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Document Release Date:
September 16, 2015
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Publication Date:
March 12, 1962
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23: CIA-RDP79T00936A000600220001-6
12 MAR. 1962
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600220001-6
1. Berlin
a. The four Soviet flights
scheduled for this morning in the
southern corridor--two in and two
out--came off without incident.
Rine western aircraft were in the
corridors at the same time. ,No
incidents have been reported. The
Soviet flights
coincide with
the altitUdes and published schedules
of six commercial flights. We be-
lieve this planned conflict to be
aimed at forcing a rescheduling of
western flights or demonstrating
that present safety arrangements
are inadequate. In either event
the USSR can argue that greater
Communist control in the corridors
is necessary.,
b. Saturday night East German
police fired on a British military
liaison vehicle near Potsdam carrying
the Deputy Chief of the British
Military Liaison. The driver was
seriously injured.
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2. Laos
17 -1
a. Our chargg and, the UK and
French ambassadors feel that a package
offer on a Laotian cabinet maybe
shaping up: Defense and Interior to ,
Souvanna; Information to Souphannouvong;
Social Action, Youth and Sports to
Phoumi; Foreign Affairs to the center.,
Souvanna, who says "he will acept,any-
thing," set a dead-line of a week to
ten days for agreement between Souphannou-
vong and the West. He is expected to
communicate with the UK ambassador in
Vientiane early this week to rejoin
Souphanhouvong and him in Plaine des
b. Atbassador Brown observes
from Baguio that Statements by-BOUn-Oum
tothe Laotian.National-Assemblyi,prior to
its: adjourning, reflects. a decision by the
HOyaovernment:torejedt:ai:Souvanna gov-
ernment. The, embassy meanwhile re-
ports that the general belief in,
Vientiane--which may never find
official expression--is that a "peace-
ful solution is mandatory."
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3. New rebel demands
delay Algerian
4. Congo
Premier Debre is still optimistic,
but he told Ambassador Gavin that the
new ,demands will require several more
days of negotiations. The Algerians
doubt the ability of the French to
maintain order and are deManding addi-
tional assurances that the army will
be used against the OAS to protect the
Moslem population. The Moroccan
Ambassador in Madrid, as a result of
talks with former Algerian leader Abbas,
feels that if the French cannot give
satisfaction on this point the cease-
fire may be postponed indefinitely.
Also under discussion is the composi-
tion of the interim regime.
Tshombe still plans to meet Adoula
Thursday, but his supporters seem on
the verge of causing an incident in
Elisabethville to sabotage the talks.
After conversations with Adoula and
Kasavubu, Ambassador Gullion feels
they want agreement with Tshombe,
but that they are not counting on it.
Gullion speculates that Adoula knows
that he has neither the reliable army
nor logistics to support any Sub-
stantial military initiatives. However,
he feels that he can hold his own
vis-a-vis Katanga while building his
military strength, perhaps with Belgian
help. Meanwhile, the UN continues to
grapple with the sticky problem of
supporting a limited Congolese military
move in Katanga without being drawn
into hostilities, which the UN especially
wishes to avoid while the US, Congress
considers the UN bond subscription.
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r-11--1= r-1 - I 111-1E I
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5. Burma
There are persistent rumors that
prior to the coup the Shan states
were threatening secession and intend-
ing to join SEATO, and that this move
was being instigated by Thailand and
the US./
/ The
embassy feels that we must anticipite
that enough suspicion has been im-
planted by these rumors in the minds
of the members of the regime to color
their attitude toward the US.
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I - FM-1 I- ir--1 1- :7=A
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A. Public remarks by Madam Ngo Dinh Nhu--undoubtedly sharpened
by her narrow escape from the bombing of Diem's palace--are
seen by the US Embassy as a possible renewal of ,the anti-US
press campaign.
B. Peiping is making overtures to India for talks on the border
India derives only marginal benefits from the trade agree-
ment and had previously indicated that negotiations on it
were pointless so long as China occupied Indian territory.
C. The Indonesians want the preliminary talks on New Guinea to
be in Europe, while the Dutch seem adamant on the US as the
site. The Dutch also want a commitment from the Indonesians
to tone down their bellicose statements during the talks.
D. Permanent headquarters of the"Joint African High Command"
of the Casablanca powers--Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Morocco,
UAR, and the Algerian rebel regime--reportedly will be
activated in Accra after approval at a meeting in Cairo
next month.
?E. An early reshuffle of the Syrian cabinet is expected.
Leftist Sabri al-Asali is favored to replace Prime Minister
Dawalibi, with former Prime Minister Khalid al-Azm still in
the running, supported by the Army.
F. The 9 March announcement in Cuba of the formation of a
25-member National Directorate of the Integrated Revolutionary
Organizations merely formalizes a situation which has existed
since last August.
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1 1
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G. On 9 March the Soviet press announced the success of pre?
liminary talks for the 1962 Sino-Soviet trade agreement..
The talks have been going on for twelve weeks and the
agreement will be signed soon in Peiping, but probably
without the traditional fanfare. This trade has dropped
from around $2 billion in 1959 to about $1.2 billion in
H. Holden Roberto lined up the support of the Algerian pro-
visional government for his Angolan independence movement
during a visit to Tunis in late February or early March.
The Algerians will provide military materiel, the delivery
of which, however, is dependent on Algerian independence
making means of transport available.
J. Premier. Debre on 9 March avoided a direct response to
Ambassador Gavin's question as to whether Debre thought
a French-German nuclear weapons program was likely. He
merely said that nuclear weapons in German hands would
be a catastrophe for the USSR and cause very dangerous
conditions to arise.
? , . s. .
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