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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000100100034-2 ~ ~ i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 NoR oFF~cin~, usF: nNi.v JPRS L/8725 - 22 October 1979 - Lati n A~erica Re ort ~ p (FOUO 11 /79) - FBIS FOR~IGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVIC~ : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I 1 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, an~. material enclosed in brackets 3re supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informati.on was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- ~ _ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an . item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in n~ way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content - call (703) 351-2643, ~ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.A.TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ JPRS L/8725 22 October 1979 LATIN AMERICA REPORT (FOUO 11/79 ) CONTENTS PAGE IPdTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS Puerto Rican Independence Issue Reported by 'PRELA' (PRELA, various dates) 1 Mari Bras Press Conference, by Francisco Ramirez Mari Bras on Prisoners Mari Bras Release Demanded PSP Leader Solidarity Call Nicaraguan Education Group Begins Talks With Authorities (PRELA, 24 Sep 79) 6 AKGCNTINA - 'YOMIURI` Reporter Interviews Argentina President Videla (Otaka; YOMIURI SHIMBUN, 13 Sep 79) 7 Current I.eftist Trends Forcing Nation To Stand Al~ne (Mariano Grondona; CARTA POLITICA, 23 Aug 79) 8 CUBA - Carlos Franqui Discusses Political Prisoners (L'EUROPEO, 6 Sep 79) 12 PERU Briefs Romanian Buses Yurchased 14 Aid to Dominican Republic 14 - a - [III - LA - 144 FOUO~ . FOR OFFICIAL JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 FOR OFI'ICIAL USE ONLY INTER-AMERIC~'~N AFFAIRS ~ PUERTd RICAN INDEPENDENCE ISSUE REPORTED BY 'PRELA' , Mari F~ras Press Conference - ~ Havana PRELA in Spanish 1527 GMT 6 Sep 79 PA ~ [Article by Francisco RamiY�ez] [Text] Havana, 6 Sep (PL)--U.S. President ~ames Carter will be met with ehe biggest protest demonstration of his life during his announced trip to Puerto Rico, if he does not release the four imprisoned Puerto Rican nationalists first. Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP) Secretary General Juan Mari Bras made this warning at a press conference here today. Carter is planning to visit Puerto Rico in March 198U to start off the Democratic Party primary election campaign. Mari Bra is currently in H~vana heading the PSP delegation to the sixth nonal.ined summit which opened 3 September. His organization has been an obscrver since .1975. He accused Carter of showing little diligence in implementing his much- publicized human rights campaign in the case of Lolita Lebron, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Irving Flores and Oscar Collazo, all of whom have been imprisoneel in the United States for more than 25 years. - According to Mari Bras, after a few slight amendments dealing with style, ~ the Latin American group approved the proposal suggesting that the conference adopt the paragraphs on solidarity with Puerto Ric~, included in the draft final declaration prepared by Cuba, the host country. In accordance with that basic docunent, the ch~.efs of state or of government must reiterate their solidarity with Puerto Rico's struggle and with its _ inalienable right to self-determination, independence and territorial integrity. ' 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 FOR OFFICIAL [JSF ONI.Y I A resolut~Ion tc this effect was approved on 15 August, for the second i consecutive year, by the UN Decolonization Committee. ~ , The sixth nonalined summit's draft final declaration also demands that Washington cease all political or repressive maneuvers aimed at perpetuat- - ing Puerto Rico's colonial status. The United States has cccu}~ied the island since 1898. ~ According to Mari Bras, this is the first time the Latin American group has agreed to include a demand that the four Puerto Rican nationalists be released. . He announced that his delegation has proposed the inclusion of a paragraph on the occupation of Vieques Island, whi~h the U.S. Navy uses a7atarget range. At the press conference he announced that Pedro Baiges, a memb~_r of. the PSP Central Committee and the Puerto Rican delegation to the ncmalined ~ summit, will be faced with a warrant of arrest upon returning to San Juan = _ for his participation in recent popular protests on Vieques Island. Mari Bras added that the