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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 3 FEBRUARY 1965 50X1 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 ? 'k . ? F.,/ cy. 0 ' \ .4 / _,I i 0` , , ? . . \ /A --P?? ?? \\-,, . ,, \ i( wI, t,r ,A g , - ,A / . . I ' t J uang Praban i CA , ? /,. t?S : r 0 a ? i .ti i f ,._._4' `, 4 . ? -_,\.c.,,,,,, ks... f Atuong Kheung? ' ? %. . o..... Bla n Bk?s i /an Song Hoc ,?? 1 ... r? .. 1 ' -.. 7 P? ; 1 ' ? " Rhos Kout -. ii Aupong Soul ?'' " `r ? (1 f 1 ? . , Khay ' \ k?, "L iNong Het - .-, I "..,,, 1 .? ? +, it' " .; ../ NORTH Xieng Khouane . C. '44.. . VIETNAM '4 %- 1 I 'N ' ; tr:e/ 1 i 1Q"7 ' 'L.:-)/ k ,.1. 11) , I. )Th _Lel l;(:)I; ...1 t' ' ?.#?N.,\ ThatThom , . ? ?.' ' ? 4.) \ ?. 9 t , \ ? \ '1, ....... ??? I 1.1 .0 - ?-? ..?.% ) 1% ,., , I \ ) ( \ N ?' 'tf I S. I / e i .\ A 0 ?,,, . _ . %., ,, " ,-- Phou Soung/ ' ie. MuongY anh. o:s MREFIES 'IL? ' VC. 14 , / .. 1 ")lit ,,,,L GO I .1J ? 0' 4,1 \ 'V 0 Av- CP ...???''' . ?*"..* .ti , 0^.....-) I b .",, i Muong Kissy t I Pha Horne I 1 (.. .,... ., ?,- ? 1,0/\ , j.k . '`??,,, \ . .,.\ I- ?? A:-.-- ... . ,,, .vt ,, ..,\A\, , rflzBan Ta Viang ..,/ f ? rt 2 -A 4"-- c:?. ' 4 .10? 1 isi it, 0. ,b. I i tr- - . t 4: v,,?, ---, A . , I ' .?' -- . ? Air! ? ?1,Photrt(iio?un {s Ban Hin Heup eic 4- Vieng -??????? Al LAND - 202,,C, ci VIENTIANE = ha D Tha Naleng Nong Khai o Pak Sane THAILAND Road ? Track or trail 10 20 30 40 STATUTE MILES 1 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 jxi DAILY BRIEF 3 FEBRUARY 1965 1. Laos 2. South Vietnam 3. USSR General Phoumi and security chief Siho made their move for control of Vientiane last night. This involved considerable fighting in and around the city. By this afternoon forces loyal to the government had apparently won out. Siho and Phoumi have disappeared. Phoumi may have escaped east to Pak- sane in hopes of support from the gar- rison there. However, after his deb- acle in Vientiane he may find this difficult. (See map.) Communist forces have not so far taken advantage of this turmoil, but they may not have had time yet. Khanh continues determined to en- sure himself control of the new govern- ment, and he is now reported planning to have himself declared Chief of State. ,His moves are arousing increased resent- ment and alarm among various factions, including the generals. It seems likely that his opportunism will lead to more upheavals. A discussion is at Annex. Premier Kosygin leaves early to- morrow for Hanoi, via Peiping. Reports that he will stop over ficT talks in Peiping are unconfirmed. / /the Pravda arti- cle of Sunday welcoming the President's State of the Union remarks about US- Soviet relations was in fact intended to soften the impact of Kosygin's trip on the US. 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 CAMEROON \ DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO ---- International boundary o -- Province boundary ? National capital * Province capital E-1 Approximate area of. uprising -0- O 100 200 Miles O 100 200 Kilometers GA BON . ? \ o 4/N1 BRAllAVILLE SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN 46754 0-C 1.7 24 CENTRAL' AFRICAN RE'PUBLIC UBANGI,' j244.i9444--- Banzyville Gemena* MOVEN -CONGO Coquilhotville &Isola --f Aketi Bumba Basoko SUDAN 3? Alba Dungu U E LE ? ? But Niagara) Watsce: P?ul s ?-/ Aru, Mungbere Mahagi-.- Wamba Mombasa. Bunia =Fr hen V..." _UGANDA Bef ale \ Stanleyville HAL-IT ON GO Bo UVETTE-CNEN ende ri"Opala TRALE ? I kela Bolobo Ymg? n )J LAC LEOPOLD 11 MIVI- DOM BE Ii (LAC LEOPOLD ID KWILa tiOPOI.! liar? NTRAL * Kenge * Kikwit NIULELE Rebellion ??? KWANG kj. SANKURU *Lodja 4.' .2.' ...--"". J .??? uluabourgL 1..0,ule os *tshikopos?(1/? --- 0 ANGOLA (Port.) NORD- - LiVAL KrVU 1 ED ) 7R)...W.A/N.1:: 1. Inn? \WOlikdale::::: ;14.... .? ....?0... t Kinduk/ .!...1_< ..,.B....?) ...:KIG imf) /1 SKiErunde:-.N.-__)BURUN613 M A NI E MIA 8 UyiN15;? / c........ENIR tr.t BUJU/MBURA '--L u I lin b. oF ill -f-' .11'../ OMAMI I sub K5A I \LUA LA BA k sbe?' l. i? 1.. Kabongo. NO NAT Kam 29 JANUARY 1965 Provincial boundaries have been interpolated from existingi maps and intelligeOe reports, and are not definitive. Kongole ,d1, ? TANZANIA Albertville LAKE ICTORIA ? Boudouinvill D- manono NG-A ATANGA- 0 IENTAL Jodotville vi-LAICE ,retANCANYIKA LAKE MWERU LAKE BA V VEULII Elisabe4ille 6 ZAMBIA LAKE IJKWA -8? NIOZAM11101.1p. I (Port.