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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460020-8 - FOR OFFICIAL U5E aNLY = JPRS L/10507 11 May 1982 West E u ro e R e o rt p ~ ~ (~OUO 29/82~ ~g~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFOF~MATION S~t~VICE FOR 01~'F[CIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 - NOTE _ JPRS pub2ic~tions contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and boaks, but from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources _ a~~e transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and rrther characteristics retained. Aeadlines, editorial r~ports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the - last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is givEn, the infor- mation w~s summarized or extrac:ted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Worcls or names preceded by a qLes- tion mark and enclosed in par~:ntheses were not clear in the origina~ but have been suppliPd as appropriate in context. Other unattributed notes with in the body of an item originate the source. Times within 3.tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the goli- cies, views or at.titudes of ttie U.S. Gavernment. , COPYRIGHT LAWS APTD REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINAT ION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 ; JPRS I,/10507 11 1Kay 1982 ~ WEST EUROPE REPORT " ~~ovo z9~82) - ' CONTEN 7S ENERGY ECONOMICS FR,ANCE Study Views Community Role in Energy Policy, Outlook (Bernard Bourgeois; ECONOMIA DELLE FONTI DI ENERGIA, No 15, 1981) .....................................e...:. 1 POLITICAI, TURKEY ; Lack of Impartiality in Dealing With Turkey Decried ('Isam ~Abd al-'Aziz; AL-~1ATAN AZ-'ARABI, 19-25 Max 82). 25 MIZITARY , FRANCE Light Arn~y Plane Adapts to New Antiaircra~t Weapons Abroad ; (Jacques Lazare; ARMEES D~AUJOURD'HUI, Max 82) 28 Bri ef s ~ New Voice Control System 31 Armed Services Manpower 31 ~ GENERAL ' F'RANCE ! Photo of Ariane Solid Propellant Booster Released (AIR ET COSMOS, 10 Apr 82) 32 ; ~ i - a - [III - WE - 150 FOUn] ~ FAR OFFf~'IAi ifCF (1NT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500060020-8 ' FUR OFFICIAL USE ( ~Y ENERGY ECONOMICS ~N~ ~ ~ ~ STUDY VIE4JS COMMUNITY ROLE IN FNERGY POLIC'~, OUTLOOK Milan ECONOMCA DELLE FONTI DI ENERGTA in French No 15 1981 pp 37-62 ! ~rticle by Bernard Bourgeois, of the Economic and Lega1 Institute of Energy, ' National Scientific Re:>earch Center, University of Gr~enoble: "Ener~y Policy in ~ France: What are the Prospects for Regions and Local Communities?" ' ~ ex~ Since the mid 197G~s French energy policy ha~ aimed at reducing the part ~ of petroleum in primary energy supply through rapid development of nuclear en- ~ ergy, and secondarily through measures for energy economy and diversified use ~ of alt ernate sources. This entirP policy was decided on and imAlemented in a very centralized and authoritaxian manner under the direction of the Ministry of Industry, Electri- ; cite de France, and the Commissariat for Atomic Energy - In that context local communities (r~gions, departments, and municipalities) ~ did not have a lar~;e role to play. Most of them, mereover, did not claim it, ~ i:or at lea~t two rea:ons. I.n contrast to the ;~ituation in Italy or Germany, local cammunities in France , have remained very weak vis-a-vis the central authorities. The region, as a ~ recent creation, does not yet have real powers. The department is above all a re~ay for central administrations. Theoretically, th~ c;ommunes have real powers, but they seldom make use of all those conferred on them by law, for lack of fin~ncial resources and technical. ' expertise, particularly in the