recent UN resolution constitutes a confrontation between the international community and the U.S. Congress, which a few days ago approved a resolution on Puerto Rico's self-determination. The pro-independence leader revealed that his party will participate in the 1980 elections in Puerto Rico, even though like those of 1976 when his son was assassinated, they will most probably be characterized by repres- - sion of pro-independence and anti-annexationist forces. The representatives of some 100 countries, who will be in attendance at - the Second International Confere~ce of Solidarity with Puerto Rico, scheduled for November in Mexico, must argani2e a permanent conrdinating mAchanism for that solidarity, he went on to say. Mari Bras on Prisoners ~ Havana PRELA in English 2305 GMT 7 Sep 79 PA [Text] Havana, Sep 7(PL)-,The first tangible victory of this sixth summit has been the unconditional release of four Puerto Rican patriots imprisoned for over a quarter of a century in the United States, declared Juan Mari - Bras, secretary general of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. "It has been precisely the knowledge on the part of the United States " Goverrunent that the unity of this sixth summit would come out for the release of ourfour compatriots that has led to the U.S. presid~:ntial move in releasing them," he said. The first sneaker at today's morning session, called attention to the escalation of persecutions and repressions in Puerto Rico and asked for solidarity with 21 arrested persons whom he called the "next political prisoners to fall victim to U.S. imperialism in Puerto Rico." , 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY He said that amon~ these 21 persons arrested when they protested U.S. Navy ~ maneuvers on Vieques, Puerto Rican Island Municipality, arz nona].ined delegation member Pedro Baiges Chaple and Bishop Monsignor Entulio Parrilla. He asked for solidarity with those persons and the efforts of F'uerto Rico to attain sovereignty and independence. riari Bras asserted that the independence struggle deserves the solidarity of those who struggle all aver the world since Puerto Rico is the most important imperialist colony in our era and the power of the er,ipire is concentrated there. "Fighting for the independence of Puerto Rico is fighting moder.n imperialism at its level," he said. Mari IIras recalled that U.S. investments in Puerto Rico are foiir and a}~alf - times greater than in the rest of the Caribbean. "While they invest four billions in the Caribbean, in Puerto Rico the~~ have 18'billion dollars invested, around half their total investment in Latin America," he said. Puerto Rico, he continued, is a military bastion for aggressions on sister nations of the Caribbean, Latin America and other regions." The PSP leader reiterated that t.he basic formulation for independence is ~ grounded on the principles of resolution 1514 (XV) of the United Nations on the unconditional transfer of powers to th2 people of Puerto Rico, Mari Bras said that "the time has come for the world to refuse to be de- _ ceived by the mechanism created by the already--discredited apparatus of empirc." ' Tliey are instruments for the perpetuation of colonial rule, he declared, _ In addition it must be said that in the case of Puerto Rico the United States does not have to consult.with anyone, he said. Only when the people of Puerto Rico have all their due powers will they be able to enjoy full sovereignty, he added. Mari Bras spoke of the struggle in process for the independence of Puerto Rico both in the island and in the United States, to which around two-fifths of the Puerto Rican people have been forced to emigrate. "Wliile there exists in the world a colony like Puerto Rico, i.mperialism will have a hope and it will still be a threat, which is why we call for solidarity aid for a people who want to be free of the most powerful imperialism in the world" declared the head of the Puerto Rican delegatiun to the sixth nonalined summit. ~ 3 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY He reiterated support to the peoples fighting for their frePdom., stressed - what he called th~ "dawn of Grenada" and underscored Cuban support for the Puerto Rican cause. Mari Bras Release I)rm;indc~cl Havana PRELA in Spanish 1210 GMT 25 Sep 79 PA [Text] Havana, 25 Sep (PL)--The Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP) has - urged all progressive forces of the �world to demand the release of PSP Secretary General J.uan Mari Bras, who has been arrested in San Juan. The appeal was ~ade by