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March 13, 1953
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C00183852 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY The Honorable The Secretary of Defense Department of Defense Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Secretary:. 13 March 1953 The Director of Central Intelligence has asked that -you.be furnished a copy of the attached report prepared by a panel of scientists on, the subject of "Unidentified Flying Objects." 'This panel was convened at the direction of General Smith, following the recommendation of the Intelligence Advisory Committee. The conclusions and recommendations say be of interest to you, in that they point out certain potential dangers to national security which are related to the subject and suggest ways of their elimination. e J pies o$, this report are also being sent to the P and tc(!,"the'Chairman, National Security Resources Board. - ?- F- O Sincerely yours, t5 r+- RICHARD D. DRAIN CD Secretary or" Intelligence Advisory Committee Although this Agency-does not -conei prob-lems--ar si from -- - sightings of "flying saucers" primarily its concern, we shall be pleased to assist in any appropriate action that you may deem ad- visable. Approved for Release 1 n This material contains inferm.:tion affecting the national defense of the United Slates with the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Sees. 793 and 794, and transmission ? or roneiation of which in any manner to. an anaathortled person is prohibited by law. SecDef Cont.. No.-L-+!` t/ C00183852. REPOT Of THE SCZL'NPIF. 'IC P.AUoL ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS JAN 171953 1. Pursuant to the request of the Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence, the undersigned Panel of Scientific Consultants` has met to evaluate any possible threat to national security posed by. Unidentified Flying Objects ("Flying Saucers"), and to make recommendations thereon. The Panel has received the evidence as presented by cogni2ant intelli- gence .agencies,.primarily the Air Technical Intelligence Center, and has reviewed4aselection of the. best documented incidents. 2. As a result of it considerations, the Panel concludes,, a. That the evidence presented on Unidentified Flying Objects shows no indication that these phenomena constitute a direct physical threat to national. security. We firmly believe that there is no residuum of cases which indicates phenomena which are attributable to foreign artifacts capable of hostile acts, and ,teat there is no. evidence that the phenomena indicate a need for .the revision of current scientific. concepts. The Panel further, concludes : a. That the continued emphasis on the reporting of these phenomena does, in these parlous times, result in a threat to the orderly functioning of the protective organs of the body politic. We cite asexanmles the clogging of channels of communication by irrelevant reports, the danger of being led by continued false alarms to ignore real 3 SeODef Conii 17o.- C00183852.. indications of hostile action, and the cultivation of a morbid national psychology in which skillful hostile propaganda could induce hysterical behavior and harmful distrust of duly constituted authority. 4. In order most effectively to strengthen the national facilities for the timely recognition and the appropriate handling of true indications .of hostile action, and to minimize the concomitant dangers alluded to abcrre, the. Panel recommends: a. That the national security agencies take immediate steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunateltlv acquired; b: That the national security agencies institute policies on intelligence, training, and public' education designed to prepare the material defenses. end the morale of the country to recognize most promptly and to react most effectively to true indications of hostile intent or action. We suggest that these aims may be achieved by an integrated program designed to reassure the public of the total lack of.evidence of inimical farces behind