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June 9, 1975
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/15 : CIA-RDP79f 00936A012600010056-6
The President's Daily Brief
June 9, 19 75
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Exempt from general
declassification schedule of ED. 11652
exemption category,58( 11.1'2).01
declassified onlY on approval of
the Director of Central Intelligence
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/15 : CIA-RDP79T00936A012600010056-6
June 9, 1975
Table of Contents
CSCE: Soviet concessions on many humanitarian is-
sues have improved the chances that the Euro-
pean security conference will be concluded
with a summit meeting, perhaps in July.
(Page 1)
Israel: The cabinet apparently has given Prime
Minister Rabin a free hand for his talks with
you later this week. (Page 2)
Portugal: The Azores are calm and under the con-
trol of Portuguese military authorities.
(Page 3)
Notes: USSR (Venus probe); USSR (ICBM test com-
pletion); EC - Arab League (Page 5)
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Soviet concessions on many humanitar-
ian issues have improved the chances that
the European security conference will be
concluded with a summit meeting, perhaps
in July. Many issues must still be re-
solved, however, and the next several
weeks in Geneva may be hectic for the con-
ference delegates.
The Soviets now may seek to complete work on
one of the major issues still to be resolved--that
concerhing military-related "confidence building
measures," particularly advance notification of
military maneuvers. The West already has made ma-
jor concessions on this issue by agreeing that ad-
vance notice of maneuvers will be made on a volun-
tary basis. The West will be seeking Soviet con-
cessions on how much advance notice is to be pro-
vided, and on the size and location of the maneuvers.
one of Moscow's objectives on follow-on meetings--
another major issue to be settled--is that these
gatherings are to be highly politicized affairs in
which all aspects of detente and the state of bi-
lateral and multilateral relations are to be exam-
ined. Other Soviet objectives are to minimize or
completely remove the chance that Moscow might be
held to account on the implementation of the con-
ference's agreements, and to obtain a commitment
to another, full-scale European security conference.
On the issue of future security conferences,
the West is on record as formally supporting a
Danish proposal calling for a 1977 meeting of sen-
ior officials to assess how the conference's deci-
sions have been implemented, and the state of rela-
tions among the participating states. These offi-
cials would then decide whether further meetings,
including another conference, are necessary. The
West, however, is split on the timeliness of follow-
on meetings. The French advocate as little follow-
on activity as possible, while the British and now
even the Danes are prepared to accept relatively
frequent meetings of experts and senior officials.
Working out a compromise on the follow-on issue
may be difficult. Should the Soviets offer to com-
promise on follow on and on the "confidence build-
ing measures," however, the West will probably accept
the holding of a summit in July.
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The Israeli cabinet apparently gave
Prime Minister Rabin the free hand he
sought for his meeting with you later
this week.
We have no details concerning the positions
taken by individual cabinet members in the six-hour
session which ended early this morning. The commu-
nique' emphasized that Tel Aviv remains primarily in-
terested in a resumption of the effort to achieve an
interim agreement with Egypt. It reiterated, how-
ever, that the Israeli government is not prepared
to soften the demands it made in March unless Egypt
makes "parallel" concessions. Liberal cabinet mem-
bers reportedly want Rabin to draw up an overall
plan and to formulate new Israeli demands more ac-
ceptable to Egypt.
Prior to the cabinet meeting, Israel's largest
dailies called on Prime Minister Rabin to take a
firm stand and urged him not to allow the US to dic-
tate the terms of the next stage in Middle East
peace negotiations. One paper pointedly reminded
the Prime Minister that the government's support
had increased as a result of its tough stance dur-
ing the indirect Israeli-Egyptian talks last March.
The daily of the ruling Labor Alignment's left-
ist Mapam party warned that Washington must under-
stand that pressures on Israel alone will not pro-
mote a peace settlement. It added, however, that
Israel, as well as Egypt, must show greater flexi-
bility and realism.
A paper with close ties to Rabin's Labor Party
urged the Prime Minister to make clear to the US
that Israel prefers the risks of negotiation to
those of war, and that it is willing to contribute
to a political dialogue with the Arabs even though
this will require concessions which will cause in-
ternal political problems in Israel.
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The Azores are calm and under the
control of Portuguese military authori-
Lisbon has reacted to the incidents on Friday
with moderation. It has promised to study Azorean
farmer complaints--which have to do mainly with
agricultural prices and commercial arrangements with
the mainland--and has promised to take action on
these within three months.
At the same time, Lisbon has warned that it
will deal firmly with any further pro-independence
demonstrations. Military authorities on Sao Miguel
have strengthened security measures, but have assured
the public that no additional military force will
be brought in from the mainland.
The media in Lisbon have not referred to the
US in connection with the demonstrations on Friday.
Lisbon has little time right now to devote to
the Azores question because of more pressing prob-
lems demanding immediate attention--the worsening
situation in Angola, the Socialist threat to quit
the government coalition, and the country's deteri-
orating economy.
Issues related to freedom of the press occupied
much of Lisbon's attention over the weekend.
The problems associated with the closure of the
Socialist newspaper Republica remain unresolved.
The ruling Revolutionary Council said on Friday that
the paper could reopen, and the Socialist editors
have announced they will resume publication. The
Council has imposed conditions, however, that will
be difficult for the Socialists to accept. The
Council insists that the Communist printers who had
originally seized the paper remain on the job. It
also says it will revise the press law, which now
contains a provision--ignored by the government--
prohibiting worker seizures of newspapers.
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The Portuguese Catholic Church is now also mov-
ing to resist Communist pressures on the media. Its
radio station has been partly taken over by pro-
communist workers
The church is a potent force in Portugal and
if it takes this issue to the pulpit the result
could be growing church-state frictions.
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The Soviets, as axpected, have sent a space
probe on a five-month journey to Venus.
Venus 9 blasted off from the Tyuratam space
center late Saturday night and was placed on a
trajectory toward the planet. Venus 8, which was
launched in 1972, landed intact on the planet's
surface. The launch window for Venus will be open
until late June, and other probes are likely.
After another ICBM firing on Friday night, the
Soviets removed shipping restrictions on their Pa-
cific Ocean impact area and announced the success-
ful completion of the test series.
Two SS-18 Mod 2s--which carry MIRVs--were
fired to the impact area north of Midway Island
during the test series. A single-warhead version
of the SS-18, a large ICBM in the SS-9 class, is
now operational. The MIRVed version could reach
operational status before the end of the year.
EC and Arab League experts will meet in Cairo
on Tuesday to open the substantive part of their
dialogue which was initiated by France in January
The EC Nine have proposed to begin with the
immediate creation of five groups of experts who
would study joint action on agriculture and food;
industrial infrastructure and peaceful use of
atomic energy; financial, commercial, and trade
cooperation; social aspects and labor; and cultural,
scientific, and technical cooperation. A principal
factor delaying the talks until now has been dis-
agreement on the role of the Palestine Liberation
Organization. A compromise has been reached in
which neither the EC nor the Arab delegations will
be identified by nationality.
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Top Secret
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