Felipe Circino, PSP de].egate to the ceremony to close the activities in Cuba in solidarity with the independence struggle in Puerto Rico. After noting that for 81 years of colonial domination the Puerto Rican ~ pec~ple have been the victims of brutal repressiott by the U.S. occupation authorities, Cirino demanded a worldwide campaign to obtain Mari Bras' - release. The independence leader was sent to the Rio Piedras peni.tentiary when he - refused to recognize the authority of a U.S. court which imposed a fine of $5,000 on him. Cirino said that over 8 decades of conquest and political, cultural, economic and social domination have not abolished his people's right to freedom. The PSP leader paid tribute to the men who 111 years ago rose up in arms for the Fr.eedom of Puerto Rico and in whose memory the new generation is fighting today to achieve final independence. The withdrawal of the U.S. Marines from the Island Municipality of Vieques - has become a decisive goal of the Puerto Rican fighters, he said. He added that s~veral Puerto P.i.cans have been arrested on charges of having stepped an the soil of their fat;~erland in Vieques to protest the abuses to _ which their compatriots are sub3ected in that ar~a. Jorge Lopez Pimentel, chairman uf the Cuban committee fc~r the rF�lease of - Puerto Rican political prisoners, hailed the release of Loi~ca Lebron, Oscar Collazo, Rafael Cancel Miranda and Irving Flores as the result of _ worldwide solidarity. Lopez Pimentel added that the solidarity of all mankind and the direct , result of a Puerto Rico in arms led to the overwhelming success of that worthy cause. - 4 ~ ~ . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "Tlie mc~st st~ameEul imprisonment that can be attributed to any ~overnment ha;~ ended and the vigorous firmness, the resolute intelligence which has ch;iracterized the Puerto Rican nationalist prisoners, as well as their unc~uestionable daring, remain as banners of the struggle," Lopez Pimentel added. - to the second conference of solidarity to be held in Mexico in late November, Lopez Pimentel said the occasion will be an eloquent testimonial of the extent to which progressive men of the world support the just cause of Puerto Rican independence. PSP Leader Solidarity Call Havana PRELA in Spanish 0230 GMT 39 Sep 79 PA [Text) Panama City, 29 Sep (PL)--Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP) Secretary General Juan Mari Bras today asked the WPC to redouble its sol.idarity with that Caribbean country and denounced a new escalation of repression on the part of the United States, In a message sent from a maximum-security prison in Puerto Rico, where he is currently imprisoned, the independentist leader indicated that his incarceration and that of 17 other patriots is the direct result of the intensification of U.S. repression against those fighting to br_ing to an end U.S. bombings and naval maneuvers in the island-municipality of Vieques. "The struggle to expel the navy from Vieques," he noted, "cons*_itutes a specific and dramatic manifestation of Puerto Rico's increasin}; national _ awareness and of the will t.o obtain full sovereignty and independence f.or Puerto Rico." After acknowledging that for the WPC, solidarity with Puerto R:ico has been a consistent principle, Mari Bras requested "the utmost solidai-ity in order to help overcome imperialist maneuvers." Accc~rding to the PSP secretary general, he was imprisoned because he refused to turn in his passport or to promise to remain in the country in exchange - for his release on bail. In his message Mari Bras also salutes the WPC's decision to meet in Panama, "a place in Latin America, which to a large extent synthetizes our aspira- tions foi� peace, respect for the sovereignty of all peop.les and liberation. The use of Latin American soil by the United States and its armed forces, against the will of the peoples, constitutes a flagrant violation of the mosr_ elemental human rights of those peoples and a constant,threat to world peace, he added. Juan Mari Bras was slated to begin a tour through several Latin American countries to organize and promote the second international conference of solidarity with Puerto Rico's independence to be held shortly in Mexico, ~ CSO: 3010 5 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i ~ -i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104434-2 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ INTER-AMERICAN ArrAT12S ~ NICARAGUAN EDUCATION GROUP BEGINS TALKS WITH AUTHORITIi,S Havana PRELA in Spanish 2231 GMT 24 Sep 79 PA ~ [TextJ Havana, 24 Sep (,PL)-~The Nicaraguan education delegation visitinq Cuba today initiated an intense program of discussions wit~i Cuban authorities. These discussions will culminate with the sig~ning of cooperation agreements ' between the two countries. I - The Nicaraguan delegation, totaling 18 persons, is headed by Fernando Cardenal, I national coordinator of the literacy campaign, and by Mariano ~'iallos, rector i of the National Autonomous University ef Nicaragua (UNAM}. i Cardenal told PRENSA LATINA that Nicaragua is committed to a literacy , _ campaign called "heroes and martyrs of the liberation." Other delegates have stated that they have come to Cuba for the purpose of seeking advice - and support in the fields of higher education, literacy and primary school education. During their stay in Cuba, that began yesterday and will end � Saturday, the Nicaraguan delegation and the Cub an authorities will put the final touches on the cooperation agreement talks that were initiated last month in Managua when Cuban officials visited that capital. Part of the Nicaraguan delegation is from the university.'s political i committee and is made up of. two UNAM officials, rwo professors, two studen~ts and two workers. This group initiated its work sessions today at Cuba's ; Higher Education Ministry. Today the representatives of the Nicaraguan literacy campaign were briefed ~ throughout the day on a similar campaign carried out in Cuba in 1961. Meanwhile a third group, composed of inemb~rs of the National Association - of Nicaraguan Teachers, will hold meetings with Cuban leaders of the National Union of EducatiQn and Science and oF various schools of the University of Havana. Cuba will give Nicaragua advice in th~ fields of literacy campaigns, _ educational programs and structures and functioning of higher education, and approximately 1,000 primary teachers will go to Nicaragua to contribute to the education of children in rural areas. I I- 6 � ; CSO; 3010 ( FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ I ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104434-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ARGENTINA - `YOMIURI' REPOATER INTERVIEWS ARGENTINE PRESIDENT VIDELA Tokyo YOMIURI SHII~UN in Japanese 13 Sep 79 Morning Edition p 2 OW [Arricle by Correspondent Otaka] [Excerpts] Buenos Aires, 11 Sep--Argentine President Videla, who is scheduled to make an official visit to ~apan in early October, granted aii interview to ' = the Japanese Press Corps in Buenos Aires on 11 September. Concerning the - purpose of his forthcoming visit to J~pan, he stressed: "I intend to hold direct talks with Jaganese officials in the political, economic, sociai and cultuzal fields and discuss ways to promote understand~ng and strengthen co- ~perative relations between our t~%o countries." With respect to economic relations in particular, Videla empna~ized: "On the occasion of my visit, I want to bring our rautually depend~nt and compl~mentary relations to per- fection." As a concrete example of such efforts, he said, Argentina wants ' Japan to introduce its technology and capital into the country in order to develop agriculture and livestock, Argentina's two ma~or industries. As - regards Japanese cooperation, he enumerated the following three pro~ects that require Early settlement: 1) expans:ton of the state-run (SOMISA) iron works; 2) fisheries off Patagonia; and 3) electrification of the (ROCA) railway. � Concerning the significance of his visit to Japan, Videla said: "Tradition- ally, Argentina has leaned toward Europe. But, since interrelationships ~ have deepened among nations in the presen~ world, we want to promote good ~ relations with all nations." ~ Argentina, Videla said, wants Japan to play a complementary r~~le in develop- ing transportation and communications, which are needed to increase produc- tivity in agriculture and livestock. He said: "Argentina has abundant natural resources such as food and energy, and it is obligation to provide these resources to the whole world. We would like Japan to cooperate in . the development of our industry so we can discharge this obligation." CSOs 4105 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104434-2 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ARGENTINA CURRENT LEFTIST TRENDS FORCING NATION TO STAND ALONE Buenos Aires CARTA POLITICA in Spanish 23 Aug 79 pp 78-79 - /Article by Mariano Grondona, editor of Carta Politica/ /Text/ Here is a list of facts whose joint appearance on the political scene, dPmands some type of explanation: 1. xn Quito, the Fresidents of E~enezuela, Colombia and Ecuador and the foreign ministers of Peru and Bolivia have just signed the so-called Quito Declaration, which is nothing more than a call to crusade for the immediate implantation of democracy in all Latin America. In this way, the Andean Pact, which until yesterday was only an economic collection of nations of diverse political leanings--civilian Venezuela and Colombia, military the rest of those named and Chile which no longer belongs to it--becomes an ideologically belligerent political alliance. 