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October 24, 1973
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-ALL FBI INFORMATION CONTAINED REIN IS UNCLASSIFIED ? DATE 01-25-2010 BY 60324 uc baw/sab/rs C 'RAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 0' (b)(3) WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 (b)(6) `- (b)(7)(c) APPROVED FOR RELEASED DATE: 11-01-2011 MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the Working Group - Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism SUBJECT jChr94ologies o _f Significan _eday.e_pn Non- inciaen-cs uary 1968 ___15 October_ 1973 Forwarded herewith are unclassified Chronologies of, Significant Fedayeen and Non-Fedayeen Terrorist 'Incidents for. the period 1 January 1968 through 15 October 1973. These update and replace previous chronologies gated August 1973. ?Extra copies may be obtained by contact this office on Attachment: a/s 57NOV 1 73 Distribution: Ambassador Lewis B. Hoffacker Special Assistant to the Secretary Department of. State Mr. William A. Boleyn Deputy for Program Execution and Evaluation -of the Program Coordination Division Office. of Management and Budget General Benjamin 0. Davis,. Jr. Assistant Secretary for Safety and Consumer Affairs Department of Transportation Mr. Robert C. Hill Assistant Secretary of Defense International Security Affairs' Colonel Richard T. Kennedy National Security Council Staff Mr. Kevin T. Maroney Deputy Assistant Attorney General Department of.Justice .Mr. Edward S. Miller Assistant Director Intelligence Division Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. Edward L. Morgan Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Enforce- ment, Tariff and Trade Affairs, and Operations Mr. Herbert K. Reis Legal Advisor United States Mission to the United Nations Mr. Geoff C. Shepard Associate Director of the Domestic Council ENCLOSURE l+_ CHRONOLOGY OF SIGNIFICANT FEDAYEEN TERRORIST INCIDENTS July 1968 - 15 October 1973 October 1973 /pd J1 ~ I tl EMOV-1-RA Chronology of Significant Fedayeen Terrorist Incidents July 1968 - October 1973 Introduction This chronology includes significant terrorist incidents related to the fedayeen-Israeli_ conflict. Major operations which were thwarted are listed also. The chronology does not include fedayeen guerrilla operations within Israel against Israeli targets, or actions undertaken by Israeli forces against fedayeen camps and installations in Lebanon. Indi- vidual letter and parcel bomb incidents also are excluded. Over 250 of these devices have been placed in international mail channels since September 1972, and almost all were origi- nated by Fatah's Black September Organization (BSO) and sent to Israeli officials and prominent Jewish leaders worldwide. A few were sent to Jordanian officials. Parcel bombs of a design different from that of the BSO devices were sent also to several Palestinian leaders. An asterisk in the left margin of the chronology identi- fies incidents for which BSO is known or believed to-have been responsible. 23 July 1968 26 December 1968 18 February 1969 25 February 1969 25 August 1969 28 August 1969 8 September 1969 27 November 1969 10 February 1970 13 February 1970 21 February 1970 21 February 1970 25 April 1970 4 May 1970 El Al airliner hijacked to Algiers. Crew and passengers released on 31 August after 39 days detention. Arab terrorists attacked El Al plane at Athens Airport; killing one passenger. Four members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) attacked El Al plane at Zurich; crew member wounded; one terrorist killed. A bomb exploded at British Consulate Jerusalem. PFLP claims responsibility. Terrorists bombed Israeli Zim Steamship Line office in London. PFLP hijacked TWA plane; Israeli passengers detained in Damascus. Fedayeen bombed Israeli embassies at The Hague and Bonn and the El Al office in Brussels. PFLP terrorists bombed El Al office in Athens; killed one and wounded 13 others. Terrorists attacked El Al passengers at Munich killing one and. wounding 11 other passengers. Arsonists set fire to Jewish Old People's home in Munich; seven killed, nine wounded. PFLP sabotaged Swissair plane en route to Tel Aviv crashed on take-off killing all 47 passengers, including 15 Israelis. PFLP bomb exploded in Austrian plane carrying mail to Tel Aviv; no casualties. Terrorist bomb exploded in El Al office in Istanbul. No reported injuries. Terrorist in Paraguay killed Israeli diplomat's wife in attempted assassina- tion of the Israeli Ambassador. 