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Publication Date: 
April 20, 1954
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SUBJECT Ct.Af 'tCf~~~Jt~l~7"...~;.`!sy 3953. the incident was reported by the observer to the Department oS Defense in Pretoria. The latter ackno-+ledged rezeiving the report bnt did not make it public. Dr D. Beyers of Uppiagtoa, while driving is his automobile from Capetas~n to Upplagtw,?had reached a point about Ba miles sonth of Brsadvlei (between I:enhardt and Celvinie), ~+hea, at about 0510 hours, he sudaealy saw a bright yellowish green light which illuminated the clouds from behind. Shortly there- after it came out Prom behind the clouds. Beyers stated that it vas tea times at bright aF any star he had aeea. It moved up and do-.ra and sometimes slap forvard.? The emitted light heal the appc~raace of burning hydrogen. .Also, 4he NO.OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. 000015475 oo-x:2g9o3 object eoitted three stzea~:e of light which maiataiaed a fixed position with respect to the main light. Beyere observed the phenoa2aon izom 0510 until 0600. Ba added, "I vas Hader the impression that the object vas following me because rach time I stopped the car to watch it, it increased its altitude." IDM~JOUS FL.~NG BODi SIGHTED AT DJWOn -- Dakar, Paris-Dakar, 2 Dov 53 At at,out?2330 hours oa 11 October 1933, sway res3deots of Dsogou in aorth- veet Dahomey obeerrred is ~tihe 'skjr'aa oblong-shaped, luminous object flying gt a high speed toward the aortb, st an altiuslt of about 1,500 meters sad oa a harisaatal plane. This Ss the first reported s~htiag of s: so-called CELR4T7.iL DIES CHAIPGES FORM -- Bordeaux, Sud-0neat, 12 Dec 53 At about 15k5 hours oa 9 December, Charles Huaut, a carpenter Srom Saint- EmiYiea, Gironde Department, observed a luminous, golden, round object poised motionless et a high eltitvde. After 10 minutes, it changed position noiselessly and assume8 the fora of several borseshoes, measuring about 100 meters in dia- ~eter, eavslopad in~smoke trails,.- 4'hen the entire phenomenon disappeared. = Several other persons repo:tt'i: uav.~og sees it at the tim8 indicated above. At approximately the seine time as.Huant made his observation, a man gamed Simonneau cad h1s vile, from Surgeres, Charente-,Maritime Department, sav.a round object in the sky.. 2t glowed vlLh the.calcrs of the rainbow and a great speed from north to south. Recently, Madet, a civil servant of Moat2ncoa, Allier Dcpartooeat, sighted tains. A shart while later, Hadet saw a red, crescent-shaped obsect which . appeared to be three times ae large as the moon in its first quarter. The object vas visibly tar 2 minutes, then traveled ofi at a great speed sad disappeared, UNIDEPR'IFTS?D AYRCRAPT AT MARICAAliS AIItF'IP~S.D -- Niee, xice-l~stin, 9 Jan 54 ... - j ..Shortly a?ter '2200 boars on 4 January, a round, luminous mnchine,'eoming tram the south, landed at the Msrignane airfield in Bouches-du RhOae Department. There vas only one witness pmesent at the field. The machine disappeared while be vas telephoning the control toyer. CarelUl scrutiny of the runway 1n the morning ~u:aed up a :a+ pieces of met:l_'_c ~e'_~sis. The vitness'?story vas con- firm~d_by that of a who, driving from Arles to }farse111es saw 'a 1'arge;;round, reddish,.f3ery ball is the .sky,. but placed the time at 22b5 hours. 