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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R0003000200'1'1-4 I ~ ~ , ~"t N i ~ i _ ~ ~ ~i~~~~T i~$~ ~ F~U~ ~3,~'8E~ ~ ~F APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ,1pRS L/9239 7 August 1980 ~ Wor~dwide Re ort p ~ NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS _ CFOUO 3'3/8~) . . Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR O~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 r _ NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, pe,�iodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions at~d broadcasts. Materia~s from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. ; Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] _ or'[Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the _ last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - prflcessed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - maCion was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parenthes~s. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the - original but hav~e been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes af the U.S. Government. For further informa.tion. on report content call (703) 351-2811. ~ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWDIERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINtiTION _ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY ' ~ JPRS L/9239 7 August 1980 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS - ~ (FOUO 33/80) CONTENTS Asia AUS TRALIA Laboratory Understaffing Delays Co~ittal in Heroin Case (THE COURIER-MAIL, 2 Ju]. 80) 1 Briefs - Kuranda Widow arges 2 - Drug Defendants Jailed 2 PAKIS TAN _ B riefs _ ~ Charas, Opium Seized 3 ~ P'H ILI PPINES ~ NBI Breaks Up Marihuana Syndicate (PH ILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS, 9 Jul 80) 4 ~iAILAN D Briefs - - Australian He roin Defendant 6 CANADA Editorial Supports Moderation of Marihuana Law (Editorial; 7HE GLOB E AND MAIL, 30 Jun 86) ~ Court Decision i3pholding B. C. Heroin Treatment Act : Criticized (Editorial; ZHE WEEKEND SUN, 21 Jim 80) 9 ' a ' [III - WW - 138 FOUO] Fa R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 rvn Ud'l'' U1L' ULVLY ' Decriminalj.zed' Dope Laws May Put More People in Jail (~iE VANCOtJVER SUN, 25 Jun 80) . . . . . . 11 Woman Jailed 7 Years in Hashish Case (Tony Cote; ~iE CITIZEN, 11 Jun 80) 12 Briefs Postal Workars Arrest~d 14 Long Drug Watch Fruitless 14 _ 10 Charged After Raids 14 RCI~ Seeks Drug Wat ch ~ - LATIN E~.,MERIGA ~ ARGEPdTINA Briefs 16 Coca Leaves Confiscated . Drug Traffickers Arrested 16 B OLIVIA Narcotics Board Charged With Irregularities " (PRESENCIA� various dates) . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Charges of Discrimination Board Denials License Applicants Given Extension GUYANA - Briefs 21 Thieves Steal Cocaine _ MEXI ~ ~ Drug Grawing, Trafficking Reduced by 90 Percen~t _ (EL FRONTERIZO, 22 Jim 8~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hig'n Court Denies Trafficker's Appeal for Protection _ (EL MANANA, 4 Jun 80) 24 Briefs 26 Most Traffickers Not Addicts 26 Pill Trafficker Capt~ur~d 26 ~ Four Pill Traffickers Arrested F - b - - FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 I - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NEAR EAS T AND NOR~i AFRI CA EGYPT - Narcotics Addiction on the In~crease Among Egyp*_'s Youth - ( AIdiB AR AL-YAWM, 3 May 80 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Lebanese Large-Scale Hashzsh Smuggl.ers Caugh.t in A"lexandria - (Muhammed 'Abd al-Maqsud; AIr-AKHBAR, 3 May 80)........ 30 WEST EUROPE CYP RUS - . Ztao Drug Traifi ckers Arrested (I MAKHI, 29 Jtm 80) 32 = DENMARK - R~ysician,Businessman Sentenced; Smuggled Hashish (BERLINGSKL TIDENDE, 8 Jul 80) 33 Arhus Clinic Director: Drug Usage in City Increases ~ (LAND OG FOLK, 5-6 Jul 80) 34 FINLAND _ Fielsinki Court's Biggest Hashish Case Concludes (HELSINGIN SANOMAT, 7 Jim 80) 36 Court Sentences Engineers in Amphetamine Lab Case (~iEISINGIN SANOMAT, 7 Jtai 80) 37 FRAN CE Acti~n Against Drug Use in Schools Discussed ( Charles Vial; LE MiDNDE, 2 Jul 80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Customs Offtcers' Drug Seizures Up ?0 Percent in Year ( (firistian Colombani; LE MONDE, 8 Jul 80) . . . . . 40 Briefs Orly : Cannabis ~Galore 43 T,rug Traffic Dismantled 43 Seizure of 203,Kg of Hashish 43 Hashish Discove�ry at Nice Airport 43 He~oin Traffit.ker Behind Bars 43 Iieroin in M,ulhouse 44 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 UNITED KINGDOM ` ~ - Corrupt Drug Detectives 'Have Escaped' ~ (Ian Henry; ZfiE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 9 Jul 80) 45 High-Speed Chase Results in Cocaine Seizure,~ Arrests ( John Weeks ; THE 11AILY TELEGRAP'H, 8, 9 Jul 80) 47 Cocaine Thrown Out Window Ex-Tory Candidate Held ~ � - ~ - d - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 , AUSTRALIA LABORATORY UNDERSTAFFING DELAYS CON~'lITTAL IN HEROIN CASE Brisbane THE COURIER-MA:LL in English 2 Jul 80 p 2 . [Text] A Brisbane magf- xoale, an analytical s t r a~ e, criticised crumjst rrom the. Com- C o l~t al~ on. ~ e& 1 t h mwrvealth's Sydney lab- orstory, bn a lengthy de- SUEhOtitlCS qC5t8Tday saalysing b qusn- - i0r the lack o! a clrllg t~tY of powder seized by analysis set~?ice - in .~uston,5 o~~ers ac sris- Brisbai~e. bt?ne Afiport on April 27. Mr C. Evans. S\~I, said Mr ~'ans aslced Noble ! he viewed with alarm~ a qhq. the, report on the situation in which. ~ Powder had noL been Co~nonaroslth ready in time for the . case wsa held up becavse hesring;~ ~rig3nsUq set of delsya at the Qom- dowa for_Ma~ 28. � m o a ta o-a 1 t h' s~y~i:y Nvble aaid. ~~'~t labora- aWslysia 1a~boratory. taiy wss understaffed. "8urelv ~rl.SDane is big "At the time we had e n o u g h io � hav~, sn a'ell over ~ 200 - Analysia ,servicr." t?e said. s s m p 1 e s a w s i t i n g. "Oli~; � eautcY ~iuintc : tt~ anstysis, and onlq two Com~tsor?weslCk~ canld,set chemists able to make ltp tur .analysb servf�e ~lY~'u," he satd. ~e; ~ � ~ , , . ooas ofiiciallp on' - ~ir�E'1%sria spoke durinR ~ other. i;uties and, at t'ie a coaQmtt91 hesrlnQ of first onvortunity. I made _ dsUg'ctYarges againat t~va~~ t9e analysis on 6he~ pew- 'BrfsDsae peaple. d~'." , . . Lee Clyde Lobban, 3Z; He sa3d, the .laboratory sYrttAUe deale~ of Ftyaa ~`F e c~i.v e d s s e s o! Rosd, Hill. B'nd;�~ ; requests. to eapedite Pa~'- leigh Bnnia Robertaori: ticular sampks. Ea many .24, tme~nplcyed, oi the' c~ea tt was uae~ld to. - aame addreeR. aae both: ~ co~A1P� . 'c'h s r g e d wi~II hsvin~ Brlebarce Airport Cus- b e e n knawiaQiy con~' ta~s oflicei; Faul ~ Allen, cerned wttli~the.impo?~ai . told thn rnurt 9esterday lze~roin ir~~to Austrella;-'' h~ es~mined Robertson's ind. ~vYth � ho?v,uig.~ pow::~.bsip,~n~e st,ter slie _ d(s-, sessed heroin impottad: ;embarked from Qantas� into Australla. ~ : ~.,;;~i~t 'QF'Z on _3undaY. - Tri'ey have entere~Y no? ~�April S7. , , � ' p(~ . FIe said a quantitjr oi Both Mr Evane~ end b's po wder was found . in a - R.A. Mulhollsnd ~~tor. ~~tactttpaete tube in Rob- R o h i n s o n 1 y,e3teraky` ' e r t s o n' a baggagr. The questioned closelY . ~~B is unfinialled: . . cso: 5300 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 AUSTRALIA BR~B KURANDA WIDOW CHARGES--The de facto wife of man shot dead at Kuranda during _ a drug raid wa,s allowed $1700 bail on four chaxges when she appeax~~d in Caixns - magistrates court yesterday. Coral Maxwell, unemployed, of Kuranda, faced three charges of attemp~ing to procure drugs with false prescriptirns and one - of being in possession of a dangerous drug. She was remanded until September 17, LText] [Canberra THE AUSTRALIAN in English 4~ Jul 80 p 2] DRUG ~IEE'ENDpa,NTS JAILED--Cairns.--Three men were jailed and 1~ other men and nine women were fined after appeaxing in Cairns Magistrate's Court yesterday _ on drug charges. Three women and two men were remanded to vaxious dates after plea,ding not guilty to drug charges. A Caisns CIB spokesma,n said the appear- ance by 31 people followez the Sunday a.rrests of 24 people on 33 charges and. the axrest of seven others on 13 charges yes~erd~y. The spakesma,n ~aid the - charges inclucZed possession of marih~.iana, possession of utensils, allowing 1 gremises to be used for ~naking a dangerous drug, possession of a dangerous drug, cultivating a prohi~6ited plant, selling a d.a.ngerous clrug and selling a prohibited plant. The 26 people dealt with yesterd.ay pleaded guilty. Fines - ranged from $50 to $800. George Michael Ypey, 21, unemployed, of no fixed _ address was jailed for 12 months on ~haxges of ha,ving sold maxihuana. Lewis Winston Spehr, 27, laborer, of Sheridan Street, Cairns, was jailed for a tatal ' of nine months on three charges of ha,ving sold a dangerous drug. Kenneth - Gregory McDonald, 19, unemployed, of no fixed address, was jailed for three - months on a chaxge of having sold a dangerous drug. [Excerpts] [Brisbane Tf~ COURIER-MAIL in English 1 Jul 80 p 13] - cso: 5300 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 , nAKISTAN BRIEFS CHARASy OPIUM SEIZED--Excise and LahoYe Range Crimes Police seized 5,430 grams of charas and 3,320 grams or opium worth Rs 3 lakh a:~d _ arrested four persons on Saturday. The raiding party arrested a noto- rious narcotic pedlar Sajjad Haider alias Jhando Shah and his accoma plice Rafique from Allama Iqbal Town and recovered 480 grams of charas from their possession. The investigations revealed that they purchased the charas from one Mohammad Akhtar of Changar Mohallah, Naulakha, who was also apprehended and 450 grams of charas and 1,010 grams of opium was recovered from him. Further investigation into the narcotic haul - led to the arrest of a Peshawar smuggler, Khan Bahadur, who was tempo- rarily residing at Ravi Road to look after the i].licit trade of charas and opium being smuggled from the Frontier Province to the city. Six hundred and sixty'grams of charas and 2,310 grams of opium were seized - - from the premises of the accused. All the four accused were booked under the Land Customs Act. [Text] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 6 Jul 80 p 10] ~ CSO: 5300 - 3 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 � PHILIPPINES NBI BREAKS UP MARIHUANA SYNDICATE Manila PHILIPPINES DAILY EXPRESS in English 9 Jul 80 pp 1, 2 [Text] Agents of the National Bureau of Investigation have busted a drug _ syndicate which they said was the biggest supplier of mari3uana in Luzon. NBI Director Jolly Bugarin said the group, which owns at least four mari- - juana plantations in the mount~inous areas in Northern Luzon, was the biggest supplier of prohibited plants in Metro Manila a.nd military bases _ in Central Luzon. At lea st seven members of the ring, including its broker, were arrested Monday by NBI agents during a raid in Benguet province. ~ _ The ra iding team, working for five months, seized 2,230 fully grown marijuana plants anci 63 kilos of half-dried mari~uana with a street value _ of about P3.5 million. Bugarin ideZtified those arrested as Rudy B. Lagman, 22, alleged broker, of La Trinidad, Benguet; R~nnie B. Morfil, 75; Morris A. Pas~gnor, 35; Tonis A. Senyo, 21; Benito L. Ec~~ng, 23; and Bello Hano, 22, all of Atok, - Benguet, and Efren M. Ditona, alle~d-pusher of Olongapo City. Onofre Manalad, NBI narcotics section chief, said the operation against the group started last March following the axrest of Corazon Fernandez in ~~ongapo City on charges of drug-pushing. Fernandez led NBI agents who posed as buyers to Ditona, also one of the - peddlers of the ring, Manaiad said. - The NB I said the undercover agents were later introduced by Ditona to Lagman in his house on Kilometer 19 in La Trinidad to place the order for mari j uana . According to Bugarin, the order was to be delivered last June but the NBI agents failed to return on that date. Three days later, whe~;Z the NBI agents contacted Lagman again to get their order, they were told the stuff was sold to somebody. _ - 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 , - Eugarin said the undercover agents placed another order for pick-up on July 2 at the house of Lagman. Last Monday, the age~ts returned to Lagman to get additional supply of the pl ants. This t ime, Lagman led them to the four plantations--two in Calasipan ~nd one each on Sanyangan and Paoay in Atok, Benguet--where they arrested the rest of the syndicate members. - The group was charged with violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act before _ _ the pr ovincial fiscal of La Trinidad. (PNA) CSO: 5300 ~ ~ ~ - 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 THAI'LAND BR~'S AUSTRALIAN HERO]N Il~E'NDANT--Bangkok, Nlonday.