED WATER-COOLED TYPE REACTOR Dimitrovgrad SBORNIK DOKLADOV SEMINARA. PERSPEKTIVY ISPOL'ZOVANIYA YADER- NYKH REAKTOROV DLYA TEPLOSNAB2HENIYA GORODOV I PROMYSHLENNYKH PREDPRIYATIY. DIMITROVGRAD, 1977 (Collected Papera of the Seminar. Outlook for Uaing Nuclear Reactors in Heat Supply to Cities and Industrial Enterpriaes. Dimitrovgrad, 1977] in Russian, 1978 pp 172-186 DUKHOVENSKIY, A. S., VIKHOROV, YU. V., GRISHCHENKO, L. V., POLISHCHUK, A. A. and RE2EPOV, V. K. . [From REFERATIVNYY ZHi1RNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 1, 1979 Abatract No 1U56] : (Text] The advisability of using low-temperature WM/WC reactors for heat supply is shown. Queationa of control of nuclear reactora are elucidated. The peculiarities of heat load achedulea and operating conditions of a nu- clear heating plant pernait the use of only a boron system for reactor con- ~ ' trol and protection without mechanical control and eafety rods. An esti- mate is made of the Rafety and thermotechnical rfliability of the device. It ia ahown that it is economically advantageous to use a nuclear heating plant to cover the base load. Variants of fuel cycles of nuclear reactora are given. Figures 3; USSR UDC 621.039.517.3 VELOCITY FIELDS IN FUEL ELEMENT ASSF.MF3LIES OF FAST REACTORS WITH CHANGE OF GEOMETRY OF PERIPHERAL 7.ONES Moscow TEPLOFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA [Thermophyaical Research] in Rusaian Vol 3, 19~7 pp 17-22 . ZHUKOV, A. V., SVIRIDENKO, YE. YA., MATYUKHIN, N. M., SOROKTN, A. P., KOTOVSKIY, N. A. and RYIrIICEVICH, K. S. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 11, 1978 Abstract No 11U258] [Text] Velocity distributionb of liquid metal coolant are measured in the - channels of casaettes and control and safety rod assemblies with various . geometric parametera of models using an electromagnetic method. Methods of calculation are developed which are based on solution�of a syatem of equations of motion for asaembly channele allowing for interchannel inter- action. General patterna are derived which permit optimization of parame- ters of peripheral channels. 6 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONY.,Y USSR UDC 621.165-52 - DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC DRIVE FOR STEAM TURBINE CONTROL VALVES Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSKOGO ENERGETICHESKOGO INSTITUTA [Proceedings of Moscow Power Engineering Tnatitute]' in Ruseian No 362, 1978 pp 108-110 MOSKALENKO, V. V., PItEOBRAZAENSKIY, V. I~, ANAN'YEV, V. F~ and CHIDATKIN, V. M. ~ [From REFERATIVNYY 2IiURNAL, TEPLOENERGE'tIKA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1S52] (Text] A regulating valve electric drive was developed to allow f or the need to provide variable steam turbine control system apeed. A block dia- gram of the control system is given. To expand experimental resources and compare design variants of the electric drive, proviaion ia made for inatal- ling ac and dc electric drives on the turbine. Te~sts of this syetem were carried out on a control system model in which the ob~ect and the measure- ment part of the aystem were simulated on an analog device. Varioua operat- ing conditions of the syst. were inveatigated. An oacillogra., is given for the era~sient process when all or most of the turbogenerator load is relieved. Model tests ahowed that the ~ystem is efficient, providea the neceasary speed and maintains the required control quality. Figurea 3. USSR UDC 621.039.546.5:621.039.531 CHECKING FUEL ELEMENT CLADDING INTEGRITY AND COOLANT RADIOACTIVITY OF THE IN-PILE LOOP OF THE BN-350 REACTOR TRUDY SOYU7.NOG0 NAUCtiNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO INSTITUTA PRIBOROSTROYENIYA [Pro- ceedings of the All-Union Scientific Reaearch Institute of Instrument Build- ing] in Russian No 36, 1978 pp 152-155 BATALIN, YU. D., TVERDOVSKIY, N. D., FILONOV, V. S. and TSURUKIN, YU. P. _ [From REFEItATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGET?:KA No 11, 1978 Abstract No 11U241~ [Text] The BN-350 nuclear reactor is equipped with an operational in-loop cladding integrity checker for delayed neutrons and devices for general and spectrometric sensing of the activity of gaseous fission by-products. Ac- cording to preliminary experimental data obtained during atart-up and ad- ~ustment work, the standard cladding integrity checker ia able to detect one or more fuel elements with leaky cladding. Activity of coolant after decay of Na24 is due to nuclides of corrosive origin. Tables 3; references 2. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7 USSR UDC 621.039.524.034.3 CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS PLACED ON NUCLEAR-CHEMICAL PLANTS USING HIGH-TEMPERA- TURE REACTORS ~ Moacow VOPROSY ATOAIIdOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI SERIYA ATOMNO-VODORODNAYA ENERGETI- KA [Problems of Nuclear Science and Technology. Series on Atomic Hydrogen Power] in Russian No 1/4, 1978 pp 19-24 ZAICHKO, N. D., YEMEL'YANOV, I. YA., ALEKSEYEV, A. M., PANCHENKOV, V. M., ~ KORYAKIN, XU. I., ORLOV, A. A., NAZAROV, E. K., CHERNYAYEV, V. A., MIKHAYLOVA, ' S. A., DUDAKOV, L. P. and RADCHENKO, S. V. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 10, 1978 Abstract No 10U100 by G. I. Korotkina] ~ [Text] Planta for the production of ammonia and methanol with a capacity ' of 2,500--3,000 tons per 24 houra compriae the basis for the engineering, planning and economic design work of the configurations of the firat nuclear chemical complexes. The advantages of a tw~o-stage scheme for ammonia pro- duction are cited. Possible variants are given for the use of nuclear reac- tors, the diatribution of the thermal power of nuclear reactors among con- ~ sumers in the production of ammonia based on the two-stage catalytic conver- ~ sion of inethane, as well as the basic values of the procesa parameters and the working media. A number of technological pxoblema are to be solved, of ' which the primary ones are: the design and development of reliable nuclear reactors with a coolant temperature at the core outlet of 900-1,400�C,and ; an overall service life of up to 30 years which is in continual annual aer- ' vice for up to 8,000 hours; the deaign of efficient aad~~reliable means of ~ transferring the heat from the core of a nuclear reactor to the working ; volume af the industrial process plants; the implementation of engineering ~ measures to assure the protection of the final product and procesa equip- ' ~ ment againet induced or added radioactive contamination; the solution of the , diffusion problem both as regards the core in the technical channel and in the return direction. Figures 2; table 1; reference 1. > r , 1 i 8 : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ! � . ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 . , ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ USSR , UDC 621~U39~524~094.3 THE CHOICE OF THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN CONCEPT AND THE SPECII'IC PHXSICAL FEA- TURES OF THE CORE OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE GAS-COOL~D REAC'CORS FOR ENERGY IN- TENSIVE PRODUCTION FACILITIES Moecow VOPROSY ATOI~IOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. SERIYA ATOMNO-VODORODNAYA ENER- GETIKA [Problems of Nuclear Science and Technology. Series on Atomic Hydro- gen Power] in Russian No 1/4, 1978 pp 49-56 GOROSHKIN, G. P., KAMINSKIY, A. S., KOLGANOV, V~ D., KUZ'MIN, YE. M~, SEGAL', M. D. and SMETANNIKOV, V. P. