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C00175643 CLAS UNCLASSIFIED CLAS UNCLASSIFIED AFSN TB0811150590C SUBJ TAKEALL-- Comlist: Moscow Consolidated 7 Nov 90 Full Text Superzone of Message 1 GOSR ANNIV 2 1 reports on gosr gala 6 nov at kremlin palace, quoting lukyanov report (3 min). (rpt enginter 061810, item 6 on 6 nov list) (enginter 0910 engna 0000 swahili 061700 kor 0900 1100) 3 2 summaries lukyanov speech at 6 nov gosr gala. (c/r tv 061355, item 4 on 6 nov list) (5-3 min: frenchinter 061800 spanla 0200 spancuba 0130 arabic 1600 mand 1000 lao 1030 1300 viet 1000 carob 1100 burm 1030 hind 1130 1400 urdu 1300 malay 1000 1200 thai 1100 tamil 1400) 4 3 reports pegged, on gorbachev 6 nov meeting with ambassadors of foreign countries at st. george hall of grand kremlin palace, with gist remarks exchanged. (c/r tasse 061606, item 8 on 6 nov list) (brief: frenchinter 061800 finnish 061630 amharic 061500 czech/slovak 061800) 5 4 gorbachev remarks at moscow ceremony 6 nov for presentation of state decorations to soviet citizens. (c/r tv 061845, item 9 on 6 nov list) (brief: enginter 0700) 6 5 summaries izvestiya intvw with patriarch aleksey on gosr anniv. (rpt enginter 061210, item 13 on 6 nov list) (spanla 0200 finnish 061630 amharic 061500) 7 6 defense minister yazov's order of the day on october rev anniv. (cov pmu). (approx 300 words: tassr 0700) 8 7 defense minister yazov's order for 30-gun festive salute and fireworks in capitals of union republics to mark anniv. (cov pmu) (60 text: tassr 1428; brief: tv 1800) 9 8 live relay from moscow's red square marking 73d GOSR anniversary, setting scene, noting gorbachev, lukyanov, ryzhkov, yeltsin, silayev and members of presidential council and others mounting mausoleum, military band fanfare sounded, followed by gorbachev's address (13 min sent); describing national anthem played against background of cannon-fire; marshal of soviet union yazov joins leaders, yazov and kalinin inspect troops on square, air assault troops exchange greetings with yazov and ceremonial march past of battalions begins, described in detail, leaders then leave mausoleum, taking off their hats as they approach lenin mausoleum, bowing to tomb, re-don their hats and remount mausoleum taking up their previous positions, peoples demonstrations march across square bearing banners with names of rayons of capital, leaders wave to marchers, some banners carry slogans "no to inter-ethnic strife"! and "lenin is with us"!, leaders are joined by their wives, muscovites' march past continues, banners bearing slogans "no attacks on the soviet" are carried. (two hour 4 min, fyi, ed report and excerpts sent: tv 0655) 10 9 video report on gosr parade and demonstration in red square, noting gorbachev, ryzhkov and other officials ascending mausoleum, gorbachev speech (12 min), giving account of military parade followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at mausoleum, and finally civilian demonstration. (30 min overall: tv 1530 1800) 11 10 report on commencement of gosr anniv parade, interspersed with corr reports celebrations taking place in other cities, describing beginning of Approved f r Release Page: 1 of 98 309 "I 20d8- C00175643 Page: 2 of 98 moscow parade with gorbachev and other leaders on mausoleum, gorbachev delivers his speech at parade followed by national anthem, also describing yazov receiving report from col-gen kalinin, who leads military parade, corr gennadiy kalenov intvvs kremlin military school cadet then describes preparations for parade, yasov and kalinin return to mausoleum after inspecting troops, march past commences, further interviews take place during march past, mention made of SS-25 ballistic missiles taking part in parade for first time, gorbachev and other leaders leave mausoleum to lead parade and lay wreaths at mausoleum, presenter notes significance of this untraditional move, female presented speakers of need for unity and accord in country then intvws historian (butenko) about significance of revolution, introducing corr reports from celebrations in