case of the numerous and quite small rural com- ~ munit ies. Those institutional weaknesses do not, however, mean that local leaders are wi-~hout political power, as we sha11 see later. ; The second reason is more directly linke3 t~ Pnergy problems. As in most coun-. tries of the world, municipalities pla.yed a role, at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th century, in creating and developing gas and electricity distri- ~ bv.tion systems. But that role was never as extensive as it was ~3.sewhere, and ~ particularly in GErmany. After the nationalizations of '1946, municipalities kept control of only 250 ga~ and electricity utilities affeoting.~3;~G communes ; and approximately 4,OCC,000 inhabitants ~ i ~ 1 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , ' Why then is therE discussion in France today concerning the role of local com- rr.unities in the definition and execution of energy polic~? Independently of institutional changes now underway two groups of factors contribute to it: Firstly,. social factors: the new a~pirations expressed by the ecological move- ment, the rebirth of a.sociative lif~, and the development of regionalism havP com;~elled major tradit,ional decieicn makers to seek the approval, or at least the neutrality, of loca? communities concerned by establishment of large ener- gy instal.lations. In consequence the latter have begun to express their inter- est in energy problerns, particularly by ex�mining por~sible local alternatives to certain national choices; S econdly, techuical and economic factors: even though energy saving has not up till no:~ been the priority objective of French energy policy, the central au~* thorities have understood the role which could be played by certain local ini- ~ tiatives. Pr~.marily because local corrununities are energy consumers which could ~ economize by appropriate mea~u~~~. ~ Secondly--and tY:is is probably more important--because local communities, by their impact on housing and transportation, anc3 on industrial installations, influence energy consumption by~ all users. It is thus important that tliey should take into account the energy impact of their loca.l policies. F'inally, local communities are better able than major energy companies, or the state, to develop dispersed energy resources, particularly insofar as their _ development requires better adaptation between resources and consumers. To that end, it is indeed desirable to take account of existing complementaxy re- lationships between energy resource~ of this ser- � ies./ ~ 4. As established by a study commissioned from the Economic and Le$al Insti- ~ tute of Energy by DATAR ~Delegation for Na~ional Development and Regional ~ Actio~ and executed by B. Bourgeois, J. P. Bonaiti, and J. Girod. Complete ~ results :lere published in "Energy and Regions: Production and Consumption Prospects, ~g85-20C0," DATAR Ncte.s, La Documentation Francaise, Paris 1980 ; 246 pp. ; ~ ~ 5. This summary is derived from an article by J. P. Bonaiti, B. Bourgeois, and J. Girod entitled: "Regional Energy Supply and Demand Prospects in France ' to 20CC." The article appeared in REV[TE DE Z'ENERGIE, No 334, May 1981. T thank the editors of that review for permission to reproduce various pas- i sages of that article. ; 6. P. Barret, F. Basa J. F. Langumier, J. C. Mvron, J. Piona, and A. Valeyre, "The Future: its Use or its Otsession," J~[TTURIBI,ES, SCENARIOS POUR L'AVENIR, Paris, '1978. ; 7. '"TY~ese hypotheses would normally lead to estimating geothermal heat potential at several Mtep. In point of fact this potential haE been substantially re- duced because of~an arbitration more favorable to combined production in ~ cities of over 50,OCC~ population