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C00015462 .JPRS SSSS?_:... ~,. ::-~. ~:.,.- 3.~.ti:~ ?:' it - 4 ?' +? _t a 8 Mar h.,19 ~?r . ?.+u.:l.?....;gyn...-.T.?, ;~ N..~-z+.,n.!~1C?..fn,M~.RYA: '1[t'v~~1 evv!!u;'i1~! }~F,~7an'bf"L-.'F'`';~'~'~!c?' r~7!~t'. ?a *.. _ ~? a :! ?.!. Tr +'??. Wit; ~ - 1 w ~-Tr -ax i iY ti,l rt ? , :+ ,;? + ?- .t- ?~' 'rF'.y i; ISR l??+Y ~.I~~. wl w~/'ftii..~. t i, ? i ?~'? ? .?: y .. y`. is ?.Ty? N ?i~? -.;tF ~` ?.iS? t .i' .. , t : ~.- . r `y? iV, y;?t;...0. .~ .? L~e:.?? ~ -r='~~t~?:'t:?~'i ~": .*.4 ilk #,.,j!...... ?+it. 3:' ? 'i ?;,+' a,~4;ja` -'r'?:jlr~. ;;? ~,?:;, ?i?n' ~?;:.,L?~'r{.'1t' ~y as ~rl~' _ _.?.. .i~ ?_.Y:...Y ... ., -'.{t _`.?'-_A??_I:,. ~?,i ?a;~.J?~.?!:': .? J r_.. ._ /t-.1? ?-1t` f ~-~ t - 'w L ~';i?'ti a ~. + YP r1 ?~.~iq?' ? ??~ r ~,d ~??? + i. FYI! l ~?as'ti t .K. I?t ~? h?~ 1?+. t. ?,lj)f}?"th/; t'?,~it.,?1?,b1 -c r :Z . '.. ?? + y ?, .. ? ? ?i ' t ' r. ,~? -! T! . S `? ?~ ?. ~+'. r!h ?.~, !1i ~ j . ; ~ f ?~?.~ ?i. ?. x f S : 1 '~ii ? _ Approve for Release 2 DO1b ~ ? ..,, - .., . ;,r..~..,..? ;;_~,.,,,?.~..;'?~FR-:,~._., .;... ? ~.___~_ } 12. Leonidov, L., "Resources of 'Homo Sapiens", Smena, No--20; 1965. 000015462 (The Ability to perform'Rapid_Coiplicated-CalculatIons in the Hind)), Trans-_ lated from the French with a foreword-by_P._V. Smirnov.' 15. Mostovshchiknv,- A, "Oral Xaiculatioi-. (The Phenomenal Mathema- ----- )_ tira2 Ab::;sies of I. S neiushkov ", ,.15 March 1970. nosh k Bystrym i Slozhnrmi Vych_isthYjm_v_Umo)_ (Records of the Human grain =:. Moscow, MSU, 2966. Bn pages. 14. Michel' (Michel)..E.~ Reknrd i'ht1~~Ytchl't;kngu Mozks. (1) smisofo 15 -.uriya, A. it., y:-l-n1ic:-y.l K.~-alaui is.-ixiov Pam ati. (Um ,v.nem,rst_c:.) jA L_ttrlc Booklet About :a Ifig m'ry. he kind of a Mnemonfat) j. 16. than a_C0t i cr.,._(TheExtroordi.nary Ma.thematical_Cape- oili:ies of Sakuntata Dei-i)" Za Ruba .-1o=2~Y-15 January--1970, p 29. 17. 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R _.~-?-_ ~_,~,. 79. '"fMi'tachalT~- ~iadl~mi~oy_'~~rir Pcf,~ont:5cicus;ef R~ti~sreh-'la`~1'~le~atti:~ :'rrr ~;r. S t~.;tcc? ..::rc.rf too: "l- :1a 6 __I9+bd: _.. r.+-_ in tiro Sa ~ i~:.?rian; : , __ apace TeF~,fo:cgy L`v.,-Lie~fy~f_ C33t~rasa~ .y ~~.~Q. "tSP_lel.itu~sia,"-p. ychdfc, .p5 aka aaue, 3~ic+ 6; 1971. r _:' 000015462 t~~_.. -- - ., .~. ~. D[~CP7~ttlAP~PCI(dI~6C~(P$YCNOEN#RG~'1'IC9~ :"t , 000015462 Fra. tha eda~i,_ae~,__ - BART ~. _ ___. B~RAt'S'~CH~I.~GY-~ ___ --_ , - _: ~ eC necai-8i c~ n-__~~_~___.._._... ii, e_ p_ ~ ~*ical E~fecc PART TWO. ;? ?