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JOHN H. CLARKE [Pro Hac Vice] Telephone: (202) 332-3030 JOHN F. DUNNE, JR. [SBN 32854] 1601 Cloverfield Boulevard Second Floor, South Tower Santa Monica, California 90404-4084 Telephone: (310) 393-9351 Facsimile: (310) 230-4066 Attorneys for Plaintiff UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA WESTERN DIVISION H. RAY LAHR, Plaintiff, V. Case No. 03-08023 AHM (RZx) PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION TO CIA'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ) SAFETY BOARD, et al. ) Defendants. ) Date: October 31, 2005 Time: 10:00. a.m. Place: Courtroom 14, 312 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Judge: Honorable A. Howard Matz (1) PLAINTIFF'S MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO CIA'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT (2) AFFIDAVIT OF H. RAY LAHR APPROVED FOR RELEASE^ DATE: 17-Sep-2010 (3) AFFIDAVIT BRETT M. HOFFSTADT (4) AFFIDAVIT GLEN L. SCHULZE TABLE OF CONTENTS Preliminary Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The law - equitable balancing test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a. Balancing test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 b. The FOIA's purpose is to shed light on agency performance . . 11 c. Evidence of agency malfeasance under the balancing test . . . . 12 d. Burden of proof .. .. . . ... .... ... ... .... .. 13 2. The facts . .. . .. .... .... .... .. ........ . ... . 14 3. Application of the facts to the FOIA's balancing test . ... .. ....15 4. Exemptions asserted . .. . .. .. .. . . . . .... .. ..... . 16 a. Exemption 4 "trade secrets" is unavailable. .. .. .... . . . 16 b. Exemption 5 "deliberative process privilege" is largely unavailable . ..... . .. . .. . . . .. .... . 18 (1) CIA animation is an agency final report . .. . . .... 18 (2) Deliberative process privilege is unavailable to shield disclosure of post-decisional records . . . . . . 19 (3) Deliberative process privilege does not apply to records adopted in a final agency disposition . . . . . 20 (4) Deliberative process privilege does not apply to purely factual, investigative records . . . . . . . . . . 20 c. Exemptions 6 and 7(C) - privacy .. .... ... ... . . . .. 21 d. Exemption 3 "other statutes" does not apply to CIA analyst Randolph M. Tauss . . ... .... .. .. .. .21 5. Failure to segregate . .... .... .. ... . .. .. . ... . ... 22 6. CIA's Vaughn index requires resubmission . ... .. . ..... ... 26 7. CIA's conduct evidences bad faith .. .. .. . .. .. . . ...... 27 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Cases: General Services Administration v. Benson, 415 F.2d at 880 (9th Cir. 1969) .. .. ... .. ... ...... .. . . .. 10 Washington Post Co. v. Department of Health and Human Services, 690 F.2d 252 (D.C. Cir. 1982) .... ... . .. . . .. . . ... 10 Newport Pac., Inc. v. County of San Diego, 200 F.R.D. 628 (S.D. Cal. 2001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 National Parks & Conservation Ass' n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765 (D.C. Cir. 1974) ... .. ........ ... .. . . .. . ... ..... . 11 GC Micro Corp. v. Defense Logistics Agency, 33 F. 3d 1109 (9th Cir. 1994) ...............................11, 11,16 U.S Dept. of Justice v. Reporters Committee For Freedom of Press,, 489 U.S. 749, 772-73 (1989). . . . ... . . 11, 13, 21 Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA, 185 F.3d 898 (D.C. Cir. 1999) . .. .. . ..... .. ...... ........ .. .. . 11 Public Citizen Health Research Group v. National Institutes, 209 F. Supp. 2d 37 (D.D.C. 2002) . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Beck v. Department of Justice, 997 F.2d 1489, 1492-94 (D.C. Cir. 1993) . .. .. . . ... .... .. ... ... ......... . 11 Castaneda v. United States, 757 F.2d 1010 (9th Cir. 1985) .. . . . . ... . 12 Stern v. FBI, 737 F.2d 84, 90 (D.C. Cir. 1984) ... . ... .. .. . ... . 12 Hunt v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 972 F.2d 286 (9th Cir. 1992). .12, 13 Jones v. FBI, 41 F.3d 238 (6th Cir. 1994) . .... ..... . . ... 12,27 Favish v. OIC, 217 F.3d 1168 (9th Cir. 2000) rev'd in part Nat'! Archives & Records Admin. v. Favish, 124 S. Ct. 1570 (U.S. 2004) . . . . . .12, 13, 16 Citizens Commission on Human Rights v. FDA, 45 F.3d 1325 (9th Cir. 1995).......................... 16 Church of Scientology v. U.S. Department of the Ann y, 611 F.2d 738 (9th Cir. 1979) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hayden v. National Security Agency/Cent. Sec. Serv., 608 F.2d 1381 (D.C. Cir. 1979), cert. denied, 446 U.S. 937 (1980) . . . .... .... .. . 16 Hughes Aircraft v. Schlesinger, 384 F. Supp. 292 (N.D. Cal. 1974) ... ..18 Rockwell Int'l Corp. v DOJ, 235 F.3d 598 (D.C. Cir. 2001) . . .. .. ... 18 Maricopa Audubon Soc'y v. U.S. Forest Service, 108 F.3d 1089 (9th Cir. 1997) ... ....... ...............19 NLRB v. Sears. Roebuck & Co., 421 U.S. 132, 149 (1975) . . ... . ... 19 Exxon Corp. v. Federal Trade Com'n, 466 F. Supp. 1088 (D.C. 1978) . . . . 19 Niemeier v. Watergate Spec. Prosecution Force, 565 F.2d 967 (7th Cir. 1977) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Newport Pac., Inc. v. County of San Diego, 200 F.R.D. 628 (S.D. Cal. 2001) .. . .. .. . . . ... ..... .. .. .... ..... . 20 EPA v. Mink, 410 U.S. 73, 89 (1973) ... ...... . . .. . . .... .. 20 Assembly of Cal. v. United States DOC, 797 F. Supp. 1554 (E.D. Cal. _L992) .. . ... . ... ... . . .... . ... ......... 20 Coastal States Gas Corp. v. Department of Energy, 617 F.2d 854 (D. C. Cir. 1980) . .. ......... . .. . .. .. . ... .. ..... . 20 Mead Data Cent., Inc. v. US Dept of Air Force, 556 F.2d 242 -(D.C. Cir. 1977) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 22 Voinche v. F.B.I., 46 F. Supp. 2d 26, 33 (D.D.C. 1999) . . . . . . . . . . . 23 The Wilderness Society v. Bureau of Land Management, 2003 WL 255971 (D.D.C. 2003) .......................24 Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v. Department of Justice, 677 F. 2d 931 (D.C. Cir. 1982) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Powell v. United States, Dep't of Justice, 584 F. Supp. 1508 (N.D. Cal., 1984) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 National Wildlife Federation v. United States Forest Service, 861 F.2d 1114 (9th Cir. 1988) .. .. .. .......... .. . .. .... 23 Animal Legal Defense Fund, Inc. v. Department of Air Force 44 F. Supp. 2d 295 (D.D.C. 1999) .. .... ...... . .. . ... . ..... .23 Coleman v. F.B.I., 972 F. Supp. 5 (D.D.C. 1997) .. .. ..... ..... .24 Krikorian v. Department of State, 984 F.2d 461467 (D.C. Cir. 1993) . .. .. .. ..... ..... . .. .. .. . . ... .. . 24 Oglesby v. Department of Army, 79 F.3d 1172 (D.C. Cir. 1996). .... 26, 27 Campaign for Effective Transplantation v. U.S. Food and Drug Admin., 219 F. Supp. 2d 106 (D.D.C. 2002) . .... .. . . ... 27 Jones v. F.B.I., 41 F. 3d 238 (6th Cir. 1994) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820, 827 (D.C. Cir. 1973) .. . .. . . . .. . 27 Weiner v. FBI, 943 F. 2d 972, 979 (9th Cir. 1991) . ... .. .. .. . ... 27 Church of Scientology Intern. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice, 30 F.3d 224 (1st Cir. 1999). . .... . .. ... . .. ..... .. .. . 28 N.L.R.B. v. Robbins Tire and Rubber Co., 437 U.S. 214, 242 (1978). . . . 28 Statutes: Fed. R. Ev. 105. Limited Admissibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(4)(b) . ....... . ... .. .... ... . . .. .. . 16 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(5) ....................... .......18 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(6) .... .... ... ...... ... .. .. ... . . 20 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(7)(C) . .. ... ..... ..... .... .. . ..... 21 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(3) .. ... .... .. .. ... . .. .... ... . . .. 21 50 U.S.C. ? 403g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b) ... . .. . . .. .. .. ... . .... ..... .. .. 22 OFFER OF PROOF Bates Filed herewith: 1 Affidavit of H. Ray Lahr. . . ...... .. . ... ... . .. . . . . 30-31 2 Affidavit of Brett M. Hoffstadt . .... ... . .. ... ... . ..... 32-41 3 Affidavit of Glen H. Schulze .. .... .. .. . ...... . . . . ...42-112 Excel spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-126 Filed with plaintiffs opposition to NTSB summary judgment: A Affidavit of Brett Hoffstadt . .. . .. ... . . . ........ .. .. 35-39 B Affidavit of Darryl Hambley .. . .. . ... ... ... .... .. .. 40 C Affidavits of Rear Admiral Clarence A. Hill, Jr., USN (Ret) ... . . . 41-51 D Affidavit of Robert Donaldson . .. ... .. ... ... . ... . . .. . E Affidavits of Thomas Stalcup, Ph.D .. .... ...... . . . .. . 120-128 F Affidavit of David Neal . .. ...... . .. .. .. .... . .. . 150 G Affidavit of Marge Krugar ....................... 151 H Affidavit of Gregory A. Harrison, Ph.D., RE ... ... .. ... . . . 152-154 I Affidavit of Michael Hull, Ph.D . . . .. .. . .. ......... . . 158-159 J Affidavit of James A. Holtsclaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 173 K Affidavits of James D. Sanders ........ .... .... . ... . 174-179 L Affidavit of James Speer . .. .. . ..... .. .. ... . . .. .. .183-187 M Affidavit of Captain Richard Russell ......... ... ... . . 188-190 N Affidavit of Vincent Fuschetti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 0 Affidavit of Major Fred Meyer .. ..... . .. . . ....... . 192-206. P Affidavits of Dwight Brumley . .. .. . . . . . .... .... ... 207-210 Q Affidavit of Dr. Vernon Gross .... .. ..... ... .... ....211 R Affidavit of Mike Wire . .. . ......... .... . ... . ... 214 S Affidavit of Paul Angelides .. .. ... ..... ... ... . .... 215-222 T Captain David McClaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223-244 U Affidavit of Lisa Perry .... .. . .......... ........ . 245-257 V Affidavit of Colonel Lawrence Pence USAF (Ret) ... . . .. .. .. 258-260 W Affidavit of Michael Rivero . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261-264 X Affidavit of Captain H. Ray Lahr (Ret.) . ........ .... . .. 265-292 Y Affidavit of Robert Young .... . ... .. ...... ... .. 393-395 Z Affidavit of Tom Leffler . . .. . .. . .... .... .. .. ... 396-460 AA Affidavit of Graeme Sephton . .... ..... . ... . ... .. . 461-466 BB Affidavit of Glen Schulze . .. . .. .. .... .. ... . ... . 467-469 CC Affidavit of Dan McGauley .. . .... ... . .. .... ... .. 470-479 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS & AUTHORITIES Preliminary Statement Plaintiff seeks disclosure of records upon which the CIA's November 17, 1997, conclusion that on July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 performed a nose-less, 3,200-foot zoom-climb, was based. Schulze Aff. Bates 47 9118: It is a major goal of the Lahr FOIA to obtain the detailed aerodynamic studies, calculations and reports performed by, and sponsored by, the CIA and their unnamed aerodynamic specialist, i.e. - the work product which supplied the necessary 15 second zoom-climb scientific method foundations. Specifically, analog engineering values are required for the aerodynamic parameters of thrust, drag, lift, gravitational weight, angle of attack, roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rates, tri-axial accelerations, airspeed and altitude over the entire 15 second time period of nose-less flight, and it's descent to earth. The Lahr FOIA seeks written and electronic records, particularly the trajectory simulation computer model. Because plaintiff seeks electronic records of highly technical aerodynamic data and formulas, plaintiff respectfully suggests that the Court appoint an expert under Federal Rule of Evidence 706, Court Appointed Experts. Schulze Aff. Bates 105 182: This trajectory computer model, used jointly by Boeing and the CIA, should not be withheld from the public on the ridiculous grounds of being a trade secret or a commercial property advantage. The services -of a Court Appointed aerodynamic expert should be sought to help judge the veracity of the "trade secrets" claim for withholding the trajectory modeling software being requested. At this juncture, however, the CIA must first file a decipherable Vaughn index, as set forth below. A proposed order is filed herewith. 1. The law - equitable balancing test a. Balancing test The Ninth Circuit has consistently applied the equitable balancing test to all exemption claims under the FOIA. In General Services Administration v. Benson, 415 F.2d at 880 (9th Cir. 1969), the government claimed that commercial information was protected under exemption (b)(4), and that intra-agency memoranda was protected under exemption (b)(5). The court held: In exercising the equity jurisdiction conferred by the Freedom of information Act, the court must weigh the effects of disclosure and nondisclosure, according to traditional equity principles, and determine the best course to follow in given circumstances. The effect on the public is the primary consideration! There is no conflict among the circuits. See, , Washington Post Co. v. Department of Health and Human Services, 690 F.2d 252, 268 (D.C. Cir. 1982), after remand, 795 F.2d 205 (D.C. Cir. 1986), sub. op. 865 F.2d 320 (D.C. Cir. 1989), construing a (b)(4) proprietary information assertion: A minor impairment cannot overcome the disclosure mandate of FOIA. Rather, the question must be whether the impairment is significant enough to justify withholding the information.... This inquiry necessarily involves a rough balancing test of the extent of impairment and the importance of the information against the public interest in disclosure. See also Newport Pac., Inc. v. County of San Diego, 200 F.R.D. 628, 638 (S.D. Cal. 2001) (construing (b)(5) deliberative process claim) ("[T]he Court is compelled to take the analysis a step further and determine whether the government's interest in nondisclosure outweighs the interests of the litigants and public in disclosure. In In re Franklin, the district court... weighed the 'public interest in opening for scrutiny the government's decision making process."' (internal citation omitted) The DC Circuit's seminal case construing a (b)(4) proprietary interest exemption is National Parks & Conservation Ass'n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765 (D.C. Carr. 1974). The 9th Circuit followed National Parks in GC Micro Corp. v. Defense Logistics Agency, 33 F. 3d 1109, 1115, (9th Cir. 1994): "We agree with the D.C. Circuit that, in making our determination, we must balance the strong public interest in favor of disclosure against the right of private businesses to protect sensitive information." The FOIA's balancing test is well-settled law.2 b. The FOIA's purpose is to shed light on agency performance In 1989 the Supreme Court recited that the FOIA is intended to "shed light on an agency's performance of its statutory duties." U.S Dept. of Justice v. Reporters Committee For Freedom of Press, 489 U.S. 749, 772-73 (1989). Its "central purpose is to ensure that the government's activities be opened to the sharp eye of public scrutiny." Id. at 774. The more notorious the subject, the greater is the public interest in disclosure.3 See L&, Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA, 185 F.3d 898, 908-909 (D.C. Cir. 1999) ("[W]e have twice held that Exemption 4 requires a balancing in the interest sought in non-disclosure 'against the public interest in disclosure'.... We held that [t]his inquiry necessarily involves a rough balancing of the extent of the impairment and the importance of the information against the public interest in disclosure" (citations omitted); Public Citizen Health Research Group v. National Institutes, 209 F. Supp. 2d 37, 45 (D.D.C. 2002) (construing (b)(4) exemption) ("The Court is therefore charged with balancing the public interest in disclosure against private interest in withholding the information"). Cf. Beck v. Department of Justice, 997 F.2d 1489, 1492-94 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (agency's "Glomarized" request for records concerning alleged wrongdoing by two named employees was proper because of the absence of evidence of wrongdoing or widespread publicity of the investigation). I c. Evidence of agency malfeasance under the balancing test 2 "Where it appears that the motives or truthfulness of the investigator are in 3 doubt, the public need for supervision and disclosure is necessarily heightened." 4 Castaneda v. United States, 757 F.2d 1010 (9th Cir. 1985). "[T]he public may 5 have an interest in knowing that a government investigating itself is 6 comprehensive, that the report of an investigation released publicly is accurate." 