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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100040062-8 ~ ~ 1 OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 FOR nrrll~IAL USE~ UNLY JPRS L/8926 27 Apri]. ].979 FRANCE; NUCLEAR, MISSILE, AND SPACE DEVELOPMENTS . . FOU~ No, 459 ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEA,RCH SERVICE FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 NOTE ~ JpR5 publications conCAin information primarily from foreSgn newspap~rs, periodicals and books, buC ~lso from news agency - transmissions and bro~dcases. Maeerials from foreign-language sources ~re eransl~eed; ehos~ from ~nglish-langugge sources are transcribed or reprineed, with the original phrnsing and other char~cteristics retained, Headlines, ediCOiial repores, and materiAl enclosed in brackers ~J are suppli~d by JPR5. Proaessing indicators ~uch as [TextJ or [Excerpt) in the �irsC line of each iCem, or following th~ lase linp of a brief, indicate how the original informaeinn was processpd. Where no processing indicator is given, Che infor- maCion was summarized or exeracCed. Unfamiliar names rendered phoneCically or transliterAted are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preced~d by n ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied asappropriaCe in context. Other unatCributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. . Ttte cor.tents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT L4WS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS RENRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ron orr~cr~L us~ oNLY JpRS L/s~z6 27 .~,pri~. ~979 FRANCE; NUCLEAR, MISSILE, AND SPACE DEVELOPMENTS FOUO No. 459 CONTENTS PAGE Nation's Clectronuclenr program's Progresa Uetailed (RCVU~ CENCRALC NUCLEAIR~, Dec 78) 1 I~rench ~lectronuclear Program ~ . Stntus PWR Construction Program ~essenheim Nuclear Power P1anC, by A:~dre Leblond, Guy Ferriole bevelopment Prospects, by Michel Durr Creys-Malville Power plant ~ - a - [III - WE - 151 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 I~Utt 0~'~ICtAL US~ ONLY _ _ NA'CION' S Gi.1:CTRONUCLEAEt PItOGitAM' 5 P~tOGEtCSS U~TAILED French C1ecCronucLenr Program - Pnris RCVt1~ G~N~kt1L~ NUCL~IIRE in ~rench Uec 78 pp 450-475 LTex~ The French electronucl.ear program which began in three phases ~970,~~1974, and ig~6 succeeding the "~raphite- gas generation~ is proceeding in conditinns that,on the who~.e appear to be satisfae~ory. Of course~ ~here have been some delays in the start of service of the first power plants ordered, but it seems that such delays should ~radually be recovered during the next few years. This becomes apparent in the articles that we are publishing here today. The first two deal with the 900 MW level of the P~~iR LPressurized l4ater Reactor~ process. Special ~ttention is paid to Fessenheim~ the first power plant of this type to start opera~ing in France. The current status of the 1~300 MW P'~!R program is described in the third article, and the last part of our report discus- ses the development of Super-Phenix, the large 1~200 MW breeder plant now being built at Creys-Malville. , 5tatus PWR Construction Program � Paris REVUE GENERALE NUCL~AIRC in French Dec 78 pp 451-459 LArticle by Eloi Chardonnet~ head o� the 900 M~~l level in _ EDF's Equipment Divisio> LTex) The author gives the essential features o~ the 900 Dit;i level. He then discusses the current status of all the seg- ments of this level~ going into the issues of procedures~ studies~ civil Pngineering~ construction of equipment in factories~ assembly~ tests~ and the start of service. Before presenting the current status in the various aspects oP construction of the 30 units or "segments" which make up i FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 , , rok n~~rcr.nL us~ ortt~Y tihi~ ~.rvel., wQ shol~~.c] Lhe an~entinl f oa~urQs Churac:t~i~~.s~sc o.(' th~.s level und the dnctrinQ und~r~.ying ~1~. the act~.vities invo~.ved in i~. ~ Wi~h3n EDF ~French Electric F~ower Company~ ~he po1, of 1evel,s of sQgmen~s genQra~ing e~ectr~.c power pre- ceded ~he pr~sen~ devel.opment of the nucl.ear pro~ram. Bu~ the importanee af this program~ begun in 1970~ then grEa~ly accele- ra~ed in ~q74, and the scal.e of the problems entail.ed in s~udies and 3.n 3.ndustrial pl.anning led EDF to make maximum use of ~h3.s pol,icy 3n a11. the areas ~.nvolved: standardization of segmen~s~ group3n~ contracts for specific equipmen~ and award~ng a11 the work to the same builder~ adap~a~ion of the distribu~~.on of work ~o this situa~ion~ etc. The advantages of this s~andardi- zation~ tihe problems it caused, the me~hods and resources used were discussed by Mr Brignon in an ar~iele which appeared in REVUE GENERAI,E NUCL~AIRE, issue no 6 of 1977~ to which the ~ reader may be interested in referring. Some addi~ional infor- mation on the definition of the g00 MW level~ on its develop- ment program, and on the distribution of ~obs within EDF's Equipment Division are given hereafter. Definition of the 900 MW Level This 1ev~1 inc~udes 30 units assembled two by two in 15 pairs or segments~ forming four successive series: 1. Fessenheim 1-2 (two segments) 2. Bugey 2-3 and 4-5 (four segments) 3~ Dampierre~lT2iand~in41 Bl~nd~3-4~ Gravelines 1-2 and 3-4~ 3, ya s 1 2 and 3-4 (16 segmentis) 4. CP 2 type: Saint Laurent 1-2~ Chinon 1-2~ Cruas 1-2 and 3-4 (eight segments). . ~ach pair of segments includes a standard part covering the essentials of construction; this is identical i'or ull the pairs of the same series (with th~ exception of a few adapta- tions to meet 1oca1 conditions). The actual parts specific to each pair concern essentially some of the annex buildings and in part the cooling circuits~ whose plans are obviously closely linked to the site conditions. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 - ~OE~ O~~ICIAL US~ tlNLY q a, t. � , _ ~ ~ ~ [ / t t . _1�;'.,~~.. ~~Fl~^..;1,. ~ t ~ ~1 i f ~ SI e~~~ ' fy~~ . Dampierre-en-Burly (May 19?8). - 3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 . 1~'OIt ON'~ICrAL USL ONLY ~he pl.ans for ~h~ Bugey segmonts ~rP no~ much dlfferen~ from i;he p~.ans ,for the Fessenheim se~ments~ from which ~he Bug~y _ plan~ are ve~~y directl.y dQriv~d. The experience i.n ~ho s~udy and construction of these f.lrst ~wo power plants w~s put ~n use in the def~.n3~3.nn of ~he CP 1 plans ~ dn conserv~ ~he ma~or ~.ines of the archi~ec~ure nf ~he ~'es,~enh~im and Bugey power plan~s~ wi~h machine rooms placed tangen~ially in :elation to the cy] re~c~or buildin,a. For the Cp 2 type, the nucl~ar b~.].ock par~ 3s an identical reproductiion of ~he ones but th~ overall 1.ayout of the c~ns~ruction was changed~ g~.ving a radial. arrangement o to the machine room~ which led t,o a complete individuallzat~.on ' of ~his part of the facility for each segment. 3 Of the 30 segments~ 16 are coo:led with open circui~s: ' ~essenhrim 1-2 on the Rhine~ Bugey 2-3~ Tricastin 1-2 and _ 3-4 on the Rhone~ Gra~.ines 1-2 and 3-~f on the North Sea~ Blayais 1-2 and 3-4 on the Gironde river. j Tr.e remaining 14 are cooled with closed circuits using cooling ~owers: Bugey 4-5 on the Rhone~ Dampierre 1-2 and 3-4~ Saint Laurent 1-2~ Chinon 1-2 on the Loire~ and Cruas 1-2 and 3-4 on ~he Rhone. mhe Ctiinon and Cruas power plants each deserve mentien of a special feature: cooling with induced draft at Chinorl~ where powerful blowers (8 MW in al].) take the place of a natural draft; and a special fowndation on neoprene studs for Gruas. This made it possible to avoid special reinforcement of the structures to adapt construction to local seismic condi- tions . Development Program _ Fessenheim 1-2: begun in 1970~ segments conriected to the network in 1977~ Bugey 2-3 and 4-5: begun in 1971, segments 2-3 connected in 197~� Connections of 4-5 scheduled in 1q79. CP 1 type: first segment begun in 1974. Connections scheduled in 1979 (for the first segment of Tricastin~ Gravelines~ and Dampierre)~ 19~4, 1981~ and 1982 (the last two Blayais se~ments). t CP 2 type: first segmFnt begun in early 1976. Connect:lons scheduled in 1980 (fii�st segment of Sa3.i~t Laurent) ~ 1q~'1 ~ 1982~ 1983, and 1984 (the last two segments of Cruas). 