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 50X1 50X2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 3x1 4. Indonesia 5. Congo 6. USSR 50X1 There are now reports that several 50X1 hundred "Arab" soldiers have been seen in the southern Sudan. Also, a few Ugandan regulars apparently fought be- side the rebels in a recent engagement in northeast Congo. (See map.) 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 164 Sake n Nakhon -16 N. ?... 126 . \ Muang . .. Nathan Phanorr)tsThak A hek i? e k:avannakhet Muong Phine \ AfOkOng? I NORTH opg Hai \ylETNA hi . ?_5_, DEMARCATION LINE :-.- ..., TY I Bo Ho Su oQu ng Tri T8hepone! Q U A N G %.... TRI c1Ei D ion ...-rt.' Hueo ?? THUA (THIEN n 1 I CORPS t c-..:,,,A1UI OA NANG V,Da Nang (Tourane) 0 16 ' THAILAND ? \"""..? i Muang Ubon "?' I" *Warin Pakse Chamrap I / t X ? _,?? Q U A N C A 0.., Ho?kn Poe e0 en' Saravan \ 2d Di ion 0 Chien Dung ,:r/. . QUA G TIN 4:5 I.P (. ,0Q ng Ngai '?.4 [ : \ ,,,) QUANG . c oSurin 0Attopeu .> NGAI - .4 K 0,14TUM \ rr...?..?.....,_ . ,- 14 \?. 1,22d D'v sibn 14 - -12 Siam Reap o - o Pursa . 'St 4 i C A M 0B 0 ...D tl, Kom d?A p Thom 0 40 Phuoc Kompo _ Churn1 S?ecial 5 1 Sra ? A- Tr ung eng 1 - A %,..' Kratie Binh Thanh : ->"' Zone .r--" '''? BINH .Q i Nhon PL IK DINH ?Song Catf II CORPS 17,4 V BON 4'0 PHU 0 -...- YEN juy Hoa .Ppong DARLAC o Ban Me Thuot KHAN 23d Divisio Hop, \-------0?Nha Trang k, QUANG Nghia D U C TUYEN I CD 12 ? 9 i hanou Ile (\-- 1.,Wwwili; , PHNOM ? PENH ?.12/.. CAPITAL MILI 9th Division 0 Karnpot . Cha7c.ocA, ? lia Tien Lung 5th Division C.?,-.TAY I?Tialy1\111iHnh '.BI R DIS ICT 5th Divis)on ..???? ' ". \ ? 1 LIEN tII.,1/4,\ PH OcalloCi.n I. Y a ' 11UONG ey, - ?-Bo Duc ?ts J"--01-c1' Ph uoc Bin (.......,.... ,f oNin o PHUO '...., Lonc VJ LAM DuNG LONG* L"c, Oi L?N PHIJOC NH 0Phuoc Vinh 1 UONG THANH BINH sv. 'LONG TUY I o en KHANH . ,k? Hoa ? oXuan Lo /Phan AU Dinh ? GPN 1 ?, Phoup. !Bien No, . I, _TUY ,?- Tau. 0,-LoPhu0C Le o /?III CORPS Da Lat ? DUC NIN TH ?:.Phan Linh BINH T AN Thiel \ Special g?one (:, Noel ,0 A Rang cu LAO Duong Oongp, % l / KIEN 1..." I" Vah ong CIAO PHU oN , Truc 'Gla R u ? BS aEll:' .113(3e1.'c i a I Q110C Rach Gi o , o e (VNN.) SOUTH VIETNAM MILITARY 10- 10 , ? =pp. Phu Vin ....k N HOA WA EH" FtarIng y i N 7th Division ,L? 0. CHUONO . ., 1 THIES dI H ,.... U D 0 .BOUNDARIES As of '17 December 1964 Corps boundary ' BA XU4EN , AC Special boundary HON PINION G I/ L F OF ? 0Vin, Qua gng1,,- iy 2 t itr on ' CORPS zone ?=iniim, Division boundary SIAM 1 Hop Tac area 001 811 BUNG Cdn Son (Poulo Condone) CON SON CON SON 46536 025 50 75 100 Miles 0 25 50 75 100 Kilometers 51 104 BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 106 108 , I I s. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8?3xi ? The Situation in South Vietnam Some of General Khanh's critics seem convinced he is bent on a neutralist settlement with the Com- munists. General Cao, a Catholic and former corps commander, now a staff officer in Saigon, has told the embassy that Khanh is working with the Buddhists to this end. Cao says Khanh will take the first move this Friday by asking the Armed Forces Council to name him as its choice as the new Chief of State. 50X1 50X1 ANNEX Khanh may not be able to get this from the in- creasingly distrustful generals./ ZSo far, however, the generals have ap- peared unable to work together to thwart Khanh. Ambassador Taylor has commented that if Khanh should succeed in establishing himself as Chief of State, he would still have the problem of keeping both the Buddhists and the generals in line. He thinks this is a nearly impossible requirement that would probably mean continued semi-anarchy. The Viet Cong have maintained their New Year "cease-fire," but the possibility of a dramatic Com- munist military move designed to worsen the politi- cal pressures in Saigon is always present. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400380001-8