7 Stern v. FBI, 737 F.2d 84, 90 (D.C. Cir. 1984). "[T]he public interest in ensuring 8 the integrity and reliability of government investigation procedures is greater 9 where there is some evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the government 10 official." Hunt v. Federal Bureau of Investi ation, 972 F.2d 286, 289 (9th Cir. 11 1992). Jones v. FBI, 41 F.3d 238 (6th Cir. 1994): 12 [E]ven where there is no evidence that the agency acted in bad faith 13 with regard to the FOIA action itself, there may be evidence of bad 14 faith or illegality with regard to the underlying activities which 15 generated the documents at issue. Where such evidence is strong, it 16 would be an abdication of the court's responsibility to treat the case in 17 the standard way and grant summary judgment on the basis of Vau h 18 affidavits alone. 217 F.3d 1168, 1172-73 19 Directly on point in this Circuit is Favish v. OIC, 20 (9th Cir. 2000) rev'd in part Nat'l Archives & Records Admin. v. Favish, 124 S. Ct. 21 1570, 1581 (U.S. 2004): "The [FOIA] request focuses on how the OIC conducted 22 its investigation... [and is] in complete conformity with the statutory 1purpose... 23 [of] showing that he has knowledge of misfeasance by the agency... d. Burden of proof The Supreme Court recently defined a FOIA plaintiffs burden of proof of 124 S. Ct. 1570, agency bad faith in Nat'l Archives & Records Admin. V. Favish, 1581 (U.S. 2004), which balanced a privacy claim under exemption (b)(7)(C). (Privacy claims under (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) are the most litigated FOIA exemptions.) We hold that where... the public interest being asserted is to show that responsible officials acted negligently or otherwise improperly in the performance of their duties, the requester must establish more than a bare suspicion in order to obtain disclosure. Rather, the requester must produce evidence that would warrant a belief by a reasonable person that the alleged Government impropriety might have occurred.... the less stringent standard we adopt today is more faithful to the statutory scheme. Thus, evidence of "bad faith or illegality with regard to the underlying activities which generated the documents at issue" (Hunt id.) is relevant to the Court's balancing of the FOIA's "central purpose" of ensuring "that the government's activities be opened to the sharp eye of public scrutiny" a orters Committee id;); against the interest sought to be protected by the exemption. Plaintiffs burden of proof is evidence that "would warrant a belief by a reasonable person that the alleged Government impropriety might have occurred." Favish id. The more publicity associated with the subject, the greater the public interest in disclosure. And equity dictates that the more probative the evidence is of government impropriety, the more weight is to be given the public interest in disclosure. 2. The facts A study of the government's probe into the Flight 800 tragedy is a study in government impropriety. The government withheld, and misrepresented, forensic test results of the aircraft debris; which in fact showed the presence of explosive residue. It physically altered the parts of the aircraft debris from the reconstruction hanger to hide that the initiating event was external to the aircraft. It surreptitiously seized debris from the hanger showing that missile fire caused the tragedy. It misrepresented the Radar data that showed missile fire as well as the absence of any zoom-climb. It deleted Radar data, deleted Flight Data Recorder data, and deleted portions of underwater videotapes of the debris. The government concealed that military assets conducted classified maneuvers in the air, on the surface, and under the surface, at the time of, and in close proximity to, the disaster. At its first public hearing, it banned eyewitness materials and testimony, as well as the results of forensic testing. At its second public hearing it grossly misrepresented eyewitness testimony. The records upon which the CIA video-animation was based are the subject of this action. The animation is a fiction designed to explain away the hundreds of eyewitness accounts of missile fire. In order for the government to advance the mechanical failure theory, it was necessary to explain away the missile-like streak seen by... the eyewitnesses. The CIA made an astonishing proposal.... [T]he missile-like streak was the burning aircraft itself.... The CIA would have us believe that when the nose was blown away, the aircraft continued to fly and zoom-climb from 13,800 to 17,000 feet, before it rolled over and crashed into the sea. The burning zoom-climb is supposedly the streak seen by the eyewitnesses. Never mind that the eyewitnesses saw the streak rising from the surface, not from 13,800 feet 4 A center-wing-tank explosion could not possibly have been the initiating event because the tank was empty, there was no ignition source, and, in any event, the fuel is not flammable and is incapable of exploding. The zoom-climb is impossible because at least one wing separated early in the crash sequence, a center-wing-tank explosion would have destroyed the spar supporting the wings, the aircraft did not slow and so could not have climbed, and, in any event, the alleged zoom-climb is aerodynamically impossible. X Lahr Aff. Bates 281 1 88. The facts stated above come from an impressive array of 29 expert and fact witnesses. These facts are set forth in plaintiffs Statement of Genuine issues in Opposition to CIA's Motion for Summary Judgment. Among the affiants in the record herein are two aerodynamicists and six air crash investigators, three of whom were parties to the TWA Flight 800 probe. Seven eyewitness accounts are included; four of whom witnessed the disaster from the air, and two of whom are featured in the CIA's animation. One affiant is a retired Admiral. One is a former NTSB Board member. And one lost her brother in the disaster. 3. Application of the facts to the FOIA's balancing test Under the FOIA, this Court must balance the interest sought to be protected by the exemption, on the one hand, against public interest in opening the inner working of government to public scrutiny, on the other. The Flight 800 tragedy is the most controversial disaster in aviation history. The CIA's zoom-climb animation is so outrageous as to be characterized as "the boldest and most flagrant lie ever visited on the American people in peacetime." s The probe's investigative history, virtually all the forensic evidence, the eyewitness accounts, and the application of the immutable laws of physics, can all be reconciled with only one conclusion: The government covered up the true cause o the disaster. Plaintiff does not ask the Court to adjudicate the cause of Flight 800's demise.6 Plaintiff seeks the underlying records upon which the CIA's zoom-climb First.Strike, J. Cashill & J. Sanders, WND Books 2003, Chap. 9, The Big Lie, at 155. Fed. R. Ev. 105. Limited Admissibility: "When evidence which is admissible as to one party or for one purpose but not admissible as to another party or for another purpose is admitted, the court, upon request, shall restrict the evidence to its proper scope..." conclusion was alleged to have been based, and he is hard-pressed to imagine a more fit case for the application of the FOIA's equitable balancing test. 4. Exemptions asserted The agency has the burden to justify the nondisclosure of records and establish that a particular record, or portion thereof, is exempt from disclosure. Citizens Commission on Human Rights v. FDA, 45 F.3d 1325, 1328 (9th Cir. 1995); Church of Scientolo v. U.S. De artment of the Army, 611 F.2d 738, 742 (9th Cir. 1979). Under the FOIA, an agency's decision to withhold information from a FOIA requester is subject to de novo review by the district court. Hayden v. National Security A.encv/Cent. Sec. Serv., 608 F.2d 1381, 1384 (D.C. Cir. 1979), cert, denied, 446 U.S. 937 (1980). And all claims of exemptions are to be narrowly construed. Favish v. OIC, 217 F.3d at 1172 (9th Cir. 2000) rev'd in part Nat'l Archives & Records Admin. v. Favish, 124 S. Ct. 1570, 1581 (U.S. 2004). a. Exemption 4 "trade secrets" is unavailable The NTSB asserts Exemption (b)(4),7 claiming Boeing trade secrets. "[Ejvidence revealing (1) actual competition and (2) a likelihood of substantial competitive injury is sufficient to bring commercial information under Exemption 4." GC Micro Co K2. v. Defense Logistics Agency, 33 F.3d 1109, 1113 (9th Cir. 1994). Contrary to the government's assertion, there is no chance that Boeing would suffer a substantial competitive injury upon disclosure, as former Boeing aerodynamicist Brett Hoffstadt's affidavit makes abundantly clear: In summary, the release of data in the Records will most likely have 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(4)(b): "This section does not apply to matters that are trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from an individual and privileged or confidential" zero to negligible impact on the market value, competitive advantage, or sole source position of Boeing and its subsidiaries in relation to the 747 Classic SDP, simulators and related services. The remaining barriers and investments for a competitor to offer similar products and services are incredibly high, the market for these products and services has long past its peak demand, the future demand is in predictable permanent decline known to eventually be nonexistent, and Boeing would nonetheless remain the established authority and preferred source for these products and services due to its position as the developer and manufacturer of the aircraft in question.8 Additionally, as plaintiffs affidavit recites, the government already released Boeing-supplied data in the NTSB's Flight Path study:9 BOEING TWA FLIGHT 800 DATA Nose Separation Aft Parameter Before Nose Separation er Gross Weight (lbs.) 574000 494606 %MAC G C 21.1 57.8 . . lyy slug-ft2 27790000.0 15780000.0 box slug-ft 19110000.0 18970000.0 The government failed its burden of proving that release of the withheld data, of an aircraft placed in service 37 years ago, and since succeeded by three successive models, could competitively harm Boeing.10 And Boeing's affidavit is belied by Boeing's own press release, issued the same day the CIA's video-animation was broadcast: 2 Hoffstadt Aff. Bates 40 145. X Lahr Aff. Bates 273 157. X Lahr Aff. Bates 375-378 Ex. 13 (Boeing 747 series). "Boeing was not involved in the production of the video shown today, nor... fully understand the data used to create it. While we provided basic aerodynamic information... we are not aware of the data that was used to develop the video."11 The government is not permitted to withhold records of information that Boeing's competitors already know. Hughes Aircraft v. Schlesinger, 384 F. Supp. 292, 304 (N.D. Cal. 1974). b. Exemption 5 "deliberative process privilege" is largely unavailable Exemption 5 was intended to incorporate the government's common law privilege from disclosure in litigation, including the deliberative process privilege.12 (1) CIA animation is an agency final report "It appears to us that the [Supreme] Court meant in Sears to establish as a general principle that action taken by the responsible decision maker in an agency's decision-making process which has the practical effect of disposing of a matter before the agency is 'final' for purposes of FOIA." Rockwell Int'l Corp. v DOJ, 235 F.3d 598, 602 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (internal citation omitted). D Donaldson Aff. Ex. 21 Bates 114. 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(5) exempts from disclosure "inter-agency or intra- agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency litigation with the agency." The CIA video-animation, broadcast to millions of Americans on November 18, 1997, was unquestionably a final agency disposition, contrary to the CIA's assertion.13 (2) Deliberative process privilege is unavailable to shield disclosure of post-decisional records To fall within the deliberative process privilege, the record must be 'predecisional' in nature." Marico a Audubon Soc'y v. U.S. Forest Service, 108 F.3d 1089 (9th Cir. 1997) quoting NLRB v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 421 U.S. 132, 149 (1975). Of the 42 records that the CIA disclosed (see 3 Shulze Aff. Bates 13-97), 30 are undated or postdate the public release of defendant's zoom-climb video- animation. No portions of these records can be withheld under the deliberative process privilege. The court in Exxon Corp v. Federal Trade Com'n, 466 F. Supp. 1088, 1097 (D.C. 1978) recognized that Exemption (b)(5) is unavailable to shield post-decisional records from disclosure. "As a matter of logical extension of this principle courts have established the general rule that pre-decisional, deliberative memoranda are privileged, while post-decisional memoranda - communications designed to explain a decision already made - are not." (citations omitted.) (3) Deliberative process privilege does not apply to records adopted in a final agency disposition Nor is the privilege applicable to records adopted in an agency disposition, as the court observed Niemeier v. Watergate Spec. Prosecution Force, 565 F.2d 967, 971-72 (7th Cir. 1977). "[I]f an agency chooses expressly to adopt or 13 CIA Motion for Partial Summary Judgment at 18: "In this case, the CIA has relied on the deliberative process privilege and Exemption 5 to withhold certain materials created as part of the analysis that continued after the CIA video concerning the explosion of TWA Flight 800 was shown to the public." incorporate by reference an intra-agency memorandum previously covered by Exemption 5 in what would otherwise be a final opinion, that memorandum may be withheld only on the ground that it falls within the coverage of some exemption other than Exemption 5." "[Al predecisional, deliberative communication sheds the privilege if adopted as policy or in public dealings." Newport Pac., Inc. v. County of San Diego , 200 F.R.D. 628, 637-8 (S.D. Cal. 2001). (4) Deliberative process privilege does not apply to purely factual, investigative records The privilege is not applicable to "purely factual, investigative matters" which do not "reflect[] deliberative or policy making processes." EPA v. Mink, 410 U.S. 73, 89 (1973). Plaintiff seeks factual data. This case is like Assembly o Cal. v. United States DOC, 797 F. Supp. 1554, 1567 (E.D. Cal. 1992), where the court found that "the material [computer tapes with adjusted census data] was purely factual and in no way divulged the reasoning process... [and disclosure] would not reveal anything more about the deliberative process than has already been disclosed by the agency." "The privilege applies only to the 'opinion' or 'recommendatory' portion of a document, not to factual information which is contained in the document." Coastal States Gas Corp. v. Department of Energy, 617 F.2d 854, 867 (D.C. Cir. 1980). Segregable portions of factual material which would not expose the deliberative process are not subject to the deliberative process privilege. Mead Data Cent.. Inc. v. US Dg t of Air Force, 556 F.2d 242, 246 (D.C. Cir. 1977). c. Exemptions 6 and 7(C) - privacy 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(6) permits the government to withhold all information about individuals in "personnel and medical files and similar files" when the disclosure of such information "would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(7)(C) provides that the FOIA does not apply to matters that are "records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of law enforcement records or information... could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal " privacy ... Plaintiff does not contest the CIA's withholdings of the names of individuals Plaintiff does, however, object to any redaction of an individual's job title and job description, as such information would tend to "shed light on an agency's performance of its statutory duties." U.S Dept. of Justice v. Reporters Committee For Freedom of Press, 489 U.S. 749, 772-73 (1989). d. Exemption 3 "other statutes" does not apply to CIA analyst Randolph M. Tauss 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(3) "Exemption 3" provides that the FOIA does not apply to matters that are exempted from disclosure by statute.14 The statute upon which the CIA relies is 50 U.S.C. ? 