~ $~Ll~TRD_FRb~1.QQIS ~: s of_~r~na cn-Pacep_: ey holoBY_--- ~'nceigr: Lilerat~re .on Sovi.et_Eaaea.rch-_ 000015462 The ca~dp~_tes_tx ttss :their detp,gratltude rill-"=Ei+c-eign-~rol- a ~~~e,_ institutes, Iabocs_to~iet, and ttetns ahasa_eourtssy ha# enabled them tn.,con--_-.___-_. ;.;stc thi:_ nor'k`.by ttllin~ -Fen ~f.._their.=e.tusl.t_e..~.e~d_Dv reaintainin~ friendly _. ... _ . __~ ? ecientiftc c~r~titarts_wi.t~Fovi~t=insssti~acori._ _ _i - - - - -- - _ published in rlfirtnt count its of~tha eorld .and a,~atsijn- biDT~c+grphy of ~ - - ..... 8ovitt iovest~gati_on..:%Zn_ +cTi%-E~~n ~teld._ _ ... ~ ~ '= .~.. wv.wwry va_o~np saeaas vc uarain one com ip aerp nive._=ne.suaea_[ite_s~oct interesting l;~t~~lfsi~e~oa_tevsi~~e~,ated_~rotileuis_.___~ie.-append~x_o this ? _ _ listing contat _ _ u Qsa - = Q __t ~portant~ p~aYappychvlc+gy .journals _. - -;_. __... other souxnes} ;_ -Inaimuck_i_pirsp~ycholagy is a compi~ac_problea~ standia~t~ c-n years both inls~r~~l ps~pipeh~o~eal ~ournals~ and Teti pubiicat_ons fcna- _: Parapsychs~lo~y__ (p~ychoenergetlcs~__is_p fi.eld._.[nvotKins a~ychieel and__ -- biophysical study, of n_ ormat and _an energeC![c poa~ibilit~ts-of_ iivtna~ _ t: ~ _ _. organisms. -----_ ~_ ~-; __ __ Parapiyd~olaay tnve~Ciastsa_the coioplex of ph~~rom~tmr-_ttlat-tpg to E~t_._ _.___~ tnteraetion a1-1 v ng organ sa-s with each -gt)jes a~td_.irit~the suiroueid~ _ envicoc~ment without _ t e ai e~n_o _eenat_organs khpwm-tai-_.__ ----- - - - - -_- In the ore. 6n -~tsraeure on para~:ychotogy,~thi~~ccn~plex: of ~--no~ns____. _ --- - - is designated by _tbe cettn_ pai pFitnomena and alro~y_ ~extta~ensvxy-_ pe_resp- _- tion). ' _-~ _ Coneidet'ing' ~Ehe interest 'of3-aviet ~e~fsts_i2sx~ar.linenrai snd tbao- retinal re>reats-h~abrnid-ia.~ke-fie.ld_af..psrp~ycii~lo ' ar~d coasiderie~-_ahac ._. __ --- _ our country dues=nos_~aamp__ete__._ 6I ..o ap_ical_.~Iis2ieg of the ~aost ge- cent foreign ,., ~r~~ur~_on~t. a~prob ern, _the_authors :of-lhis_~ork_~t-sving st their di:posai~t -is-r;e volune of ~niarmatan en~~ cont~c.t~. ~rith~e"ocR_ han 33___ _ _ _ __ _. _ counties of khsworld v~,ceTp~~~sycboloty i. being_:ttud~sd)-camp#lid tha _ preaint biblip~r-aphy on':tht ~ivee~ problon~: _ The 1i~- ng nc u e~i~, pot.tant_s+onagivrph= suev~ys,.snd articles on tzpe~inients a t soce~ c+~_ pubit.hed-in_fhe 1u~~--- 000015462 We would 1!kl:youto ~rnd your wi~hc~,"-cnn~x. ndd.itiane. erg _ - - que~ttoe~ to !h?_fFli-irg-i~ddtiegas_._ __._. `___ _..._.4 i~becov,__1;~1~~4_~3~ lu usove ty Pr~~pekc~ 47. W,itdtn~_D Apartment 1f~:__._. 000015462 9. H4~twlti, k J., P~r~ii~+r,~l:a:~~l4nltirni# Itt~s~~l:,ca* !o_llwean ~",:y.?1,.?1..y, . 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