--A w6-year-old Australian girl = was arrested at Bangkok Airport yesterday and charged with illegal possesssion of heroin. Miss Kay Ayers was about to board a flight for Manila with her Bxitish travelling companion, Mr John Weatern, when customs officials seaxched them. The officials said later they had found 300 grams of top-grade heroin in Miss Ayer's clothing. They also claimed tha.t the couple who had arrived in Thailand two weeks ago had bought the heroin at Chiang Mai in northern Tha.iland. - They axe expected to appear in court on Friday. Bangkok police s~id Miss Ayers came from Toorak, Melbourne. Mr Weatern, who held a British passport, had been _ living in Australia, tl~ey said. ~Text] [Sydney TI~ SYDN~'Y MORIJING HERALD in English 8 Jul 80 p 1] = cso: 5;00 = 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 1 CANADA ~ EDITORIAL SUPPORTS MODERATION OF MARIHUANA LAW " Toronto THE GLOBE AN~ MAIL in English 30 Jun 80 p 6 ' [Editorial: "Marijuana, Revisited"] [ Text ] = It has been eigl.t long years ia~ ~ ~the stuff^will~ no longer be liable the making, but the. fedeaal Gov- (in law, if. rarel~; in practice) to a erc~ent i.g tinally~ hovering on the maximum penalty, by indict- - brtnk. of action~ apparently~~ pr~-- ment, af sev~n yearS' imprison- ~ pare~ to fuliill a proHnis~ fi~rs~ ment,. ~$2,000 fine, or bath or, . - espoused in 1972 - a promis~ ta~ by sunYmary conVlction,~ to two - bring sora~ reass~n, som~ justice Years' Imprisonm~nt, a, S1,OOQ - ar~d sor.zz order eo ~anada's un- fine, or boYh. reasonabl~. ~ w~iust and dis~or Th~ t~artn ihat has been caused- dered niari juana law~. Judging by current law far outweighs a~ty - by the rr's~~nse t.~~at Y~as- been real or pc~tential benefits. Oppre.s- - ~y~ so~~ y~ siye prohibitions against.marijua- - wmuk9 thlnlc the ~ederal Govern- na use~ ar~ not~ respected.; they . ment had de~tar~d~ its irit+ent~on to a~e. widEty fiouted and are inca- . ncake tI~ possession oP marl jua Pable of being eniorced. Worse, - - na legal, ar res~ectable, or zhey are utte=ly unsuited to the~ _ pralse~.~vurthTf. rlc~in~ o~ th~ st~rt. ~ravity af the ofience. Why, then, Instead, f~deraC Justice TV~iniste~ tar so~ long have we insisted ofi : - " Jean ~hretien has meredy ar~- 'retaiaing them? : noun~ed tha~ legisEati~ wili be Without que.stlon~ we have paid - intradsx~ed so reduce ~raalties for ~~~y ~ a grim prlce for our ` - ~OSSes,szor~ of scn~ll. $~mounts o~ obstinacy. We have 6'red disre- - marijuan~. � ~ spect for the law: We have brand- Such ~c~ion wiZ~ not make y~ung people - marijuana legal; ic will certainly wf~o, by any reaso~able interpre- - not make mar~juana re~pectabte.' tation of the terin~ were not ctinn - Poss~ssion tar personal . use �wtll ingls at all - ancl, no doubt, 6y so anntinue to be" a pw~t~t~able of b ttrem we have corF fence; traltiaking or importing d~~ soane t4 llves oi cdme.. - wilt continue to be a cr~me. Bvt at ~re ~Ye �~c~d tmreasonable teast arni at last t1~ outrageous c~emand.s on ttte tim~ and enneergy , excesses c3t our present law wiil o! the polic~� and af the courts --a be- moderst~. p~a~ple rna~victed ar~d, no doubt,:~ t~e praceaa hsve oi poss~ssing a trifl~g arr~ount oi impaired tt~eir abilitY ~ P~~ 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 ~ "and prevent really serious crIm~ - Far from inhibiting it. we hav~, actually ~n~arage~d the develop~. _ ment, (and enhanced the proflts}: of criminals organized. to distrib-b ute inarijuana ~ ~ - There is n~hing fn this t+ear.~d to be proud oi; ~ there is much~; . however, that can and must b~. - changed. So far, Ma~. CtireE.ien has' - been exceedingly vague concern~ ing the ainendments he ~vill pro~~ " pose. P~eaalties i~ simple pos~w~ sion will be reduced. Probably, ai~ ~imple systear of ticketing (simW - lar both in iorm and in severlty fd~ t6e payment of tu~es fo~ mino~ fraffic violado~s) wfll repl~ce ti~r_ time~co~sumiAg~ and intimidat#u~ ~ courtroosrr ~ procedure~ no~ em-, ~piuyed. Presumably~ the m~ _ mum-sentence r~quiremern toi^ = imgorting oNences (atL absar~ ~ seveei-year m7nimwri sentencx' - under curnent law) w11Y be 'abol~+ isl~ed. ~ . { ~ - The case is plain: minor viob~[~; tions of cannabis laws shwld no ~ IoUger cart~ eTther the crlmi~wF = stigma or the anera~s penaltie.4 Yhat curre~t~ appiy. Nothing less~. ~ - than ~ese ~ninlanal coticxssions`. � _ to t~easwt shoeld be pro(~osed. ~ P~P~~. however~ theSF _ shoul~ be we3comed; supported< and passe~ swlltpy~ into law. - - CSO: 5320 = 8 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 CANADA COITRT DECISTON UPHOLDING B.C. HERAIN TREATMENT ACT CRITICIZED Vancouver THE WEEKEND SUN 3.n English 21 Jun 80 p A4 [ "The Wroaig TreatmenC" ] � [ Text ] "'~,`8e~`~gm~nt of the B.C~. Cour.~ of A~' and cuatAdy o~ suapected addicts without ` peal uphoidiag ~he provincial Heroin aharge or trial, as bein~ esaentially medi- Treatment Act ia eatremely disappoi~t� cal in natura, not criminal. . . . , Y~t th~e legislation; ii medical, certai~ ,~Th~ learn~d ~es seem ta have made ly uaes methads oi "tre~tment" whic~. a prcp~s ~ud~~ o! th~ criminal and o~r aociety norraally aaeo~iatea with the medical e1e~nents that w~nt into the act proceaa of]aw in criminal ca8aa. $nd tt~t ~u~hht to relate to the treatmenti Indeed it ~goes beyond, because aur oi drug addict~,on im an ~aiightened soci law ~a baaed on a riQht to de- e~'� ~ ~ ieace aad trlal, and~ an presumpti~n of T'he mattes~ ia _~ot ao si=aple aa a clear` ~~~ce. That'proceas- is not enahri~iecl: definition of what is criYninal and what ig -in the geroin Treatment Act. medical c~ld make it, eden if the appaal The judgment containa thia anbazing 'court had done sa. Nor should anyoue be $tatement: "Although there may~ be~ ~miel~d is~to. naive apecnla~ion about the~. ~ '2'~V8IIS;8 4~ W$8~ W~8 OP WSS IIOt 111 ~}18 Ot treat d cont ~ry t~o tha~t pers~nt s de- minds o� the perp~~tors oi Ltiis-coatro- - a~ . ; ~ aire; tha ob~ect is nevertheleas to treat � But the mini~ter of health who iatro- ~ a~' $0t t� puniah'~~ dnced the Heroin Treatm~nt Act, Bob But even f~ the~ judges oi the appeal ~ ~DIcC1~11sAC1, is o~ record ia this newa� court are right withi~n the nar~ow con-. paper as eayia~: '`I dna.'t ~ aAyone f~nes of a~ le~alistic argument = which ,~?aa ~v~r b~en r~siY~? auccessful us~ A ahould no! yet be conceded - the broad ~ medical appa~o~e~ but we've waited~ long effect and moral appIication of th~a legis- enou~h.,? His ia2ent~ ~t that timne, during lation are wrong. ~ discuasion on m~ldn~ bernin addiction Heroin addiction does indaed_ cause illegal, was very clesr ta us: that it wsa a degradati~n and aufferin~ as the jud~es crl~aiaal matt~r: ~ - observed. But is dR+~ention and forced The a~peal caurt ~udgee~ however, ~~~~e~S~~~lution? interpret Mr: B~cClellsnd's Ie~ialatioa? ~ Ths etiecti o# this le~~iaa~ whatever ~ which ~llowa for tlie arreat, detentioa, ita object, is tapunish aome people by any - 9 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 _ normal acceptance oi the rulea obderved+ in free soci~ty. That is certainly not en- lighten~d asaietance of someone in ~dis- tress, but a relic of the 19th century aey- lum philoaophy that pwnishment, inc~r- - ceration,, and deprivation were the cure - for meatal illnesa. ~ - As it happens the hernin treatmenti pro-: = gram uader thia~ legislatlon at Srannaae Laloe, the inatitutioQ ia which ita victi~~ - - w~re treated~ haa withered, staff have~ - left, und ada~eion has becmme volun-~ ~ tary, durlnQ the~ lltigatioa leadin~ up ta; yeaterday'~ judgffieIIt. . ' We hope the provincial gaverament~ doea nut ha~r.try to revive t~em and - that whatever pmgraYn ia .coutinued re~ maine voluntaiy. ' ; ~ A We hope, too tha~the judgment is ap- - pealed to the Suprem~ Court of Canad~, - pr~mptly~ . - , a: : . - CSO: 5320 - 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 CANADA 'DECRIMINALIZED' DOPE LAWS MAY PUT MORE PEOPLF,?iJ JAIL VancouVer THE VANCOUVER SUN in English 25 Jun 80 p A15 - [Text] OTTAWA (CP) - It may be a sertaus oi- ~ ofience under the Food aad Drug AM. And - fence to sell marijuaaa to minors if a bill it would reduce sharply the peaalties for noa being drafted by of~cials becomes traf~cldn8 and importing. law, informed sources say, . ~ 2he Natioaal Orgnnizattoa for the Re- Ori~nal object of the 'bill was to "de- ferm oi Mari~uana Law in Canada cria?inallze" pODiC88~0I1 Of In8IIj118II8 bq INORML) saq~ all this way aimplY encour shifting it fro~ t~e Narcotic Control.Act to age police to haraaa users with citations the Food an~ Drug Act~ and to reduce~ ~~~0~e~~~' penalties for trafficldog and importing. ' ~d ~~'er Paul Copeland, oi Toronto says traf~ickera will lose their Ho~reveP, pnssare irom a spectivm of jurq-trial optio~. meaning that more cE groupa ia gradually complicating modiSca- them aill go to ja7. tion of the law. ~ � "Thia u simply not appropriete conafd- Officiel soiu~cea eaq the reaidt may be a erin~ the whole idea ofdecriminallsation ie law that wi~ be ~sin8 to even?aae. to get the pollce out oi the individual's pri _ "It's being watered dmva," the ofSeisl ~.vate affairs," Normi spokeaman Rob said. ' `We're trytag to simP1~T ~but... . Bouaque says. . . ` . But a growing aumber of sourcea ~ay . Pn~lic concera about the anmbeY of ~ that "decriminal~aaAa~~ may put more ~uveniles being arrested, jailed and aad- ` people ia jail than the current 1~w does. . dled with crimiaal records In tbe late 1960a Unde; the curt~eat Iaw, tbe�. and ear1Y 1970s led to the "decrlmirializa- juana can mean a!x inonth~ in~ ~ail and g.'tion" Drepo~al: B~t pneaun againat such a ;1,000 fine, s+ell~g lt can mean liie in move now is comar;g irom high school prison, and importln~ bringa a minimum principals ia Toronto and boarda of educa- _ - sentence oi seven 9eara. : tion in a varlety oi locatlona: The Alberta The pmposed changna vvou~d nmove the - Chamber oi Commerce said recently that criminal stigms as ~osaesaion would be sn dealers should be ezecuted. CSU: 532~ - 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 ~ CANADA WO~~I JAILED ! YEARS IN HASHISH CASE Ottawa THE CITIZEN in English I1 Jun 80 pp 1, 10 [Articie by Tony Cote] (Text] ' A.proeii~cia3 ~ co~~ judgp: �r~tuct~rittp Asent' Ryan was sympathetia "We have sorao- a~yass~rg r~ncric~'g~;.for s~s?