403g, which, as recited by defendant: "[E]xempts the CIA from 'the provisions of any other law which require the publication or disclosure of the organization, functions, names, official titles, salaries, or numbers of personnel employed by the agency[],' [t]ogether with a statute that directs Director of National 5 U.S:C. ? 552(b)(3): "[S]pecifically exempted from disclosure by statute, (other than section 552(b) of this title) provided that such a statute (A) requires that the matters be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on the issue, or (B) establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld. intelligence to 'protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure..."' Motion for Summary Judgment at 14. But defendant incorrectly argues that the information does not "match the information previously disclosed" and it has not been "officially acknowledged." Motion for Summary Judgment at 15. The Washington Times article (attached to 1 Lahr Aff. Bates 31) identifies Randolph M. Tauss as having received "an intelligence medal for his work on the crash." That December 2003 article further states that "[t]he CIA recently declassified a once-secret report on the eyewitnesses to the crash." Clearly, this report has been officially acknowledged, and the information withheld, the name Randolph M. Tauss, "match[es] the information previously disclosed." 5. Failure to segregate The FOIA requires that "any reasonably segregable portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such a record after deletions of the portions which are exempt." 15 "The focus in the FOIA is information not documents and agency cannot justify withholding an entire document simply by showing that it contains some exempt material." Mead Data Central, Inc. v. U.S. Dept. of Air Force, 566 F. 2d 242, 368 (D.C. Cir. 1977). Here, defendant's motion is silent on the issue of segregation, as is the August 15, 2005 Second Declaration of Terry N. Buroker. Defendant does mention segregation in its first Buroker declaration, wherein the affiant makes only blanket statements regarding all the records (at in 7 & 40): My determination of segregability was made based upon a careful review of the documents in this case, both individually and as a i5 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b) (sentence immediately following exemptions). whole. When reviewing individual documents, a line-by-line review was conducted... Factual material was examined carefully to determine whether it could be segregated and released. However... what constitutes "facts" in this scenario... is an integral part of the deliberative process itself.... And, in some instances, the facts are so inextricably intertwined with privileged deliberations... However, the selection of facts to be included in a record is not part of the deliberative process.16 The court in Voinche v. F.B.I., 46 F. Supp. 2d 26, 33 (D.D.C. 1999) refused to grant summary judgment because agency's blanket statement was inadequate,17 as is the CIA's. The court in The Wilderness Society v. Bureau of Land Management, 2003 WL 255971 (D.D.C. 2003) required the government to file a supplemental Vaughn index to correct conclusory and generalized exemption claims. Plaintiff asks for similar relief. See Pla bo Ente rises Inc. v. De artment of Justice, 677 F. 2d 931, 935 (D.C. Cir. 1982) ("mere fact that a person writing a factual report must select certain facts and omit others does not qualify factual report for deliberative process privilege"). See also Powell v. United States, Dep't of Justice, 584 F. Supp. 1508, 1519 (N.D. Cal., 1984) ("factual material contained in deliberative memoranda cannot be considered to be intertwined with legal or policy matters solely on the broad theory that the very choice of which facts to present necessarily reveals the writer's viewpoint."); National Wildlife Federation v. United States Forest Service, 861 F.2d 1114, 1119 (9th Cir. 1988) ("the ultimate objective of exemption 5 is to safeguard the deliberative process of agencies, not the paperwork generated in the course of that process."). See also Animal Legal Defense Fund Inc. v. De artment of Air Force 44 F. Supp. 2d 295, 301, (D.D.C. 1999) (court denied the government's motion for summary judgment in part because its declaration was insufficient on the segregability issue). Regarding the CIA's withholding of six records in their entirety, totaling 66 pages, plaintiffs affiant Glen Schulze avers: These estimated 15,000 to 20,000 words are being withheld most likely because they are the critical evidentiary components which, if released to the public, would provide a sturdy foundation for citizen destruction and ridicule of the CIA TWA FL 800 work product. For the CIA "denial in full" of these six documents, supported by the Boeing Company affidavit, to be based upon "technical data consisting of trade secrets and/or confidential commercial information" is ludicrous. How can the aerodynamic performance of a crippled, noiseless airline - climbing at a rate of 2600 ft in 15 seconds while its maximum climb rate at takeoff was 500 ft in 15 seconds - be considered a trade secret? 18 The court in Coleman v. F.B.I., 972 F. Supp. 5, 9 (D.D.C. 1997) rejected narratives on "deleted page sheets" and required the agency to redo its index to "inform the court as to the contents of individual documents and the applicability of the individual Exemptions." Similarly, the court in Krikorian v. Department of State, 984 F.2d 461467 (D.C. Cir. 1993), remanded the case for a segregability determination for "each of the withheld documents." 6. CIA's Vaughn index requires resubmission Defendant's Vaughn index, and production, is highly probative of agency bad faith. The CIA's June 20, 2005, Vaughn index, filed without a copy of the records, purported to identify 29 records by using one-page Document Disposition Index forms (pp. 41-70). These forms identified the records by Document Number. But the only numbers appearing on the records themselves are MORI DocID numbers, 18 3 Schulze Aff Bates 104184. none of which match the numbers on the Document Disposition Index forms. Thus, defendant's June 20 Vaughn index was worthless. Additionally, the June 20 Document Disposition Index forms listed a total of 107 pages. Yet the CIA produced 246 pages in February - a 139 page discrepancy. Adding the 128 pages identified in its two Document Disposition Index pages in its August 16 filing, the CIA identified 255 pages. But attached to that filing were 388 pages - a 133 page discrepancy. With its motion for summary judgment filed on August 16, 2005, the CIA produced 388 pages of records, attached to its Second Declaration of Terry N. Buroker. That August 16 Declaration contains a chart (at 18) purporting to correlate the June 20 Document Number with the MORI DocID number. Preceding that chart the affiant declared: "A true and correct copy of the records withheld in part, as released to the Plaintiff, is attached hereto as Exhibit A. For the purposes of clarity, these records bear the following identification numbers." But that chart, filed almost two months late,19 did little to enable plaintiff to decipher what records were produced and withheld, nor to correlate the exemptions asserted with the records withheld. See 3 Schulze Aff. 119: "The assigning of MORI numbers to undated, unnumbered pages in a random and reverse chronological order - regardless of the intrinsic value of the document's redacted content - is in itself serious grounds alone for registering strong dissatisfaction with the chaotic format of the CIA response." "Multiple different records contained the same" MORI DocID numbers (id. 9[ 22). This misleading and confusing listing occurred in at least ten records. Id. 11 3 Schulze Aff. 128: "This affidavit is revised. I first completed this affidavit on August 1st. That version did not have any entries for 'CIA page numbers from the Aug 16 production,' but instead had'Va ughn index page number.' All columns read 'Not appear in Vaughn index.' I also added the 'Vaughn index comparison' sections." 43, 45-46, 48, 55, 56-58, & 59-60. Similarly confusing and misleading, on three occasions (id, 1130, 34 & 41), the CIA "spread out in pages with different MORI" DocID numbers "the same record." Id. 122. The August 16 production does not include at least four records that had been previously produced in redacted form. Id. ?9[ 30-32, 39 & 61. In one instance, "[t]hese document records have been redacted by removing an unknown number o important pages..." Id. 130. In another case in point, "[b]ased on textual discontinuity and the lack of page numbers" (id. 176) "it is impossible to determine the exact number of missing pages." Id. 139. The August 16 chart misstated the MORT DocID numbers corresponding to Document Disposition Index pages 66 and 68. Id. 125. The June 20 Document Disposition Index identifies an "Analyst Note" as having been released in part (at p. 59), but that page does not appear in the June 20 chart (Second Buroker Dec. 91 8) - leaving no way to identify the three-page record corresponding to the Document Number. And on it goes. Defendant asserts that it has withheld in full six records (Buroker Dec. 1 7). Yet, defendant's June 20 Document Disposition Index identifies only five (pp. 56-58, 63 & 65). Defendant "[o]mitted from August 16 production [r]ecords which the CIA produced in February." Id. 124(C). Plaintiffs affiant identifies ten sets of records which are not identified in the CIA's Vaughn index (id. 919[ 30-39), and two records which are listed in the index but not produced in the August 16 production (id. 7161-62). And the CIA failed to identify nine responsive records which it has in electronic format. Id. IN 31, 33, 44, 47, 62, 66-69. The fact that a significant number of responsive records have not been identified is a "positive indication[] of overlooked materials." Oglesby v. Department of Army, 79 F.3d 1172, 1185 (D.C. Cir. 1996). "Without a proper Vaughn index, a requester cannot argue effectively for disclosure and this court cannot rule effectively." Campaign for Effective Transplantation v. U.S. Food and Drug Admin., 219 F. Supp. 2d 106, 116 (D.D.C. 2002). The CIA's Vaughn index cannot possibly "'enable[] the court to make an independent assessment of the claim[s] of exemption."' Jones v. F.B.I., 41 F. 3d 238, 242 (6th Cir. 1994) (quoting Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820, 827 (D.C. Cir. 1973) 20 "The description and explanation the agency offers should reveal as much detail as possible as to the nature of document without actually disclosing information that deserves protection." Oglesby v. US Dept. of Army, 79 F.3d 1172, 1176, (D.C. Cir. 1996). 7. CIA's conduct evidences bad faith The CIA's June 20 Vaughn index did not include any way to identify the records to which it referred, and the total pages identified in it were 139 fewer than the CIA produced. Its late-filed August 16 production differed from its Vaughn index by 133 pages. The CIA claims to have produced around 100 records; while it produced 42 - 21 of which are undated. The assignment of MORI Dod D numbers were random, and, insofar as they are dated, in reverse chronological order. Ten times the CIA assigned multiple records the same MORI DoclD number, and three times it assigned multiple MORI DoclD numbers to a single record. Its August 16 production omitted at least four records that had been provided in redacted form; at least twice it removed pages. It omitted a record from its August 16 chart, leaving no way for plaintiff to identify the record. It misstated the MORI DocID numbers corresponding to two of its Document Disposition Index pages. Defendant asserted that it withheld six records in their entirely, yet it identified only five. It omitted from its August 16 production 20 See also Weiner v. FBI, 943 F. 2d 972, 979 (9th Cir. 1991) (remanding case for a more thorough Vaughn index.) By Coun 1 28 11 21 N.L.R.B. v. Robbins Tire and Rubber Co., 437 U.S. 214, 242 (1978). records which it had previously produced, and omitted ten sets of records from its Vaughn index. Two sets of records are listed in the index but not produced in the August 16 production, and it failed to identify nine responsive records which it has in electronic format. Plaintiffs affiant aptly characterized the CIA's production and Vaughn index as the "CIA's Rubik Cube Format of Submitted Records." Id. 9[ 85. To the extent that the CIA's puzzle can be solved, Mr. Schulze has done so by having spent over 70 hours assembling Excel spreadsheets, attached to his affidavit, Bates 113-126. The court in Church of Scientology Intern. v. U.S. De t. of Justice, 30 F.3d 224, 233 (1st Cir. 1999), explained that a good faith presumption of agency affidavits is applicable "only when the agency has provided a reasonably detailed explanation for its withholdings." The reasonable inference to be drawn from defendant's abysmal performance is that did not act in good faith. Conclusion "[A] basic purpose of the FOIA is to... [provide] a needed check against corruption... X21 The relevant issues under FOIA's balancing test are the genesis and breadth of the controversy, and the government's pattern and practice of bad faith in the underlying activities that generated the records at issue. The Court cannot possibly decide this case until the CIA makes a good faith effort to provide a decipherable Vaughn index. Date: September 13, 2005. Respectfully submitted, H. Ray Lahr PROOF OF SERVICE - BY MAIL DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: I am a resident of the District of Columbia, over the age of 18 years. My business address is 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036. I am counsel for plaintiff. On September 13, 2005, I served a true copy of PLAINTIFF'S OPPOSITION TO CIA'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT, including (1) PLAINTIFF'S MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO CIA'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT, (2) AFFIDAVIT OF H. RAY LAHR, (3) AFFIDAVIT BRETT HOFFSTADT, & (4) AFFIDAVIT GLEN L. SCHULZE on the interested parties in this action by first class mail proper postage prepaid, addressed to: David M. Glass, Esquire Assistant United States Attorney 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Room 7140 Washington, DC 20530 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is correct and that this Proof of Service was executed on September 13, 2005. John H. Ploke AFFIDAVIT OF CAPTAIN H. RAY LAHR 1. My name is H. Ray Lahr. I am the plaintiff in this case. 2. The attached copy of the Dec. 5, 2003, Washington Times article is authentic. 3. The videotape of part of the testimony of NTSB investigator Hank Hughes before the US Senate was lodged with my opposition to the NTSB's motion for summary judgment. I transcribed that excerpt of the Senate hearing. The transcript appears below, and is accurate. 5. Partial transcript of the testimony of NTSB investigator Hank Hughes before the United States Senate on Monday, May 10, 1999, being questioned by Senator Charles Grassley: Hank Hughes: I actually found this man with a hammer pounding on a piece of evidence trying to flatten it out. Senator Grassley: What was the purpose of his doing that? Hank Hughes: I have no idea, sir. Another problem that occurred, and it was recognized about two months into the investigation, was the disappearance of parts from the hanger. We found that seats were missing and other evidence had been disturbed. The FBI, on my last complaint, did act, and they found at three o'clock on a Saturday morning two or three of their own agents were in our hanger. It was not authorized. I supervised that project, and these people had no connections to it. There were 430 passenger seats and 21 crew seats, had the seat covers removed, and they were commingled in a dumpster. About two months into the investigation, I went to the dumpster, with the - with the assistance I have to say of an FBI agent, and we tried to sort out the materials. And then we found that in addition to the seat covers, actually seats that had been missing that were mistakenly thrown in there. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the reloing is true and correct. Date: September 13, 2005. Cap *n . Ray Lahr (Ret.) 0"030 Affidavit COMPLIANCE EVALUATION OF THE CIA RESPONSE TO THE LAHR FOIA Glen H. Schulte Littleton, Colorado 6 September, 2005 Contents Paragraph PREAMBLE Background ................................... 1-16 CIA Zoom - Climb Animation Video Transcript .... . ... .... ... 17 Lahr FOIA ................................... 18 The CIA's Record Management System and CIA MORI Numbers .. . . . 