8' June 1970 10 June 1970 6 September 1970 11 September 1970 2 April 1971 July 1971 24 August 1971 8 September 1971 9 September 1971 15 September 1971 2.4 October 1971 10 November 1971 *28. November 1971 *15 December 1971 Morris Draper, US diplomat kidnapped by PFLP in Amman, Jordan. ? Major Robert Perry, US Military Officer, assassinated by PFLP in Amman, Jordan. PFLP hijacked a Pan Am 747, a TWA 707 and a Swissair DC-8. The 747 was blown up?in Cairo, the 707 and DC-8 were blown up in Jordan. US Information Service officer kidnapped by fedayeen in Amman, Jordan. Fedayeen damaged pipeline carrying crude oil to Zarka refinery in Jordan. The pipeline is an extension of Tapline and is owned by the Arabian-American Oil Company. Fedayeen damaged Tapline in Jordan. Bomb placed by Fatah damaged Jordanian Alia airliner in Madrid. Jordanian Alia airliner hijacked to Libya by Fatah member. Fedayeen damaged Tapline in Jordan, near Syrian border. Tapline damaged; Jordan accused the Syrians. Tapline damaged by explosion. Four explosions occurred in the Intercon- tinental Hotel in Amman which is managed by US personnel, and at one time had a small amount of US backing. Black September Organization (BSO) members assassinated Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi Tal in Cairo.. BSO attempted to assassinate Jordanian Ambassador Zaid Rifai in London. 0 ? January 1972 16 January 1972 * 6 February 1972 * 6 February 1972 * 8 February 1972 *22 February 1972 * 8 May 1972 30 May 1972 * 5 August 1972 * 5 September 1972 *19 September 1972 *29 October 1971 Two incidents, one confirmed as sabotage, damaged facilities of the Kuwait Oil Company, which is partially US-owned. A US nurse was killed and several persons wounded in a terrorist attack in Gaza. BSO attacked natural gas facilities in Holland. BSO murdered 5 Jordanians near Cologne, Germany. BSO damaged plant near Hamburg, Germany. BSO sabotaged oil pipeline near Hamburg. BSO hijacked Sabena plane to Lod Airport, Israel. Israeli security forces killed 3 hijackers; passengers freed. Japanese terrorists from Red Army faction, collaborating with PFLP, attacked passen- gers at Lod Airport; 28 killed, 78 wounded. BSO claimed credit for fire in Trieste oil- storage facility. BSO terrorists killed 11 members of Israeli Olympic team at. Munich. Israeli Embassy official in London killed by mailed bomb. BSO launched an intensive letter-bomb operation and sent parcels with explosive devices to Israeli diplo- matic missions and Jewish leaders through- out the world. Palestinian students entered West German Consulate in Algiers and held hostages for about an hour demanding release of three Arab terrorists held in Munich. Lufthansa flight 615, from Beirut to Munich, was hijacked by BSO terrorists to secure the release of the three surviving members of the BSO team that massacred 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich on 5 September 1972. 3 November 1972 23 November 1972 1 December 1972 8 December 1972 A French girl, identified as a member of the PFLP, was killed in Amman, Jordan, while handling a bomb. Police reported she had intended to place the bomb in the US Embassy in Amman. A bomb was thrown into the house of an Arab National Union Official in Amman. Jordanian authorities arrested three persons, who confessed to their involve- ment and admitted that it was a Fatah operation. Fifteen shots from a machine gun were fired at an Egyptian aircraft on take- off. The crew was not aware of the incident until the plane arrived in Cairo. The chief representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Fatah in Paris was wounded during an explosion which wrecked his Paris apartment. He subse- quently died. Palestinian sources blamed Zionist groups for the explosion. *20 December 1972 The US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon was hit by two rocket projectiles. There were no casualties. *26 December 1972 Two BSO members, driving a Mercedes, were arrested leaving Turkey when their car was searched and was found to be carrying explosives, detonators, firing devices and a plastic bomb. They said they were taking the explosives to Paris. *28 December 197.2 The Israeli Embassy in Bangkok was seized and six Israelis, including the Israeli Ambassador to Cambodia, were taken as hostages by four members of BSO. 1 January 1973 A Jordanian Arab Army Patrol captured a Syrian and a Palestinian who had been sent into Jordan from Syria by Fatah to cut the Tapline. * 8 January 1973 A bomb explosion destroyed the offices of the Jewish Agency in Paris, France, which arranges for the emigration of Jews to Israel. BSO claimed credit for the incident. 11 January 1973 Six to eight suspected Arab terrorists entered a restaurant in Kaiserslautern, West Germany, and immediately attacked other foreigners present. During the fight a tourist whose parents reside in Tel Aviv was killed and several others were. injured. 