other cities, incl alternative demonstrations, quoting moscow corr on guests' platform noting negative nature of many banners carried by marchers, presenter describes ending of parade. (2 hr 20 min: home 0650) 12 11 summaries gorbachev address at 7 nov gosr anniv parade. (1,200 text: tasse 1113; 400 text: tasse 0944; 150 words approx: tassr 0930; 2-1 min: enginter 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Berman 1600 1700 spanish 2100 arabic 1500 1600 persian 1500 greekcy 1730 greek 2100 polish 1600 serbo 1700 czech/slovak 1800 wand 1000 1300 1400 camb 1100 lao 1030 1300 viet 1000 1400 burm 1030 1430 hind 1130 1400 urdu 1300 tamil 1400 malay 1000 1200 indo 1300 thai 1100 tagalog 1300; brief: enginter 2100 enguk 2000 portuguese 2100 finnish 1630 turkish 1830 engaf 1700 2000) 13 TB0811150590TAKE1 14 12 tass corr report from red square on military parade touching on gorbachev address, describing parade and noting SS-25 ballistic missiles prominent in parade. (300 text sent:- tasse--083Q-)-__ 15 13 gennadiy gavrilenko/ivan ivanov report on gosr anniv parade, quoting gorbachev address (brief), pointing to alternative parades which also took place. (400 text sent: tasse 0748) 16 14 gorbachev speech at festive reception in kremlin following gosr anniv parade. (450 text sent: tassr 1545; 250 text: tasse 1631; one min: tv 1800; brief: enginter 2100 2200 engna 2300 enguk 2000 portuguese 2100 greek 2100 hungarian 2000) 17 15 roundup reports on alternative meetings which took place in moscow organized by democratic russia movement, other parties and moscow voters' association, noting mbrs of ussr and rsfsr ppl's deputies and leaders of a number of political parties spoke at meeting, quoting boris yeltsin (30 words). (350 text sent: tassr 1355; attrib mikhail ivanov/igor peskov, 400 text sent: tasse 1700; attrib aleksandr korshunov, 4 min, sent: home 1600; attrib sergey omelchenko, 3 min, sent: mayak 0940 home 1600; anon: 3.5 min, sent: mayak 0917 amharic 1500) 18 16 video program devoted to celebrations in moscow, inci report of official red square celebrations concentrating on ppl/vorkers participation; roundup video reports on alternative meetings and march held in staraya ploshchad (old square) in moscow, listing various parties and organizations taking part, also noting that yeltsin and popov participated, highlighting banners carried by various organizations. (34 min sent: tv 1550) 19 17 reports on how gosr anniv was marked in moscow and in capitals of union republics. (6-4 min sent: enginter 1210 1510 engna 2300 enguk 2000 german 1600 portuguese 2100 spanish 2100 finnish 1630 arabic 1500 persian 1500 dart 1500 greekcy 1730 greek 2100 turkish 1400 1830 amharic 1500 swahili C00175643 Page: 3 of 98 1700 engaf 1700 bulgarian 1700 romanian 1700 polish 1600 serbo 1700 viet 1400 lao 1300 indo 1300 1500 tamil 1400 hind 1400 urdu 1300 burm 1430 tagalog 1300) 20 18 compilation on occasion of anniv gosr, summarizing festive events in various parts of ussr, briefly quoting lukyanov's festive speech 6 nov. (14-10 min: hungarian 2000 romanian 1700 mand 1300) 21 19 roundup reports on celebrations marking gosr anniv. (8 min: somali 1600) 22 20 koryun khumaryan report on ways in which gosr was marked in armenia. (3 min: mayak 1424) 23 21 tass report on gosr celebrations in soviet far east, highlighting events in khabarovsk, vladivostok, chita, other cities. (300 text sent: tasse 1232 tassr 1110) 24 22 corr ivanovo dispatch quoting intvw with yuriy voronov, former chmn of leninskiy raykom, discussing raykoms dissolved, highlighting popular front participation in gosr demonstration. (3.5 min, sent: mayak 1338) 25 23 corr nizhniy novgorod dispatch on low profile given to gosr demonstration here. (4 min, excerpt sent: mayak 0928) 26 24 heimar lenk report on how goer anniv marked in estonia, noting no parades took place as oct rev is no longer a state holiday in estonia. (3 min, sent: mayak 0946) 27 25 vladimir lyashko lvov dispatch on gosr celebrations in ukraine. (4 min sent: mayak 1410) 28 26 anatoliy golia/aleksandr tanas kishinev dispatch on gosr festivities in moldavian capital. (300 text sent: tasse 1331 tassr 1201) 29 27 roundup reports on how gosr anniv was celebrated in union republics. (350 text sent: tassr 1031 tasse 1324;-ad ng-400--text--sent:-tassr 1439)_.