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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500064458-7 ' FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY ' JPRS L/10545 27 May 1982 ~Worldwide Re nrt p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS cFOUO 24is2~ ~ FBIS FOREIC~N BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060058-7 NOTE JPRS publications contain information pr imarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadca'sts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources ~ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and, other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and mater ial enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerpt] in the f irst line of each item, or followiag the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- , ~ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattrlbuted parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS t~ND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLI.^.�ATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. _ti APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464458-7 JPRS L/10545 27 May 198 2 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ~ (FOUO 24/82) CONTENTS - ASIA AUSTRA.LIA Briefs Drug Syndicste Smashed 1 HONG KONG International Controls on Lrug Buprenorphine Feared i (Paul Baran; SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 28 Mar 82) 2 Thui Alleged Traffic ker Extradited to Netherlands (Sarah Monks; SOUTH CHINA MORNING POS~, lu Apr 82)..... 3 Police Ra,id Drug Fac tory, Seized Heroin, Heroin Base ~ (South China Morning Post, 15 Apr 82) 4 Brief s Drug Seizure Figures 5 Macao Drug Pro~lem 5 INDOIVESIA , Briefs Poppy Seeds Confiscated 6 Narcotics Arrests 6 Morphine Arrest 7 NEW ZEALAND Auckland Airport Cannabis Haul One of Lar est Ever (THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, 17 Mar 82~ 8 - a - [IYI - ~V - 138 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460058-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PAKISTAN . Briefs Dutch Narcotics Official Ar�rives 9 � Cairo-Bound Opium Seized 9 Heroin Seizure 9 Units for Naxcotics Control 9 PHILIPPINES Large Maxihuana Haul Reported (PHILIPPINES DAILY ERPRESS, 18 Apr 82) 10 Addictive Cough Syrups Reclassified (PHII,IPPINES DAILY EXP'RESS, 30 Apr 82) 11 Brief s More Drugs Recla3sified ~ 12 COLQMBIA Brief s ~ International Drug Shipment Confiscated 13 Blow To Drug Trafficking ~ 13 Marihuana Seizure 13 Llanos Orientales Coca Destrayed 13 GUYANA Brief s Anti-Drug Moves 14 JAMAICA Paper Questions Use of Two Unregistered Airstrips (THE DAILY GI,EANER, 2L~ Apr 82) 15 MEXICO Drug-Connected Prison Officials Returned From U.S. (F`rancisco Ornelas; EL SOI, DE SINALOA, 7 Apr 82) 16 Drug Ringleader Tdentified by Accomplices Captured ~ (EL MANANA, 15 Apr 82) 18 Former Drug Ringleader Killed by Police (EL FRONTERIZO, 16 Apr 82) 20 Accused Cocaine Traffickers Claim Innocence, Torture (EL DIAItIO DE NUEVO LAREDO, 1 Apr 82) 22 - b - � _ NOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060058-7 - FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLV ~ MEXICO ~ Briefs ~ Sonora Pla.ntations Sought 25 Drugs in I'rison 2~ Heroin Trafficker Sentenced Colombian Trafficker F~eed 26 I?rug Destruction Described 26 Flzmigating Helicopter Attacked 27 Drugs, Traffickers Seized 2? Marihuana, Poppy Plants Destroyed 27 Antidrug ~ampaign ftesults 27 . IRAN Bri.ef s ~ Heroin Seizure in Tayyebat 28 Opium Seizure in Tehran , ~ 28 ~ Drngs I?iscoWered 28 Opium Seizune 28 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Marihuana Consumption in Bangui Decried (J.P.D.P. Yangou; TERRE AFRICAINE, 16 Feb 82) 29 MALI Briefs Large ~Drug Bust 31 _ SOUTH AFRICA Businessman Accused of Aiding Internatianal Smugglers (Sandra Lieberum; THE CITIZ.'~:N, 12 May 82) 32 WEST EL'ROPE ~ GREECE Narcotics Traffickers Arrested in 5alonica . (ELEVTHEROTYPIA, 23 Apr 82) 33 -c- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060058-7 FOR OFF[CI~.L USE ONLY Brief s Narcotics Traffickers Apprehendeci 35 Two Arrest~d With Heroin 35 Nigerians Narcotics Traffickers Arrested 35 NETHERLANDS Hashish Smuggling Operation Broken Up (HET VftIJE VOLK, 26 Mar $2) 36 , NORWAY Ministry Stepping Up Efforts To Keep Drugs From Prisons (Thorleif Andreassen; AFTENPOSTEN, 21 Apr 82) 38 ~ SWEDEN Paper Questions Wh.ether 'Mafia-Style~ Gang Behinci ~ugs (Claes Lofgren; 7 DAGAR, 2 Apr ~2) 39 Briefs Narcotics (.'