2. The Andean Pact had anticipated this new vocation by leading support for Sandinism in Nicaragua. As is known, Sandinism is an unstable, explosive mixture of three currents: pro-Soviet Marxism, independent Marxism and social democracy. The fact is that by bringing about the replacement of � Somo�r,a by the Sandinist Front in Nicaragua, the Andean Pact nations, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, the United States--that is, the bulk of the inter-American _ system--clearly marked their preference for a Marxist risk if it is the alternative to authoritarianism of the right. > 3. As a consequence of the events in Nicaragua, the other Central American anticommunist autocracies--E1 Salvador, Honduras and are still deprived of American military aid by Preside~t Carter's decision, will have to evolve rapidly and perhaps catastrophicall, toward hurried elections or face shortly considerable guerrilla challenges with inter-American support. 4. Carter is dying politically and the success of the democrats in the American presidential elections of November 1980 is no longer probable in view of the progress of the center right in Western developed countries that has already been uerified in recent electi.ons in the United Kingdom, Canada, the European parliament and the Italian parliament. Therefore, i~ is expected that those sectors of the State Department and the American 8 FOR OFFICIE~;, USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104434-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Congre~s which have pushed the strategy of destablizing autocratic and anticommunist regimes will speed up their actions in the coming months in order to utilize to the fullest what could very well be their last stretch of puwer. - 5. 'Che destabilization campaign which President Carter started in Latin . America under the protection of human rights has already produced the Eollowing results: (1) In Santo ~7emingo, the strong man, President Balaguer, was replaced by social democrat Guzman; (ii) In Brazil, the so-called "decompression,"--a gradual procedure of controlled political opening by the military power--runs the risk of becoming an "uncorking," in the Spanish style, insofar as it could get out of '.iand as a result oF the military power's efforts to be included amo:~g the continent's democratic nations and not become a barget of the destabilizing campaign; (iii) In Ecuador, Jaime Roldos' populism has succeded over the military , regime; (iv) In Peru, the political parties are confronting tl-~e withdrawin; Armed ~ Forces with a constitution the latter do not accPpt, with general elections being forecast for the coming year; (v) In Bolivia there has been a succession of president-ial elections, = without any solution in sight (one last year, anoc:~er one this year, a third one next year), with possibilitizs of success for Siles Zuazo's ~ leftist Front; (vi) In Nicaragua the optimists grant some possibiiity to the social democrats. The pessimists assure that all Carter can exp~ct the,re is that the communist victory "will not be evident" before the AmE~rican elections; (vii~ As we said before, the fate of E1 Salvador, Honduras and Guatemd'.a is uncertain; (viii) Mexico, like Brazil, manages to be admitted among the block of democratic nations despite its being in no way a democracy through a marked turn to the left, especially in the international field; (ix) Finally, corresponding reports draw attention to Paraguay's future, stressing the recent declarations of an Argentine subversive in Nicaragua, who said that the proximity of a"sanctuary country" is essential for the guerrilla. Costa Rica was the "sanctuary country" for Nicaragua. We11 informed s~urces supvose rhat the Bolivian "chaco" could soon become the sanctuary country for~Paraguay. Situated in the heart of the last great anticommunist area of Latin America, Stroessner's Paraguay c~uld be, accord- ing to these stories, the next objective of the distabilizers. Obviously we ! must point out, in addition, the proximity of the Paraguayan and Argentine ~ "chacos." 