-= one caught in a web of the jungle of the en ~years Ttze3day,~ describing 6e~~::.t~c drug world, conned into acting as a courier. pawn ~o~. an in~erna~onal dru~ ~ing. "It is. my view the compulsory (seven-� - Judg~ ~crnard ~y~, the .C-uwa� ~ra~au.' ' ye~r) sentence is excessive in~ this case. Be- - tor~ ana~ ~slic _ An~te Ric~ards's ~lawyor all: of. its arbiuary nature it fails .to pwc- a~ she a'victim of the ~ r~~ChXea~ , gort ~maa ~ignity'' She dces~x'.f. deserv~ mea,~as ~nginy~i by an internationai multi� ~ ;nillion dollar dr~g smu~ling ring: to re- sevetr years. _ . , � � , . . ~ , . ~ ; , I~ th~ . p~role boaid accxpts' R.` : re- crui~, us~ arzd rasr;asid~ operatives.' ; . commen~ation: ~`o~ ~ earl~.. ~ parolc; ;under Richards,. 2I, of Bellesrue, Vidaeh., was ~,~Q~y~ces R.icbards coald- ~ste~ 1~Yarctx , S by Canada ~ Cusioms~ be, reTeased ?mmediately. Bu~: no~mally sh~ o~~ss.s~e 2~rrir+ed~ in 1?Ron'~ aboa~+d: wouid serve: one-tlurd of tti~` se~tence~be-~ a.train f~o~.the Uaited States. � fore being paroled: ~ - In a niddec cump~timent . bui~t ~ into che RCNIP ~orporal Greg Glctv~r ~~said the - side of a piecc of 'aer ~"ruggagc, officiaL9 investigation into. the ring moved into 6igh fous:cy ei~t pounds^-5145,OOU worth--of a~e~i of three Otta- - - liq~sid ha.shish fr~m .7amaica. ~ wa men,.two of them brothers. d~olice tolal ihe caurt 'Tues~y the woanan,. ..~�y~e~ it~tetcepted calls between Jamaica who had bcen vacationing in the Carib- , and' ~tia.vaa.. iq,..w`hict~..aLtaageme~tts--rveraw be~n; wr.~ m~p~eirn-ed into smuggling the ~g n{ade to import hash oiI into~ Cana- _ dn~g aPter hec he,t~i ro~m ~~ras robba3 and ~laver said. . . - sbe ~ was lefe p~n~ies,s-a burglary poli~x. ~e J~maican~ contact naeded more mo- believe K~aa srrsnged by tbe drag nng:~ , . ney- to ~PaY f~r c~puriers. , . - ~~Fe~era.i CPOr~m attora~ey Grakeani Pinos ~L~~~ie Arme ~ Richax~ - ssi~ Ricl~ar~s was c~tght up in an. "unfrn.~ ~as manoeuvred,'into. drug - tun,~te set oi circumstance.s. She waa led ~uggling after her Jamai- - into iz: `~'as that reasmn, he asked the ~ hotel room veas robbed _ judge to y-a;o~xend eariy parole. , d~ she was left penniless, ,.(t'sc~ards's lawryer, lZick A~elman, said ~ Qttawa court was told shc "is as muc~ a~ victim as aaything elsa Tuesday. - Shc weni a~oa~ witb xt becans~ sbe saw no "�`p1I of her belongings - ather way." v~eese � taken ..including her - 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 - r~oney," RCMP � Corporal realiu a grofit~ of up to Creeg Glover said. "She. $129,000 for her risk's. - b~id no money and no way Glover said the woman - tti get home." was taken to Tanguay Jail He said it was more for Women in 'Mon~*eaf t~pan. likely a c,ontact, but escapod at the~.end of ~t6om sho had fitst met ur April . and fled to Ottawa 1~assau, had arranged for where she , turned herseif t,~y burglary. "It'a how into police. . t~ey~ go about recruiiing. _"Sha ~_lofi Tanguay be- ~eaving them penniless,y_ cause oF a language prob- virtiially forcing them. to lem. Sha oodldn't comrnu- co-operate." . - rticate ~with anyone,. "She was set ~ in what coutda't maka herself un- you would you call a,clas- derstood." _ sical way. She wasn't part I n, a 11,. t h e R C M P - of the operation:'~ ~ ~rcested.two women couri- For ~her afforts, Ri- ers, Itichards and a second �chards, of' ~Belleview; in Winnipeg, and: 18 men; Washington, expected to including the tv~o Ottawa receive aboui a400, plus~ a~ brother3 who police sag: plane ticket to Seattle. ~rt- 'master~ninded the ring. ~ stead, she got the~ compul- Ryan�, was tblc~ the maa ~ sory scven-year minimum who tled Ottawa to avoid jail term~, for drug smuggl- , prosecution last year was iag: . ~ ~ anested . in� Arizona ~ but - Judge ~~Bernard~ Ryan escaped~t'~rom jail th~era. � said in sentencing ha that she did not deserva to serve the fult sentence. � 'The tieads of the ring could ha~ve ezpectcd to CSO: 5320 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 CANADA _ BRIEFS POSTAL WORKERS ARRESTED--Thirteen postal workers and a cleaner were arrested on drug charges following a raid on the Post Office's south - central sorting facility on Eastern Avenue on Thursday night. Three oCher warkers were later arrested in their homes. The raid by about 50 ~ police officers followed a five-month investigation during which an - undercover officer p~sing as a cleaner bought drugs 18 times from 11 workers at the facility. Police said the purchases had a total value of $2,000. Police used bolt cutters to cut padlocks from some Fost Office lockers and ne~ted $2,388 in LSD, mari~uana, hashish, NIDA, PCP, Quaaludes and hashish oil from the building and houses raided. Metru police morality, drug squad and tactical unit of.ficers, along with Post Office security officers participated in the raid. [Text] [Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL, WEEK_?^:??D EDITION in English 5 Jul 80 p 4] LONG DRUG WATCH FRUITLESS--Vancouver (CP~--More than 450 kilograms of hashish with a street value of $5-million has been seized after being - watched by police at Vancouver International Airport for nearly four months, RCMP said yesterday. The G54 kilograms of hash arrived March 17 in wooden crates marked surgical supplies. It was shipped from Pakistan via T~kyo and Honolulu. The crates arrived on separate flights and were watched ~v police who hoped someone would turn up to claim them, Sgt. Bill Hacock said. The seizure came after Mounties were tipp~d off by U.S. customs officials in Honolulu who became suspicious about medical supplies being shipped to Vancouver from Pakistan rather than the other way around. [Text] [Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL in English 11 Jul 80 p 8] _ 10 CHARGED AFTER RAIDS--An Air Canada employee and nine others have been charged after two separate police raids in which $252,000 worth of mari- juana and a$5,000 watch were seized late Friday night. Police say theq observed five men unloading three barrels containing 315 pounds of mari- juana at the Air Canada cargo docks at Toronto Int^rnational Airport and later raided an apartment on Arcot Boulevard in Etobicoke. Five men were charged with importing, conspiracy to import and possession of mari~uar~a for the purpose of trafficking. Two tenants were also charged with traf- ficking. Police later raided a Mississauga apartment where an Air Canada employee and two others were charged with possession of stolen property and conspiracy to possess stolen property. [Text] [Toronto Tf~ GLOBE AND MAIL in English 14 Jul 80 p 5] 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 RCMP SEEKS DRUG WATCH--Halifax (CP)--The RCNNIP in Nova Scotia have asked residents of the province`s South Shore to be on the lookout for suspicious-looking boats or movements by unknown vehicles in the area, a police spokesman said yesterday. The request comes in the wake of two major drug seizures off Nova Scotia in the paet few months. So far this summer, police have confiscated more than 2Q tona of mari~uana and 8,300 pounds of hashish. [Text] [Toronto TI~ GLOBE AND MAIL in English 16 Jul 80 p 9] ~ CSO: 5320 1 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 - ARGENTINA BRIEFS COCA LEAVES CONFISCATED--Salta, Argentina, 12 Jul (NA)--Personnel of gendarmerie confiscated 462 kilograms of coca leaves worth 18.84 million Argentine pesos during a operation carried out in Jujuy Province. So - far, no arrests have been made. [PY141713 Noticias Argentinas in Spanish 1607 GMT 12 Jul 80 PY] DRUG TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Personnel of the police precinct No 37 arrested Argentine citizens Roberto Benedicto Severini, 52 years, marri~d and Jorge Doural, 45 years, merchant in a bar on El Cano and Giribone Sts. During an inspection carried out in the home of the arrested, who are , charged with drug trafficking, the police seizec~. approximately 1 kg ' of pure cocaine. The arrested persons stated that they received the - drug from two individuals by the names of T3to Saavedru and E1 Loco who brought the cocaine from Bolivia. [Buenos Aires LA NACION in Spanish 20 Jul 80 p 16 PY] CSO: 5300 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 _ BOLTVIA _ : ~ NARCOTICS BOAB.D CHARGED WITH IRREGULARTTTES Cfiarges of Discrim~nation La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish 6 Jul BO p 12 [Text] Several persons protested aga~.nst alleged ~rxegular3ties tn tfie ~ grant of autfiorizations for the sale of coca and tFiey tfireatened to start a hunger strike tomorrow if tfiese autfiorizat~ons are not tssued. In a visit to PRESENCIA, ~~~tor Salvatierra and David Torrico Arce said yesterday that their protest is due to the fact tfia.t tfie..Idational Dangerous _ Substances Control Directorate "is not issutng autfi,orizations in tfie qrder in which applications are received But on tfie basis of d~scrtminatory preference and recommendations." - They said many inhabitants of Yungas, Cfiapare, and the nortfiern part of Santa Cruz filed their applicat~ons 3 or 4~montfis ago and tfiat they = are running the risk of ~iot getting authorizatton to se11 coca Because the deadline is next Tuesday. - They said that there is no obstacle to the grant of the autiwxizatians - because "tI~e market is sufficient" and F~ecause "this is an activity wh:Cch benefits many families." _ They reported tfiat the latest authorizations for tTie sale of coca were issued to professional men, carriers jteamsters], military personnel, and relatives of police officers "wlto use influence and big briBes" which in . some cases come to as much as lOQ,O~Q Bolivtan pesos for one autfiox~.zat~on. They asked the Comptroller General of tfie Republic and the Naticnal Congress to intervene and they requested that a near registration he made~ of coca sellers "in order to establish tF~e irregular cfiaracteT of many autfioriza- tions." They proposed that, if a new registxation 3:s not possifale, tfie free sale of coca be decreed, "because ttie peasants face many o5stacles and taecause things are made very easy for unscrupulous znerchants." 