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February 26, 1965
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 26 FEBRUARY 1965 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 00 105 110 11 ...----.,......... Keng Tung B U ? ? _. ? C H h u Men g-tzu .. .T.thoTahz -../ . - Lao Kay re?, ORR Cha '8,, o ong S?r:ry.s.? Yen Bay \ Phu SonfLa M A ..3 r-- .. Dien Bie 'V ETNA ' ????? Hoa ? Sam Neua . . .. 11/"\2 Ban ouel I ? N _ c. Bon . Nan?nIng ft r \--\._... Bac Ka Na Cham , Tuyen Lang Son 'Z. uang Th.i Nguyen Cay u Tho Mon JOSu? ?? , I.-- .. ac Ninh ????'' , .8 inh 'tit ?,., Haiphong.. k iLE CAC GA Phu L '410,,1 am einh 41i. r? h r nh GULF Haek , Bayard _To Hal2 ?...., o . 20 Chianna 4 ? tChiengmal L'=" g Sukhothai? * I o E .08 ?f? Muang E Nan , A??? Muang Ph ae , Uttaradlt ? Luang Prabang . . , ....uong?Sen ? Xiang r-? ? ) -.4 . ?ie. ..\.. ) V/Eiv7. -.5. / /4iil J A ,. Hong Khai ?te.A. Muang Loel Udon Thant NakhoMnTagnom ' Muang Lorn Sak Thanh Hoa 0 F :Id Shilf lu ? OP' TO N IC I N HA INA ) - Dien Chau Pa?so , ?Yin '??? Huang-liu HOTinh Yu lin, \ ..N Deng Hoi ak CE 1 .1 9% d", ???.. ' DEMARCATION LINE ? !-- --?ong Ha Qu ng Tri Nakt=wan Muang Khon Kaen Mukdahannnakhet .i:5 \-/A, Hue 4.s. ,Mahrsarakham ??.\--, L.... ?835 Nang (Tourane) -, i ..1Tc? A N D ?...., 5 poo? S.e,ray ne v?........". 4? ) 'Mee Atzm Nun % ? Tludc7 3 wame s Pakse Quang Ngal 15 ... .. N I?To-n-Ratchasima Cha Surin ife".??"?? Sarnrong ' \._..1) ,,, , BANGKIKhachoengsao .. 12 rap ? Bassa ) 7 ..1(7. ? .... t../ ''''' e ) SOUTH Ie.-. \ r- "\i, ??/"..j Kontum r? e \,, elku - . ?., r01 et opho S m R l:PI.F rlk? SIAM; I ieeap Qui Nhon Stung Treng ,_.., ...--/ IVIETNAM , srepoe ip Song Cau 10 VIETNAM ? ????? International boundary '' a tam ng roNLEC SAP \ Purse ie 1 KompOn rihnang C) Nv PHNOM PEN c cr) Takeo, ?i_KaS goer? " e ? arnp0.t.._? '?-e) Ream Ha Tien o ILE DE o PHU OUOC ..1% (Vietnam) Rach Or.. pit B p I OmPong Thom Kratie tfo7-npong Chain v ' vPergaYg , ? .. Fre% ? cl? 4d ?., .'q.., *.C'r Ciru Doc ? ' Cho i.? ''._.. 0,MyR7ho. '.4-7???es_ik ? n Thy'\iilke.,. A. ?... Ban Me ? Thuot minh Ho \--r-'-'---'; ?.,1,10 ha Trang ';'? , j??...r. Dalat ( Lou Ninh 0 dernatillei Phan Rari,,\g ,\'''' (Bien Hoa C...) TO CI sAl N .4, s . ??,S.. ? ? g Cap- Se 4S ...', 10 e . National capital o ? Tr . Vinh 0 Railroad i' Soc Tran . +-1--i- 0 20 40 80 12()Miles e Bac Lieu . Co au ES DE 0 20 40 80 ' 120 Kilometers POINTE DE CACAO AFOUL? CONDORE Boundaries and names are not necessarily I t . those recognized by the U.S. Government. 100 105 ? 110 35247 6-61 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 5oxi DAILY BRIEF 26 FEBRUARY 1965 1. Vietnam 2. Vietnam General Thi's efforts to consoli- date his newly won authority are mak- ing most of the other generals nervous. Some of them are trying to get him back to his corps command in the north. Students in Saigon today mounted a small demonstration which called for an end to the war and the withdrawal of "foreign elements." They may have been members of a new "Struggle for Peace Force," which is said to be fast gain- ing members. On the other side, a high Viet Cong official has just declared that the Viet Cong stand ready to fight until "the last foreign aggressor has been wiped from our territory." Aerial photography taken 14 Febru- ary shows a new air field in the early stages of construction about 25 miles west of Hanoi. (See map.) Two similar fields are being built in South China. 5 Kosygin in his TV report to the nation made no direct call for ne- 50X1 gotiations. He said that US "aggression" against North Vietnam must end in order "to create conditions for the exploration of avenues leading to the normalization of the situation in Indochina." The French say Peiping might drop a US pullout as a precondition, but this is doubtful. 50X1 50X1 OX1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 50X1' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003500170001-0 .T.-FFAILA ND 1 10 ..0 120 130 140 06Banda Atieh 'PI, ' . ? SOUTH CHINA ..,i SEA o..?, MALA YS IA , LP edan o 1- / ':.... -F... ...., 6,. . --, 0.9KLIALA / ?? NATUNA -P ISLANDS'. ., Icgapore PULAU Jesselton . l BRUNEI .., t"' BRUNEI ,. N. (UK./ ? ? ...Q.... '4' ? 49 ". P'? / -\? .. '' ) ...(:;141LIR)PINES .00 S. P. MIANGAS ? 1 (Indonesia) m.t, timi,uflibiliPPl"' ? J!: PACIFIC D CELEBES % OCEAN o SEA 7 HALMAHERA 0 INDONESIA ...m,i. International boundary ? National capital 200 400 Miles NIAS Pak8nba ,*.S) ' I i i 0 200 4b0 Kilometers . P0 lanak BORNEO TidOre 0 F.. Lkittin ? .11410 / SIBERUT Dja.mbi ? 9 BANGKA Paiernbang ' '. '213ILLITON GREATER INDIAN erak JAKARTA ei,g0.0r 0 . jirebon .1EFAndung Samarind'a1/4' e' Ballkparn , Plangkaraj: li CELEBES andier asi Z. SUNDA ISLANDS JAVA SEA Makasar MADURA o \ , L'''s TERR. OF NE GUINEA (Te.Terr Aust.) ..10, ' karnapu % qUi '14"4.4 Arnbolna NEW GUIN A\ BANDA SEA ii iC) 4,