__ 30 28 mikhail mayorov on gosr anniv and future of socialist idea in east europe, contrasting stalinist model with that of lenin. (3.5 min, sent: enginter 1210 1510 1810 2110 portbraz 2200 german 1600 enguk 2000 spanish 2100 portuguese 2100 finnish 1630 persian 1500 dari 1500 greek 2100 turkish 1400 swahili 1700 Bulgarian 1700 polish 1600 hungarian 2000 serbo 1700 viet 1400) 31 29 valeriy (bilov) on anniv of gosr rev and efforts to slander revolution. (7 min: turkish 1400) 32 TBO81115069OTAKE2 33 30 roundup talks and features pegged, highlighting significance of gosr in influencing developments in various underdeveloped countries around world, quoting intvws with prominent politicians, students, others. (20 min: kor 1100; 6-3 min: engaf 1700 bulgarian 1700 viet 1000 1400 camb 1100 lao 1030 1300 tamil 1400) 34 31 intvw with soviet dpty on this year's gosr anniv celebrations. (7 min: wand 0700) 35 GLOBAL 36 32 yevgeniy nikitenko intvw with (brad durem), editor english version of kommersant. (rpt enguk 262000, item 6 on 26 oct list) (engna 2300) 37 33 report on intl students soire at moscow friendship university, music, dancing, films were shown, arab students spoke favorably of the occasion. (arabic 1500) 38 34 "new market." (rpt enguk 042000, item 6 on 4 nov list) (engna 0000) 39 35 "update": incl anon on moscow conf of representatives of russian speakers from soviet republics where they are minority and their rights must be protected, participants give their views on rights of repression C00175643 Page: 4 of 98 (3.5 min); anon on soviet-french joint venture (sovoplas) dealing with disposal of plastic packaging and its recycling into polythene film for supply abroad, director of facilited details work of venture and difficulties of making far-reaching plans due to conditions of govt-owned facilities dealt with (3 min); moscow writer (anatoliy slobin) who has received permission to register and publish (russkaya bogatstvo) magazine, explains details behind this, noting version of magazine existed before revolution, and proposed subjects to be covered in future issues (3 min); irina semnova intvws U.S. film maker (ted hartley) and director wife (gidina merrill) have sponsored new form of cooperation between soviet and american filmmakers by organizing contest for screenplay for purchase abroad (7 min). (enginter 0810; adding: in izvestiya an historian notes that it was purpose of socialist revolution to instil hope in people for an early end to oppression (5.5 min). (engna 0000) 40 36 "contacts" with yuriy igrinev presenting: report from moscow's yuriy gagarin cosmonauts training center, where two german cosmonauts are due to arrive soon for the first joint soviet-german space mission, including talks with the heads of soviet and Berman training centers (5 min); "cooperation kaleidoscope" carrying mist briefs on soviet-german cooperation such as the establishment of a house of the soviet economy in northrine westfalia (3 min); requested information on streets and places in ussr named after lenin, including summary of "argumenti y fakti" intvw with lenin's niece (4 min). (german 1700) 41 37 "dx-wave" feature by yuriy gromov on letters received from brazilian ham radio operators, programs broadcast by soviet radio station in tumen, siberia, including excerpts of recorded program called "orbita 4," sign-on and sign-off signals, and frequencies- tuned, thi-s ad o staz-ion-can be ----- tuned, info for tuning to various Intl radio stations. (19 min, incl music: portbraz 2300) 42 38 "moscow mailbag incl Joe adamov's replies to listeners' questions on do the gorbachevs' speak english, not as far as adamov knows; transition to market economy and what this may entrail; rarity of vcr's in ussr and moves to overcome shortage; soviet view on gulf crisis; typical questions of nine year olds in ussr about usa-examples given. (15 min: engna 2300) 43 UNITED STATES 44 39 yuriy solton re forthcoming shevardnadze-baker talks, noting foreign ministers will examine all aspects of gulf crisis and significance of last month's compromise agreement on cuts in conventional forces europe. (4 min: enginter 1810 2110 spanish 2100 portuguese 2100 greek 2100) 45 40 u.s. reporter antonio gonzalez on u.s. elections, huge fire in los angeles. (9 min: spanla 2300) 46 41 report on prospects of u.s.