17 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 ~ They said that, if the prc?tilem is not solved w3thin the next several hours, they will gv on a fiunge~ strike ;Cn Murillo Square. The report was backed up 5y Zucio Rios, leader of the Cochataamba Peasant Federation, who added that the applicants "are badly treated and even i.n- sulted by employees of tTie Narcotica Dtrectorate; a11 of. tR~a fiappens hecause they are unable to pay brfibe~�." - Hoard Denials La Paz PRESENCTA in Spanisli 8 Jul 80 p 8 jText] The National Dangerous Substances Contxol D~rectorate rej~cted tfie charges regarding irregularities wI~ch. sup~o~edly~ developed i'n that of~;tce, as well as cfiarges tfiat vioney fis be~ng taken in illegally fin connection with the issue of permits for tfie sale of coca. Tfie agency stated tfiat this commercial activity is sutijected to ~firict controls to prevent tfiis leaf fxom being used in viaking cocaine and tFiat this control is a part of the preventive campaign Being carr~ed out tfiroughout tTie repuB~l3c. Narcotics Director Col Jose Lufs Arzabe and tfie National Tnspectoz of tfiat Office, Co1 Hector Rvjas Paz, denied yesterday that there were any ~.r- regularities in the issue of permits for tlie sale of coca, as fiad been maintained by coca merefiants wfis~ went tv tfie editor~al offices of PRESENCI,A to denounce the unlaGrful o~ vaoney 5y the narcotics offi:ce for aach permit ~:ssued. Both officials explained that "a plan for rationalizing . tfia coca trade" is now being carried out in viear of tfie Fi~gh pe~centage intended for the manufacture of cocaine. This plan fias been ca~xied out for tfie past 2 years. Both officials, recently as~~gned to tfie National Dangerous Substances Control Directorate--sa~d tfiat drug traffic, pri~cnari~ly cocaine, has reached high levels, tlie ~ame be~ng true of its con~umption, especially - among young people. Col Arzabe said: "It ts our duty to ~xevent tFie spread of drug traffic and to do that we are taking preventtve~measures~, sucli as control on the sale of coca the cfiief raar material in the production of cocaine. In compliance witfi Iegal prov:Csion~, fie explained, tlie Narcotics Office conducted a registration of sellers and i:t was found tfiat SQ percent of the cocz sold from Cocfiafiama to ~anta Cruz is u~.~d to ~mak.e coca~ne. He described the Santa Cru? � area as "a critical area of conflict," adding that one cannot under any circumstances justify "tfie extraordinary quantity of coca taken to Santa Cruz." Tfiis would lead one to assume, he added, that a large part of these quantities i:s diverted for the manufacture of dangerous suT~stances. . He added that the register of inerchants is a part of tlie r~ti;onalization of coca trade so that tfie author~zed qua.ntit~,es may be used exclus~:vely - for the consumption of the leaf, in otF~r words, by che~r~ng. _ 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 Irregular3ties Both officials re~ected tfi e denunciationsTnade and asserted that the - _ Narcotics Office is not involved 3:n any ~rregularities and fillegal co1- _ lection of money since Yui.gfier autliortties e~cercise strict control over the issue of permits which, und er their direct intervention, fias~fieen carried - out for the past 15 days. Tfiey e$plain~d tliat tliis is approxi'mately tfie time interval during wii~ch they fiave lieen w3tfi tfiat nat~onal d~rectorate. They pointed out that the means for tfie control and issue of cards, wfiich. are involved in the process ing of permit application~, mak.e any kind of irregularity impossible. B oth Col Arzabe and Co1 Rojas said that tFiey " ; would be severe in dealing with any offictal wlio has i~een pxoven tp have _ committed irregularities 3n tfie handlfing of tlie~~e appl3.cations. Measures Col Arzabe announced that tfi.e Ministry of the Tnter~or, tfixough.a reso- _ - lution, fixed a maximum number of permits that can Ue ~ssued to coca _ sellers; that number 3s slightly fi~gF~er than tfie previ:crosly autlipr~zed numUer. This quota, he po int~d out, wi11 ~e strictly compl3:ed wfitfi and nobody else wi"11 be reg~stered for any reason whatsoever. He announced tha.t he arould go to Santa Cruz for tfie purpose of talk~:ng to - rice farmers, sugar cane growers, cvtton growers, and workers~ wfio are those who cfiew cocal in order to determine tiie direct sales znechan~sms without the intervention of ~mtddleznen ~o as to v?ake snre tfiat tfie former _ ~ a~rill not face a coca shortage. Tn tfiis way--fie expla;Cned-~9:t w~:11 lie possible to prevent the co ca autfiflrized fox s�ale from b eing diverted to the manufacture of cocaine. Licens e Applicants Given Extension La Yaz PRE~ENCIA in Spanish 9 Jul 8C p 9 [Text) The Ministry of the Tnterior has extended the deadl7,ne fqx tfie issue of permits for the sale of coca up ta 15 July due to wfiat f~as been considered a special situa tion involving needy person~ wI~ otfier means of livelihood. This deadltne was to Fiave run out yesterday fiut many people had turned up in front of tlie Narcotics Office, asking fox this permit. - The Ministry of the Interior fias issued instructions~ to tfis Nat~.onal - Dangerous Su~stances Contro 1 Ilirectorate to give pr.iority to tfiose pe.rsons whq have been waiting fox tfie permit since 1 June. Accord~:ng to in~ox~ma- tion obtained in the minis txy, tfiat of�ice wfi11 not iss~ue any ot~ier ~ermits fox which applicati~ns were filed recently. - 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 I - It was explained that there is no need for authprization to sell coca in - La Paz and other parts of the countxy and tfiat sucli authorizations are issued only for the restricted area between Santa Cruz and Coc~iaBamba and ~ from La Paz to Santa Cruz. Coca sellers, who visited PRESENCTA, reported tY:at large ~roups, involved _ in the same activity, reached the c3ty comi:ng from ~anta Cruz for th.e sole _ purpose of creating proBlems for tfie authori:ties and harmfing tfi.e prestige - of the Nationa'1 Dangerous Substances Control D~rectorate, going to tfie - newspapers and the broadcasting ~tations and seeking intervention on the " part of the legislative cfiambers. ~ - The group, headed by Rene Ro~as, said yesterday that tfie ahove-mentioned Narcotics Office approved more than 3QQ coca sales permits wfitfis~ut coZlect- - ing any kind of money and tfiat tfiis work would T~e continued today. TFiey - termed false any repoxts to the effect tfiat tlie above-~ment~oned office is _ taking money and that tfie sellers, wfio came to La Paz, are mak~ng pzob lPms, for this purpose only. Tfiey reported tfiat tfiey were Offer~ng casli to have their applications processed qutckly. ~ 5058 ~ CS0:53Q0. - 1 - 20 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 GUYAI~IA BRIEFS THIEVES STEAL C~CAINE--Hundreds of do�llars worth of cocaine is reported - to have been stolen from the dental surgery of the New Amsterdam hospital on Monday last when thieves broke into the building. The Police reported that entry was gained into the building by removing a padlock which se- cured the southern door. The matter was reported and the Police immediately went to the scene and began investigations but up to yesterday afternoon no one was he1d. [Text] [Georgetown GUYANA CHRONICLE in English 11 Jun 80 p 20] CSO: 5300 21 - I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 MEXICO DRUG GROWING, TRAFFICKIN~ CLAIMED R~DUCED BY 90 PERCENT Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spanish 22 Jun 80 Sec E p 7 - [Text] Chihuahua, Chih., 21 June--Yesterday, the secretary of national de- - fense, Div Gen Felix Galvan Lopez, stated that, 3 years after the Mexican _ Army enacted the"Condor Plan" to counter the growing and trafficking of drugs in the Durango, Sinaloa and Chihuahua area, it can be claimed that this harmful activ~.ty has been reduced by 90 percent, and "we have also - made drug growing ~ar.profitable." During a pr.ess r_o~iference held upon his return from a tour of the military installations in Delicias and the Santa Gertrudis horse breeding farm, ac- companied by the commander of the Fifth Military Zone, Div Gen Juan Arevalo - Gardoqui, General Galvan anriounced that he had just made a replacement of the armed forces responsible for "Operation Condor" in the nerve center of drug growing and trafficking, with relief troops from the military zones of the three aforementioned states, as is done every 6 months. The division general explained that, each year, the forces which have been participating in this campaign return to their respective units in order to - rest and be with their families; and to make their return more pleasant for them, they are given the extra pay that the Secretariat of National Defense has allocated to those taking part in this activity. - Considerable Financial Outlay It is the forces attached to the 26th Infantry Battalion assigned to the Fifth Mili.tary Zone who are to enjoy the benefits of this extra pay which, on this occasion, amounts to 2.744 million pesos. And a similar sum will be given to the troops of the Sinaloa and Durango military zones; so that there will be an outlay in excess of 8 million pesos, which is fair recom- pense for tfie effort and dedication of personnel who engage" body and soul," in carrying out their important mission for a 6-m~nth period. The defense secretary remarked that the goal of Operation Condor is the complete ~~limination of the growing and trafficking of hard drugs, and ~ 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 ~ that the main factor in attaining it has been the constant destruction of poppy and marihuana plantations detected in the three-state area where, ac- cording to Galvan Lopez, the Army forces ar.d th~se of the Office of the At- ~ torney General of the Republic have operated in complete cooperation, using the most modern equipment and at all times attempting to offer a better orga- nized and prepared line of combat than that of the drug traffickers. _ Accompanied by Gen Arevalo Gardoqui and nzmbers of his staff, General Galvan was preparing yesterday to a routine visit to the installations of the lOth Cava~lry Re~iment in Cuauhtemoc. He will subsequently return to this capital and matce the return trip to Mexico City aboard the FAM [Mexican Air Force] plane on which he makes constant tours of the entire country. 2909 CSO: 5330 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 MEXICO HIGH COURT DENIES TRAI'FICKER'S APPEAL FOR PROTECTION Nuevo Laredo EL .'