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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY - JPRS L/10520 14 May 1982 ~ WorldeNide Re ort ~ TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLfCY, RESEARCH AND D~VELOPMENT ~ (FOUO 11 /82) : F~~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE F~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500060033-4 NOTE JPRS puulications contain information primarily from foreign - nev~papers, periodicals and books, but. also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materiuls from foreign-language sources are translated; those from En~glish-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with thE ori,dinal phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headliaes, editorial reports, and ~3terial enclosed in brackets . [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Bxcerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the : last line of a brief, iadicate hov the original information was processed. Where no processiug indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or e.xtracted. IInfamiliar names rendered phonetically ar trans~iterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body nf an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the II.S. Government. COPYRI(~T LAWS AND REGUTATIONS GWERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINA~ION OF THIS PUSLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFIC7AI~ USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 FOR OFFiC ~AL USE ONLY ~'PRS L/10520 _ 14 May 1982 WORLDWIDE REPORT TELECOMMIlNICATIONS POLICY, RESEARCH ANfD 11EilELOPMENT cFOUO ii~sz~ CONTENTS As~ _ JAPAN Satellite Press Transmission To Be Tested (ASAHI EVENIIJG NEWS, ~ npr s2) i Satellite Press Transmission Test Successful (ASAAI EVENING AIEWS, 15 Apr 82) 2 iiES'T EUROPE ~ INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Briefs French-Swedish Remote Sensing 3 FRANCE Government Tries To Refocus k,orld Radio Station - (Abdelaziz Dahmani; JEUNE AFRIQOE, 3 Mar 82) 4 _ Satellite Image Distxibuti~+n Companq To Aave 13 Stockholders - (Pierre Langereux; ATR ET COSMOS, 27 Mar 82) 6 Briefs New Gamma Imagery Satellite 8 UNITED RINGDOM Satellite TV Plans Announced ~THE TI1~S, 21 Apr 82) 9 _ a _ [III - WW - 140 FOUO] FOA O~E'ICIAL iJSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPR~VED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 JAPAN SATII.LITE PRESS TRAN~IISSION TO BE TESTED O~W081139 Tokyo ASAHI EVENING NEWS in Eaglish 7 Apr 82 p? [Text] The first test to transmit newspaper pages via a co~unication _ satellite with a digital electric trans;mission system wri.ll be held betweea Apri2 12 and 23, the Posts and Telecomffiimications Ministry announced lrbnday. The test will be conducted with the cooperation of the Nippon T~legraph and Telephone Public C~rporation, the Japan Newspaper Publisher~ ani Editors Associ.ation and the National Space Development Agency, using ASAflI SHII~IIN's cumputerized digital electrical transmission system. Similar tests usxng the alalog method were held last Februar3r. Fourteen newspapers, including the ASAHI, the MAINICHI and the YOMIURI, are sending pages between tbeir offices in the tests. If the tests are successful, they ~vill open a path to~w~ard sending large amount of information very rapidl,y to maay destinations. The experiment is divided into two different tests. T[re FDM test is to be held between April 12 and 15: a transmitting station will be set up at the ASAHI SHIMBUN�s Tokyo head office in Tsuki3i to send and receive the news- paper's pages via the satellite "Sakura." . _ The PSK te~t will be held between April 19 and 23. A transadtting station will also be set up at ASARI SHIMBIIN. The pages will be modulated and sent to the electric wave research ceater in Kashima via the satellite to be a~plified and again sent back to the transmitting station via the satellite. In this test, the information will also be electrically tra~s- mitte3 to a station s et up at the ASAHI SHIMBIJN's Osaka office. COPYRIGHT: Asahi Evening Newa 7~82 CSO: 5500/2221 1 FOR 0~3CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500064033-4 JAPA~i SATELLITE PRESS TRANSIKISSION TEST SIICCESSF[TI, OW170200 Tokqo ASo1HI EVENING NF3,1S in Fnglish 15 Apr 82 p 3 [Text] The eaperimental wireless transmission of newspaper pages using the experimen~tal communications satellite, Sakura, was successfully carried _ out by the Posts and Telecommunications Ministrp Tuesday [13 April] at the ASAHI SHIl~ffiUN's head office in Tsukiji, Tokyo. The very clear n~gative film received is sho~ran in the photograph. The wisel~ss transmission of the test pattern, which was computer-edited by the ASAHI, was repeated, aad the test results were v~ry good. The tese started out with an output of 100 watts and output was gradually lowered . to 10 watts. There were no errors. The tes~s Were car~ied out by the ministry with the cooperation of tt~e Nippon Telegraph and Telephone [?1TT] Public Corporation, and other~e . A vehicle-motmted