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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 50X1 2 DECEMBER 1964 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A0033002.70001-1 CPC' ng Prabarig . ...., / , i' ,e . \ \\ ' ! i I ( ? '' ,I 41011' , ? .4\ Phou'Khoun A , \ N, i k ...... ' ti I; t i . I . . ) 4..? 4 .1%. 1 k? kt \ p ti'43 ?'? V kt i , I f' " tS\ \ ? ? ...; $ -'. 1 1 ' 61, ? ' ...... ' ?' ?? ' i "i Muong Kheung., r ?......, . 1 ..\,4,,, ''''*" Ban Bait ,, 1 .,.i.) 4-04, 4-4 ,/ ? i ?,i ,!. ? c .--it... // - ' ,/: t f 1 ; I --V, 1 ,,,..., ,,i/e, 0 ,.. . ., ,,, Ban., Hoc / / i ,-- , 4. f 0 fl 1.,',-, 'I N. 7 1 ' li'Muong So'u.': P.' Pilou Kout 7. . I ' !'" ? -1 1 P':- ' .1thangjhay' ;Hong Het. ) it -. t`? \ I ? r .C./fluon AltsiE ? . , 1 ? V` . 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Afeicava (a3VIENTIANE THAILAND t4gan: Nong Khai e/ Pak Sane THAILAND Road -- Track or trail 10 2.0 30 40 STATUTE MILES 6411.16 4 ?i ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 CAMEROON REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO ---- International boundary Province boundary. * National capital Province capital , I _1 Approximate area of uprising O 100 290 Miles O 160 260 Kilometers GABON. ( BRAZZAVILLE r'JL ' -8- SOUTH ? ATLANTIC OCEAN O-C EOPOL TRAL 24 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC A boll?s. ? Paulis Vh'? Arvi) 0' clU E1ANG Banzyville MOYEN -CONGO oquilhatville ? Bu solo ?????? all???? Bef ale ? SUDAN UELE O OS ,Stanleyville ONGO ub u ' .Boenele HAUT, UVETTE-C Ticnengo A.A C LEOPOLD 11 A-1-N DOM BE (LAC LEOPOLD 10 KWIL LL *Ken Kikwit a MULELE Rebellion V.-2,,KWANG01. N't> ANGOLA Won./ NTRALE. ,4)0Palcie ikela SANKUR *Ladle 2 DECEMBER 1964 Provincial boundaries have been interpolated from existing I 46435 mafis and intellige4e reports, and are not definitive. ? CUD. K ASA LUALABA ? 3 KIBALI-ITURI . Bun% _ Mampappsa ? ti ALBERT Bei UGANDA ? NORD- e- KIVU dsolp ? . /11.. wA.INDA.) nio Wal a7 "ail aBuekavu rai) ?.K.,...IGA.L.) El KiVtilt\-*-;?"\i.j i sl ustuNiii) INC....ENUTtFrirr: BUJUM,BLIRA .FiziL..J ado MA EM MAMI Kabongo NO "D- T' NG Ko wezi ( 2;1 Kongolo Baudouin LAKE NCA,\'t'JKl Monona ATANGA- RIENTAL vidotville (Prig/1:u lisabetkville % ZAMBIA LA KE ICTOR IA TANZANIA LA K BAN VEULU tAKVA 1407.414 PIQUE 1 Mom/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 50X1 Declassified . Muang Sakon Nakton 16 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved \ Moan;\ Nakhon PhanomylETNA . Thakhek e osavannakhet muong phin /40 for Release 2015/07/24 NORTH Dong Ho N.. .1 . 1 . .1 DEMARCATION LINE -,,-- ?-Bo Ho Su O rTro 1 Tghepone . ; QUANG 0 \... TRI s Dis o Hue.' 7 THUA \ (THIEN ? : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 I CORPS ca Nang (Tourane) 16 14 - 12- io 5( 1 THAILAND ?Surin -14(7).'---s l'?-?-?s? l'ulronng ", Wu^ -Warin Pak QUANO ? goun )'''' ravang 2d . QUA (P e ( 0Attopeu .) KoNTUM? .. ? --/"....0 . : ? NAM 0 cn ion ien Dang e- G TIN ' C4 ,I1' Q U A N G"g Nga' oc i'4,'. NGAI RPS Charnrap # / I C ..../". \ ..._...?. r,..... i Nhon 0Kontum " 22d Erv s'Ion ? Siam Reap o 0B 0 I M 0 tlikoN, ' K 0.rhpoo,nng Pura r -..., ? A Ilk li Phdoc -/ 2 Kornpong Cham Special 4 PL : i tr ue rni Sren 4- I D I Eg Krone f[ ../.. . Binh Thanh?. .QyANG Gla , Zone ,r-- .1\ Nghia DUC Pleiku -n SIC BINI-7141\ 1K A ui Nhon DINH U BON g Cau I I C ?-t -YEN TU Hoi DARLAC 'Ban Me Thud t KHAN 23d Divisio HOA .:?,- . ha Trang TUYEN c(*.' Da Lat ? I DUC NIN NG TN A inh an Rang oi L ? h BINH TN AN an Thiel \ Special one c- 0 ? V?. : hanouk ille Re Durg Dongy ,.-----,..- ." ... ?? , .. " GULF SIAM th Division I PHNOM PENH A s..., 0 *. CAPITAL MILI DIS TX, th Divis n 7th Division ?? ? ? Mo . 