~IANANA in Spanish 4 Jun 80 Sec B p S _ [Text] Despite the fac~ that he had evaded justice by having the corrupt agent of the State Public Ministry, Jose Angel Cortes Delgado, declare him "innocent" in connection with the incident in which the well-known hotel owner, Antonio Uarcia Gonzalez, was killed, "businessman" Heliodoro Perez - Guevara will be jailed by the federaZ authori.ties at any moment, because he will be required to serve a 5-year prison sentence for drug trafficking. In procaedings No 36-973, held in the 1'hird District Court, "Lolo" Perez was sentenced to S years in prison and given a fine of 3,000 pesos, when he was �ound p~nally guilty uf cor,miitting a crime against health in the degree of marihuana trafficking. He was acquitted of the charge of marihuana and co- caine possession, and cocaine i.rafficking. In the s~me trial, the dru~ traffickers Benigno Cepeda Vslero, alias "E1 Chato," Salvador Garza Rivera, Enrique Garza Rivera and Natalio Poera Puente appeared as Perez Gucvara's accomplices, and also received sentences. Other individuals were mentioned in the trial, but they are still fugitives from justice as of this date. When he was sentenced, "Lolo" Perez sought a release on bail, which was grant- . ed by the Fourth Circuit Unified Ccurt, whereupon bail was set at a quarter of a million pesos, which tfie accused paid immediately. He subsequently appea.led for proi:ection directly from the Supreme Court of - Justice of the Nation, against the sentence passed on him by the third dis- - trict judge, wliich hud been confirmed after a second appeal to the Fourth Circuir_ Unifi~~d Court. . On 29 January oF this year, the Uni�ied Court notified the court in which the case was bein; tried that the Supreme Court of the Nation had denied "Lolo" Perez protection; and hence the order was given to have him report to the Social Rehabilitation Center to serve the sentence that had been impos- ed on him. 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 i - However, it has been 4 months since "Lolo" Perez was warned, but he has not - surrendered to the federal authorities. Therefore, according to a report from the court, the Fourth Circuit Unified Court, located in Monte,rrey, Nuevo ~ Leon, will soon issue the resnective warrant for the recapture of Heliodoro Pere z Guevara . He Was Trafficking in Marihuana In February 1973, the special agent of the PGR [Office of the Attorney General of the Republic], Salvador del Toro Rosales, ordered the Federal Judicial Po- lice to conduct an exhaustive investigation of the activities of Heliodoro Perez Gonzalez, alias "E1 Lolo," and of an individual known as "E1 Chato" Cepeda. The first to be captured was Benigno Cepeda Valero, alias "E1 Chato," who had = ~ the brothers Salvador and Enrique Garza Rivera in his employ as workers pack- ing marihuana. ~ ~ ~ They had packed 250 kilograms of grass, which they later took to the residence ofivatalio Loera Puente, who concealed it in a pit that he dug in the kitchen of his house. _ Natalio received weapons (two pistols, a submachine gun and.a rifle) with which to guard the marihuana, as well as half a kilogram of cocaine, which "E1 Chato" Cepeda gave him to guard. When he was interrogated, "E~ Chato" Cepeda confessed that Heliodoro Perez Guevara often supplied him with marihuana, and that the marihuana which hzd - beenseized from him previously had been purchased from that individual. During February 1973, the Federal Judicial Police captured Heliodoro Perez - Gonzalez who, upon being questioned by Salvador del Toro Rosales, denied all participation in the drug traffic. ~ 2909 - CSO: 5330 ~ a 25 ' ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 - MEXICO - BRIEFS MOST TRAFFICKERS NOT ADDICTS--Dr Juan.Manuel Ramirez Fieredia, chief of the Department of General Medicine at the Health Center, who is responsible for direct handling of all those arrested for crimes against health, stated that it has been found that 95 percent of drug traffickers are not addicted to drugs. He added that drug addiction in Nuevo Laredo has remained stable for the past 10 years, although, the doctor ob~erved, it may be claimed to be _ on the decline. He emphasized that this border port has a low index of ad- dicts using hard drugs, although he admitted that there are plenty of mari- huana smokers, and very few (proportionately speaking) addicted to inhalants, such as industrial cement and shoe dyes. In an analysis submitted to the head of the Health Center, Dr Eduardo Takasita Elizondo, Ramirez Heredia said that out of a total of 100 persons arrested.for crimes against health, 95 per- cent are not consumers, and that percentage applies to drug traffickers as _ well. A total of 10 percent smoke ma.rihuana, but cannot be considered as dependent on drugs; rather, they do so sporadically,.and only on occasion. Only 1 percent are estimated to be addicts, that is, dependent on this vice. ri~~u ~l~cre are ~cry isolated cases of individuals wh~ inject themselves or inhale hard drugs, such as morphine, heroin or cocaine. Ramirez Heredia remarked: "It may not be a good thing to say so, but it is true; this type - of addict is usually of North American origin.".[Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 14 Jun 80 Sec B p 1] 2909 PILL TRAFFICKER CAPTURED--The Federal Judicial Police seized 1,897 psychotro- pic substances (pills, capsules and,tablets containing drugs) from the pre- - sumed drug trafficker, Jose Ventura Infante Urbina, alias~~El Willy," who was captured on Wednesday, a few kilometers from Piedras Negras, Coahuila. The capture of Infante Urbina took place at kilometer 46 of Highway 57, between Morelos Nava and Piedras Negras, Coahuila. He was caught while driving a 1964 Chevrolet car, with license plates EUW-921. 'The arrest of tine afore- mentioned individual occurred as he was enroute to Piedras Negras intending - to sell the tbxic pills in question. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 13 Jun 80 Sec B p 5] 2909 FOUR PILL TRAFFICKERS ARRESTED--Four individuals were arrested by Federal Ju- dicial Police forces detailed to this town, after they had been caught while 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 attemptir~k; to sell toxic pills to several addicts. They are Ruben Castillo Muri.llo, Emilio Covarrubias, Jesus Olguin Chaires and Fernando Covarrubias Flores. Over 500 Optalidon pills were confiscated from them as they were attempting to make the distribution in a residence of those arrested. The Federal Police declined to supply further informa~tion, because, they claimed, these individuals were being investigated so as to.capture the pharmacists who are supplying them with this kind of pill. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 5 Jun 80 Sec B p 3] 2909 - CSO: 5330 27 -I ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 EGYPT - AIARCOTICS ADDICTION ON THE INCREASE AMONG EGYPT'S YOUTH Cairo AKHBAR AL-YAWM in Arabic 3 May 80 p 4 - - [Article: "Less Than 20 Years 01d, and They Are Drug Addicts"!] [Text] Has drug addiction become a apreading phenomenon among our yot~th? Dr Jamal Abu al-'Aza'im, chief of the General Societ~ for Prohibiting In- toxicants and Combating Narcotics, answers this question through a study prepared by experts and specialists of a large group of Egyptian youth. In its introduction, the study brings to light a number of important facts, ~ which show that the phenomenon of drug addiction among youth has been con- tinually on the increase. In the year 1968, the number of drug addicts who were receiving treatment was 3,600 and the average age of these addicts was 35. In the year 1978, the average age of drug addicts was less than 20. _ Another point the studies bring out is that in the year 196$, 95 percent of the addicts were taking opium. In 1978 however, new breeds of young men began to appear, who took other drugs besides opium, like hashish and nar- cotic pills. Another phenomenon noted by the study was that in 1978 a large proportion of girls was turning to smoking and was sometimes taking drugs. But what are the reasons which have caused drug addiction to spread among the youth? Dr Jamal Abu al-'Aza'im says that there are many reasons, foremost among which is tk~e fact that some of the youth who have gone abroad have found in ~ foreign societies widespread use of drugs of various kinds. Then they re- turned to Egypt, and became drug addicts. Dr Abu al-'Aza'im requests that agencies concerned with youth education should launch campaigns to warn people against the harmful effects of drugs. Sports and recreational programs should be provided, so that youth may turn away from drug addiction. - 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 ~ Fighting drug addiction amnng the youth should not be left to the police ~ alone. It is incumbent on everyone in this society to play his part in ! creating awareness of the harm which results from drug addiction. Preven- tion is much more important than cure: This is the best way to combat drugs. - 9579 CSO: 5300 29 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 EGYPT _ ~ _ LEBANESE LARGE-SCALE HASHISH SMUGGLERS CAUGHT IN ALEXANDRIA Cairo AL-AKHBAR in Arabic 3 May 80 p 5 [Article by Muhammed 'Abd al-Maqsud: "Investigations Uncover Attempt To Smuggle Ztao Tons of Hashish Worth Three Million Pounds in Drums of Chemical Products; Arrest of Ttao Lebanese Who Brought Them to Alexandria"J [Excerpt] The Investigations Bureau of the Anti-Narcotics Agency, in co- operation with the Port of Alexandria lnvestigations Department, has fru- strated a large-scale operation to smuggle narcotics into Egypt. It has seized 2 tons of narcotics worth 3 million pounds. 7.tao Lebanese, one of whom belongs to a family which is notorious for producing narcotics in Ba'labakk, are th~e ringleaders. This is the third time that members of this gang have tried to smuggle large quantities of ndreotics in 3 consecutive years. - Members of the Investi}~ations Bureau confiscated the smuggled narcotics. The gang contrived to hide the narcotics in drums which contained the highly - inflammable substance of calcium carbide,~which has a pungent smell, in order to mislead the customs officers. These drums caused a panic, which lasted for 5 hours in the Port of Alexandria, until an explosives expert opened them and emptied out the chemicals and narcotics which were in them. The port district attorney decided to detain the two ringleaders, pending investigation. Information had reached Maj Gen Sami As'ad, head of the Anti-Narcotj.cs Agency that a Lebanese gang intended to smuggle a large consignment of nar- _ cotics from Lebanon to Egypt. He instructed Col Muhammad 'Abbas Mansur, the director of operations, to track the members of the gang and their movements in order to ~eize the consignment and the two ringleaders. The investigations, in whieh Co1 Mustafa ~1-Kashif and Lt CL~. Shafiq al- 'Ashari collaborated, indicated that the gang had reached agreement with its agents in Egypt to change the route of the smuggling ope~ations. to the Port of Alexandria. In 1978, two attemgts had failed to smuggle a ton of narcotics in coils of wire through the Port of Suez, and 1-1/2 tons of narcotics through Port Said. 