-rime Ststistics Released 1~5 TURKEY Rrief s Heroin Smuggling ~6 ~ ti~ FOR OI~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 AUSTRALIA BRIEFS DKUG SYNDICATE SMASHED--The Australian federal police believe they have broken a drug syndicate which was attempting to establish a narcotics - retailing network in Australia and New Zealand. 'I'hey have charged four people with drug-related offenses after seizing a quantity of heroin from the boot of a taxi in the Sydney sub urb of Double Bay. The a.rrest marks the end of a combined Australian and New Zealand police operation which _ began in New Zealand 13 months ago. The four people charged were appearing in court in SydnEy on 11 May. [Text] [BK140645 Melbourne Overseas Service in English 0830 GMT 11 iday 82] CSO: 5300/5738 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460058-7 HONG KJNG ItJTERNATI0PIAL COD]TROLS ON DRUG BUPRENORPHINE FEARED Flong Kony SOUTII CHINA MORNING POST in English 28 Mar 82 p 1 ~ (Article by Paul Baran] [ I:r,cerpts J 'The GOVe[emEnt Is done. which are both heavily being urged by the ~~~ro~~~~ ~~a or ~he drug manufactunr of a drug ~ for ita original pain-killing pur would suffer. which could revolutio- ne of the countriea wid nise Hongkong': heroin.: ~o be considering increa:ing treatment . programme:: conero~~ o~ ehe dru~ i~ che to aay nothm$ furthes Uniced suea, where ~t enjoye ab~0ut lOpOSC~ tEeb oe': halthy wla as an snalgaic. p Thera aro also ..fean, a addicts for fear it eould. pharm~eolo~y wurce said, ~ come under tighter son-, � thst if "puthen find out" the trols in countries where : dryt v~u~ a"high" :imi- . itr to heroin, . buprcnorphine it is widely used - as: ~a ~ ~~d find its w~y on to the pain-killer. ~ :creets. tor ale to ~ddicta. Tau u:ing the drua. bw' .:~V~� iri Britain, '~4 prenorphine~ on ~ddiM volun� ' ' apotaman for the oomp~ny'~ , tan at the Soc~ety ~tor the ~~tins divi- Aid and Rehabililation of ~ :ion. decJiped .to comment on Dru` Abu~en Tacility at the:publiaty ban. ~ayin8: "1 � Shsk Kwu Ch~u, ~are likely W ~ ~~~utely noth- begin in May when tbe fint� ~~~hine:' ~ batch of the drug.atriva from a ~ - the Britiah m~nufscturer,~, ~ Tbe ida to ~et up a ~pe- Ra:kitt-C~Imsn: ciai ptoject wing the ~cu6 But it was leerned th~t was.put to the Government in since the Government an~ Novembw , by Dr Robert nounced the testa' in ~January, Newman; i New York City- ; the company hasimiated on a� b~sad medical' ipaiaiist on publicity ban on the project. euootia'~and .e~n~ultant to becauee it could �oonrnncx the Modieal� and Healtd� De- international medEcal author- partrtK;nt: on.6aroin treatment , itia to tightert up con?rols on and ~ehabiliution. buprenorphiiu~ which .would Dc Nnn'man~ Mho mad� ~ n durin~' a v~it put a dent in ~ iu worid�wide ~4~it~ . asla os 's proven pain-kitler. ' here. is tbC~ nl director of oraralgeaic. . tlie Beth,. Israel. Medioal Aooordmg'to one wura, � `Fouhdation arfd former diroc- "it'~ ~n ~aoci~tion thin~:',. tor~ ~o! New York Ci~y's He ~~id if the drug beoomer meth~done tre~tment pro- ~ lanked to heroin or metha- gnmme.. CSO: 5320/9126 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 HONG KONG THAI ALLEGED TRAFFICKER EXTRADITED TO NETHERLANDS EIong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 14 Apr 82 p 1 [Article by Sarah Monks] [Text] A Thai enginser wanted in Holland on held at Causewey Bay Court in Junc. drugs charges left Kai 7ak nnder police . This act was alleged to be without propcr escort last night - after a 13-month legal regard to the interests of Voncfiai, who had marathon which involved thra aeparate. applied for a writ of habeas corpus in the extradition proceedinga. High Court. The man, Vonchai Tumtonkitul. alias Mr Lsu was suspended from his dutics on Danny Conrad (30)~ is alleged to be a lading full y from November 25. figura m a Tha~ drug syndicste linked to the. his acquittal he has been on leave illegal traffcking of S1 kg of heroin. and e decision i: expected soon