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July 30, 1965
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 30 JULY 1965 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 i6.i Moan Sakon Nak .\ 166 lquang Nakhon Phanon)?t?Thakhek on 1 e k.,Savannakhet Muong Phine NO-pT I-I lue I i, Dong Hoi \VIETNA '1 DEMARCATION LINE ? ,..- I Bo Ho Su Q ang Tri Tshepone, Qu A N 0 ? ?.... .T R I 0 ? Hue 7 C.. ? T H U A (T li I E N MUI DA NANG Oa Nang (Tourane) 16 - !2 - to- 16 THAILAND %win 4 4; , . t"oaocog. 'I"' -Warm Pak Charnrap i \?_.? Ifknong Nk.. ,....? QUA NO ....r .,, Bow ?ea avane S? QU e ( ?? oAttopeu . .../ / ?? .. N A l4,1, ? Iv\ >7 KY ? 1"\. G T I N 0 5:1?L'Ii 0 QUA NO NGAI T U M oKonturn ctr ng Ngai O ?ai Nhon 4... N H ui Nhon dgCau H U ? YEN TuyHoa HOA, ( . ha Trang c.- I N H AI ? ' an Rang ''. \ NON GU o. LAO _____ ?14- co - P I 5 S Ttruecng re k D 1 1, '9 Kona ) I . . , VQUANG . Gia /"-*./ Nghia D U C !W.- -013o Doc ro t? ?Plume Binh ? 0 An PHUOC Loc LONG Bld LAM DNG -. H Bao Loc ay Ninh L NC PH U OC ? o BINH oPhuoc Vinh BINH huI 0 . TU Y. e n KAT ANH Hoa 0Xuan Loc . nh L 0 0(.1 N . jc.,, .0 AN P H1.10( T an DI NH ? oPhuoc Le UONG oMy ho Ai C ,..lulnigli Tmau HIDA . ruc Gia \ Pleiku ? "c B I .IK DINH P B 0 N kr eo .P ? Siam Reap o .... G? -?." Pursat . \ I IP c 0 ... , . a d, c, i . Kornpong ?P Thom o .?,/ P .. 1111. V I Kompong Charn .1 I)ARLAC o Ban Me Thuot KHAN 1. TUY EN Da Lot ? D U C N T o Di Linh B I N Fl T I A N Phan Th et -12 01:u h nouk 'Ile Rea ???-? , ( \ buong Doug \ k .., -10 .r?????????... PHNOM PENH 4 /....f. (,..s..".TAY ( ? Knieik.Cuont.g K I Els? Karnpot ChatD.c?Acu? THONG \ ?I-la .Tien Long uye 1 , ._ , K, I Lit. CIA,. v 1 ?......L,,...,,,....----..?,..C.C) I,' .SOUTH Vinh Long NO PHU I N G ? LON (DOC . Rach G . ? VIETNAM 47779 0 2.5 50 7.5 190 Miles ..,'' z ..., -. ...? 'N 'N PANJANGng 0 II SIAM 104 . . ng o CHUONG ..- han 4 BA XU dAG OVin L F OF gliagorLI Li E A . XFN 014 841 BUNG ?, ? BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 106 % oVinh N HOA t.-GIA DINH Phu kA 'SC. c. V I NH 'r S 0 zeo.n Son (Poulo Condore) CON SON 0 25 A) 75 loo Kilometers 1 108 110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 50X1 DAILY BRIEF 30 JULY 1965 1. South Vietnam 2, North Vietnam The major US search-and-destroy operation southeast of Saigon continues according to plan. Only light enemy sniper fire has been encountered so far. A similar South Vietnamese opera- tion in Chuong Thien Province southwest of the capital has accounted thus far for a total of 204 Communist guerrillas killed. Allied casualties stand at 19 killed and 37 wounded. A Viet Cong force, estimated to be a reinforced battalion, attacked a train- ing center in Kien Phong Province yester- day with mortars, recoilless rifles, and machine guns. The provincial capital was subjected to heavy mortar fire at the same time. Heavy government losses have been reported. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 12? ./- CURAQA0\44. .GRENADA?11/. . de Pare Penins and 0 I() "?? (Ned, BONAIRE CARIBBEAN SEA - g...... .,???'' ca? 4 ._ f _ .P1.trit0 Fij ...-- 011 ,..: raguaipoaC''' VENEZUELA Coro TOBAG2;:3 ?..) ? : ..--:-....... ? 8V ./ FALCON p lie% STR rro . NUEVA TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO DI Maracaibo ANNA La Asuneitin.etnipano 0 `,.. 12 10 (.0. 1 Z ? t .? 1i Machiques / _, :????"- :....? Encon alio r???"'- L' 1 Vale cl.,, MARACA IBO 4 ILLO San Carlos pllo COJEDES dos Guanare PORTUGLIESA Barinas ..:,...a / /PORT- Cuma of? TRINIDAD c c -,,, aquas Puerto La Cru - SP MIRAND. arcelon ? . Maturin ... ?? . MON. GAS . RIt cupita ; El Tigre GUARICO arra s -3I.11 10 8? Cucuta r? .1 i? RID A BA RIN AS HIRA_ A NZO ATE Ord Felix AMACURO gill Ciudad 8 ?,,, .?"illIIII.Ji? _ ? ? San San Fernando Bolivar Cri de ? , ? ? Arauca A P I R E CiudadPiar 6_/ ? ii_li - ? CO OMBIA ? OLIVAR Puerto Ayacucho 0 -&'.. .....e. ) BRITISH ? ?6 GUIANA .? .