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September 4, 1964
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t? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 THE PRESIDENT'S INTELLIGENCE REVIEW ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2 -4 SEPTEMBER 1964 1.0r&Eekg- 26 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 1. ' South Vietnam: The situation remains un- stable as Khanh has continued to maneuver to neutralize his rivals following his return from Dalat amid a flurry of anticoup prepara- tions. General Khiem,reportedly fed up with Bud- dhist pressures, has submitted his resignation as defense minister and member of the governing triumvirate. Khanh told Ambassador Taylor that he has the "resignations" of all the military members of the government, but does not yet know which ones to accept. Khanh told Taylor he intends to make a number of changes in his current interim govern- ment, generally toward giving it a "civilian aspect." At a press conference on 4 September, he outlined ambitious plans to turn over the government to the civilians in two months. He envisaged a presidential form,with separate legislative, executive and judicial ems.. How long this plan will survive remains to be seen. Before Khanh's return from Dalat, Ambassador Taylor warned that "we should not delude ourselves that we can put together any combination of personalities which will add up to a really effective government in the fore- seeable future." (Cont' d) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 Some Dai Viet military officers whom Khanh apparently intends to replace have indicated they may leave Vietnam; they accuse Khanh of giving way to unreasonable Buddhist demands. Other officers cooperating with Khanh also think that the demands of the Buddhists pose a serious problem. Khanh's move on 3 Septem- ber--when threatened by a Buddhist hunger strike--to assure the release of all those arrested in the recent Saigon rioting undoubt- edly has increased this concern. So far, government military operations have continued at an average pace, and the Viet ? Cong have not yet stepped up their activity. We cannot be sure, however, how long the Viet Cong will hold off. 2. Congo: There has been no significant improvement in the security picture. Katanga has been all but cleared of rebels. But the rebels continue to make gains in the north and northeast, and there are no good government troops available to resist them. CoquilhatVille, the last major town upriver from Leopoldville, is now threatened by rebels last reported only 100 miles to the northeast. All Americans have been evacuated. (Cont d) 50X1 50X1 c-- 71-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000240001-7 CAMEROON 1 li., 24 .... ..) 3 REPUBLIC OF THE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC SUDAN \ nth `.....; ?.1 \ 5 a71.41/4,,,i). .4*..../ \-, . 2 CONGO ,..?..------AGe me nd P i r?-?" k_..--' . au Is \ , ,,,4 g i Ak7A: l_icila''' Bumbe......' / ---; ? . ??? -11' / c ..--40 .---------)/ G .! ' ? '? LAKE ? Approximate Area _ . (Bunia .._. of Uprising \ eyvi I le M,ambasa ---, U GLAWD A Stanl 0 , -0- 0 100 200 Miles oqui I hatvi I le. ) Boende < , / .L.IVETTE-CE 'TRALE ..) c ) 0 100 200 Kilometers Ikela ? . ..- . GABON e...., f ? ::_rifs-1 -N .4.,/"-? 1 Bukovu r , _ 311?,y,ANDA.! ICTORIA n 0 r.... 0 1 LAC LEOPOLD II :-.1 . i ? N DOM BE ? ndu , ? V:.....2- ' ; , Uviras?)-PAMUNI513 ./ Lodia , ' , i'W BUJUMBURA BRAZZAVILLE , "..- X. WIL IJ - n, LE OP IILDVILLE Lusambo . ??1 . . - ? .) luabou -N )....3 S!,.{1; N T RAt rt Gungu ..? . . ??;.\ ??? ?????5 - ' KEbalo --- ? A NGANY I K A -?_\)-ft5-I014?iir------- tt bertvi I le MULELE " Bakwcinga . ? t ..._ \.1- Kthongo\--;\eli,, oinvi I le ) I LAKE \ arlOn0 TANGANYIKA LAKE , I,K II 'A .,.., .. --.-.---- -.' ., 8- L.?I? \ l'. . ? '8 I?amipa 1\ I. . ' -. ptIVERU .. \ - ? C ; SOUTH \ . Jadotvi I le I BANLAti,Li.0 ....,........-??15o1 we zi ? i, ? 1 L.-----; ATLANTIC ANGOLA .. \ OCEAN I NORTHERN RHODESIA 640902 Provincial boundaries have been interpolaked from existing I (U.K.) 45774 maps and intellisdriCe reports. and are not definitive i 2,:i .......???