in regions of moc~erate climate: that is, outside the Southwest and Mediterranean regions.. ~ 8. Evaluation of effl.uents and recoverable potential was done at CERFN by Messrs Chauchat and Zabbe. Regarding industrial cogeneration~ it is sup- I posed that 50 percent of electricity consumption by the 5 branches: refin- ; ing, woodpulp, textiles, chemistry, and agricultural-foodatuffs, is supplied ( by mixed sources (gas turbi~es and diesel engines). i ; g. These conclusions can be extrapola.ted by considerin~ the forms of energy _i making up total consumption. We are thus led to aesume a relatively close ~ link between natiorial: infrastructure development policies and levels of ! electricity consumption. It indeed appears that an industrial redeployment ~ policy (Scenario II) particularly favors of such consumption, in ~ i ar.y case much more than that of fuels. i -I 10. Whereas occa~ional development of those resources is admissible in logic 1. ~ , 11. Variable according to size o~f communities and type of problem raised. 12. "Perverse" effects can maek these positive aepects: the considerable devel- opment of.public transportation in the Paris region offers a good exa.~ple of this, insofar as it was accompanied by an equally large increase in "mobility" of travelers. i . ~ ~ ~ I ~ i5 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I i ( ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~Y 13. Y. Stourdze, "Variab~e-Geometry Authority: Deregulation," ANNALFS DES MINES, Feb 1981, pp 137-'I 4E . 'i'AIiLES Table 1. .Year 1980: Energy Consumption in France (Mtep) National total Local communit.y portion Industry and agriculture 64.8 0�5 ~ Transporzation 36�~ ~�5 ~ Reaidential-~ertiary 61.6 4.1 i Exiergy sector 26.1 ~ ~ - ~ Total 188.6 5�1 . Source: Report by M. Os~sadzow, AEE ~Energy Economy Agenc~,~"Contribution by Local Communities and Residences to ~hergy Conservation and Substitution of ; Energies," in "Regional Conference on New Energies and Optimum Energy Use in Loqal Ccmmunities and Residences," 26-27, Feb 1981, Regional Council of Burgun- dy and City of Talant . ' 1 Table 2. Ma.jor '~:~onomic Characteristics of Scenarios ; Tableau 2 (1) ( 2) ( 3) ~ 4) : ; DEnomi- Echangea B~anches Taux de Am~nage- , � notion ext~rieurs motrices croissaxa ment du . � ee~rieoi~e ScEnatio I Nouveau Ouvermn Electronique +396 Polarisation ~ libEralisme totale vetre, met. 1975-83 renforefe ; ( 5) ( 6) `'0 ni m~7) isss-io~oo ~ 8r ( 9) ~~rio II Relance IntEgration Sauvegarde -E396 Polatisadon . nationale eumpEenne des 1973-80 dessertEe mntr8l& industries -f-396 de base 1980-2000 (~o) ~11) a~r~~~2> (~3) (~4) ment ScEnario III Nouvelle Auto- Biena ~-396 Tendance croisssna centrage d'Equip. 1975-2000 A 1'homo- ' maintien gEnEisation , ~ (15) (16) bmEdi~res~ 17) (18) (19) Sl'N1CtS ~ pllbilC3 �Ke;y: 1. Name 6. Total opening 10. National upsurg~: 2. Outside exchanges 7. Electronics, glass, 11. Controlled ~;uropean 3. Motivating branches materials, integration 4. Growth rate IAA ~Yf , automobile 12. Safeguaxd of' basic - 5. New liberalism 9. Reinforced polarazation industries be c:apital goads ~~Sey continued on following p~ 16 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500060020-8 ( FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ i I ~ Ke,y, Table 2, continued: ~ ~ f 1~F. l~oose polarization 16. Self-centralization 19. Trend to homege- ~ 15. N ew growth 17. Capital goods; maintenance; neity ~ intermediate goods; public services ~ Table 3. Principal Categories of Energy Use by Sector . . _ _ . ~ I ~ ! Tableau ~ (1) ( Z) ( ~F) ' Cn~nhus~ibles Carburanes Elec[rrcite Ene~gies i nouveller i � ~ Rcsidicntel Usage chaleur:- Usage chaleur: Usage chaleur: ; tertiairc