-ussr economic relations. (3 min: romanan 1700) 47 TB0811150790TAKE3 48 AMERICAS 49 42 anon reads articles from argentine newspapers la ncacion, clarin on prospects for soviet-argentine trade. (3 min: portbraz 2200) 50 43 pyotr chernov in moscow and vyacheslav lavrentyev from buenos aires on recent working visit of argentina president to moscow, noting diplomats in moscow have pointed out importance of meeting for intl climate as a whole; analysts quote gorbachev on european experience being relevant for other regions, the two leaders' similar outlooks on gulf crisis noted, press comment quoted on opportunities for expanding bilateral trade. (4-3.5 C00175643 Page: 5 of 98 min: enginter 1810 2110 spanish 2100 portuguese 2100 romanian 1700; anon: mand 1400) 51 44 anselmo septiem intvws guatemalan natl congress president marco antonio castillo on possibility of establishing diplomatic relations between soviet union and guatemala, on perestroyka. (3 min: spanla 2300) 52 45 tass new york dispatch citing ap on beginning of election campaign in haiti. (approx 350 words: tassr 1045) 53 GERMANY 54 46 boris melnichenko assessment of future economic cooperation between ussr and united germany, anticipating short-term decline due to hestiancy of part of would-be investors in view of incalculability of changes underway, quotes figures supplied by german economic research institutes and expressed hope for joint efforts to reach level of cooperation envisaged in soon-to-be-signed soviet-german friendship and cooperation treaty. (5 min: german 1600) 55 NATO/WEST EUROPE 56 47 (vadim solovyev) intvw with army general mikhail moiseyev, chief of general staff of soviet armed forces, on his recent visit to nato hq. (rpt enginter 061210, item 47 on 6 nov list) (5 min: enginter 0910 engna 0000 finnish 061630 persian 061500) 57 48 report on preparations for 19-20 nov paris summit mtg of states participating in general european process. (5 min: romanian 1700) 58 49 col. (yevgeniy rozaryonov), soviet defense ministry expert, on forthcoming csce conference to be held in paris, aimed at adopting joint nato-vt declaration, noting timing of signing declaration with end of cold war. (5-3 min: spanla 2300 greek 2100 turkish 1400 1830 bulgarian 1700 viet 1400; 2 min: enginter 1210 1510 1810-21-10--enguk--2000-Spanish- 200 portuguese 2100 finnish 1630 arabic 1500 1600 polish 1600 hungarian 2000 serbo 1700) 59 50 "points of view": vsevolod mikhaylov on polemics in france concerning new generalized social contribution. although french govt enjoys wide support round its foreign policy in gulf in particular, its fails to obtain unanimity round intl policy issues foremost among which new social security tax which is aimed at resolving social security difficulties, opinion polls show majority of french citizens fear considerable increase in this tax in coming years (3 min); vladimir orlov on process of arms control in europe (rpt enginter 051210, item 26 on 5 nov list); "soviet press on france": pravda mentioned positive results of gorbachev's visit to france and Spain which consolidated edification of european common home; temps nouveaux reminds of fact that france-libertes fund whose honorary chairman is mrs. danielle mitterrand has given prize to named soviet assn in charge of commemorating names. of victims of stalinism; pravda and rabochaya tribuna hailed meeting of french and british tunnellers under channel which has made an old european dream come true; kommersant reports about visit of high-ranking french police delegation to ussr (4 min). (frenchinter 051800) 