on his future The drug: wen aiud on a Polish ship tin . tiound for Holland. . ~In August the Full Bench of the High Vonchai was taken from the Laichikok' ~ourt ordered the release of Vonchai because Reception Centre yaterday W the tirport by, of "a mi:take" on the part of Mr Lau during the head of the Interpa Burau. Supenntend- the fint extradition proceedings. ent D.M. Hod~n, ~nd Chief In:pectur M.F., However, Vonchai was re-arrested 'by Quinn, of Interpol. tnterPol officen ea he walked out of the court He was handai wer to Chief Inspector buildtng. ~ Marinus Wicjenburg frum the Central Nar- A fresh application was made for his cotics Bureau, The Hegue~ ,and ln~pector ~xtradition. ~ Marian Kares from the Hu~un Municipel p~~oy~r thc second set of extradition Polia, the Netherlanda. ~ p~~~i~gs ~gan before Mr P.H. O'Donnell Dutch duthoritia isaued a' proviaiona~ a~ ~y~~ern Court. warrant for Vonchei s arreat on March 1_ The magistrate said the dceuments pru- last~year. ' � duced as exhibits, including the foreign war- Since then he h~a been arte~ted three rant ior Vonchai's arrest, had not been duly times and released twice in Hongkong. autlienticated - and released ,Vonchai. A sensational loeal court ca~e arae from Two hours later Vonchai was re-arrested theproceedingsforhitextradition. b' Inter I ofCcers outside the Thai Thia was the tnal - and toquittal, on ~onsulat ~General in Gloucester Road after March 27 - of ~ unior magutrate, Mr makin en unsuccessful attcmpt to seek asy Alexander Lau, on eharga of to ~um. g pervert the coune of~ public juitice and mia� ~n February, following a third set of conduct in a publieoffice. extradition prxeedings, which began in It was alleged tha6 Mr Lau di~honatly Decemsxr, Vonchai waa ordered by Mr J.C. altered hix minuta of the fint extrodition Griffiths at Wextern Court to t~e extradited, proceedingx against Vonchai. which wcrc CSO: 5320/912G 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 HONG KONG POLICE RAZD DRUG FACTORY, SEIZE HEROIN, HEROIN BASE Fiong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNZNG POST in English 15 Apr 82 p 18 [Text J Police raided a� 6eroin tbe Narootia�Burau, raided factory in Kowloon .Walled the premi~a about 5.30 pm City on Tuesday and: seized on Tuad~y. ~ ' S3 m~llion worth of dru~. About s~s kilogram~ of No Sophisticated equ~pment 3 heroin, I.S kg of heroin base for turning heroin ba~ ~nto and 3.5 kg of caffeine were No 3 heroin was discovered. seizod dunng the raid. A 50-year-old man. believ- The 6eroin snd heroin ed to be the drug factory base alone would have fetch- operator, and a 36-year-old ed S3 million on the atrats. woman bel~eved W be hit u- Among the drug proceas-. sistant were arrestod and will ing oquipment wa~ a mb- appear in the Sen Po Kong crowave oven and a food courttoday. mixer. The man ia expectod w be With tbeae, the time teken charged with manufacturing to oonvert s batch of heroin dangerous drugs for tra~ek- ba~e to i~lo 3 heroin would be , , I'/~ houra, oompared to four gThe woman, who wid ~he houra using "traditional" was the tandlord of the raidod methoda. ' premisa in Lung T~un Back The apokesman ~id the Strat in the walled city; will' drug makera apparently be additionally cher6ed with bought a large amount of raw allowing her home to be wed , hero~n before Easter and were for illegal activitia. � hoping t6e police would not A policx apokamtn said s be ao alert durmg the holida~ team of offiara, haded by period when they cunverted it Superintendent Eric L.eung of to No 3 heroin. CSO: 5320/9126 ~l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 HONG KANG BRIEFS DRUG SEIZURE FIGURES--Customs officers last year seized 190 kg of narcotics, worth about $60 mi1 lion in the streets, and arrested 750 people. This was disclosed yesterday by Mr K.S. Tong, head of the Customs Investigation Bureau, who noted that drug traffickers are now employing "ever more ingenious and sophisticated" ways. He said he was concerned to see the reappearance of high quality No 4 heroin last year and the influx of drugs from the bumper harvests in the Golden Triangle. The Commissioner, Mr pouqlas Jordan, added that be- � cause of the increasing canplexity and volume of its