relay station of the NTT parked in the ASAHI's pa~k3ng area was used to send the transmission from the newspaper's page trans- mission device to Salcura. The signals received back from the satellite were relayed by the station to ~the ASAHI's receiving device to produce the negative film. Similar tests were to be carried out Wednesday [14 April] using the pages ~ of 13 newspapers, including the lY1AIAICHI SSII~t'N, YOMIURZ SHII~UN,TORYO SHII~UN and PIHON REIZ~iI SflII~UN. COPYRIGHT: Asahi Evening News 1982 5500/2221 2 FOQ OFF[CUL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 II~TrERPATIONAL AFFAIRS BRIEFS FRENCH-SWEDISH RII~10'1'E SENSING--The CNES ~(French) National Center for Space = Studies] and the SSC ~Swedish Space Corporation~ are putting the finishing touches on a vooperation agreement in the dcmain of remote spatial sensing. This agreement, which ha~s already ~een accepted in principle, provides for the putting in place of a joint remote-sensing satellite-image-acquisition center at Riruna (SWeden) to receive images fcom the American Landsat D and French SPOT satellites, and for the creation of tw~ neW oompanies to market the data fraa these satel- lites. Thes~2 companies will be capitalized at 21 n~il].ion Swedish kroner, 10 per- - cent of which will be fi~anced by France. We recall tTdat Swedish industry alreadx participates in the construction of the SPOT satellite, for which MATRA ~Mechan- ics, Aviation and Traction Company is prime contractor. Text~ ~Paris AIR ET COS1~lOS in French 27 Feb 82 p 39~ ~COPYRIGHT: A. ~ C. 1982~ 9~99 CSO: 5500/2154 - 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 FRANCE GOVFRr~1ENT TRIES TO REFOCUS WORLD RADIO STATION Paris JEUNE AFRIQIIE in French No 1104, 3 Mar 82 p 58 LArticle by Abdelaziz Dahmanx: "The World Within Voice Range"~ LTextJ During the last presidential campaign, Valery Giscard d'Estaing spoke - of "the grandeur of France," and Francois Mitterrand of "the good fortune of the French." But very quickly, Franvois Mitterrand proved to be more Gaulle-ian than his predecessors in the breadth of his niews on the problems of the planet. And so the French qovernment has decided to make its voice heard virtually every- - where throughout the w~orld by means of radio. it has an instrwaent awailable to it for this purpose: R-FI ~RADIO-B'RANCE INTERNATIONALE~. But the impact of tbis station is limited owing t.o technical and financial reasons. Furthermore, this "Voice of France" is essentially oriented towards French speak- ing Africa south of the Sahara (Southern Service) and, to a lesser extent towards East Europe (Eastern Service). The Near East, the Persian Gulf, Latin America, Southeast Asia and even the very near Maghreb are saaehow being negl:cted. It is not surprising that these have become the favorite targets of other radio broad- cast net~rorks, such as VOA (WICE OF AMERICA) , the British BBC, the DFATSC~ WELLE and RADIO MOSCOW. Francois Mitterrand's France now wants to make up for lost time, even at the risk of being labeled expansionist. The "new world information order" indeed provides for reducing the stranglehold of the big pa~rers, their press agencies and their - radio broadcast services on information. This new order has as its sponsor UNESCO. One of its staunchest defenders has been Herve Bourges, while he Was _ the spokesraan of that organization. This media specialist has a profound know- ledge of the problem, having written a book titlec3 "Decoloniser 1'information ~De- _ colonizing Information~." Now, since January 1982, ~erve Bourges is the head of R-FI. And it is he upon Whom it has devolved to subanit to the French government an ambitious plan for developing the activities of R-FI over the next 5 years. R-FI ranks 28th among the world's radici stations acooYding to the HANDBOOK-1982 classification. It broadcasts 125 hours per week versus 719 hours for the BBC, 804 hours for the DEUTSCSE WELLE. Mor~over, R-FI programs are broadcast in only a " 4 ~ . FOR OFFICi.~L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 five languages (Eur~ean), versus 30 for the BBC and 33 for the DEUTSCH.~ WELLE. Its budqet Was 70 million francs in 1981, versus 510 million for the VOA, 410 mil- lion for the BBC 'overseas service," and 700 million for the German network... The "Bourges Plan' provides for expanding the 20 transmitters locatecl in France, building a relay station in Guyane (for Latin America), a tran~mitting center on Reunion Island (for Soutbeast Asia), and increasing the po~er of the SOI~RA ~expansion unkna+n~ transmitter on Cyprus (for all Arabic countries). In 1985, acc~ording to the plan, there will be 500 hours of broadcasting: 126 to Black Africa; 126 to East Europe; 147 to Latin America; 66 to Southeast Asia; 14 to the !