19 Introduction and Methodology for Inventory Grouping of FOIA Documents Tab A, B and C .... 20-22 Vaughn Index . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . 23-25 Evaluation Review Explanation ... ....... .... ... ..... ... 26-28 I. EVALUATION OF CIA-PRODUCED RECORDS Paragraphs Summary of LID No. Tab A Documents Pages 5A through 56A Lahr ID Nos. 1-10 .......................... 29-39 Summary of LID No. Tab B Documents Pages 58B through 211B Lahr ID Nos. 11-23 ................ ...... .. . . 40-53 Summary of LID No. Tab C Documents Pages 213C through 285C Lahr ID Nos. 12-32 ........................... 54-62 Nine New LID Nos. on 6 Sep;, 2005 . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... 63-71 II. CONCLUSIONS AND LISTINGS OF THE MAJOR FOIA RESPONSE SHORTCOMINGS OF CIA PRODUCED RECORDS Conclusions 1-10 ............................ 72-85 M. EVALUATION RECORDS PRODUCED BY AIR FORCE, Page DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, NASA, & FBI........65 IV. Chart: Summary of FOIA requests and deficiencies..... ......65 V. CV ...................................... 70 Attachments: Five Excel spreadsheets, Tabs A, B, C, D and E 000042 PREAMBLE Background 1. My name is Glen Schulze. 2. I am a Life Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and I have accumulated over 40 years of experience as an engineering specialist in the field of recording systems, electronic instrumentation systems and tape storage devices. I have been qualified as an expert witness and I have given courtroom testimony as a Cockpit Voice Recorder Black Box Specialist. A summary CV is attached at the end of this affidavit. 3. I have devoted between 1400 and 1600 hours reviewing the entire collection of the NTSB Reports and other official NTSB documents related to the TWA Flight 800 Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Accident Tapes. I have additionally reviewed the constructive evaluation of the NTSB FL 800 CVR and FDR sections of the "TWA FL 800 Interim Report to Congress" by Commander William Donaldson (Ret.) and other members of his ARAP (Association of Retired Airline Pilots) organization as well as pertinent comments from other citizen accident reviewers. I have also reviewed and evaluated the NTSB's responses and their attempted but flawed compliances to at least three FOIA requests for FDR tape copies. 4. I personally traveled two thousand miles to NTSB Headquarters in Washington D.C on 12 December, 2000 at the request and expense of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nibert who lost their sixteen year old daughter aboard FL 800. During an intensive two hour meeting I presented the findings and proof of my missing (and withheld) four second data analysis in person to the Niberts, NTSB Chairman Jim Hall and his FDR specialists, Cash, Grossi and Ellingstad. 5. 1 have reviewed the waveforms of the 105 milliseconds of the sudden loud sound at the end of the CVR tape reported to be at the beginning of the post-disintegration flight trajectory as charted and discussed by the NTSB in their official FL 800 reports. I have also reviewed the NTSB's published sound waveforms obtained from the UK Bruntingthorpe destructive explosion tests of a decommissioned Boeing 747 performed as an adjunct to the investigation of FL 800. 6. Along with JFK former staff member Pierre Salinger and author/investigator Jim Sanders I participated in a major press conference in the spring of 1997 at the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C. Based on my experience gained in Advanced Radar Systems operations and evaluations at the White Sands Missile Range in Mew Mexico I provided a professional critique of the erroneous FBI interpretations being made about the last few seconds of radar returns received from TWA FL 800 by the FBI's Jim Kallstrom. 0000-43 7. Furthermore, I have spent over 450 hours reviewing over 600 pages of records produced by the CIA, Air Force, Department of Transportation, NASA, and the FBI produced in response to the Lahr FOIAs. I have also reviewed, and typo corrected, the "Document Index" portion of the CIA's Vaughn index. 8. When TWA 800 exploded and disintegrated off Long Island on 17 July, 1996 hundreds of eyewitnesses observed one or more aspects of the event. A significant number of the eyewitnesses --- over 110 of the total of 755 eyewitnesses --- reported seeing an object rising from very near the surface and traveling in the sky before seeing and hearing a series of explosions of TWA 800, resulting in sudden fireballs and falling sheets of flame. The FBI asked the CIA to help answer the question, "What did the eye witnesses see?" 9. After receiving an early and limited number of FBI Form 302 witness reports, along with other related data such as from FAA Radar returns, black box flight recorders, debris fields, etc., the CIA analysts reached a firm analytical conclusion on 30 December, 1996. 10. The CIA concluded, 5 months after the incident, that the witnesses had only seen the crippled Boeing 747 airliner in its final 15 - 20 seconds of aerodynamic flight before free-falling to the Atlantic Ocean. 11. The CIA, working on the behalf of the FBI, created a video flight simulation showing the 747, with the 747 nose section explosively departing the aircraft, and then arching upward and continuing on in stable flight for 15 seconds. This video was to become known as the "CIA 15 second Zoom-Climb Video". 12. The CIA video simulation showed the nose-less TWA 800 gaining approximately 3,000 feet altitude, in stable and wing level attitude, before losing forward flight momentum and then free-falling vertically to the ocean. 13. The CIA stated its video simulation was based on thousands of hours of computerized modeling of witness triangulation geometry correlated with and checked against various FAA Radar tracks from multiple radars as we'll as data extracted from CVR and FDR black box recorders. However, no supporting aerodynamic calculations were begun until almost a year later. 14. This CIA video and the attendant explanations of what the eyewitnesses saw was first presented to the public in November 1997, 16 months after the disintegration of TWA 800 and eleven months after the CIA had reached their conclusions of what the eyewitnesses had seen. The two eyewitnesses, whose testimony was featured in the video, challenged the "CIA 15 second Zoom-Climb Video" claiming that that was not what they had observed. 15. Additionally, several highly credible aerodynamicists and physicists claimed the CIA video of 15 seconds of stable, nose-less and altitude-gaining flight of the massive 3 000044 747 are contrary to the laws of aerodynamics and physics. In a survey of "Aviation Week and Space Technology" readers the majority did not accept the CIA 1997 zoom-climb video as aerodynamically believable. 16. The CIA analysts had provided the FBI a textual report on its Zoom-Climb analysis in April, 1997, 10 months after the incident. Further, the CIA analysts, in testimony given to the NTSB TWA 800 Witness Group in April 1999, 34 months after the incident, again had to defend their Zoom-Climb video by claiming scientific validation of their conclusion by an unnamed and highly experienced aerodynamicist relying on his expertise in aerodynamic flight and flight related parameters. CIA Zoom-Climb Animation Video Transcript 17. AUDIO TRANSCRIPT OF CIA VIDEO ANIMATION: "Just after the aircraft ex loded it pitched u abruptly and climbed several thousand feet from its last recorded altitude of about 13,800 feet to a maximum altitude of about 17,000 feet. This is consistent with information provided by NTSB investigators and Boeing engineers who determined that the front third of the aircraft, including the cockpit, separated from the fuselage within four seconds after the aircraft exploded. This significant loss of mass from the front of the aircraft caused the rapid pitch-up and climb. The explosion although very loud, was not seen by any known eyewitness. "However, the subsequent small fire trailing from the aircraft was visible to the closest eyewitnesses on land, sea, and in other aircraft. It was repeatedly described as an ascending white light resembling a flare or fireworks, but it was difficult to see against the relatively light sky. Shortly after Flight 800 reached the peak of its ascent about 20 seconds after it exploded, a fireball erupted from the aircraft. This was clearly visible to many eyewitnesses. The aircraft then went into a steep and rapid descent. As the aircraft descended, it produced an increasingly visible fire trail. When the jet reached an altitude of roughly one mile, about 42 seconds after it exploded, its left wing separated from the fuselage releasing unburned fuel. The fuel's subsequent ignition and blaze produced a dramatic cascade of flame visible to witnesses more than 40 miles away and detected by infrared sensors aboard a U.S. satellite. About seven seconds after the left wing detached, and 49 seconds after the initial explosion, the burning debris hit the water." 000045 4 Written CIA statement at end of video: "The preceding CIA analysis included eyewitness statements obtained by the FBI and data provided by the NTSB. Judgments concerning whether criminal activity caused the crash of TWA Flight 800 are the responsibility of the FBI." Additional comments on the zoom-climb video and its model were provided by the CIA as follows: "CIA analysts developed this model using observations from key eyewitnesses who were closest to the disaster and who provided detailed descriptions of what they saw and heard. This portrayal was then evaluated against descriptions provided by more than 200 additional eyewitnesses. Not surprisingly, most eyewitnesses saw only the most conspicuous segment of the disaster, the fire trail and cascade of flames in the 10 to 15 seconds before the aircraft hit the water. Analysts used two techniques to determine that these eyewitnesses saw only the end of the aircraft's descent. First, sound of the aircraft's explosion took more than 40 seconds to reach each of the 58 eyewitnesses who reported hearing sounds associated with the disaster. Therefore, any events those eyewitnesses reported seeing at about the time that they heard the first sound took place well after the explosion. In fact, this technique was used to determine that one eyewitness's observations began more than 17 seconds after the aircraft hit the water. Second, many eyewitnesses, including most of those who reported hearing sounds, described only events that happened within about 10 seconds of when the left wing detached from the fuselage. This was an extraordinary sight as two distinct fireballs and a trailing cascade of flames followed by the burning fuel fell to the ocean. Since the left wing is believed to have detached about 42 seconds after the aircraft exploded, none of these observers, a total of 223, saw events occurring near the time when the recording ended, so of the 244 eyewitness reports analyzed by the CIA, most described observations made only during the final moments of the disaster, well after the aircraft exploded. The 21 eyewitnesses whose observations began earlier described what was almost certainly the aircraft itself in various stages of crippled flight after it exploded. Those who said they saw something ascend and culminate in an explosion probably saw the burning aircraft ascend and erupt into a fireball just after it reached its maximum altitude. From a distance of nine miles or more, this may have looked like a missile attacking an aircraft. But nothing in their statements leads CIA analysts to conclude these eyewitnesses, in fact, saw a missile. Indeed, several eyewitnesses who suspected that they had watched a missile destroy an aircraft were puzzled that they hadn't actually seen the aircraft before the missile hit it. 000046 5 To date, there is no evidence that anyone saw a missile shoot down TWA Flight 800. Initial speculation that a missile was involved was based totally on the statements of eyewitnesses who were seeking to assist the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Transportation Safety Board as these agencies probed into the possible causes of the tragedy. Without the assistance of these eyewitnesses, the accounting given here would not have been possible." (The end) Lahr FOIA 18. It is a major goal of the Lahr FOIA to obtain the detailed aerodynamic studies, calculations and reports performed by, and sponsored by, the CIA and their unnamed aerodynamic specialist, i.e. - the work product which supplied the necessary 15 second zoom-climb scientific method foundations. Specifically, analog engineering values are required for the aerodynamic parameters of thrust, drag, lift, gravitational weight, angle of attack, roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rates, td-axial accelerations, airspeed and altitude over the entire 15 second time period of noseless flight, and it's descent to earth. The Lahr FOIA seeks written and electronic records, particularly the trajectory simulation computer model. The CIA's Record Management System and CIA MORI Numbers 19. The long awaited CIA first document group response to the Lahr FOIA, over 15 months in preparation, reportedly provided approximately 100 documents and 340 pages of CIA analyst work product. In reviewing these documents the reviewer is forced to confront ---and in effect evaluate-- the CIA's Record Management System and the CIA's MORI (Management of Officially Released Information) numbering format. Existing located CIA documents whose release was "Denied in Full" by the CIA respondents were not assigned CIA MORI Nos. and their existence and their content did not become obvious until 20 June 2005 with the introduction of the CIA "DOCUMENT INDEX NO" list. This list showed that the CIA had "Denied in Full" at least 6 Documents containing over 63 pages of CIA FL 800 work product. The CIAMORI Document Numbering ---and DOCUMENT INDEX NO ---- procedures, as use in the Lahr FOIA response, has been found to be totally disorganized, highly inefficient and extremely time-consuming to dissect. In the year 2000 the National Archives and Records Administration reviewed the CIA records management system and found --- (U) The program, however, does have serious shortcomings that must be rectified to ensure the agency's compliance with federal records management laws and regulations 6 000047 (U) As a result of the reports and studies noted above, two new senior intelligence service-level positions within DA were created. The Associate Deputy Director for Administration/Information Services (ADDA/IS) is the senior official responsible for agency information services, goals, and objectives, including implementing information and records services plans and policies needed to discharge the mission of the CIA. The Director of Information Management (D/IM) develops and provides oversight and planning for a corporate information, records, classification, and release management program, and serves as the agency's'Records Management Officer and the Agency Archivist. Unfortunately, and possibly because TWA 800 disintegrated 4 years earlier, these important and critical evaluations of CIA record management "shortcomings" are readily seen in the following attributes of the CIA's document responses to the Lahr FOIA: 1) Approximately 140 of the first 340 pages are not dated, 2) Multipage documents do not contain any page numbers, 3) MORI numbers have frequently been assigned in reverse chronological order, 4) Different Doc Nos. and MORI numbers have been assigned to the same document, yet some documents have the same, numeric for both. 5) Multiple MORI numbers have been assigned to different pages of the same contextual document, 6) The latest DOCUMENT INDEX, JUN 20, 2005, does not include all previously submitted MORI numbers The CIA staff assigning the Lahr MORI numbers apparently had little or no concept of the contextual continuity of the document records being prepared for an FOIA response. The assigning of MORI numbers to undated, unnumbered pages in a random and reverse chronological order ----regardless of the intrinsic value of the document's redacted content--- is in itself serious grounds alone for registering strong dissatisfaction with the chaotic format of the CIA response. Note: Examples of the above itemized shortcomings of the CIA's response to the Lahr FOIA follow: Item 1) See MORI 1175570 6 pages undated See MORI 1176348 2 pages undated See MORI 1176349 40 pages undated .