9 FOR OFFICIr~L USE UNLY i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104434-2 rok us~ oNi,Y i I 6. ^,'he by-no-means innocent mention of Argentina among the counrries which i ~ cuu I cl I~~~ve (ncldk~nts wi th the United States in the report inEorming of the ~ , ncrw ~merican ~ggretisiveness :in other countries' territorial waters, as well ' ~~ti tlie imminent arrtval of the OAS Commission on Human Ri.ghts would seem to clirec:t tt~e pressure toward our beaches. As far as 4~hat is important, essential, the lisC stops her�e. Certainly there are few countries that do not find themselves driven in one way or ; another by this "wind toward the left" which in Latin America, as opposed to the deve~oped West tries to become dominant. Should we enumerate them? Uruguay, Chile, Argentina... The situation is similar in more than one way to that of the forties when western chose to work with (Soviet) communism rather than cooperate with the authoritarianism of the righti (nazism, fascism), putting , nations such as Argentina in a delicate situation. At the beginning of the forties, Argentina wanted to maintain its neutral position despite the Amexi.can pressure in favor of a war against the Axis powers. There were - also ideological undertones: after all, Ramon Castillo's government, being a civilized western regime, was closer to authoritarianism of the right than - to communism. Today, Jorge Rafael Videla's government is, in turn, a western and c:ivilized regime which is very far from the personal, lifetime and dynastic dictatorships of the ~aribbean or Central America. The~e is no doubt, however, that for the Argentines of today the main enemy is the left. Its i.mage is the ERP /Revolutionary People's Arm~/, the Montoneros, and for this reason it would be very difficult to approve of a policy which would ct~oose to risk communism in our region as a lesser evil than an authoritar- ianism of the right. Their option would rather be the opposiCe. The philosophic basis for the Quito Declaration could be stated in two sentences: first, "democracy now;" second, "anything rather than autocracy of the right." Those propositions are vulnerable. Counter to the idea that democracy is an all or nothing "bet" played in the elections following a military coup, Argentines of 1979 are developing the thesis that democracy is a construction, a way, which is followed gradually and carefully. This is because we come from not one but several experiments of "democracy now." We do not want to repeat them. We are not for this less democratic. Maybe we are more: this time we want to be sure. As far as the anti-authoritarian fobia expressed in Nicaragua by the total support of a front whose major component is Marxism, Argentina defines its main enemy in the opposite way. For those signing in Quito, the main enemy is "dictatorship," that is, the autocracy of the right. For Argentina, it is "totalitarianism." From the first one, which is also condemnable, one can return, however. The auto- cracy of the right leaves in private hands culture and production. There is no irreversible, totalitarian and "total" dictatorship other than Marxism. The waters are divided and we remain on this side of a developing ideological frontier. We remain, in addition, in a minority, almost alone. We do not know for how long, since for the center right which has been succeeding in the developed West, communism again become the principal enemy. 10 FOR OFFICIE,:. USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100144434-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � This is not tne time, it seems, to relent. Perhaps it will never be the time, because a nation such as ours cannot accept lectures in political life from leaders who are the product of occasional situations or passing crises. Must we listen in silence to the democratic lecture of those who cannot even show a tradition in this matter si~nilar to ours? No: to each his own. Argentine perserverence must becor~e even more entrenched with the suspicion ~ that this sudden flurry of the ~:nter left and the left will spe~d up, like music, in its finale. In a year, perhaps the picture will have changed decisively. - In the forties inter-American pressures led us to two mistaken attitudes. One, submission. The other, exploitation. Argentina was finally led to . sign a declaration of war in an act better left forgotten. Right after, - howe~er, a certain politician turned this pressure into a banner which he used in domestic battle--"Braden