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Document Release Date:
September 16, 2015
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Publication Date:
July 21, 1961
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000100280001-5
21 JULY 1961
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1. Tunisian developments
a) Fighting broke out again late
yesterday in the Bizerte area following
a lull. The Tunis radio this morning
claims that French and Tunisian units
are fighting in the streets of Bizerte.
The Tunisians also claim that a tank-
supported French force moved in to
occupy the city of Bizerte after the
Tunisian garrison there had rejected
a French ultimatum to withdraw.
b) Tunisia is trying to get the UN
Security Council today to brand France
as the aggressor at Bizerte. The
Tunisian Foreign Minister told the
US Ambassador that France's reinforce-
ment of the base despite Tunisia's
warning was an aggressive act which 50X1
brought on the bloodshed.
d) The French sent more reinforcements
to Bizerte yesterday. French troops
are under orders to defend themselves
but to take no aggressive action,
according to a French official.
e) President Bourguiba announced this
morning that Tunisia will accept the
principle of enrolling foreign volunteers
in its fight against France, adding
that friendly countries had offered
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2. Sequel to Ayub Khan's
visit to US
3. Outer Mongolia soliciting
diplomatic recognition
from non-bloc nations
b) An influential Pakistani newspaper
carried a story, probably deliberately
leaked, that the Kashmir dispute
will probably be referred back to the
UN in 1962 unless India is willing to
resolve the issue in direct talks with
akistan. Also that "broad agreement"
had been reached between the US and
Pakistan on the next diplomatic steps
to be taken on Kashmir.1
A Foreign Ministry official said Ulan
Bator is "ready to establish diplomati-?,
relations with the US, Britain, Japan,'"
and other Western countries."(
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. Cuba prepares for 26
July celebrations
The foreign guest list will include
sizeable delegations from the Sino-
Soviet bloc and Soviet astronaut Gagarin
will be accorded red carpet honors. The
Cuban government has announced ?that "a
great surprise will be given to the
Cuban people." We suggest that the
"surpkise" could include:
a) a display of MIG fighter aircraft
and other military hardware;
b) the announcement of a new "Socialist"
conStitution.or Of a single political
c) the release of prisoners taken in
the invasion attempt (with the fore-
knowledge that many would elect to
remain in Cuba);
d) the announcement of plans for a
free election (but with no definite
date given).
Pro-Castro sympathizers in other Latin
American countries are organizing demon-
strations which could lead to some vio-
lence. 50X1
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? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/05/04 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000100280001-5
5. Soviet space shot
Advanced stage reached. The USSR is
technically capable of: -
a) launching a manned satellite which
would orbit the earth more than once5oxi
prior to recovery;
b) orbitting an instrumented recon-
naissance vehicle around the moon;
c) making a soft landing of an instru-
mented package on the moon.
Possible, of course, that the event
will be less spectacular than any of
these three. 50X1
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C;Q FA f I .1 F -1 r
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A. Indonesian Air Force crews will begin transition training next
week in TU-16 medium jet bombers recently acquired from the USSR
Two of the bombers arrived in Indonesia early this month and 18
more are to be delivered between now and end of 1962. Indonesia
is the only country outside the USSR which has TU-16's.
B. The Soviet navy may be operating as many as 28 submarines capable
of launching missiles up to a range of 350 nautical miles. Seven
of these--al based in the Murmansk area--maybe nuclear-powered.
C. The Arab League Council yesterday adopted a resolution providing
.for the admission of Kuwait to the Arab League and for military
aid by member states to preserve Kuwait's Independence, Qisim,
who tried to block the council's action, will probably brand
it and try to prevent its implementation.
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