- See MORI 1176350 38 pages undated Item 2) See MORI 1175570 6 pages unnumbered See MORI 1176347 45 pages unnumbered See MORI 1215200 15 pages unnumbered Item 3) See MORI 1175555 1998.1.20 See MORI 1175556 1998.1.15 See MORI 1175557 1998.1.14 000048 See MORI 1175558 1998. 1.13 See MORI 1175559 1998.1.8 Item 4) See Doc. No. 1147307 and MORI 1176341 See Doc. No 1147315 and MORI 1176342 See Doc. No 1147334 and MORI 1176344 See Doc. No 1147338 and MORI 1176348 See Doc. No 1147342 and MORI 1176359 See Doc. No 1215200 and MORI 1215200 See Doc. No 1215201 and MORI 1215201 See Doc. No 1215202 and MORI 1215202 See Doc. No 1215216 and MORI 1215216 See Doc. No 1215218 and MORI 1215218 Item 5) See MORI 1175575 See MORI 1175576 See MORI 1175577 See MORI 1175576 Item 6) See MORI 1214986 See MORI 1214987 See MORI 1214988 See MORI 1214989 See MORI 1214980 See MORI 1215118 The chaotic sequence and muddled format found in the CIA documents response to the Lahr FOIA have in great part been corrected in the subject and following evaluations of these nearly 340 pages ---- and with a recent 15 August 2005 submittal of 127 new pages reaching a total of 567 pages. As a result the CIA stated "nearly 100 documents" were in effect found to be only 41 contextual documents. This required the introduction of the LID or "Lahr ID Numbers" for assignment of sensible ID numbers to contextually consistent documents. Introduction and Methodology for Inventory Grouping of FOIA. Documents Tab A B C and D 20. The original 340 odd. pages contained in CIA Tabs A, B and C, produced by the the CIA in February 2005, were generally found to have been randomly assembled without regard to dates, authors, contents, continuity, CIA MORI Nos., completeness or other concerns for orderliness or ease of comprehension by the reviewer. The "Lahr-Page/Tab ID" numbers were assigned by Ray Lahr and appear at ---- htto://r ylahr entryhost com/CIA pdf with the CIA records MORI Nos. thereon. 8 000049 (A later arriving document group containing 127 new pages was assigned as CIA Lahr Tab D, and Lahr pages 280D to 127D and added to this review and evaluation, bringing the total number of distinct reviewed pages to 567) 21. The MORI Nos. usually appeared on the record pages - one MORI No. on groups of records with between 1 and 48 pages. 22. These records were generally found to have been randomly assembled without regard to dates, authors, contents, continuity, CIA MORI Nos., completeness or other concerns for orderliness or ease of reading. The production of Lahr ID Nos.and deciphering of the records was time-consuming. Multiple different records contained the same MORI Nos., and in some cases the same record content was spread out in pages with different MORI Nos. 23. Accordingly, the evaluation for compliance with the Lahr FOIA required these original 340, plus 127, pages to be formatted into an orderly grouping inventory of specifically unique stand-alone contextual documents before proceeding with the Compliance Evaluation Review. 23. Organizing these 340 plus 127 odd pages into a "reader friendly" format was accomplished by the following procedures: Firs each page received was assigned a sequential page and section number from: 1A - 56A, 57B - 211B, 212C - 265C, 266A - 272A, 273B - 340B, and 280D to 407D. Secon each page was assigned a specific row in a multicolumn Excel spread sheet. See attached. The Excel spread sheets have column headings of: LID No. (Lahr Identified Document No.) CIA Tab Section CIA Page No. assigned by R. Lahr Calendar Date Y/M/D from page Item Subject MORI Doc ID Number of Pages (in contextual content) Remarks/Review * The disorganized group of documents and pages was grouped into categories that could be contextually evaluated. Each page was reviewed individually for content review and collating into a reader friendly format and page grouping into an orderly set of unique documents. These documents, 41 in total, were then assigned LID Nos. 22. Assignment of pages to a specific LID No was accomplished by a number of correlation techniques. The specific, correlation tools used included Subject matter, Content, Context, Dates, MORI DocID No. and Unique Handwriting. The resulting LID 000450 9 Nos. were then added to the revised original spread sheets, column 1, for cross referencing between the original "received disorder" from the CIA and the "Lahr LID order." VAUGHN Index 23. On June 20 the CIA filed 30 Document Disposition Index pages, with summaries of its withholding and redactions. However, those pages contained only "Document Numbers," some of which exactly matched MORI Doc ID numbers assigned to the records themselves. A group of 15 of Document Disposition Index Numbers contained seven (7) digit numbers totally different from the MORI Doc. ID Numbers. The CIA's Vaughn Index did not include a copy of the records. Note: See the attached Excel Spread Sheet entitled ---- "CIA MORI Document Nos. and DOCUMENT INDEX Nos. Summary" 24. On August 16 the CIA redundantly re-filed some of the previously submitted records along with two totally new documents and a Vaughn Index Chart, which is reprinted below ----after CIA typo errors correction. From that chart it was theoretically possible to identify which justifications for withholdings in the 24 Document Disposition Index pages. But it was not possible to entirely correlate the CIA's index with the records produced because the CIA: --- A. Used the same MORI DocID No. on multiple pages and records; B. Combined multiple records under one MORI DocID No.; C. Omitted from August 16 production: Records which the CIA Produced in February; and D. Omitted from its August 16 chart: Document Disposition Index pages 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, and 65 ---these six documents later found to be "Denied in Full". E. Delivered other MORI format shortcomings described in paragraph 19 above. 25. The CIA's Confusion Factor is reflected in the CIA originated chart below, corrected by me for CIA typos and expanded to include the (BOLD TYPE) Aug. 16 submittals column and the (BOLD TYPE) Doc. Disposition DI Index page number column. The CIA Confusion Factor between MORI Nos. and -- Vaughn Doc Index DI Nos. is best absorbed by the attached Excel Spread Sheet---- Note: See the attached Excel Spread Sheet entitled ---- "CIA MORI Document Nos. and DOCUMENT INDEX Nos. Summary" 000.051 Typo Corrected Version of the CIA Vaughn Document Disposition Index Chart Legend: Non-bolded verbatim from CIA Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (CIA Affidavit p. 6-7). Bolded Entries added by reviewer. 26 sets of MORI MORI Doc. ID Doc ID Nos. No. (plus three sets of records produced but not included in Aug 16 chart) June 20 Document Disposition Index "Document No." Doc Index (DI) No. June 20 Document Disposition Index page number DI Page no. August 16 production - found on page numbers of records attached to 2nd Buroker Declaration 1 1176341 1147307 41 19 2 1176342 1147315 42 20-23 3 1176343 1147318 43 24 4 1176344 1147334 44 25-30 5 1176345 1147355 45 31-44 6 1176347 1147336 46 45-75 7 1176348 1147338 47 76-77 8 1176349 1147340 48 78-118 9 1176350 1147342 49 119.156 10 1176351 1147348 50 157-158 11 1176352 1147324 51 159-160 12 1176353 1147339 52 161 13 1176354 1147341 53 162 14 1175601 1080902 54 163 15 1175603 1080903 55 164-211 16 1215200 1215200 60 212-226 17 1215201 1215201 61 227-230 18 1215202 1215202 62 231-258 19 1215016 1215016 64 259 20 1215013 * 1215013 66 260 21 1215014 1215014 67 261-269 22 1215015 * 1215015 68 270 23 1215017 1215017 69 271 24 1215018 1215018 70 272-279 25 1232319 1232319 16 (2nd Bur. Decl. 280-283 26 1232320 1232320 16 (2nd Bur. Decl. 284-320 Evaluation Review Explanation 26. Each LID Document was reviewed for FOIA compliance by examining content, context, continuity, reference to other related pages, and data/pages/figures not found. These LID Document reviews were then assembled in a short summary fashion and these forty one (41) document reviews immediately follow this Preamble. The product of that 000.052 11 review is then correlated to the CIA's June 20 and August 16 filings, collectively its Vaughn index. 27. Specific shortcomings are noted on the appropriate line of each summary. Those shortcomings which show that other records were not produced are represented by bold lettering. I also provide a comparison of the CIA's Vaughn index to the records. 28. This affidavit is revised. I first completed this affidavit on August 1st. That version did not have any entries for "CIA page numbers from the Aug 16 production," but instead had "Vau hn index page number." All columns read "Not appear in VaugLin index." I also added the "Vaughn index comparison" sections. EVALUATION OF CIA-PRODUCED MORI RECORDS Paragraph 29 Note: A: Discrepancies in CIA Letter of Transmittal of 28 February, 2005 are: 1) Tab A contained only 10 uniquely identifiable contextual documents, not 27 documents as stated by Mr. Koch. 2) Some Tab A documents do not appear contextually in their entirety as stated by Mr. Koch. 3) A Doc. with MORI number 1147400 listed in the CIA Tab A paragraph appears to have been "Denied in Full" without supportive entry into the Vaughn Index list. Summary of LID No. Tab A Documents Pages 5A through 56A _.. 000.053 12 Paragraph 30. Lahr ID No: LID No. la, lb, lc MORI Doe ID: 1175555 (2 pages) 1175556 (1 page) 1175557 (4 pages) 1175558 (2 pages) 1175559 (1 page) 1175560 (1 page) 1175561 (1 page) 1175562 (1 page) 1175563 (2 pages) 1175564 (1 page) 1175565 (1 page) 1175566 (1 page) 1175567 (1 page) 1175575 (1 page) 1175576 (1 page) 1175577 (1 page) 1175578 (3 pages) Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility:- Remarks: Discrepancy: (17 documents not listed on the CIA index.) Note: These 17 documents and others to follow are not listed in the CIA Vaughn Index of 20 Jun 05 because they are claimed by the CIA to be free of redactions. But, close reading of these pages reveal missing pages, figs., charts which should place one or more of these pages on the Vaughn list. (Handwritten computer programming trajectory plotting notes) not identified on Vaughn index 5A through 22A, 41A through 46A 12/5/97 to 1/20/98 unknown unknown number of computer trajectory printouts 10 % illegible These notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further explanations from the author and without further records ---which we believe are being denied us---which would have been generated as printouts with these records before program end. 000054 Vau hn index comparison (listed under heading): MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn Index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index 1175555 (2 pages) not listed 1175556 (1 page) not listed 1175557 (4 pages) not listed 1175558 (2 pages) not listed 1175559 (1 page) not listed NOTE: These document records have been 1175560 (1 page) not listed redacted by removing an unknown 1175561 (1 page) not listed number of important pages which 1175562 (1 page) not listed thereby requires that this record/s 1175563 (2 pages) not listed be listed in the Vaughn Index. 1175564 (1 page) not listed 1175565 (1 page) not listed 1175566 (1 page) not listed 1175567 (1 page) not listed 1175575 (1 page) not listed 1175576 (1 page) not listed 1175577 (1 page) not listed 1175578 (3 pages) not listed NOTES: I have labeled this record LID No. la, lb, ic, because its MORI No. pages and date sequences were interspersed with other MORI document records. The assignment of the alphabetic subscripts was necessary in order for the reader to appreciate the contextual continuity of the work product. Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff. 000055 Paragraph 31. Lahr ID No: MORI Doe ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175568 (1 page) Discrepancy: LID No. 2 (Not listed on the CIA index) 1175568 (1 page) (List of computer "Output files") not identified on Vaughn index 23A undated unknown Figs. 2 through 5 25% illegible These 15 computer files are required in electronic e- format along with Figs. 2,3 4 and 5. Aug 16 Val index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff. 000056 Paragraph 32. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175569 (1 page) LID No. 3 1175569 (1 page) not appear in Vau hn index Discrepancy: (Not listed on the CIA index) (3 Curves of Latitude/Longitude Plots on graph paper) not identified on Vaughn index 24A undated unknown none legible These plotting variances notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further explanations from the author which would have been generated with these records. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index not listed Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff . 16 000057 Paragraph 33. Discrepancy: Lahr ID No: LID No. 4 (Not listed on the CIA index) MORI Doc ID: 1175570 (6 pages) Document Title/Subject: (Computer program "LATSn91" for Lat/Long distances) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr -Page/Tab ID: Document Dates: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Van hn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175570 (6 pages) not identified on Vau hn index 25A through 30A undated unknown Computer program is missing from records. legible This computer program is required in e-format Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index not listed Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff 000058 Paragraph 34. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Discreeancy: LID No. 5 (Two documents not listed on the CIA index) 1175571 (2 pages) 1175572 (2 pages) (Computer printouts for "fitrng.pri" and "MATCH RANGE FROM RADARS") not identified on Vau n index 31A through 34A 10/27/97 to 19129/97 unknown Printout records legible These printouts are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further explanations from the author and without printout records which would have been generated with this record Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175571 (2 pages) 117557222 pages) Aug 16 _u Vaghn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Dis osition Index not listed (Missing printouts require Vaughn Listing.) not listed " Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff 000.059 Paragraph 35. Lahr ID No: LID No. 6 1175573 (4 pages) Discrepancy: (Not listed on the CIA index) Document Title/Subject: (Hand written computer programming trajectory plotting notes) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175573 (4 pages) not identified on Vaughn index 35A through 38A 10/29/97 unknown unknown number 10 % illegible These notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further records from the author which would have been generated with these notes Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff. 000.060 Paragraph 36. Lahr ID No: Document Title/Subject: 1175574 (2 pages) Discrepancy: (Not listed on the CIA index) (Handwritten computer programming trajectory plotting notes) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source- Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Val index comparison: MORI Doe ID 1175574 (2 pages) not identified on Vaughn index 39A, 40A 03/17/98 unknown unknown number 10 % illegible These notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further records which would have been generated with these records. Aug 16 V aughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff. 000061. Paragraph 37. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Titie/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175579 (4 pages) 1175579 (4 pages) Discrepancy (Not listed on the CIA index) not identified on Vaughn index 47A through 50A 03/24/97 unknown unknown number legible These notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further written explanations from the author which would have been generated with these records Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff . 000062 Para ?a h 38. Lahr ID No: LID No. 9 MORI Doc ID: 1175581 (2 pages) Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production- Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Discre anc : (Not listed on the CIA index) "Great Circle Navigation Program" not identified on Ya--ugh-n index 51A through 52A undated unknown Computer program legible Usage and purpose not justified. Vau hn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175581 (2 pages) Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index not listed N2 k, Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staffs . 000063 Paragraph 39. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Discre anc LID No 10 (Not on CIA index) 1175678 (4 pages) "A Study of the JFK 4.6 Second Radar and Its Effect on the TWA FL 800 Trajectory Model" not identified on Y-aug-hn index 53A through 56A Undated unknown 4 to 8 pages and Figs 2 through 7 legible Without page numbers it is impossible to determine the exact number of missing pages Vau hn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1175678 (4 pages) Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Dis osition Index not listed Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff . 0 00-64 Summary of LID No. Tab B Documents Pages 58B through 211B Paragraph 40. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: LID No.11 1176341 (1 page) (Handwritten Red Team Agenda notes) 19 58B 01/09/98 unknown unknown number of computer trajectory printouts 20 % illegible These agenda notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further explanations from the author and without further records and printouts which would have been generated with these records Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Multi-topic meeting notes" MORI Doc ID 1176341 (1 page) Redactions: Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aua 16 Affidavit (b)(3): "names of CIA employee and intelligence source and method" Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000065 Paragraph 4141. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID Index identifies record: "Analyst notes" LID No. 1d, le, if 1176342 (4 pages) 1176344 (6 pages) 1176345 (14 pages) 1176347 (31 pages) (Hand written computer programming trajectory plotting notes) 20-23 25-26 28-44 45-75 59B through 62B, 64B through 65B, 70B through 114B 10/26/97 to 12/22/97 unknown unknown number of computer trajectory printouts 25% illegible These notes are not sufficiently complete to stand alone without further trajectory printouts from the author. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 000066 1176342 (4 pages) Redactions: Index identifies record: "Analyst notes" 1176344 (6 pages) Redactions: 42 20-23 (b)(6) NTSB telephone numbers 25-26, 28-30 Deliberative, CIA organizational data, eyewitness name 44 (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(5) - deliberative process (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Index identifies record: "TWA 800 Witness Questions" 1176345 (14 pages) 45 (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy Names, CIA and eyewitness Index identifies record: "Analyst Note" 1176347 (31 pages) 46 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes Note: "intelligence source and/or method" Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such NOTE: This record is labeled LID No. Id, le, If. I have labeled this record LID No. 1d, le, If, because its MORI No. Pages and date sequence were interspersed with other MORI document records. The assignment of the alphabetic subscripts was necessary in order for the reader to appreciate the continuity and context of the work product. 00006'7 Paragraph 42. Lahr ID No: LID No.12 MORI Doc ID: 1176343 (1 page) Document Title/Subject: "TWA 800 Witnesses Questions" CIA page numbers 24 Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: 63B Document Date/s: 02/12/97 Author/Source: unknown Missing Pages/Pigs: See remarks. Legibility: legible Remarks: The 17 witnesses' answers to these questions are missing and are required Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "TWA 800 Witness Questions" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176343 (1 page) 43 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA and eyewitnesses Note: Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as a such. 000068 Paragraph 43. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Discrepancy: LID No.13 (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) 1176344 (1 page) (5 more pages under same number) "TWA 800 Analysis of the Science of Aerodynamics" 27 66B undated unknown See remarks legible This redacted page of Aerodynamics Science for TWA 800 is a major goal of this FOIA Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Analyst Notes" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176344 (5 pages/1 page) 44 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(5) - deliberative process (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) -- privacy Deliberative, CIA organizational data, eyewitness name NOTE: The CIA's identification of this record/s is inaccurate and distorted because it lists multiple records with the same MORI Doc ID number. Note: Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 0000619 28 Paragraph 44. Lahr ID No: LID No.14 MORI Doc ID: 1176348 (2 pages) Document Title/Subject: "Program Rotate MLM" CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: 76-77 Lahr - Page/Tab ID: 115B, 116B Document Date/s: 10/15/81 Author/Source: unknown Missing Pages/Figs: See remarks. Legibility: legible Remarks: This Computer program is required in e-format Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Mathematical / computer program" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176348 (2 pages) 47 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy Name, CIA Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff . 000070 Paragraph 45. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: LID No.15 Discrepancy: (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) 1176349 (11 pages) [CIA provided 40 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] (Slides of TWA 800 Related Location Sites) 78-88 117B through 127B undated unknown See remarks legible These slides can not stand alone without the supporting Vaughn index comparison: (Index identifies record: "Graphs, Maps, transponder data and analyst notes") MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page No. for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176349 (41 pages/11 pages) 48 78-118* Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes * (Only pages 78 to 88 (b)(6) - privacy are contained in LID (b)(7) - privacy 15) Intelligence source/method, third-party name NOTE: The CIA's identification of this record is inaccurate because it lists multiple records with the same MORI Doc ID number -- requires Vaughn Listing as such. 000071 30 Paragraph 46. Discrepancy: Lahr ID No: LID No. 168,16b (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) MORI Doc ID: 1176349 (10 pages) [CIA provided 40 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] Document Title/Subject: "TWA FL 800 Missile Theory" CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: 78-88 Lahr - Page/Tab ID: 128B through 135B, 137B, 138B Document Date/s: undated Author/Source: unknown Missing Pages/Figs: See remarks. Legibility: legible Remarks: Unknown number of missing pages and missing paragraph headings of major importance Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Graphs, Maps, transponder data and analyst notes" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vau hn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176349 (41 pages/10 pages) 48 78-88 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Intelligence source/method, third-party name NOTE: The CIA's identification of this record is inaccurate because it lists multiple records with the same MORI Doc ID number -- requires Vaughn Listing as such. 31 000072 Paragraph 47. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: LID No.17 1176349 (1 page) (6.43 mb MIME compliant file) 97 136B undated unknown See remarks legible This "readme file" and attachments are required in e- format Index identifies record: "Graphs, Maps, transponder data and analyst notes" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index Page numbers of Records attached to Aug 16 Affidavit 1176349 (40 pages/1 page) 48 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Intelligence source/method, third-party name Note: Missing records require Vaughn Listing by CIA staff . * Only page 97 is contained in this LID No. 000073 Para--rah 48. Lahr ID No: Discrepancy' (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) MORI Doc ID: 1176349 (19 pages) [CIA provided 40 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] Document Title/Subject: "TWA 800 and other A/C Transponder data from FAA and Sikorsky Radar" CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: 100-118 Lahr - Page/Tab ID: 139B through 157B Document Date/s: unknown Author/Source: unknown Missing Pages/Figs: none Legibility: legible Remarks: Authors and dates are required. Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Graphs, Maps, transponder data and analyst notes" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176349 (41 pages/19 pages) 48 100-118 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy - (b)(7) - privacy Intelligence source/method, third-party name NOTE: The CIA's identification of this record is inaccurate because it lists multiple records with the same MORI Doc ID number. Note; Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 33 0000'74 Paragraph 49. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: LID No.19 1176350 (38 pages) Document TitlelSubject: "Technical Analysis Briefing" (PowerPoint Slides) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: 119-156 158B through 205B March, 1997 unknown Impossible to determine without page numbers legible These slides can not stand alone without additional supporting text to that supplied on page 266A of the June 17 Document Vau fin index comparison: Index identifies record: Graphs, Maps, transponder data and analyst notes" MORLP oc I2 Aug 16 Vaughn index f chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers o gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Docu ment Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176349 (41 pages/38 pages) 48 119-156 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Intelligence source/method, third-party name Text as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000075 Paragraph 50. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - PagelTab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vau hn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Analyst Note" MORI Doc ID 1176351 (2 pages) Redactions: 11, ote: LID No. 20 1176351 (2 pages) (Hand drawn graphs of Range and Altitude) 157-158 206B through 207B 16 March, 1997 unknown See remarks legible These graphs can not stand alone without the supporting records and text. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 50 (b)(3) - other statutes Name, CIA 157-158 Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000.076 Para ?Mh51. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Tide/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: LID No. 21 1176352 (2 pages) "New Radar Plots impact on TWA 800 Analysis" 159-160 208B through 209B 27 October, 1997 unknown See remarks legible The redaction of the witness testimony (not witness identity) from this document renders it essentially useless. The exact witness testimony is required . Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "New Radar Plots impact on TWA 800 Analysis" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vau hn index Page numbers of chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Records attached to gives this page for June 20 Document Disposition Index Aug 16 't 159-160 1176352 (2 pages) 51 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy () P Names, CIA & FBI and "intelligence source and/or method" Witness testimony as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000077 ('7'%- rivacy Paragraph 52. Lahr ID No: LID No. 22 MORI Doc ID: 1176353 (1 page) Document Tide/Subject: "TWA 800 beacon datasets (3)" CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: (ndex identifies record: "TWA Beacon Datasets") MORI Doc ID 210B 25 Nov, 1997 Mike O'Rourke unknown legible The referred to attachments are required and missing Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176353 (1 page) 52 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes Name, CIA Note: Records as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. Paragraph 53. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: LID No. 23 1176354 (1 page) "Inputs for TWA Flight 800 Video (16 June 97 Dist. Date)" 211B 04-21-97 unknown Redacted names legible The redaction of the author's name of this document and the redaction of the speaker's name in paragraph (2) greatly reduces the apparently extremely important consequence of this document. This document completely contradicts and negates the CIA Video of the TWA 800 Zoom-Climb scenario. Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Inputs for TWA Flight 800 Video (16 June 1997 distribution date)" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1176354 (1 page) 53 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & FBI Note: Very important required names and important sources have been redacted and are required to be identified in order to prioritize this record -- requires Vaughn Listing by CIA staff. 000079 Summary of LID No. Tab C Documents Pages 213C through 285C Paragraph 54. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Geo Coordinates" MORI Doc ID LID No. 24 1175601 (1 page) (Three Key Witness Positions) 163 213C undated unknown Corresponding witness accounts are missing. legible Corresponding witness accounts are required and not included. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1175601 (1 page) 54 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy Name, CIA Witness accounts as well as names and sources have also been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000.080 Paragraph 55. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: 1175603 (8 pages) Discre anc : (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) [CIA provided 48 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] Document Title/Subject: (TWA 800 Lat. And Long.; At t = 0, = 15. = 42 secs) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: 164-171 Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Datels: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: 214C through 221C undated unknown See remarks legible Data totally unusable without corresponding witness testimony (not witness identity) for witness entries 001 through 233. Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Eye Witness Names / Data" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1175603 (8 pages of 48) 55 *164-211 (pages 164 to 171 comprise LID No. 25) Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy, Names, CIA & FBI Note: Witness accounts ----as well as identity ---have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000081 Parma. Discrenaancc!: Lahr ID No: LID No. 26 (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) MORI Doc ID: 1175603 (8 pages) [CIA provided 48 pages with this same MORI Doe. ID No.] Document Title/Subject: (Witness Lat. And Long.; and Distances and Az. To TWA; At t = 0, = 15. = 42 secs) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: 172-179 222C through 229C undated unknown See remarks. legible Data totally unusable without corresponding witness testimony (not witness identity) for witness entries 001 through 233. Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Eye Witness Names / Data" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vau hn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Dis sition Index Aug ld Affidavit ages of 48) 55 *164-211 1175603 j8 p *(Pages 172 to 179 comprise LID No. Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy, Names, CIA & FBI NuW Witness accounts ---as well as identity ---have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000.082 paragraph 57. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: LID No. 27 Discrepancy: (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) 1175603 (8 pages) [CIA provided 48 pages with this same MORI Doe. ID No.] (Witness Elev. And Delta Times To TWA; At t = 0, =15. = 38.5 secs) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: 180-187 230C through 237C undated unknown See remarks legible Data totally unusable without corresponding witness testimony (not witness identity) for witness entries 001 through 233. Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Eye Witness Names / Data" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Dis osition Index Au 16 Affidavit 1175603 (8 pages/48 pages) 55 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & FBI *164-211 *(Pages 180 to 189 comprise LID 27) Note: Witness accounts ----as well as identity ---have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000.083 Paragraph 58. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: LED No. 28 1175603 (8 pages) Discrepancy: (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) [CIA provided 48 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: (TWA 800 and USAIR217 Lat. Long. Alt. at t = 12, t = 0) 188-195 238C through 245C undated unknown See remarks legible Data totally unusable without corresponding witness testimony (not witness identity) for witness entries 001 through 233. Vaau~hn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Eye Witness Names / Data" MOR DDoc ID Aug 16 Van hn index of chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page Records numbers rs o o attached to gives this page for June 20 Aug 16 -Alt Affidavit Document Dis osition Index 1175603 (8 pages/48 pages) 55 (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & FBI *164-211 *(Pages 188 to 195 comprise LID No. 28) Note: Witness accounts ---as well as identity ---have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000084 Para a h 59. Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: LID No. 29 Discrepancy: (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) 1175603 (8 pages) [CIA provided 48 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] Document Title/Subject: (Witness. To TWA and USAIR ; Az and El..; At t = 0, = -12 sees) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: 196- 203 Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Dates: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: 246C through 253C undated unknown See remarks legible Data totally unusable without corresponding witness testimony (not witness identity) for witness entries 001 through 233. Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Eye Witness Names / Data" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Dis osition Index Aup-16 -Affidavit 1175603 (8 pages of 48) 55 *164-211 *'paapc 196 to 203 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy, Names, CIA & FBI Note: Witness accounts ----as well as identity ---have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000085 Paragranh 60. Lahr ID No: Discrenancv (Multiple documents listed as one in CIA index) MORI Doc ID: 1175603 (8 pages) [CIA provided 48 pages with this same MORI Doc. ID No.] VaugLm index page number: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: not appear in Vaughn index (Witness Lat. Long.; Primary Shooter Lat. Long.; Wit to Shooter Distance and Az) 204-211 254C through 261C undated unknown See remarks legible Data totally unusable without corresponding witness testimony (not witness identity) for witness entries 001 through 233. V u hn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Eye Witness Names / Data" 1175603 (8 pages of 48) Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug Affidavit (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & FBI - Note: Witness accounts ----as well as identity --have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. '164-211 *(Pages 204 to 211 comprise LID No. 30 000086 Page 262C : March 1, 2005; USAF Letter to Lahr Page 263C : March 3, 2005; DOT FAA Letter to Lahr Paragraph 61. Lahr ID No: Discrepancy: (Listed in CIA index but not produced in Aug 16 production) MORI Doc ID: 1147418 (3 pages) Document Title/Subject: "TWA 747 Out of JFK -FAA Radar Data" CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: not in production Lahr - Page/Tab ID: 264C through 266C Document Date/s: undated Author/Source: unknown Missing Pages/Figs: See remarks Legibility: legible Remarks: Slides number 3 through 7 are missing Vaughn index comparison: Index identifies record: "Final Report to FBI (from CIA)" MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1147418 (3 pages) missing not in production - Note: Five (5) slides have been redacted and require Vaughn Listing as such. 000087 Paragraph 62. LID No. 32 Discrepancy: (Listed in CIA index but not produced in Aug 16 production) MORI Doc ID: 1147417 (19 pages) Document Title/Subject: "Program to analyze FAA radar data [xy2rng.f]" CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: not in production Lahr - Page/Tab ID: 267C through 285C Document Date/s: 6 - 8 Jan 98 Author/Source: unknown Missing Pages/Figs: See remarks Legibility: legible Remarks: This program is required in e-format on computer disk Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit Index identifies record: "Description of TWA 800 for Video" 1147417-(4 9 pages) not in production Note: The subject FAA electronic program has been withheld and requires Vaughn Listing as such. 00008 8. Note: Nine New Lahr LID Numbers added on 6 Sep. 2005 Paragraph 63 MORI Doc ID: 1215013 (1 page) Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID CIA Memo to Boeing asking for "Defining probable motion of the aircraft" after loss of nose, Aerodynamics of lift, drag, etc. 27313 3 Mar, 1997 Unknown Boeing's Response, unknown number of pages Legible Boeing's response is critical and foundational to the explanation of the 747 Zoom-climb aerodynamic performance. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1215013 (1 page) 66 260 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(4) - trade secret (b)(6) - privacy Names, CIA Trade secrets, "technical data" Note: The subject communications between the CIA and Boeing have been denied in full and require Vaughn Listing as such. 48 000089 Paragraph 64 Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1215015 (1 page) LID No. 34 1215015 (1 page) CIA Memo: FBI Says TWA 800 Clock suspect by 4 seconds, 07 seconds should be 11 seconds 15 Apr., 1997 unknown unknown legible loll disclosure of all those knowledgeable about this 4 second discrepancy should be identified for full understanding of the associated zoom-climb video Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Dis osition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 68 270 (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & eyewitnesses Note: The subject 4 second considerations require full exposure and Vaughn Listings as such. qC oooot0 Paragraph 66 Lahr ID No: LID No. 36 MORI Doc ID: 1215017 (1 page) Document Title/Subject: CIA Memo on Description of TWA 800 for Video, with 7 - Altitude unknown ( approx. 4 months Bullets, , Bullet after CIA conclusions) CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 12 May 1997 unknown unknown legible Data available in e-mail form is necessary for constructing zoom-climb video is critical to theory. Aug 16 Vau hn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit Index identifies record: "Description of TWA 800 for Video" 1215017 (1 page) 69 271 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(4) - trade secret Note: The subject FAA electronic program has been withheld and requires Vaughn Listing as such. Paragraph 67 Lahr ID No: LID No. 37 MORI Doc ID: 1215018 (8 pages) Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: CIA Memo to FBI on: five PC.DOC Files: FBIPB3 A, FBIPB4 A, TWAFINPT, TWAQ&A, TWAKEY A 2732-279 286B - 293B(8 pages) 14 Nov 1997 unknown unknown number of missing computer file disks legible These missing computer files and disks are necessities for reviewing the zoom-climb video. Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID Aug 16 Vau index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1215018(8 pages) 70 272-279 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & eyewitnesses Note: The subject CIA electronic file disks have been withheld and require Vaughn Listings as such. q3 000043 52 Paragraph 68 Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Pigs: Legibility: Remarks: Van Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doe ID LID No. 38 1215200 (15 pages) I Page Text and 5 Pages of Computer Code for Trajectory Plots, TWA 800 Flight Simulation Plots: Azimuth, angles, range, altitudes 212-226 294B-308B unknown unknown Computer program software for generating zoom-climb Aerodynamic trajectory used in CIA video legible This computer program is one of the major CIA records sought by the subject FOIA. Aug 16 Vau n index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1215200 (15 pages) 60 Redactions: (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(4) - trade secret (b)(6) - privacy Names, CIA Trade secrets, "technical data" Note: The subject electronic program has been withheld and requires Vaughn Listing as such. q I/ 00O4 Paragraph 69 Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1215202 (28 pages) LID No. 39 1215202 (28 pages) MVS Alpha numeric computer printout Set Up for FL 800 Analysis uses Boeings Second Estimate CL-CD Data 313B-340B 15 Mar 2004 unknown Computer software program in e-form legible This computer program is one of the major CIA records sought by the subject FOIA. This 2004 program was generated after the 2003 FOIA request !!! Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Affidavit p. 6-7) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 62 231-258 (b)(3) - other statutes (b)(4) - trade secret Names, CIA Trade secrets, "technical data" Note: The subject FAA computer software program has been withheld and requires Vaughn Listing as such. qS 0000$6 Paragraph 70 Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1232319 (4 pages) Review of FBI Agent's Critique ---What would cause the A/C to then pitch downward? (Working with Boeing to fix this problem) (New Doc. ----no Lahr page number assigned.) unknown unknown unknown legible This critical FBI review of the CIA zoom-climb theory contains relevant arguments all of which should be released to the public. Boeing Co. input should be provided in full. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Records page) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 1232319 (4 pages) 16 (Vaughn listing only) (b)(3) -- other statutes (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & eyewitnesses Note: The subject full contents of what appears to be an FBI "Whistle Blower" report has been withheld and requires Vaughn Listing as such. 000099 Para graph 71 Lahr ID No: MORI Doc ID: Document Title/Subject: CIA page numbers Aug 16 production: Lahr - Page/Tab ID: Document Date/s: Author/Source: Missing Pages/Figs: Legibility: Remarks: Vaughn index comparison: MORI Doc ID 1215202 (124 pages) 11232320 (123 pages) Witness No: (many) : Location, Distances, Azimuth, Times from explosions; Observations--- CIA Conclusions and some witness sketches (New Doc. ----no Lahr page number assigned.) unknown unknown Missing verbatim witness testimony legible These 128 pages of witness's locations, experiences and testimony have been augmented with witness testimony statements, but highly condensed by CIA analysts, thereby clouding and distorting the issue of what the witnesses really saw. Aug 16 Vaughn index chart (Records page) Page numbers of gives this page for June 20 Records attached to Document Disposition Index Aug 16 Affidavit 17 (Vaughn listing only) 28407 (b)(6) - privacy (b)(7) - privacy Names, CIA & eyewitnesses Note: In the subject 123 pages the CIA has withheld the actual witness verbatim testimony and therefore requires Vaughn Listing as such. 97 oooo II. CONCLUSIONS AND LISTINGS OF THE MAJOR FOIA RESPONSE SHORTCOMINGS (Listed in order of appearance in the CIA response to the FOIA and identified by Lahr LID Number.) Paragraph 72. Conclusion 1 Handwritten Computer Programming Trajectory Plotting Notes (from LID Nos. la, 1b, ic, Id, le, If, (with LID Nos. 2,4 and 7)) The above LID Documents were found to contain the following information: (Parenthetical additions are added by this reviewer for timing and context.) These 76 or more pages are handwritten notes (quite distinctive by one author) that describe numerous mathematical calculations dealing with, for the most part, transponder radar data from TWA 800. This math is involved with converting the raw radar azimuth and range data from "raw radar returns" to altitude, elevation angle and rectangular N/S and E/W Cartesian coordinates for ease in producing maps of the radar data from TWA 800, as well as from other aircraft in the vicinity of TWA. During this 3 month period from 26 October, 1997 to 26 January, 1998, a considerable number of computer radar target position and target trajectory related data files were generated and computer program runs were produced using these files. These computer runs can be described as producing "flight/trajectory plots" for TWA 800 - where fli hghtt plots apply before the explosion of TWA 800 and trajectory plots apply after the explosion of TWA 800. During these three months many meeting contacts and phone contacts were made between the writer of these handwritten notes and Charlie P. ((202) 314-6564) and Dennis X.((202) 314-6569), assumed to be NTSB radar specialists staff. (It is noted that this trial and error computer program writing exercise begins about a month before the Zoom-Climb Video is made public on November 17, 1997 -17 months after the destruction of TWA 800 - and continues steadily for another two months thereafter.) (From the-incomplete documents received it is not made clear what exact work products were produced by this three month effort and in what form this work roduct was produced. However it is clear that numerous computer files and computer gro-lams were generate in some form or another.) (The received handwritten documentation from this computer specialist work appears to stop on 26 January, 1998 and then appears to resume on 17 March, 1998, with this 6- week gap unex lamed and undocumented.) 0000 Notes by Compliance Reviewer: (1) the flight/trajectory path calculations of TWA 800 are the ke information items being sought, (2) the establishment of this flight/trajectory path relied heavil on com uter based data files and Mu x teexecuted computer pro grams usin these files, (3) it is impossible to make use, and derive benefit from the originally supplied , handwritten notes and information without these computer files and Programs (4) it is inconceivable that these Muter files and pro ams have not been retained for continuity in the event of computer specialist personnel/staff replacement, (5) these computer files and programs can be easil copied to CD by a few clicks of a computer mouse, and (6) a computer files or programs have yet to be provided in e-format executable in a desk top PC. Conclusion: Therefore, as a minimum but not a complete listing, the followin com uter based files and executable computer programs are r wired to be supplied in standard Compact Disc -CD--- format: A) xy2rng.f B) hpnl.dat C) ntsb.jfk D) ntsb.isp E) xy2rng.14c.f F) fort.2 G) fort.2 H) fort.3 I) fort.8 J) fort.9 K) fort.14-1 S L) fort.14 M) fort.16-19 N) firt.20 0) fort.21-24 P) fort.33 Q) fort.50 R) fort.51-4 S) fort.61-4 T) fort.71-4 U) fitrng.pri V) the final executable program versions of the trajectory plotting program W) the final version plots of the trajectory plotting program X) other required computer downloads that may be referred to in the above Y) any handwritten computer specialist revision and improvement notes to the above computer files and programs performed between 26 January, 1998 and 17 March, 1998 Para ?a h 73 Conclusion 2 "A Study of the JFK 4.6 Second Radar and Its Effect on the TWA FL 800 Trajectory Model" (from LID No. 10) Conclusion: By simple Fig. numbers sequence and textual discontinuity the following missing pages and Figs. are required to make this document complete: A) Figs. 2 through 7 B) Associated missing pages 4 to 8 Para a h 74. Conclusion 3 "TWA 800 Witnesses Questions" (from LID No. 12) Conclusion : The witnesses' answers to these questions are missing and are required and can be supplied without revealing the identity or invading the privacy of the witnesses: A) Witness 3 B) Witness 5 C) Witness 6 D) Witness 7 E) Witness 8 F) Witness 34 G) Witness 37 H) Witness 44 I) Witness 54 J) Witnesses 47, 54, 58,61, 68, 75, 78, 81 Paragraph 75. Conclusion 4 Redacted pages of Aerodynamics Science for TWA 800 (from LID No. 13) 000.060 too Conclusion: The following redacted reference of Aerodynamics Science for TWA 800 is the major goal of this FOIA and does not ual' to be redacted under any Justification. The following aerodynamic information is required: A) All pages of the redacted information contained in the "TWA 800 Analysis of the Science of Aerodynamics" are required. B) The aerodynamic analysis of the flight 800 zoom-climb trajectory resulting in flight 800 gaining altitude after the 747 nose separated from the aircraft, showing the following aerodynamic parameters vs. the time from t = 0 to t = 42 seconds after the nose separation, are required information: Thrust Longitudinal acceleration Pitch rate Drag Lateral acceleration Roll rate Lift Vertical acceleration Yaw rate Weight Altitude Air speed Latitude Longitude Paragrraph 7676. Conclusion 5 "TWA FL 800 Missile Theory" (from LID Nos. 16a and 16b) Conclusion: Based on textual discontinuity and the lack of page numbers, there are an unknown number of missing pages from this document. A) All pages missing from this document are required. Paragraph 77. Conclusion 6 6.43 mb MIME compliant fide (from LTD No. 17) Conclusion: This file is required in e-format. Paragraph 78. Conclusion 7 "Technical Analysis Briefing"( PP Slides) 1 d 1 (from LID No.19) Conclusion: The missing textual presentation accompanying these 38 Power Point Slides for complete understanding is required. Paragraph 79. Conclusion -8 "New Radar Plots Impact on TWA 800 Analysis" (from LID No. 21) Conclusion: The numerous reports of witnesses' accounts, referred to on these pages, are missing and are required and can be supplied without revealing the identity or invading the privacy of the witnesses: Paragraph 80. Conclusion 9 "Inputs for TWA Flight 800 Video (16 June 97 Dist. Date)" (from LID No. 23) The redaction of the author's name from this document and the redaction of the speaker's name in paragraph 2) greatly reduce the apparently extremely important consequence of this document. This document completely contradicts and negates the CIA Video of the TWA 800 Zoom-Climb scenario and the following redacted information is required: Conclusion: A) The document author's name, title, affiliation and job description are required. B) The paragraph 2 authors name, title, affiliation and job description are required. Paragraph 81 Conclusion 10 Witness Spread Sheets Showing Various Witness Sighting Parameters (from LID Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30) The sighting parameter data contained in these numerous spread sheets are totally worthless and unusable without corresponding textual reports of witness accounts (not witness identityl for witness entries 001 through 233. 