Chau(fage, Cheuf~age, ChautEage, ~ 5~ E.C.S., ~ E.C.S., E.C.S. Cuisson ~ 7~ Cuisson EleccricicE spfcif. ~ Les quatre sous- Usage chaleur Usage chaleur Usage chaleur secteurs ElectricitE i industriels spfcif. ' Transports ( Force ( 9) Fortt - motrict motrice j Agriculture Usages ( ~ p) Usages Usages ~ indistincts , indistincts indistincts ~ Batimgnt Usagea Usages ~ ( ~,l) indistincts indistincts ~ I i Key: 1. Fuels 7. Electricity, specific uses 2. Hydrocaxbons , 8. Transportation 3. Electricity 9� Motive power _ 4: New energies 10. Indistinct uses ~ 5. Residential-tertiary 11. C~nstruction ~ 6. Uses for heat: ' Iieat in ~ , ECS ~ ' Cooking i ~ ' ! i i I i ( ~ ~ ; ~ . I ~ ( 17 ; . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 4 Energies Local National I~~erted � Combustibles and Coal Coa:l motor fuels Natural gas Natural ~as � - Hydrocarbons Hydrocar~ons Electricity ' Hydraulic and wind Conventionr-1 Combined urban pro- thermal and ` duction nuclear Industrial cogenera- tion New energies Solar, biomass Urban wastes Geothermal Industrial heat wastes Heat pumps ~ ~ Table 5. Regional Growth Rates . Growth Rate Region - Under 2 % Paris R~gion Mediterranean 2% to 2.5 ~ Nassif Central ~ Rhone Alpes Ov~er 2.5 ~ Southwest Nortn - Paxis Basin West Eaet 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500060020-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLW Table 6. Regional Ccntributions of New Forms of Energy in Mtep, Scenario III, ~ year 20CC , ~ (1) (2) ~ (3) (4) ~ (5) (6) (8) ' ~ ~ o w Pa~[ des N/e ~ ~ ~ ~ Z dCNS IOIQ~ ~ ~(eep � ~ ti M a~ ~ dts utiGs ~ ~ A p ~ ~y~�, ~ E� Frrales (96) . H Region .Pacisienne 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 O.S 22 9.1 Bassin Parisien 1.0 2b 02 0.1 ~U.6 0.5 5.0 13.2 ~ .Nord ,O.S ,D.3 0.~ - ~.2 0.2 1.3 7.3 Fst . 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.1 03 0.4 2.0 7.8 Ous'sc 0.7 iZ 0:2 - O.Z 0.4 2.7 13.8 Sud-Ouest 0,6 0.9 0.1 - 0.1 02 1.9 10.4 Messif ccntra! b:2 0.3 0.1 - - 0.1 0.7 13.0 1ti~ae-A1pes 0.5 0.3 0.2 - 0.1 03 1.4 9.1 1VIEditerranEe 0.7 0.3 0.2 - 0.4 0.1 1.7 8.3 Total France S.S 6.S 1.7 O.S 2.0 2.7 18.9 10.7 ~ Key: 1. Solar 3. Urban wa'stes 5. Industrial heat wastes 7. Total new ' GEOthermal 6. Heat purxips energy ~ 2. Biomass 4. forms � 8. New energy forms': percentage of final use total' Table 7. State I,oca1 Community Relationships ~ Logic of local community action ; in energy.sector i ~ State-local community a. Logic of buffer- b. Logic of ~ relay initiatiye relationships ' Possible Impossible � 1. Centralization ~ Not very plausible Possible 2. Decentralizat'on i i -i ' ~ ~ i ~ ~ . I ~ i ~ ~ . i ~ 19 ~ F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 FOR`OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 8. Socio-political Hypotheses in Relation to Local Energy Programs � Local energy conservation and ~levelopr~ent . program - Scope of socio-political. Broad Narrow to modera.te hypotheses Buffer-relay role of local `~'smporary crossover Crossover possible communities, with centralization possible (Scenario II) Local community initiative, with Crossover possible Crossover possible decentralization if program takeoff but not very plausi- problems solved ble ~ (Scenario III) - Final Energy Accounts of France, Year 2000~ Scenarios I, II, and III s�,~ario i Comburtibleset Ene~gies F.lcerric�ilc� carhur. Mttp nnurclfrs TWh Conaammanon , Industrie et BTP 76,5 0,4 218,8 REsidentiel-Terti~ire 4A.8 3,6 232,5 ~ Agriculturc 5.8 3,8 - Tnn:ports 64,3 12.2 Tot~le ulilixtions flndes 195,4 4,0 467,3 Pertes de tnneport de I'ElectricitE 36,7 - t) Total consommetion Male 195,0 4,0 504,0 Dltpanib!litEs Apport der Enagier focnlu et r~fonafia Chatbon 5,4 Gaz nriurel et hydrauburos 1,5 . � , Soldrc 0.8 Biom~su 1'.6 DEchets urb~tns 0,4 GEothermie 0,3 ~ Rejets thertniquea industrkia 0,5 P.A.C. 0,4 Hydnulique et folienne 66,0 Prod. Comb. Urb. 6,2 Coger. industr. 