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 1~01t dH'l~ CCIAL U5L ONI.~Y 7'able T presents in de~~i1. the connection tttrget dates now scheduled. A11 the planning for the various ~obs is based on these dates. mhe del~y in the nucl.ear program which has occurred or which is made offic3.a1 in the target date is shown in th3.s tab].e, which for each segmen~ shows ~he slip- pages observed or expec~ed. It is bel.ieved that these s1.ip- . pages can gradu~lly be reduced from nearl.y 2 years for the " firs~ segments to zero for the ones. The last segments obviously benefit �rom the research and development done throughout ~he entire program. ob)ectits ob)ecUts ( Sranches Initiaux couplages ~ Giissements couplege au 15/11/197Bi ~ Fessenhelm 1 06/75 RBaIisA 22 mois 6/4/77 ~ Fessenheim 2 04h6 RAalis~ ~ 18 mois 7/10/70 Bugey 2 08J76 RAallsB ( 21 mois 10/5h8 Bugey 3 08/77 R~alisA 15 mois 21 /9/78 - Bugey 4 03h8 03/79 12 mols Bugey 5 09h8 07h9 11 mois Tricestin 1 10/78 08/79 10 mois Ciravelines 1 12/78 07/79 7 mois Dampierre 1 03/78 11/79 9 mois Tricastin 2 ~ 05h9 12h9 7 mois Grevelines 2 I 07/79 01/80 , 6 mois Dampiorre 2 10/79 05/80 7 mois Triscastin 3 ~ 12/79 07/80 I 7 mofs Gravelines 3� 02/80 a8/80 ; 6 mois St�Laurent B1 ~ 09/80 10/80 ' 1 mois Tricastin 4 06/80 ~ 11/80 ~ 5 mois Dampierre 3 04/80 I 01/81~ ! 9 mois Blayais 1~ 10/90 03/81 ( 5 mois Gravelines 4 11/80 04/81. 3 mois SI-Laurent 82 03/81 04/B1 ~ 1 mols Dampierro 4 01/81 08/91 5 mois Blayais 2 06/B1 09/81 3 mois Ch(non B1 10/81 10/81 0 mois Chinon 82 03/82 03/82 0 mois Bleyais 3 05/B2 OS/82 0 mois Blayafs 4 11/82 11/82 f 0 mols Crues 1 W/63 03/83 ( 0 mois C~u~s 2 a8/83 08/83 ~ 0 mois Cruas 3 02/84 02/84 0 mois Crues 4 08/84 08/84 ~ 0 mois Table I: General Construction Program for the 900 r~iWe PWR Segments. - 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 P'OEZ OE~'T'iCtAL USL nNLY Key: Segmen~s 2. Initial. targe~ dates for c:onnect~.on " 3� ~arge~ dates for connec~ion as o~' 15 Nov 197E 4. Slippages ~ 5. Done " 6. Months Uistribut3.on of Jobs within EDF's Equipment Division The Equipment Region to which the Division assigns the respon- sib3l.ity for building a power plant (this is ~he "Operational - Region" .for this plant) is responsible for carrying out or for guidin~ the studies for the specific part of the pro~ec~ and for managing contracts for this ( ~he civil en~ineer3ng contract is the lar~est of these). Studies for the standard part~ its possible modifications~ and management of contracts (for construction done in factories) related to this are the responsibility of 1;he Pilot Region~ whose activities cover a~ll the sites concernAd. ~ , The five x~egions of the Equipment Division are involved in the =9~~ i~IW program: a. The Clamart Region: Fessenheim power plant~ . b. Alp~s-Lyon Region: Bugey power plants (the Operational Region and the Pilot Region funetions are combined for thes e two operations)~ ' c. A1pes-Marse3.lle Region: Operational for Tricastin and Cruas. Pilot for part of the standard CP 1(nuclear : block with the exception ~f the nucle3r anriex building and miscellaneous facilities); d. Paris Region: Operational for Gravelines and Blayais. Pilot for the second part of the standard CP 1 ~ (nuclear annex huildin~ and machine room~ essentially); _ e. Tours Region: Operational for Dampierre~ Saint Laurent~ and Chinon. Pilot for the part of the pro3ect specific . to the CP 2 type (essentially the machine room). ~ 6 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 . � FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY~ � ~ The reg~.ons work in close re].ation with the two staff serv~.ces'~,,5EPTEN cThermal and Tduclear fiesearch and P1ans Serv3.ce7�and SCF ZManufacturing Control Service7. The current status of the en~ire g00 I~ti? level is briefl.y ~ presented below. AZ1 0~' the features whieh form part of this ~ xecord are organized unQer six headings: procedures~ studies, . civil engineering~ construction of equipment in factories~ assembly and. installation at the site~ an@ testin ~ and start of serv3ce'. The S'essenheim power plant~ the first one in the series~ whose two se~men~s are now operating at 100 percent of their power~ has a].ready supnlied over 100 billion kWh. This plant~ ol" course~ occupies a special. position. A first operatin~ record - cover3.n~; a significan~~ period is now possible. This is given 3n an article in this issue by riessrs Leblond and Ferriole. I Procedures ~ The public utility of all the operations of the 900 P~I~~: 1eve1 (nine sites) has been recognized by success~ve decrees. Most of the sites needed have been purchased on friendly termsi and now there ar~e ~ust a few very limited problems remaining concerning site availabil3ty. At the end of the creation authorization procedure which includes a de~cailed examination of the preliminary saf.ety re- port by the Standing Group on Reactor Safety~ the creation authorization decisions for Bugey, Tricastin~ Cjravel.ines~ Dampierre~ Blayais 1-2 and Saint Laurent were made in succes- sion by the prime minister. The preliminary safety reports for Chinon~ Blayais 3-4 and Cruas are now being examined by the standing group. The ministerial authorization process for loading and ~unc- tioning tests includin~ examination by the standing group based on the report of the IPSN LNuclear Protection and Safe~y Institut)~ of the lengthy provisional safety report~ includin~ the provisional operating regulations has been completed ~ for Bugey 2-3 and has begun for Bu ey 4-5~ Tricastin~ Grave- lines~ Dampierre~ and Blayais 1-2 ~the latest reports were filed at the end of 1978). The process opening a new ministerial authorization for the definitive start of service~ including the completion and exami- nation of the definitive safety report conpletinF the provision- al report, has been begun for Fessenheim-.and for Bugey 2-3~ 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 rox o~~~cr~ usL oNLY ~ The au~horizations ~'or intake and discharge o~' water~~which list in particular the standards to be respected abou~ hea~ing thE water~have been obtttined f'or the r~ssenheim, nugey~ Tricastin and B1.ayais 1-2 plants. The same is true for the authnriza~ions for the c~ischar~;~ of 1:1.quid anr; gaseous radio- active eff~.uents for Fessenheim~ Bugey~ and Tricastin. ~he condit3ons set for this discharge~ which are determined by ministerial decisions~ were recentl.y made for the latter ~wo and are much more restrictive in nature ~han the one used for the se~m~n~ execution studies; this will therefore require the "~a , u~e of addit3onal . ~v p u~,.,�as,,;�e-�.' . . .F,.t.i,k;w'~r'?;s;y . rr :y ` , ~A " � c, . ~'k. y'al . . . . +2Yrr L~'~ . ~ ~ 3 'J . �r/~i~~',~ a f~,~, ' s F,� _ ~ ~ .~a ~ ~ . . ~'f~ .t . . ~ s ~ . . . . ~ ~ ~ . . . . The Gravelin~;s Power Plant (August 19'78) . ~ 8 - . ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 , , I~'Oit O~~ICTAL U5L ONLY ~ IY Studies l1 L l;l~c: ~~u.L?i~ whc:rU I,I~~.c~E;:~ ul~u rww ~ dc~;;l~;it una ~~lur?ri Lrl~ l,ucll~.