000 /0a , 9 61 Conclusion: The following information is required: The complete witness testimony for witnesses numbered 1 to 233 Paragraph 82. Conclusion 11 "CIA Memo to Boeing asking for "Defining probable motion of the aircraft" after loss of nose, Aerodynamics of lift, drag, etc." (LID No. 33) Boeing's response to this memo is denied to us by the CIA on the grounds of "trade secrets" and loss of commercial property advantage by Boeing. This claimed aerodynamic modeling of the zoom-climb performance of a crippled and pilot less airplane is in no stretch of the imagination a trade secret ---it is impossibility. Only an indefensible aerodynamic trajectory computer model could possibly have been corrupted to produce such an impossible rate of climb, and this certainly cannot be claimed to be a "trade secret". Conclusion: This trajectory computer model, used jointly by Boeing and the CIA, should not be withheld from the public on the ridiculous grounds of being a trade secret or a commercial property advantage. The services of a Court Appointed aerodynamic expert should be sought to help judge the veracity of the "trade secrets" claim for withholding the trajectory modeling software being requested. Paragraph 83. Conclusion 12 Text and Computer Codes for Flight Simulation Plots (9 pages), Computer Code and Output Trajectory Parameter Plots for MVS (Modularized Vehicle Simulation - 28 pages) (LID Nos. 38 and 39) These 37 pages show the latest CIA efforts (15 March 2004) to produce a flight trajectory software program using aerodynamic science and 747 performance input data from the Boeing Co. These pages show the results of this 2004 effort in the form of several plotted graphs and supporting tabulated flight parameter data obviously produced by a computer software program. /0? ooo The major and astounding aerodynamic highlight of this effort is the altitude plot and altitude tabulation both which show the crippled nose-less aircraft gaining 2,842 ft to a maximum altitude of 16, 602. (See 15 August 2005 records page 231, and value for H --- altitude ---on page 245 at time ---TCI ---of 19.200000 seconds.) This computer program described in part by numerous alpha-numeric code lines and instructions, and the attendant flight trajectory results, form the single-most major information records sought by the Lahr FOIA. In displaying the presence of this computer program and the resultant output data graphs and tables the CIA is providing evidence that this flight trajectory software program for a crippled 747 aircraft exists. To deny the release of this software program ---in executable e-format ---on the basis of commercial trade secrets requires the belief that the commercial aircraft manufacturing industry would be interested in the flight parameters of nose-less aircraft. Conclusion: This 15 April 2004 MVS software program designed especially by the CIA for a nose-less 747 must be obtained in full executable e-format and evaluated for its compliance with well known aerodynamic laws. Paragraph 84. Conclusion 13 Six Documents of 66 Pages: "Draft reports, various charts, handwritten notes, multiple graphs, etc.., all conveying technical data of certain aspects of flight simulation-" (No Lahr has been given to these 6 denied documents.) The six (6) documents "Denied in Full" are, the single most objectionable denial in the CIA's response to the Lahr FOIA. These are DOCUMENT INDEX Nos. 1215024,1215194, 1215195, 1215196, 1213197, and 1215209 identified in T. Buroker's submittal to Lahr of 20 June, 2005. These six documents contain 66 pages of highly relevant exchanges between the several analysts responsible for the CIA's zoom-climb theory. These estimated 15,000 to 20,000 words are being withheld most likely because they are the critical evidentiary components which, if released to the public, would provide a sturdy foundation for citizen destruction and ridicule of the CIA TWA FL 800 work product. 63 For the CIA "denial in full" of these six documents, supported by the Boeing Company affidavit, to be based upon "technical data consisting of trade secrets an\d/or confidential commercial information" is ludicrous. How can the aerodynamic performance of a crippled, noiseless airline ----climbing at a rate of 2600 ft in 15 seconds while its maximum climb rate at takeoff was 500 ft in 15 seconds ---be considered a trade secret? Conclusion: These six documents are extremely important and all 66 pages beg to be released. Paragraph 85. Conclusion 14 CIA's Rubik Cube Format of Submitted Records With the addition of the CIA's chart at pages 7 and 8 of its August 15, 2005 "Second Declaration of Terry N. Buroker," I could correlate the Document number given on the June 20 index, and so I revised this affidavit to include the CIA's response in its Vaughn index. These are my findings after correlating the CIA's August 16 chart with its June 20 Doe. index: a. The CIA August chart purports to identify 26 records, numbered 41 through 70 (24 records), supposedly the records already produced, and the last two, numbered 16 and 17, for the two sets of additional records produced. The chart is incomplete, misleading, and had to be deciphered. A more complete and expanded Chart showing all MORI and all Doc. Index Numbers has been constructed and attached as --- "CIA MORI Document Nos. and DOCUMENT INDEX Nos. Summary" b. The CIA August chart is incomplete as can bee seen by comparison with the above cited attachment. c. The CIA August chart is misleading as can bee seen by comparison with the above cited attachment. Conclusion: The five (5) attached Excel Chart Spread Sheets should be the basis for determining the interrelationships of the over 500 pages of records submitted by the CIA in a hap hazard manor in response to the Lahr FOIA request: JOT 64 000 Last of Attached Excel & Lead Sheets A: CIA FOLA Response To Lahr, Letter of 28 Feb, 2005, Sheet Tab A, Rev 6 Sep 2005 B: CIA FOIA Response To Lahr, Letter of 28 Feb, 2005 Sheet Tab B, Rev 6 Sep 2005 C: CIA FOIA Response To Lahr, Letter of 28 Feb, 2005, Sheet Tab C, Rev 6 Sep 2005 D: CIA FOIA Response To Lahr; of 15, 16 Aug, 2005,Sheet Tab D, Rev 6 Sep 2005 E: CIA MORI Document Nos. and DOC. INDEX Nos. Summary, Rev 6 Sep 2005 III. EVALUATION RECORDS PRODUCED BY AIR FORCE, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, NASA, & FBI The reports from the Air Force, Department of Transportation, NASA and the FBI are irrelevant to the CIA's zoom-climb work product IV. Chart: Summary of FOIA requests and deficiencies Summary of FOIA requests and deficiencies No. FOIA No. Requests Requests Summarized (all re zoom- climb conclusions) Summary of production deficiency 1 4 CATEGORY 1: All NTSB formulas and records of formulas and calculations performed formulas used by weight & by use of computer files the NTSB in its balance data and executable computations of computer programs the zoom-climb have not been herein conclusions. provided CATEGORY 2: All records of the weight and balance data used by the NTSB in its computations of the zoom-climb conclusions. (hereinafter referred to as ONE & TWO FORMULAS & I N, QOo. . is DATA) 2 69 ONE & TWO CIA formulas formulas and FORMULAS & and data calculations performed DATA records by use of computer files upon which CIA- and executable produced computer programs animation based have not been herein (broadcast on all provided networks and CNN November 1997.) 3 71 CATEGORY 3: All formulas and formulas and records of the data entered calculations performed formulas and data into CIA and by use of computer files entered into the NTSB and executable computer simulations computer programs simulations have not been herein regarding the CIA provided and/or NTSB's zoom-climb conclusion, (hereinafter referred to as THREE - FORMULAS & DATA ENTERED INTO COMPUTER). 4 75 THREE - formulas and Formulas and FORMULAS & data entered calculations performed DATA ENTERED into computer by use of computer files INTO COMPUTER re CIA and executable records upon animation computer programs which CIA- have not been herein produced provided animation (broadcast on all networks and CNN November 1997.) 5 77 CATEGORY 4: records of records and records' All records when and authors of computer reflecting whether who simulations and dates of or not the CIA performed their work products conducted the computer have not been herein computer simulations included simulations and for the CIA /07 oooe, video animations in-house &, if not, all records of when, where, and by whom the computer simulations were performed (hereinafter FOUR SIMULATIONS BY WHOM). 6 83 CATEGORY 5: simulation no electronic records of The computer and simulation and simulation and animation animation programs animation programs have been herein programs used used by the produced by the CIA and/or CIA and the the NTSB NTSB (hereinafter FIVE COMPUTER SIMULATION ITSELF). 7 89 CATEGORY 6: printouts of printouts received were The printout of computer not sufficiently the computer simulations identifiable, dated and simulations used used by the complete to determine by the CIA and/or CIA and compliance NTSB (hereinafter NTSB SIX COMPUTER PRINTOUTS) 8 93 SIX COMPUTER computer printouts received were PRINTOUTS printouts of not sufficiently records upon CIA identifiable, dated and which CIA- animation complete to determine produced compliance animation based (broadcast on all networks and - CNN November 1997. 9 96 SEVEN - TIMING timing no timing sequence SEQUENCES -- sequences data for the radar data, RADAR, RADIO, including CVR and FDR was FDR records radar, radio, found in any form upon which CIA- and the FDR produced re CIA 000 67 animation animation (broadcast on all networks and CNN November 1997.) 10 98 CATEGORY 8: All correlation of no correlation of zoom- records of the calculations climb aerodynamic correlation of the with radar calculations with actual zoom-climb plot radar data was found in calculations with any form the actual radar plot (hereinafter EIGHT - RADAR PLOT CORRELATION 11 99 EIGHT - RADAR correlation of no correlation of PLOT calculations aerodynamic animation CORRELATION with radar calculations with actual records upon plot upon radar data was found in which CIA- which CIA- any form produced produced animation based animation (broadcast on all based networks and CNN November 1997), was based. 12 101 CATEGORY 9: All records of the the required Boeing records of the information aerodynamic information provided by information supplied to provided by Boeing to the the NTSB was not Boeing to the NTSB supplied NTSB used by the NTSB to calculate these zoom-climb conclusions (hereinafter NINE - INFO PROVIDED BY BOEING). 13 102 NINE - INFO Boeing- the required Boeing PROVIDED BY supplied aerodynamic BOEING records records upon information supplied to upon which CIA- which CIA- the NTSB was not produced produced supplied animation based animation (broadcast on all based networks and CNN November 1997. 14 104 CATEGORY 10: records of the no records of the zoom- All records of the process by climb conclusion process by which which the reaching process were the NTSB arrived NTSB arrived supplied at its zoom-climb at its zoom- conclusions climb (hereinafter TEN - conclusions ALL RECORDS GENERATED OR RECEIVED). 15 105 TEN - ALL records upon records received were RECORDS which CIA- highly disorganized and GENERATED OR produced not sufficiently RECEIVED animation identifiable, sequenced, records upon based dated or complete to which CIA- determine compliance produced animation based (broadcast on all networks and CNN November 1997.) 16 107 CATEGORY 11: records records received were All records generated or highly disorganized and generated or received by not sufficiently received by the the NTSB identifiable, sequenced, NTSB used in its dated or complete to computations of its determine compliance zoom-climb conclusions (hereinafter ELEVEN - ALL RECORDS OF PROCESS) 17 108 REQUEST 108: records of records received were ELEVEN - ALL process highly disorganized and RECORDS OF records upon not sufficiently PROCESS records which CIA- identifiable, sequenced, upon which CIA- produced dated or complete to r produced animation determine compliance animation based (broadcast on all networks and CNN November 1997.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: September , 2005. Glen H. Schulze Littleton, Colorado January, 2004 Summary CV Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE, Life Member Washington University St. Louis, BSEE and EE Graduate Studies University of Texas at Austin, Applied Research Labs, Consultant in Digital and Analog Tape Recording for the US Navy LRAPP/EAES Programs NASA Programs Apollo and Skylab, MMC, Tape Recording and Telemetry Systems Engineering Central Intelligence Agency Contractor, Ampex Corp., Program Manager, Digital Tape Recording US Naval Research Labs, NRL, ASW Acoustic Programs Tape Recording Consulting Engineer, Digital and Analog Systems NUSC, Andros Island Bahamas, Mark 48 Torpedo Data Collection System Design and Operation KSC Florida, Pan American World Airways, Telemetry Systems Engineer White Sands Missile Range, Advanced Radar Systems Engineer Standards Organization Memberships: International Standards Organization, ISO TC 97 SC 12, Chairman, Tape Recording Standards American National Standards Institute, ANSI, X3B6, Tape Recording Standards Inter-Range Instrumentation Group, IRIG 106, Instrumentation Tape Recording Standards IEEE, Chairman, Instrumentation Tape Recording Committee Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers, SMPTE, Video Tape Recording Standards Aviation Law Firms Supported: Kirtland Packard, Los Angeles, Aviation Accidents ATC Tape Analysis Wolk & Genter, Philadelphia, Aviation Accidents, CVR Expert Witness Hale Pratt, Denver, Aviation Noise, DIA Aviation Noise Measurements Expert 70 BOO"* Ill Western Environmental Law Center, WELC, Taos NM, Aviation Noise EIS Analysis Van Elmore Law Offices, Denver, CO., Community Noise Testimony Miscellaneous: FDR Accident Tape Analysis of TWA FL 800 for Family Members ATC Accident Tape Analysis of AAL FL 587 for Pilot's Parents Professional References: Dr. Norm Gholson SAIC Gulfport, MS 601 863 7840 Ms. Nancy Bedford or Dr. Clark Penrod University of Texas, ARL Austin, TX (512) 835-3200 Mr. Charles Stuart Competitive Enterprise Solutions Arlington, VA (703) 203-0628 Professor Ronald Stearman The University of Texas at Austin Aerospace Engineering Department (512) 471-4169 or 4370 --- - --------