work, the customs service underwent a reorganisation. Manpower has increased by 454 to its present level of 2,158 and there is expected to be a comparable upgrading of its resources, such as metal detectors and X-ray machines. He pointed out that trade facil- itation remains an important function of the serivice. Thousands of aircraft and vessels and about nine million passengers--plus millions of postal pack- ages, thousands of containers of manufactured prodt~cts and raw materials--all came into and out of Hongkong last yea~. [TextJ [Honq ICong SOUTH CHINA MORN- ING POST in English 13 Apr 82 p 16] MACAO DRUG PROBLEM--Macau, Apr 2--The police are concerned about a 50 per cent - increase in the number of drugs cases brought before the courst last year. Officials from the Security Police said since Macau is so close to Hongkong ar.d China, traffickers can ship dangerous drugs into the territory in small packets through various channels, making it hard for the police to detect. Police sources also said that most of the drugs, mainly he~-oin, came from Bang- kok through Hongkong, although some opium was brought in from China. Most of the arrested traffickers are "small fry" and all the ringleaders escaped be- fore police raids--which an officer from the Intelliqence Division said indi- cated that they had good information on police operations. Last year, 35 peo- ple appeared before the courts on drugs charges, 15 mo~e than in 1980. There are believed to be 5,000 drug addicts in Macau--70 per cent of them middle aged or elderly. Police are worried about the increasing number of juveniles who are turning to drugs and the Deputy Director of the Macau Judicia~y Police, Dr Silva de Noronha, said one of their aims is to stop the drugs reaching the schools.--Our Own Correspondent. [Text] [Hong IGonq SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 3 Apr 82 p 7] , CSO: 5320/9126 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 IAIDONESIA BRIEFS POPPY SEEDS CONFISCATED--About one kilo of�poppy seEds were found by a cus toms official at Polonia Airport in Medan in the handbag of a woman of Indian na- tionality named PK (54 years old), bearing Indian passport Number J.946578. PK was a passenger on an MAS [Malaysian Airways System] flight from Kuaya Lumpur to Medan, which landed on Sunday morning, 4 April, at Polonia Airporto PK told the customs official that she had bought the poppy seeds in Malaysia ~ at the request of her son in Medan. PK said that the seeds be used to flavor food and also for medicine when he was sick. However, she did not state who her son was and what disease he was suffering from. According to her, the poppy seeds can be purchased freely in Malaysia. PK has been turned over to the Second Precinct Poliae and is currently being interrogated. [Text] [Jakarta KOI~AS in Indonesian 6 Apr 82 p 12] 5170 NARCOTICS ARRESTS--Semarang, 24 March--Ttao suspected narcotics traffickers, TAK (55 years old) and his son, HMZ (37 years o1d), who were arrested by police of- ficers from Police Region IX in ;,entral Java in February, 1982, will be turned over to the state prosecutor in the near future. Police officers seized from the two suspects a half kilo of narcotics valued at Rp 100 million. The narcotics were hidden in a pile of boxes in the s tore belonging to the sus- pects in the Tanah Mas district of Semarang. A source in the Research Section of Police Itegion IX confirmed that up to the present the two accused have s till not admitted that they had the narcotics. According to their statement, the narcotics had been entrust~d to them by a woman they did not know and were to be distributed in the Cilacap area. According to laboratory tests the nar- cotics are izuleed a prohibited substance. From the time the two suspects were arrested they have been held by the police. The chief of Police Region IX, Police Ma~or General Montolalu, speaking before a plenary session of the Pro- vincial Council recently, admitted that the city of Semarang and Central Java in general have become an area of narcotics traff icking. The narcotics are distributed by an organized syndicate which is well-es.tablished and difficult to break up. According to the Research Section of