-- jri,, Ventuari 4 ?1 VENEZUELA ?????????? International boundary Santa en .. ? ?:, ERRITORIO - ? ?. ?4 ZONA BRAZIL AMAS Estado or territorio boundary National capital ? ir?, c'' ?RI I < o Estado or territorio capital ?-???,?,?,_ Railroad ?? t ,...- ?,..a / a G`?-????? Atlantic Ocean tj.CSLI o xiaa .?-??/- om. Rep. *?? ? Road I . 50 100 200 Miles ??Me ??. .-.........c\-- 1 / ? Br. Mond, oat41106 I. Caollian Sea ' :, Salvador ilik Costa Ricartete a 0 50 160 200 Kilometers ../1/ BRAZIL I ........ ? BOUNDARY felPRIMINTATION IS Pannma &Cu' nau Pacilk O?cean V*. NOT NCIESSARI RI er LY AUTNOTATIVe .00I. Benz. N ?/ I:g I ..,..fe? / 72 70- 68 66 64 62 60 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 5oxi 3. Dominican Republic While negotiations toward a pro- visional government drag on, several factions in the rebel camp are reported to be increasingly eager for an early ? settlement. Leaders of Juan Bosch'a Dominican Revolutionary Party are voicing concern lest they lose control to extremist elements. Leading members of the ortho- dox Moscow-oriented Communist Party see an early settlement as an assist to their later electoral chances, in some hoped- for combination with Bosch's party. ? The hard-line extremist factions, however, still favor a prolongation of the situation through guerrilla actions, despite declining morale in the rebel camp generally. 4. Venezuela A new wave of violence appears to have been launched by the Communist Armed Forces of National Liberation. Communist leaders on 28 July were planning a series of attacks on US in- stallations and personnel in Caracas as well as against the police. This is to be the Communist response to a police raid on a funeral home during eulogies for a prominent comrade who had died in prison. In Anzoategui State, eastern Vene- zuela, where a new Communist terrorist group was formed recently, new acts of sabotage have been mounted against US- owned oil installations over the past several days. US personnel in Caracas who are pos- sible targets have been warned and given protection, and President Leoni last night ordered a roundup of Communists there. He has also declared a state of emergency in Anzoategui. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 50X1 5. Honduras 6. Greece The government has declared a state of siege in anticipation of some violent reaction to the killing of a student in Tegucigalpa by government guards yester- day. This death, in the course of a rally protesting the activities of gov- ernment strike breakers during an abor- tive general strike on 27 July; provides opposition groups and Communist elements with a martyr. So far today, the capital was reported quiet. The right of free assembly, among others, has been suspended and the govern-_ ment will not hesitate to crack down. A resolution to the crisis is no nearer. According to the press, tonight's parliamentary session ended with the pro- nouncement of the acting speaker that the Novas government was unable to secure a quorum and "is considered as fallen." An attempt to form a government under former deputy premier Stephanopoulos might still be in the cards. 50X1 King Constantine doubted that Novas could win a parlia- mentary vote of confidence but 50X1 would support him till the vote came. Then he would probably give 50X1 the mandate to Stephanopoulos, despite the vacillation of the latter. The King, who appears to be operat- ing pretty much on his own, still sees the army as his last line of defense. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003800410001-0