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 The smugglers devised a new way to hide the narcotics by buying from Italy a consignment of the highly inflamable substance of calcium carbide which has a pungent smell, moving it to Beirut, then concealing the narcotics in it and reshipping it to the 1'ort of Alexandria. They put the narcotics in 48 drums which were marked "Inflaimnable" so that the customs officers would hesitate to open them. Maj Gen Mustafa Fir'at, undersecietary for public security, decided to form � an investigative team under the leadership of Maj Gen Mamduh Salim Zaki, - and including Lt Col Sayyid Ghayth, Ahmad Nida and Mahmud 'Abd al-Rashid, to watch the consignment coming from Beirut to Egqpt. The narcotics ar- rived at the Port of Alexandria aboard the S. S. "Bashir al-Salam," ad- dressed to 'Abd al-Mun'im Ibrahim al-'Ula, an imaginary person, on 27 April. The ringleaders arrived by air on 2 May. A plan was prepared, in collaboration with Maj Gen 'Ali Darraz, director of security of Alexandria, and Col 'Atif Nasif, director of investigations of the port. The consignment was placed under secret surveillance. The ringleaders instructed a customs clearance man who was unaware of its con- tents to complete the forma~ities at the port, so that neither of them would ~ be exposed to danger. When the clearance formalities began, Col Tahir Ghunaym, head of the narcotics division at the port, Col Muhammad Barakat and Lt Col 'Imad Rashid, were able to seize the whole consignment. Lt Col Yasri Amin Yasri, the inspector of explosives, was sum~oned to open the drums. They had caused a scare, which lasted for 5 hours, at the port. The drums were opened, and narcotics of the types "Amal Hayati [Hope of My Life]," "Zahrat al-`Asa 80 [Flower of the Mace]," and "Zahrat al-Hayah 80 [Flower of Life]," 2 tons of hashish, worth 3 million pounds. The two ringleaders were then arrested. One of them was hiding in a hotel at Heliopolis, and the other in a furnished apartment. They were taken to the Port District Attorney's Office and the district attorney decided to detain them, pending the investi- gations. - 9579 CSO: 5300 - 31 ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 CYPRUS TWO DRUG TRAFFI CKi+~,.S AREtI'STED Nicosia l MAKHT in Greek 29 Jun 80 p 8 ~Tezt7 Larnaca--Policemen posing as touriats and xaitera and using tsais and _ "Z" ~oreign registration~ vehicles to move about, carried out an unprecedented 2-day operation which resulted in the arreat of t~o ~irkiah (~rpriot narcofi,ice smugglers who possessed 1 idlogram of heroin and 36 bars of hashish. - Under the peraonal direct,ion of the anti-narcotics ~quad~a Lt. Panikoa Hatziloizoe, officere and man of varians police precincts la3d an ambnsh for the "merchants of sla~ death" 18 hanrs before their final action ~hich resulted in the arreat of the txo se the~y xere alighting from a taxi nesr a atore at the Larnaca-Dekaleia ahore front. 1'he xhole area xaa under careful surveillance folloxing information received a~e~ d~?s earlier. Absolute secrecy prevailed during the last 21~ critical houra and intensive - efforts xere mads ta l~eep the operatioa aecret from the public and maas - con~rtunicatiun media even after the discovery of the haroin. The two 25irki~h C~?priots had the sudacity to visit f~Cequent~}? during the 2 previous d~?s varioua estsblish~enta in the area while xaiting for the prospectiv~e b~rer of the hero3n xhose valne ie estimated at 100~000 pounda in the b:Lack market. This deadly merchandise xaa in a box found in the taxicab which tranaported - the t~o Turkish G~+priots from the Pylas-Pergamos area to the store on the I,arnaca-Dekeleia shore front. The taxicab driver was also arreated momerYtari],y but xas released after it xas ascertained that he had simp~y gicked them up as fares. To further assist the Fama~ta police in this case the authorities are nox looldng Por an Auetralian wYw ia driv3ng a"Zp car. - 7520 CSO: 5300 32 ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 DENMARK PHYSICIAN, BUSINESSMAN SENTENCED; SMUGGLED HASHISH Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDE~IDE in Danish 8 Jul 80 p 5 [Article: "Doctor Convicted of Hashish Smuggling"] [Text] Thirty-seven-year-old Doctor Vagn Bremerskov Jensen and 29-year- old businessman Hans Christian M3chael Andreasen were each sentenced to four and a half years of prison yesterday in Copenhagen City Court. (hily the businessman was present at the sentencing and he appealed immedi- _ ately to the High Court for mitigation. The doctor's counsel, Attorney _ Jette Hecht-Johansen, de clared on his behalf that he did not wish to be prPSent at the sentencin g. She could therefore not come to a decision on a possible appeal bef ore he had been served the sentence. _ By the ~udgement the two defendants were found guilty of having smuggled in--together with other co-culprits--102 kg of hashish from Lebanon in January this year. And besides, of hav3ng earlier attempted three times to smuggle in a. couple of hundred kilograms of hashish from Nepal, Cyprus and Lebanon. This was to be done by means of falsified forwarding and freight documents, as the hashish was to have been smuggled in through several fictitious firms and through forwarding firms which the physician ~ was to make contact with. The attempts failed for various reasons, in- cluding the fact that one consignment of 64 kg was confiscated already in Lebanon. The smuggling which had been accomplished occurred by the same me thod which was to have been used in the failed attempts. The physician was in addition also charged and convicted for breaking the - weapons law. He pleaded guilty to this, while he, as did the businessman, denied he was guilty of hashish smuggling. During tize trial was used a great deal of taped material from telephone - tapping together with Telex material and correspc,ndence, from which in the opinion of the police it is clearly evidenced that it is a question ~ of hashish smuggling. 8985 CSO: 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 DENM~ ARHUS CLINIC DIRECTOR: DRUG USAGE IN CTTY TNCREASES Copenhagen LAND OG FOLK in Danish 5-6 Jul 80 p 6 0 [Article: "Arhus can Anticipate More Drug Addicts and More Ghildren of Drug Addicts"] - [Text] Whi~e from 1974 to 1977 there was stagnation in the number of drug _ addicts in Arhus, now again a drastic increase is under way. The Social ~ Medicine Clinic in Arhus has, for example, experienced an increase in new admissions of 50 percent fram 1977 to 1979. And the increase is continu- ing with alarming speed, says Clinic Director Iwan Mark. Doubled ~ He expects that the number of new drug addicts on the needle in 1980 will reach double that of last year's figure, which was 42. o'he figures appear in the 1979 annual report from the Youth Center in = Arhus, which has just been published. Here also it appears that there is - an increasing number of older hard-core needle addicts who seem without - a big chance for being won back to a more normal life. Z`he so-called remnant group, who started their abuse already in the 60's, number today about 100, 41 of them women. "We have not given up on this severely strained group," says Iwan Mark from the Social Medicine Clinic. "But we are far from optimistic with regard to their treatment." A further problem with the older addicts is that they enter into marital - relations in which there often are children, too. The increasing number of pregnancies is due to a natural desire on the part of older addicts to have a child, while at the same time they often entertain a false hope that the responsibility of a child will prevent them from abuse. On the , contrary, it turns out that these children are so difficult because of _ abstinence symptoms that their mothers often reject them. - 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 The Youth Center in Arhus will now try to make a special effort for this group so that the children will get a fair chance in life. 7n 1979 there were 12 addict deaths in ~rhus. In comparison with the - tragic record of 16 deaths in 1978, it is a question of a drop, but this . _ is still a very high figure, it says in the report. "The narcotics problen;5 in ~,rhus are growing ~ar faster than the treatment ~ system has a capacity for," says Iwan Mark. , "It happens that now we must concentrate on the drug addicts, while in the more peaceful periods in the middle of the 70's we could also take other youths with problems, and thi~ has always been the purpose of our clinic," - _ says Iwan Mark. 8985 CSO: 5300 ` . ' 35 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 FINLAND HELSINKI COURT'S DIGGEST HASHISH CASE CONCLUDES Helsinki I~LSINGIN SANON',AT in Finnish 7 Jun 80 p 6 [Article: "16.5 Kilos of Finnish Drugs in Stockholm"j - [Text] Translator Miika Kortekallio, who was found cJuilty ir_ the largest hashish case to be heard in the Helsinki Municipal Court, had 16.5 kilos of _ hashish in his possession in Stockholm according to preliminary information from the Swedish police. Of this amount he sold 10.5 kilos in St~ckholm and sent the rest to Finland. Public prosecutor Ritva Santavnori did not present this information as evi- dence since a complete report had not yet been received from Sweden. At this time Kortekallio is accused of smuggling approximately 12 kilos of ~ hashish into Finland, of which it is believed that approximately 4 kiloa was sold previ.ously. Aftar analyzing the informAtion received fro~ Sweden at least 2 kilos can be added to the amotmt smuqqled into Finland. At the Alonday.session of the court Santavuori read six new accusations con- cerning the trafficking in drugs. A bus driver fram Vihtila was accused of purchasing 1,640 qrams of hashish far 26,000 markkas. According to the accusation he sold approximately 300 grams of this amount for 12,000 markkas. A Helsinki advertising agent purchased 1,220 grams for 17,000 markkas and sold half of this amount for more than 15,000 markkas. In both cases tihe prosecutor demanded sentencing for gross violation of the drug laws. At the present time 29 individuals are being accused in the F:elsinki Munici- pal Court of participation in this so-called nationwide Paukarlahti hashish case. Court cases will be heard in many other Finnish communities and also in - Stockholm in the process of identifying this drug ring. It is expected that - J approxi~?ately 100 people are involved in this mntte r. 10576 ~ CSO: 5300 36 ~ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 FINLAND COURT SENTENCES ENGINEERS IN AMPHETAMINE LAB CASE - Helsinki HELSINGIN SANOMAT in Finnish 7 Jun 80 p 6 _ [Article: "Engineers' Drug Ring Sentenced to Imprisonment"] " [TextJ Three engineers and a correspondent from Helsinki were sentenced to imprisonment for the establishment of a drug laboratory in the center of _ Helsinki. The laboratory's chief chemist, Graduate Engineer Heikki Niskala, _ received a 3-ye~r sentence for criminal violation of the drug laws. = At the end of last year Niskala entered into the manufacture of amphetamines with two Finns residinq in Sweden. The intent was to market the drug in Sweden. Niskala learned about the secrets of drug manufacturing at the library of the Technical Colleqe. With the help of another graduate engineer and a female correspondent he constructed laboratory equipment and testied its - func~iAnal ability in Helsinki. ' ~ The group did not succeed in manufac~uring amphetamines in Finland since the source substances for the process were wrong. The court found that there was no evidence that they had even attem.pted to manufacture the druq in Hel- sinki. Around January-Februazy the laboratory was moved to Stockholm where the pro- - cess was continued. Niskala sta~ed that he in fact really did not want to _ manufacture amphetamines there and knowledgeably used an incorrect procedure. - - v7hen the Finnish customers residing in Sweden threatened Nfskala's female ; friend with sulfuric acid and also hurt his scientific honor by accusinq him - of failing, he then manufactured 250 grams of amphetamine. After this, he taught his compat.