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 10, 1978 AbeCract No 10U99 by G. I. Korotkina] [Text] Two directions for the deaign of high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear ~ reactors (HTGR) are treated: with a stationary core and movable fuel ele- ments in the core. The drawbacka of theee approachee in reactor conetruc- tion are cited. The proposed variant of the equipment hae the characteris- tic physical feature of HTGR's. The following characterietica were obtained as the result of atructural design work, neutron phyaics and thertnal hydrau- ~ lic calculations for the nuclear reactor: a thermal power of 538 MW; a core diameter of 6 m and a height of 5 m; the number of channele is 3~481; the diameter of a fuel element is 60 mm; the uranium charge i$ 6,570 kg; it is enr~ched by 6.SY in prof iled regions I and III and 10% in region II; the operating period: S00 dayE for fuel elementa of profiled regiona I and III, and 800 days for II region fuel elemente; the coolant in the nuclear reactor is helium; the masa rate of flow of the coolant in the in-pile ~oop ie 160 - kg/sec; the coolant temperature at the reactor input is 306�C; the coolant temperature at the reactor output ia 950�C; and the coolant pressure in the in-pile loop is 40 kgf/cm2. Figures 5. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 I . FOR OFFiCIAL US~ ONLY U55R UDC 621~311.25t621.039 TH~ ~It09P~CT3 FOft T~tE D~SICN OF NUCLEAR POiWEtt PLANTS WITH CHEMOTNERMAL HEAT ENERCY STORAGE Moecow VOPROSY ATOt~tOY NAUKt I TP.KHNIKI. SERIYA ATOMNO VODORODAYA ENER(iETI- KA ~Probieme of Nuclear Sciencp and Technology. 3erie� on Atomic Hydrogea Power) i.n Rugeian No 1/4~ 1978 pp 74-86 PONOMAREV-STEPNOY, N. N.~ PROT3ENK0~ A. N. and S20LYAREVSK3Y~ A. YA. (From RE~ERATIVNYY ZKUItNAL~ TELPOENERCETIKA No 10~ 1978 Abatract No 10U53 by G. i. Korotkina~ (Textj Ane of the promieing approaches to expanding the poesibie performance range and scale of introduction of nuclear power staCions:can be the uee of nuclear power plents in con~unction with energy storage uniCe. Such energy etorage units can be the following: ecid type electrochemical etorag~ bat- teries; water storage po~rer etatione~ hydrogen atorage and water electrolygis plants which can be combined with peak load gas-eteam plants ahich employ etored hydrogen to cover the peak loads; eteam-and-vater, oil~ air liquid metal aed molten ealt thermai eaergy etorage unite. Possibie chemothermal storage cyclee aad the aclvantagea of euch etorage are cited: the high epe- cific eaergy capacity of chemical convereion processea (SO--75 Kcai/mole; 1--2 Kcal/g of stored product)~ ahich exceeds the epecif ic energy capacity of phase transformatione by oae to tvo orders of magnitude; the high level of the equipn~ent and procese base for chemical conversion in industry; the : simplicity in etoring the accumulating substaace (converted ga's), the un- ~ limited storage duration; the high efficieacy of auch Bqstems (about 65--75t). Steam aith such parametere as 130 bars and 510�C can be obtained ia a thermal , energy etorage system. Figuree 10; table 1;'referencea 12. . ; 10 FOB OFPICW. USE O~I.Y f`` i 1 g. ~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 , F0~ t~F'FICIAL USE ON1.Y USStt UDC 621. THE SPECt~tC FEATUR~S OF ~H~ OP~RATION 0~ TH~ METAL MAT~ittAL3 HELIUM CO~LED FAST REACTORS Moecow VOPROSY ATOt~tOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. S~RIYA ATOt~Q~tO-VObORObNAYA ~N~~- CETIKA [Probiema of Nucl~~r Sc~ence and T~ch~ology. 3eries on Atomic Hydro- gen Power~ in Rusaian No 1/4, 197~ pp 136-141 ARTEMOVA~ YL. M.~ BALANDIN, YU. F., BER~2HK0, B. I., GR2~OV, N. N., gUSNIN, YU. A.~ IGNATOV, V. A., NIKnLAYEV, V. A., PARSHIN~ A. M. gnd SOLOMKO, YU. V~ (From RBF~RATIVNYY 2KUItNAi,, 'CBpLOENERG~TiKA No 10, 1978 Abetrect No 1AU258j (Text) Based on ehe operational experience of non-Soviet high-temperature g~~-cooled reactora~ the inf~.uenc~ of h~lium on th~ ch~ng~ in th~ mechani- cal properties of r~ateriai8 during their nperation in nuclear reactors, the phenom~non of helium permeability of rmteriais, proceseea of high tempera- ture embrittlement of austinitic eteele and alloys, problema of radiation embrittlem~nt and awelling of structural materi~l~ are treated. In media with an oxidizing potential, which correapond to "normally" contaminated helium, the ma~or componente of steeie and alloys, FQ and Ni~ will not oxi- dize. The oxidation of Nb is of loW probebility and Cr~ Ti, A1 and 3i will always oxidize. Figurea 4; table referer~ces 4. USSR UDC 62Z.039.524. CLOSED-CYCLE GAS TURBINE PLANTS POR SOVIET-MADE HIGH-TEE~ERATURE GAS-COOLED REACTORS Moscow VOI'ROSY ATOtrINOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. SERIYA ATOMNO-VODORODNAYA ENER- GETIKA (Problems of Nuclear Science and Technology. Series on Atomic Hydro- gen Power) in Ruasisn No 1/4~ 1978 pp 161-165 WAROV, V. V.,, BEKNEV, V. S.~ IVANOV, V. L., 5UROVTSEV, I. C., YAN50N~ R. A., BOGOYAVLENSKIY', R. G.~ NIKIFOROV, YU. D. and GREBENNIK, V. N. [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, TEPLOENERCETIKA No 10, 1978 Abstract No 10U112 by G. i. Korotkina~ [Textj Three types of gas-cooled nuclear reactors are conaidered: the thermal HTCR proper, the FBR and fusion reactors based on the principle of the fusion of the light nuclei of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium. Today, HTCR's operate with steam turbine planta at a temperature of the helium il FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFIi"ICIAL US~ ONLY , cooi~ng the nucie~r reactor of 720--~80�C and preeeure on the order of S--6 1~iPa, which yieids a nuclear power etation efficiency of about 37-3gX at a pover of 300 MW. P1~nr are being developed for nuclear pouar etatione of Chie type with capacitiee of 770 and 1~200 MW. A HTGR uith a ga~ turbine piant ie the next promieing ~tep in the davelopment of nuciear powar engi- neering. Configuratione are ahown for a HTCR uith a g~s turbinQ pianti and vith a binary ammonia cycle. The problem of nuclear reector economy has lead ro the development of FBR's capable of breeding f~aeion materiais (U233~~ ' ahich are the bagic fuei for t~TGR'e. Some resulCs are given for the ~rork cerried out in the "Turbine Conatruction" problem laboraturieo of rhe Hoecoa Order of t.enin and Order of the Red Banner of i.abor A,dvanced Eagiaeering - School imeni N. L. Bauman on gee turbine plante for nuclear pover stetione vith HTGt'e. M experimental industrtal plant ie dasigned around a VGR-50 with a eteam turbine circuit. The thermai pover af the HTG~t ia 137 MW~ the helium pressure in the core io 4.0 MPa~ tihe maximum helium temperature ia the cycl~ is 800�C~ ~nd at the inlet to the HTGR~ becguse of the str~angth considerations, the helium temperature should not exceed 400�C. The posei- bility of designing a singie circuit, direct cycle~ gas tiurbine plant aith a VG-400 nuciear reactor was aaalyzed ir? thia lsboratory~ vhere the reactor has a helium temperature at the output of 950�C at a preesure of 6.~ MPa. pigures 8; referencee 4. USSR t1DC 621.039.524.034.3 TH.E MAJOR ENCINEERINC RP.QUIRF~NTS PLACED ON 1'HE P.QUIPI~JT OF HIGH-TENPERA- TURE CAS-COOLED icF,ACTORS WITH SPHERICAL PUEL ELEI~tT3 ~iHEN COI~REHBN3IVE RP,OIATION ENERGY CHLMICAL PIANTS ARE DESICNED AROUND THF1~i Hoacow VOPROSY ATOt~QdOY NAUKI i TOCHriIlt2. SERIYA ATO[~10-VODORODNAYA ENER- GETIitA (Probleme of Nuclear Scieac:e and Technologq. Series on Atomic Hydro- gea Poaer~ in Russian No 1/4, 1978 pp 169-172 BREGER~ A. IW., GLffi01?, V. P. ~ GREBENI~IK~ V. N. ~ DUBROVSKIY~ YE. M. ~ NAZAREV~ V. M., PONOMAREV-STEPNOY, N. N., PROTSENKO, A. N., RUDOY, V. A., SAPRONOV~ YE. YA., SEliCHENKO~ E. L.