the phenemena,'to train personnel to recognize and reject false indications quickly'end effectively, and to strengthen regular channels for the evaluation of and prompt reaction to true indications of hostile measures. / Lloyd V. Berkner Associated Universities, Inc. !e/ H. P.'Robertson , Chairman 'California Institute. of Technology . Ls/ S. A. Goudsmit W. Alvarez University of California Brootutaven madonna. Lanoratoriea La lMxorntp Pam Johns Hopkins University -2- C00183852..., ScI r] FIC ADVISORY PANEL ON UNIDENTIFIED FL!IIG OBJFDTS 24 - 17 January 1953 , NIDa~CE. PROS II? 1, Seventy-five case. histories of sighhirige 1951 - 1952 (selected by ATIC as those best documented). . 2. ATIC Status and*Progress Reports of'Project GRD%E and Project 3. 6. Oatline of Investigation of U.F.O.oa Proposed by Xirtlend?Air'Force Baas (Pro jest .POUNCE): ' .7. Motion Picture Films o?'? sightings at T tonton, Utah 2: July 1952 , and Great Falls, Montana, August 1950. BLUE BOOK (code nemee for ATV-otidy of subject).. Progress Reports'. of Project ST( (code name for Battelle Memorial institute. contract work supporting ATIC). Summer9 Report: of, Sightings ,at HoUoman Air Force Base, New. Meodeoo Report of USAF Reeeerch..Ceiiter,'. Cembaridge, .Mass., 12 eatigetion of MGreen Fireball.", Phenomene< (project. Tw3M=) Summary Report of 69 selected_cases..of'sightings of. various categories (Formations, Blinking lights. Hov+ering,'eto.). 9: Draft of nanuals 'How to Make a - FI N PTw p prepared, at ATIC. ].O. -Chart Shoring Plot of Geographic Location of Unexplained Sightings in the United States during 1952. Sunlight Shang High Reflectivity. 11. Chart Showing Balloon-TAtnehing Sites in?the United States.' 22. Charts Showing Selected Actual Balloon Flight Paths and Relation to Reported Sightings. 13.. Charts Showing Frequency of Reports of.Sightings, 194 - 1952. 14. Charts Showing Categories'of i planatione of Sightings. 15. Kodachrome Transparencies of Polyethylene Film Balloons in Bright TAB B 16. Motion picture.of sesgullo in bright sunlight showing high. reflectivity.. 17. Inte11ig ence, Reports?ReiatUg to U.S.S.Ro Interest in U. S. Sightings. 18. Samples of Official USAF Reporting Forma and Copies of Pertinent Air Force, Army and rtavy Orders Relating to Subject. 19. Semple Pol70thy1ene "Pillow" Balloon (54 inches square) . 20.. aVeriations in Rader Coverage". JAVP 101?(Maimal illustrating unusuai operating characterristion of Service radar) 21. Miscellaneous official letters end foreign iatel igex a reports gosling with subject. 22. Copies of popular published works dealing with subject (articles in periodicals, newspaper clippings ax d books) . C00183852 SC3'ENTIFIC ADVISORY PA1 L ON uNID=IFIED FLYT.3G OBJFETS 14 -.17 Jairjr 1953 ?OFiGANIZATION Dr.. )I. P. Robertet (Chairiazu California Institute Dr. L.tvyd V. Berl ' Dr, I+nia. W. Alvarq .. Samiaat. Goudsaait of Technology University of California.' Associated Un4v cities, Ingo Brookhaven National Iaburatories . Dr. J: 'Alien lk !k'0. l ierick C, Durant Ohio State Uniberr city Arthur P. Little, Inc . Garland. Varstial l ? Chedwell Mr?? Ralph L.. Clark timmanding General, .A.1I~C?: . Asa'.stant Director, aril, CIA Deputy .@anietant Direro9y, 0/SI, CIA Flk= OF CONFETII"- Phyaics, ?,rcapons .. Physics, tadar Geophysics Atomic staMMU= , statistical. problem Aatronoz*q. Astr.o- . ph3isias . ? , . AstronouV .Rockets, guided .missiles Scientific and technical Intelli- gence Scientific and technical intelli- gee Scientific and . . technical intelli. C00183852 Philip G, 8b-ong 3fr; Stephen T, Fob Capt: Mord J. Ruppelto USAP lam, Jo Dwoy 2roornoto Tr. Lt. R... S.' Reams USO Mr- 30 -27 Tea. TAB nmp.,,-O' .P- LL ChiefD, Operations Scie_it22Lc and StaftD O/SI8 CIA tochni6al itte ? Acting Chiefs Speolul Salentine and study orvnpa D/I tectmleel JVLOnj 4JS P game Chi fo Aerial. Phi Seientifia and P~rar~h a ATI1C a p teehntcal lute genes 7A0 E?. hyl Cc poatton USN Phoo.e Inter 2a. tion Iebo +AW70. Antooatin iiSg Pboto Intarpae't.- tion Ieboratwy, AneemstU Aero Big. Ph,ou inettat m Photo i.ntc aretation AIN10