17 January 1973 A small charge of dynamite wrecked a basement restroom in the American Uni- versity of Beirut. A preliminary inves- tigation provided no clue to the identity or motive of the bomber. 25 January 1973 The Fatah representative in Cyprus was killed instantly in a hotel in Nicosia when a time bomb exploded under his bed. The Palestinian National Liberation Movement radio in Cairo accused Zionists of planting the bomb. *26 January 1973 BSO claimed responsibility for the assassi- nation of an Israeli secret service agent who was shot to death on a busy Madrid street. 27 January 1973 An unidentified man was killed and another was injured when a bomb carried by the man who was killed exploded at the entrance to an apartment building in Beirut. *27 Janaury 1973 An Italian border patrol arrested three Arabs for illegally crossing the border from Austria. They were later identified as members of a BSO team dispatched to seize the Jewish immigration center near Vienna. Three team members were arrested in Vienna, Austria, on 20 January. * 9 February 1973 Jordanian authorities arrested 17 BSO terrorists in Amman on a mission to attack US Embassy and Jordanian Goverment offices. * 1 March 1.973 Eight BSO terrorists seized the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum as guests were departing from a reception. They held the new US Ambassador to the Sudan and the departing Deputy Chief of Mission, the Belgian Charge, a Jordanian Charge, and the Saudi Arabian Ambassador as hos- tages. The US Ambassador, the Deputy Chief of Mission and the Belgian Charge were assassinated the following day. * 4 March 1973 The Greek charter ship "Sounion," car- rying.250 American tourists bound for Haifa, Israel, sank in Beirut harbor following an explosion on board. There were no casualties. An official inves- tigation revealed that the explosion was caused by a device placed against the side of the ship below the water line. The BSO claimed credit for this incident. 6 March 1973 Plastic explosive charges were found by police in three abandoned rental cars in the vicinity of Israeli facilities in New York City. None of the charges ex- ploded. The search of the vehicles also revealed a quantity of paper with the letterhead of the BSO. *12 March 1973 An Israeli businessman subsequently branded by Cairo's fedayeen radio as a "Zionist intelligence officer" was shot and killed on the steps of the Nicosia Palace Hotel in Cyprus. The BSO claimed responsibility. 1 April 1973 An explosion destroyed several cars in Beirut but caused no casualties. The BSO claimed the blast was an attempt by Jordanian intelligence operatives to assassinate Ziyad Al Hilu, a BSO offi- cial?who participated in the assassination of Jordanian Premier Wasfi Tal in Cairo in November 1971. * 9 April 1973 Basil Raoud Al Kubaisi, an Iraqi law professor, was shot to death in Paris by two unidentified men. A statement issued in Beirut by the PFLP stated that he was shot while carrying out a mission in Paris for the PFLP. A BSO terrorist team bombed the entrance to the apartment building where the Israeli Ambassador resides in Nicosia, Cyprus. A second team attacked an Israeli plane at Nicosia Airport. 12 April 1973 An Arab carrying a Jordanian passport was killed when a bomb exploded in his hotel room in Athens, Greece. Initial results of a police investigation in- dicated that the man was carrying the bomb in his luggage with the intention of placing it elsewhere. 14 April 1973 Masked raiders destroyed a US-owned tapline storage tank in Sidon, Lebanon, badly damaged two others and slightly damaged a fourth. 14 April 1973 The Saudi Arabian National Guard dis- covered an explosive device wired to the tapline near Rafha, Saudi Arabia. The device was detached from the pipeline without incident. 16 April 1973 Unknown saboteurs tried to blow up the tapline to Zahrani, Lebanon but only dented the pipeline. The flow of oil was not affected by the minor damage. *16 April 1973 At least one shot was fired through a bedroom window of the home of the New Zealand Charge D'Affaires in Washing- ton, D. C. Painted on the house were the words, "Black September." The Charge speculated that the ter- rorists thought they were attacking the residence.of the Jordanian Ambassa- dor who at one time lived in the house. *27 April .1973 An Italian employee of El Al Airlines was shot and killed in Rome., Italy by a Lebanese claiming to be a BSO opera- tive. ,29 April 1973 A stick of dynamite thrown at the r.esi- dence of the Jordanian Ambassador in Beirut, Lebanon, explo.ded in a vacant lot doing and injur- ing no one. *30 April 1973 Four Arab guerrillas (believed to be BSO members) riding in a .car with weapons., explosives and a radio tran?smitt:er were arrested by Lebanese troops as they approached the US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. Police later reported that five other armed Palestinians were rounded up in connection with the abor- tive attack. 