9th Divisio ? KIEN pKampot ChazDHoAcu ' ?t PHC)CNG LanhK+It'?N ..C.,..en Long uye' 1 , A , ' o KIEN IAN V I N '.....ii?, , Vinh Lon DA"0 PHU ?I ?NG QUOC Rach GI. . ? . ? fy'? ? -?-E147Duc --oLNI% PhuocBin o ?Ad PHUOC ? Loc LAM D TAY LONG BINH an Loc. TalyNNiHnh ION PHUOC '),I. 0 g N oPhuoc Vinh UONC TH AN !BINH \bphc LO( TUY 8 KHAN . N ?Hoa 0Xuan L ? \.., N nh ? N Phu.ien - Sa ''N PHUOC .' arc An TUY Tan DINH oPhuoc , UONO 0 o . II CORPS _-OCC ,., U ng I,r au o Truc Gia Ru TaT SVeAc 0 e VNN SOUTH VIETNAM MILITARY BOUNDARIES As of 13 November 1964 Corps boundary. lipir ... c Long p CHLIONG ha et THIEN Hun 0 dAC't--???-..."-. pVinh OF LIEU V ? HOUNI3ARY REpRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 105 ??? .1,1 HOA \-01A DINH -, Phu Vinh ' 0 4, c? VINH 1: C> ,,." ,9131 1 13 ? :-.) , 0 CORPS of r Son (Poulo Condom) al SON CON SON 1=== ? Special boundary zone ---- Division? boundary 4132U1:1 0 25 50 75 190 Niles 0 25 50 .75 ioo Kitometers 100 110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 DAILY BRIEF 2 DECEMBER 1964 1. South Vietnam 2. Congo 3. North Vietnam 4. Laos 5. USSR 6. Argentina Press reports of a major Viet Cong attack on a district capital are incor- rect. MACV says the town was not over- run, and the action was confined to the district chief's compound, where some arms stocks were destroyed. (See map) Gaston Soumialot, self-styled "Chief of the Congolese People's Revolutionary Council," is on his way to the UN in New York from Khartoum. He says he intends to"explain to the American people." A review of the present Congo situation is in Annex 1. (Map) The government move against Phou Kout began yesterday afternoon with an air strike by 12 T-28s. The Pathet Lao, making their first move in central Laos in recent months, have cut Route 13 north of Thakhek.and are reported moving south. (See map) Peron is still being held in Rio. CaStellO,Branco is determined : tO get hit out of Brazil, but it is not clear that Spain will take him back. Mean- while, Buenos Aires is quiet. Peron may not be as disappointed as his fol- lowers in Argentina, since he now has an excuse for not carrying out his prom- ise to return. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 ANNEX 1 A Review of the Situation in the Congo Strong rebel resistance at Stanleyville con- tinues, and the government force of 150 mercenaries and 1,800 Congolese holds only the airport and part of the European portion of the city north of the river. Clearing the entire city may take considerable time, particularly if the mercenaries, some of whom apparently want to go home, withdraw. It appears that the rebel regime in Stanley- ville received a degree of public acceptance. The main target of the insurgents' terrorism was the edu- cated class of Congolese. The rest of the population seems to have remained for the most part unmolested. They continue to reject the Leopoldville regime. Elsewhere in the north, an extended period of guerrilla warfare may be at hand. The rebels are active through much of the area,and government forces are unable to keep them down everywhere. The consortium of eight African governments formed in early October to aid Gbenye continues active, although not markedly effective so far. Although Sudan has no change in Khartoum's policy, the cabinet there has been considering ways to help the rebels, including permitting them to set up a government in exile. The rebels are also receiving a greater meas- ure of diplomatic support from the OAU and from Af- rican governments hitherto considered moderate, in- cluding Ethiopia, Upper Volta, and Tunisia. The OAU Ad Hoc Commission on the Congo has called a meeting of heads of state on 18 December in Addis Ababa to discuss the Congo situation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003300270001-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1