~ and t;he essent:Lals oi' ~he s~udies needed for execu~ion have. been completed both from ~he poin~ of v3ew o~' the prime contrae- tor and research offices which are w~.c~tin~ together and from the point of view of the builders. A1ong with this~ a ma~or+~esearch followup program 3.s ac~:om- , panying the execution~ thus ~,aking use of the experience ac- quired during construct3.on and during the first ~ests and start of serv3ce; this has led to a signif3cant amount of modifications made 3n t;he plans and 3.n the facili~ies. This shoul.d significantly decrease after the start of service of ~he first few segments. Then we should mention the s~udies now in progress: a. Work on the general funetioning te~ts~ with special attention being given to loading tests (funetioning with control rods of a special type called "gray rods"); _ b. Studies related to manufacturing anomalies in equip- ment and construction~; these studies are done to determine the acceptability of developments which do , not strictly conform to the ori~inal instructions~ and include remedies to be used. ~ c. Special safety and radiation protection studies done in relation with the standing group (these deal in particular with the effects of earthquakes and certain equipment failures); d. Some research and developm.ent activities involving fuel~ etc. III Civil Engineering Work The civil engineering work for th~ nuclear segments~ a complex program considering the high concentration of the work~ was discussed in an article by Messrs Cousyn and Goubin which appeared in a previous issue of REVUE GENERALE NUCLEAIRE (issue no 3 of 1977). The magnitude of the work to be done can be seen from the following informati~n for the Cruas power plant~ the I.ast in the series (four segments separated by E-month intervals). _ 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 1~'bit ~F't~ tC l AI. US1: hNLY _ CnnGretiQ 550,000 ~3 ~r~~8~ 70,000 ti~ns Casin s General clearing anci earth w~rk 1~0~0~002 m3~lior~ m3 ft~mnv~l of sand ~nd gravel ~'or ~'i11 and ~oncr~te 3~2 million m3 l~ax~.mum work�orc~ 1 ~ $00 ~~rorkers rhese figures do ~oti include ~he four atimospher~.c coa~in _ towers (100~000 m- of reinforced concretie~ approximately~. The civil engineering work for the entire 900 t~4! level is very ~w~e11 aflv~nced now. It has been complete~ for the Bugey power pl~nt $nd the essential part of the heavy constiruction work is abou~ ~o be complet:.d for tihe ~ricastiin~ Graveli~les~ and Dampierre power plan~s~ Ati the Cruas constructiion site~ where work stttrted in October ~977, the firsti concrete was pourQd in July 197$ and work on the leakproof wall~ which precedes the exc~vation for segments 3~nd 4~'tih~ last pair of the 900 MW level~ wi11 begin soon. The end of the heavy construction~WOrk is scheduled for mid-19~2 (4 years of conerete work). Considering the matter in greater detail~ the situation at each of the siL�es is as follows. Tricas~in By the end of October 19?8, 443,000 m3 of concrete of a total of 455,000 m3 had been poured. The prestressin& of the reactor buildings of segments 3 and and the end of the concrete work on the dome for the reactor building of segment 4 are being done now. The metal framework and covers of the machine room are about to be completed and all the ma~or handling mecY~anisms are operational. The secondary fr~mes and the Yarger wooden constructions have been done at the rate of 100~ ~0~ 50~ and 15 percenti~ respectively, for the four segments. The smaller woodwork and painting are also proceeding well. Gravelines At this site~ the situation is almost identical with the ~itua- tion at Tricastin. By the end of October 197E~ 45i~000 m f concr~te had been poured of an estimated total of 465~000 ro~. The pres~ressing of reactor builc?ing no 3 is being done the concrete work on ~he dome for segment 4 has been starte~d, and th~ ma~.nine room should be completely enclosed during December. l0 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 F'Utt Ob'1~' IC I Al, U5L ONLY Ati tihis sitie~ builti par~ly on an area ~hati was former~y under seawa~er tihe excavatiion work (3 000 000 m3) w~s preceded by ~he o~ a fi~l of ~~OOO~OaO m~ of sand ~aken from ~he new entry to the port of Dunkerque, Damp3erre Here ~~here tihe work is at~outi 5 ~0 6 mon~hs beh~.nd Tricastin and ~ravelines, 370 000 m~~ of concre~e had been poured by tihe end of IJovember 197~ (exclud~ng cooling structures)~ of an es~3mated tiotal of 380~000 m~ and layoffs of construc~ion workers have begun. Sti11 tio be done is :~ome concretie work for tihe nuclear block of 3-4~ especially the dome of segment 4~ as well as the concretie work for the upper parti of cooling . tower n~ 3 and the entiire cool~ng tiower for no 4(tiota~ volume of concre~e us~d for the cooling stiructures: 120~000 m)~ plus ~h~ cover f'or the machine room df segmenti 4. s~C'.~'v~~t : y' 4 ' . . ~ ~y ~ ~ , f. � ~ i ~ f : " ~ , , . _ . . _ ~ : _ _ . 4 �~f -:n , . s ~ . i ~ ~ ,y; a+ ' ~x f ~ . i Le Blayais Power Plant Construction Site (June 197$). 11 FOEt OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~ t~0I2 Ol~ii~'ICIAL USL ONLY , , ~ Sa~.nti Lguren~ ~n ~ , '~he c~rth work', ~ m3.~.l;ton m~ ) has boen cdmpleti~d and tt?a conCr~t;~ wo~k f~r thi~ pair nt s~~m~nts is approxima~~~.y q0 percent compl~~t~ (1~O~O~d m3 of a to~a1 of 200~000 m). ~he dame nS' ~hs secc~~ld s~~ment was ~ut 1n place ir Cetiober~ Maehitie room 1~~~~;~,osa main f'rame is completied and w;1nse movin~; crane 3s o~~rationa1~ was turned over ~o the builder of ~h~ ~urboal.~erna~or group on 15 Septiember. The hois~~.n~ of the declc for machine room 2 was done in October. The con- struc~ion of ~h~ tiwo a~mospheric cooling towers wi11. be fin3shed soon. Le Fil,ayais The naturo of the foundation soil (mud unatile to suppor~ such s~ruc~ur~s) required a ma~or excavatiinn ~ob (2 million m3 of mud removed to a depth of 15 m) ~nd ~he pouring oi' a sandy fi11 taken from the C�ironde and b~i1t up on the stronger sub- soil under ~he mud (5.2 million m). The edges of the tiwo excavation pits were stab3lize~ by building a large concrete wa11. with braces~ poured in the soil~ then anchored 3n it after dredging of the mud (2~000 m of wa11, 30 m in height). All this work is now finished for both pairs, and ~;he concrete w~rk is 50 percent completed (240~000 mj of a~otal of 480~000 m The dome of segment 1 was put in place in Nove~nber 1978; the dome of segment 2 is scheduled to be raised in April 1979. As for the machine room for 1-2, work on the nain frame for the machine room began in Sep~ember 1978 and the mov3ng cranes were raised in November (see Figure 4Jork and Test Program). Chinon With the exception of the type of atmospheric cooling tower, ~his plant with two segments of the CP 2 type is pr~ctically an identical repetition ef the Saint Laurent plant~ with a target date 1 year later. The target date is in fact ~ess~ since far the main p~rt o� the construction, 138 000 m had already been poured at the end of November 197~ ~6~ percent). The dome of segment 1 was ta be put in place in January 1979 - and the start af the frame of the machine room is to be done in /:pril 1979 � 12 FOR OiFICIAL USB ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 + i~CJft tl~~'It;tAi. U~L C1NLY . f _ --....v.=-. - g. _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ .~.z _ - -�..,.r..r....~v e = w_:~... , - - ~ . . . . . _ : , i ~ _ t . . . r ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Q~ : ~ y ^ V � � ~ f 1 ~ N + W + ~ ~ FI . " H a 0 � ~ ~ ~ , H . ~ t r1 ~ ~ ~ ' � ~ a _ ~ _ ~ s w~ V ~ w ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ 4 I.I ' _ ` � ~ a ' ' C! ~ ~ . ? s. _ ~ a _ ' . ~ Q ~ ~ � ~ w ~ u ~ : ~ ~ 4'1 ~ . W ~ ~ ~ ~ ltl ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ $ M j ~ 73 ~ ~ ~ . . r ~ i'~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ d ~ t � i ~ N a ~ ! ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ � ~ M ~ ~ � ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ M .~r. a. ~ ~ H f~f V _ , 13 FOR OF~ICU~L l?~E U?~i.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 1~`Ok UN't~'IC tAL USL t~NLY K~y for I~'~~ure 1: . - 1. L~~end ~ 2, Civi.~. engineering 3, AssemblY 4. ~es~s ~egm~nts 6, ~ar~hwork ~ Bui~d~ng 8. BUtll{~P Reactor - 10. of dome 11. Prestr~ssing 12. Nuclea~ boiler 13. ~FCO LOpen ~ank Functional ~es~s~ 14. Machine room ~ 5� Condenser _ 16. GTA LTurboal.tiernator ~roup,7 . Cruas 7'he volume of work ~'or this power plant, the last of the 900 MW 1eve1~ has already been given eara3er. A year into the work .tihe gener~l clearing and earthwork are riow being completed million m at the ond of November) the river borrow pit~s for alluvi~l materials are over 1/~ done (1.3 milllon m)~ the concrete work on the apron supporting the neoprene stiuds for the 1-2 pair ~nd the peripheral wa11 attached to it are largely done~ and the concrete pouring of the nuclear block itself should start in December. IV Construction in Fac~ories Equipment for the 900 "4W level i~ covered in contracts betweoen EDF ~nd the buil~ers; most often these contracts are for series o� ident3cal equipment for several segments ("level" contracts)~ and if necessary~ they also cover assembly at the appropriate site. We should mention here that while the Fessenheim and Bugey pawer plants had specific contracts for each one~ the equipment for the nucle$r blocks for all of the CP 1 an~ CP 2 segments (24 units) is handled in the same serYes of contracts, each covering all tihe equipment to be manufactured and assembled. The same is true of equipment for the machine rooms of the C:~ 1 type (16 segments) and o~' the CP 2 typs (eight segmer~ts . 