o...." Neither *_he one nor the other, ~ or better, the opposite. This time let us be firm and prudenti. Let no one dictate to us our own rhythm toward democracy. On the other hand, let nobody turn into a party or personal banner what will be, like the guerrilla, the World and the Beagle, another providencial opportunity for domestic ~ cohesion. While she remains with us, let us t~,reat Mrs Loneliness simply like gentlemen. _ CGPYRIGHT: Carta Politica, 1979 9341 CSO: 3010 11 FOR OFFICII~:. USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 ~ F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY i - I ~ CUBA � I - ~ , CARLOS FRANQUI LISCUSSES POLITICAL PRISONERS _ Milan L'EUROPEO in Italian 6 Sep 79 p 87 [Text] Fidel Castro sen~'~s his political prisoners to Puerto Boniato, the y same prison to which he w~as sent by Batista in 1953. ~ Puerto Boniato is an old prison, from the colonial period, in Santiago di Cuba. It has the reputation of being the darkest and most sinister prison on the island. One hundred political prisoners have been sent there after - being imprisoned previously in the Combinado del Este, the new socialist prison in Havana. They were chosen from amon,~ the most important prisoners. Am~ng them is Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, the former guerilla commander (of whose hunger strike we spoke in L'EUROPEO No 27, in this same ~.olumn): of Spanish nationality, he comes from a family of anti-Fascists, with two heroic fighters killed in battle; the first one against Franco and the second against Batista, while he was leading the assault on the presidential - palace. And now he is in Puerto Boniato, the same prison where, according to data gathered by Amnesty International, several prisoners have died while being tortured and where the Catholic poet Armando Valladares also was transported and mistreaCed, even though he was sick. It is a prison which gives Cuba a very sad reputation, so numerous are the people who have been imprisoned there and in some cases who have died there. In July 1953, the then dictator Batista ordered that the still young Fidel Castro, who had 1ed the assault on the Moncada barracks, be imprisoned there. And there he tried to assassinate him. He was saved by - a lieutenant, Yanez Pelletier, who was later to become his aide de camp in 1959. This is how Castro recalls his days of prison, in the book "La Storia Mi Assolvera" [History Will Absolve Me]: "Although absent, I was able to follow the trial, in all its details, from my cell, through the ~collaboration of the entire community of Boniato prisoners, who, despite every threat of severe punishment, demonstrated every kind of ingenuity to deliver to me directly gathered news and information of every type. They avenged themselves in this way for the abuse and immoralities committed by the director Toboada." 12 FOR OFFICIA'L LTSE 0:~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100104434-2 FOR OFF~CIt~L USE ONLY The prisoners of Puerto Boniato .are invincible: they do not acknowledge their guilt, they have not confessecl, for years they have resisted the "reeducation" imposed by the jailers. Almost all of the~ fought against Batista, are fighting af;air~st Russification, m~iYitarization 3nd the lack of - freedom under Russo-Castroism. On ttie eve of the Conference cf Nonalined Nations, whicr: is being held in Havana, the regime decreed operation "cleanup," repainting the city, reor- - ganizing the streets, filling the empty shop windows and, naturally, cleaning up the city o� protestors, arresting them en masse. Castro him- self admitted recently that "nothing is working, neither labor nor schools, neither the hospitals r_or the economy nor the administration." 'It~o years have passed since Castro promised the reZease of poli.~ical pri- soners. Why now, on the eve of the conference, does he send th~~m f ar away from Havana? Why does he separate men who have gone through years of imprisonment together, like Hubert Matos, Valladares and still others? The regime is afraid of protests. The crime of the revolutionary prisoners is that of being witnesses to the regime's crimes. And Fidel Castro does not want them, not on the island nor abroad. The prisoner of Eoniato has - become the jailer of Boniato. What will history do now? Will it absolve - him? COPYRIGHT: 1979, Rizzoli Editore 8956 - CSO: 3104 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 PPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 STATINTEL APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100100034-2 STATINTEL