-iots in Stockholm how to manufacture the substance and even sent raw materials from Fihland for the purpose of manu- facturing approximat~ely 1 kilo of amphetamines. _ The correspondent who assisted Niskala was accused of qross violation of the drug laws and was sentenced to 1 year and 10 months of conditional imprisor~- ment for the manufacture of drugs. 37 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 , - The mechanical engineer from Helsinki who participated in the procurement of raw materials and equipment for the manufacture of amphetamines received a similar sentence. _ The graduate engineer from Helsinki who worked together with Niskala and the man residing in Sweden was accused of aiding and abetting in the gross viola- tion of tha drug laws and was sentenced to 10 months of conditional imprison- ment. The Finns involved in this matter in Stockholm will be held responsible for their acts in a local court. 10576 CSO: 5300 ~ 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 FRANCE ACTION AGAINST DRUG USE IN SCHOOLS DISCUSSED Paris LE MONDE in French 2 Jul 80 p 10 [Article by Charles VialJ ~ [Text] Monique Pelletier, minister delegate to the prime minister with re- sponsibility for the condition of women and for family affairs, and Christian Beullac, minister of education, jointly presented their "continuing and si- lent" program to fight against the use of drugs in the school sector. This action program, whose ob~ective is "to open dialog with young people," is predicated upon information and prevention. To this end, the minister of - education has installed infrastructures: teams in every secondary school close to the principal or headmaster to hold academic and departmental meet- ings in the presence of the responsible official of the rector's office on the subject of drug addiction problems--a kind of "Mr. Antidrug," a designa- ` tion which was encouraged by the minister a few months ago--and national con- ~ ferences. Dr Nicole Sentilhes, who was placed in charge of the program in February 1980, revealed that on the basis of her initial observations drawn from visits to nine academies and 15 schools: "The threat of drugs is greater in the big _ cities and in the ports." This does not mean, however, that the countryside is free from danger. Young people who regularly shoot up heroin leave school, - not because they have been expelled but because "the pursuit of normal school activities is not compatible with the search for drugs." Drug trafficking is rarely present in the schools, being more frequent out- side their doors or in neighborhood cafes. One disturbing point, Mme Sentil- hes emphasized, is the extension of solvent use to the youngest boys and gi,rls. Mme Pelletier has had talks with legal representatives of druggists with ~ view to regulating the sale of solvents (trichlorethylene, in particuli~,r) and ether to minors. A circular issued by Beullac to school rectors has the purpose of devaloF~ng encounter and life and health clubs where the young people of the school s~c- tor outside of classes can talk amang themselves and with adults about alco�- holism, sex and drugs. These clubs, which would somewhat enlarge the scope of ~ the life and health clubs, are present in less than half the schools, a~ccord- ing to Beullac (LE MONDE, 3 June). 8143 39 CSO: 5300 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 FRANCE _ CUSTOMS OFFICERS' DRUG SEIZURES UP 70 PERCENT IN YEAR Paris LE MONDE in French 8 Jul 80 p 11 [Article by Christian Colombani] [Text] Not a day goes by without national or international customs depart- ments reporting drug seizures: in June 1980, 5,000 kilograms of hashish in Rotterdam; 2 kilograms of heroin at the Tel Aviv airport; 203 kilograms of hashish in Madrid; 520 kilograms of cocaine in Bolivia. On 24 June, French customs officials arrested a diplomat who was smuggling 43 kilograms of hashish. The Rois~y and Orly ai~ports are among those with r_?~e greatest amount of narcotics trafficking in the world. In 1979, French custams departments seized 1,116 k.i,lograms of cannabis, 64 kilograms of heroin and 43 kilograms of cocaine. Seizures made by customs alone amounted to 3,910 kilograms of narcotics for the year. This is up 1,674 kilograms compared with the previous year, or 70 percent more than in 1978. For the first 4 months of 1980, 8'93 kilograms of cannabis, 1,250 kilograms of heroin and 11 kilograms of cocaine have already been seized by customs insFectors. Nigerian of Flight 812 Would they notice the droplets of sweat on his forehead, the fear creeping _ up his spine? He inched his way forward like a condemned man going to the - gas chamber. The blue uniform trousers with the red.stripe down the leg, ~ the peaked caps, the grenade ornaments, made his new existence, so near and yet so far, seem inaccessible: He still had to get through customs. Roissy, 0915 hours, Gate 14: The stream of passengers from UTA Flight 812 from _ Lagos via Abidjan carried Ma.lam R,,24,, import-export~ agent, along with it.. The Nigerian gripped the handle of his canvas bag until his fingernails cut into his palm. The 4.6 kilograms of Ind3,an hemp that were to change his life felt as heavy as lead. "Nothing to declare." The uniformed . agents did not arrest Malam K., who Murried toward the exit, taward Paris. ~ Fortune smiles on the tiold. In the windowless, airless customs office, the Nigerian, handcuffed, bent ~ his head, overcome. The dice were still rolling. The mobile squad customs agents had arrested him on the threshold. Now it was the other scenario, � . the one Malam had imagined ten times oner and ten times rejected as being . , 40 ' ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 . bad luck that happens only to other people. "As soon as they are arrested, they usually offer no further resistance," expluins Inspector Dufay. "It is more like exhaustion; they act as if they were in a dream." Customs agents move around the room doing their routine tasks. The almost daily confiscations no longer pique their curiosity. At the Roissy Airport, they intercepted 2 tons of narcotics in 1979. In a corner, a cabinet holds _ the most incredible evidence seized. It is a little museum where imagina- tion is the rival of absurdity: shoes with fak~ heels, double-bottomed suitcases, exotic works of art of dubious taste concealing cavities, fake books, fake travel albums, and so on. "Sometimes we have to take apart their shoes completely and then we have to buy them slippers to take them to the police," Gaetan Rouche, a member of the mobile squad, tells us. The experience of customs agents specialiaing in drug trafficking finally gets the better of the smugglers' wiles. "They think that by perfecting their secret places, they will run fewer:risks. That gives them courage," Dufay explains. . The city where the flight originates, the look of the,passenger, also pro- vide clues. ~"We pay parti:cular attention to planes from Southeast Asia, the Near and Middle East, South America, BTack Africa." Each itinerary . has its specialty. Malam, the Black, was smuggling hemp. The evening be- �ore, a young Chinese from Hong Kong was carrying.heroin. In his pocket ~ was one half of a 10-rupee bill. His contact, a Pakistani, had the oth~er half. This afternoon, cocaine traffick~rs might arrive on the plane fram - Bogota. "Usually, they are guys short of money who were offered a return _ ticket." - - Hot on the trail, the customs agents try to obtain informat~on. A name, an addrFss. Malam K. is to go to Paris to the house of a friend of his ' brother's living in Belleville. He has never seen him. Investigators ~ ~ from the National Directorate of Customs Investigators (DNED) have been alerted. They will continue their interrogations and if need be, make "domiciliary visits." "It is�always the same story. They are rather unaware of what is happening to them," one inspector says. "The Africans ~ especially scarcely realize that Indian hemp is against the law in France. There, it is grown right out in the open. They often offer us money as if we were civil servants in their own country. They also say that the herb ~ is to make soup." It is a story that Malam K. tells in turn because he promised himself to go through~with .the adventure to the end. "For soup," as if saying: "Please, pretend to believe it and let me go back home." One Better . - Malam refuses to sign the report: "4.6 kilograms in wrapping paper, a sub- - stance we immediately recognize~? a~ cannabis in l~~aves and seeds." The report will be posted on the door. At 1100 hours,~the fate of the Nigerian is decided: prison; a fine and later, deportation. "His bag smelled like ~ hashish., All you had to do was follow the sce~t," Dufay tells us. So much for the custom agent's nose. . - 41 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 It is 1400 hours. Two men are left in the room, where the typewriters spit out their reports. AF Flight 204 from Bogota was fruitful. Roberto E., 26, Colombian, and Josef C., 24, Israeli, both chained to their chairs. They were carrying cocaine hidden in spray net cans and Polaroid film. This time, it was the uniformed agents who made the arrest. "I thought that was cute! I p~esaed on the buttom three times but it was still pretty heavy. The fourth time,.psstt, no more pressure!" The open bags are displayed on a table while the agents continue to search � through them. "It looks hollow inside." The 510 grams of. powder found in Josef S.'s suitcase and the 1,150 grams discovered in the traveling bag - belonging to the Colombian are weighed. The seizure is worth an estimated = 1.3 million francs, a major case. The Central Illegal Narcotics Trafficking Office (OCTRIS) is called in: The "prisoners" wait. "I lost m;~ney gambling and since I had to get some money together, I bought $24,000 worth. I am a loser." . The Colombian says that a woman, a hairdresser, is waiting for him at a hotel. "She was a stranger and asked me to do this at the Bogota Airport." No one is willing to believe him a~d he falls silent. The report is pre- sented to him. "Whether he signs or not, it is the same thing; it is just - a formality." They wait what seems like an interminable length of time, _ imagining their far-off freedom. "Can you tell me how much time they will - give me?" Josef S.. asks. "A year? Ten years? I need to know." Finally, the drug is turned o~er to police officers from the Central Office, after taking "about 10 grams f or analysis at the Iaboratories of the Minis- try of the Budget." The.y sign a paper showing they have received the drug _ and leave with the men and thefr products. � It is getting late. The cusroms agents at Roissg have had a full day. Those who discovered the trick.retell the tale for their colleagues. "I don't know; you could just tell they were smugglers." Other agents at the inspec- _ tion stations watch the