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May 28, 1966
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28 MAY 1966
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004500190001-7
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004500190001-7 50X1
28 MAY 1966
South Vietnam
2. Iran
Today Ky gave an embassy officer
his version of his meeting yesterday
with Thi. Ky said he appealed to Thi
on the basis of their old friendship
and the need to unite the country. He
said Thi agreed to leave Hue "in a few
days" for somewhere in II Corps area,
where Thi could "talk things over with
his colleagues." Among "things" to be
discussed would be a job for Thi, since
Ky said he had not offered him any
specific position.
Ky said he believed the next month
would see a good deal of political
progress. He appeared determined to
press on against the Buddhists, especially
to "isolate" Tri Quang, whom he character-
ized as the representative of a "small
group of fanatics" and a "small-minded
Ky may be underestimating Tri Quang's
influence. Yesterday Foreign ?Minister Do
told an embassy officer he felt the crisis
was far from ended, and that there was a
real danger of Ky's become overconfident
after his "Da Nang victory."
Both Hue and Da Nang were quiet to-
day. Firm action by riot police in Saigon
has dispersed demonstrations without
serious incidents.
The prime minister has declared
that the Western oil consortium's de-
cision to raise this year's oil exports
from Iran by only 9 to 11 percent is
"unacceptable" and further evidence that
the West is turning its back on Iran.
The Shah has been insisting that a 17.5
to 20 percent increase is necessary to
finance needed economic and military
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3. Dominican Republic
The pre-election scene was thrown
into confusion this morning by the an-
nouncement that Balaguer and his Reform-
ist Party have withdrawn from the elec-
tion. This might be a political gambit
aimed at capturing center stage only four
days before the election. A Reformist
Party rally scheduled for tonight in Santo
Domingo may provide the answer, although
there are some reports that the rally has
been cancelled.
Except for the weather, things had
been going fairly well for Balaguer in the
past few days. Only a few hours before
his announcement, the vice presidential
candidate of third-running Bonnelly had pub-
licly thrown his support to Balaguer.
The withdrawal was, at least osten-
sibly, in response to rejection by election
officials of Balaguer's request that women
be allowed to vote without identity cards.
Garcia Godoy will surely do all in his
pOwer to get Balaguer to reverse the decision.
? Fidel Castro's blast last night was
typical of those he has used in past years
to divert attention from problems at home
by accusing the US of various kinds of
"imperialist plots."
He bitterly denied official US state-
ments on the recent incidents around the
Guantanamo Base and professed to see them
as an indication of impending US aggres- 50X1
sion. He responded by declaring that the
Cuban armed forces would be placed on alert.
It seems likely, however, that there will
be another major propaganda campaign and
further incidents.
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5. Congo
6. Nigeria
Belgian officials say that never be-
fore has it been so hard to fathom the
goals and tactics of Congolese leaders.
Mobutu, they fear, is running completely
out of control.
Mobutu's recent actions to cut off
direct communication and transportation
between the outside world and Elisabeth-
ville, the center of Belgian commercial
and industrial interests in Katanga, is a
case in point.
They seem on the surface aimed at
bringing these Belgian interests under
closer supervision by Leopoldville. How-
ever, they are hurting native Katangan
interests and could be a reflection of
Mobutu's distrust of the people in
Tshombe's old stronghold.
There are also new signs of coup
plotting in Leopoldville. One group
known to be plotting does not have the
strength for a successful attempt and
Mobutu is probably aware of their plans.
The military leaders who have been
ruling since last January's coup may
soon face a serious challenge.. The most
immediate issue is the status of the
middle-grade officers who carried out
the coup and were subsequently arrested.
They are regarded as heroes by a good
many in the military as well as in the
general public.
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7. Ethiopia
Relations between Ethiopia and the
'Soviet Union have been sliding downhill
ra idl in recent weeks.
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