60 51 "good evening, austria." (rpt germaust 061925, item 49 on 6 nov list) (germaust 1925) 61 52 intvw with head of franco-soviet plastics disposal joint venture. (3 min: german 1600) 62 53 "newsreel of soviet-french friendship: devoted to recent french-soviet summit held in paris, journalist vladimir krivosheyev reviews agreements signed between france and ussr during gorbachev visit to france, C00175643 Page: 6 of 98 krivosheyev notes successful cooperation between the two countries so far, as well as optimism of both sides for further promotion of mutual contacts. president of europe plus talks about french-soviet cultural cooperation and future projects of cultural exchanges. krivosheyev concludes his review by stating that the summit took place in a cordial atmosphere and that it would encourage the further development of all aspects of french-soviet relations. (15 min: frenchinter 061800) 63 TBO811150890TAKE4 64 AFRICA 65 54 "africa as we see it": aleksey litvinov on political situation in nigeria, quoting babangida on political bumpy ride in country, criticizing system of military govt in country (3.5 min); aleksey grigoryev on prospects of trade between ussr and africa (rpt engafr 031700, segment item 25 on 3 nov list). (engafr 1700 2000) 66 55 "ussr-africa, contacts and contracts". (rpt engafr 031700, item 26 on 3 nov list) (engafr 1700) 67 56 "program for farmers". (rpt engafr 252000, item 55 on 26 oct list) (engafr 062000) 68 57 georgiy kuznetsov on soviet peace cmtee's ties with its counterparts in africa, saying friendly relations enjoyed with peace cmtees of many african countries, noting recent soviet peace cmtee delegation visit to zambia. (5 min: engafr 062000) 69 58 review listeners letters on effects of soviet foreign policy and ussr's increasing rapprochement with west on economic aid to africa. (rpt engafr 022000, item 30 on 3 nov list) (engafr 062000) 70 59 vladislav chernukha on postponement of fifth round of talks between angolan govt and unita. (rpt enginter n 0,--item- 53--0ti--6---nov li-t)- --------- (spanla 0200 amharic 061500 somali 061600 swahili 061700) 71 60 "friendship forum by radio": tass intvw with (yevgeniy groskov) one of four soviet volunteers working in ethiopia with soviet-u.s. joint construction service, planning to construct agricultural and fish farming cooperatives, on what they are doing. (15 min: amharic 061500) 72 61 report on second meeting to research somali history at town 400 miles north-east of paris. (20 min, incl music: somali 061600) 73 62 historical report on ties between russia and south africa, noting russia was sympathetic toward afrikaaners during 1899-1902 war in south africa, incl report on cultural ties between two countries. (15 min: engafr 1830) 74 63 anon on conflict between anc, pac, inkatha, saying recent conflicts broke out at time when many blacks are ready to forget their differences and negotiate in unity about their future with de klerk administration. (3 min: amharic 1500) 75 64 anon on.situation in rsa, noting students' boycott of exams and stance of anc and azapo. (4 min: swahili 1700) 76 65 anon on black factional violence in south africa. (5 min: somali 1600) 77 PERSIAN GULF 78 66 yuriy solton on u.s. sec of state james baker's mission to mideast and europe. (rpt enginter 031210, item 34 on 3 nov list) (finnish 031630) 79 67 yuriy solton pointing to preparations being made to launch attack on iraq. (rpt enginter 061210, item 63 on 6 nov list) (enginter 0910 spanla 0200 finnish 061630 somali 061600 swahili 061700 persian 061500 jap 061200 mand 1000) 80 68 anon on danger of war in persian gulf. (rpt spancuba 060130, item 67 C00175643 Page: 7 of 98 on 6 nov list) (3 min: spancuba 0130) 81 69 orlov on shevardnadze-baker talks. (3 min: jap 06100) 82 70 (ivalov) on qian qichen-baker talks in cairo. (4 min: mand 1400) 83 71 aleksandr vladimirov on philippine view of possible Japanese troop deployment to mideast. (3 min, sent: tagalog 1300) 84 72 oleg shchedrov on fames baker's current visit to middle east and other countries. (rpt enginter 