~ SERKOV, E. V., SOIAV'YEV, S. P.. STARIZNYY~ YE. S. ,~YRKUS ~ N. P. attd SH,AN'GiN~ B. V. (Prom YtEFERATIVtiYY ZHURNAL~ TEPLOENERCETIKA No 10, 1978 ~batract No 10U101 by C. I. Korotkiaa~ ~Text~ The scales of radiation chemical production aad the baeic character- ietics of the requisite radiation equipmeat are treated in brief. The uait poaer of existiag and planned irradietors vith Co~ sources does not exceed 20-30 IW for technical reasoas, While the gamma po~r of the installations vhich ie required ia practice should amount to hundreds of kilowatta. A 12 . FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOIt O~FICYAL US~ ONLY bg~ic ~ch~~tic i~ ehown for a complex energy radi~tion ingC~llation based on a high-temperatur~ g~~-cool~d r~actor with epherical fuel alemente. The technical requ~r~ment~ placed on a Cuel element and the irradiator are giv~n, qu~~tione of eafety of the radiation chemi~try ineC~].lation ~re analyz~d~ ns w~ll ag for the nuclear regctor under normal nperaCing condieione and in emer- genices; he~e log$e~ from the uraniura radiation circuits; proC~ction again~t mechanical ~nd oth~r effect~ in ca~e of an emergency in the rad~aCion chemie- try inetallation; the poseibility of total or perCial detachment of the ir- radiator frocn the nuclear reactor and its repair withour ehutiCing down the nuelear reactor and the power engin~ering portion of the installation. Ch~r~ acteristic~ are given for the irradi~tor of a VGtt-50 in~eallatinn. Techni- cal requirement~ placed on n~,cLear reactor oper~ting mod~s are preaent~d. ~iguree 2; referenc~a 8. USSR UDC 621. 039.524.2.034.44-97 THE RBMK-1000 SEttIES PRODUCED PO~WER REACTOR WITN AN ELECTRICAL POWER OF 1000 MW VOPROSY ATOMNOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. SERIYA FIZIKA I TEKHNIKA YADERNYKH REAK- TOROV (Problems of Nuclear Science and Technology. Series on Reactor Physics and Technologyj in Russian No 1/21, 1978 Part 1, pp 14-27 VASILEVSKIY, V. P., KUZNETSOV, S. P. and POLUSHKIN, K. K. ~From REFERATIVNYY 2HUItNAL TEPLOENERGETIKA No 10, 1978 Abstract 10U86) (TextJ The equipment of a power facility with th~ series produced ~HIIC-1000 reactor With a ~apacity of 1,000 MW is described. The structural design of the nuclear reactor is described, its neutron phyaics and thermal engineer- ing characteristics are given, and questions of nuclear power plant safety are treated. Experience acquired in atarting and operating the exieting ~ nuclear power stations with RBMK-1000 reactors is analyzed. , 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ~ � NOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY ~ i USSR UDC 621.039.562+621.039.524.2.034.44~97 i TH~ STAT~ 0~ TH~ AitT AND pR05PECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MONITOR AND CONTROL i SYSTEMS FOR KIGH PdWER BOTLING WATER REACTORS ; Moscow VOPROSY ATOMNOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. SERIYA FIZIKA I TEKHNIKA YADER- y NYKH REAKTOROV [Problema of Nuclear Sci~nce and Technology. Seriea on Rs- i actor Physica and Technology]-in Rusaian No 1/21 Part 1, 1978 pp 36-40 ~ YEMEL'YANOV, I. YA. j . ~ (~rom REFEItATYVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 9, 1978 Abstract No 9U131~ ~ i (Text] The atructure and functiona of the control end monitoring aystems ~ for the RBMK-1000 [1,000 MW boiling water reactor] are described~ including ~ the syatem for the local automated control of reactor power (LAR) and the ~ instruments and devices uaed for these purposes. The factors which stimu- lated the refinement c~f theae syeteme for RBt4C-1000~ RaMK-1500 and RBt~CP- ; 2400 type reactors are analy~ed. The basic directious and stages in the j f~urther development of high-power chacu~el reactor monitor and control sys- ~ tema are formulated on this basis, where these eyeteme presuppose the wide- 1 ecale application of computers for the regulation of energy distribution. ~ Figure 1. ~ 1 c ~ ~ ~ ; , USSR UDC (621.311.25.621.039]:697.34"313" ; t OUTLOOK FOR THE USE OP NUCLEAR REACTORS FOR CL~I3TRALI2ED HEAT SUPPLY AND ~ DISTRICT HEATING i - ~ Moscow VOPROSY ATOI~IOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. SERIYA FI2IKA I TEtQ~NIKA YADERNYKH # REAKTOROV (Problems of Nuclear Science and Technology. Series on Reactor j Physics and TechnologyJ in Rueaian No 1/21, part I, 1978 pp 92-104 ' , � BATUROV, B. B., CHERNYAYEV, V. A.~ GALAKTIONOV, I. V. and SMIRNOVA, YE. S. [From REFERATIVNYY ZAURNAI., TEPI.~~ENERGETIKA No 12, 1978 Abstract 12S223] (Text] Under the conditions of the European or~rt of the USSR, nuclear heat and electric power planta (TETs) w,lth conveatinnal types of nuclear reactora can be economically competitive with fossil-fuel TETa with unity thermal power of the nuclear reactor at 2000-3000 megawatts. This makes itc neces- sary to build nuclear TETs with a large connected heat load (greater than 1000 Gcal/hr) and to connect epecial condeneation facilities to the TETe. 14 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ~ . ~ , , : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Central heating turbinee of nuclear TETe ehould hgve well-developed low- preggure cylinders and operate wiCh coneCant f1.ow rate of eteam even when thern~l load ie dieconnected~ The TETe ehould b~ placed k0-60 km from laYge cities and population maeses. To reduce thermal, effluent into the environ- ment and raiee epecific production of electr3cal energy in thermal require- mene of the TETa, it is advieable to raise initial parametere of eteam be- fore the turbine to 130-240 kge/cm2, 530-560�C. Nuclear boilere can eco- nomically provide heat aupply at thermal ]oads o� greater than 1500 Gcal/hr and primarily in those regione where it ie impoesible to erect a nucleer TETa. In the future, in the event of euccesaful development and aseimila- tion of high-temperature nuclear r~actore and aseimilation of sysCems for heat tranaport in the chemically bound atate~ nuclear and chemica]. eources of centralized heating can be created nuclear-chemical TETs and combinea. The creation of nuclear-chemical combinea will permit a signif icanti expan- sion of the range of effective use of nuclear energy resourcee for central- ized heaC aupply by encompaseing small usera of heat. Figures 7; references 7. USSR . UDC 621.039.566.001.5 A STUDY OF TNF. FUEL CHARGES FOR AN ORGANIC-COOLED URANIUM-CRAPHITE CttANNEL REACTOR VOPROSY ATOI~iOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKI. SERIYA FI2IKA I TEKHNIKA YADERNYKH REAK- TOROV (Problems of Nuclear Science and Technalogy. Seriea on Reaetor Physica and Technology] in Russian No 1/21, 1978 Part 1 pp 105-111 BULKIN, YU. M., ZHIRNOV, A. D., 2AMORA, P. V., MITYAYEV, YU. I. and SMIRNOV, V. S. [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 10, 1978 Abstract No 10U73a (Text] Varioua fuei charges for an organic-cooled uranium-graphite channel reactor used in district heating are analyzed, where�the chargea differ in the structural deaign of th~ fuel channels, the type of nuclear fuel, the power and apacing of the channel lattice. The repeated utilization of plu- tonium is investigated and the possibility of nuclear power operation oci self-s~~pplied plutonium is ascertained. The phyaical characteristica of various fuel charges are given for nuclear reactors with a thermal capacity of 1,000 MW and their variation is eatimated for the case of sectional-modu- lar utilization of a nuclear reactor with a core in the form of a parallelo- piped. Figures 3; tables 1; references 3. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICYAI. USE ONLY a, ,,t_ USSR UDC 621.039.524.2.034.36 HIGH TEMPERATUItE GAS COOLED NUCLLAR REAC~ORS Moscow VOPROSY AT01~10Y NAUKI I T~IKI. SERIYA F22IKA I TEKHNYKA YAD~RtrYKH R~AKTOROV ~Problema of Nuclear Science and Technology. Seriea on Reactor Physics and Technology] in Ruesian No 1/21, 1978 Part 1 pp 117-124 GUR'YEV, V. V., KRUGLOV, A. L.