000015475 , ? , ~ ,~ ROtJRD FLXIRO OHJE~T SIO$TE'D A2 L~lNEVILIE -- Nice; 9ioe-19atia, 10 Jan 54 Three 1?eside~s o! Lanerille, Meusthe-et-Moselle Departmeoty claim to have seea'8 round object flying from north to south at?sbout 0600 hours on q January. The object flew more slowly then a het plane and left s luminous yellow trail. It flew aoiaelesaly, although appearing to be at a low altitude. Several students of the College. de Lunevi.lle also saw the obsect. IIRE~'LAIRED P'SEROM6ROi~ IP P~1Y DE DOl+~ s8lSY -- Uice, Riee-Mafia, 10 Jan 54 Oo the morning of 8 Januar~r, the residents of the small hamlet o! Montha- leis, in the commune of Chambon-sur-Lat, Department o! Puy-de-Dome, were awakened try 'the sound oT an airplane? marbor. The noise lastatCtfcom 0530 to 0730 boors. A Marge greenish flash was?seen and the aoi~e atoEped. The Aix-en Provence ground station had received no distress calla tram aircraft. EXF'IASIOP IP SIC7 SREARS WII~IDOWB AT DI8PP6 -- Stockbo'am, Dageas Rybeter, 8 Jaa sk Paris (TT-AFP) -- Inhabitants of Dieppe were awakened early on the looming ? ?t7p,.to~nosr, ao explanation for the phenomenon has been foemd. ?A rail~+ayman in Orchies, near rthe $elgiaa frontier, claims that^at-abont~the same time as ?? the explosion he caw s luminous flying sander cross the sky st a very great egeed. ., . .~. .. S17EDI3H MS'IEOR EXt'ERT REPORTS TO StJEDI38 DEPERSE'STAFF -- Stockholm, Dagens Ryheter, 27 Jan 5~- -? 'this section.] In t'ais report, Lindblad, who bolds that the H~ssleholm Slyiag her over Hsssleholm an3 the ]arge meteor sighted-over southern Sweden, Bornholm, tAV~tIALL7 LARGE METEOR SIO""PED OYER LARGE FORTIORS OF DERRLIRK -- Stockholm, Svenska Dagbladet, 6 Dec 53 ~ .. ? Copenhagen, 5 December -- An unusually large meteor was observed today ovcr large portions of Denmark at 1650 bongo. The first reports came from ao~rth Jutland where the meteor was stea moving in a sonthaesterly direction at a?.ery high: eltituae. It hod s brilliant cigar-shapc3 :.ucleus and a la:.s ~..........._ tra11.~ The,aightin~?ot a meteor at the same time as the sighting is Jutland wes reported Srom Halsingborg, Swedes, from Bornholm, and from the area aroun8 the Danish-Germea frontier. 000015475 ',~~? oo-~r-7Aa3 LARGE MfTEOH EXPIADES ~?- Stoekholm, Dageas Fyheter, 10 J?an 54 A large ball of fire vhich vas seen over large parts of Skeane, Blekinge, Smsaland, send vest coast o! 8veden passed through the?sky over Lund at a speed of about 10,600 kilometers per hour at?about 1636 bourn on'9 .ianunrjr. The ball disappeared is a westerly direction and emitted a long trail of sparks. Accord- ing to reports from Denmark, the ball appeared to have exploded over Copenhagen, leaving n smoke formation vhich remsinal'for 10 minutes. Some persons thought n het plane had exploded and b~chers thought it vas a flying sauctr. Reports streamed into the Swedish Air Force tram allover southern Svedea. ? Accordiag~to Bertil I.iadblad of the Lvad'Obsarvatorq who vitneased'L3e ? phenomenon; there is no doubti?that it was a meteor with sa??bppareat diameter oP one third' that oP the moon and a Iumi~sity o! the moon. The trail of the meteor vas photographed at the observatory. Observer lfielsen, at the Ole?Romer Observatory ia?Aarhus, Denmark,,.received reports o! the meteor from Aarhus sad Copenhagen. He is not oS the opinion that it explod^d over Copenhagen but thinks that the.explosioa might have taken place 100 Mlometers away. [The article also contains a regnest by Bertil Lindblad that persons uho saw the meteor.anb= mit written discriptions of it tp him.j L1RCE METEOR EXPTADETi OVER SOiPPf~RN HAI.TAID --Stockholm, Dageas Ryheter, 13 San 5b The large'meteor sighted on 9 danuaxy clearly s great e2titude ing is a gsaeral east vest direction and ezploded in a shover?of sparks in the over so~?thern?HallanP. Preliminary calculations show that the meteor vas travel- A trail of Fire, as frrom a rocket, conld clearly. be distinguished at the rear _ flying at ea altitude o! 5,000 to 6,000 meters and from northeast to southwest. -EIPD - .'.~C...~. tc t^r1w