Police Region IR, there is a considerable possibility that the narcotics trafficking is be3ng carried on by a syndicate which is directed from Jakarta. For example, the two suspects up to the present have "kept their mouths shut." The two suspects have been involved on two previous occasions in narcotics trafficking in Central Java, according to an informed source. In the view of this source the consumers they have targeted are teen-age children. [Text] [Jakarta SINAR HARAPAN in Indonesian 25 Mar 82 pp 1, 12] ~ 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444544464458-7 MORPHINE ARREST--Medan, HARIAN UMUM AB--An attempt by NKT (37 years old), a ~ Malaysian citizen of.Chinese descenr, to smuggle one kilo of uwrphine through Polonia Airport in Medan was broken up on Monday [15 March] by security and customs officials, NKT, who arrived at Polonia Airport in Medan on an MAS [Malaysian Airways System] flight from Penang, attracted the attention of the customs official by his movements and particularly when.he declined to allow the customs officer to examine the package which he was carrying under his arm. Because of his suspicious activity NKT was taken to an examination room and searched. There it was learned that the package which he had under his arm contained morphine crystals described on a written slip in the package as methynedi exyamphetamine morphine [as published]. Security officials then _ sent NKT to the Second Precinct Police Station in Medan for further interro- gation. During the preliminary interrogation at Polonia Airport in Medan NKT admitted that he had received the package from a person named ATU at Bayan Lepas Airport in Penang when he was about to depart for Medan. According to the in- structions which he received from ATU, it was stated that the package would be picked up by a person who would be standing with his arms folded as a signal. NKT said he was willing to carry the be~ause he had once been helped by ATU when he had lost heavily betting on hor~~es in Penang. At the time ATU gave him 2,000 Malaysian dollars. Police authorities in the Second Precinct of Medan contacted by HARIAN UMUM on Tuesday [16 March] state that at present NKT is being interrogated in detail by the police to learn the history behind the prohibited goods and to whom it was to be given. [Text] [Jakarta HARIAN UMUM AB in Indonesian 20 Mar 82 p 2] 5170 ~ CSU: 5300/8323 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060058-7 NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND AIRPORT CANNABIS HAUL ONE QF LARGEST EVER Auckland THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD in English 17 Mar 82 p 1 [Text] Customs officers have seized about 180 kilograms of cannabis--one of the biggest hauls ever made in New Zealand at Auckland International Airport. The narcotic, which had an estimated street value of up to $650,000, was dis- covered in 12 suitcases in a cargo shed in late January. M~ D. B. Gillam, the chief customs officer for investigations in Auckland, said yesterday that during a routine search one of the department's drug dogs had detected the cannabis scent, stood on its hind legs and began barking-- ~ just as it was trained to do. _ Customs officers found the cannabis tightly packed in suitcases which had been ~ stored on pallets about seven metres above the floor. Mr Gillam said the drug had been imported from "the East" and had been at the airport for a few days. The discovery led to an extensive investigation by customs and police�officers. Mr Gillam said he had not commented on the seizure before yesterday because of the "sensitivity of inquiries which extended overseas." Three men have been arrested in.connection with the discovery of the cannabis. They have appeared in the Auckland District Court and have been remanded to ap- pear at a later date. --In May, 1977, police seized 200 kilograms of cannabis in Gisborne, valued at $500,000. In Septembe�r, 1978, a man was jailed for five years for his part in a cannabis-growing operation in which the potential value of the crop was esti- mated at $1.2 million. . CSO: 5320/9127 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460058-7 PAKISTAN BRIEFS ' DUTCH NARCOTICS OFFIC?AI~ ARRIVES--Islamabad, April 27--Harm De Boer, ~ senior Dutch Criminal Service official has arrived here to discuss meas~res with the 1oca1 authorities to stop drug trafficking, it was learnt here today. He met the Chairman of Pakistan Narcotics Control Board, Meraj Hussain and decided a number of steps to be taken to curb interna.tional narcotics smuggling. ~Textj ~Islamabad THE MUSLIM in English 28 Apr 82 p 3~ CAIRO-BOUND OPIUM SEIZED--Customs drug enforcement cell has intercepted a consignment proceeding to Cairo on a"dummy airway �bill" containing 144 kilograms of opium worth RSone million. The.consignment was booked via Hong Kong-Cairo-Paris-Nairob i with fake numbers. It was declared to � contain aircraft parts. Following seizure of this consignment, the customs established contact with Interpol wliich led to.the seizure of a similar consignment at Cairo with same quantity of opium. [Excerpt] [GF141557 Karach i DAWN in English 11 Ma.y 82 Lno page given]] . ~ HEROIN SEIZURE--Peshawar, May 11--Pakistan customs intelligence today seized 162 kilograms'of heroin, valued in Pakistan at 1.62 billion, and Rs 20 billion in foreign markets. The heroin was being carried in a micro bus No TRP 1219 to Karachi for onward transmission to Europe. The trap was,laid near Ladir town,. a short distance from Kohat, at 2 p.m. today. The haul is stated to be the biggest so far in the history of narcotics in this part of the world. [Excerpts] [GF151931 Karachi DAWN in English 12 May 82 P 12 GF] UNITS FOR NARCOTICS CONTROL--Pakistan Narcotics Control Board has set up task force tmits to control the smuggling of drugs within the country. These units, which consist of police personnel from the four provinces, will work to control illegal trafficking of drugs at national and inter- national level. [Text] [Karachi Domestic Service in Urdu 0600 GMT 11 May 82] CSO: 5300/5739 9 ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500464458-7 PHILIPPINES LARGE MARIIIUIIP~ Ii~UL REPORTED P�fanila P}1ZLIPPIN~S DAILY EXPR~SS in English 18 Apr f32 p'l [Text] CAMP DANGWA, La Trlnidad, Bengue~, Aprll Aguana� said the suspected ~aretaker, :vhosc .17-More than 86,000 ma~ijuana plants and several identity was withheld, was~arrested. kilos of dried marijuana leaves worth mWions of COIVSTABUI,ARY . Anti-Narcotics Unit pesos were confiscated in a sedes of raids headquarters in Camp Crame ordered ycsterday all conducted jointly~ by the ~ Benguet PC~INP~ CANU'fleldoperativ;;s to watch out for unidentified Nationai Intelligence and Secuiity Agency, and the, a~ed men posing as CANU undercover agents. Finance Ministry Intelliaence Buroau this week in. directive came followinga report thatseven Kibut~gan, Benguet, aome 90 kilometers from ` unidentifled armed imeri~fdentifying; themsclvcs as BaRuio. . ~ CA,NU agents, .confronted a group of, youngsters Col. Rogelio Aguana, &nguet PC/iNP and with drawn fsearms searched them bodily commander, said that the hwl is the biggest ir~ the wlthout_any mission orders. . ~ area so far. ~ . Bii$ Cen. Bienvenido Felix, ~ CANU The raids were several plantationa commander, safd this ts"just'orte ~Incident where ' located along the bank,.of~~.;,. sitio Bakbakan~ .CANU;operatives are blamed ;for brusque actions KIbungan. ~ , ' ~ � ' . ' ' ~ ~ in conducting searches on innocent youngsters. A total of 16,800' �m~rijuana plants weCe ' ~ , ` ' ~ ' confiscated on Apol 8 and~ 9 whlle the rest were ~ � LAST MONDAY, .in ~ 1lioncada,'Tarlac, seven confiscated yesterday~ Aguana said. ' men ~ldenttfying,~.themselves as CANU agents, ~ M � accosted a group, of young men ~and women on a Tt~IE RAIDIIVG teams had to burn on slte most' atatton wagon for alleged ~ po3session of dried of the prohibited plant3; he'satd, as ttiere were not'~, ' marljuana leaves. ~ ~ enough porters to bring them to the, main road~ , The same. ~men, reportec~!