051210, item 43 on 5 nov list) (tamil 061400) 85 73 anon expressing concern at possibility of war in persian gulf as reflected from baker's visit to gulf countries and continued u.s. military buildup in region, calls for negotiated peaceful solution of gulf crisis. (5-4 min: portbraz 2200 2300 somali 1600 amharic 1500 swahili 1700 persian 1500 dart 1500 turkish 1400 1830 bulgarian 1700 romanian 1700 malay 1200 urdu 1300 indo 1300 1500 bur 1430 camb 1230 viet 1400) 86 TB0811150990TAKE5 87 MIDEAST 88 74 u.s. kgnq network corr antonio gonzalez, los angeles dispatch, on recent murder of israeli rabbi in new york. (rpt spanla 062300, item 71 on 6 nov list) (3 min: spancuba 0130) 89 75 leonid rassadin on new wave of violence sweeping occupied arab territories. (rpt enginter 061810, item 72 on 6 nov list) (enginter 0910) 90 76 "arab weekly diary": Jordan times spoke of negative effect of anti-iraq sanctions on Jordanian economy, lebanese 'al-safir' said awn forces and lebanese forces sold state cereals in black market, moroccan trade unions urged govt to reconsider its economic and social policies, egypt took measures to protect crocodiles, egyptian police arrested scores of pupils playing truants. (arabic 1500) 91 77 anon intvws tatar businessman who-at-tended--roundtable--m -in moscow re 67th anniversary of turkish republic. (rpt turkish 061830, item 73 on 6 nov list) (turkish 1400) 92 78 mikhail barishev on uzbek press official's visit to turkey and a turkish foreign ministry official's visit to turkmen republic. (4 min: turkish 1400 1830) 93 SOUTH ASIA 94 79 askold biryukov on whether peace can be established or bloodshed will continue in afghanistan. some hopeful signs indicate that a settlement is possible u.s. and soviet officials say that they are close to political settlement, afghan govt too is open to negotiations. kabul has not put forward unacceptable conditions, apparently need to end fighting is penetrating mujahidin ranks also. Washington, however, believes that its position in negotiations will be strengthened by providing direct military aid to afghan rebels, but only by bringing all sides concerned to negotiating table will peace be established in afghanistan. (4 min: dart 1500) 95 80 vladimir ivashin referring to crisis in india due to disputed shrine issue, pointing out split in ruling party due to dispute, criticizing attempts of some political circles to take advantage by mixing politics with religion says unless people realize that efforts for the welfare of humanity only are desirable, tension will continue. (3 min: tamil 061400) 96 CHINA 97 81 report on cooperation between local chinese, sov geological depts. (4 min: mand 0700) 98 82 summary item published in asia and africa today on past, present soviet-chi relations. (6 min: mand 062200) C00175643 Page: 8 of 98 99 83 head of sov peace foundation deleg interviewed on results of his china visit. (4.5 min: wand 062200) 100 84 "along the path of friendship, cooperation" program: news briefs on soviet-chi coop (3 min); intvw with head of sov-chi business assn on helping sov enterprises to contact chinese counterparts (5 min); report on book on history of chinese philosophy (3 min). (11 min: wand 1000 1400) 101 ASIAN COMMUNIST 102 85 "asian affairs" program: (malinchinov) on intl mtg on cambodian issue to open in Jakarta. (4 min: wand 0700) 103 86 anon previews 9 nov Jakarta mtg on cambodian peace settlement. (rpt viet 061400, item 84 on 6 nov list) (6 min: thai 1100) 104 87 izvestiya corr (rigadrov) in phnom penh on political settlement of cambodian problem, noting current fighting intensified by resistance side to hinder political settlement of problem. (5 min, poor: lao 1030) 105 88 anon on cambodian disputes, notes Intl conf to be held in Jakarta to discuss settlement of cambodian disputes. (6 min: korean 0900) 106 TB081115109OTAKE6 107 89 oleg alekseyev on u.s. bill on aid to phnom penh govt. (5 min: camb 1100) 108 90 anon on vietnam's agreement to let united states have representatives in hanoi to search for mia's. (rpt viet 061000, item 85 on 6 