~ KUZ'MIN, YE. M., SMBTANNIKOV, V. P., ULASEVIC'H~ V. K. and GAN~V~ I. KH. (From REFLRATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 10, 1978 AbeCract No 10U96) ~TexC~ The basic technical characteristics and structural deeign features are given for an experimental industrial power plant with an AGAT reactor for a chemical combine with a production capacity of 3,000 tons of ammonia per 24 hours~ an experimental industrial steam generating plant with a fast helium reector.(of the SGR-300 type), with an electrical power of 300 MW, a fast gas cooled reactor of the DRG series, an experimental BIR loop type . nuclear reactor for atudies of fuel elemente, structural materials, the dynamics of gas cooled systema, 3mproving equipment~ etc. Figures 4; Cable 1. ~ ~USSR UDC 621.165(088.8) LOW-PRESSURE RE~ENERATION SYSTEM FOR A TURBINE UNIT USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No 595523, filed 24 Jan 74 publiehed ],0 Mar 78 ~ YEFIMOCHKIN, G. I., All-Union Scientific Research Inetitute of Heat Engineer- ing [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA ia Rueaian No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1S81P] [Text] The purpose of the iavention is to 3mprove workiag reliability, in- crease deaeratioa capacity and reduce the dimeasions of the preheater.' Thia ie done by using a perforated aheet to divide the ateam chamber of the mix- ~ ing preheater iato two sections. The ugper aection is connected to the � bleeder eteam liae, and the lower section is connected to the liae for ateam - extraction from the eeale. The water cavity is connected to th~ lines for removing the draiaage and ateam-air mixture from the next surface heater on . the path of the main condeasate. In addition, in order to utilize the heat of the superheated eteam coming from the seals and from turbine bieeding, au auxiliary surface heat exchanger ie installed at the ialet of at least one steam line to the preonixiag heater, aad this heat exchenger ie coanected to the pressure line for the maia condeneate downatream from the mixing heater. Figure 1. 16 FOR OFPICIAI. OSB ONLY . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFlCIAL USE ONLY Non-Nuclear Energy USSR UDC 697.34:62]..311.22"313" bEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS FOR URBAN CENTRALi2ED HEAT SUPPLY Sofiya RAZVITIE I PERSPEKxIVI NA TSENTRALIZIRANOTO TOPLOSNABDYAVANE NA GRADOV~TE in Bulgarian Vol 29 No 4-5, 1978 pp 42-45 STOEV, Vladimir [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL~ TEPLOENERGETZKA No 1, 1979 AbetracC No 1S222 by B. N. Gromov) [Text] The initial development of centralized heat aupply (CHS) in Bulgarig detes back to 1955 when the TETs "Sofiya" began providing heat to the ad- miniatrative center of Che Bulgarian capital. In 1965, the connected laad of CHS was 360 MW, and in 1975 iC wae 1860 MW; CHS covered about lo~ of thP population of cities for which construction of CHS was economical an, in Sofiya, coverage was 35x. In the outlook Co 1990, it ia proposed to inc~ease CHS load Co 8600 MW providing heat for 50X of the population of ~cities with more than 25,000 inhabitants. The development of CHS ia economi~~a1 when the heat release rate is greater than 35-40 MW/km2 and optimum coefficient of district heating is 0.3 to 0.4. Shortcomings in the realization of pros- pective heat aupply eysteme are noted. In the near future reliable channel- free heat conduita of 300 millimeters or lese diameter, stable anti-corro- aion coatings, small noiaeless circulation pumps for thermal points, plaBtic ~ pipelines for distribution grids and heat storage units must b~ created. The future holda construction of systems of further heat supply from nuclear power plante and CHS using low-quality kinde of fuel. It is necessary to aeparate hydraulic conditiona in mainlines and distribution grids uaing heat exchangers, remote control and diapatcher syatema. Figure 1; table 1. 17 FOR OFI~ICIAL USE ONLY . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY US3R UDC 662.997:537.22(02) TECHNOLOGY AND TESTYNG OF SOLAR CONCENTRATION SY3TEMS Tashkent.TEKHNOLOGiYA I YSPYTANIYA GELYOTEKHNYCHESKIKH KONTSENTRIRUYUSH- CHIKH SI3TEM in Russian Izd-vo Fan 1978 pp 184 ZAKHIDOV, R. A. . [From REFERATIVNYY 2HU1tNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 11, 1978 Abetract No 11G73Kj (Text] The foundatione for planning, manuf~cturing and testing of mirror concentrating systems (MCS) are presented. The need is ~uetified for a systems approach to the atudy of MCS of powerful aolar energy devices; the importance ia noted of modeling as a primary part of planning. Structural featurea of MCS, methode of ehaping reflective surfacea on glaes, metal and polymer subetrates, technology of application o� mirror and protective coat- inga are examined. Spinning devicea for producing precieion paraboloid sur- facea are deacribed. Attention ia given to the prob].em of ad~ustment; eome automated ad~ustment schemes are ehown. From aseumptions of the theory of automated control, solar device aervo eyatems and meana of their improvement are analyzed. The poesible use of the principle of invariance to raise ac- curacy of aervo sysCema is studied. Figures 78; tables 2; references 274. USSR UDC 621.182:621.~65-596(088.8) METHOD OF TURBINE AND BOILER PROTECTION ' USSR AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No 569793, filed 11 May 75 publiahed 5 Oct 77 'IERSHOV, V. A., TRAKHTENGERTS, G. M., MORACHEV, V. P. attd DAVYDKINA, M. KH., Donetek Diviaion, All-Union Trust on Organization and Efficiency Promotion of Regional Electric Power Plante and Networke [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIRA No 1, 1979 Abstract No 1S176 by G. V. Malevinskiy] (Text] When the boiler is diaconnected by a protector, the turbine is re- ' lieved by acting on a motor, rather than being disconaected. Unloadiag stops when steam pressure drops to the assigned value downstream from the'control ' stage of the turbiae. If one of the turbine protectiors should operate during ; load relief, the turbine is disconnected after completion of load relief. This method of protection is more economical than simultaneous disconaection , of boiler and turbine (owing to production of additional electrical energy with heat accumulated by the boiler and ste~m conduite). Turbine reliabili- ; ty doea not noticeably decrease. ~ 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . . . , . , _ - . _ _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ~ ; . , FOR OFFICIAL USE OM,Y ~ Turbine and Engine besign US5R UDC 621,224-226.3s621.313~322 RESUL'T3 OF STUDYE3 OF TKE FINI3HING OF T1KE FLOW 3ECTION OF A TURBINE AND AN INVESTIGATION OF TH~ LOADS ON THE STAa"OR BLADES Leningrad NAUCHNYYE ISSLEDOVANIYA DLYA SA,YANO-SHU3HENSKOY GES~ MATERIALY NAUCHNO-TEKHNICHESKOY KONFERENTSII, L977 (8cientific Research for the Sayan- Shuehen Hydroelectric Plenti. I~ateriale ~~f tha Scient~lfic and Technica]. Con- ~farence, 1977] in Rusaian,1978 pp 165-17'1 KUZMIN3KIY~ S. S., NEVSKIY, D. YU.~ PY.LEV~ I. M.~ PISANOV, B� N., IVLEV, A~ G. and BUKHALOV~ N. 3. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TURBOSTROYENIYE No 3~ 1979 Abetract No 3.49.120] ~ r . [Text] The flow eection of the turbine of the Sayan-Shuehen tiydroelectric Plant with a maximum efficiency of about 96X ie described. A rotor ie ob- tained with good power engineering and caviCation propertise, ae well ae a good technological ahape of the blades. A replaceabla rotor wae worked out which provides for placing the hydroelectric plant on line ahead of schedule. The profile of the stator bladea is completed and data are obtained on the influence of turbine operation of ite hydrodynamic and geometric character- iatics, including the caee of losa of blade cos~trol. . USSR UDC 621.224-253.5:620.193:621.313.322 CAVITATION AND EROSION STUDIES OF PROTOTYPES OF MODEL TURBINE ROTORS ~ Leningrad NAUCHNYYE ISSLEDOVADiIYA DLYA SAYANO-SHUSHENSKOY GES. MATERIALY NAUCHNO-TEKHNICHESKOY KONFERENTSII, 1977 (Scientif ic Research for the Sayan-Shushen Hydroelectric Plant. Materiale of the Scientific and Techni- cal Conference, 1977] in Rusaian 1978 pp 171-174 BOL'SHAICOV, D. S., BUSYREV, A. I., DOLGOPOLOV, V. A. and STARITSKIY~ V. G. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TURBOSTROYENIYE No 3, 1979 Abstract No 3.49.122] [TextJ The resulta of cavitation and eroeion studies of working prototypes of model rotora of the Sayan-Shushen Hydroelectric Plant carried out at heads of up to 64 m, are given. An optical system ie described which is intende3 for reaearching the cavitation phenomena at the rotating rotor of the model turbine. 19 . FOYt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 621.224:539.4 STitENGTH STUDIES OF TURBINE STRUCTURES Leningrad NAUCHNYYL ISSLEDOVANIYA DLYA SAYANO-SHUSHENSKQY GES. MATERIALY NAUCHNO-TEKHNICHESKOGO KONFERENTSII, 1977 [Scientific Research for the Sayan- Shushen Hydroelectric Plant. Materials of the Scientific and 'Technical Con- ference~ 1977] in Rusaian 1978 pp 179-187 , ARONSON, A. YA., KAGAN, YE. M., KOVALENKO, V. A., KOMOV, N. P., PETROV, YU. , P. and 1'AVITS, S. N. ~ (From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, TURBOSTROYENIYE No 3, 1979 Abstract No 3.49.128] ~ [Text] The design calculations and experimental aubatantiation are given for the moat heavily loaded componenta of a hydroelectric turbine set: the volute chamber and the rotor. The volute chamber is a ateel-reinforced con- crete atructure. The diatribution of stresses in the ateel shell of'the chamber ia obtained, as well as in the components of the stator and the re- inforcement of the turbine block. ExperimenCal and theoretical etudies of the rotor are cited for n~inimum etarting and maximum head modes. The pulsa- tions of the pressure at the blade~ were determined for the same operational modes. The frequenciea and waveforma of the naCural oacillations of the rotar are determined and an.analysis is made of the poesibility of reaonance oacillationa ariaing in it. The reeearch which wae carYied out made it pos- sible to work out a reliable structural deaign for the rotor and the volute ~ chamber of the Sayan-Shushen Hydroelectric Plant. Figures 2; references 5. USSR ~ UDC 621.165:621.313.322 ~ STUDIES TO SUBSTANTIATE THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OP A TURBINE BLOCK WITH A STEEL REINFORCED CONCRETE VORTEX CHAI~ER Leningrad NUAQEINYYE ISSLEDOVANIYA DLYA SAYANO-S~iUSHENSKOY GES. MATERIALY , NAUCHNO-TEI~iNICHESKOY KONFERENTSII, 1977 [Scientific Research for the Sayan-Shushen Hydroelectric Plant. Materiale of the Scientific and Techni- cal Conference, 1977] in Russian 1978 pp 187-192 AYZENBERG, V. I., ARI~iIPOV, A. M., ZUBRITSKAYA, M. A., KARAVAYEV, A. V., KARTELEVA, G. A., KOSMATOVA, G. E. and SOKOLOV, I. 8. .k [From REPERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TURBOSTRO~YENIYE No 3, 1979 Abstract No 3.49.127] [TextJ The structural design of the turbine block adopted for use at the ~ Sayan-Shushen Hydroelectric Plant is described. The deaign calculation pro- cedure for massive steel reinforced concrete structurea using.computera ia 20 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ; . . . . . _ . . , ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICIAL USL ONLY presented. Itegults a~~ given for ehe eegtis o� thre~ large acale models of ~he power plant� ~igures 2. USSR UDC 621.165-52.001.5~ ~ ENERGY SYSTEM MODEL FOR INVESTIGATING THE EFFICIENCY OF UNLOADING STEAM 'TUFtBINES Kharkov VESTNIK K1~AR'KOVSKOGO POLITEKHNICHESKOGO INSTITUTA in Ruasian No 143, 1978 pp 28-31 ABRAMOVA, L. I., GURARIY, M. I., KRASOVSKIY, V. V., MASHCHENKO, V. P. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, TEPLUENERGETIKA No 1, 19~9 Abstract No 1S48~ (Text] The problem ie ~eproducing functional relationshipa according to the basic equat~on of snoCion of a turbine rotor is solved. A model is pro- posed for an energy systaa to etudy the effect of various factora on eff i- ciency of the procesa of turbine load relief. Referencea 3. USSR UDC 621.438-226.2(088.8) METHOD OF FEEDZNG COOLANT INTO THE GUIDE VANE ASSEMBLY OF GAS-TURBINE EQUIP- MENT ~ USSR AUTHOR'S CERTYFICATE No 585303, filed 2 Aug 76 publiehed 23 Dec 77 BALASHOV, YU. A�, A11-Union Scientific Reaearch Institute of Heat Engineer- ing imeni F. E, bzerZh~nekiy, Moacow [From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, TEPLOENERGETIKA No 11, 1978 ~?bstract No 115106Pj ['Text] The putPose of the invention is to raise economy and reliability of operation of the device in starting modes. At the instant of turn-on of the combustion cha~ber at~d during aubsequent overshoot of ga8 temperature, the relative consu~Ption o� coolant is increased to a value which exceeds by a factor of 1.5~2 its nominal value; after overehoot the flow rate is reduced to a value of 0�25-0.3 and is kept conatant up to the temperature limit of vane strength; subsequenCly the flow rate is increased to the nominal value in proportion ~o the riae in power of the facility. During temperature over- shoot, coolant is fed from an external source, and after overahoot, from the turbine compre88or. pigures 2. ~ 21 FOk OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONY,Y USSR UDC 629.7.036.3:621.65'(088.8) A FLUID ~EED SYSTEM USS R AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No 630451 filed 25 Oct 76, publiehed 19 Sep 78 BAN'KOVSKAYA, I. Z., PETROV, V. I., CHEBAYEVSKAY, Z. F. and LITIN, V. V. , _ [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, AVIATS+ONNYYE I RAKETNYYE DVIGADELI No 5, 1979 Abstract No 5,34,44P] [Text~ A liquid feed syatem ie patented which contains a vane pump with an auger impeller, a cylindrical inlet 13ne and a high presaure fluid nozzle mounted coaxially with the impeller, where the nozzle ia connected to the chamber of the high preeaure pump by a line. To increase operating economy and expand the range of etable operational modes by meane of aesuring the con stancy of tihe aCtack anglea of flow along the inlet edgea of the vanee and eliminaCe counter flowa at the periphery of ths rotor which is overaized in terma of area, the ~nozzle is poaitioned at a distance from the inlet edges of the vanea of the rotor amounting to 4.5--6.5 of the d~ismeter~of the inlet pipe. Figure 1. 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ; . . ~ . : . : , . . , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 . ~ FOR OFFICYAL USE ONi,Y , � Navigation and Guidance SyeCeme _ USSR UDC 629~78,017,2 APPLIED PROBLEMS OF THE STASILITY OF STABILIZED OBJECTS Moscow PRIKLADNYYE ZADACHZ USTOYCHIVOSTI STABILYZIROVANNYKH OB'YEKmOV in ~ Ruea3an 1978 Maehinostroyeniye Publishere, 232 pp RABINOVICH, B. I. (From REFERATIVNYY 2HURNAL, RAKETOSTROYENIYE No 4, 1979 Abetract No G.41.66J (Text] The monograph ia devoted to applied problems of the stability of ob~ecta, the motion of which is atabilized by continuoua or diacrete regu- latora. Engineering meChods of atudying ehe aCability of a cloaed control ob3ect--controller system are presented, both analytical and numerical typee~ including new algorit~uns for deriv3ng and aolving the characteriaCic equa- tion which can be realized on compuCers. Theae methods are illustrated us- _ ing the example of a flight vehicle and aeveral promiaing traneport syetema and structurea. The first four chaptere of tha book are devoted to the deri- vation, tranaformation and aolution. of the characteristic equation of an ob- ~ect--controller system uaing approximate and exact methods, where thie sys- ~ tem corresponds to the stabilized ob~ect. The results are the baeie of a strategy for etudying the stability of stabilized ob~ecte, Caking their epe- cif ic properties into account. The solution of atability problema for linear continuous and discrete systema, preaented using a number of epecific examples, which relate to various fields of engineering, compriae the content of the last three chapters. The book is intended for acientific workera and design engin~ers and specialists in applied mechanics. It cnn be usefa.2 to studenta and graduate degree candidatea of the higher technical educational inatitutee. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OPPICIAL tJ8E ONtY USSR UDC 629.78.017.2 THE STABILIZABILITY OF SPACE VBNICLES~ N8W PROBLF~SS AND t~THOD3 ~ Morcow STABILI22RUYEMOST' K03MICKESKYtC~~ LETATBL'NYKH APPARATOV. NOVYY~ ZADACHi L ME20DY in Ru80ian 1978 Mashiunetroyeniya Pub~iehers~ 207~ pp CNBREI~IYKH, S. V. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL~ RAKETOSTROYENI'YB No 4~ 1979 Abetract No 4.41.65K by T. A. Ye.~ (AbsCract~ The questions of stabilizing epace vehiclea in the aativa por- tions of flight are analyzed from the viewpoint of reverai nev methods of motion control theory. A new approach to the seudy of the dynamic proper- ties of a space vehicle ae a control ~b~ect is set forth~ vhich is an Bxten- eion of Itelman controliability aad observability theory ae applied to tihie . clase of ob~ects. Diverse probie~ane of space vehicle dynamics analy~ie are considered~�.which are encouatered ia vartflua stages of their design. Savar- ai probleme characterietic of contemporary linear control system theory (questione of dynamic inetability~ cantrollability~ observability~ modal .ontrol in various oituations~ etc.) are treatec~ ia Chapter 1 usiag an ex- tremely aimple model incorporating t~ro coupied osciliators. Chapter 2 is devoted to a presentatiou of etabilisability theory. The conteat of cl~ap- ters 3 and 4 is of an applied nature: questions of the stabilizability of various modele of epacecraft are investigated in them. as aell as related questione which concern the deaign of opt3mu~ ob~ects (in a dynamic ~en.e). The mathematical modela of the space vehicles empioq~~a l~vel of cosplete- ~ nese which is satisfactory for the initial etagee of the deeign of ob~ects of this kind: the equations are assumed, as a rule~ to be linear, and the constants are considered invariant ("frozen" for a particular characteri~tic po3nt in time t of the active portioa). Ia this caae, aa osciilatory nature is imparted to the control ob~ect primarily by the presence of moving com- poneats of the fuel ahich provide for the opezation of the in~flight eagineo, as well as the elasticity of the frame and other structural companmts. M automatic stabilization uait (ta a traasveree oscillatioa mode) ia con~ider~ as the controllers, while ia the caae of longiCudiual osciilations. the povar ~ plant ie used directly. Ttre investigatione of specific packa~ed spacecraft configurations and typical sedes for its metion provide a basia for asauming that the propoeed methade are a eufficieatly effective tool for etudyiag the dqnamic properties of a spacecraft vith a liquid fuel eagiae uader conditions ~+here the a priori infor~atioa on the stabilization systm is iaconplete. It is emphaaized that the effectiveaees of the methods for studying the stabili- zability is especially pronouaced vheu they are ~ployed in con,iunctlon vith ciassicai analysis methods, prer_ediag them !n tha geaeral proce~a of study- - iag the stability of the claee of ob~ects conaidered twre. For thie reason, a number of tradittonal methods are preaented in Chapter S for analysing tha FOR OPPICIP~I. USS ODtLY ; ; _ = APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 , , l w FOR OF1~ICiAL U9~ ONLY ~tabil3ty of e cloeed spgcecraft-controiler ayotem~ and queationa of ampli- tuda s~~bilizaeion ar~ coasidered. Primary aeCeneion i~ d~votied to tih~ i~- terpretation of the r~gione of etabilizability of ~p~cecraft when etudying the etab3lity of the control proceAeea in the activ~ portion of tha flight. The book ia intended for engineering anA rechnical work~rs who are angag~d in the deeign of rocket and aviation eqtilpment. USSR UDC 629.7'8.03b.54 TH~ THEORY OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF ftOCKET ENCINES Moscow TEORIYA AVTOMATICNESKOGO UPRAVLENYA RAKETNYMT UVIGAmELYAMI in Rus~ian ` 1978 Maehinostroyeniye Publiehare 288 pp SHEVYAKOV, A. A., KALNIN, V. M., NAtJt~NKOVA, N. V. aad DYATLOV, V. G. ~From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL~ RAKETOSTROYEr1IYE No 4, 1979 Abatract No 4.41.113K by T. A. Ye.~ (TextJ Theoretical ~,rork in the field of liquid propellant rocket engine�con- trol and regulation ie generalized. A method of mathematical modeling of the complete cycle of working conditions is set forCh. The elemmta of the theory and calculation of the basic typea of controllers used in liquid pro- pellant rocket engines, and the results of etudying theiY characteriatice are given. The book is intended for ecientif ic workere engaged in the con- trol and regulation of flight vehicle engiaes. It can be ueeful to teachers, graduate degree candidatee and studente of the higher educational institutee ae well. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICIAL USS ONLY Fiuid Maci~anice , USSR UDC 621.165.536~ APPLICATION OF TH8 TH80RY OF KtNBTIC8 OP CONDBNSATION TO D83ICN OF 3fiEAM TtJRBiNES t.eni,ngrad TEhQ'BRATURNYY RE2HiM I GIDRAVLIKA PAROG8N8RATOROV (T~paratuYe Conditions and Hydraulice of Seeam Generatora~ in Ruesiae 1978 pp 102-116 KACHUAINER~ YU. YA. and YABtANIK~ R. M. (From REP~RATIVNYY ZHURNAL~ TBPLOENEAGETIKA No 11~ 1978 Abstract No 11827) (Text~ Questiona of theoretical determination of parameters of eteam and liquid phaeea of a high-velocity stream of non-uniformiy condeneing watar vapor eear the upper boundary curve are considered in a vide range of pres- sure change. Featuree of utilization of equationa of cond~neation groatih of drope and equatiion of state of the vapor phase of a floa ae applied to conditiona of flov-through portione of wet-steam turbines are analyzed. Com- parison nf resulte of eystematic calculations of ioolated nozzlee and flow- , through portcione of vet-ateam turbiaea vith test data prave the need of con- eidering the effect of non-equilibrium of condeasation in plaaning eurbine8. ' Pigurea 7; references 20. - USSR UDC 629.78.015:533.6.015.4 AN ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF TE~E NONLINEAtt CHARACTERISTICS OF A RECTANGU- LAR WING WITH A LOtii ASPECT RATIO Rameuakoqe UCHEtdYYE ZAPISKI TSENTRAL'NOGO ABROGIDRODINA1~iICHESKOGO IN3TITUTA [Scientific Annals of Central Aerohydrodynamice Institute] in Rueaian Vol 9 No 5, 1978 pp 1-10 ' - HOLCHANOV, V. F. [From REPERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, RAKLTOSTROYENIYE No 4, 1979 Abstract No 4.41.76~ ~Text~ Based on the form found for tbe main nonliaear expansion term for the J . lift coeff icient for a rectaagular wing, the form of all of the expansion terme is found for the lift coeff icieat aad the momeat. Geaeralizations are given for the cases of some noneteady-atate flovs. The calculatiou result is givea. Figures 2; refereaces 5. ~ 26 FOB OPFICIAL USS ONLY i;; � . . , , . + - i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFPICIAL USL ONLY US3R UDC 629.78.015:533.6.011.5 AN AP~ROXIMAT~ M~THOD OF ll~T~1tMINING WAVL D~AG 0~ A 4iING ~'Ott TN~ CA3~ WNEN A LOCAL St1PERSONIC ZONE EXISTS ltamenekoye UCHENYYS 2APISKI T3ENTRAL'NOGO AEROGODRODINAMICHESKOGO IN3TITUTA ~Scientific Mna1s of Centiral Aerohydrodynamice InetiCute~ in Ruae3an Vo1 9 No 5, 1978 pp 21-2~ BOKSER, V. D. and SEREBRIYSKIY, YA. M. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, RAKETOSTROYENIYE No 4~ ~979 AbeCract No 4.4i.71] ~Text~ I?n approximate metihod is propoeed for the determination of the wave drag loeaea in a field for the case of transsonic flow eround a wing based on a known (experimental or theoreticai) prereure diatribution at ite surface. The method ie based on the linear nature of the change in the mach nwaber MZ along the ehock ~aave as well gs on wave drag theory. A simple formula is derived to det~rmine the wave drag factor of the wing (eeparately for the - upper and lower surfacee) based on the known experimental (or computed) dis- tribution of the local mach numbere at the surface. The wave drag factor ie a function of the mach number M1 ahead of the ehock wave at the surface of the ving and of the curvature of the surface at thie point. Figures S; ref- erences 8. USSR UDC 629.78.015:532.526 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF LOCAL HEAT EMISSION IN A LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYER AT SUPERSONIC VELt~CITIES Ramenskoye UC~iENYYE 2APISKI TSENTRAL'NOGR AEROGIDRODINAMICHESKOGO INSTITUTA (Scientific Annals of Central Aerohydrodynamica Institute) in Rusaian Vol 9 No S, 1978 pp 46-51 SHVALEV, YU. G. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, RAKETOSTROYEtdIYE No 4, 1979 Abstract No 4.41.80j [Text] Resulte are given from an experimental inveatigation of the hegt emis- aion in a laminar boundary layer in a range of Ma ~ 3--6.2, Rea ~ 1.7 � 106 35 � 106 and temperature factor values of Tw/Ti ~ 0.235--1.05. The influence of the Mach and Reynolds numbera as well as the ratio w/T= on local heat 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY emiesion is aecertained. An empiricai formula ia der3ved for cAiculating the local heati emiseion factors in e laminar boundary layer. The.re8ulte of thie ~tudy are compared with the data of other~~.iterature. ~iguree 5; ~ references S. ; USSR UDC 629.~8.015:532.526 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE TURBULENT BOUNDARY T.AYER ON A SOLID OF REVOLU- TION AT A MACH NUt~LR OF M~ 4 ' R~m~nskoye UCHLNYYE ZAPISKI T3ENTRAL'NOG AEROGIDRODINAMICHSSKOCO INSTITUTA : ~Scientific Annais of Central Aerohydrodynamice Institute~ in Ruasian Vol 9 No 5, 1978 pp 52-57 ~ ALEKSEYEV, M. A., KU2'MINSKIY, V. A. and SHVALEV~ YU. G. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, RAECETOSTROYEriIYE No 4~ 1979 Abstract No 4.41.79~ (Text] The purpose of these experimental etudiea saae to find the integral . characterietica of a turbul at boundary layer in a range of Raynolde numbere from 10 � 106 up to 60 � 10~: the dieplacement thiclanees, the momentum thicknees-and energy loes thiclcaeea which are of considerable eignificance in computing the frictional resistance and aerodyns~nie heatin~ of a~flight vehicle, as well as a study of the aay that these characteriatics are af- _ fected by the temperature of the surface sub~ect to at?reamline flow. The studies aere performed on a model of a cyliadrical aol:td of revolution with an overall aspect ratio of 12.7, which had an ogival nose section aith an elongation of 4, in a supersonic wind tuanel at a f loa velocity vith a mach number of M~ 4. The eolid of revolution took the form of a thin aalled ahell made of stainless steel, the outer surface of which was carefully ~ polished. The interior�cavity of the solid of revolution had channele to Which a measured mixture of liquid and gaseoue nitrogea ~rae fed during the trials to achieve the requisite surface tzmperature. The geometry of the channela were chosen so as to provide for sufficiantly uniform coc~ling of the ehell over the leagth of the model. The liquid nitrogen m~es rate of flow aas determiaed from the conditiona for obtaining a specified average ' value of the model eu~face temperature over the length, vhile the gaseous nitrogea rate of f1oW Was determiaed from the condition for achieving the f1oW of a two-phase medium With ehear of the liquid f ilm in the iaterior channel. In this c~se,~_tbe deviation of the local temperature of the eur- face from ite average value did aot exceed 10 K in the ma~oritq of trials. Eight thermocouplea ~rere installed in the ogive to measure the eurface temperature and determiae the local heat output coeff iciente on the inside 28 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t- ~ ~x . _ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFTCIAL US~ ONLY of Ch~ sh~ll of ehe ~o11d of r~volu~ion, whi1~ i' t~mper~ture s~neora wer~ ~natalled in the cyl~.ndrical portion. Tha m~asuremeac n� ehe velocity ~nd temperature ptiofilee in ~he boundary 1ay~r w~e accompliehed by 2 combe, on~ of which had 16 pitot ~ubes, while the ~ecand had 8 ehielded thermocouple~. Th~ m~jori~y of th~ pitdt tube~ w~re ~rrgn~~d in one pian~; th~ pr~b~~ had circul~r crose-section entrance openinge with an outer diam~t~r of 1.24 nan and an inner diameter of 0.8 nnn. The tubes which were pi~ced ne~r ehe sarface w~re ~paced eom~whae apart over the ~urfac~ of eh~ ~o1id of r~volu- ~ tion. They had an oval ~hape of th~ entrance openinge with ~ h~ight of 0.35--0.40 mm, a width of 2 mm ~nd a wali ~hicknese of 0.12--0.15 mm. Th~ single shielded thermocouplee were fabricated in th~ form of eubes of etain- lese eteel with an outeide diameter of 1.2 mm and a wall thicknese of 0.1 mm. Ceramic two-ehann~l eubes with a copp@r-constantan thermocouple were inatalled in them, where th~re were four holee 0.2 mm in diemeter for air byF~ase 1n front of the thermocouple i.n the eide walls of th~ main tube. A15', of the thermocouples were positioned in the game plane. Both comba aer?t installed on a mounting ring at the end of the cylindricsl portion of the s~lid of revolution eo that the positioning of the receiving openinge ' of the pitot tubea and thermocouple probes corresponded to the last heat senaor, and were epaced 22� apart about the periphery. The dimeneione of the combs, the number of probes, as well as their spacing with reepect to the surface of the aolid of revolution, which wae cloeer near the wall, made it poesible to conduct rather detailed measurements of the velociLy and temperature profilea in the boundary layer in all modes to determine the integral characteristics. The meaeuremente of the velocity and tempera- ture prof iles in the boundary layer were carried out under eteady-etate thermal conditions on both an adiabatic and a cooled aurface of the eolid of revolution. Their re8ult~ vere u~ed to determine the dieplacement thick- ness, the momentum thickness aad the energy losa thicknese for two values of the d3mensionless surface temperature: T~/7Cr ~ 1 and 0.36. Pigurea 5; references 5. 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 i ~r FOR OPPICTAL USB ONLY U33R UDC 629.78.015s532.526 ~ ~ ON THE CALCULATION Of~ ~OUNDARX LAYBR AT A TRIANCULAR PLATL FOR THE CASE OF 3TRONG VI3COU3 INTERACTION ~ Ramenekoye UCHENYYE 2APISKI T3ENTRAL'NOGO AEROOIDRODINAMiCHPSKOGO INSTITUTA (Scient3fic Mnale of Central ~erohydrodynamics Inetitute~ in Ruosian Voi 9 No 5~ 1978 pp 65-70 ~ DUDIN, G. N. ~ ~ ~From RBFBRATIVNYY 2HURNAL, RAKETOST1t0YENIYB No 4, 1979 Abeerect No 4.41.