~laghreb; 14 to the Near East, and 7 to Germany. To Black Africa, beginni*ig in 1983, R-FI will introduce programing in SWahili, Amharic and Hausa. It will broadcast to Anqola and Mozambique. Broadcasts to the Haghreb ~nd to the Miaaie East will be in French and Arabic. But its main effort Will be directed torrard Central America and South America, a zone that has become of the highest priority +to Frenc~ interests. To counterbalance this ~ffensive, P. FI will provide more oaoperation to the various national radio braadcast netw~orks, no longer requiring them to broadcast certain programs as is presen~tly beinq done. To enjoy greater independence, R-FI Will also creai:e its o~,m writ~en press agency. It Will pool its own information with telex and press release~ by the Quai d'Orsay (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the dispatches of the NAP ~NOWELLL AGP~NCE DE FRESSE~. The clients of this service Will be essentially the African and Magbrebian neWSpapers. In return, this agency WilA furnish information to the French press, especially the regional press, on the develc~ping countries. "Sis greatest quality consists of pairing his sensitiveness together With the hopes of fihe Third World and his love for his o~m country, his openness to others with being true to himself," - said Amadou-Mahtar M'Baw, director general of UNESCO, of Herve Bourges upon the latter's departure from Place Fontenoy for the R-FI. And those who have lon~~ known him have added: "Se will not betray that quality... COPYRIGHT: 1982 Jeune Afrique GRUPJIA. g399 CSO: 5500/2154 5 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500060033-4 FRPi1~tCE SATELLITE I!lAGE I~ISTRIBiPPION COMPANY TO HAVE 13 STOCRHOLDERS Paris AIR ET COSMOS in French 27 Mar 82 p 39 LArticle by Pierre Langeseux: "Iwpending Creation of SPOT IMAGE Which Will Dis- tribute SPOT Images"~ ~Text~ The interministerial meeting of 24 March authorized the CNES ~National Center for Space Stud.ies~ and the IGN ~~lational Geographic Institu~e~ to pa~ti- cipate financially in the capitalization of the future "SPOT Image" cx~apany which will market the data from the French remote-sensing SPOT ~Eartt? Observation Probe System~ satellites. A decree will be published shortly confirming this decision, which will then enable the creation of the company. SPOT imaye Will thus prob- ably be formed between mid-April and mid-May 19$2. ~ Initially, SPOT Image will have.l3 stockholders, four of whom rill b~ public entities (CNES, IGN, IFP ~French Petroleum Institute~, BRC~+I ~Bureau of Geological and Mining Exploration~), four banks (Credit Lyonnais, BNP CNational Bank o� Paris~, Paribas and Societe Generalep, two industrial aeros ce enterprises (MATRA Mechanics, Aviation and Traction Company~ and SEP ~European Propellant Company~, and one IRDI ~Regional Institute for Industrial Development~--the IRDI- Midi-Pyrenees ~IRDI-Southern France-Pyrenees~. In addition to these French stockh~lders, there will also be two foreign stockholdersi Th~ Swedish space agency (Swedish Space Corporation) and a Belgian entity that has yet to be named. Share ownership will be as follows: CNES 34 percent; IGIN, IFP and BRGNi each 10 percent; and the SPOT prime contractors MATRA and SEP each 7.5 percent. The SWedish Space Corporation will own 6 percent, and the Belgian entity 4 percent. ~'he banks and the IRDI-Midi-Pyrenees will each own 1.2 percent. This~leaves 5 percent still to be assigned (probably to an aqricultural gublic establishment) but temporarily held by the CNE&. The capital will be,25 million francs. The SPOT Image company will be headed by Mr Gerard Brachet of the CNES as presi- dent; its general manager will be Mr Andre Fontanel of the IFP. SPOT Image will have its head office at ~oulouse and begin operations this year with a staff of - 7~ersons that is expected to grow to same 50 persons by 1984. Its staff will consist mainly of technicians and marketing cadres. By 1982,a svbsidiary will be established in the United States, where a substantial part of the market for SPOT images is located. . 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 SPO'r Image will operate the French SPOT satellites equipped witki high-resolution, stereoscopic, visible- and near-infrared-spectrum cameras. The first such satel- lite, SPOT 1, is scheduled ~o be launched in early July 1984. The second, BFOT 2, identical to the first, could be launched by June or July 1985 should it be necessary; otherwise, it wili not be launched until sometime during the second half of 1986. Both satellites will be put into low orbit at an altitude of 800 _ km (heliosynchronous) by Ariane rockets. Four sat~llites will be needed to pro- vide service for at least 10 years. The actualization of the satellites that are to follow SPOT 3 and SPOT 4 will be the object of a proposal to be submitted by - the company to its stockholders and oversight authorities in 1983. The company will be responsible f~r marketing the SPOT ~real-time or delayed- transmission~ data received by the two central stations of the netw~ork, installed at Toulouse (T.