10,3 2) Totd ~pport toal ~ rfgioml 7,0 4,0 83,0 1 - 2 Combustibla 188,0 Electddid 421,0 i 2~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ScYnorlo Combuirlbkicr ~ t.'een~la lilrcnicir!� cwbur. Mfep nouvella 77Vh ConsommoNon Industrk et 87'P 1,4 274,6 REsidmtiel-TeAUire 316 8,3 232~ Agrkuituro 4,9 3,1 Tru~~pOrp S 1,3 15,4 TotaluWitatiansOn~les 1700 9~~ 5~;~ PoRa de tnropoR de I'dkctrkitd - 1) ToW consomm~tion tinah 170.0 10,0 567,0 Dl~pontblNth Appn?t da Ener;fn lotdet et r~ioneks Ch~rbon 6~ � Cazwturcl et hydrocubuia ; 2,5 Biomme 3'~ Ddchets urbain+ 0'~ Cbothemde 0,5 Itejeb thermkrya indwtrieb 0.8 P.A C. 19 Hydi~uliqoe et !ol{ennc. 70 0 Pcod. Comb. Urb. 7.6 - Coeet. Mdudr. 14,4 . 2) ToW apport Mcd ~?e~fo~ul 8.0 f0,0 92 U 1 - 2 Combutt~ie~ 162,0 Ekctckit6 475,0 _ ~ Seenario U1 Combuitib/es et Enr?;ter E7rcracrrt� earbw. Mtep nouveUa 7'M7~ - ' Consommotion ~ i Inaustrie et BTP 62.5 3,7 186,2 Rlsidentiel�TeAldre 31,7 I5,1 152,6 , Agriculwre ' 3,1 . 2U 2,0 Transports 33~9 16'~ Tot~l ut'slisttions Rnda 131,2 18,8 357,3 Pertes de tnnsport de 1'6kctricitE 28~~ i) Toul conwmrtuNon finile 131,0 19,0 ' 385,0 DtsponlbilitEt Appa?t des inagies locair: et ?f~onaler Chubon ~~6 ~ Gas naturcl et hydroarburo~ 1.5 ' Soi~iro 5~ ~ - eiom~xe 6,5 Dbchett urbain~ ~ �6 GEothermie ReJett thermiqua indwtrkb P.A.C. 2.7 Hydnuliq:K ~t lolknne 76~ Prod. Comb: :Irb. Coger, industr. . 39,2 2) Totd ~apport loul ~ rfgn?nil 9,0 19,0 136,0 1 2 Combustibla ~22.0 Electricitd 249A (1 2) Apport dE~ bnet{ie~ n~liondw ou Importld. � - � Y comprit P~uroproduedan en prorer~~nce de I~ produeton eombinbe urbaine et de u co~lnEntlon indu- ~ ilrktle (rdpeetlvement poue 1.11,111, l% 1'1Vh. 22 TW6, 59 TWh). : rKey on ~ollowing .pa~ ' 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 FOR OFFICIAf USE ONLY Key to tables, Scenarios I, II, and III: 1. Combustibles and motor fuel, Mtep _ 2. New energy forms . 3. Electricity, TWh* Left-h:~nd column: Consumptiont Industry and BT~' Ie~a.nsion unknow~ Residential-tertiary Agriculture Transportatic,n Tota1 fi.nal uses Electricity tran.sfer losses _ 1) Tota1 final consumption Availabilities: local and re~ional energy contribution Coal Natural gas and hydrocarbons ~ _ S olar _J Biomass ' - Urban waEtes GEOthermal Industrial heat wastes Heat pumps Hydraulic and H:ind . Ccmbined urban production Tndustrial cogeneration 2) Tota1 contribution, local and regional 1) and 2) Combustibles Electricity - (1 - 2) Con.tribution of national or imported energies *Including self-production ori~inating from combined urban and industrial cogeneration (respectively II, and ITIa 17 TWh, 22 TWh, and 59 TWh). 22 ~ .:x FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500060024-8 ! FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY f ~ - . ~ CAARTS ~ ; Chart 1- Division into 9 regions NORD i �wn "c""�" ~ wia i ~o~u wae , ILE DE scr.o.rt ~~E b�urw~e ~ OUEST BASSIN PARISIEN E T ~rs a u ~nwi a~rtu , ~ar~ooae oam e~~ain MAS~i1F (~ITRAL , ' ~.~owM RFIbrE-ALPES , woi-Kns , i ~ ~anr~w[ wDi-?r~[MY . ~ Wql/OOC ~OYWO!-~ ~ OOSY Q SUO-OUE3T ~o� MI~DITE ~E ~ ~ . l I � , I ~ � I . r I I . j 23 j FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I ~ ; ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500060020-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500460020-8 FOR OFFICI:AL USE ONLY ~ . Chart 2- Form.s of energy: proportion of total final energy use in each region ; Graphiquc Z� Part de chaque /orme d'energre danr !er utilisa~ion jinales de chaque ' region 2000. Sc~nario I II `g ~ ~c . o~ ' \