2 May 1973 Rockets were fired at the US Amb.assado.r's residence in Beirut, Lebanon., but caused no damage or personal casualties. * 9 June 1973 The Fritz Werner GMBH Arms Plant in West Berlin was partially .destroyed by a BSO unit, according to a BSO communi- que reported from Cairo by the Agence France-Presse. The BSO claimed the plant deals with Israel. 17 June 1973 Two Arabs were seriously injured when they apparently detonated a bomb in their car, which was filled with explo- sives. 28 June 1973 Mohamed Boudia, an Algerian supporter of,fedayeen terrorist operations, was killed. in Paris, France, by a bomb in his automobile. 1 July 1973 Colonel Yosef Alon, Israeli Air Attache in Washington, D. C.., was.assassinated outside his home. S ? 19 July 1973 A Palestinian guerrilla armed with a submachine gun and grenades attempted to attack the El Al offices in Athens, Greece. 20 July 1973 A Japan Airlines (JAL) flight from Paris, France, to Anchorage, Alaska, was seized by four terrorists. It was destroyed on 24 July in Benghazi, Libya, after hav- ing been held for three days in Dubai. 21 July 1973 A Moroccan waiter resident in Oslo, Norway, was murdered by several persons alleged either to be connected with the Jewish Defense League or to be Israeli agents, in the belief that he was in- volved in a planned BSO operation in Norway. * 5 August 1973 Two Arabs, who identified themselves as BSO members, attacked the crowded transit lounge of the Athens' International Air- port in Athens, Greece, with grenades and gunfire, killing three persons and injur- ing 55 others. 10 August 1973 Iraqi Airways flight 006A on a flight from Beirut, Lebanon, to Baghdad, Iraq, was intercepted by two Israeli fighters and forced to fly to Haifa, Israel. 16 August 1973 A Middle East Airways Boeing 707 on a flight from Benghazi, Libya, to Beirut, Lebanon, was hijacked by a lone Arab and forced to land at Lod airport in Tel Aviv, Israel. 25 August 1973 A North Yemeni DC-6 on a flight from Ta'izz, South Yemen, to Asmara, Ethiopia, was hijacked by a Yemeni national, who surrendered to the authorities in Kuwait. 30 August 1973 Two Arabs, believed to be Sa'iga fedayeen, were arrested at Beirut, Lebanon, airport after a spot-check revealed they were carrying concealed weapons. * 5 September 1973 A five-man Arab commando group in Ostia, Italy, was arrested by Italian authori- ties, who said the group had concealed two Soviet-built rocket launchers in an apartment near Fiumicino airport with the intention of shooting down an Is- raeli airliner. .5.-8- September 1973 Five Arab gunmen claiming to be members of the "Punishment Organization" shot their way into the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Paris, France,, and seized 15 of its staff as hostages. After negotiations, the terrorists released most of their prisoners and departed Paris with four hostages for an unknown destination. After a stop in Cairo, Egypt, the terror- ists landed in Kuwait. They demanded another plane and flew to Saudi Arabia, but decided not to land and ultimately returned to Kuwait. On 8 September the gunmen surrendered to Kuwaiti authorities and handed over their hostages unharmed. * 7 September 1973 A bomb, set off by unidentified individu- als, destroyed the Israeli exhibit at the West Berlin International Radio and Television Fair. There were no injuries, but damages were extensive. A West Ger- man news agency later received a letter in which the BSO claimed responsibility for the blast, but there is no confirma- tion to this effect. 24 September 1973 Unknown persons tried to blow up the oil pipeline of the Tapline Company in the An-Nabitiyah district of Lebanon. The explosion made a hole in the ground with- out causing any damage to the pipeline. Security has been increased on the com- pany's installations. . 28-29 September 1973 Three Soviet Jews and an Austrian cus- toms official were seized at Marchegg, Austria, by two armed Arab terrorists on a train carrying emigres to Vienna, Austria, and subsequently taken to the Vienna airport where the terrorists de- manded a plane to fly them to an Arab country. The Austrian government pro- vided the terrorists with a plane in return for the release of the hostages: