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September 16, 2015
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Publication Date:
July 31, 1961
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?Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A000100360001-6
31 JULY 1961
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? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A000100360001-6
The 185 page draft "Program for the Construction of a Communist
Society," to be presented by Khrushchev at the 22nd Party Congress
in October, makes the following main points:
1. The present epoch is one of the "destruction of imperialism"
and the creation of Communism in "world-wide measure." The US, the
main stronghold of capitalism has "entered into the era of sunset."
2. Peaceful coexistence of socialist and capitalist states
is an "objective necessity" for the development of human society.
"The important thing is to ward off a thermonuclear war." The
great objectives of the working class can be realized without
world war.
3. The CPSU considers it necessary to maintain the defense
capacity of the USSR at a level which insures full defeat of any
enemy daring to attack the USSR. One-man leadership is a most
important principle in the Soviet armed forces.
4. Revisionism is the chief danger within the Communist
movement today--this is most fully embodied in, Yugoslavia's
program. Another danger is dogmatism and sectarianism, which
cannot be reconciled with a creative development of revolutionary
5. The cult of the individual and violations of collective
leadership are incompatible with Leninist principles. "During
every ordinary election" the composition of the Central Committee
will be renewed by not less than one-fourth. Members of the
presidium are elected for not longer than three successive con-
vocations, but there can be 6xceptions.
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" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A000100360001-6
6. .Industrial output will increase by 150 percent by 1971;
by 500 percent by.1980. . By 1980 more than half the income of
USSR Will be distributable in the form of free goods and services
by this time the material and technical basis of Communism will
be:created. :The present generation of Soviet people shall live
under Communism.
7. .The Soviet state will survive until the complete victory
of Communism:
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1. .Soviets
2. .,Tunisian developments
a) De Gaulle told Stevenson that Frande
would not be influenced by any UN 50X1
resolution distasteful to it;
b) French and Tunisian forces are re-
ported to be preparing defenses and
regrouping along Bizerte Lake, south-
west of the city;
c) Tunisia continues to solicit aid
in the form of materiel and technicians
from friendly states;
d) Bourguiba has reportedly authorized
the passage of arms for the Algerian 50X1
rebels across the Libyan-Tunisian
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' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A000100360001-6
3. South-North Korean
4. Congo developments
The new South Korean government is
engaged inan effort to enhance its
international stature with? a series
of good will visits. The missions are
engaged in explaining the recent re-
volt, in showing that the new govern- 50X1
ment's accession to power was legal,
and in forestalling if possible
discussion of the Korean question at
the UN. North Korea is trying to 50X1
undercut this effort by sending
delegations to the same areas to arrive
before, or in some cases to coincide
with, the South Korean visits
Gizenga supporters now seem to be
in control of the lower house of the
Congolese legislature by a small margin.
Gizenga is still unsure of his chances'
of being personally included in the
government and is worried about his 50X1
personal security. Tshombe, who
believes he may be able to control
the minority faction in parliament,
hopes to meet President Kasavubu
in Brazzaville and to obtain con-
cessions regarding Katanga's autonomy
before agreeing to send legislators to
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5. Chen Cheng contacted
by mainland Communists
before trip to US
A letter from a Chinese Communist
official warned Chen that the US is
abandoning its support of Taipei's
position, praised Chen's stand against 50X1
"two China's", and suggested "collective
opposition to the US." Peiping has
used the private letter gambit before
to try to corrode US-Nationalist
relations but Chen and other Nationalists
officials do not appear to have been 50X1
impressed by them.
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A. Refugee registration's in West Berlin on 28 and 29 July were
1,111 and 1,834 respectively, bringing the total thus far in
July to over 26,000. The Ulbricht regime declared Saturday
that the refugee flow made a peace treaty this year an
"absolute necessity" and urged GDR citizens to help curb the
B. A Soviet test vehicle was successfully fired from Tyura Tam
to Kamchatka Peninsula yesterday bringing the total of
successful test vehicle launches this year to 14. Nine have
failed in flight and three other firings were tried with
undetermined results. This most recent launching was
probably the second of a series of three tests of a "new
ICBM" which Khrushchev revealed to McCloy on 26 July.
The third in the series is to be launched on 7 August,
C. The Trans-Siberian railroad has been closed to foreign
travelers since 25 July with no reason given. The closing
could be to improve security. We are trying to ascertain
the real reason.
D. The Laotian National Congress yesterday amended the consti-
tution to permit the King to name himself premier of any new
government or to designate some other choice in his place.
Before the Congress' action, the Pathet Lao served notice it
would not recognize the validity of the amendment.
For The President Only?Ton Secret
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000100360001-6
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000100360001-6