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August 14, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 24, 2016
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Publication Date:
May 21, 1972
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14 : CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
The President's Daily Brief
Top Secret
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14 : CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
The Communists are maintaining pressure on gov-
ernment forces in several areas, but no new major
ground fighting has been reported. South Vietnamese
forces with the assistance of heavy airstrikes have
turned back enemy attacks on the government's relief
column south of An Loc. The column remains stalled
a few miles short of the city.
In the central highlands, light enemy artillery
and ground attacks continue near Kontum City, while
government forces are conducting small spoiling op-
erations north of the city. Intercepted enemy mes-
sages and captured prisoners point toward a resump-
tion of the Communist effort against Kontum City
sometime in the next two or three days. In Quang
Ngai Province, South Vietnamese forces still hold
Ba To District town, but the Communists apparently
have been able to isolate the defenders and prevent
any resupply or reinforcement.
East of Saigon, in Phuoc Tuy Province, an
estimated battalion-sized enemy force on 20 May
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
The Communists are maintaining pressure on gov-
ernment forces in several areas, but no new major
ground fighting has been reported. South Vietnamese
forces with the assistance of heavy airstrikes have
turned back enemy attacks on the government's relief
column south of An Loc. The column remains stalled
a few miles short of the city.
In the central highlands, light enemy artillery
and ground attacks continue near Kontum City, while
government forces are conducting small spoiling op-
erations north of the city. Intercepted enemy mes-
sages and captured prisoners point toward a resump-
tion of the Communist effort against Kontum City
sometime in the next two or three days. In Quang
Ngai Province, South Vietnamese forces still hold
Ba To District town, but the Communists apparently
have been able to isolate the defenders and prevent
any resupply or reinforcement.
East of Saigon, in Phuoc Tuy Province, an
estimated battalion-sized enemy force on 20 May
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
On 17 May, Egyptian security authorities arrested
a number of persons associated with former vice-presi-
dent Zakariya Muhyeddin
Other prominent Egyptians
been put under house arrest.
The arrests reflect a decision by President
Sadat to move against political opponents
who recently submitted a petition critical
of his policies. Sadat suspects Muhyeddin
of inspiring the petition even though he
did not sign it. The petition, recently
published by a conservative Beirut news-
paper, criticized "excessive" Egyptian
reliance on the USSR and called for "the
formation of a national front to assume
charge of planning a policy for the na-
tional liberation struggle." In a speech
on 14 May, Sadat warned that he would not
tolerate the establishment of any institu-
tions outside Egypt's constitutional or-
ganizations and said that any persons
attempting to create such organizations
would be punished.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
Sadat's actions against critics of his
relationship with the USSR may have been
partly intended for Moscow's benefit.
Muhyeddin is believed to command consider-
able respect from Egypt's military leader-
ship and this may have deterred Sadat
from moving against him directly.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
The constitutional court has promptly refused
to accept challenges brought by two individuals
against the Eastern treaties. The threat of a sim-
ilar action by the Bavarian state government has
also apparently been overcome. A leading state of-
ficial has stated flatly that Bavaria will not seek
a court ruling on the treaties.
Bavaria's decision not to risk opprobrium
in what would almost certainly be a losing
court suit clears the way for President
Heinemann to sign the law ratifying the
treaties as scheduled on 23 May.
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? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
Laos: On Friday, Prime Minister Souvanna
Phouma stymied a challenge from rightists in the
National Assembly when their resolution calling for
his government's resignation failed to come to a
vote. Two new resolutions were introduced providing
for the maintenance of Souvanna's government with
some minor changes. Action on these motions is ex-
pected on Monday. The ouster resolution was promoted
by the powerful Sananikone family, which had been
pressing him to fire his minister of finance.
Souvanna also continues to refuse to fill portfolios
held open for the Lao Communists under the Geneva
Accords of 1962 in order to maintain a framework
for their future participation.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14: CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14 : CIA-RDP79T00936A0107001-90001-8
Top Secret
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/06/14 : CIA-RDP79T00936A010700190001-8