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w- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90BOO184R000100110070-0 ? be coutact t except to retsdar to coordinat of Major 11 sa it. Ccanklin . C Unents.1 ";viaiot, oaf to, Texas a luat . -4JUs )/" frioe, Crashes walla care A/C C cx+ r in the as Au1n.ti e Ttm shuts will operate a sohwu parting tank at 0700 as ae rte Waterer ,1 dey. viations from this aebadr ke a tU be anrs zesed as In advance as pootible in order to a1almiso confusion,, Vftas *Ad ter i steno ono and N-arc& 71L.-ht Prior to aU fli bt r ' e rtimm, the viii be a4 as to 4es nati a in t av r)t alt, 'U cb* npp in Ube Original M,)At plan. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90B00184R000100110070-0 ~- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90BOO184R000100110070-0 ? 0 U be Under the operational control of C r ess tertom 4:i:r trip. Contact with e Commmdw will be direct while at atortaw anti through MAt:S terninsl oparat while at will be haa]sd the n. I' Aiar Forte way saris t that Norton Air 'Vora* Us* will be contacted rather than hone bass. Contact & K#Jar haC1 g Norton Air Pores kue l*t sion 418h. gsi.iy Air Forcer Base is not to be contacted except to render weekly A/C f4dft Haase reports and to coordinate *xchmp of ),/C s ndd air m mAbers. 'ontsacta Major 6111'em R. Conklin 3q. C os i nentai 14vtsiod4 AATS nia, ?eras WAlnut 3-5 .1., / + ffi . Maintenance problaw at Watert will be handled in a miner pr scribed by Ca *nde4 Watertown* H will dispose Of each incident and bee his actions an operational n as ty in each sita>a ti. Crashes while away from atertam will be Ia ed by the t .l(. Gri rider in the esaner proscribeL.a in oxistirg Air Vora* tions. Crashes ~ t a sn. or in the PA will be with adireatiives issued by s to z ear, atertcswrn. shuttle will operate on a scheduled baasis, noraa?raly "parting ?u roan C ut 07W a de serting teerte at l each "y, viatiione fin* this schedule will be announced am far in advance as pos ible in order to sai miss e i as. ai.s bta +p -~ s c t a ata~t"lrm f~ 31 ' per V a>?as and Water s. -el t c - ar'ances will t e ace wit x, fir > ores He guiat s ui. ~.F3arsssl+~t ear~ia st~iaa between wervice will be t,i't.,# sad. Prior to all flights d"rdng Watertown,, the airerart am anise will be advised as to destination n the event baud weathet nscessiu to a aw h nge in tbm, original fi i , plan. ?~w Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90B00184R000100110070-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90BOO184R000100110070-0 ? ? year at Burbank will be r*e cnsible for maintuning the m U tor*insl, and uppr+ ing the fort for &1L %itgtht a departing t :nk. He will sestsbliah A fie decir:i+ - as to raoatination in the event tad wootbor n rsitatee a change in thc= original flight plan. In all instraances, t t 4ereft. L-O aasnder VU.], have c lest a responsibility for safety in fl .ght. o n have authority to maka any decision on details in oaneiderstien of flight awstatdr. The A,' C a er will !urns ca n-114* control of au . pa a eers and cargo on the :r on well a a t le f of the ,/0 and he gill, in all c aseeas, creak* the final deoiaian Whet bar or not the flight will go. Ie_w ll_lw _resoano ble for czoe~a~iiee ~,witai n l : it Force e ~ . The crew will report to Burbank air 't no later Umn hours for a 3%0 S .0 U dept each morning or one bear before departure if another ttsce is selected. The pilot viii report to Gal and Proceed to file a flight clearance wa ile t ho mat of the crew readies the airplane for flight. s er s will be lon4ed at 0635, start era inesew at k 6 0 tad time *0, and takeoff 0700 hours. , atottoicn, the crew will report at 15-J to b ; se operations, pW.asuengers will be lead at lSl, start engines at 1550, tax . time 1555, end takeoff at 1"* bank, cell tower while in the traffic tte rn and Bask that the fuel &AO/oroil track be sent to the Air Force area. ;a JC will be serv iaad, ini .dteto w' on lWIU 4 to f ail capacity and 16W allow of ssoline. After service, the A/C u ill be l deti under the direction of the A/C < ?awaeesneer. agate- su c e will perforn weer the direction of the A' e- (cwa r after loadi . ; sinter +nee peraonemel. are under the direct 8tt r vision d control of the A/C c` osa aac -r. ) wel area oil trucks are contacted by calling i rnwal.l 2-5231,p lzt w.ian 218. A water fli ht plan for this shuttle to filed In C of:ficee, Burbank Terminal (R rb&nk di, o r , and each pilot can activate 'the appropriate ) An by calling Thom all 6..%00 and sayings ImAct;Lv*t* ,slight Man f brr ?-- on _ s L Noe) ' or by rsdifj by c*lXi' z Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90BOOl84R000100110070-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90B00184R000100110070-0 ? a FOk I (Cont. t Plan, No. 1 - baar ar to Waatertaesa via Neater-ftls le and Los 140SO e. No. 2 -- -shank to aateerte,,, rout* with avo ainute passenger swop as r7 aAaQ&A*. ThU eyt ten vi) .L slice .aatar the need to tile a .learaa cs ovsty morning at !3urbank - aerzo non* at all at ?ta n a]a. Crew c han es (pilot ) end AI C a masses an er by telephone or r* fl.. a U military clsarar ss, *arch ' i eer is notifiod b7 CM i aaedtstee & ,.'ter A/C takeoff. %).i dbt plan closed by radio to Burbank ter or to CM br telephones T.lAp s ' #arnw U 6-ohm. Weeat r is obtataa*d by c&lli CA", oathart Melee asaa ee STaraley 7-6437. 1-9 ~~yi VJAF Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/07/09: CIA-RDP90B00184R000100110070-0