~ led by a ccrtain which is about four to five houra' hike along Captain Santos, also suspected that tlie youngsters mountain trails. � were druf smugglers. CSO: 5300/5737 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 PHILIPPIPIES 11DDICTIVE COUGII SYRUPS RECLASSIFIED ~tanila PHILIPPINL�'S DAILY EXPRESS in English 30 Apr 82 p�~ (TextJ p TECHNICAL advisory p~ippines, however, said the US committee formed by �Health FDA,supported by various researches Minister Jesus Azurin has asked for abroad, has established tl~e safety ~or the rsclassification of over-the-counter use of epliedrine ephedrine-coataining cough syrups ~ugs.. from over-the-counter drugs to + s. prescription drugs. ~ THE FDA also said the prevalence 'fhe committee position~ of ephedrine addiction is low (there contained in a proposed , are otily 17 known cases worldwide) administrative order, affirmed a and that there is no assurance that previous order of tlte Food and Drug the drug will only be dispensed with Administration chief Arsenio Regala through a doctor's prescription when whichdelisted the four cough syrups reclassified. as over-the-counter drugs, citing their The DangeroL~s Drugs ~~Board "addictive effeci" on the users. , (DDB) has report~d that oough The committee also cited reports Syr~ups topped last year's list of of' the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics frequently-abused forms of drugs, Unit that the .ephedrine substances were unnecessary to the syrup's accountingfor 85 percent of addiction therapeutic effect. ~ cases while marijuana was second , * , with 82 percent. THE FDA reclassification order Of the 15 cough preparations was issued by _ Regala . on mentioned in the ODB report, recommendation of Brig. Cen. Corex-D was. found to be ~the most Bienvenido Felix, CANU chief, who widely abused, numbering 776 cases; ' said that Hylorin and other cough followed 6y Hycodin, 537 cases. The preparations~ being sold aver the list also included Euronex with 80 counter in Metro Manila drugstores, cases and Hycodln~ 218 cases. are beingused bydrug addictc because ~ Corex-D~ Hyco~in, Hylorin, and of tlie drugs' ephedrine content.. Euronex were among the six ' The Remington's Pharmacology over-thaoounter drugs reclassified by Book said an overdose of ephedrine ;he FDA lnto prescript~on drugs. The may cause euphoria~ confusIon~ and other two are Lotus�D and CED ~ hallucinations. cough syrups. ~ The DruR Association of the CSO: 5300/5737 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 PHILIPPINES BRIEFS MORE DRUGS REC~iSSIFIED--Twenty-one other cough preparations being sold as over- the-counter (OTC) drugs may be reclassi'fied as preparation drugs, Health Minister Jesus Azurin disclosed yesterday. These preparations, Azurin said, were found to contain ephedrine, a stimulant that can be addictive if taken in large doses. The na.mes of these drugs were not available as of press time. In a report of th~ dangerous ~rugs board, a total of 3,658 persons were admitted last year in five drug rehabi.litation centers for having been dependent on cough syrups, The drugs widely abused were Corex D, Mercodol, Ornacol, Peracon, Endotussin, Trecodine, Respillin, Tussionex, Robitussin, Hydodin, Hylorin, Euronex, Romilar, Benadryl and - Tuseran. Earlier, six cough preparations were identified to contain ephedrine. They were Lotus D, CED cough syrup, Corex D, Hycodin, a.nd Euronex. They were due for reclassification last December but the order was postponed for June by Azurin to acco~date requests of various drug companies, Drug companies in a meeting with the MOH technical cominittee on drugs the other day opposed the proposed reclassification of cough syrups from OTC to prescription drugs, saying that the cough syrups are only addictive it taken in large quantities. Azurin said the MOH will "keep an open mind" on the issue of reclassification, considering the therapeutic effects these drugs have and the ill effects they may have on illegal users, especially childreno He said the cou~ittee will revi.ew the contentions of the drug companies and the Drug Associ~tion of the Philippines (IlE~P) and look at _ the regulations of other countries on drugs containing ephedrine. (Text] IManila BULLETIN TOUAY in English 1 May 82 pp 1, 13~ CSO. 5300/5743�~ 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 ~ coLOr~za BRIEPS ' INTERNATIONAL DRUG SHIPMENT CONFISCATED--This ~morning agents from the attorney general's narcoticg squad confiscated 5,000 kg of ~methalqualone jmetacualone] at Eldorado international airpo~t, arresting 20 persons. The drugs