14 FOR OFE~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 i~Ok Ot~'t~'1CIAG USL nNLY Af~er ~h~ ~nevitiabl~ probZems~ de~.ays~ and ~hanges ~ha~ are a~.ways par~ of' ~~ob of sueh a sea~.e ~ manufac~uring ~.s now pro~eeding in ~~ti~factory con~~.t~.ons and ati a sui~ab~e pace. mh3s s~~uat~.on do~s not ~.n any way excl~de the of cons~r~etiion inc~.dents of a random nature whieh a~e eal~ed "manufacturing anoma~ies. ~hese demand cons~an~ v~.giJ.ance on ~he part of ~he bu~~der an8 the con~rac~or~ natural~y to detec~ ~hem~ but also ~o evalua~e ~arefu~ly ~heir real s~g- ni~icance an~ ~o de~ermine the appropria~e correc~~ons. . , , _ , . . ~ _ - . . ; , _ ';~z,:, ~ r:~~ Model of the Chinon Site with the Two Pt~JR Segments. 15 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~~dK oN~rrc;I~1L USL ONLY ~n th~~ shor~ article ~~hera can be no,~y o#' ~~v~.n~ d~~ai~s on ~he s~a~us o~' ~he manufac~u~ing nf ~h~ many p~.eces b~' ~quipm~nt .~or the 90~ MW ~~ve~. Th~re ara hundr~ds of ~ con~rdetg betH~~~n tih~' var~,ous ~eg~~ns af ~h~ E~~a3pm~nt Div3- si~n and th~ bu~.l~~rs. Ul~ w~.ll c~t~~.y ~ive bri~f~.y ~he situa~ion ~~r ~ha n~clo~r`bo~l.~rs ~nd ~urn~-alt~rnator gro~ps~ ~s qui~Q eh~~iac~er~.stic o� ~h~ av~~a1~. si~u~~ion. Nuclear ~c~~.1Qrs ~u31~ by ~'~tA;;A~OtdE `rh~ autpu~ rat~ ~~f the ~anks and s~eam ~~neratiors~ whose in- stia~lmen~ in ~h~ r~actior bui~.dings naw controls the essent~als af th~ on-si~E assemb~.y in ~he nucl8ar block~~ in practice gnv~rns ~h~ programming of a11 the assembly work of the boilers ~nd ~hus of tihe campl~~ion of the 90o Mw ~evei ~o a grea~ ~~c- ~~nt. Seven CP 1 tanks wi11 have been suppll~d by the en~ of 1~78~ a~'ter ~he six Fessenhe3m end Bugey ti~nks. Ten ~anks are ta b~ delivered in ~g79, from Gravelln~s 3 to Chinon ~1; three in 1q80~ two in 19$2~ anc' ~wo in 1983~ Qradually the ~anks being built for export and for the 1300 MW level will ~~p1ac~ ~he produc~iott of those for the French 900 MW 1eve1 in the builder's plants. ~'or tihe first eighti CP 1 segments~ the pr~mary tubing and ste~m generator~ have been delive~ed to ~he sitie and have either been instglled or are being instialled now. The stieam g~nerators, which so far have come from the factory in two sections and then been assembled on the site for Fessenheim and Bug~y ar~ now~ at least in part~ delivered in a sin~le unit; the design of the reactor buildin~ makes this possible for the Cp 1 and CP 2. W~ shou~d also men~ion that the nuclear fuel produce3 in ~he ~'BFC Lexpansion unknow) plants (a ~'RAMATOMC subcontractor) at Dessel~and Romans is bein~ delivered 3n the required per~ods o~' time (deliveries for the Bugey 5~ Tri~ast3n 1~ and Gravel~nes 1 segment~ during the first quarter of ~979' the fuel ~or Dampier:e 1 is ~~.ready being sent to EDF's ~nterregional ~t~rage i'acility at Chinon). Turbo-Alternator Groups of the CP 1 Type Bui1t by Alsthom- Atilantique A11 the parts for the first four Tricastin 1~ Gravelines 1~ D~mpierre t~ and Tricastin 2 se~ments have beQn delivered and installed~ or are in the process of installation now: the ' t~P LHigh Pressur~ and Bp LLow Pressur) internal an~ externel 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 POR d~~tCiAL USts ONLY ~ ~as~ngs~ exhaus~ ene~osurss IiP and BP ro~ors~ HP anci BP intaks uni~s~ HP and BP ~u~d~s al~erna~or s~a~or and ro~or~ dryers~ - - superhea~ers~ e~e~ Del~veries for ~he following segmen~s ars ' we1~. underway~ and a~1 tihe res~ of the equipment for th~s ~.m- - pressive ser~~a af 16 i~~n~3,c~1 machinea ~s a~ d~fferen~ s~ages ~ o~' deve~opmen~: being manu#'ac~ured in ~he foundry~ forge~ meeh~nieal welding~ or m~~~~ng shops of the buil.der and of thQ nume~ous Fren~h and~ foreigr? sub~ontrac~ors and supp~~.ers ~ u Saint Laurent des Eaux: Construction of Two PWR Segments (May 1978), 17 . FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~io~ n~{r~tcin~, us aHLY ~~P ~ Typa Tu~bc~-A1.~~rna~ors Bui.~.~ by A~s~hom~At~.ant~.que 'I'h~se ~y~~Qm~ bas~cl on C~d Company,7 technnlo~y~ el~.f~e~ fr~m th~ p~ec~ding by the number of ~p - ro~ors ~hey have~ which have been redueed fram ~hree ~o tiwo. ~h~a pr~1~.m~.ria~y Leats a~~e now b~:tn~ c~one by the builder~ and th~ firgt aquipm~nt should be sen~ soon ~o ~he S~~n~ Lauren~ s~.~e~ For ~he ~a~er segmen~s~ prodttc~ion ~.s can~inuin~ w~thduti nny ma~or problems~ of~en in advance of ~he site Deliver3~s of the inain parts for ~he turbines (BP shaf~s and intake frames) and alternators (bady ro~or) far ~he 1as~ segments of the 90o rna ieve~. (Cruas) are a~ready being made, V In~ ra~.lation ~nd Assembly ZJork The installa~ion and assembly work for a nuclear power plant has alsn been d3scussed in an article by t~iessrs Rou2aud Baudriller and. La arde ~ which appeared ~.n REVUE GENERA~,~ NUCL~AII~E ~.n 19'J~ ~~.ssue no 3) . The instiallat:ion work 3s praetically completed a~ ~he Bugey site; i~s first tiwo segments are now connected ~o the electric~ power network (on 10 May and 21 September 19'~8~ respectively). Th~ third segment shoul.d be connec~ed in March 1979 and the _fourth in Ju1y 19~9. Aside from the work in progress on Bugey 4~ the anly remaining work consists of a few additions and modi�ications which have been found to be of use. This work wi11 be done during the first shutdown for refueling~ Equipment 3ns~a1lat;ion is now well underway at Saint Laurent and is beginning at Blayais where the air conditioning and general. electrical contrac~ors are now workin~~ installing air conditionin ducts_and electr,~c boxes and panels~ MT ~edium Vo1~ag~~ BT LLow Voltag~~~ransformers in the electri- cal building and the control room~ and auxiliary tubing for the nuclear boiler or for all of the nuclear annexes. A certain amount of heavy equipment was placed in the buildings bef'ore comple~ion of the civil engineering in order to sim- plify handling p~rocedures and limit or eliminate the need to provide temporary acesss passages (bunkers, tanks~ exchangers~ etc.). ` This is the ma3or part of the work now in progress at Tric~stin~ Gravelines~ and Dampierre~ where nearly 2~000 : workers are employed at each site~ and whose 12 segments are ' ~o ~o on line in less than 2 years (from mid-1979 to mid-1981). 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 I~'Oit dH'rICIAL U5L ONLY . A~ bo~h ~ricas~3.n and Grave~.ines~ se gmen~s no 2~ whose work ~.s a~ ~.dentieal s~ages ~ a behind Bugey 5~ ~he pr~.mary c~.rcu~.~ ~.s now comple~ely ~.ns~a7.].ed ana ~he prescr~.bed comple~e hydraul~.e (225 bars) was done ~.n ear~y November 1978. By ~he end of November~ the ~nstaiigt~~n of ~he aux3].3ary nuclear tubing of the boiler was a~mos~ comp~eted and some mod~fica~~.ons dec~.ded on in the last few mon~hs were being incorporated. There is some concern about the ins~a~.lation of the secondary ~ubing for a11 ~he nuclear annexes~ for ~here ~.s a~reat deal of work to be done on modifications~ and th~.s may cause some delay ~.n meeting the target date for connection in July-kugust 1979. The ins~allation of the turbo-al~erna~or groups is in advance _ of the nuclear boiler work. On ~he following segment~ Dampierre 1~ scheduled to go on line in November 1979, the welding of the main pr3.mary circuit of the boiler has been completed and it is now being conneeted to the last secondary circuits which are attached to it. The status of the assembZy of the tubing of the auxiliary circuits (of the boiler 80 percent by the end of November 19~8; of a11 ~he nuelear annexes 85 percent completed) and that of the control.-command electrical systems and the general elec- trical system is close to the point required for the start of operations to f3.11 the tank and the EFCO LOpen Tank Funetional Tes~>~ which mark the start of the period of ma3or systems testing. The installation of the turbo-alternator ~roup tias reached a phase where the first mechanical rotation tests can be done in February 197q, and a first connection to test steam can be made (the ~'irst o� the CP 2 series~ as the ~P~:rierre site has a steam ~eneratin~ facility using oil ) in ~-:2y ~ 979 ~ At segr~ents no 2 at botY~ Tricastin and Gravel.ines~ for which the start of the EFCO are schec?uled for approxir~ately P7arch ~979, the tanks and steam generators are installec~ and the welding of the main connectin~ them is well advanced. It is the installation of the auxiliary tubing anc~, of the electrical circuits which is now at a critical point~ anc~ ~reat efforts are bein~ asked of the bu~lCers who are employ- ing hundreds of tubing asse~blers and electricians at each site. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 t~~nn o~~~'tCIAL U5C nNI,Y At the group of Dampierre 2~ ~ricas~in 3~ and Gr~vel.ines 3~ about 6 mon~hs beh~.nd ~he preced~n~ group~ ~he nt' ~he primary circui~ is now on. A~ C~rave~.~.nes 3~ new cpera~ions sequence had to be used because the ~ank w~.1.~. no~ at the si~e un~37. ~'anuary 1979. The insta7.- la~ion of ~he auxil~.ary tubing and of the coni:rol.-command electr3.c~1 circuii;s ~nd of the genera~. e].ectrica7. sys~em is we11 underway at Damp~.erre and has been begL~n at Tricas~~n and Grav~l3.nes , Worlt is be~~.nning on the segments: Tricas~in 4~ Dampierr~ 3~ Crravelines 4, and Dampierre 4~ their ~anks shoul.d leave the factory between March and August 1979� VI Testing and Start of Service The first two Bugey segments (2 and 3) went on line on 10 Ntay and 21 September 1978. At the end of November 1978~ the maximwn power came to 87 percent of normal power for Bugey 2 and 75 percent for Bugey 3. During the inerease in power~ the plant had several shutdowns for a variety of reasons~ and so this power increase took longer ~han expected. The following problems were encounterec~: a. riech anical incidents: in particular~ the alteration of some of the condenser's tubes; b. Modifications of some equipment~ based on the experience at Fessenheim (dryers and superheaters~ etc.). c. External events~ primarily high levels of muddy water in the Rhone; d. Problems of a social nature strike of operating personnel. At segment 4~ whose connection is scheduled for March 1979~ all of the tests before fuel loading have been done. Fuel loading should start in early January 19~9. Connection of the . turbo-alternator group to test stea~ was done on 15 June 197~. At Bu~ey 5~ Tricastin 1~ and Gravelines 1~ the overall tests of the boiler~ which take approximately 10 months preceding the first connection~ were well underway at the end of November. The filling of tanks and the EFCO, which mark the start of these tests~ began at the end of the third quarter of 1978. The 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 , FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY . � ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' cold ~es~s and ~es~ing of ~he primary circui~ under pressure . have now been completed'a~'the three segments~ and opera~ions will proceed sl~ghtl.y differently at eaeh of them~ The - sehedule given below is for Tr~.eas~in 1: ~ . a. Tests of ~he crane for handling fuel under water; b. Res~npt3on~ and end o~', EFCO; c. Comple~ion of initial checkout (in accordance with provi- sions of decis3on of 26 February 19?4); d� Placing of internal parts with instrumentation ~.n tank; e. Test of seal of containment enclosure (4 bars~; f. Hot tests of primary circuit; � ~ g. Loading of fuel~ previously placed in the pool of the ' fuel building; - h. Precritical tests both cold and hot; i. Going critical and being put on line. The successful completion of these test EDF eight additional operational segmentsrofrthe 9001r2Wisystem ~ for the winter of 1979-1980. A new and large group of six segments will be added to the preceding for the winter of 1980-1981: Dampierre 1 and 2~ . Tricastin 2 and 3~ Gravelines 2 and 3. Of these segments phases 1 and 2 of the tests~ which precede the ph ase of ma or system testing~ and whose contents~ described very briefly~ below are given in an article by Messrs Broch and Cayol , (REVU~ GENERALE NUCLEAIRE no 3 of 1977)~ are now more or les in progress. s Phase 1 Last checkout of end of installation~ preliminary tests an tests of start of service of isolated components. For exad hydraulic tests, checkout of relays while unconnected~ tests le: of pumps with zero flow~ etc. 21 FOR.OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 I~nE~ UP'~ICIAL US~ ONLY , , _ . , _ K, t y~;`.t' ' 'ii~'r r " fi u _ ~ _ Ci;�(~p~~ . . . . ~ _ . . i,. f . . ~ ' ~ ~ . . . . . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . : ~ , . ~ . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . ~ ' . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . Tricastin Power P1ant and Eurodif Cooling Towers (June 1978). Phase 2 , _ : . Tests of integrated components or of functions which require functioning configurations which can only be done during partia]._ system tests. . - Each of the "elementary systems" of the plant has a~ series of specific tests which are carefully defined in the test pro- ` cedures. These tests are designed to check that the system can function correctly in a11 normal. or accidental situations ''either expected or imagined at the de~;~n hase. � _ d P _ . : A11 these operations take place as soon as the installation and assembly status permits; each group of equipment or systems moves'in succession from the "assembly area" to the "test - area~'~ in which any intervention requires the use of very strict procedures~ as`the system is then connected to fluid or electrical power sources. ~ 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~ I~OR Ot~ P''[C IAL USls ONLY , Phase 3 ~ Ma~or system tests~ whose nature and sequencing have already ' been given~ Tab1e Ir: Expend3.~ures Listed as of 30 September 1978 for Each Fair of 900 MW Segments. Given iri Percentage of Total Cos~. Tranches % du coat total Fessenhelm t�2 g2,2 Bugey 2-3 , 89,0 8ugey 4-5 79,4 Tricasfin 1-2 ~g 8 - Oravelines 1�2 73,4 Damalerre 1�2 ~~,p TricasUn 3-4 , 50,5 GraveUnes 3�4 45,0 � St�Laurent 1-2 48,4 Dampierre 3�4 39~g Le 8layais 1�2 38,3 Chinon 1-2 42~g Ls Blayais 3-4 ~q,p Cruas 1-2 2~g : Key: ~ 1. Segments 2. Percentage of total cost To conclude at the end of this short presentation of the status of construction of the 900 i~IW PWR power plants (see Table IT~ percentage of expenditures for each pair), perhaps we should again mention the delay in the nuclear ~jrogram and discuss it in terms of its true significance. TY:e few elements presented in this article~ while they do of course reveal the slippage between the original schedul~~ (set to accelerate the start and "running in" ph ase of industrial systems) and the ?~~al situation at the end of 197$a will enable the reade'r to measure the work done now and�~=to conclude~ we th:tnk~ that the nuclear program with its goal of 19~5~ as defined by the government in 1974, is now well under way towar,ds completion. - ' 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' I e APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 l~Ult 0!~'i~'[CtAI, USL dNLY Th~ r~3u~.t o~ ~ninti ~c~ion by huridr~d:s o~' bu~.~~~r.~ ~ r~se~rch nf�ic~~~ ~n~''s an~ ~overnmen~'s con~r~~tor s~rvi~~~~ ~h~.s ' prngi�~m in the ye~r~ tin comQ wi1~, bring abouti ~ profbund ch~n~~ in savin~ our r~sources used for producin~ ~i~~~~~cgi ener~y~ ~nd wi~.1 ~hus make ~ bi~ con~r~bu~~.on tio tihe develop- men~ o.~ Ch~ n~' ~he primary ~ner~y sources~ whi~h ig a vi~al, n~c~ss3~y for our n~~ion~~ ~ednomy. . Fessenheim Nucl.~ar pow~r Plan~ pttri~ E~~VUC GEN~RAL~ NUCL~AI~t~ in French bec 7~ pp 460-4~0 . ~Artic~.e by Andre Leblond~ chief of the ~'essenheim power pl.anti~ anc~ (}uy I'erriole~ ehief of tihe general re~earch division of the prnduction-tiransporti oFfic~~ thQrmal produc~ian service of ~bF~ LText7 After presentiing ~he essential �eatiures of the Fessenheim power pl~nti and the ph ases of its construc~ion and s~art of service~ the authors discuss the starti of service te~ts and ~he problems encountiered. They analyze the main results obtained and draw atten~ion to the l~sson th~t can be learned from this experience. The Fessenheim nuclear power plant wi11 hav~ supplied in ~97g its first year of industrial operation over 11~5 billion kiiowaLt-hours to the French electrical power systiem. This is over 40 percent of the electrical energy of nuclear origin produced in F'rance during 197P� This excellent result is even more significant and promising as the two segments of this power plant are the first of a sEries of facilities which~ in the years to come~ are to provide the basis far electricity prod~~ctiion in France: the history and record of this first provir~g ground are thus of great interest. I General Panorama The Fessenheim power plant~ built on the left bank of the grand canal of Alsace, has two segments each with a net electric power of 890 MW. Each segment has a nuclear boiler of the Pk'R type supplying steam to a turbo-alternator group. 24 FOR OFFICZAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 1~'Ott OFFICtAL USh ONLY ThQS~ bo~lers coh~~3t o� a~~660 ~?~J (~h2rma~) reae~o~ whieh ~ransmits i~s ~hermal energy to th~~~ s~~am gener~~ors. ~h~s is done by ci~ou].a~in~ wa~er und~r pr~ssure by ~hr~e pumps ~Qa iea. "primary pwnps ~ ~ The essential charaetierist~cs o#' thQ most import;an~ equipment ar~ ~iven ~n an annex~ along witih a~ransv~rsal vi~w of ~he power plant and a sch~mat~.a af th~ aireu3try~ - The m$~.n phases o#' eons~ruetiion and o� ~he s~ar~ of op~ra~ions were ~he following: Decis3on to build 19~0 b. Instiallation of the reactor tiank Segment 1: October 1974 Segment 2: January 1975 c. Nydrostiatic tiestiing of prfmary circuit Segm~nt 1: :iarch 1976 Se~ment 2: October 19?6 d. Firsti loadin~ of �uel Segment 1: December 19;'6 Segment 2: ' MarCh 197~ e. ~irst connectiion of alternator to network Segment 1: 6 April 19?? Segment 2: 7 October 1977 f. Fu11 power Segment 1: October 1977 Segment 2: February 19?$ g. Start of industrial service Segment 1: December 1977 Segment 2: 2~iarch 197~ The construction period was disrupted by ~ change of option concernin~ the type of fuel (change from a 15 x 15 pencil system to a 1~ x 1~ system~ in order to have the same flexi- bility as the other 900 t~tJ segments which will follow)~ by manufac~uring problems~ by one act of sabotage~ and also by stiffened regulatory requirements. Concerning the actual start o~ operations of the equipment and circuits~ this covered a period of nearly 3 years~ i"rom the firs~ tiesting of annex functions (production of water~ of 25 FOR OFPICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 . ~'OR i~E~'~tCIAt, U~~ hNLY c~m~~~~s~d ~i~~ ~r a1~xi~iary ~ow~r supply) uri~3,~. th~ s~a~t of indus~ria~. ~erv~.ce ~h~ ].~rge~C con~rac~~d sy~~~m~ ~he - nucl~ar bdilQr, ~ _ _ , a > . _ n~ ' ~ s` ~ a~`; ' ! .~:~:;:ti;. Fe~senh~im Power Plan~ (August 197R~. Industrial operaLinn began in J`anuary 1978 for segment 1 and in ~Pri~- ~978 for s~gment 2; it is now continuing in very satis- factory canditions. The first ter~ of this operation will come with the shutdown of each segment in ~979 for 4 months~ in order to replace a third of the fuel and to make many required checkouts (associated wlth this first shutdown and with the 10-year review); this shutdown wil~ also be used to ~ make additions to the equiFment~ modifications~ repairs~ preventive investigations~ etc. 26 FOR O~FICIAL U5E ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~ ~Ott tl~FtGIAL U~~ ONLY Th~ f~~.~.~awing ro~~u~1c~ wi~.~. conoon~ra~e mast an t}~~ mo9~ r~c~nt pe~~.od~ the per~.od s~artin~ wi~h ~he connoctlon oP ~h~ ~e~m~nt~ t;o ~ho ho~work; thon we w~.11 examine: a. ~~ar~ o� s~rv~.c~e ~esting: 3tis go~1.~ cont~r~t~~ ~hc~. H~w - i~ was cot~duc~~d; b. P~oblems enooun~ered; c. hiain resul~s ob~ai.ned; d. Wha~ was learned from this. tI aoals and Organi~ation o� Tes~s - Th~ start of serv~.ce testis were div3ded ~.ntio ~hree phases: - The firs~ phase preceded the hydr~u].ic ~es~ing of ~he primary circuit of the In addition to the prelim~.nary tests~ it included ~he gradual starti of opera~c3on of equ~.pment and ~ circuits; this phase ensured that the circuits and ~heir con~rol and command equipment were capable of func~ionin~~ without heet~ according tio the design specifications. The second phase (5 to 9 months) tested the circuits in their en~irety, first co1~ and then hot in conditions as close as possible to normal operating cond~.tions. This period came ~o an end with the first loadin~ of fuel into the reactor. The lasti phase (~baut 10 montihs) included: a. Precritical tests, both co1~i An~ r~t ~n@ in particular including monitoring of the funetion~ng o: the control rods; b. Physical tests at low power desiEned te check the neutron characteristics of ~he core; c. The increase in power after electirical connection of the alternator to the network. During tihis period ch~racteris- t3cs of the core a~ different power levels and the capa- bility of the facilities to withstan~ power spikes~ either normal or incidenta].~ were monitored. It had to be ascertained: 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 N'l~tt OH'~IGI~~, U5~ ONLY 1. That in aa~~ of ~ pa~t~:~~ o~ eompl~te ~.~s~ a~ a f~na~ion~ th~ fttci~.ity w~~ p~~tac~~d an~ if n~e~~sa~y cou~.d r~~tor~d to ~ ~~f~ eond~ti.o~; T~iaL� i~h~ }~yp~th~s~s ~z~~d ~n ca~.c~~.~~~n~ ~ceiden~s and 11miLs ~f ~p~ra~i~n did i~~].u~~ ~uf~icient ma~~ins. t~~ ~ariduc~3ng th~ T~~ts A~i th@~~ ~est~ w~r~ e~nduc~~d under ~he and c~n~ral nf ~h~ SCSIN LC~n~~al Sa�etiy ~erv~ce for huelear Facili~i~~ ~xf~er ~onsultation wi~h exp~rts from ~he : ~anding ~roup ~n Reacti~i~s. Abaut ~+c~ m~~~ings ~f th~ ~~andin ~reup werQ he1d; ~hese me~tin~s w~~e pr~e~ded by about ~'0 prepara~ory sess3ons~ t~~for~ ab~ainir~.g ~h~ au~hori~a~ion for loading fuel in~o ~he �irst ~e~ment; thi~ was ~her. ~'~1lowed by authorizat3on for pr~critical hot ~es~s~ for goin~ cri~ical~ an@ for ties~s 50 p~rc~n~ power~ th~n at 100 percen~ o� the nominal power. At ~he ~im~ of ~h~ firs~ connection of the turbo-al~ernator gr~up~ the had a~.ready operated at abou~ 20 pereen~ of its nomin~l power~ with the steam produce~ being vented directly to ~he condenser by a~urbine bypass circuit. At each ~.evel of power which followed (30~ ~0~ ~5 90~ and 100 percent)~ the following ma~or ~ests were carr~ed outi: a. Survey of furic~ioning conditions; b. Chart3ng of neutron flows in the core; c. Tests of re~ulations; d. Power vari~tions. The ar?alysis of tests done at one power l~v~l determined the possibility of inereasing the power to the following level. The di~~ram showing daily power (Figure 1) illustrates the chronology and duration of tihese tests~ which were disrupted by a certain number of incidents. Between the first connection and functioning at nominal power~ the duration of tests or work was 204 days for the firsti segment and 142 days for tihe second. An ideal ~uration is about $0 days. 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 t~~it Ul~ t~ lt~ 1 ~1L ll;~l, r1vL1' _ ..:~..,.~s.. . ~ ~ ! ~ a.~ ~ ' ; ~ IM ~~i.Mli 1 t ~ I . ~ i ' ~ _ . .1 / t 1 1 t . ~ ~ ' . i . . ~ ~ ~ W ~ ; p ~ X ~ ~ . _ __t ~ ~ , _.t ~ o0 MMMIN 1Ip ~MI~ t ~ ~l ~ } 1 ~ � ! ~ Mrwsw aw�w uM I { ~ ~1 ~ nww,w a w~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ^ W Ct Q~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ J C fi ~ . a ~ F a ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ u~~vs~~ ; _j ! ~ ~ s ry-� W ~ . v Z L~;t,,i~~ ~ _i . ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,a?. ~ W ~ _ . ; ~ } ; ~ ~ . ~.e..w.