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November 8, 1970
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14 : CIA-RDP79T00936A008900080001-1
The President's Daily Brief
8 NOV 1970
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5 OX 1
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Defense Minister Moshe Dayan has apparently abandoned his
earlier insistence on rectification of Egyptian violations
of the standstill agreement as an essential prerequisite for re-
newing the Jarring talks. Without mentioning Egyptian mis-
siles in the standstill zone, Dayan in.a speech yesterday said,
"I am very much in favor of our participation in the Jarring
talks in order to achieve peace, despite the fact that I am well
aware that this means a dive into some very cold water indeed."
Dayan's apparent switch may in part be related
to the quiet maneuvering for position now under
way between the top contenders to succeed Prime
Minister GoZda Meir, even though few observers
expect Mrs. Meir to step down voluntarily before
the end of the current Knesset term in the fail
of 1973. Having almost certainly boosted his
strong public image and popularity by his earlier
hard line on the Jarring talks, Dayan may now think
that he can afford some compromise on this issue.
His consciousness of Israel's dependence on the US
for support is probably also partly responsible for
his change in position.
8 NOV 1970
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In his first of a series of periodic reviews of the
military situation, Ambassador Swank makes the following
--Enemy strengths, dispositions, and capabilities
do not appear to have changed significantly in recent
weeks, and Communist activity has increasingly taken on a
defensive character as the Cambodian Army (FANK) has launched
several offensive operations.
--The lull in the fighting inay be due to enemy pre-
occupation with higher priorities or to logistics, communi-
cations, intelligence and other problems.
--It is still most difficult to determine the
strength of Cambodian Communist units. Reports of fric-
tion between certain of these units and the Vietnamese Com-
munists are becoming more numerous, however.
--FANK expects intensified Communist activity dur-
ing the dry season, but its gains in equipment, training,
and battle experience should enable it to perform creditably
in the months ahead. FANK morale and confidence remain
--Lon Nol is aware of the probable limits of US
assistance, but he understandably keeps pressing for ac-
celerated deliveries of as much aid as possible. His re-
vised strategy and plan for army expansion are conceptu-
ally sound but, in terms of prospective US support, still
too ambitious.
--As a result of the
tives, Lon Nol is anxious to
as deep in enemy-occupied or
he can. He still intends to
to Kompong Thom.
President's cease-fire initia-
establish a government presence
contested areas of Cambodia as
continue the overland drive
On the political front, Cheng Heng reportedly told
journalists in Phnom Penh yesterday that the government
would not accept a coalition government which included Cam-
bodian Communists or pro-Sihanouk elements. He also said
that Cambodia does not consider itself tied to an Indochina-
wide cease-fire, but that it would consider a cease-fire
in which North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops were withdrawn
immediately. There has as yet been no official US Embassy
confirmation of Heng's remarks.
" 8 NOV 1970
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Communications intelligence indicates that a battalion
of the North Vietnamese 28th Regiment, subordinate to the
Communist B-3 Front in South Vietnam's western highlands,
has moved to a position north of Stung Treng in northeast
Cambodia. This puts it near Route 13 and in the same area
where another B-3 Front unit, the 24th Regiment, has been
stationed for some time. Elements of another regiment, the
66th, which normally operates in the Laos - South Vietnam -
Cambodian triborder area, have not been heard in communica-
tions recently and may be relocating, possibly also into
Cambodia. The purpose of such moves would be to increase
the security of the enemy's vital communications lines
through northeast Cambodia.
According to Cambodian officials, known casualties
from a terrorist bombing incident on 7 November in a Phnom
Penh theater are 23 civilians killed and 46 wounded. This
appears to be the most serious act of Communist terrorism
in the capital since the fighting began.
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Top Secret
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