~rance) and Riruna (Sweden). The French station will receive an average of 5 orbits per day; the Swedish one, in Lapland, will receive up to 10 orbits per day. SPOT Image will also market the data received (directly) by the toreign stations equipped to pick up SPOT signals. SPOT stations are already being planned for Ouag~dougou (Africa) and Bangladesh, in addYtion to Sweden. Negotiations are also under way with Australia, Canada and Brazil to equip these countries with SPOT stations, and a feasibility study has been made by the CNES on the i:~stallation of such a station in Kenya. Other interested countries include Japan, Argentina, India... . The SPOT satellite data will be marketed by SPOT Image at a price of around 250 francs per raw image for tne data received by foreign stations, and at 5,000 francs per processed and guaranteed (free of cloudage) image for those received - by the central stations. In the latter case, the user will be assured a fully exploitable image (filed, preprocessed and recorded on magnetic tape to facili- - tate specific subsequent utilization~. COPYRIGAT: A. & C. 1982 9399 CSO: 5500/2193 7 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000504060033-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FRAIICE BRIEFS NEW GA1~MlA IMAGERY SRTELLLTE=-The CNES jNational Center for Space Studies~ has undertaken the actualization of a French scientific satellite to be orbited by ~ the end of 1985 (October or December) with the first denanstration flight of the new European launcher Ariane 4 at Kourc?u (see AIR ET COSMOS No 893). This gamna imagery sat~llite, baptized Sigma, will be injected into a very elliptic orbit - having a 3,000 km perigee and a 200,000 km apogee. The satellite, which will weigh around 7..5 tons, will be equipped essentially with a telescope and gamma . ray detectors weighing around 500 ~g. Sigma's mission will be to detect and � localize, with a precision of a few minutes of arc, the sources of ga~mna rays in outer space. The Sigma draft-project phase is to be concluded in June 1982. We recall that the future Ariane 4 rocket, the building of which has just been decided by the member countries of the ESA ~European Space Agency~, will be capa- ble of putting 4.~ ~ons into geostationary transfer orbit (200-36,000 km). IText~ IParis AIR ET COSMOS in French 27 Feb 82 p 38~ ~COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1982~ 9399 CSO: 55U0/2154 ~ . 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNIT]~D KINGDOM SATELLTTE TV PLANS ANNOUNCED PM211441 London THE TIMES in English 21 Apr 82 p 4 [Unattributed report of 20 April UR House of Co~ons Session: "Satellite Channels by 1986"] ~ - [ExcerptJ The BBC will operate the first two direct broadcasting by satellite channels likely to be available bq 1986 but three further channels should be made effective and when there was the demand, Mr ~William Whitelaw, the home secretary, said in ~pening a debate on satellite and cable broadcasting. The government believed it vital, he went on, that industry should be in a position to reap the benefits of new technology on which the future economic health of the country depended in part. For that reason there was need to _ press ahead with proposals as quickly as possible so as not to miss the opportunity. . It would be possible with the right equipment to receive foreign services, and there was concern throughout Europe on the effect this might have on the arrangements of individual couatries. Discussions were in progress . within the Council of Europe and the government was represented on a working group examining the scope for international agreement on programme standards and advertising. ~ Programming costs could be between lOm pounds a year for a channel reliant on existing material to 100m pouuds for one comparable in content to BBC1 or ITV. The BBC believed its st~bscription service could be entirely self- financing within about four years after which it would make a profit which would eventually benefit the licen~e fee payer. Cash might have to be borrowed to cover startup costs. Various services such as teleshopping and telebanking became possible once - the c:able was there. No one had yet suggested that it would b e possible to reach anything like the 99 per cent of the population who could now receive television. He - believed they had a duty to the majority uf peaple in the country who cnuld 9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4 - continue to on BBC and IBA services for the foreseeable future. They wece entitled to expect that the range and quality of those services should not be diminished by cable s~rvices syphoning off the be.~` sport, best f ila~s and bes t e~zt ertainment . With the BBC's satellite subscription service he was confident the geaeral interests of the liceace fee paypr would remain paramount. With cable, there were as yet no natural safeguards and no natural mechanisms of accoimtability, and the government would need to consider in the light of - the Hunt inquiry's report what safeguards aad mechanisms of supervision and accouatability there should be. - COPYR~GHT: Tim~s Newspapers Limited 1982 CSO : 55(30/2221 END 10 ~OR OFFICUL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060033-4