~0) ~ (Text] The resuita of a numerical eolution using the ralaxation method are � given for the equations of a three-dimeneional boundary layer at a triangu- lar plate in tihe atrong viecou~ interaction :aode for the caee of symmetrical fiow around the plate and where an angle of elip exists. The existence of rerurn tranevers~ f~lowe in the boundary layer is noted~ where theee fiowe - correspond to boundary layer separation. In this caee, the otream lines axe noti sepatated from the surface of the body by distancee eignif icantly greater than the thiclmeBe of the bouudary layer. The xesults of the numeri- ~ c~al calculatione are compared With experimental data attd the results of cai- culatione performed by the intiagrai method. Figures 5; referencee 10. ~ t . USSR UDC 629.78.015:533.6.011.55 ~ THREE-DIt~NSIONAL HYPERSONIC FLOW OF A RAREFIED GAS AROUND A PLATE ~ Ramenakoye UCHENYYE ZAPISKI TSENTRAL'NOGO AEROGIDRODINAMICHESKOGO INSTITUTA (Scientif ic Annals of Central A~arohydrodynamics Inetit~:te] Yn Rueeian Vol 9 No 5, 1978 pp 77-83 . YEROPEYEV, A. I. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, RAKETOSTROYEIIIYE No 4, 1979 Abstract 4.41.69] [Text] The reaults of Monte-Carlo calculatione of the aerodynamic charec- teriatice and floa field around rectangular a~d triangular platee are given for the case of valuea of Mach and Reynolds numbere of M= 10 and 20 Re~ ~ < 30, and attack angles of 0� and 15�. The calculationa were performed for a monatomic gas. The collieion croes-section of the molecules aas assumed _ constant (the moleculea were eolid epheres). The results are compared aith calculated data for the case of plates of i~nfinite extent. Figures 6; ref- erencee S. 30 FOR OFFICIAI. IISE ONLY - ~ i ~ Y _ . . . . . . ~ . . . . . i,.~ :v+,._..-}:=ks -y-..:,_. . _ . ' ~ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY Ugg~ UDC 629.78~015:536~7 AN APPROXIMATE METKOD FOR E3TIMATING T1EIE LC33 OF MA3S OF THE KEAT PROTECTIVE COATING OF�A BPACE VEHICLE DURING ~T3 ABLATYON YN THE ATMO5~H~1tL Ramenskoye UCHENYYE ZAPISKI T3ENTRAL'NOGO AEROGIDRODINAMICHL~3KOG0 IN3TUTA (3ciantiific Annals of Central Aerohydrodynamice Inetiture] in Ruesian Vol 9 No 5, 1978 pp 133-135 KKONYAYEV, V. G. (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNA~L~ 1tAKETOSTROYENIYE No 4, 1979 Abetract No 4.41.64~ (Te~,cC~ A ei.mple relationehip ia derived to eetimate the mase loes of a heat pr~~tective coating of an axially symmetric vehicle due to ablation during ae:odynamic braking in thg atmosphere, baeed on Newton's etreamline �low theory and an energy model for space vehicle ablation, the ehape of which ie aegmental. A comparison of the derived formula with the resuite of cal- culations ahows that for a more precise agreement with nwnerical data, it is suff icient to introduce one correction factor into the derived equ~tion. Figure 1; referencee 4. USSR UDC 621.039.52:536.2.001.5 ON THE PROBLEM OF NONSTEADY-STATE CONVECTIVE HEAT EXCHANGE IN THE TURBULENT FLOW OF AN INCOMPRESSIBLE LIQUID. THE CONVEC~IVE HEAT EXCHANGE EQUATION Moscow VOPROSY ATOIrIldOY NAUKI I TEKHNIKISERIYA FIZIKA I TEKHNNIKA YADERNYKH REAKTOROV [Problema of NuclEar Science and Technology Seriea on Reactor Physics and Technology] in Ruseian No 4/4, 1978 pp 58-82 TOKARENKO, Z. F. [From REFERATIVNYY ZKURNAL, YADERNYYE RAKTORY No 5, 1979 Abatract No 5.50.58] [Text] The propertiea of an operator are atudied, the action of which on ~ the temperature head determines the nonsteady-state thermal flux at the wall of a channel. The region where this operaCor is not bounded da aecer- tained. In the general case, the noneteady-state thermal flux is determined by a system of differential equations, which consist of three firat order differential equations. Estimates are derived for the range of application of both this system and its varioua approximatione for the calculation of ~ convective heat exchange. The resulta of calculating the nonsteady-state convective heat exchange using the syetem of equations and using the energy transfer equation are con?pared for the case of turbulent flow in a cylindri- cal channel, and the resulta of calculationa based on the eyatem of equations are also compared with experimental data. Figures 8; tablea 5; referencea 13. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 I+OR OFFYCIAL USg ONLY Mechanice of . . U3SR UDC 629.76.017.2 THE ZNFLUENCE OF A LIQUID OF VARIABLE MASS IN THL CAVITY OF A FLIQHT VEHICLE ON IT3 MOTION ~N NONYN~1tTIAL ~ItAML~5 OF Yt~~E1t~NCL Alma-Atia SBORNIK PO VOPROSAM t~KHANTKI I PRIKLADNOY MATEMATIKI [Co1lecCion on Probleme of Mechanics and Applied Mathematice] in Ruseian 19~8 pp 12-15 1t~TIVOTA, L. b. and SAPA, V. A. ; (From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL~ RAKET03TROYENIYE No 4, 1979 Abetract No 4.k1.60 by T. A. Ye.] [Text] The problem of the translationel motion of a rocket with reapect to the earth ie analyzed. The rocket is modeled by a solid body with a s3mply ~ cannected cavity, partly filled with an ideal homogeneous~liquid. In the study of the motion, the question of accounting for the no~tinertial nature of the earth, related to ita rotation on its axie~ is poeed. Since the mo- ; tion is translational, the problem reduces to etudying the motion of any point of the rocket and the influence that*the liquid mov3ng in the cavity has on ite parameters (tra~ecCory and velocity). The caviCy of the rocket " ia simulated by a parallelepiped of apecif ied dimeneions. The model of tha ~ � motion is chosen so that the change in the ehape of the free eurft~ce ie dis- ~ regarded, which is aesumed to be horizontal and have a height h(t) from the ~ base of the parallelepiped. It ia also aesumed that the law governing the change in the height of the free surface ie determined by the laa governing ~ the change in the liquid mase. The liquid can escape through an opening : in the baee of the parallel~piped. With this formulation of the problem, ' �hydrodynamic equations are not used. The proble~m is eolved for the follow- ing epecial casea. 1. The maes of liquid in the cavity changes linearly f(t) - lat. There ie no reactive force. 2. The maes of liquid in tihe t cavity changes exponentially, f(t) ~ E'at. The relative lateral velocity ; of the escaping liquid is colinear with the vector of the tranelational mo- ; tion of the rocket. The velocity and acceleration of.the liquid relative to the walls of the cavity ar~ determined in terms of the average velocity f of liquid f1ow. References 2. 32 FOR OFFICIAL OSE ONLY ;i i; . _ ; , . . _ _ . . , . - . . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850ROOQ1 QOQ8Q040-8 ,N~ , F'OR OFFZCZAL USE ONLY USSR UDC 629.78.076.6 THE MOTYON IN TEIE CENTRAL F'I~LD OF A FvIGEtT VEHICLE WIT~t A CYLINDRICAL CAVITY PARTIALLY FZLLED WITH A LIQUID SUBJLCT TU THE ACTION OF A TANGENTIAL FORCE Alma-ACa SBORNIK PO VOPROSAM MEKHANIK~ I PRIKLADNOY MATEMATIKI (Collection on Probleme of Mechanics and Applied Maehematics) in Rusaign 1978 pp 15-18 RETIVOVA, L. D. and SAPA, V. A. ~From REFERATIVN'YY 2HURNAL RAKETOSTROYENIYE No 4, 1979 AbsCract No 4.41.61 by T. A. Ye.~ (Text] The motion in the centr~l f3eld of a flight vehicle carrying a 1lquid load is analyzed. A eolid body with a cavity 3n the form of a right circular cylinder ie used as the dynamic model of the flighC vehicle. The cavity ie partially filled with a homogeneous'ideal incompreesible liquid. IC follows from the derived aolution that to decreaee the~influence of the liquid, the cavity is to be arranged so that the genergtrix at every point in time ie directed along the normal to the tra~ectory of motion. A cavity which ia completely filled has no influence dn the motion of the vehicle. Referencee 4. CSO: 1861 - E~ - 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080040-8