nov list) (carob 1100) 109 ASIA/PACIFIC 110 91 "focus on asia": (igol revejia) on dprk-japan talks held in beiJing (4 min, sent); (oliv hitrov) on soviet economy merger in european and atlantic market, not current soviet economic situation, notes soviet attention to asia-pacific market, notes-estab . lomat c------- relations with rok, notes soviet concern in asian markets (6 min); anon on u.s. senate adopting revised bill re direct contact with phnom penh, notes content of this revised bill (6 min). (korean 1100) 111 92 "focus on asia and pacific": dr. of philosophy wikhail titorenko of.far east studies institute of ussr academy of sciences, noting positive trends toward dialogue in asia-pacific region following end of u.s.-soviet cold war (rpt enginter 061210, item 89 on 6 nov list); account of izvestiya corr vladimir skosyrev's intvw with afghan opposition leader hikmatyar on issue of soviet pows and soviet foreign ministry spokesman's comment on statement (3 min); feature prepared by igor bestuzhev analyzing change in attitudes to ussr, focusing particularly on attitude of pacific countries, including usa, quoting i.a. comments from ordinary citizens, public figures and diplomats noting prevailing view is that ussr no longer poses military threat and that friendly contacts should be promoted, details of soviet initiatives in field of military reductions and disarmament which have contribute to this new view outlined (8.5 min); news analyst dmitry (yakushkin) on federation for democracy in china, an opposition organization that hopes to carry out future forms in china, which has its headquarters in paris, chinese opposition figures complain lack of organization of democratic forces in china was cause of failure of student's movement--federation aims to unite opposition forces (3 min). (enginter 0710) 112 93 dr. of philosophy mikhail titorenko of far east studies institute of ussr academy of sciences, noting positive trends toward dialogue in asia-pacific region following end of u.s.-soviet cold war. (rpt enginter 061210, item 89 on 6 nov list) (engna 0000 persian 061500) C00175643 Page: 9 of 98 113 94 oleg shchdrov on outlook of ussr participating in econ coop in asia-pacific region, referring to gavrill popov moscow mayor's visit to Japan, taiwan. (3 min, sent: mand 1400; 4-3 min: enginter 1210 1510 1810 2110 persian 1500 dart 1500 turkish 1400 polish 1600 hungarian 2000 camb 1230 viet 1400 mand 1000 bur 1430 urdu 1300) 114 95 (igor kasmarov) intvws two mbrs of indonesian social foundation "syuhada indonesia." (rpt indo 041300, item 62 on 4 nov list) (indo 1300) 115 96 "asian affairs" program: report on article on sov weekly on Japan's claim to 4 sov islands. (7 min: mand 0700) 116 97 "sov-jap exchange program": frship and good neighborliness: incl moscow mayor returning home after visit to jap, gist of moscow news, komsomolskaya pravda intvw with mayor popov, intvw with freelance journalist yasui ivakami of Japan on independence movt in three baltic nations. (30 min, incl music: jap 061200) 117 98 aleksander vladimirov on talks between u.s. and philippines and future of american bases. (rpt bur 061030, item 92 on 6 nov list) (malay 1200 indo 1300 1500) 118 EAST EUROPE 119 99 anon on hungary as first east european country to become mbr of european encl. (rpt shakhin, german 061600, item 98 on 6 nov list) (spancuba 0130) 120 NATIONALITIES 121 100 (palipov) on ethnic conflicts in ussr. (5 min: mand 0700) 122 101 vitaliy gurov on situation in moldova. (rpt enginter 051210, item 88 on 5 nov list) (frenchinter 051800 persian 051500) 123 TB081115119OTAKE7 124 102 vitaliy gurov on situation in mold-ova-slowly-returning--to-normal-. (rpt enginter 061210, item 103 on 6 nov list) (enginter 0910 finnish 061630 tamil 061400) 125 103 report on russian federation's program re transition to market economy. (3 min: tagalog 1300) 126 104 report on 6 nov press briefing given by grigoriy revenko, ussr presidential council member. (rpt tv 061800, item 100 on 6 nov list) (enginter 0800 0900 engna 0000) 127 SOVIET ECONOMY 128 105 intvw