are worth 10 billion pesos on the U.S. market. The cache of drugs was found on Avianca flight O11 and was b,eing shipped from grankfurt, FRG, to Cali. It was an- nounced that other pers~ons~.implicated in the drug traffic are presently being arrested in Cali, Medellin and Frankfurt. jPA162344 Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 173Q GMT.16 May 82~ t3LUW TO DRUG TRAFFICKING--A ma.jor blow was struck against drug trafficking in this country when narcotics police seized several tons of marihuana and discovered cocaine processing laboratd.ries. The policemen conduc ted operation~ zn the regions of Cauca, Guajira, and Caqueta departments and the - Vaupes administrative division. The narcotics brigade found two large cocaine plantations in Bolivar, Cauca. In another operation, the police found sodium permanganate, acetone, acid and large quantities of polyethylene bags used to pack th e drug. Furthermore, a man identified as (Jose L isandro) was captured in Florencia, Caqueta, carrying 500 gm of cocaine. Finally, narcotics groups seized 11 tons of marihuana ready for export in Villaneuva, Guajira. Th is shipment was valued at 30 million pesos. [PA150426 Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 233~ GMT 6 May 82 PA] MARIHUANA SEIZURE--Bogota--The ant3.nar~otics police today confiscated 66 tons of marihuana, th e final dest?.nation of which was the United States. The confiscation occurred in the ju~;isdiction~ of Pajaro municipality in La Guajira Department.~[PA160210 Bo3ota Domestic Service in Spanish 2330 GMT 14 May 82 PA] LLANOS ORIENTALES COCA DESTROYED--The police dealt one of its sharpest blows to traffickers and produc~ars of cocaine who operate in the Llanos Orientales when it destroyed crops of coca leaves over an area of more than 35 hectares and confiscated 3,000 pounda of the leaves. Likewise, during the course of the action, whose center of operations was set up in a place known as E1 Retorno in the San Jose 3urisdiction, laboratory equipment was confiscated and 15 persons, whose names were withheld, were captured. [Text] [Hogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish 22 Apr 82 p 3-A] 9908 CSO: 5300/2287 , 13. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500464458-7 GUYANA BRIEFS ANTI-DRUG MOVES--Police personnel have been strengthened at Timehri Interna- tional Airport and other port~ of entry into Guyana and on the borders in order to eradicate smuggling, trafficking in marijuaria and other illegal trade. This was disclosed by Police Commissioner Lloyd Barker at a press conference at Police Headquarters yesterdayo Comm~issioner Barker, accompanied by senior officers, disclosed that the Force was aluast at fu11 strength. He ~dmitted that there was an increase in serious crimes, especially those comaai.tted by armed bandits, but declared that there was a reduction in the choke and rob type of offences. However, the police were now adopting bactics to enable them to reduce the incidence of serious crimes. T~lking about passports, the Commissioner said very soon members of the public who wished passports would be able to get them within two weeks. A new shipment of passports, which b~ virtue of its design would reduce the incidence of pass- port forgery had arrived in the country. ~Excerpts] ~Georgetown GUYANA, CHRONICLE in English 24 Apr 82 p 16~ CSO: 5300/7551 ~ 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060058-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060058-7 JAMAICA PAY~:R QUESTIONS USE OF TWO UNREGISTERED AIRSTRIPS ~ Kingston THE DAILY GLEANER in English 24 Apr 82 p 1 4:.~� 0 ;:w .os ' ' ' ' p y , ~n : ; ; . . . ~,~::;:%'r'':: ;;::,::f,o,a:. ~~%;i?C:;?';::�:.: ~ :.ti:.;~`'~y: : If~w:; : :.:;::::a. :.rv r..~. :�r.:?~ �~"i � , � ,r s : _ � :+car:::a:r.;�::;o:;^r�:..;; : . ....~i'. �~:::::S:Siri::i:o->:~ o::>:':-: :8::::::;:;::f: ;~:~i:3::iF 43 . d .;;t � :..A&t. h . . .:::.:::::;~;:�~:::a;o-�o:;:>�..r�a���>+;:�;o-;:n:s>;:....::.:;;.::.:.,�:..:::+�`.:o::::::::...:�::y:::.:;.;;:::: � ~r (4 ? ~ ~:>'�i:5.'�i:::% ~ nt :�:;�::s:;>s:::::�:::::::�:::c::�:.~o-:;.~::::::.~::::::::::�:::::;::s:::.~::t:::::.::::::�:;�:::..�.....�..:::::a.. 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