next flights: the wretched Blacks, the petty traffickers who gamble th~ir lives for double or nothing, the hangdog looks, _ but also the corpulent businessmen and official travelers who hold on to their diplomatic briefcases a little too tightly. "The inspectors get ~ nothing fro~ the seizures.because the product is not sold and is destroyed," Albert Laot, head of customs at Roissy Airport, points out. Nothing remains then, but the game of the customs agent and the smuggler and the very moral alchemy of the customs seizure that turns the drug into smoke. - 11,464 CSO: 5300 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 _ FRANCE _ BRIEFS ORLY: CANNABIS GALORE--So strange were the diploma tic pouches carrie~ Monday night by the first secretary of the embassy of Cameroon at Kinshasa: - Customs officials at Orly airport discovered in these dispatch-bags 43 kg of cannabis worth 500,000 Fr. The African diplomat who said that he knew nothing about the content of his luggage, was handed over to vice squad inspectors. [TextJ [Paris L'HUMANITE in French 2 5 Jun 80 p 12] 9213 DRUG TRAFFIC DISMANTLED--A 30-year-old man, Gilles Gasperini, his wife and - his sister-in-law, had transfionmed their cottage a t Revigny-sur-Ornain in Meuse into a meeting place for drug addicts. Sunday evening, the genda~es of ~ Bar-le-Duc arrested them (as well as a fourth pers on). They believe that the Gasperini house was also the center of an important local traffic in which about 100 youths would be involved. [Text) [Paris L'HUMANITE in French 25 Jun 80 p 12 ] 9213 SEIZURE OF 203 KG OF HASHISH--Yesterday, the civil guard of the Algesiras post in Cadix Province (Andalousia) seized 203 kg of hashish worth 20 mil- lion pesetas (1,250,000 Fr). Four drug pushers--3 Moroccans and 1 Spaniard--have been arrested. The drug coming from Morocco was destined to the Netherlands. [Text] [Paris L'HUMANITE in French 25 Jun 80 p 12] 9213 HASHISH DISCOVERY AT NICE AIRPORT--Customs officia ls at Nice-Cote d'Azur airport have discovered 24 kg of hashish in two trunks in willow sent a month ago from Ghana to an addressee who has never come to pick them up. - The trunks bearing a"perishable products" label contained fruit and calebashes. Disturbed by the smell of rotting frui t, airport personnel alerted customs authorities who opened the truaks and discovered the drug hidden between double bottoms. [Text] [Paris L'HUMAIJITE in French 27 Jun 80 p 12:J 9213 _ HEROIN TRAFFICKER BEHIND BARS--a 54-year-old heroin trafficker, Marc Counil, formerly IFF (Inland French Forces) lieutenant, has been indicted _ by Judge Jean Trocheris, leading examining magistrate, and was sent to - prison on Sunday 29 June for violation of narcotic laws. H~ was arreated - ~ 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 on 28 June in Paris by police while negotiating a"consignment" with a peddler. With an ostentatious display of inedals on his chest, Marc Counil had brought heroin himself in Thailand via Belgium. He has admitted to having made eight trips and brought back 500 kg of pure heroin from each trip. Nevertheless, according to police, his traffic would have been more extended. Upon his arrest he had 60 g of drug on him, and a search at - his house led to the additional seizure of 600 g. A knight of the Legion of Honor and a recipient or the Military Medal and War Cross, Marc Counil ~ joined the army when he was only 16, concealing his young age. Now, of- - ficially he was in charge of Cambodian refugees, but discreetly with the wealth patiently amassed by him he has planned to repurchase the Elysee- Montmartre in Paris in order to turn it into a night club. ~ao of his ha,bitual peddlers, 37-year-o1d Hendrix Alm, of German nationality, and 27- year-old Didier Stroebel, were arraigned a few hours after their "bos5." [Text] [Paris LE MONDE in French 3 Jul 80 p 11] 9213 HEROIN IN MULHOUSE--In Mulhouse, 1,200 grams of heroine has been found at the home of twc drug traffickers. The drug, worth several million francs, _ came from Istanbul through Geneva. Seven people have been arrested in Bale _ and Mulhouse. [LD230616 Paris Domestic Service in French 0900 GMT 22 Jul 80] CSO: 53GQ ' 44 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300024411-4 UNITED KINGDOM CORRUPT DRUG DETECTIVES `HAVE ESCAPED' London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 9 Jul 80 p 3 - [Ar;,icle by Ian Henry] [Text] ~ DETECTIVE Sergeant, jailed for helping, Thorough inquiry a~Scotland Yard " connection " WhiCh , 7udge Bm~ c~sS~s.. Q c, who praised the thoroughness of returned half a ton of con6scated c~rugs. fia the Scot~and Yard internal in� vestigation, told Carringtou, the ill~gal market, was only the tool of ~ senior ~ u The- public has to support th4 police force because the.y ar~ Off1C�tS who : fiave SO ~~I' " covered their . the~ servaats and because, on the w~hole, they do their job. - ~racks," a judge was told yesterday. ~ , superbly weIl. _ _ Sgt KEVIN CARRINGTON, 31, of Strathmore Gardens, " But, if a police o~cer Horncliurcl~, an under~over Dru s S uac~detective for ~~'ays that c~nfrdence an~ ~ Q betrays the public respect, them tliree years, made nearly �60,000 far the~"connectian" it is unfortnnatel,v the dutv o~ b, assin on seized dru valuect at ~�650,000 t an. to see tbat the oBce~ Y P S ~ .9 is Pnnished severely.,� underw~rlii' contact>.- The Judge added, ��I am _ - strungly of the apinion that Yat - Aft~s a mont~-long tiial,~ei wera led inroo tl~is by senior was j~led for sevea pears o2 a~oea~s of the druSs-sqs~ad and charges oP' cons~iring ta I sa.y no more. I tihin~ the prosecution we~ probably right - supply divgs arid supplying to reQard yon ae a tool a! o~� _ - ~gs� - . ce s higher-np." Carringbon was recrnited into ~ S~xnt.Ett told the jurY ~ the Dru;s Squad after a clean- that Essex police arrested a out o~ other corrupt officers ia Rom~ord ma~lcet trader, Jogrr - 1973. But he became involved Goss and foimd him irr passes- in a second wave uf corruptioa sion of 6'Zlb of cannabis resin which ended four years later which was contamsinated with with another dean-out. ~ Itrey aiv~minium powder used bjt :~Ir Gearge SBindler, Q('., Scottand Fard fingerprint ex- prosecutin~ at his trial, accused ~'S' ' other officers more senior in 'Drugs switehed . rank to Carringtoa , of' being It was found to be ideatical i inv~olved in the " conaechon ~aice-wp to ~thait seized ia'� 1976~ Mr KExrrE~ NGcRirr; QC, �A~ter the trial involviag..ihe; - defending, said: "HQ was b.y 1976. xia~re, the divgs were ' no mcans the prime maver. swit~ohed w~ile en�rogte to thd There were others, much more t~ ~~ty ~boTe at ' - senior, who played a pert much Wapping, Mr Shiadler sa~d. - gra~t~ 3h,an his. They have unfortunately covered theu tradcs suocessfuliy so far." - ~ 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 'I1vo o~cer~, Det Chtef Inap Anthony Rich and Det Insp David Draper were alleged to have travelled eight miles out = of their waY aad takea 45 minutes longer thaa normal for Che journey,. Mr Shindler added. ~ The cossi~ment d~elivered to tbe stoce was destroyed next d:y instead o# waiting the stipu- 1Med 26 daqs. Carriagton, who cafled Rich, as a defence witness ciaimed that Goss was his iaformant and he~ passed ou a small amount of ca~nnabis to him to try to track dowa the big dealers of an East _ Ead drng�ring: � Ia Jnne - last year Rach, 33, f Airlie 6ardens, Kenaiag~on; and Draper, 36, of Fesnleigh Road, Wiachmore Hill, wero d~s- charged ofoo~p irncy aad dnig- theft charges� by the,; Maryle- - boaa Magistrabe;- Sir Iv~o � Ri~by.: ~ D~aper is a~waifing an agaiast dismissal� from th ~ - police. Rich, svspended, aa fnll~ pay for three years is to~face a pohce disdplinatp board. Gosst35, of Bascombe Avenue; Hornchurch, was given a two� year conditional~ discharge afbe~ being tried at an earlier hearin~ for possessin~;cannabis. � ~ CSO: 5320 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 UNITEn KINGDOM - HIG~I-SPEED CHASE RESULTS IN COCAINE SEIZURE, A.RRESTS Cocaine Thrown Out Window London 'I'I~ DAILY '1'ELEGRAPH in English 8 Jul 80 p 15 [Article by John Weeks] [ Text ] ~ p a r c e 1 coptainin,g ~~'~e officers had been watch- A cocaine valued at mors ~ng suspects for the last fe~v than z30,000 was thrown ~onths.' Yesterday they ~p- proac~ed two men ia a.station� from a silver�grey Ca4illae ary Cadillac" ia Russell Road. being chased at speed by Holland P~nrk. But the chf sped C u s t o m s investiga~ors off. ~ through Kensington yester-~ Niaie West L+aadon ndtlixc,e~ day: w~ere ~+ad~d*:d. Sma11 quan,kapizs o The ' American car, yvith a ~�nd ehoCguas: ~w~re British indeK num~ber, strucic ~nd. Du~in~g one ma~id - in several oth~r vehicles, ic~tludiag N~P'~~'~' Q0~' �ff I{~n~ta~fi�m - a Customs car, during the two- An~gh Stnet - o~cers c~bE~ mile chase. The c~' was oa nedg~hbour~in~g roofs. _ abandoned in Mathesod: ~na& Six �nen aud thtree :wamea - - West Kensington. ; , wrre Q~elpirt~B inquiries; last ni gl~t. Ex-Tory Candidate Held Lozxdon THE DAILY TELEGRAPIi in English 9 Jul 80 p 3 [Article by John Weeks ] - - ~ Text ] witli the uther eight ~ a~t the r~ARTIN ~B~NDELOW, 35, a Toiy candidate ia; Customs' investigation head- 1 the Ge~eral Election, was. last night axnong six quarters in New Fetter Lane. - - men and three women helping Gustoms investigators. Holborn. with their inquiries ~ into a�50Q;000 seizure of They were expected to remain ~ ~~CbCaine. � ovPSnig~t and soma might face charges today. Arrested at his home in The soa of the Vicar of Laurel Road,. Barnes, $en- Christchurch, Hanog~te, . Bea- delow was a fellow at the _ dAlow rvas being questioned Centre for Policy Studies (an 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4 independent group "set ".up by some of the ad~resse~ a~nd t~t?e � Sir Keith Joseph for Torsr CoCal haul had a street value~ of party policies� until six tnanthB more thaa �500,000: before ~ the General Electian in ~~e.sts foY~owed moaths May~ last year. Het rvbrked as of obsea~vafiians by Cus2oms' aa �o~8~r dd 'research a8ents~ in~r@sbi8~ing g ma5or 'rassiS~Ca~t ~rP~e~v~~iORSala~: coaaloe smnBBl~ag openatio~. Ia.. t~he: Gsaeral. F.lectioa._he~ One m�aa: n~asned aa Dou8lae stood 'as a caadid~te at Ht~d- Ronaki Morde~. 35, was sti11 dersfield East aad failed to take ~ng sQUght far qnestionhu~g. tba seat from Laboui- by 3,096 v~tes: The Customs and Excise - ' ' " ~ yesterday issued ~a- picture of 1VIe~II Si3ll' SOlighb . Morden. a~d said he conld be The~ ~ne were anresbed iir armed and' � shwld not � be radds ao miue ad~esses i~n W~E appT~~~ by members of the Loaidoa an M�a~ay ~fte+-~ a Public. 2vigh~speed chase tt~+ou~h Ken~ Morden� was described� as singrooa_ i~n w+hi~ .�30,000 rvcrEh Sft , l0in. taIl w~th dark h~air _ of oocaane, rvrapped ia a paree~l, ~ ~1 of " neat " appearance. w~ag throwQ fz~offi a Gadillac ~ When last seen ~e was weanng car being parsu~d by Customs' a gr~eY suit aad' a bine shitt. _ egen~ts. . . . . During the raidg� the Customs = seized� more~ of~ uhe drug�fra~ CSO: 5320 END ~ - ~ 48 , - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300020011-4