with academician georgiy arbatov on implications to ussr's foreign trade relations on transition to market economy. (rpt portuguese 022100, item 82 on 3 nov list) (portuguese 2100) 129 106 kira (pataki) intvw with sociologist vladimir (poznarkiy) on social justice in course of transition to market economy. (rpt portuguese 022100, item 81 on 3 nov list) (portuguese 2100) 130 107 "topical subject": sociologist vladimir (kozmarsky) on social security during economic transition process, saying it will be difficult for many people to accept individual success and wealth as result of hard work. (6 min: german 1700) 131 LIFE IN USSR 132 108 vitaliy gurov summing up parliamentary deliberations prior to recess. (rpt enginter 031210, item 83 on 3 nov list) (finnish 031630) 133 109 (irina dogrovovka) on recent 19th congress of soviet trade unions, noting intvws with delegates, quoting gorbachev and ryzhkov speeches. (8.5 min: portuguese 2100) 134 110 report on recent activities at 19th congress of soviet trade unions held in moscow. (12 min: viet 1000) C00175643 deputy director of bolshevik revolution museum in moscow, on museum's artifacts and importance of october revolution. (11 min: spanla 0200) ;,116 "soviet panorama": anon on nizhniy novgorod trade fair, describing its Page: 10 of 98 135 111 intvw with anatoliy (yeshelev), supsov human rights commission rep, on guaranteeing human rights during transition process, citing analysts expecting palpable improvements for spring 1991 following possible tough winter. (5 min: german 1600) 136 112 intvw with moscow writer (anatoliy slovin), literary magazine editor, first professional writer to receive permission to publish private magazine. (3 min: spanish 2100) 137 113 anon on reelection of mayor of soviet. city about 400 km from moscow. (7 min: korean 0900) 138 114 anon citing tars report on saints' day celebrated by orthodox church. (rpt spanla 062300, item 129 on 6 nov list) (spancuba 0130) 139 115 (malena negrin)/(francisco rodriguez) intvw with (irina prokhorova), history, quoting director of fair association on enthusiasm generated by fair's revival (5 min); anon on new almanac published in moscow entitled 'we and ufos', detailing alleged contacts with ufos (3 min). (enguk 2000) 141 117 "ussr today": report on construction of free trade zone in altay kray (4.5 min); report on development of civilian products at military research institute (5 min); report on more foreign tourists coming to ussr (4 min). (wand 0100) 142 118 "people's deputies answer your questions": replies on issue of crime in soviet union and measures to fight it, black market problem. (arabic 1600) 143 119 "night talks": marta and anatoliy discussing 73d anniv gosr, also discussing letters they received from--1 teners---r-e-r-adlo---moscow--grog-rams,-- some of which have been broadcast for more than 15 years. (27 min, incl music: spancuba 0130) 144 120 "know more about ussr": feature on soviet achievements in science and technology. (13 min: somali 1600) 145 TBO811151290TAKE8 146 121 "mirror": incl intvw with engineer from magnitogorsk, cpsu congress delegate, on gosr and other political issues; report on plans to build memorial to totalitarian regime's victims- report on white raven association, outlining its aims. (czech/slovak 061800) ':4147.: 122 "on moscow's wavelength": incl report on what sort of constitution does russia need; historical reminiscences re first performance of 'golden rooster' opera in 1917; latvia and soviet union - a look into future; exhibitions in moscow; new almanach on ufos. (hungarian 2000) 148 123 "mailbag": incl new letters acknowledged; problems of agriculture discussed; role of peasant party explained; visit to informal theater in moscow. (19 min overall: frenchinter 061800) 149 124 misc internal ussr items: 31: soviet 5 democ 2 eur 3 latam 2 mideast 1 afr 2 asc 3 asnc 8; linked to gosr: latam 5 150 UNPRO: korean 1330 151 POOREST: portafr 1900 152 POOR: finnish 051630 wand 1300 153 PART MISSED: engafr 062000 154 DROPPED: beng 1200 (endall) 7 Nov 90 155 TB0811151390TAKE9