~ .s~� ~ Ci 1 ~ 0 ~ ? ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~:ww.wl~.w ~s. wr,~ i ~ . _ ~ . ~ ~ ! ~ . ~ r ~ M . ~ i s Z , r ~ Q ~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ �,N~.~w ~wM~a w~' . . K n , ~ ~ ~ a ~ - ~ ! ~ Y ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . R i i ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ww ~ w~Mf r~ f ~ V ~ ~ . , � . a i ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ w ~.w+1w r~rs ~ wr~r ~+orw~! ~ ! ~ W . ~ i 4 - ~ . ~ . . . ~ ~1) ~ ! r � .Gp U1 , " ~ ' ~1 W Y~M~. ~~~~i ~ 1~ M} M wN~M~ti ~ ' ' ~ ' �+�~�r IL ~ . ~ ~ r rINHM~ N r~ Ma~.-. A~ f.s~I~ rr'?i ~ I I I ~ ~ w~' W I 1 / f 1 l � ~ � � ..s_. ~ ~ � W ~ ; , ~ { ~ _ ~ w W ' ! ~ ~ J I ,~..~~.~~...�~~w� ri p $ a � i ~ j I ~ ~ - i. . � . . . ~ ~ . i .._...i_. ~ 1"~ i ~ ~ W ~ ~ i f ~ i ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ , ~ ; ~ ~ " ' j ~ i ~ . ` _ . . . ' 4 . , . . - rl � ~ i S ~ .r.~ ~w..~~rww.~ ~ ww~� r~.� , ~ ~ ? ~ ~ w � ~ i ~ ; r ~ ( l ~ �w.....~..~..;. ~ ~ ~ ` ;n.a.~ n~w ~.a.'�-'~'---�- 'z�.~� w+~~~-~wi ~..~.:..._.i......i....... ~ ~ i k i ~ i 7S ~ ~ O I~ 8 ~ ~ i X 7G Q b�. Y ry r t V t = t t . 29 ~Uk OF E TC ( ~SF U~di.Z' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~OK t~FFICi11L U3E t~NLY li~y 1.'t~t~ 1~'1~;urci 1: j . ~~~r~ant i l~aw~~ i.n :~C~f ~~,,~~~etiri~#~ty - 3. ~'3r~t ~~nn~6tion (;~f~dr~~~~~~t~ ~ A~ril a~ j04~) ~urbi~~ (~ow p~essure eas~ 3) Rep~,ac~men~ ot eonneet~ons in ~eaetor tat'lt 6. R~pa~r of adapt~~s ~ ,~:isc~~lan~ous plumbing l~aks ;iork on ~.o~~? pre~~ure wa~~r stA~ion tJork on fe8~d turbopt~:?ps an~ rciscellaneous work 10. St~r~ of industrial serv~ce on ~1 Deeembe~r 1~~~ 11. ,, work 1?. ;ti'ork on seconda~y ci~cuit 1~. ;~ork on pr3mary an!~ s~cond~ry circu~t~ 14. t~ork on dryers-suparh~a~er~ 1~. Checkout o~' dryers-sup~rhea~ers 16. 3~~tr,~nt 2 1~. First conn~c~ion (Friday~ 7 Oc~ober e~ 1240) 13. Ch~ek oi' al~~rna~or benrSngs j9� L~ak in s~condary circui~ anC defec~ in clus~e~ cammanc~ 20. Various checks of turbine anr' n:iscellaneous �~?ork 21. 'rfork on primary circuit Cpress~,~rizer s~ray va?ve) 22. Turbine plurubing an~ secondary aircuit plumbin~ 23. tJork on corulectors 24. Start oi' industriaZ service on 1 April 1~~~ 2~. ~lork on d~ye~s-superheaters 26. ~eak in pressurizer spray velve 2~. Check of dryers-superheaters '1^he ~'ollowing inforr.!ation can be drawn from tr.i~s phase prec~ding industrial functioning ar.d fror~ the actual start - of service testing itself: a. GenQrally speakinP~ unlike the maiori~y o" thermal pow~r plan~s for which fu11 capacity is reached quickly after the :irst connection~ the r~se in power o;' a nuclear ~1nnt of the P:~~fi type necessarily ta~tes a lonp tiim~. b. Cons~derin~; th~ site aspects~ the exFerience with ~ - startin~ the f3rst seg~?ent greatl;~ accelerates the 5peed of startin~ service at the second. ~0 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 1~'~k tlt~'~t~IAG U3~ ONLY ~V ~r~b~,~m~ ~count~rae~ ~+fe ~houl~ say fi~st o~ al~. tiha~ ~he ~too s~~m~n~s arQ ~.d~nt~c~1 and ~ntir~aly ~hd~p~nd+~nt ~xc~pt fo~ ~h~ ~~~luen~ ~~~a~m~n~ fa~ili~y a~hich ~harQd~ and also that ~hey are ~h~ �~~s~ ~f a s~ri~~. ~ Of ~he ~quirc~~nt �~r the nuolear boi~er~ the maior equ~~men~ w~s built ~nd~r 1ie~~ae. ~tos~ ~f ~he ~e~t of ~he ~q~~,p~nent bein~ put to a r?~w use ~n th~~ ~ype o� :ae~li~y~ The ma3or ~3~c~~ af ~qui~m~nt ~f i;he s~~ort~e~y p~rt are p~o~o~ype~ and , the eff~.uent t~~a~ment Qqui.pmetit is ent~~8~.y ne~~r in ~.~s ~unet3on- in~ condi~ions. Ar~on~ ~he prok~~~~s ~inc~ ~h~ F~rs~ eonnection~ w~ shoul.c~ m~n~ion thos~ wi~h a~ip,n3ficant incid~r~c~ on ~he dura~~.on o~ t~s~s or on plan~ apQ~a~ing tir~e. flor s~~men~ 1~ 1ist~d in ~hronoloci~~~ arder~ ~hes~ were: - 1. An inciden~ af� ~he ~urt~ine on 2 t~:ay 197? While the segmen~ ca~s ~t 3o percen~ of nomin~l ~:ower; serious dama?~e of ~ stgtianary guide o~ a low pressure casin~~ prob~bly caused by a manufacturin~ de:'ect~ required chan~in~ all the clearances b~tween wheels and guides~ checkin~ all the lo~~r pressure casings and replacing guides exceeding tolerances (10 weeks3. A leak which appeared in oid-July betiween the reac~ar ~ank and its cover; ~his required the replacement of two connections and the oodif3cation of the closin~ bearing (20 days). 3. Ttie discovery at the end of July 19?7 of a we~kness in the seal of the welding on the control. rods come:and rr.echanism housing located on the reactor cov~r; a corr.plete checkout of the are~s int�olved uncovered several defects of the sa~e type (20 days). 4. A~ the end of October 1977 dar~a~~e was found on one o!' thE two turbopunps feedin~ the water station after contacts between the drw:~ an~ the ~1an~ rings; the ~amaped pump was re~?laced and the second lump wns c~odifie~ ~uring a 1-~conth shutdown in November- Decer~ber schedt~led ~'or other reasons. 31 FOit O~~ICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 Pdtt tlt'1~'ICIAL USt~ ONLY 5� nur3r~~ ~h~ 11~v~mb~r-~QC~r..b~~ shu~d~wn~ s~.x s~~ar,. b~owou~ bd~.~.oon~ sur~aun~~n~ ~he and p~aced 3n ~he con- ~ c~en~~r w~re mod~fi~~; the~a hac~ r~.pped because of a de~~~;n d~~~ct. ~n a~l~ ~h~ i.ncid~nt~ ~el~~ed ~o the p~o~o~ype nature o~ ~he seeondary part ot' th~ f.~ci~i~y and ~he work done on the ~ank connec~ion~ ~~used a 112�day delay ~.n ~he se~men~ ~o ~tis orer~~ion ~t nominal power; if ~hese problems had no~ nc~urrec~~ ~h~.s pow~r would ~h~ore~ically_havo been reached 92 day~ ~ft~r ~he first conna~tion. Fwr~hermore~ all ~hrou~hout tih3s period~ the prescribed requirem~ntis on metihods af d~.sposing of l~.quid effluen~s in ~he ~nv~.~onm~nt havQ become more and more res~ric~ive~ and ~his ~au~ed some probl~ms~ even includin~ in~erruptin~ ~he qchec~ul.~. 7'he au~horizatiions for waste disposal contiroled by ~he SCPAI ~en~ral Fro~ection 5ervice againsti Ion~zin~ fiadia~3on~ reauire ~hat a1.1 effluents ~ whether sl~.p,htly or high].y radi~act~ve~ be retained and monitiored before removal. This requiroment has affec~ed tihe continuing secondary draining o~' ~h~ steam generators~ done in order ~o ob~a3n and main~ain very s~rict chemical characteristics of the water; ~his is ir~portiant to keep the equipment workin~ for a long period of time. At the time of design~ it was felt that these ef- fluen~s cauld be disposed of. directly. Aftier the s~ar~ of 3ndustrial service~ the only incidents ~~'fecting tihe satiisfactory functioning of segment 1 were: 1. A leak in a valve of an au~ciliary circuit o� the boiler; the motor nf a primary pump had to be replaced (6 da~ls). 2. The detierior~tion of internal parts o� the four dryers- superheaters associated with the turbo-alterna~or group (inspectiion doors on the separation plate between intake and outlet of h~ating steam on two of them~ protective bulbs for the tubular bundles on all four); the duration oi' sh utdown for this was 3? days (including 5 days for checking repairs af~er 2 months of operation). ~'here have also been some shutdoWns causeci primarily by defects in ~he tightness of some of the plur.~~in~; ~ althoueh all the shutdowns for othe~r reasons were used for repairs. The inci- dents first affected the pri~!ary and secondary circuits~ then 32 ~OR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 FOtt OPI'ICIAL USt~'. ONLY ma~.n~y ~he seconda~y c3.rcu~,~ (ex~erna~. ~eaks weak 3.n~erna~ sea~ rup~ure of rod~ bl.ocka~e) .~.'he ~o~a~ 1.os~~ e~.~h~r ~ota~ly or par~iay~.y~ caused spec~.f~.c~~~y by p~.umbin~ prob~.e~s amoun~s to the equival~n~ of 15 d~ys of shu~down sinee ~he firs~ connQC~ien. ~'or se~ment ~he exper~enee acquired ~~r~.~h se~c~en~ 1 did make poss3bl,e ~d c?o a cer~ain amoun~ o� work before ~.~s connec~ion (rr,odifica~~.on o� ~ow pre~sure cases of ~he repair of ~he we~d3.n~ on the clus~er command Causes of delay or ~iMe 1os~ were roughly ~he sa~ne as in seg- men~ 1. The ma~.n occurrences tio be mentioned are: 1~ To~~1 ~oss o� ~'unction for 10 days because of heat~.n~ of a bearin~ of the al~ernator and a defee~ in a con- tro1, cluster commdnd dev~.ce; 2. A 3-week shutdown in November 19ry~ ~o do some work similar ~o the work done in segment 1 a~ ~he same time~ primaril.y on the secondary par~ of the facill- ty (blowou~ balloons near the turbine~ plumbing work~ checkout ~n~? repair of feed ~urbopumps); 3. An internal defect in the circuiti breaker at ~he outle~ of the alternator (6 days); 4. Feplacement of a prototype ad~usting valve on ~he turbine steam intake (6 days); 5. ~dork on dryers-superheaters after ~he incident in segment 1 (25 days); 6. Several short c?uration shutdowns required by plumbing failures (35 days). V First Reports Corisidering the "f3rst of a series" and p~rtially pro~oty~e nature o~' the two segments~ the first operat3ng period h~s been satisfactory. Of a11 the technicai probleros encountered, none has invalidated the fundamental options selected for this pl~nt anC then used for the remainder of the 90o rtt~; prograt~. 33 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 t~'OR tl~CiCIAU USI. ONLY The a~~ua~ nucl.ear par~ ~.~se1.f suf~erod on~y a~'ew fa~.~.ures of ined~.wn impor~ance and ~he many ehanges ~ha~ had ~o be made in ~he conventiana~ equ~.pmen~ or equ~.pmen~ based on conven~~.onal d~si~n~ wa~~ not ~f ~ radi~al nature. S~.nce ~he s~ar~ o~' indus~rial opera~ion~ ~ho record of ~.n opar~t~.on o~' the ~wn segments is good (7~ an~. percen~) ~ ~nd hlgh~r ~han the va~uE of 50 percen~ used 3.n the FEON ~dvisory Comm~iss~.on on ~h~ Product~.on o� Iducl.ear - Orig~.n~ ~ By way oF comparison~ ~he average in ac~ual opera~ion of ~DF's conventional. thermal pl.ants was ~2 percent in 1977� ~igure ~ shows ~hat the bchavior of ~ho two Fessenheim un~.ta since they supplied ~heir kt~Pu bo the network ~.s fully sa~isf't~e~ory compared wi~h other similar production faci] such as the U.S~ Beaver V~11.ey planti~ which was a point o~' r~ference for the nuclear part~ and the T3han~e plan~~ w~.~h secondary faci].i~ies ~o those at Fessenheim. From the point of view o~' the performances expected~ the behavior of the facility in its transitional,~hase seems ver satisfACtory; the re ulations on "i].otage" Lmeaning unknow~ and load variations ~increase of 5 percent of nominal power per minutie an~ spikes of ~ 10 percen~) are being respected; follow- up of laad and ad~ustment by remote control are not authoriz~d at ~he prosent time. ~ ~'or the time being the behavior of the fuel is satisfac~ory; the total radioactivity of the water in the rinary circuit (excluding tritiua) is about 0.2 to 0.3 Ci/m~. ~'he effects of the plant's operation on exposure of the personnel and the environnent to radiation have been very slight, The average annual dosages received by plant workers comes tn 11 millirems for 19;7 and 100 millire~s for 1978; ~hese figures ~ay be compared with the value of 1F8 millirems for all of EDF's power plants in 1977. We must~ however~ say that these 1ow values are not very significant~ since they cover _ a period durin~ which no refueling was done. 34 FOR OF~ICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 FOtt O~FICIAL U5C ONLY � _ : ~oee . ; : A~ tr11 . . / _ 5000 i / , i � i ~ ~00~ ~ ~ ~ C I/ , . ~ . 1000 / ' ? 1 . . I ~ I _ ~ ~ ~r . ~ . , . l000 . ~ � � . . . . I~ ~ ~ . i . . . . I i ~ ~ ~ ~ 1000 ~ ? / / ~ ? ~r' r . e i i ~ i i u i ~ ~ . . . ~ Ia . . . 14~ ~y.M.u . w~~l Figure 2:~ Behavior of Fessenheim in relation to Beaver Va11ey and Tihan~e. Key: 1. Start of Fessenheim and several 900 i�I?~l PWR W'estinghouse Units 2. Hours Equivalent to Full Power 3. 100 Percent Operation 4. First On-Line 5. Age of se~ments (in months) 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 rnk at~rtcinr, us~ n~n.Y - D~sp3.~e ~ ~arger produc~ion of effluen~s ~han expec~ed~ ~he radinac~~.v~.~y c~used by was~QS released in the water ~nd air in 1978 reached ~he f.'ol.lowin~ ~eve~.s ~.n rcl~~~.on to ~he author3.zed v~~ues: a. Abou~ 10 pareQn~ for ~.3.qu~.d effl.uents (excl.ud3ng ~ritium); : b. Les~ than 4~ pQrc~nr f'or ~r~.~3um; c. Less than 5 perc~n~ for ~aseous wtts~es. Consequences for the p~pul.ation ~he hi~;hest theoretic~l exposure~ based on very pess3mis~ic assumptions~ for 19'77 ~ave an amoun~ of irradia~~.on equivalent ~o abou~ 0.02 mi1~.3rem _ far ~he en~ire organism; ~his is nearly 10~000 times less ~han the regu~.atory limit and ~han natural raciioactivitiy. VI ;~~a~ 'Aas Learned From the Start and S'irs~ ~e~r of Indus~rial Operation A. Conc~uc~in~ of th e S~arting Tests There are obvi.ously many reasons far the very sa~isfactory start of the power plant; in addition to the use of an already proven ~ype of nuclear boi].er~ there are the good organization of the ~ests and a s pecial adaptation o� the resources usec?.. The orpanization of the tests, implemented gradually and becor~in~ ~'ully operational a year before the connection~ was maintained until the start of industrial service of the two se~rr.ents. The teams included personnel. either from EDF's Equipment and Thermal Production Region or from the contrac- tors~ with the overall coord.ination in the hands of EDF. A very close cooperation betiween all the parties involved~ pri- marily in matters affect~ng safety~ grea tly ~'acilitated the pronress of the various phases. During this entire ~eriod, tests were carried out accordin~ to test procedures (about a thousand) drawn up in advance; - their very extensive preparation (45~000 pa~es of documenta- tion per segment) represented a ma~or amount of work. For,-~-- ~he tests and their ~'ollowup ~DF sent a special team whi;ch at peak ca~e to near~y 30 people (engineers and technic;ians); personnel sent:by the builder of the nuclear boiler am~unted to a n~axir~um force of 24 people. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 - . . _ , , , FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY . -0~her fac~ors were: a. The rap~.d availabili~y o~' the test resti~lts and ~lie3.r , cr~.~ica1 ex~mination; � ~ b� The ~very yoiiowu~ o~ moc~ ~~'icF,tions m.ade in c3.rcuits anc? ec~~:iprrlent dt~ring the s tarting ~rocedure t c. Hi~h1y com~rnunica;~~.ons bet~reen rese~xchers ~ ~ and neopl.e at the s~:te. ~Fiowever~ some changes shoul.d be made ' as they caused too burdensome a workload~ or signif3can~ delays: the effluent , treatment system anc~ the condition of the plumbin~ fa~.l into this category. Since the start of the rise in power~~ the somewhat larger than ' expec~ed proc~uction of effluents and the high levels of radio- act3~rit~ . 3.n the y ~ ,T primar circuit at shutdown have caused large amounts of radioactivity in the liquid effluents~ althou~h the 1evels are still acceptable. The higher than expected production has st~.ll not been explained~ f.or, on one hand~ there are no means of' identifying sources in the relatively complex collection circuits~.and also because problens have arisen in reusin~ water from the primary circuit because of the len th of time spent on improvin~ the e~'fluent treatment system ~mainly evaporators and equipment for placin~ effluents 3.n containers). The radioactivity could not be quickly,elimi- . nated as the flow passing over,the demineralizers of the che- . mical and volume control circuit was generally too low. This ~ radioactivity did cause some rad.iation protection probler~s. Concerning the plumbing~.the many (already~listed) defects � which caused loss of operating time and doses of radiation ~ for the personnel during repairs should be~reduced by decrea- sin~ the number and types of equipment~ a better adaptation of the equipment to its function~ precautions taken in instal- ~ lation elimination of all unnecessary cla~:ps~ an appropriate select~on of leakproof'~ointings~ checkin~ of clamps and the quality of connections. B Organization of Operations ~ . _ Since the start of testing~ the plant's operating personnel have operated the equipment (from a centralized command room). This ~ave them a@ditional trainin~~ and at the same time it - tested the operating instructions (there are about 200 in- structions contained in 2~000 pa~es). : ~ 37 ~ 'FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040062-8 ~.1 r~~FZ ;~~~~~