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March 2, 1966
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004300320001-4
2 MARCH 1966
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004300320001-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004300320001-s4Ai
2 MARCH 1966
1. Vietnam
2, Communist China
The Chinese Communists have sent
letters to a number of neutral nations
warning once again against the "perfidi-
ous schemes" of the US in respect to
Vietnam and reiterating Peking's oppo-
sition to a negotiated settlement ex-
cept on Communist terms. Egypt, Sweden,
Denmark, and Norway seem to have received
such letters, and it is likely that other
neutrals have been similarly cautioned.
Chou 50X1
En-lai will visit Rumania in "mid-March,"
and there are indications he may also
go to Albania. The Chinese may hope to
demonstrate that they are not entirely
isolated in the Soviet-led bloc, and the
Rumanians could use the visit to demon-
strate their neutrality in the Sino-So-
viet hassle.
The reported timing of the trip
would permit Chou to show up in Moscow
for the Soviet party congress scheduled
to begin on 29 March. He led the Chi-
nese delegation to the last congress in
1961--but stomped out when the Soviets
attacked Albania.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004300320001-4
3. Indonesia
4. Kashmir
5. Soviet Union
6. Belgium
Overt resistance to Sukarno remains
limited, with even the seudent demonstra-
tions trailing off into slogan-painting
on walls and cars. Alleged army inten-
tions to move against Subandrio--and
Sukarno, if necessary--appear at pres-
ent to be brave talk rather than precise
Indian and Pakistani ministers are
discussing the Kashmir problem in Rawal-
pindi this week, in further implementa-
tion of the January Tashkent agreement.
Both sides will air their positions for
public consumption, but little or no
progress is likely toward resolving the
basic dispute. Last week, however, both
countries did complete withdrawing their
forces to positions held before the Sep-
tember fighting.
Cosmos 110 with its two dogs will
probably stay in orbit until ?after 20
March, when daylight recovery in the
usual area of the USSR will be possible.
The Soviets are probably collecting data
on the effects of prolonged radiation,
weightlessness, and other potential
dangers to astronauts, in line with their
habitual careful attention to the bio-
medical aspects of manned space flights.
The King's formateur today gave up
attempts to form a government. New elec-
tions are increasingly likely, since
the present political leaders have been
able to agree on an approach to only a
few of the country's economic, social,
and ethnic problems. Foreign Minister
Spaak, without whom Belgian foreign policy
tends to stagnate, could be a casualty
of the new elections.
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7. United Kingdom
8. Bolivia
. Guatemala
London is giving the moderate gov-
ernment of British Guiana--which will
take over after independence on 26 May--
a million pounds for budget support.
This gift should mute squabbles in Burn-
ham's cabinet over fiscal matters, and
London probably hopes its largesse will
get it off the hook for future donations.
Former co-president Barrientos is
scheduled to return to Bolivia Friday,
exactly two months after his abrupt
resignation. The political pot will be-
gin to boil again, in anticipation of na-
tional elections in July. So far, Bar-
rientos is the only candidate.
Barrientos' insistence on keeping
his position as commander in chief of
the armed forces--whose continued unity
is the key to stability in Bolivia--is
causing concern among high-ranking offi-
cers. Some military are said to be
working to prevent his candidacy and
cancel the elections.
It looks as if none of the three
presidential candidates will win an ab-
solute majority in Sunday's elections,
leaving the choice to the new national
assembly which convenes on 5 May. The
campaign has given little cause for op-
timism that any of the parties can solve
the country's social and economic prob-
lems. There is a distinct chance that
the voting will precipitate violence
which Communist terrorists appear ready
to exploit.
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10. Ghana
The new regime continues to take
steps to demonstrate its moderate image.
It is rounding up exiles whom Nkrumah
had permitted to use Ghana as a base
for subversion against other African
countries, and General Ankrah has under-
scored his government's intention to
follow sound economic policies. The
US Embassy notes that the departure of
Communist technicians has left a large
News of Nkrumah's arrival in Cona-
kry today is likely to have repercus-
sions within Ghana, where the populace
is still jumpy and susceptible to rumor.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004300320001-4
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A004300320001-4